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  1. I have this mid 20s guy who's into Daddies. Big cock and good fucker. Always good for two loads. Once he brought a mate. Cock not as big but an enthousiastic top and a cum cannon! BIG loads. So when my FB suggested another threesome with him I was all for it. 😉 So Sunday afternoon they got over. Gawd! This was good! Took turns fucking me. Spitroasted. Serviced both their cocks. Mate was the first to pump a load in me. FB fucked his mate's load in deeper and added his. A break with me sucking their dicks and another round of fucking. Mate blasted another load in my mouth when FB was fucking me from behind and I was sucking him. FB added one more in my ass. And then Mate wanted to fuck again and shot his third deep in my ass. Five loads! Fucking good!!
    11 points
  2. I wrote a reply on the topic Seducing Your Dealer and received pv messages asking me about Troy, and how we met. So I guess I'll tell that little story. Troy was dating a friend of mine who was pretty straight-laced, Let me be blunt, he was boring. Don't get me wrong one of the nicest, honest, and devoted friends you could have. Troy on the other hand would have a drink in hand cracking jokes. His presence was out there, standing at 6 feet with medium dark brown skin, brown hazel eyes, slim well defined cut body, and as I would find out later a beautiful thick 9 1/2 cut dick. When he and I first met we hit it off, we clicked. I had never been with a black guy before, not to my taste, so I didn't think of him in that way. One night we were at my house having drinks and getting ready to head to the clubs. Troy comes up to me and shows me his pipe and asks if I want to party. I tell him if I start I won't want to stop and I won't want to be at a club. I'd rather be home on Bbrt looking to fuck. He puts the pipe away and tells me not to say anything his boyfriend doesn't know and asks What's my profile name, Little Latin Bro. We head to the club and have a great night but all I can think about is Troy's pipe and wanting to PNP. As soon as I get home I clean up, break out my pipe, and jump on BBRT, time to fuck. When I log in I have a message from Tall Back to Breeder, hmm? It's Troy. When the fuck did he have time to jump on Bbrt and look for me? The sneaky fucker is a cheating pnper [banned word]. I open up his profile and mother fuck he's a hot slam pig, watersports, [banned word], verbal and the list is long. He has all kinds of pics, cock in ass, cum on someone's face, cum covered chest, obviously he's a big shooter. Being the good friend I am I unlock my pics and reply to his message. Don't call me a nasty boy with a profile like yours pig man, lol. As I begin to read my messages I hear a knock on my door, MF I'm high, horny as fuck, and who the fuck is banging on my door at 3 in the morning? I open it and it's Troy holding his pipe, he says, Is now a good time? He walks in and sits on the couch, opens his bag pulls out a water bong, fills it with his water bottle, and loads it up. Asks if I have porn, which I tell him in my room, he gets up and walks to my room. He sets the pipe down and undresses to his boxers and tells me to put in a video as he lit up the pipe. He nods his head for me to come over and sit next to him ON MY BED, who put him in charge? Ok, I like him taking charge. He begins to drill me with questions about my experience with incest, how old, who, when, and what we did. With Ms. T running through my head, the porn, the memories, and the huge tent in his boxers I'm getting hornier by the second. He leans over and shotguns me. "So little cousin you like it when your older cousin comes over when your mom and dad aren't home gets you fucked up"? I know where this is going. I nod my head. "Good, first I'm going to teach you to suck my dick, I'm going to play with that tiny little hole of yours until you are begging me to fuck you crazy. Before I steal that cunt I'm going to slam you up. Then I'm going to turn that cunt into a sloppy wet pussy that I'm going to knock up. I'm going to make love to you at least 2 or 3 times before I leave. My babies will be so deep in you, that you'll think you're pregnant." Just then he leans over and begins to kiss me. I don't if it was the Tina or what, but what a fucking kiss. Deep passionate aggressive, I'm fucking jello. Next thing I'm on my back, he's on top of me, we're making out like lovers, and he's in charge. We roll over, his hands push me down. I lick and suck his pecs, nipples, and belly all the way down. I try to take his boxers off, not yet he says, "Suck my dick through them". For the next, I have no idea how many minutes he tells me what to do before he pulls his dick out and I swallow it. I guess it must have been an hour or so of me sucking him and him playing and eating my hole when he gets up and tells me to go wash my face, I look like a slut. He smiles and winks at me. He grabs my hand and leads me to the bathroom, we're both a mess. He stands over the toilet and says "I'm not pissing in you tonight, I'll leave that for next time". We both rinse our mouths and freshen up a bit then head back into the room. He tells me to sit on the bed grabs his black pouch and says, It's time, holding up two rigs. I made these after I read your profile. Ready little Cuz? He slams me and says "Don't worry" After he sees my dick goes soft (fucking tina dick) "That's not what I want. Mine has a little more to make my dick harder and fatter for you" I watch him hit himself and sure enough it goes straight to his dick. I'm spinning, on fire. I want that cock in me. He gets on top of me. We start kissing, he tells me he needs my cunt, he's gotta be in my pussy. He grabs the lube lifts my legs to his shoulders and pushes his fat head into me. Oh my fucking god I keep repeating until he's balls deep. We kiss and stay still until my insides rearrange to his big cock. Once he starts he goes for force at me. Making me plead and beg for more. I have no idea how long we went but he didn't lie. He came in me 3 times before he left. All night he kept telling me his nasty little cousin had the best ass cunt he's had in a long time. We became great PNP buddies.
    5 points
  3. Last night I got a bit piggy. Started out when I got home from work and needed to cut the grass. As I was setting up some music I accidentally opened Grindr and saw that my favorite top was online. We exchanged pleasantries and I asked if he was looking at he said yes so we arranged for 20 minutes... I got off the lawn mower, quickly showered, cleaned out and as I was putting on my jock I got a message 'open the door when you are ready'. That sent a quiver thru my pussy knowing his fat cock would soon be stretching me open. I opened the door assume 'the position' (ass up) and he walks in and starts telling me what a great ass I have and asks me to suck his cock to start. As I am sucking I flash back to the first time where he was having trouble getting my pussy to open up for him... He showed me his cock and all I could say was 'force it'. he did and I never regretted it. Anyway, he fucked me until he was pumping his cum deep inside me, and all the while saying' I can't believe you are taking the whole thing'. He said he wanted to come back in an hour and get some more ass, so I kept grindr open. I then opened Sniffies... I saw the profile of someone I have been trying to open my pussy for and finally got them to come over. It was a pleasant fuck and a nice load but I was still hoping #1 was coming back. I then saw another nice cock on Sniffies and offered my ass up and that sweet little 19 YO came over and pumped a huge load in me... So I admit the poppers and cum was getting to me so I got on Sniffies again and started talking to this 30-ish guy and convinced him he would sleep better with his cum in my ass. He finally agreed and and on his way up he sent me a message 'Be on the front porch'. When he showed up I was ass up on the front steps and he walked up 'hmmmm. How many loads in that hole' When I said 3 his response was 'good boy'. He slid his cock in and pumped me a few times, then pulled out and stuck 3 fingers up my hole and when he pulled out they were covered in cum. The stuck his fingers in my mouth and I sucked them clean and he shoved his cock back in... he repeated that a couple of times - I couldn't believe how much cum was on his fingers each time. He then said 'I am gonna breed you now boy' and I felt him tense up and pump his load in. I had been telling a frequent breeder what was going on and he came over right after the previous guy left and he too wanted to fuck me on the front porch... We did that a while then we went back inside and he gave me load #5. We took a break and then when he was ready he told me to get ass up and fucked load #6 in to me.. It was well after midnight when I finally stopped looking for loads even as badly as I wanted more. It was a surprising (but very filling) evening and one I am glad I could participate in. This morning one of the guys asked if he could stop by on his way home from work and pump loads into me on a regular basis... so the adventure continues.... 😉
    5 points
  4. I'm still adapting to having a job and trying to be respectable and not having the free time to hook up and fuck. That said, I've jumped on Grindr almost daily to see what new meat is available in Frisco by my job. I'd mentioned the guy I've hooked up with at IKEA and there's also a super hot Latino guy named Carlos who seems to be in my building I've chatted with. He's not on all the time so its hit or miss and today he messages me and asks if I want to hook up and mentions the gym in our building. I had to confess I drew a blank on that as I didn't know there was a gym in our building. It may have been mentioned during orientation but I paid it no mind as I usually go to the gym by my home as its cruisy and I hook up there. I can't imagine this gym would be that hot, but nice to know its an option and it must be good for hookups if hottie boy is suggesting it. I tell him I'm down but have no idea where it is. He tells me to meet him at the ground floor and he'll show me. My heart is pounding as I discretely hop in the elevator down hoping I don't run into anyone from work. I get there and I'm hanging out nervously hoping no coworkers see me hanging out and soon enough Carlos shows up. Carlos's profile indicates he's 25 and his private pictures show a megawatt smile and a big thick uncut cock. His profile makes it clear he wants raw and I'm all to eager to give it to him that way and take it too. In person he's even hotter with a nice beefy build and deep masculine voice. He laughs that I didn't know about the gym and we walk through a large somewhat hidden door and down a hallway I've never seen before. He's asking me questions and I'm answering as we walk and soon enough he's swiping his badge and we're through another large somewhat hidden door and he asks me to swipe my badge and see if it works. Sure enough, it does and so we head into the gym area. There's no one in there and it has a pretty nice array of equipment. About what you'd expect white suburbanite office workers to want and I make that joke to Carlos who laughs at it. As I'm looking around Carlos pulls me in and starts kissing me deeply, pressing me up against the wall. I'm instantly hard as his tongue is deep in my mouth and I can feel his hard cock grinding up against me. "God I wanna fuck" he tells me and I'm not sure if he means fuck me, me fuck him, or both. I tell him I want to fuck bad and he takes my hand and leads me to the card entry for the lockerroom, swiping his badge. We go into the lockerroom and he shows me around, cautious as to whether anyone is in there or not. We're checking everywhere and its clear no one else is in there. Once he's sure he again has me pressed up against the wall and is deep tongue kissing me, grinding his hard cock on me. I'm enjoying the kissing and can feel him pulling my pants down from behind and his fingers entering my ass. My mind is racing thinking a million thoughts like I don't have a cleanup towel or lube. Even as I think that I'm taking my shirt off and undoing his, feeling exposed as anyone could come in at any moment and see us. And the thought of that has me rock hard. Soon are pants are down and he's turned me to face the wall and forcing his cock in me with just spit as lube. I'm not resisting but between pants saying we should move to somewhere less public in case someone comes in. Carlos laughs and agrees, apologizing that he got too into things and didn't think of that. We're quickly grabbing up our clothes and moving into one of the stalls which has full length walls. Once inside he's got me back up against the wall and is forcing his bare dick back inside me. We hadn't even talked about status, relationships, or anything, not that I cared. I wanted him inside me in the worst possible way and right now I'm taking every inch of his big thick uncut cock and begging for it. As hot as he is I'm guessing he gets hit on all the time and is probably regularly bringing guys down to the gym to breed raw. I can barely think as he's pounding me so intensely and I'm frantically begging him to cum in my ass. Before long he is doing deep hard thrusts and pumping his load deep inside me with a satisfied groan, shuddering once he's pumped his last deep inside me, whispering a "god that felt good" in my ear. I could feel his cock soften and slide out of me and was hoping he was down to take me the same. I turned around and he seemed apprehensive but also like he wanted it. It was my turn now to kiss him and pin him up against the wall even though he was a bit taller than me. He was tentative now at kissing but letting me tongue his mouth deeply and grind my hard cock up against him. Its funny how some guys are all cocky and tough when they top but when its time for them to bottom they pussy out. They're all too eager to rawdog you but get scared when you wanna do that to them. He warmed up to me kissing on him and said nothing as I turned him around to face the wall, spitting on his ass and my cock. I loved the sound of his gasp as I entered him raw and hearing him tell me to go slower and be gentle. Yeah...big man. You love breeding guys rough and hard until its your turn, don't you. But I played his game, taking it slow and gentle. He was gonna take my load whether he liked it or not. I loved hearing Carlos moaning even if he wasn't begging for my load or telling me how hot my cock felt. His moans said it all. I know guys like him that say they're all top yet love to get fucked, refuse to admit they love getting fucked. Yeah, most guys gladly let him breed them and never even think about topping him or making him bottom. But I'm the twisted fuck who loves to flip tops and make them bottom. Especially bareback tops like Carlos. I know they secretly want guys to breed them and here's proof. He could easily say no or make me wrap or pull out to cum. And here he is taking me raw and letting me cum inside him, breeding him like the bitch he wants to be. I'm so worked up I blast a huge throbbing load inside him that makes him call out "damn dude" as I cum. I lean in asking if he liked that and he confessed he did and that he needed it. And that's music to my ears. I love hearing studs like him confess to wanting loads. I kept stroking telling him I had more I could put in him. He said nothing and so I went for it, keeping my strokes going saying I was glad he liked it and wanted more. He was softly moaning now as I kept fucking him and I told him I was down to take his load again once I got off. I was already so worked up and decided to sit on the toilet and have him ride my dick so I could see his face as I came inside him. He agreed and soon enough I had the bonus of seeing his face in ecstacy but also see him jerking his cock as he rode me. I loved his enthusiasm as he rode my dick and couldn't restrain myself and found me telling him to beg for my load and he did with an enthusiasm that surprised me. His intense facial expression couldn't lie and clearly he wanted me to cum inside him. He wasn't riding me long before I came inside him yet again, not as intense a load but a nice one indeed. He'd been furiously jerking his cock and I was hoping he'd fuck me but instead he blasted a truly enormous load in my face. I couldn't see much as my eyes were open and now burning with his seed. I desperately tried to figure out what to do and could hear him apologizing, knowing he had made a mess. Carlos was now off my cock and frantically wiping my face with toilet paper trying to clean up his mess as he apologized. I could see soon enough and now was freaking out as I had not towel and no way to shower or really clean up. All I could smell was ass and cum. We both dressed and moved out to the sinks to try and clean up. The mirror told the tale as I was pretty much covered in Carlos's cum...all over my face and hair. I tried washing my hair but still found clumps of jizz everywhere in it. Neither of us had a comb and Carlos was desperately trying to pick out the clumps. It didn't help as all I smelled was jizz. Carlos was still frantically apologizing and I told him it was OK. I'd wanted it and neither of us could have known this would happen. Carlos said he needed to dress and get back to work and again apologized adding he'd had fun and wanted to do it again, sheepishly adding we should bring towels and plan better next time. I jokingly thanked him for adding salt to my wounds and he looked hurt. I said it was cool and we'd definitely do it again. As he left I quickly ran out to my truck hoping no one would see me as I knew I had a cleanup towel and could use it to try and fix things. Once back I hopped in the shower and was relieved to see there was shampoo and soap in there and knew I could wash it out. It took forever to dry off with my small towel but it worked and I dressed and threw the towel in garbage once done. Back at work no one was the wiser that I'd been bred in the gym. I still have Carlos's loads in me as I type this!
    4 points
  5. Curiosity got me one day. He made it very available. DoubleList ads were constantly up asking for raw loads form big hung black dicks. One pic after another of him gaped or getting fucked raw by bbc. I texted “sup” with a pic of my dick, semi flaccid. I have a fat 10 inches on a skinny body. He responded promptly and we made arrangements with no small talk. Soon after, I was en route to ass-pound a stranger who was experienced af with hung jocks. I enter his room to find him ass-up, waiting, twerking. Clean, lubed-up and well-prepared, he was a perfect host. He’s a chub with plump cheeks. Room was clean, and neat; wipes, condoms, and lube were available at the bedside. Power bottoms like this are an answered wish. I was conscious about all the dudes he had received before me. This was only my second encounter with a man. So soon as I dipped in, I did my best to murder it in a way I might be remembered. Launching long, accurate, world-rocking backshots, cheek-smashing haymakers, and punishing knockout strokes from behind, before climbing up on top to piledrive a 5-day-load in deep. I lasted maybe 15 minutes. Afterward he seemed impressed, but also surprised. He asked for permission to record the next time for OF, and said the pics that I’d send did me no justice. I guess I’m just bigger in person. Another bootycall in my area; Another romantic encounter, as long as you think mean, raw, big dick breeding is as romantic as I do. Now I regularly load him up enjoying the knowledge that I’m his rudest, meanest fuck ever, as much as I enjoy the comments from viewers of his posts on pornhub and the like.
    4 points
  6. Part 31 Watching Kevin approach the bed with two liquid-filled syringes in his hand I listened as Drew explained to me and my son how this was going to be done. "Okay, Jer," he stated in a husky voice, "we're going to give you your slam first. You already know what to expect and how fucking great the rush feels when it hits you." "Fuck yeah I do!" Jeremy answered eagerly. Still talking to Jeremy but looking in my face Drew continued. "As soon as the waves hit you we're going to give Daddy, I mean your dad, his slam. As soon as it hits him he's going to push his cock inside your spasming ass. That will give your ass a jolt like you can't imagine and your ass is going to suck your dad's cock balls deep in you so you'll both feel hornier than ever together at the same time. Okay?" he asked us both. Jeremy didn't hesitate to let us know he was ready and I nodded excitedly at Drew. I watched Kevin fasten the belt around Jeremy's arm as I'd seen him do not too long ago on the computer. I was so engrossed in watching Kevin and Jeremy I was startled when Ryan took my left arm and began tying it off. He grinned at my astonished look and said, "Want to get you set for your slam stud so we can give it to you as soon as Jeremy feels his." I nodded my understanding and watched him mirror what Kevin was doing to my son. I saw both needles inserted to our respective veins then both syringes filling with our blood and mixing with the contents of the glass tubes. Then Kevin said, "Here it comes boy," as he pushed the plunger all the way down sending more of the liquified drug into Jeremy's system, while Ryan held mine steady until it was time. Just as before I saw Jeremy shudder and arch his back and heard him gasping for air as he was wracked with a series of powerful coughs. Then Jeremy began writhing on the bed, moving his hands all over his muscled torso, and we all heard a primal growl start in his throat and build quickly. At that point I was no longer able to watch the slam's progression on my boy as I heard Kevin say, "Do it," and I stared as Ryan gave me my first slam. Just as I was thinking I wasn't feeling anything, then WHAM! My head snapped backwards, my head and heart were pounding loud and hard, I felt a tightening in my chest and an almost deafening roaring in my ears. My body started shivering and convulsing and I was sure I was having a fatal heart attack. Deep coughs began in tandem with all of these things then it seemed my mind went silent. I was vaguely aware of two things: I could hear Jeremy still coughing as if from a distance, and my whole psyche and being were fixated on the need to have all the hot sweaty raw nasty sex I could. As I felt that need rapidly growing I heard Drew beside me saying what I ached to hear. "Now, Daddy Justin," he whispered even as he took hold of my throbbing cock. "Fuck your son! Slide your dirty cheating incestuous daddy dick inside Jeremy's fucking ass! Fuck him until you breed him stud!" With those words he let loose of my raging shaft as it pressed against Jeremy's burning 19 year-old hole and and was almost sucked into his flexing fuck chute! Jeremy's ass was still convulsing and spasming as I slid deeper and deeper into the warm wet for*idden places no father's cock is ever supposed to enter - my own son's ass! Tighter than any of the other three asses I'd been in today and more satisfying than I could have imagined. And more erotic because of the fact that it WAS my son I now had my bare cock buried in, something society called wrong and evil and despicable. I didn't give a damn what society said - this felt too good. Fucking my jock son Jeremy's cum-filled ass with the cock that had fucked him into existence. My head started to clear and I became aware of Jeremy's hands clawing at my back, his strong legs wrapped tightly around my waist, and his raspy voice crying out, "OH FUCK YESSS! Fuck me dad! Gawd you feel so fucking good in my ass! Pound me! Fuck me! Fill me up with your cum! Fucking do it!!" Bellowing in raw lust-filled carnality, I began fucking in and out of the hole impaled on my dick. We were both spewing profanity and vulgarity as our moans echoed around the room. Too soon, I felt my orgasm ready to explode. Suddenly I knew I wanted to be looking into Jeremy's eyes when I started to breed him with my incestuous cum. I caught Drew's eye and managed to moan out, "The blindfold. Take it off! I want him to see my face when I cum in him! Now! Do it! I'm about to cum!" As I slammed home one final time into my hot son's cum hungry hole and I felt the first eruption of my seed blasting from my piss slit, Drew grabbed the blindfold and yanked it off and I was looking deep into Jeremy's confused horny face as I cried out, "Take your dad's cum, son!" (to be continued)
    4 points
  7. Part 2. The crystal in my bloodstream had begun to spike and I could feel my heart pump faster and faster. This along with the LSD made me hyperaware of every sensation as Doyle continued to french kiss my asshole. He slowly pulled away and headed to the toy chest to grab a replacement. The bench beneath me began to breath in rhythm with my labored panting. I looked over to see what he had selected but I had an inkling that I already knew what would been soon filling my hungry chasm. Jim and Doyle had a favorite they liked to call "the captain". A flesh tone dildo about a foot in length and 3 inches in diameter. I'm glad I prepped myself with my huge plug but I knew this bastard wouldn't be quietly sitting with in me. They intended to ruin my hole with it before the games really begun. The captain and I were well acquainted, Doyle scooped two fingers into a tub of elbow grease and slathered it around my hole. Teasing my insides a little while he did it. The tina made my cock worthless and shriveled but he stroked it softly none the less which drove electricity though out my body. Again, Doyle was the much kinder of the couple. "Here, this will help" as he reached over and pressed a bottle to my nose. I inhaled for a long while until he pulled away. The room started spinning and I could feel my hole begin to relax and pucker. The pressure of the flared cockhead entering me made me jolt a slight bit but I was able to fight instinct and slow pushed my butt back onto it. The pop as it pushed past my lips made my entire body shake and my eyes shot upward as pain and pleasure crackled through my nerves. Only a few inches in and I was already melting into the leather that pressed into my face. Voices erupted from the stairs a room away and the nervousness I thought I had long lost returned. I felt like I could count the very steps they took towards the room but it didn't deter Doyle from pushing more and more of the monster dildo into me. "You two took a while up there. I'm just starting to open him up" said Doyle. "Doug and I were catching up and having a drink. He wanted to do a point where the light was better" "Good to see you Doyle!" a faceless voice said behind me. Doyle left the dildo hanging out from me and rose to greet the stranger. I could hear some soft kissing and then some soft whispers while they caressed each other and became reacquainted. I wasn't even worth the attention to them. I had entered the realm of plaything in this room. "So this is tonight's event? Beautiful looking ass" a cold hand slapped against my bottom and then began pushing the girth in and out of me slowly. "He's opening up a bit but for his sake I wanted to ease him in" "You're too nice to it. It came here for a reason" quipped Jim. He was all mood now. It. That is what I had been reduced to in his eyes. Not a playmate or a lover but a soulless beast made for a sole purpose. To be fucked. To be bred. To be tossed away. Ego death had begun to set in. "Lemme get a better sight from over here" said Doug and made his way to the front of me. He was a balding thinner man in his late 50's. Wired and tone without almost no body hair. An outie belly button caught my eye for some strange reason and I became fixated on it. His cock was smooth and already greased that tilted upward in a drastic curve. "This the little piggy, huh? This the little piggy that wants to get fucked, huh?" He slipped his cock into my mouth without waiting for an answer. The dildo in my ass began moving in and out with a faster pace clearly uninterested in easing me into it. Jim was definitely behind the wheel. Graciously they slathered more lube onto it which was one nicety I wouldn't be granted often. Doug increased the speed of fucking my mouth. Self admittedly I am not a throat queen and gagging started to ensue. A pool of spit began gathering on the bench below me. He pulled from my mouth and crotched down to get eye to eye with me. "Don't worry baby boy. I won't wear you out too soon. We got all night." He pressed his lips to mine and wrestled tongue to tongue all the while the giant dildo pressed further and further. I began to wonder how many inches they had gotten in but soon dismissed the though. I was not in the right mind to question it. A second chime from Jim's phone beeped and stilled the energy in the room. "Roger said he'll be here in about 20" "Do I know Roger?" asked Doug "You met him at the Eagle...year...2 years ago? He was banned for a while." "Oh that guy." Doug locked eyes with me. "He is a sleazy pig with a capital S. You'll love him" little did they know how true that statement really was. The dildo was slowly pulled from my rectum and again the pop against my asslips made me quake. "I know he likes them a bit worn in and I think it's had enough practice. Anyone want first dibs?" They were casually talking about who got the first go at me first like I was an arcade machine. It was fitting. "You're our guest so I think it would be right." Doyle said to Doug. "You're too kind" I glanced over and saw that Doyle was standing besides a video camera he had set up. "For record of the courts" he chuckled. Doug made his way behind me and begun tapping his cock against my hole. "Damn this bitch is LOOSE. Look at that fucking cunt" I puckered in and out invitingly at his comment. Without ceremony he plunged his meat into me and hammered away. I love a man of action. "Oh damn. Oh DAMN this is a nice fucking butt!" I started to see stars explode and contract as I yelped with pleasure as he pounded his raw dick into my asshole. He put the full weight of his body on top of me and wrapped his arms around both myself and the bench, pinning me against it. The curvature of his dick was an interesting sensation but it was drowned out as he pressed his face to mine and grunted like a wild ape. "First one in your cunt tonight, huh? Makes me fucking special, huh? You're gonna be my special little cumdump, huh?" I could only make animalistic responses but he understood clearly and continued to mate with my hole with ferocity of a wild dog. Jim appeared before me and presented his massive sack to my mouth while stroking his foreskin up and down. He knew that this was still my favorite. I enveloped his sweaty balls into my mouth and may have grazed a bit with my tooth but that was expected with the rhythm of being fucked by this animal from behind. "Eat my fucking nuts you whore." I needed no goading and took the entirety of them into my mouth, running my tongue acrost those cum machines. Our camera man stood diligently at the sidelines to make sure my humiliations were fully documented. Jerking his cock and giving no direction. These men knew exactly how to treat a bitch like myself as they filled me from both ends. After an eternity Doug slowed his torture of my butt. "Damn boys. I don't want to burn out too soon. This pig took a good start though." He exited me and stepped to the side to light a cigarette. A third chime from a phone. "Roger is here. Doyle you want to go see him in?" He left to see their next guest in. The room quieted as Jim and Doug took their break. I was writhing against the bench though. My entire body was churning with lust as I had been opened up and disgraced by these men. Doug noticed and took pity. He helped me up from the bench and seated me on the ground to catch my breath. "For real. Roger is a real disgusting fucker though. He is going to turn you Inside. Out. Don't worry, I'll be here to protect you though" He grabbed my hair and pulled my mouth into his, again invading with his tongue. Was this my white knight? Was he going to save me from the nasty beast entering upstairs? A monster with only the desire to destroy and desecrate my young hole. I had hoped so as I again heard voices in the darkness emerge from the other room. to be continued...
    4 points
  8. I was 22 and decided to go camping at the lake one July, just to enjoy the summer a bit before it was over, and to get away from the gay life I had just began exploring. After getting everything set up, I sat down beside the fire and continued drinking my beer. Other than the sound of some soft voices at distant camp sites, the camp site was very quiet. Just as my fire was dying down for the night, I heard someone approaching on the path which led to the main trail. I recognized the man from a neighboring site, as I had walked past earlier on my way to my site. He was about 50, bushy gray beard almost hiding his sunken face, and wearing only jeans and boots. His torso had no fat, cept for a small belly paunch which didn't seem to fit his otherwise scrawny frame. He reminded me of some of older guys at the bar who'd been ravaged by HIV before treatments improved. In his hand was a liquor bottle, which was half empty. As he got closer, I could see he had a septum piercing, a thick ring resting on his bushy 'stache. I called out a friendly hello as he came near the fire, and he raised his bottle as if to toast me, then took a giant gulp of the brown liquid. He sat down on a log next to the fire, and we began talking. I was drunk, but this guy was shitfaced. Friendly as hell though, so I didn't mind. He was asking me all sorts of questions, what brought me here, was I having fun, etc. I just told him I was only here to chill out, and get drunk. He laughed and handed me his bottle and said "Drink up, buddy." I figured what the hell so I took a few gulps and felt the burn going down my throat. We kept talking, until finally I got up to go piss at the edge of the campfire. Just as I was thinking how drunk I was getting but having fun regardless, he appeared standing beside me, pulled-out his dick, and also took a piss. I jumped a bit, but still kept pissing, noticing he seemed to be studying my stream, so I looked over at his as well. He shook his cock a little to break my stare, and I looked over at his face. He had a different look now. Intense and not as friendly as before. I wasn't sure what to say, and before I could figure it out he turned and started pissing on my exposed cock and shorts. I couldn't move as inside I was panicking. I'd never thought of anything like this, and here a stranger was pissing on me and I didn't know what to do. His stream stopped and I felt his hand on my shoulder, pushing down. I'm not sure why I did it, but I got on my knees facing him. He stepped forward, his dangling cock right in front of me, and began pissing down the front of me, soaking my shirt before lifting his cock and aiming right for my face. His hot urine splashed in my eyes and ran down my cheeks, and he put his hand on top of my head and ordered me to open my mouth. Again, not sure why but I did exactly as he told me. He let loose another steam of piss right into my mouth, and commanded me to swallow at all, like a good pig. I began gulping and swallowing what I could. I was repulsed, but doing my best. When his stream stopped, I opened my eyes to see his hard cock jutting out a full eight inches, his fat cockhead still wet with piss. It was a sharp contrast to his lean frame. With his hand still on my head, he guided my head forward into my open mouth, and began fucking it. A few minutes later, he pulled his cock out and began rubbing it on my face, telling me I was a good whore and to stand up. Standing there, I noticed that despite my wet clothes and taste of piss and cock in my mouth, my cock was standing at attention. The stranger grabbed me by my cock and led me to my tent. He stripped my clothes outside the door, and led us inside. He had me remove his boots and jeans, and then lay back as he climbed on top of me. I was turned on as well as scared, and he began sucking my neck, tonguing my ears, and finally kissing me deeply. The feel of his big beard brushing my body was unbelievable, and my cock got even harder as his aggressive foreplay continued. "You're my whore tonight, boy, so relax and enjoy" he said. I didn't reply, and soon his fingers were playing with my hole, trying to push into my hole. I moaned, and he laughed, calling me a virgin, but quickly adding not for long. He climbed onto my chest and began jerking his cock right above my face, commanding me to lick his fuck stick. I began lapping my tongue on the underside of his head, and he laughed and told me what a good pig I was and to keep eating his toxic precum. When I heard him say that, I damned near panicked but his weight held me down. I tried to raise up but he smacked my face hard with his hand, telling me to lay the fuck still. He grabbed his cock and smacked it on my lips, telling me to open wide or else I'd taste the back of his hand again. I opened wide, and he began slow fucking my mouth. "That's it piggy, suck my toxic cock like a good whore!" His thrusts continued, and the taste of his precum grew stronger. Deeper and deeper into my throat he fucked, until I was sure I'd puke. I began gagging hard and he pulls his cock out, covered in my thick saliva. Next, he's twisting my arm around as he slid off my chest, forcing me to move in the direction he's pulling it. I'm half screaming as he twists, and finally I was on my stomach as he held my arm roughly behind my back. "Now get on your knees, pig" he said, twisting my arm to ensure my cooperation. I fumble to do as he says, as the pain he's inflicting on my arm is intense. "Good pig- now put your other hand on your back." Grabbing my free hand, he was now holding both in place on my back, as he scoots in right behind me, his cock pressing into my crack. He seems to clear his throat, but then I hear and feel him spit a goober on my ass. He repositioned to hold my arms with one hand, and grabs his cock with the other and begins rubbing his cock and spit into my hole. I quietly ask him to please let me go, but he ignored me, steadily pushing into my hole, slowly, in and out thrusts, but I had clamped tight, trying to prevent his entrance. Again he spat onto my hole, as his thumb slid in deeper as he murmured "There we go, piggy, open up for Daddy." Working his thumb in and out, telling me he was coating my whore cunt with his precum. From the slickness of his thumb as it moved freely in my ass, and I knew he isn't lying. Suddenly, his thumb was replaced by four inches of his cock. It took my breath away, but he didn't pause until he was fully buried in my ass. "Good piggy, I'm gonna show you how I make a man my whore" he said, as he slowly fucked my virgin hole. "Oh yeah fuck. I'm leaking my load inside you now boy. You like that? You want your new Daddy to knock you up and make you his toxic pig? Pop your pussy cherry and knock you up all in one night? Make you a fuck whore for the rest of your life?" His cock was thrusting harder, and I could hear the sloshing noises as my ass loosened to his fucking. He then started his final assault. " That's it baby, milk Daddy's dirty seed into your cunt. Drain it baby." He plunged forward, pulling my arms back and making me scream, holding his cock in as deeply as possible. I felt his cock pulsate stream after stream, coating my guts with his load. In that moment, when I was completely helpless and forever changed when a stranger came inside my ass, my cock spurted the biggest load of my life. Afterwards the stranger released my arms, and I chose to remain perfectly still as his cock stroked gently in and out of my hole. He spent the rest of the night in my tent, and the rest of the weekend. By the time I left, I had eight poz loads in my ass, and my new Daddy.
    3 points
  9. Drew was a good friend of Jake's, who was having his 21st birthday bash. The thing was Drew was straight whereas Jake was gay and had mostly gay friends. Not that Drew believed it would matter for a birthday party. His choice of venue was nice: a good-sized room above a pub, where drinks flowed freely and the music was good. There was about 7 men in the room including Drew and Jake. One person who caught Drew's eye was a slightly older guy sporting a short-sleeved top that exposed a tattoo of a scorpion that had been inked high up on his left arm. After going around chatting to the party members, he soon learned he was the only straight attendee. Nevertheless Drew was enjoying himself with the drinks free-flowing. He discovered that Gus, the tattooed, slightly older gentleman ran a business offering strippers for parties. Then to Drew's surprise he told him he'd organised the entertainment for Jake's party. Knowing Jake's proclivities, Drew knew his luck wasn't in with female strippers, he hoped he'd cope with what was soon to happen as Gus left to usher in the male stripper. With a big fanfare, a very large black man appeared dressed as a boxer with rippling muscles. Music began and he removed his cape to reveal a well-toned body, in under a minute the boxer shorts had also been divested revealing his enormous manhood, not only was it extremely long but with a tremendous girth. Gus seemed to nod to the stripper in the direction of Drew. As the stripper approached, he whirled his dick round and round. It grew even bigger, but Drew waved him away and he gave his attention to the other guests, but did comment “later then?” As he went round the guests, they manhandled him, stroking his huge cock. When we offered it to the birthday boy Jake, he took as much of it into his mouth as he could and started to suck it. Drew was beginning to feel very uncomfortable and regretting attending this party, even though he was a good friend of Jake's. After a couple of minutes, the stripper pulled out and went round the others squirting foam cream on his dick and enticing each in turn to suck the cream off his cock. His enormous dick now upright glistened with the saliva from several blowjobs! He cam back to Drew, sprayed cream on his dick and offered it to him. Drew hesitated partly though his being a bit more uninhibited following maybe one too many drinks and also a certain peer pressure. Nevertheless, he did once again dissuade the stripper and got him to move on. He noticed Gus watching him intensely as this temptation happened. The event proceeded with the arrival of the birthday cake, all covered in thick whipped cream. Gus cut pieces for all the guests, clearly he was truly responsible for the smooth running of the occasion. They all had a piece and then toasted Jake's birthday. Drew somewhat slurred his words, but that didn't matter, things were going well. With the Dutch courage Drew now had, he questioned Gus about there only being one stripper and Gus admitted there were indeed two and he was the other. At that he started dancing and shedding his clothes, with rapturous applause from the other guests all clapping to the beat and his movements as he stripped naked. Even Drew although avoiding clapping, found himself eyeing Gus' body and his cock began to stir in his trousers. After quite a performance, Gus stopped his dancing and placed his cock in the cake, smothering it with the whipped cream. He offered it to Drew, Drew disinclined to accept as before, but Gus remained more insistent. “You know you want it, that tent peg in your pants proclaim your desire. With Drew's cock betraying him, he opened his mouth and started to devour Gus' cock. The rest of the assembled group, all cheered and clapped at Drew's blowjob, it went on much longer than Jake's special treat with the other stripper. Gagging and choking over Gus' meat as he pushed it in more. Drew continued choking and sputtering. With Gus' cock now lodged in his throat and he went as hard as he could. Drew's hardon swelled as he as he gagged over Gus' cock. And Gus yanked down Drew's pants for all to see. "Oh shit baby, I'm going to nut." Gus moaned. The thrusts increased and his organ throbbed. Gus's massive balls were smacking Drew's head and his breathing erratic. The fingers curled round Drew's hair and he grunted. No, no no! It was swelling in his mouth. A massive rope of come shot down Drew's throat A second and third spurt followed with the same density. On the fourth fifth and sixth he began to pull out and it landed on his tongue. The sweet taste and saltiness was overwhelming. Not to stop this moment. Gus offered Drew a sniff of poppers, which he inhaled strongly. Gus beckoned the other stripper over for the main party piece! Something hot, hard and unnaturally sized was pressed up against Drew. He could feel it wiggling against his arse. Gus whispered, "just enjoy it." Drew looked over his shoulder to see the other stripper's massive cock rubbing against him. His grinding increased it was truly monster sized but it had beautiful thick veins, soft smooth skin and an angry red head. He angled himself so he was thrusting at Drew's crack. Then Drew felt him being pinned down. Four of the other guests, held Drew down, each taking a wrist or ankle to keep him from squirming away. Gus gave Drew poppers to inhale The poking continued. Then Drew felt it against his hole. The head pressed against it, testing it. He could feel it strain as he pushed to get access. He shifted his hips and aimed his massive weapon right at his virgin hole. Drew could feel the warm tip brushing against his sphincter. Drew felt more pressure as his massive thing tried to get inside. Hands were holding him so tight Drew was scared he was going to snap then all he felt was pain. It was going in, slowly one inch at a time a man's dick starting to enter him. "Hush baby, only halfway." Gus cooed. Halfway, halfway!? This thing was only halfway inside of me? Oh Jesus no, this was not durable. “No I can't take it! "Pull out! PULL OUT!" Drew screamed. But the stripper just grabbed Drew's hips and pushed hard until Drew had taken every last inch. "No more, please I can't do this. It's too much!" Drew cried. Drew felt wet inside. His massive girth was rubbing deep inside pressing against Drew's insides getting slick with something. It couldn't have been spit or precum?. There was a powerful thrust and Drew yelped. . He took this as motivation and began really hammering home. The thrusts changed their angle and Drew began to feel pleasure. He did it again and Drew felt his own cock start to grow. Drew's hard cock was bouncing along to the sodomy. He was getting fucked and Drew was hard. He sniffed the poppers hard as it helped him. Seeing how Drew was responding, one of the group who was restraining Drew released his grip and offered his dick to Drew's opened mouth, dripping with Gus' cum. Drew's mouth was stuffed with his cock. Drew was now being drilled at both ends. Drew was again choking and sputtering as the cock now lodged in his throat and he went as hard as he could. He too splattered his cum deep inside Drew's throat. As Drew felt the taste, smell and cock driving into him and it was all too much. Drew's entire body shook as he was hit with his strongest orgasm. He screamed out as he shot his thick white load all over one of those still holding him. The man smiled at Drew then got up and walked over to Jake, who he noticed to his shock was filming it all with his mobile camera. Drew was horrified. But a combination of the lovely smile Jake gave him and his general sexual tension and inebriation meant Drew dismissed the filming and carried on with his intercourse, as another of the invitees shoved his cock into Drew's mouth to receive Drew's attention. Drew's tormented pleasure somewhat changed; the stripper was fucking with less rhythm, his thrusts deep and painful, his breathing ragged and he was coated in sweat. He was clearly close to cumming. He grabbed Drew's waist and spun him around on his dick. The blood provided ample lubricant because there was a slick sound as he spun like a top. Drew could now see the stripper plunging his huge dick in and out of his hole. “Stop, please not inside”, Drew begged. "I love breeding virgins." He panted. "No stop!" He was fucking too hard. Drew's entire body was shaking and breathing came out broken in time with his rapid thrusts. Just then the thrusts stopped. The cock buried itself as deep as it would go and began twitching. Drew's eyes widened as the reality took over. His straight ass had just finished off a man. He was being bred. "Nooo!", Drew cried. "Yes!" He replied. He could feel it convulsing. Then he could feel something warm soaking his insides. His cum just kept shooting inside Drew squirmed to the left then right, trying to push out the oversized cock but it wouldn't stop. He was growling, body flexed as the stripper held him with his dick. He could feel some of it dripping out. It seemed impossible. Cum was shooting inside him as well as pouring out. He looked over to see Gus, positioning himself to take over from the other stripper to breed his hole again. But I'm worried he's cum inside without a condom. “Don't worry”, Gus replied, “it's okay, he's the same status as me”. Not only did Gus breed Drew, but then the other four guests took their turns to unload inside him. Finally, Jake came over to have his turn, passing his camera over to Gus to complete the filming. “This is the best ever birthday present”, Jake exclaimed as he pushed his cock in. “But isn't it risky?” Drew asked anxiously. “But we've all been on prep the last couple of years”, Jake said misleadingly. For not only had they stopped taking them in time to be detectable again, but he had hired the two positive strippers to breed Drew. “Thanks for the gift”, Jake said, “let me give you mine now.” As he squirted his poz load deep within.
    2 points
  10. First story. Semi-autobiographical. I must have been sitting outside the house for a good hour while I gathered my nerves. I told them I'd show up at 10 but I always preferred to make it there early to steel myself before heading in. This was a fantasy I had dreamed of all of my life and wanted to be absolutely sure I was going to follow through with it. About 20 minutes ago I had dropped a blotter and was waiting for the warmth to kick in. I always loved sex on hallucinogens because it created a primal connection between us like early homo sapiens fucking beside a low flame on the Sahara. Two apes gathering for a ritual of love forever bonding them to each other. The couple who owned the house I had played with several times. Doyle and Jim, two white daddies in their 60's, recently retired so they had the time on their hands to throw some pretty wild parties. Never more than 4-5 of us but I think I had made a good impression with them as a reliable hole who knew how to have a good time. I myself was 30 and slim with and pretty heavily tattooed. In my pretend life I had always come across as a confident, assertive leader-type but that was just the mask I wore while the doors were open. My true self was a meek submissive pig who was ready to comply to any dominate male and whatever twisted force they wanted to inflict on me. Doyle and Jim caught on to this immediately during our first encounter after a passionate night in their playroom that bled into the next sundown. After our last encounter, my head spinning from the weed and tina, I confessed that my dream was to be absolutely ravaged by as many men as possible only to be left on the floor a quivering lump of flesh. They told me that they would see what they could do but something on that scale did not always work out. It took weeks of planning to confirm a schedule but finally Jim texted me and said that they had gathered a decent amount of friends they knew in the scene that would be interested. The warmth I had be awaiting started to creep through my muscles and I knew it was time. I sent my text and started to walk towards the door. Doyle answered in his harness and jock and greeted me with a soft kiss on the lips. "Good to see you. Come on in!" We made our way to the living room where Jim was sitting in his jock on the couch messaging someone on his phone. I assumed he was confirming the night to their friends and saying the hole had arrived. He shot me a big smile and patted the floor to invite me over. I dropped my backpack and made my way to my spot by his leg. He rustled my hair and gave me a peck on the forehead and resumed using his phone. I started to feel myself manually breathe as the warmth overtook me head to toe while he ran his fingers across my back. Each swipe reaching down into me more and more. Doyle returned to the floor with some cocktails and sat on the other side of us, also rubbing my back. "Do you want to get changed or do you want to relax for a bit?" "How about both?" "Ok, you know the way, first door down the hall" I retrieved my backpack and made my way to the bathroom. The light started to play with my eyes and was dimming and brightening without any discernable pattern. I closed the door and undressed, feeling my hands against my own skin and slowly dragging my nails down my chest. I was unleashing something deep within me and was no longer nervous. I slipped into my black leather jock and fitted my harness tightly. I can't recall how long I spent but I became lost in the mirror making sure I was ready from every angle. the 3" plug I had inserted earlier was in place to be sure my butt was wide open from the get go. I debated taking it out but I decided to leave that honor to someone else. "Everything ok in there?" Jim asked through the door? Time had was definitely not in my control anymore. I made my way back to my spot on the floor, where a pet sits patiently waiting for orders, and quickly finished my cocktail. "First guy won't be here for another 30 minutes. How about we head downstairs and get started" said Doyle as he helped me up from the floor and began leading me to the basement. Jim followed closely grabbing my ass and tapping his fingers against the buttplug. A makeshift bedroom was the first point of entry, bed, TV, small refrigerator. They were generous hosts and always wanted men to feel welcome if they needed to stay a while and sleep off any effects from the night before. Past that was was the playroom though. A dim red light covered it like an autumn twilight. Two slings, a bench, toy chest, and a TV were included. All niceties ceased the second I crossed the threshold. Jim, forcibly pushed me to my knees to the right-side of the door. My face was merely inches from his bulging crotch. My vacation as a human being had ended and my life as a fuck-pet had begun. "Wanna go get some ice ready while I get us warmed up?" Jim said to Doyle who left for a side room. He then gently grabbed my hair and began pushing me into his pouch. My tongue lapped out and began to soak the fabric in my spit. "Hmmmmm. You're a hungry little faggot tonight, eh?" I could only respond by salivating more across his jock and gently cooing. He pulled his jock aside, knowing what I really wanted. In my state it's difficult to describe but Jim had one of the largest ballsack I had ever had the pleasure of feasting on. Each nut was about the size of a tangerine and he always seemed filled to the brim with cum which he had generously emptied into my cavity on numerous occasions. His cock was a decent sized uncut 6" which was generously girthy but it was those massive testicles that made me enamored with him and he knew it. Lights continued playing me with me and I could feel his musk radiate out from him as I slobbered over his nuts and felt his cock grow while brushing against my forehead. The air changed in the room as Doyle returned with the glass cock. He pressed his crotch against the back of my head as I heard the butane light flick on. All sustenance I needed in the world remained in those nuts. I would not want for food or drink as long as I had a supply of Man-seed to sustain me. I was a subhuman pile of pity who only needed to be flooded with liquid love to continue my paltry existence. "Look up at me" one of them said. Voices and frame had started to slip from view as one of them raised my chin and pressed the pipe between my lips. "Inhale" I heard and began to bring the bitter air into my lungs. I held for an unknown amount of time while I heard the liter flick again above me. The rush of chemicals flowed through me as I let out a hypnotic looking cloud of smoke. I gazed for a moment before Jim brought me back to reality with a sharp slap. "Pay attention and suck my cock faggot!" I immediately followed his instruction and brought his dick into my mouth. Making sure to run my tongue underneath his foreskin. Between the two of them Jim was the alpha and Doyle was the more gentle. Doyle's emerging penis grazed past my cheek as I sucked on his husband. He was a bit more endowed but not as thick. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the veins of his shaft forming mountain ranges and he was already beginning to leak as a small droplet sparkled from the tip of his piss hole. This went on for sometime as I heard them passionately kissing above me. Droplets of spittle splashed my face like rain and I was lost in my sense of duty as a worthless pig, eager to have these two men treat my holes as a palace of worship for their engorged meat. Some time passed and Doyle hoisted me up by my armpits and guided me over to the bench. The leather felt good in the ever increasing heat of passion in the room as I pressed my face against it. "Looks like a big one he's got in there" Jim said and he began again slapping the end of my plug. Slowly twisting it inside me. Doyle laid his body against my back and lowered his full weight over me. "Last chance to back out..." I pressed my lips together and nodded. "I want it" Doyle opened his mouth and ran his tongue alongside my cheek in agreement. Jim had stepped in front of me and again pressed the glass pipe to my lips. "Inhale, pig". I sucked down the foul air as Doyle began removing my plug slowly. It plopped and my gaping hole felt a cool breeze that I sensed as one of the last moments of chill I would be experiencing for a while. He dropped the plug somewhere and I heard it's heavy thud against the floor while Jim against started slowly fucking my mouth. Doyle behind me began exploring my open fuckhole with his tongue and all at once I felt like some scared prey between two dominate predators. Ready to be torn apart at a moments notice. The room had begun to spin. A chime of a phone alerted me back to the present. Without removing his cock from my mouth Jim reached over to glance at it. Doyle continued to kiss my gaping asshole like it was my own lips. "Keep getting him ready. The first guy just showed up" Jim said as his penis pulled from my mouth. He exited the room and Doyle raised up. "You're going to make some very horny men very happy tonight, pig." to be continued...
    2 points
  11. Hooked up with the scrawny white trash boy last night after work. Had been messaging in the morning and he wanted it before he went into work, but I couldn't. He was mid 20s, inked, nice sized uncut cock, verse, open to raw, said he was neg. I told him after work could work for me. He lives in a pretty trashy part of Richardson, northeast of me and I was kind of leery going to his place. I was horned up at the end of the day and messaged him saying I was down, he was too. Headed to his place and when I got their he was outside saying his roommate was home and needed to fuck outside, in a car, or something. He said there was a safe place nearby we could walk to he'd used before and I was kinda worried I was gonna get jumped, but went for it. It was an empty overgrown lot, no way anyone could see us. Clearly he's done this before and I'm guessing he's taken more than a few cocks. We both undid our pants and started jerking each others cocks and he let out a "damn" looking at mine remarking at how thick and big it was. He asked if I wanted to take him first and I said I was and braced myself against a wall with my ass to him. I could feel his spit hitting my ass and felt his cock head against my ass as he entered me raw. I had no problem taking him and he got a nice rhythm going, saying nothing as he fucked me. I told him how good his dick felt and that I wanted his load bad. He said nothing and kept stroking, soon enough letting out a muffled groan as he unloaded inside me. He slid out and let out a "guess it's my turn" with a half laugh, taking his place against the wall and telling me to take it easy. He clearly was open to raw as he said, not asking about condoms or pulling out to cum and I can only guess he gladly lets guys breed him raw. I spat on his ass and my cock and started forcing it in him and could hear him hiss and groan as I did, cursing and saying how big my cock was, but truthfully it didn't seem like his ass offered much resistance. If I had to guess he'd probably taken cock recently and soon enough I was balls deep in him, stroking pretty hard as he moaned. A couple times he asked if I was gonna cum inside him, which was weird. I said I was and I wasn't sure if he didn't want it that way or it was his way of asking if I was close. I wasn't about to say I was going to cum and instead shot my load in him saying nothing. He let out an excited "damn" as I came, so clearly he could feel it. I was kind of flattered and asked him "you like that boy?" and he said he did and that it felt good. I told him there was more where that came from and kept stroking inside him. If he didn't want my seed inside him it was too late as I was churning it deep inside him now. He was now moaning about how bad he wanted it and I loved that this dirty little slut was desperate for my load. I had no idea if he was gay, straight, or what. There was no gay look or feel about him, yet here he was taking cock raw, letting me breed him. I blasted my second load in him and he said he was about to cum again and asked if I wanted to suck him off or get fucked. Trashy boys like him usually have nasty tasting cum, so I told him to fuck me and he had me up against the wall frantically fucking me, but not lasting long before he shot in me again. I was absentmindedly looking around and could see empty beer cans, liquor bottles, underpants, and drug paraphernalia and could tell this place is regularly used to fuck. I'm guessing this boy has been bent over and bred more than a few times here, getting bred by random guys. Honestly, it kind of turned me on as I've hooked up with guys in places like this before. He slid out and pulled his shorts up saying he was done and thanking me. I did the same and said it was fun and that I was down to do it again. He apologized and admitted his roommate doesn't know he hooks up with guys but was glad I was cool to do it here. We worked our way back out and it was the awkward parting, no kiss or gay shit like that. I just said to message me again when he wanted to hook up.
    2 points
  12. You reference "in a group setting"; Swapping Cocks is the whole point of group sex. Of course no Top would mind at all - it only makes the group scene all the hotter. I can't imagine bottoms minding either. To the "don't pull out" issue, would you mind so much if the guy rutting in your Hole pulled out and kneeled to increase the pleasure by eating it - tonguing it - savoring your Hole - before Breeding it? Since you're describing a "group setting", maybe there's already a load or three up your gut - you wouldn't mind a tongue exploring it, would you?
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. Hairy, hairy, hairy. Asses, backs, chest, pits legs, pubic hair. The hairier the better.
    2 points
  15. Airport bathrooms - used to blow one pilot regularly. Public hotel jacuzzi - fucked by the same pilot. Spent night in a guys delivery van - getting fucked over and over. Lots of rest area bathrooms - used to cruise hwy one's almost every nighty. Gave a blow job in a cemetery. Fucked on the 9th green of a golf course by the owner of the course. Fucked in a church parking lot many times by a huge dick Top. Fucked in a strangers backyard. Gave a blow job in an apartment laundry room Gave a blow job on a beach late at night. Gave a blow job and got fucked at too many ABS and gloryholes to count. Gave blow jobs and got fucked in park bathrooms many times. Met my first boyfriend in a park bathroom.
    2 points
  16. You have an amazing fuck tool!
    2 points
  17. Same here bud, I mostly top, but love a good fucker breedin my ass.
    2 points
  18. I with Twinkboi4Daddy more please. My mind is racing with thought of “it” being slammed and taking chem piss in both holes🥵
    2 points
  19. Thanks for all the great feedback guys! I'm glad you all are enjoying it. Hope to have a new chapter posted very soon.
    2 points
  20. This. I stipulate all the socialization and societal and family dynamics affecting women's sense of what is acceptable and allowed for them. Male privilege as well. But even with all that, testosterone. A friend who was in the process of transitioning FTM pulled me aside after he'd begun testosterone. "I feel incredibly horny all the time. How do men ever get anything done?" he asked. "I want to fuck *all the time*!" We chatted for a while and I theorized that a boy going though puberty was likely the closest analog to what he was feeling. But that where a boy had a period to adjust to the onset of puberty, and was starting from a more neutral state, my friend had been through puberty originally as a female. We wondered whether the transition was more intense because of it. Don't underestimate the influence and power of testosterone to blow through previous AFAB socialization and constraints.
    2 points
  21. I’d at least have given him a load first.. nice loose sloppy holes full of poz spunk aren’t that easy to cum by..
    2 points
  22. Another good insemination vid. My hole puckers thinking of being bred by all those throbbing pulsing cocks and balls, pumping their seed deep into me. [think before following links] https://ge.xhamster.com/videos/39-pulsating-cocks-xhIoPjM
    2 points
  23. Nice. When will you be visiting nc?
    2 points
  24. Hello 👋🏽. 29 Top Vers Pig living in HTX. I like to parTy and pull my dick out! 🐽
    2 points
  25. Here's a list of ideas: Relax, pour a drink, watch TV and have him suck your cock. Deepthroat. Train him to take your cock all the way to the base. Deepthroat it until he chokes. It’s his job to deal. Fuck his mouth like it’s a pussy. It is. Cock slap him. Spit on him. Spit down his throat Piss on him. Piss down his throat. Piss in his ass. Piss on, down, or in him while you are out in public or before he goes out in public. Make him beg for your spit Make him beg for your piss Finger his hole. Finger his hole in public Call his hole a pussy Call his hole a pussy in public Spank him. Spank him with a paddle Spank his balls. They are your toys. Have your buddy spank him, his balls. Your toys are worth sharing. Fuck his ass. Fuck his ass while you choke him Fuck his ass while he’s tied up Fuck his ass and abuse him across a weekend while he’s tied up. Fuck his ass / tag team with your buddy. Fuck his ass / tag team with your buddy across a weekend while he’s tied up. No breaks. Gang-bang him with a group of friends or strangers. Whore him out to friends or strangers. For nothing. For cash. Your call. Fuck his ass with a dildo. Fuck his ass with a dildo, make him clean it with his mouth. Make him clean it after its been your ass or another faggot’s ass. Smack or slap his face. Do it during sex. Do it randomly. Call him names. “Faggot”, “Cunt”, and “Whore” are easy. Kiss him like you need his mouth to breathe Pull his hair Pull his arms behind his back while you fuck him. He’s just a hole. Take his clothes. Don’t give them back until he’s satisfied you Take his clothes while out in public. Don’t give them back until he’s satisfied you. Gag him with your dirty underwear, jockstrap or cum rag when you’re fucking him. Cum on his face. Smear it in. Make him wear it out in public. Cum down his throat. Cum in your hand, and make him eat it from your hand like a dog. Make him eat your cum off your buddy’s cock. Make him drink your load(s) from a shot glass. Cum on food and make him eat it. Double-penetrate him with another Top or with a dildo. Flick or twist his nipples. Have him wear only an oversized coat to your flat, not clothes, no shoes. Have him get naked on your doorstep. Exposed. Before he rings the doorbell. Write names (e.g., faggot, bitch, pig, slut), pictures (e.g., a cock and balls, a pig face, a toilet) or phrases (e.g., insert cock here, with an arrow pointing to its holes) on his body. Make him wear a butt plug out in public (e.g., to the bar, to the gym, to the grocery store). Tie him to your toilet when you have guys over, and tell them to use him instead of the toilet. Masturbate him / make him him masturbate for you. Don’t let him cum. Repeat. Punish him if he comes. Make him cum. Make him cum again. Make him cum again until he’s firing blanks and it hurts to cum. Make him jerk off or finger himself while you and/or your friends watch. Make him watch while you fuck another faggot. Make him eat your ass while you’re fucking another faggot. Make him clean your cock off after you fuck him. Make him clean your cock off after you fuck another faggot. Make him eat your load out of another faggot’s ass. Make him clean out another faggot’s ass after you’ve fucked it. Put him on all fours. Milk the cum out of him like an animal for breeding. Take photos and/or videos of him servicing your cock. Take photos and/or videos of him servicing your buddy’s cock Have an actual bitch fuck him Tie his cock and balls with a shoelace. Hang weights from his balls. Blindfold him when you use him. Fist his hole. Cum in his ass. Cum in his ass. Plug it. Make him keep the load in for as long as he can, preferably in public. Hate fuck him. Make him fuck another faggot, or get fucked by another faggot, while you watch. Make him lick your feet. Use him as a footrest. Make him give you a massage or footrub. When he pees in the restroom, have him drop his pants to his ankles. He’s a cunt. People need to know. Make him wear a collar and leash. Keep him in a cage. Make him wear a ball gag. Make him crawl in your presence, like a dog. Get him a butt-plug tail like a dog. Leave him tied up out back like a dog. Turn the hose on him to wash him like a dog. Torture him with hot wax. Make him give himself an enema — with water, with your piss — while you watch. Make him beg for your cock. Points for public. Feed him your pre-cum. Make him lick your sweaty pits. Make him call you “Master” or “Sir.” Make hum call you “Master” or “Sir” in public. Make him wear a hood while you use him so that the only sensation he has is the feeling of your cock in his hole. Tease / torture his cock. Tease / torture his cock while in public Use him randomly during the day while you both are doing other things Use him in front of others Make sure others know he’s your bitch Cum in his ass, then make him fart your cum into his hand and eat it. Felch your cum out of his ass, then feed it to him. Lock him in chastity. Make him cum. Spoil his orgasm. Make him lick you head to toe. Make him wear a puppy tail in his ass. Make him service you in a public place (e.g., a restroom, a park, your car). Throw him around to get him in position to fuck him Throw him around to get him in position just because it makes your dick hard to rough him up. Get in his head. Find out what turns him on. Use it. Encourage your straight friends to use his ass like a pussy whenever they want. Stick ice cubes in his ass Give him five minutes notice you are arriving for a fuck. Give him the same notice you are arriving, but with friends. Have him bathe you from head to toe. Turn the hose on him in the yard and wash him like an animal Make him cry. Whisper shit like: “Faggot, you mean nothing to me. Absolutely nothing. You’re just a hole to dump in and leave. Now beg me to spray my sperm up your faggot cunt.” while you fuck him. Cover up his mouth to keep him quiet. Cover up his mouth to keep him quiet while fucking outside, near and around people. Do whatever you can to make him cry out.
    2 points
  26. Not often, but not "not ever" either. All sex has risks and you can't connect in a body condom.
    1 point
  27. In theory, it's vaguely, faintly possible. But anything you did on Sunday that would cause eye irritation would almost certainly have manifested itself Sunday, or by any means by Monday. Eyes are fairly sensitive, and given how quickly they react to even dust particles getting in there, anything more substantive would likely have shown up well before. Chances are good, I'd think, that it's unrelated.
    1 point
  28. Wish you had shot that huge fucking load down my throat or deep up my tweaked up ass! OINK!!
    1 point
  29. 1 point
  30. I've had this happen and I felt the same way when I get first turned down. But a guy that turned me down then ended up breeding me at a bookstore backroom later told me he really wanted to get bred but it hadn't worked out and he needed to go back to work. He could tell I needed seed more so he figured unloading ion an ass was better than a hard on. It made me realize like I'm there for something specific sexually - they might be there for the same thing. nothing to do with looks.
    1 point
  31. Nice to see this story gets read occasionally. It's pretty hot, ain't it? 😀
    1 point
  32. Chapter 20: Life Lessons For several months before Daniel and Lazlo’s wedding date, Maile had been torn. She had gone over it all in her mind, over and over, wondering if she should even try to shift their mother out of her intransigence, or if she should just leave well enough alone. Of all the family, Maile was the only one who saw her mother with any degree of regularity. Since both of them sat on an inter-church council as representatives of their respective congregations, they were compelled to see each other once a month. At these meetings, they were distantly, formally polite – but nothing more. It was a state of affairs that distressed all the other members of the council, and especially the pastors of both their churches. Everyone at these meetings knew a little about the story of what had happened, but the emphasis on who was at fault shifted dramatically depending on which version each one of them had heard. Maile came to the next meeting, less than a month before the wedding, filled with a new determination. She could see clearly, as the family was rebuilding itself since the funeral of her father, that her mother risked being left out in the cold and all alone as she aged. Daniel and Laszlo were developing connections to Malia and Darren as well as herself, connections which didn’t depend in the least on their mother. Daniel never spoke his mother’s name, never referred to her as his mother, seemed quite prepared to go on acting as if she had died years earlier – and maybe, Maile thought, he wished that she had. Maile couldn’t fault him if he did feel that way. She understood now, better by far than when it had happened, how brutally her mother had treated her own first-born child – and then her husband and her other children. But she continued to hope that somehow, in some way, if she could just push the right buttons in the right tone of voice, she might persuade her mother to alter her position. She decided to approach the pastor of her mother’s church, the Temple of the Heavenly Host, and ask him to work with her own pastor to arrange and moderate a face-to-face meeting where they could discuss the issues. She had told none of the family what she was doing. Her private feeling was that the chance of success was not great – and that this would be her last attempt. If she couldn’t crack through her mother’s hard shell of self-righteous intransigence this time, she would give it up as a lost cause. ************************* Laszlo, too, was distressed about the ongoing breach between Daniel’s mother and all of her children. His relationship with his own parents had always been a rather cool one, rich in practical matters of necessity and convenience rather than any great emotional depth, but it still seemed to him somehow wrong that his mother and father should be coming to participate in the wedding – and to the rehearsal dinner the night before -- where Daniel’s mother, still very much alive, would not. He wished that there were something he could do. He said as much to Uncle Ken on their last meeting before the month of the wedding. Laszlo, no less than Daniel, valued Ken’s advice and wisdom – hard-earned through years of endless trouble and sorrow and stress. For once, the older man had no clear answer. He remembered, all too clearly, the rigid approach to life of Daniel’s mother when she was young, and how the Biblical phrase “a stiff-necked people” always seemed to him to be a peculiarly accurate description of her. He could only advise Laszlo to be patient and let the people most closely involved work it out as much as they wished. “After all,” as he explained with great patience and compassion to Laszlo, “you can’t make people want to change.” ************************* Daniel and Laszlo had drawn up a detailed plan for the wedding, including vows for the ceremony, and a list of who should be allowed to speak or propose toasts on what subjects after the dinner. For the meal itself, they had opted for a buffet in the Rainbow Room after the cocktail hour on the terrace. This would be a meal which could offer a dazzling array of Hawaiian, East Asian, European, and American dishes with enough variety to tempt all palates present. They had worked closely with the sommelier to pick out a select champagne for the toasts, and bottles of choice red and white wines which would be placed on each table. With the DJ, they had selected two particular songs, favourites of theirs, for their entrance and first dance. Maile had put her artistic talent to work designing a swirling, impressionistic logo of two men in tuxedos dancing to act as a background graphic and logo on all communications about the wedding, and on the programmes for the big day. Malia, who was especially gifted in fine work done with her own fingers, had designed and created ten similar but not identical centrepieces for each of the ten tables of eight guests. Darren had used his unique gift at calligraphy alongside Maile’s artwork to create place cards for each guest, and a number card to go on the bottom of each centrepiece to indicate the person at each table who should win the centrepiece as a door prize. All of this work was done before the wild weekend of the bachelor party, because Laszlo and Daniel knew that they would only have 48 hours to get home from Palm Springs, unpack, and repack, before leaving for Hawaii and their week-long wedding celebration. ************************* The face-to-face meeting was not making any progress. Maile explained. Pastor Robbins, the leader of Maile’s church, cajoled. Pastor McEwen, Lehua’s long-time spiritual advisor pleaded, but Lehua remained immovable, only quoting her favourite scripture passages in reply. But then, suddenly, the dynamic shifted. Respect for elders flew out the window as Maile’s remaining patience evaporated in two seconds. As if a switch had been flipped inside her mind, she abruptly exploded. The two pastors stared in astonishment at this volcanic outburst, but she ignored them. She was beyond caring what anyone else thought of her. “Damn it all, Mother, have you even listened to a word that any of the three of us have said to you? It’s like you have ears of stone! We’re trying to get you to see the ultimate end of what you’ve done, and you just ignore it all and stand rigidly on your own precious self-made, self-righteous pedestal!” “Honour thy father and thy mother. Have you forgotten?” “The best way I can honour you right now is to try to jolt you out of your stupidity and ignorant, blinkered vision. Now, you listen to me, Mother, and listen well. You may not have known about it at the time, but your elder brother Keawe was gay.” “Keawe! He wasn’t! What about your Aunt Lily? He was devoted to her.” “He married Leialoha under protest, but he didn’t love her. He stayed with her because he had promised to do so and because he was a man who took his promises seriously. The man he really loved was Kanani Murayama, who also was forced to marry a woman he didn’t love, yet Kanani and Keawe were in love all their lives, for over forty years until Keawe died. But they could never live together openly or express that powerful and enduring love that bound them, heart to heart, and that was because of you and all the hate-filled people like you! Kanani’s love for Keawe now supports his care and concern for your son, Daniel. That’s because Keawe named Daniel as his heir and asked Kanani to watch out for him. Daniel and his partner both name Kanani their uncle.” Maile was winding herself up into a veritable tempest of outrage, spitting the words out like a fire-eating preacher of the old school. “And now, Daniel, your eldest child, your first-born son, cannot bring himself to speak your name or acknowledge you as his mother because of the way you’ve abused him. Your husband refused to speak to you as he lay dying, said he didn’t wish to see your face, ordered you to leave the room. His dying words were not for you, but for his eldest son – ‘Tell Daniel… I’m sorry. I was wrong.’ Your daughter, Malia, told me that she could not and would not come with me if I made an effort to try to speak with you. Your son, Darren, after his father’s funeral, said, ‘Thank heaven Mother didn’t decide to stick her nose in’ – and then he laughed. “That leaves only one of your four children, me. I came to this meeting in a mood of hope – and you’ve just shot that hope down in flames. I’m walking out on you and giving up on you right now. I hope your pride and arrogance is enough for you to live on, because it’s all you’ll have left, now that you’ve driven your entire family to hate the very sight of you!” She stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her. The two pastors looked sadly at each other. Lehua stared at the closed door in astonishment, in shock, and then in realization -- and a slowly growing fear. ************************* Maile wept, disconsolate, despite Malia doing what she could to console her twin. “Malia, I ruined it. I just couldn’t take it any more. I lost control, blew up right in her face, told her off up one side and down the other, and then walked out and slammed the door like a toddler having a tantrum.” Malia, who had arrived early for the wedding weekend, hugged her close. “Maile, I don’t blame you at all. I lost patience with our mother years ago. I know I couldn’t hold out for even a minute without blowing my stack at her. I admire you for hanging on for as long as you did.” “It’s like I forgot everything I knew. ‘Honour thy father and thy mother.’ I sure didn’t do that today, and she jumped on it, reminded me of it.” “That’s just what she would do. Face the reality, Maile. She’s the kind of person who quotes the Bible when it suits her and then promptly forgets it when it doesn’t support her prejudices. Don’t let her devout exterior fool you. You’ve got more Christian charity in your little finger than she has in her entire body, and don’t you ever believe otherwise.” She held Maile close while Maile cried out her unhappiness. Later that afternoon, Maile and Malia drove to the FourWinds Resort to try to see Kanani Murayama. ************************* The afternoon after the disastrous meeting, Daniel and Laszlo flew into Kauai again. As they came out of the baggage claim area, they were met by a uniformed driver holding a sign with their names on it. He led them to a limousine, loading their bags, and then drove them to FourWinds. Getting out of the limo at the front door, they were greeted personally by the General Manager who was waiting for them, together with a butler who was assigned to take care of their needs throughout their week-long stay. A bellman took charge of their bags, while the butler led them along the walkway and across the Rainbow Bridge, up the hill to Chalet No. 3. Once their bags arrived, they unpacked the wedding suits and handed them to the butler to have them pressed and ready for Saturday, along with their shoes to be polished. The butler in turn gave them a special phone number which they could use to summon him directly for anything they might need, and then (on request) left them to get settled in. ************************* Mr. Murayama sat behind the desk in his office at the FourWinds Resort. He’d been concentrating on the backlog of paperwork, knowing that he had no appointments that morning. He wanted to clear the backlog away, so he’d have ample free time to join in the wedding celebrations on the weekend – the wedding of the pride and joy of his later years, his two nephews, Daniel and Laszlo. All the time, at the back of his mind, there loomed the image of Daniel’s twin sisters, Malia and Maile. He’d been startled, but not altogether surprised, when they came to see him – nor had he been surprised by Maile’s tale of how she had tried to get through to her mother, and the outcome of that abortive meeting. The whole situation of Daniel’s family truly made him sad, but he could see no way in which he could help to untangle the knot. That was for those who were directly involved to do – if they could find a way. When his secretary came in and told him that Lehua wished to see him, his first reaction was extreme surprise. But then, he told the secretary to ask her to wait a few minutes. Next, he sat down and thought long and carefully about what this might mean, and about how he might be able to influence the situation to the benefit of his two beloved nephews. Finally, he buzzed the secretary and told her to bring Lehua in. He stood to greet his guest, and then begged her, in his usual courtly manner, to be seated and tell him what he could do for her. “Kanani, I have come to you to beg for your help.” “How do you think I may be able to help you, Lehua? I’ve not even met you since we were young, and that’s many years ago now.” “I know, Kanani. I… I have been a fool.” He simply raised his eyebrows in an inquiring manner. “I am shamed by what I have learned these last few days.” “What have you learned?” “I have heard from my daughter Maile about your long relationship with my brother, Keawe. It was a surprise. I had suspected… had guessed that Keawe was… that he preferred….” “The word is ‘Gay,’ Lehua. Your brother was gay.” “Yes.” “Say it yourself.” “Keawe was gay. But I had not realized that you had been the man he loved. And that love… so many years, in secret, hiding, pretending, never able to be open. It is the depth and strength of your love for each other that has shamed me. I have been the worst role model of all, while you and Keawe remained true to each other through all those decades of strain and silence. I am sorry that I helped to force that silence upon you. And now I know that there is someone else to whom I must apologize, someone on whom I forced a far worse strain and a much deeper wound – my son, Daniel. I need to try to reach him, to begin to make things right after the terrible way I have wronged him. I need you to take me to him.” “Am I supposed to know where he is?” “I think that you do know. Maile has told me that Daniel and his….” Again, her voice quavered into silence. “His fiancé?” “Yes, his fiancé. She has told me that they are close to you, that they name you ‘Uncle’. And I have already heard from others that they are holding their wedding this Saturday, here in FourWinds. And that Maile, and Malia, and Darren will all attend the wedding. I would guess that they may all be here already.” Mr. Murayama studied her carefully. The old lines of rigid, arrogant pride and stubbornness had vanished from her face. Her expression had softened almost beyond belief. This was a different person from the one he had known all those years ago but had only seen at a distance in more recent years. This was a Lehua he had never expected to see in this lifetime: a hesitant, fearful, timid, even humbled Lehua. At last he spoke. “I will take you to him.” Daniel and his siblings, with Laszlo, were sitting around the small dining table in the happy couple’s private chalet. They were talking about the mechanics of the wedding celebration, of course, and about the role that each would play on Saturday. They had just reached a natural stopping point in their conversation, and Laszlo was heading for the phone to order drinks for all of them, when the knock came at the door. Laszlo went to the door and opened it to see Uncle Ken. “Uncle Ken! Please come in.” He came in and shut the door behind him. His eyes were fixed on Daniel as he spoke solemnly. “Daniel, I have brought with me someone who wishes to speak to you as soon as possible. You may be able to guess who it is. Before I bring her to see you, I ask you to recall what I have told you about the way in which I have found serenity and peace in my life during my later years. Please call that to mind and remember it.” Daniel nodded. He got the message, loud and clear. Forgiveness. He knew at once that the unnamed visitor must be his mother. And more than this – he sensed that Uncle Ken would not be bringing his mother to see him unless he felt that she had in some way shown that she wished or deserved to be forgiven. His uncle was the one messenger from whom he would accept such a message – a man, also gay, who had equally suffered hurt and harm from the hate of others. “I will see her, Uncle Ken.” Ken opened the door and said, “Please come in now.” As Lehua entered the room, they all stood – Daniel last. Old habits of respect die hard. Daniel had instinctively rebelled, but Uncle Ken’s last words still resonated in him, and finally ruled him. “Laszlo, bring a chair for our guest, please.” Lehua flinched at the impersonal “our guest,” but she sat in the chair when Laszlo brought it and put it down, facing Daniel across the corner of the table. Everyone else then sat. “Why have you come?” Daniel’s tone was as cool and impersonal as a judge. “Daniel… I am here to tell you that… that I have now realized and regret the pain I inflicted on you all those years ago. When I disowned you and told you never to return, that was a terrible thing to do, harsh and hateful. It was wrong of me, and I kept compounding the wrong for years by remaining rigid and unforgiving. I am sorry, so sorry for the harm and hurt I have done to you. I am also sorry to have brought the same heartache upon my whole family…” and here her gaze swept the entire room. “Please… all of you, and Daniel, you, most of all… please forgive me…” and, after the longest pause yet, and in a voice failing towards a mere whisper, “…if you can find it in your hearts.” Everyone in the room now looked silently at Daniel. He got the message. It was to be his choice; the others would take their cue from him. So many ideas rushed through his mind at top speed – memories of the outrage and hate and sadness at being flung away, censure of himself for mismanaging everything, anger at all the people who had manipulated him, joy at having found love with Laszlo and at rediscovering his siblings, sorrow for his uncles and their long sorrow. He was racked by a turbulent, complex storm of conflicting attitudes and emotions. But one sound came through the welter of feelings, loud and clear. It was the voice of his Uncle Ken, a man he deeply respected and loved, counselling him to be forgiving. He stood, took his mother’s hand and drew her to her feet. “Mother,” and he heard a quickly suppressed gasp from behind him, “I forgive you. And I ask you in turn to forgive me. I’ve now learned that it would have been better for all of us if I’d had the courage to tell you and Father my truth, but I ran away out of fear and left you to find out for yourself in the worst possible way. For that, I am sorry.” She stepped timidly towards her son, and he embraced her. There wasn’t a dry eye in the room. Then, he released her and said, “Mother, there’s someone here I need you to meet. This is Laszlo Kertesz. He’s my fiancé, and we are going to be married on Saturday afternoon.” Laszlo stepped forward, giving his courtly bow, and then kissed Lehua on the cheek as he took her hand. She in turn embraced him and kissed him on both cheeks. Laszlo glanced briefly at Daniel, raising his eyebrows, got an equally brief nod and smile in reply, and smiled himself as he asked Lehua, “Mother? We would be delighted to have you come to our wedding. Will you come?” ************************* Kanani was sitting again at his desk, after having survived the hugging and kissing festival which had unfolded a few minutes previously in Chalet No. 3. He now realized, as he hadn’t an hour earlier, before Lehua’s arrival, that he was very much a part of the story of Daniel’s family, and as such he did indeed find an active role to play in helping to patch up the rifts. He was glad and relieved that it had worked out. As he thought of that, he opened his desk and pulled out a treasure – a framed photo of him together with Keawe, taken on the beach when they were still in their twenties. It was a pure piece of seventies nostalgia. The slender, deeply tanned bodies, the tight little shorts, the long curling hair and lush mustaches, all of it took him back to the days when he had been young and in love. He stared at it for some minutes, and then he realized that he was actually talking to Keawe, there in his office, speaking as if the man he had loved was still alive and physically present. “Keawe, my love, I have done the best I can for our nephew and his partner. I’m sure you would be as proud of the two of them as I am. Their limitless love reminds me so much of how truly and deeply we loved each other.” He knew that it was time. He took down a framed photo on the wall, a picture of him taken at a ceremonial dinner some years earlier, hanging the framed photo of himself and Keawe in its place – right next to the framed engagement photo of Daniel and Laszlo. ************************* The tall A-framed roof of the Rainbow Room was draped with parallel rows of rainbow-coloured banners, rising in sweeping curves from the supporting posts to the peak of the roof. Bouquets of flowers, also in assorted rainbow hues, filled the urns on stands at either side of the podium. Stately music filled the air as the celebrant, an old school chum of Daniel’s from his childhood, gestured to the guests to rise. The four members of the wedding party marched slowly down the aisle, one by one, taking their places alternately to left and to right. When Daniel had asked Laszlo who he planned to have as his best man, he replied, “The man who persuaded me that I had to find you and be with you. And for my groomsman, the man who turned to me to help him find himself.” Daniel had laughed. “We’ve done it again. My best man is going to be the man who persuaded me that I had to find you and be with you. My groomsman will be my brother.” Now, Rodrigo stood on the left, with Darren next to him. To the right stood Miklos, with Silvio beside him. The phones were raised all around the room as Laszlo walked slowly towards the front, flanked by his mother and father, and with his sister Danuta walking ahead of them. Daniel now appeared, with his mother and his Uncle Ken (in the place of his father) walking on either side of him. His twin sisters, Malia and Maile, preceded them. Once they were all assembled at the front, the best men stood beside the grooms, while the rest of the two families mixed and mingled in a semi-circle behind the celebrant, facing the guests. The ceremony was not long, but it followed the conventional pattern. At the reciting of the vows, sharp-eyed audience members might have caught Kanani quickly dabbing at his eyes with a handkerchief as Daniel and Laszlo spoke the final line together: “…for the rest of our Forever.” At the conclusion, the two grooms walked down the aisle, not just holding hands but holding their linked hands up in front of them to show off their rings for all to see. They were followed in order by their attendants, and then their families. Those present who knew Lehua were understandably a bit startled to see her radiant smile as she walked on the arm of Laszlo’s father, while Laszlo’s mother walked with Kanani. Lehua’s unbounded joy totally outshone the conventional social smiles of Laszlo’s parents. The guests were all invited to come out onto the terrace for drinks while the Rainbow Room was being reset for dinner and for dancing to follow. It was only at this point that Daniel and Laszlo had some leisure to take note of all the people who had come – in the great tradition of grooms at weddings, they’d been too nervous during the ceremony. There were friends and relatives from all the different periods of their lives. Associates and co-stars from the Hawaiian Nine days mingled with old school friends of Laszlo. Daniel’s surfer buddies, Arian and Brad, were having a field day, chatting with all the women they’d never seen before. Silvio had Malia and Maile in stitches with his ridiculous stories of daily life in WeHo. Darren treated the whole gathering as a checklist of his video idols, trying to meet as many of them in person as possible. Even Archer McManus had showed up, a bit to their surprise – he’d indicated that he might not be able to come. More surprising still was his arrival with a sexy Brazilian beach boy named Duarte on his arm. Daniel and Laszlo opened their eyes comically wide on learning that the perennial “never tie me down” Archer had gotten engaged – and was going to be married the following year. The longest conversation with the grooms was the six-way marathon with Marina and Lianne and Steve and Jim. Lianne’s boyfriend hadn’t been able to come, so she and Marina made it a double-date with Steve and Jim, since they were all the oldest friends present to each other. Once they managed to corner Laszlo and Daniel, their laughing reminiscences of the old days rolled on and on, ending only when the hotel’s General Manager interrupted, in his politest official vein, to tell them that the dinner buffet was all in place, and they were needed to lead the way inside. And so it went, right on through the dinner hour. The whole party was a glorious mish-mash of past and present, of different worlds and different personalities, and they all seemed more than happy to mix it up and get to meet as many people as possible. All around the room, people were jumping up to go to other tables and socialize, tell stories about Daniel and Laszlo (some of which may even have been true), and take pictures. After the spectacular dinner, Rodrigo and Miklos took the floor to roast the bridegrooms, with Silvio and Darren contributing as well. Of course, they had to put their own distinctive spin on the love story – “Do you have any idea how much of a hassle it was for us to persuade the two of them that they should become a couple?” – and Daniel and Laszlo laughed louder than anyone else. When it was time for the newlyweds to speak, Daniel chose to open on a more sombre note, by calling for a moment of silence and then a toast “in memory of all those who are no longer with us – especially my father, and my uncle Keawe,” before going on with more conventional thank-you speeches. Although some of the older guests departed earlier, the dancing roared on until quitting time at 2:00 am, and people continued circulating out onto the terrace between dances to visit the bar, and to take in the sheer beauty of the natural surroundings – the floodlit waterfall, the tropical vegetation illuminated by the flaring tiki torches, and over all the gentle yet forceful shushing sounds of the waves rolling ashore below them. The two grooms made their ceremonial departure from the party at 1:30 am, and by 2:00 they were seated side by side on the lounge seat of the terrace outside their chalet. There’d been so much hectic activity, so many words, so much of an emotional rollercoaster ride for the last week. Now, the time was ripe for stillness, for calm, for simply being fully in each other’s presence. No more words were needed. Laszlo leaned into Daniel’s side, putting his arm across Daniel’s chest and laying his head down on Daniel’s shoulder, while Daniel draped his arm over Laszlo’s shoulders, drawing him in close. They sat there, quietly in tune with each other, sharing the time and the space, each of them listening to the heartbeat of the other. In the perfect peace of the moment, as in so many other times and places, both of them were thinking the exact same thing at the exact same time: “For the rest of our Forever.”
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  33. After hitting 30, the covid lock down hit hard and I gained a bit of weight. At the end of 2021, and coincidentally the end of Covid restrictions, I decided to eat healthier. Especially since my colleagues, who are in their 20's, are all buff and work out regularly. This comparison was even more glaring once we all went back to the office. I didn't rush though, I lost about 40 lbs in those two years by portion control for meals and occasional stationary biking. I'm back to my old weight of 120lbs. I'm a short thing and I've always been attracted to men who are taller, and usually older. My college days were spent hooking up with older tall men into tiny Asian boys. It was always safe though. I have been in a relationship with the man I love for several years now, but very soon into the start of it I realized I can't get everything sexually I wanted from him. For example, he is a total bottom. And while I love fucking him, sometimes I crave the days of being manhandled by someone and going balls deep in me. My boyfriend and I fuck bareback, so over the years, if I hook up with someone else it was always with a condom. And these hook ups were very few and far between and usually someone who I've hooked up with before. I don't have much trust in dating apps. About a several months ago, I hooked up with someone who kept insisting to fuck me raw. While I find the idea super hot, I declined. He tried to fuck me with a condom but he kept going limp. I can't blame him. I can't remember topping with a condom and I'm almost certain I'd go soft too. I started looking into PrEP as a just in case. I talked to my doctor about it and he agreed that while condoms are still the best choice, it won't hurt to add PrEP into my daily prescription/vitamin regimen. I've been taking it ever since but honestly haven't thought much about it. I haven't really had the urge to get fucked recently. Now at the present, I'm finally confident enough to go to a gym and get my body toned. I signed up for a membership close by, with my only intention being getting healthier. I checked in on a weekend at around 3pm and the place was relatively dead, which I like because I'm a total introvert and still a bit self-conscious. I did my thing for about two hours, very proud of myself and headed for the locker room. There was only one other person in there who I didn't pay much mind to. As I was getting undressed, I noticed from my peripheral vision that this person kept glancing at me. I wrapped my towel around my waist so I can pull off my shorts and boxer-briefs without going full monty. I gave him a quick glance and we made eye contact for a couple of seconds. He was this tall black guy about 6'4" with short hair, a set of wireless headphones around his head. He was probably early to mid 40's, I can't be sure. He was wearing a shirt with the sleeves and sides ripped to his torso. I can see his enormous pecs and I felt a slight tingle in my pants. As I was pulling off my underwear I lowered my gaze to his grey sweats and saw that something massive was bulging. I felt my hole twitch. I quickly turned around nervous cause I didn't want to get in trouble in case I was misunderstanding the situation. I tried to clear my head of all these thoughts and grabbed my toiletry bag and shoved my duffel in the locker and locked it. I kept my eyes down with one hand on the towel around my waist as I walked towards the shower. When I was about to get into the small hall with the showers and dressing room, I heard movement behind me and a deep voice says "Hey..." I turned and put on an indifferent expression and replied "Hey." He looked me in the eye and said "Do you go black?" My mind was racing now. Did I hear him correctly? Does he mean what I think he means? I asked "I'm sorry?" Pretending I didn't hear so he'd repeat it. My heart felt like it was gonna jump up my throat. "Do you go black?" he said again. I heard myself say "I'm not sure what you mean." I think I wanted him to tell me exactly what he meant so there was no room for misinterpretation. He gave a small smile and shook his head and said "It's ok. Nevermind." He turned and started to walk back to the lockers. I guess my acting dumb made him think he misread me and that I wasn't gay or something, cause if I was, how would I not know what he meant? I kinda started to panic cause his sexy body and that bulge in his pants made me crave getting pounded. I blurted "I do... I do, though" He smiled and walked closer towards me and glanced at the entrance, then his eyes swept the bottom of the stall doors to make sure there was no one else there. When he was satisfied that we were in fact alone he turned to me and whispered "Show me." I tentatively grabbed the ends of my towel with both hands then slowly peeled it off. I was embarrassed cause my dick was already precumming. But it seems he wasn't at all interested in my dick anyway cause he whispered "Turn around..." So I turned and show him my ass and I heard him take a breath. He glanced at the entrance again and said "Go into that one at the end" then walked back towards the locker rooms. I turned and knew he meant the big dressing room with the handle bars for the disabled. The shower stall doors are translucent frosted glass while the dressing rooms have solid black ones. And even though they have gaps between the door and the floor, the big dressing room has its wall with the bench obscured so even if people glance at the bottom of the door, they wont see legs as unless they actually stick their heads in and look to the side. I slowly walked towards it, my hands shaking. I put my toiletry bag on the bench, wondering if he wanted me to wait long, but as I turned around he was already entering the room with his duffel bag and locking the door behind him. I was so nervous I couldn't think. He bent down and placed his duffel on the floor then turned to face me. Being this close to him just drove home how much bigger he was than me and I thought that maybe this wasn't such a good idea. This man can split me in half. Especially after seeing his bulge this close. He put his hands on my shoulders and had me sit on the bench. His crotch is almost to my eye level as he pulled down his sweatpants. It fell out and I heard myself audibly gasp. It was huge. Lengthwise it was probably around 8-8.5 but it was the girth that scared me. I swear it was thicker than my wrist. He pulled my head towards it and I began to lick. I was afraid it wouldn't fit in my mouth. After some licking of the head, I certainly tried. It was a challenge to just get even half in my mouth cause of the thickness... but I knew I was loving it. I couldn't throat it but I did my best to give him please anyway I could. I looked up at him as I was vigorously sucking the head. He smiled down at me and whispered "Too big?" I nodded but kept on sucking. He motioned for me to stand up and turn around. Now I obviously wanted this but I started having second thoughts... not only because of his size but also because I didn't prep my ass for this as I was not expecting anything like this to happen on the first day I went to the gym. I honestly didn't really think this type of thing happen except in porn or movies. I stood up and whispered "I'm not really prepared for this down there... should I go prep first?" He had bent down to get a magnum from his duffel and whispered "It's ok, I just wanna feel it." He put his hand on my shoulder and turned me around, then put it on my back to lower it so I'm bent over the bench. I didn't see him get lube from his bag so I got even more worried I'd be taking that dick dry. I spat on my hand and rubbed it around my hole. I looked back and he had his condomed dick in his hand and spat a large amount of spit on it and spread it on his dick. He rubbed the head on my hole for a few seconds then slowly pushed it in. The pressure was intense. It felt like I was getting stretched to the limit and the spit didn't help at all. He felt me trying to run away so he held my hips tight with both hands. I wanted to scream. I can hear him whispering "Relax, you can take it, Relax." There was something about his girth and the plastic feel of the condom that was just creating friction, making the pain unbearable. He got about half way in and I jerked my ass away cause I couldn't take the pain anymore. I gasped and was breathing heavily. I quickly turned and plopped my ass down on the bench, afraid he'd try to stick it again. He looked down at me stroking his cock. "Too big?" he whispered. "Might be..." I said a little guiltily. He gave a sad smile and removed the condom and threw it on the ground. I was afraid he was too disappointed that he'd leave so before he could pull his pants up, if that was his intention, I grabbed his dick and started sucking on it again. We did this for a few minutes until he broke the silence. "Do you want this dick?" he whispered. I took his dick out of my mouth and said "Yes, sir" then went back to sucking it. "Stand up. You can take it. This is what you wanted." It really is. So I gave his prick one final suck, took a deep breath then stood up and bent over the bench again. He reached down for another condom and put it on. Then I realized I have conditioner in my toiletry bag. I pulled it out and squirt some in my hand and rubbed it around and in my hole. I felt the tip of his dick press against my hole. He put his right hand on my hip and put his left arm around my chest, probably to keep me from pulling away. I felt him slowly enter and gradually got most of it in. The conditioner definitely helped but there was still that plastic feeling friction but I endured through it. He nibbled my left earlobe as he works the last inches inside and then whispered "Does it hurt?" I nodded with a pained moan. He was all the way in now but barely moving. He pulled a couple of inches out then shoved it back in. I let out a hiss of pain and my body instinctively tried to pull away. But with how he was holding me there was no escaping. He licked the back of my neck then whispered "Are you clean?" as he gave another thrust. Breathing heavily I replied "Yes... I'm on prep. My doctor tested me for everything a couple of months ago before I can be on it..." "I see..." He said as he pulled out half way then gave me a hard thrust. I can feel my eyes start to water, and then I suddenly felt empty. He had pulled out. And I heard a snapping sound then saw him throw the condom next to me on the bench. I felt him spat on my hole and then heard him spat again, assuming to lube up his dick. I felt the warm head as he placed it against my hole and started rubbing it. It felt so fucking good. He then stuck the head in. No friction this time.., I just felt my hole widening to accept him. He shoved it all the way in and as it hit my prostate I let out a moan. He covered my mouth with his left hand as he slowly starts a rhythm. "Is this what you wanted?" he whispered in my ear. "Mmhmm" I mumbled through his hand on my mouth. He started to pick up the pace. "Are you sure you're clean?" he asked again as he moved his left hand to my hips and now using both hands to pull me into him with every thrust. "Yes" I replied. I was in a fog of pleasure. Every time he hit my prostate my legs wanted to buckle. "You wanna do a threesome? Get fucked by two guys?" he whispered. My eyes widened and pulled me out of my stupor for a moment. "Now?!" I whispered in shock. He gave a deep scoff and said "No... maybe next time we meet here again and I'm with my buddy." Before I can even answer he started to go even faster and I was lost to pleasure again. I could hear him starting to breathe faster and heavier. "You just wanted this dick raw didn't you?" he whispered. I couldn't really answer. I know in my head I wanted it raw. But everything that happened after I entered the locker room was totally unexpected. "You wanted to feel me raw didn't you?" he asked again when I didn't reply. "...yes, sir" I replied quietly, almost ashamed. He kept pounding me and asked for the third time "You're sure you're clean right?" "Yes." He nibbled on my neck and whispered "I'm gonna nut in you." My head went into overdrive of pleasure and panic. I wanted to push him off, or rather I knew I probably should've pushed him off., but I was in total ecstasy and just let him pound me even harder. He moved his hands from my hips and wrapped his arms around my chest. "Tell me you want it" he whispered short of breath. I was quiet for several seconds as he fucked me fast and hard and finally said "Please, come inside me" I heard him say "Yeah, beg for my nut." Then I felt him tense and felt his dick inside me uncontrollably throbbing. His dick felt so hot in my ass. It was the best feeling I have ever felt. I could hear his stifled grunts and I loved it. He gave me a few more deliberate thrusts, emptying everything in his balls inside me. He slowly pulled out flinching here and there cause of how sensitive his cock currently is. When he was all the way out I felt a drop of cum rolling from my hole down to my taint and balls. He was breathing heavily as he bent down and pulled a shirt out of his bag and carefully wiped his dick, grunting. I slowly turned and sat on the edge of the bench on my tailbone. I didn't want to plop my cum smeared hole on the bench. He threw the make shift rag back into his bag and pulled up his sweatpants. He looked down at me and smiled as he picked up his bag and said "I'm usually here weekends." Then opened the door, peeked down the hall for a second, and walked out closing the door behind him. I was stunned. I didn't cum but I felt fully satisfied. It's never happened before... I put the conditioner back in my toiletry bag and re-wrapped my towel around my waist. I walked out of the dressing room and into one of the shower stalls. I turned on the water and stood in the corner away from the stream. I then gave my hole a small push and his cum started to leak out and roll down my legs in earnest. It was a lot. And as I watched, I got hard again and jerked myself to completion. It seems my first gym trip was a total success. I'm definitely gonna be going every weekend now, and I'll be sure to clean my ass before leaving the house.
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  34. Sorry for the delay in getting back to this. Been traveling for work and just haven't had the time. In any event, I got the next installment ready. Chapter 5 BEN: I loved seeing my Hole laid up in the sling. A watching Horse’s rip into it was a thing of beauty. Our Hole wasn’t completely in Heaven right now – it was feeling horny and wanting but it was still a little too resistant, even after Bull and Needles took it’s throat and Horse tore up that Hole. Axel had him plugged at the moment, and we all stood around, watching this beautiful body laid out before us. Needles was passing around the pipe, cock still out, and I could see throat slobber hanging off his huge PA. And this gave me an idea. “Axel, how much struggle was there on that plug you put in?” “Not much at all. Horse broke it in right.” I smirked, “find something about 3 sizes larger than what you put him it. And grab some of that powdered T”. Before he could speak up, I looked to Needles “I heard you…and I’m making this call. If you don’t like it, you can leave.” Needles nodded and kept his mouth shut. “Get a popper rag ready…our Hole will need it here in a few min”. I saw Horse make the move; I got a big swell of feeling knowing that he was enjoying this far more than he expected. I rolled a little stool over between these split legs, and tugged on the plug. Ev moaned as I jiggled it and spun it inside his hole. I pulled it in and out, toying with the ring, making sure it wasn’t going to giving resistances to the widest part. I pulled it out and rolled the tip around in a good amount of crushed T and then shoved it back in. I was toying with it; I wanted to let that fresh T get my Hole is a place of utter and complete need. I was fucking in and out of our Hole with this plug and looked over to see what Axel has brought me. “Ben, does this one work for what you had in mind?” Axel knew exactly it was, and I almost felt a twinge of guilt, but I was too far gone. Axel lubed it up and glanced at the crushed T. I nodded. I knew I was playing risky here, but frankly wasn’t in a mood to care about it right now. Lubed and T’d, I grabbed the flare with my right hand and toyed with the one in our Hole for a few, then yanked it out and immediately pushed the larger one in. It got about 2-3 inches in before I felt resistance and I heard a noise from Ev that told me they were on the same page yet. “Horse…poppers. Do it like a chloroform rag. Count to 5, remove it….count to 5….repeat. 3 times please.” Horse grabbed a handful of hair and pulled Ev’s face up and covered his mouth and nose with the rag and his huge hand. The look on Horse’s face was pure feral. I held the plug where it was and waited for Horse to remove the rag, and then I pulled back some and started to push in again. Our Hole was fighting it, still tight and resisting, and then watched Horse repeat it for the second time. While he was counting to 5, I got another inch or so in….we had about another inch before the widest part….a fat 5 inches across. Horse went in for the 3rd and final time and I knew this was it. I wasn’t taking “no” from this Hole. As soon as the poppers were removed, I pulled it back and shoved forward again. There was still resistance, but I wasn’t stopped until I got what I wanted: this giant plug in our Hole. Ev was whining and definitely was not enjoying this piece, which I was A-OK with. I heard a “I can’t stand that whining” from Needles as he stepped over and buried his cock down Ev’s throat. “At least this will keep it quiet until you’re finished”. With one final push I felt the Hole give up against my pressure and it stretched beautifully around the plug before sucking it in. Ev was shaking and struggling in the sling, between their ass hurting from the stretch and their throat full of Needles. I grabbed the plug and tugged on it some. Pulling hard enough to where it was almost slipping back out past the thickest part, before letting it slip back inside. I picked up a bit more lube and pulled the plug back, until the thickest part popped back outside. I didn’t pull it all the way out, no, just enough and I drizzled more lube on the thickest part and pushed again. Pushed it back inside against the resistance, but didn’t let it settle in….as soon as the thickest part breached, I pulled it back out. Over and over. I wanted to teach this Hole that it didn’t resist what I put inside it. After about 5 or 6 times, I let it settle in, Ev’s ass gripping the smaller part of the plug and keeping it firmly seated and stuffed. They were still whimpering around Needles’ cock, but I didn’t care. I was rock hard. I got off the stool and walked around to Ev’s head. Needles pulled out and I leaned over looking into Ev’s eyes. Their pupils were saucers; I could barely tell their color. I knelt down and cradled their head, whispering in their ears, “I know beautiful, I know you don’t know which was it up or down; I know your hurting and scared and higher than a fucking kite. And you’re so beautiful for me. So fucking beautiful, and I can’t wait to take you to new places.” “Axel, take the stool. I want to play my favorite game.” “Ben, are you sure that’s where you want to go? This is supposed to be a claim.” “Fuck yes, Axel. Do you not trust me to know where that fine line is?” “Sure, man….sure. This is your find, anyways.” Axel took a seat and reached up to jiggle the plug in Ev’s ass. I undid my pants and finally let my hard 9” out. I lined up and pushed against Ev’s lips, feeling them part as I slid inside their mouth. I wasn’t going to deep, just deep enough to get them used to my cock. I could see Axel playing with the plug. I started fucking Ev’s throat deeper and deeper, forcing past his gag reflex and resting my balls on his nose. I could see my cockhead stretching his throat as it pushed deep and dammit if that wasn’t the hottest thing. Once I could get a rhythm of fucking in and out and going deep, I pushed all the way in and held it. I grabbed Ev’s shoulders and steadied them. I held it in. Ev struggled. And then….Ev went limp and I immediately pulled out. I could see Axel moving. I couldn’t see what he was doing, but I knew what it was: pulling the plug out of Ev’s relaxed hole and pushing it right back in. I slapped Ev to bring him back to me and leaned over “So beautiful for me, Ev….you’re so beautiful, and this will help you be compliant.” I looked into glazed over eyes, and saw that flicker I saw in the bar…one of need. I grinned. I shoved my cock back in their throat and went back to fucking in and out, long steady strokes. Another few min, I went in and held. Ev struggled some before they went limp again. I watched Axel as he repeated his job down between their legs. I got Ev back with me, and whispered, “just once more, baby, and then we’ll let you rest for a few….can you do that for me? Just give me one more?” I pushed in again. This time, I wasn’t going to just lazily fuck it. I went with more force. Holding it down longer and making Ev wonder if this time was when I’d pull back or not. Over and over, teasing them; fucking with their mind, before I slipped balls deep and braced myself. This time there was very little struggle before they went limp, and I saw Axel do his thing one more time. I got Ev’s awake again and gave them a deep, passionate kiss. “Such a good Hole for me. So compliant and brave.” “Ok guys, let’s get them out of the sling and on the mattress. I think our Hole needs to rest for a few before we keep going. Bull, get some water for them and for us.” Horse and Axel maneuvered Ev to the mattress and got them laid out and looking as comfortable as can be with that huge plug in their ass. I sat next to them and helped them drink some water, since I knew they needed it. “Ok, pretty baby…lay right here and rest for a few. We aren’t going anywhere and you’re perfectly safe right here.” The guys were all sitting around on the sofa and chatting, and I joined them with a big grin. “You men having fun, yet?”. A round of chuckles went around the room. I screwed the top off the water and kicked back where I could keep an eye on Ev on the mattress. They were squirming some, rocking their hips, and wincing when I knew they’d squeezed down on the plug. The T was doing it’s thing and make their hole so fucking hungry. I was doing my thing and breaking down their mental barriers. Slowly the conversations turned back to where the rest of the night/day was going, and the different things they’d like to see or maybe try. I didn’t really veto anything, but also didn’t want to have any set plans. Things would go exactly as they should, regardless of what we planned.
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  35. It is just natural for me. I don’t know anything different. It’s how I have sex. Feeling a man release in me is perfection.
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  36. Chapter 7: Our First Field Trip. Our first trip was to a local park which was known as a cruising spot. He indicated that he had secured a picnic Pavillion and it would be a pot luck. He provided a list of food to bring, and if we failed to sign up in time, we would not be able to attend. Everyone In the class signed up! Our picnic Pavillion was right across from the building which the restrooms known for cruising were best known for. He asked us all to make careful observations while he started cooking the hot dogs and burgers. Before the meal, he asked us to share our observations. I started by saying that i was suprised by the numbers of guys that showed up in suits around lunch. He explained that this particular park was well known for its "businessman quick lunches", to which the class all laughed. Someone else indicated that most going there were males, and they noticed how many were confident yet others seeming quite nervous. The professor said that's normal, and at times those nervous ones would become the confident ones. He indicated that after lunch, we could explore on our own, however reminded us there was to he no sex of any kind! After that, he said he had something fun for us to do! When everyone returned he handed us all a trail map, and a bag which contained some plastic gloves. He explained that many use the trails for sex, and are disrespectful of them. He said we would be doing a scavenger hunt looking for things like used condoms, wrappers, underwear or even a bra which one person found before. Before collecting them, we were to put our gloves on. He also indicated to look very carefully as he has planted a card worth extra credit on it! He said to keep it to ourselves and only show him in private at the end of class. He once again stated that there was to be no sex on the trail, including with ourselves!
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  37. That sticky sweet mixture of lube, sweat, and pre-cum is tantalizing as a man slides in raw. After a top has loosened me up and is transitioning to fuck me, that feeling of his body pressed against mine, pinning me down, and the sweat of our bodies is such a turn on. It becomes less about me, and more about feeling that hard cock using me for it's pleasure. The visual and mental connection knowing we're intimately intertwined, even if anonymous and quick. The joy of being of service to a man and feeling him bust deep inside me, is unmatched. No drug feels as satisfying. His seed now deep inside me, I am grateful that he's shared with me his life's journey thus-far and the data from his ancestors for my body to absorb.
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  38. I was so high and horny about a month ago on way back from flip fucking with a buddy that I ventured to an area know to be cruisy near me. It was under a bridge. I ventured under with fear and excitement and stood there wacking off. I suddenly heard this voice asking if I wanted a smoke. So I walked over with some fear to where a guy was sitting outside his tent. He was very attractive. Not what I expected. French Canadian and friendly to boot. Before you knew it I was asking him if he was gay. He said he was a bi top. I told him I am gay and vers and that I was very horny. He smoked some more and then the lighter stopped working so I bent over to grab mine out of my knapsack which I .had placed on the ground beside me. Suddenly I felt his hand grab my ass. Before you knew it he had pulled my track pants down and turn me so that my already lubed hole facd him. He then proceeded to gently shove his rather large cock in my hole while I took some poppers. I was so turned on and horned up that I let him pound harder and harder in my hole. Then suddenly he let out a very loud series of grunts while I could feel his cock pulsing and shooting a very large load in my hole. He said that he hadnt come in a while and really needed that. I almost came that minute but wasnt able to. I told him as much, so he said that hopefully there will be another chance and that he would wait till I cam too. i havent been back since but one night I will check it out again. Perhaps bringa buddy who is as much of a pig,
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  39. YES! I love fucking meth addicts so much I became one. Proud tweaker and love to find my way into a homeless tent, trailer and get naked and nasTy as fuck. True freedom is a slutty chempig around your cock.
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  40. Not to mention freezing it, kills everything. Best to go the old fashioned route, lots of strangers, never a condom and no questioned asked. It’s more satisfying that way too
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  41. Part 23 I was sitting on the edge of the queen-size bed in one of the two bedrooms in Kevin's apartment. Ryan and Drew were with me and were making sure I was drinking plenty of water and gatorade. We had come here after Drew asked if I was going to be in trouble with my wife after being gone all afternoon. I told him she was out of town for a few days with my daughter and it was just me and my son Jeremy at home while they were gone. I added that I hardly saw Jeremy much since he was always off doing things with friends. “You got that right,” Ryan had laughed and I asked what he meant. And what Drew had meant about helping me to get to have sex with Jeremy. Then he had told me. A little more than a month ago he had met a young guy at the same park where he had met me. He couldn't say for sure since he didn't know what my son looked like but he thought it might be my son because the guy's name was Jeremy. After talking briefly with him Drew found out that his Jeremy was wanting to have sex with other guys and explore around some. Drew had taken him over to Ryan's place and they had introduced the guy to smoking tina and man-sex. “He got into it all right away. Even quicker than you did, Daddy Justin,” Drew had chuckled. He and Ryan had shown the guy quite a lot that first time and Drew had popped his cherry. Then he asked if I had a picture of my son. I told him there was one in my wallet in my shorts and Ryan found them and brought them to me. With trembling hands I had opened my wallet and showed them a picture of my son. “Hot damn!” Ryan blurted out, followed by Drew telling me the Jeremy he had met in the park was my son. I had set there in a daze on the edge of the picnic table listening to what they were telling me, my drug-hazed mind trying to take it all in. I didn't know what to say or think but Drew noticed that my cock was totally hard again and commented on it. “Looks like you're turned on Daddy Justin knowing I got your son high and took his cherry. Just like I took yours.” I groaned and wrapped my hand around my rock-hard boner. Finally finding my voice I shakily asked Drew what made him think that Jeremy would want to have sex with me, his own father. Maybe he was just into younger guys like Drew and Ryan. That's when Kevin had joined in the conversation. “There's a good reason we think that buddy,” he'd said sitting next to me on the picnic table. “The following weekend Drew brought Jeremy over to my place to party and play with me and a couple of my friends, about my same age. To make a long story short he got into the dad/son incest roleplay real fast and was calling each of us Daddy and loved when we called him son. At one point one of my buddies asked him about his own dad, if he was hot.” Kevin's gaze bore into my eyes as he paused then continued, saying, “and Jeremy told us his dad was hot as hell and he'd jacked off before, thinking about having sex with him. With YOU, Justin.” “Oh shit!” I'd moaned, and had to take my hand off my cock to keep myself from cumming. “So you see, Daddy Justin, it's something we can help make happen for you. If you want,” Drew softly said as he placed his lips on mine and slid his tongue inside my mouth. Even as I had started kissing Drew back my mind was going a mile a minute and the forbidden desire grew into a dark irresistable hunger. Everything I had believed all my life about right and wrong, about what was and was not acceptable disappeared entirely, replaced by a hellish pulsing carnal eagerness to enjoy what these studs were offering me. They had broken me and I wanted to experience the decadence they had so easily led me to. “Yes,” I'd croaked, looking at Drew. “I want.” So now, here we were, at Kevin's place, waiting for my son Jeremy to show up. Kevin had called him before we ever left the park and asked if he wanted to come over tonight and have some fun with him and Drew and Ryan, and, he'd added, another friend of his who was around Kevin's age. Jeremy hadn't hesitated to excitedly tell Kevin that yes, he wanted to. I was nervous as hell while we waited but also turned on in a way I couldn't believe or describe. Drew and Ryan and I were in the bedroom with the door closed as we sat watching the live stream on the computer screen on the table in front of us. Kevin had hidden cameras and microphones throughout his apartment and we were going to watch him and Jeremy before eventually joining them. Kevin was getting things ready in the living room as we watched him set a couple of crystal-filled pipes and lighters on the coffee table along with a bottle of poppers, then put a hot bareback dvd in his player and checked with us to make sure we could hear and see him okay. Drew told him we could and a moment later there was a knock on the door of the apartment, making me jump. Drew laughed easily and handed me a glass pipe and lighter and told me to take a couple hits and to get ready to watch the show. I took a deep draw on the pipe once the smoke started swirling, my eyes and ears locked onto the computer screen in front of us. Kevin looked into the camera and winked at us before he opened the door. I moaned deep and felt my pulse quicken as I saw Jeremy standing there and then grin when he saw Kevin, who was wearing nothing but a snug-fitting jockstrap. “Fucking hot!” I heard Jeremy say as he eyed the sexy stud in front of him. Kevin chuckled. “Glad you think so, son,” and invited Jeremy inside. As soon as the door was closed the two immediately began making out, their moans loud even though muffled with their lips locked together. I blew out my third cloud and handed the pipe to Ryan as I felt my nervousness fade away watching Kevin and my teen-aged son. From next to me Drew kissed my neck and asked if I was okay. “Hell yeah!” I answered back, not taking my eyes from the screen. After making out for a few minutes Kevin broke the kiss and said, “Get out of those clothes son. Let your daddy see your hot naked body.” I knew Kevin meant me, but Jeremy thought it was his roleplay daddy. Jeremy quickly undressed and I gasped. His body was magnificent! Muscled, hard, a slight dusting of hair on his upper body. And his cock! Oh fuck, his cock! It was rigid and standing straight out from his tight abs and had to be at least as big as mine, if not bigger. Ryan pulled on one of my nips and said, “Your son is damn hot-looking isn't he, Justin? And look at that cock man!” That's exactly what I was looking at. We heard Jeremy ask Kevin, “Do you like seeing me naked Daddy Kevin?” in a voice deeper than I'd ever heard Jeremy use before. “Fuck yeah I do son!” Kevin answered. “Cmon,” Kevin continued, leading Jeremy to the couch. “Let's get you high and fucked up before we have some fun.” As they sat down on the couch and Kevin reached for the full pipe and one of the lighters Jeremy asked where Drew and Ryan and Kevin's friend were. “They'll be here soon,” Kevin told him. “Now here, suck on this glass cock and let's get this party started.” Jeremy eagerly and expertly placed the pipe's stem between his lips as Kevin lit the flame beneath the bowl. Jeremy started drawing in the thick smoke and we all heard Kevin say, “Get fucked up good son. This is going to be a night like you've never had!” And I watched my young handsome son inhale the fuck smoke that I was already hooked on. I couldn't wait to see how nasty it made him, just like it makes me. (to be continued)
    1 point
  42. Years ago I went to a bottom bear dad’s place and ate his hole for a long time before mounting him and shooting my seed deep in his hungry hole. On the bus ride home I realized I could smell his hole on my beard and 'stache and as my cock started to grow again I wondered if anyone around me could smell it too. We lost touch for a long time and then resumed chatting during the Covid lockdowns where he told me he was now poz. We chatted online for a few months with the talk getting dirtier and dirtier. Finally a few days ago we both had some free time and I went to his place and we were just as verbal and piggy in person. He loved my PA (I didn’t have it in the first time) and as I leaked precum he was able to slowly get part of his pinky finger in my penis which just made more precum ooze out. Finally he he rolled over on his side and I was able to slide in my dripping raw hard cock into his warm and welcoming hole as I held him tight and gently nibbled his earlobe. Finally couldn’t last any longer and blew my seed deep inside him. I hope he kept it inside him all day.
    1 point
  43. The woods is a great place for men to unwind and let natural instincts take over.
    1 point
  44. You just need to find the right campground. Lots of fucking going on after dark, when men are drunk n horny.
    1 point
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