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  1. **** Part 2 **** The sleet and snow was pattering against the bedroom window now. The outside world was cold, hard and uninviting. Inside was warm, cosy and the bed comfortable. Peter lay on his side propping his head on his arm still spent from breeding me and watching us. I was now face down, Paul behind me prising my arse cheeks apart greedily felching his lovers seed from my hole. It felt so good, so intimate. I was able to move over slightly, without disturbing him, and took Peters now semi hard cock in my mouth. It tasted of his poz sperm, my arse and slightly of the lube he'd used on me. At the root of his cock and on his scrotum there were traces of my blood. As eagerly as Paul was cleaning my hole I was cleaning Peters cock. I was in heaven. Paul began rubbing his hands along the crack of my arse and then inserted a couple of fingers inside me. With his fingers covered in the mix of fluids he offered them to Peter who took his hand and greedily sucked his fingers clean. Paul began to move up onto my back and Peter gave us both a cheeky lustful grin. He knew his lover well and I suspected the whole scenario we were playing out this afternoon had be planned and acted on before. I could now feel Paul's cock head on the entrance of my hole. Then he slowly pushed himself inside me. He was slightly bigger than Peter and even that slight difference was noticeable in my tortured hole. My sphincter felt as if stretched to its limit and his length seemed to reach a part of me deeper than any man had reached before. Peter moved around so his head was now at the same end of the bed as ours. He said "The initial purpose of your visit has been achieved. You have our babies inside you. They'll grow and occupy you body forever. Now it's time to celebrate the conception and and fuck for pleasure" He leaned forward and we began to kiss passionately as Paul began to fuck me. He moved himself in and out of me, slowly at first before picking up speed. I felt totally under the spell of these two men. Completely and willingly dominated by them. Paul fucked me for around ten minutes. The sensations I was getting from his cock inside me were glorious. Peters sperm was the perfect lube. Then he couldn't hold off any longer. I felt his body tense and he pushed his cock as hard and deep as he could before he cried out and injected a huge wad of his poz sperm into me, mixing his own seed with Peters ejaculate. He seemed to orgasm for a few minutes before collapsing beside me the bed. Peter leaned over and cleaned his lovers cock. I joined Peter and licked the mix of juices from Pauls balls. Then Peter and I kissed sharing the succulent combination and mixing it in each others mouths with ours tongues. Peter caressed my cock and then began to stroke it gently. "We want to milk you of your negative seed, so your balls can start making seed with our DNA" This got me as hard as I have ever been. Paul shuffled over on the bed and took my cock in his mouth. "Just let it go, your last neg load" It didn't take long. Both men took turns in sucking my cock before I couldn't hold off any longer. Peter was recipient of the first of the sperm I ejaculated then Paul got the rest. There was quite alot so, more than enough for both of them. By now it was early evening. The light outside had gone and weather deteriorated further. The mixture of sleet and snow anywhehad turned purely to snow and was accumulating on the road and pavement. Thankfully I wasn't going anywhere. I was very happy to stay right here.
    11 points
  2. The weather that afternoon was miserable. Sleet, snow and an ice cold wind blowing down the narrow streets as I made my way from Earls Court tube station to the address I'd been given. Although well wrapped against the cold I was shivering from the cold, or the anticipation I couldn't decide. Probably a little of both. I was a nervous as I could possibly be. I still could change my mind and go home but I'd come this far, not in distance, but in my determination and desire. As I got closer to the address both seemed to be disappearing and the shivering and nervousness increasing dramatically. I turned into King Street and now shacking visibly. If anyone had seen me they would have thought I was going through serious drug withdrawal. I was outside number 72 now, my intended destination. It was a large Edwardian terraced house with half a dozen steps leading up to an imposing front door with peeling green paint and a large brass door knocker. I was here to meet, we'll call them Peter and Paul as to give their real names would be inappropriate. A middle aged married couple who were HIV positive, not on meds and detectable. I had been corresponding over a few weeks after contacting them on NKP. They said they wanted to pass on their genes while they could to men who would be sure to then intern pass it onto to other willing participants. I had been contemplating being converted for a very long time. At first just as fantasy, a fetish, then as time went by a real desire which became stronger and stronger. I started having risky bareback with random guys occasionally then regularly. It had still been a fantasy and afterward felt guilty and regretted I taken the risk. However the more I took the chance the more the desire grew. I was convinced that each time I was tested at the clinic I would be positive. The relief I wasn't was real and yet still the desire was there. The last two times I attended the clinic I was actually disappointed I was still negative. It was after the last test that I decided I wanted to chase properly. Now, outside the address, it wasn't a fantasy anymore. If I used the old brass door knocker and went inside the tatty green door there was no turning back. I used the knocker. The man who answered the door was about my height and incredibly thin. His blue/grey eyes were slightly cloudy, his grey hair was thinning and as he shook my hands I could feel the bones in his fingers. He wore a dark silk dressing gown and I noticed that the front was beginning to tent where his cock would be. "So you really came. Not many do you know. I'm Peter, Paul is upstairs come on up" He was incredibly well spoken with a sleazy twang to his voice. The house inside did not bear any resemblance to how it appeared outside. The interior was very tastefully decorated, although a little dated, with plush carpets, light expensive looking, wooden furniture and as we entered the lounge, a huge black leather sofa and two chairs. Paul was reclining on the sofa and was completely naked. He had a larger built than Peter but was of a similar age. I later leaned Peter was 68 and Paul 66. He was completely shaved and hairless and his cock which was semi hard was about 8". "So, you really came" said Paul, with a similar sleazy upper class accent. "Not many do" At which point Peter laughed and said he'd uttered exactly the same words at the door. Paul said "So, you know there's no going back after this" a his cock jumped a little all the time stiffening. I was still shacking a little with apprehension but the heat of the room was comforting. "I know what I want, I'm desperate to be converted, I've never wanted anything so badly" Peter had moved to the arm of the sofa and sat on it. As he did so, his dressing gown fell to one side and his now fully erect cock was visible. For such a slight man his phallus looked out if proportion with his body. He was at least 9" and thick. "You'd better take your clothes off then" said Paul. "Yes, let's see what we're dealing with" said Peter. I could feel my face reddening but I wanted their cocks badly. My own was stiffening in my tight jeans, so much so it was getting painful. I knew I was a little chubby and purposely removed my jeans first as so as not to have to bend over with my coat and top off as my belly would look worse. They made no comment as I removed my sweater and stood in my briefs. Then Paul said "Come on don't be shy we're going to see alot more of you soon" I dropped my briefs. I was fully hard now as I stood in the middle of the room. Peter stood and walked towards me. "I'll ask you once more and I won't ask again. You want us to poz you, your sure" I felt hot and was sweating and very turned on. I knew it was my destiny and looking at these two waisted men, I knew I wanted them more than anything I have ever wanted. "Yes, I'm positive" Peter laughed "Well hopefully you will be after today" Paul gave a giggle as well. I could see the humour and it made me feel a little more at ease. Peter stroked my cock very lightly underneath and it jerked from the attention. Then moved his hand and slid his finger between my buttocks, leant forward and kissed me on the lips pushing his tongue into mouth. I actually felt a little weak at the knees and completely submissive. Paul came over and took my right hand in his and began leading me out of the lounge and into a bedroom with a super king-size bed in the centre of the room. Both men were fully erect now and clearly ready to breed me. Peter pushed me onto the bed face down. He knelt behind me pulled my legs and my buttocks apart a immediately stuck his tongue in my hole. Paul knelt in front of me and presented his cock to my mouth. It really was beautiful. I eagerly took it into my mouth tasting the salty pre cum. Because I knew it was poz it tasted wonderful. Peter roughly pushed a couple of fingers deep into my hole without any warning. His nails tearing at the soft tissue inside me. I let out a small gasp at the inevitable pain. "No pain, mo gain" said Peter as he repeated the procedure then reached into a bedside cabinet and produced a bottle brush. Paul removed his cock from my mouth and Peter roughly inserted the round brush into me. He quickly pushed it in and out causing a burning pain inside me and bringing tears to my eyes. He did this about a dozen times then removed it. He then held it so Paul and I could see it. The bristles were mostly pink with a few dots of bright red blood on them. "That should be sufficient " said Paul. Peter then grabbed my legs and pulled me downward to the edge of the bed so my knees were on the floor and my body prone on the bed. I was so turned on now. God this is it, this really happening, I'm going to impregnated, bred, pozzed, given the gift. I was surprised to feel a squirt of lube on my hole. I thought they would fuck me dry. It felt cold and wonderful as Peter pushed it inside me with two fingers then three, adding a little more lube as he did so. Then he mounted me. I felt the head of his poz cock push past and stretch my sphincter. He pushed in right up to the hilt as deep as he could, then began fucking me in earnest. Hard and fast. In my minds eye I could see his cock inside me, thrusting into soft, bloody tissue. Paul was encouraging him "That's it give it to him make him ours. Give his our babies" I could sense the excitement in his voice as he watched his partner ruining me. Peter stopped and both of them turned me over so I was now now on my back. Paul pulled me further up the bed by my arms and Peter got between my legs, lifted them onto his shoulders and mounted me again. Sweat was glistening on his AIDS emaciated body as fucked me. He was beautiful. He fucked me like this for at least another ten minutes before it was obvious he was about to ejaculate his sperm, his poz sperm inside me. His face screwed up and he gave one more hard thrust as his sperm impregnated me. In my minds eye I could see individual sperm swimming inside me and finding the small cuts and abrasions. Their tiny tails forcing themselves into my bloodstream, the virus inside them eventually inhabiting every cell in my being. Peter lay on me completely spent. His mouth found mine and we kissed passionately. Paul joined us and the three of us kissed. I felt satisfied, free, complete. *****To be continued**** *****
    7 points
  3. I met Jack a couple of years ago when many of the lockdown restrictions were still in place and we started chatting on one of the Apps. He was a very fit looking 19 year old ginger lad and he told me was a student coming towards the end of his first year at university. Because of the pandemic, he had to stay at home with his parents and study online instead of going away to university. He told me how much he had been looking forward to getting away from home and going to university and how disappointed he was at having to spend another year at home. He told me he wasn't very experienced and also told me he was into older guys and then our chat became a bit more personal and then a bit more explicit. We had swapped a few pictures and he told me how much he loved my hairy chest and how much he wanted to feel it against his body. He also told me that he really liked the pictures of my cock and how much he wanted to feel it up his arse. He had sent me a few pictures of his arse and one of him pulling his cheeks apart to expose his ginger hole and I told him how much I would love to fuck him. Later on that night he messaged me and told me he was having a wank and fingering his arse as he imagined my big daddy cock fucking him. We chatted a number of times over the next few weeks and our chats became more and more explicit and then, when some of the restrictions were lifted, he asked if we could meet up. He said it was difficult for him to get away from home, but Saturday mornings were good for him and we arranged to meet up the following week. When he arrived he was even better looking than his pictures suggested. He had a really nice smile and a compact, chunky body with a fantastic arse and I couldn't wait to see him out of his clothes. Almost as soon as he was in the door he pulled me towards him and kissed me and before long we were in the bedroom both stripping off our clothes . His body was really smooth, with just a few hairs on his chest, neatly trimmed ginger pubes and a thick cock and I wasted no time in going down on him. He groaned as I took his cock into my mouth and began to suck him. I sucked him for a while and then he stopped me and said he was getting too close. "My turn!" he said with a grin and bent forward to take my cock into his mouth. He started sucking me and soon I was enjoying one of the best blow jobs I had ever had. He may have been inexperienced, but he certainly knew what he was doing as he sucked my cock in a way that very few other guys had - I can't tell you how good it felt and I could tell he was really into sucking me. He sucked me for a while and then I pulled my cock out of his mouth and went back down on him. I sucked him for a while and then I motioned to him to turn round. He knelt up on the bed, arse in the air, and I pulled his cheeks apart. He had just a few ginger hairs round his hole and I pushed my tongue into his arse and began to lick him. He looked over his shoulder "Is it alright?" he asked anxiously. I told him it was absolutely fine and he relaxed as I pushed my tongue right into his hole. I licked him for a while and then he asked to suck me again and I pushed my cock back into his mouth. I was really close now and told him so. He kept sucking me and a few minutes later I shot my load into his mouth. He swallowed it all and then grinned at me. I could tell he was ready to cum now and I took his cock in my mouth and began to suck him again. His breathing was getting heavier and he told me he was going to cum. "Can I cum on your chest?" he asked. I nodded and seconds later he pulled his cock out of my mouth and shot a massive load of cum all down my chest. "Oh fuck!" he moaned as I took his cock back into my mouth and sucked him again. "That was awesome!" We arranged to meet again the following week and he told me that this time he wanted me to fuck him. He had already told me that he wanted to take me bare and I had asked him if he was on Prep. He said he wasn't - he had enquired about it before the pandemic but then lockdown had happened and he hadn't followed it up. We met again the following week and before long we were naked in the bedroom, kissing, licking and sucking each other. This time he pushed his tongue up my arse and licked me enthusiastically and then sat on my face and leant forward to suck my cock as I rimmed him. After a while he asked me to fuck him. I asked if he was sure he wanted to take me bare and he nodded. He knelt up on the bed and pulled his cheeks apart. "Fuck me!" he moaned. I lubed up his hole and then pushed my cock against his arsehole. He moaned as the head of my cock penetrated him and I stopped for a moment to let him get used to it before slowly but surely pushing my cock right up his hole. He groaned and I waited a moment or two and then I began to fuck him very slowly. His hole was incredibly tight and it was all I could do not to shoot my load right up him. I began to fuck him and he moaned again. I asked if he was alright and he grinned at me over his shoulder. "Oh yes, oh fuck yes!" I began to fuck him a bit harder and he moaned "Oh yes, oh fuck yes!" I was getting close now and I told him I was about to cum. "Oh, yes, please," he moaned "Cum in me!" A few minutes later I squirted what felt like one of the biggest loads of my life right up his tight ginger hole. When I pulled out of his arse he rolled over on his back, a blissed out look on his face, and grinned at me. "Suck my cock!" he said. I took his cock in my mouth and a few minutes later I was rewarded with a big mouthful of cum. He messaged me later and told me how much he had enjoyed me fucking him and how he couldn't wait to do it again. He also told me that some of my cum had slid out into his underpants on the train home and it had turned him on so much he had had a wank when he got home and had shot another load. We met regularly after that and fucked in every position imaginable - with him kneeling up on the bed, on his back, bent over with his pants and trousers pulled down below his arse, and with me on my back and him riding my cock until I shot my load up him - one of his favourite positions. After I had fucked him and cum in him, I would suck his cock, and sometimes he would cum in my mouth and sometimes he would pull out and cum on my chest - it was all very horny! At the end of the summer, it was time for him to go back to university in the north of England and this time, much to his delight, he was able to attend in person. Before he left, we met and fucked and it was then he told me rather shyly that I was the first guy he had ever been with. I knew he was inexperienced, but I can honestly say I would never have guessed that he was a virgin. I was really turned on to know that I was the first guy to suck him and swallow his cum, the first guy to lick his arse and the first guy to fuck and breed him! He went off to university and we messaged each other now and then. He didn't come home in the breaks, so I didn't see him until the following summer. I wasn't sure if he would want to meet up but he was really keen. We went out for a meal and then went home and fucked. He stayed the night and in the morning I fucked him again. He was having a really good time and university - not only had he aced his second year, he had been making up for lost time and told me he had taken over thirty different guys up his arse. As far as I know, he's still not on Prep.
    7 points
  4. [think before following links] https://truckersucker.com/uploads/videos/thumb/9864/9261fc340f590cf5ee21b63793e8f6e0.mp4 Austin Wolf is one of the hottest breeders in the porn industry.....had to share this of him breeding a military dude....
    5 points
  5. Installment number Nine of what was probably the best party weekend of my extensive "career" - back in 2006 in Provincetown. My hubby was in New Hampshire at a 4 day business convention and during those 4 days he was happy for me to do my partying in Ptown , with him joining me after his convention for his much more vanilla style non-enhanced sex. Thursday night my buddy Jimmy hosted a hot orgy for me but had to change Friday's plans for a personal emergency, as did Lou the local candy-man, who had an emergency leaving his assistant "Vice" a straight but hot Portuguese local guy to spend the day pnping with me - with Boston frat boy type Kieran (also staying at the guesthouse with his revealed to be former partyboi husband Charlie), Karl and the other Houseboys and the skinhead Manager Zar. Then an old friend – an Episcopal Priest no less – shows up in time for the party. This amazing weekend took an entire notebook to cover (I've kept sex diaries since I was a teenager) and never before or since has ONE weekend taken up an entire book. So along with me - at the time a 43 year old jock muscle leather guy - Caucasian, blond/blue - we pick up the story during the storm-caused power failure, and our str8 boy gets booty-bumped one too many times and pulls me back to my room because he needs to be fucked NOW... We were in the midst of thanking each other profusely – me for offering me his cherry, he for me waiting for him to want it then doing so well – when a key turned in the lock and Lou peeked around the doorframe. “Finally.” He commented. “Thank you, J-man, you are impressive.” “Daddy-J is a master of his art” (which he pronounced ‘ahhhT’) replied Vice to Lou, “now shut up, get in here and fuck me!” SATURDAY, 2AM and BEYOND: IN THE WEE SMALL HOURS OF THE MORNIN’ I laughed hearing the deflowered stud in my bed demanding more cock in his ass. Lou looked really, really pleased and fished in his pouch for a big rock to drop in the waterpipe. Sparking the torch, he melted the rock as Vice and I looked on, then took a big rip off the pipe and smiled. “So,” he began as he blew out his cloud. “You liked it then?” “It’s wickie hot,” was Vice’s reply as Lou took what looked like another massive hit. He then handed me the pipe and torch and pulled Vice in for a shotgun that turned into a major tongue-wrestle between them. As I took a big hit myself, Lou and Vice finally disengaged, their cloud dissipating between them. “Feel any less like a man?” Lou continued his line of questioning. Vice shook his head several times then said: “Nah, it’s just like J-man here said, you can get fucked and still be all man… I totally get that now, J,” he looked to me as he finished. “And damn it feels hot as fuck too. Just like me fucking ass, I gotta try out a few more samples. For instance, I just had some amazing white meat, isn’t it time for some dark meat now?” We all laughed. After passing the pipe and sharing shotguns between the three of us, Vice looked at Lou and said, “You been wanting a piece of this for a while, ain’t cha’ bro? Been jonesing for some fine straight-boy hole?” With a big smirk, Lou replied “you don’t know the half of it homie… Been jonesing for that super ‘fine’ tail for a while – givin’ and takin’ now? Dat’s fly… jus’ wha’ I need for a real wingman, yo.” I was chuckling to myself as both of their speech patterns went totally street urban all of a sudden while they teased each other. I mean, Vice always had the Bahstan-Capecadd drawl to a degree, but he was unconsciously laying it on thicker now while Lou seemed to be able to turn on and off his “Official Only African American Dealer In The Town But Customers Expect It” Urban Patois that he obviously got a kick out of using when it was fun for him or when he wanted a customer or any possible threat to think that’s all he was… and hey, it certainly comes across strong, confident and badass… smart dude that Lou. Seeing the rabid looks they were giving each other, I hopped off the bed and quickly removed almost all of my leather, grabbed a towel and my bath kit and my key and said “Sounds like I should give you guys a few… gonna go piss, shower and wander. How long should I stay gone?” “Only 15 or 20,” Vice replied, “I wanna’ try out that ‘Lucky Philippe’ thing you talk about.” “Lucky Pierre” I corrected, and you’ll love it, see you in a few…” I saw Lou lining his chocolate cock up with Vice’s hole as I closed the door and headed to the shared bathroom. Just as I was heading in, a guy stopped me in the hall. This was an older gent, probably the oldest guest in the place that night – he’d been one of the gladiator movie fans from this afternoon and had to be 75 if he was a day, lean and wiry, his white skin tanned like well worn leather, about 5’6” and a few tatts that looked genuine Navy like the vintage white sailor cap he was sporting over his silver buzz cut, white canvas deck shoes and a military surplus jock completed his attire. “You needing to empty the tap, sir? Why waste it on the porcelain?” Pleased with his nonchalant request, I figured, why not? “Sure thing Sailor, but you better know that this is definitely high-octane and very much not plain unleaded. That okay?” He nodded, “damn sir, that’s a bonus!” “Okay Sea-dawg, front or back?” The armband on his thin right bicep was black so that wasn’t an issue. His face lit up as he answered “Back, back please. Much better bump from your fuel that way… don’t worry, sir all clean.” With the caverject shot still in full force I was hard again almost immediately. He wasn’t really my type, but he’d kept trim and the grin on his face and the twinkle in his eye were enough for me to recognize a fellow player who enjoyed the game as much as I did and probably didn’t get to play as much anymore… and yeah, this would be me someday too, so l gave this Korean War Vet/New Chembuddy as good a quickie as I could, I remember hoping karma would come back to me someday in the future! I started to bring him into the restroom, but he asked quietly “out here?”. Which made me grin, and made my cock a bit harder, as I turned him and made him do a perp stance facing the wall in the hall, arms up and legs spread. He was lubed but freshly so, and I still had plenty on my tool that a bit of spit got us wet enough for me to slide right in… warm velvet I have to admit. We were near the edge of the now slightly dimmer emergency lighting and seemed like a few guys were watching from the shadows, so rather than give him my chempiss right away, I gave him a nice steady firm mid-pace fuck for a couple of minutes – he had nice muscle control I must admit. “Damn” I said out loud to please him as I pumped him while reaching around to tweak his pierced nips, “you may look like a salty dog, but you’re still an able-bodied seaman where it counts sailor.” (My several times playing Lt. Cable in “South Pacific” were serving me well here…) “Oh yeah, Cap’n, you like that Squid Hole?” he groaned back. (How do I always wind up an officer?). I switched to a slow screw that I knew couldn’t last more than a few minutes as I seriously had to piss by this time, and I wanted to end with the piss so we didn’t mess up the hallway – which would happen if I continued a fuck on a piss-filled hole. That was when I felt a fat warm cock slide into MY hole while a soft hairy belly from someone rather large covered my back and two hairy arms slid around me and started seriously tweaking MY nips, and both felt great. A grumbly voice spoke in my ear “You like filling my man’s sweet ass? You’re making him so happy I had to find some way to repay you.” I figured this must be the Bear from the afternoon’s Gladiator group who was sitting at the time with the Vet I was pumping now – seemed to remember thinking he could play Santa Claus at Macy’s without any false hair, false beard or false belly… hell, it worked for the moment. “His ass is like velvet, man, and you feel great back there too, BUT I was just supposed to be emptying my chempiss in your salty dog here except when I slid in I just couldn’t resist a little bit of a fuck before I empty out. And I have to empty out SOON. Seriously, almost bursting here.” “Okay, just let me have a minute or two more, I’ll pound you, you pound him – he can take it – then piss away!” Which is what we did. Maybe another 20-25 hard pounding strokes and I felt Santa shudder and jerk as he dropped a load in me while my battered bladder finally let go and filled his partner with a good amount of high octane chem piss. The naval dude just sighed and said, “Thanks Cap’n, anytime you need a snug harbor…” “Thanks for that, both of you” I said to the pair as I finished pissing and quickly popped out of the now squishy hole, “but now I have to do a quick shower and run…” Santa wiggled his eyebrows at me, asking “Your straight boytoy waiting to fuck you some more?” I couldn’t resist. “No man,” I replied with a smirk. “My pet straight boy begged me to de-virginize his straight hairy ass, and he’s waiting for me to fuck him again – our dusky friend is filling the void for me right now, and I want to get back…” Okay, okay, I was actually bragging… wouldn’t you? The look on their faces was priceless – and Santa’s cock jerked up a couple of times on its own and dribbled out a bit more jizz. I swiped my finger through it, licked it off my finger and gave a quick but proper salute then sauntered into the bathroom. In unison behind me I heard two male voices whimper “Fuuuuuuck…” Within a few minutes, I had dumped lube and load out of my butt, did a spot clean, showered the outer layer of sweat and lube off, gargled some mouthwash and headed back to “my boys”. Entering the hall from the shower I realized the power had gone back on while I was in there – the red lighting from the beginning of the evening was back, looking around I noticed that there were less doors open and a few more “do not disturb” signs out as some guys, especially those not enhanced, got tuckered out and finished up their play for the night. I took a quick detour back to the stairs to the third floor and went part way up – the door to room 38 was only barely cracked, but it was evident that there was still a good bit of activity going on in there – as I tried to get a better handle on how things were going in there, the door creaked a bit more open and Sebastian popped his head out. “Just checking – we are going to need another fifteen minutes or so,” I whispered, “do you want the three of us to come back up?” Nodding his head with great emphasis, Sebastian replied “Oh very much so yes, things should go on for at least another two hours… oui, yes, come… come soon!” Promising we would, I headed back downstairs and slipped into the room. “Ready for me?” I asked as I came in. One of the room lights was now on, and I saw that Vice was fumbling around – gently -by my laptop while Lou was pulling drinks out of my cooler with one hand and holding his monster water pipe with the other. “Sweet, hand me one of those gatorades, man,” Lou tossed me a lemon-lime, my favorite and I feel like I emptied half of it down my gullet in 30 seconds or less, “thanks, I needed that. You boys enjoying your new activity!” “Mmm-hmm-hmm” was all I could get out of a smirking, grinning Lou, while Vice replied, “Indeed we are, but I’m glad you are back, I need to examine these two styles side by side. Mind blown, J, mind blown!” He chuckled to himself a bit then looked down at what he was doing. “Oh, but first, when the power went back on, your machine booted itself back up but it seems to be freaking out a bit. I tried to calm it down, but you’d better… and maybe put on some more hot stuff now that it’s not on battery anymore?” He couldn’t have looked more like a little boy in that moment if he tried. The problem was easy – the dvd drive kept trying to engage, but no one was pressing “play”. I put in Hot Desert Knights with a leather theme and took the offered bong and shared a few rips with the boys. I let them know the gang upstairs would be happy to have us return if they both wanted to AFTER we schooled Vice on “Lucky Pierre”. Since he’d spent the last little while being dicked by his bud’s weapon, it was time for him to fuck Lou while I sandwiched Vice from behind. Lou lay on the bed and raised his legs to the sky while Vice and I spent a minute or five tonguing that hole and Frenching each other with a few more clouds, then Vice got to his knees and grabbed Lou by the ankles and pushed in. “Ooh, hold a minute” asked Lou. “Seriously? You been fucked all night man,” I kidded, “not enough lube?” “No, dammit,” he replied, “freakin’ CHARLIE HORSE”, which made all of us, even him laugh out loud. I took those few minutes while he and Vice kneaded Lou’s calf muscle (with Vice still fully inserted) to rim Vice’s magnificent no-longer-virgin ass, getting it a bit more ready. “Done!” Lou said, “now get that daddy dick in the boy here…” On my knees I entered Vice from behind while Lou held poppers under his pal’s nose – I slid right in like Brett Gardner stealing Third in Post Season… damn life is good sometimes, right? Both my boys were moaning and talking nasty and seemed to be in heaven, myself likewise. Vice commented finally – “this is the most amazing sensation my body has ever had, no wonder this is your fav, J Daddy!” A minute or two later, he called ‘switch’. I stood at the edge of the bed sitting on a pillow, rolled onto my back with knees to my chest, then pulled myself back to the edge so that my ass was partly off with the pillow wedging it up, then I reached over pulled the other pillow behind my neck got my knees behind my elbows and said, “Ready boys.” Like I did before, Vice and Lou attacked my hole for a bit with tongues and clouds, then with a huff of Max Impact off a sweat sock, Vice once again sank his thick linguica into the guy who took his virgin hole. He was getting REALLY good working a man’s hole, and when his eyes widened a bit and then slowly closed in a blissful expression, I knew that Lou’s chocolate delight was re-finding its new home. “Fuuhuuhgh, so wickie hawt, yeah, yeah – how do you dudes ever STOP doing this?” Lou and I both chortled a bit about that, and I answered, “that’s why I try to do it so often, right?” The expression on Vice’s face was one of sheer bliss. Lou caught my eye over his shoulder and murmured “get ready to do that muscle contraction thing you do with yo ass J-man, we’re going to send him to orbit from both sides…” I nodded and Lou raised his voice to a growl in Vice’s ear “Welcome to Nirvana man – there ain’t not going back to boring ass vanilla sex now!” Vice’s eyes shot open as Lou began a wild rough triple beat pound on this now ravenous hole of Vice’s while I worked my muscle magic on that hot cock of his at the same time… the poor kid looked like he was about to hyperventilate. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, yeah, Yeah, YEAH… FUCKIN HEAVEN BROS!!!” Vice bucked and heaved, then stuck both arms straight out to both sides and bellowed “STOP! … MUST BREATHE!” All movement came to a halt as the Dealer stud and I smiled at each other with the newly initiated stud muffin between us collapsed on my chest, tears streaming down his face as he laughed, giggled, panted and moaned “so good, so wickie good, so fuckin good…” and then laughed and cried some more hugging my chest, then kissing me and smiling “Oh daddy, so so so good… but I gotta have five to pull my soul back inta my body man… and then we go upstairs.” “Excellent,” I responded. “That’s my wingman,” said Lou. As his chest slowed down from it’s heaving, Vice was laughing again “Nothing came out of my dick, but it felt like the most powerful cum I ever had… as good as when you fucked me to jizz without touching myself, J-daddy- not better cause it couldn’t be but LONGER. The two of you might kill me but I wouldn’t care.” His breathing slowed some more, then he smirked at us “I realize I have two professional level players here with me, but I’m new, we’re all high as fuck and they are out there wanting us to join in… can we?” “Hell yeah,” I said, “But do something for me. Enjoy getting more cock and more ass, but trust me if you want to take on Marcel, leave him for last and let us get you ready – everyone else should be fine.” I went to the closet and pulled a few things out; “let me set you both up so they think the whole master and his boys things is real since it seems to turn them on – AND it also allows me to protect our newbie here since they all seem to hop to my commands even Marcel, so… first of all, a subtle change…” pulling most of the leather off of Vice, I pulled the second black ribbon out of the wrist band and wrapped it around his right arm so he had two like Lou and I did, “don’t say a word, see who figures it out first.” “Devious, J-man, even I could take lessons…” Lou quipped. I put them both in black cloth baseball caps not exactly matching but close, same with two white jock-codpieces (the waistband stays on but you can unsnap the pouch so your cock is free and it still has straps in the back to frame your ass perfectly, each with thick rubber cock rings, leather thongs tied around their biceps on both sides right under the ribbons, white sweat socks, and leather and cloth wrist wraps that could be locked together so one’s right wrist was connected to his buddy’s left and they’d need to walk in tandem. My master’s cap, my full metal harness, leather vest and a black leather jock-codpiece also with removable pouch, chrome taint tickler thick cockring, my engineer boots and we were ready. “What, no leash and collars for us?” Lou joked. I took his hand, showed him my pale hand by turning it back and forth right over his, then took his dark hand and flipped it back and forth, then put them together showing the contrast. “Hell no,” I said seriously, “if you ever want me to do that in private fine, because to me it doesn’t matter whose got more melanin and whose got less - and is fucking jealous!!” which made him laugh in that grave moment, which was good, “but with these guys? Some of whom may have the issues we talked about and joked about earlier? No way will I denigrate you that way or have them think that just cause you’re “my boys” that I think of you as anything less than me or that you are in a servant position to me, no. I just won’t do it. There’s too much real shit out there without having to add to it for a fantasy or for show. Hope that’s cool, but not me.” Lou just grabbed me and planted a huge kiss on me, his eyes looked a bit wet. “That. That… damn man, look what you did to me you righteous fuck you! Respect man,” he touched his heart and looked down for a bit. “Respect” Vice just goggled at us during this whole exchange. “Well then,” Lou announced. “Since Daddy J will NOT be Masta J, for which I thank him, then let’s go up there with heads held high, cocks half hard and asses primed and SHOW THEM MOTHERFUCKERS HOW ITS DONE!”. Laughing our asses off we made it to Room 38, were welcomed heartily with clouds and booty bumps and kisses and gropes and rimming and more clouds, and Zar being the first to notice Vice’s “change of status” to versatile and so claiming “DIBS!” while the rest swarmed Vice like frat boys getting free pizza, so I stepped in front of my newbie, and got into my Daddy/Boy role play persona while holding out my hand, between the Tina, the fog of long pnp play and the hot situation, I was really chewing the scenery as we say, even getting bombastic but man it was fun. “Just understand something here. This boy of mine is special, and he asked me to take his cherry tonight – and I did, then his brother there added his skills too. And my boy liked it – he liked it a lot, and he’s gonna be an amazing switch hitter, but on this special occasion, he wants to try a few more… and I gave my permission, I WANT him to enjoy this and so far he’s had remarkably little pain and let me be clear, it will STAY that way. Get it? Now he’s a real man and so I’m not saying you can’t fuck hard or get a bit rough or wrestle it up some, but this is his first damn time and I promise you he will enjoy it or you will answer to me. So no games with not enough lube, or scratching him up, or pushing too much in too fast or making him bleed, or any shit like that. Understand? I want him to WANT to do this again, so don’t fuck this up. Right?” Head nods all around and it was all I could do not to crack up – they all took me at my word and only the brief smile of gratitude from Vice and the furtive look of merriment on Lou and to be honest, Zar’s faces let me know I had a few appreciating my over the top performance. But I was being honest, I wanted the kid to like this, not wind up bleeding and in pain and never repeating his experiences. Zar would get his wish from this afternoon as Vice wanted him to go first, which seemed to immensely please the hot skinhead guest house manager. As a final note before sex, I pulled Vice and Marcel aside and whispered low to Marcel “Dude, I know you’re an alpha, you don’t get fucked only fisted and you are a master cocksman with that battering ram of yours and I can attest to how amazing that feels opening a guy up. But I’m asking you to let him decide if wants to finally have a go at that masterpiece, and I’m asking you to wait for a few smaller guys to go first, then go easy at first – and use some boybutter on that piercing of yours, not just spit, okay? You can do all that to me or my other boy Lou over there. Show your amazing skills to Vice by making him love it. If he says stop, DO, or he and I will double fuck you until you scream… that a deal – it’s a fine just cherry-picked hole and it will be worth your while. Deal?” Marcel kissed us both on both cheeks and said “Agreed. You protect your boys, good. Like me with Sebastian. Now let’s all fuck – since our house manager gets him first, I’ll substitute his Daddy’s hole instead.” Overhearing that Zar tossed me Max Impact, a jock, and then held a pipe to my lips to get me started for Marcel’s monster. And that’s how within 10 minutes from leaving my room the three of us wound up side by side fucking and rimming a hot dude in front of us with three studs behind us pounding our holes. Lou had Sebastian to fuck and rim, with Ed topping him, Vice was enjoying Rachman “Rocky”’s beautiful butt, with Zar blissfully pounding him out expertly, while I rimmed and fucked Gary while Marcel attempted to create a new lane of the Lincoln Tunnel in my ass… amazing, BUT… still amazing… And so it went, the three of us got to be “Lucky Pierre’s” much of the time with the occasional bonus of either a cock or hot hole for our mouths and tongues along with our cocks in an ass and cocks in us. Much swapping of threes and fours, and Vice not only enjoyed Zar as a top, but had Tom and Ed and Gary fuck him too – Rachman and Sebastian leaning heavily bottom for the evening passed on a turn but asked for “rain checks”. There were times when Vice and I, or Lou and Vice, or Zar and me would be 69ing sucking the others cocks while each of us was being fucked too. Finally, Vice decided it was time he tried the “Double Diamond Dick” before he chickened out. Wanting to concentrate fully on what was happening, he opted out of being a Lucky Pierre this time and got on his back for the penetration, pillows propping up his butt and neck as Marcel stood bedside like Vice had done to me down in my room. I knelt on one side of him on the bed with pipe, torch, poppers and Max Impact with Lou on the other side ready with several lubes but first while I was shot-gunning Vice a hit, tied off his bud’s arm and the hot dealer administered Vice a small pick-up slam while Sebastian, standing, did the same for his hubby Marcel. Two snaps as tourniquets were popped off, two guys coughing and then Vice moaning, “okay man, give me that monster” with Marcel simply nodding and growling sexily as his fat head and piercing – covered with cream lube slowly stretched open a hole that until just a few hours ago had been “exit only” and that 48 hours prior would never have conceived of being where it was and WANTING this. I saw a bit of fear, and whispered, ‘Relax, you’ve got this, and trust me the way he’s doing it – you are going to love it real soon!” Vice nodded and the panic eased off his face and he was smiling again, allowing the big head to pop through and making him gasp and moan “fuck that’s big… but fuck that’s good.” With popper hits, a couple of shared clouds and encouragement from everyone in the room, slowly but surely that beautiful beast went balls deep on our former str8 sex only convert. When those bull balls swinging beneath their leather ball stretcher slapped down against Vice’s sss skin he got a look of hungry triumph on his face saying “Oh fuck this is awesome… fuck me man, please.” The rest of the room while still stroking other guys or with their cock in an ass or one in their own hole, slowed to watch this newbie take a cock many more experienced holes would balk at. And while he was huffing and puffing a lot, he was definitely enjoying it! Marcel was true to his word, and so he kept his strokes long and slow but he did make them HARD and Vice seemed to like that as it must have been hitting his prostate just right. We all knew this couldn’t last long but it wasn’t Vice who had to tap out, it was Marcel! Vice started that blissed out laugh/cry thing he did the last two times he let go, and the laughing huffs must have made his hole contract each time because Marcel started shaking his head rapidly back and forth growling, “so tight, merde, can’t hold it…” and then roared incoherently while he blew a load up into Vice who immediately started that shaking anal orgasm thing again that left him smiling and giggling while Marcel looked out for the count! That seemed the right time to call a close and as the three of us got ourselves and our gear back together, I pulled out 3 butt plugs I’d put in Lou’s canvas ditty when I knew we were on our way up, giving the fattest one to Vice whose hole was currently the one most stretched to hold everything in on our way downstairs. Stopping in the common bathroom, we all did a little cleaning rinsed off in the shower together, and retired to my room to collapse naked with each other, lightly playing while we relaxed and watched porn each catching a bit of nap here and there and enjoying each other’s bodies and company. Vice was popping grapes and having a bit of Yogurt around 5:30AM when he looked at me, and with all sincerity asked, “So, Daddy J, is EVERY weekend like this for you?” Lou couldn’t even control his laughter as I sputtered, “sadly no, Vice, even I cannot claim to have a weekend like THIS very often at all.” We laughed and I added “and hell, its still not even dawn on Saturday morning!!”
    3 points
  6. I swear to god its this feeling that separates tops from real breeders. There are days when I just can't stop. Even if I've flooded someone's hole yesterday or this morning I can still feel it at the base of my cock. My root, the center of my sex. It's like a pulse that sends electric waves to my cock and makes my mouth water and my brain switch off. I'll have a hard on all day long and my thoughts become clouded by the idea of pussy. I get moodier, angrier and every minute spent not touching my hard on feels like a minute wasted. This usually will happen to me in the middle of a work day when the urge just comes and when I clock out my cock leads me to the first or sometimes second or third available pussy. I become insatiable. All I want is to fuck, and I like to fuck hard and long and deep. I can feel my balls aching, getting ready to fucking bust and shoot my seed deep. It's moments like these where I can just fuck anything, don't care what, so long as I get to plant my seed in its hot cunt. And when I finally do get to cum its explosive, and my cock is able to jet out 4, 5, 6 squirts of cum. Its like my body knows that I was put on this earth for one purpose alone... to impregnate.
    3 points
    3 points
  8. There was a time quite a while ago, during one of my usual visits to the sauna. I was backing onto a glory hole, but had the door to the cubicle open, so everyone walking past could see me. A tall blond young guy, who would have been early-mid 20s was on the fuck bed across from the glory hole cubicles. I'd seen him a few times earlier, assuming he was a mega bottom. I was very pleasantly surprised when he looked across at me and made a beeline for the cubicle next door to me. Next thing he ran his finger over my hole, realised it was lubed up, then all of a sudden his cock was sliding right in. It was big, bare and he was a surprisingly amazing fuck. The bonus was he kept fucking and fucking until he shot a massive load up inside me. It was fucking incredible!
    3 points
  9. Tuesday evening I hooked up with 24 year old top on Squirt. I went to his place and we got right to it. I deep throated him, all 8 inches. I got onto the bed on all fours. He rimmed my ass before going balls deep. After a few minutes I got onto my back, pulled my legs up and he pounded my hole until he filled it. I sucked him clean afterward. Tasty!
    3 points
  10. Jay Magnus is a versatile young fucker from LA with an 7.5inch dick 😛 LOVE HIM! His hot fuck vids can be found on LETTHEMWATCH and his Twitter-name is @jayymagnus
    2 points
  11. The following story is a true recollection of events which actually happened 2 weeks ago. If I’m honest, it’s taken a couple of weeks to sort everything out in my head. It was an epic session and it pushed me way beyond what limits I thought I had. To set the scene, it was 2 days after my 44th birthday. I’m a slightly chubby(ish) middle aged bottom, with dreams of being used as a cumdump. I live in a sleepy little town somewhere on continental Europe, where there is no action for miles and miles around me. I’m in a long term relationship with a woman, but we stopped having sex 4 years ago when she hit the menopause. I’m on prep, but given that I’m in a dead bedroom, there’s zero chance of passing anything on to her. I’ve always been bi, and have always found getting fucked by guys way more fun that sex with women. I was visiting friends in London, and a fuck bud hit me up. He knows about my situation, knew it was my birthday, and wanted to know if I fancied a birthday gangbang. Who was I to say no? He’s also the only guy I’ve ever done chems with, having been the first guy to ever offer me G&T. As long as I pulled out my phone every now and again to check MS Teams, work would think I’m online but in meetings, so the next day (Friday), I rocked up to his around lunchtime. He welcomed me into his place, and we went through to the living room to have a drink and a chill before everything started. As I entered the room I was greeted by the site of another slim, hairless guy in just his pants (we’ll call him A) but with a massive bulge in his pants. I could immediately tell that this was going to be a strenuous day for me. A was on the phone arranging some business, but we waved at me to say hi as my friend took me out to the balcony for a smoke. Turns out that A was a dealer and had brought a crap ton of party supplies for us. My mate and I sparked up some cigarettes, and he apologised to me, that somethings had come up, and whilst there would be a procession of guys to dump loads in me, some of them couldn’t get out of work at the same time, so it would be a staggered experience. I was just grateful that my friend had managed to put together anything at all. A finished his call and we went to the sofa. I stripped down to my jock strap and we all sat on the sofa. We all had a shot of G, and then the pipe came out. We started blowing clouds and catching up/got to know each other. I told A that this only my 3rd time on chems, and to be honest whilst it was fun, I never really the experiences that I’ve read about on here. Yeah I was relaxed, and there was a strong desire to get fucked, but it had always been less than I’d expected. My friend hates needles, and had asked that we don’t slam in his flat, but everything else was fair game. A asked if I’d ever had a booty bump, and I said yes, but as my friend is top, and only really smokes it, we didn’t really know what we were doing, and we’re probably far more conservative with the stuff that necessary. A’s eyes lit up and he started smiling. He said that he had to pop out for an hour, but when he got back he’d mix some bumps for me that I should appreciate. A headed out and my friend and I went to the bedroom. He put some porn on and I devoured his 8 inch cock. Turns out he was the smallest cock of the day. We alternated between blowing clouds and then sucking his dick. Eventually he laid me on my back with my legs in the air. I braced myself for the initial pain/discomfort that normally comes when the first dick goes in, only this time he just slipped in. The G&T clearly helped. Over the next hour my mate had me in multiple positions. He really went to town on me and I was loving just being his fuckhole. In the distance I heard the front door open and A calling out that he was back, then my friend asked me if I was ready for my first load of the day. I was on my knees and started squeezing was what left of my anal muscles on his cock as unleashed the contents of his balls into me. We laid back on the bed recovering for a moment, then he handed me the pipe and said he was going to see what A was up to. I just laid on the bed for a while, toking on the pipe and watching porn whilst feeling then cum slowly drip out of me. My mate reappeared carrying a small tray with 3 syringes filled with liquid. The booty bumps had finally appeared. He administered the first one and asked me if I was ready for round 2. We went into the living room to see A back in his pants, and that he’d brought another guy with him (who we shall call B, because I’m imaginative). B was naked and stroking a massive cock which at half mast was already getting on for 9 inches. As it was the only exposed cock, I quickly got on my knees in from of B and started giving him a friendly “hello” blowjob. As his cock grew in my mouth I began to really hope that the chems would kick in soon, as otherwise I was in serious trouble. I sat up on the sofa as we did another round of hellos. It was over an hour since the last G so we did another shot with B. A asked me if I was having fun before pulling his own cock out. It was a thick beast, and I couldn’t help myself. I got on my knees and started sucking it for a good 5 minutes. They then told me to get on my knees on the corner of the L shaped sofa. A and B started pushing their fingers inside me, commenting on how wet I was and that my friend must have shot a huge load in me. A leans over the sofa and puts the pipe in my mouth. B is standing behind me, slapping his dick over my hole. Then he slides himself in. I thought he was going to be gentle after the first couple of strokes, but he then started testing if I could take a pounding of not, alternating between hard and fast, deep strokes, and slower stokes going the full length of his cock. For anybody keeping count of time, it’s about 20/25 minutes since the booty bump. My first proper booty bump with what I later found out was 0.2g of T. A wave just washed over me. A rush that I’d never had before. Concentration on anything other than the cock inside me was impossible. I also began sweating like I was in a sauna. Getting words out was impossible. A and B knew exactly what was going on, as they were watching the physical change in me. I then started pushing my arse back into B’s cock. The harder he fucked, the more I slammed myself into him. I started clenching my ring around his cock, trying to milk it for that creamy goodness. A offered me the pipe, but I was so damn high I began to worry about having had too much. I just buried my head into the cushions and let whatever was going to happen to me take place. B pulled out and A slammed his cock into me. This wasn’t just a forceful entry, this was a full on slam fuck. He was brutal. No mercy, just slamming into my hole as hard and as fast as he could. It didn’t hurt. The small part of my brain that wasn’t high and was just watching me with curiosity was amazed that whilst I was moaning, groaning and begging for more cock, my body was registering the feeling as just an extreme fuck, but it was not painful at all. Or at least, the sensations were not registering the feelings as pain. I do not know how long he was fucking me for. Time was an abstract concept. I do remember that A called out he was going to cum. He pulled out for moments and then slammed it in to the hilt. I just laid there panting and being a generally sloppy mess. He slapped me on my arse and said “don’t worry, I can cum several times”. A pulled out, and was immediately replaced by B who wasn’t going to be outdone by A. This next slam fuck actually left me with a slightly bruised arse. It was insane what he was doing. This isn’t hyperbole, I’ve seen the video they made. I honestly can’t believe that not only was I taking it in my stride, but I was asking for more. Again, after an unknown amount of time B let out a roar and thrust all the way into me. He then pulled out and flopped down on the sofa next to me, still stroking his cock. I just laid there for a moment, panting and trying to make sense of what just happened, but then I leaned over to my left and sucked B clean. I too then flopped down on the sofa (after asking for a towel to catch the cum dripping out of me). A was laughing his head off, asking me how my first “proper” booty bump was. We then all had a bit of a hydration break, smoking cigarettes and chatting. All of a sudden my friend gets a message on his phone. The last 2 guys are on their way. He then showed me a picture of a huge black cock. This was one of the guys on their way. A told me to lift my legs in the air and after fingering my cummy hole for a bit, he pushed the next syringe in and emptied it. I’ll be honest, I was terrified about how I would react to it, but I was also horned up, it passed very quickly. Suddenly, my friend bends me over a stool he has and A quickly slides in. He’s not pounding as hard as before (seeing as it’s been at least an hour now since my last pounding), but it doesn’t take him long to get up to speed. This fuck is just another warm up apparently, and he blows another load inside me working 10 or so minutes (4th load of the day if anybody is counting). B then is right back there again, and he’s still in punishment fuck mode. The T hits hard again, and B blows his load once more. Making good on his promise, A calls out “me again” and dives in. I’m moaning like a bitch, and I’m sweating so much the fabric cover on the stool is soaked. Despite my focus on the cock inside me, I look up at some point to see 2 mountains of black men, naked and both stroking cocks that would normally scare the crap out of me. A blows a load again and the black guys start feeling the cum in my hole as I clean A’s cock. My friend asks if we should move to the bedroom. At this point I’m so spun I just do as I’m told. A and B both say goodbye as they have to go. And I’m then just roughly thrown on the bed and told to get on my knees. At this point, things are becoming a bit of a blur. I couldn’t tell you exactly what order things happened in, but I do know that the next hour or 2 included DP, several loads and one more booty bump. I was asked to put on a mask at one point, and it turns out that half of the fuck with the two bbcs was streamed on a Zoom room (hence the mask). At the end of it, I remember that we all went into the living room and had some food delivered. I was still coming down but I was at least making sense by then. It was remarked upon just how much of a cummy mess I was. All in all, I apparently got 11 loads that evening. I left around midnight, and got an Uber back to where I was staying. The next day was spent with the Godson and his family, trying my very best to hide just how hard the cum down was. Around lunchtime, I got a text from my friend, asking if I would potentially be up for it again that evening. I was….. however that will be another story
    2 points
  12. Hot as he is … not a very nice man.
    2 points
  13. That's exactly it. Never lie about who I am, what I look like and what I like and don't like. I send the pics of me, and if someone doesn't like them, so be it. The world is a big place. I'd rather fuck or get fucked by a guy who's honest about his looks than one who sends me pics collected off the net. I too had my fair share of being catfished, but I only stayed once for a totally different reason: the guy was (is) a known celebrity in Europe and he does look very much like the pics he sent out. He did apologise and he offered to pay for taxi fare and for a drink in the hotel's bar. But given his status (and his 8" dick and big shaved balls), I decided to make an exception. However, a lie where the pics have no resemblance whatsoever with the reality, that's a pass from me. To anyone reading this post, and thinking that they can't get any dick (or ass) because of their looks. I got a piece of advice: Get in shape, groomed, comb your hair if you have it, trim and brush your beard, cut your fingernails, have a shower using the soap, do a bit of manscaping down there and voila! You're on your way to being liked by others. Don't be slob and expect people to like you for your intellect. As much as our brain is our sex organ, it all goes through the eyes first.
    2 points
  14. Total stud, great breeder, and love that he has those hot-wired nips!
    2 points
  15. mine, love to get rimmed 😉
    2 points
  16. I've always fancied girls, a man doesn't make me look back over my shoulder in the same way it does with an attractive woman. However I had my first taste of cock young, and the act, not the man, still has a huge draw for me.
    2 points
  17. Reposted another one of my favs from Yahoo! Groups, this time I actually have the author and origin info. To: biohazardbrotherhood@yahoogroups.com From: "stevestory2000" <Knack6@hotmail.com> Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2005 14:15:17 -0000 Subject: [biohazardbrotherhood] Story: Breaking the News "I'm sorry to have to tell you this..." Of course, the cute counselor really didn't have to tell me anything. few weeks earlier at a circuit party I had felt the heat of that load; it was special. I wasn't really a "bug chaser" as much as I was a "bug enabler". I encouraged all men to fuck me raw whether they were black, white, gay, straight, young, old, poz, neg, or who the fuck cares. And the big-dicked Puerto Rican stud who savaged me with his Prince Albert at that party was definitely worth some enabling. He looked into my eyes, and even though I was so tweaked I could barely remember my name, I knew he was giving me his reason for dying. Back to the cute counselor. 30ish, blonde and blue-eyed, very studious with his glasses and suit and tie, about 5'6'' - I love short guys cause they're always packing such a whanger. Sweet bubble butt, I could tell from when he leaned over to put his jacket on the coat rack. "...you have the virus." I nodded. Not a big surprise. "If you need any help, there's some..." I licked my lips and stared at his swelling pectorals. Thank God this room was so muggy -- I could see his big meaty tits pasted against his white dress shirt. "Don't worry, all my friends are poz. It's the in thing, right? They'll tell me what to do." He frowned, bit his luscious lower lip. He took this pretty seriously. "Mr. Johnson, this is very serious." See what I mean? I just blew him a kiss as I walked away. "I know it is. I never have to wear rubbers again, never have to be in fear again. Today is the first day of the rest of my life." I saw his eyes well up with tears as I left. My friends were part sad and part pleased when I told them. Mostly pleased, cause they got to tap my ass raw. Some of 'em felt like they'd led me to start barebacking and they were responsible for my 'death sentence', but their sheer lust for my firm, tanned ass overcame their guilt feelings. I invited some of 'em out to one of my favorite tearooms and amazingly enough, one of them knew the name of the guy who pozzed me. Armando. I didn't tell Armando that I knew he gave me the bug (I'd save that for the middle of our next fuck) but I asked him to come with us. Unfortunately, the place was closed down for "health reasons" (the AIDS police going crazy again) so we went to a good bathhouse that Armando went to sometimes. It was a great place. Armando was the star attraction; seeing him sweet-talk a local college football stud into letting him fuck his tight ass unrubbered was one of the highlights of my new slut life. Armando just stroked the stud's abs, licked his pits, and whispered resolve-melting Puerto Rican words into his ear until finally the boi gave up. The breaking-in quickly became a gangbang but before I could take my turn someone else caught my eye -- among other areas. That ass. Flawless. Short blonde sweetness dropped his towel and went into the steam room. I had to follow him. Had to ravish him. I was a very infrequent top but the bug had changed me, changed my priorities. When I sat down beside him, barely able to make out his features in the fog, he seemed so pure, so unspoiled. I sucked him dry, then flipped him over so his flat belly humped the cool bench. I slid my leaking member up and down his rosebud. "I-I have a condom..." I just laughed and shoved my way in, no lube, no prep, only the moisture of the room. I wanted him to feel this, suffer the tears that dance so seductively with seroconversion. He screamed and tried to fight me off, all while I licked his ears and bit into his neck and shoulders. His soft 4 inches quickly swelled to 7 hard inches in spite of his pleas to stop, and I tapped his ass bareback. My first. Definitely not my last. He pushed back on my wickedly curved 8-incher now, moaning, whimpering, fighting back tears of shame from how much he enjoyed breaking all the safe sex rules. I made sure I plowed him good and rough -- he wouldn't forget this fuck. I shot my wad and it was the most beautiful feeling in the world. Almost like getting someone pregnant. Knowing you've created a life. Or a death. Armando strolled into the room now. I opened up the blonde beauty's legs for him. He winked at me, shared a deep tongue kiss, and then went to work plundering our new man-cunt. The man just squirmed and shivered and purred at the feel of Armando's dick jewelery scraping his insides. By this time Armando pulled out long enough for me to flip this whore over. Our eyes locked. His tears flowed into his open mouth as he gasped. I leaned over to lick the tears away. I'd recognized him from the second I saw that ass. My counselor. I had to laugh. The words just came out of my mouth effortlessly as Armando reached his climax. "I'm sorry to have to tell you this..."
    2 points
  18. An hour ago, the black muscular jock and I hooked up again. We started the evening, with his mouth slurping my dick. As he got it good a hard. Pausing brief to nibble on nips. He climbed into his knee on the my bed. I add the lube to his ass and dick. I position and began to to work my way into his hole, as he sniffed the poppers. He whimpered as he took me in. And I slowly began to take his hole again. He moaned and begged about his good it felt. We repositioned as he stood and touched his toes, as I re entered him to continue this fuck. He moaned once more. I shifted from the stead pounding, to more of a rippling motion which brought forth a squee I'd never heard before. He remarked that he was peeing, as my dick hit deep Then I felt my load rising, and its release into his ass. He let out a sigh and said," I can feel it. It's a thick load, and so warm. I withdraw my dick, as he collapse to the floor.
    2 points
  19. The first time (unfortunately the only time) I hooked up with a buddy who had a 10.5 in dick we forgot to set up a safe word. At one point it was was so uncomfortable that I wanted him to stop and even tried to push him away from me. He misinterpreted it and was even more turned on by what I did so he covered my mouth and pin me down with his whole body weight against the wall and fucked even harder than before. I don't remember the middle part. All I know was after the cum and let go of me. I found myself moving back and forth fucking myself after he cum in me and wasn't pounding me anymore. I remember I could feel every wave of his warm cum in my hole and wanted more. I remember leaving his house feeling like I'm missing something and wish his dick was in me still. He felt bad bc he felt like he raped me. Technically he did but I knew him for a long time. I knew he wouldn't have done that under normal circumstances. And if he didn't do it, I wouldn't have gotten past the pain and reached the world of joy in the end. No one has fucked me the same since
    2 points
  20. I've never had to ask a guy to fuck raw...most are already down lol
    2 points
  21. I understand the feeling of insatiability too, only coming from the perspective of a bottom. Once I've got a couple loads in me I just want to keep going and the impulse to slut out grows as I take more and more dicks.
    2 points
  22. A couple of quick observations: 1) Here we have evidence that the idle brain is the Devil’s playground. 2) Clever, but π could potentially present problems. • It could limit one’s circle of sex partners to mathematicians. Or Greeks. • If you’re trying to straight-line guys to fucking, it’s confusing to use the symbol that defines circles. • Combined with a period to denote a hole (π.) immediately makes me think ‘Shut your pie hole’, which is not helpful for someone looking to give or get head. • It could just make guys hungry for pie, which, as you know, is a drive that can trump hornines. •π could be interpreted to mean you’re only interested in solo action, as the symbol for (π x 2) is τ (tau), or that you’re only looking for a circle jerk. 3) Finding another secret way to communicate simply perpetuates the culture of sexual shame in our society that forces us to fuck in shadowy, seedy places, fearful of the judgment of others, and leaves us shedding tears that ruin good pieces of pie. Instead, we should be bold, step out into the light, and be genuine to one another. I suggest forehead tattoos. (It may be rough going for a while, but eventually everyone will want one. Humans are basically Star-Bellied Sneetches.) All joking aside, the trouble with secret codes is that ‘a secret known to two people is secret; a secret known to three is known to all the world’. The irony is that the ‘secret’ symbol is only effective if everyone involved knows what it means, and it’s very difficult to selectively impart the knowledge. And even if you do, everyone not involved is both observant and curious (it’s an ape thing) and will start asking annoying questions about why the letter π is suddenly everywhere, and then some dumbass who’s too honest for his own good and can’t be trusted with a naughty-fun secret (I’m looking in the mirror) will tell them what it means, and that will be that.
    2 points
  23. Was visiting Sydney this week and had a good run last night. 5 loads from different guys over a couple of hours, mostly via Grindr. 4 bred my ass and one sweet load in my mouth. I had such a great time, and they were all really good nice guys, the kind you feel happy to meet. Ranged from mid twenties to mid fifties. Went to sleep with their cum all mixed in my hole. It was so beautiful to see it all flood out this morning, and my ass still feels awesome 😎🍑💦💦💦💦💦
    2 points
  24. I should also add that I dated, when I was in my mid 40s, a guy 20 years younger than me. He was predominantly a top and had a big dick. So he would fuck me predominantly at the time. He let me fuck him a few times but preferred to top. In some ways he was also more experienced as he had done some porn when he was 19. The thing that kept us together in the long run however, was that not only was he cute, a pig in bed but that he has a brain. and is a real sweetie. I was his first love and we still keep in touch.
    2 points
  25. Authors Note: here's the second chapter of the story, it only contains Oral sex but I do think I've written quite a hot scene for this chapter. I have no Idea when chapter III will be out as I have a very busy schedule for the foreseeable future, the only thing I know is that it'll contain sex with a Trans Man, and so I've no idea what category I should post the next chapter in. Chapter II Lev followed the pounding music of the club, coming to a large doorway cloaked in in thick curtains, though the did little to hide the neon lights coming from beyond, or the sound of rave goers partying. He hesitated momentarily before finding his courage and pushing through the curtains. The room that met him was massive, two stories tall and with large enclosed half-circle booths encircling the room, presumably giving patrons a place to rest from the chaotic rave happening on the open dance floor in the dead center of the room. Above the crowded main floor there was a raised balcony surrounding the room and from what Lev could see, appeared to hold the Bar, open tables, and on the far side overlooking the dancefloor was the DJ's stage. Lev soon felt the pounding music and the strobing lights lift him of his worries as he stepped onto the dancefloor to join the massive crowd in their chaotic grinding and dancing. Stepping up he began to let loose, pairing up to grind with equally masked strangers and just as easily moving on to next- it was exhilarating. Though he briefly noticed he could not see anyone else wearing a lamb's mask. He soon felt a strong pair of hands grab his hips as he continued to dance before a deep baritone voice followed in his ear "Fuck, what's such a cute little thing like you doing in a place like this?" The voice was as soft as silk and smooth as honey, and Lev found himself entranced. Lev turned in the mans hold, the man's large hands moving from his hips to his plump ass to give it a squeeze while Lev took in the mountain of a man before him. He towered over Lev's modest 5'6, looking to be over a foot taller. He wore a beautiful black Panthers mask and leather jacket with no shirt underneath, revealing an extremely toned body and deep ebony skin. When Lev had finally finished ogling his new companion, he mustered the courage to respond with a smirk and all the false bravado he could muster "I'm looking to get ruined, why else would I be here?" Before placing his hand on the man's prominent bulge and giving it a rub. "Mm, well you're certainly dressed for success little lamb, mind if this big ol' Panther takes bite?" The man rumbled as his gave a quick and harsh smack to Lev's ass cheek. "Mm, lucky for you I'm into that" Lev laughed before allowing the masked stranger to lead him off the dancefloor and up the staircase to one of the private booths on the second floor. All while being unable to keep their hands off one another. The Panther quickly opened the door and tossed the lamb into the booth, quickly stepping inside, shutting, and locking the tinted glass door behind them. As soon as the door was locked they were on eachother, tongues battling for dominance as they made out, hands roaming freely over eachother's bodies. They naturally settled into a position with Lev positioned on the Panthers lap to deepen the kiss and maximize the amount of skin contact. Lev's hand instinctively went to the Panthers dreadlocks, the other preoccupied behind him, fiddling with the button on the Panther's skin tight leather pants. The Panthers hands had roamed his skin, one hand traveling under his pants to knead his ass, the other playing with his nipples- drawing all sorts of ungodly noises from the teen as his rough fingers teased the sensitive buds. Soon enough nature forced an end to the kiss, as both of their lungs began to burn from lack of breath. Pulling apart panting, Lev took a moment to catch his breath, as he finally managed to undo the button on the Panther's pants, allowing that black monster to spring free from its leather prison, and rub freely against Lev's thick bubble butt. Lev turned his head to finally take in the appearance of that monster cock. It was truly impressive, far longer than Lev's own well endowed 8 inches, it must've been a foot long! Not to mention the thickness, as he reached down to grasp it, he noted with a groan the cock was thicker than his own wrist and his fingers couldn't fully wrap around it! Lev also noticed the thick PA that sat at the summit of that godly uncut cock- a thick and heavy looking curved barbell ending in two small spikes. "Fuck baby, you're one hell of a Kisser, that tongue needs a warning label." The Panther whispered, voice husky from lust after he too caught his breath. Groaning slightly at the feeling of Lev grasping his throbbing cock. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you that was my first kiss would you?" Lev smirked at the look of shock on the man's face. Feeling a sudden rush of confidence from the reaction. "You fucking with me right? There's no way in hell that was your first kiss!" the Panther laughed. "Oh it definitely was! But I reeeeeeeealy wanna see how this fat cock of yours tastes, you up for being the first cock I've ever tasted?" Lev purred into the Panthers ear as he started stroking the manhood, feeling it throbbing in need even more. "Better get on your knees if you're wantin a taste of my meat little lamb" he spoke, those thick lips, glossy from their mutual spit forming into a predatory smile, all teeth. That was all the encouragement the little lamb needed as he slid down the man's lap and settled onto his knees on the floor, head full of blond hair just barely hidden under the heavy wooden table. Finally able to see the monster up close and personal. Lev almost laughed at the beautiful cursive script tattooed directly above the man's penis- spelling out the words "Cunt Wrecker", Lev's keen eyes also noted the large neon orange Scorpion tatted onto the left side of his abs, and the oddly familiar symbol of three interlocking crescents drawn around his navel. A scorpio perhaps? After finishing his brief observation, Lev's eyes traveled up that muscular body making direct eye contact with the Panther, baby blues meeting smoky amber, and a hot spark forming between them. Lev allowed his long tongue to fall from his mouth as he leaned forward and grasped the cock in front of him- starting at the base he allowed his talented tongue to lick a winding path along the underside of the man's monster all the way to the tip. The man moaned as Lev pulled the forskin down, and swirled his tongue around the head of that thick meat, all while never breaking eye contact as if they were caught in some strange form of lustful staring contest. Lev hadn't been entirely truthful when he told the man about his inexperience in sucking dick- although it was certainly true he'd never had the real thing, that didn't mean he didn't have any practice. Lev's horrible oral fixation had naturally led him to curious experimentation, and he had quickly learned how to tie a cherry stem with tongue alone, and pleasantly discovered he completely lacked a gag reflex. There was hardly a minute of the day that someone could find Lev's mouth unoccupied- gum, suckers, and cigarettes being his favored methods of oral distraction, though he could already tell from the musky smell and salty taste that this would take the Throne as his favorite. All of that to say: it was quite a shock to the Panther when the innocent little lamb lapping at his spear wrapped his little lips around his fat cock, swirled that dangerous tongue around the head, and practically unhinged his jaw as he suddenly swallowed almost half his cock in one go- the bulge in his throat clearly visible from the outside. The effect was immediate and harsh- the eye contact they'd maintained until that point was instantly broken as the Panther's eyes rolled into the back of his head, he heard a loud shout of "Fucking shit!" leave the man's lips as the feeling of his cock being so suddenly enveloped in such a tight, wet, heat caused what must've felt like an out of body experience. He felt the man grab the back of his head, fingers threading tightly in his thick blond locks. If Lev's throat wasn't filled to the brim with cock, there would have been a proud smile at nearly making a man cum in one go on his first try! Lev allowed the man a few more moments of bliss before gently pulling off the Panthers cock, giving the monster a quick kiss on the tip on the way, and finally looking innocently up at the Panther, waiting for the man to regain his composure. "God Damn! Warn a guy next time you're about to do that you little slut!" the Panther groaned shifting his hips and giving Lev's cheek a heavy slap with that now-wet member. Lev was smiling like a fool as he took in what he could see of the mans face outside the mask. "What? I thought everyone could do that!" He feigned innocence with a flutter of his eyelashes. The Panther let out a loud, boisterous laugh, the deep baritone of his voice giving the laugh a smooth and melodic tone. "Well, now that I know how naturally talented that throat of yours is smart ass, I'm not planning on holding back any now! I was gonna go easy on that tiny throat of yours, but now I'm gonna really fuck that little throat of yours little lamb!" That predatory smirk plastered right back on, as if he hadn't almost blown his load. Lev met the mans burning gaze with an equally passionate one, before slowly standing up and straddling him- leaning in close to his ear and saying as huskily as he could manage "Do it, fuck my virgin throat daddy, make me unable to speak tomorrow when you're done!" The Panther let out a growl, before grabbing Lev by the hips, picking him up and tossing him on the table. "Get on your back and lean your head off the table at this end little lamb." His deep voice instructed as he motioned to the front of the table, facing the glass wall that separated the booth from the Club outside, he suddenly realized it wasn't glass at all- it must've been some form of one-way mirror as he could see out from the booth clearly! He quickly did as he was told, positioning himself as instructed- the thought of possibly getting caught painfully exciting Lev's newly found exhibitionism kink. The Panther stepped in front of the table, just enough space between the mirrored wall and the table for him to fit, his cock swinging directly in Lev's face. "Alright boy, this is how this gonna work- in this position I should be able to work all this fat cock down that throat- and I'm planning to bury all it in there boy. Since you ain't gonna be able to speak if I'm going too fast or you can't keep your breath, ball up your fist and pound on my ass twice- I'll slow down. If you need me to stop and pull out, pound on my cheeks three times, sound good?" He said down to him as he took hold of his spear and started rubbing the tip against his lips. "Sound's goo-" He opened his mouth to speak and was promptly cut off as the Panther pulled back and buried that massive tool straight down his throat. It was so sudden Lev almost choked, barely having time to widen his jaw and relax his throat before it was so brutally invaded. Again nearly half the monster was buried inside his throat as Lev sputtered around the intruder only this time, instead of it pulling out it just kept going deeper. Lev felt the monster slowly pushing down his esophagus as the Panther wrapped a massive hand around his throat- being able to physically feel his cock through the stretched skin of Lev's neck. It took almost thirty seconds for that massive rod to complete its journey before the the Panthers fat balls rested against Lev's nose. It felt like that cock was reaching all the way down into his chest! Lev heard the Panther let out a long, low moan as he held his cock there for what felt like an eternity- long enough for Lev's vision to go spotty before gently pulling all the way out of his throat. Lev coughed and gasped for breath as the cock pulled free from his throat, barely able to regain an even breath. "You could've waited asshole!" He wheezed out between coughs, glaring up at the man. "Well, now we're even little slut! You surprised me with that throat, and I surprised you with this dick. Seems fair to me." That rich voice laughed as the Panther stepped back slightly and met his glare with an amused look, before giving his face another harsh slap with that cock. Lev's glare transformed into more of a pout after that, but the Panther stepped right back into position. "Alright, no more surprises little lamb, we'll take this nice and slow from here on out baby." He reassured Lev while gently running his fingers through his hair. "Now open wide for daddy little lamb and tap daddy's ass when you're ready." Lev did as instructed, opening his mouth wide and relaxing his throat- allowing all the air to pass from his Lungs as the Panther lined up with his lips, Lev gave the Panther's ass a cheeky slap, and it began. It was so much easier to handle that cock as it slid down his wet and well prepared throat, and soon they established a slow rhythm. Everytime he pulled out would take a much need breath, the Panther to his credit matched his thrusts to Lev's breathing and they steadily started working eachother up. Lev found he loved the heady feeling lack of oxygen gave him as the time between thrusts and breath decreased, at some point during the ordeal the Panther had undone Lev's pants and allowed his aching member free from its confines- he now had one hand massaging his cock through his throat and the other steadily jacking Lev's dick to the pace of his thrusts. All the while filthy things poured from the Panther's mouth in that deep baritone, only half of them Lev could hear over the sound of the man's balls slapping his face with a harsh stinging, and only part of them his slightly oxygen-deprived brain could understand: "Fuck yeah baby, take that fat toxic cock down that throat boy." "Oh yeah, just like that, worship that poz cock- you little neg whore." "Fuck I can't wait to knock that tight bussy up, you're going to spread my strain so good baby" "Yeah, yeah, fuck, you look so pretty taking all this toxic cock, you gonna look even prettier with my fat cock up that cunt." The next statement came after he started brutally fucking into his throat groaning loudly, he thrust once, twice, and finally came to a halt buried balls deep in Lev's throat. "Here it cums you little faggot, hope you enjoy your first lethal injection bitch! Take it all, take all that toxic load baby!" The hand that was jacking Lev's cock quickly buried itself in his golden locks, tightly gripping his hair as the hand grasping his throat also tightened, then Lev felt it, those massive balls pulling up and then that fat cock started throbbing harshly once, twice, three, four... he lost count of the number of shots after 6, his oxygen-deprived brain focused soly on swallowing the massive torrent of boiling cum lest he drown in the thick white substance. He tried to get him to pull out, pounding on the Panthers ass to get him to pull out so he could breathe, but he must've been lost in orgasmic bliss as Lev only felt that cock leave his throat as his vision slowly faded black, eyes rolling into the back of his head. The last thing Lev felt before he succumbed to the darkness was the feeling of warm cum painting his face and faintly... his own orgasm.
    2 points
  26. First a little about myself. I just turned 18 a few months ago. It's been mom and I for as long as I can remember. Mom has been a nurse at least my entire life and even before then. She is now the head nurse (no pun intended) at our local hospice which cares for men with AIDS. I have been around sick men ever since I can remember. I have helped mom and the other nurses out quite a bit. I clean up on occasion and help feed those that cant feed themselves. The disease has never scared me. When I was a lot younger I realized I enjoyed being around these men. My voice and mannerisms were more feminine than masculine. I discussed this with my mom and discovered I was indeed gay. My mom approved of my sexuality so I got lucky there. As my hormones started kicking in I noticed being around these men was giving me a hard on. I would come home and jerk off and then lick myself clean. I enjoyed my own cum and definitely wondered what theirs would taste like. Since I had no dad the birds and the bees were taught to me by mom. We discussed my fantasies I was having for those men and she said for my 18th birthday I could start living out my fantasies in real life. She revealed that some of the men thought I was beautiful which made me blush. I stand at 5 feet 3 inches and weigh about 110. Shoulder length blonde hair that thanks to mom I style it like a girl does. As my teenage years progressed I noticed my fantasies were getting hotter. I imagined being called a dirty faggot while taking these mens loads. Being pissed on had crept in there as well. I knew that I at 18 I was going to get fucked. What I didn't know was that I would be the hospice whore and I couldn't refuse any loads. The night before my 18th birthday mom instructed me on how to clean out my hole. After doing this I had a lite dinner and repeated the same process the morning of my 18th birthday. Mom inspected me and when she was satisfied she handed me a pink silk robe and slippers. I was told that was my clothing for the next four days. My birthday fell on a Thursday. We left home and headed to the hospice. Before going in mom attached a leash and collar on me and led me inside like a bitch. As we neared the entrance mom took off my robe. Once inside I was put on all fours and led into the family room. There were 2 men there already. Mom took off my leash but left the collar on. She told the two men which I recognized to have fun knocking me up. I knew what she meant because of my research on the matter. Before mom even walked out the door Sam had his cock in my mouth. Mom just laughed and went about her business. Sam is definitely a sick man. He has sores on his body and cock. I must admit I still worshipped his cock. The other gentleman Michael stopped Sam for a minute. Michael then slapped me a couple of times across the mouth to get my lip bleeding so I had an open wound while giving Sam a blowjob. Those sores were rubbed all over my busted lip. Some would say that's abuse but I came from Michael doing that. While I worshipped Sam's cock Michael only using spit for lube rammed his cock up my ass. I tried to scream but Sam held me tight against his cock. Sam's cock is only 7 inches and sort of thin. Michael on the other hand has a ten inch cock and fairly thick. It felt like Michael ripped my ass into. I soon realized that he did it on purpose to get me bleeding so I can take his AIDS cum directly in my bloodstream. Sam came fairly quickly but he didn't pull out of my mouth after cumming. I did swallow his cum and he let me nurse his cock while Michael continued the assault on my hole. Michael fucked me for a while and kept saying how good my pussy felt. Okay I thought only women had pussies but I quickly learned that as a bottom my ass is a pussy for gay men. When Michael got ready to cum he sped up his thrusts and was pounding my pussy hard. I started moaning and Sam pulled his cock from my mouth so my moans couibe heard by anyone walking outside the door. Then it happened. Michael started cumming and Breeding my pussy. God it felt like he shot a dozen huge globs of AIDS cum in my pussy. After he finished he kept his cock in my pussy to make sure I got it all and to make sure no cum leaked out. Once he was soft even I was exhausted. Both he and Sam left the room and I thought I was going to get a nap in. I was wrong. Mom came walking in with two more men to use me. She inspected my pussy and laughed. She said oh I bet in a couple of weeks you will be pregnant. But don't worry because once you're knocked up then your ass is going on meds. You are still my son and I want you around for a very long time. In the meantime your little faggot ass needs to get back to work. You still have 18 more men to satisfy today. At this point my pussy is sore but I knew I couldn't tell mom no. So I put my ass in the air and my mouth open to satisfy the next two men. Well time to get back to being a whore.
    1 point
  27. Nothing to crazy just on display
    1 point
  28. I wouldn't want to take a monster cock every day, but they are a different experience, I mean, besides getting my hole gaped! I've had friends (mostly tops) that can't understand how or why I want to take cock at all, and especially not a monster cock. I just tell them it's a bottom thing!
    1 point
  29. I think every individual bottom have to decide that for themselves. I tend to like really big cocks and never have found one that made me regret it. There have been one or two that made me take a real deep breath. Lol.
    1 point
  30. Thanks lil' bro @sus-tor you would have enjoyed it... you would have been the same age as Kieran, Too...
    1 point
  31. As someone who was raised by a total [banned word] single dad, I can confirm that it's the hottest and best thing in the world
    1 point
  32. Always either on my entire face or in my mouth. Hot cum really is the best face cream for men!
    1 point
  33. a little birdy tells me one of you dirty fuckers is doing the continuing story of young idealistic Dr Matthew's journey from condom cheerleader to pozzed up cumwhore, and i'm here for it !
    1 point
  34. No one is everybody’s type but there’s someone for everyone and I want everybody in me. Come at me as you are; I’m not gonna say no.
    1 point
  35. Agree, I love the natural videos like where dad walks in on his son jerking off, or watching gay porn. I wish it was more normal to for dads to teach their sons about sex. Like when they give us the sex talk, lets see each others cocks, talk about raw sex, breeding, how to get the pleasure, tips on how to please a woman/man
    1 point
  36. It feels awesome and honestly I can't get enough loads in my ass. I was at a spa this past Sunday and got multiple loads from guys...eight loads from six guys and bred three guys too. Sometimes I just wanna get bred and will go out to the trail near me and hookup with random guys or go the ABS near me and just let it rip.
    1 point
  37. Your first name: Pig Your cell number (for texts and voice calls): (574) 208-3712 A location (be at least as specific as a zip code): South Bend , Indiana, USA Times you're generally not available: depends on how hot and fucked up you are 😈 Age: 35 Height: 5’9” Weight: 215 Ethnicity: White It would help a lot if you attach a picture, but that's optional.
    1 point
  38. Part One. Brad was in a really good mood. His son was coming home from college. He was going to his mothers for a few days aftuter dropping off his college roommate but, he was going to be home for the rest of the summer. Brad loved his son. He had never met his roommate but Kevin, his son, said that Greg, the roommate, was a great friend and needed a place for the summer. Brad was happy to take him in. If Kevin liked him then Brad would. He was also going to be stepping away from his business for a while. Brad ran a high-end escort service. For the right price he could get you any man or woman you wanted. He sometimes took clients himself. You see Brad was HIV positive and men would pay thousands for Brad to give them the gift. He also did for free when it happened organically. Brad was gay. His marriage had been a disaster that ended in pure bitterness from his ex. The only thing good about it was Kevin. Now they were due any minute. He soon saw Kevin's car and two very tired looking college boys dragging luggage to the house. "Dad." Kevin said as he hugged his father. "Kevin, welcome home." "Dad, this is Greg." Kevin said as an introduction. "Hello sir." Greg added. "No, call me Brad. I hate being called sir or mister." "Okay, Brad it is." Brad shook Greg's hand and noticed something on his breath and on his upper lip. Brad was very perceptive and he knew the smell and look of stale cum when it was there, no matter how faint. He got the vibe right away, Greg is just as gay as he was and Kevin did not know. He was told that they would stop to sleep at a rest stop and Brad knew Greg must have stepped out for a quickie. Greg blushed, he knew what Brad knew. "You guys must be hungry and tired. I have some food in the kitchen then you can wash up and get to sleep." It was pretty late and they had plenty of time. After a couple of days Kevin went to visit his mom and it was Brad and Greg alone. The first day Brad decided to spend it by his pool. It was hot. He put on trunks and some suntan lotion and went to his patio chair. Greg joined him. The two got along real well. Brad wanted to ask the question when they were alone. "So, you are gay like me?" "Yeah. I have known for years." "Why have you never told Kevin?" "As weird as it sounds, it has never come up. Neither of us are partiers, we stick to studies. We both are taking hard core classes and neither of us want to fuck up our grades. So we have spent what little time off we had watching movies and stuff. I know it will not be bad for him to find out. He loves you and cannot stop bragging about you. My family has either died or forced me out so Kevin became the person I just hung out with and we just don't do anything that made coming out a big deal." Brad seemed to be pouring his heart out. "What about you. I know enough to know that you are a gift giver from your tattoos." He had a biohazard and scorpion tat on his chest. Brad laughed, "You don't do anything?" "I never said that, I am too busy most of the time. I still sneak a peak online and hit a gloryhole when I need relief. It is just very rare." Brad looked at Greg, I mean really looked, for the first time. This this, well built young man was beautiful. The attraction was there but would it could it lead anywhere? Brad had rules with sex, no condoms and no pulling out. He was a dominate top and that was that. Would Greg be into this and what would he tell his son. Greg leaned in and kissed Brad. Fuck it, he will think of something. Brad grabbed Greg's hands, "Let's take this to the bedroom." They got there in record time and were naked and making out right away. Greg kissed his way down Brad's body. When he reached Brad's dick he kissed the head then started to suck it. Brad moved into a 69 position and returned the favor. When they were both nice and hard Brad grabbed some lube and rubbed some on his finger. He inserted it into Greg's ass both lubing and priming it up. Brad could tell that this would be his first time taking anything in his ass. Well it was too late now Brad pushed his mushroom head against Greg's virgin hole and pushed himself into it. Greg whimpered as his ass opened and spread to accommodate this invader. Greg looked like he was experiencing a mixture of pain, fear and ecstasy. Brad loved that look on a boy getting his ass roughed up for the first time. He fucked Greg hard. Greg was now moaning. Brad was going to make sure the bug took effect. Because he used so little lube and was in by force more than anything Greg's insides were tearing. Nothing too bad but enough for him to accept the gift of Brad's precious seed and all it's toxicity. Greg was now cumming all over his chest and belly. Brad scooped up all of it and fed it to Greg. "No sperm gets wasted with me." "Yes." "No, no, no yes Daddy." "Yes Daddy. Fuck me Daddy, poz me Daddy, make me your poz cum slut Daddy." With that Brad could take no more. He shot a load right into Greg's ass. "I am not done yet." "Daddy, please give me more." "Of course baby. Daddy loves to share his seed with the willing." Brad pumped more into Greg. This continued until Brad had nothing left. He inserted a specially made butt plug to keep in as much as possible. He fed Greg the rest. This was just the start of the day. After getting some rest, as well as food and water, they were right back at it. This was pretty much the whole day. The two were becoming more than a fuck buddies. They were a couple. In just 2 days they were like a married couple, who were open and one called the other daddy. Brad was still not sure how he would explain it to Kevin but he was not due home for two more weeks. They had Greg tested quickly by a doctor was was a client of Brad's service and got it done as soon as possible. Between Brad'd HVL and as many loads as Greg took he was shown to be poz. They celebrated by getting Brad his first tattoo and going home to fuck some more. They were so excited they threw their clothes all over the house as they ran to the room. After their fuck fest they both fell asleep in each others' arms. They woke up together kissed and were both starting to rub each other's cocks when they heard a shout, "What the hell is this?" Part 2 is written, should I share it?
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  39. I lost count of the loads I took in the next couple of hours. Poppered up and hazy, I seem to adapt into this new existence as a raw pig. Although the crowd were thinning out, I called out to see if anyone was around, as I was still strapped into the sling. We’ve all had our fun, I thought, as I debated phoning in sick the next morning, or how many hours time it would be. Then I could make out movement from the corner of my eye as a shadow appeared at the door. “Oh hey, could you untie me please? Everyone seems to have fucked off home” Out of the shadows came the receptionist. All six foot of him, with a muscular swimmer’s build, but this time naked bar a clear yellow rubber jock with a black biohazard symbol on the front which contained what looked like a heavy ring at the end of his cock. “Yeah mate, I will do eventually. Once I’ve bred that hole first.” It seemed, well, a reasonable request for freedom at this point. I’m sure something inside of me had been unlocked this evening, and the sight of him had my cock stirring to attention. “It’s Dan, right? Glen and Steve told me you finally had a vacancy, and so I thought I’d have a go” Fuck, he did look beautiful. Standing there in that jock, talking to me like I was a piece of meat. I found myself wanting to taste that biohazard symbol with my tongue, slowly making out the shape of it, as if to write it into my mind. “uh, sure, well go ahead. I guess one last random fuck won’t do me any harm”. Compared to the harm that’s already been committed to me, I weighed up this screwed sense of new principles. “The name’s Mike incidentally and I don’t think you quite understand mate. Usually I’ll turn away most horny drunks that rock up to the sauna in need of a late night snack, but I let you in. I took a shine to you.” Suddenly I felt a little scared. As scared as anyone who was strapped into a sling in a sauna complex where they’d been bred by numerous strangers. “I only gift men who deserve it. Those with… potential.” Everything about this evening had gone from weird to completely fucked up. “Potential?” I asked, worried. “Oh yeah. I’ve been looking for a bugson for a while now, and having watched you adapt to being a raw whore has been very interesting. Seeing as you’re still there, boy, let this bugdaddy mark you as his.” My cock hardened further. What was I hearing? It sounded twisted, wrong and… horny as fuck. “I see you like that boy, now tell bugdaddy to incubate you and claim you as his son” Oh, what the hell. “Please, bugdaddy. Claim this boy as yours. Please…”
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  40. PART 8 As if the adrenaline from the sex wasn’t enough, hearing him tell me he was poz just pushed it further. “Get on your back”, Steven ordered. I immediately complied and instinctively pulled my legs up, so that my now twice fucked hole was exposed. “Oh.... oh fuck yeah.look at that crummy boyhole. Your first time here and already leaking cum out of your little hole. There is nothing sexier on earth than a fresh young stud discovering he is a cumdump. And fuck yeah, you are the sexiest one ever. You hole is so hungry, isn’t it?”, he whispered. “I need it so bad!” I almost cried out. And I did need it. Being in that sleazy place and in that tiny room, the stink of cum and men and sex, this amazingly sexy older guy about to fuck me. I was in a place where it was all horny sexy gay men, fucking and sucking, showing off their sexy bodies and beautiful cocks... everyone there for one purpose, to relish every moment of being free to have any kind of hot man sex they want, a focus on cock and cum and holes. Men worshipping men. And here i was, 18 and in a little over an hour, i’d Been completely seduced by it all. And so when Steven asked if I needed it, I can’t tell you how much that in that moment, the only thing on earth that mattered was having him inside me. Shooting sperm deep into my guts. He spit on his hand and stroked his cock, before lining it up with my hole. Our eyes were locked as he slowly worked his Cock head past my ring, til he pushed thru and half his cock slid in me and my eyes rolled back. After a brief pause to make sure I was ok, he continued working his cock, slowly beginning to slide in and out. As my hole opened up for him, he began to fuck me harder, he was still not all the way in. He was much more aggressive than the first two and didn’t say much of anything, just groans and grunts. Since he went from 0-60, I was just trying to catch breath, as he was fucking it out of me. He was really pounding me now, sliding almost all the way out and then deep into me. It jabbed and hurt in that good way bottoms will understand. Finally, as I was practically hyperventilating, he started to mutter thru cleanched teeth., “ oh fuck, here it comes. Fucking here it comes. Fucking big load. Big load. Fuck yeah. Fuck yeah. Gonna shoot. Gonna shoot. Fuck yeah. Fuck yeah!!!!!!””, the last part much louder as he drove deep and began to spurt blast after blast of hot poz cum into me. I clenched down on his cock, wanting to milk it all out of him, wanting every single drop of his precious seed. My legs were wrapped around him pulling him in. I could feel his cock pulse as he tried to make sure I had all of his semen inside me. Slowly he withdrew and I tried to clamp my hole shut. I didn’t want it leaking out. I had three loads of cum in me now, all hiv positive. I was in Stevens room, having just had his cock flop out of my hole a minute prior and already I was thinking that I still had my key, but my towel was gone. And walking nude thru the halls back to my room might attract another hot Top. Another. Because even though my hole was now pretty raw, I still wanted another. I kissed Steven and then rolled off the bed and stood up on very wobbly legs. “Thank you so much Steven. And... and if you see me here again, please take me back to your room again and do all of this over,” I said with an embarrassed grin. “Oh Chris I can’t wait to fuck you again. And I get the feeling you aren’t done yet tonight either. You have the hottest ass ever. And now it has my cum in it,” he replied. I slipped open the door and completely nude, started my walk down the hall.
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  41. PART 7 Rom and his friend walked in the room and shut the door. I was laying on my back on the bed with my elbows propping me up. It wasn’t exactly bright lights in the tiny room, but it was light enough. I took the new guy in, really really aware he had already been told there wAs a bottom that took it bareback waiting for him. I didn’t get his age, but he was somewhere around 45, give or take a year or two. He had long legs and I guessed he was maybe 6’ 1”, But he was pretty lean. He had a light patch of greying hair on his chest and his face was clean shaven. His mostly grey hair was cut very short. He wore his towel low on his hips. I thought he was hot as hell. Ron spoke up, “Chris this is my friend Steven. Steven meet my sexy young friend Chris. Chris, is Steven your type?” I nodded vigorously. “Steven, did I deliver on my promise of a beautiful young sexy bottom boy?” “ Hell yes you did,” said Steven, adding to me, “it is so nice to meet you sexy boy. Ron here told me this is your first time here? And your first time barebacking?” I nodded. “Well, I understand. Man sex is hot enough, but in a place like this where everyone is so fucking horny ano practically naked and its just us men, so we can have the freedom to explore. Like you explored tonight. I gotta tell you Chris, seeing you there like that, it makes me really want you. It makes me want to fuck you.” Ron had stepped back, making it obvious he was just there to watch. I didn’t care at that point. “I... I think you are really hot too Steven. Do you like to bareback too?” It was at this point that he finally let his towel drop and I got to see his hardening cock for the first time. My eyes were just glued to it, as he slowly gripped it and began to stroke. He was getting hard really fast. And fuck, he was hung. It was perfect. 8. 5 inches with beautiful cut head that topped a thick shaft that had just the slightest most perfect curve. He had trimmed most of the hair away and his balls were shaved. His balls...big round balls, the kind that probably make a lot of cum. His package was magnificent. “It’s so fucking perfect,” I marveled out loud. “I am so glad you like it so much, baby. I’m gonna give you a chance to touch it, and lick it, and suck it... and then it’s going all the inside you. Every. Single. Bit. Is that ok, baby? Is it ok if I fuck you deep?” I am sure I was nodding when I blurted out “I wanna do that all for you just please fuck me bareback.” He looked down at me smiling. “Of course I am gonna fuck you raw Chris.” And then as he leaned into me and i prepared for a kiss, he added, “and I promise you I am not pulling out til all my cum is in that little hole. Is that ok baby?” Looking in his eyes, I nodded. As he leaned in and kissed me hard, I realized very acutely, I had already agreed to lick and suck this strangers cock before letting him fuck my already beaten up hole bareback until he cums inside of me. And I had no idea if he was hiv positive. And I knew it didn’t matter because I would have let him fuck me no matter if he was positive or not. And that totally scared me and totally turned me on. And I knew when this night was over, I was gonna spend a lot of time thinking why I had all of a sudden started hoping the guys I was with had hiv. But right now as my mouth opened and his tongue invaded, I just melted. My cock was like steel and I just wanted him. And I wanted him to be poz. I had to know. As I broke the kiss, I whispered “Steven it’s ok with me if you are, but I just wanted to know.... are you hiv.” He cut me off before I finished. “Yeah sexy. I’m poz. And I know that’s ok with you. I can tell. It’s so sexy. You’re so sexy, that hungry hole. I can’t wait to be inside you.” And i couldn’t wait either.
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  42. PART 3 We had taken a few steps down the hall when I realized I didn’t have my towel. He told me to just show off and let the guys see how hot I was. Normally, I would have been much more shy, but I was on a high from getting fucked. I don’t think we went more than twenty feet before we ran into someone my new friend knew. “Ron, glad I ran into you. I hope you haven’t cum yet tonight. I’d like you to meet my new friend Chris. Chris is here for the first time and also just took his first load.” Now, he looked at me. “Chris, you want to get fucked again don’t you?” I was embarrassed, but nodded. “Ron is hot, isn’t he”, he added. I nodded again. “Ron, what do you think of my new young friend? Is he fuckable?” Ron looked me up and down. “Chris, do you wanna go back to my room and we can become friends too? I think I got something you’ll like,” he said, and then dropped his towel open. He wasn’t hard yet, but it was obvious he had a big cut cock and massive shaved balls. I looked to my breeder for approval and he gave me a soft look and said “Chris, I’ll be here all night and you come back and find me before you leave. And if anyone gives you any trouble, you find me. And have fun. And do whatever feels good. Feed that hole. I know it’s hungry. Give in.” And then he leaned in and gave me a kiss and a swat on my butt and turned back. Ron grabbed my hand and led me to his room. I was 18, naked with a man twice my age leading me down to a tiny room, where he was going to fuck me. And I was nervous about being inexperienced and what he would be like and I was also super excited because he already knew I wanted to get fucked and that I had let his friend shoot his cum into me. And Ron was hot. He turned out to be 42. He was a little taller than me at 6 feet and thin, but not skinny. He was starting to lose his hair, but I thought that was hot too. Even soft his cock had looked big, with a nice cut mushroom head. But if his cock had looked Big, his balls had looked giant. As we entered his room and he shut the door behind us, I wondered, with hope, that maybe those huge balls meant more cum when he shot his load? As he turned to face me and dropped his towel, I tried to be cool, but I think my face and eyes betrayed me. I wanted this man badly. I wanted to be his bottom. I wanted him to shoot a massive load up from those giant balls. And I wanted that sperm inside me. There was never one second where I didn’t think to myself that I was making sure he came in me. Every drop. And as far as if he had HIV. I definitely thought about that. And had a total what are you doing discussion in my head. It was like I couldn’t stop myself and I decided it wasn’t going to stop me. If he even had HIV.
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  43. Part 2: Want Some Chocolate Sprinkles? “Look, you got some good ass, you was here, I was ready, it was business. Here’s my card. If you got the bank and need a delivery, I got boys who can roll through with anything on the menu – and I mean anything.” Those were the last words the ice cream truck driver had said to me last summer; right after he had collared and chained me inside his truck, drugged me up on Tina, fucked me raw and rough, and bred me deep with his long, thick, black dick. The past several months I have planned work so I could take some leave and have one, long weekend a month where I would dial that number and place my order. The ice cream man’s voice was enough to make my ass cream, buried within the few words he would speak to me each time were the memories: the pair of size 13 boots and a pair of bare legs sticking out from the other side of the tree – legs that looked like mini-tree trunks themselves, thick, and sturdy the whiff of his cigar how his hair was cut low and tight, and he had a nice thick beard with skin that was a rich, dark ebony how his gold wedding band flashed brightly as his fingers rose up and down in motion like he was playing a piano on his mandingo instrument how he asked, “So you trying to be a bitch for a big dick?” then as he placed the leather collar and chain around my neck said, “Bitches need to be chained up if they want to get mounted by the big dawg knot.” all that before he stuffed my hole with an ice-pop of his nutt, made me snort Tina before forcing me to lick crystals off his dick and burying some big shards up my ass and finally making my hole open, wet, and sloppy just how he liked it!!! The first time I pulled out his card and debated what to do I thought he was pretty fucking brilliant. The card said, 3-SQUARES CATERING - WE DELIVER ONLY THE HIGHEST QUALITY, FRESHEST MEALS, FOR EVERY OCCASION. Then when I called I asked about seeing him again and he ignored my question and said gruffly, “What the fuck’s your order? When do you want it?” He then blew his stack when I said, “Uh, maybe a baggy of crystal and…” and literally screamed in the phone, “WE DON’T CATER FANCY DINNERS - SO IT’S ALL PAPER PLATES AND PLASTIC!” before dishing out a series of “dumb asses.” I didn’t understand what he meant at all and was pissed that he was pissed like how the fuck would I know what to say or do? Not like he explained before kicking me to the curb with an ass full of nutt. He huffed, then said more calmly, “That’ll be an order of Surf-N-Turf, extra rare, double sauce on the side, with chocolate roll for dessert. Your delivery will be there in 30 to 60 minutes, cash only.” So, from that first order I learned Surf-N-Turf was a small baggy of Tina/crystal (the Surf was - according to my server/delivery man/gigolo - code for Tina on Gilligan’s Island - seemed like a stretch to me but hey); the Turf was one of his boys who would have at least 10 inches (real inches not that fake shit dudes trying to pass off on the internet); that extra rare meant bareback and raw fucking; double sauce on the side meant I would get at least two loads in my ass as the boys were young, hood thugs who could double tap with barely breaking a sweat; and finally the chocolate roll for dessert meant it would be BBC. Maybe he had other races in the mix, but that’s what he offered and what I took and was fucking happy! The second time I called I placed my order without incident and when he asked if my last order had been delivered on time and the meal cooked to my satisfaction my only complaint had been his boy had snorted ⅔ of my baggy of Tina in the hour he was with me fucking. But, my hole ached for days after so if they had been on Yelp it would have been five stars all the way. I had enjoyed the deliveries and never once was disappointed. When I called the second time I was offered the chance to have the same driver deliver as, “he is already in the area,” but I passed and said, “That’s OK, I’ll wait for the next one as I am in no rush.” Every guy the ice cream man sent was rough, thuggish, with a huge dick, tons of sperm, and willing to throw a no-holds-barred fuck. Well worth the time and money. Since they were keeping my hole used and abused, I didn’t focus on the ice cream man anymore, although I still jerked off thinking about that day. Fast forward to spring, April in DC, and it is Cherry Blossom Festival time. While the city is beautiful this time of year all of the fucking tourists drive me crazy. With that said, I still decided to go the final event of the Festival, which was to see the fireworks down on the river right near my condo. The fireworks were scheduled to start at 9:00 p.m., and I got down there about 8:30 to walk around a bit, listen to the live band, see the booths they had set up, and just chill and mingle. I was lost in thought looking at some paintings a local artist was selling under a small tent when a strong hand clamped the back of my neck, squeezed hard, and a faintly familiar, yet clearly drunk/high voice said, “I think it’s about time you start upping on your orders. My pocket’s feeling light.” I turned, my mouth gaped, the hand squeezed harder as the ice cream man’s cigar smoke breath washed over me when he said - loud enough to make people turn and stare - “So bitch, you trying to get that pussy sloppy and filled with black syrup?” In response I reached into my pocket and pulled out my cash and from between the folds of the $20 bills extracted my black credit card and held it up, “Let’s see what’s on the menu tonight!” The ice cream man choked, coughed, sputtered and laughed and in the midst of trying to hold himself together dropped his cigar, which sent him into a fit of swearing, followed by disdained ‘hushes’ from people nearby reminding him there were children about. Once he pulled himself together, the ice cream man looked around and said, “Fuck I hate kids,” gripped my neck and started guiding me through the crowd. He didn’t say a word as we made our way up to Waterfront Street, then he stopped, relit his cigar, took a big puff, and smiled as he waved the lit stogie towards the right. “Boy’s doing alright it seems.” I looked where he pointed and there was his beat up ice cream truck with a younger guy working the window, hustling cones and frozen delights like an expert juggler. “My nephew just got out from doing a dime,” the ice cream man said as he looked at his vending truck. “Bout time he fucking grows up and learns a trade, so now he’s with me. Shit - this life is for the young folks you know what I mean? Time for me to ease out of the game, shift my focus and hustle, spend more time fuckin-loving-and-leaving-pussy-wet then slinging shit. You know what I mean?” I glanced at his nephew, who looked too young to have done 10 years in prison so he must have gone in as a juvenile. He was not handsome in the classic sense by any stretch, but he was masculine as hell and I could see tatts on his face, back of his hands, his arms were covered, and more peeked up through the scoop in his white tank top. He had semi-long dreads and my asshole quivered. I jumped as an insistent finger poked at my hole and the ice cream man laughed, “Fuck, you a dick hungry bitch! I can hear that ass clapping for it already and I ain’t even busted you back open yet. Come on. You tonight’s menu and bout time my nephew learns a new hustle.” I followed the ice cream man to the back of the truck. He threw open the door, climbed in, I went up the two-steps behind him, and paused as he said slammed his hand down on the cooler, “Time to go. Shut the shit down.” His nephew looked to him, to me, then started to object, but the ice cream man was having none of it, “ I SAID SHUT THE SHIT DOWN. YOU - THERE - GET THE FUCK BACK FROM MY TRUCK UNLESS YOU WANT TO GET RUN OVER. GET NOW. GET!!” The nephew gave me a dirty look as he hustled out the back and amidst the cries from kids saying, “Daddy I want an ice cream!” picked up their display boards, tethered the window shut, made the final adjustments, and hopped back in as his Uncle revved the engine and turned on the soundtrack. The musical chimes still sounded like it was on its last leg – off tune, missing beats, and volume that faded in and out. “Let me drive. You go deal with - with whatever the fuck that is,” the nephew said as he fought his Uncle for the seat and steering wheel while glaring at me. The ice cream man laughed, dropped his cigar stub on the metal floor and stomped it out, then said, “Fucking fine. Just get us out of here. Go - hell I don’t give a shit where. Go to the reup drop. That’ll work.” The ice cream truck belched, revved, and swayed back and forth as it slowly wound its way out of the crowds and towards M Street SW. By the time we hit M Street, I was naked, with a collar around my neck, and a pair of leather cuffs on my wrists that were connected with chains like I was in a prison transport. The ice cream man took the chain hanging down my back from the collar and looped it through the chain connecting my wrists before reaching up and snapping the end into a metal eye hook suspended in the ceiling. I was facing forward - my arms suspended now - and kept meeting the nephew’s gaze as he looked in the rearview mirror trying to figure out what the fuck his Uncle was doing. Each gasp from my throat when his Uncle would roughly jam a shard of Tina up my ass would make his eyes flit my way, then quickly back to the road as we made our way into Northeast DC. By the time the ice cream truck halted, and the nephew set it in park, turned the engine off, then stood up to join us, my ass was stuffed with Tina and frozen nutt like I was a damn Piñata. Except the candy would take an awful long, big bat to find and I couldn’t wait to get busted open. “That pussy still good?” the ice cream man asked me. I almost purred as the Tina sloughed away inside my burning rectum. “Slide your dick up in there boy,” the ice cream man said to his nephew as he pointed at my stuffed ass. The nephew shook his head in objection, “Naw man Unc, I ain’t no fag and shit.” His Uncle laughed, “Boy I know you had them faggies on their knees swallowing that joint when you were inside and bred them every chance you got. So don’t be fronting with me now.” The nephew paused to think and consider, “Well yeah, but it wasn’t like that. On the inside that’s just how shit goes. Don’t mean nothing.” The ice cream man gave my white ass a big smack, spun me back around as I stood on the balls of my feet trying not to swing too far, “Right, and don’t mean nothing out here neither. I love your auntie. You know I been to hell and back with that woman, but fuck, I can’t even get her to touch my dick any more let alone give it up. These white asses like this - they serve the purpose just fine. Lesson #1, don’t get wrapped up in no drama with some side chick because they will fuck your business up. Trust me. That’s nothing you ever want to bring home and your girl/wife will always find out - always. Lesson #2, his ass is pussy. Pink pussy eager for BBC ain’t that right? When I say get lost you gone. Ain’t that right? When I say lick my fucking ass your tongue be flapping. Ain’t that right? When I say show me them stackz and buy my product, you be asking how thick do I want them and give me the entire fucking menu. Ain’t that right?” I eagerly said, “YES SIR!” to it all. The schooling continued, “Lesson #3, target them DILFs, especially them white professional guys who all clean cut during the workday but on the weekends and when the lights down, they the freakiest of the bunch. Ain’t that right?” the ice cream mean asked. Like I really needed to responded hanging naked from a chain as I was. He went on, “They got the cash to spend. This truck? It’s a hustle. That dope we sling? It’s a hustle. Snag and grab them wallets that willing to take some dick on the side too, now that’s a double hustle.” The ice cream man smacked my ass hard then said, “Tell my nephew here what your favorite take out order is?” I easily recited it, “Surf-N-Turf, extra rare, double sauce on the side, with chocolate roll for dessert.” The ice cream man laughed, smacked me again, and then asked, “And what you trying to order today?” as he waved by credit card around. “Double of everything?” I asked. He laughed again and replied, “Well, let’s start with that and see where things go.” Shit. I was always up for a little fun, but maybe this was more than I was ready for. My thoughts about trying to back out were interrupted as the ice cream man tossed a couple of baggies of Tina towards his nephew before inspecting his box, then turned and said, “Now you two go on ahead and get on it while I go inside to the reup and hook up with the boys. Lesson #4, the key to this double hustle is you got to get your shit hard and ready in 30 seconds flat with no sucking or help from them cause sometimes you only got a minute to get in there and dump that load. That’s what they all want - feeling that mandingo monster burning their hole and wetting it up with baby batter. You can try to fake that shit, but trust, to get the repeat ass you gotta drop some chunks. That’s just good customer service.” The nephew shook his head trying to take it all in as he leaned back against one of the coolers, lit a cigarette, then started to rearrange the baggies like little plastic soldiers being lined up for a battle. His Uncle lit a fresh cigar and just as he got to the back door he turned and said, “And boy, lesson #5 - you ain’t never the bitch and no money in the world is worth flipping. Remember you the top dawg - always! They’re the bitches and can always tell when a top be faking and ain’t nothing more than a bitch with a strap on. You remember them Pit Bulls your granddaddy used to breed and train up? You remember how he always strapped the bitch down so the best fighters could mount her and knock her up with puppies? Just like that. This hustle ain’t about being sweet and precious and all that shit. It’s about raw, rough fucking and you getting your nutt and them filling your wallet.” His lessons done, the ice cream man stepped down out of the truck, closed the door, and left me alone with his nephew. The nephew exhaled a cloud of cigarette smoke, casually tapped his ash onto the floor of the ice cream truck, then set the still it cigarette on the edge of the ice cream cooler. I couldn’t help but think there must laws against that kind of shit right? Food service rules and all? Yet this was a drug dealer’s truck so I guess the bigger risk was mixing up powdered sugar for the waffle cones with a bag of cocaine or some shit. He pulled open one of the baggies, dumped some rock on the stainless cooler top, grabbed a spoon from one of those plastic silverware caddies with holes in it, and started to crush the rock up. He reached in his pocket; pulled out a motley mix of bills and cards, found a card he liked, and started to use that to scoop the crushed crystal into lines. He then reached up on a shelf, grabbed a box, pulled out a razor blade, and continued to cut the rock down into snortable bits. Satisfied, he grabbed a straw from a box on the corner, tore the paper cover off and tossed the remnants to the side, laid the straw on the counter and cut it with the razor, then bent over and snorted a couple big lines. “You sure you should be snorting that?” I asked, “Won’t you get Tina dick?” The nephew wiped his nose, squinted, set the straw down, unbuckled his pants and let his monster out. He wasn’t wearing underwear and I could smell his ripe, rank, musty balls and unwashed dick head from where I was. I inhaled the man musk as he stroked it once - twice - then BINGO! His long dick stiffened right up to a hefty 10+inches. He grinned at me with a ‘fuck you’ smirk, then snorted some more. “Hey, what about me? Don’t I get some too?” I asked. The nephew took a couple shuffled steps towards me, his pants still down around his ankles, his hard dick making me spin on the chain as he steered past me. He reached up, unlatched the chain from the eyehook. I rotated my shoulders to get the blood flowing in my arms and walked over to the counter, grabbed the straw with my cuffed/chained hands, and bent over and snorted the fresh crush. I stood up, started to wipe my nose, then got startled as the nephew was now right behind me, both hands holding my neck, his fingers squeezing between my flesh and the leather collar, “So is my Uncle right? You just want to get it raw, rough, and deep? Want some jail dick? Want to be fucked like a prison bitch? Make you take this dick!” I grunted as he pushed his dick head into my puckered hole, which was clenched tight from the crystal shards his Uncle had put in there. The nephew swore, pulled back, spit on his hand but I stopped him, “No - fuck it dry. I want to feel it push through then once you in, it’ll be wet - I promise.” The black dick was back at my hole, more forcefully, and the nephew asked, “Why will it be wet? You already been fucked?” I laughed, “No, your Uncle shoved one of his nutt-pops in there. Said he likes sloppy pussy.” I yelped a little as his dry dick split my hole, pushed in, then went rigid as he tore through and spread my guts open in one, deep stroke. “Oh yeah,” he said, “Wet, sloppy pussy. Juicy. Bend the fuck over, let me long dick that hole,” my new deliveryman said. I was happy to oblige and closed my eyes and relished the feel of his pounding as my hole got worked. Far too soon he pulled up, yanked his dick out, grabbed the collar and stood me up and handed me a plastic tub and said, “Squat and let that shit out. I want that pussy dry now so all you feel is my nutt.” I did as I was told and watched as he kicked off his shoes, stepped out of his pants, and pulled his t-shirt off. His chest and torso were covered in tatts but they were fucked up looking and all scarred, ridged, like the skin/ink was half missing in places. The nephew rubbed his hands over his body, “Jailhouse shit. Dirty needle I guess, they got infected.” Christ. While it was a little hard moving around inside the ice cream truck, in nothing flat the nephew had put a couple of cardboard boxes down on the floor, and stomped on them flat - his big dawg feet nails clicking on the metal floor as he pushed me down onto my stomach. “Arch that back bitch,” he said as his young dick split my hole dry, raw, and rough. I tried grabbing at the leather collar with one hand to try to ease his pull when he slapped my head, yanked back on the collar harder, and angled his dick to the right - left - then straight in deep. “YEAH MY UNCLE WAS RIGHT. JUST LIKE JAIL. SHUT THE FUCK UP AND TAKE THIS DICK. YOU DON’T WANT TO WAKE YOUR CELLIE OR LET THE GUARDS HEAR. YOU WANT SOME BABIES? SOME PRISON DICK BABIES? YEAH YOU A GOOD FUCKED UP BITCH - FAGGOT FOR MY BLACK DICK - HUNGRY PUSSY THAT I’M MAKING WET. CATCH THIS NUTT - PUSH THAT ASS BACK - CATCH THIS NUTT - 30 SECOND NUTT COMING THROUGH, READY TO FLOOD THEM GUTS, FILL YOU UP - LEAVE YOU DRIPPING. FUCK YEAH, SHOOTING IN YOU RAW YOU NASTY SLUT - PRISON SLUT - TAKE IT - TAKE IT - GRRRRR….” BBC cum was dripping out of my hole and puddling on the cardboard beneath me. The ice cream man’s nephew had just bred me raw, yet he was not done. Having snorted the remainder of the crushed up Tina, he yanked me up by the collar, had me sit u on the ice cream cooler and lean back so he could lift my legs up on his arms, then he slammed back in. When his Uncle opened the door and stepped in a minute later, his nephew didn’t pause a stroke, and beat it harder and faster and let his Uncle watch as he dumped another load. “TAKE THIS FUCKING LOAD - GOOD PRISON TRADE PUSSY RIGHT HERE - HUSTLE THAT SHIT - TRADE THAT PUSSY FOR CIGARETTES. YOU TRYING TO GET PIMPED? YEAH YOU ARE. I’M YOUR BOSS AND YOU WILL DO WHAT THE FUCK I SAY - OPEN THAT PINK PUSSY UP - OPEN THAT UP - LET ME NUTT IT UP AGAIN. HERE YOU GO - HERE YOU GO - PRISON DICK IN THAT DILF ASS - FUCKING PUSSY ASS - FUCKING….AAAAAAHHHH - YYYEEESSS!” Having satisfied his need, the nephew promptly yanked his dick out, dropped my legs, and laughed as I scrambled not to fall off the cooler. My hands being chained was making it touch as I twisted, turned, and tried to find a dignified way to dismount. “WHERE THE FUCK YOU THINK YOU GOING?” the ice cream man bellowed as he set his cigar firmly between his teeth, unzipped his pants, and pulled out his whopper. “YOU KNOW I LIKE SLOPPY PUSSY AND I GOT SOME HOT CHOCOLATE SAUCE RIGHT HERE FOR YOU. COME ON BOY; HOLD HIS LEGS BACK UP SO I CAN STUFF IT FULL OF SPRINKLES AGAIN. FREE LESSON FOR YOU - JAM THOSE BIG SHARDS DEEP AND SCRATCH IT UP - MAKES THAT PUSSY TWITCH AND CONVULSE AND FUCKS THEM RIGHT UP AND THEIR TRAPS GET SO HUNGRY THEY LET YOU RAPE FUCK IT HOW YOU WANT. AIN’T THAT RIGHT?” I could only moan as I leaned back against the ice cream truck wall, lost in the sensations of the cold cooler under my body while thick fingers stuffed me with Tina and set my ass on fire. “HHHMMMM - YES - TWO SCOOPS HOLE FULL OF FUDGE NUTT,” the ice cream man said as he parted my ass lips and eased in, “HERE BOY, KEEP THIS SMOKE GOING FOR ME WHILE GIVE HIM ANOTHER FLAVOR.” His nephew took his cigar and set it between his teeth and huffed and puffed on it while he stroked his dick back to readiness as he watched his Uncle bang me. “GET THE FUCK OFF THERE. I WANT YOU TO BEND OVER AND SHOW ME THAT HOLE SO I CAN FIND THAT THIRD HOLE,” the ice cream man growled. I was roughly dragged off the cooler, turned around, slammed face down and bent over and howled in pain as he started to brutal fuck me. OK, well in honesty not ‘pain’ really - discomfort, sure - but I knew he liked it when he thought it was hurting. “THIS IS HOW YOU DO IT. NO MERCY AT ALL. JUST SLAM THE FUCK IN - GO DEEP - AND PULL OUT AND SLAM BACK IN. GOTTA KEEP SHIT MOVING AND DON’T HAVE TIME TO FUCKING WALK IN THE PARK. LEAVE THEM SORE, HURT, AND FILLED WITH NUTT AND THEY BE CALLING FOR DELIVERIES MORE THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE. WHY? CAUSE NO ONE ELSE FUCKS THEM LIKE THIS. THEY MIGHT GET OTHER DICK - BUT NOT HOOD DICK - NOT ROUGH DICK - NOT DICK THAT WILL TAKE IT WITH FORCE AND USE THEIR ASS WITHOUT GIVING A FUCK ABOUT HOW THEY FEEL. AIN’T THAT RIGHT?” I could only mumble a week, “Yes Sir,” as he blended those Tina rocks into my guts and prepped my hole for another breeding. “PUSH BACK NOW, TRY TO FIGHT IT, THAT’S IT FUCKING SLOPPY BITCH ASS - THAT’S IT - FEEL THAT GOOD GOOD SLAMMING YOU - FEEL THAT BBC SWELLING - FEEL ME POLLINATING THAT ASS WITH MY SEED - FEEL ME ADDING A PINT OF HOT SYRUP - OH YEAH - HERE IT GOES - RIGHT IN THAT HOLE - RIGHT IN THAT HOLE - CHOCO VANILLA SWIRL, MY FUCKING FAVORITE!” Having shown his nephew how to drop that nutt on the hustle, the ice cream man pulled out his milk crate, sat down, leaned back, and puffed on his cigar. When his nephew frantically grabbed my hips, dug his nails in and slammed back into me with all his might, in a frantic, desperate need to cum once more the iced cream man just laughed and said, “There you go my man. The torch has been passed to a new generation.” About 60-seconds later more BBC-family nutt was running down my leg as the ice cream man stuck the end of his cigar into my cummy/Tina filled hole, scooped it out, then smacked his lips as he huffed again. He looked at me and said, “I WANT TO SEE HOW HUNGRY THAT ASS IS - YOU EVER TAKEN 12 INCHES? 13? IT’S ONLY A BIT BIGGER. WELL A BIT LONGER ANYWAYS. THICK AS MY WRIST THOUGH. I BET YOU CAN. NO CHOICE REALLY - MORE LIKE YOU WILL TAKE IT. HEY BOY, CRUSH UP SOME MORE OF THAT SHIT, LET’S PACK THAT CHUTE, THEN GO IN AND TELL THE GUYS HE’S READY.” Still smacking his ass pussy flavored cigar the ice cream man stood up, grabbed my chains, hooked me back to the ceiling, then reached into a box and pulled out a rag and stuffed it in my mouth. He grinned then said, “I THINK YOU MAY SCREAM ON THESE ONES, BUT THAT’S COOL - TRY - TOLD THEM THIS WAS A NO LIMITS FUCK. YOU WANT SOME MORE SPRINKLES?” (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
    1 point
  44. PART 2 As we walked through my front door, Conrad reached into his backpack and took out a box of rubbers. “Can’t forget condoms,” he said with an awkward laugh. I took them from his hand, managed a vague sort of nod, and threw them on the dining room table. My boys usually insist on condoms—at first. But after a little bit of chemical intervention, they always transform into eager raw cumholes. Only once did I end up with an especially stubborn kid who kept trying to wrap my dick, so I resorted to a backup plan—a stash of broken rubbers with little holes poked in the reservoirs. Didn’t matter in the end. By the time the condom tore apart while I was pounding his negboy hole, he was so high he tore the shreds of rubber away from my cock and ran his finger along the raw shaft as it plunged in and out of his chemmed-up cunt, his eyes glazing over with the deep-buried desire to be a bareback whore. I always get what I want. I told Conrad to take a seat on the couch and help himself to the pot. Meanwhile, I walked to the kitchen. I took a few sodas out of the fridge and poured them into glasses I’d already dosed with a cap of G. I love G because it transforms uptight boys into ragdoll sluts in a matter of 20 minutes. The taste can be tough to hide, but I recently found a dealer who consistently delivers high-potency GHB that doesn’t taste awful. In fact, after diluting the stuff in 12 ounces of Pepsi, it only leaves a subtle aftertaste—perfect for serving to unsuspecting negboys. As I finished my little cocktail, I heard Conrad’s voice from the couch: “Hey, what’s this?” That made me grin, because I knew exactly what he was talking about. On a tray in the middle of the coffee table, I’d left a bong full of pot. And right next to it, I’d left a little glass pipe full of Tina. Every single time, my negboy visitors are deeply fascinated by the glass pipe, so all I need to do is pretend like it’s nothing too special. “What’s what?” I asked. “I’m just wondering what’s in this little glass pipe thing full of white stuff.” “Oh, that,” I replied, walking into the living room with the G-laced Pepsi. “Not sure you’re ready for that. It’s called T. It can be really, really fun. It makes me horny as fuck, and I bet you’d have a blast on it. But maybe we should just take it easy—just stick with the pot, you know? Here’s some soda, by the way. Drink up, little bro.” He took a few gulps of Pepsi while holding the glass pipe, looking at it intently. My dick stiffened. “Actually, I’m curious,” he said. “Would it be cool if I just tried it?” I shrugged nonchalantly. “Sure, bud—be my guest. But let me show you how to work it, OK?” I sat down next to him, my hands visibly shaking with excitement. “Alright, now hold that pipe up to your mouth. Yeah, just like that. I’m gonna light this little torch and heat up the stuff in the bowl. Just wait a moment. See that? See the little wisps of smoke forming? Now when I say go, just start inhaling very lightly and steadily. Lightly and steadily. Got it? OK, bud—go ahead. Start inhaling. There you go. Good boy. Just take that swirling smoke into your lungs and hold it until I tell you otherwise. Got it?” He nodded as he continued to inhale. “OK, little bro,” I said to him, taking the pipe away from his mouth. “Hold it, just for a sec. Then exhale it through your nose. There you go. Fuck yeah—good boy! Now again.” That first hit was a nice fat one—the cloud emerging from his mouth and nostrils was thick and white, and my cock dripped at the smell of the Tina emanating from his lungs. From that point on, with each cloud of meth that escaped his lips and his nostrils, he was losing a little bit of his innocence. For the second hit, I gave him the torch to operate, and I talked him through it. The result was another giant hit of solid white clouds pouring out of his mouth and nose. “OK, boy—do one more. You’re on your own. I think you got it.” He immediately hit the pipe again, and I turned away to hide my giant, triumphant grin as Conrad smoked away all his defenses. “I’m just gonna put a little entertainment on the TV here, OK? Oh, and don’t forget your soda.” When I turned on the TV, it automatically started playing one of my favorite movies. It’s an amateur video shot by a filthy pig I know from the Midwest—a wrestling coach who likes to chem and poz some of the hot little jockboys on his team. He’d sent me a few videos, but this was my favorite: a sexy, ripped, piggy 18-year-old named Lance was all slammed up and taking loads from a roomful of coaches and former teammates. Behind me, I heard the click of the torch again. Fuck yeah, I thought, this boy is already fuckin’ hooked. As I turned back to face him, I took off my wife-beater. Conrad froze in place, the pipe halfway to his lips, smoke billowing out of his mouth. He just stared at my hairy chest, his eyes dilated pitch-black. “You feelin’ good, little bro?” He gave me a dazed nod, his mouth agape. “Why don’t you take off your shirt, huh? Show off your sweet little body. Do that for your big bro?” He peeled his tank top upward, revealing his flat stomach with its ridges of ab muscles, then his compact little muscular chest. He was just starting to develop a treasure trail down the center of his stomach, leading past the waistband of his shorts to the bulge of his cock that strained against his zipper. His soda was gone; the G would be hitting him soon. I walked over to the couch and took the pipe from his hands. “Jesus fuckin’ Christ, you’re just about the sexiest boy I’ve ever seen." I ran my hand down his torso, and he sighed a deep, hungry sigh. "Listen, buddy: I have a few more things to show you. You wanna learn from your big bro?” He half-grunted, half-moaned in response. “OK: I’m gonna do a hit. Then I’m gonna blow it into your mouth, and you’re gonna blow it back in mine, then back and forth we go until we can’t go anymore. It’s called a shotgun, and it’s one of my favorite things to do with a sexy little bro like you.” I put the pipe to my lips and took a deep, thick hit of white smoke. Then I put the pipe down, turned to Conrad, sealed my open mouth against his, and exhaled my cloud into his lungs. A moment later, he breathed the Tina smoke back into me. We repeated that three or four times until the mouth-lock became a deep kiss, and we kept making out while the shotgun escaped our mouths and dissolved around us. As I kissed him, I loosened his shorts, pulling them down the length of his lightly hairy legs. His underwear followed. Then I slipped off my gym shorts; my cock bounced free with a gentle “thwack” against my stomach. I maneuvered Conrad so that he was stretched out before me on the couch, and I laid down on top of him, my cock rubbing against his. We continued to kiss. I grabbed the pipe, took another hit, and shared another series of breaths with my boy. Then he spoke, hesitantly. “Hey, big bro? Just in case you’re wondering, I’m all cleaned out and ready to go. My ass, I mean. The last dude who fucked me showed me how to do all that stuff. So…anyway. In case you’re wondering.” I smiled at him and mussed his hair. “What are you trying to tell me, little bro? You want my cock sliding in that sweet little butt?” He blushed and shrugged. I leaned into his ear and whispered: “Don’t you worry, buddy. It won’t be long before I bury my fat cock deep in your hole.” He shivered beneath me, then kissed me again. The G was kicking in. He was almost entirely in my hands. A few more minutes of teasing and prodding, and he’d do anything to get impaled on my raw cock. “Get on the floor, little bro,” I said. “Face the other direction, on all fours. Ass in the air. Back arched. No—back arched, like a fuckin’ fag. Much better. Good boy. Now reach back and spread that hole for your big bro.” His hands grabbed each side of his perfectly round butt, spreading it to reveal a smooth, pink, tight hole that pulsed with every breath he took. I knelt down, placed my hands over his, and wrapped my mouth around that aching little boycunt, pushing my tongue into his body, every one of his nerves quivering as I dove greedily into his wide-open throbbing cock-hungry 18-year-old partied-up fuckhole. He gasped as I kissed that sweet little fag-pussy with the same intensity that I kissed his mouth a few minutes earlier. I spit a few huge gobs of saliva on his cunt and worked them in with my tongue. His hole loosened up, welcomed my mouth and my spit, became noticeably warmer. He really was a fuckin’ hottie: such a tight little body, great definition from his calves to his chest, with the roundest, most perfect little boybutt I’ve ever seen. And the cock! He had the kind of thick, veiny dick that would make any top’s hole twitch. Enough butt-eating, I thought. It's time to fuck. “OK, little bro—one more thing to show you," I said, standing up so that my dick hovered over him. "I want you to take a fat hit off that pipe, then blow it onto your big bro’s cock. Can you do that for me?” He nodded, grabbed the pipe, and got the smoke swirling like a regular chemwhore. “Good boy. You like that smoke, huh?” He nodded as he continued to inhale. “Just feed on that smoke, pig. Feed on that smoke. Your big bro wants to see you get fuckin' tweaked." He put down the pipe, knelt directly in front of me, wrapped his mouth around my cock, and exhaled a thick cloud of white smoke that enveloped my dick. The smoke traveled up my stomach and chest as he began hungrily slurping on my poz shaft. He wasn’t a bad little cocksucker, but I couldn’t wait any longer. I pulled his head away from my dick and guided him onto his back. “Pull your legs back, little bro.” He did, revealing that sweet little hungry cunt, still dripping with my spit. I began rubbing the length of my cock across his hole, watching his eyes flutter and his mouth drop open as he pulled his legs back a little further and looked at me with a kind of desperate pleading. “You ready for some dick?” He could only manage a whimper in response. “I can’t wait to give it to you, bro. But one thing you gotta know first. If it turns out to be a problem, then we can do something else. We don’t need to fuck, you know.” He nodded again, half-listening, every bit of his energy focused on the cock rubbing against his chemmed-up faggot fuckhole. “So here’s the deal, little bro. I only fuck raw. Natural. Bareback. And if a boy won’t let me fuck him the way I want to fuck him, then he’s not getting fucked. Got it?” Conrad glanced over at the TV, where the bottomboy was spreading his little jockbutt for yet another raw cock. Then he looked back at me. He reached down to spread his boyhole, just like the guy in the video. “Give me your dick, skin-on-skin,” he said, his eyes a solid-black void. “Bareback my fuckin’ hole. Please, bro.” “Fuck yeah, boy. You been fantasizing about raw dick, huh? Watching bareback porn?” “It’s the only kind of porn I watch. It’s the only kind of fucking I really want to do. Please give me your dick, bro. Your raw dick. I need your fucking raw dick. Please.” “You gonna make me pull out?” “No, dude. Please cum in me. Breed me.” “And when we go to the bathhouse after this—you want other dudes to breed you, too? Breed your chemmed-up cunt?” He paused for a moment, looking me straight in the eye, giving himself some time to overcome the shame of his boyhood secrets. “Yes,” he finally said. “I want my hole dripping with cum.” I nudged the head of my raw dick up against his hungry little butt, and his whole body shook. His breath went shallow. Then my cockhead slipped through that first outer barrier, enveloped by the warmth and tightness and innocence of his negboy hole, and I leaned down to kiss him, a sloppy kiss. “I’m dripping precum in my little bro’s hole,” I whispered in his ear. “I’m lubing you up with my seed, faggot.” By this point, Conrad was alternating between “fuck yeah” and “fuck me,” and he wrapped his arms around my back, murmuring “do it” three times. That’s when I began pushing the rest of my raw cock into the radiant warmth of that chemmed-up fuckhole, and he gasped as he surrendered everything to me. “This is how we were meant to fuck,” I whispered in his ear as my dick continued to disappear inside him. “You aren’t a true bottom boy until you’ve let a man split you in half bareback, until you’ve given up your hole for him to eat and pound and breed. I’m so proud of you, little bro.” With that, I directed his attention toward the TV. “But there’s one thing you should look out for,” I said, taking on a serious tone. “Some guys in the bathhouse will have a tattoo like that.” I pointed up at the screen. A young topdude was pounding the bottomboy bareback. Every time he pulled his cock away from that hungry little fuckhole, you could see a biohazard tattoo right next to his dick. “Do you know what that tattoo means, little bro?” He shook his hand. “Danger, I guess?” “Well, sort of. It means he’s poz. Just something to be aware of, because you probably don’t want that.” I glanced back at him, and the look in his eye was pure hunger. “Unless…,” I said, pretending to be confused, “Unless you’re turned on by that?” He shot a devilish glance at me, and I answered with a giant grin. Then he grinned, too. “You want some poz dick at the bathhouse, bro?” “Fuck yeah.” “Yeah? You wanna get knocked up?” He just kept grinning, and his body started shaking again—a kind of shiver, all fear and anticipation and excitement. “Such a good boy. Such a fuckin’ dirty boy. I love it. I’m so proud of my little bro.” And then, with no warning, I pulled my dick out of his hole. Conrad gasped. He suddenly looked lost and empty; the pleading returned to his eyes, and he pulled his legs back and spread his ass and whimpered. Meanwhile, I stared him down. “Sorry, little bro, but something just occurred to me. You didn’t ask about my status. Don’t you want to know my status?” “I don’t fucking care. Please, bro. Please give me your dick.” That made my dick drip: I don’t fucking care. “Good answer, buddy. But I think you deserve to know.” I nudged my dick up against his hole, and he tried desperately to maneuver his ass to get more of my meat lodged up in his guts. “Here’s the deal, bud: I’m fuckin’ poz. This is a poz cock teasing your hole. You like how this poz cock feels inside you?” “Yes, fucker. Please give me more, fucker. I need more. Please, bro.” “What’s that, buddy? I’m not sure I heard you.” “Pound my ass raw with your fat poz cock. Fucking PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE, BRO.” “You wanna get knocked up? Knocked up with your big bro’s virus?” “FUCK YES.” “Say it.” “KNOCK ME UP, YOU SEXY MOTHERFUCKER.” “Fuck yeah, you hot little chemmed-up faggotboy.” I shoved my poz dick back inside that boy’s hole, and started pounding. I didn’t last long. I felt the toxic seed gathering up in my balls, brewing, getting ready to shoot. Conrad was staring me down with those giant black pupils, his legs spread wide, his hole peeled back and exposed to allow my dick maximum penetration. He just kept nodding. Nodding. Smiling. Telling me with his eyes that he wanted my gift. As I got closer to shooting my toxic load, he wrapped his arms around me and alternated between little whimpered chants of “poz poz poz” and “fuck fuck fuck.” “Goddammit, you hot little fag,” I whispered. “Goddammit. You’re gonna get my load. My fuckin’ sweet infected load, just for you, fuckin’ sexy little negboy bro.” And then, with pulse after pulse of my raw cock in his wide-open wet fuckhole, I bred him. Pozzed him. Charged that little faggot ass up. Gave him my virus. Then, as my dick stopped shooting volleys of poz sperm, I kept pushing my cock deep inside him, pushing my toxic cum into his guts before collapsing on him, my poz cock still buried deep. Conrad sighed, a long contented sigh. “That was amazing,” he said. “Oh, little bro,” I whispered in his ear. “I have so many fuckin’ plans for you—you have no idea.” I pulled my cock out of him, then guided his mouth to taste the poz seed coating my shaft. He slurped on it greedily, my dick still warm from the hunger of his hole. “Such a good boy,” I said. “Such a hot little pig. So proud of you, little bro. Now, whaddaya say we get your sweet little knocked-up hole to the bathhouse?” MORE SOON…
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