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  1. Stopped by a rest area late at night, saw a motorcycle parked. Went in mens room, just a biker at the stalls. 40ish motorcycle jacket beard, I stand next to him at next urinal whip out my cock and piss, he was already done pissing and just standing there semi hard. I finish pissing and shake my cock and grab his cock. He angles towarda me and i kneel down to suck him... suck him for a minute and he is rock hard now. then he pulls his cock out of my mouth and kneels down to suck me. Sucks me for a bit and i pull my jeans down to expose my ass. He takes the hint and grabs my ass... i turn and bend over a bit... i hear him spit and smears his spit on my hole... then pushed his hard cock against my hole.. i tell him keep pushing... he does and pops in my hole... it hurts a bit but tell him keep going. He fucks for another minute and hear him breathing harder and pushes all the way in and holds his cock balls deep... and feel him cumming in my hole.. still holding onto me for another 30 seconds to take his load... His cock slips out and he stands next to urinal and i jack out a load... we both then zip up and we wash our hands and head out.
    11 points
  2. I swear to god its this feeling that separates tops from real breeders. There are days when I just can't stop. Even if I've flooded someone's hole yesterday or this morning I can still feel it at the base of my cock. My root, the center of my sex. It's like a pulse that sends electric waves to my cock and makes my mouth water and my brain switch off. I'll have a hard on all day long and my thoughts become clouded by the idea of pussy. I get moodier, angrier and every minute spent not touching my hard on feels like a minute wasted. This usually will happen to me in the middle of a work day when the urge just comes and when I clock out my cock leads me to the first or sometimes second or third available pussy. I become insatiable. All I want is to fuck, and I like to fuck hard and long and deep. I can feel my balls aching, getting ready to fucking bust and shoot my seed deep. It's moments like these where I can just fuck anything, don't care what, so long as I get to plant my seed in its hot cunt. And when I finally do get to cum its explosive, and my cock is able to jet out 4, 5, 6 squirts of cum. Its like my body knows that I was put on this earth for one purpose alone... to impregnate.
    6 points
  3. **** Part 2 **** The sleet and snow was pattering against the bedroom window now. The outside world was cold, hard and uninviting. Inside was warm, cosy and the bed comfortable. Peter lay on his side propping his head on his arm still spent from breeding me and watching us. I was now face down, Paul behind me prising my arse cheeks apart greedily felching his lovers seed from my hole. It felt so good, so intimate. I was able to move over slightly, without disturbing him, and took Peters now semi hard cock in my mouth. It tasted of his poz sperm, my arse and slightly of the lube he'd used on me. At the root of his cock and on his scrotum there were traces of my blood. As eagerly as Paul was cleaning my hole I was cleaning Peters cock. I was in heaven. Paul began rubbing his hands along the crack of my arse and then inserted a couple of fingers inside me. With his fingers covered in the mix of fluids he offered them to Peter who took his hand and greedily sucked his fingers clean. Paul began to move up onto my back and Peter gave us both a cheeky lustful grin. He knew his lover well and I suspected the whole scenario we were playing out this afternoon had be planned and acted on before. I could now feel Paul's cock head on the entrance of my hole. Then he slowly pushed himself inside me. He was slightly bigger than Peter and even that slight difference was noticeable in my tortured hole. My sphincter felt as if stretched to its limit and his length seemed to reach a part of me deeper than any man had reached before. Peter moved around so his head was now at the same end of the bed as ours. He said "The initial purpose of your visit has been achieved. You have our babies inside you. They'll grow and occupy you body forever. Now it's time to celebrate the conception and and fuck for pleasure" He leaned forward and we began to kiss passionately as Paul began to fuck me. He moved himself in and out of me, slowly at first before picking up speed. I felt totally under the spell of these two men. Completely and willingly dominated by them. Paul fucked me for around ten minutes. The sensations I was getting from his cock inside me were glorious. Peters sperm was the perfect lube. Then he couldn't hold off any longer. I felt his body tense and he pushed his cock as hard and deep as he could before he cried out and injected a huge wad of his poz sperm into me, mixing his own seed with Peters ejaculate. He seemed to orgasm for a few minutes before collapsing beside me the bed. Peter leaned over and cleaned his lovers cock. I joined Peter and licked the mix of juices from Pauls balls. Then Peter and I kissed sharing the succulent combination and mixing it in each others mouths with ours tongues. Peter caressed my cock and then began to stroke it gently. "We want to milk you of your negative seed, so your balls can start making seed with our DNA" This got me as hard as I have ever been. Paul shuffled over on the bed and took my cock in his mouth. "Just let it go, your last neg load" It didn't take long. Both men took turns in sucking my cock before I couldn't hold off any longer. Peter was recipient of the first of the sperm I ejaculated then Paul got the rest. There was quite alot so, more than enough for both of them. By now it was early evening. The light outside had gone and weather deteriorated further. The mixture of sleet and snow anywhehad turned purely to snow and was accumulating on the road and pavement. Thankfully I wasn't going anywhere. I was very happy to stay right here.
    6 points
  4. I I were to write another chapter to any of my stories... should I add to this one??? xxx
    5 points
  5. anonymous loads are so hot
    5 points
  6. Owing to my parents being in the foreign service and later on my job, I have lived in 16 countries. In some countries I have lived longer than others, but at a minimum I spent a full year (all seasons) in any one country. I have as such a rather unique experience and can offer some advice when it comes to retirement and what to consider when you think about moving to another state or country. 1. Always think about your finances. Are they strong enough to withstand a relocation? Will you be able to claim benefits equal or better in the pace where you are moving? Are the costs comparable? If not known, do a bit of research and check out the prices in the place you are thinking to move to. A great indication these days is to look for a local online supermarket and check out their prices. That will give you an indication of cost of living. Other things to look for are free transportation local and regional. For example, me, living in Gran Canaria, I have a 75% discount on any airline linking the islands with the mainland Spain. It gets so ridiculously cheap that on some days I can fly return from GC to Barcelona ( a 3 hours flight) for less than 30 euros (US$40). And this is cheaper than a taxi ride from the airpoirt to city centre. In Luxembourg, all local transportation is free - nobody pays a dime. On the other hand, in Switzerland a small (very small) bowl of tossed salad will set you back some SFr 20 (which is almost US$22). 2. Medicare (or MediScare in some places 😉 ) Will you be covered by a national health plan? Would your insurance from work will continue past retirement, and if so for how long? What is the cost of a private insurance? Get a quote from a local insurer and see what they cover or not. Check out what retirement benefits are offered to seniors, e.g., in Scotland healthcare is completely free, including medicine. Scotland doesn't have pharmacy dispensing fee whereas England does. Spain has a small co-payment on medicine, in France you pay for some elective drugs, but mostly it is free. In Switzerland.... well, just like in the States, you're on your own 3. Accommodation. Housing prices are really erratic. Don't rely on hearsay and don't rely on general advice. Check out the realtor websites in the state / country you focus on. Also, if moving to another country, don't generalise the prices you see in one city as representative for the entire region. Even within the same street prices can differ significantly, because of the post code (see London, England where the post code determine in majority of cases not only the price of house or rent, but also your ongoing maintenance expenses). You need to have a local realtor who can explain all the intricacies of the rental or buying contract. Don't assume you understand it, even if written in English. Any questions, ask beforehand. Obviously, moving to a lesser regulated jurisdiction means that a contract may not even be drawn so you have to rely on the local custom and pray that the landlord is legit. 4. Gay life. We all have different likes, dislikes, and point of views as to how the retirement in a perfect world should look like. Reality is that many places will check out many of your deisres, whereas others not so much. Don't just rely on the reputation of a city being pro or gay. Again, check out the local websites and see how many bars, clubs, associations, are there in the prospective new place. And although you may not be a bar hopping gay bunny, presence of gay mars and clubs usually it is indicative of more accepting environment. As beautiful as many places in the world are, I wouldn't want to live in a Bible belt. These places are great to visit and fantasize that maybe some day, a gay crowd will gentrify those beautiful hills in rural Tennessee. Until then, keep ;looking. 5. Moving to another country. Language barrier is real and no matter how much one can rely on Google translate or similar, life is different when you live in a country where you don't understand the language as opposed to when you just visit it for a short time. For people who only speak English, there are a few countries where you can certainly get by with English, but not for long. Because you will eventually have to deal with officialdom, and bureaucrats are notorious in any country for 'upholding local values'. Learning a foreign language, at any age, is a bit of a challenge, but, and I say this with many years of experience, all locals will appreciate the effort you are making to speak their language. 6. Culture shock. This is a big one. Moving to a different place, state, or country comes with learning a new set of customs, rules and developing new habits. And in doing so, you need to let go of your old habits. You need to learn to be friendly without being overly so, you need to smile but only enough to let the others known that you don't have bad intentions. Also, until you learn more, it's good to say that you just moved there, apologise for not speaking properly the language and continue on. A good source of information is the online local news. Check out the local newspapers and see what people talk about, what are they interested in, etc. That would give you an idea of what life in that place is all about. This subject on culture shock can easily take many paragraphs, but the best way to get over it is to make local friends, and absorb as much information as possible. One thing I would say though: If you move to Italy, you can still order a Capuccino after 12pm. But don't expect to actually get it ! LOL.... Oh, and in Germany, Sunday is a rest day (Ruhetag). Meaning all shops are closed. With the very few exceptions in Berlin and a handful of other places, all stores are closed. So, no shopping in Germany on Sunday. 7. Friends and family. Moving to a different place, state or country, means that you will leave behind your circle of friends, acquaintences and family. Unless of course you already move to a place where you have family or friends. However, in both cases, you will need to either catch up with the old ones or make new friends. In the process of moving from one place to another, having friends was the thing I missed the most. I do make friends relatively easy, and for that I am really fortunate. Because everyone I know, without exception, lists the lack of friends the main source of unhappiness in a new place. And obviously, the older we get, the more difficult it gets to make friends. But not impossible. Just get to know your neighbours, the gardner, the mailman, the lady at the butcher store, etc. Even the most 'antipatico' Dane or Swiss, will open up in time. The trick is to never assume anything, and to always ask someone what is the proper manner, way or custom. Everyone loves to teach and prove themselves useful to others in distress. 8. Climate and Environment. This is a tough one because I am blessed to live in one of the most beautiful islands in the world. Canary Islands are known as the land of eternal spring. If I am to judge by the recent heatwave mabe not so much spring but hot summer 😉 At any rate, each corner of the Earth comes with pluses and minuses: in FL you have the hurricanes and alligators, in California the constant earthquakes, PNW comes with the threat of the Big One, on the NE coast you get the snowstorms, Chicago, Detroit and Minnihopeless come with snow, wind and mosquitoes. Canada comes with 6-7 months of winter and 4-5 months of heat, humidity and flies. Australia comes with the spiders and snakes, while the good ol' Britain, well, you get mouldy in your buttcrack hehehe. So, the point is that no matter where you choose to live, you will always find some negatives. Just choose a place where you think the positives outrank the negatives by a lot. 9. Taxation. US, has the distinction of being in a very select group of countries. It is one of only three countries that use citizenship based taxation rather than residency, - the other two being Eritrea and North Korea. (Who says the North Korea and US don't have things in common ? LOL). So if you are a US citizen you need to consider double taxation, double the trouble, and also need to understand international payments, transfers, reporting, FATCA, etc. These items do have a significant impact on your finances and banking, so do some serious research beforehand. And if you move to Great Britain, the tax year runs from 6 April to next 5 April. Just to spice things up a bit when it comes to income splitting and benefits and stuff. I am very much aware that this is Breeding Zone and we should be talking about cum in ass, 9" cocks adorning our mouths and faces, and cheating boyfriends, but I hope the above will be somewhat informative. If anyone wishes to get a bit more info, please DM me and I can hopefully answer your specific questions. Until then my friends, Happy retirement fucks!
    5 points
  7. Broadly speaking, I agree with you. But here's the thing: I get messages on the apps from people 5,000 miles away. I get messages from guys who describe themselves as "sissy bottom looking for rough Top Daddy" even though my own profile says I'm a bottom - not versatile, a bottom. I get messages from people whose first question is "where are you from?" even though every profile I create lists my city and state. I get messages from people who open with "Looking for tonight?" even though my profiles always state "I plan ahead for sex, almost never looking for "right now". I don't respond to those idiots. If they can't bother to read a fucking profile and UNDERSTAND the words before sending me a message they've forfeited any claim to a polite response declining what they're offering, so to speak. It's a mystery to me how people that stupid don't drown looking up at the rain wondering where all that water is coming from.
    4 points
  8. I was driving on the highway back home and needed to bust a 5day nutt so I pulled over and found a Sniffies with pic ass up <1 mile away. He sent me his addy right away. 50 something slim guy. Swung by his place, found his ass up, rimmed that hole till he moaned, fucked his ass hard, dumped my load balls deep, zipped up, left, and got back on the highway. Felt great!
    4 points
  9. Old fashioned cruising areas and saunas are great , multiple opportunities and a better chance of finding a pre loaded ass
    4 points
  10. The weather that afternoon was miserable. Sleet, snow and an ice cold wind blowing down the narrow streets as I made my way from Earls Court tube station to the address I'd been given. Although well wrapped against the cold I was shivering from the cold, or the anticipation I couldn't decide. Probably a little of both. I was a nervous as I could possibly be. I still could change my mind and go home but I'd come this far, not in distance, but in my determination and desire. As I got closer to the address both seemed to be disappearing and the shivering and nervousness increasing dramatically. I turned into King Street and now shacking visibly. If anyone had seen me they would have thought I was going through serious drug withdrawal. I was outside number 72 now, my intended destination. It was a large Edwardian terraced house with half a dozen steps leading up to an imposing front door with peeling green paint and a large brass door knocker. I was here to meet, we'll call them Peter and Paul as to give their real names would be inappropriate. A middle aged married couple who were HIV positive, not on meds and detectable. I had been corresponding over a few weeks after contacting them on NKP. They said they wanted to pass on their genes while they could to men who would be sure to then intern pass it onto to other willing participants. I had been contemplating being converted for a very long time. At first just as fantasy, a fetish, then as time went by a real desire which became stronger and stronger. I started having risky bareback with random guys occasionally then regularly. It had still been a fantasy and afterward felt guilty and regretted I taken the risk. However the more I took the chance the more the desire grew. I was convinced that each time I was tested at the clinic I would be positive. The relief I wasn't was real and yet still the desire was there. The last two times I attended the clinic I was actually disappointed I was still negative. It was after the last test that I decided I wanted to chase properly. Now, outside the address, it wasn't a fantasy anymore. If I used the old brass door knocker and went inside the tatty green door there was no turning back. I used the knocker. The man who answered the door was about my height and incredibly thin. His blue/grey eyes were slightly cloudy, his grey hair was thinning and as he shook my hands I could feel the bones in his fingers. He wore a dark silk dressing gown and I noticed that the front was beginning to tent where his cock would be. "So you really came. Not many do you know. I'm Peter, Paul is upstairs come on up" He was incredibly well spoken with a sleazy twang to his voice. The house inside did not bear any resemblance to how it appeared outside. The interior was very tastefully decorated, although a little dated, with plush carpets, light expensive looking, wooden furniture and as we entered the lounge, a huge black leather sofa and two chairs. Paul was reclining on the sofa and was completely naked. He had a larger built than Peter but was of a similar age. I later leaned Peter was 68 and Paul 66. He was completely shaved and hairless and his cock which was semi hard was about 8". "So, you really came" said Paul, with a similar sleazy upper class accent. "Not many do" At which point Peter laughed and said he'd uttered exactly the same words at the door. Paul said "So, you know there's no going back after this" a his cock jumped a little all the time stiffening. I was still shacking a little with apprehension but the heat of the room was comforting. "I know what I want, I'm desperate to be converted, I've never wanted anything so badly" Peter had moved to the arm of the sofa and sat on it. As he did so, his dressing gown fell to one side and his now fully erect cock was visible. For such a slight man his phallus looked out if proportion with his body. He was at least 9" and thick. "You'd better take your clothes off then" said Paul. "Yes, let's see what we're dealing with" said Peter. I could feel my face reddening but I wanted their cocks badly. My own was stiffening in my tight jeans, so much so it was getting painful. I knew I was a little chubby and purposely removed my jeans first as so as not to have to bend over with my coat and top off as my belly would look worse. They made no comment as I removed my sweater and stood in my briefs. Then Paul said "Come on don't be shy we're going to see alot more of you soon" I dropped my briefs. I was fully hard now as I stood in the middle of the room. Peter stood and walked towards me. "I'll ask you once more and I won't ask again. You want us to poz you, your sure" I felt hot and was sweating and very turned on. I knew it was my destiny and looking at these two waisted men, I knew I wanted them more than anything I have ever wanted. "Yes, I'm positive" Peter laughed "Well hopefully you will be after today" Paul gave a giggle as well. I could see the humour and it made me feel a little more at ease. Peter stroked my cock very lightly underneath and it jerked from the attention. Then moved his hand and slid his finger between my buttocks, leant forward and kissed me on the lips pushing his tongue into mouth. I actually felt a little weak at the knees and completely submissive. Paul came over and took my right hand in his and began leading me out of the lounge and into a bedroom with a super king-size bed in the centre of the room. Both men were fully erect now and clearly ready to breed me. Peter pushed me onto the bed face down. He knelt behind me pulled my legs and my buttocks apart a immediately stuck his tongue in my hole. Paul knelt in front of me and presented his cock to my mouth. It really was beautiful. I eagerly took it into my mouth tasting the salty pre cum. Because I knew it was poz it tasted wonderful. Peter roughly pushed a couple of fingers deep into my hole without any warning. His nails tearing at the soft tissue inside me. I let out a small gasp at the inevitable pain. "No pain, mo gain" said Peter as he repeated the procedure then reached into a bedside cabinet and produced a bottle brush. Paul removed his cock from my mouth and Peter roughly inserted the round brush into me. He quickly pushed it in and out causing a burning pain inside me and bringing tears to my eyes. He did this about a dozen times then removed it. He then held it so Paul and I could see it. The bristles were mostly pink with a few dots of bright red blood on them. "That should be sufficient " said Paul. Peter then grabbed my legs and pulled me downward to the edge of the bed so my knees were on the floor and my body prone on the bed. I was so turned on now. God this is it, this really happening, I'm going to impregnated, bred, pozzed, given the gift. I was surprised to feel a squirt of lube on my hole. I thought they would fuck me dry. It felt cold and wonderful as Peter pushed it inside me with two fingers then three, adding a little more lube as he did so. Then he mounted me. I felt the head of his poz cock push past and stretch my sphincter. He pushed in right up to the hilt as deep as he could, then began fucking me in earnest. Hard and fast. In my minds eye I could see his cock inside me, thrusting into soft, bloody tissue. Paul was encouraging him "That's it give it to him make him ours. Give his our babies" I could sense the excitement in his voice as he watched his partner ruining me. Peter stopped and both of them turned me over so I was now now on my back. Paul pulled me further up the bed by my arms and Peter got between my legs, lifted them onto his shoulders and mounted me again. Sweat was glistening on his AIDS emaciated body as fucked me. He was beautiful. He fucked me like this for at least another ten minutes before it was obvious he was about to ejaculate his sperm, his poz sperm inside me. His face screwed up and he gave one more hard thrust as his sperm impregnated me. In my minds eye I could see individual sperm swimming inside me and finding the small cuts and abrasions. Their tiny tails forcing themselves into my bloodstream, the virus inside them eventually inhabiting every cell in my being. Peter lay on me completely spent. His mouth found mine and we kissed passionately. Paul joined us and the three of us kissed. I felt satisfied, free, complete. *****To be continued**** *****
    4 points
  11. collected 4 at the sauna last night
    4 points
  12. Has anyone else had issues with random hook ups on BBRT, Grindr, Sinffies, ect.? Like people make hooking up for a random fuck more complicated then it needs to be or they just don't respond at all. I don't know maybe it's just me. It's just sex lol.
    3 points
  13. A couple of days ago. Very hot early 30's muscle guy - had been chatting on and off for ages on Fab guys. Super hot body , worked out several times a week and does manual labour - 5'8 or so - absolutely my type. Was looking on line at 8 am , the guy messaged and said he had just taken his first load from a guy on his way to work. I'd self employed so rearranged my morning to drive over - he messaged me just before the arranged time to say that another top was coming over and if I wanted him wet and loose could I wait ? I parked my van in a lay-by just up the road and saw a car arrive and a 30/40s guy get out - very hot waiting outside - after about 8-10 minutes he left (classic pump and dump) I drove over and parked in his drive , he met me at the door in a pair of white CK pants - cliched , but hot Went to the top of the house to what looked like his anon fuck room - not too much light , but an intoxicating small of sweat , testosterone and cum No chit chat , he just bent over and touched his toes , I pulled his very muscly ass cheeks apart and got my tongue in him as deep as possible - wanting to taste the other guys 5 minute old load. As it was just a pump and dump I mounted him , and went balls deep in 1 thrust with my full body weight - I love when the previous guy has done a proper deep dump - as I bottomed out in his ass it became very wet and warm as I reached the other loads. There is nothing hotter than fucking a hot young ass with a couple of warm creamy loads - I fucked for about 5 minuets and added my 5 day Daddy load 4-5 spots of thick cream - he was very grateful - I will do him again.
    3 points
  14. this is the story of how i became a bottom bitch for the city's best BBC escort PART 1 His name was Tom. We met right after he moved here, he wasn't in the trade at the time. young, actually; he was 19 and I was 23. I was a tall, thin, hung, vers guy at the time. 6'4" 190, with a very thick 8" uncut cock that got a lot of attention. Of course, I suspected his black dick was even bigger. Our first few meetings were just awkward casual stuff, making out here and there, nothing serious. That changed though, one night, when he invited me over to his new apartment. I didn't really know what to expect, but given how hot he was, I was never going to turn him down. Black guys in my town were very rare, and he was 6'1", 200lb, built and packing a 9" uncut thick piece I'd only begun to play with. I knew I wanted him, I just didn't know how badly. At any rate, he told me to head to his place that night, and I obeyed. When I got there, he was chilling on his couch, smoking a joint and watching some bareback porn. I immediately noticed the glass pipe and a small bag of crystal on his table; i'd done the stuff only once before, and I ended up getting raped all night by a guy I'd never seen again - but it was one of the best nights of my life, all the same. I sat down next to him. "You smoke t?" he asked, caressing my thigh. "Done it before, never smoked it though." "You'll like it." he said, as he reached for the pipe and lit it. He took a huge toke, winked at me, and tugged at my shirt. I exhaled as I fell into him, and we kissed gently as he blew the smoke back into my lungs. "See? Have some more." He passed me the pipe, and torched the chamber for me, as I sucked it back, several times more. I sat back, as he did the same. All of a sudden, my body was buzzing; my ass was tingling; my cock shriveled into my balls. As he finished toking, I took off my shirt. "That's better. Make yourself comfortable." He put down the pipe on the table, and sat back down on the couch. All of a sudden, I noticed that his cock was hanging out of the top of his sweatpants, half hard and drooling from the tip. I couldn't stop staring at it. I was transfixed - it was so big, so beautiful, a real man's dick, and I wanted it. Bad. "You like that big black dick, don't you? Why don't you show me how much you like it?" He grabbed my wrist, and drew my hand right onto his dribbling, half-hard member. I grabbed on like my life depended on it and started stroking it. "Show me how much you like that dick, boy." I fell off the couch to my knees, and started sucking on his dick. I couldn't wait to see it erect, it was already huge in my hand, i knew it would be choking my throat in no time. "Yeah, suck that dick, show me how bad you want it." His dick was still semi-hard so I could take it to his balls, but with every stroke it was stiffening, and hitting the back of my throat. "Look at me while you suck my dick." I realized I'd basically tuned out, eyes closed. I looked up. His eyes were locked on mine. It was a completely different person than I'd known before we smoked up. He stroked through my hair, and then grabbed it firmly. "Look at me while you suck my dick," he told me, staring right at me. "I promise," I babbled between strokes, unable to resist. I kept going down on him, eyes locked on his - and his cock just kept getting bigger, and bigger - i couldn't take it anymore. "Good boy. I love watching those sweet white lips on my nigger meat." He pulled me up by my hair and kissed me. "Those lips on my cock head, that's what really gets me off. It's so sensitive - I want you to work that head for me, okay babe?" I nodded, and he pushed me right back down into his crotch. As I engulfed his cockhead with my lips, he kept stroking through my hair and staring right into my eyes. With every moan his cock got harder and harder, until it was an enormous 9" wrist-thick piece of big black meat. "Look how hard you got me, boy. What do you want me to do with this nigger meat?" He pulled me up by my hair again, and reached around to finger my hole. I moaned. "What do you want me to do with this nigger meat?" he repeated. "I want you..." I whispered. My grip tightened around his now rock-hard, 9x7 uncut member. "WHAT?" "I want you." I said, a little louder. "You want me to WHAT, boy?" "I want you to fuck me." "You want me to fuck this little white hole do you?" he asked as his finger slipped inside me, and I groaned. "Yeah, it looks like you want some nigger meat in this white boy hole of yours." A second finger pushed its way in. "You want me to fuck this white boy pussy?" His fingers were pushing deeper and deeper, and I was losing control. "Tell me." He pulled out completely. "What do you want?" "I want you tu fuck my white boy pussy." I said, surprising even myself. He rubbed the fingers he'd pulled out of my ass against my lips. "Get on the bed and spread your legs, I want to eat that hole before I fuck it." He slapped my ass and pushed me off the couch in the diretion of the bedroom. Obviously, I didn't need any further encouragement - all I could think about was his throbbling, droooling, massive cock. I basically leapt onto the bed into the doggy position, legs spread wide. "That is a nice ass you have there, boy. Now you hold still." He grabbed my ass cheeks and groped them, then spread them, and started licking my hole. I lost my mind immediately; the combination of the foreplay and the tina send me completely over the edge. The more he ate my hole the more I needed him, as his tongue drove deeper and deeper into me. It was the most overwhelming rimming I'd ever received. It didn't last long, as he could clearly sense how hungry I was. "That is some nice white boy butt you have there, boy," he whispered in my ear, as he slipped his thumb back into my asshole. "Are you going to let me fuck it?" "Yes, please, please fuck my white boy hole!" I nearly shouted, as his thumb rubbed against my prostate, and my shrunken cock dribbled precum. He added another two fingers to his assault of my ass, pushing deeper, making me moan louder and louder. Then, with three fingers up my ass, he wrapped his other arm around my waist and pulled me back towards him, sitting me up on the bed. "I will. First, smoke a little more, okay?" He wiggled his fingers inside of me as he stared into my eyes. Then with his spare hand he picked up the pipe from the bedside and passed it to me along with a lighter. "I want to see you take three big tokes, and then I'll fuck this white boy pussy." He thumbed my prostate again and I groaned. I held the pipe as he lit the torch. One. Two. Three. He stared at me through every one, massaging my ass with his fingers. There was no escape. With every breath I was losing control more and more. "Good boy. Hold still, I need some too..." he pulled his hand out of my ass, and the feeling of emptiness was overwhelming. "Oh no please don't-" I squealed. "You want to get fucked, don't you? Now shut up and spread your hole again while I get ready to fuck you." He grabbed me by the hair and pulled me up and kissed me, and then threw me back down onto the bed. "On your knees again, I want to see that hole," he demanded, as he lit the freshly-loaded pipe. I got back up into the doggy position, with my legs spread again. Now that my ass was lubed and fingered it was cold as hell, as well as tingling with hunger to be filled. I was intensely embarassed by my cold, wet rosebud being exposed to the world but knew I had no choice whatsoever. I heard him put the pipe down on the table, and then heard a slapping noise, which was him fastening a cockring to his giant 9" cock and big black balls. "Does that white hole want to get fucked?" he asked. I moaned. "You want some nigger meat in that white boy hole don't you?" I moaned again. "Tell me you want it. Tell me you want it in you." "I want you to fuck my boy hole," I whimpered, and his hands slid along my hips. His cock slipped through my asscrack, and then rubbed back and forth against my hole. "Tell me you want this nigger meat in your white boy hole," he said, breathing on my neck, his massive, throbbing cockhead pressing, ever so gently but firmly, against my asshole, threatening to enter, but not quite. "Beg for this nigger meat, or you're not getting fucked tonight." "Please, please, fuck my white boy hole, fuck it with your nigger meat, I need your nigger meat in me please, please, pleasssseeee..." I didn't have to fake my petulant tone as the threat of not getting fucked at all, with my ass already wet with anticipation, my whole body shaking with desire, had sent me into complete overdrive. Amd as I kept shouting please, please, please, he thrusted his whole nine inches balls deep into me in one swift, brutal stroke. I froze in ecstasy, as he nibbled my neck as his balls slapped against mine. "Oh am I ever going to fuck this hole of urs. Why didn't you tell me you had such a sweet little pussy, boy." He pulled his dick out to the tip and thrust it right back to the balls. "You white boys have the nicest pussy, and it loves getting fucked by nigger meat don't it?" He continued thrusting into me, over and over. I couldn't even speak, the pleasure was overwhelming. He drove his cock to the hilt, and grabbed my wrist. "Why are you jerking yourself?" his deep voice whispered into my ear again. I didn't even realise I had been furiously masturbating my limp dick since he'd begun fucking me. "That little boy dick isn't going to get hard tonight. You're a white boy pussy, that dick ain't good for nothing. Do you want to get fucked or not?" "Yes, yes, I want you to fuck me, please...." "Good boy," he grabbed both of my wrists and shoved me down onto my stomach, and started thrusting his cock into my ass over and over. "A pussy boy like you doesn't touch his dick. Not if he wants to get fucked. All you need to worry about is how you're going to take this nigger meat, understand? My cock is the only one you're going to think about." I swear i could feel his dick harden even more and push deeper and deeper into my ass. "Tell me, pussy boy, that you won't touch yourself again." "I'm your pussy boy and I won't touch myself again I just want you to fuck me with your nigger meat please please keep fucking me with your nigger meat that's all I want..." He moaned, and shoved me down and doubled his pace of thrusting. "Good. If you need something to do with those soft white boy hands of yours, play with my nipples or my balls, keep your back arched... or smoke some more tina like the slut you are." he suddenly lifted me up and thrust the pipe into my face. "Breathe in, slut." He pushed his dick in to the balls again, and I could feel it throb it was so hard - was he ever getting off on this. So was I. I sucked in deeply. "See? No need to fight it, you have such a hot ass, it deserves dick in it." He took the pipe from me and inhaled a few times himself; each time I could feel his dick harden and heat up, like a threat, or a promise. He dropped the pipe over the bed and grabbed me tightly again. "I thought your white boy ass was going to turn out to be a bit of a slut, but I had no idea what a pussy little bitch you'd turn out to be," he roared at me, as he drilled my ass from behind over and over. He pulled out suddenly to fip me onto my back, and I instincively pulled my legs into my air and he slid his massive cock right back into my ass and continued fucking me. "Turns out you're a born pussy boy, aren't you. Look at this little pussy dick." On my back, there was no hiding my normally 8" dick shriveled to the size of a peanut. He stroked it idly, as if it were funny to him. "This is the last time I ever touch your dick, bitch. Understand? I don't ever want to see it again. All I want is this sweet white boy hole wrapped around my nigger meat. Deal?" He gripped my tiny, soft dick tighter, and picked up the pace of his fucking. "Deal!!" I moaned. "So you're not going to tuch your little boy dick ever again around me? Because you want this nigger meat in your pussy so bad?" "Yes I promise I'll never touch it again I just want you to fuck my white boy pussy!" as this spurted out of my mouth to my own surprise, he grabbed both of my legs and shoved me flat into the bed to fuck me even deeper. "Oh boy, you really are a bitch aren't you. This white ass is just desperate for big black cock. Why didn't you tell me you were such a slut?" He suddenly pulled out of me, and flipped me back onto my knees, and thrust three fingers deep into my hole. "Hahaha, look at you, you're not even going to budge as long as I'm in that pathetic little pussy of yours." He kept fingering my hole and it was true; I couldn't move, it was too fantastic. "You're completely addicted to nigger meat, and I'm going to show you what that means. You're mine now, boy, and I am not letting you go. This pussy is too sweet." I moaned and moaned as he continued fingering my ass. Little did I know what his other hand was up to. "Hold still." His hand withdrew, and I groaned - "HOLD STILL I SAID!" and I didn't dare budge. "A slut hole like this deserves a treat," he whispered. I could feel his cockhead return to my hole, rubbing against it again, this time with a warm tingling sensation. And with one fluid motion he was buried in my ass again, but this time with it came an enormous burning and then an overwhelming pleasure. He'd covered his massive erection in meth and was pounding it into my asshole - and now he was in complete control. Before I could even adjust to the overwhelming sensations he resumed fucking me silly. "What a slutty white boy you are, letting ur ass get booty bumped by nigger meat, what were you thinking? " he boomed, hammering my ass over and over, grabbing my hips tightly, pushing deeper and deeper into my ass than ever before, the meth setting it all on fire with need. "You can't say no to big black dick like this, can you? This pussy is all mine now." "ohhhhhhhhhh" I whimpered, the only word I could muster through the sensory overload. His cock driving the booty bump back and forth into my ass was only making him stiffer and stiffer, and I could barely understand anything beyond the massive black cock that was filling my insides with pleasure. "I'm going to fuck this sweet white boy pussy of yours all night long." He pulled his cock out to the head, and slapped each of my cheeks, and then thrust it back in to the balls. "But you want me to fuck you all night long, don't you boy?" "....yesssss....." I moaned, struggling not to black out. "Yeah? You want your white boy hole bred by this nigger meat don't you? Your boy pussy likes being filled up doesn't it?" My tiny boy cock was frantically spurting precum as he told me exactly what I already knew. There was nothing I wanted more than this god of a man to keep fucking me. "And you're not going to touch that little white boy dick either, are you?" He laughed, and flicked my soft dick with his finger. He pulled his dick out entirely and slapped me across the face to get a response. I nodded frantically and licked hungrily at his nipples. "Yes, I just want to be your boy pussy, I want you to fuck me all night, I want you to breed my hole, please keep fucking me, please, please, please!!" As I submitted completely he rammed his rock-hard cock back into me, drilling me over and over as I screamed nonsense, as his dick kept stroking me deeper and deeper. "GOOD BOY." He locked eyes with me again, and continued fucking me with long, steady strokes from head to balls of his fat 9" cock. "I am going to breed this hole. Repeatedly. As long as you keep being such a well behaved little bitch, you are going to get this dick in you. And that's what you need isn't it?" He pulled out his dick to spit on my hole, and started circling his cockhead around it. "You're addicted to nigger meat now aren't you." "YES YES I'M ADDICTED I NEED IT IN ME PLEASE PUT IT BACK KEEP FUCKING ME I WANT YOU TO FUCK ME ALL NIGHT LONG AND BREED MY WHITE HOLE OVER AND OVER" I was thrashing around, my eyes rolling into the back of my head. He grabbed me by the throat and drew me to him. His eyes locked onto mine again, dead serious. His cockhead slipped into my hole, just barely. "This is what you are now. A pussy full of nigger meat. What a lucky boy you are. Lots of bitches want this cock, but I picked your pussy to fill up tonight. " I just nodded, as his steel-hard cock slipped back into me. He smiled, and began fucking me relentlessly. "Let's see how many loads I can leave in this hole for you... here comes number one!" He kept fucking me harder and harder. He started groping me frantically, as his cock swelled within me. He lifted me up entirely, and threw me on top of him, and began slamming my ass from below. I started cumming from him fucking me, my tiny boy dick spurting jizz onto his chest. He grinned, slammed his big black cock as deep as it'd go in me, and shot his massive load deep into my guts. I crumpled on top of him, and he kissed me on my neck. "Stay here with me, boy, and I will keep that pussy feeling good." I did. We fucked for another eight hours. He had three more major orgasms, but who knows how many loads he left in my ass. He fucked a few loads out of me as well, without touching my cock of course. We finished well after dawn. When he finally let me go home, he left me with instructions. Keep all his cum in my ass as long as possible, When I came back, I had to wear a jockstrap to hide my cock if I ever wanted to get fucked again. I had to stop shaving my ass crack, as he liked it hairy. And I had to show up spotlessly clean and ready to fuck all night long next time he asked, because once he started in on my ass he couldn't stop. And obviously, I had to smoke tina with him. I agreed to everything instantly. The next time couldn't come soon enough.
    3 points
  15. It’s not just you. Anymore I’m not sure whether to call them hookup apps or cockblocking apps. But of course it’s not the apps, but the people using them that are making things difficult. I used to think that men would gladly fuck given an opportunity - now I think that men who want to actually have intercourse may be a minority.
    3 points
  16. Perfect perversion trainer! No cues but extremely hot pics, vids and text. Just amazing how horny it gets me, and how well it inspires you to push limits and continue being a pig. [think before following links] [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/pig-cum4/
    3 points
  17. PART TWO What was Daryl supposed to do next? He tried to stop thinking of Brian, but the sexual attraction was constantly there. Peter was a good guy; Daryl liked him and did not want to hurt him. The first few times he'd called Brian, he felt guilty. He and Brian would talk over the phone, after work, or when Peter was out, and both would find pleasure in these nightly chats. Not only intellectual pleasure, but also a hot jack off session foreshadowing the fun they would have again and again. Without Peter. Daryl had been negative all his life. He desperately wanted it to stay that way. He got scared merely thinking about HIV. It made his heart beat and his adrenaline rush. But when he was with Brian, he stopped caring. He cold no longer help himself from becoming a whore or his bottom bitch. Even cheating on Peter had turned him on. He could no longer think rationally. Peter had continued plowing Daryl's ass before bed time, but Daryl just could not get off. No matter what - it seemed the chemistry just was not there. Unlike when the sexy Brian had been inside him. And now that Peter was away on business for a few days, Daryl sat wondering if he had made the wrong decision to invite Brian over. A "date" consisting of a few beers and a movie, he had explained. But he knew they would fuck. So Brian came over and, after some chit chat and a few beers, they started kissing. Brian wanted to put his thick cock inside Daryl again. And Daryl was horny for it, too. Brian asked him if he loved his partner, but Daryl could not bring himself to say yes. Again, he explained that Peter was a nice guy. "So you prefer a real man who knows how to fuck you and make you moan and roll your eyes. I'll do just that for you. And more." That as basically the reason why Daryl got on his hands and knees and let the top penetrate him. And, like the first time, Brian started to bang Daryl's tight hole. Slowly at first, but faster and faster by the second. Only this time, there was no need to rush. He watched and drooled as he admired Brian's reflection in the mirror. The stud was holding his ass and fucking it hard and deep. "Tell me you want me to stop. Tell me Peter means enough to you and I will stop," Brian proposed. But Daryl said nothing. The choice was made. He loved Brian. When Peter called to wish Daryl a good night, Brian did not stop fucking. Brian enjoyed watching Daryl pretend to be groggy and taking from a nap as his cock invaded Daryl's pussy. Peter's former partner. He whispered to Brian that he was getting close. Daryl didn't know how to respond. He knew he wanted to be with Brian, but he couldn't just end things with Peter like this. Sensing Daryl needed help, Brian leaned in and whispered in his ear: "When you tell him that you love him, I won't hesitate. Ill fuck you fast and furious. I'll make you beg for my cum. Then I'll breed you." Daryl felt a wave of desire wash over him. The conversation between him and his boyfriend (or was it former boyfriend now?) was winding down toward the traditional evening greeting. "Anyhow I should get back to work," Peter was saying. "See you tomorrow, Daryl." Now was the moment to decide: stay forever stuck in a deteriorating relationship and feeling unsatisfied in bed, or let loose and take the POZ stud up the ass raw. "I love you, baby." Daryl was looking straight into Brian's eyes. He repeated it again just as Peter was hanging up on his end. He continued moaning... "I love you, Brian! Cum in me. Knock me up." Brian's sexy face contorted into an animal's rage as he unloaded several spurts of cum into his new boy's unprotected yet willing hole. "Fuck yeah, bitch! I know you want it. Get ready, baby... Here's my toxic load for you." And he came inside Daryl. Again.
    3 points
  18. My older brother dealt drugs when we were teenagers and he made me smoke pot with him a couple times but I didn’t like it. After I came out when I was 16 in 1979, I dated guys monogamously and never did drugs. One time when I went with a friend to Austin for a lake party, someone slipped a molly into my sandwich. It freaked me out, not knowing what had happened and I didn’t like it. Anything that was speedy, even caffeine trigger my anxiety, and that sure did it. After that I specifically avoided doing anything and rarely drank. Many years later when my husband of 20 years and I visited Palm Springs for the second time, we rented a house and made plans to hang out with guys we found on apps. We had been open for about ten years and it worked for us. We didn’t hook up much with other people where we lived for discretion. We were both executives in visible positions and needed to be discreet. But when we were out of town it was easier. My husband is an ex-model, very hung and had no problem finding willing younger guys (his type) to fuck. I liked all kinds of guys and had become pretty adventurous with sex, exploring a lot of kinks over the years. I found a really sexy, tall all-American looking guy in his 40s on an app. He had a humongous dick, which was my kryptonite, seemed kinky, and kind of nasty. He was interested in hanging out and was free that night. He said he had a friend who was on his way from San Francisco and would be in town within the hours. He sent me pics of the guy. His friend was in his 30’s, shorter than his friend and also really handsome, in that swarthy Italian way. Oh, and he also had a huge cock, almost as big as his tall friend. I got the impression they liked tag teaming bottoms and I’d trained my hole to be flexible and strong, so I could take big cocks and even a fist a couple times, and still be able to get tight pretty quickly afterwards. But, it had been awhile since I’d been fucked because work was crazy busy during COVID, so I would have to really get warmed up to take either of these guys. We met at CCBC where I had rented a room. The tall guy was there in the lobby when I arrived and introduced himself as “Rob” (not his real name). We got settled into the room when the shorter Italian guy arrived, and introduced himself as “Gino” (also not his real name). Gino and I sort of hit it off right away. He made a couple trips to the four to bring in four suitcases. Rob explained that Gino was a dealer and was moving to Palm Springs and was setting up shop as soon as he moved into his rental house. Gino opened up the suitcases. While I couldn’t see everything from my chair across the room, I could see they were full of pill bottles, plastic baggies, many different colors of pills and powders, along with pipes, bongs and other stuff I couldn’t see very clearly. Gino asked me if I partied and I said I didn’t but told them I had brought a joint and didn’t mind if they did. I’d heard how addictive, dangerous and intense meth was and that never appealed to me, especially because it was speedy. In fact it scared the hell out of me. I had a really great life and I didn’t want to do anything to mess that up. However, something surprised me in that moment he asked me. I got scared about the idea and weirdly it also turned me on. I kind of laughed to myself because it seemed I’d found another kink I didn’t want to actually engage in, but fantasize about, like pozzing. They started smoking from a bong and blowing big clouds. The clouds seemed really seductive to me. Gino asked me if I wanted to try a hit. I paused for just a couple seconds, feeling my cock get raging hard. I told him no. He raised an eyebrow like he didn’t believe me. I think he’d noticed my hesitation and curiosity. So he said, “How about this?” He took a big hit and then came over to about a foot from me and started blowing it towards my face. I wasn’t expecting it but for some reason my reflexive reaction was to breathe some in. I quickly exhaled, worried what might happen. Gino smiled a little and the two guys took some more hits. I was feeling my favorite sex pot and laid down on the bed. Gino came over next to me on the bed, took a huge hit and leaned over me, holding it and raising his eyebrows. My cock instantly got even harder, I think because of the risk and danger. I’d learned that risk and a little danger was a turn-on for me when being blindfolded at my first dungeon party a couple months ago. I just looked into his eyes and he must have taken that as a green light because he leaned down and blew the big hit into my mouth. I only breathed in a little but just the idea of someone getting me high on something dangerous without my explicit consent made almost cum. We talked for quite a while and I found that I really liked both of them, especially Gino. He was surprisingly down to earth and friendly, easy to talk to. He seemed surprisingly trustworthy for a dealer. Rob definitely did not seem trustworthy, but something about his shadiness was sexy. I’d taken another hit off the indica joint and was feeling good. We all made out for awhile, and it was hot. They paused, got up and shot up their dicks with what they called trimix. The guy with the monster dick said he had to have an extra strong formula to get his big beautiful cock hard after partying. Watching them inject their dicks was unexpectedly crazy hot. I laughed at myself, at how much I’d changed since my sort of puritan 20’s and 30’s. As they shot their dicks up, I began to feel the meth I’d inhaled. It was speedy, but nice, very euphoric and it made me even hornier. I began to want to be fucked pretty bad. After the trimix, they said they were going to slam. I didn’t know what that meant but when they started filling two syringes I figured it out. I noticed I started precumming watching them, and I think they noticed it too. As I watched and wondered what it would be like, I realized how dark my kinks had gotten. It was kind of scary, and alluring too. I could see it hit them and how much they enjoyed it, but it still scared the hell out of me. After they slammed we really started making out hardcore. Rob started playing with my hole and said, “Gino, you’ve got to check out his hole. It is magnificent.” Gino moved around to between my legs and said, “fuuuuuuck” and started eating me out. Rob gave me his dick to suck. While I was doing that, Rob leaned over to Gino and whispered something. Gino shook his head while his tongue was deep in me. I asked what they were talking about because this was a pretty risky situation. Gino took his mouth off of my hole and said, “Rob thought we should stealth booty bump you, you know, but some Tina up your hole and get you higher. I told him no, that wasn’t cool.” My reaction to hearing this was gratitude for Gino protecting me, and getting really turned on my Rob's sleazy underhandedness and desire to corrupt me. I just said, “fuuuuuck” and closed my eyes. Gino began to fuck me as I was sucking Rob’s enormous head. I couldn't’ get it in any further. My hole was amazingly loose and took Gino’s big rod pretty easily. He kept saying how much he loved my hole, and then came in me hard. I could feel it - it was a lot. He kept fucking me, like fucking the cum into my hole with a little half smile. Then Rob moved around and turned me over on my knees and fucked the living hell out of me. I couldn’t believe I could take his whole cock. Gino was kissing me and sliding fingers in beside Rob’s cock, stretching me beyond even when I had been fisted. Rob also came hard and shoved in me deeper than I’d had any cock, hand or toy, and he just held it there while he came. He started at me, watching my eyes. After a couple minutes, I could feel it. There was meth in their cum. I could feel the euphoric speed hitting me. “Oh jeezus!” I said. “You guys did stealth me after all, with your cum!” Gino said that it wasn’t much and assured me I’d be fine. With hardly a poz, Gino slid underneath me and then began to slide in, with Rob still inside. “Oh shit. Oh shit. I don’t think I can take it.” I said. Gino told me to just breathe and I’d be fine. Suprisingly, it hurt and stretched hard for a few minutes but after that I just felt amazingly full and tight and fantastic. Then both they started fucking me, moving in and out with different cadences and depth. I started to scream in complete ecstacy, and then came. They kept fucking me until they both came again. After that I was spent, and just turned over on my back. I was really spinning now, part pot, part meth, part dopamine from the sensation of being double fucked, but I felt great. We chatted for a bit and then they slammed again and took another couple hits. Gino blew another hit in my face. I definitely didn’t need it. The cum was doing the trick. But I wasn’t too high. Several concerns registered in my mind: the first was, I liked it and I was thinking about when I would do it again. The second was, how high I was still going to get, and lastly, how long would I be high? Would I need to stay overnight? Would my husband be able to tell when I got home? I texted my husband that I was having a great time, we were hanging out with some guys at CCBC and not to wait up. After I put my phone down, Gino pulled my knees up and pulled my ass to his cock, which was still hard. He slid in me and said, “What do you want?” “Are you poz?” I asked, registering this was my other dangerous fantasy. “No, but Rob is and he’s not on meds. Are you on PreP?” He asked. I realized I had forgotten my prep at home and had not taken it in two days, which wasn’t a big deal. Gino said I’d be fine. Gino shoved his beautiful, big uncut cock inside me and began fucking me slowly, all the way in and all the way out. Then he shoved it deep inside, leaned over me and said, “Clench your hole on my cock.” I couldn’’t figure out why but I did it. He held still, his big hard cock all the way inside me. I suddenly began to feel fuller, like his cock was expanding. He smiled and said, “You’ve never been piss fucked before, have you.?” “Oh fucking hell!” I replied It was the hottest thing I’d never heard about. After he finished filling me far beyond any capacity I’d previously reached, he started fucking me. He told me to stay clenched as he fucked me slowly, and I did. My daily Kegel exercises were paying off. He fucked me for a few minutes then pulled out slowly and told me to hold it in. He raised my knees and then ass up so that my hole was like a piss chalice and it would stay in. “How does that feel?” He asked with a grin. “It is blowing my mind.” I replied, ”Hold it in for five minutes.” He said, giving me a knowing look. And then it hit me, their piss had probably more meth in it than their cum. A lot more. They had slammed twice and smoked a lot. Then I started feeling the big wave of high hit me hard. It was amazing, not at all like I expected. Both of the guys were getting off on doing this to me and we all kissed together as I held it inside me. The high kept getting bigger and bigger. Gino told me to go to the bathroom and let it out. When I got back to the bed, Rob said, “My turn.” Rob’s piss fucking me was even wilder; his bigger cock, and much more piss did a lot more damage to my hole and really ratchet up my high. After I let it out, I was really spinning but feeling great. We messed around some more, made out and the double fucked me again for a bit. Then Rob jumped up and said with a big surprised grin. “Come with me. Grab a towel and follow me.”
    2 points
  19. Daryl was on his back while his boyfriend, Peter, fucked him as they usually did a couple times a week. The only thing different, this time, was Brian, watching from a chair, stroking the biggest cock either of them had ever seen. Peter seemed to ignore the hot guy on the chair just a few feet over stroking, as he plowed into Daryl, while Daryl was trying his hardest not to constantly stare at Brian. By this time, Daryl would usually be faking moans so that his bf would finish. Peter was a nice young man and devoted boyfriend, but a horrible fuck. He even had a decent sized cock, Daryl thought, but Peter just couldn't get Daryl off. The chemistry just wasn't right. This time, however, Daryl was moaning with desire as he imagined Brian in place of Peter fucking him deeply. Peter sped up his pace a little as usual before he came, "I'm going to cum" he said. Peter then pulled out and jacked off onto Daryl's smooth belly like he had done dozens of time before. So well-rehearsed; and so boring to Daryl. Daryl faked another complimentary comment "Oh yeah, that was hot. I'm just too nervous to cum right now, I guess." Peter never seemed to care if Daryl came or not. Each fuck session ended the same way. And despite them having their first guest watch them fuck, Peter had a difficult time breaking his routine. "Uggh .. I need to shower. I'll be out in a few" Peter said, and then slipped away to the bathroom. He almost seemed oblivious to Brian even being there. Moments later, the bathroom door closed and the shower was running. Brian's patience was about to pay off. Daryl remembered the conversation they exchanged over e-mail messages as they arranged this. Peter would only agree to having a third person watch them fuck. Brian knew that's all that would likely happen. And since Brian was just going to watch, Daryl and Peter didn't mind Brian being poz. After all, he was just there to watch, so no harm done there. "Did you cum?" Daryl asked his newly-made athletic and hung poz friend. "No," Brian answered, detecting some interest on Daryl's part, "why don't you suck me off real quick while Peter showers." Daryl nearly jumped out of bed, and quickly made his way to Brian's thick tool. He had hoped this moment might present itself, and took advantage of it as quickly as he could. On his knees, Daryl struggled to go down down Brian's shaft. He was too aroused to even worry about Brian's HIV status. "Rules were meant to be broken," Daryl had thought to himself thinking about his own personal rule of not messing around with poz guys. Brian enjoyed his new twink friend gagging on his cock; and felt confident he would get what he wanted next. "Look, I know you don't play with poz guys. But, I can tell how much you want my cock. How about I just fuck you quickly so that you can enjoy it a little. I won't cum up in your ass or anything." Daryl thought for a moment. He had never had a cock as big as this, and the thought of getting fucked while his boyfriend was just down the hall showering, turned him on even more. It was so scandalous; and too delicious a thought for Daryl to not enjoy. He knew of a friend who let a poz guy fuck him, and he was still HIV neg. Fuck it, Daryl thought to himself, I WANT this cock. Daryl answered by moving back to the bed and laying back down on his back. Brian knew time was against them, and moved quickly into position, forcefully spreading Daryl's legs apart and throwing them over his shoulders while he pushed his thick cock into Daryl's already fucked and lubed hole. "It's gotta be quick .. oh FUCK!" Daryl tried not to shout as Brian's thickness entered and stretch his hole tighter than anything he'd ever felt. Thankfully his hole was very well lubed from his prior fuck. "Don't worry, I'll be quick," Brian said as he slid the rest of his girth inside Daryl, "I love how you stared at my cock while Peter fucked you. How's that feel?" "Fuck .. feels so damn good, oh GOD. Fuck me!" Daryl could barely contain the excitement. He was cheating with the biggest cock he ever seen, and letting a poz guy fuck him raw. The guilt and fear heightened the intense arousal he was already feeling. Brian picked up his pace and soon was all the way in him. "Oh yeah, take that huge cock." Daryl was having a hard time catching his breath, and trying not to moan too loud, "Oh god , don't stop fucking me." "I'm about to cum" Brian warned. "Please don't stop fucking me" Daryl begged. "But, I'm going to cum" Brian insisted. "Feels too good, don't stop," Daryl said. He had heard Brian's warning, but was overwhelmed by the sensations he was feeling and was losing control. Brian picked up his pace and jabbed deeply as his cock started to throb, "I'm cumming!" he said quietly while he continued to pound away." "OH GOD! OH GOD!" Daryl felt his cock about to explode; and he wasn't even jacking it. Brian pushed all the way deep inside Daryl and kept unloading the last of his load while Daryl started to shoot all over his stomach, chest and chin. Brian covered Daryl's mouth to muzzle the noise as Daryl moaned underneath his hand and sprayed his load. Brian slowly pulled his massive cock out of Daryl's hole. Both were relieved to hear the shower was still running as they returned to their senses. Daryl leaned forward and pulled Daryl close to his face, "You better leave before Peter gets out. "I'll tell him you were bored and left. Man, that was amazing. I've never been fucked like that. I want to be your boyfriend." Brian heard this before. One of the consequences of having a big dick is everyone says he wants to date you, but he felt an earnest and sincerity from Daryl he never felt before, "Well, you know how to find me. If you really wanna do it, I'm game. Let's talk again tomorrow." They kissed passionately albeit briefly, and then Brian made his quick escape. All before the shower had ended.
    2 points
  20. It was somewhere around 2009, I was done with film school and working gig to gig. Mostly working paycheck to paycheck at this shit job in an equipment rental house/studio in the city. Still struggling with my sexuality to an extent, certainly deep in the closet at this point. I was still telling myself that sex with guys was only when I was really horny and masturbation wasn’t cutting it. I always played safe, well not always, but I tried to. This was before PrEP. So as far as I was concerned, as long as I had sex with guys infrequently and with protection, no one would ever know and one day I would just quit altogether and go about my life as a straight guy. Most of my hookups with other guys would happen at this point through Craigslist. It was the Grindr of the time. You could put what you were looking for, with pics, all the responses would come straight to your email where they would live until you wanted to respond, it was great. One drunk night I had post an ad and then passed out. A few days later I checked that email, which was a burner email, I had way more responses than I normally got. I looked at my ad to see what I wrote to get so many hits. “22, straight, kinda tipsy. Mostly like a quick fuck,” was all it said, with a torso pic of me in my white CK briefs, my head obviously not in the picture. Half of the responses were from guys I would never sleep with. I wouldn’t say my standards were higher in those days, I just had a mental block that only allowed me to sleep with guys who were “model attractive” because…somehow that made it less gay? Filtering most of them out, deleting the ones that were just old man dick pics and guys who wanted me to call them “daddy”. I responded to a few, most of them never got back to me because. I found that most of them were burner accounts and if you didn’t respond within an hour, you usually never got a response. One guy hit me up the next day. “Hey, sorry I missed this, you look hot. I was only in town that night, had some work in the city. I’ll be back in a couple weeks though. 26/m/DC here.” He attached a similar torso pic, clearly he worked out, he was maybe 5’10”, and looked like a frat bro-leaning Abercrombie model. He even wore Abercrombie white briefs in the photo. That prompted me to ask if he was a model or if he was catfishing me. He responded saying he was neither a model nor catfishing me. Apparently, he did something in finance/banking, but neither of us got into specifics. He asked what I was into. I explained that I’m not gay, just get horny sometimes and need sex. “Oh, so do you like to fuck or get fucked?” He asked. At this time I was pretty versatile, “I usually like to fuck, but that night I was pretty tipsy and was trying to get fucked.” I told him. “Damn, I wish I had caught you at the right time. Did you get fucked that night?” “No, honestly I basically post that ad and then passed out after. Was incredibly hungover and horny the next day. I certainly wished I had got your message though.” I teased. “Yeah, would you have let me fuck you?” He asked straight up. “Maybe, depends on how big you are, I’m not a pro.” I joked. “It’s not that big, like 7.5 inches, cut.” He attached a photo, it sure looked bigger, and thicker than mine. “Damn, it looks big, I would’ve let you try though, as long as you’re gentle,” I told him. “I’m always gentle, love to feel a tight straight boy open up for my dick.” He told me. “You ever been rimmed?” “No, I don’t think so anyway.” I was at work when I got that email so I didn’t look it up. “You’ll love it, it’s when I use my tongue to tease your hole, get it lubed up and ready for my dick. Makes it easier to slide in when your outer ring is primed and ready, almost begging to get fucked.” This one made me horny as hell. Good thing I’m a briefs guy, I was able to hide it while at work. When I got home I stripped down to my underwear, my 22-year-old dick was hard before my pants came off and I was ready for some porn. I did take a quick pic with my flip phone and emailed it to him, “Damn, that sounds hot, look what you did to me.” I captioned. “Look at all those spread legs, love to fuck you in that position, that way I can watch your face as you feel me push balls deep into your tight hole. Do you like to kiss?” He asked. “Not really, I’m not really into guys like that,” I told him, which was true, at the time I felt like somehow that was a bridge too far, like kissing would make you gay, whereas getting fucked by a guy was just some form of extreme masturbation between friends. “That’s cool, I get it, but would you stop me if I tried?” he ased in a single sentence response. Now, I’m jerking off at this point and felt like he would stop responding if I didn’t give him the answer he wanted. “I wouldn’t stop you, in the heat of the moment…what ever happens, happens.” “Good, when you are balls deep in a guy, a deep kiss unlocks the hoe in him, then I can really fuck him like he needs to be fucked.” He fired back. Something about this wording got me going. Up to this point, I had had good sex with some guys, I had had bad sex with some guys, but I knew the best was yet to come and this guy seemed to know what he was doing. “Damn man, I really need to get fucked now.” “Yeah? With condoms or bareback?” he asked. “I try to make condoms a rule,” I told him. “Yeah, raw feels so good, but it’s important to play safe,” he fired back. “Have you ever let a guy fuck you raw?” I knew where this conversation was going, if he was in the city and trying to get in me tonight I would’ve lied and shut it down, but I figured there was no harm in feeding that flame. “Yeah, I mean, I’ve been caught up in the moment and things happen,” I was vague. “Oh yeah, I know about that. I’m STD-free and want to stay that way, so I use condoms all the time. I have had the occasional ‘heat of the moment’ fuck, but that’s rare. Were you hoping to get fucked raw, that night I mean?” He asked. I had to think about this. “I was pretty drunk, I wasn’t even thinking about that. If we had met up, I probably would’ve just gone with the flow. Good thing you prefer condoms.” I told him. A few minutes went by, and I refreshed a few times, still slowly jerking myself off. “I probably would’ve pushed in raw, got a few strokes in just to feel it, then I would’ve wrapped it up.” He finally responded. This made my balls tighten. My hormone-filled brain thought, “yeah that makes sense.” So I quickly typed back, “Mmm, that’s hot, I wouldn’t have stopped you.” I told him. Before he could respond I felt my balls tighten and instantly hot cum was erupting onto my abs and pooling in my belly button. I went to clean up and never checked for another email from him before going to sleep. ****** Two weeks later I was at work on a Friday night. They had me at the front desk because one of our studios was being used to film a music video. So I spent most of my night online. While the studio technically was closed at 11 pm, we had an unwritten policy to let productions stay until 1 am as a courtesy. By 10 pm my friends were all out having drinks without me, I had a few dozen texts telling me to “just lock up” and stuff like that. A producer came over to me and asked me if it would be possible to stay a little later than the 11 pm “hard out”. I acted like I was doing him a huge favor, even though this kind of thing happened often, but I told him as long as they wrapped by 11 and were out the door by midnight I would turn a blind eye. He thanked me and went back into the studio. About fifteen minutes later a production assistant came over to me with a six-pack of Magic Hat #9 and told me it was a gift from the producer, as a “thank you.” I wasn’t going to say no, I took it and cracked one open. Then a second in what felt like no time at all. By 11 pm the music was still thumping so I knew they were not packing up yet. I looked around to make sure no one was near me, then I opened Craigslist on my laptop. I looked at a few posts, but I never responded. Honestly just being on the website made me feel like I was going to get “caught” so I just quickly posted an ad, really just hoping to get a few responses and chat, but not actually hook up. I looked into my burner email and saw a bunch of junk and an unread message from the guy from DC. There were a few unread messages actually. This made my dick jump to attention. “That’s so hot, man, how many strokes can I get in before I should wrap up?” the first message said. “Did I take it too far?” The second read, a day later. “Hey, not sure if you’re still interested, but I’m going to be in the city again this weekend. I’ll be at the Rennasaince in Times Square if you want to meet. No pressure.” This one was time-stamped yesterday. I cracked open a third beer, I’m a bit of a lightweight so I shouldn’t be on a third beer in an hour. I started to respond to his email a few times, then deleted. I kept reading and rereading what we said, looking at his body and dick pics, I was hard to the point of frequently checking to make sure my precum wasn’t visible in my jeans. “Hey, sorry I didn’t respond. I was jerking off and as soon as I blow my load I’m not really into guys anymore, if that makes sense. I’m having a few drinks right now, but I’m not going to be free until at the earliest 1 am.” I told him, not even expecting a response. I went to the bathroom to make sure I was “fresh”, and tried to dry the precum already leaked into my red briefs. Back at my laptop, I had a bunch of new responses from guys to my recent ad. The only one I read was from DC guy. “I’ll be up. I just got checked in a little while ago. I was going to hit up the sex shop and get some lube and stuff, you want to come by the hotel when you’re done? Or I could meet you out?” I quickly replied that I would meet him at his hotel and he fired back with the room number. I logged out and did my best to rush the load out in the studio. Finished a fourth beer and headed uptown to meet the guy from DC. ***** Even after four beers, I was a nervous wreck by the time I was riding up the elevator. I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest and I had to really focus to keep my body from shivering from the adrenaline rushing through me. Thankfully he looked exactly as he described, and his pictures were not old. He was wearing a robe, having just showered but it was loose on top so I could see his toned body. This didn’t settle my nerves, only made the anticipation worse. Him being in his robe meant he was naked underneath and I felt this meant I couldn’t back out, or at the very least I needed to make sure he got his nut. He recognized my nervousness and offered me another drink. I accepted and we just chat for a few minutes while I sipped my drink. It helped me get comfortable. Turns out his name is Bryce. The second I put my empty drink down, Bryce’s hand was on my upper thigh. My dick is instantly hard in my briefs. I’ve done this “hookup” with strangers before and it never gets less awkward for me, I don’t know what he’s into, I don’t know if I should be more aggressive or passive, I don’t know what’s a turn off for him, so I try to just follow his lead. His hand slides up my pants and cups my balls from the outside, I let out a soft moan. He smiles, and his dark blue eyes twinkle. “Let’s go to the bed,” he calmly says. I nod. Kicking my shoes off, he grabs a black grocery bag and pulls out a few items, setting them on the nightstand. He slides his robe off, his muscular back facing me, his ass is meaty and firm. I quickly start to undo my pants and push them down. The drinks hit me hard in this moment and I nearly fell over trying to get them off, twisted around my ankles, I fell-sat on the end of the bed, clumsily pulling the pants inside-out to unshackle my ankles. He turns to me, ripping the plastic safety color off a new little brown bottle with his teeth, spitting it to the ground as he walks over to me. His dick quickly grew to full attention, I swear it was bigger than he said it was, or maybe mine was smaller than I thought either way, it was big, like a baby’s arm holding an apple, now inches from my face as he stands in front of me. He leans down and pulls my shirt off over my head, leaving me in just a pair of red Armani briefs and black ankle socks. I could smell his scent and soap from his shower wafting off his crotch as it was dangling in front of me. I looked up and he was smiling down at me, giving me the look of a man expecting me to put his hard dick in my mouth. I’m not very experienced in oral sex. To be honest, I was always a bit of a germaphobe growing up, so it took me into my late teens to even enjoy kissing (girl or guy), the idea of putting someone's privates in my mouth made me too uncomfortable, didn’t matter the sex. But, I knew I couldn’t expect to receive without giving, so I would do it, but my heart was never in it and I knew they could tell. Thankfully Bryce had just showered and I knew it was as clean as it would get, so I grabbed it with my hand and pulled him into my mouth. With my eyes closed I did my best to suck his dick, I felt my eyes water when he tried to thrust into my throat, I would gag, but thankfully no more than that. After a couple of minutes and one really forceful thrust, I had a panic moment and pulled off his dick, jerking it slowly, covered in my saliva. I wiped the wetness from my eyes and mouth as I jerked him. His hand massaged my head, gently nudging me to continue. So I did. I heard him shaking the little brown bottle as I tried to suck his monster. He opened it and put it under my nose and I had no choice but to breathe it in since his dick was in my mouth. The smell was intense, my head started to spin and my heart started beating faster, suddenly I felt relaxed. He did it to the other nostril, telling me to take a deep breath this time and I did. Holy shit, the rush was amazing. I suddenly felt so slutty, like I really could suck his dick into my throat and I tried. I heard him taking a hit from the bottle as I bobbed on his dick, the subtle moan from him as I got deeper on him, and my saliva really started to flow. He capped the bottle and dropped it on the bed, grabbing the back of my head he started to control the rhythm of my blow job, slower and slower, deeper and deeper with every thrust. Suddenly my nose was buried in his nicely trimmed pubes, his balls hit my chin and I realized I had his entire dick in my mouth and throat and I wasn’t gagging. It excited me, I just let him start to slowly fuck my throat, when I heard him whisper, “I’m close.” I kept going, I had never gotten a guy close before just from oral sex, I let him keep fucking my throat and he said it again, “Fuck, I’m close,” and he pushed a few more thrusts and I felt his body tense, his balls tighten and his cock expand and twitch in my mouth as he shot a hot load of cum into my throat. My eyes went wide, and he let loose at least two volleys in my throat and slowly pulled out, another spurt filling the back of my mouth and another on my tongue until his orgasm stopped. I didn’t know what to do, I had never had a guy cum in my mouth before, I felt myself swallow what was in my throat instinctively as he nut, the rest that was in my mouth I wanted to spit out, so I jumped up and ran to the bathroom sink to spit it out. Coughing cum out of my throat, but there was no getting around it, I swallowed a good amount of Bryce’s cum. I could certainly taste it in my mouth as I swallowed and spit, then rinsed my mouth. Turns out cum doesn’t just rinse out, I had little choice but to let the flavor linger in my mouth. I heard him laugh, “Sorry man, I tried to warn you, when you didn’t pull off I thought you wanted me to cum in your mouth.” He confessed. I wasn’t mad, just a little grossed out, “it’s fine,” I said, wiping my face off, and walking back to where he was on the bed. “Fuck that felt good though,” he smiled a very sexy smile, dimples and all. Still wrapping my mind around what just happened I just agreed with him and picked up my underwear. "Are you leaving?" He asked. Again, I'm not a pro at random hookups, but in my experience, once the top blows his load…it's kinda over. Especially if I'm not already close to blowing my load. He could see the confusion on my face and snatched my briefs from my hand, tossing them across the room to the couch. He pushed me back into the bed, pushing me up so he could climb on the bed between my legs. My dick went from limp to rock hard in 2 seconds flat. He spread my legs wide so he could get a better look at the entire area, then dove into my dick getting it sloppy wet. He didn't struggle at all to take me into his throat, it was impressive and intimidating, but man did it feel good. I could help but moan softly while squirming from the pleasure. He then went down to my balls, sucking each one hard enough that it triggered my pain sensor before he would drop it from his mouth. Licking further down, and instantly blowing my mind, he started to rim my hole. I let out a moan that sounded like "Oh my God" but none of the consonants came out. He took that as a sign to continue lifting my legs to expose my hole for him some more, placing a pillow under my ass. Then diving back in, his tongue pushing into my tight pucker two or three times before he came up for air. "Damn that's a tight hole, you don't get fucked often do you?" I sat up on my elbows, "no, I'm mostly with women," o felt the need to remind him. Though that comment seemed to not register at all. He came up, wiping the wetness off his face his dick now rock hard again next to mine and his soft balls dangling on my hole. Like magic, he had the little brown bottle and was uncapping it for me. I understood the drill now and inhaled deep twice for him. My head started to spin, that rush came over me again. He capped the bottle and headed it to me. He reached for the lube on the nightstand and was pouring a generous amount into his hand. He smeared most of it onto my hole, gently he pushed in a finger, then a second with ease thanks to the poppers and lube. I was just enjoying all the pleasure he was offering up. He started slowly stroking himself, adding lube to his dick and then a little more to the fingers playing with my hole. "Take another hit," he suggested. I wanted that rush, though the last one hasn't worn off yet, but I did as he told me. A quick hit on each side. As he did his cock up and down my crack. "No, you have really inhale," he smiled grabbing the bottle and showing me how he did it. Then he passed it back, giving me a, "go ahead" nod. I took two really big hits this time, I thought I would pass out this time, but man everything felt so good, every little touch was tingling through my body. "There you go," said, rubbing his dick up and down my crack some more. Adding some lube as he paused right at my hole, his tip adding just enough pressure to feel where it opens but not pushing in. He let out a soft moan, "Man I want to fuck this tight ass," he continued to gently hump me so his cock slid up and along my balls. Leaning over me, he felt huge, over me, he leans in and gives me a peck on the lips. Then another and this time I instinctively kissed him back. Wow, he's a really good kisser. His tongue invaded my mouth the way it had my hole only moments ago. His hips were thrusting his cock up and down my crack, I couldn't help but wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his back as we made out with a passion I've never experienced with a man. I swear my hole slightly opened from the amazing pleasure I was getting from all the ways his body was touching mine, especially his hard dick sliding across my hole. "Mmm, can I stick in you?" He asked then started kissing my neck. "Ummmhmmm," I managed to moan. "Raw?" He whispered into my ear. My horny brain had nearly flatlined, but still had enough sense to say, "mmm, condom." He kept kissing my neck as he reached over to the nightstand, pulling one from the open box and then knocking the box to the floor. He returned to my mouth, and humped me some more, "Let me open you up before I put it on." He broke our kiss and sat on his heels, putting one of my ankles on his muscular shoulders as he maneuvered his dick head to the center of my hole and started to push before I could object. It stung, but my hole gave in quicker than it has in the past. I took in a sharp breath, "Ah, fuck man…just, just a few strokes ok?" I said through grit teeth, trying to relax. "Yeah, like a hundred," he grinned, slowly pushing into me. "Oh, mmmm, no, ugh, like ten," I managed to say. "Twenty and I'll wrap up," he negotiated as he slowly bottomed out inside me. "Ungh…fine, be gentle, I'm not a porn star," I reminded him. "Take another hit, it will help you relax and adjust." He held his dick at the hilt waiting for me. I slid my hands around the bed until I felt the little brown bottle I quickly to two big hits, then he did the same and then held it under my nose for two more. My head spinning, I felt my body give in to his iron-hot dick inside me. He slowly started to pull out, then push back in. "That's it, open up for me," he whispered. I tried to relax, the pain and pleasure of his dick was intense, but the pleasure was so good it almost didn’t matter that it came with the pain. His first few strokes were slow enough it was easy for me to keep count, I wasn’t at first but I was able to pick up at around stroke 6 because that one went a little deeper and brought back that twinge and a little bit of a yelp from me, “ungh, shit, easy, easy,” I whispered. “It’s ok, feel my dick inside you, fuck doesn’t that feel so good,” he gave me another three deep strokes in quick succession. “Mmm, yeah, fuck dude,” my hand stopped pushing on his abs to prevent him from going deeper and I started rubbing my fingers through my hair. He leaned in to kiss me, I didn’t hesitate to accept it this time, moaning on the deepest and hardest stroke yet, somewhere around 14 or 15 I guessed. His tongue deep in my mouth as he moaned into me and I moaned back, wrapping my legs around him as my hands explored his strong back. It felt so good. A few more strokes and I knew we were beyond 20, just to be sure I counted 5 more before I broke our kiss, “ungh, condom, oh fuck,” I felt my hips rocking up into him on his next downstroke. He thrust balls deep and sat up, “fuck, I wasn’t counting,” he laughed, “was that already 20?” He started reaching around the bed looking for the unopened condom, still balls deep in me. “You’re so tight, I would’ve guessed you were a virgin,” he joked, tearing the condom open with his mouth. I was in a fog of pleasure, “nah, just don’t get fucked often,” I said out of breath. He slowly pulled out of me, then tapped his cock on my hole, “felt so good in you raw,” he smiled at me, pulling the condom from it’s wrapper. “Yeah, for me too,” was all I could think to say. He rolled the condom down his shaft, adding a little more lube, then quickly lined back up with my hole and started pushing in slowly. “Unnnnh, fuck,” I moaned. “Fuck, so tight,” he pushed my knees up by my head and bottomed out. He started slow but quickly got up to a fucking pace. Alternating between hard and fast and then slow and sensual. His dick was hitting me in all the right spots, so I started jerking myself off best I could with my legs pinned to my chest. It was all too much, he was so sexy and his sex felt so good, I wasn’t going to last too long. After a few minutes he pulled out, “roll over,” he said, helping me onto my stomach. He climbed on top of me and sank his dick in one hard thrust. “Ah, fuck, easy man,” I moaned. His arms slipped under mine, gripping my shoulders from underneath so he could pull himself into me with every thrust, “mmm, fuck,” I murmerd. “Yeah, you like this dick in you don’t you?” he whispered in my ear and then kissed my neck. “Mmm, yeah, fuck it feels so good,” I could barely speak. He kept fucking me like this for a few more minutes and then pulled out, catching his breath, “fuck I got close,” he laughed, “not ready to cum again yet.” I rolled back onto my back, propping a pillow under my head as he put one under my ass again. I watched him pull the condom off his dick slowly and toss it on the night stand. “What are you doing?” I asked. “Need another one, this one’s done,” he said. Which I didn’t really understand. “It broke?” I asked, slowly stroking my dick. “Yeah, you’re tight,” he said, reaching for the lube again, adding some to his dick. Then using his slick hand to stroke my dick. I let him jerk me off a little and I reached for the poppers. He kept jerking me with one hand and used his other hand to jerk himself with his cock head rubbing my hole. It felt so good. I took a deep hit on one side, then the other. The rush came over me again, fuck everything feels so good. I took over jerking myself, I was determined to cum. He continuted jerking himself off on my hole, adding a little more pressure, then a little more until the head was back in me and my hole clamped onto his dick. Using both hands to spread my legs while he pushed just the tip in and out of my hole. “Mmmm, fuck that feels good,” I moaned. “Yeah?” he asked. “Yeah,” I breathlessly and furiously jerked my dick and flexed my hole. “Want me to give you a few more raw strokes?” he asked. I opened my eyes, still stroking my dick, “I don’t know man.” “Just like, ten more, I’ll count them out and then I’ll put on another condom to finish,” he promised. I didn’t say anything and he slowly pushed his dick all the way in and we both moaned at the pleasure of the raw sex. He bottomed out and then slowly pulled out. Pushing back in he counted, “mmm, one.” I moaned, spreading my legs and beating my dick as his cock slide across my prostate, “mmm.” “Two…ungh,” he pushed deep and my ass clenched as he hit that button inside me. “Ungh, fuck, I’m getting close man,” I warned him. “Three,” he went in harder and faster. I felt myself start to boil over, every thrust bringing me closer to liftoff, “oh fuck.” “Four,” he thrust. I clenched my ass on his thrust and he hit my prostate hard, “Fuck I’m gonna cum,” I warned. “Do it,” he thrust, harder and deeper. “Oh fuck,” my toes curled as he spread my legs and thrust harder and deeper into me, hitting that spot again. “Fuck, I’m cumming,” I nearly shouted as my body convulsed and my ass clenched on his cock as it thrust into me again, “ungh,” I moaned and my balls tightened. He thrust harder into me again, “uhhh,” I groaned as the first blast shot out onto my chest, he thrust and the second shot out even harder, then another thrust and I felt the rest of my cum spurt out and pool in my belly button. “Oh fuck,” I groaned. He held there, deep in me as I caught my breath. “Fuck that felt good,” I said out of breath as my orgasm subsided and I became keenly aware that his huge dick was still balls deep in me. Like a switch flipped and what was the most amazing feeling in the world was now trending towards painful. He slowly started to pull out and then thrust back into me, “ow, fuck,” I groaned. “That’s five,” he grinned. “Are you close?” I asked, pushing on his abs again He thrust again, “Six.” He held there, “getting there, going to take longer when I put the condom back though.” He thrust hard, “Seven.” I clenched my teeth, “ungh, fuck dude.” “Eight,” he thrust a little deeper, my ass clenching on his dick. “I’m not sure I can take much more,” I was struggling and it seemed like his dick was only getting bigger. He thrust a little more gently, “ungh, Nine…do you want me to pull out and put a condom on?” He thrust again, “Ten.” “Ungh, fuck,” I pushed on his abs, “I don’t know dude, I think you need to pull out.” He handed me the poppers, “try these.” I quickly took two deep hits and that rush came back over me, it definitely helped. He saw it hit me and started to thrust again, one, two more, then a third. I was pushing on his abs still, “wait, a condom.” “Ok, yeah, but you’ll still let me finish right? I’m close now but I won’t be with the condom on, you know how it is,” he thrust into me again. “How close?” I asked as he kept thrusting with a slow rhythm. “Mmm, fuck dude, it feels so good like this, I’ll cum quick if you let me,” He leaned down, smearing my cum between us as he kissed me and thrust hard into me. “Fuck, ok, just hurry, and don’t cum in me,” I mumbled. He kissed my neck and held my hips, I wrapped my arms around me as he started to fuck me faster and faster. It still hurt but I didn’t want to punk out and make him jerk off, so I just held on and let him use my hole. “Fuck you feel so good,” he whispered in my ear. Curling his body into me with every thrust. “Are you, ungh, are you close?” I asked again. Trying not to ruin his concentration and delay his orgasm. “Mmm, yeah, getting there,” he kept his steady rhythm, thrusting hard into me. “Fuck man,” I groaned, “I need you to hurry.” I clenched and tried to relax, though thankfully his precum was adding lube to my hole with every thrust, but it wasn't enough to make it feel good. “Ok, mmm, but you gotta let me nut in you,” he moaned in my ear. “What?” I asked. “I’m gonna hurry, but please let me cum in you, it feels so good,” he thrust harder and deeper, a little off rhythm. “Fuck man,” I groaned, “fine, just hurry, ungh,” his thrusting was really digging deep. Another minute of fucking me sensually, “I’m close, oh fuck, I’m so close,” he kissed me. I moaned, I felt his dick starting to swell, his thrust getting shorter but deeper. “I’m about to cum,” he said then continued to kiss me. A few more erratic thrusts, he broke our kiss and looked me in the eyes, “Oh shit, I’m cumming,” one hard deep thrust and I felt his dick twitch and the warmth of his hot load erupting inside me, a second thrust smearing it around and unloading more boiling cum as lube for another and another thrust. “Oh fuuuuck,” he groaned. His orgasm felt so good I couldn’t help but moan with him, “Oh fuck, mmm,” I held on tight to him without thinking, my legs warped around him, pulling him into me as his dick continued to spasm inside me and his body clenched and unclenched a few more times. “Oh my God,” he breathlessly lay on top of me. We both caught our breath, just laying there in orgasmic bliss. His cum lubed my hole so nicely that the pain I was feeling instantly disappeared and his last few thrust felt so good, it blew my mind. Not two minutes ago I wanted nothing more than for him to pull out, but now I wanted him to stay inside me. His cock deflated though and slowly the tightness of my ass pushed him out. He rolled off of me, both of us covered in my cum, his cum dripping out of my ass. “I need a quick shower before I go,” I told him. “Yeah, no problem,” he pointed to the closed bathroom door. I slowly and awkwardly got up, as though my body was broken and nothing quite worked the way it had before he fucked me. I took a quick shower, rinsing the cum off of me. He lay naked on the bed, watching me as I got dressed quickly but trying not to look like I was getting dressed as quickly as possible. “I’m going to be here all weekend if you want to go again,” he broke the silence. “Yeah, maybe, I don’t really do this often,” I tried to be noncommittal. Truth is I had no intention of doing this again, it was hot, but now that it was over I had no interest in sex with any guy. Which was an issue I had to work out over the next couple of years on my own. My subway ride home was long and uncomfortable. I was sure everyone on the train knew I just let a guy I just met, a stranger fuck me and shoot his load into me, a load that was still slowly leaking into my underwear. I got home around 5 am and passed out pretty quickly. The next morning I checked my email, there were dozens of new responses to the listing that I forgot I had posted, one email from Bryce. “He, last night was awesome. I’m so glad we got to meet up, really glad that you let me get those first few strokes in raw, though the last few raw strokes were even better! I hope we can do it again before I leave, if not I’ll hit you up the next time I’m in the city. I can tell you felt weird about letting me nut in you but don’t worry, I got a check-up before coming to town and everything came back negative. I’ll email you the results for your own piece of mind when I get back. Let me know if you’re in the mood to get fucked again, I’ll obviously wear a condom the entire time if that gets me back inside you. Hope to see you again, Bryce.”
    2 points
  21. It's not something I'm seeking. I dream about a future without any STDs where sex is more free and simple. But I understand kink and I think it's a kink for some guys. I think some kinks are better as an idea and not a reality. All changes to our bodies, like catching something, or taking medicines, come with a chance they'll go badly. PrEP is a medicine though and I'm willing to take it so I can bb sometimes. So do I have a bb kink? I don't know. Can we call sex like our ancestors always had it a kink? Maybe it is with modern context of STDs? But I figure PrEP was a minor risk for the benefits, I mean it's not like I have to keep taking it if there's ever a problem. I guess how willing we are to go for our kinks and wants is a very personal thing. I think it's good to remember though sex is just one part of our lives, and there's a massive range of things to enjoy and not every kink has to happen for us to have a great time. It's also good to have a good understanding what something is before doing it.
    2 points
  22. Last saturday in the Gaysauna Nieuwezijds in Amsterdam. Was fucked raw by 8 different guys en fisted by a ninth. I have been loaded 2 times. Way to less ofcourse
    2 points
  23. Agreed. In my experience, net hook ups worked better in the early days of internet connecting for sex. But i think online hookup culture has changed over time. Going way back to AOL chat rooms? i had some really awesome hook up sex, and "ghosting" was not even part of the vocabulary. Even with CL, i got a lot of great walk in breed and go with that before Aunt Pearl got them shut down. Meanwhile, if you can find them, actual causing spots still remain the gold standard for me. Online involves to many steps, planning, travel, etc.. Put horny guys in the same location and sex is going to happen. Put horny guys in a location that is known for sex happening, and it's gonna happen with abandon lol.
    2 points
  24. What gets guys shagging each other bare is always one very simple thing, being horny. Earlier this year I got fucked bare for the first time by a guy Id been hooking up with for a while. A stocky ginger guy in his 30s. He's got big thighs and can fuck hard. He's got a gf and is super careful normally so always with a condom. In the morning we'd had sex before work like usual with a condom. I messaged him later that evening with a picture of my butt (in my work pants, not naked) and told him I'd been working hard all day but kept thinking about him inside me. How much he turns me on and how it was great to start my day with his dick giving me a prostate orgasm. Then I told him I'd been thinking what if he'd filled me with his cum. I'd have been horny hanging out with the crew with that sexy hot wet feeling inside my manhole, knowing I'm full of his cum and these straight guys would never guess I'd let a big hairy guy fuck me that morning. And that I'm sure with one of his big loads I'd have felt juicy all day and would be lying in bed now still feeling him inside me, wanking in my work gear as I imagine how deep his sperm must be by now. He somehow managed to leave work early and was nuts deep in me without a condom about an hour later. Can't promise it will work on everyone, but getting a guy really horny can work great sometimes. He might have regrets or be stressed out after though. Some guys might even vanish after that. My guy took it pretty alright, so that was cool. These days we only do it bare right after I've been tested, but that's alright and it's good we get the occasional raw fuck in. They're a lot more intense. How horny a guy's got to get though is going to vary. Worst case situation is he's got a lot of sex-negative ideas and thinks bare sex is a bad thing only for irresponsible guys, so that's going to take a lot of being horny to overcome. Or maybe he's got to be really careful because he's got a wife/gf who can't find out. All kinds of reasons. The thing is, what are your reasons for wanting it bare with him? If you just want an arse full of cum, well there's plenty of guys who can give you that without any problems. If there's something specific about that guy then tell him why you want to do it bare with him. I mean like what about him is different and makes you want it. With guys I find keep it simple and horny, we're good with that.
    2 points
  25. Just spent the afternoon at the local bathhouse. Despite being quiet, I got 3 loads. 2 Oral, 1 anal. The first one was from a wasting daddy. He had some wasting. Only oral, because he couldn't even get hard. He was at least in his 70s, and had a 3", at best, dick. So hot. Load 2 was from a 50s otter. Again Oral. He had a thin cock with a mushroom head, maybe 5" hard. So hot. He fucked my face and gave me an insanely bitter load. I loved it. Third was a Latin guy in his 30s. He had a chode, probably 6x6. He fucked my face, then spent the next 15 minutes rape-fucking my hole. It was so good, and he tore me up as he fucked me. Not bad for 3 hours.
    2 points
  26. I think you’re pretty awesome! I went through years of denying myself the cock that was supposed to be in me. Couple nights ago went to my old abs, sucked a very nice cock, stood up, pulled my pants down, and spit lubed myself. Turned around and guided him in. Having my ass fucked raw was the best feeling ever. No more fear or waiting. It’s time for me to behave like what I am: a bareback bottom. I’m going to get fucked as often as possible. I love it and crave it.
    2 points
  27. The following story is a true recollection of events which actually happened 2 weeks ago. If I’m honest, it’s taken a couple of weeks to sort everything out in my head. It was an epic session and it pushed me way beyond what limits I thought I had. To set the scene, it was 2 days after my 44th birthday. I’m a slightly chubby(ish) middle aged bottom, with dreams of being used as a cumdump. I live in a sleepy little town somewhere on continental Europe, where there is no action for miles and miles around me. I’m in a long term relationship with a woman, but we stopped having sex 4 years ago when she hit the menopause. I’m on prep, but given that I’m in a dead bedroom, there’s zero chance of passing anything on to her. I’ve always been bi, and have always found getting fucked by guys way more fun that sex with women. I was visiting friends in London, and a fuck bud hit me up. He knows about my situation, knew it was my birthday, and wanted to know if I fancied a birthday gangbang. Who was I to say no? He’s also the only guy I’ve ever done chems with, having been the first guy to ever offer me G&T. As long as I pulled out my phone every now and again to check MS Teams, work would think I’m online but in meetings, so the next day (Friday), I rocked up to his around lunchtime. He welcomed me into his place, and we went through to the living room to have a drink and a chill before everything started. As I entered the room I was greeted by the site of another slim, hairless guy in just his pants (we’ll call him A) but with a massive bulge in his pants. I could immediately tell that this was going to be a strenuous day for me. A was on the phone arranging some business, but we waved at me to say hi as my friend took me out to the balcony for a smoke. Turns out that A was a dealer and had brought a crap ton of party supplies for us. My mate and I sparked up some cigarettes, and he apologised to me, that somethings had come up, and whilst there would be a procession of guys to dump loads in me, some of them couldn’t get out of work at the same time, so it would be a staggered experience. I was just grateful that my friend had managed to put together anything at all. A finished his call and we went to the sofa. I stripped down to my jock strap and we all sat on the sofa. We all had a shot of G, and then the pipe came out. We started blowing clouds and catching up/got to know each other. I told A that this only my 3rd time on chems, and to be honest whilst it was fun, I never really the experiences that I’ve read about on here. Yeah I was relaxed, and there was a strong desire to get fucked, but it had always been less than I’d expected. My friend hates needles, and had asked that we don’t slam in his flat, but everything else was fair game. A asked if I’d ever had a booty bump, and I said yes, but as my friend is top, and only really smokes it, we didn’t really know what we were doing, and we’re probably far more conservative with the stuff that necessary. A’s eyes lit up and he started smiling. He said that he had to pop out for an hour, but when he got back he’d mix some bumps for me that I should appreciate. A headed out and my friend and I went to the bedroom. He put some porn on and I devoured his 8 inch cock. Turns out he was the smallest cock of the day. We alternated between blowing clouds and then sucking his dick. Eventually he laid me on my back with my legs in the air. I braced myself for the initial pain/discomfort that normally comes when the first dick goes in, only this time he just slipped in. The G&T clearly helped. Over the next hour my mate had me in multiple positions. He really went to town on me and I was loving just being his fuckhole. In the distance I heard the front door open and A calling out that he was back, then my friend asked me if I was ready for my first load of the day. I was on my knees and started squeezing was what left of my anal muscles on his cock as unleashed the contents of his balls into me. We laid back on the bed recovering for a moment, then he handed me the pipe and said he was going to see what A was up to. I just laid on the bed for a while, toking on the pipe and watching porn whilst feeling then cum slowly drip out of me. My mate reappeared carrying a small tray with 3 syringes filled with liquid. The booty bumps had finally appeared. He administered the first one and asked me if I was ready for round 2. We went into the living room to see A back in his pants, and that he’d brought another guy with him (who we shall call B, because I’m imaginative). B was naked and stroking a massive cock which at half mast was already getting on for 9 inches. As it was the only exposed cock, I quickly got on my knees in from of B and started giving him a friendly “hello” blowjob. As his cock grew in my mouth I began to really hope that the chems would kick in soon, as otherwise I was in serious trouble. I sat up on the sofa as we did another round of hellos. It was over an hour since the last G so we did another shot with B. A asked me if I was having fun before pulling his own cock out. It was a thick beast, and I couldn’t help myself. I got on my knees and started sucking it for a good 5 minutes. They then told me to get on my knees on the corner of the L shaped sofa. A and B started pushing their fingers inside me, commenting on how wet I was and that my friend must have shot a huge load in me. A leans over the sofa and puts the pipe in my mouth. B is standing behind me, slapping his dick over my hole. Then he slides himself in. I thought he was going to be gentle after the first couple of strokes, but he then started testing if I could take a pounding of not, alternating between hard and fast, deep strokes, and slower stokes going the full length of his cock. For anybody keeping count of time, it’s about 20/25 minutes since the booty bump. My first proper booty bump with what I later found out was 0.2g of T. A wave just washed over me. A rush that I’d never had before. Concentration on anything other than the cock inside me was impossible. I also began sweating like I was in a sauna. Getting words out was impossible. A and B knew exactly what was going on, as they were watching the physical change in me. I then started pushing my arse back into B’s cock. The harder he fucked, the more I slammed myself into him. I started clenching my ring around his cock, trying to milk it for that creamy goodness. A offered me the pipe, but I was so damn high I began to worry about having had too much. I just buried my head into the cushions and let whatever was going to happen to me take place. B pulled out and A slammed his cock into me. This wasn’t just a forceful entry, this was a full on slam fuck. He was brutal. No mercy, just slamming into my hole as hard and as fast as he could. It didn’t hurt. The small part of my brain that wasn’t high and was just watching me with curiosity was amazed that whilst I was moaning, groaning and begging for more cock, my body was registering the feeling as just an extreme fuck, but it was not painful at all. Or at least, the sensations were not registering the feelings as pain. I do not know how long he was fucking me for. Time was an abstract concept. I do remember that A called out he was going to cum. He pulled out for moments and then slammed it in to the hilt. I just laid there panting and being a generally sloppy mess. He slapped me on my arse and said “don’t worry, I can cum several times”. A pulled out, and was immediately replaced by B who wasn’t going to be outdone by A. This next slam fuck actually left me with a slightly bruised arse. It was insane what he was doing. This isn’t hyperbole, I’ve seen the video they made. I honestly can’t believe that not only was I taking it in my stride, but I was asking for more. Again, after an unknown amount of time B let out a roar and thrust all the way into me. He then pulled out and flopped down on the sofa next to me, still stroking his cock. I just laid there for a moment, panting and trying to make sense of what just happened, but then I leaned over to my left and sucked B clean. I too then flopped down on the sofa (after asking for a towel to catch the cum dripping out of me). A was laughing his head off, asking me how my first “proper” booty bump was. We then all had a bit of a hydration break, smoking cigarettes and chatting. All of a sudden my friend gets a message on his phone. The last 2 guys are on their way. He then showed me a picture of a huge black cock. This was one of the guys on their way. A told me to lift my legs in the air and after fingering my cummy hole for a bit, he pushed the next syringe in and emptied it. I’ll be honest, I was terrified about how I would react to it, but I was also horned up, it passed very quickly. Suddenly, my friend bends me over a stool he has and A quickly slides in. He’s not pounding as hard as before (seeing as it’s been at least an hour now since my last pounding), but it doesn’t take him long to get up to speed. This fuck is just another warm up apparently, and he blows another load inside me working 10 or so minutes (4th load of the day if anybody is counting). B then is right back there again, and he’s still in punishment fuck mode. The T hits hard again, and B blows his load once more. Making good on his promise, A calls out “me again” and dives in. I’m moaning like a bitch, and I’m sweating so much the fabric cover on the stool is soaked. Despite my focus on the cock inside me, I look up at some point to see 2 mountains of black men, naked and both stroking cocks that would normally scare the crap out of me. A blows a load again and the black guys start feeling the cum in my hole as I clean A’s cock. My friend asks if we should move to the bedroom. At this point I’m so spun I just do as I’m told. A and B both say goodbye as they have to go. And I’m then just roughly thrown on the bed and told to get on my knees. At this point, things are becoming a bit of a blur. I couldn’t tell you exactly what order things happened in, but I do know that the next hour or 2 included DP, several loads and one more booty bump. I was asked to put on a mask at one point, and it turns out that half of the fuck with the two bbcs was streamed on a Zoom room (hence the mask). At the end of it, I remember that we all went into the living room and had some food delivered. I was still coming down but I was at least making sense by then. It was remarked upon just how much of a cummy mess I was. All in all, I apparently got 11 loads that evening. I left around midnight, and got an Uber back to where I was staying. The next day was spent with the Godson and his family, trying my very best to hide just how hard the cum down was. Around lunchtime, I got a text from my friend, asking if I would potentially be up for it again that evening. I was….. however that will be another story
    2 points
  28. i was 5, by my 16 year old cousin and a year later my uncle started as well
    2 points
  29. I was 22, and working in Lewisam Hospital HIV centre as a third year medical student. I was young, blond, 11 stone, and 6 foot tall, so I got a lot of attention from the gay guys on the AIDS ward. There was one particular inpatient who always flirted with me like crazy. He was 56 years old, skinny and tanned, he was in the advanced stages of AIDS. On one particular night when I was on call, I went into his room, closing the door, and found he was still up. "Hi, John, still awake?" I asked, standing next to the bed. I was wearing just scrubs, boxer shorts and trainers with no socks on, my bulge kind of rested on the mattress as I leant forward against the bed, but I knew he wouldn't mind. "Hi, Joe, how are you?" John replied as he turned to face me, ihe process his hospital gown fell off his shoulder, showing his skinny chest, covered in grey hair. "I'm ok, but more importantly, how are you?" I asked. "Not so great. My viral load is up high again, and the KS on my leg is itching," he said, pulling his foot out from under the cover. He had a Kaposi Sarcoma on his left foot, one of the signs of advanced AIDS. It was a small brown, scaly lump, about the size of a 50p coin. I lifted his foot up and stroked the cancerous lesion. "You need some moisture on it. It's quite dry," i remarked, running my hand up his calf, feeling the similar sized cancer lump on his left shin. With one hand I stroked the KS lesion on his shin with my thumb, rubbing the lesion on his foot with the finger tips of my other hand. "Well, I'll let you sort that out for me young man," he commented, curling his toes round my fingers as I stroked his bare foot. "Is there anything else with which I can help you, John?" I asked. "Well, my cock has a problem," he replied, broadly grinning. "Oh, really. What would that be?" "It swells everytime a certain medical student comes near," he answered, out-lining his erection in his hospital gown, suggesting "I think you should lock the door and examine it," he said, lifting the edge of his gown up a bit. "John, ummm, you shouldn't get that out here..." I said as John exposing his big, heavy, hairy nuts, which I knew were full of toxic cum. "Oh, ok. I'd better lock the door if youre going to do that," I said, walking over to the door and locking it, and turning the little knob so the slits in the window went opaque. I walked back over to John's bed and sat down on the edge, slipping my shoes off and wiggling my sweaty bare toes. "At least I can go barefoot if the door is locked, I commented. "You like teasing me, don't you Joe?" John asked rhetorically. "This is just going to be a visual inspection, I said, lifting-up his gown. His fat, seven inch, uncut, veiny, tanned, poz erection lay obscenely hard along his bare thigh. "But I think I felt a lump, or maybe two lumps," he said lifting his balls up from between his thighs so his fat genitals proudly hung over his leg in front of me. I stood up, the hard floor cold on my bare feet, standing right up to the bed, my semi hard cock bulging my scrub trousers, the lump of my genitals resting on the mattress. "John, you have an amazing cock, but I'm a student here. I'm supposed to leave the room if a patient gets aroused," putting my hand on his bare foot again, rubbing his cancer lesion gently as he stroked his erection slowly. "You can just watch me wank. Anyhow, you seem to like touching my KS" John said. With that, he slid his bare foot up under my scrubs top, placing his bare sole on my bare chest under my clothes, suggesting "Take your top off." I did as he directed. Lifting my scrubs top off over my head, I stood bare foot and topless in an AIDS patient's hospital room. I put my hands on John's bare foot, lifting it up to my face as he lay naked, stroking his fat cock on the bed, and looked closely at his KS lesion, and then pressed my lips into the cancer riddled skin, kissing his bare foot right on his KS lump. "You're a nasty one, ain't ya," John asked, rubbing his big toe on my lips, pushing his sweaty toe into my mouth. I sucked down on his big toe, tongue-fucking the toe gap between his big toe and the next, proceeding to work my way down towards his little toe, thoroughly tongueing his toe gaps until all five of his toes were covered in spit. Then I kissed my way back-up his bare foot, until again I was pressing my lips into his KS lesion. "You can suck it, if you want. It'll help moisturise it,' John observed. I licked the cancerous lump, feeling the scaly texture of the lesion with my tongue. I pressed my lips round the circumference and sucked on his KS lump, sloppily sucking his cancer between my lips and into my mouth. Eventually I stopped slurping on his KS lesion, kissing his toes as he pulled his foot away, rubbing his saliva covered toes on my erection that was tenting out my scrubs trousers. "I think it's time to take these off," John said, pulling at my waist band with his toes. I assisted, pushing my trousers and boxers to my bare feet and kicked them off, standing naked in front of John as he leant forward and started to suck my cock. I held his head, curling my toes on the hospital floor as I face fucked John. The old guy deep-throated me easily. "John, I really shouldn't be doing this. I could lose my position,' i said as John pulled me onto the bed, laying me on my back and maneuvering on top of me. Our chests and cocks were pressed togther, our faces six inches apart. I leant forward and started to snog him, making out with his as we ground our cocks together. "Good boy, right decision," John said as he shoved his tongue down my throat. "But what if the nurses outside hear?" I asked as we rubbed our naked bodues together, readying ourselves for sex. "Well, we should probably do this quietly so they don't hear" John answered. Lifting my feet up onto his shoulders and kneeling between my legs, pressing his cock into my nut sack, he bent over so his face came close to mine again. "John, what are you doing?" I asked, adding "We can't fuck. Maybe some sucking, but we don't have a condom," I said as John kissed my forehead. With that, John reached over and pulled a condom out the drawer next to his bed and placed it on my chest, saying "It's there, if you want it." "What do you mean 'if I want it?'" John then kissed me on the lips as he rubbed his helmet over my ring and up and down my ass crack. "You're laying on your back, your feet up on my shoulders, on the AIDS ward in which you chose to work, having sucked the KS lesions on my foot," John replied. "So?" I asked. "So I guess you have a fetish for poz cock," John replied. With that he stuck his tongue out and pointed it to the left, so I could see another 50p sized KS lesion on his tongue, growing out of the side of his tongue half way along the shaft of it. "Is that...?' I started to ask but trailed off as I felt him lodge his helmet at my anus. "It's another lesion. Do you want to suck it?" he asked, gently putting pressure on my ass with his helmet. "I'd love to suck on it," I replied as John pressed his cock harder into me, the tip starting to seperate my ring. "I'll have to bend over to let you reach. My poz cock might slip inside a little bit," he observed, pushing his helmet into me a fraction to emphasise his point, noting "I've leaked quite a lot of poz precum on your little ass ring, so you're pretty well lubed back here," he said, rubbing his cock round my ring, pushing in a tiny bit more. "I don't care. Let me suck your tongue lesion," I replied, inviting him by widely opening my lips. John bent forward, his helmet slowly slipping into me, along with half his shaft, and stuck his tongue in my mouth. I knew his poisenous cock was buried in my guts, but all I could think about was sucking on that lump on his tongue and how nasty and kinky and horny that was. Then John pushed his cock deeper into my body. Then it realized: I was being penetrated bareback by a very toxic cock. I stopped sucking and stared in his eyes. "You like sucking my lesion? Do you want my raw cock up you deeper or should I pull out?" he asked. "Put your cock balls-deep inside me," I answered, pulling him back down and sucking on his tongue again. As directed, he slid in, balls-deep, grinding his cock into me. He slid out again, removing his tongue from my mouth. "More?" he asked. "Fuck me" I answered, laying back. "You nasty lil student boy," John said as he straighten his back, and buried his cock balls-deep into my ass. John was kneeling between my legs, my feet on his shoulders, trying to poz me as I lay on my back pierced by his fat cock. "John, jesus, actually, fuck, I can't let you do this. You've got to," trailing off as John slid his cock out and then gently slid it back inside me again. "Just let me fuck you for a bit. I won't cum in you, I promise," John whispered. Lifting my bare feet to his face, he sucked on my toes as he slid his cock in and out of my ass, gently fucking me. "Oh god, fuck, I can't believe I'm doing this in the hospital,' I said, curling my toes round John's tongue as he fucked me bareback, slow, and really deep. "Are you sure you don't want this?" John asked, reaching over and picking up the condom, putting it in my hand. "Why? I don't need it - as long as you don't cum in me," I replied. John fucked me harder. "Yeah, but I'm getting close," John said, sliding out completely and then fucking back in to the hilt, hard and deep, my ass slurping wth each thrust. "Fuck. How close? This feels really good," I asked, pushing my feet into his mouth as he fucked me. "Getting closer," John warned. "Don't cum. Just slide it in me for a few more seconds before you pull out. You're my first ever poz cock. I want it to last as long as possible," I responded, only to be met by a grunt from John. "How close are you now?" I asked as John tongue fucked my toes while he poz fucked my ass. "Pretty close," John answered, fucking me deeply, adding "Whoa, stop, stop, don't move," as he buried his cock inside me to the hilt, his balls slapping my ass. Then he bit down on my toes, chewing them gently as he closed his eyes. I could feel his cock throbbing in my ass as we both held still, John moaning and sighing. "Got too close and had to stop?" I asked, rubbing my big toe on John's tongue. "Fuck yeah. I nearly nutted up in side you then," John answered. I lifted my ass up off his cock and slid back down onto it again, grinding my ass onto his erection buried deep inside me. "Careful,' he said, grinding into me, adding "I'm really close." "How close? Could you cum in five strokes?" I asked, pulling my ass up and slamming it back onto his cock again. He tensed inside me, grinding up into my bowels trying to burrow deeper with his cock. "I dunno. Do you want to risk it?" he said pulling out and sliding back in counting off "One." "Go on. Go to five," I answered, pushing my toes again into his mouth. He slid in and out as I counted "Two..., ugh..., three... ughhhh..., four..., ughhhh... five....' I said as he slid in and out slowly. "Well, I didn't cum,' he said, grinding hard into my guts with his cock. "Then keep fucking me," I responded, pushing my foot into his mouth and gripping his tongue with my toes. He pulled-out and slid back in again. "One...' he said, adding "how many strokes do I get this time?" as he slid out and fucked back in, hard, balls-deep, "...two...," he said. "Just keep fucking me," I replied, pulling my ass off his cock and sliding it back down. He slid in and out repeatedly, quietly counting as he fucked. "Three... four... five... six...." "Stop counting," I ordered. John fucked me gently, in silence, and then sped-up, his balls slapping my ass. "But keep fucking?" he asked. After ten or more thrusts, he rammed his raw, poz cock deep inside my ass. "Fuck, John, keep fucking me. Don't stop," I ordered, again pushing my toes into his mouth. "I'm going to cum," he said, pushing my feet into my chest as he bent me in half to fuck me harder, slamming into my guts over and over, asking "Where do you want it?" "Cum inside me." He lifted my feet up to his face and sucked my toes again. "Are you sure?' he asked, all the while fucking hilt deep and brutally hard, warning "I'm about to cum. I didn't reply. As he moaned and closed his eyes, I grabbed his ass cheeks and pulled his cock into me. John bucked his hips as his balls pulled up tight in their sack. "Cum in me, John. Oh god, cum inside me," I answered. "Here it comes. FUCKING TAKE MY LOAD, YOU LITTLE NEG STUDENT BOY WHORE. YEAH, FUCK.' he hoarsely grunted. Then he bent over, putting his face next to mine as he unloaded deep inside me, asking "Can you feel my cock expanding? I'm cumming inside you." He took the condom which I was still clutching, and tossed it on to the floor, saying "My dirty sperm is right up in your guts. What would your doctor friends say?" as he finished-off his orgasm, his cock still buried in my guts. After a few seconds John pulled his cock out of my ass, resting his helmet at my hole, coating his fat mushroom tip in his sperm, he rubbed it round my ring and pushed his cum covered cock back inside me, fucking my cum filled ass for a minute or two as he came down off his cum. "Working it deep up into you boy. What does your medical student knowledge say about that?" John asked, grinding deep up into me with his cock. "John, fuck, oh god, pull it out. I've gotta go shit out your load." With that John finally let me slide off his cock. I stood up, naked, my bare feet cold on the floor, as John's toxic cum ran down my leg. John stood up in front of me, our cocks touching. As we stood face to face, he held our cocks together in his hand and stroked them, while his other hand slid round behind me and fingered my cummy hole. "You probably should shit that out," John suggested, ramming two fingers into my guts and swirling them around in his load up inside my guts. "Oh fuck..." I responded as John scraped my prostate with his finger nails. "...or, you could just fuck me quickly first, you must be gagging to blow a load after taking your first poz cock," John responded, turning round and bending over the bed, pulling his ass cheeks apart. i had a strange, out-of-body moment. i looked down at his rosebud ass, looked at my bare feet, curling my toes on the cold floor, cum dripping down my ankle and onto my foot where it had leaked out my ass. Then I looked at my hard, dripping, angry, cock, my mushroom helmet purple. It was so hard. "Well?" John asked. i stepped forward and pushed my helmet into his ass. "Good boy," John said.
    2 points
  30. Sorry for the short chapter there. Got interrupted and didn’t want to lose what was written so far. So…. But he didn’t pull out. He continued to tug against my ring from the inside, his now clenched fist turning like a washing machine. It drove me absolutely out of my mind. Finally I came, screaming so loud I’m sure the entire complex could hear me. I was hyperventilating and it felt like my entire insides and clenched down on his fist. He coached me to slow down my breathing and relax. When my hole loosened enough, Gino pulled his hand out slowly. Immediately he shoved his hard cock in me and started fucking me violently, telling me he was going to poz me and give me whatever other diseases he had. It was too much. I felt like my ass tunnel was being completely destroyed. He came in me again a few minutes later, the salt of his cum burning the tears in my chute. He laid down on top of me, his cock still inside. He wrapped his arms around me. I realized I was crying. I wasn’t really upset, just overloaded and exhausted. After I calmed down, he helped me up and we got into the shower. The warm water helped calm me down. Gino grabbed a washcloth and gave me a rubdown. After I dried off, I checked the clock. It was after 5am. I was still to spun up to drive but needed to get my shit together and get back to the house of my husband would be freaking out. We walked over to the whirlpool nearby. We were all pretty wobbly, them because they were really high, me because I was so sore it was painful to walk. It was a beautiful night out and the water jets felt great. Unexpectedly, Rob became affectionate and pulled me onto his lap, running his hands over my body, then wrapped his arms around me. Gino came up from behind, giving me a sandwich hug. I didn’t know what to make of these guys. Were they evil dudes on the lookout to corrupt party virgins? Or were they nice guys in the party scene and just got a wild hair to pop my party cherry without telling me? Turned out maybe both. We talked for awhile and then went back to the room to pack up and head out. That wasn’t the last time we hung out together, but that is story for a different chapter. When I got home, I was pretty messed up in my head. I had been so responsible and strait-laced my whole life, I couldn’t believe I put myself in a situation where something like that happened. I was chatting with a guy on BBRT who I’d been talking to for years but we’d never met. He was a really sexy guy about my age, shaved head, tatted with a big fat cock. We’d talked about hanging out quite a few times but just hadn’t yet. I liked his sense of kink. He asked me how Palm Springs was and I told him what happened. His response was, “Well, I party. If you ever want to do it again, I’d be down for that…..” To be continued
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  31. Continuing the story…. We followed Rob out into the shared area of the complex. There were rooms around the central area, that had a pool and hot tubs. He took us to a corner of the complex where there was an outdoor dungeon. In the center was a sling. There were four guys there sucking each other in different corners. It was dark outside with only dim lighting. Rob lifted me into the swing and began fucking me. With gymnast skill, Gino jumped up on top of me and lifted my legs so they could double fuck me. I was spinning and so relaxed and my hole and been fucked by both of them for hours so I was as loose as I’d ever been, but I didn’t think I could take these two at the same time. Rob slid in first. He felt so good and I moaned as he warmed me back up. Then Gino put his head at the entrance and firmly forced the tip in. They had obviously had lots of practice together. I didn’t think I could take getting double fucked again, but I was so high I could have taken an elephant, I thought. They both came again, one shortly after the other. While I was catching my breath, Rob was talking to the guys. One by one they came over and fucked me. None of them came but the nastiness of having four strangers stick their dicks in my slag hole was hot. Rob and Gino pretty much carried me back to the room. They smoked some more and Gino blew some more smoke in my face. I didn’t fight it but didn’t try to inhale it either. Rob said he was going for a walk and left for awhile. Gino and I talked for a bit and then he stuck his still hard cock in me again. He felt soooo good inside and I told him. I knew it was the drugs but I felt like I was falling in love with him. He was so handsome and nice and sexually in tune with me. Then he said, “You ready?” ”For what?” I asked, wondering what else they hadn’t already done. Gino slid three fingers inside me along side his cock. It felt fantastic. Then he added a forth and got his hand in up to his knuckles and held it there while he fucked me hard. It was better than being double fucked. I screamed as I tried to cum but the T was keeping me limp and unable to com. After a few minutes, he slid out, backed down and told me to just relax my body and my hole. He petted the outside and softly massaged the inside. It felt good. I felt a burning. I’m not sure to this day if he added more T but I wouldn’t be surprised. Then he inserted all four fingers up to his knuckles. I knew what he was doing now. “I’ve only been fisted once by a guy with small hands years ago and that was for like ten seconds.” I said. ”Just relax.” He replied. He coached me to breathe and push out and before long his whole big fist was in me. Fireworks blew in my brain and my entire body started to shudder. “Oh fuck, Gino. Oh fuck!” Then Gino started to turn it gently one direction and the other. I couldn’t believe the ecstasy that was wracking my entire body. Like every nerve was on fire. I moaned so loudly I thought someone would complain from another room. He continued by pulling almost all the way out and then back in. Finally I asked him to pull out. My nervous system was overloaded and I could not take any more. To be continued.
    2 points
  32. I never really thought about topping. It's always just natural to bottom
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  33. Well here it is, part two of, not sure how many more parts. not much Smut here, most wanted to try and transition things from the original story toward where I'd like to take it. enjoy! ==================================================================================== ‘Thats it boy, relax and let your new Daddies POZ you up, Welcome to the Family!” Max had said as his thick hairy arms squeezed tight around the body of Ketih. The younger boy floating in a brand new world of dirty piggy fun he hadn’t imagined up until a few hours ago. As Max pounded his infected Daddy Dick up Keiths hole, his partner Cameron, grabbed the kids face and shoved his own HIV positive cock down Keiths Throat. In the middle, Keith moaned and gurgled and twitched as he felt his naked sweaty body pushed between the two. His own throbbing cock mashed down into the somewhat course fabric of the worn beach towel that they were all fucking on. The heat of the sun and the feel of grass made his body all the more sensitive. Max had been holding off for a while, but felt his cock start to twitch as he squeezed Keith all the more. “Fuck boy! Here it comes, here comes Daddies infected load!” He grunted, an instant later he bellowed like a Bull in Heat as Keith felt the HIV positive cock explode deep up his guts. Max’s body shuddered as he road out his orgasm, reveling in his unmedicated load pumping deep up the boys unprotected ass. A few moments later Cameron grunted and shot his load as well, filling the boy from both ends as they collapsed panting in the hot afternoon sun. Cameron pulled his cock from Keiths dripping face, giving the plump tip a squeeze to milk out a last few drops of jizz as he stood up. “Going to go grab some more beers and some water, you two love birds enjoy.” He said, shaking his cock as he turned and went into the house leaving Keith and Max behind. Max chuckled and squeezed Keiths well build but still smaller body as he flexed his now semi hard cock inside the kids ass. “Well you’ve done it now kid, thats some prime High Viral seed soaking into your guts right now. You might not be infected right now, but I can sure as hell promise you will before you leave here.” He said, licking the sweat from Keiths back and neck, kissing him softly as Keith moaned under him. The two stayed locked together, Keiths mind on fire with what had happened, yet made no attempt to remove the infected cock from his hole as the two lay together. Eventually he gave a muffled grunt, and Max leaned to his side. “What was that sexy boy?” “I said, Its, ugh, its hard to believe you’re not on meds, both of you, you’re so fucking hot and well built. I thought guys with HIV looked more, wasted.” He said, his mind starting to realize a bit more of what he himself might end up like. Max started to chuckle. “Cause we usually are on meds boy. Your Daddy Max and Cameron like to stay in good shape and keep fit, that means taking our pills like good little pigs.” He said as the sound of a door was heard. “Yeah, except when Pride swings around, thats our fucking time to cut loose and let our Virus have some fun.” Said Cameron, coming out holding an ice cooler full of beers and some water bottles. He popped a can and started to chug as he took a seat on an old plastic lawn chair. Max grunted and started to stand up, pulling Keith up as his now limp cock finally fell out of the well fucked hole. “A while ago we decided to get out Poz Freak on and loved how empowering it was to have the Virus pumping through our cocks again. Ever since, we take a ‘vacation’ each year at Pride, making sure our big bear cocks are nice and Toxic for young horny neg holes like yourself.” Max said as he grabbed a can for himself as well. Still weak on his knees, Keith Stood uncertain as he listened to the two hot bears, both now sitting down with cocks still dripping. “F-Fuck thats, messed up, you go off your meds on purpose, to infect other guys at Pride?” He said, moving to get some water, feeling like he was still caught in a fog as he felt his body drenched in sweat and cum trickling down his well fucked hole. The two bears looked at each other and laughed. “This is Palm Springs at Pride boy, there’s probably more guys here infected with HIV then anywhere else in the country right now. Shit, if not infected with HIV, then infected with ‘Something’” Cameron said with a laugh as he pulled up another cheap plastic lawn chair, offering Keith a place to sit. As soon as he did, both Bears dropped a large beefy arm around him, fingers gently playing with his naked skin. The two settling into a long rehearsed routine of ‘Bad cop, worse cop’ as they teased Keith towards his inevitable corruption. “Yeah, and right now I can bet at least a third of those guys are also off meds. Trust me Kid, whether you admit it or not, you coming here is a step towards embracing becoming a part of our family, and embracing who you were meant to be.” Max said, before down to pat between Keiths legs. “Family? You mean becoming your ‘poz son’?” He said stifling a moan. “Something like that, look this is a lot to take in I know, but I don’t think it was an accident you ran into us out on the hunt. I know you’re still pretty out of it, taking your first load of Viral Seed can do that. How about we take a rest, clean up, let your take in what your future has to offer.” Cameron said, as together he and Max got another groan from Keith. The two looked at each other and grinned. It wasn’t long after, that the three had gone inside and cooled off. The house was like a lot of homes in Palm Springs, built in the 50’s with a lot of cinderblock and glass. Keith asked to take a shower, but both Daddies agreed they liked smelling off sweat, cum and piss. As the AC cooled down their bodies and relaxed Keiths brain, they took the chance to ask more about Keith and his trip. He lived in a little suburb in San Bernardino and was currently going to college. He’d come up for the weekend and had checked in at a cheap motel. And while he’d bottomed every now and then, he much preferred to be on top. After a while chatting, and some more water, and some more beer, Cameron looked up. “How you feeling Kiddo?” He asked, genuinely curious now that the buzz of sex had died down a bit. Keith was silent for a moment as he looked between the two hot daddies on either side of him. “Scared? Excited? Horny, I feel like I should go to the nearest hospital, but, I also feel, like…” he trailed off and Max leaned over. “Like you need more don’t you?” He said. “YES! Its fucked up! Im a top, usually, I don’t get fucked much, and I usually play safe, but all I can think about is getting more cock inside me right now!” He said, and then felt something inside him change. “You are half right kiddo, what you need, is more POZ cock.” Max said, and before Keith could respond, he leaned over, giving him a thick deep kiss and thrusting his tongue down Keiths throat. The two moaned deeply before Max pulled away. “Alright sexy, here’s the truth, we got you marked for a cute innocent boy to take home for a quick randy Poz fuck and pass our seed along too. But I think we didn’t count on making such a, connection, with each other. Being POZ is more than just being infected with HIV, you heard us earlier, it frees you, liberates you, and connects you to becoming a part of a family bigger than you can imagine. You’d become not just our Poz Son, but you’d be a part of all those that carried this strain before us. The essence of hundreds of gay men flowing through your body.” Max said, leaning in close to Keith, and licking his neck. Keith moaned, Cameron chuckled. “Thats one way of putting it. Daddy Max likes to be a bit, dramatic, but he’s right about the Virus changing you. Meds or not, Toxic or medicated, once infected, you will become a part of something bigger.” Cameron said, as he looked up at an old clock on the wall. “Ok here’s the deal. It’s the Friday of Pride weekend, and just after 4 o’clock. If you want this, like, REALLY want this, then you go back to your motel, grab your stuff, and meet us here at 5 and spend the rest of the weekend with us. If you do, you are going to take our loads, and a bunch of other unhealthy men. By the time you leave on Sunday, you will most likely be pregnant with your Daddies strain of HIV.” Cameron said as he watched Keiths eyes glaze over. “Oh, Fuck…” was all he said as he tried to fight his growing lust with what his rational brain was saying was a very bad idea. About twenty minutes later, Keith had cleaned up, got his clothes back on, and headed out the door. Watching him go down the street to hail a cab, Max and Cameron, leaned against each other. “What do you think sexy, he coming back? Or do you think he’ll run scared?” Cameron said as Max leaned over, thrusting a finger up his hole. “Both, you saw the look in his eye, he’s scared of course, but we both got our mark left on him. He’s body might not be infected yet, but I know his brain is, he won’t be able to help coming back for me” Max said with a grunt before closing the door. “If he does come back, what should we do with him, aside from the obvious. “Like you said, its Friday night of Pride in Palm Springs, there’s a dozen fuck parties going on, but there’s one special one I know we can go to.” “Oh? How special we talking?” “Heh, Special like Big Sig is in town, and is going to be throwing a party at the ‘Castle’” Max said, and the two began to laugh.
    2 points
  34. Stealthing is a fantasy I have, but only as role playing and it should be consensual.
    1 point
  35. An oldie. I need to get some new ones
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  36. I once blew a guy with a tiny dick who kept cumming and cumming... and cumming. Like a lawn sprinkler.
    1 point
  37. It's the best kind of cousin any boy can ask for!
    1 point
  38. That's exactly it. Never lie about who I am, what I look like and what I like and don't like. I send the pics of me, and if someone doesn't like them, so be it. The world is a big place. I'd rather fuck or get fucked by a guy who's honest about his looks than one who sends me pics collected off the net. I too had my fair share of being catfished, but I only stayed once for a totally different reason: the guy was (is) a known celebrity in Europe and he does look very much like the pics he sent out. He did apologise and he offered to pay for taxi fare and for a drink in the hotel's bar. But given his status (and his 8" dick and big shaved balls), I decided to make an exception. However, a lie where the pics have no resemblance whatsoever with the reality, that's a pass from me. To anyone reading this post, and thinking that they can't get any dick (or ass) because of their looks. I got a piece of advice: Get in shape, groomed, comb your hair if you have it, trim and brush your beard, cut your fingernails, have a shower using the soap, do a bit of manscaping down there and voila! You're on your way to being liked by others. Don't be slob and expect people to like you for your intellect. As much as our brain is our sex organ, it all goes through the eyes first.
    1 point
  39. I suppose it was the final part, how could it continue?
    1 point
  40. You're so lucky for getting multiple cocks back then! For me it was just my dad's cock to suck and drink from. I don't complain, I loved it but I wish I had even more hard cocks around me when growing up.
    1 point
  41. I was on my knees yesterday at a local park. When I walked past this guy's car, I saw he had his cock out and was stroking it. I tried to lure him down a trail, but he didn't respond. When I walked back past his car he was getting out and headed the other way. I just asked him out loud, "Would you like for me to suck that dick?" He responded in the affirmative. We went under a little stone bridge and I pulled down my shorts and got on my knees in the dirt. His cock was already leaking through his shorts. He pulled them down and revealed a nice 6" cock and a surprisingly flat stomach. No other words were spoken. I just went to work and within 5 minutes, he was filling my mouth with thick, hot cum. He pulled up his shorts and walked away as I stayed on my knees and thanked him for the cum.
    1 point
  42. I'd love to drink a pint of cum, I've frozen my own but as everyone says much better fresh. Once watched a porno where a Japanese girl drunk a pint of cum then brought it all back up then drunk it again IMHO very sexy
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  43. The other week at the sauna there was a guy with a fantastic cock that I wanted in me. It turned out he didn't bareback, but when I spoke to him he said he was about to shoot anyway. I bent over and asked him to shoot over my arse. He seemed to like the idea and within a minute or two I felt a load of cum splattering all over my lower back. Once I stood up, it ended up trickling down between by arse cheeks, giving me a nice cummy hole.
    1 point
  44. If you are having trouble, as you say almost anytime on BBRT and Sniffies when it comes to finding tops, then why not try Nastykinkpigs or even Doublelist. It has not been difficult for me with BBRT, but I usually don't check till 1 am on the weekends. Generally I have someone planned in advance but if I decide I want a "second helping" I have tried late in the evening/early morning and the tops are there. I wouldn't give up on those sites. Granted, I am not interested in someone who is "hosting in their car" but if I am comfortable after chatting with them, and they are close by, I have invited them over, so Sniffies can work out with tops. There are many who live with their families or have partners, so if you are willing to host your chances can improve. You might hear the term "well, I am just passing through". Well if that's the case, why can't they just pass right through your front door? lol Happy Hunting!
    1 point
  45. I'm fairly certain that it's all about testosterone, so its no wonder that most men are hungrier than most women.
    1 point
  46. Chapter 4 Reality was setting in. This man was dangerous. He'd drugged me, fucked my throat, and now he was about to permanently damage my hole. I watched him stroke his fat, huge cock, some globs of my spit still hanging off the tip, and couldn't help but think about what he did to land him in prison in the first place. This guy wasn't just a rapist: he practically turned his victims inside-out. I had no safe word. My hole was basically as tight as it was when I was a virgin. If I didn't get out now, this man—this evil, disgusting man—was going to violate me for days. I could feel the heat of his cock just millimeters away from my tight, pink hole. I decided to make a run for it. I made it to the door. As soon as I turned the knob, I heard a clicking noise. Fuck. He'd locked the door. There was no way out. "Get your faggot cunt back on the bed now or I'll give you back to your family in pieces." I had no choice but to do what he said. I'd never seen anyone look that angry before. "I've got you till Monday, meat. You do everything I say for the next three days or I'll be fucking your body instead. Say ''yes, sir'." "Yes, sir," I said obediently. He walked back to the bed, grabbed me by the legs, and pulled my ass up in the air over my head. He spat onto my hole powerfully and rubbed the head of his cock around the entrance. His feet were planted by my head. Fuck, they smelled so sweaty... I couldn't stop myself from thinking that he smelled like a man. The smell of his sweat and cum filled the room. My hole puckered—I couldn't help it. I couldn't think straight. "Dirty boy," he said. "My dirty boy. This cock is going in you, now." I could feel a warmth trickling up my spine. My breath hitched in my throat, and my head felt fuzzy all of a sudden. He put the tip in slowly, clearly reveling in how afraid I was, and eased his cock into my guts. My boyfriend was only 3.5". When his cock went past that point, I noticed. I felt full. It felt like he was wearing me from the inside. I was his toy. "I'm gonna be Earl's fleshlight..." I thought. I moaned, loud. I wasn't thinking anymore. I was just a piece of meat. "You feel like a virgin," he said. "You got the tightest hole I've fucked since before they caught me. Daddy's gonna use this pretty boy pussy. Use you till my thick cum fills your guts." He put a hand on my back. I felt my hair prick up, responding to this monster's warmth. He was still sinking deeper into my hole. I could feel the heat off his huge balls radiating against my hips. "My cock sleeve." I was whining. I needed him to fuck me. I didn't care what my boyfriend thought. I didn't care what my parents thought. I didn't care about the fear of being ruined that still pulsed through me. I needed to be used like a toy. I wanted to be owned by him. "They tell you what I did to get locked up for so long?" "Yes." "Say it." "You kept them, sir... you kept them as sex toys..." "Good boy," he said. "I drugged 'em up, tied them, and used them to empty my balls in until they were broken. I put them in my truck and sold their tight holes to my buddies when I got bored. And when their mouth and throat were too loose to be good anymore? I threw them in the fucking trash outside their families' place. I turned boys younger than you into broken fucking fleshlights with loose holes covered in my fucking piss, cum, and sweat. I do that to boys like you, and you still showed up to my house dressed like a faggot whore." He started to pull his cock back out. I could feel my hole gripping him tight as he pulled the weight of his hips off me. I could see his biohazard tattoo inch out of me. He was ready to use me like a piece of plastic. I felt his grip get tighter. "Any last words, meat? You know what's about to happen to you." I knew what I wanted. Earl was going to rape me, and I would fall in love with this disgusting, vile man's cock. "Don't leave me in my family's trashbin..." I begged. I put my tiny hand around his enormous shaft. "Leave me on my boyfriend's front door." He rubbed his tattoo like he was putting a curse on me. "You're dead meat, kiddo." He slammed his cock back inside me. Hard. "I'm dead meat... sir..." I said. We were right. I was fucked from the moment he laid eyes on me. I was dead meat. TBC Sorry about the delay, it's my first time writing a story like this. Hope it was worth the wait 🙂
    1 point
  47. Impotency led me to being a bottom. I have severe nerve damage to my pelvic floor due to a tumor in my spine. The result is my cock has no feeling and the only way I can orgasm is from prostate play.
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  48. I was seduce by a white man 30 years older than me he got into my head and convinced me to take him raw the first time. He's been claiming my ass ever since
    1 point
  49. Hello there, I thought it only polite to introduce myself to the people of this forum so I'm badpenny/Bob if you prefer. I've been a member for what feels like aeons having registered yesterday ?? I've been a total unrepentant barebacker always, aged 43 I haven't been covered up in 23 years now.For the first 65% of my adult sex life I've been fully straight and I was utterly convinced of that but over the last decade my horizons have completely widened out to fully embrace sex with men/males. As a str8 guys in my late teens and twenties I can only think I was either incredibly lucky, firing blanks or just on too many high quality stimulants, psychedelics or both that I was unwittingly self sterilising because I emptied my balls in seriously countless number of pussy, coultless times without either any protective cover or anything produced from filling their cunts full of my seed. Turns out I am potent as an ex got in contact 7 months after we split and she moved across the country to say I've got a son,since then I've heard but not had it confirmed that I have a daughter too ??? When men were added to my menu I'd had 16-17 years of being seriously antagonistic about condom use and that was never going to change. I've had one or two occasions where I'd fucked, been fucked by a large, not entirely known number of men I'd never met before over a night or weekend so thought it prudent to get a check up...... yet I've never been made pregnant lol. Nor caught anything more than a cold at worst ??? In the last 4 or 5 years I've settled down compared to before and it's around 4 years since I've felt another man penetrate my anal opening although it was less than a fortnight ago that I let go fully inside another male's delicious arsehole.Have nailed a hot sweet pussy and eat her out as recently as last weekend but...... If I was being strictly honest and truthful I'd freely have to admit that I'm still as thoroughly attracted to women as I've always been. She could be fully dressed in winter clothing and all it takes is a smile or a look in her eyes to make me rock hard n wanting her like crazy. With men there has to be not just that promise of sex, knowledge of his bi or gay preference, palpable sexual tension in the air but also I seem to need to know we're two seconds away from clothes being pulled off before I feel that raw lust arise in me. Before I actually want him, but once that feeling is awakened it's powerful and demands a lot of physical pleasure and several if not many huge loads blown before my lust is slaked fully. When I get so damn hot, my blood pumping and that sense of arousal that requires much, much more than my own right hand to satisfy it's bending over another man, slapping his butt cheeks and pumping his tight hole like the world's about to end that fills my mind. Also,even when it is hot, wet fanny I crave the ease of picking up some dirty wee bottom slut to fuck senseless makes gay sex the most viable and 99% of the time the most fulfilling option. Luckily I have an on/off gf so I always have a female back up to go see which frees up seeking out another woman. In truth, it actually just ends up meaning I don't get any pussy but hers unless they offer it to me because I always seek out other men for sex. Anyway, that's my story so far. I'd love to find a masculine bottom for a long term fuck buddy. One that wouldn't have a problem with bending me over and fucking my brains out when the need takes him. It's been a long time since I felt another man force his cock deep up my hole but I'm craving that moment more and more, I just haven't found the type of man I WANT to allow total ownership of my rear, my body, even me myself to in a number of years
    1 point
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