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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/07/2023 in all areas

  1. 6 points
  2. Here you go 😈👅🐽🍆💦
    5 points
  3. I live in an exclusive neighborhood in the outskirts of downtown San Antonio. The area is wrought with uppity high society types who think they are to good for some people so I keep pretty much to myself. I am a single executive with a large company to run and usually don't have much in the way of leisure time. So I value what time I have and enjoy swimming laps in my back yard pool. No, this is not another pool boy and lonely guy story. Yesterday, I got home about 7pm and it was hotter that hell. I walked through the house from the garage and peeled my clothes off as I went. By the time I reached the pool I was naked. Now one of the reasons I bought this house was because it was surrounded by a 12 ft high wall and large oak trees. As I walked into the pool, out of the corner of my eye I caught some movement along the top of the wall in the corner. But at that moment all I wanted to do was cool off. When I made the turn at the end of the pool and started to stroke back across I could see the top of a head and a set of eye peeking at me. Well being a bit of an exhibitionist and very proud of my hard 40 year old body and 7 inches of uncut cock, I just rolled onto my back and backstroked across the pool, away from the peeper. The though of someone spying on me gave me a raging hard-on and I played it to the hilt. I backstroked across the pool a couple more times, each time making sure that my peeper was still watching. Finally I walked out of the pool and over to the cabana and grabbed a towel and very purposefully faced way from my peeper and dried my hard body paying particular attention to drying the crack of my well muscled ass. The touch of the rough terry cloth on my butt hole was to much. I sat down in a lounge and began stroking my cock. I think that my peeper was having a hard time of his own. When I looked directly into his eyes for the first time, he was like a deer caught in the headlights. I motioned for him to join me. He climbed over the wall and dropped to the ground. This young guy looked about 19 or 20 was walking toward me with a look like he was going to eat me. As he came toward me he was pulling off his shorts and T-shirt revealing a buffed young darkly tanned body. Without saying a word he just knelt down beside my chair and engulfed by cock. I thought I was going to shoot my load right then and there. This kid had an extremely hot mouth and knew exactly how to make it give pleasure. I was on the verge of loosing my load when he grasped the base of my cock and squeezed tightly, all the while keeping the head in his mouth and his tongue in the piss hole to keep me from shooting. I reached out and grabbed him by the hair and pulled him up off my cock and had him stand next to my chair. His 8 inches were standing at attention and that is just what it got. I lavished attention on this young hot cock. He spoke for the first time and warned me that he was going to shoot. I did him the way he did me, I squeezed the base of his cock and thought I was going to stop him from coming, HA, he shot this huge load of come all over my face and chest. I also was able to catch a few globs in my mouth ,because good come should not be wasted. He started to apologize and I stopped him. I didn't care that he had covered me with his spunk. I was now ready for more. I reached over to the table beside the chair and grabbed a bottle of baby oil that I use to keep up my tan and had him turn around. I stood up and squirted a glob of baby oil into my hand and then rubbed some on his young hot ass hole and then placed the head of my cock at the opening. He asked that I take my time because he had not done this before and wanted to savor the feeling of losing his ass cherry. Well being a man of action, and being extremely horny by now I worked very hard at not just attacking his hole. I allowed the head to just pop past his ring and he was right, this was a virgin asshole and I was about to come just thinking about it. So I slowly began to move into his ass, moving fractions at a time and then backing off, and then in again and then out. This was driving both of us crazy, he had his cock in his hand and was stroking away, and I began to really get into the groove, and was fucking this hot young anonymous guy for all I was worth. I know I was going all the way to my pelvic bone and then out again and he began to groan and moan and beg for me to come. That was all I really needed, I let loose a huge load in his hole that caused me to become weak and I pulled out and sat down on the lounge chair. He climbed right into my lap placed him arms around my neck and kissed my lips and face and neck like I had never been kissed. By now it was getting pretty dark and the night lights around the pool area were coming on. We sat there cuddled up in the chair and got aquatinted. He was the perpetually horny young next door neighbor kid that had been watching me over the wall for several years and never had the guts to make a move. I was turned on because he explained how he had watched me and some of the guys that I brought home and fucked and sucked with around the pool. And now that he was back in town he decided that this time he was going to come over the wall and have sex with me. We enjoyed a long hot summer in Texas.
    5 points
  4. No.1 all the way for me. And once I feel I have finished dumping my seed I will then carry on fucking to fuck my cum deeper into the cunt walls. Thankfully I can stay HARD for ages once I have cum 💦💦💦
    4 points
  5. Fucking great week... took somewhere north of 21 loads.....
    3 points
  6. Many years ago, when I was still in my late 20's, I was dating this guy (kid really) named Josh. He was several years younger than was I, and several degrees less mature. We had been dating smoothly for about a year when I finally introduced him to a couple who were friends of mine, Rob and Erik. For better or worse, prior to meeting Josh I had had three-ways with them once and a while, and I had told Josh about some of these encounters. Rob and Erik lived about two hours away and they invited us up to spend a weekend in the city, drinking and having a good time. Now, knowing Rob and Erik, I knew that their idea of a 'good time' would probably mean all having sex together, and I knew it would be hard for Josh to resist. Hell, it would be hard for me to resist! Rob was defintely the whore of the couple: he was very outgoing and very handsome and very much a bottom. All with the body of an Olympic swimmer. Erik was the smaller of the two guys. He was also more reserved, frankly he was a bit nerdy. He was also a top with a nine-inch cock. While Rob was a fun bottom who really got off on being fucked, it was Erik that I enjoyed making cum, because Erik shot like one of the fountains at the Bellagio. He always launched several spurts, usually hitting the wall and ruining sheets in the process. I always wanted feel Erik shoot in my mouth, but was not allowed to. You see, Erik was poz while Rob was not. And Erik was always very cautious. Josh and I discussed the prospects of an invitation from Rob and Erik and had agreed we were content to remain a monogamous couple and we would politely decline any sexual offers - if they were presented. On that Saturday evening, we had been out drinking and having a grand old time and we all probably had a bit too much. We got back to their place and I decided it was time to get ready for bed. When Josh finally climbed in and we were laying in the dark, he told me Rob had kissed him while he was in the bathroom, and had invited us to have sex with them. "Josh, we talked about this. We said we were not going to do anything wth Rob and Erik." "But you have, and you liked it! Why don't we? It could be fun" Josh whined. "Josh, this is precisely why we talked all this out beforehand. So that it wouldn't become an issue." "But it's still an issue!" "Let's just go to sleep. Night." I could feel Josh stewing next to me while I was trying to relax. About five minutes later he sat up and announced, "Well, I'm going to go fuck Rob and Erik." "Have fun with that," I said and rolled over. "You're being an asshole," Josh spat as he left the room. My stomach churned into knots. My boyfriend had just left me to go have sex with two of my friends, after we expressly talked about NOT doing that very thing. I was seethingly mad, and hurt and upset. I tried my best to go to sleep, although it was difficult when I could hear noises start coming from the other room. After about five minutes I heard someone walk in to my bedroom. I initially hoped it was Josh, but it was Erik. "Hey, are you okay?" he asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just tired" I answered. "Are you sure it's okay that Josh is in with us? It feels... awkward... without you there too. This was so like Erik, always the nice one. And the one I liked best because of it. "Yeah. He's a big boy. It's his decision. Go. Have fun. I'll see you in the morning." Erik hesitated, then slowly left. Try as I might, I just couldn't fall asleep. Notwithstanding my conversation with Erik, I grew more and more upset with Josh with each passing minute. How could he be treating our relationship this way? Is this how little he thought of me? Of us? Probably ten or fifteen more minutes went by, when I heard someone enter my room again. Again it was Erik. "So, um... is Josh neg?" he asked. "Yeah, why?" "Well, because Rob is riding Josh's raw cock right now and I was just curious" he said, as he sat on my bed. "I see. Yeah, I could have predicted that. I figured Josh would be angling to fuck Rob if he got the chance. And they'll be at it for awhile. Josh takes forEVER to cum." I knew Josh had a thing for Rob. For that matter, EVERYONE had a thing for Rob. He was quite charming. And I knew Rob would like Josh, because Josh had a thick eight inch cock with a wicked left curve. Plus Josh was in his early 20's and fucked like a demon. "I guess that leaves us out," Erik sighed. And that's when I decided. Fuck Josh. Fuck all this. I was going to have Erik fuck me. "Go get your supplies. We're gonna fuck," I told him, sitting up and giving him a deep kiss. "You sure?" he asked. "Go. Now. Hurry!" Erik was back in a flash. "I don't even think they noticed me come back in the room," he told me when he got back. We started making out, and soon I was going down on Erik's enormous rod. I had always felt extremely lucky to have Josh's big cock to play with, but Erik put Josh's dick into perspective for me. Erik is massive. Easily every bit of nine inches, and the thickness of his cock was verging on ridiculous, especially the middle of it. Toward the middle his cock flattened out, and it was wider than four fingers across-- then it tapered again to normal size at the base. I could only get about half his cock in my mouth before I couldn't fit any more in without the risk of teeth. Or tearing the corners of my mouth. While I worked on Erik, I could hear Josh and Rob ramping up in the other room. They were getting loud, and Rob was starting to vocalize a bit. I wanted to get Erik in me so I could add to the fuck noises and let Josh know that a REAL cock was nailing me. But I was nervous as fuck. Before when I used to have sex with Rob and Erik, it was mostly blow jobs, and me fucking Rob. Erik had tried to fuck me twice before, but I could never get him past the midway point. It just hurt too damn much and I always had to make him stop. And Erik, being the nice guy, would lose his hard on if he felt like he was hurting me. But I needed him to fuck me tonight. All the way fuck me. To permanently wreck my ass for Josh's cock. I told Erik I was ready, so he grabbed a condom and lubed up. And I generously lubed my butthole. "Here, I brought some poppers," Erik announced, adding "They're fresh, and should help." Erik lay on his back, and I straddled his monster cock. I hit the poppers and started easing down onto him. I did pretty well at the start, but then I hit the thick part, and my ass would slide no further. Not even with poppers. I tried sliding off, lubing, and reinserting. I tried bouncing a bit, and easing my ass downward on each stroke. Still no good. Then I just tried forcing my ass downward which made me gasp and cry out a little in pain. "Damn! I'm hurting you. I knew it wouldn't work," said Erik despondently. I could feel his hard on slipping away. Fuck. I desperately wanted his horse cock inside me, but it just wasn't working. I was angry at myself for tensing up and not being able to take it, and I felt bad that I was once again going to disappoint Erik. I quickly pulled off of his cock, ripped off the condom, and started sucking him again while stroking his shaft. This got him going again, and soon he was oozing precum. Josh and Rob were really going at it now. We could hear the rapid slaps of groin against ass while Rob was desperately (and rather loudly) urging Josh to fuck him harder. I wondered how much of this verbal display was for our benefit. That's when I made the decision. I was drunk, horny, and very angry with my boyfriend, so I grabbed the lube, re-lubed Erik and my asshole, and got back on top of him. Erik's cockhead was at my hole before he came to his senses. "What are you doing? I don't have a condom on!" he whispered loudly. "I'm getting this fucker inside me NOW. At least once all the way." "We can't... we shouldn't...." "Just don't cum in me," I said as I began to work him inside my ass. In he slid, but once again, I was stopped at the midpoint of his shaft. But damn it, I was going to take him regardless of the pain. So I hit the poppers hard, waited for the wave of euphoria to hit, and then I squatted down. Hard. It hurt. Man, did it hurt me. I think I could feel my sphincter tearing a little as the thick part forced inside of me. I instantly broke out in a sweat, and tears stung my eyes. But then suddenly with a painful pop he was inside, and I slid down to the base. And now along with the pain in my ass, there was a dull pain deep inside my guts where his head was stabbing up into my colon. Erik grabbed my hips and steadied me as I sat impaled on his massive pole. "You ok?" he whispered. "Oh my god, that's a lot of cock," was all I could get out as tears ran down my cheeks. "This feels amazing," he said. "You know how long it's been since I've fucked a guy? Nine months. And I had to stop fucking that guy before I came because he was in so much pain. Rob always picks up other tops for us to mess around with, and even though some of them see my cock and want to try, they never manage it." I bent down and kissed Erik. And slowly lifted myself so I could start to ride him. I only ever pulled halfway off him, because the thick part of his cock was knotted inside me and wouldn't pull past my protesting butt hole. But I must say, the tug on my hole from the inside was an amazing feeling. Slowly we worked up a rhythm, and between that and poppers, I suddenly found myself getting fucked steadily by Erik's dick. Even though my asshole was still on fire, the pain was slowly giving way to pleasure. Incredible pleasure. The thick part of his cock was like a Mack truck driving over my prostate with every stroke, and the sheer volume of cock moving in and out of me was making every inch of my body quake and tingle. We eventually, slowly, rolled over so that I was on my back, legs spread and in the air and he was on top. We did this maneuver completely without disengaging his cock from my hole. Erik liked the leverage he could get in this position and we could also kiss more easily-- which we did. Erik set up a steady rhythm of pumping my hole while we kissed and sucked each other's tongue. If I listened, I could hear Josh and Rob really putting on a show now. Josh was shouting things like, "Take my cock, bitch!" as Rob answered with the scream "Oh God! Oh God! Ah! Ah! Ahhh!" over and over. I thought that once Erik was in me, I would give them some verbal back in return, to get some revenge on Josh. But it just didn't feel right anymore. What Erik and I were doing was far too intimate, and I was content to stay quiet. So was he. From the angle that Erik was fucking, and from the size of his cock, he was edging me closer and closer to orgasm with every thrust. I could feel it building slowly... from the inside. Deep inside. I wasn't even touching my cock, but I knew that I was minutes, perhaps seconds, away from cumming. I was trying to delay it with snorts of poppers, but to no avail. Thankfully at about that time, I hear Josh shout, "Fuuuck, I'm getting close! Your ass gonna take my load, bitch?" I whispered "Erik, you are getting me really close. You keep fucking me, and I'm gonna cum." Rob meanwhile shouted between grunts, "Ugh! Fuck me! Ugh! Give me that cum!" "I'm really close too," Erik said as he kept fucking me. I heard Josh's now-familiar, animalistic "rrrrrRRRRR-UGGGH! UGGGH! UGGGGGGHHH!" as he started cumming inside Rob's hole. "Oh God, just don't stop fucking me, Erik!" was all I managed to say grunt as the cum started spewing from my cock in streams across my belly. "Oh FUCK, I can feel you cumming! It's gonna make me shoot!" shouted Rob as he starts grunting repeatedly. I was staring up at Erik, as he looked down at me with a mixed look of sexual passion and concern. "Oh no... I can't stop. Oh God, I can't stop it. I can't..." Erik stopped pumping, his breath caught, and that's when I felt it. I felt Erik's ridiculously hard and thick cock start to throb as it was parked motionless inside my ass, stretching my hole even further with every pulse. His prodigious, positive load filling my guts. He shuddered, his breath ragged as his cock charged my insides. "Oh shit! Oh I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!" Erik kept repeating. I hushed him with a kiss as his cock occasionally still twitched in my rectum. As we kissed, I heard the shower start and I knew that Rob and Josh were getting cleaned up. We stopped kissing, Erik looked at me and said, "What are we gonna do?" "About what?" I said. "This never happened. They fucked, we didn't. We just talked and waited for them to finish. Sound good?" "But... I came in you. And I'm poz. What about you? What about Josh??" "You let me worry about me. I begged you not to stop fucking me. And that thick cock of yours wasn't coming out again til you went limp. Besides... you liked fucking me raw, didn't you? Tell me the truth." "It was fucking amazing," he said. "I felt so... connected... to you. I kinda want to do it again." "And I gotta admit I loved feeling you cum inside me. I think I've wanted it for a long time. How about we leave you inside me, pretend to be asleep, and make those two sleep together tonight so we can fuck again" I suggested. So that's just what we did. We rotated around so that Erik was behind me, spooning, and we covered up. Josh came in a few minutes later and we pretended to be asleep. Josh tapped me to wake me up. I groggily said Erik was passed out and that I was pissed, and I wasn't waking him up. Then I told him to go crash with Rob. Josh said "Whatever" and walked out. Erik bred me twice more-- never pulling out his cock til the very end. Once later that night after we dozed a bit, and once in the morning before Josh and Rob got up. By the last fuck, Erik was long dicking me with his whole cock - the thick part punching past my hole and driving me wild with the most intense fuck pleasure I'd ever experienced. When Erik finally did pull out of me I felt so empty inside. And I don't mean just my ass. I felt like crying. Plus, my asshole hurt like it had never hurt after a fuck session; I was totally torn up. The sheets could attest to this fact, as they were a blood and cum stained mess. And even though Erik was positive, I was bound and determined to keep as much of him inside me for as long as I could. We all had a tense, hung over breakfast and said our terse goodbyes soon after. I broke up with Josh after our drive home, citing his immature behavior, but knowing it was because I didn't want to be the one to infect him. As I knew my negative days were probably over.
    3 points
  7. Took some really old cocks all weekend: 73 year old, 75 year old, 78 year old, and in a little while here another one thats 72. My hole is so full of grandpa juice and I think ill devote all week to serving men exclusively in their 70s, and 80s.
    3 points
  8. Every now and then you meet someone and you just know within a minute you could spend the rest of your life without ever meeting them again.
    3 points
  9. Has a strong kink around the mid shaft area which is why I think I seem to frequently hit the G-spot (prostate) from what I have often been told.
    3 points
  10. BZ is not a hookup or cruising site, nor is it intended to be one. It's a discussion forum. As it happens, there a quite a few discussions here about good hookup sites & apps. You might review these:
    3 points
  11. I hooked up at STEAMWORKS with a scruffy bottom who had a sweet, tight ass and who was hungry for fuck seed. He left the door open when he came in my room, so I knew he din't mind being watched while being fucked, which is a turn on for me. Then he suggested I take him to the fuck bench and fuck him in front of other guys. What a fucking turn on. He sucked cock while I bred him. It was hot to have guys come up and feel my balls and bare cock. Anybody else hooked on giving a bareback sex show?
    2 points
  12. I heard about this club from one of my regular fuck buddies who knew I was really into vampires and while he was fucking the hell out of my hole he told me these guys and only guys don't just dress up as vampires and party they all get fangs implanted in their mouths and share blood during their parties but only after they get bitten themselves and are excepted into the coven . Hearing all this while he was plowing my hole really got me excited and it made my ass clamp down on his cock and made him moan more as he came in my ass causing me to come on the bed. Once we both could breathe better he slipped out of my ass with a pop and we sat for a moment and he explained more to me about this club. He told me since tonight was halloween the vampires were holding a night of a masquerade party to start and there everyone was welcome but at the stroke of midnight all the guys who didn't want to stay for the orgy left the club and the owner locked the doors and the frenzy started. He told me the dress code for new comers was slacks and white button shirt with a tie and a jock underneath so the coven members knew who were the humans and the bottoms for the night while the coven members dressed in the old aristocrat way. After he told me all of this I went and got all I needed for the night including a mask to wear and the rest of the day I was so excited I couldn't stay still. I made sure to clean my ass thoroughly around 7 and made my way to the club downtown and was impressed with it. The building was a 2 story castle style and it had been decked out for Halloween with lights gargoyles and everything else that made you feel like you stepped back through time. I got to the door and was let in by a massive muscled man dressed as an aristocrat and when he saw me he smiled enough that I could see his fangs. Seeing this plus the mounds of muscle on this man made me so hard and I could feel the precum running in my jock. He had in blue contacts and I could see how the shirt he was wearing with his costume could easily be ripped if he flexed in it. I licked my lips as he let me in the club and as I walked by him he held onto my arm as he crouched down and slipped his meaty hand down the back of my pants and probed my lubed hole. He smiled again showing those pointy whites and whispered in my ear that he was looking forward to the after party and he would be looking for me. The sound of his smooth deep voice made me tremble and clench my hole around his probing digit. He slipped it out and licked it saying that he hoped I enjoyed the night. I stepped through and was welcomed by the sound of some great music and the sights of many men all dancing drinking and lewdly feeling up everyone they could get their hands on. I smiled as I walked up to the bar and was greeted by the bartender that was also dressed as a aristocratic vampire. I say dressed but really all his costume was the clothes painted on his actually full naked body. He saw me looking and smiled at me exposing his fangs when I looked at his hard leaking bouncing cock. I was shocked because it was probably 12 inches long and had a large spiked prince Albert piercing coming from the tip. Seeing that bouncing on his tight six pack made me drool and precum even more that I didn't hear him ask me what I wanted to drink. I snapped out of my daze and ordered a bloody Mary and asked that he spoke it a bit more with some of his pre cum. It made him smile more and he said he was happy to and brought my glass down to his cock and stroked it some to bring out some fresh from the tap. He handed it to me and said he would see me around. I walked away harder than ever and started dancing with the other guys here getting felt up by what felt like everyone. I was having such a blast I didn't keep track of the time and was shocked that the owner of the club got on stage to announce that it was now midnight and that anyone who wasn't staying for the after party needed to close out their tabs and head on out. About half of the crowd started to make their way to the bar to close out their tabs while the rest of us who were staying met up to one side of the club to not be in the way. When the last guy left the owner called in the bouncer and told him to lock up. Once the doors were shut the owner announced that it was the witching hour where the creatures of the night went and decended on their prey and made new vampires for the coven. With that we looked as a door at the top of the stairs leading to the second floor opened and put walked over two dozen beautifully sexy vampires walked down. All of them dressed in the garb of the night and each one of them were muscled and sexy. When they all made it to the bottom of the stairs The owner said for the humans to now remove their garments except for their undergarments and step forward onto the dancing floor in a circle. Once we were all stripped into nothing but our jocks and we stood in a circle around the dance floor and the vampires step forward once more and circled each of us with lust in their eyes and each smiling showing their fangs for all of us to see. Once each of them was satisfied at looking at us the owner announced let the orgy begin. Each vampire grabbed one of us and brought us to different parts of the club what we didn't see behind the closed curtains were benches St Andrew's crosses slings and other stations where we would be used for tonight's coven entertainment and hopefully joining the coven itself. I was so happy to see that the bartender walked up to me and grabbed me by my arm guiding me to the nearest bench where he started to rub his still painted body on mine and making out with me and tweaking my nipples. After making out and feeling the tips of his fangs with my tongue I started to be pushed downward by the sexy vampire stud kissing and licking his painted body till I got to his spiked cock licking up and down the shaft circling the piercing and lapping at his balls causing him to moan in pleasure. While I was doing what I thought was a great job The vampire bartender said he was hoping that I would be available for him first because my fuck buddy told him about me in advance and showing pictures of how I looked and He wanted to be the one to initiate membership into the coven. Hearing this made me pre-cum even more and made my hole itch with excitement at my friend sent me up with a very sexy man. My vampire stud then lifted me from his crotch and had me bend over the bench and dove straight into my hole nipping at it with his fangs causing me to moan and yelp at the points as he nipped at my skin around the hole. His tongue felt amazing as it probe through my whole and I couldn't get enough at his tongue went deeper and deeper into the wetness of my hole. Once you felt I was probably lubed you lined his spite cod piece up to my twitching hole and plunge straight into it causing me to arch my back and yell in both pain and pleasure as I could feel the insides of my body be ripped apart. My vampire was kind enough to allow me to get used to his cock in my abused hold now and once the pain subsided pleasure took over my senses and he ravaged my hole even more thrusting in and out pulling out to where just the tip was in and then thrusting in with all his force causing me to jump each time and moan even louder. He fucked me for what felt like hours but I knew it was just for a few minutes and I could feel his thrust getting harder and faster and I could hear his panting in my ear. The sounds of sex were all around us flesh on flesh moaning and pain and pleasure and I knew each of the new members were ready to be a full fledged vampire in this coven vampires looking at each other nodding as the sign that each of them were about to breed the no longer to be humans and mark them as theirs forever. My vampire whispered in my ear telling me that my induction to the coven was about to begin and that he would be my Maker in this coven and we would always share a special bond. With that he let out a hiss and then struck me in my neck with his fangs causing my skin to break and my blood to fill in his mouth just as he slammed his hardest into my ass and I could feel his cock expanding flooding me with his cum I could feel the wetness and the heat of his cum filling me and causing me to come on the floor under the bench. Once he was done coming in sucking on my neck he once again whisper to my ear you are a vampire now but the best kind yet you have joined the coven of the poz vampires and have earned your fangs like the others around you but the night is still young Go enjoy more of your new coven spread around what we have gifted you with and turn more humans into our kind. Happy Halloween
    2 points
  13. I was horny af and started talking to this guy on Grindr that I haven’t been able to hook up with. I decided to take some time off work to cheat since both our schedules worked out and he could host. Both of us are married, which makes it much hotter. We spent the after noon fucking, sucking, and just playing with each other. He swallowed my cum and I swallowed his. We decided to continue hooking up and making it a fwb type deal. On the drive home, I was horny af, although I knew I wouldn’t be able to cum again. I stopped by a local mall to kill some time before I had to be at an appointment. Hopped on Grindr since I didn’t get a load in my ass from my previous buddy. I got hit up by this hot, hairy Latino man. He was in a department store bathroom so I hesitated a bit, since it’s risky. I figured wtf and decided to go. No one was in the bathroom but him. I went to the handicapped stall, knocked, and he open the door to let me in. He was jerking off and had a bunch of precum on his uncut dick. I quickly got on my knees to suck it. His pubes were awesome. So think and musky. He pushed my mouth so hard on his dick and he was balls deep in me in no time. I choked a bit and that’s when someone walked in to use the urinal. The way the bathroom is designed he would be unable to see or know we were in there. We were quiet until we heard him leave. Once he did, I got back down to blowing my hot Latino man. He started to reach for my pants and started to play with my hole. I knew what he wanted. He told me to pull them down and I did. I was still lubed up from my buddy so his dick slid in easily. We’ve talked before but never hooked up since he’s always wanted bathroom play and I’ve been too nervous. But goddamn his dick felt good and I’m not saying no to him ever again. He kept fucking me, and he finally told me he was gonna cum and asked where I wanted it. I told him to breed me and he pumped what had to be at least 8 shots of cum into my loose, slutty hole. When he pulled out, I started to pull up my pants but someone came in and sat down in the stall next to us. He started to take a huge dump and I pulled my pants up quietly, left the stall, and took on look back at my sexy man naked before closing the door. I went on to my appointment, then went home to my husband who was none the wiser.
    2 points
  14. Letting him sleep after several days of hard work gave me a rare chance to give myself a closer look, and, it did not disappoint. Realizing the boy was 18 made me conscious of the fact that I was bound to see changes in my appearance soon enough, but, not today, death - my skin remain smooth and golden, taught over my big muscles, unfairly developed given my lifestyle (thank you, tren), and being 6'5" meant some of my best attributes would be there till the end. This body - and, yes, this big fucking dick - were more than just something to look at and love, they'd been how I paid the bills for the longest time. But, no more - the boy was the breadwinner now. And, holy fuck was he winning big. I'm not much of an accountant, but I know that he had gotten about $500 worth of t up his hole this week, and that we'd made about 20 times that amount in selling up his hole. By day five, he just didn't want to stay up - disappointing, really, there was more $ to be made. But, I relented in the end, and gave him the break he probably deserved. Karma rewarded me for my kindness, however, as I felt my phone buzz and saw a new, wealthy customer was back in the game. "Is he ready? I hadn't placed much hope in getting follow-through from this guy. He was pretty fucking hot himself, and didn't seem like he'd need to pay for sex. Also, he was more than 1000 miles away, and it seemed more likely he was engaging to get some kind of thrill from simply discussing the details of his interest. And the details - wow, they even made me blush, and I've seen a thing or two. "I want him really fucked up. Loosen him up with T, then overload him with g... I want his eyes closed" It didn't seem an especially practical request - if the boy was too sleepy, it might be hard to get him ready for the next customer. But by a happy coincidence, or reward for my generosity, we'd reached that place organically, and that I could profit from it was now just a bonus. "I'll pay $20k" Fuck! This was turning into a good day. I couldn't believe my luck. So much so, I decided to push it a bit more... "20k for him, $5k for me, it's a package deal. Bring your own favors" "ETA 15 minutes. Send ping" I haven't been intimidated in years, but the man that arrived at our door was something else. He had at least two inches on me - and he was even better looking in person. At the rate he was paying, I would have let basically anyone walk through the door. But this guy wasn't someone who needed to pay for sex - he just needed to pay for this kind of sex, and I was happy to oblige. We walked back to the room, and the boy couldn't have done a better job of presenting himself to advantage. He was fully naked, flat on his belly, one knee pulled to his tight midsection, his perfect ass (probably his only well developed muscle) catching the light and presenting itself with confidence. The man-god smiled, and began to strip. For the first time, I began to think my luck had run out - his penis was so fucking thick, I was worried that the boy would wake up, it was bound to hurt, hurt like fuck, even with the abuse he had taken this past week. Somehow, I didn't think this man would be gentle either. "Woah, dude, great cock, but, you know, it seems a little intense..." "Shut the fuck up. Grab my bag" His 'bag' was an incongruous fanny pack, with the usual suspects, and then - of course - some maximum impact. This guy had either done this before, or planned it out for a long time. He had me spray it on a pair of his underwear till soaked, and I was positioned at my boys head, clearly there to make sure he didn't slip too far into consciousness. Man-god took a rock the size of my finger nail and stuck into his piss slit - HAWT! - before shoving his dick into the boys ass - as expected, this lead to an immediate response. "Ow! Dad what's happening? It hurts?" "Shh... here boy, take a good sniff" The maximum impact helped him relax and drift off again, and I saw the face of our client make its first smile. We continued this rhythm for a good 15 minutes, each time the sensation became too intense, I'd give the boy another sniff and he'd fall back asleep... I could only hope that his hole wasn't taking any permanent damage. "Wet that again, I'm ready for part 2" he said "What is part 2..." "I SAID wet it, again, now" I hadn't been told what to do in years, and fuck it if my ass didn't twitch for a second. I got that thought out of my head quick - the boy was special, he could take it. This guy would land me in the ER if I tried to take his dick. When I had his soaked underwear back at the boys head, I began to realize what part 2 was, and I almost passed out myself. His massive cock was briefly out of the boys hole, though still connected by a thick strand of - cum? he had somehow cum and kept going? It was soon replaced by his fingers, and then, probably the biggest fist I'd ever seen. Still, it was probably only *slightly* larger than the girth of his dick, and the boy didn't react too much more than he had been prior. "Good boy!" the man-god said, his smile now broad and persistent, as he proceeded to punch in and out, in between revealing the most insane gape I had ever seen. "I think you're ready now!" Ready for fucking what? What more could there be? In an instant, he opened his hand inside my boy, and shoved his massive, thick dick right down the middle, jerking himself off in the boys now (irreparably?) wrecked cunt. At this the boy woke up and there was no getting him to calm down with a sniff. Man-god noticed, but seemed prepared. "Loser, bag, again. A small pouch on the side" The small pouch made his intentions obvious, and I didn't wait for instructions. I poured the powder in a neat line on my dick - hey, may as well work for a tip! - and told my boy to sniff. Within a minute, he was in such a deep fucking k hole that even the massive dick being jerked off by a massive fist in his hole receded in the distance, no longer painful, but a diffusely differentiated pleasure, his body pulled into the stars and all sensation amplified yet never closer than arms length. For the next hour, he said nothing, did nothing, and the client pushed the absolute limits of what his body could take. When he was finished, the boy had fallen asleep again, and seemed no worse for wear - although I had few expectations that he'd be walking anytime soon. "You've done well with him. I will be back" And just like that he left, but not before placing a stack of bills on the table. FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. Well, hard to argue he didn't earn it.
    2 points
  15. Note: I didn't write this story. I found this on a website in Brazil, so the story was in Portuguese. I'm just translating it. It's a big story and this is just the first part. If you like it, I'll translate the rest. I'm sorry if my English is not that good. ____________________________________________________ Whenever I do drugs, I get electric and horny as fuck, so today was no different. I started to use co.ke around three in the afternoon and I've already opened the Grindr to see if there was someone to give me dick. A guy from out of town, fucking hot, messaged to me, and we arranged to meet and he was the first. The guy was 25 years old, bearded, thin and around 5,6. Before we started, he said he was addicted to fisting holes and that he had a gel with him that was great for sticking his hand up a man’s ass. I accepted without thinking twice. And the guy knew how to do that, goddamn it. He was patient and calm, and in the end, I found all of his hand and almost half of his arm inside my ass. I was open and swollen, the way a male has to be when another tells him so. In the middle of all that, there was a lot of dirty talk, spitting and armpit licking, because I wanted to smell the scent of a real man. What a delight it was to receive that hand inside me, breaking into my ass, opening me, turning that hole into a cunt of respect. After I was very wide, the man put me on my back and started to push his cock inside me, inch by inch. I felt that big cock poking at me, his pubes hitting my ass. The smell of sex invaded the whole room and, within minutes, he announced that he was cumming. I felt my ass filled with that hot cum with him saying: “Look how nice it is to put my charged load inside that ass. You will be leaking poz cum.” My horniness was unimaginable and with just a handjob I also gushed liters of thick cum. The first guy left and I again started the search for the second one. I chatted with a guy I always have sex with, he's really hot, black, tall and with a 10 inches heavy cock. He has no frills and no shame. When he fucks, he does a lot of damage. In minutes, I was riding a cock again. He treated my ass right, with a lot of pumping. I felt that dick invade my rectum and make it a worthless object, which made me crazy. In the middle of that hot fuck, we were doing it dog style, he held me and announced that he was going to cum: “Take it, your little whore. I’m breeding you good with my poz cum. Take my poz load, son of a bitch. Aids whore.” I left his house quickly, because I already had another fuck scheduled. The was almost hiss neighbor, so I just walked. I left one's house and went to the other. This third guy was a more serious guy, white, angry and brutal. As soon as I entered his apartment, he was already taking my clothes off and saying: “I don’t want to hear your voice today. You will take my cock bare and quiet. If you disobey, it’s going to be a lot worse.” I didn't care about anything anymore, I just wanted to feel more cock inside me. And like magic, I saw stars. The son of a bitch punched his whole dick in one go and started cursing me, saying he knew I already had my ass full of cum and was going to use other people's load as lubricant. I was all open. I was loving to get fucked in that position, face down, that he had put me. The man put all his cock inside me, then he announced that he was cumming. And more of that hot poz sperm went inside me. I got out of there and got back to the Grindr. In less than 20 minutes, I found another man. He was short, he worked out and was very hot. His dick was much smaller than the others, but he knew how to use it as he worked miracles. Everything happened inside his car, and I took the fourth load of the night. After that, I stopped at a park and went to the public bathroom. I waited for about 30 minutes, then a guy came in looking at me from a distance and working his cock inside his pants. That was the sign I had been waiting for. I sucked the man until he came in my mouth, pouring me the purest cum straight from the source. But I was still not satisfied. I wanted more and more and more.
    2 points
  16. That looks like a damn fine piece of meat. I'd love to have used that with the ''nasty daddy Top'', as long as he bred you first, made you nice and sloppy for me! 🐽 o!nK 💦💦
    2 points
  17. To go with what I said above, I forgot to add, as I hold in balls deep I do grunt with each spasm and the associated rope of corrupt seed that I spew out!
    2 points
  18. I'd rather have a cup of tea and a slice of cake than even entertain option 4, lol.
    2 points
  19. Hopefully only temporarily, but - figured I'd give you guys the warning: As most know, the official word is that fucking is no longer allowed (or even getting your Cock sucked) inside the bar. The reason given was that because of all the physical plant upgrades, there are city inspectors coming and going. This was delivered by one of the employees back in Pig Alley - that I'd never heard of city inspectors working at 11:00 pm - but, the employee went on to say we could actually play "feelies" through the pants, but no exposure of any kind. B F D. So, guys would go around the corner by Decades and fuck, and until a couple of days ago, it went on until dawn. Now, however, the cops are rounding up pervectly innocent Pigs doing what they need to do. In the past couple of days, there's PLENTY of parking over there, which is highly unusual. I hope they get it back to normal soon, but figured I'd let all my fellow Pigs know ..... Hopefully we'll get our PigPen back soon - but for now, it's not a good idea to fuck anywhere near the corner of 4th & 15th. ☹️
    2 points
  20. We wouldn't even need a word for cheating if everyone could fuck anyone without any kind of limits!
    2 points
  21. I agree with you all the resorts all have changed and I won't pay those prices either. Motel 6 is the best
    2 points
  22. [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/bb-outdoor-gangbang/
    2 points
  23. It's a little long and poz only at the end the story is leadup. Igot contaced with an old FB and we organised a session for the next week. I'm a married middle-age bttm guy but as we have a family doctor I'm not on prep So only play with those that are. the week roles by with me getting more excited as I don't get to play with Gary as much as I'd like due to situation. the day rolls round and I leave work for a day time hookup. getting to his place he hasn't changed he's a charismatic hot silver fox with a lean hot body and from memory a thick cock. before we get to his room he offers me a drink to help relax and we catchup in what's been happening. during the conversation we talk about status n playing bare and he's still neg on prep while I'm just neg. reaching forward he pulls me into a kiss saying he's going to breed me deep n flood me with cum n more, horny I just kiss back younger searching as we grind against each other. pulling back he skulls his drink and suggest we get started. I finish mine In a couple of gulps and we head to the bedroom where he strip me and pushed me down to suck his cock. 7.5 thick cut and perfect for my ass n mouth, I suck and gag in it like I'll die if I don't have it. it was semi solid when we started and after 5 mins of sucking licking it's rock hard. pulling me up we kiss n grind our naked bodies, cock against cock as he's grabbed my ass cheeks and squeezing, I know he wants to fuck me now. we part and I head for the bed, getting on all fours he grabs my cheeks pulling them apart so my hole is exposed and open to him. leaning in he licks and tounges my hole I groan as shivers go down my spine. he's going deeper with his tounge and I can feel his beard rub against my ass and all I can do is groan and push back. sliding one two three fingers in with spit only he's opening me up asking if I'm ready for his cock. i just say fuck yes I need you in me now. hearing this he slaps his cock against my hole and I'm hot in anticipation. as he applies a little lube and I feel his head slip in. a little pain but once he's past the first hole I'm in heaven and the pounding starts. we fuck in a few positions finally having him with me in my back legs up over his shoulders as he's balls deep pounding me looking in my eyes till hs squirting in me. squeezing my ass to milk him I try and get every drop of cum in my ass. pulling out he goes to the other side of the bed sits and breaths out.i reach for his cock rolling over to him and start to suck him clean. I'm on my belly now so all his load just drains deeper into me and I'm in bliss loaded and sucking cummy cock. looking down he grabs my hair saying what a great ass I have and he'd love to share it with some other friends he plays bare with. we talked about group before so he knows I'm open to it, I just nod and continue sucking his cock. Grabing his phone he organises his friends and says they will be here in 5 so keep sucking. they arrive and let themselves in and the first I know is when two hot 50+ silver daddies are watching me from the door. looking up their introduced as Brad and Dave and I'm told to keep sucking they will make themselves comfortable. continuing to suck and Focus on the cock I have they strip out of eyeshot and Dave comes and sits on the bed next to Gary offering his cock, it's 8 thick and pierced. I just stare and smile as I reach for it. as Brad grabs my ass and start eating me out. I just groan in pleasure as in pig heaven. brad tells gary how much he loves a sloppy hole as he teases my hole with his cock. I feel this cock and push back as I want it in me and beg him to fuck me. Sliding in he says he's not going to last long in a cummy hole like this as he bottoms out. it causes me a little pain but he's hitting places that have never been hit and I just push back with each thrust . I keep sucking Dave and Gary as my ass is slowly ruined. As he get close to cumming Dave can see this and lifts my head and tells me to beg for brads load. I just push back more saying fuck me, breed me,give me that load. this pushes him over the edge and he rams one powerful thrust into me that makes me see stars as I feel him shudder n squirt inside me and he holds it deep in me as I feel warmth flow into me, he slowly continues to fuck me just not as violently but i have to stop sucking as I hang my head to recover as I'm shaking. Dave gets up and in a minute replaces brad as i feel another hard cock slide into me.he tells me if I liked what brad did he'll do just as much and they are both multi cummers. I lookup at Gary I say i love his friends and they can be invited anytime to. it's at this point brad sits down flopping a cummy blood flecked pierced cock in front of me. But what I'm looking at isnt his cock it's the biohazard tattoo above his cock. I'm shocked unable to speak but I must have squeezed my ass muscles as Dave says yeah now he knows... I look at Gary and he just says "that's why I'm on prep". I'm shocked but he continues, "they asked if I knew any pozs cumdumps and I thought of you. we just needed to make one change, and by the look of brads cock that's definitely happed and daves will only added to it " I'm shocked but looking as brads cock I know there no going back, I turn to Dave who still has his cock in me staring into his eyes and tell him to fuck me up and poz my ass. turning back to brad I look him in the eye grabing his cock saying I hope you have more than one load in this and start to such him hard again. ...
    2 points
  24. It was two weeks ago I was fucking horny. Grindr was only filled with safe sex guys. So I decided to book a escort. Guy from Colombia, fat and long dick, 23 cm. He was young horny and fucked my hole for two hours hard. Came twice in my slut hole. When he left finally also other grindr guys came online. At one time I got Double fucked. Total men count 10. Loads 9 😈😈😈
    2 points
  25. the first three are fine, both as a top and as a bottom. i won't participate in the fourth. i think it kills the moment and wastes precious seed that should be planted inside his/my ass.
    2 points
  26. Unplanned. Was a high school friend I had just started sucking off a week before at a sleepover . Was sleeping over again and was sucking him off and he told me to lay down on my stomach. I turned around and laid down face down and he started rubbing his dickhead against my hole and trying to push it it. I had already been playing with my ass on my own for a while by then so I told him to get some lube and he came back with some lotion. He lotioned up his dick, squirt some lotion on my hole and then worked his way in. The lotion stung but I enjoyed feeling his dick in my ass. Once he was in he didn't waste any time and went to work pounding my ass till he shot. I felt his dick throbbing like crazy and his cum spurting into my ass. When he was done, he left his dick in my ass for a bit until he caught his breath and then pulled out and cleaned his dick off with his boxers. I put my underwear back on and we went to sleep. That was one of the best summers of my life.
    2 points
  27. Holy mother fuck. CCBC is up to $275/night? That’s outrageous, even for a special event weekend.
    2 points
  28. Everything the OP said is true. Though, I DO contend that Barracks underwear night alone is worth the trip out. You get all types there, but it's better in the summer. CCBC is way too expensive for what you get, but if there's an event there, I'd rather stay there than deal with a pass. I usually stay at Motel 6 near Tool Shed, when I'm looking to be a cumdump. It's convenient to Tool Shed (and now Club 541) and it's easy in and out for hosting. I've been lucky a few times to have my own open door scene as well as breed another cumdump down the hall! Haven't been to Club 541 yet, but am looking forward to checking it out. Sounds promising. Used to prefer Hidden Joy to Perez, but the last couple of trips, I got more than twice the dick at Perez. There are a number of cruisy spots around town too. Don't sleep on old-fashioned park or bathroom sex.
    2 points
  29. Hooked up with an older guy yesterday, 6 inch dick but said he has hyperspermia so i agreed. it was kind of a drive, and I was already trying to set up another load. I got to his place and he actually had a make shift sex room going. a sling hanging and a bench. i opted for the bench, and as he slid into me he told me it takes him a while. Honestly it was a pretty boring hour of fucking followed by the biggest orgasm ive ever heard or felt. this guys whole body was twitching and shaking. I could actually feel my ass filling up and then it sprayed out my ass as he fucked it. The sex wasnt great but I will invite him to every gangbang in my near future.
    2 points
  30. We are now at a major junction in this story, so, it's time to vote for what you would like to see happen whilst Sir Doug is on the phone to his brother Keith. Uncle Terry has at least one hour at his disposal. Using the following react emojis on this comment; Pig emoji: Uncle Terry to get the blood slam kit from his bag, blood slam sub pig-boy Jason then fuck him until blowing a toxic load deep in his guts. Like: Uncle Terry to fuck sub pig-boy Jason until blowing a toxic load deep in his guts. Upvote: Fuck sub pig-boy Jason for several minutes, then fuck his face, then cum on the vinyl play sheet and make sub Jason eat it all up. Thanks: Behave and just sit on the couch wanking whilst watching over sub pig-boy Jason fucking his hungry cunt.
    2 points
  31. Part 4; ''Play before the Party'' I followed Sir into the kitchen where in the corner tucked away and not really noticeable unless it was pointed out was a locked door. He retrieved a large old cast iron key from behind a mirror, then unlocked and opened the cellar door. He opened the door and motioned me to go inside telling me to make my way down the stairs. I had gone down about 4 steps when I stopped.... - Sir, I cannot go on any further, it's pitch black and I cannot see beyond this point. He reached in past the door way and flicked on a light switch, and the cellar come play dungeon sprang to life with a hazy fire glow red lighting up the place from below my feet. Suddenly I had a burning desire to see where Sir was about to get me high. I rushed down the steps into what can only be described as hog's heaven. On the back wall that I was facing when I reached the bottom of the stairs was wall to wall and ceiling to floor mirror with two separate double mattresses alongside the wall that were both covered with a vinyl fitted sheet. On the opposite wall to the wall to wall mirror and vinyl covered mattresses was a three seater black couch. The third wall at the end between the two aforementioned walls was a sling to the right with a low wooden stool at the foot of said sling, and a burgundy antique armchair to the left. Between the couch and armchair was a small wooden antique table with three antique wooden chairs around it. To the left of the three seater black couch as you faced the wall it was against was a wooden wardrobe and big wooden box with all kinds of fetish clothing, toys, and gadgets (underneath the staircase). To the right of the sling was a rim seat. Sir closed and locked the door behind him and came down too. - What do you think boy? You like it? - w0w, just w0w Sir, it's out of this world! I stood in the middle of the cellar come play dungeon completely naked except for the steel chastity cage locking my pointless fag-dick, and the steel nipple clamps attached to my already sore boy-tits. It was time to complete my outfit. Sir rummaged though the big wooden box... - Here, put these on. A red rubber jockstrap. So now my ass was still bare, but my pointless fag-dick was not only locked it was now also covered too. Locked and out of sight! And to go with the jockstrap was a red rubber H-harness which I had help in putting on. I then had a Leather blindfold put on and was led to the burgundy antique armchair in the corner where I was made to kneel in front of it and facing it. Already unable to see anything I was now fixed up with ear plugs so I now could not hear anything. A real true rubber sub pig in the making! 😈 As I knelt there, waiting, Sir was changing his outfit too. He would remain wearing the knee length Police boots for the evening, but he would be replacing the Muir for an executioner hood, and gone were the Leather trousers, shirt, tie, and the inspection gloves too. To go with his boots and executioner hood he now sported a Leather waistcoat. Apart from that his muscular broad very hairy bear body was now naked! My Dom captor came up and crouched behind me, but I of course could not see or hear him. He lubed his middle finger with spit and soon slid it inside of my cunt up to the first knuckle. I gasped in surprise and pleasure. My beefy hairy ass cheeks now had the full attention of Sir as he alternately spanked them and pulled them apart so he could go from middle finger up to first knuckle to both middle and index fingers up to the second knuckle. Once both fingers were in me knuckle deep they move around inside of me as I knelt there with sensory deprivation. As I became aroused via the medium of my cunt being probed and lack of senses I instinctively though increasingly loud moans of pleasure pulled on my boy-tits nipple clamp. No sooner had I started pulling the ear plugs were swiftly removed so I could hear again.... - Pull on those boy-tits harder boy, I want perfect hungry pig-tits directly wired to this warm and wet velvet soft cum hungry cunt of yours. C'mon, pull harder. I pulled harder. - No, HARDER! I started to yank at them as hard as I could, taking my pleasure-pain to dizzy heights, and my moans of pleasure dominating the moment. - Fuck me Sir, PLEASE FUCK this alpha serving sub. Fuck my cunt into obliv.... A hand covered my mouth to shut me up. As Sir was speaking his following words he rammed his two fingers already stuffed deep inside of my cunt deeper and harder.... - Shut the fuck up faggot, you will speak when you are spoken to.... Now lick my fingers clean from your sweet cunt juice. His fingers now removed from my cunt were now in my mouth with my tongue swirling around them, licking them clean at Sir Doug's command. Still not knowing he was looking very different due to his attire change he brushed by me as he went and sat his bare ass down on his burgundy antique armchair, lit up a new cigar and got me to shuffle forwards him until he said stop. I felt a puff of cigar smoke blow into my face. - Open wide that faggot mouth, pig. I opened my mouth wide and immediately felt a big gob of spit land on my tongue, and then... another big gob of spit entered my mouth. Sir leaned back in his chair and told me to swallow. His spit going down my oesophagus and mixing in with my internal bodily fluids left me feeling happy, satisfied, and honoured. Little did I know but he was now stroking on his fully erect and throbbing veiny 8.5" in length by 6.5" girthy Dom Dick. He leaned in again but this time removed the Leather blindfold so I could see again. But all I could see was the floor as I knelt in respectful submission. - I give you permission to look up at me boy. C'mon, look up and into my eyes, show me what an obedient little faggot pig-boy you are. I looked up, but before we made eye contact I saw his hand stroking on that monster fuck weapon of his. I could not help but stare at it for several seconds before I made the requested eye contact. He grabbed the base of his Dom Dick and thrusted it into my direction. - Is this what you want boy? You want this to fuck your warm and wet faggot cunt hard until beyond the point of a deep breeding? I looked into his eyes, nodded, and whimpered submissively. - Listen boy, I have decided on two different drugs for you tonight. You will trip, you will feel at least some level of detachment from body and mind. And you will have so many piggy side effects which will take you on the ride of your life. There is an extremely small possibility you might feel agitated but that shouldn't happen as I will carefully give you small doses. I have never had that happen to any of my pigs before. Whatever happens, just to tell you now you are completely safe with me and I will protect you. No harm will come to you.
    2 points
  32. Considering you have virtually nothing filled out in your profile, I'm not sure why you're surprised that people aren't falling all over themselves trying to contact you. But again, as @viking8x6 noted, this isn't a hook-up site, and if that's what you're looking for, I'd use the DISCUSSION sections of this site - its primary purpose - to find discussions about which sites might be better suited for your needs. I realize you may not have understood this, but basically this is like going into a Chinese restaurant and complaining that they don't serve lasagna.
    2 points
  33. After Mr Wilson left I just lounged naked in my parents bed for a while...watched tv and dozed until the cat jumped up and loudly protested his lack of breakfast.Fed him did the 3 s's(shower shave shit) and started the yardwork.mowed front and back,trimmertime leafblower....went to garden center for some plants my mom wanted installed around the pool deck.Caught myself crotch watching....looking at guys with a new interest....one colored by a new realisation men were sexual with other men,and it was giving me a real hard time.While I wasn't "gay" I HAD been bred by a man without any real discussion,he had done me just because HE wanted to.And he had cum in me.At least twice.And I gave little to no resistance to being bred.Even now his seed was still in me and as these thoughts were consuming my attention I heard "earth to niklas,hello?"The girl at the register was an old school friend.Stacy.:)"22.50 Nicklas cash or credit?"she asked.Flustered I fished out the cash and paid.Gave her a big smile and left with the plants.Getting into my pickup truck my phone dinged with a text message from the hospice care agency,they wanted me to come in first thing monday for a meeting to discuss work schedule.A Mr Hadden wanted to meet for this months assignments.He was always looking at my ass,and crotch with a smile.....and with a shock suddenly realised why.Was I attractive to other men?Without a doubt Mr Wilson thought so...oh man I had SO MUCH to learn.Part of me was coming alive that had lain dormant but now craved attention and I had to learn....how, you know?Returned home and threw mysef into getting the plants installed.Another ding....from Mr Wilson.We would have guests at his house for dinner at 7 so dress sharp.Sent a smily face too.And attached a pic of his cock in me from this morning....didn't know he had taken one.and it got me hard staring at it.It was only 4oclock and 7 seemed so far away.
    2 points
  34. Hey there. I’ll be at pig week from 11/24 - 12/3, staying in a studio at Casa Cordova. Looking for as many dicks and holes as I can take.
    2 points
  35. I spent my whole life slipping out of hetero relationships, some nearly perfect. Ive been with men from a young age but always found myself more attracted to the womans body. In college I was dating a beautiful blonde cheerleader, sex was amazing and she was a free spirit. She asked my biggest fantasy, i said 2 girls at once. She brought a friend, no jealousy, they even sucked my dick together and kissed. Asking her her biggest fantasy however brought me back to a recurring problem in my life. She said she always wanted a bi boyfriend. I asked what she meant, a boyfriend that lets other guys suck his dick? she said, no, a slutty guy that likes guys fucking him and he doesnt care who. My nerves got the best of me, how could she know, i moved 500 miles from home theres no way. Well, i left it alone for a while. One of the places we hung out near campus was a small club and for as long as we were going there, A fem black guy and his group occupied a large booth. They were always there always in that booth. from the first time going he hit on me relentlessly, I usually ignored him, but somehow today i was having a hard time, i kept thinking of my girlfriend watching me getting fucked over and over. I went to the bathroon and Gary followed, he took the stall next to me and leaned over and went mmmm. As i went to zip up and walk away he stepped back, his 8 maybe a bit more uncut dick hanging in the air. My past rushed into my head, my dick swelled in my pants, my mouth watered, my ass tingled. I walked out, grabbed my girlfriend, went back to her place and fucked her twice. It was still early and i couldnt get that dick out of my mind, i asked her about her fantasy, and asked if she wanted to watch her boyfriend or just know he was a slut. Watch. I asked if she wanted to go back out. asked her to dress slutty, she smiled and pulled out fake leather pants and a a tiny skirt, held them up. i told her skirt and I took the pants. i put them on. they were skin tight and she went through her drawers and found a fishnet shirt and gave it to me. she looked and told me i looked fuck hot, gay, but hot. We went back to the club and when we walked in, I thought Garys eyes were going to pop from his head. I winked at him. Almost instantly he was grinding my ass as i danced with my girlfriend. I asked if he wanted to fuck me, he said yes, I said she wants to watch. he said fine lets go. We went to his place. we didnt get far and i was on my knees sucking his dick as my girlfriend verbally encouraged. telling me how good i look sucking dick. I wrestled those pants off and he scrambled to his room for lube and a condom. I grabbed the condom, lubed his bare dick and pushed my ass down on it. No condoms, no pulling out. It was his first time barebacking. He told me over and over how good it felt, till he came in me hard. I looked over to see my girlfriend frantically masturbating. I got up, walked over and started fucking her, a minute later i feel gary pushing his dick back in me. i came pretty quick in her pussy as she was cumming. i lifted her legs and went to eating my cum from her pussy as gary finished his second load in me. Now, what seemed like a fun night and maybe a perfect night was the start of the end, i couldnt resist, i kept going back, Gary was fucking me a couple times a week, and pretty soon it wasnt enough. His friends started fucking me too. That wasnt enough, I went to raves and parties, clubs and parks anywhere i could get fucked by more and more men. I wouldnt go home till i was full of cum.. I forgot about my girlfriend, my schoolwork, my job. my life was dick and it didnt take long before i was getting invited over large group gangbangs lots of drugs and cum until i failed out of school, again. I hit the reset button, moved away to start over again.
    1 point
  36. I breathed out deeply once I had closed the car door. It was done. My strapping younger son was safely delivered to the halls of residence, his first year at university about to begin, and I was done. Sure, fatherhood was lifelong, but this stage of it was over. Justin was starting out on his road to independence, his brother Jacob had already done so two years earlier, and I was now something of a free man. The boys were my pride and joy. Smart, athletic, good looking, popular, a perennial hit with the ladies - they were everything the right wing nut jobs would tell you they that never could have been with a single gay dad. But those things they were, and I was damn proud of it. Since their mother had thrown in the towel on parenting and marriage six months after Justin was born, they had been my entire focus. I had done a good job all things considered. My wife’s departure was obviously difficult, but it at least made me vow to never go down that road again. I have no regrets given the amazing two sons I have out of the whole debacle, but I knew I was gay before I even got married and it was tougher with each day to keep that side of me bottled up. I never made that mistake again, instead choosing to be honest with myself and those around me. Jacob and Justin grew up only knowing me as a gay man. Raising two sons by yourself does not leave much time for other pursuits, and I was basically celibate for fifteen years. Sure, I had many offers from my sister and parents for babysitting, but to be honest whenever I took them up on it and got out of the house, all I wanted to do was check into a hotel and sleep. However, once the boys were old enough that they could be left at home for a few hours with Jacob in charge, I finally started to re-explore the world of men, something that I had only done a little at university before meeting Simone. Well, it turned out that there was something of a pig in me who was finally being let out of the pen. At first I tried just generic - almost vanilla - hookups, but after I’d had my first visit to a gay sauna I realised my true nature lay on the sleazier side of things. I was initially versatile, and went on PrEP so I could safely engage in bareback sex with any man who fancied a session. In time I found I was really more of a bottom, although perfectly willing to top when the moment called for it. My preference, however, was to just be bred over and over, and I cared not by whom. But then I got bored. Maybe it was that age old problem of the excitement of something eventually wearing off, to the point that you start to look for the next thing to tickle you. I didn’t want that to be chems or other drugs, so I guess I started looking for it in the sex. Despite being on PrEP, I found there to be something exciting in hooking up with poz guys and having them shoot their toxic seed in me. I actively started seeking it out, engaging in a growing fantasy of being pozzed, and not always being honest with the tops that I was in fact on PrEP. I guess it was something of an epiphany that led to me realising that I didn’t just want the fantasy anymore. I wanted the real thing. I mentally flip-flopped on it for a long time, convincing myself in the comedown from a sex high that it was just a fantasy that I used to get turned on, but eventually it became impossible to convince myself that this was the case. It was obvious: I wanted to convert. However, I wanted to have some control over it, rather than just going off PrEP and randomly finding out some day that I had been pozzed. It was a turn-on for me, but also a transition to a new stage of life, and I wanted to choose when it was going to happen and be ‘in the moment’ with it all. As such, I joined the ranks of chasers online, seeking an actual unmedicated (and willing) top through the sea of undetectables. Many a hope was dashed along the way, finding myself being repeatedly ghosted once whichever guy I was talking to had presumably got his rocks off wanking about the fantasy. It was all quite disheartening, but then I seemed to strike gold. The guy - who went by the username PozMids - was a little older than me, and lived in a former mining town in the north Midlands. He ran what he described as a ‘social club’ for older poz guys, utilising the premises of his old family business in a warehouse on an industrial estate. He told me it was a relatively closed circle, but members were allowed to bring in some entertainment every now and then with the agreement of everyone else. He was proposing that I be that entertainment, after what he said had been a ‘stealthy vetting process’. It eventually transpired that some of the guys who had flaked out on me had actually been testing me to make sure I fit whatever they considered to be the requirements. Well, wouldn’t you know it, but Justin had been accepted to the University of Nottingham, meaning I was going to be driving him up to the Midlands. It wasn’t too far to get to where this club was going to be meeting, and PozMids had told me that that I was welcome to stay for a long weekend as he had built a couple of bedrooms with basic facilities into the former offices of the warehouse. I just had to bring what food and drink I might want for any downtime I had, and otherwise my needs would be catered for by the group. This all sounded too good to be true, and I fully expected another flake-out. However, after dropping Justin off at his halls of residence, I messaged PozMids again and got an immediate reply containing the full address that I needed to go to. It was going to happen! I set off in the car, but had to pull over after a few minutes and compose myself. I was seriously excited, but I think I also needed to check that my racing heart was not a sign of impending doubt. Was this taking a fantasy too far? Did I really want to deliberately convert? I got out of the car and lit a cigarette. Bad habit, not one I really had in my day-to-day life, but was a good nerve calmer when I was letting my inner pig out. It did the trick. Yes, this is what I wanted, and I was just pumped up as I was excited about it, with a possible mild tinge of wondering if I was unwittingly going round to a serial killer’s place of business. I chuckled to myself when I realised that was exactly what I was doing, from a certain point of view. Cigarette smoked, I got myself together and then set off again, putting on some music to accompany the drive. When I eventually found my way through the industrial estate to where my satnav was sending me, I parked up and got out of the car. There were a few warehouses around and it was far from obvious which one I was actually supposed to be heading for, so I got my phone out and messaged that I had arrived. While waiting for a response I then got my bags out of the car, dumped them on the pavement and lit another cigarette. Bags. Yes, plural. You see, aside from wanting the normal provisions you need for a weekend away, I had also brought my stash of kinks. Various bits of leather, some toys, a blindfold, a marker pen, and of course my douching equipment, lube and poppers. I was well ready for whatever these guys might be into, or of course for what I was into myself if I was given that choice. I had a vision of how I wanted at least part of this weekend to go, so thought I better come prepared. As I was approaching the end of my cigarette, I heard a door open behind me. Upon turning around, I saw a man emerge and immediately recognised him as PozMids. “Glad you could make it” he said, smiling as he walked towards me. “It’s always fifty-fifty.” “The odds are worse than that from my experience” I replied, also smiling. “True, true” he replied, reaching out to shake my hand as he got to me. “Anyway, I’m Peter, and welcome to my little place.” “Not so little” I said, looking back at the warehouse. “But I’m very pleased to be here. I’m Brad” “Good to meet you Brad” he said. “Now let’s get you inside and settled before everyone else arrives.” I picked up my bags and followed him inside, going up some stairs as soon as we walked through the door to reach a set of rooms. He directed me into one of them, where I found a single bed with a small set of drawers beside them, and then he showed me where the admittedly clean bathroom and kitchen were. I had honestly expected it to be a bit of a state, but he seemed to keep the place in good order. He also showed me the small balcony area at the side of the building, I guess having realised I might want somewhere to go and smoke. He left me to get unpacked, showered and cleaned out, and suggested I get dressed in whatever I was most comfortable in for the evening before coming back downstairs for a drink. I thus got on with all that, having a shower and then a bit of a douche to finish off a job I had quietly started before dawn at home while Justin was still sleeping. Once cleaned and dried, and with lube and a plug inserted in my rear end, I stepped outside wrapped in a towel to have a cigarette. I had another straight after, such were my nerves. Finally I felt ready to go all in on my outfit. First up a leather jockstrap, then some nice sturdy chaps and my Fuck Me Boots. I then got myself into a harness, my big thick padded wrist cuffs, and my muir cap. I then fished out and put on my 1.5 kilo silver chain, something I had bought on a whim and occasionally regretted given I was a bit too meek to wear it in my daily life, but which just seemed perfect for tonight. Finally, and with a bit of slow and careful effort, I used the marker and the convenient full-length mirror in the bathroom to write “POZ ME” on my buttcheeks. I had another cigarette outside to help me gather my nerves, and then went downstairs. There did not seem to be any other obvious rooms downstairs, so I went through the door into the main warehouse space. It was huge and thus looked pretty empty, but as I glanced around I saw there was actually quite a lot in there. Various mattresses, couches and chairs were dotted around, as were an array of big wooden boxes, upturned oil drums, a couple of slings, a St Andrew’s cross, and a padded leather fuck bench in the centre of the room. It was quite clear what this room was for, and I got an immediate hard-on. Over to the side was a bar area, and that’s where I saw Peter (aka PozMids) sitting on a stool with his back to me, looking at his phone. I coughed to make it clear I was in the room, and he swivelled round. “Well, you don’t beat about the bush” he said, smiling at me as I walked over. “Dressed like that, I think you’re not going to get much of a warm-up this evening. The guys will be all over you the minute they walk in.” “That’s what I was hoping” I said, smiling back at him. He offered me a drink, and I gladly took a large whisky. He also fished out an ashtray and slid it across the bar at me, letting me know I was fine to smoke in the warehouse. I happily lit up a cigarette as we sat on the stools having a drink. “So, you’re here to get pozzed” he said. “Are you sure?” “Absolutely” I replied. “Been wanting it for ages now.” “Fair enough” he said. “There’s a couple of guys coming tonight who are on meds, but most aren’t. One guy you won’t be able to miss has full-on AIDS.” “Great” I said, “hopefully tonight will be the night.” “I’m sure it will” he said. “I can get an old toothbrush out and make sure if you want.” “Actually” I replied, after hesitating, “I kind of want it to be natural.” “OK” he said, “although I have a big PA as do some of the other guys, so you’re going to get pretty worn out back there anyway.” “Cool” I said, smiling. “I like the sound of that.” “Any other limits?” he asked. “No” I replied, “I don’t think so.” “Well OK then. If you need a break just say, we’re not here to hold you hostage or force you to do things you don’t want to.” “Great” I said. “I’ve got quite a bit of stamina so hopefully I’ll be fine.” He necked the last of his drink, and then put the empty glass down on the bar. “Shall we get started?” [to be continued]
    1 point
  37. You're going to have to figure out what your hang-ups are and let them go. For years you've probably been telling yourself that 'I only fuck guys who ....". You have to start telling yourself "I fuck all guys no matter what they look like or how old they are". When your subconscious psychology gets taught differently, your behavior will follow and the hangup will start to disappear.
    1 point
  38. As the saying goes: You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. I think what you may be experiencing (at least in part) is the fact that not everyone has the same desires, and some fantasies are more specific and can't be fulfilled by just any body. For example: a lot of guys like, or have fantasies about fisting, but personally, I have absolutely no interest in it. I don't want a fist in my ass, and don't want to slip my fist into someone else. You might be willing to do it, but it doesn't matter how willing you or any other guy is to do it, it's not something I'm going to want to try. Just because the opportunity is there, it doesn't mean someone will suddenly develop interests to take advantage of it. On the other hand, I love piss and certain other filthy kinks that I'm pretty sure would butt up against one of your hard limits. But then, I only want to do that kind of stuff with a particular type of guy. Give me a cute college twink and I'll think of lots of things to do with him, but someone my own age? I've already done that so it doesn't really turn me on so much. I guess I'm not as adventurous as I used be, but can't think of anything that I haven't already done that I really want to try.
    1 point
  39. I'm currently sitting with this 3 inch diameter 9 inch circumference and 9 inch long butt plug in my man cunt, but I intend to go as far as I can before I stop stretching. The feel of being stretched more and more is addictive.
    1 point
  40. Wellllllllllll ..... those were the days when guys wore their hair long .... so the horns didn't show 😁
    1 point
  41. I always figure it’s not cheating it’s sharing. Monogamy is selfish. I’d be down with a bf where we encouraged each other to indulge in our carnal urges. Encourage each other to breed and get bred. Swallow that next load. Experience sexual liberation together. That’s a real partnership
    1 point
  42. dam thats a hot story and cant help but wish was the boy 😜
    1 point
  43. I think those goals for 2023, 2024 and 2025 are reachable given your stats. You have the look and the lust for it. Having a master also helps you making progress. Seems you're progressing quite fast, no doubt you'll get dicks quite easily. Also the more you take, the more you'll want and the easier it gets. Would love to take my turn on you next year and be part of the 1500 guys
    1 point
  44. Ive always cheated on my boyfriends, always thought it was the hottest thing ever, and never felt bad about any of it 🙂
    1 point
  45. Love an audience - especially if they want to participate 😈💦
    1 point
  46. Part 3- Feeding Time Cole laid there for what felt like hours. He had quickly realized whatever had been shoved in his ass was some sort of open ended plug, he had felt air rushing into his exposed hole. With his eyes covered and ears muffled, he had no idea what was happening around him, although he sometimes sensed other people around him. He had been laying there for so long that he was starting to doze off, when suddenly he felt something wet splashing across his bare chest. “Mmmm”, he moaned as he bit down on the tube in his mouth. Something had been shoved in his ass and he felt a cool liquid flowing. After a minute the object was removed and the liquid went rushing out. “They’re cleaning me out”, Cole realized. This was repeated a dozen more times, the end of the hose being inserted deeper each time. He didn’t get much reprieve though, as the plug was suddenly roughly removed. His gaping ass struggled to close, but that would have been futile as suddenly his ass was full of something else. “Oh fuck, someone’s fucking me”. He struggled but as he was locked in the sling he had nowhere to go. All he was aware of was the sensation of the strangers cock plunging in and out. His hole was so gaped he struggled to tell how big the stranger was. After about ten minutes of rhythmic fucking, the stranger buried his cock balls deep, and Cole knew he was cumming. As the stranger withdrew, the flaps around his ears were suddenly removed. “How did you like your first breeding pig?”, a voice asked. This voice was different from the Farmer’s. It was much deeper and gruffer. As the man spoke, Cole felt more grease being applied to his hole. This time a large, girth plug was inserted. Cole moaned as it was inserted. “That’s alright, you’ll get used to them, especially when we start letting the bigger guys at ya. But for now, lets get something in that belly. It’s feeding time.” A few moments later, Cole was aware that something was happening at the tube above his mouth. Air began to flow through the cannula at his nose, except it wasn’t just air, there was something funny about it. Cole’s entire body began to relax and went slack. Suddenly, liquid was flowing down his throat from the tube. He would have choked but the air had relaxed his gag reflex and he wondered passively what exactly was happening to him. ——- Part 4 soon
    1 point
  47. First time was bareback. Sat on his bbc until it popped in. I have a high pain tolerance so not too bad. After a couple strokes i was intoxicated with lust. Took it all night everytime i could make him hard and finally in the shower before we went to work. My hole was wet and sore all day and occasionally a little fluid would run down my leg.
    1 point
  48. In the afterglow, when I get to ask, "So, who are you guys?"
    1 point
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