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  1. AIDS. Sick joke, right? Kind of along the lines of the classic “What did the boy with no arms or legs get for Christmas? Cancer.” Only I’m not joking (although I wish I was). And yeah, I’m the “naughty boy” in this cautionary tale. It all started off innocently enough. Me and my friends were hanging at the mall after school- we used to do that a lot. Not much else to do in our town when you’re seniors in high school, just waiting to escape into the “real world”. And it was less than a month til Christmas. All the extracurricular shit was winding down for the holidays, so we had extra free time in the evenings. No play rehearsals. No band practice. So yeah, we cruised the mall. On this particular Wednesday, I was hanging with Matty, MJ (short for Margaret Jean), and Brittany (aka Brit-Brit). We were doing our normal shit- trying on crap clothes and modeling for each other. Drooling over Apple store products. Having DQ. And people watching. I don’t remember who had the idea (not me) but someone said “Hey, let’s go visit Santa!” I thought we were a bit old for this crap, but everyone thought it would be funny. Revert to being kids again and tell him what we wanted for Christmas. Shit like that. I wasn’t really game, but I went along with them because hey. They’re my best friends after all. Anyway, it’s midweek and before 5 pm, so the Mall is fairly dead and there’s almost no line for Santa. Great, I think. We’re really doing this. I hang back and let them all go first. I figure I might be able to bow out once they all have a turn. Before I go any further, I feel like I should kinda set the stage a bit more. So the town we live in isn’t big. It’s big enough for a mall, a factory, a prison, two grocery stores, a Walmart and one high school, but that’s about it. Our town is, how should I put this… a shithole. It’s pretty run down and tragic. Not like Stonebrook, where all the fancy folk live. No, we’re definitely the “other” kind of town. The kind of town people don’t visit unless you have to. Like where the whole place is on the wrong side of the tracks. Anyway, as you can probably imagine, the mall is also pretty run down. It’s dying a slow, horrible death- kinda like most malls these days. Lots of vacant stores. Macy’s is the biggest thing we got. And Kohls. But that’s about it. I’m pretty sure you can picture what it’s like. Tis the season, so the place is decorated for Christmas (albeit poorly), and in the center atrium is where the big, phony tree is located. Along with the phony Santa, and the phony elves (actually elf, singular), and phony Gingerbread house and reindeer. The tree, the house, and the decorations have definitely seen better days, and there are burnt out lights on the tree and crap. It’s a real fucking Christmas wonderland, I tell ya. We get there and there’s no line to speak of. There’s one kid with his mom and they are finishing up, and that’s it. And I can pretty much see why. Now that we’re closer, the whole “Santa Village” looks more like “Santa’s Trailer Park”. It’s pretty sad, and more than a bit sketch. And the Santa? Definitely as sketch as they come. Kind of a greyish beard, and it looks like his suit hasn’t been cleaned since the chimneys from last year. We’re talking serious homeless vibes. Total cringe. Undeterred and buoyed by her goofy, giggly spirit, Brit-Brit goes first as we all hang back. Matty and MJ are laughing and waving and enjoying it all. Taking snaps with their phone cameras. And I’m just watching dirty Santa probably getting his holly jollies from having a cute teen girl wiggle on his lap. I mean, let’s be honest. If you’re an old dude working as a Santa midweek at a rundown mall- you’ve got to be some kind of [banned word]… amiright? Anyway, after whispering what she wants to Santa and having a grand ol time, Brit-Brit hops off his lap and comes back to our pack. Full of good cheer, Brit and MJ push Matty up there next. He trots up plops down on Santa’s lap- hamming it up for us. Because it’s Matt, our leading man. He’s 6 feet of big grins and affable charm. Naturally he goes for the “aw shucks” schtick, miming asking for a football for Christmas. What a goofball- which is why I’m secretly in love with him. I’m still hanging back and MJ goes next. She’s all business as she marches up and takes her turn. It looks like she’s really getting serious, pleading her case with Santa and trying to wheedle her way onto the nice list (cuz we all know she’s permanently on the naughty list). Just ask her parents. Soon MJ is done and back and they all turn to me, expectantly. “Naw guys, I don’t think I’m down. Not really my speed,” I say with a shrug. This was met with a cacophony from the others. They would have NONE of this. I had to do it. It was fun! They wanted pictures. And above all they wanted to see me, the shy one, on Santa’s lap. I was told it was a moral imperative and that I was NOT getting out of doing it, even if they had to drag me up there. At this point, I knew it was better to just get it over with than fight it. I probably could have just walked away toward the food court, but I knew they’d be disappointed. I was already the “fourth one” in the group, and I wanted them to keep inviting me along places… if for no other reason than to be close to Matty. So I relented- but not without making a big show of giving in. Sighing. Eye rolls. The works. So I started my slow, reluctant walk up to Santa. The closer I got, the more oddly nervous I became. Like, there was something making my tummy clench a bit. I think it had something to do with the way Santa was looking at me—like I was the last rib at the Golden Corral buffet. Yeah, dirty Santa was definitely giving me the eye. I watched his gaze scan down my body lecherously and come to rest at my groin in my grey sweatpants. I was suddenly quite self-conscious about what I was wearing. The last few steps to him were agonizingly slow, and I was seriously debating about turning around. But that nervous excitement in my gut couldn’t be denied. I turned around to sit on his knee, but suddenly I felt his hands firmly at my hips. As I was sitting, he pulled me back and fully into his lap, all while doing his best jovial HO HO HO! My friends were all laughing and eating it up. I felt my face flush a bit with embarrassment- not just because of this whole Santa scene, but also because when I sat down, I could most definitely feel Santa’s package pressed against my asscrack. Fucking [banned word]. All of them I tell ya. And something was telling me this Santa was a gay [banned word]. “Ho Ho HO young man! And what is YOUR name?” Skeezy Santa asked . Up close, his makeup was terrible. Definitely theater makeup applied with a heavy hand, all caked and cracked. Over the phony rosy cheeks and highlighted by heavy eyeliner, his dark eyes twinkled. “Ummm, it’s Kyle,” I managed to reply. “Oh yes. Kyyyyyle. I remember you,” he nodded theatrically. “You do?” I asked naively. “Of COURSE! From my lists!” he laughed. “So. Have you been a good boy this year… or a bad boy?” He asked somewhat conspiratorily. “Um, shouldn’t you already know? Because lists,” I say sarcastically. (In case you couldn’t tell, I’m the sarcastic one in our group). That’s when Santa looks at me and for a second it’s like he’s looking into my soul. “Oh, I know exactly what you’ve been up to- I just enjoy hearing handsome lads plead their cases.” I gulp and am suddenly quite uncomfortable with all of this while my stomach continues doing backflips. “I, ah, I guess I’ve been pretty good this year. I’m getting good grades. Helping mom at home. Staying out of trouble. Stuff like that.” “So you have… so you have,” he says nodding again. And then he leans in closer and whispers “And yet you’ve also been a bit… naughty… haven’t you Kyle?” I catch the smell of cigarettes and a faint whiff of alcohol. He shifts a bit underneath me, and I can feel him stiffening inside his red velvet pants. From what I can tell, Santa’s proverbial stocking is definitely hung. Feeling his massive member pressing against my ass makes me shiver, and I feel a bit like I’m going to hurl. The simultaneous feelings of revulsion and titilation really mess me up. “I don’t know… what… what you’re implying…” I stammer. “Oh, I think you do,” he whispers even more quietly, punctuating it with a flex of his cock. “You’ve been more than a bit naughty this year—with some school chums, I’d wager Perhaps even your friend Matt?” I feel my face go hot with shame and embarrassment. He couldn’t possibly know my secret. That I liked guys. And worse- that I’ve had sex with a handful of guys from school. Sure it was mostly just blowjobs, but not always. And since this past summer, I’d been getting fucked about every other day by Jimmy Pulaski from the swim team. That was totally our secret to the grave! I could feel Santa’s eyes boring hungrily into me. “Oh Kyle,” he chided. “You know the song. I see you when you’re sleeping. I know when you’re awake. I know if you’ve been bad… watching gay porn on your phone and jacking off at night. Sucking off boys at sleep overs. Fantasizing about getting fucked by your cute friend Matt.” “I’m not familiar with those particular lyrics,” I manage to squeak out. This makes him laugh, like for real-real. “I know EXACTLY what kind of boy you are, Kyle. I can spot your kind a mile away,” he whispers with a grin. “And I’m pretty sure you can feel what kind of Santa I am.” Again, he grinds his now wickedly hard cock into my ass as he makes a show of adjusting me on his lap. And again I’m mortified- and aroused. Santa lets out a good round of Ho-ho-hos and I steal a glance at my friends. They are loving seeing me so uncomfortable. If only they knew why. “Oh Kyle. You have definitely been the highlight of my day! So here’s what Santa can do for you for Christmas. If you consider yourself a nice boy, then by all means, go back to your friends. Have fun here at the mall. Then go on home to your mom like a good lad, and I’ll make sure you get a little something under the tree this year.” Then he lowered his voice and the phony Santa schtick disappeared. “But if ya feel like being naughty? Well. I have a special BIG gift for you. And if you want that special gift- meet me here at 8 when my Santa’s village closes tonight.” He then mugged for the camera, and his Elf helper took our picture with a knowing smirk. I looked at the proof, but declined to purchase it. In it Santa looked like a sleazy Walt Whitman, and I looked like a deer caught in headlights. I rejoined my friends and we were off in a cloud of laughter. Matty and MJ were chatting loudly about how skeevy the Santa was, like it was all some big joke. Brit was just telling them to leave the old guy alone and that he probably really needed the job. And I was quiet- trying not to feel the ghost imprint of his cock against my ass. My friends and I hung around the mall for a couple more hours—hitting the food court for Sbarro and Egg Rolls, and generally bumming around and shooting the shit. I tried my best to be present and join in the conversations, but Santa’s words were rattling around my head. Of course I was a nice boy. I was just gonna head home tonight… right? So why was I even thinking about the way his big cock felt as I sat on his lap. And my was my stomach still all fluttery while I was thinking about it. 7:30 rolled around and we all decided it was time to beat it for home. We headed for the exit, and just as I was leaving I startled myself by saying, “Oh shit. I just remembered! I was gonna pick up something for mom for Christmas while I was here. You guys go on- I’ll catch you tomorrow at school.” We said our goodbyes , and suddenly I was alone. I was alone at the Mall. Where a sketch as fuck, hung Santa propositioned me. And I was actually entertaining the idea. What. The literal FUCK. Was I doing? The next 30 minutes were agony. I paced the mall, debating with myself. I should just go home. But I was curious. I wouldn’t have to do anything. I could maybe just ask him how he know about me? Was I obvious? No, I should just go home now. Forget this weird Santa business. But maybe I could just… see his dick? Not like actually touch it or anything because gross. But it felt massive. Like waaaay bigger than Jimmy’s. Or even Tony Scarpucci’s, which gagged the hell out of me that one time when he got drunk at homecoming. Why the fuck was I even entertaining this? He’s a pervy old fuck! I should just… And then it was 8:02 pm. And I found myself standing outside Santa’s sketchy village. The sign was flipped to closed, and the lights were off at the Gingerbread house. The elf guy was already out of costume and was helping to tidy things up. Santa looked up and saw me standing there and smiled. “I was wondering if you’d show up, kiddo,” he said. I just stood there and looked at my feet. “I can handle the rest, Eric. You can go on home. Now,” Santa said pointedly to Eric. Eric looked from Santa to me and smirked again. “Is Santa doing some special gift-giving tonight?” Eric asked breezily. Santa lay a finger on the side of his nose and winked. And with that, Eric said a cheery “have fun… and good luck, dude!” and left us alone. Santa turned to me. “So Kyle. I need to get out of this makeup and stuff. Come on into the house here and keep me company?” And he headed for the Gingerbread house door. “I thought this was just some phony prop,” I said. “It is,” he replied. “But it’s also our break room/dressing room. It’s small, but it works. And best of all, it’s private.” And with that I followed him inside. He locked the door behind us. Inside was definitely small. There was a rack for costumes, three vinyl chairs, and a small table/mirror setup with those round globe makeup lights. Scattered about the table was makeup, tissues, an ashtray and other detritus. It smelled like cigarettes and B.O. And … something else I couldn’t identify. “Cozy,” I quipped. He laughed. “Take a seat, kiddo.” Santa reached into a bag on the floor and pulled out a bottle of Jack Daniels. He unscrewed the top and took a healthy swig. He looked over at me and said, “Want a pull? Might help you relax some.” I shook my head. He just shrugged, set the bottle on the makeup table, and started to disrobe. “Oh! Um…” I kind of stammered. “Oh don’t worry. I just gotta get out of the jacket and hat and stuff.” He first took off the hat and wig and placed them on a stand. Then he took off the dirty jacket and the pads that were underneath to make him appear chubby. This Santa was actually quite thin underneath the padding and baggy clothing. He was nearly emaciated looking, but with a slight paunch. I was reminded of the Christmas Claymation special where Mrs. Claus says “Nobody likes a skinny Santa.” I kinda did. Soon Santa was standing in front of me, still in his red velvet pants, but also in a dirty wife beater. He had skinny, bony arms and on his shoulder was an odd tattoo—three interlocking semicircles. He still had the beard —I assumed it was spirit gummed in place. Without the hat, Santa was mostly bald, but with a rim of close cropped silver hair. I just stared up at him. “The illusion shattered, huh kid?” He said with a smile. “And by the way… my name is Carl.” Then he sat at the makeup mirror so he could start removing his makeup. He was old school—Vaseline and paper towels. I watched as he got to work. Our eyes met in the mirror. “So. You came back. Why?” He asked. “Honestly, I’m not sure. I guess I was just… curious?” “Curious about…?” he led. “Oh, I guess curious about how you knew I was… that I …” I trailed off. “That you were a horny little cocksucker?” He offered. “WHAT?” I shot back. “Kid, relax. It’s not like you scream “faggot” when I look at you. But we gays? We just know, ya know? Or at least I had a hunch. And you are cute as fuck, so I pushed it. Plus it was a dead night and I figured why the hell not? I might get lucky. And after your initial reactions to sitting in my lap and my… stiffness… I knew you weren’t about to blab to anyone.” “But… but how did you know about me… doing stuff… with guys?” Carl laughed at that. “Boy, you may not think it when you look at me, but I was a young faggot once too. I know what I was doing back I when I was your age. Besides, I could see the way you were looking at your friend Matt. I’ve had that same look on my face before.” My face flushed again with that. Suddenly he spun in his chair to face me. “So—while this is nice and all, let’s get down to brass tacks. Did you also come back tonight because you liked what you felt pressed up against that pretty little ass of yours?” Carl stated matter-of-factly. “Oh… um… I…” was about all I could get out. “So, that’s a yes. Yeah, all you boys seem to get turned on by big cock. Bet you’re hoping to see it too. Maybe just to see how big I really am?” he leered. I just looked away, and then nodded. “So, why don’t you help ol Saint Dick along a bit and tell me what all you’ve done with your buddy Matt?” he says as his hand drops to his lap. “I have NEVER done anything with Matt!” I say, flustered. “Well, you ain’t innocent. I can tell you’ve got some miles on ya. So tell me. Who’s fucking that tight little bubble butt of yours? Give an old horny Santa some details!” And here I was. Sitting in the broken down Gingerbread house in the middle of the dead mall with a sketchy old [banned word] Santa, and he was asking about my sex life. And I was honestly thinking about doing it. After all, I was here— and I’ve never told a soul about any of my escapades. I kinda liked the idea of speaking my truth out loud, you know? Boy, If you’d have told me this is where my day would have ended up, I’d have told you that you were smoking crack. So I took a deep breath and started to tell him about Jimmy. “The, um, most stuff I’ve done is with a guy in my class named Jimmy Pulaski. He’s on the swim team and one of the school jocks. I met him at this one girl’s birthday party over the summer. We were both drinking a little and he followed me into the bathroom because we both had to go. We both peed at the same time, and before I knew it we were making out. And then I was blowing him right there in the bathroom. It didn’t take long. Then about a week later he sees me at school and asks what I’m doing after. I tell him not much, and he invites me over because his parents don’t get home until 6. And we end up messing around again—me blowing him. Then it becomes this regular thing. And soon we go from blowjobs to him fucking me. The first time was in his bedroom after school. Mostly it’s in his bedroom, and it’s always him fucking me. He doesn’t blow me or jack me or anything- we just fuck. I mean, it’s fun I guess. I like it. Sometimes I even cum while he’s fucking me…” I’m lost in the remembrance for a moment, and then I snap out of it. My eyes dart down and I see Carl stroking himself through the red suit pants. He looks like he’s at full mast. “Ah, young lust. I remember those days well. When the straight boys just sort of fucked because it was convenient and fun. So, how’s that polack dick? Any good?” Carl inquires. “Um…yeah. It’s pretty decent. Thick. He’s uncut. Probably about 7 inches I guess? It feels good.” “No condom I’m guessing,” he says. It’s not really a question. I shake my head no. He cum in you?” “Yes,” I say quietly. “And you like that, don’t you?” Carl leers and licks his lips. “Yes,” I say again even more quietly. “And that’s what makes you a naughty boy. And I think it’s why you came back tonight.” I don’t respond, but the butterflies in my stomach are basically beating out a morse code of YESYESYES. Carl stands up slowly and his crotch is right in front of me. The red santa suit pants tent out obscenely in front of him. I sit there, frozen. “Go on, boy. You know you want to. Just unzip the pants and haul it out. It won’t hurt you… yet.” I hesitate, and he flexes it inside the pants. I can see a wet spot starting to seep through the velvet, darkening the fabric to the color of blood. I reach out slowly and brush his hardness through the pants. His dick jumps as he sucks in a sharp breath. “I can’t believe I’m actually going to do this,” I think. “But just a look. Just to see how big…”. And then my fingers find the fly and slowly pull down the zipper. I reach in and feel the heat pulsing from his groin. I have to fish around a bit to get him through the opening, but then there it is. This massive, ruddy, rock hard prong jutting out proudly from the santa pants. It’s hard to tell exactly how big he is, but it’s definitely the biggest dick I’ve seen. It’s of porn proportions. I grip the base of it just to feel it, and my fingers don’t touch around his girth. “Holy shit,” I manage. “I get that a lot,” he chuckles. He then reached down to also tug out his balls. He has the proverbial “old man balls” going on, but they’re equally as epic as his cock. His balls are BIG. And they HANG. They literally hang to the middle of his thighs. “Holy SHIT,” I say again. “In my youth, I spent time doing the ball stretching thing. And now gravity has taken over, especially when they’re full like they are now. After all, I had cute twink edge me up all day.” He looks down at me and winks. “They really get swinging when I’m fucking, too. They’ll swing and slap your nuts and dick.” I don’t know quite what to say to that. “Ok Kyle. Time to show me what that mouth can do. Suck me like you suck Jimmy,” he commands. “Um, I’m not sure…” I start. “Yes you are. You want it. That’s why you came here tonight. You want it all. You wanna taste it. And Once you get a taste, I bet you’re gonna want me to fuck you.” “Oh, I don’t think I could ever take THAT. It would rip me open!” I say. “You’d be surprised what a willing bottom can take,” he says. His dick jumps in front of me again, and a drop of precum squeezes out the piss slit and starts to drool down from the end in a long string. I reach out and touch it with my fingers, fascinated. And before I can even think about what I’m doing, I touch my fingers to my tongue. His precum is slightly bitter and salty. “There you go… that’s a good boy. Now, let’s get the head in your mouth.” My brain is racing again—what the fuck am I doing? Am I really going to go down on Sketchy Santa? At the MALL?? It’s getting late and I should be home. What that fuck kind of faggot am I? But then I look at that massive cock again and it hits me like a slap. I know exactly what kind of faggot I am. And I take the great knob of his cock into my mouth greedily. Carl’s head tips back and he lets out a big sigh as I start sucking him. Admittedly I don’t think I’m that good a cock sucker. I gag way too much and I really don’t know what all I should be doing. Mostly I just slurp around and move my hand up and down. Carl doesn’t seem to mind though. And jesus, he’s fucking big! I can maaaaaybe get 1/3 of him in my mouth before I gag and have to stop. I’ve heard of guys and girls deepthroating entire cocks (MJ brags that she can do it), but I can’t. His head is just too big to even think about going down my throat. I take a break from sucking and get my hands around him to sort of “measure” him. I put my right hand at the base, and my left on top of that. Then I took my right hand off and put it on top of my left… and the head of his dick was still above my thumb and forefinger. Fuck. Three full hands worth of dick. Plus the head! I also take a measure of his balls. I grab at the base of his ball sack, and his balls still hang freely below my hand. I experiment by trying to take one testicle in my mouth. Carl moans in delight as I tongue and lightly suck on one testie. There’s no way I could get both in. “You like Santa’s sack, huh boy?” Carl says. “Yeah, I do sir,” I reply as I go back to playing with his nuts. “Well, there’s lots of little toys in that sack just waiting for a good boy to receive them.” I went back to sucking his cock as best I could for awhile, but suddenly Carl steps back and away from my mouth. “Ok, boy. I think it’s time I got a closer look at that ass of yours.” He hoists me up by my armpits, spins me over to the makeup table and bends me over. “Oh, I don’t know about… I’ve never done….” I say with some trepidation. “Relax, kiddo. I’m just gonna eat that little pucker of yours. But first, let me get rid of this damn Santa beard.” In the mirror, I see him reach up and start to tug at the phony beard. “Wait! Um… can you leave the beard on?” I ask tentatively. “And… um… maybe put on the santa hat?” Carl meets my eyes in the mirror and chuckles. “Ho Ho Ho! Well it seems young Kyle has a Santa kink! You like silver daddies, Kyle? Santa types with beards? Is that what turns you on?” I blushed furiously in response. Honestly, I didn’t know why I asked. Sure, my head was always turned by older men— coaches, teachers, etc. But there was just something about this scene. The mall santa (sketchy as he was), the gingerbread house, the beard and the suit… for some reason it all enticed me. I couldn’t explain it. “Well Kyle. Let’s see if this hole is as naught and nice as I suspect it is.” Carl is now talking a bit more like Santa, and I gotta be honest. It’s doing it for me. How fucked is THAT? Carl pulls down my sweats to reveal my bare ass. I feel his bony hands pull open my ass cheeks, and then I feel his hot breath in the crack of my ass. “Fuckin beautiful,” he exhales, before diving his tongue into my quivering hole. I’ve never felt anything like this before. Nobody has ever eaten my ass, and the feeling is exquisite. The heat. The wetness. The movement of the tongue. The beard… my god. The BEARD! I can feel myself relaxing and trying to spread my legs wider, only to be hampered by the sweats binding my legs up. Carl sees what I’m doing and he deftly helps me lose my shoes and sweats. While still tonguing my fuckpucker, he pulls off my right shoe. And then he works my sweats down and off that foot. Once freed, I’m able to spread my legs wide and bend over more for Carl, so he has more access to my hole. And I’m loving every second. Mostly my eyes are closed for this, but I did open them briefly and I saw myself in the mirror. I almost didn’t recognize myself. The naked lust on my face. The blown pupils. “You’re a slut like MJ,” I thought to myself. “Only worse. You’re letting a random stranger do this. And not just a stranger—one old enough to be your grandpa.” And yeah. God help me, I fucking loved it. While Carl was buried in my butthole, I piped up and asked him. “Hey Carl? How old are you?” Carl stopped eating my ass and leaned back. “Why? How old are YOU?” he says suspiciously. “You’re a mall santa eating the ass of a young guy in your dressing house— something tells me you don’t really care how old I am,” I say. “Look kid. I ain’t no pedo. I like my boys to be old enough to know what they’re doing and appreciate this cock. And I would really prefer not to go back to prison so….” “Is that where you got that tattoo?” I gesture to his shoulder. He looks at it. “Oh yeah. That’s where I got it,” he says with a wry smile. “Well, don’t worry. As of September I’m old enough to vote and serve our country. All good.” Carl goes back to eating my ass. He pauses just long enough to say from my crack, “I’m 68.” “Wow. My grandpa Henry is only 61,” I say. “You turned off by a man 50 years your senior eating your hole, boy?” “No. Not at all. Actually, it’s kinda hot knowing that older guys are still horny for it.” And to show that he is, he redoubles his efforts on my hole. I’m not sure how long Carl ate my ass. He kept tonguing and spitting and tonguing and spitting, and occasionally teasing my hole with a finger. I could feel my back arching and my ass pressing back into his face and finger—I knew what I wanted, but I didn’t think I could take what was bound to happen next. Carl, being a savvy man of the world could read my body language. He stood up and moved behind me. Our eyes locked in the mirror as he did this. I watched as he drooled a lot of spit out onto my ass and his cock, and then I felt him slowly start to slide his massive meat against my spit slick crack. Just the feel of that much cock sliding against me has me almost cumming. Involuntarily I start moving in rhythm with his humping motion, getting that monster to slide in my crack like a Chicago footlong in a bun. I see him reach across the makeup table where he grabs the jar of Vaseline. Shit- I guess we’re going old school for this, I think. He scoops up a generous portion and starts to finger my hole with it. He’s very good—teasing and circling around slowly. Eventually working in a finger. Then two. But I’m tensing up for the fingering. No guy has ever put a digit in me either—only dick. So his bony fingers feel sharp and foreign. Next he slathers up his dick with another goodly amount of Vaseline. I see his hefty meat shining in the lights from the mirror. He goes back to rubbing it against my ass, and then he stops and positions his head at my pucker. “Wait. Shouldn’t we get a condom?” “Why? You don’t make Jimmy wear one. Or the other guys. Why start now? And trust me—it’s going to be hard enough getting this inside without the friction and tightness of a condom.” And to emphasize his point, Carl nudges his head forward a fraction of an inch. Even with the Vaseline it burns a bit. “Oh dear baby jesus… that’s never going in,” I said with a shiver. “Oh yes it will. All it takes is a little Christmas magic,” he says. Carl reaches into the pocket of his Santa pants and pulls out a small, brown bottle. He hands it to me. “What’s this?” I say? “Christmas magic, of course,” he says with a grin. “You ever wonder how Santa can get his fatness up and down all those tight, little chimneys? Well, a little whiff of what’s in this bottle is all it takes.” I am really hesitant at this point, and I draw the line at drugs. So I just hold the bottle, and Carl says “Suit yourself.” And he starts to push inside me. “Oh FUCK that hurts!” I cry out as I try to squirm away. “Hush up!” Carl commands. “These walls aint exactly soundproof.” He starts to slowly push in again. “Wait wait wait!” I whisper. “I think I need some magic.” Carl pauses as I uncap the bottle. I’m met with a sweet, yet acrid chemical smell. “Just place the bottle under you nose and inhale a bit. It’s like smelling salts… for your asshole.” So I place the bottle under my nose and take a deep sniff. The warmth soon floods over my body and I feel tingly and a bit dizzy. I also notice a pressure at my asshole. A slightly burning, stretching feeling, and a fullness inside. Somewhere in my brain, I realize that Carl’s huge penis is starting to make it’s way inside me. I also dimly realize that it hurts a bit, but I also kinda don’t mind that it hurts a bit. “Oh my god…” I exhale. “Just you wait, kiddo. I ain’t even CLOSE to being all the way in. Take another whiff and we’ll see how far I can get.” With a few more inhalations of the brown bottle and some steady pressure from Carl, he slowly starts to make forward progress. Carl has one of those dicks that is ramrod straight and hard, but not like steel. There is still a little sponge to the head and shaft. Like he’s 95% hard and rarin’ to fuck. Soon I feel my ass stuffed to the point of tearing. I also feel a dull pain inside where evidently Carl’s prick has hit bottom. “Ouch,” I tell him. “I think that’s as much as I can take. Maybe you should pull out now.” “You mean like this?” he says, as he slowly starts to retreat out of me. The long pullout is intense and makes me shudder as his meat drags across my prostate. “Oh FUCK me that’s good!” I manage to croak out. Carl doesn’t pull all the way out. Instead, he leaves his head parked inside and adds more Vaseline to his dick. Then he starts the long, slow slide back in. His dick moves more easily this time—like either I’m relaxing more or the Vaseline has finally slickened me up enough. Carl bottoms out again, and backs out again. Rinse. Repeat. And I occasionally hit the bottle for relaxation help. After a few minutes, he pushes in to the stopping point again. “Kid, we gotta get past this point. I’m at your second ring and I got a good two inches left of dick to give you. You need to trust me that once I get past this point, you are gonna find the true meaning of Christmas. So take a good whiff and relax for me.” I do as I’m told and I exhale and will myself to relax. I feel Carl’s massive head pushing deep inside my guts. It hurts, I’m not going to lie. But in a weird way. Like, it’s both a sharp and dull ache inside me, but there is a pleasure quotient that is also undeniable. He pushes ever so slowly and the pain builds, and then… Joy to the motherfucking WORLD! “Now THAT’S a good boy!” Carl exclaimed. “You just made my secret ‘special’ Naughty List!” The feeling when his head breached that deep deep place inside me? I honestly don’t know how to describe it. Once his head popped in—I felt his cock slide easily all the way to the root inside me. The brief intense pain was replaced by pleasure that nearly caused my knees to buckle. “Oh… my… God… Oh……. My……. GOD!” I gasped. Carl stayed buried inside me and made small movements back and forth and around, and all of it was pure pleasure. Then he slowly withdrew, maybe about midway, and then pushed forward again. This time his head popped in with only a little resistance.” “Now you’re opening up. I told you Santa had a big ol present for a special boy!” I was now freely hitting the bottle and getting more into the fuck while Carl started to slowly pick up tempo. I honestly lost track of time in my haze, but before long, Carl was really giving me all of this dick. Like slowly pulling out until only his head was inside, then shoving in until his bony hips slapped my muscle butt. “Wow, I can’t believe I’m taking it all!” I groan. “Yeah, all the precum I’m leaking has lubed you up inside so your guts are slick. We can get to fuckin now,” he says. Carl then started to fuck and snap his hips forward. That’s when I felt the first ball slap. As promised, his balls swung forward and tapped mine making me gasp. “Oh!” The feeling both startled me and turned me on. “Told ya, kiddo. My balls will really get to slapping you now.” And they did. More bottle snorts, more relaxation, and I caught myself in the mirror again. This time I watched. It was like I was watching one of the porn scenes I so frequently jacked off to. Only I was also feeling the pleasure from the fuck at the same time. The guy in the mirror was gooned out all the way, tongue lolling out, drooling on the table. Fucking back onto Santa with every thrust and having his balls slap repeatedly into his balls and taint. And Santa was gripping the guy in the mirror’s hips hard, as he hungrily watched his cock disappear repeatedly inside the young guy’s ass. “Oh Christ kid, you’ve got me close!” Santa says. Carl keeps fucking me with all of his might and I swear I feel his cock get harder. Like that extra 5%, which translated into like another half inch of dick and some extra girth. I’m feeling every damn thrust from him and my insides are starting to ache mightily. His balls are also tightening up, as they’re now only slapping into my taint, which is oddly working up my own orgasm. I know what’s coming (or so I think) and the small, intellectual part of my brain is saying “don’t let this stranger cum inside you.” But the animal side of my brain has fully taken over now and I find myself willing him to cum. I WANT to feel him cum inside me. I DESERVE it after all. “You ready for your gift Kyle? Santa has a special gift for naughty boys!” His eyes lock on mine in the mirror. “It’s coming. Do you want Santa’s gift? Tell me you’ve been a naughty boy. Beg me for your gift!” “Fuck yeah, Santa! I’ve been so fucking naughty! Letting guys fuck me. I want your special gift for Christmas! Please Santa?” “Here it come’s boy! A gift you’ll never forget!” And with that he thrusts one more time, hard, and buries himself deep inside me. And I feel it. I feel him cum. The throbs of his orgasm cause his cock to press deeper inside me and stretch my hole. I feel every spurt. Every dick twitch as he unloads all the way up inside me. The feeling of him cumming inside me pushes me over the edge. This entire time I’ve been rock hard and leaking precum everywhere, but I haven’t once touched my dick, and neither has Carl. But we didn’t need to. Carl is still spurting inside me when I arch back and start launching my load. I’m proud to say I completely spackled that makeup mirror and table. It was running down in streaks like a scene in a horror film. Carl saw it and just chuckled. “I’m gonna have to clean that before Eric comes in tomorrow,” he says. Now that I’ve cum, the realization of what I’ve done is starting to set in. I start to panic a little as I pull off Carl’s softening dick. When he slides out of my ass, a large blob of cum drips out of my hole and hits the floor. “Oh my god! You fucked me. You CAME in me! What the fuck was I thinking?? Jesus, you tricked me you fucking [banned word]!” I spat. “Now now, Kyle, don’t get chippy. You wanted this. You know you did. And hell, I just bet in a couple days you’ll come back to visit Santa because that ass will be craving another Christmas gift.” I start to reply but am cut short by a PA announcement from the Mall. “The Mall will be closing in 5 minutes. Please make your way to the exits.” “Better get going home to Mom, kiddo,” Carl says with a smirk. “Hope you enjoy your gift. Oh, and if you want more, you know where to find me. Maybe next time I can arrange for another Santa too? I know Terry the black Santa here would love a shot at that ass.” I pulled up my sweats, threw on my shoe and beat feet for the exit… and home. I beat myself up the entire drive home, cursing Carl and my stupidity. I dashed past mom while apologizing for being late and ran to my room. As I lay in bed, I tried to forget what had happened at the mall. But my sore wet ass was a constant reminder. As was my relentless boner that took jacking off 3 times to make go away. And yeah- I thought about Carl’s cock breeding me every time I jacked for the next 4 days. Until I went back to the mall on Monday evening….
    15 points
  2. 5 points
  3. This story is heavily influenced by the story "the cum courier". Also, I will say in advance. Anyone into story telling or nasty talk hit me up. I see myself as the main character of this story. The Cum Jar The group of extreme sex pigs that I have been trying to get in touch with are hard to reach. They go where they want. Fuck who they want. In this world of tons of bottoms looking for dick, they can have their pick. Sadly, every time I reached out they were not interested. Until one of their members suddenly and unexpectedly hit me up. He shared a kind of pamflet through whatsapp stating "The HOUNDS need a CUM JAR. APPLY". Curious I responded. As expected, the reply was a short as ever. No explanation. Just an address, a date and a time. On the one hand, I was not sure what I was getting into. On the other hand, I knew this was my chance. The gangbangs these guys set up are legendary in my neighborhood, and I would do anything to be a part of them. So I go in prepared. Clean myself out as well as I can. Stretch my hole as much as I can. Lube up and put in my buttplug. When I go to the address it appears to be an old office space that is not currently in use. Weird. I knock on the door. Someone opens, and I enter a room of with about six people sitting in a circle of folding chairs. The one who opened the door, James I think his name is, pushes me towards the middle. "Do you know why you are here? " He asks. I break out in cold sweat and the reality of the situation suddenly sets in. I am surrounded by people and they look normal. Decent. Professional even. I know they are pigs, but I still feel some hesitation to so openly in broad daylight in a room full of decently clothed men to just start talking about.... well... pig sex. But I carry on anyway. I tell them that I know they are looking for a "cum jar", but I am unsure what it means. They chuckle a little. James explains: See, you know who we are. You know what we do otherwise you would not be here. We had a problem. We like to use human sperm as lube for our.... gatherings. But we have been having trouble keeping it at the right temperature. Too cold and it loses some of its appeal. Too hot and it changes consistency. We need it... body temperature. See what we need, is a living cum jar that we can fill up with as much sperm as necessary and bring him to our spots. When asked, the cum jar has to bend over so we can all dip in our cocks for a fresh coating of sperm. He can also squat and dribble out some loads for play. What do you think of that? I WILL DO IT! I blurt out. By now the bulge in my pants has started to grow. And standing in the middle of the circle, I am suddenly embarrassed that I could hardly wait for him to finish and am obviously aroused. "Hold on now". James says. We asked you to apply. We have had three applications. We need to test you. "This is it" I think to myself. "They are going to fuck me, it is actually happening". Then one of the men sitting on a folding chair whips out a huge jar the size of my forearm. "This is the condition pig, you need to be willing and able to hold these loads in you, you can't ask what or where they are from, you do as you are told". The jar the man holds in his hands is filled to the brim with yellowy and white sperm that seems to change in texture and consistency throughout the jar. I think about it. And slowly nod. Big grins appear all around me. "then take of your pants PIG, we need to put this stuff up your hole". I immediately undress, and stand there, naked among fully clothed men. Glistening with the coconut oil I rubbed on myself before I left the house. And with my buttplug still up my hole. Someone produces a "pighole", a kind of tunnel you can put up your rectum that holds your hole open. A pig like me is familiar with it. "This pig came prepared!" one of the men exclaims, as he suddenly gets up, bends me forward, and takes out the buttplug. As soon as the buttplug leaves my ass, he uses his middle and ring finger to work my hole as he slides in the pighole. Clearly he knows what he is doing. I drop down on all fours. They are surprised. "Do it". I say. "Please". Suddenly there is tension in the room. Where before everyone was relaxed and talking, I feel the dark and sticky atmosphere of pigs getting aroused... and things getting serious. They waste no time. I bend over further to lift my hole upwards, knowing that with the pighole tunnel they can see straight up my guts. They are all behind me now. Staring at my hole, waiting to see the sperm go up my hole. Except for James. He crouches in front of me and whispers in my ear "I knew you would come pig. You are perfect for this you whore. We make no promises that we will fuck you. But you can be our cum jar. Now relax and take it". As I listen to his words, getting more and more aroused, I can feel the cold sperm sliding down the walls of my rectum straight into my innards. "GOOD JOB BOY!" one exclaims as another one proceeds to whoop. But then something happens. "Oh, that's it" someone says. I look back, and see the jar is only half empty. "He can't take any more". WAIT! I yell, as I crawl on my hands and knees towards the wall and do a handstand. Now they really start laughing. "THIS FUCKING PIG IS DEDICATED" and "JESUS JAMES, WHERE DO YOU FIND THESE PEOPLE!?". As I do my handstand, I wiggle my torso and feel the sperm sink deeper into my body. I crouch back down slowly and simply say "please... more" and they pour the rest in. As last frothy sperm from the jar bubbles down my guts I ask "my buttplug". James understands, and reaches for the buttplug. The guys work together to pry out the pighole and replace it with the buttplug. "This cum jar even brought his own lid!" one of them jokes. There's a problem. With this amount of sperm up my hole, I can not stand. I know that were I to try, the buttplug would shoot out from the pressure of all the sperm that has gone up my hole. "I can't stand up without losing it". I say. James crouches back down near my face "who said you needed to stand?". I look at him ... confused... am I supposed to crawl? Suddenly I feel someone putting a collar around my neck. It's the stocky fat guy that normally acts as a bottom for the group and runs their errands. I have only ever heard him referred to as "boy". He frowns down at me like he is angry at something. "Are you ready? " He asks. "Ready for what" I reply. "We would not have put damn near a gallon of sperm up your ass if we weren't going to play". He notices a little bit of sperm dribbling down my leg. Absentmindedly he runs his finger up the back of my leg and puts it in his mouth. James chimes in: "There really wasn't any competition pig. he first pig we showed it chickened out at the sight of this", "the second pig we showed it to thought he wanted it, but when he opened the jar and smelled the cumstench he bailed". He takes the leash from "the boy" and starts leading me out of the room. To be continued.
    4 points
  4. You mean "blocking immigrants seeking a better life instead of going after tax cheats," right? All in the wording. And yes, I assumed reporting of income. That said, there are thresholds for all sorts of reporting from all sorts of parties, and which one you meant wasn't clear - thanks for specifying. That $600 threshold for reporting is perfectly sensible - it's not putting any onus on small businesses; it's requiring payment platforms (paypal, venmo, whatever) who SEND the businesses money to report it. All a small business has to do is what it's always been required to do: report its income completely and fully, and there's no issue. And yes, big business and the super rich cheat more, but it's often hard to prove, because they've got armies of accountants and lawyers looking for loopholes to stretch to reduce their taxable income. Which is why most of the extra IRS funding is going to hire more auditors to look over those returns carefully and push back on what I would call "questionable" interpretations of the rules. That doesn't mean the IRS should just ignore small businesses that routinely and deliberately underreport their income. The 3rd party processor thing is the same kind of reporting that businesses have always had to do when paying for services, by filing 1099 forms for any business to whom they paid $600. What boggles my mind is people actually defending tax cheats.
    4 points
  5. I started barebacking shortly after I got into escorting. In the early 90's a fair bit of my regular clients wanted to fuck without a condom so one day I tripled the price and advertised 'condom-optional'. The day the local gay newspaper (Vancouver WestEnder) came out, I got 47 phone calls asking if they can schedule a date with me. 47 calls on May 20, 1993. I was in shock. A community that on the outside was so scared of AIDS and HIV, and who would advocate condom and abstinence at every corner, would produce 47 calls to an escort advertising raw fucks. I couldn't process that thought for a few weeks. I was confused. I was outraged. I was excited. I declined all calls at that time and said that I am fully booked and that I will be out of province for a family emergency for a while. For a couple of weeks, a lot of thoughts were going on through my mind. From fear of dying in a few days after I fuck raw (yep, I was that naive !) to how I would look at myself afterwards. Anyway, long story short, the July rent was due in a few days so I placed the ad again in the newspaper. Lo and behold, a lot of calls that day. I went to the church (yes, dear reader, you read it correct: the church) and prayed for some time. It felt like the right thing to do. And once that was over, went home, did my usual prep and was ready for the first ever raw fuck. When I opened the door to the first guy who enlisted my services, my jaw just dropped. A beautiful yong man, in his early 30's, built like a tank, with a mischievous smile and sandy blond hair. Dave was his name. How could I possibly forget! Anyway, we ended up both fucking each other. Cum in ass included. The day was July 1, 1993. And I haven't used a condom ever since. So to answer the OP question: Why did I start bb... Because I was making $5,000 a month (30 yrs ago). And that put me through university, bought the house for my parents, and met tens of celebrities from all corners of the world. However, the most intriguing element of my experience is how many men were, gay or straight, were fucking raw at the height of the AIDS epidemic. As a funny thing, later that year, the newspaper refused to publish my advert with condom-optional wording. So I changed to "clothing-optional" . By then though, everyone knew what that meant!
    4 points
  6. Matt and Roger I’m Matt, 27, 6’3”, 230, white, coarse dark brown hair, buzz cut, furry chest, legs, trimmed beard, brown eyes, 7.5 thick cut dick, TT, gym rat, and workaholic. Roger, my boyfriend of six years, is 5’11” 185, 3/4 white 1/4 blatino, eight inches, thick uncut dick, vers, with really light olive skin with sporadic dark curly hair. He's also gym rat. We’ve been monogamous for all six years and have lived together for four in the upper east side of Manhattan. We have in a nice daily routine, which consists of waking up, my fucking a load into him, going to work, lifting at the Equinox from six to seven PM, taking a steam, and heading home to stuff our faces with protein. Sometimes we fuck again at night but usually we save it for the morning session. Monday. This morning Roger had to go out of town for work until Friday, so he left for the airport at 6:00 AM. I missed fucking him, but I didn't jack off because I knew I would have his hole when he got back. I slept in until the last minute and headed to work where I found my balls unusually heavy, and when walking to the break room to get coffee my dick had scarcely rubbed against my boxers when it got somewhat fluffy. Then, when my straight Dominican 45 year old 6’1” 200 lb masculine beefy co-worker came into the break room and began chatting with me about expense reports, my gaze drifted back and forth between his soft wet dark pink lips and the dick bulge visible even through his suit pants. Involuntarily I licked my lips thinking about the taste of his surely uncut, musky dick and ass. By now my dick was pumped full of blood. I definitely needed to stop looking at him. One day of cum backing-up and I was already turning into an animal. Heading back to my desk I popped an Adderral and before I knew it, 5:00 PM arrived, so I headed to the gym. Although my dick was a half staff, I managed to bust out my lift, pop by Chipotle, and get to bed early. Tuesday I was even more horny, and my dick involuntary got hard throughout work. After I was done I headed to the gym, only to find the locker room was busier than normal, with probably twenty or so guys, half of whom were getting dressed, and half of whom were milling around wearing only a towel, en route to the steam room or showers. My senses were heightened. I could smell and practically taste the odor of man. My eyes discretely explored the various bodies as I passed through the locker corridors. In the second such corridor I found a muscled body, fully naked, bent over as he was putting his underwear on. His hairy hole was fully exposed for the second I could observe him. My dick jumped. If it was socially acceptable I would have spit fucked him right there, right then. Instead I went into the last corridor to my usual locker, only to discover two furry bearded muscle daddies, about 50 years old, one 5’9 175, the other 6’ 200, both wearing briefs and pulling on their workout clothing. I can’t help but visually explore their tight furry, veiny, leathery bodies, including the top of a scorpion tattoo which was visible on the waist of the taller man. My eyes made their way down to his hefty bulge visible through his white briefs. His dick was clearly a giant. I could almost see veins running down through the fabric. His balls were so heavy his briefs were sagging somewhat, and his whole crotch was obviously bushy with dark hair. He was definitely a piggy poz daddy. I wanted to bury my face against his crotch. The blood, meanwhile, was surging into my dick, and my entire body temperature was rising. Although only a few seconds had passed since I rounded the corner, both men noticed I was looking. They paused in their chat, which led me to realize my mouth was gaping open, and I was all but drooling. Blushing, I quickly started changing, thinking to myself 'Fuck, you're an idiot. I love Roger'. I also thought 'You're definitely going to have to jack off tonight, if only to get some release'. The two daddies, however, were like lions stalking weak prey. The taller one initiated conversation with me remarking "I hope the gym isn’t as busy as this shit show locker room.” “Hah, agreed,” I replied. "What are you lifting today?” he persisted. "Chest and probably some shoulders. You?” "Nice. I'm working chest and tri’s. Dave here is doing cardio. If it’s nuts out there and you want any machine I’m on, don’t hesitate to let me know.” “Thanks, man. Same to you.” With that the three of us walked upstairs to the workout floor where it truly was a shit show. Nearly every machine and weight was occupied. I got lucky and spot a bench which was about to be vacated, and started loading up the 45's. The six foot daddy approached remarking “Hey, lucky guy, you mind if I join you?” "Not at all. Matt here. What's your name?” “Frank. Nice to meet you. Guess you're up first, youngin'.” Laying back on the bench I could feel Frank's eyes undressing me, and to be honest it was reciprocal, because when I looked up I found myself staring at his bulge and black furry armpits. I also found myself thinking he must be middle-eastern decent, or his ancestors came from somewhere in that part of the world. His arms were huge and quite veiny. He was wearing a black tank top and grey basketball shorts which complemented his build. As I lay there I inhaled a few times to pump up for my set. The smell of dick musk was palpable and intoxicating, so naturally blood pumped into my dick. “Hey Matt, you going to do this or just pass out from breathing too much?" Frank joked, his voice extremely deep and sexy. I busted out my set, and then, now spotting him, my bulge was huge, as I was half hard. I try to adjust my dick in my boxers to minimize its appearance, but Frank, already laying down and looking from a position where he could see up the leg of my shorts, chuckled and suggested “Move a bit forward so I can look up your shorts and see what’s causing this distracting view." Blushing, I smiled and awkwardly didn't make a reply. Frank kept up the banter throughout his entire set, and ended-up working with me for the rest of my routine. After every lift he either patted my back, butt, or briefly massaged my neck in a very bro style. He knew exactly how to seduce me, and as we walked towards the locker room Frank made his move “Dave is going to be doing cardio for a bit longer. We almost meet here after work, but he usually leaves after I do. How about grabbing Chipotle? I’m starving.” I was also, and without hesitation replied “Sure, I’m game.” We quickly changed into our street clothing and headed out. Just as we hit the street he briefly massaged the back of my neck as he asked “Hey, do you mind if we pop into my place really fast so I can get a heartburn pill? I love hot sauce but it kills me. My apartment is on the way to Chipotle.” It felt wrong but I couldn't think fast enough to get out of it. “Sure no problem.” His place was on the next block up. Walking in, he pulled off his shirt, kicked off his shoes, and dropped his pants and underwear as he moved deeper into the apartment. His body was so strong, and showed quite a bit of fur on his upper back and above his ass. His ass and legs were, in fact, completely covered in thick black hair. My heart was about to explode out of my chest and my dick was pumping full of blood. I wanted to lick him all over. “Sorry, man, I'm gonna throw on some dry clothing, real quick.” As he paraded into his bedroom I could see his dick sway between his legs. I had to regain my composure, so I asked to use his bathroom. "Sure, use the one through here, though, attached to my bedroom. The guest bathroom is being renovated." No sooner had I entered his bedroom he than he turned to me, his monstrous, poisonous, uncut dick thick and half hard. His scorpion tattoo also caught my eye, especially because it was much bigger than I had realized, stretching from his waist to his balls, buried in black hair. Stepping forward, Frank grabbed my face and growled "Come here." He had me under his spell. When he jammed his tongue into my mouth I was surprised how soft his lips felt, surrounded by his thick beard. Pulling back slightly, he ordered "Open your mouth.” I complied without a thought and he spat deep into my mouth, actually hitting the back of my throat. Again his mouth engulfed mine, his tongue wresting with mine. I felt virtually weak kneed with lust as my dick throbbed with arousal, my precum seeping into my underwear. He completely dominated me, and it seemed only correct that as his tongue explored my mouth and throat, he should pull my pants down and my shirt off over my head. My mind flashed ever so briefly to Roger, and a wave of guilt hits me, but the combination of Frank and my throbbing dick overcame my sense of guilt. There was no question: at least at this moment, Frank and my throbbing dick were in control. As we kissed, Frank's hand made its way to my furry muscular ass, squeezing first one, then the other cheek, hard, grunting into my mouth as he did so. Then he found my asshole and starts to scratch into it. Fuck, no one had done that to me in so long. It felt amazing. Even though I was completely dry, he forced his middle finger in knuckle deep, digging away. It seemed as if electricity was shooting from my hole to my dick. I could probably could have cum from that play alone, but instead he pulled closer against his chest, in so doing trapping his rock hard monster cock between our bodies. I'm not exaggerating when I say it stretched all the way up to my chest. And fuck, he was poz. His massive dick was leaking toxic precum onto my chest. I thought 'Well, I can’t get poz from spit, right? So as long as we just jack off I'm good', but Frank apparently had a different idea 'cause he took me into his arms, picked me up, and deposited me on the bed as he joined me there, the entire move without having let go of me. At this point his rock hard monster nine inch, thick uncut dick was oozing precum onto my stomach. Positioning himself between my legs, Frank ground his dick against mine as we continued making out. It had been so long since I've been with a guy other than Roger that everything felt new, and it was new in another sense. I had never before been dominated. Breaking our kiss, Frank stood up, and, standing over my body, jacked his huge furry dick while twisting his nipple. Then he crouched over my face, presenting his massive balls for me to admire. I was in sensory overload. They were so ripe. Taking ragged, deep breaths, I was all but getting high off of Frank's man smell. I wanted all of his sweat in my mouth. Frank, however, had his own agenda, and he placed his dickhead onto my forehead, which allowed me to lean my head all the way back so I can finally taste his dick, which was apparently his objective, as he slowly guided his dick head towards my mouth, pulling back his foreskin, and squeezing himself in the process. Silky poz cum oozed out of his head, flowing into my mouth. Although at one level I knew it was pure poison I unhesitatingly swallowed it. Frank then sank his dick into my mouth, and I opened as widely as I could. Nevertheless his cock head could barely fit into my mouth. Not to be deterred, Frank grabbed my jaw and forced his dick down my throat. I couldn't breath or move. He was virtually impaling me from the top down. My dick seemed to be getting harder the deeper he went into my throat, and finally his balls were resting on my nose. He remained stationary, balls deep, for several seconds as I struggled not to choke and cough, but eventually I had to at least try to push his weight off of my face. Still he was in charge as he thrust in a few times, grunting with pleasure. My throat involuntarily kept trying to swallow his massive piece of meat, even as my eyes streamed with tears from the effort of accommodating him. After what seemed to be about 20 seconds he finally pulled out. I gasped for air, my spit thick and stringy. "Good boy,” he whispered. Then he leaned forward, dangling his dickhead at my mouth and swallowed my seven and a half inch dick with ease. My balls tighten and tingled, and involuntarily I moaned, grunting "Oh fuck, I'm close.” Pulling off immediately, Frank growled "We can't have that yet.” I reached down to jack myself off, but he grabbed my hand, stopping me. My dick was so hard it seemed permanently flexed, and was almost hurting. I was so close to cumming to use the words 'blue balls' doesn't give the experience credit. Frank, meanwhile, picked-up with his agenda, and climbed over and behind me, pulling my legs up and initially onto his muscular hairy shoulders, then, as he propped my torso back on my shoulder blades, so my hole was facing the ceiling, my knees were now flung forward, resting on the mattress, one leg flanking each side of my head. With one hand he grabbed under both of my knees so he could examine my hole. I was completely exposed, and he was so strong. Spitting directly into my hole, he fingered it in, massaging my ass lips. My dick had never been so hard. More spit, and more massaging. I knew what he had in mind, and I didn't care. He was hitting my prostate; I felt him working the cum out of my balls with each prod. I was a human fuck toy to him. Then he pulled my legs back down to his shoulders, leaned forward, and gave me a deep kiss. His huge uncut dickhead likewise kissed my open hole. This was so dangerous. I knew it was, and I suspected he was leaking precum into my hole. Giving one last effort to be rational, I gave a half-hearted effort to push him off and to break off the kiss, trying to explain "Noo.. no way I’m bottoming.. I have a bo....” Frank didn't care about my protestations. He leaned over me again, jamming his tongue back into my mouth, his dick head now firmly lodged against my hole. Rocking our bodies a few times, I senses his slick foreskin unrolling on my hole, revealing the poisonous leaking raw helmet out of which his precum freely oozed. In fact I could feel his excess spit and his precum dripping down my ass crack, onto my back. My hole was slicker with each of his thrusts, and my head spun in excitement as Frank broke through my sphincter, opening me up with small thrusts, pushing ever harder to sink ever further in. Then, when he was about three inches in, he stopped. My hole was wrapped so tightly around his giant dick, I found myself involuntarily flexing my ass muscles, not knowing what to do otherwise with the foreign object lodged there. Moaning like a lion Frank muttered "Fuckk.. too tight,” his dick flexing and throbbing as he bred me with his poz cum. My dick spasmed without any manual touch, stimulated by his flexing dick which flooded my hole with his seed as he sank further into my ass. “You’re mine now,” he murmured, repeatedly kissing me. With this he pushed me over the edge. I moaned into his mouth as my balls erupted, volley after volley of my cum flowing onto my chest and neck. My hole was in unknown ecstasy. Frank's huge hairy balls were now on my ass as he had bottomed out and was not moving, but his cock continued flexing, doubtless oozing more and more poz cum into my ass. We made out for several more minutes, our tongues intertwined, but eventually Frank slowly withdrew his snake from the depths of my ass and then collapsed on the bed to my right, pulling me under his arm. We lay there breathing heavily, taking in the experience. I found myself thinking 'What the fuck have I just done?' My asshole was still gaping, and I could surely feel Frank's poz jizz leaking on to my ass cheeks and the bed. Taking a deep breath, Frank propped himself up on his elbow and wryly asked, "So, was that the first poz load you've taken, youngin'?” a smile in his eyes and on his lips.
    3 points
  7. This was salvaged from Bugshare.net, the 'Strictly Stories' section. ****************************************************** My 18 year cousin Joey came to the city from some small town to stay with us for the summer. Yeah, I kinda knew he was gay for a while before I asked him, just from the way I saw him checking out guys when he thought nobody was watching. Nobody else noticed- I saw it though. Rudy, an older neighbor, a real sleaze, especially caught his attention. Rudy is older, about 55, drop dead sexy,a real daddy type. And a big time leather top- I've seen him in action time and time again at the baths. Barebacking is his thing, especially with the newbies who somehow wander into the baths out of curiosity. They always end up leaving with more than they bargained for- Rudy is as POZ as he is hot. He and I are pretty good friends,the two gay guys in the neighborhood. We often go out to the clubs and to the baths afterwards. He tells me hot stories of his exploits. I decided to invite Joey to come out with us one night. When I asked Rudy if it would be okay if Joey came out with us his face lit up like a Christmas tree. Joey didn't stand a chance. Rudy had seen him just yesterday in his tight jean shorts when we were washing the car and said his dick went immediately hard. Poz tops can be very determined to get what they want and almost always do. Very aggressive. The thrill of turning my naive cousin out was too exciting to resist. When I invited him and said Rudy was coming, he said,"You mean that dude next door? That hot guy? Hell yeah. I want to come!" He thought he knew it all. Like he was so mature or something. Excellent. I immediately ran down the mental checklist of things I'd needed to bring: jockstrap, check; poppers, check; blindfold, check. Booty bump, call Rico and arrange to pick one up later, as well as a joint sprinkled with tina. By the way, the blindfold is Rudy's specialty. So it looked like everything was in order and we'd have everything we'd need for the adventure on Friday. You should have seen Joey when Rudy got in the car with us Friday night. He was a little disappointed that we weren't going dancing like we had planned, but just going out "to a club" instead. The sooner we get there, the more pozzing we could do, Rudy wisely pointed out. We had already had drinks at the house- a rare treat for Joey. He was on his way. "Here, take a puff of this, Joey," Rudy said as he smiled that handsome smile and passed the laced joint to my cousin. Joey was so much in awe of the sexy older man and got so instantly high when the tina in the joint hit him like a freight train, he didn't even notice that he was the only one smoking. I smiled over to Rudy and passed him a small plastic bag containing a travel size jar of vaseline and two booty bumps. (Rico is good to his repeat clientele.) Joey was flying pretty high and barely noticed Rudy pulling down his underwear enough in his jeans to lube up his tight asshole and insert one and then another pleasure ball. Joey didn't even know where he was. Luckily we were already in the parking lot of the baths and the staff were all my friends - I did work here for six years, after all, and even after I quit I became a regular guest. My friend Brian at the door just shook his head and smiled as we helped Joey in. "At it again, eh? Take number 11- It's still kind of quiet, it's early." We wasted no time stripping Joey down and putting the jock stap on him. Such a beautiful butt, accented perfectly with the tight strap. Next, Rudy had the honor of putting the blindfold on him- Joey was so out of it, he thought it was some cool game. Rudy, meanwhile, lubed up his eight inch dick, rock hard from the viagra he takes before hitting the baths, and I held the poppers steadily under Joey's nose, closing one nostil, then the other, hearing him groan loudly and then actually yell as the big dickhead speared his tight boy pussy. "Yell all you want, Joey. You're at a bath house. You're probably turning someone on." And he was. The guy at the open door stroking his dripping dick said, "I get him next." I knew that guy. He was one of those lanky HIV+ sleazes who frequent this place. "He's all yours, man," I said with an approving nod. Joey was working his hips up and down the best he could to meet the butt fucking Rudy mercilessly plowed into him. He was so high on the tina, so horny, all that mattered was getting fucked. His dick, limp but dripping precum, let me know it overtook his body. He was just a sex pig awaiting his breeding like all the other sexpig bottoms in the bathhouse. And then, squirt after squirt of POZ cum erupted from the tip of Rudy's giant dick in the boy's asshole and I bent down to whisper in his ear, "Good boy. You're taking it like a champ! I'm proud of you!" His cumhole was so wet and dripping poz juice. It was a beautiful sight. It was the icing on the cake when I whispered my further instructions and the blindfolded Joey complied, yelling, "THANK YOU! THANK YOU FOR YOUR GIFT,SIR!!" The guy at the door laughed at the pathetically high performance and moved closer to assume his place at the kid's ass. By the time the club really got into full swing, Joey started crying from all the dick he was getting. His butt was red and sore looking. Poor guy. Still, he set something of a record lying there in a pool of strangers' cum, wearing his enticing tight jockstrap. I counted 34 'donors'. After each insemination Joey repeated "Thank you. Thank you." He was transformed into a cum pig, thanking every possibly poz fucker for his gift. I can hardly wait for the day when all three of us take another ride together, but this time to an HIV clinic and Joey gets some very important test results. I won't be able to mask my delight when he converts. Rudy says he'll take him into the bathroom right there at the clinic and fuck him bareback when he is confirmed positive. And then he wants to take him directly to the tattoo parlour owned by his buddy so Joey can get a nice biohazard tattoo on his butt. I doubt it will take too long, judging from all the loads he took that night.
    3 points
  8. Intense post. I won’t restate the obvious, you need to have a good open talk with a professional. If the first person doesn't match you, be slutty and seek another one. I’d like to share some of my story, hoping it will help you a little. Before the pandemic, I was on cloud nine. Everything was good, saved enough money for a decent transition. Then everything went to shit, everything. A few years later, partly transitioned, broke, jobless, homeless, and nurturing ways to end it all, until...I changed my mind and decided to ask for help, and get the fuck back up. I spent 69 days (really) in a doorless cubicle of a homeless shelter, sleeping on the most uncomfortable camp bed ever, always carrying my valuables in a backpack, praying that nobody would steal what you could not carry. It was a very humbling, a cold shower, and a brutal slap to the face. I lived among real addiction and biohazard tattoos, the reality is far from what we read in the stories. I used all the help provided and got back up. I’m still wobbly but I'm standing. I’m currently in low-cost housing (god I love my door), and I've restarted my transition. Money is still an issue, but that will change once I've enough tits to start my new line of work. It's not all sunshine and rainbows, but maybe tomorrow. Take care baby 👶
    3 points
  9. Letting him sleep after several days of hard work gave me a rare chance to give myself a closer look, and, it did not disappoint. Realizing the boy was 18 made me conscious of the fact that I was bound to see changes in my appearance soon enough, but, not today, death - my skin remain smooth and golden, taught over my big muscles, unfairly developed given my lifestyle (thank you, tren), and being 6'5" meant some of my best attributes would be there till the end. This body - and, yes, this big fucking dick - were more than just something to look at and love, they'd been how I paid the bills for the longest time. But, no more - the boy was the breadwinner now. And, holy fuck was he winning big. I'm not much of an accountant, but I know that he had gotten about $500 worth of t up his hole this week, and that we'd made about 20 times that amount in selling up his hole. By day five, he just didn't want to stay up - disappointing, really, there was more $ to be made. But, I relented in the end, and gave him the break he probably deserved. Karma rewarded me for my kindness, however, as I felt my phone buzz and saw a new, wealthy customer was back in the game. "Is he ready? I hadn't placed much hope in getting follow-through from this guy. He was pretty fucking hot himself, and didn't seem like he'd need to pay for sex. Also, he was more than 1000 miles away, and it seemed more likely he was engaging to get some kind of thrill from simply discussing the details of his interest. And the details - wow, they even made me blush, and I've seen a thing or two. "I want him really fucked up. Loosen him up with T, then overload him with g... I want his eyes closed" It didn't seem an especially practical request - if the boy was too sleepy, it might be hard to get him ready for the next customer. But by a happy coincidence, or reward for my generosity, we'd reached that place organically, and that I could profit from it was now just a bonus. "I'll pay $20k" Fuck! This was turning into a good day. I couldn't believe my luck. So much so, I decided to push it a bit more... "20k for him, $5k for me, it's a package deal. Bring your own favors" "ETA 15 minutes. Send ping" I haven't been intimidated in years, but the man that arrived at our door was something else. He had at least two inches on me - and he was even better looking in person. At the rate he was paying, I would have let basically anyone walk through the door. But this guy wasn't someone who needed to pay for sex - he just needed to pay for this kind of sex, and I was happy to oblige. We walked back to the room, and the boy couldn't have done a better job of presenting himself to advantage. He was fully naked, flat on his belly, one knee pulled to his tight midsection, his perfect ass (probably his only well developed muscle) catching the light and presenting itself with confidence. The man-god smiled, and began to strip. For the first time, I began to think my luck had run out - his penis was so fucking thick, I was worried that the boy would wake up, it was bound to hurt, hurt like fuck, even with the abuse he had taken this past week. Somehow, I didn't think this man would be gentle either. "Woah, dude, great cock, but, you know, it seems a little intense..." "Shut the fuck up. Grab my bag" His 'bag' was an incongruous fanny pack, with the usual suspects, and then - of course - some maximum impact. This guy had either done this before, or planned it out for a long time. He had me spray it on a pair of his underwear till soaked, and I was positioned at my boys head, clearly there to make sure he didn't slip too far into consciousness. Man-god took a rock the size of my finger nail and stuck into his piss slit - HAWT! - before shoving his dick into the boys ass - as expected, this lead to an immediate response. "Ow! Dad what's happening? It hurts?" "Shh... here boy, take a good sniff" The maximum impact helped him relax and drift off again, and I saw the face of our client make its first smile. We continued this rhythm for a good 15 minutes, each time the sensation became too intense, I'd give the boy another sniff and he'd fall back asleep... I could only hope that his hole wasn't taking any permanent damage. "Wet that again, I'm ready for part 2" he said "What is part 2..." "I SAID wet it, again, now" I hadn't been told what to do in years, and fuck it if my ass didn't twitch for a second. I got that thought out of my head quick - the boy was special, he could take it. This guy would land me in the ER if I tried to take his dick. When I had his soaked underwear back at the boys head, I began to realize what part 2 was, and I almost passed out myself. His massive cock was briefly out of the boys hole, though still connected by a thick strand of - cum? he had somehow cum and kept going? It was soon replaced by his fingers, and then, probably the biggest fist I'd ever seen. Still, it was probably only *slightly* larger than the girth of his dick, and the boy didn't react too much more than he had been prior. "Good boy!" the man-god said, his smile now broad and persistent, as he proceeded to punch in and out, in between revealing the most insane gape I had ever seen. "I think you're ready now!" Ready for fucking what? What more could there be? In an instant, he opened his hand inside my boy, and shoved his massive, thick dick right down the middle, jerking himself off in the boys now (irreparably?) wrecked cunt. At this the boy woke up and there was no getting him to calm down with a sniff. Man-god noticed, but seemed prepared. "Loser, bag, again. A small pouch on the side" The small pouch made his intentions obvious, and I didn't wait for instructions. I poured the powder in a neat line on my dick - hey, may as well work for a tip! - and told my boy to sniff. Within a minute, he was in such a deep fucking k hole that even the massive dick being jerked off by a massive fist in his hole receded in the distance, no longer painful, but a diffusely differentiated pleasure, his body pulled into the stars and all sensation amplified yet never closer than arms length. For the next hour, he said nothing, did nothing, and the client pushed the absolute limits of what his body could take. When he was finished, the boy had fallen asleep again, and seemed no worse for wear - although I had few expectations that he'd be walking anytime soon. "You've done well with him. I will be back" And just like that he left, but not before placing a stack of bills on the table. FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS. Well, hard to argue he didn't earn it.
    3 points
  10. INTRO ~ One week to Halloween. Hey guys, my name is Matthew, I am 22 years old, I will be 23 years old in five and a half weeks on the 1st of December. I have been sexually active now for about 18 months. In all that time I have been an exclusive bottom, NEVER used condoms, and been on PrEP. My sex drive is just ridiculous and my love for cum is even crazier, so I found myself getting fucked and loaded several times a week, each and every week. These were mainly gym fucks from so called straight men (well, they wore the wedding band as they dumped their load in me), sometimes at the sauna, and the odd breeding from an app. Before I became sexually active I fantasized big time about getting knocked up with the gift for which I ended up having intensive sexual health counselling for, and voila, here I am on PrEP. I buried that ''fantasy'', much to my delusion. It was a Sunday afternoon and I was casually surfing through BBRT when a hot and horny profile caught my eye. It belonged to a 66 year old daddy, perfect for me as I like them older, but what really punched me in my inner conscious gut was the fact that he was poz, and not just that, he was very much detectable, declaring his viral load at 4 Million and 371k. FUCK!! All that sexual health counselling unravelled, leaving me back to where I had started - Fantasizing about getting knocked up. There is of course a very fine line between fantasy and reality. Would I cross it?
    3 points
  11. Got super horny in Seattle and went over and got some bbc…… he didn’t last long as my hole is hella tight. Ended up at steam works in the sling! I got 5 loads and everyone was bare. Im literally dripping cum. I also had my first hands free orgasm thanks to another huge bbc that was stretching me out. I didn’t dare tap out though. I’m negative, on no meds we’ll see what happens!
    3 points
  12. A close friend of mine spent a good chunk of his teens and early twenties (14-25) getting fucked in mall bathrooms. He swears its one of the easiest places to cruise and find hookups. He says hes probably been fucked by or sucked at least a thousand guys in mall bathrooms. He said the trick is finding the right ones that are busy enough to bring in some traffic with intervals of privacy but not so busy that everyone can see or hear what's going on.
    3 points
  13. I was horny af and started talking to this guy on Grindr that I haven’t been able to hook up with. I decided to take some time off work to cheat since both our schedules worked out and he could host. Both of us are married, which makes it much hotter. We spent the after noon fucking, sucking, and just playing with each other. He swallowed my cum and I swallowed his. We decided to continue hooking up and making it a fwb type deal. On the drive home, I was horny af, although I knew I wouldn’t be able to cum again. I stopped by a local mall to kill some time before I had to be at an appointment. Hopped on Grindr since I didn’t get a load in my ass from my previous buddy. I got hit up by this hot, hairy Latino man. He was in a department store bathroom so I hesitated a bit, since it’s risky. I figured wtf and decided to go. No one was in the bathroom but him. I went to the handicapped stall, knocked, and he open the door to let me in. He was jerking off and had a bunch of precum on his uncut dick. I quickly got on my knees to suck it. His pubes were awesome. So think and musky. He pushed my mouth so hard on his dick and he was balls deep in me in no time. I choked a bit and that’s when someone walked in to use the urinal. The way the bathroom is designed he would be unable to see or know we were in there. We were quiet until we heard him leave. Once he did, I got back down to blowing my hot Latino man. He started to reach for my pants and started to play with my hole. I knew what he wanted. He told me to pull them down and I did. I was still lubed up from my buddy so his dick slid in easily. We’ve talked before but never hooked up since he’s always wanted bathroom play and I’ve been too nervous. But goddamn his dick felt good and I’m not saying no to him ever again. He kept fucking me, and he finally told me he was gonna cum and asked where I wanted it. I told him to breed me and he pumped what had to be at least 8 shots of cum into my loose, slutty hole. When he pulled out, I started to pull up my pants but someone came in and sat down in the stall next to us. He started to take a huge dump and I pulled my pants up quietly, left the stall, and took on look back at my sexy man naked before closing the door. I went on to my appointment, then went home to my husband who was none the wiser.
    2 points
  14. This story is a continuation of the one found here. “Kurt, I think I’m sick.” I called him that afternoon, as I was starting to feel gross at work. Achy. And my skin kind of hurt, which was a sure sign I was running a temperature. “Oh baby, I’m sorry!” he said, barely masking the giddiness in his voice. “And do you mean ‘sick’ sick? Like, do you think it’s the, um, you know… Flu?” I smirked a bit at this as I pictured how excited he probably looked at that very moment. “Yeah, stud. I think this is it.” “Awwww. You head home, and I’ll leave work early and take care of you. Gotta take care of my honeyhole!” “Yeah yeah. You say the sweetest things. See you later. I’ll probably be napping.” I hung up. I really did feel like hammered shit, which is exactly what I told my boss before heading home for the day. And by ‘home’ I mean Kurt’s place- which I guess technically was my place too, as I’d basically moved in almost immediately after our first weekend together. It was basically a done deal the instant we kissed in my car. And the fuck he threw me on Labor Day weekend sealed the deal. That first fuckfest saw him breeding me 4 times over a span of 6 hours and basically ruining my insides from all angles. The next morning, I shat so much cum (and a fair bit of blood) that I actually called him to the bathroom to witness his handiwork. Naturally, that turned him on and led to another round of me being used randily before breakfast. I had to beg him for prep time! With a fresh load of his DNA in me, we sat down to a breakfast of eggs and coffee, which he had thoughtfully prepared for us while I showered. And that’s where we said the “L” word to each other for the first time. We were sitting at his small breakfast table, eating in silence, bathed in bright morning sunlight. He looked so fucking hot in just his loose pajama bottoms with his hair all mussed up. He caught me staring and with his mouth still full said “Whut?” And I just shrugged and said, “Nothing. Just… I love you, is all.” That was the first time I’d officially said it to anybody. I was always worried that I would have to fake it, or just always do the “I love you too” thing. But no. This was easy. And I meant it completely. He beamed at me and then his face crumpled a little as he got a little emotional. “Wow. That is… just, so good to hear because… because I love YOU. I knew when you kissed me in your car after I bawled like a little bitch.” “I knew I loved you when you said ‘As you wish’ to me.” “Well, I knew I was into you when you yelled at me at the sex party. I was angry, ashamed, and sad all at the same time, which nobody has made me feel since Bo. So there were definite… feelings… there.” “Well, I knew I was hopelessly infatuated when you ‘mean girled’ me at the bar. Anyone able to eviscerate me with a mere look like that? Big feelings.” He chuckled and pointed his fork at me. “Oh, so is this a competition on who was into whom first now?” “Everything is a competition, bucko—and from where I’m sitting?” I gave him a long, slow, up and down appraisal. “I definitely won the big *cough* prize.” “It’s kind of amazing you’re able to sit at all, actually,” he said flippantly. And we laughed. The rest of Labor Day was spent talking and fucking, and ordering pizza as new couples do. Eventually I had to tap out, as my ass was raw and ruined and I was starting to fear that everything on the inside of me may just accidentally end up on the outside if I stood up quickly. But let me tell you. It was so fucking hot to take a nap with his cock lodged inside and his arms wrapped around me. I felt so taken care of that I completely zonked for like 2 hours. Until I awoke to his stiffening dick poking my spleen. Again. Eventually I drove him back to pick up his car which we had left at Tom’s house. We went our separate ways (briefly) so I could pick up some clothes and toiletries and meet him back at his. From there, Kurt and I rapidly settled into coupledom. Most of our meals were spent together. TV and movies on the couch. Sleeping together. Fucking. Kurt even got a family membership at his gym so we could work out together. It was all so disgustingly domestic and I loved it. Since Kurt’s condo was infinitely nicer than my shithole apartment, it naturally became our home base. I already had part of a closet and some drawers. All my valuables had been transferred over, and other than some occasional trips to show my neighbors what good gay sex sounded like or to pick up random items, I’d been at “our place” ever since. Which is where I found myself now, shivering, and under blankets on the couch. I took some ibuprofen, drank some juice, and curled up to watch some shitty daytime TV. The next thing I remember is feeling his lips (and stubble) on my forehead. “Hey babe, how you feeling?” he asked quietly. “Pretty meh,” I mustered. “Yeah, I remember what it was like. You’re most likely seroconverting now, and your body is gonna feel it.” “Maybe it’s just a cold. There’s been a lot of crap going around,” I offered, mainly to rile him up a little. “Are you suggesting that I’m not as fertile as I claimed to be?” he said in mock frustration. “Well, I dunno. It’s been almost two months with near daily breedings. Maybe your swimmers just can’t get me pregnant?” I shrugged nonchalantly. “You fucker,” he growled. “You’re gonna regret that.” * * I was feeling a touch better later that evening, after some soup and a long nap. I woke up on the couch, and Kurt was sitting in the chair across from me, naked, and watching me sleep. He was also slowly jacking that enormous meat of his. “Wakey, Wakey… time for snakey,” he sing-songed. I rolled my eyes. “Are you serious, coming at me with that? I’m tired and feeling gross. I probably have just enough energy to get in bed.” “Oh, we’re getting in bed alright,” he stated. “That’s where I’m going to fuck you. It’s been two days and I need to empty these nuts.” “Stud, I don’t know if I….” I started. He cut me off. “This isn’t a request. I AM going to fuck you. You’re converting. You know it. I know it. And I want to put one more fat, poz load in your guts to seal the deal.” His amber eyes had that dark glitter about them, so I knew he was in full sex mode at this point and would not be dissuaded. So I hauled my ass off the couch, popped 3 more ibuprofen, and headed to the bathroom to prepare myself. When I walked into the bedroom, I was expecting that porn would be going, and the sling to be up and ready. But no. Soft music was playing and the room was lit by several electric candles scattered about to give the space ambiance. He was standing next to the bed, all shy looking. In the center of the bed was a towel with a single red rose on it. Naturally the lube and poppers were handy too. “What’s all this?” I asked, confused. “This will be our anniversary, so I wanted it to be special,” he said kind of sheepishly. “I thought our anniversary was the day before labor day... When we first got together?” “Well, that’s one anniversary, yeah,” he said. “But tonight will be the anniversary of when we become joined by a bond that can’t be broken and you become mine forever.” Even in my not-feeling-so-great state, hearing him talk like this was doing it for me. I felt myself boning up and feeling that need for seed. I walked over to where he stood and looked up at him expectantly. He kissed me then, and just like it had done since the very beginning, it electrified my senses. “Tonight is all about you, babe,” he said. And he proceeded to kiss down my body, slowly. And then he engulfed my swollen dick with his mouth. This was a bit of a different side of Kurt, and I wasn’t sure where it was all going. I mean, I was most comfortable in the roll of “bottom cumdump”. I get off on guys just using me selfishly for their pleasure. Being used as a hole is what turns ME on most- the more degrading the better. A guy just using me as a human fleshlight will make my toes curl every time, and if he verbally degrades me during I’ll most likely cum no handed. So having Kurt be the attentive one was definitely throwing me off a little, but I decided to go with it. After sucking me a good long while, he slowly spun me around, bent me over the bed, and started eating my ass. This was also something he rarely did- as it was typically my job to eat his. But I fucking love being rimmed, and his stubble and stache grating against my hole were lighting me up like a Christmas tree. Pretty soon I was begging for his dick to be inside me. I got pretty insistent about it, which earned a huff of a laugh into my twitching butthole. “Ok, buckaroo, I can see what you need,” he smiled as I crawled to the middle of the bed. I smelled the rose before flinging it to a nightstand. “Woses… how owdinawy,” I said, doing my best Madeline Kahn. He genuinely laughed at this and favored me with one of his megawatt smiles. “You are so fucking corny- I love you.” “I know,” I said with a smirk. “It WAS a red rose after all.” “Yes. Red. For Love… and blood,” he growled, his eyes hooded and gleaming. “I need your dick in my mouth. Now,” I commanded. I figured if this was all about me tonight, I was gonna be a bossy bottom. “As you wish,” he quipped, as he maneuvered himself to present his massive tool for my enjoyment. Kurt’s cock really was just about the biggest I’d ever seen. I may have sucked a couple bigger ones in my day (some longer, some thicker) but his was definitely at the farthest end of the bell curve. It was like a true 9, and also very girthy. Straight and hard, with a darker, ruddy flared head on it. The shaft was almost the same thickness for the entire length- like a thicker can of red bull. But there was a magic spot about an inch and a half down from the head, where the shaft bulged ever so slightly thicker. This is what made his cock special. The way that thicker portion tugged out on my hole when fucking me, or feeling it just push past my second ring… fuck. It was absolute heaven in flesh form. I worshipped his meat with my mouth as best I could. I’ll fully admit, I’m a terrible cock sucker. I do it, but mainly just to get the cock wet for my ass. I have a terrible gag reflex and my jaw and neck always get tired doing it. But feeling his cockhead lodging in my throat definitely got my engine revving. Taking additional advantage of the “it’s all about me” night, I decided that I was going to ride his cock for something new. I know, right? Sex for two months, and I hadn’t ridden his cock yet? Outlandish! But yeah, we never had. I’m a big fan of doggy and/or sling fucks (again—I like being used) and Kurt was only too happy to oblige me in this regard as he was definitely an alpha top ass-user. I mean, I’d been on my back on the bed a bit, and on my side and stomach. But it was all where Kurt was in control of it all. I pulled my mouth off his cock, grabbed the lube, and started slathering his cock (and my hole) while he lay there, his hands still behind his head. He made a move to get up and I shook my head and pushed him back down gently. He looked at me quizzically, but quickly cottoned on when I started moving up to straddle him. “Well, this is… different,” he said, a bit unsure. “All about me, remember big guy?” I said as I positioned his head at my hole. I took a big hit of poppers and got ready. “As you… OH!” he said, as I slammed myself all the way down on his dick. It hurt. My god it hurt like hell to do it like that! And his head was wedged up against my second ring which was DEFINITELY not open yet. But I wanted it to hurt. I also wanted to show him I could take him and take my pleasure from him. I paused with him in me, my eyes squeezed shut in a grimace, sweat beading on my forehead. “Jesus, bud, you ok?” He said with some genuine concern. “This is our anniversary, so we better make this count.” I gritted out. I hit the spray poppers next, and slowly started to fuck myself on his prong. By about the third stroke, I was able to pop him into my second ring, and I left it there for a minute as I milked him with my hole. He growled in appreciation as I knew he would, and I bent down to kiss him. I loved kissing him as I was fully impaled on him! We fucked like this for awhile. I was getting quite the leg and hip workout riding up and down for that full length. He was assisting me by having his meaty hands at my hips, helping to lift me up and pulling me down. Occasionally he would reach up to flick my nipples, knowing this would send my hole into a milking frenzy on his dick. He could sense I was getting tired though, so eventually he pulled me down to a kiss, and then slowly worked me onto my back. It was time for me to be used, and I started to tell him so. “Sir, I need….” He loved it when I called him Sir. “Shhhhh,” he interrupted me. “I know. Don’t you think I know what you need by now?” He moved the pillow from behind my head and spread my legs a bit. He cupped his hands at my knee pits so he could push my legs down and out. And then he started to drill my hole. Hard. I was in full fuckpig mode at this point, so there was nothing but pleasure for me in his wrecking my cunt. His cock was making the heavens open up when he went deep, and the tug on my hole was tingling all my nerve endings. And all that meat in between was like a Mack truck driving across my prostate. He was going to force my load out no-handed again… it was just a matter of time. I just hope I could hold out as long as him. Eventually he got my knees up on his shoulders so he could really piston into me with his full weight. I cupped my hands around the back of his neck so I could stare at him as he wrung his pleasure from me. “Cum in me, sir. Please. Please, sir,” I begged. “I’m getting so close, bud. Gonna knock up that sweet ass of yours once and for all,” he grunted. “Gonna make you mine. You’re gonna be mine forever after this.” He was really fucking me with everything he had now. I could feel his cock getting that little extra bit harder that he did right before he came. I knew all of his tells now. I waited until I could see the orgasm in his eyes. “Until death do us part,” I whispered. With a loud “FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!” he unleashed his toxic seed deep inside me. He made sure to plant his cock all the way to the hilt so I could feel his head pulsing up past my second ring because he knew I liked that the best. When his orgasm subsided, he noticed I hadn’t cum yet. So without me having to ask, he got his hands in my knee pits again, and started fucking me slowly with his still hard cock. He stared at me intently as he did this. Then he started his verbal assault. “You liked that, didn’t you, you fuckin pig? You liked me leaving a fucking cumload deep in that cunt of yours? That filthy fucking pig cunt? You’re just a fuckin hole to me, you know that? I just say all the love crap to keep you hot for my dick. You’re nothing but a fucking cum receptacle. A hole. A cock socket. You exist to get my dick off. And guess what, you stupid fucker? I’m POZ! You just got filled with a dirty fuckin load. I’m grinding that toxic seed into your ass walls. Hope you like getting pozzed up you stupid fucking….” “UGGGGGGGHHHHHH!” I cried, as my first volley of cum spattered my chest and chin. Several more spurts came afterward, as I unloaded my balls everywhere. He kept fucking me slowly to push out every drop. I shook with ecstasy every time his cock pushed deep. He buried himself in me, and then started playing with my nipples. It was almost more than I could bear and my asshole danced like mad on his dick. “Fuck, you’re gonna milk out another one!” he warned. Without pulling out, he worked me onto my hands and knees, and started throwing the dick to me again. Hard and fast. As I had already cum, I was kind of in “exit only” mode, but I also knew I wanted to get him off again. So I hit the poppers hard and let him have me. I do my best bottoming work doggy, and have been known to pull the load out of a guy with my ass skills. So I set to working and milking and gripping my hole on him, all while throwing my ass back to meet his thrusts. It was not long before I was treated to a long, guttural grunt and the quick throb of his cock inside me, signaling that I had just done my job successfully yet again. This time, when he was finished, he pulled out slowly and then smacked his wet dick on my ass. We collapsed in a heap on the bed. As we cuddled later, and as I was starting to drift off, he said, “You know I didn’t really mean that bit about…” “Shhhh,” I interrupted. “Being in love means never having to say you’re sorry for things said to get your cock socket to cum no handed.” “Dork,” he chuckled. * * About a week later when I was basically back to feeling like myself, Kurt suggested that it might be time for me to get to the doctor. “Just to confirm our suspicions, you know. For the sake of science,” he said. “You just want to know if your track record is still intact, you sick fuck,” I said jokingly. “I’ll call and set up something for next week or so.” “Keep me posted,” he hummed happily. I was masking my feelings pretty well around Kurt and I kept up my typical jovial banter, but inwardly I was concerned. Concerned and worried and nervous and scared and a whole lot of other emotions. Ok, so maybe I had technically been ‘bug chasing’ in a matter of speaking, but it wasn’t really about that. It was more about getting Kurt, not about getting sick. He just happened get off on pozzing guys, so that was the tradeoff I decided to make. And it was indeed my decision, one which I fully embraced. I chose to let him breed me that first time, to give him what he wanted. I could have done the day after treatment, but I chose not to. And I also chose—repeatedly—to let him try to convert me through almost daily breeding sessions. But now, after having a week of fever and chills, it suddenly became real. Like REAL real. Like “what have I done” real. Was it worth it? Was Kurt worth it? What would happen next? I found myself worrying about healthcare for the first time in my life. And job security. And HIV stigma. And medication cost. And side effects. And sickness. I knew I needed to find out early in order to get started on a pill regimen if I was positive, but I didn’t want to take that first step yet. But the ‘what happens next’ question also applied to other aspects of my life moving forward. And would I be moving forward with Kurt. Was there even an ‘us’? I know Kurt said he wanted to convert me so that we could be together forever, but I couldn’t help but wonder if he was really serious about that. And all this is what paralyzed me and kept me from setting up a doctor’s appointment. These thoughts were consuming my brain every minute of the day and causing me to spiral down the rabbit hole of unknowns. I was unfocused at work and I wasn’t sleeping well. And I was really starting to get depressed. At home, I was becoming quiet and lethargic. I was even starting to beg off going to the gym with Kurt (which I normally enjoyed). I mean, who wouldn’t want to go watch their boyfriend in tight gym clothes, lifting weights, getting all sweaty and making other boys drool? Anyway, I managed to keep Kurt at bay for an additional two weeks or so, with flimsy excuses as to why I hadn’t gone to the doctor yet. I was tired. I had to work. The holidays had me down. There weren’t any appointments before Thanksgiving. Let’s wait till December between the holidays. Finally, Kurt started losing his patience with me. “Dude, you need to get tested,” he grumbled. “Don’t make me withhold sex from you.” “HA! As if you could say no to all this,” I laughed, while gesturing to myself. I was desperately trying to deflect where this conversation was headed. “C’mon. We need to know. YOU need to know. You aren’t scared about it or anything, are you?” he goaded. “No, I’m not scared,” I lied. “Then why haven’t gone in? It’s seriously like 10 minutes and done. Easy peasy.” “There just hasn’t been a good time for me,” I said weakly. Kurt gave me ‘the look’ over the tops of his gold frame 70’s aviator frame glasses that made him look like a porn star. “Do it. Before this weekend.” “Oh Yes SIR,” I saluted. As much as he liked me calling him Sir, he did NOT like it when I used it sarcastically. This earned me an exasperated sigh and a ‘time out’ until dinner. And as you can probably guess, the end of the week rolled around and I still hadn’t gotten tested. Kurt had actually been good and not brought up the subject since our little spat earlier in the week. He also let me mope about without peppering me with more questions. I figured he was finally giving me space, which was nice of him. And he definitely had NOT withheld on the sex, thank God, although the volume was way down, which added to my fears, as Kurt basically needed sex daily. Still, I’d been pretty quiet and introspective all week and it didn’t go unnoticed. When I got home on Friday, I found him waiting for me expectantly. “Get changed, Eyore. I’m taking you out on a date,” he said. Perhaps this is what I needed to help get my mind off things. So, I did as I was instructed and got ready. As I was choosing what to wear I called out, “Where are we going?” “Nowhere fancy, just the usual. But wear the 501’s. I wanna show off my boyfriend’s hot ass.” Oh yes sir, I thought and smiled for the first time all week. We hopped in his car, and he reached over and held my hand as we drove. We listened to music and I just let him drive and was happy. But then I noticed we were not exactly going to our typical restaurant areas. “Babe, where exactly are we going?” I said, as I started to get alarmed. “Um… ok. Don’t be mad,” he started. “Hearing the words ‘don’t be mad’ is basically a surefire way to make me mad. What did you do?” I clapped back. “I made us an appointment at my doctor,” he came clean. Suddenly I felt like a dog that had been promised a car ride only to discover it was a trip to the Vet. “Jesus, you’re unbelievable!” I spat. “I just KNEW you wouldn’t do it yourself, so I’m making it happen. We’re doing this and getting it over with. My doctor is very cool and supportive and it’ll be painless. And I’m going with you to be there for you, no matter what,” he stated loudly and with finality. I sulked in the seat next to him with my arms crossed and refused to look at him. I know I was being a petulant child about it all, but I don’t think I can accurately describe just how much my stomach was in knots at that moment. My guts basically turned to liquid and I nearly started hyperventilating as it felt like we were speeding along to my execution. We rolled up to his doctor’s office, where we were obviously the last appointment of the day as the lot was basically empty. The doctor greeted us the moment we were in the door. “Hey, I was almost beginning to give up on you guys,” he said congenially as he hugged Kurt. “Hi, I’m Doctor Stone, but you can call me Doc. Most everyone does.” He shook my hand. Kurt had a very good relationship with his doctor all things considered, which is how he wangled this appointment even without me being a patient. At least not yet. Doctor Stone was gay and about 60, and admittedly a stone-cold fox. He had silver hair and a full beard, and was definitely rocking a great body beneath a very snug smock. Kurt told me that he frequently participated in triathelons and he had even been a Mr. Leather a couple years prior. The good doctor even took 3rd overall at IML—which I could totally see after meeting him in person. And while I don’t think the doc knew ALL of Kurt’s… proclivities… he definitely appeared to have his finger on the pulse of the gay community, specifically the leather/kink community. Having a hot, built, gay, leatherdaddy doctor though was not necessarily going to make this any easier for me. If anything, I was now also feeling shame and embarrassment on top of my fears. “Where’s your staff?” I asked. “Oh, they’ve left for the day. For what you’re here for, I can do all the work—if that’s ok,” he said earnestly. I nodded. “Kurt, why don’t you wait here for us, and I’ll just take him on back. We’ll get you when we’re done,” the Doc said. So Kurt sat down in the waiting room, and started playing on his phone. I followed the Doc back, butterflies jackhammering in my guts. We got back to the exam room and he sat me down. He sat down too, smiled warmly, and he took my hand. “I want you to know that no matter what the results, it’s going to be ok. YOU are going to be ok. You know that, right?” he patted my hand comfortingly. “This is just knowledge, and knowledge is power.” I nodded and swallowed thickly. “So, do you know if you’ve been exposed to HIV?” he asked, even though I was pretty sure he knew the answer. “Yes,” I answered quietly. “I mean, yes I know I’ve been exposed.” He nodded. “And, do you think you might be HIV positive?” he enquired. “Yes,” I answered again. “Why do you think that?” “Well, Doc. I got pretty sick with kind of a flu-like illness about a month ago. And I’d been, um, having lots of unprotected sex before that.” And while I was deliberately obtuse about exactly with whom I’d been having the sex, I was pretty sure the good Doctor knew. The Doc nodded. “Ok then. I’m going to do two tests—one is the quick oral swab test. The other will be the blood antibody test. I’ll go ahead and draw the blood, as I can get that test going as the confirmatory sample.” And then the Doc set about to work. He swabbed my mouth and found a good vein and drew some blood. When he was done, he stood up. “Now I’m going to process these—it won’t take long. Just wait here. And remember what I said. Everything is going to be ok, kiddo.” And with a wink and a warm smile, he left me to wait. * * After what felt like an eternity, the Doctor came back in. I tried to read his face, but couldn’t. My guess is that he’d learned to school his expression after doing hundreds of these tests. He sat down across from me again. I almost couldn’t breathe. “Your oral test came back positive for HIV,” he stated. “Oof, way to pull that bandaid right off, Doc,” I said, a warm dizziness rushing over me. “The second test will confirm it shortly, but I wanted to start preparing you for the outcome. How are you feeling at this moment?” He asked with care in his eyes. “I… don’t know? A little shocked and sad maybe? Although if I’m being honest, I’m not surprised given my recent behavior. I think deep down I knew that was always going to be the outcome. But I don’t think I’m fully grasping the reality of it all yet. But I mean, I’m not gonna burst into tears or off myself anything, if that’s what you were getting at.” The Doctor smiled good-naturedly. “That was a good answer. I know it’s a lot to take in, even if you had a sneaky feeling you might be HIV positive. And even if you may have… deliberately… been acting in a manner contrary to being safe. It’s always a bit of a shock to hear the words spoken aloud. I mean, I still remember when I got my diagnosis 20 years ago.” “Wait. You’re poz?” I asked, somewhat startled. “I am. It’s very well managed, as it has been for two decades. I’m undetectable and very healthy. Just as you can be once on meds. Like I said, kiddo, you will be just fine regardless.” “It seems weird that a gay Doctor of your… generation… who treats gay men is HIV positive, given all your expertise and training and the AIDS crisis and stuff,” I said. He looked at me deeply. “I may be a Doctor, but I’m human too. I think people tend to forget that last part. And I’m a gay human, with very strong sexual urges and questionable decision-making skills in certain scenarios. Much like you, I’d wager. Honestly though, I choose to view myself as lucky. I’m healthy, and I feel that being positive gives me a better understanding of what it all means, so that I can treat my patients with empathy a greater level of care. I can also draw on my own sexual history in order to be non-judgmental. My goal is to be there for my patients. To listen and be a good medical provider. So, a guy can tell me he’s a barebacking cumslut who gets off on taking dirty loads, and it doesn’t phase me one bit.” He was looking at me intently as he said this last bit. I blushed strongly at his words. “Well, as you may have guessed I’m not exactly an angel…” I said. “Been there, done that, got charged and have the receipts,” he chuckled. And instantly I was more at ease and the knot in my guts started to relax a bit. “I’m going to go check your other test and I’ll be right back.” And he was off again. The Doc came back a few minutes later and it was confirmed. I was now officially HIV+. It still didn’t quite feel real to me, and my head was swimming a bit, but I also felt lighter than I had in months. Like a weight had been lifted. The doc and I chatted a bit more and he offered me his services as a primary physician. I told him I’d like that very much. He told me to call soon to set up an appointment when I was ready where we could discuss treatment options. The good Doctor walked me back out front. As soon as we stepped into the waiting room, Kent was on his feet, looking at me expectantly. I decided to be a bit mean. “Down boy, it was a false alarm,” I said with a smile. The look on Kurt’s face was priceless. He tried to smile and not show his bitter disappointment, and he failed miserably at both. I knew I was going to let him off the hook eventually, but not just yet. And not here in front of his doctor. “Thanks, Doc for taking this extra time out of a Friday for me,” I said genuinely. “Any time,” he said. “Now you two have a fun evening. Oh, need any condoms? They’re free.” He grabbed a basket off the reception desk and waived them at us. I took one to be nice, and the Doc winked at me conspiratorially. “And Kurt- it’s about time you visited for a checkup, don’t you think?” Kurt promised to visit in the next few weeks. They hugged goodbye, and the doc whispered something to him. Kurt nodded sheepishly. Then he grabbed my hand as we headed out. * * After the Doctor’s visit, he took me to my favorite place- Tres Gattos. A little dive Mexican cantina off the beaten path that had killer margs, damn good queso and burritos the size of your head. We sat in the booth and ordered our usual, and I found Kurt to be a bit quieter than normal. “What’s up, Buttercup?” I asked, wanting to watch him squirm a bit longer. “Oh, nothing,” he said sullenly. “Dude, cut the crap. You’re upset about something. What is it? You upset I’m still neg?” “Um, Yeah, actually. And I feel bad for feeling upset about it, ok? I should be glad you’re still ok. But damnit, I was SO sure you were gonna be! I was positive we had an anniversary to celebrate, pun intended. I… I even had a gift ready for you,” he said, eyes downcast. “You’ve been ‘gifting’ me for awhile now, stud,” I quipped. I thought for sure he’d chuckle at my “gift” joke. Instead he just sighed and looked at me like a sad puppy. “Can I ask what the gift is?” I said hopefully. Quietly he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. A fucking RING box. And if THAT didn’t just make me feel like the prize asshole of the century. “Duuuuuude,” I exhaled. “Whutdafuk is that?” “Go ahead… open it,” he said glumly. I opened it slowly, and my heart kind of stuttered a bit. Inside was a Claddagh ring. Gold. I just sat there with the open box in my hand, starting at it. “There’s an inscription, too,” he said. I picked it up, and inside the band it said: Forever mine, 11/5/18. Our anniversary date. The supposed date of my conversion. I put the ring back in the box, closed it, and set it on the table. Jesus he was going to be mad. “Ok, so don’t be mad…” I started. His eyes snapped up to mine. “When you say “don’t be mad” that’s a surefire way to make me mad,” he said dangerously. “Um… so, back at the Doc’s office? I may have, um… fibbed… a little? About my diagnosis? Kind of?” He stared at me blankly, his jaw slack. “Because I am. Um. Positive.” “You’re positive,” he said flatly. “Yes. I’m quite positive that I’m… positive. So… surprise?” I said through a toothy, tight smile. He looked at me for probably a good 10 seconds before “Why the fuck would you DO that?” Yeah, he was kinda pissed. “Oh, I don’t know,” I whispered hotly. “Maybe because my boyfriend hijacked me to a doctor’s appointment after promising a date night?” “Dude! I cannot even. Just… dude.” He said shaking his head. “I thought you’d be happier to hear that we’re pregnant,” I said with a sigh. Kurt just gave me his ‘over-the-glasses’ look again, appraising me quietly. (He was wearing his glasses more now, because he knew how the gold frames highlighted his honey-amber eyes, and how much the 70’s porn stud look turned me on). Even pissed at me, he was so goddamn sexy. He was not going to make this easy. “Here. Let’s do this again,” I said as I slid the ring back across the table. “It’s really very nice and very sweet. I promise to act surprised when you give it to me. Here, take it.” He snatched up the ring box and stashed it in his pocket again. “Nope. I don’t think I want to give it to you now,” he said with a sniff. “I better get that ring. Don’t make me withhold sex from you.” “HA! As if you could say no to all this,” he said pointing to his crotch. A small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “You know I hate it when you quote me back to me,” I grumbled, crossing my arms. “Oh I know,” he said smugly as he popped a chip in his mouth. We locked eyes over the table, and I could tell that he wasn’t pissed at me anymore. He was now just toying with me, because he could. And because he knew that I secretly liked verbal sparring very much. His eyes were dark and glittery again, and I could read his mind like it was a large print book. “Guess I’m just gonna have to make it up to you somehow,” I said with as much wicked innuendo as I could muster. I downed my margarita in about 3 gulps and then very slowly licked the salt off the rim. His eyes were glued to my tongue the entire time. Then I stood up and announced that I needed to go to the bathroom. As I got out of the booth, I made a show of dropping my wallet accidentally, and bent over slowly to retrieve it. I could almost feel the heat of his gaze boring a hole through my 501’s. Because I know Kurt and what date night can mean, I prepped my ass as part of getting dressed for our date. I also brought a small bottle of lube, because you just never know when or where we may go at it hammer and tongs. Which made our sex life all the more exciting. The men’s room at Tres Gattos was just about what you’d expect. Terra cotta tile floor, cheap Mexican tile on the walls. It was a two-holer, a urinal and a toilet, both just open, and a small counter with a sink. It was definitely not the cleanest bathroom, and there was always a stale beer piss smell in the air. And naturally there was also a lock on the door. We had made use of this lock before. I had my pants dropped to my ankles while I stood at the urinal, my ass lubed for him. I actually did have to piss, so I was just finishing that as he came in. I didn’t flush. I just stood and waited as he locked the door. “I told Jorge we’d be back to the table in a few and to keep our food warm for us,” Kurt whispered as he came up behind. Jorge was our favorite cute, gay waiter with whom we loved to flirt. I think Jorge had a little thing for me, which made Kurt a wee bit jealous. Which I loved. Jorge also knew what was up, so he took good care of us. And we tipped generously. “Now about that ring,” I said as I lubed up Kurt’s dick. Kurt really gets off on public sex, of course. Hell, the first time I met him he was knocking up a guy in a bathroom at our local gay bar! When we’re at home, he takes his sweet time in cumming. He can almost go indefinitely, but he’s good about sensing when I am almost about out of patience for the load. Now, the nice thing for me with the public sex is that Kurt cums fairly easily. He knows we have to be expeditious with it, so it’s all about the hot, dirty, pump n dump scene. I figured I could get a quick load from him this time, especially with the ace up my sleeve. I arched my back and leaned my chest forward to the urinal. I could smell the rank piss which admittedly was turning me on as his huge cockhead pushed into me. I worked my ass on him as we worked him in past the thick part. He grabbed my hips and started in with quick, shallow thrusts. It was all I could do to relax without my usual poppers, but the scene was turning me on too. I definitely liked knowing I could flash my ass and get him to breed me anytime, anywhere. I started to work my hole on his cock, and he snarled appreciatively. Mindful of Jorge and our food, I decided to play my ace. “I guess you did it after all,” I said. “Did what?” he grunted. “You finally knocked me up. Those poz swimmers of yours finally took. Yeah, fuck my newly poz cunt, sir. YOU did that. It’s yours. You put your stamp in it, and now I’m toxic too! That dirty fucking DNA is in me forever now. Yeah, sir! Add to my viral load! Do it! Give this cumdump another fithy fuckload!” “Ugggghhhh!” he grunted quietly as his dick started throbbing inside me. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” he whispered, his forehead resting against me as he parked his dick and emptied himself. Now, one of the best things about the pump n dump stand up sex with Kurt is that he’s NOT all the way up in my colon when he cums. Don’t get me wrong, I LIVE for that. But I also like this. Here he’s only about halfway in with his dick, so I really feel the spurts of his load. I also tend to feel really greasy-wet and full afterward. It’s hot as hell. It’s also a crapshoot (pun intended) to see if I can keep it all in me, or if it starts to leak out. Once he was spent, he pulled out and a bit of his load leaked out and started to run down the back of my thigh. I scooped it up, and fingered it back into my hole. He grabbed a wet paper towel and tossed it to me, and then he grabbed another and cleaned himself off. We then made ourselves presentable, washed up, and headed back to the table where Jorge had left us two fresh margaritas. I sat in the booth with a satiated smile on my face. I kept staring at Kurt, and he kept staring right back at me, half smiling. “I don’t know if that quite makes up for things,” he said, “but here. For you.” He pulled out the ring box again and slid it across the table. “For ME? Well I DECLARE!” I drawled while blinking rapidly and fanning myself. He laughed and groaned simultaneously. “Oh Jesus, just try the stupid thing on already.” I took it out of the box, smiled, and handed it to him. “If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it,” I sang quietly, as I flourished my hand. He slid it on my right ring finger- the heart facing me, not outward, to show that my heart was taken. And it fit perfectly, and I stared at it appreciatively. “Where’s yours?” I asked. “One cannot buy a claddagh ring for oneself, it’s bad luck,” he said dismissively as if everyone knew this. “So I guess you’ll be expecting a blowjob later,” I grimaced. “Blowies for jewelry is an age old understanding between men and their bitches,” he smiled. “Careful there,” I cautioned. And he flashed me his big, dimpled smile, knowing I would swoon. It completely worked, the bastard. Jorge came back then with our food then. He smiled knowingly and asked if we had washed up and if he needed to perhaps tidy up the men’s room? We assured him that we left it just fine. He joked that perhaps he should put a camera in there, just to make sure the customers were being safe. “Oh, we’re never safe,” we told him in unison. I then mentioned that I was ‘embarazada’ now, and how he blushed at that! But I also saw a distinct, hefty tenting in his black trousers, as he left us to our meals. “If you keep being mean to me, I can always give Jorge my ass,” I suggested. Kurt growled. “Not if he knows what’s good for him. There’s a ring on that shit. It’s MINE now.” I laughed and we finished our meals and hand another margarita apiece. Jorge was lovely and I enjoyed making him blush a couple more times. We made sure to leave an even larger tip than usual before heading home. * * Later that night in bed, I played with the ring on my finger and my mind was whirring a million miles an hour. I was too keyed up to sleep. Kurt was spooning me (I was almost always little spoon) and I guess he picked up on my restlessness. He shifted and rested his head right up at my neck. “What’s going on, bud?” he asked quietly. “Nothing. Just can’t sleep. Probably the burrito baby kicking,” I lied. I just didn’t think I was ready to unload all my crazy thoughts onto him. “Mmm-hmmm,” he said and he squeezed me a bit tighter. He let me stew and simmer a bit longer before he spoke again. “We haven’t talked about it yet. You testing positive, I mean. I guess we cleverly distracted ourselves with sex when we got home. But I know it has to be weighing heavily on you. It’s weighing on me too. So… talk to me, Goose. What’s going on in that delightfully chaotic brain of yours.” I lay quietly as I tried to decide what I wanted to say that wouldn’t freak him out. I eventually decided to downplay it a bit. “I’m just… processing it all. You know? Wondering what happens next. Where my life goes from here. What it all means. Just tiny, insignificant shit like that.” “Baby, your life isn’t going to change that much- trust me. You are going to be fine. And I’m going to be right here with you through thick and thin,” He said confidently. “Will you, though?” I pondered aloud. Which as soon as it left my mouth I knew to be a mistake. “What do you mean by that?” Kurt asked, a slight edge in his voice. I scooched away from him and took a deep breath before speaking into the darkness. “Are you happy? Happy that I’m positive and that you are the one infected me?” I asked in a soft voice. He was quiet for a minute before answering. “Maybe… yes? Kind of? But I’m sad, too. Or melancholy about it. And scared, too a bit. It’s a whole mixture of things. I’m sure the Germans have some sort of compound word for it.” “What happens now that you knocked me up?” I said. “What do you mean “what happens now”? “I mean, what happens to me? To us?” “We live happily ever after?” he suggested. “I’m serious, Kurt,” I said, moving myself to the edge of the bed in self-imposed isolation. “I dunno. I’m not sure I understand what you’re asking me.” Oh god. There was a leak in the dyke and everything was starting to pour out of me, unchecked. “Like, because the chase is done, what happens to me now? What’s to become of me? I mean, what’s the point of fucking me anymore because I already caught the bug, right? Am I some sort of “pig”malion that you dump back in the gutter so you can find another negative conquest to dickmatize and infect?” “Whoa whoa whoa! DickmaWHAT? Where’s this coming from?” he said alarmed. I was still turned away from him in the dark and my agitation level had risen dramatically now. I spoke the fears in my heart into the darkness. “Kurt, I don’t know what you can possibly see in me now. The one thing I had to offer you, my negative virginity, is gone. Kaput. So what’s my value to you? Certainly it’s not my hole, as you can find one of those anywhere. And I’m just a stupid boy with a stupid crush who was stupid enough to let you infect me and now I’m going to be dumped and nobody will date me because I’m tainted goods so I’ll be doomed to spend the rest of my life alone and I’ll die one of those big city deaths where nobody knows I’m gone until the stench drifts into the hallway.” I was almost hyperventilating now. “You regret becoming HIV positive?” he asked point blank. I didn’t answer. I didn’t know exactly how to answer him yet. “Oh my god. Do you resent me?” he asked in a panic. “What? I don’t…” I sort of fumbled. “You just told me you were stupid for letting me infect you. Do. You. Resent. Me?” he stated, very pointedly. Again I didn’t answer immediately. “Oh jesus. You do. So it’s just a matter of time, then. The resentment will fester and then you’ll leave me. Maybe not like Bo did, but you will. Jesus. I’ve ruined another life and another chance. How fucked up is this?” he laughed bitterly as he rolled away from me. And now it was my turn to panic more. Kurt was starting to shut down, which was not good. “Kurt… it isn’t… Ugh. This is why I didn’t want to get tested. Or talk about all this because my brain isn’t ready for this yet.” “Whatever,” he sighed. “Message received. Loud and clear.” “Whoa. Now you hold the fuck up for one minute. I just went through a life-altering diagnosis today, so I think I’ve earned a little leeway here,” I said, getting snippy. “I’m sorry if I haven’t processed everything into coherent, easily digestible soundbites for your consumption.” Kurt didn’t say anything. “Ok, since my brain is on the fritz at the moment, I’m just gonna go full open kimono on you,” I said. “Open kimono? Really?” I could hear a tinge of amusement in his voice. “It means…” I started. “I know what it means, slugger. It was just… odd… to hear boardroom speak in the middle of our heart to heart.” “It still applies. Kind of. So. I’m just going to go ahead and do something I never do. Which is lay bear my heart. Regardless of the outcome. And you’re going to let me, because I deserve it.” Kurt was still rolled away from me and he didn’t say anything. But I could tell he was waiting intently. “Kurt? I’m kind of a mess at the moment. I’m a jumble of emotions, but fear is the dominating one right now. And it isn’t fear about HIV so much… it’s more fear of losing you.” “Baby! I told…” he started as he rolled over to face me. “Shhhhhh,” I admonished. “I’m nowhere near done yet.” He scooched closer until our knees touched under the covers. “Do I regret getting HIV? Yeah, kinda, if I’m being honest. But only because it complicates shit. Life would be probably a whole lot easier if we were both neg and on prep and free to be our slutty fucking piggy selves. But that isn’t our story. So the poz thing was the price I had to pay in order to keep you. So I paid it. And no, I don’t resent you for it.” “I really like you, Kurt. And I… I love you. Like Head over heels love. Hopelessly and helplessly. And I really like what we’re… doing. I totally like being your… hole. And I’m pretty sure you like me being that for you. But part of my fear is that this is all I really am to you.” “Baby, that’s not…” he started to protest. I cut him off by putting my hand on his mouth briefly. “Kurt… To me, you’re… everything. You are all and you are more. You’ve become so important in my life so quickly that it scares the everloving fuck out of me. I’ve never felt this way about anyone. Ever. I look at you and you’re so beautiful that it hurts. Literally physically hurts. My chest gets tight and I can’t breathe sometimes. You’re like this hotter, builter, sexier mustachioed version of Henry Cavil and I can’t even. Seeing your body- in or out of clothes- gives me butterflies. When I see your dimples, my knees get weak. Your touch is like an electric shock on my skin. Your gaze makes me shiver. And when you blast me with your full smile? I can’t hold a single coherent thought in my head.” “So, you like me for my body and my mustache,” he sighed. “Not done talking,” I chastised. “And yes. Physically you crank me to 11. But it goes way beyond your physical charms. You make me laugh. You make me want to make YOU laugh. I want to talk with you and explore with you. I love just sitting with you quietly. You make me feel taken care of. I’m comfortable around you and I finally feel like my true self. My darker self. And when you hold me, I feel safe. As I think about all this and it feels like a crazy dream.” He reached out and grabbed my hands under the covers and held them. “And I’m terrified,” I whispered, “that one day you’ll wake up and just decide I’m not worth it and ditch me to find a better hole. Or worse, grow tired of me and start treating me with utter indifference. Seeing you look at me again like I’m worthless… like you did in the bar that one night… would absolutely destroy me, Kurt. And I’m so fucking scared that it’s coming.” “I can handle the poz thing. I can handle the being alone thing. And I can even handle you throwing me away- I think. As long as I don’t get even more invested than I am right now. Because the longer this goes… the longer we go… the easier it will be for you to crush me. So, if you think that this is the way it’s going, can you please tell me now, so I can maybe salvage something of myself?” Kurt was quiet. Quiet for a long time. And the longer the silence went, the more scared I got. Eventually, I couldn’t take it anymore. “Kurt? Can you say something? Please?” “Oh, are you through open-kimonoing now? Is it my turn?” he said, softly sarcastic. “Yes. I’m done. For now. I think. Maybe not.” I babbled. “First of all let me just say… “ he drew a big breath, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I pushed you to get tested. I’m sorry I didn’t think about the impact to you and what you might be feeling. I’m sorry I wasn’t more understanding. I should have been much more empathetic and listened to you had I taken the time to remember what it was like for me.” “Oh, It’s…” I started to say before he cut me off. “Hush now. It’s my turn,” He said with a smile in his voice. “You said that you worried that you were just a hole to me. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am endlessly captivated by you and am hopelessly in love with you. I love that you’re this sexy dork, with a quick wit and deep intelligence that keeps me on my toes. I love your brain! And I love that you are kind and thoughtful. I love the way you look at me, it turns my insides molten.” “So I’m a dork that stares at you like a goober,” I sighed, trying not to smile. “Not done talking yet,” he mimicked sarcastically. “Yes. You are a dork. MY dork. But you know what the best part about you is? It’s that you have absolutely NO clue how hot you are. None! You are completely oblivious, and it’s endearing and frustrating and it makes me want to shake you sometimes. But damned if it doesn’t also make you even that much hotter.” “I am SO not…” I started again and Kurt actually growled at me. “Got it. Shutting up now.” I swallowed. “You ARE hot. AND oblivious. God, I love going to the gym with you because so many guys check you out, it’s ridiculous. And you have no idea it’s happening. You’re like this tight body, otter version of Julian Edelman, with an ass that just sits up and begs. You know, I’ve actually had guys walk up to me and ask me about you and what our deal is. A couple guys have even given me their number for me to give to you, as they weren’t sure how to approach you. Hell, I don’t get half the attention that you do and it’s starting to bruise my ego a bit. And the 501’s? Your ass can stop traffic in the 501’s.” I was blushing now, the heat filling my cheeks. “I like spending time with you too. I like watching movies with you and our date nights. And yes, I like the sex. and that you are my insatiable honey hole. I trust that much is obvious! But like you, I’m worried about the sex part, too. I’m worried that all I am to you is a big cock and a high sex drive. What happens when my body starts to go or my libido wanes and I can’t give you what you so obviously crave? What then?” It was my turn to grab his hands and hold them. “What terrifies ME is you growing to resent me or getting disappointed by me and deciding to leave. And I firmly believe there is a higher probability of this than me leaving you. I think that was why I was so desperate to convert you. So that we would be linked and have this bond we share. And also so that it might bind you closer to me… so that you won’t leave me.” “Once upon a time I thought this would be the case with Bo, but looking back, I realize that Bo never would have left me, even if we were serodiscordant. He was always far too dependent on me, which I believe left him vulnerable and weaker in the end. But you? You’re stronger than Bo—stronger than me for that matter. You don’t need me. I know you could leave any time and be just fine on your own, and then where’ll I be, huh?” We were both quiet for a long time, laying curled up facing each other in the dark. Eventually, I scooched closer until my forehead was against his and my nose touched his nose. I rubbed our noses together casually. “Kurt, I know we both just unloaded a lot of crap. But this is good. And you were right. We did need to talk about all this. And I think we will be having some more conversations in the coming days. But for right now… can I… can I kiss you?” I asked hopefully. “Being in love means never having to ask if you can kiss me,” he said huskily. “You know I hate it when you quote me back to me, asshole,” I said lovingly. “Oh I know,” he said, and I could hear the smile in his voice. And then I kissed him. Oh how I kissed him! Naturally a kiss with us is rarely just a kiss. This one escalated quickly, and soon we were very hot and heavy again. He had me on my back and was full on making out with me, grinding his hardness into me. Being under his mass and feeling the heat of him had me cranked up in no time flat. After a few more minutes, we finally broke apart. “Alexa, turn lights to 20%,” he barked. And the lights in the bedroom came on low. “Why you turning on the lights?” I asked. “Because I want you to see my face and how serious I am,” he replied. He threw the covers off us, then he used his knees to force my legs apart. He kept peppering me with kisses and licks while he did this. Pretty soon my legs were spread, and I was open and vulnerable in front of him. “You think you’re just a hole for me? Do you?” he growled as he sucked my neck a little. “You think that’s all you are?” His hard cock nudged against my asshole. I may have whimpered a little. He looked at me. “Buddy, you are so much more than that. SO much more.” Then he grabbed the lube and slathered his cock and my hole with it. His head ever-so-slowly sliding into me until he was in me to the hilt. “Jesus Kurt,” I hissed. “Fuck me! Now!” “No,” he said flatly. “I’m not going to fuck you.” “Um… whaaaa?” I stammered. “Oh please, sir! Pretty please? You’re inside me, that’s basically the beginning part of fucking! And after everything we just said….” “Shhhh. I just need to be as close to you as I can get for this. Burying myself inside you and having you wrapped around me is important right now,” he said as he brought his face an inch from mine. “I’m going to make a vow. Right now. And you know I’m serious because intercourse is basically my religion and I’m inside my Bible right now, ok,?” I nodded that I understood. He stared into my soul, his amber eyes glowing in the soft light. “I’m not going anywhere. Ever. Period. You are stuck with me, bud, for better and for worse. I promise to keep my body fit for you, and my dick hard for you. I promise to always check with you before changing my facial hair, because I want you to be happy when you look at me. I promise to take care of you, and to listen more, and to make you laugh at least once a day, and to give you epic makeup sex when we do have a fight. And I promise not to ever go to bed mad. And I promise to do better about talking about shit so that we know where we’re coming from. And I promise not to blast you into space until such time as I grow weary of you…” “Jesus fucking Christ!” I laughed. “You just quoted Flash Gordon to me in your love declaration? And you call ME a dork?” He smiled one of his blinding smiles and every shadow of doubt was blazed away. “I should have said all of that when I gave you the ring tonight. Better late than never, I suppose,” he shrugged and I kissed him tenderly. “I don’t have a ring to give you, unless you count the one that’s around your dick right now,” I lamented with a squeeze of my hole. That made his eyes flutter and earned a sharp inhalation from him. “But what I can give you, Kurt, is my vow: I promise you that I don’t resent you. Not for a minute. I promise you that I love you. Truly, deeply, madly. I promise that you’re stuck with me, too, through thick and thin. At least until my inane babbling annoys you to the point that you can’t stand me anymore. I promise to continue being a dork, and to bike and squat so much that the 501’s can’t contain the magnitude of my ass. I promise to pull you up short and put you through hell and give you support. I promise to only sing Sondheim to on special occasions. I promise to swoon every time you smile at me like you are right now. And I promise that I’ll only ever have eyes for you.” “You through?” he asked with a smile. “Oh, and I promise to be your beck and call boy.” He groaned and laughed. “Ok, Pretty Woman.” “I heard somewhere that you liked the dorky, nerdy type,” I shrugged. “And I heard you like the muscular, Colt model type,” he countered. “Well, actually I’m more a sexy, silver, leatherdaddy rich doctor type—think you can set me up?” I asked innocently. “You’d be disappointed. He’s mostly a bottom,” he said with a wink. We kissed some more this exchange, his hard cock still buried deep inside me. Feeling the fullness that was him inside me was naturally getting me riled up, so I sneakily started to shift my ass around under the guise of getting of comfortable. I also started to slowly clench and release my hole on him. I was nothing if not subtle. I looked up at Kurt beseeching him with my eyes, as I quivered my pucker on him. “That’ll do, pig,” he chuckled. “I told you I’m not fucking you. But… I will share a little secret with you if you promise to stay still for a moment,” he said cryptically. So I waited. Quietly. Kurt adjusted so that he was all the way in me again. He held me closely, hovering over me, face still an inch from mine. I could feel his breath. His amber eyes searching my face, boring into me. I was just about to say something when suddenly his eyes squeezed shut and he exhaled with a tiny grunt, and I felt it. His cock throbbing inside of me. He was emptying himself into me without ever having moved a muscle. He shuddered briefly as his orgasm subsided and his cock started softening inside me. “Dude. Whoa. You just… came… like… spontaneously? I asked quizzically. “Yeah. That’s my secret. I can control my ejaculations with my mind. I learned a long time ago that for me it was more about the mental side than the physical stimulation side. I actually learned at boyscout camp of all places! I would hear my scout master jacking off, and because I didn’t want to get caught I pretended to be asleep and just thought myself to orgasm. I’ve been able to do it ever since. Now don’t get me wrong, I LOVE the physical side of things. Fucking feels fucking great! But tipping myself to orgasm? That has always been more of a mental exercise for me. Hence the scenes, and places, and dirty talk, and other visual stimuli. And sometimes—given the right circumstances—I can cum like I just did.” “Gives a whole new meaning to ‘be prepared’,” I chuckled. “And you. YOU were a Boy Scout?” “EAGLE Scout. Yes.” He said smugly. “And did you ever, um… do stuff with Scout Master-bater?” “What do hoping to hear?” he laughed. “Something like how my Eagle Scout project was building raised garden boxes and starting an urban vegetable garden for an inner city neighborhood. And how I was fucking my Scout Master, who just so happened to also be my boyfriend’s father, bent over a sawhorse in the wood shop one night when and his wife and my boyfriend walked in on us right as I was cumming in him or something?” “Oh fuck. Is this true?” I said as my dick jumped at the thought. A slow, dirty smile spread across his face. “Scout’s honor. The scandal and fallout that ensued is still being talked about in sewing circles in my hometown to this very day!” “I am SO going to want details on that story later,” I said with an appreciative whistle. And then something else dawned on me. “You know what this little Scout trick means though? It means I can basically tap out whenever I want and STILL get loaded! Fuck the ring… THIS is the best gift EVAR!” “I guess we’ll see,” he chuckled, as he slid languidly from my ass. “Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but did I hear my dork of a boyfriend drop a Pygmalion pun during our little heart to heart?” And he smiled at me and then kissed me before I could spout my indignation. Later as we spooned (me the big spoon for a change), I felt the rhythmic expansion and contraction of Kurt’s massive back against me. I could tell he was drifting off to sleep, and I knew I wasn’t far behind. But I wasn’t quite ready to follow yet. My mind was deliciously quiet for a change and I was overcome with a warm sense of peace. I realized I was supremely content and happy in the moment. And while I still had things to sort out, I knew the Doc was right. I was going to be okay. And as I began to slowly drift off, I knew that I had taken a big step today. A step toward Acceptance.
    2 points
  15. 2 points
  16. I'm not a little twink and I have a bulky body and a gut, so I am certainly no twink chasing an older daddy, but the idea of fucking someone old enough to be my dad, and going further and calling him daddy and being his good boy and submitting to him (even if I am topping him) is one of my biggest turn ons. I love the attention and the intimacy and being taken ownership of in those situations. Especially if he's got a big / hairy belly I can feel against me as he loads my ass up or I feel against my face as I suck his cock. Yesterday, I hooked up with a guy about twice my age and we swapped loads. It was great.
    2 points
  17. A couple of years ago I got picked up in the middle of the night by a horny, chemmed up cumdump twink and we drove to a desolate parking lot where I fed him my load in the car. At every stop light along the way we were making out and groping and jerking each other. It was incredibly hot. Just before that I got sucked off by a hot daddy in the video room of a bathhouse with an audience watching. That turned me on so much!
    2 points
  18. Note: I didn't write this story. I found this on a website in Brazil, so the story was in Portuguese. I'm just translating it. It's a big story and this is just the first part. If you like it, I'll translate the rest. I'm sorry if my English is not that good. ____________________________________________________ Whenever I do drugs, I get electric and horny as fuck, so today was no different. I started to use co.ke around three in the afternoon and I've already opened the Grindr to see if there was someone to give me dick. A guy from out of town, fucking hot, messaged to me, and we arranged to meet and he was the first. The guy was 25 years old, bearded, thin and around 5,6. Before we started, he said he was addicted to fisting holes and that he had a gel with him that was great for sticking his hand up a man’s ass. I accepted without thinking twice. And the guy knew how to do that, goddamn it. He was patient and calm, and in the end, I found all of his hand and almost half of his arm inside my ass. I was open and swollen, the way a male has to be when another tells him so. In the middle of all that, there was a lot of dirty talk, spitting and armpit licking, because I wanted to smell the scent of a real man. What a delight it was to receive that hand inside me, breaking into my ass, opening me, turning that hole into a cunt of respect. After I was very wide, the man put me on my back and started to push his cock inside me, inch by inch. I felt that big cock poking at me, his pubes hitting my ass. The smell of sex invaded the whole room and, within minutes, he announced that he was cumming. I felt my ass filled with that hot cum with him saying: “Look how nice it is to put my charged load inside that ass. You will be leaking poz cum.” My horniness was unimaginable and with just a handjob I also gushed liters of thick cum. The first guy left and I again started the search for the second one. I chatted with a guy I always have sex with, he's really hot, black, tall and with a 10 inches heavy cock. He has no frills and no shame. When he fucks, he does a lot of damage. In minutes, I was riding a cock again. He treated my ass right, with a lot of pumping. I felt that dick invade my rectum and make it a worthless object, which made me crazy. In the middle of that hot fuck, we were doing it dog style, he held me and announced that he was going to cum: “Take it, your little whore. I’m breeding you good with my poz cum. Take my poz load, son of a bitch. Aids whore.” I left his house quickly, because I already had another fuck scheduled. The was almost hiss neighbor, so I just walked. I left one's house and went to the other. This third guy was a more serious guy, white, angry and brutal. As soon as I entered his apartment, he was already taking my clothes off and saying: “I don’t want to hear your voice today. You will take my cock bare and quiet. If you disobey, it’s going to be a lot worse.” I didn't care about anything anymore, I just wanted to feel more cock inside me. And like magic, I saw stars. The son of a bitch punched his whole dick in one go and started cursing me, saying he knew I already had my ass full of cum and was going to use other people's load as lubricant. I was all open. I was loving to get fucked in that position, face down, that he had put me. The man put all his cock inside me, then he announced that he was cumming. And more of that hot poz sperm went inside me. I got out of there and got back to the Grindr. In less than 20 minutes, I found another man. He was short, he worked out and was very hot. His dick was much smaller than the others, but he knew how to use it as he worked miracles. Everything happened inside his car, and I took the fourth load of the night. After that, I stopped at a park and went to the public bathroom. I waited for about 30 minutes, then a guy came in looking at me from a distance and working his cock inside his pants. That was the sign I had been waiting for. I sucked the man until he came in my mouth, pouring me the purest cum straight from the source. But I was still not satisfied. I wanted more and more and more.
    2 points
  19. Definitely worth posting more bro fukn hot when dumb jockbros like us take loads of diff raw cock so fukn hot it’s what jockpussy is for right?
    2 points
  20. I feel like if y’all like this story- then you’ll probably like “Denial”. it’s one of the favorite ones I’ve written.
    2 points
  21. The part about the "federal airfleet" is the fact that he took a certain number of flights - FOR HIS JOB - aboard FAA-owned aircraft. The FAA is one of the agencies within the department he oversees. 1. To my knowledge there is no law or regulation prohibiting that kind of thing. 2. His predecessor, Elaine Chao (wife of Senate GOP Minority Leader Mitch McConnell), also took such flights. One such flight of hers cost more, by itself, than all of Buttigieg's FAA flights added together. 3. Sometimes, a federal official needs to get from point A to point B by a certain time and a government flight is the only way to do that short of a private charter plane (which is far, far more expensive). 4. It's been well documented that for most of his flights, the Secretary has flown commercially, not on government planes, and in coach. This is nothing but a bunch of GOP bitches trying to concoct a scandal over a practice that is widespread and blatant in GOP administrations but somehow only a problem when a Democrat does it. Maybe instead of opining that it's "or something like that" you might use that powerful tool at your disposal called the Internet and read what the actual controversy is, instead of belching out nonsense.
    2 points
  22. Lie? Where's the lie? I acknowledge that "side" is a relatively new term in the sexual realm, but it didn't take me long to find out what it meant: someone who does not do anal sex, but will engage in other sexual activities such as mutual masturbation or oral sex. Telling someone "I'm a side" *IS* them telling you that they're not going to fuck. It's no different than "Top" meaning "insertive partner" or "bottom" meaning "receptive partner" - it's a word used to describe a person's role. The fact that the role is "no anal" doesn't change that fact. And calling it a lie is, well, stupid.
    2 points
  23. Hot af. It may become a new kink for me. Especially because I wanna hook up with this guy again. Love going home filled with cum and my husband doesn’t know. This is an even hotter way to get filled.
    2 points
  24. I closed the door to my dorm room. Finally! Alone! I thought. My parents had their whole spiel about their baby boy going off to college, If they only new what I really had in mind. I'm a small town boy born and raised, corn fed you know. Brown hair, green eyes, 5'11 185 pounds, 32 inch waist, proud of my 40 inch chest and 17 inch arms. I wrestled in high school and did a little private gymnast training on the side, had a dream of becoming a Olympic medalist, but had to throw it away after I busted my knee during one competition. I'd gained a couple of pounds since I was out of training but was able to keep up with my therapy and get back in shape just before college in the fall. I was so glad to be away from home, because I knew for the first time I'd be able to do a little exploring. I knew I was gay since I started wrestling in junior high, but didn't act on it. Some people may have suspected I was gay since I never had a girlfriend, but I played it off that my parents were super religious, which wasn't far from the truth. So I was the regular good jock boy that everyone wanted but no one had. I had a bedtime until now! I locked the door, as my roommate hadn't moved in yet and I'd planned to be at the dorm a week early to have the place to myself. After plugging in my computer I began searching. I stripped off my shirt, took a couple of faceless body pose pictures and posted them to Craigslist, asking around for some tips about the scene in the area near campus. Soon the advertisement I posted received several responses containing pictures of cocks and asses, and asking me to fuck. I'll admit I jacked off to a few of them, but I really wanted to know where I could go to check out guys - aside from online. Finally I received and e-mail without pictures that read: Go to El Lobo Motel off the expressway. I immediately responded, asking for more info but received no reply. I looked up the place and found it on the outskirts of town. It literally seemed to be in the middle of no where, but there was a bar and a truck stop nearby. The hotel sounded very sleazy, but the bad boy in me gave in to curiosity. My heart raced as I stuffed a few twenties into my wallet, got into my truck and drove out to the motel, thinking in case I wanted to stay around I could have a place. I parked and walked inside to the front desk. The place looked deserted, and when I rang the bell, there was no sound. I rang it again, and I jumped when I heard someone in the back yell. "I HEARD YOU THE FIRST FUCKING TIME FAGGOT!" Out walked the man behind the voice. "Your car break down or something?" "Nah Nah...I actually needed a room." The guy paused and looked at me again. I guess I wasn't the usual type of clientele. "For how long?" he carefully asked. I couldn't help but smile - the sleaziness of it all was actually exciting. "For the night." "55...and I'll need a copy of your ID" said the clerk. I pulled out three twenties and my ID. He made a copy and wouldn't take his eyes off me. I looked around the room trying to avoid eye contact. "Room 5. Enjoy your stay" he said as he handed me a ten, a key, and unceremoniously disappeared into the backroom. It was 10:00 PM when I opened the door to the room I'd rented for the night. It smelled funny. Had a mirror on the sliding door of the closet. The mattress squeaked. I shrugged and changed into a tight black shirt which showed-off my chest. I was determined to get laid and headed to the bar to see who I could round up. This was becoming more and more of the type of adventure for which I had been looking; I was determined, just this once, to really lose control. I walked over to the bar walked to the door and was stopped immediately by a firm grip to my arm. Holding my arm was a bald Latino guy, with a full beard, maybe late 40s, wearing sunglasses. His arms and chest were bigger than mine and a beer gut over hung his massive looking legs. He was about four inches shorter than my height, but I knew could tell he meant business. "ID, kid." Without thinking it through, I handed it to him. "You're 21" he said as he handed it back to me. "No, I didn't think about...." "You're 21" he again stated. I paused as he picked up his sun glasses and smiled at me. "Yeah, I am," smiled back at him. "All right. Tell 'em you're with Joe. They won't ask you for anything." I smiled widely and walked into the dimly lit bar, where I immediately felt pairs of eyes studying me. The bartender walked up to me looking somewhat annoyed. pissed. "Joe says I'm cool" I immediately said when he reached me. The bartender smiled almost evilly. "Really now? What will it be?" "Just a beer" I answered, asking "What's the charge?" "If you're with Joe its free" replied the bartender, as he disappeared behind the bar for a second while I looked around. There were probably about twelve guys in the bar, all of whom were staring at me. Most of them looked in their later 40s early 50s, seemed uniformly heavy, tired, and possessing lots of facial hair. To be honest, I stood out like an Adonis. As I turned-back to the bar, the bartender handed me a beer and smiled, gave me a nod, and walked off. I admit I was hoping to find at least a few guys closer to my age, but then again I recognized I had not thought my plan completely through, but I figured, 'hell, maybe I can get a good blowjob out of one of 'em'. I took a swig of my beer and about then I noticed the Latino guy who carded me walk into the bar, and head directly over to me. All eyes were on him as he took the seat next to me, gestured to the bartender, who immediately placed two beers on the counter, upon which the Latino guy commented "You're not done with the first one yet?" to which I replied "Well, no, I'm not, but thanks for the beer, but aren't bouncers supposed to stay outside?" "Who said I was a bouncer?" he replied as he chugged down his beer in a few gulps. I began to get hard as I imagined him sucking down my cock with the same skill. He put the beer down and looked at me expectantly. I smiled and began to chug my beer. I wasn't as experienced drinker as was he, 'cause I honestly thought it was the worst tasting beer I had ever had, but by the same token, didn't want to insult the guy, particularly if there was any chance of getting a blow job from him. One or two more gulps later, I finished the beer, and without delay he handed me the second beer. I smiled a 'thanks' and took a gulp. Without a word the bartender handed him another. "I'm Joe" the Latino guy remarked as he held out his hand. "Riley" I responded and we shook hands. His grip was firm, and his forearms hairy. We made pleasantries and talked. By the time my second beer was halfway down I felt a strong buzz come over me. My speech was somewhat slurred and I couldn't stop smiling. I got up to pee, and nearly fell off my stool, head first. Fortunately Joe caught me by the arm. God, he was strong. His arms were huge and chest too. As he pulled me up, he said something, but I couldn't make out what he was saying, so I just smiled. He smiled back, put my arm over him shoulder, and began to assist me out the bar. As we walked/stumbled towards the hotel, I pulled out the key to my room and tried to guide him to the room, but had difficulty doing so. "I need a blow job so bad" I almost yelled as we finally found the room and he laid me on the squeaky bed. I heard him laugh. I kicked off my shoes and took off my shirt to show off make this daddy drool for me dick. When I looked at him he was sitting at the edge of the bed with a small green pipe. I never saw him light it but he blew white smoke into my face that smelled thick and bad. I coughed and asked what it was. He just smiled and told me to try some. I put my mouth around the end of the pipe and he coached me to wait till i saw the smoke then to inhale it and hold it before i blew it out. I did it again and felt a tingling sensation run through my entire body I let my head fall back and moan. Joe handed me the pipe and lighter and stripped his own shirt and pants off. He was built wide like a rock all over. His chest must have been a size 46 or bigger, his arms 19 inches, and his legs massive. A thick mat of hair covered his entire body (except for his shaved head). Through his boxers he stroked a fat bulge which I watched with interest as he massaged the bulge, watching it expand in his boxers. I kicked off my own pants and boxers showing off my nice seven inch cut dick stroking it. I was pretty smooth except for a small treasure trail which I kept maintained with very little hair. Joe walked over to me as I stroked and picked up the pipe and lit up and took a big hit then he held my head and moved in. His lips touched mine and he exhaled into me. I inhaled his breath and felt my whole body become tingly. As I exhaled his breath his lips found my neck and sucked. I let him lay me down on the bed as I felt his hand wrap around my dick and I felt Joe's muscular stocky hairy body climb over me sucking on my chest and travel down my abs and treasure trail. It all felt so amazing I was lost. I waited to feel his lips wrap around the head of my cock when suddenly I felt him lift-up my legs. I let out a loud hard moan when I felt a warm wetness press against my hole. His hands kept my legs pressed up as his tongue licked around and pressed back on my virgin hole again and again in pattern licking and pressing over and over. "Oh my god" I moaned as I let him move my hands under me knees while he continued his oral assault on my ass. He had begun to bite my ass cheeks and suck and tongue my hole. His tongue began to fuck more roughly, making me moan louder and louder. My head rolled. I never imagined more than a blowjob and here I was getting tongue fucked, while high on who knows what. "How's that feel?" he asked when he finally took a break. "Amazing" I stuttered and sighed. "Your turn then" and with that he grabbed my hair and pulled my head to the edge of the bed revealing his enormously fat cock. It was about the length of my cock, but the girth was enormous. I wrapped my hand on it. It was hard as a rock and filled my entire fist. He moved my head down to his cock, brushing my lips and I opened them to feel his hugely thick cock stretch my jaw. He held my head and moved this cock in and out of my lips, until my jaw began to feel numb. Each time he withdrew, I spat-up drool, and snot flowed from my nostrils as I gagged and sputtered. Every now and then I could feel his balls slap my chin, and with each inward thrust I gagged more. This was not a 'polite' blow-job. Grabbing my hair, Joe then pulled my head off his cock, spat on my face, and then rubbed his cock head through his own spit. I was so drunk and high I could only grunt and moan. Every so often he would pause in fucking my throat, and hold a bottle of poppers to my nostrils, and ordered me inhale. The powerful fumes definitely helped me accommodate him, and soon enough I took the bottle and began taking hits of it on my own, feeling my head become dizzy and my face completely numb by the time he finally stopped face-fucking me. His cock and my face were both covered with sweat, snot, saliva, and spit-up from my gagging. Joe then yanked me to my feet, turned me around, and went back to aggressively eating my hole. My head was lodged against the mattress and head board, so I couldn't help but back my ass onto his face, but I was able to take occasional hits from the poppers he had given me. The effect of the fumes was to induce me to moan and grunt all the louder, and push back even harder. This was animalistic sex at its best. Then I felt something thicker pushing against my hole. Looking back, I saw he was stuffing a finger into my hole, and reaming me out hard and roughly. My ass was burning. Thinking I would ask him to take it a bit easier, I looked back again and saw he was holding open plastic bag containing a whitish powder in his free hand, and that he was stuffing some of the power into my virgin hole. Within seconds the powder made my ass eager for his assault, which caused me to arch my back. I was on my knees and backing-up onto his finger, my head looking up towards the ceiling while he finger fucked me. "That's it, you little muscle slut pup" I heard Joe say, as he added "Give Daddy your hole!" I was bounching on his finger pushing my ass back on it moaning and fucking when I felt a second digit push through my tight ring. "AHHHH" I groaned, feeling pain and pleasure all at the same time. He removed his fingers, flipped me onto my back, stuffing his dirty boxers into my mouth deep, then resumed pushing two fingers in and out of my ass. I watched his thick arm flex as he roughly continued to finger fucked me. I felt-up my body, tweaked my nips, and felt-up my muscles. I had ever before enjoyed pleasuring myself as much, and my cock had never before been harder. I don't know how long he pushed his fingers in and out of me, but it felt like forever. Then I felt him climb on top of me as his enormous dick pressed-up against my still very tight ass lips. "Oh yeah, boy, it's time to pop this cherry" he grunted. I tried to push him off, but was unsuccessful because I was still high, drunk and disoriented. I gotta admit, in retrospect, I can't even say I really wanted to push him off, at least not not all of me wanted to - at least a substantial portion of my brain was enjoying being used by a real man. Then I felt his enormous head pressing on my hole. Naturally his cock head wouldn't readily fit, but he didn't stop applying pressure. My eyes widened when I felt my hole begin to stretch and his cock began to enter into me. I screamed into his boxers as I felt my abused hole give way to further abuse, some of which was exciting, but the pain was real. He pushed consistently and I felt him entering me in slow motion as my hole stretching around the thick mushroom head, swallowing it centimeter by centimeter. He laid on top of me pushing and pushing continuously, adding pressure notwithstanding my screams and thrashings. Eventually, however, his balls rested on my ass cheeks. My hole was massaging his cock over and over as Joe's cock nested deep inside my body. Then I felt him flex his dick inside me, which seemed to encourage my ass to match his rhythm. I frantically took a deep hit of the poppers, which I sensed might help me relax, and doing so was a good call, as Joe began to pound my hole over and over unmercifully. He slapped my chest and face while he fucked me, grabbing my abs and hips and chest. twisting my nipples. lodging my legs open as his thick cock fucked and fucked and fucked and fucked. I could barely feel my hole close when he pulled out and shoved it balls deep back in, groaned as I moaned and (groaned). There seemed no end to his stamina. Then he pulled out and dragged me to my feet pushing my hands against the mirror on the door of the closet. He spread my legs and pushed in and I watched the reflection as he fucked me standing. He had his cell phone in his hand and was recording our session. I grunted and groaned a bitch in heat, my tight body fully controlled by the fat hairy Daddy. Finally he flipped me on the bed, once again on my back, my legs against his check, and he commenced to fuck me harder and faster. I looked in his eyes and could see when he blew his load, his cock deep inside my ass, as an enormous cum load shot into my ass. There, I said it: he came in my ass, and hardly a thoughtful, safe sex encounter - this was an utterly bestial experience, and as he began to come down from his orgasm, he grabbed my cock and jerked me once, twice, three times, at which point I shot my own cum onto my face, as his final dribbles of cum flowed into my ass. He pulled out, licked the cum off my body, pulled-up his pants, took the money in my wallet and walked-out of the room, leaving me there on the bed, covered in saliva, cum, and sweat. I opened my legs and saw in the mirror that my hole was gaped-open, red and bruised, about as wide as a those Kennedy half-dollar coins my Grandfather collected. I spent the next half-hour or so reliving the experience, and causing my hole wink in the mirror. Then the door opened and I saw the bartender from earlier walk in and begin to strip down. I could barely move when he climbed between my legs and felt his long thick cock nudge his way into my ass. He moaned as he fucked me and I watched him as if from a 1,000 miles away as he felt me up. He came quickly, and no more than twenty minutes later I jacked myself off. The next morning I got back to my dorm and laid down on my small bed. I touched my hole and grunted in pleasure, thinking about the cocks I had experienced, and imagined all the cocks I wanted to experience, all the things I wanted to try. Eventually I thought to check-out my computer to see if there were any additional replies to my Craigslist advertisement. There were a couple, but the one that really caught my eye was from the the guy who originally recommended the El Lobo Motel to me. His message said simply: Come back to the motel. Got three more guys who wanna fuck you. I packed a bag and went back to my truck.
    2 points
  25. I'm now 60 and look like Santa..I would like to find guys that get off on fucking Daddy.. anyone interested,?
    2 points
  26. First time poster. I am curious as to why I never read anything on this site about cleaning out with a saltwater cleanse, I haven’t found any posts about it with a search. It’s super easy to do: mix a quart (mason jar) of warm water with 2 teaspoons of pink salt (natural salt) and drink it all within 5 minutes, on a completely empty stomach. It passes right through my system within an hour. When I’m ready to play, I do a simple enema and I’m ready to go. I play with large toys and it is so much easier to clean my insides from the top instead of trying to spend hours cleaning from the bottom. This also allows me to eat anything I want the day before and not have to worry about having an accident. Word of warning: you must do it when you wake up in the morning, when your stomach is completely empty. I’ve read that food in the stomach can cause your body to either not pass that large amount of salt water or worse, pass the undigested food into your intestines. This will result in extreme bloating and gas. 👍
    1 point
  27. I remember it was some guy from gaydar when I was barely legal and on my parents bed. Other than that it's a blur
    1 point
  28. White jock, but would not be unknown to wear either a leather or rubber jock under the suit
    1 point
  29. Ah..gotcha....I read it wrong. Dark is good raw is best!
    1 point
  30. In my view, 'side' isn't actually a real thing. It's just an excuse to put them in control of how the event progresses. Gives them better leverage to reject you after you've invested time, effort and possibly expense getting to a certain level of arousal. They can swing either way - or not - at their choosing. You have no control. I simply refuse to engage with someone who says they're a 'side'. "Sorry mate, that's not a thing!" 😃
    1 point
  31. This matter of punishing even people who use a VPN is even more dangerous than the "anti-porn" laws themselves. This is the introduction to government censorship I'm not one of those believing in conspiracy or stuff, I talk as a computer professional: true that VPN's and anonymizers are sometimes used to harm, but well, even knives. Even cars... And PILLOWS have been used to kill, sometimes. So? Do we give punishments to people having a pillow at home? The most serious problem is that politicians proposing and voting these rules, use an existing problem (need to protect minors from inappropriate contents), for making citizens accept strict anti-freedom rules. And why all of this? Because they do not want to make the effort of working in EDUCATION. It's hard to do, it's long and slow, but it's long-lasting too. I'm European and many countries are discussing these "internet-killer" laws too. Voting is the only way we have, to defend ourselves! But when they put children in propaganda, for non-rational people it's very very difficult! I have a 15-months-old nephew, my twin sister's giving me a niece in 2024, who knows what I'd do if someone ever tries to put their hands on my family. But I'm enough rational and experienced in Internet and computers, to understand that prohibition is not effective. It represses adults, who then might even between violent to the same children they want to protect. If you don't have access to porn any longer what do you do? With the horniness you used to satisfy seeing naked folks on video/pic, you just try to manipulate ordinary social networks and chats visitors, to get them naked in your private chat sessions. That's all. P.S. - same to make porn access difficults, are the same to promote weapons! Sorry, I'm always frank while I talk. As usual.
    1 point
  32. Yesterday I was back at the bathhouse to have some fun, got fucked and loaded in my room, got another load in mouth while getting fucked in one of the public rooms. The best was a hook up with an Asian man that took me back to his room and fucked me in all kinds of positions. He was very verbal and aggressive, called me his boy, would slap my face, cock and balls ( I still have a bruise on my cock) he opened his door so others could watch and also share my ass but there were no takers. What a missed opportunity as I was very horned up and looking to get fucked by everyone, maybe next time.
    1 point
  33. @Spunkinmyarse You are sooooo right! The condom unwrapping move - oh boy! I get that from time to time but that's OK as long as they are not getting their tits in a knot and get all huffing and puffing about it. That's when I stop really close by and whisper in their ear: 'My hole, My rules". And since I can say that in a few dozen languages the message is loud and clear. I can also imagine that some would try to show their disdain towards me after that, but I haven't really noticed it . Maybe because I am always on a hunt for the next ass to fuck or cock to take in. What a slut I am, aren't I?! LOL
    1 point
  34. If you're tempted enough to try it, the subject of how to make them, store them, use them, etc was discussed at length a while ago in previous a thread. Fin som snuss !!
    1 point
  35. I absolutely believe romantic relationships are a great thing, and am fortunate to have had quite a few over the years. They don't always last, though sometimes they do, and they can certainly go wrong in a variety of ways. My experience is that expecting them to be forever is a recipe for disappointment (everything is temporary, after all), but enjoying them for what they are can be a great joy... more of one than sex, for me. My personal experience is that they are not at all necessarily linked to a sexual connection with the person. I've had powerful sex experiences with people with whom I'd never dream of having a romantic relationship, and really good romantic relationships with people where the sexual component was not all that, or was great for a while and then faded out to little or nothing. One more reason monogamy would never work for me.
    1 point
  36. Try and have your tops get in the habit of giving you a 24 to 36 hour advance notice. I mostly fuck my few regular bottoms who are usually pre-cleaned and ready to take me long and deep. For instance, I will start contacting my weekend bottoms on Thursday evening to see if they're available. But short notice fucks are a recipe for mess and an embarrassing situation.
    1 point
  37. I would like to give my readers to this story a say on what Sir Doug gets sub Jason high on in the next chapter via react emojis to this comment. The choices are; pig = K thanks = Angel Dust upvote = Meth Clouds like = LSD
    1 point
  38. Aids did not forced me back into a closet. Orphans in my early teens. I didn’t really I have a closet to go back into. And because I was already studying dance and ballet with some pretty major companies, I was used to people assuming I was gay even before I was ready to except myself. but my oldest and closest childhood friend, had the misfortune to be one of the first people in KC to die from aids. It galvanized me. I helped establish the first AIDS service organization in in KC. Later, two more such groups. Still underage, I carried baskets of condom and informational materials weekly to the two bath houses. I drove patients to their (primitive) treatments, and other chores for them. And I raised money. Corporate cash and involvement was not really a thing. At that point and aids services were supported one dollar at a time on the talents of drag queens. I didn’t do drag, but I emceed countless shows and did whatever I could. It all became unbearably ugly. I watched a lot of friends die horribly. Attended to many funerals. I debated focus on the family founder, James Dobson. I listened to a Pfizer representative pronouns that there was absolutely no money in a cure, and we shouldn’t expect that. And a lot of other hellish stuff. Then I hit burn out. I took a long breath and looked around me, and I realized that I had not had a significant relationship or really sex with another man at all for a long time. Aids did not keep me in the closet. It did something worse. It made me afraid of sex. It froze me emotionally. I did not even want to form relationships. I was just in too dark of a space. it took me a long time to work my way back into some thing that looked like light. I’m not sure I’m there yet.
    1 point
  39. Part 2 “Take off your pants,” I said, my finger running down his trail of hair and stopping above the button, teasing my need to see the dick he wouldn’t be using that night. At least, not the way he would be thinking. He scrambled to unbutton his pants, dropping them to reveal briefs which hugged his erection perfectly. His cock was pressed against his body, moving along his left hip as far as it could go. It could go pretty far, but there wouldn’t be any argument on who was going to be the top once he saw mine. I left my shirt on but undid my jeans, revealing the jockstrap I wore beneath. Because it was dark, he couldn’t see the stained fabric clearly, but he’d sense it in a moment. I parted my legs a bit, allowing for my bulge to become even more prominent. For a third time, he licked his lips. “Take off your briefs,” I said. Eager, he pushed them down, allowing his erection to jut out. He had to be seven inches, maybe eight, clearly a young man who was gifted genetically. How he viewed himself as anything but a catch was beyond me. All the men who could have had him before I got to him should have been ashamed of themselves. Hopefully, after I was done with him, they’d get another chance and receive their punishment for their mistake. His balls were pulled tight to his body, his desire to fuck plain as day. His chest was rising and falling quickly, his anticipation rising. I wondered how many men he’d been naked with. I wondered how many men he’d fucked or been fucked by. I wondered if he knew that, even if he wanted to, there was no chance of escape now. He was mine. “Remove my jock,” I told him. He looked down, confused a first, and then stepped forward, reaching out a hand. “No,” I told him. “Remove it with your teeth.” He looked up into my eyes, waiting for further instruction, and then kneeled. “Hands behind your back,” I told him. He followed what I told him, clasping his hands behind himself as he leaned forward, his face stopping a few inches from my crotch. I was sure he was smelling the jock strap now, but I knew there was no way he was going to back out. Even if the smell did put him off, he wanted not only my approval but also my dick so badly that he’d do anything I told him. That was good as that was exactly what I planned on doing. He opened his mouth and tried to angle himself better, his teeth separated slightly. I knew that there was no way to take the jock strap off without either risking biting my dick or having to press his face against my body. He did the right thing, and I was proud of him. He pressed against my body and managed to get the jock strap pouch in his mouth, stains and all. I watched to see if he’d spit it out or grimace from the taste, but there was no reaction other than a low groan I knew was from pleasure. Slowly, he pulled down with his teeth, his hands still behind his back, dragging the jock strap off my grown and down my legs. Before he could get far, my cock shot out and hit him in the face, leaving a trail of precum across his forehead. Rather than stop his progress, he continued pulling the jock strap down my legs until meeting the floor. Seeing him bent over, the crack of his ass meeting my gaze for the first time, I felt a rush of energy coursing through me. I was sure it was partially an aftereffect of the young man I’d fucked that morning, his “energy” still settling into my body. “If you’re going to take all of me,” I told him, his innocent eyes looking up at me, “You’ll want to get me slick for your hole.” He slowly nodded and raised himself until he was eye-to-eye with my dick. He stuck out his tongue and licked the underside of the shaft, lingering on the glands and sending waves of pleasure through my body. Without having to think, my hand reached around and grabbed the back of his head, slowly pressing the head of my cock against his lips. “More than that, boy,” I said, my voice deep. All men his age have some type of lust for a daddy and to be dominated. “Boy” gets them to the place of needing my approval faster. Now, I was sure he’d want to please me no matter what else I wanted. Getting my raw cock up his ass would be too easy. Half of my dick was in his mouth, moving toward this throat, and already his eyes were watering. How many men this young guy had sucked off I didn’t know, but I assumed it wasn’t many. He needed training. I’d do it, except I never fucked the same guy twice. I entered his ass, blew my load into his guts, took his years, allowed my strain to do its work, and I moved on. Still, watching this guy trying to get my cock deep into his throat had my already hard dick getting even stiffer. Fuck, I loved watching men work so hard to please the man that saw them only as cum disposals. Did they think it gave them worth? I snatched my dick out of his mouth, his spit stringing between us. I leaned forward and cleaned my dick on his face, his spit sticking to his stubble. “Time to open your hole,” I said, winking at the eager face staring up at me. He jumped off the floor and climbed onto the bed. I never asked if this guy was a bottom. I just knew. He looked like a man who lived to serve the needs, desires, and lusts of other men. It’s what he was made for, and I was going to help him fulfill his purpose. There are few true tops in the world, just some men who don’t know what their asses need… just men who didn’t know what they needed to give up to me to truly live. “On all fours,” I told him as I saw him lying on his back. Why guys wanted to fuck missionary I didn’t know. I don’t want to be looking at your face the whole time. I have mirrors in my room so I can look at the bottom’s face as I blow my load and infect their bodies. I’d rather watch their bodies squirm as my big dick fills them, threatening to tear them in two. When they’re on all four, I can see their arms shaking, trying to stabilize themselves. Plus, it’s a great view of their ass. His ass was pointed toward me, his back slightly arched down, pushing his muscular mounds of flesh in my direction. There is a coating of hair over them, just enough to prove that this was a real man taking dick. My cock glistened from his saliva, giving enough lube to push inside his ass with little effort. I almost bottomed out, but I stopped, watching as his ass opened, his arms shaking, and his head tilting back as ecstasy filled his body. “Fuck” he moaned. I saw in a mirror that his eyes were closed, face showing the struggle of taking my big dick but also loving it. He bit his lower lip as he moaned, my dick slowly pulling out until only the head remained. “Tell me you want me,” I told him, my hands grasping either ass cheek and holding tight to the warm skin. “I fucking want you,” he said, eyes still closed. “Tell me you need me.” “I need you.” “You need me to what?” I taunted. “You need me to make you mine?” “Fuck yes,” he moaned, back arching lower, his ass pulling my dick inside his body. “Make me yours. Take me.” The magic words. “You’ve got it,” I said, thrusting my entire dick into his body. His head thrust back, eyes looking up to the ceiling, mouth open wide as I opened his ass wider than any other man had or he ever could. His arms shook, but the strength of his youth held through, keeping him up. His back started to rise, but I pushed down, arching his back, moving all the way into his body. “Don’t fight me,” I told him, pulling out and thrusting inside again, his ass shaking while his hole grabbed onto my dick. Even his body knew he needed me to stay inside him, to finally bring his life some importance. His warmth radiated from his body, his heartbeat felt clearly on my cock. With every thrust, I could feel our heartbeats syncing, “Just give in.” “Fuck,” he moaned, his voice quaking. “It… feels… so… good…” “I know, baby,” I said. Even if I hadn’t already locked him in, calling him “baby” would definitely make him mine. “Can you feel how big I am inside you? Can you feel how big you’re making me?” “You’re huge,” he moaned. “It’s like… It’s like you’re tearing me open.” “Only if I didn’t restrain myself,” I said. In the mirror I could see that his dick was rock hard, cum leaking out as if he was cumming. All men did this when I fucked them. Their weak bodies worked hard to prepare themselves for my gift, for what they were about to receive and give up. Though the bottom didn’t know it, his mind too focused on how wide I was stretching his ass and how hard I was hitting his prostate, his body knew what was about to happen and had already surrendered itself to me. The prey knows when the predator has won. Now, as I gave him the best fuck he’d ever had, his body was ridding itself of all the negative cum stored up inside its balls, making room for what I would be injecting inside. Soon, his balls will produce triple the amount of cum compared to a normal man, burdening him with the need to spend the remainder of his life fucking any man he comes across. He won’t be able to do much else as the urgency to spread my gift will consume him. In a matter of minutes, his body will be producing poz cum. But not just any poz cum… my poz cum. “Fuck,” he said again, finally noticing the incredible amount of cum leaking out of him. “You’re fucking the cum right out of me.” “Yes, I am,” I said, my grip tightening on his hips. I could still feel his heartbeat in his hole. As he was looking down at his cock, I felt a strong wave of warmth coursing through my body and down to my cock. Suddenly, his head was thrown back, eyes wide, mouth open, but there was no sound made. In that moment, our heartbeats were one. The connection was finalized. There was no escaping me now. I released his hips knowing he couldn’t get away even if his life depended on it… and it did. I pulled my shirt off, revealing my biohazard tattoo in the mirror. Already it was fading from what it had been in the club. I looked down at his lower back and saw the new addition to his body. It was faint, but the pale outline of a biohazard tattoo was coming through on his skin, growing darker with each thrust. His body had accepted me. His body had synced with me. Now, it was time to make his body and what would have been the remainder of his life mine. I picked up my pace, sweat pouring off my body, my grunts now sounding animalistic. The room stank of sex, his dick still ridding itself of unworthy cum. No longer would his balls produce the cum carrying his DNA, the cum which could have promised him a family. Now, his balls were preparing to change forever, to evolve into their ultimate state. Soon, his balls would produce my cum, ending his family line and continuing mine. This is what he was made for. “Who do you belong to?” I cried out, my pace quickening, our heartbeat growing faster. “You,” he said, his mind now rewriting itself, teaching him of his new objective in life. “Who does your dick belong to?” “You.” “And whose toxic cum is churning now inside your balls?” “Your cum.” “And whose life am I taking in replace of gifting you with my cum?” The young man’s head tilted down and his eyes met mine in the mirror. “My life,” he said. “Then give it to me,” I said, forcing the entirety of my dick inside his body and erupting inside him. His head fell forward while mine went back, now my eyes and mouth wide open in pure ecstasy. In that instant, I could see all the days he would have lived if I hadn’t met him. I could see him finishing college, making his parents proud. I could see him getting his dream job. I could see him meeting a nice man and falling in love. I could see him proposing and starting a family. I could see his face as years went by, his true potential unrealized. Just as quickly as I saw it, these images faded into darkness. All those years he could have lived were now moving into me. As all of this was happening, my tattoo was fading away until my arm was bare, the tattoo on his lower back a vibrant sign of his new status. His dick stopped leaking, his balls transforming painfully in his sack, his face twisting from the agony of his transformation. His balls were now mirroring my own, ready to serve their new purpose of pozzing up more men in my image. I could feel my body growing in strength, a new energy filling me. The young man’s youth filled every part of me. I pulled my dick out of his ass, his body slumping down onto the bed. He was fast asleep. He wouldn’t sleep for long. Once he wakes, he’ll get up, get dressed, and head out on his way into his new life, his new purpose. He won’t say anything since there’s nothing left to be said. I don’t know where he’ll go or what he’ll do concerning the images I saw. I know they’re not possible now. Perhaps he’ll drop out of school to give himself more time to fuck. Perhaps he’ll never talk to his family again, disappearing into the bathhouses and gloryholes where no one can disturb him of what he knows needs to be done with the remainder of his life. Who knows how much time he has. I don’t. I also don’t care. He served his purpose, giving an alpha man like me, a true man, more time on this earth to fuck up other men and continue my legacy. Once he truly realizes what I’ve done to him, he won’t do anything to stop what is coming. He’ll accept it as his true destiny. I flexed in the mirror, admiring myself. The punk’s life took almost ten years off me. I looked at my arm and knew the tattoo would come back eventually. When it did, I’d find several more men to pick up the burden of keeping my strain alive. The young man groaned on the bed, his new tattoo in sight, the skin around it an angry red. “I really took it out of you,” I said, smiling in the mirror. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ If I turn this into a series, I'd explore different men with this ability and the men who fall prey to them. Maybe I'd return to Hunter again. That's an "if" for now. Enjoy Hunter.
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  40. Chapter Eight; Nate's journey. We were both in utter shock. Sir Bill's DNA did not take. Nate could not understand and had been convinced the last 9 months that he was p☢️z, as had I. Had I eaten the evidence with my greedy felching meal? 😈 We had planned to go for a nice lunch to celebrate which we still did, but we didn't have the celebrations we were anticipating. Again as I had training this evening I ate lightly. We went home and when the time came I douched and went to Sir Bill's. Just before I left my Nate got a text with all of his results including the HIV test from his arm. Everything was negative. He seemed to not only be shocked, but also be down about it. I left my man at home and went to my next training session. As I lay there getting an enema from Sir I told him about Nate's results from today... - That is very unusual. Maybe the toothbrush treatment and my new obscenely high viral load would do the trick second time around. - What is your viral load now, SIR? - Oh, ho ho ho, a little more than double than what it was 9 months ago. I have been taking lots of recharges via blood slams. So fucking hot! FUCK. I cannot stop doing it. I looked at him quizzically as though to say; ''answer my question please'' - So yeah, my current viral load stands at eight Million and seven hundred and sixty eight fucking thousand, pig. Happy now? - Fuck, when can you breed me SIR? We have been training for 9 months. How much longer? - I hear impatience in your voice. You will be bred when you are loose enough for my liking. - But you can FFist me now up until half way up your Bicep. What gives? - Shoulder deep will be the trigger. Don't worry pig, you are almost there. As our latest training session got under way my Nate back at home is in the shower having done a thorough douching and then an enema. Once washed and dried he put on an outfit for play, and then on top of his outfit he put on plain and baggy sports gear for his journey on public transport. And his destination; A Leather bar that he likes going to but hasn't been to in the nine months we have been together. *** As my beautiful chasing pig of a boyfriend Matthew spends the next day and a half training with Sir Bill, I Nate will narrate my big part to this story, starting now! *** As a way of dealing with the news today that I am still neg (I still cannot believe it), it was my intention to take as many loads as possible in the vain hope there was a grotesque vile mega charged stud to do the deed. Upon arrival I stripped off from my baggy sports gear which I put into my bag which went into the coat check, leaving just my cash card which I left behind the bar for any purchases, and my outfit which consisted of; A Black Leather Harness with red piping, a red rubber jockstrap, and army boots. I left my cash card at the bar and went straight down into the basement and hopped into one of the slings. There was a big crowd upstairs and many followed me down. No sooner had I hopped in a sling then I had an anon Dick inside of my sloppy cunt, straight into a good fast hard fuck. I noticed he sported a biohazard tattoo. Fuck, I hope he is not on meds. He looked down at me and smirked.... - FUCK, I have never known a cunt so loose, I can only feel the wet and the warm, my Dick isn't even scraping the sides, what a nasty pig. Fancy a t☣️xic load then fAG? I didn't reply, I just closed my eyes and let him do what he had to do. A few short minutes of hard fucking and he slammed in and started to grunt. YES, load number one, and it was detectable! He withdrew, slapped my pert ass cheek, left, and seconds later another RAW Dick was inside of me. I wanted to try and keep a tally, and despite losing count a few times I ended up with a number of 15. I had been down in the basement getting pounded and bred for a little over and hour and it was becoming thirsty work, so I went upstairs to the bar for a quick soft drink, just a sparkling mineral water. I sat there on a high wooden stool facing the bar, drinking my drink slowly, and despite having at least 15 loads inside of me I felt empty and unsatisfied. I know what I wanted and needed, and that was that grotesque vile mega charged stud to do the deed that had to be done if I was ever to attain my goal. I know many would think I am crazy and completely fucked up, but it was where I wanted to go. I thought about my boyfriend Matty going through his training session. I smiled knowing he was most definitely high by now and getting stretched. Sir Bill certainly was working his magic as Matty's cunt was already destroyed, like mine. He was so tight when we met. As I sat there pondering I felt a cold hand touch my ass cheek. I turned my head and there he was, that grotesque vile mega charged stud who I saw at the sauna nine months ago on the day I met Matty and Sir Bill, that's right, it was only Sir Bill's friend Ronald. - Aaaaaaahhh, it's you ... Nate isn't it, Matthew's boyfriend? - Yes. Great to see you again. You are fucking hot. At 63 years old he was thirty seven years my senior with a ravaged weathered look, and I found it so hot and intoxicating. - Thanks pig. Fancy a fuck downstairs? You look as though you could do with a nasty recharge, even though I cannot help but notice your loose sloppy cunt is dripping cum onto the bar floor. - Fuck YES! I necked the rest of my drink, and walked towards the entrance to the downstairs fuck basement. I heard him say ''recharge''. If only he knew what had happened with me today at the clinic. I didn't say anything to him right now to correct him as I needed his brutal and t☣️xic weapon deep in my guts. And it was a good job I am super loose as he when erect was even bigger than Sir Bill who already measured in at a whopping 12" in length by 5" in girth. Ronald here came in at a ridiculously HUGE 13" in length by 7" in girth. I had never seen anyone so extremely and obscenely well endowed. He also had a 10mm PA with a spiked ball on either end of the ring. I jumped into the sling and Ronald wasted no time in sliding in ALL THE WAY ... Balls Deep! - FUCKING HELL pig, I have never known in my several decades alive for anyone to be as loose as you. And I can tell you are already heavily loaded with seed. Fucking HOT! I didn't say anything, I just stared at his face as he smirked which showed off his sunken cheeks. He really was weathered, but he had stamina I give him that. He fucked me with a steady rhythm, not slow, but not fast. - How did it feel when you found out my friend Bill and knocked you up? A bet you had a big viral load at first!? - Erm, well, I only got around to getting tested today. - A-ha, so out for a celebratory cum-dump session. Good boy pig. Welcome to the club. - That's the thing you see, I don't know how, but Sir Bill's DNA didn't take. - Wha'? .... He abruptly withdrew his gigantic t☣️xic pierced fuck weapon out and started to knowingly laugh. - FUCK, so you are still not knocked up then? - No, Sir. He motioned with his head and eyes for me to look at his t☣️xic fuck weapon... - You see that? - Yes, Sir. - I can guarantee if you come back with me my highly charged weapon will sort you out. He slid back into me balls deep and leaned his face close to mine. - Up for a blood slam right now at my basement dungeon? I started deep into his eyes that seemed to have a tinge of yellow about them although I could not be sure. He stared back boring deep into my soul as he slowly rocked his hips back and forth causing his cunt destroyer to move only slightly in and out. We just kept on staring at one another as the energy between us built up to high intensity. I then replied to his question... - Yes please, SIR. Please help me with what I seek. - C'mon then, let's go.
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  41. Hey 🐷's If you would like to see this story progress then give it a 'like'. I never did get around to completing a story when I used to write them on here a long while ago, but I have written a lot to this one working within the confines of the new rules that came into action early last year, yet staying with the premise of chem sex, bug chasing and conversion. Maybe there is not an interest for those kind of stories now. If I do proceed and there is something in a story that is not allowed, then a moderator can do their thing whilst alerting me so I do not make the same mistake again. 🔥🌹☣️
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  42. Chapter 15 - Prom, Part 2 By the time the clock struck midnight, it was official- prom was a resounding success. Almost every one of Brian and Jake’s friends were incredibly supportive. If anyone had any negative feelings about their friends coming out, they kept it to themselves. Both boys were basking in the glow of living their true selves, and being able to do it with each other made it all the better. Brian even managed to get used to the various “nice catch” compliments he was getting all night; which of course he wholeheartedly agreed with. As prom was winding down, Brian was ready to proclaim it the best night of his life. As he walked out of the event venue, tie now loose around his neck, holding his jacket in one hand, his boyfriend’s hand in the other, he was thinking about how he would always remember this night. Coming out, being with Jake- he didn’t think it could get any better. Jake had already taken initiative and ordered an Uber as the entire senior class was busy getting kicked out of the restaurant. It must have been waiting nearby, as it was already outside when they got out to the parking lot. They said goodbye to their friends before climbing in the back seat, never letting go of the other’s hand. As the car left the party to take the boys home, Brian spoke up. “I’m pretty sure that was perfect.” “Yeah” Jake replied, before taking a big breath as he reviewed his night and realized just how happy he was. “Thank you, for making this happen.” The two locked eyes. “Thank you for being the most amazing, forgiving, and, not to mention, smoking hot boyfriend a guy could ask for” Brian replied, before leaning in to give Jake a kiss. Feeling rather exhausted, he put his head against Jake’s shoulder, his hand on Jake’s upper leg, and snuggled up while taking his own deep breath. He wasn’t ready to sleep, but he closed his eyes, just for a moment, to soak in this feeling. As Brian laid up against Jake’s muscular wrestler body, he thought he could feel him shaking. Brian opened his eyes, sat up a bit, and asked “Are you cold?” Jake laughed “No, why?” “You felt like you were shaking.” “Maybe, but it’s not because I’m cold.” Jake had a smirk on his face, which precipitated a confused look on Brian’s, who then realized his eyes had been closed for a few minutes at least. As he looked out of the car, he noticed they weren’t headed in the direction of his house. “Where are we going?” Brian asked. “Nowhere special, but some place private” Jake responded softly, trying to keep his cool. Brian just shot him a confused look; one that Jake could barely make out against the dim glow of streetlights shining into the car. “You’ll see” he said. ************ “Uh, is this the place?” The Uber driver seemed a little surprised to be bringing two high school boys from prom to a “budget” motel. “Yup, thanks” Jake responded, bounding quickly out the door of the car, basically pulling Brian out along with him. “A motel?” Brian asked. Jake didn’t respond. He just kept walking, quicker than normal, down the straight line of motel rooms. Brian could tell he was nervous. Jake dug into his pockets and pulled out a key attached to a big plastic tag. Finally, the pair got to the door of the last room at the motel. Jake inserted the key, opened the door, and gave Brian a quick glance- a mixture of nerves and lust. As soon as Brian rounded the corner into the room, Jake pulled him close, and the two high schoolers released all of the nervous energy that had kept them tightly wound-up all night into the most passionate make out session they had had to date. Brian pushed Jake backwards onto the motel bed as they kissed, and crawled on top of him, never breaking the connection until he finally said “Tonight was amazing”. Jake reached up and ran his hand through his boyfriend’s brown hair. “Yes, it was. And it’s not over yet.” Brian rolled onto his back on the bed and took a deep breath. “I can’t believe you got a motel room” he said with a laugh. He started peeling off his tux, which by this point was drenched in sweat from nerves and dancing. “Yeah, well I couldn’t really afford a hotel, and I wanted to be with you tonight. I want you to fuck me.” “Jake! You know I can’t do that!” Brian sat up, tux jacket and dress shirt still on, but both unbuttoned, showing his smooth, glistening chest and abs. “We have to be careful.” “Yeah, I know.” Jake replied, standing up and starting to take off his clothes now too. He quickly removed everything down to his boxers before turning back and looking at Brian, whose stiffening cock he thought he could make out through the thin dress pants he was still wearing. “But we can fuck around and be careful at the same time.” He picked up the tux jacket and reached into the inner breast pocket, and pulled out four or five condoms. Brian smiled- he was going to give Jake another warning, but deep down he already knew it was a formality. “No matter what we do there’s a chance I could infect you. Apparently, time-wise, I’m pretty toxic…”, he air-quoted the word, not sure Jake would get it, “…right now.” “It’s prom, I love you, and I’ll take my chances.” With that, Jake walked closer and Brian leaned back, his hands behind him on the bed, his legs bent underneath him at the knees, presenting his stiffening poz cock and smooth slim torso to this star athlete he had caught as his boyfriend. Jake’s hands when right to Brian’s pants, unzipping them and taking out Brian’s semi-hard 7.5in cock. Before Brian could protest, as this was not what he would have considered being careful, Jake attacked the twink’s cock with his mouth. Brian’s dick stiffened to attention immediately as it made its way deep into Jake’s warm throat. Jake’s hands ran up the gap in Brian’s shirt, caressing his smooth hard body as he sucked his dick. After a minute or so, Jake maneuvered himself onto the bed, and Brian could no longer hold himself up that way, so he collapsed down. Jake crawled over him, undid the belt, and slid off his pants and, to his surprise, sexy briefs. Then he helped Brian get out of his jacket and shirt before pausing for just a moment to soak in the sight of his naked 18 year old poz boyfriend. He went back to sucking Brian’s cock, which Brian allowed for a few minutes before grabbing Jake’s hair and turning the tables on him; pushing him back into the pillows and moving to take his own position of power. “I can’t cum in your mouth, and you had me close.” Brian pulled Jake’s boxers off of him, finally releasing his hard thick cock from it’s confines. Then, he went down on him just as he had in his Jeep in the high school parking lot a few weeks prior; which was the last time they had done more than make out. Jake closed his eyes and let Brian go to town, letting out a few faint moans- Brian was getting good at sucking dick. As Brian swirled his tongue around the tip of Jake’s hard cock, Jake clenched the comforter and did his best to stop himself from cumming. He didn’t want to explode what was sure to be a massive load in Brian’s mouth. “No.” Jake said, before grabbing Brian’s shoulders and lifting him up from his throbbing cock. “What?” Brian replied, a little confused. He thought for sure he’d have made Jake cum by now. Jake had other plans. Jake was his high school’s star wrestler, and it showed with how much quicker and stronger he was than Brian as he forced him to flip places yet again, Brian now flat on his back. He propped himself up a bit with his forearms and saw Jake moving to position his cock for a clear shot at his ass. “Wait, wear a condom!” “You came in me last time, I want to cum in you.” “This is NOT a good idea!” Brian pleaded with Jake. As much as Brian had been turned on throughout his entire pozzing journey, even when he was essentially being forced, he had only ever though of pozzing Jake as a gigantic mistake. He cared for his boyfriend more than anything he had ever cared about in his life, and didn’t want him to suffer for his bad decision making. “Me topping you will be fine” Jake responded, practically begging Brian to let him fuck him. “That’s not necessarily true” Brian said with a sigh. Jake just looked into his eyes, the love between them making the connection incredibly intense, and Brian could tell that Jake was still hoping for permission. “But it would be better than me fucking you.” Jake took that as permission. He grabbed Brian by the shoulder with his left hand, spit on his right hand before grabbing his cock, and guided it towards Brian’s smooth, tight ass hole. As Jake felt the tip of his cock touch Brian’s hole, he couldn’t stop himself. He thrust himself forward. His dick broke through and was now inside of his scrawny twink boyfriend. Brian let out a loud yelp as Jake’s barely lubed dick entered him. He wasn’t a virgin anymore, but his ass was still tight, and he was still unused to a having a thick hard rod slammed deep into it. This turned Jake on even more. He had loved letting Brian take him the first time they had sex, but now he was getting turned on by the fact that they were in their expected roles- the strong muscular jock pounding the skinny nerd. Jake didn’t last long; Brian had gotten him pretty worked up already with his superb blowjob. Jake pounded away as hard as he could for maybe a minute or two. Brian’s one hand was holding on to Jake’s arm, the other way on his chest. He could feel Jake shudder, and then Jake made one last forceful thrust before unleashing a massive load into Brian’s ass. Fully spent after a long day and hard fuck, Jake collapsed onto Brian, and they began making out again. Brian wrapped his legs around Jake and put one hand on his back while the other ran through his dark hair, capturing him in a tight embrace as they kissed. Jake had pulled his cock out, and Brian felt the cum leaking out his ass; it really had been a massive load. Brian wondered if Jake had cum at all since he sucked him off a few weeks back. After making out for a few more minutes, the two eighteen year olds just lie together, entangled on the motel bed, catching their breath. “I love you Jake, and that was amazing, but it was not a good idea.” Brian said, trying to come across as caring not scolding. Jake understood his tone. “I know, I brought the condoms for a reason. I just, I guess I know those other guys got to breed you, and I wanted to do it too. But, yeah, I should probably be more careful.” “It’s okay baby, it was fucking amazing.” ************ Brian and Jake cuddled together for a while after that, both tired but neither succumbing to sleep as the clock ticked into the early morning hours. Jake had snuck some vodka and rum out of his house, and so they boys each took a few shots and horsed around, alternating making out, feeling each other up, and just enjoying their two naked teenage bodies together and alone in a cheap motel. They were both tipsy, if not pretty much drunk, after a little while, and as Brian got up off the bed to go to the bathroom, Jake admired how his cock hung off his slender frame, how his leg muscles flexed any time he walked, and how his perky runner ass made him sexier than Brian would ever realize. He had never enjoyed watching someone walk that much before. While Brian was in the bathroom, Jake finally ripped open the covers of the bed and spread out, his head spinning a bit as he laid it down on the pillows. As Brian came out, Jake opened his legs wide to beckon Brian in so that he could hold him and feel more of his hot body. Brian loved what he saw too- Jake’s lean body, more muscular than Brian’s but still thin. His strong thighs, his patch of dark bush above his cock. He climbed onto the bed and sat on his knees in between Jake’s legs, playing with cock as he caressed his leg. “Did you realize how awkward I was? Jake asked. “What?” “When we ran into each other at BU. When I asked you to be my roommate. I honestly had no idea I could get a crush on someone so fast.” “Are you telling me you didn’t have a crush on me before!?” Brian playfully scoffed. “I really didn’t. You won me over in one day.” “Well, you know I had a giant crush on you for a while.” “I know” Jake responded with a cheesy smile. “I couldn’t believe it when you were there at BU. I couldn’t believe it when we spent the whole day together and you asked me to be your roommate. I couldn’t believe it when you kissed me.” Brian paused, and Jake kept smiling. “I especially couldn’t believe it when you let me fuck you.” Brian was getting turned on by thinking about their first time together. Both he and Jake were exhausted and buzzed, and their minds were in that hazy, could fall asleep at any moment state, and yet Brian’s cock was getting excited again. He took his cock in his hand as it neared it’s full 7.5 inch length again, and lightly rubbed the tip against Jake’s asshole. “I thought for sure you’d be the one fucking me, like tonight.” “What can I say, your cock is amazing, and I wanted it inside me. I wish we could do that again.” Jake replied, his eyes closed as he pictured himself getting fucked. Brian’s kinky, danger-seeking brain was getting a hit of adrenaline again, bringing him to that place where he made decisions he might later regret. He looked down at his hard cock, and knew it was essentially a weapon hanging there between his legs. And yet, it was his best feature, and he had to admit that he felt pretty damn sexy being poz. He imagined for a moment what it would be like to poz up Jake. He had been acting risky all night, but at the same time it seemed like he didn’t want to get infected. And yet, Brian thought about how hot it would be to make his first conversion his fellow 18 year old twink boyfriend. He thought about what they could do together in college if they were both poz. The other side of him was being more rational- and reminded Brian what he had learned lately: Brian could get on drugs for HIV, Jake could get on Prep, and they could fuck bare all they wanted. If Brian wasn’t exhausted, buzzed, and incredibly horny, that argument would have won out. But once again, that same feeling that came over him when he first texted Adam back, when he showed up at Adam’s house, when he let Adam bring him into that party- it was back. He grabbed Jake’s legs and put them up onto his shoulders, lined up his cock, and pushed it into Jake’s negative ass. “Whoa, what are you doing!” Jake’s exhaustion wiped away in an instant. He moaned as he felt Brian’s long cock slink its way deep inside his ass; it still hurt, being his second time, but he loved the feeling. And then he remembered why this shouldn’t be happening. “Brian!” he yelled. “Oh my god Jake your ass feels so good on my cock!” Brian yelled right back. “Brian stop! You’re going to poz me!” Jake tried to get out of this, but he was in a prone position, and they both learned then that Brian was stronger than he looked. Brian had basically bent Jake over as he began fucking him, and now was able to hold him down as he drilled his toxic cock deep into Jake’s hole. “Bri!!!” Jake pleaded. Brian knew he should stop, but he was getting high off of the control and the power he had in the moment. He stayed silent and just kept Jake pinned down and taking Brian’s cock in his negative ass. It didn’t take long for Brian’s balls to feel like they were overflowing with his toxic, newly-poz cum. Brian arched his shoulders back, pulled back on Jake’s legs and held on to them tight, and let out a long “fuckkkk” as he erupted balls deep in Jake’s ass.
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  43. I'm both mortified and horrendously turned on by being caught by people IRL. Definitely found a bunch of people I know and neighbors I see regularly on the street on apps, but I don't show my face so they don't know about me (I assume!). However I have two cruising stories where I ran into someone I knew: I went cruising at a popular university bathroom I like. Two guys were in the cruising stalls, I'd obviously interrupted something or they were finishing up. I went to a urinal, and another guy came in soon after and joined me at the next urinal. We started flashing our dicks at each other while one of the guys in the stalls zipped up, flushed, and left. Me and the guy at the urinal (young white guy, definitely a student, book bag and all), was hard and turned to me. I looked at the other store, and the guy in there was leaning into the crack of the door obviously looking for a show. I got on my knees and started sucking the kid off. At some point the guy in the stall opened his door and I could tell he was jacking off watching us, but I wasn't really paying attention. After a few minutes the student came, zipped up, and left. The guy in the stall started wagging his dick at me to come suck it, and I started to crawl in his direction... and I made eye contact with my neighbor. We lived in the same building. We rode the elevator together at least once a week. He was an older latino guy, pretty big bear. I almost freaked out but then he put his hand on my head and started whispering to me. "Good boy, you live in my building, don't you? You like sucking my cock, baby? Can we do this again? We can do it anytime, I can come over whenever you want..." He came pretty quick and I swallowed it. He winked and said he'd see me soon. I headed home from there, but in hindsight... we could have carpooled! We would always make eye contact/cruise when we ran into each other, but he lived with his family so it was hard to get alone. I saw him at the cruising spot a few more times. I was at my closest cruising park, hooked up with this super hot black guy. Tall, lean, one of the biggest dicks I've ever taken. One of my hottest fucks. He told me he wanted to get his black cum deep up my white ass. We say goodbye, I figure I'll be lucky to see him again. Shit you not, three days later, I walk out off my building (same building, what luck) and there he is at the front door. He's my fucking mailman! We both laugh, say have a good one, part ways (I'm headed to work, he's in a rush on his route), and I see him almost every morning for years until I move. I always wanted to tell him that we should both skip work and head back to my apartment to fuck, but I was too chicken. Good news is I saw him a bunch more times at the park, and he knew I'd also drop to my knees to suck him or stuck my butt out to let him finger me until I was ready for that big dick. I no longer live on his route, but he must live in my area bc he'll go out of his way to say hi when we pass.
    1 point
  44. I went to Pig Week last year. I had been on PrEP for a while but part of me really wanted to get pozzed. I was sorta playing games with taking my PrEP – only taking it on days I went to the gym or took loads. My doctor wasn't happy about it, but I told him I took at least 4 a week, which is what they say gives you protection. Well, the week before Pig Week was busy and with Thanksgiving and getting stuff done, and I arrived in Ft. Lauderdale having only taken three the week before and none the last two days. Pig Week was scheduled to start on Saturday, but I got there the day before. I wanted to get things started off right with a gangbang in my motel. I billed it as a conversion party and told all the tops to pretend they were toxic, even if they weren't. I figured since I was on PrEP nothing would actually happen. Then again I hadn't taken my pills the last couple days, but that risk sorta turned me on. The gangbang went well. I had over a dozen guys show up I think. Since I was blindfolded I wasn't quite sure. I counted 15 times guys blew their load in my ass, but I'm pretty sure some of those were repeats. Their poz talk got pretty aggressive with the guys standing around egging whoever was fucking me to poz me. They kept going on about how toxic the loads were and that this was the night I was gonna become poz. I loved it and kept begging for their dirty loads telling them to knock me up and poz my hole. After the gangbang I was hungry for more, so I headed to Clubhouse II to take more loads. Stayed there about 3 hours and got 8 more loads. But even after 23 loads, I was hungry for more, so I headed to Slammer where guys loved my cummy hole and dumped 5 more loads in. It was the best night of my life, sexually, and I headed back to the motel on a high. I always take my PrEP before going to bed, so when I got back to the motel I grabbed the bottle and something seemed wrong. It was too light. I opened it and there were no pills inside. Just a note saying "Stop playing games. You clearly want to be poz, so just let it happen." I was a bit numb. There I was with 28 loads of cum in my ass, some of which was probably toxic, and I didn't have any PrEP, and hadn't taken any in a few days. There was nothing I could really do. I'd already paid in advance for most of the vacation. It's not like you can just go into the pharmacy and ask for more Truvada – even if I could get them to fill the script, it's really expensive (it's not like insurance was gonna pay twice for the same meds). But the note was right. I did wanna be poz. So as it all sank in I realized this was the week I was gonna become poz, so I might as well make the most of it. I went to bed pretty conflicted, but also sorta excited. I mean what better week to bug chase than Pig Week? That next week I went to every sex party I could. Basically I was a slut and spent every waking hour hunting for and taking dick and loads. I spent HOURS at the bathhouses. I think I took over 200 loads. I mean I literally let anyone and every one fuck me. A lot of the sex parties were filmed and I made a point of getting my face in as many shots as possible. If I was gonna do this, I was gonna do it right and become a public cumdump. I couldn't exactly say "poz me" in a porn video, so I'd say stuff like "Give me that dirty load", and "Knock me up Daddy!", and "Make me yours…" Some of the tops didn't get what I was trying to say, but a few clearly did. It seemed to really motivate them to dump their load in my ass. I think guys were talking behind my back as well, but I wasn't sure what exactly was being said of me. But I'd have these random guys show up at my door saying "I hear you're taking all loads – I wanna breed you" and then not take no for an answer. The last night this car pulled up as I was getting back to my motel. A hot daddy rolled down the window and said "get in, slut"… I recognized him from a couple of the parties. He'd dumped a few loads in me. I was wiped by this point, but didn't ask questions. I just got in. 15 minutes later we were at someone's house. There were a bunch of cars parked around it. We went in and in one room there was a bed and about a half dozen guys. I recognized all of them from the parties I'd been to, bathhouses, and even 1-on-1s at my room. Then one of the guys told me that one of the tops who was there had been at "my so-called conversion party" and noticed the Truvada in the bathroom and realized I was faking it. They were really glad I made the most of it and been a proper bug chaser the past 10 days. But since the PrEP was now probably out of my system, it was time to have real conversion party – the one I should have had at the beginning of the week. The guy also said that all the tops there had viral loads over 10,000, one had a viral load over a million. One of the tops even had a Truvada resistant strain – so even if I'd found a way to get more PrEP they would have made sure I wound up poz (they really don't like guys who do fake conversion parties). I knew it was actually more like 12 days I'd been off Truvada, and hadn't taken it every day before that. I doubt I had much of any protection – and here I was about to knowingly take toxic loads from a half dozen guys. This was my time to get pozzed… (If it hadn't happened already.) I got on the bed as instructed, on my belly, and each of the guys fucked me one after the other. About half the guys gave me a second load. There was a fair amount of poz talk, but it just didn't seem quite as necessary when you know it's the real thing. And the best part was they got it all on video. When it was over I laid there with 9 or 10 highly toxic loads marinating in my ass. A few of the guys stayed around. One told me they weren't done with me yet. They tied me to the bed face down so I couldn't roll over. "We don't want any of the loads coming out" was the explanation. Then another guy came into the room and pulled out a tattoo gun and proceeded to give me a biohazard tramp stamp. When he was done the host said "Now everyone will know you're a poz slut every time you bend over and you're shirt pulls up a bit. Every time you go to the beach, or change your clothes at the gym. You're a marked man now." I tried to sleep that night, but too many emotions were going through my head, and I couldn't really get comfortable since I was tied to the bed. Plus, every hour or two someone would come in and dump another load in me. So even if I was sleeping, I'd get woken up. But by that time they were actually a bit tender with me, calling me their "poz brother". Late the next morning they let me go with a warning – "Stay off meds for at least two years. We stole your PrEP, we'll find a way to steal your HIV meds if you go on them. Make us proud and pass on the strains we gave you! If you don't, we'll release the video of you begging to get pozzed." About a week and a half later I came down with the fuck flu. Pig Week had indeed made me into a proper pig! And there's videos of it all! If only guys knew that I was getting pozzed in those videos they're watching online… And the best part is I found out my strain is resistant to PrEP, so I can knock up Truvada Whores who think they're protected Gotta say, being poz is fun! I'm glad that guy stole my PrEP and made me embrace my destiny…
    1 point
  45. Last week at a well known wooded area near the city. I made eye contact with a long haired lad as I walked towards the bushes. He caught up with me 5 mins later when I found my spot. I had a jock & cock ring on, shorts around my ankles and my hairy hole on display. He pulled out his impressive 8 incher (I love wee guys with a massive todger), which I sucked to get him hard. A couple of blokes joined us, wanking off. Top man spun me around to access my arse. He went in hell for leather, calling me a dirty slut which turned me on even more. He asked the other 2 if they wanted to breed me, but they were happy watching and wanking. He pulled out to insert a PA, then rammed it back in. It felt amazing, feeling his PA in me. He built up to climax and grunted when he coated my innards with cum. When he slid out, the cum was leaking down my leg. He left with a grin on his face, as did I.
    1 point
  46. 1 point
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