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  1. The next morning I was woken up by Cain for my “initiation.” Cain explained that there was not much actually involved in the initiation and I had nothing to worry about. To begin, Cain brought me to a small tiled room in the main house. Two brothers in loincloths stood inside and grabbed me when I entered. I resisted at first but then remembered I wanted this and gave in. They tied my hands to a chain hanging from the ceiling so only the tips of my toes could touch the ground. “Do not worry, this will hurt but it is worth it” said Cain as he put a plastic bag around my head. I felt hands rubbing some burning substance onto me and writhed in pain. After a few minutes a high pressure stream hit me hard washing the substance off. After the let me down they took the bag off my head and I gasped in air. I had not realized that I couldn’t breathe until it was taken off. I gazed at Cain in the doorway as he simply said “Come” I followed obediently. As we walked down the hall I realized that the thin coating of hair I had was now gone leaving me as hairless as all the other members of the family. Cain led me into a dark room. Once inside I could not see anything, only faint candles lighting the edges of the room. As I stood in the center 30 people all nude came out from the darkness with father at their head. Two caged men came forward and grabbed me, forcing me to my knees while holding my arms out. “Welcome child are you ready to take your first step to joining our family” said father “Yes I am father but where is Presley” I asked “He is taking his own path child, do not worry he is in ecstasy” father replied “Ok father” “ Good” he nodded to the two men holding my arms “begin” Both the men slammed needles into my arms and pushed down injecting what I assumed was meth into my bloodstream. I had never slammed before and was thrown into another world. All the men around me began chanting and I soon felt hand rubbing me. I felt something latch onto my cock as father lifted me up and I felt something enter my hole. Father looked into my eyes and I saw eternity in his eyes. “Please… please father… please” I begged without knowing what I was begging for. A moment later my vision went black and everything fell away.
    13 points
  2. The doctor slammed his cock straight into my ass up to the hilt. It would have hurt like crazy but I was getting a high starting from Bobs tina piss that I had just sucked down and my ass was open from last nights festivities. I moaned and thrust back instead wanting more raw dick. "Does this mean I'm poz now?" " yes but you probably were before you need to get this strain and as many more as you can. It will make you feel stronger and hornier, you might end up topping." "i'm verse actually" he chuckled "sure you are slut". Bob was taking the older nurses (who was also the doctors dad i guess?) cock like a champ. His hole was getting real churned up from last nights loads. All the sudden the nurses eyes rolled back and he gave a great growl/moan sound that I had never heard before and started shooting stream after stream of cum into his ass. bob cried "yeah fucking poz me up!" The Doc also gave a great gutteral growl and started filling my ass with more cum than I had ever had. It gave me shivers and grabbed my cheeks to spread them wider so he could get it deeper. "Ok boys clean us up and you are done." i turned around and started cleaning the cum off his dick while Bob did the same with the nurse. We switched off a time or two so we could share a little of each others ass and cum taste on their dicks. I was a little disappointed it didn't last longer but I figured they were still technically at work . Without warning the doc started pissing in my mouth. I gulped and swallowed as much as I could but the paper gown was pretty wet with piss. The nurse let loose a stream for Bob and he pulled off his gown completely and let it wet all over him as he took great gulps. "Ok thats it. heres your clothes and out the side door."They accidently gave me Bobs cummy stained addicted jock and him my nasty pig jock but he grinned at me and pulled it on. I grinned back and did the same. They barely let us get our sweatpants and shoes on before they unceremoniasly shoved us out the side door and into the alley. " Come back on Saturday at 7pm for a checkup and a little party" The doctor said and winked at me. At least there was something to look forward too. "Fuck that was hot" said Bob as he pulled on his shirt and adjusted his sweats. He put his hand down the back into his ass crack " I'm fucking leaking cum its going to leave a wet spot." "here let me help" I volunteered eagerly. I pushed him behind the dumpster and pulled his pants down just below his butt. Cum was dribbling out his hairy ass crack. I spread his cheeks and put my tongue all the way up to his gaping hole. "Dont eat it all i wan some for later" he said. "mmmmHmmmm" I moaned as I licked as much as I could out. When he wasn't leaking anymore I stood up and kissed him with a fat load. He shoved his hungry tongue back in my mouth with a vengance. "My turn" He said and proceeded to turn me around and lick my loads out grunting slightly as he did. The alley wasn't that hidden and it was 10am in the morning still. A few guys passed but they must have been going to the clinic because they just gave a little laugh as they walked past. "I think we should go now" I said. Kinda sad it was done. " Bob looked up from my ass with a mouth full of cum and said, " do you want to go to my place? I got some more party supplies and some p***ts. " "Ok Doc did say that we needed to get as many strains as possible and I feel real horny maybe we could invite some guys over, real nasty ones." " fuck yeah!" I could tell me and Bob were going to be good friends. "Just one problem we will have to be a little quiet because my 19year old brother is at the house." To be continued.....
    11 points
  3. I had been working out with Clint for a little over a year now. I started hitting the gym after my ex girlfriend cheated on me and I decided I needed to get fit. I met Clint after about 2 months and he took me under his wing. For the past year Clint has been helping me get super jacked. To help with that Clint convinced me to start steroids. “Cmon it’s only a shot and then you’ll get twice if not three times the results, plus it might put some hair on your chest” Clint had said with a chuckle as I was almost hairless compared to him being coated like a bear. While Clint was right about them increasing my gains, he was wrong about the hair. The only side effect was my balls shrinking, but my cock was already only two inches hard so it wasn’t a big deal. Today I met Clint in the parking lot like I normally do, wearing an oversized pump cover and 5in running shorts. Clint always wore a tight black wife beater that showed off his massive pecs and nipple piercings and sweatpants. “I’ve got a surprise for you today” Clint told me as I hoped in his passenger seat “I’m gonna share some of my special pre workout with you Timmy boy” I always hated when he called me that but he just shook my shoulder chuckling. I was excited though as I knew he had some special pre workout that he never shared. “Great I’d love that” I replied “I bet you will, so are you cut” Clint asked “Nah I’m bulking right now we talked about this a few weeks ago I thought” “No dumbass is your cock cut” he said slowly “ do you have foreskin” he over enunciated his words as I stared in confusion. “Uh no i got my foreskin” I said unsure and kind of uncomfortable “Good that makes this easier” he said pulling out a bag of powder “ don’t want you to accidentally shit yourself while squatting” he laughed as I just looked at him confused “We’ll come on then get your cock out” he said “Huh” “ don’t huh me I said get your cock out and I’ll show you how to do it, I’d do it with you but I did some on the way here” with that he grabbed the front of my shorts and underwear and pulled the down revealing my tiny soft cock as I turned red with embarrassment. “See nothing to be nervous about now pull down your foreskin or I’ll do it myself” I complied confused when Clint suddenly stuck his pinky in his mouth then dipped it in the powder, once it was coated he put it to the exposed head of my cock “Uh what are you” I began when Clint cut me off with “now pull the skin up” I followed his instructions and pulled it up over his finger. He suddenly pulled out and his pinky was clean. “Now jerk off” Clint commanded “What the fuck” I asked “Jerk off dumbass you gotta rub it so it absorbs or else you might as well have just licked it”he said “ don’t make me beat you off tim cause if I scratch your back you’d have to scratch mine” I began to nervously rub my cock withthree fingers as my hand was far too big. I was beet red with embarrassment as I rubbed my tiny cock next to the man I looked up to, but as I kept rubbing I started to feel a rush as my nervousness faded away and I started rubbing harder. Even though my cock was totally soft it felt amazing. I felt like I was on the edge when suddenly Clint slapped my hand away from my cock “if you wanna cum in my car you gotta earn it now come on let’s go”
    8 points
  4. Me and my boyfriend have been together for just over two years, in that time our love life had managed to all but die. We had tried an open relationship but when I came home from a work trip to see him getting fisted by three guys with our apartment in ruins, only to find out he had skipped his job for a week to smoke meth and getting used to oblivion, that had ended. We now had sex once a week on a good week and did almost nothing but fight. The relationship was at a dead end when my boyfriend, Presley, suggested that we go to a lgbt wellness retreat he found online. I was skeptical at first, but I had a lot of pto and his delivery job was flexible. It was a five hour drive from the city and I could tell Presley was horned up. He sucked my dick three time while I was driving, swallowing every load. Which surprised me because he had not sucked me to completion, much less taken my load in months. When we finally arrived at the retreat we saw that it was made up of one large main house and several barns. As we pulled in an extremely tall skinny man with long brown hair greeted us in a draping white robe, which clearly had nothing under it. “Welcome children to the Family, we are so happy you have decided to join us.” He said almost ephemeraly I gave Presley a weird look but he didn’t seem surprised “Thank you for having us, I am Presley, and this is my friend John” Is he fucking serious, I was fuming, he probably knew what this place was and just brought us here so he could get fucked “I’m his boyfriend” I said sternly correcting Presley “Well welcome, you may call me father I am the founder of our Family here, would you like me to show you around” “We’d love that father” said Presley eagerly Father brought us into the main house, it was very well kept but all the men in the house were dressed strangely and bowed as father passed. Some wore only short white loincloths, while others had what seemed to be white sheets wrapped around their waist covering their entire bottom half. “These will be your brothers if you chose to stay with us, though you will have to work hard to reach their positive status” said father Presley brought us to a fucking cult and he seemed to be clinging to every word this father said. We came into what seemed to be a dining room when father introduced one of the men in front of us. “This is Cain, he was my first son and helped me found this family” father said Cain was magnificent, he had short blonde hair and was about a head shorter than father, which still put him an inch or two above me. He wore the sheet around his waist, and his body was thin but well defined. “Greetings it is a pleasure to meet both of you I can tell you will be great additions to the family” Cain said “Thank you” I said, surprising myself at how much I wanted him. “Come now I will show you what you will be doing when you first join.” Said father He took us out to one of the barns. Once inside it looked like the standard barn except that everyone working was totally nude, wearing only chastity cages. “Most who come to us are not ready to join the family, here they work until their mind is fully open to everything we offer” said father One of the workers bent over to pick something up and I noticed he had a buttplug in as well. As I stared Cain came up beside me and began rubbing my ass. I would normally have been taken aback but Presley kept rubbing up on father so I leaned into Cain’s strong hand. “You like what you see” Cain whispered to me as we looked at the workers, I just nodded in response. “We keep our initiates locked so that they are able to simmer in their urges” father added as we walked out. “ so tell me children, what do you think of our family” asked father as we returned to the house “It’s amazing we’d love to join” said Presley eagerly as all eyes turned to me “I’m not sure I think I need some time to think” I contradicted “Of course, a decision like this cannot be made in hast” said father “ it is getting late come spend the night and decide in the morning” We agreed and were guided up to a room. The room was rather plain with only a queen bed in the center and no other furniture. The room didn’t have its own bathroom but rather a communal one at the end of the hall. “ We shall await your decision in the morning, for now rest well” said father as he and Cain left us alone “Isn’t this amazing” said Presley “It’s a cult Pres” “Who cares everyone is so hot, this is exactly what we need” I just sighed in response “Come on Johnny I’m staying no matter what you decide so stay with me” “You knew this was a cult didn’t you” “I’d heard rumors but didn’t know how great it was” Presley said as he got began stripping I just sighed and got naked for bed. I woke up in the middle of the night to an empty bed and the urge to piss. I looked around the room but didn’t see Presley or my clothes. I figured he was probably in the bathroom so I went to piss. I walked to the bathroom naked since I couldn’t find any clothes and everyone else here was practically naked anyway. When I got to the bathroom I heard really heavy breathing at the far end. This bathroom was entirely open with shower heads on one wall and a trough and toilets on the other. The heavy breathing was coming from someone lying behind the last toilet. The man lying there was holding a cloth over his nose and mouth while he vigorously pounded at his flaccid cock. I noticed a used needle next to him and realized he must have T dick. I'd never tried meth but knew a decent amount about it. As I walked in front of him he gave no reaction so I just left him there unsure of what to do. As I walked back to the hallway I saw the door at the end of the hall was ajar. When I got to it and looked through I was horrified. Presley was there getting slammed while having his throat fucked by father’s massive 12 inch cock on a bed in the middle of the room. As I stared in shock I suddenly felt a finger on my hole and nearly yelped. “Shh it’s ok I know you’re upset but you shouldn’t be it’s only natural for him to serve father” whispered Cain into my ear as he slipped something into my ass before beginning to finger me “I’m not a bottom” I tried to say but Cain just shushed me as he continued to finger me. My ass felt like it was on fire and I began enjoying his fingers. As I started fucking myself on his hand father called out “Come children, there’s no need to hide out there” “Of course father” responded Cain as he walked us inside his hand still in my hole Presley just gave me a guilty smile before continuing to suck father’s cock “I know you’re scared child” father said as he took my face in his hands while Cain began finger fucking me more vigorously “just give in and you’ll feel boundless pleasure, please my child join us” “Yes father I want to join your family I want to be yours” I said “I can’t tell you how happy I am to here that” he said as he took me in a kiss. At the same time Cain removed his fingers from me and replaced them with his 8 inch cock. I felt like I was being torn in two but then father put some pills in my mouth and tounged them down my throat. Almost instantly I felt them. Every thrust sent shockwaves through me and I just gave in. I was in that same position for what felt like forever when father pulled back and asked “Are you ready to take your first step to joining our family my son” “Yes father I want it so bad” I replied to which he simply nodded at Cain who I then felt bottom out and begin cuming in me. I collapsed onto the bed while Cain grabbed Presley off father cock, much to his protest, and slammed him again before rapeing his hole. Father brought my mouth to his cock as I began sucking only for me to realize father was still soft. “There there my child just let everything fade away you’ve made the right decision” he said rubbing my hair as I lazily sucked his flacid cock
    7 points
  5. I was strung out and full of regret. I had made the mistake of going out with friends, getting a little high and hitting the local bathouse "Club X" which had a slightly seedier reputation than our other one "the locker room". I met a hot hairy daddy, partied a little and ended up letting him and a few other guys bareback me until I was stretched out and full of cum. Technically any other guys. OK and also maybe I drank some piss too. I had only meant to get a blowjob or maybe fuck a hot guy. And eat a little ass too. Bareback was never on the menu until I partied just a tiny bit then I became a dirty slut pig who fucks with anyone. Thats how I wound up at the std clinic full of shame. There was one other guy in the waiting room with me who also looked strung out and shifty. He was a year or two older than me latino guy with a scruffy light beard in sweatpants a t shirt and flip flops definetely loooked like he had had just as much fun as me. I wonder if he barebacked too? I guese I still had a little piggy in me. The nurse an older guy with a grey beard but fit called me back andput me in a room with two big chairs that you could rest back and stuff and told me to wait for the doctor. The doctor came in and he was hot as fuck, hairy everywhere thick muscles light beard tan skin with blue eyes. "I guess you had a little too much fun last night" He said. "Yeah I just need some tests and meds and Ill go". "No Im the doctor and I will tell you what to do , first take off your pants underwear and shirt and put on this gown" Fuck! I had forgotten I was still wearing my nasty pig yellow jock already stained with piss and cum. "I'm not sure I want to" " I need to give you IV theres some nasy bugs going around so you have to be in proper attire" That didnt sound totally legit but he was the doctor. I took of my clothes and he put them in a plastic bag. "Underwear too." I gave it to him. I looked me straight in the eye took a big sniff of them and then put them in his back pocket. Holy fuck! he gave me a paper gown to wear that was completely open in the back and only came down to my balls in the front and put me in the chair. He started and IV and then plugged it into a saline bag and a connected pale yellow bag that had some vitamins and stuff in it to make me feel better. Then he left me. I did start to feel better. ANd that made me feel hornier. This doctor seemed like a perve so I was down for wherever this was going. The nurse opened the door andled the other young guy into the room. "Sorry you have to share this room. Take off your clothes and get into this gown. " The guy looked embarrased but pulled off his shirt. When he pulled down pus pants i could see an "addicted" jockstrap black yellow that he tried to cover. "Underwear too, We will need to do piss test and a full exam". He glanced reluctantly at me and pulled them off. The nurse put his clothes in a plastic bag again except for the jock which went in his pocket. The paper gown looked even tighter on him and did nothing to cover his ass which was pretty red as if it had been slapped alot. The nurse fixed his IV and went out with both our clothes. As we got hydrated we both started to be more relaxed. "Did you hit the Locker Room last night" The other guy asked. "No Club X" "too bad the locker room was so nasty last night, if you like bareback" "Fuck yeah but club X has more piss". Guess we were both loosening up. " Maybe we can hangout and see who has the nastiest stores" What the hell I was verse and this bottom slut looked hot."Names Bob" "I'm luke" Plus we were both getting checked for stds so it would be safe, safeish, whatever. "Sounds fun." After the IV i was feeling real good and also like i had to piss bad but trying not to show it. The Bob was jiggling his leg making his cock bounce (semi hard) indicating that he had to piss too. The nurse came back in with two small cups. He unhooked our IV's "OK boys time for your piss test." " I don't think i can piss with an audience" Bob said. "OK Luke can you help us then. You hold the piss cup" "OK" This was weird but I felt much better and hornier. Bob got up and put his dick in the cup I was holding. The nurse came around the side and took bobs dick in one hand. "Ok now just relack and let loose when I tell you" Then he immediatly shoved two fingers deep in bobs ass. Piss shot out hard into the cup which filled up in a a few seconds. the nurse pointed Bobs dick straight at my face and said "dont drop that cup." I opened my mouth and started slurping down the hot piss that was going everywear. finally I just put my mouth over Bobs (uncut i just noticed) semi hard piss fountain and drank. Bob had definely been partying hard and it tasted rank i could barely swallow it all but I was trying. Fuck this was nasty! and Hot! "Ok bob your turn" . Bob grabbed the cup and smiled and opened his mouth. The nurse put his to fingers up my ass and didnt hit my prostate but must have known exactly where my bladder was cause I started pissing like crazy. Bob filled the cup and then sucked down maybe a gallon of my piss. I had been coming down but with Bobs piss and the IV if was fluing and feeling great! Bob started sucking my cock his pupils wide. "None of that" said the nurse and lightly slapped him. "The doctor needs to give you your injection and examine you. He made us get on our hands and knees in the wide chairs so our asses were wide and gaping into the middle of the room and left. "I wish you wouldt have stopped. "I'm so fucking horny but I guess these perverts have a protocol" "I winked at Bob" Hopefully it ends with us getting fucked like whores" "Fuck yeah" "Ive got loads of cum in my ass right now" I couldnt resist I got out of possition and started licking bobs sweet cumhole. Fuck he was loaded from the club last night. "Up on the chair I will get you wet for the doctor too" He went to town on my ass. I was so happy to be full of those cum loads cause Bob loved it." The doctor and nurse came back. He had a big srynge and needle. I had never pointed before but whatever the doctor said? Unfortunately it when in Bobs asscheck, and then mine. So not drugs. It hurt but also made me feel warm and horny. " Boys I have taken the liberty of enrollling you in an experimental program since you were both such sluts. This is a genetically engineered form of HIV that while it will make you a carrier will also make you immune to most STDs The more STDS you expose yourself to in the next few months the more immune you will get. So you need to get fucked by strangers as often as possible. It does have a few side effects, it may make you hornier, it will increase your sperm production, family members may become more attracted to you so maybe avoid family functions. Or whatever." "Have you taken it" "Of course" the nurse and doctor both pulled out huge dripping cocKs "In fact me and my dad are going to break you in so that you start the day full of cum" To be continued..
    6 points
  6. Cody: Sunlight streaming in the bedroom window caused a bit of haze as I very slowly awoke. The two day drive from Seattle to Dad’s house in the suburbs of Chicago had really taken a lot out of me, but after a couple of very groggy minutes I realized I was in his bed, alone. I figured he had likely gone for a run. I really love sleeping in Dad's bed. Although I would have preferred to find him sleeping next to me, at least I could still smell him. My Dad and I started having sex several years before I left for college. It wasn’t an affair as much as it was pure hormones. Being a horny teen, I was eager to learn about sex, and Dad was more than willing to be my guide. I never complained, especially since I had long since adjusted to the reality I was gay, and, as my relationship with Dad expanded to include sex, I was more than ready and receptive, especially since then as now, Dad maintained had a nicely toned body. As I lay there in his bed, it occurred to me my morning wood was in complete agreement. After high school I was accepted at an out-of-state university. Fast forward several years of fun and hard work, and now, post graduation, I had a degree in finance and was back at my Dad’s house. I was horny and wanted his body more now than ever before. I couldn’t get enough cum. In college I had been a real pig, and sucked off more than one roommate. I’m surprised I came away from college without coming down with one STD or another. Anyhow, Dad was now 43 to my 22 years, but as he exercises religiously, he is still really young in my eyes. I was always slim and had been on my high school’s swim team, which helped get me a scholarship and to tryouts for the college swim team. I was trim, and I definitely like my body, but my 'little Cody' was doing all the thinking. I imagined if Dad were here right now I’d be sucking his cock and swallowing his cum. I wondered why we hadn't fucked the night before. I know I wanted him, and he had been very happy to see me, but as I had been exhausted by the drive, I guess I just passed out. The thought of Dad fucking me got me rock hard and horny to the point of distraction. Something needed to happen soon; I wanted, no, I needed Dad's cum inside my hole, especially when I thought back to my experiences in years past with Dad. I really liked it when, as we fucked, Dad would get verbal and nasty, calling me his cum hole. My cock started to leak. I got up to piss, and afterwards checked my phone. There was a text from Dad that read, “Getting an early run in, back soon Cod.” My name is Cody, but as long back as I could remember Dad has used the nickname 'Cod'. The kinky part of me wanted him to call me his “cum hole,” and tell me how he was breeding my ass. Fuck, I wanted to taste his cum. I decided to shower and get myself together before Dad got back. I was horned as fuck and thought about jacking off but decided to wait until Dad got back. I was determined to get his load. Dad: It was nice watching Cod sleep was nice, and knowing he needed the rest, I decided to let him sleep in and use the opportunity to hook-up with one of my regulars, Sam, I guy I met on Grindr. Sam and I have been fucking a couple of times a week or so for nearly a year now; with Cod away at college I had to have relief, and Sam satisfied my needs quite nicely. I have always barebacked, and had always topped with Cod but after he went away to school I decided to explore the role of a bottom and started taking bare cock from several guys, Tom, Alan, Nick, and Sam - just a few of the guys I had fuck me at one point or another over the last few years. I loved taking it bareback. I initially asked about the top's status but when Alan answered "I don't know," I decided to still take his load. After taking Alan's load I stopped asking the guy's status. I just wanted to be fucked hard and to take big loads of cum in my ass. I really had no idea if I’d ever taken a poz load of cum until I met Sam. He’s now 28, 6’ tall and lean. He reminds me somewhat of Cod, even if he is a couple of years older. He told me upfront that he was HIV positive. I replied I was HIV negative, but didn’t care either way; the truth is my cock had never been harder. What I didn’t know is that Sam did care about my status: he only wanted to fuck guys who were negative, and since he and I had hooked-up and I made switch to being a cum pig, one who had no trouble that an HIV positive guy was regularly fucking me, Sam had decided me wanted me to convert. Meanwhile I couldn’t get enough of Sam, and was flattered Sam couldn’t seem to get enough of me. He asked if I was still negative, but as I hadn't been tested for quite some time, more than a year or so, even if I had taken many of Sam's loads, still I had to answer that I didn't know. Sam frequently commented "I hope you convert," and "I'm gonna make it happen," but as far as I was concerned it was more of a matter that maybe he would, maybe he wouldn't, but as he was on meds I knew the chances were slim. Whatever the case, however, I definitely wanted him to fuck me - either way. I took a very short run and made my way to his place for sex. I was horny and given the thought of Cod laying naked in my bed, I needed poz cum right now. Sam and I had a fairly regularly routine: I would let myself in, strip naked and climb into his bed, and then we fucked hard and heavy while he told me how he was going to knock me up. “Hey sexy, fuck I’m so horny,” I called out. “Get on your back. I want to see your face while I breed you,” he replied as he entered the room. I flipped over, legs up and he thrust in roughly with no lube. He had fucked me so often that his cock goes in easily, and honestly it didn't really hurt, although I was surprised he was balls-deep on the first thrust. “Gonna’ really breed you deep this time, Mark. You want my poz cum?” “Fuck yeah, give it to me" was all I could mumble as he road my ass. Sam looked down at me, smiled, and leaned over, giving me a deep kiss. I could feel his sweaty nuts resting against my ass. I love that sensation. Somehow it really makes me feel like the top is in complete sexual control of me. “Sam, I’m so fuckin' horny. I want you to blow your poz cum into my hole. I want you to give IT to me.” “Oh yeah, you twisted fuck," he grunted, asking “You want me to poz .. uhhh... maybe both of you?” Sam knew Cod was back at my house. I knew what he meant. I was conflicted, but grunted approval. Sam knew we’d be fucking and if I was, or converted, I might pass it to Cod. “Yeah, you do want that. So fucking hot." He kept banging me, keeping-up a good rhythm, grunting and banging my ass. And, as he did so he remarked “I stopped taking my meds. I want you to be HIV positive." “Uhhhhhh… uhhhh… fuck me”, was all I could manage, “Fuck, it into me.” Sam was in full stride now, kissing me, he was looking me right in the eyes with a very devious grin and he knew that I wanted this as bad as he did. “Fuck… fuck… fuck… close”, he was kissing me hard now and “Uhhhhhhhhh…. FUCK… cummmm… ” and like that, he unloaded in my ass. It seemed like a really intense orgasm for him. As he lay on me, his hard cock plugging my ass, french kissing me, he sweated profusely. “I’ve been wanting to do that since we met,” he eventually commented. “Stop meds?” “Yeah. I wanted to convert you before we were really open about it and I knew I’d probably have to take a break from the meds to do it for real." “That’s so hot that you told me the way you told me just as you were about to blow. How long have you been off them?” "About a month or so, now, so I'm sure I'm toxic." We kept making out, Sam was so hot and his cock was still hard and still inside me. I knew I was a horny pig and I liked it bareback but I never thought of myself as chasing. Right now I couldn’t think of anything I wanted more than another load of his poz cum, so I murmured “I want more.” He, on the other hand, was still out of breath, and replied “Let me rest. Maybe you’ll get something you can’t get rid of.” I was hard and leaking. I hadn’t cum, I rarely did when Sam fucked me, but I started thinking about Cod and my cock started to leak. I felt an odd pang thinking I was going to give Cody cum, knowing I might seroconvert from my sex with Sam. Cody: I finished my shower, ate something and started to think about Dad. I was about to text him when I heard the door open, and in walked Dad, looking a bit sweaty and worn-out. "That must have been a good run," I commented. “Good run? Uh… yeah, good, wore me out. I think I’m going to get a shower." I could smell his arm pits as he walked by and it made my cock hard as he walked past me. “Dad?” “Yeah, Cod?” I walked up close to him and looked him in the eye the way a lover does, “I’m glad I’m home.” “Me too, Cod.” He smiled, kissed me, and then entered his bathroom, I nearly passed out in anticipation of the pleasures in store.
    6 points
  7. Chapter 3 I felt conflicted, but I also knew the gym made Maria horny. I struggled to get hard for her, only managing it when she offered me her ass. I could still feel Andy’s cum leaking from my hole. Fortunately Maria didn’t go there before I blew my load in her ass. I also knew I needed to take precautions. The next day I made an appointment at the health clinic for the day after. I didn’t explain over the phone the reason why. I arrived I quietly explained to the nurse I thought I may have had a poz partner. I was referred to an hiv expert apparently. ‘Hi , I’m Gino, I believe you think there may be a risk of hiv?’ ‘er yes’ I quietly said. ‘’Can I ask was this after sex with another man?’ I nodded and looked embarrassed. ‘Look Nathan, I see a lot of men like you. I can just give you Pep and / or PreP and tick a box. But if you want advice you need to open up. Just so you know, I am gay and I’m also hiv positive, so I know what you’re going through’ I took a deep breath’ okay, I’ve started having sex with men, though I’m with a girl. And we had unprotected sex and both guys were poz.’ I blurted. ‘. How do you know that? ‘Gino asked. ‘Because they told me’ ‘ok, before or after sex’ ‘before’ I replied. ’so you knew they were poz but still had sex. Did they promise to pull out but didn’t?’ ’no, they were going to pull out but I wanted them to cum in me. I don’t know why, I just wanted to know they had cum inside me’ ‘that is perfectly natural.why suddenly are you into gay sex.’ ‘It was an itch I thought I would scratch and that would be it, I would then stick to girls’ ’ok and has that worked.’ I shook my head. ‘No I just want more now, almost as if a light has gone on. I just want more cock.’ ‘ don’t we all’ Gino laughed. ‘Have you been to Kings sauna.’ ‘No what’s that?’ I asked ‘ it’s a gay sauna. It’s where a lot of married guys who pretend they’re not gay go, and where a lot of barebacking goes on. And a number of poz guys go too’ Gino said. ‘ok, here is what I will do. I will keep you as my patient. You’re out of time for pep to be effective for the first sex you had, you’re going to have to leave that for luck. You can take for the second time. And I will give you a prescription for Prep. But think whether you really want to take it. By the look of you’re cock, I can tell that poz talk turns you on. And you like the risk.’ I looked down and my cock was hard in my joggers. ’I’ll also put you down as bisexual …at the moment. When you know that has changed tell me’ . I didn’t say anything and red faced I took the prescription, trying to hide my erection. I picked up my prescription and took the dose, hiding the rest in my car. Gino’s words floated round my head. Was I turning gay? I didn’t think that was possible. Life turned back to work for the remainder of the week. However, on Friday I had made an excuse that I was going drinking with mates to Maria. But there was only one place I was going. The sauna. The itch was back I paid my entrance fee and sauntered in. I changed and wrapped my towel. ‘There’s lube and condoms in every cabin’ the attendant said. I wandered into the steam room, and sat down. I wasn’t sure of the etiquette so I kept a towel round me. I saw a guy in the gloom openly wanking. My cock stiffened and I removed my towel. The guy came over and without a word turned round and lowered his ass on my stiff cock. He only had time for a few riding motions before the steam room door opened and a couple of guys moved in. The guy on my lap disappeared like an apparition. One of the new guys came over and sat by me, the other on an opposite bench. ‘bareback, nice’ he said. He was slim and slipped off his towel. His cock was thin but very long. He reached over to my cock and started wanking me. I reciprocated and he turned and kissed me, snaking his tongue in my mouth. I felt myself being drawn in again. ‘we’re bare only’ he said. ‘Are you poz?’ I asked, remembering Gino’s words. ‘Yes we both are, Joe here is undetectable, though I have a viral load at the moment.’ It struck me that although I had taken the Pep, the Prep was still hidden in my car, untouched. ‘im neg, I’m not on anything’ I stammered, still stroking his cock. ‘No problem, we don’t bite’ he replied. I couldn’t help it, I lowered my head and started sucking his cock. ’good boy, suck that poz cock for me. Joe likes his sucked too’ I stood up , moved to Joe who opened his legs. I knelt in front of him and took his cock in my mouth too. I felt a hand lifting my torso, until I was on all fours. I carried on sucking. I was aware ove movement and suddenly felt what must have been skinny guys cock pushing into my already lubed hole . ‘Fuck ‘ I thought, he’s poz. I tried to move but Joe expertly held me in place. I couldn’t move other than to suck his cock. ‘ we’ll give you what you came here for ‘ Joe whispered in my ear. Skinny guys cock seemed to be prodding the whole of my insides as he picked up pace. Suddenly Joe erupted in my mouth. I was concentrating on swallowing all his cum when skinny guy grunted. And thrust deep. ‘Take my babies boy ! ‘ he whispered as he came in me. my head was in a swirl, as almost immediately they left me alone. I put my hand to my ass and felt the cum. I wandered to the showers. Had I really got what I came for. ? I was absentmindedly showering when a voice I knew said ‘Nathan, not really a surprise to see you here’ I spun round and saw Gino entering the showers. I glanced down at his shaven cock. The biohazard tattoo was in his pubic area.. ‘you can’t help it can you. It’s like a magnetic force drawing you in. I know the conflict your having.Tell me have you taken your Prep? ‘ I shook my head. ‘ Give yourself to your needs, don’t be ashamed, I can tell you’re a natural bottom. You just need to admit to yourself what you are. Turn round’ I did as I was told. ‘I’m going to fuck you Nathan. You can stop me at any time. You know I’m poz, and I will stop if you want’ I put my hands on the shower wall, and spread my legs. Gino’s hand went to my hole, and slipped a finger inside. ‘Mmm I’m not the first. I won’t be the last. I don’t know whether to cum in you ‘ he whispered ‘ please’ I whispered back’ please cum in me, I want it’ My cum brain had taken over. ‘What do u want.? Nathan’ ’i want you to fuck your poz cum deep in me , please’ I begged as he entered my sloppy hole . ‘Well since you asked so nicely I’ll give you what your body needs’ Gino whispered in my ear as he picked up pace. He pistoned in and out before announcing’ a heavy poz load cumming!’ And held me in place as his balls emptied. ‘Yes a natural, as I suspected. We need a proper talk. Come and see me at ten on Monday’ and with that he was gone. I looked around. Shadows here and there, but I could feel myself descending into a sordid pit. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to fight it or not…….
    5 points
  8. I love breeding in general, but glory hole breeding is so hot. Getting sucked and then he turns and slides on me..Love it. Especially when he pushes back and takes my cum deep inside.
    5 points
  9. CHAPTER 2 Cod: I could hear the sound of Dad stripping down, the sound of the shower, and in the sound of the shower door opening and closing. 'Fuck', I thought, 'I've gotta have him now', and so I entered his bedroom, where I immediately encountered a pile of his sweaty clothing which he had cast on the floor. Retrieving his underwear, I inhaled deeply. Fuck! For a moment I thought back to Todd, one of my college roommates who, as a bit of a slob, casually left his underwear scattered about. While Todd wasn’t my first roommate, he was definitely hot, and even more so when we both figured-out the other preferred guys to women. Naturally we started fucking all the time. One of his close friends (I had seen a picture once), I think the guy was an ex or they were sexual at some point, but Todd confessed one night the ex had turned up HIV-positive and it scared him. "Just like that," Todd said "he didn’t want sex, and life got very boring between us really fast; we went from sex a few times a week to nothing. A year or so went by and we were hanging out, a little drunk, a little close and one thing led to another and his bare cock was deep inside me. It was so hot, we fell right back into that old routine of regular bareback sex. Then one day I was at the campus Starbuck’s and almost literally run into his ex, the 'close friend'. I’d never met him but I knew his face and curiosity got the best of me; we started to talk while we waited in line. After some conversation the ex told me he was HIV-positive, (which, of course, I already knew), but then he told me something I didn’t know: Todd was also HIV-positive. He also mentioned Todd had been on meds for several months. Now, I had never seen him take any meds, and Todd has been fucking me bareback, his cum inside my ass, and he hasn't said a word. I feigned empathy and found an excuse to leave, not mentioning, of course, Todd and I were fuck buddies. I was hurt, anxious and a little scared. I loved bareback sex with Todd, but it didn't make sense he hadn't said anything to me. I wasn’t sure what do or say about Todd. Then I thought of all the times I had let random guys fuck me bare without giving it a second thought, which raised the question 'how many times had I already taken poz cock? Why be upset now?' It might be stupid on my part, but I decided there wasn’t that much risk (no more than what has already happened), so I didn’t say anything, and Todd and I kept fucking bare every week until he graduated and moved. None of that hot sex was the same as being next to my Dad, touching his cock and letting him cum inside me. When I left for college I was young, horny and really missing my Dad. I tried to get fucked by as much bare cock as my schedule, and tight hole, allowed. My Father had introduced me to bareback sex, “This is how men bond, Cod,” he said. I never let anyone at college fuck me unless it was bareback. I didn’t give much thought to the risk, except for that bit with Todd. I just wanted to be fucked. And I wanted cum. Dwelling on those memories really got my cock leaking. I take after my Dad, both of us are cut and both of us drip lots and lots of precum, although his cock is maybe a little bigger than my own. A quick finger gets to the tip to wipe up some of my juice and it was in my mouth before I even realized what I was doing. I made-up my mind then and there: it had been too long since I had sex with my Father. Incest. I was horny, I was an adult, I knew what I desperately need: my Father’s cum. Peaking in Dad’s bathroom he is obviously enjoying the hot water. We never shut doors around here, just the two of us, and, from the doorway he was oblivious to huge piece of wood that had taken up residence between my legs. His bedroom had a large master bathroom with one of those large tiled showers that 3 (or 10) people can fit it with an elegant glass door. I walked right in, opened the shower door and quickly shut it behind me before he can barely react. He just looks at me. I looked at him, I wanted him so bad. He looks so hot soaking wet, “You needed a shower after my run, too, huh?” Barely able to speak, I nodded “Yeah…” Noticing my hard cock, he knew what I wanted. Our faces grow closer as we kissed. So good. So fuckin' good. Kissing him always makes me hard as a rock but I also realized I need to piss. Badly. Breaking from our kiss I muttered “Let me at the drain a sec, I gotta go.” Dad, however, continued kissing me. "Dad.. I...," “Its alright Cod. It's just piss, it’ll wash down the drain, I’ve been waiting to feel you near me for you for way too long. Dad keeps kissing my lips, and in a quick gesture moved the shower head towards the side wall so the water wasn’t directly hitting us. I wasn’t paying attention to him and tried to focus, my cock finally went down enough for my piss to start – it came out fast all over his crotch, legs and feet, “it’ll wash down the drain”, I can hear him. He pushed against me and kissed me harder, my flow finally stopped, and my cock is immediately hard again. He pressed me against the tile wall, “See what you did baby boy? You just pissed all over your dad.” he loved calling me “baby boy” when we were close like this. More kisses. He’s pressed against me and we’re full on making out, and then I feel it, the warmth, Dad’s cock is pressed against my chest and he’s taking a piss…. on me. We never did anything with piss before college and I really like where this is going; his piss flow eventually slows and stops, but we we’re too heavily into making out to even notice or care. Dad stopped kissing me for a moment, his eyes on mine, his face close. I looked down at his cock, it was rock hard. I wanted it. Looking at my Dad and we both know what is going to happen; I slowly move down so I can suck the cock that made me. I feel Dad’s hands gently on my head and start to lick and suck him, I can taste his piss, I’m making a mental note about that for later. “Yes, baby boy, suck me -- suck your Dad’s cock. You like tasting Daddy’s piss baby boy?” I groaned a yes, but didn’t remove him from my hungry mouth. He slowly fucked my mouth. I was really moaning -- I loved it when he took charge of his boy. I grabbed his ass and pulled more of him into me. "Oh yeah boy, suck Daddy's cock, use your tongue... just like that." It had been about 4 years since I had sucked on my Dad’s penis and I was hungry, horny and eager. I started to bob up and down on his cock faster so he picked up the speed of his thrusting to match. I tightened my lips around his shaft to coat it with my tongue and saliva, which in turn was moving around his pole in my mouth to show him I wanted it to feel good. "Oh fuck baby boy... your mouth feels so good… I’m gonna cum... don't stop son... don't... FUUUCCCKKKKK!!!" His cock erupted and cum spewed into my throat and I swallowed as fast as I could. The sensations almost had me there, I was leaking precum all over the both of us. He began to pet me, telling me what a good boy I was. I slowly pulled off of his cock and lapped at the head to be sure I didn't miss anything before standing up; he put his tongue immediately back in my mouth. I wanted to cum, but he looked at me, “We should at least attempt to get clean”, he said and moved the shower head back in our direction, we kissed again. I was in love; I was also horny as fuck and my 22 year old cock had not blown a load that day. I really really needed to get off. I relented and grabbed the body wash and slowly washed his body, it was great being so close to him again, I really loved this, and I know he knew as much. Once finished, we quickly dried off and stepped out of the shower, Dad leading me by hand into the bedroom where he positioned me on the bed and resumed kissing me. This time it seemed like a lover’s kiss. I think Dad was falling for me as hard as I was him. My senses were overwhelmed, and my hormones were in overdrive, so honestly I wasn't about to dwell on the morality of our relationship. Honestly, I I didn’t care. We laid down, I was on my back and Dad climbed on me, kissing me hard, our bodies touching. He worked his way down my chest, taking small moments to lick and suck on my nipples and my happy trail. I was thinking how great it was to be in his bed, when my cock entered his mouth, “AHHHHHHHHHH….” A groan escaped me, “Yes, Daddy,… ohhhh damn, I’ve needed this”, he loved it when I spoke softly and called him Daddy. “Ohhhh, Daddy, Ohhhh." He had to know I was getting close. He stopped sucking and worked his way back up to my mouth to kiss me. Damn, I really needed to cum, and Dad was giving me a case of blue balls. Without pausing in kissing me, Dad reached over my body for a second, reaching for the night stand, but I couldn't tell what he was doing. Now on his knees, his legs straddling my chest, he sat up, and looking me in the eyes asked “So my baby boy’s all grown up. Does he need to cum?” All I could do is nod. My Dad’s left hand reached back and found my cock and started stroking. His hand was cool and slick. He apparently had found the lube.
    5 points
  10. Skin on Skin, Body on Body... and when I entered his body... skin on skin.. I know this isn’t safe... He breathes heavily... Our bodies sweat together Stick together in the sweat... we are both completely naked... No clothes No protection, too. No protection over my Penis... I know, this is completely naked. And I know this is not gonna be safe... I know this is not safe for him. He trust me. I still have my result in front of me: I got hard when I read it. When I first held the paper in my hand, I immediately got a boner: HIV positive. I got hard directly. I know: No medicine... Only pure Sex from now on. Directly. Skin on Skin... No protection. No protection for me... And no protection for the bottom. So now he is under me... Breathing heavily... Not sure if he thinks... About Safety? There is no safety.... My HIV+ penis slowly enters his ubry hole... I lubed it. It is hot... Sweaty. Humid. Our bodies stick together, sweat together... He trusts me.... I like him. He pushes his ass towards me. I am inside him. No condom. Bareback... Skin on Skin. Then my milk suddenly shoots in him. Millions of viral load... Inside his body. I fuck my sperm deeper in him. Fuck my milk into him. Deep inside. I know: He is HIV positive from this minute on
    4 points
  11. A minor cannot consent to sex under the law. That’s why it’s called the “age of consent”. These encounters are by definition not consensual. We don’t justify sexual molestation of children retroactively because it didn’t happen to have led to lasting harm; even if we did, it would still be impermissible to do it because of those cases that demonstrate the potential that it can damage a life. You can’t un-ring the bell.
    3 points
  12. Does it mean not having to cook breakfast the morning after?
    3 points
  13. It cannot be used often enough. Trump is reported by his former wife Ivana to have kept and read a copy of My New Order, a collected volume of Hitler’s speeches. That’s why he so freely denies having read Mein Kampf. But it is in that book that we see Hitler’s deep conviction about the Big Lie:“…in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation…” This is Trump’s modus operandi. Whether he got it from Hitler or not, it’s the same vile, cynical, duplicitous philosophy that inspired arguably the most evil man who ever lived. And what makes this so very dangerous is that it’s true. If Trump came up with it on his own (which I personally don’t think he has the intellect for) that damns him doubly, because the evil is utterly his own. Imagine, just for a moment, a world in which the name ‘Trump’ eclipses the name ‘Hitler’ as the epitome of human evil. Imagine that before you vote. How ironic that Trump is a German surname (originally Drumpf), and his paternal Grandfather emigrated from that country. But if this one becomes a tyrant, it will be America’s fault and shame, not Germany’s.
    3 points
  14. i know the comparison to nazi Germany is to often casually used, but i see so many similarities between Trump and Hitler, as well as their ardent followers. That concerns me. If possible, it seems to me that Trump has gone to an all new and lower level in his second campaign. His personality feeds off of attention and approval, and he gets plenty of both. Trump and his followers reflect each other, and it seems the only restrictions they have is whatever they can get away with. To me, that's a scary prospect if they gain power once again. i believe they will be even bolder and more outrageous if they get a second go round.
    3 points
  15. Chapter 7: Penthouse Confidential Life in the penthouse kept right on going for almost two more years. Alan fulfilled his promise, lining Ricky up with a steady, full time job in an upscale men’s wear store just a few doors down the street from the condo building. “How much would you like me to contribute to the household expenses each month?” “Nothing, Ricky. It’s all under control. You’ll have pocket money, but also you’ll have a chance to start a savings and investment program. Actually, I’ve set one up for you, with a $25,000 starter gift. That’s the minimum amount to open one of these.” Alan went on to explain how the pooled funds in the program were invested by the managers in multiple kinds of investment vehicles, and shifted around to take full advantage of the rises and falls in the various markets. The trick, as he explained to his boy, was to regard the fund not as mad money but, as he put it, “a long-term investment in your future. When you come to the point where larger sums of money can help you achieve your lifetime goals, that’s when you use it.” Ricky promptly went on line and, with Alan’s assistance, set up an automatic monthly payment from his account into the fund pool. Alan smiled broadly at this choice. He couldn’t help reflecting that this boy was the absolute opposite of the last one, a carefree wasteful spender who had as little money when Alan gently dropped him as he’d had eighteen months before when they had first met. By this time, Alan had set Ricky up with a desk and all the necessaries in the living room of one of the guest suites, and just like that, the impoverished young guy from East Mudhole had his own private office in one of the most deluxe addresses in greater Los Angeles. Ricky surprised Alan in other ways as well. He heard from Ricky’s boss (an old friend) that, unlike some of his contemporaries, Ricky didn’t make a habit of wandering in to work late, or of texting whenever there were customers in the store. In fact, he took to putting his phone on silent mode and leaving it in his pocket. His friends, Dylan especially, teased him mercilessly about being so anti-social, but the customers appreciated the way he gave them his full attention and listened carefully to their requirements. Just by giving this level of full attention to his work on the sales floor, he racked up an impressive total of sales in his first month. His success was achieved in spite of the fact that some of the customers’ requirements really needed to be put on ice. One afternoon, he heard some grumbling and bitten-off swear words coming from one of the change rooms. Knocking gently on the door, he asked, “Need any help?” The customer, a handsome, darkly Latin thirty-something man, opened the door, saying “This zipper’s stuck.” Ricky had already fished the zipper soap out of his pocket before he realized that the zipper wasn’t so much stuck as it was blocked by a sizable – and growing – lump in the man’s briefs. He reached out and squeezed it a couple of times, then backed it up and zipped the trousers. As he did so, he winked at the customer. “There. All under control now.” He then reached into his pocket, pulled out a scrap piece of paper, and scribbled his phone number on it with a note, “After 5 p.m.” The man, who gave his name as Adriano, was waiting outside when Ricky left at his 5 p.m. quitting time. Ricky was perfectly set up for some hot action because Alan had a business dinner to attend and wouldn’t be home until around nine o’clock. Adriano led Ricky to his condo, almost across the street from the building with the penthouse. As soon as they were into the apartment, Adriano came behind Ricky and embraced him, running his hands up and down the slender body as he ground his bulge into the enticing curve of Ricky’s ass. Ricky reached back and grasped Adriano’s thighs, pulling him even closer against the curve of the boy’s ass. “Oh, yeah, grind that thing against my ass, let me feel it – like I want to feel it inside me.” Adriano clapped a hand over Ricky’s mouth. “Quiet, you little slut. I don’t want a nonstop porn soundtrack. I’ve heard all about you and your hot, wet ass that’s always open for dick, and I’m going to breed you – but don’t you give me orders. I’m giving the orders here. Got that?” He emphasized the words with a slap on Ricky’s butt, and Ricky nodded. Silent, and looking scared, but inwardly gleeful at being ordered around. “Take off my shirt.” Ricky tugged Adriano’s shirt free of his trousers and lifted it up and over his head, practically drooling at the sight of the furry, muscular chest which came into view. He just loved a bit of body hair – not too much, but this man obviously groomed it with care, and it looked super-sexy and super-masculine. Ricky dropped to his knees, still wearing his suit and tie, and began mouthing and rubbing the bulge in Adriano’s tight pants, coaxing it into full life. He started undoing Adriano’s waistband, got it open, and tugged down the same zipper that he had pulled up into place a few hours earlier. Even with the zipper all the way down, he had to tug on the waistband to get the tightly-fitted trousers over the man’s firm, muscular ass. Adriano kicked his shoes away, and Ricky got his trousers down and off. Then he went right back to work on Adriano’s tight, bulging G-string briefs. “Get back up here, slut. Get those clothes off, I want to see you all over so I know what I’m getting.” Ricky quickly got undressed, taking his suit and tie and folding them neatly on a chair close by. He piled his shirt and socks on the floor next to it, and stood there, naked except for his tight blue briefs. His cock was bulging just as much as Adriano’s, and leaving a wet spot on the front, but that wasn’t what Adriano was interested in. He wrapped his arms around Ricky again, stroking the boyish chest as he ground his bulge against the round, bulging ass cheeks which Ricky had built up with pride in the gym. Then he slid a hand down, inside the waistband, and began fingering and teasing the hole, which quivered and twitched as soon as he touched it. Adriano lifted Ricky right up off the floor, carried him into the bedroom and flung him face-down across the bed like a piece of wood. Almost before Ricky landed, the hunk leaped on the bed behind him and pulled his briefs right off, then buried his face into the crack and began eating Ricky’s ass at full throttle. Ricky groaned, but Adriano slapped his ass again as a signal to shut his mouth. It was hard. Ricky was usually vocal when he was getting eaten, and this man was a master of ass action with his mouth. Ricky clenched his teeth together to keep quiet while that tongue was probing and pushing and thrusting into him. Adriano got up on his knees, rolled Ricky over like a sack of oats, and barked, “Get that off and suck me.” Ricky tugged down the G-string and laid down on the bed on his face, lifting his head to suck the guy’s cock. As it got bigger and bigger in his mouth, he realized that this guy was going to be a challenge, especially if he wanted it rough. His dick was growing out to a full ten inches, and while it wasn’t nearly as thick as Steve’s monster had been, it was still going to give him the gears when it got inside him. He slobbered and slurped on that big stick, getting as much of it down his throat as he could take, while Adriano leaned forward over his prone body, playing and fingering his ass some more. After he’d sucked that long tool for about five minutes, and his jaw was getting sore, Adriano pulled away, got behind him, spread his legs apart, and planted his dick against Ricky’s hole. Ricky tried to relax his hole as much as he could, knowing that ten inches of manmeat was going to be all the way up in his butt in just seconds. To his surprise, and despite his animal growling, Adriano actually took his time getting it into the boy butt. He started with just the head, moving it back and forth an inch at a time inside Ricky. Ricky got the message, remembering that Adriano’s tool had jumped every time he’d gotten to the head when he was sucking. Extra sensitive head on his cock. Ricky worked his ass on the head of Adriano’s tool, and Adriano moaned, “Good work, slut. My dick likes your ass.” Then he became sterner, more decisive, pushing steadily inwards while Ricky struggled to let the whole thing into him. At last, they made it, and Adriano was pressing his hips downwards against Ricky’s firm round ass, his ten inches of cock buried all the way inside Ricky’s hole. For the next twenty minutes, Adriano pounded Ricky’s ass in that one position. It was obviously his favourite way to take a boy, because it took less than five minutes for him to get all the way there and spurt out a first blast of semen into Ricky’s tight hole. Unlike a lot of men, he neither shrank nor stopped, continuing right on fucking as soon as the contractions of his orgasm ebbed away. After another fifteen minutes or so, Adriano stopped, pulled out, rolled onto his back, and snapped at Ricky to “ride me, boy.” Ricky scrambled into position, planted his ass over that rigid fuck rod and slowly sat back down on it, then began riding up and down, doing his signature twisting of his butt to get the cock to rub against his prostate as he went. Despite his best efforts to keep it quiet, he knew that Adriano’s tool was going to fuck a load right out of him, any minute, any second, any…. “Fuck, I’m cumming.” The slap that landed on his ass pulled the trigger, and his cock, erupted, pumping his seed into the air to splatter back down across Adriano’s furry, muscled body. His hole was grabbing hard at the cock inside him as his own meat exploded and pumped out his load. As he finished cumming, Adriano snapped at him, “Get down there and clean up your mess, boy.” Ricky didn’t need to be asked twice. He loved working his tongue all over that furry chest and those taut abs, licking and slurping up all of the cream he’d just deposited. Once he got it all, Adriano, rolled him onto his back. Then he mounted on top of Ricky, pushing his legs up to expose his hole again. He bent down, ate Ricky’s ass for another minute, and then took his big tool and plunged back in. No more slow motion. Now he was fucking like a madman, slamming in and yanking back, going at top speed, his hips rattling out a tattoo of loud smacks against Ricky’s ass cheeks. Ricky could tell he was about to get bred again, and he did his best to work his hole on Adriano’s tool, to draw the load up and out. Adriano slammed down against Ricky’s ass, pressing in hard as his cock spasmed and erupted inside the boy’s body, shooting a second and even larger load of sperm into the tunnel. As the flood slowed down, he pulled out, began jerking again, and in a few seconds his cock spasmed some more and he jammed it back into Ricky, pumping out several more squirts of his man milk into the now-tired ass. At last he pulled out. Ricky let his legs down, and lay there, exhausted. He’d cum a second time while Adriano was piledriving him, and he’d only just realized it now, feeling the ropes of his own seed all over his body. Adriano gave him another slap, this time almost more of an affectionate pat, and said, “Let’s hit the shower.” It was the 180 degree polar opposite of the tough top man of a few moments earlier. Now, Adriano was laughing and giggling as they washed each other off, like a playful boy himself. Ricky was surprised to realize that it suited him just as much as the stern dominant top had done. The guy might look like a textbook Latin stud, but inside he was more of a chameleon, changing colours at a moment’s notice. By the time he got dressed and left, at seven thirty, with a heartfelt kiss goodbye and a very sore ass, Ricky had learned another life lesson about that most puzzling of all creatures on the planet, the Random Hook-Up. Back home, he enjoyed a long leisurely sit in the hot tub on the terrace, and actually dozed off there – because he was awakened by a foot bumping into him as Alan settled into the tub alongside him. Alan’s arm went around his boy, snuggling him close. “Did you have a good day?” “Well, yes, Daddy.” “That sounded a little tentative.” “Put it this way, there’s good news and bad news. The good news is that I’ve got two big loads inside me.” Alan beamed at that. “And the bad news?” “It was a wild ride. I’m too worn out for any more tonight.” “If you can hold onto it until tomorrow, I’ll be a happy camper.” “Thank you for understanding, Daddy.” Alan held him closely and kissed him tenderly. Inwardly, Ricky blessed his luck yet again at getting himself a daddy who was so easygoing and willing to give him as much room as he needed. In another hour, they were snuggled down together in bed, falling asleep in each other’s arms as they both loved to do. And in the morning, Alan took him gently, not wanting to put that lovely ass completely out of commission, and he fucked Ricky slowly and easily, enjoying the feeling of Adriano’s loads around his cock, until he had planted one more load of his own inside his boy. Life continued along similar lines for the next weeks and months. Ricky had several visits with Steve and Jim, visits which always included some sexual antics. In return, he and Alan invited the other two to the penthouse, and they had one memorable four-way in which Ricky took loads in his butt from all three of the others, with Alan going last while Ricky sucked Jim’s cock and Steve ate Alan’s ass. Then there was the memorable day when Alan left town for three days for some lengthy meetings in Dallas, and Ricky, having a day off, decided to just relax in the sunshine out in the hot tub. He’d forgotten that it was Tuesday. Just after ten o’clock, as he was dozing in the sunshine with the water bubbling around him and relaxing his muscles, the door slid open. “Daddy?” The response was an unfamiliar voice. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you.” Ricky’s eyes shot open. “I’m Ryan, the housekeeper.” The tall man with a head of wavy strawberry blond hair extended a hand to Ricky, who held onto it perhaps a second longer than was strictly necessary. “I’m Ricky. Sorry about this, I totally forgot it was Tuesday. I’ll get out of here and head down to the pool instead, so I’m out of your way.” He stood up in the hot tub and saw Ryan’s eyes immediately drop down to his crotch, encased (but barely) in his favourite swimsuit, the tiny little one that barely held everything in place. Ricky was taking a quick inventory of Ryan, too, as he stood up, from the firm pecs swelling the front of his t-shirt to the sizable thighs pushing through his work pants, and the noticeable bulge in the crotch. The big arm muscles straining the tight sleeves of his t-shirt didn’t escape notice either. This was one hot muscular stud, and from the looks of him definitely interested. Ryan laughed. “I heard about you from my new boyfriend, but he sold you short. You’re a damn sight cuter and sexier than he let on.” “Do I know him?” “He certainly knows who you are. His name’s Leo. Does that ring a bell?” Ricky laughed. “Sure does. He was pretty unforgettable. He’s back up here in L.A. now?” Ryan nodded. “The second night I met him, we were exchanging notes about our lives after we fucked. I told him where I was working, and he immediately asked if I’d met and fucked Alan’s new boy toy yet. So I found out about you before I even found out much about him.” Ricky had stepped out of the tub and was putting on a bit of a show for Ryan’s benefit as he dried himself off. He couldn’t help noticing that Ryan’s pants were bulging even more. He stepped closer, palmed the bulge, and put on a fake southern-belle accent. “Oh, mah gosh, honey, is that thing yall are carryin there all for lil ole me?” Ryan laughed. He liked this boy’s insouciant manner. Alan’s previous boy toy had been much more sullen and full of himself. “I’d love to, Ricky, but I’m on duty and this big penthouse is hell to keep clean – not because you fellows are messy, but because there’s so damn much of it. Check in with me again at four o’clock when I’m done, that’s a different story.” Ricky gave a mock sigh of frustration, winked at Ryan, and headed inside to get dressed and go out for the morning. As he went, he threw the single word “Deal!” over his shoulder. Ryan watched his sweet ass twitching in that tiny swimsuit as he went, gave his crotch one firm rub, and then shut off the water jets and his imagination, and got down to work. It was the time of day when his friends might be expected at the café down the block if they weren’t working at the time. Ricky dropped down to the café for a cappuccino, and sure enough, there were Terry and Dylan sitting together and chatting. He joined them once he got his drink, and at once found he was getting interrogated about all his recent sexual antics. Dylan was looking distinctly jealous when he heard about the four-way. Terry, though, laughed heartily. “Dylan, I think I unleashed a monster when I took this young innocent to Steven’s party. Now, there’s no stopping him. Attention all WeHo men, lock up your partners because Ricky, the insatiable bottom, is on the loose!” That set both Dylan and Ricky laughing. “Sorry, guys, I have to go. Dylan, watch yourself with him – he is dangerous!” Terry laughed again as he picked up his cup and headed out the door. “What are you up to today, Dyl?” “Just got a new job at Shooting Stars. I go on duty at five o’clock. I fit it in around my existing work hours for my temp agency.” “Shooting Stars – oh, right, the bar two blocks down on the right.” “Yup. It’s a popular place for sure. Jim and Steve like to hang out there. Lots of other regulars too. Alan used to be a regular after Aaron left – until you came along and took him off the market again.” Ricky laughed. “He’s never taken me there. He does all his matchmaking out by the pool, pointing me in the direction of guys he knows would like to breed me. And you know what he likes when I come home to him.” They both laughed again, Dylan shaking his head in puzzlement at Alan’s preferences. There was just no accounting for some guys’ tastes, but Alan was definitely an extreme example, at least in Dylan’s limited but rapidly growing experience. But Ricky went on, eagerly. “Anyway, wait till I tell you what happened this morning.” He then proceeded to explain about how he met the housekeeper, and about the conversation which ensued. “And that’s all you did? You talked? Ricky, I know you too well to fall for that one!” “Seriously, yes. He had to get on with his work. But he did say it would be a different story if I came back when his work hours were done.” “And when is that?” “Four o’clock.” “Damn. A couple of hours earlier, I’d have loved to come along for the party. But that’s too close for comfort. I refuse to be late to work at Shooting Stars. This new job is paying me well, the tips are awesome, and if it means I can get out of the hellhole I’m trapped in sooner, I’m all for it.” Ricky nodded agreement. He had heard enough already about Dylan’s undesirable straight roommates, the two guys who could only talk in monosyllabic grunts, and the lesbian woman who acted like she was too good for any of the rest of them. Or, as Dylan himself had put it, “She sure thinks her shit doesn’t stink.” They sat there chatting for long enough that both of them ordered another cappuccino, and something to eat for lunch. Each of them had no hesitation classifying the other as “best friend” since the conversation always flowed easily, no topic was off the table, and they were in a fair way to understanding each other better than either of them had ever understood anyone in their entire lives. The occasional hot sexual encounters they enjoyed together were the icing on the cake. Finally, at one o’clock, Dylan left to go home and grab a couple of hours of shuteye before work time. Ricky headed back up to the penthouse. He heard Ryan humming tunelessly over the whine of the vacuum cleaner down in the guest wing. He smiled to himself, went into the master suite, and got changed into one of his less provocative swimsuits for an afternoon at the pool. Three hours of lying out in the sun put him in a good mood. He even took time to exchange “Can you do my back?” sunscreen rubs with Will, another cute twink who’d fucked him once a few months earlier. The sun was warm, life was good, and he could feel both his bulge and his hole twitching every time one of the hot guys there walked past him. A few minutes before four o’clock, he picked his stuff up and left, heading downstairs and over to the other wing, then back up to the penthouse. As he let himself in, he heard no sounds, Shrugging philosophically, he headed down the hall into the suite – and stopped dead. There, a real sight for sore eyes, was the muscular Ryan, lying sprawled out on the master bed with every inch of him – including his rigid eight-inch cock – on view to the all-seeing eyes of the universe. Ricky stopped dead, staring at the spectacle and unconsciously rubbing his bulge which was already growing and crowding the space in his swimsuit. Ryan broke the spell by speaking. “Well, don’t just stand there staring at it, get over here and show me what you can do with it!” Ricky dropped his phone and keycard on the table and took a flying leap onto the bed, coming down right in between Ryan’s massive thighs, and then crawling forward until his eager mouth came in contact with the head of Ryan’s cock. It was thick. Almost as thick as Steve’s massive tower of power, if that were possible, but not as long. That made it look shorter than it actually was – but Ricky soon discovered the truth of the matter when he tried, and miserably failed, to deep-throat the thing. But it didn’t matter, because it was Ricky’s ass that really interested Ryan. He was probably the happiest camper in all of WeHo when Ricky planted his cute boy ass on top of that big, thick meat and then slowly sat down all the way, taking every bit of it deep inside himself. Ricky was getting to be a really expert bareback rider by this time, sliding up and down the dick, twisting around to take it at all kinds of different angles, and changing from forward to reverse positions on the turn of a dime. Ryan took control again when he felt his load rising, and grasped Ricky by his tight little waist, holding him still while he thrust his cock forcefully upwards into Ricky’s ass, slamming that cute boy butt harder and harder until he exploded, pumping a massive load of cum deep inside Ricky’s body. Afterwards, as they chatted for a few minutes out of the shower, Ricky just had to ask the Big Question. “So, with you and Leo, do you breed him, or does he breed you?” “What makes you think I’d let him breed me?” “Because when I met him in Hawaii, he was playing ‘strictly top only’ and doing a very convincing job of it.” Ricky thought for a second. “More convincing than you.” “Then what makes you think that he’d bottom for me?” “Because he told me that he used to be Alan’s boy a few years back, and when you’re Alan’s boy, you bottom.” Ryan looked thoughtful. “Hmm. Now that’s something I didn’t know. But just to satisfy your raging curiosity, we switch it up – both of us, 50/50.” “Ever do three-ways and four-ways?” “Of course.” “Let’s swap digits. Being Alan’s boy means you’re always on the lookout for guys to breed you so you’re ready for him.” Both of them laughed at that. But it was Ricky who was destined to have the last laugh. A couple of weeks later, Ryan invited him for a three-way on a free afternoon. As soon as Ricky walked in the door, he was greeted by Leo with a face-splitting grin, a rigid cock, and a pretended air of grievance. “You’ve got some nerve, telling Ryan that I used to be Alan’s boy! If I wanted him to know that, I’d have told him myself!” Ricky faked a contrite, I’m-sorry expression. Inside, of course, he was thinking, “Sorry Not Sorry!” Then Ryan put his oar in. “So, why didn’t you want to tell me?” “Because then I’d have had to tell you that I’d seen you out with Alan the year before, so I knew that you’d been his boy before I was.” The sunset colour spreading across Ryan’s face clashed violently with his strawberry-blond hair, besides saying all that had to be said in response to Leo’s snarky comment. Ricky smoothed the waters. “Okay, fine, so we’re all students of the School of Alan Bryors. I’ll tell you exactly what I want: minimum two big loads in my ass. You two can sort out the rest between you.” In the event, the day worked out even better because Ricky also got a chance to fuck and breed Ryan, who admitted (in a sheepish tone) that he owed Ricky one. His strongly-muscled ass pulled out the almost impossible combination of a record-sized load in record time from Ricky’s tool. As well, Ricky collected a bonus load down the throat from Leo – and got to clean both Leo and Ryan off after they’d been inside his boy hole. Alan got the biggest bonus of all by fucking his boy that night with two big loads inside him, and then getting to fuck him again the next morning with all three loads still securely in place. Alan and Ricky travelled together. A weekend in New York, a week on South Beach, a couple of weeks in the fall in southern Europe. Ricky now had his first passport and was beginning to see a bit of the world. Everywhere they went, Ricky managed to find more and more guys willing to breed his hole. He was equally fascinated by learning the histories and cultures of other countries, and by observing the different ways that societies functioned in those cultures. His worldview was changing, growing by leaps and bounds, and he was so thankful to Alan for making it all possible. Of course, he had to have luggage to do that all that jet-setting about, and Alan bought him an appropriately discreet set of three expensive pieces. He presented it to Ricky on his boy’s birthday, just before the Europe trip, with a flourish, and the words, “His Royal Highness’s matched luggage!” Since they’d just watched Spaceballs the week before, they both laughed at the joke. Then there was the week they spent in Kauai, a trip on which Alan invited Dylan to cum along. “After all,” as he said in a wry tone with a wink, “I was the one who suggested it.” As soon as Alan had issued that invitation, and Dylan had accepted eagerly, Ricky leaped right into planning everything he wanted to do during the week. He made notes about places to hike, beaches to visit, restaurants he wanted to sample, everything. Alan laughed at his zeal and did his best to get Ricky to take a dose of reality. “You know, Ricky, that island is a lot bigger than it looks on a map. If you get through half of that list in a week, I’ll be impressed.” “I know, Alan, but I want to give Dylan lots of choices, and then see just how much we can do in the time we’ve got.” Alan had to admit that this was a good plan, both for a trip and as a philosophy of life – “…see how much we can do in the time we’ve got.” He wondered if Ricky was aware of that extra resonance and thought that he probably wasn’t. But at the same time, as he reminded himself, it was never wise to underestimate his boy’s insight and intuition. The trip ended up being a raging success, and the boys did indeed get through a lot of Ricky’s list – including the one bucket list item he hadn’t written down, having sex under a waterfall. They had to go early in the morning to pull that one off without getting arrested, but they managed it and came home with at least one really x-rated Hawaiian memory. They’d revelled in the spectacular wild scenery of the island, going on multiple day-long hikes in the mountains and the Waimea Canyon, and along the Na Pali Coast, before returning to unwind in the enormous pool or in the private hot tub outside their chalet at the exclusive FourWinds Resort. Of course, here as everywhere else he went, Alan knew everyone who was worth knowing, and so they had a private dinner with the genial (and discreetly gay) patriarch of the resort, the General Manager, Ken Murayama. Then there was the day when Alan was off attending to some business, because no matter where they went Alan had business matters needing his attention. As Ricky said to Dylan, while they lounged in the hot tub, you didn’t get to be that wealthy without working at it and doing so single-mindedly at that. The boys decided to ring for some drinks. The private butler who was attached to their chalet for the week, a young Hawaiian man named Derek, brought them mai tais and a dish of bar snacks, and was prepared to ask if there would be anything else. While he was off getting the drinks, Ricky had said to Dylan, “I think he’s one of the tribe. Want to go for it?” They quickly set to work rubbing each other’s bulges until Derek returned. “Your drinks, gentlemen,” he started to say – but the words died in his throat as Ricky climbed up out of the hot tub, with his cock already climbing north of the waistband of his tiny red swimsuit. Dylan followed him, and although his cock was still contained it was obvious that his bright blue brief was about to lose the unequal battle. Derek gulped, set the tray down (barely in time), and stared at the two of them, losing control as his hand moved down to try to adjust his own crotch. “Bring those drinks inside, please, Derek,” Ricky said, in the most matter-of-fact way, as he picked up a towel and began to rub it slowly and sensually over himself. Derek gulped again, picked up the tray, and followed Ricky’s enticing round ass back inside the chalet. Once Derek had safely put the tray down again, he proceeded to get onto his knees and begin playing with Ricky’s ass, tugging the tiny swimsuit downwards to expose that delectable crack and hole. In no time, he shoved his face inside that deep crack and began eating and slurping away, while Dylan pulled his swimsuit off and stood, watching as he idly jerked his cock. When Derek stood up to remove his clothes, Dylan moved right in and slid his cock inside his friend’s body, just to keep Ricky at a fever pitch for the butler’s attention. He pulled out and stepped aside again when Derek was naked and ready, and Derek then slid his beautifully curved brown rod inside Ricky and began fucking him, slowly at first, but gradually getting faster. Then he turned to Dylan and said, “Get that one inside me!” And there they were, the boys acting as the two slices of bread in a fuck sandwich while Derek served as the piggy filling. It didn’t last long, as the three cocks erupted, with perfect timing, within seconds of each other. After they’d finished cumming, Dylan pulled out and slurped his load back out of Derek’s ass while Ricky cleaned Derek’s cock off. Then Dylan pushed Ricky down onto his face and proceeded to dribble the load of cum down into Ricky’s crack, before adding his cock and pushing as much of as possible inside Ricky’s hole. Once Dylan had all that cum safely pushed in, he kept up his pumping motions, driving his cock deep inside his friend’s ass over and over until the strain got to be too much and he fired off another load into Ricky’s saturated hole. Watching this scene unfolding proved to be more than Derek could bear to ignore, and he got his own cock deep inside Dylan, rebuilding the sandwich with Dylan in the middle before Derek exploded in a second orgasm into Dylan’s tight butt. The three guys collapsed across each other on the floor, heaving big breaths and slowly recovering from the epic fuck session. Finally, Ricky got up, got some money from his wallet and tucked it into Derek’s pocket as a tip, then led the way to the huge walk-in shower where the three of them took turns cleaning each other off before Derek got dressed, thanked Ricky for the extra tip with a kiss and a final quick grope, and then calmly resumed his butler’s duties. That night, Alan decided he just wanted to have dinner from room service. The three of them sat decorously around the dining table, making conversation while Derek brought the dishes and wine which they ordered, served it all, and then stood by for further instructions. Alan, though, caught the sudden air of sexual tension, looked at Ricky with raised eyebrows, and got a small blush and a nod in return. Alan proceeded to give Derek an extra-large tip and thanked him “for the excellent service throughout the day.” That night, Alan was the happiest of the three, getting to enjoy both of the boys’ well-loaded holes, and giving each of them a load in turn. All in all, as he said during the flight home, the most memorable by far of all his many trips to the Hawaiian Islands. Dylan spent one more night with them after the flight back to Los Angeles, not just because he enjoyed it but because Alan and Ricky were both rubbing off on him, and he wanted badly to make it a way of thanking the two of them for including him in their adventures. Although Dylan would never be Alan’s boy in the same way that Ricky was, he was becoming more and more Alan’s boy in spirit, catching the older man’s innate air of courtesy and consideration and making it more and more a part of his own self. Alan certainly noticed that, and smiled to himself at the thought that Dylan and Ricky were both becoming a little more like younger versions of him. But, as Alan was soon to discover, that consideration was no more foolproof in them than it was in him. A couple of weeks after their return from Kauai, Ricky got a text from Terry, asking him to meet at Shooting Stars that night at six o’clock, and saying that it was important. He told Alan that he would take care of dinner for himself, most likely somewhere out, and he headed to the bar right after work. Walking in, he spotted Terry sitting with Dylan, and steered over that way. “Hi, Terry. Hi, Dyl. Say, what’s this big urgent matter?” Terry laughed. “We’ll wait for the others before we get started.” He was not to be drawn, so the three of them talked about other things until they were joined by Ryan and Leo, and by another guy, a young Brazilian beach boy twink named Duarte. Then Terry spoke to them. “Here’s the deal, fellows. So, there’s this guy I’ve been playing with off and on for a while, and he’s told me that he has to go to the Middle East for work, for at least two years and maybe more. But he doesn’t want to give up his condo here, and he’s looking for someone to rent it to while he’s away. It’s in a newish building down the street a block or so that way,” and he gestured in the opposite direction to the building where Ricky and Alan lived. “I kind of thought it might be cool if we all moved in together. It’s big. Not as big as the Royal Palace where Prince Ricky here is living in splendour, but it’s a good size. There are four bedrooms, each with its own ensuite full bathroom, and the public areas are good and big too. And he’s renting it fully furnished. So I asked him about how much rent he’s hoping to get. Of course he mentioned a big number, and even though he stressed that all utilities were included, I just looked sad and told him that I doubted my friends would be able to afford that. It’s too bad, I went on, that he’d have to go out on a limb and rent his place to someone he didn’t even know when the six of us could be trusted to care for it as if it were our own and not turn it into the best little whorehouse in WeHo or anything like that. And that did the trick. He came back with a much lower number. So let’s talk numbers.” After about twenty minutes of intensive number crunching, the guys figured out that the lower rental figure was doable at their current income levels, and decided to go for the deal, leaving Terry as the point man to finalize everything. A week later, he called another meeting, and said that the owner wanted a security deposit as well as first month’s rent. Ricky knew that it was time for him to dip into his savings fund which had grown and prospered. It took him a few more days to free up the cash, and then the five of them met the owner and jointly signed the rental contract. It would take effect in three weeks as the owner was leaving for the Middle East the previous Monday. Once the date came around, there was a final brief delay while Terry got the official authorization from the owner to the property management consultants, but at last that was taken care of, and they had an official move-in date on a Friday. Terry texted the others to notify them on Monday evening. Ricky spent the next three days in a fever of preparation. His every minute was filled with planning and preparations for his move. He organized and began packing his clothes, arranged and boxed up the things on his desk in the office. He handed the new address information to his boss at the store. He told a few of his close friends about his upcoming change of address. In fact, he’d only forgotten to tell one person. Alan. Alan was no fool. He sensed Ricky’s sudden absorption in something, could tell that it was a big deal, and put two and two together, arriving at the right answer. Unlike many other men, Alan didn’t go snooping around. He didn’t go poking into Ricky’s business. He didn’t ask questions behind Ricky’s back. It wasn’t his style, and in any case he had realized for a long time that this moment was going to come. But now it was coming sooner than he had expected it, and definitely sooner than he was ready for it. On the third evening, when they were in bed together and Alan was playing with Ricky’s hole, he decided to ask a question – using an opening which Ricky had given him. “Ricky, this is the third day in a row you haven’t had any load inside you for me. Been through all the guys in the city?” He said it in a light-hearted way which took any sting out of the words. But Ricky was suddenly stricken to the heart. His mind leaped quickly from the realization that he’d been too busy to go and get laid to the realization that he hadn’t told Alan what was happening. And he had to do it – and do it now. He rolled over to face Alan, took Alan’s hands in his, and spoke slowly. “Alan, I’m so sorry. I’ve just realized that I didn’t tell you what was happening, and you were the first person I should have told.” His eyes were getting wet. “You’re leaving, aren’t you?” “Yes. But I swear, I didn’t mean to walk out with no warning. I just got so excited about making all the preparations.” “Tell me all about it.” Twenty minutes later, all thoughts of sex forgotten, they were cuddled up together as Ricky finished explaining it all to Alan. He’d been shocked at what he’d done, how he’d overlooked telling this one man who had done so much for him. He’d been even more shocked that Alan wasn’t upset at his thoughtlessness. The truth of the matter was that Ricky’s sudden rushes of enthusiasm were one of the things which Alan treasured most in his boy. He also sensed, strongly, that Ricky’s enthusiasm and energy were key elements that would take him fast and far in life. Alan knew that it wasn’t the place or time for him, the man who had ended a dozen relationships with cute young twinks, to sit in judgement on this one who had made his move first. Alan held Ricky close, stroking him gently as the younger man’s rush of panic slowly subsided into a calm acceptance that he himself shared. There was no point in either of them trying to fight it, for this was the way of the world. The two of them fell asleep like that, with Ricky’s head in his favourite position – pillowed on Alan’s chest. Truth be told, it was Alan’s favourite position too. In the morning, Ricky slowly awoke to a feeling of fullness in his lower body. He knew that feeling well, now, but was still surprised that Alan wanted him, after what he’d done. But he went with the flow, and for one last time, he felt – more strongly than ever – the sensation that this man was making love to him. He was lying on his face, his butt open, and Alan was on top of him, lying closely along his back as he moved gently in and out of Ricky’s ass. His strokes only speeded up slightly as his cum flowed into his boy’s hole. But Alan wasn’t finished. He wanted to go longer, to breed Ricky again, to build one final set of memories of this boy for himself to cherish. He nudged Ricky to roll over, and lifted his legs up, bending down to eat his fresh load from Ricky’s hole while Ricky uttered little squeals of delight. When his cock was hard again, Alan moved up between Ricky’s legs and slowly slid back into his boy’s beautiful ass. And Ricky, as if it were the only thing to do, the most natural thing in the world, brought his legs down and locked his ankles over Alan’s back at the same time as he wrapped his arms around Alan’s chest, pulling his daddy into a full and close embrace as their mouths locked together. They stayed locked together like that right to the end, right to the moments when Alan’s fucking motions speeded up, when he rammed his cock deep inside his boy’s fuckhole one last time and shot out one final load of his seed deep inside his boy’s ass. Ricky took it all, knowing in the depths of his heart that Alan was blessing him on his way into the world. And they never broke their kiss for even a second. Three hours later, breakfast eaten, they were ready when the guys arrived. Terry had borrowed a big van to go around to each of the guys’ places and collect their stuff, and this was the last call. Ricky had filled up the three suitcases and packed a pair of boxes with his desk equipment. Almost all of it was gifts from Alan, of course – although he still kept and enjoyed using the clothes Mitch had bought for him in Albuquerque. As Alan pulled him into a final embrace and kiss, Terry and Ryan discreetly looked away. And then they picked up the bags and boxes and headed out. Alan remained behind, alone. He knew that it was time, and that it was his job at this time to step aside and leave his boy free to continue growing into full adult life. Even so, he could not help feeling the loss of a unique and special relationship. And so he said, aloud, “Goodbye, my boy.” But then he caught himself up in surprise. What was this feeling? Why was he crying? He couldn’t have explained it to Ricky, not at that time, and he wouldn’t have even if he had understood the truth – which he did not, not yet. All the same, he said it again, the words echoing loudly in the empty penthouse. “Goodbye, my boy. I’m going to miss you.” And Alan wept.
    3 points
  16. Chapter 2 we had gone to bed, and I had dozed off. I woke to the early morning light coming through a gap in the curtains. It was the first time I had actually slept with a guy. I looked over at Mike and he was still sleeping. I got up and decided to shower, as I had to sort my head . There were a million things swirling round, not least the fact that I had willingly taken a poz load in me. If what Mike had said was true I could be at risk. The hot water woke my mind a little. This was a one off, I had scratched the itch, and the chances were with just one load in me I was probably ok. I became aware of a movement and Mike joined me in the shower. He massaged my shoulders under the hot water, working down my back until he reached my buttocks. I involuntarily spread my legs and I felt Mike’s fingers work my hole. He moved closer and then I could feel his hard cock pushing at my entrance. It felt natural and I couldn’t help bending over, hands supporting me on the shower wall and Mike grabbed my hips as he slid his cock into me again. I lost myself in the feeling of him fucking me, no wonder Maria liked me fucking her arse I thought as I rode Mike’s thrusts. I wasn’t concentrating on whether Mike was close to cumming and before I refocused Mike was grunting. ‘Here’s your second load’ as he thrust once more, his strong arms holding my hips as I felt his cock pulse as he came in me again. I tired round and we kissed. ‘How’s that itch now?’ Mike asked. ‘Well and truly scratched’ . We finished showering. ‘you can now go back to your girl, but I have a feeling that you are going to be back for more …. And just so you know, I’m staying off meds for a while. Especially now I know your little kink’ An hour later I was at home waiting for Maria to return from her hen weekend. I would put last night down to experience and move on. Keep on the straight and narrow. Maria returned and life went back to normal for a week. The following Friday we decided to go to the gym together, I always liked looking at Maria’s ass in her Lycra. We did our workout and then went to our locker roomS to shower and change. This time, I couldn’t put my finger on it at first, but something was different. There were a few guys in varying states of undress, then it hit me. I realised I was actually checking out the guys. What was happening to me. There was one guy in particular, ripped and tattooed. My eyes dropped to look at his cock, and I must have been staring. There was a steel PA in a big mushroom head and his cock was semi erect. I felt myself getting hard and moved my towel to hide this. I noticed he had a scorpion tattoo as well, similar to Mike’s, but also a biohazard one on his hip. I knew what that meant. I must have been staring longer than I thought as when I lifted my head my eyes locked with tattoo man’s eyes, just for a brief second. It felt like this man could read my thoughts. He moved towards me. ‘ I’m Andy’ he said , and then lowered his voice ‘ and I guess you like?’ ‘Err Nathan’ I stammered’ err and yes. I’ve never seen a PA in real life before’ ‘come in the showers ‘ he whispered’ and you can take a closer look’ instinct took over and I just did as I was told. I sauntered into a cubicle, Andy right behind me. I turned and looked down . His cock was hard. And huge compared to mine. I reached out and started wanking him , and sank to my knees. I looked at his cock once more before taking him into my mouth. I decided I would let him cum in my mouth, that was safe enough. Andy had different ideas though. He lifted me up ‘turn’ he ordered. ‘ Be quiet , this is a straight gym so when my cock goes in don’t yelp’ . My natural submissiveness took over. Strong hands parted my legs and I could feel the steel pa pushing at my hole. ‘ I’m not on anything ‘I whispered ‘ and I’m neg’ . ‘It’s ok, don’t worry, I’m poz but I won’t cum in you, I guess you knew that though when you were eying my tarts’ ‘er yes I did’ ‘ and you still came in here to suck my poz cock. Mmm I think you like a bit of poz cock in secret don’t you’ Andy whispered as with a thrust he entered me. The immediate pain subsided as Andy started building a rhythm. ‘ you haven’t denied that so I’m guessing it’s true. You love poz cock. You’re letting me fuck you bare and you just love it’ I nodded ‘ you horny bastard , I’m going to give you what you really want, and that’s my poz load’ I stayed silent as Andy picked up his pace. I couldn’t help it. My cock brain had taken over ‘ yes. Please. Don’t pull out. Fuck it into me’ I hissed as Andy pounded my hole. It wasn’t long before Andy growled’ full poz load incoming’ as he gave a final thrust and held me in place as he shot his load filling me. We both slowed, gathering our breath before he slipped out of me. He unlocked the door and covertly left . I was showering again after being fucked. My mind went back to last weekend and I had strayed again after only a week. What was happening to me? I towelled myself dry, catching Andy’s eye again. ‘See you around champ’ he said as he left. I quickly dressed and left the locker room, meeting up with Maria outside. We got into our car to drive home, but my mind was elsewhere. All I could think of was how horny that fuck was. And how wrong…….. to be continued…
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  17. CHAPTER 6: Cod: I woke up cuddling next to my Dad naked and asleep but with a very hard cock. My ass was just a little sore from him fucking me yesterday but I was determined to take his cum on a regular basis like we used to do before college. Grabbing the bottle of lube I slicked up my hole a little – no reason to waste that erection he’s got going, I thought. I slowly guided his cock to my hole and with just a little effort it slipped right in; I was surprised at how much it didn’t hurt. I sat there a few seconds getting used to the head before slowing easing more of it into me, then I felt it, his hairy nuts touching my ass. I was in love. Dad moved a little but didn’t seem to wake up, one of his arms around my chest holding me close; then I felt it, he started to fuck me. Dad: Waking up I realized my boy was cuddled up really close and it felt so great, then I realized my cock was all the way in his ass --- did I do that in my sleep? I was groggy but I didn’t care, I had a major piss hard-on and I was inside my son’s tight ass, if he wants it he’s going to get it. I knew I couldn’t load my boy with cum with this piss boner. I laid like that for a few minutes trying to relax my bladder there on top of him, he grabbed my hand bringing it to his mouth, kissing it, I guess he knew I was awake. "Hey sexy boy," I said. "I’ve really got to piss. I don't wanna get up; think you can take it?" He pushed his ass back against me and pulled me closer, answering my question with one quick motion. I was relaxed now and felt like I could piss at any moment. I kissed his neck softly while we both waited for my stream to start. Cod: I love being this close to my Dad and I love our sex, the idea of him pissing inside me is almost too much but it turns me on because its him and he wants it; whatever he wants, I always want. He gives a soft grunt `uhh', and I felt the liquid travel up from the base of his cock, out the end, and deep inside my ass. His stream felt strong, and it felt like he was pissing as hard as he could. Having never done this, it seemed like an odd sensation; warm, and incredibly hot. I felt my cock harden more than it already was. There was a distinct sense of him filling me, knowing he was emptying his bladder into me, he groaned, I really think he was getting off on using me as his toilet. He sighed and then relaxed again, and I could feel the relief he felt at releasing himself in me. "Oh yeah," he said. "I'm draining my piss into you baby boy. You gonna take it all for me? You want your old man’s piss?" If he wanted to give it to me, I wanted it. All I could do is moan a “yes”, he groaned again. I felt his stream slowing, then just a dribble. Finally, he was finished and he just held it inside of me, but then he slowly pulled out, I felt really full even with his cock gone. He collapsed on his back on the bed, arms behind his head, airing out his sweaty pits. I got up carefully and went to the bathroom to unload his piss and hurried back, if he think he’s getting out of that bed without breeding me well he should think again, I thought. I climb on top of him between his legs, his wet cock throbbing ready like a spear for my used hole. I leaned back and felt the head against my hole, we stared into each other eyes and then he nudged in just a little. "I am so fucking turned on right now baby boy I could ram this right up into you but you need to take control, I don't want to go too fast," he said, his voice almost an octave lower than usual. I was used to having Todd’s bare cock in my ass there was no way he could go too fast for me. I needed him badly, I pushed back and let his cock slide almost all the way in with one motion. He had opened me up so well there was no discomfort and the angle brushed him right past my prostate; knowing it was my Dad’s cock made it that much hotter. "OH FUCK!" he yelled out, grabbing my hips and holding me in place. "Stop moving...shit...if you move so much as an inch I'm gonna breed you again Cod! So fucking hot...fuck I love you!" "I want it Dad, I need the cock and cum that made me!" He moaned ... I couldn't tell if it was from the sensation of his dick in my ass, or me trying to milk his cock. All I can really tell was that he was breathing heavy like we hadn’t fucked the night before ... I guess he just needed a moment to come back from the edge. "Oh baby boy ... you just don't know, you have no earthly idea...so fucking tight...so fucking hot inside, you need Daddy’s cum" he whispered. I felt him start to move, just a little bit at first, then a little more. He was slowly fucking himself into me deeper and deeper. Suddenly I could feel a slight tickle at my butt and I knew his hairy pubes were brushing against me. That sensation was quickly followed by the feeling of his balls nudging against mine. He was all the way in. He stopped and I leaned over to kiss him. "The things you do to me boy. I have never been this horny.", “Me too Dad, I want your cum so bad – breed my ass!” He started to pull out and got just far enough to rub the fat head of his cock against my prostate before sliding in again. I shuddered and moaned, and he moaned with me. "Yeah, my son is taking care of me and I’m going to take care of him – give him what he wants and needs," he whispered into my ear. I took that moment to push back and then squeeze down on his cock as he released. "Oh, is that how you want it boy? Well, fuck, we can accommodate that with no problem," he said, pulling almost all the way out then shoving himself back in so hard I started to lose my balance on my knees. He grabbed me around the waist and held me close. "Uh, uh, nope, you’re not going anywhere with that hot hole of yours boy, Daddy is lovin’ the way it's wrapped around my shaft and I ain't givin it up ‘til it gets what it needs!" He started to fuck me in earnest, pulling almost the whole way out then thrusting back in. His hairy balls were hitting my balls like we were playing doubles billiards or something. I was getting really close and I had to warn him. "I'm close Dad… I’m gonna cum!" "Right behind ya boy," he moaned, then he started to stroke me in time with his thrusts, and I hit the wall. "Dad...I can't...too much...I'm gonna cum!" I felt the cum shooting out of me as he continued to stroke me, then he froze and yelled `FUCK!' and I could feel his cock pulsing inside my rectum. I knew he was unloading and I wish I could feel the cum like he could feel mine. He had stopped stroking me and just wrapped himself around me, slowly pulling me down and to our sides onto the bed. We lay there, trying to catch our breath, his one arm still wrapped around me and the other rubbing my cum from his hand onto my belly. After a few minutes he sighed. "Cod, that was so fucking hot, I love breeding your ass… I’m sorry its been a while, but I’m definitely going to give you what you want." I'm sure my grin would have split my face wide open if that was physically possible. It's like he was reading my mind! "Aw Dad, you know I love you, so much, and the fact that you and I can express it like this means everything to me!" Dad: Fucking Cod was so much hotter now than I can ever remember, and knowing I might be fucking him full of poz cum makes my cock hard. We need to find out though, we needed to know if either one of us, or both, were hiv-positive or negative. I decided to make an appointment for the coming Tuesday. Part of me is kinda scared or knowing and part of me hopes one or both of us get a positive test result; Sam has been fucking a lot of unmedicated poz cum into me lately and I know it will happen. I knew I needed to find a way to talk to Cod about hiv and getting tested would give me the way to bring it up and find out his thoughts on it. I thought about it a few more minutes that Sunday evening, maybe I’d make the appointment only for myself and make Cod’s appointment separately.
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  18. Dad: “Fuck.. fuck.. fuck… fuck me… fuck me… “, I groaned to the slapping sounds of Sam’s body slapping against my ass, “I want it”, “Oh yeah? So hot .. uhhhh… tell me… tell me what you want”, “I want… your…. Cum… Sam”, I said between breathes, “I really want IT”, stressing the word “IT”. I love Sam’s cock its so hot, almost 9 inches and I love feeling every vein when he guides it in. With Cody being at home I haven’t been over to Sam’s for a while and we’ve both been going crazy to get back to a regular fuck schedule. “…still off my meds … its going on 4 weeks, you’re going to get a big load of unmedicated poz cum today -- making me wait on your hole.”, “Oh fuck…”, the words rang through my head and made me dizzy. Sam said this to me the last time we fucked but now it really made me realize, he was fucking me and he was going to breed me with HIV+ cum deep inside my hiv- ass. I could literally be HIV+ after this session or the next, I might already be. Either way we both knew he would keep fucking me and I would keep taking his cum. Sam kept banging my hole, and my head was swirling, poz cum, being HIV+, Cod, what if I get infected? What if he gets infected? I just kinda blurted it out, “BREED ME SAM!”, it just came out of me. “Yeah you do want me to knock you up? Hot fucker.. Don’t worry I’m going to be breeding you a long time and I’m not taking meds until you’re poz.” “Fuck! Fuck yeah…”, my legs were up around Sam’s neck and he was using my ass deep and hard now with intent and a deep, steady rhythm. “I’m so close Mark, I’m getting there, I’m going to pump my HIV+ seed into you and you’re going to keep it there.”, “Fuck .. I know.. I want it”, “Say it… say what you really want, tell me.”, “I love sex between us Sam, I want to be HIV+, I want it to happen.”, “What about Cody?”, “What about him?”, “Are you going to pass HIV+ cum to him, or are you going to wimp out and not fuck him anymore?”. I haven’t fucked Cod even once after his return from college, I think he was feeling hurt, I wanted to fuck him every day and I knew it, eventually, it will happen, “I’m going to fuck him, Sam.”, “And you know he will probably end up HIV+ too? You sure you’re ok with that?” My ass felt so good, I was so horny and Sam was riding me with those long, deep strokes, “Yeah..”, “Yeah?”, “Yes. I want that. I want to fuck Cody, I want to breed him. If he goes poz from our sex, it’ll be so fucking hot.”, “Fuck yeah Mark, .. so twisted”, “Fuuuuck… I know”. Sam could barely talk he was making that noise he makes, the grunting, I knew he was close, “Gonnna fucking nut.. uhhhhh.. uhhhhh… gonna.. FUCKKKKKKKKKK! CUMMMMMMMMMMM”, Sam’s orgasm took over his body and just like that he was breeding me. It seemed like a huge load of his poz sperm jetted out of his cock directly into me; I was officially chasing, he knew it – and now I knew it. From this point I knew we’d have purpose in our sex with his intent to infect me with his HIV, “FUCK! FUCK! Ohhhhhhhhhhh fuck”, he groaned and really he dumped his load in me. “Fuck! Fuck! That’s so fucking hot.. give it to me, poz me”, I said it just like that, “I’m gonna knock you up boy”, “I want to be HIV+”. He was out of breathe, but leaned down to kiss me and I was all over him; his cock slipped out, but I kept my hole tight so I didn’t lose his seed. He broke our kiss, “Turn over, I’m not done.”, I looked at him intently, “Turn over”, he said again. I moved my legs down and positioned on my stomach, “Doggy style”, “Again?”, “Yes. I’m so worked up I need to cum again while I’m still hard and horny”. I moved again and positioned my ass in the air, without saying anything Sam’s cock entered me all the way without any resistance, “mmmmmm” we both kind of moaned at the same time. “Fuck yeah… breed me again, give me another load.”, “You’re getting it pig, just you wait you’re going to get what I got.”, he started a fast rhythm, all the way in, and all the way out, followed by quick jabs. I had read about bugchasing and thought it was just too crazy, but now, with Sam’s infected cum in me I knew it was what I wanted. And if Sam was intent on sharing his seed and infecting a neg hole I was intent on being a breeding ground for his bug. “Fuck .. fuck... fuck… so hot… love that hole”, honestly I had been barebacking with lots of different men, I was kind of surprised I wasn’t already poz, of course I hadn’t tested, maybe I already was? I decided I’d get tested after the weekend so I could tell Sam and let him know for sure that if I’m neg. This way, if I’m not poz, we will know its his cum doing the deed and bringing, and eventually Cod, me into the brotherhood of poz men. I was so hard. Cod: I heard Dad’s car pull-up, he was back from one of his runs. I’m so horny for cum right now. I can’t help but think that unless he’s exhausted I want and need my Dad’s cock inside me. “Cod!”, I hear him yell, “Where are you?”, “..bedroom”. I was still naked, I liked sleeping late on Sundays and I hate clothes; he came in and just looked at me. He started to undress… neither of us really said anything, our eyes remained locked though while he quickly stripped. He stepped towards the bed and grabbing me a little rough. In a flash he’s kissing me intensely, “Daddy needs to fuck his boy.”, “… MMMM yes”, I moaned, “I need my Daddy.” I was so horny for it, I grabbed lube from the night stand and positioned my legs up, ass exposed, before he can say anything else or change his mind. We have been having lots of hot sex but he hadn’t been fucked yet and I was ready for a big load of Daddy’s cum deep inside me; this would be the first time I’d had cum inside me since Todd fucked me months ago. A quick squirt and I can feel the lube kind of chilly on my hole and my Dad using it on himself. A moan escape me, he’s just teasing my hole with his cock, “FUCK ME! Please, Daddy”, I offer to him in my youngest sounding boy voice. I need it so bad, he just kept rubbing my hole -- teasing me. “My baby boy needs his Daddy’s bare cock?”, it wasn’t really a question he knows I want and need it -- badly. "Please, Dad, please give me your cock.", I begged. Dad: Words cannot express how happy I was that Cod started to beg for my cock. Cody belonged to me, and I needed him to belong to my cock again. Even if Cody got a taste of someone else's dick, he would always come back to his Dad for sex. I lifted his legs up high over my shoulders, I leaned over Cody and stared down at my son. When he saw my face so close, square and handsome, looking down at him, his asshole flared and opened up. I moved my mouth over my boy’s and pushed my bare cock into his cum hole. Cod gasped, as I expected him to, I took that opportunity to shove my tongue into his mouth. My entire eight plus inches plunged into my son, rearranging his guts, I just kept kissing him. In my mind all I can think about is Sam asking me, “Are you going to pass it to him, or are you going to wimp out and stop fucking him?”, stressing the word “IT”. All the way in, I pulled away a bit and rubbed Cod’s stomach, my pubes tickling his balls. "You ready?" I asked with a smile. "Uh huh", Cod mumbled. Cod: Dad's dick was bigger than Todd’s and he was hitting some new spots; the position was a little uncomfortable. Dad pulled back, withdrawing at least seven inches of his man-meat. He plunged back in causing a bit of a whine and moaned at the same time from me, my face contorted and breathing quickened. "You all right, boy?", a little gruff realizing that Cody was having a hard time taking his cock, it had been too long. "I just gotta get used to you again, Dad." I said breathing hard, I was kind of embarrassed by my inadequacies at taking his cock but now that he’s fucking me I knew it would be a regular thing again. Dad started to get into a good rhythm and he was long-dicking me now. A good six or seven inches were coming in and out with each of his thrusts. As Dad bottomed out deep inside me, a dull pain went through my body; Todd’s cock never hurt this much. The pain in my chest was causing me to go into sensory overload. I started to buck my hips against my Father's cock; it hurt, but I loved every second. “Love your sweet cum hole baby boy”, and he pushed his whole cock into me as he said it. "Cod, you’re smelling slutty right now - like man ass and cum. You like being your Dad's cum whore?", he asked. I could only nod, my mouth was open and my tongue was hanging out. Dad couldn't resist my open mouth apparently and I found him doing something else we had never done before as he pulled up a big loogie and spit into my mouth. "You gonna cum for me, Cod? You gonna get off while I’m breeding your tight boy ass?", I nodded again. I grabbed my cock and started to stroke it, clamping down my ass muscles, this caused lots of moans of approval from Dad. He grabbed on to my nipples, one in each hand, and started to twist hard. At the same time, he was really pounding my butt hole with short, hard thrusts. I gasped a bit and leaned back, closing my eyes. I can feel Dad's dick sliding through my ass, hitting all the right spots inside me. Dad’s twisting my nipples like two dials on an old radio. I’m so into it, I start bucking my hips up and down to meet Dad's thrusts, and suddenly I felt it -- I was about to cum while Dad’s dick was deep inside me. My whole body was convulsing, Dad slapped me on the face. "Use it for me, Cod.", he said as he shoved his dick deep into me, "Milk my dick while you cum. Use your orgasm to get me off." The slap brought me out of the orgasm haze I was going into and I started to clamp my ass muscles down hard around Dad's dick. The feeling of my muscles trying to close but not being able to only added to the feelings in my dick. I felt it, and then I shot five ropes of cum with Dad's cock buried deep inside. My abs and the head board were literally painted with my jizz. "Oh yeah, son. That feels so good." Dad moaned, "Pull the cum out of my dick. You want Daddy’s seed?”, he knew I did. I couldn’t think, I just gave his cock more squeezes to show him what I needed. Dad: “Fuck!... ohh fuckkkk Cod, here it comes boy, your Daddy’s load is going to breed you deep, maybe knock you up”, I felt my cock so hard and then my orgasm took over, “Ohhhhhh .. fuck… ohhhhhh… cummmmming” and I started to unload deep inside his ass for the first time in years. I could barely think but I could hear myself talking to Sam, “I’m going to fuck him, Sam ……. I want to breed him. If he goes poz from our sex, it’ll be so fucking hot.”, those thoughts raced through my head as I was breeding my son. I let Sam fuck HIV+ cum into me and now I was fucking my boy and possibly sharing HIV+ cum with him. Cod was just staring at me, he was elated, I bend over to kiss him, but made sure to keep my dick deep inside him the way Sam had done all those times with me.
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  19. CHAPTER 3 Cod: “Ohhhh… Dad”, he was slow stroking my cock with his left hand, it felt really great. Then he leaned down to kiss me and looked at me with a little smirk… his right hand found my nipple, “owww… ohhh… fuck… Dad, ohhhh.. “, he knew what he was doing. I can feel him rubbing the head of my cock in his ass crack, it feels great. My precum is flowing heavy and I can tell Dad is wiping it in his ass crack and all over his hole; what is he up to? “It’s been so long baby, so long since we’ve had our private time together. Your Dad is craving cum.”, Craving cum? I thought. When did this happen?. All the times Dad and I had private time, all the times he sucked my cock, and I sucked him off, and all the times my Dad had fucked me before I left for college I was always the bottom and I always took his cum, usually in my ass. Once in a while he’d swallow my cum, and I made a lot of it, but I never once fucked him or even thought of him as a bottom; he was my Dad and he was my top. My eyes must have given away my thoughts, “So my little boy needs to blow his load?”, he blurted out. He pinched my nipple a bit harder, I was being hyper-stimulated, then I felt him push back against my penis and the head of my cock slid into him. “FUCK! DAD!”, I was huffing, “Relax baby boy, Daddy’s cum hole is going to get you off.” I only topped a few times in college, most of that was during the time Todd stopped fucking me, I was a little hurt and needed to nut and I found I liked topping guys who were younger and smaller than me. This was different, I loved sex with my Father, it wasn’t just about getting off but right now with his hole sucking my bare cock all the way in, the only thing I wanted was to bang him hard and dump my load deep. “Fuck, Dad, your hole… uhhhh.. your hole, it – it… uhhhh… fuck, it feels so great.”, “You like your old man’s hole, Cod? You gonna breed it? I want it Cod. I want IT.” Todd always talked to me like that when he was fucking me, it really turned me on when he said he wanted to give “IT” to me – I never really thought about why. “Dad? Oh fuck… Dad, you want your son’s cum? You want it inside?” We were getting into a good rhythm, him riding me, and my balls touching his ass, it never occurred to me that Dad bottomed or would be so damn good at it. Dad trained me how to show love sexually and told me to always take his cum, and here he was begging for my seed; I was really getting into it. Somewhere in the back of my mind I remembered that Todd was positive and fucked me regularly that last year of college or so, but all I can think about is how bad I want to squirt a big load of my sperm deep in my Dad’s ass; nothing else mattered right now. Dad: “Fuck me, Cod, fuck me.”, as many times as Sam had bred me it felt nothing like having my own son’s cock deep in my ass; I wanted his cum more than anything right now. “I want it boy, give IT to me.”, we both knew this will not be a one time thing, my boy needs to learn to give me his cum the same way I gave mine to him. I looked down at my boy, his eyes rolled back, he was in heaven. I’m riding his 7 inches with a nice constant stroke, I know he’s going to nut soon and when he does I want it all deep inside me. “Dad, ohhh fuck… Dad, …feels so good, how are you doing that?”, I was squeezing his cock with my ass muscles the same way Sam taught me to do once he went off meds, when Sam told me he wanted my hole to squeeze the poz cum out of his cock; I started doing it every time we fucked. “Dad! Dad! Fuck.. I’m going to … oh fuck, feels so… I’m going to cum.”, “Do it boy, I want it, give IT to me.”, “Uhhhhhh fuck… “, my boy raised slightly off the bed and I lowered myself as he started to unload, I think he wanted his cock buried as deep inside me as I wanted it to be. It was so intense taking my son’s cum in my ass, it wasn’t the same as when Sam fucked me, but it was incredibly hot. Cod: Dad leaned down, not letting my cock slip out, and we started making out. My cock never went soft, “Does Daddy need another load of his son’s cum?”, I said in a slightly childish/sarcastic tone, “My tight hole needs cum, Cod”, “That’s tight?”, now he grinned sarcastically and between kisses; we both laughed a bit. Bareback sex with my Father felt sinful and risky and it kept my 7” cock rock hard; I needed this so bad. That last year of Todd fucking me, telling me how he was breeding me was always intense but it felt nothing like being naked with my own Dad. I stopped for half a sec to think that I had never really tested for HIV and Todd was positive and fucked me very frequently after we reconnected. I was pondering all this and my cock started to go soft, my Dad squeezed down hard with his ass, looking at me, “What’s going on in that head of yours, Cod?”, that snapped me out of it. I knew Todd had fucked and bred me and fucked hiv-positive cum inside of me over and over, and now it was done, my Dad had my cum inside him …. If I was poz, I thought, I might have just given it to him. Knowing there was no going back and feeling his ass, my cock was instantly hard again, (I lied a bit) “I was thinking how hot it was to breed your ‘tight’ hole, Dad, and how you’re about to get a second load.”, “Good boy. This time, breed me on my back, I want you in control of where you unload, and I want it hard and deep – fuck me like you mean it, like you really want to give ‘IT’ to me.”, he said it again. Dad has lust in his voice when he tells me he wants my spunk, poz or not, he’s going to get it. He slipped off my cock onto his back and brought his legs up, “Yeah, boy get in there deep, really breed my ass this time. I want your cum.”, I moved and got myself lined in position, a quick glance in his eyes, and I forced it all the way in, “Ohhhhhh…. Yuppppp.. “, he groaned as I hit bottom, he could feel my sweaty nuts touching his ass and we both knew my cock was going to dump another big load inside him. Evening after just blowing a load my cock was so hard, the size caused him to moan deeply, as each inch of my stiff, fat, flesh-covered rod, pulled back then pushed deeper and deeper into his hole. "Ooh, yea! Cod, fuck me! Stuff that fat cock inside me!", he groaned as my hips began to gyrate against his body. I loved him talking dirty, with my bare cock inside him, he couldn’t talk filthy enough for me. He quickly realized, the more he talked, the harder I fucked him. Dad moaned heavily, as I laid into him, my bare cock fucking his ass as deep and hard as our bodies would allow. My cock isn’t huge but, it felt as though it almost pushed his ass to it's maximum ability, without causing real pain. Maybe I was just extra horny because it was my Dad, maybe it was the thoughts of Todd breeding me, or maybe it's because I really like fucking, or should I say 'make love'? I wanted to breed him, but I was in no rush, he was going to feel every inch of my cock. We had a real rhythm going, it was as though we didn't want to waste any of my cock or motion, I tried to pull my engorged tool almost completely out with each stroke, only leaving the head implanted in me. Then effortlessly slide back into him, until my nuts were tight up against his ass again. For now, I was in ecstasy, hot sex with my father inside his ass raw. I fucked him steadily for over 30 minutes, never really changing the rhythm, until the point of no return, “Dad… Dad… fuck, I’m gonna cum…. UHHHHHHHHHHHH!, and like that I was dropping another load of boy seed inside my old man. “That was so fucking hot boy, thank you”, he was out of breath, I was out of breath. I pulled out and laid down beside him while we both recovered.
    3 points
  20. As a top or bottom, I probably have been in 90% of the positions of the Karma Sutra, and all can be fun. If I’m going to bottom, so long as I have a dick up my ass, I’m probably not going to object to the position given a choice, put me in a sling or on my back. Those usually are the most comfortable for me, especially in a sling with loops to hold up my legs. Gives me easy access to my cock and his body and I can watch the animalistic frenzy growing in his eyes as he builds up to coming in my ass.
    2 points
  21. I was one of those kids. I was sucking and getting sucked at 5 and 6 … bu other 5 and 6 yos. And a little piss play. I was a willing participant- if not the instigator. Then, we took a break for a few years. And by 12-13, I was back at it. Add some fucking into the mix. It was with other 12-14 yos. Yes, below the age of consent. But who were they going to arrest … me, or the other kids? Or all of us? And who were they going to toss into juvie?
    2 points
  22. Welcome. That’s also the way I interpreted it, hence the thread I started.
    2 points
  23. Of course you do, because that's the case. There are a number of events-in-common: 1. Versailles and the waning winning strategies of the R's. While the Treaty of Versailles ended WW one, it was particularly cruel (read punishment) for the Germans. The parallel: mourning the so-called "Lost Cause" - which translates in todays parlance to White Privilege. The Germans and the French have been at each other's throats for centuries, and so have the assumed Caucasian Arbiters been squatting upon a heap of the less fortunate for centuries. All that's missing these days are the thundering jackboots and the swastika. Hitler wasn't a corpulent pig of a man, but he did have Goering by his side from the earliest days, so maybe that made up for being fat. 2. Of most concern to me, and I still can hardly believe it's happening, is the Trumpanzee shouts all the stupidest lies, the nonsensical stuff that has nothing at all to do with Government, and the rabble just licks it up. There is simply no thought-process involved. Whatever the turds are, tumbling from one of his three chins, the so-called Evangelicals just gobble it up like slop in a hog pen. Orange Jesus* has absolutely no concrete proposals, and thus neither do his minions in the House. We hear in the media constantly of all the R's in Congress that secretly detest the Great Deceiver, yet mouth all the maga platitudes in public. How could a thinking man (or woman) not be terribly concerned? Down is the new Up to these folks. 3. Clearly, one error we've made in the construction of our Government, is forgetting to put term-limits on Congresspersons. All these supposed "representatives" of we, the people, have to do is parrot the official Orange line, and they're on the gravy train for life. Same with the S.C. Sure, there are still plenty of responsible members of Congress, but they're all mostly on the R side of the aisle. I don't blame the original authors of the Constitution; it never dawned on them that such a miscreant would run for, let alone become President. *of note, some say that moniker originated not with thinking persons, but with the maga crowd, some of whom actually believe that corpulent serial rapist, philanderer, con-man, circus barker, ne'er-do-well, grifter, was actually "sent" by the deity to "save" this country. These people belong to the 10th Century, not the 21st one. " i believe they will be even bolder and more outrageous if they get a second go round." 4. Of course they will. They're proclaiming it out loud, on a daily basis. For instance, how does forcing one's religious belief (pick a subject) on the entire nation? Maybe these religious zealots believe that their deity forbids murder, and extends that to the unborn. How does that translate into "we believe x, and that allows us to force our fevered imaginings upon the rest of the nation"? If they managed that, guess who's next? I find some small measure of reassurance though, in the recently reported numbers of NH voters who identify as R's, yet cannot tolerate the magoid bullshit - and either abstained, or voted for Ms. Haley. I know the President is shifting his campaign into high gear, which is a good thing. The R's have nothing but an empty-headed pig to offer. The D's have a record of substantial accomplishment, both economically and creating new jobs, infrastructure improvements, any number of accomplishments, and in only 3 years. So, there's hope.
    2 points
  24. 5 for sucking, getting fucked n bred, tag teamed and gangfucked
    2 points
  25. Love to start doggy with the Top teasing my hole, and then burying it balls to wall when lesdt expected. Particularly hot if hadn't seen cock and know how big. Like to finish on back, so I can see the tops face as he unloads in me. Also a great position to kiss after if he's into that, or if not to just let me clean his cock.
    2 points
  26. Sex is easy to get (particularly for a top). Discretion is not. Many customers are not necessarily paying for sex. They are paying for silence. Good rentboys keep every hole open for their client during their meeting and keep their mouth shut after the appointment.
    2 points
  27. Muscle flipping , 100% confirmed inside cumming and swallowing [think before following links] https://www.cybergay.net/videos/10820/hot-bare-flippers/
    2 points
  28. Sex without intimacy is one of the most basic biological and physiological needs of humans. And those most basic needs have to be met before we desire intimacy. Sexual intimacy is part of a love and belongingness need of humans. And these needs can only be addressed after the biological needs are met and even after the needs for safety is met. Check out "Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs" where he discusses the levels of human needs for fulfillment. [think before following links] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow's_hierarchy_of_needs There are different levels of intimacy (think of levels of intimacy from "acquaintance" through "long-term spouse"). You could consider learning someone's name as low-level part of intimacy. Of course, when great sex and great intimacy combine into one experience, THAT's powerful!
    2 points
  29. I wanted cock in me today so bad.. Well later tonight as I was coming home from choir rehearsal a black guy with a huge cock wanted to fuck me. We have played together a few times now. Since neither of us could host I suggested outside behind a building in the office center. He agreed. I got there first and I stripped naked and leaned against my car. He drove in and suggested we move into the little words there which we did . So I leaned against a tree and he fucked me rough and raw with his huge cock. Very hot. And his load is still in me.
    2 points
  30. The simplest explanation for this I've seen is that Trump hates the same people they hate, so he's their guy, no matter how awful he is.
    2 points
  31. I think it would be fun to ask the BZ bottoms which position they prefer and compare it to what the top like most? Maybe I missed that thread somewhere.....
    2 points
  32. 2 points
  33. So, no harness on your bottoms as an aid to gripping them? My tops put one on me occasionally if they want me to know that they are going to be "extra rough".
    2 points
  34. Because we dont have to talk to the other person? lol
    2 points
  35. Maybe we should start a thread, which position do you prefer your tops to fuck you? I am 6 foot 3, and being on all fours, unable to see my partner, and since most guys are shorter than I am I prefer to be on my back with a pillow under my ass so that my hole is level with his cock. A sling is always ideal, you can adjust it, I was in one where the owner had "steps" so that the top could be aligned to the hole of the bottom. I know we all have our preferences and I certainly respect that, and I do try to make the top comfortable and happy. However, if I am told to turn around, stick my ass up in air, my mind starts to wonder. Does he not want to look at me, does he not find me attractive, is the lighting bad, is he afraid I might lean in and kiss him?. I have been fucked in that position to please the top and I have found that my thighs begin to hurt or his weight start to push me down to the point I can'r really enjoy myself. I still am willing to work with a top, find a position we are both comfortable with. I will say this, I find it INCREDIBLY hot to be facing the top, and watch his eyes and his expression as he unloads in me. That's just my opinion. I've been fucked while standing on top of my head, after being pushed off the bed from the force of a guy fucking. I've been fucked in the back of my Kia Forte while my legs were behind my ankles in the back seat. So, with that being said, you can see I am willing to accommodate a talented guy who knows how to use his dick. I find these various opinions interesting, they vary and it's what make BZ great. Everyone has a preference...... Now, the gentleman with the sling and the harness for those bottoms who show up without one, please feel free to PM me. 😁
    2 points
  36. Parker O’Zayle was on edge. The day’s events had made it clear that Dr Prep had once again found a way to disguise himself to the weak minded, making them vulnerable to his influence even when their intentions were good. Clearly he had found another source of adavurt, and until that was located and destroyed, the city was at risk. Normally stripping out of the Virus suit and lighting up a cigarette helped Parker relax after a tough day, but today it was not working. The hum and occasional spark from his pendant gave him some reassurance that the HIVe was still collecting new members at a healthy rate, and while that continued his powers would be sustained. But the prospect of the Doctor’s disruption spreading across the region was too concerning, particularly if it reduced his ability to counter the trouble. He booted up his tablet to see if he could start to find any patterns in the recent anomalies. Most had been isolated incidents that he had initially put down to fanatical followers of the Doctor’s teachings, but the incident at the Frat House had made him realise that the head honcho was back in business and as such the data could shed some light on where to find him. An hour later, Parker put his head back and groaned in frustration. He could see nothing jumping out of the info he had on his tablet, and without some idea of what the method was in the Doctor’s madness, he would always be on the back foot. Perhaps Isaac would be able to find something that he couldn’t, but he would have to wait a while for that. Those two Swedish tourists Isaac had picked up on the way home would be in his room for a while, and Parker knew better than to disturb The Gift when he was working at what he did best. Still, at least he would feel many more surges of virality go through him before the night was out, as the HIVe welcomed a pair of Stockholm’s finest into its ranks. Still, he needed something more. He needed his own release, to clear his head and hopefully enable him to come up a way to get ahead of Dr Prep. Almost as soon as he thought that, he felt the rod come alive where it was resting against the wall, and he got up and went over to it. He grasped it tightly, closed his eyes, and issued a command. “I need three.” The rod flashed white, its tendrils giving a brief whirl, and then it fell back into dormancy. He leaned it back against the wall, and then went through into the main cavern where Brandon and Brendon were waiting. “Guys” he said, “I’ve got some visitors coming. See that they find their way to the playroom.” “Yes boss” they said in unison, each giving him a wry smile. Parker nodded at them, and then made his way upstairs to the basement level of the mansion. He headed down a corridor, and opened the door to his favourite room in the whole place. —— It was working. As one hunk’s tight hole gripped his cock, another’s impressive dick stretched Parker’s own rear end nice and wide, and the third one’s monstrous member filled his throat, Parker could feel the worries of the day dissipate. A few hours here seeding these men and getting bred in turn by them would be enough to sort him out, with the added bonus that his rod had sent him three who were yet to ascend. His most potent of seeds would surely add them to the membership before the night was over, which would give him the extra power boost that only a conversion at his own hands could generate. By morning he would be ready to devise a plan, but now he needed to focus. The negative hole he was in was primed and ready, and it was time to poz… Stay tuned for more!
    2 points
  37. wow, thats fucking hot daddy!
    2 points
  38. As a Black man who loves, "Black, White, Puerto Rican, EVERY body just A Freakin'! (basically ALL races and most types), I am NOT going to cum inside a bottom who asks me to pull out! Cause I'm NOT trying to catch a RAPE or ATTEMPTED MURDER case (cause I'm poz even though I'm U=U)! Pretty sure I've already told this story somewhere on BZ, but I got all the way in this bottom, and I SWEAR it was one of the top three holes I'd been in up to that point. And he asked me to pull out! 🤬 But I did, cause I'm NOT trying to catch a case! Years later he told me that he wished I had been a little more forceful! 🤬🖕 🤬🖕🤬 WTF!!!!!
    2 points
  39. Part 10 My eyes are closed and the world is spinning around my head. I feel another hand below mine, I open my eyes and see that Trish is cupping and squeezing Marcus’s balls gently. “Show her,” that voice above us commands. I take his cock out of my mouth and kiss the tip and then Trish’s full lips. She looks me in the eye and then starts to work his magnificent tool. I’m in awe as I watch her - her touch was much softer and more sensuous, her hands always moving in tandem with her lips, tongue and mouth. When she looked at me I knew she was showing me something, just as she was when she looked at Marcus. She starts to lick and suck his balls while slowly stroking up and down with the saliva she left on his cock. Then, with a hungry look, she props up on her elbows hovering over his cock, puts about 3 inches in her mouth, and slowly slides all the way down until her lips are touching his groin. She opens her big eyes and they’re sparkling, smiling up at Marcus. He moans and lets out a breath of approval, and her eyes close slightly as she rises up leaving just the head in her mouth. She goes north-south maybe a dozen times before she looks at me. I move over and she puts his cock in my mouth and nods slightly. “Easy” is all she says. For the next 10 minutes, Trish showed me with subtle little touches how to suck cock like a woman. When I gripped with a fist like I would a hammer, she separated my fingers and turned my hand so that Marcus could see my pink nails. When I licked up and down, she joined me and showed me how to stick my whole tongue out and move it rapidly. I felt more confident with what I was doing and I felt much more feminine. Trish looked up at Marcus and nodded to him. “Ok, Jamie. It’s time. Let’s get you ready.” I was torn. With my new found confidence, I wanted to see if I could get Marcus to cum in my mouth again. But it was deeper than that. I craved his cum. Maybe it was from last night when he made me hold it in my mouth for so long, because it was like my brain knew the taste…and wanted more. I think Trish saw my reaction when she offered, “You’ll have plenty of time for that and he’s got a lot to give you tonight, Jamie.”
    2 points
  40. Part 9 I had a few moments this night that will remain with me forever, and this was one of them. It was like I had an overhead view of myself. I could see my hands moving, one up and down Keiths cock, the other softly massaging his big balls. I see my hoop earrings, my red lips and my temporary tattoo. I see Keith’s big hands and the little brown bottle. When the rush hit me, it was like my mouth found a way to open wider, and in slow motion, Keith pulled me closer and his beautifully hard black cock slid all the way down my throat. No gagging or choking…in fact I heard a moan from deep inside me that was transformative. Like an awakening. Keith heard it too and removed his hand from my neck. “Alright, ok, show me how much you love sucking my black dick. You feel them balls, sissy? I’ve been saving this nut all day for you. I wanted to fuck it into your white ass but The Boss is gonna put about a gallon of potent black seed in you tonight.” When he said that, he got another deep moan. “You got it bad, girl. I seen white boys gettin off on black dick but you in luuuuv, ain’t ya?” A few years ago I went to a hypnotist to quit smoking. After 2 sessions, she told me that I could not be hypnotized and gave me my money back. I don’t know what happened, but over the last 24 hours, whenever I heard someone talk to me about black cock, I was in some kind of altered mental state. Like a trance. And I couldn’t get enough. Of the talk, of his cock…of this whole experience. I wanted to answer him but I couldn’t let his cock out of my mouth. I was possessed with getting him to cum. I wasn’t frantic, my hands moved deliberately and methodically, as did my mouth. I was now taking Keiths cock down my throat and pausing for a moment to look up at him, then slowly backing off until I had just the head in my mouth. My tongue was constantly moving rapidly and I was swallowing a steady stream of sweet precum, especially when I sucked the head while stroking with both hands. After about 10 minutes, Keiths chatter started to get louder and his hand went to my head. “Damn, girl, you gonna get this nut in a minute if you-“ “Naw, naw. Don’t do it, yo,” said Marcus as he and Trish approached. Keith pulled his cock back and I said a little too loud, “No! Please, I want it!” Marcus moved next to Keith and looked down at me. “Jamie wants us to use condoms and we are going to respect her wishes. And she wants us to take it slow and she has a safe word. What’s the safe word, Jamie?” When I heard the word “condom”, my trance was broken. I was in such a sub space that I almost forgot. And I thought Marcus would be angry about my conditions, even after Trish seemed to be ok with them. But he was being the reasonable one. “Umm…can you pick one for me?” I said as my hands reached for Marcus’s belt. “Whoa, what about my boy here? You need to finish yo bidnis-“ Marcus said as he smacked my hand away. But Keith was already pulling up his jeans, “That’s aight, Boss. This nut’ll be here waitin. I’ll get mine later. Ima get a bowl lit up.” “She aint doin none a that, either,” Marcus told Keith. “Aint that right, Jamie?” “I cant. It just makes me crazy. I’m sorry.” “Don’t be apologizing. This is your first time so you get to call the shot,” said The Boss. “Go on and get up on the bed. You gonna show me them skills you showed Keith.” As Marcus disrobes, I get up and slide slowly onto the huge bed. I feel like I’m living in a movie, in a slow sensuous scene. Trish has dimmed all the lights and has changed into very sexy, all black lingerie that shows off her delicate curves previously hidden under her business attire. She climbs on the bed and tells me to sit up so she can touch up my makeup and hair. “You say you’re a virgin and I have to believe you…but I never saw a virgin suck cock like that before, girl,” and looks me in the eye, expecting a response. “I don’t know, I don’t know. I didn’t even think about it…I just did it. And, ah, I don’t know, I was like, watching myself,” I said both slowly but excitedly. Then, a thought hit me. I lean close to her and whisper, “Trish, what was in that Gatorade? Was it that stuff from last night?” “No, silly. Just something to take the edge off and let you enjoy yourself more.” I started to ask if that was all, because it wasn’t wearing off, I was actually feeling higher. But Trish told me to hush while she reapplied my lipstick. Marcus had climbed onto the other side of the bed and was smoking a big joint…naked. He’s holding a hit and sees me staring at his growing cock. I look up as he’s exhaling with an arrogant smile. The smile says 4 very different things in 5 seconds – I really wanted to believe that the smile was very accommodating, because I was different, and he was sensitive to me losing my virginity at age 52. I mean, theres got to be some level of respect established because they both coulda just beat me down and robbed me by now. But as fast as I believe that, another flash warns: that is the smile of man who knows he’s won. “Have you missed my cock, baby? Is it all you think about?” His voice did not bring me back to reality, rather it kept me elevated. Hypnotic maybe? That fucking voice. He continued: “Come here, slowly. And tell me how much you want this,” he said, fully erect cock in hand. “It’s all I could think about, sir.” I start to crawl slowly, like a slutty cat on the prowl. Head close to the ground and ass up in the air, in a breeding position. “And Keith showed me that I can take all of your cock in my throat. Sir, I need your cock in my throat. Please.” “Look at you,” that smile again. “Trish, baby, I fucking love you. Get over here.” Trish walks over and gives Marcus a kiss, and then he grabs her and playfully tosses her across his body onto a pile of pillows. “You’ve outdone yourself…but I knew you would. It looks like Jamie here is addicted as fuck, aint it?” “She sure got it bad, baby. But your cock do that to white boys,” Trish says as I reach Marcus’s feet. “I miss that cock, too. I’m going to help Jamie with this next part, if you two don’t mind that is.” She slides down next to Marcus and we meet right above his rock-hard cock. My eyes are now focused on it and my mouth was slowly opening. Trish however, was not focused on his cock. As I start to descend, she cuts me off and kisses me deeply, gently touching my cheek, holding me in place. We both moan at the same time, which makes the kiss longer and slower. We slow it down to little lip kisses, and when she pulls away, her other hand appears…wrapped around Marcus’s cock. “Your dream is coming true, Jamie. Now show Mr. Marcus how much you’ve wanted this your whole life.” I had Marcus’s cock in my hungry mouth as she was calling him Mister. When she finished talking, my lips had met her fingers half way down the now glistening black cock. “Jamie, honey, I know how you feel but you have to slow down. Remember, you’re here for his pleasure. Mr. Marcus likes your enthusiasm and passion, but he wants you to enjoy your deflowering.” Trish’s voice and mentoring words has a calming effect and I listen for more as I slowly lick all the way up to the top, take his head in my mouth, suck gently and roll my tongue all around the head and the sensitive area running down the left side.
    2 points
  41. Part 8. I am out of my mind with pure lust. She has put me in some kind of chastity device that feels snug but not uncomfortably so. In my ear, “Don’t worry. It’s pink too and you look so sexy, girl.” I’m fucking loving her calling me girl. Instead of trying to feel my new device, I reach around to play with my plug. “That’s it, Jamie. Focus on your pussy like a good girl. Do you need a bigger plug yet?” “Yes, please,” I answer quickly and we both laugh which breaks up the trance I was slipping into. She has me kneel on the ottoman at the foot of the bed and then gently pushes me down on all fours. I feel her pull out my plug very slowly and when it’s completely out, I drop down my shoulders automatically and picture myself in a whorish face down-ass up pose. “Mmmm, look at you, you’re a natural. You sure you’re a virgin, girl?” I think back to when Marcus said I was a natural and it makes me think of his glorious cock. “This one is bigger so I want you to slowly inhale through your nose when I tell you too and-“ “No no,” I cut her off. “I’m not going to do any of that stuff he made me smoke last night.” “It’s not that stuff. You ever do poppers before? They’ll help your pussy loosen up for this plug. That’s all,” Trish says in that sultry voice. “Trust me, Jamie. I’m going to be with you the entire time.” I do trust her. I’ve heard of poppers but never tried. They sell them OTC so how bad can they be? I start to slowly inhale until she tells me to stop and hold, then exhale when she says and do it again with the other nostril. About 20 seconds later, I feel a rush of warmth wash over my entire body and hear Trish say softly, “You feelin alright, baby?” I just arch my back more and moan loudly. Then I feel her pushing something big into me and stop once it’s in a couple of inches. My God that feels so good, I feel myself starting to push back against it first slightly and then in one thrust, the entire plug is in me and I’m still pushing back harder. “Perfect, Jamie. You look so pretty right now,” Trish says as she squeezes my ass cheeks with both hands…very hard. I’m pushing back into her strong hands and moaning. I feel her hot breath on my ass as she kisses it and then gives it a small bite. “Oh!” I squeal as it sends a shiver up my spine and I lift my ass higher, “Please!” asking for another. She chuckles, spanks me playfully and says, “later, girl.” I don't think I've ever been so horny. I mean, I've put several plugs and other toys in me before but this one is special...and it even tingles a little. Almost a burning feeling? “Are you ready to see a sexy woman, Jamie?” Trish’s voice snaps me out of my daze. “Yes, I’ve never felt like this. It’s like my whole body feels strange,” I say. At least I think it was me. Trish takes my hand and guides me into the bathroom. When she has me standing in front of the full-length mirror, she asks, “Are you ready?” and pulls my blindfold up and off. I really can’t believe my eyes. I look in the mirror and then at Trish. Then at the mirror and at Trish again. What she has done is truly remarkable. I didn’t think my face could ever look so good without a series of surgeries. I had thought that Trish was going to make me look trashy after how she had talked to me at the dollar store. Now doubt, she had to use a lot of makeup to transform me…it was literally caked on my face…but my eyes really stole the show. She had managed to make them look smokey, sexy and somehow bright. I have very thin lips but Trish had managed to make them much bigger. They were lined with a smokey rose color which was darker than the neon pink that it outlined. Completing my look were silver hoop earrings. My pink lace bra had small breast forms that were perfectly concealed and felt like the perfect size. The chastity device was a matching pink and was covered slightly by a white silk thong that had the word “virgin” in pink across the front. “Turn around,” Trish said. I look at my butt in my thong…and I see it…a Queen of Spades tattoo (temporary) I was blown away and told Trish just that. “You look just about ready and that’s good because they are 10 minutes away. Let’s get you in your heels and ready for Marcus.” My heels are white 6” stilettos and getting ready for Marcus meant that I was going to answer the door when he knocked. Although less that 24 hours earlier I had swallowed this man’s cum, I still had butterflies in my stomach. I was checking myself in the foyer mirror when Trish walked over to me and said, “You look perfect, girl,” as she gently turned me around and placed one hand on my butt and squeezed firmly. She put her other hand on my chin, pulled it forward and kissed me with her soft lips and open mouth. I opened my mouth and accepted her tongue…as it snaked its way around, I moaned as I tried to suck on it. “Not now, Jamie,” Trish said and as if on cue, there was a knock on the door. “I think that’s for you,” Trish says and I mouth her a silent “thank you.” I open the door and there is Marcus and Keith. They look a little confused at first but then realize it’s me. “Look at you. Damn, Trish, you are my sissy maker, ain’t you.” “Please come in, gentlemen,” I say with a voice that is now coming to me with little effort. “And listen to you,” Marcus says as he and Keith walk in and head towards the small kitchen. “I had nothing to do with that,” said Trish. “She surprised me with that too.” “Good, good,” Marcus said while looking me up and down. “MmmMmm, You feelin good, Jamie? C’mere. Get me and Keith a beer while we get a look at you.” I move deliberately in my heels past both men and open the refrigerator door. I see the six-pack of Heineken on the bottom shelf and smile. “Is Heineken ok?” I ask in a low whisper. I don’t wait for an answer and bend at the hips to fetch two bottles. “Bring them in here, our little Queen of Spades,” Marcus says from the living room. I take the two bottles and when I walk into the living room, Marcus is standing at the door to the bedroom talking to Trish and Keith is getting undressed. “Me and Trish gonna have a little talk while you take care of my boy Keith.” “OK…I mean, yes sir, Marcus.” Keith is standing in front of the sofa in boxer briefs and I can see the outline of his big cock. I hand Marcus his beer and walk over to Keith who takes his beer and looks down at the floor. I know he wants me to kneel, so I do and look up at him submissively. He just nods at me and I reach up and pull his boxers down, releasing his beautiful black cock. I gently grasp it with both hands and start stroking it. As it starts to grow, a steady stream of precum leaks from it and glistens as I stroke from his balls to his head. “Here,” Keith says as he puts an open bottle of poppers under my nose. “Go slow with these, sissy.” I remember to inhale slowly but I forget to hold it so Keith tells me to do it again…all while stroking his cock which is now a rock hard 8” and when I start to feel the warm rush, I could swear it said, “Put me in your white sissy throat right now.” His cock is at full staff when I try to shove as much as I can into my hungry mouth. When it hits my throat, I gag. Keith has one hand on the back of my neck and holds up the poppers with the other, “Take a deep breath in through your nose and hold it.” As I’m doing just that, he adds, ”You’re gonna love this, sissy. Now suck on the head a little.”
    2 points
  42. Part 7 Fuck. I said I wasn’t going to do any drugs and I’m drinking this Gatorade that I know has something in it. Trish said it would help my nerves, and it has, I feel loose…and very horny. When I’m usually horny my cock is hard but right now, I’m putting lotion on my body and I’m going really slow over my ass, my cock and my balls and when my finger stops and circles my hole, precum drips from my limp cock. Trish’s voice snaps me out of my mini trance, “You ready in there? Open up, we’ve got a lot to do before the boys get here.” I grab the robe that’s hanging on the back of the door, put it on and open the door. “Pink favors you, Jamie,” Trish says as she walks to the first vanity and places a large bag on the counter. I look in the mirror and the robe is powder pink satin that stops right above my knees. I look, and feel, very feminine. Trish is sorting through everything and she hands me a package of fake finger nails. “Here, you get started on these while I pick out your shades.” The nails are the press-on type. I find them very easy to apply and I have them on in under 20 minutes. Trish has turned me away from the mirror so I can’t see the progress she has made. I’ve been sipping the Gatorade and I feel hypersensitive and increasingly sensual with everything that’s happening. I love my new French nails and Trish has me smelling different perfumes. “I like this one,” I tell her and hold a bottle up. “Good, that’s Marcus’s favorite.” When she said it, I felt a rush of blood go to my face like I was blushing. She notices it too and asks if I’m alright. “Yes, I don’t know what was in that drink but yeah, I’m feeling different.” “I’ll get you some more.” “No! I mean I can’t do anything more. He made me smoke some stuff last night and it changed me so that’s one of my conditions for tonight…I’m not going to any drugs.” “OK. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do, sweetie. You said one of your conditions?” “Yeah. I also need them to go slow. I’m very inexperienced and I’m still a virgin so I don’t want to be choking or get my ass torn up my first time. So we’ll need a safe word too.” “OK, OK, I can see that. You’re going to have to tell them this when they get here. Anything else?” “Yeah. I know black guys don’t like to wear condoms but that’s a dealbreaker for me. Maybe after I know them better it’ll change, but until I’m sure that everyone is clean, we use condoms. I know I’m clean.” “Well, Marcus and Keith are clean but I feel ya. Just gotta let them know.” Trish is putting the finishing touches on my makeup and my blonde wig with pink streaks and I ask if I can see myself yet but she says I have to wait until I’m dressed in my sexy lingerie first. We go into the bedroom and she has everything laid out on the huge bed. “Start with the stockings and belt,” Trish says. She is referring to white fishnet thigh highs with a matching garter belt. It’s the first time I’ve worn these and Trish helps me put them on. I’m really wanting a mirror and I ask Trish if I can get something out of my bag. She’s onto me and tells me she’ll bring it out of the bathroom. I run my hands with my new French nails up and down my stocking legs and im really starting to feel submissive…and horny. She drops the bag at my feet and I immediately zip open a pocket, reach into a bag and pull out a decent size butt plug. “Yeah, you starting to feel it now, aint you sissy? Go ahead, you’ll be glad you did. You ever take a cock as big as Marcus’s?” Right when she asks the question, I push the plug all the way in with one motion. I moan loudly, sounding just like a woman, catch my breath and say, “No, I’m still a virgin.” I look up and see Trish staring at me with a slight smile on her face. “Well good for you, Jamie. I’m sure you’ve thought about this night for a long time. Are you feeling more like a woman now?” I nod with my eyes closed, listening to her sexy voice, wiggling my butt around the bed, playing with my cock with the precum that leaked out when I put the plug in. I feel her close to me and I feel her slip something over my head and feel a very soft and smooth blindfold on my face. She’s almost whispering when she says, “its ok, girl. Youre doing good and it will be everything you dreamed about, Jamie. Keep your eyes closed and dream away. Just follow what I’m doing and we’ll get you all ready.” “Thank you, Trish. I know you don’t really want to do this so I appreciate it.” From across the room I hear her say, “Why do you say that, Jamie? I do this for Marcus at least once a month and its mostly the same…but you're different. I don’t know what he has in mind for you but he's smarter than a motherfucker so I trust him. And if there’s one person in this world who can fuck you and make you feel like a woman…its Marcus” I moan again and say in a sexy voice, “I know. That big beautiful cock…” She tells me to stand up and when I do, she grabs my cock and balls with one hand and holds onto my shoulder with the other to steady me. Then she whispers in my ear, “You’re going to be such a pretty girl, Jamie. Pretty in pink. Marcus is going to turn you into a woman, baby. You’ll never want to have sex again any other way, but as a woman. So I’m going to lock this up. Your pleasure won’t come from here anymore. He’s going to give you a pussy tonight, girl.”
    2 points
  43. CHAPTER 8: Dad: It seemed as if every day for weeks continued like this. I would fuck my boy, then visit Sam, take his load, again and again. It might as well been a ritual. Many times after having visited with Sam I would find myself so horny that I would go home and have Cod drive Sam’s poz cum deeper into my ass. On other occasions I nearly raped Cod’s ass. My son Cod was my lover and I, his. I speculated on a few occasions if Cod was having sex with anyone other than me. I hoped not. The last time Sam fucked me he said he’d recently visited his immunologist and his viral load had spiked in the three months since his last visit. Sam had been blowing an enormous amount of his HIV+ cum inside my ass, and we were both determined to see me convert. I had to know if our sex had done the deed. I was determined to convert, and was equally determined to see my son also convert. I decided to get tested. Cod: Dad left for the afternoon to run errands, for all I knew Sam was fucking him right now, I wish Dad would talk about him. Two can play at this game, I thought, and I decided to get on BBRT which I haven’t used in a while; I created a new account. So many men are into bareback sex in Chicago, and so many it seems like are hiv+ undetectable. I remember how nervous Todd was when he told me he was positive and worried I’d never talk to him again; I think he was honestly surprised when we went back to him fucking me bareback. After searching a bit, I found one guy close by, twinkish, versatile, loved my profile; his status said “Ask me”. It took 2 emails to find out he’s hiv+ and undetectable and for us to exchange numbers and text each other, he was 19 years old. He never once made mention or asked me about my status (which reads negative in my profile). “I only bareback he said,”, “Same”, I responded. Amazing.. twenty or so minutes online and a guy was coming to my house to fuck me. Adam texted a few minutes later that he was close and he pulled up to my Dad’s house about 5 minutes later. “Nice place”, I let him in, “Thanks”. We looked at each other and immediately started to make out, it felt so good. “Where’s your bedroom?”, I let him down the hall to the bedroom I shared with my Dad, he saw photos, “You live with someone? Roommate?”, “My Dad.”, “Ohhh.. is he… “, “No he’s not here and won’t be for a while” and I grabbed him to make out. We started to undress and got on the bed naked, still making out, Adam was rubbing his cock against me. It was getting hard quickly, I didn’t realize for a short guy (he’s 5’ 7”) that his cock would be so big (it was easily 9”), I loved it. We were kissing and he was leaking precum and rubbing it onto me, “You want this?”, rubbing his cock on me, “Yes.”, I moaned into his mouth, we kept making out and somehow I reached over and grabbed the lube. I thought about the words Todd used to use, “I want you to fuck me and breed me deep.”, that really turned him on, as he elicited a “HOT!” while kissing me. Adam used the lube on both of us and then got between my legs which went over his shoulders very easily, I was horny, I wanted it and I didn’t give a fuck if he was hiv+ or not; besides I thought, Todd fucked me bareback all those times and I’m still negative. Adam eased slow into me and moaned, I know it had to feel good, I’ve got a great ass or so my Dad says. “Ohh fuck… your cock… feels so good”, “Yeah.. your ass feels great, too.”, and then he used his weight to slide that huge cock the rest of the way in, “I’m all the way in you… is that cum already in there?”, “Yeah…. “ (I grunted), “Fuck that’s hot”, his cock was big and I grunted, “You ok?”. I looked at his eyes, “Fuck me” and we kissed, he started slowly moving his cock inside of me. I didn’t bother to tell him it was my Dad’s cum he was driving deeper into my ass. “Fuck… I love your ass, I’m so glad like to fuck bareback,… you know I’m poz right”, and he pushed in as he said it to punctuate his tone. “I know”, and I squeezed down on his cock with my ass muscles, “Uhhhhhhh….. “, he groaned, “fuck, … that felt great”, “Fuck me Adam! Breed my ass like my Dad does." He looked at me a little strange but he didn’t stop fucking me. “Your Dad fu..fu.. fucks, you? That’s his cum?”, “Yeahh… he does”, I paused and gave it up, “And yeah… it is”, and I clamped down hard on his cock. “Much more of that and you’re gonna get a big load of poz cum in your ass.”, I did it again to make sure he knew I wanted his cum. “Fuck… oh fuck! Alright then… I’m close”, “Cum inside me!”, I practically demanded. “Oh fuck yeah… I love guys who bareback, “ he said between breathes, he was working up a sweat and I knew from enough sex with Dad that he was close to cumming. He leaned in and got my ass raised so that he was fucking me deep and his balls were slapping my ass, we were making out and my breathing was ragged, “I’m gonna cum… “, “Me too…”, I felt my nuts tighten and my load started to squirt, “Uhhhhhhhhh…. Uhhhhhhhhhhhh………. Cummmmmmmm… “, was all he managed to get out and I knew he was dumping his load inside me. My first poz sex and cum since Todd, Todd was on meds though and Adam said he was undetectable so I felt alright about it. Besides Adam was so hot I wanted his cum inside me bad and there we were. He removed his cock and we laid on the bed together, kissing, me with 2 big loads of cum in my ass, “That was great”, he said, “Me too… I mean yeah… yeah it was”. After a few minutes Adam got up and dressed, “Again sometime?”, “Love to”. He left. Wow that was intense my first real sex with another guy besides my Dad since college, it was fucking hot. Dad: I found myself sitting in the HIV testing center on Halsted. They use a numbering system to keep test results anonymous; Sam said that is how I should test. It was Tuesday afternoon and the place was practically empty except for the 2 guys working the desk, the one greeting people, Chris, was very good looking with a go-tee. He gave me a number; I sat down. A few minutes go by and a cute kid, looked 18ish, comes in, takes a number and sits down nonchalantly as if he’d done this many times before. I thought he really looked younger than Cod, but not “too much younger”. He had short brown hair, under a ball cap and the cutest blue eyes; I had to get to know him. “Hey… uhmm… Getting tested, too?”, “Yeh”, he replied and held up his number. “Me too”, holding up mine and smiling. He smiled back. “I’m Mark”, “Jake”, I swear my cock got a little hard as he said it. “This is my first time testing.”, “Really?”, he said, “..think this is my 5th or 6th time.”, “Oh yeah? You get tested often?”. “Eh.. I guess not .. good friend of mine, says I should get tested often because .. well, you know.”, “Because… you’re… “, I paused, “Gay.”, he said. “I’m gay too, its cool.”, I nearly blurted it out. Chris gave me a quick glance, we made eye contact, and he smiled. Wow he was so good looking, but I wanted to focus on Jake. “Glad to hear that.”, he said, “… glad we got that cleared up”, and be both had a quick laugh. “Your boyfriend couldn’t come, too”, I asked, “I’m not dating anyone right now… “, he paused, “You?”. “My boyfriend and I … we uhmmm… we’re… open”, I tried not to making sound so slutty, and I didn’t want to tell him my son was my boyfriend – at least not now; I also didn’t want to push him away. “That’s cool”, he moved over a seat to sit beside me, we made eye contact, “Hope this is cool.”, “Yeh… its cool Jake,.. you’re a good looking guy,”, “Thanks you too. My last boyfriend was 40.”, he offered, I obviously paused a little too long, “Not that you’re … “, “Its cool Jake, “ we laughed, “I’m 42 actually and my boyfriend is 22.. I love younger guys,”, “Cool. I like older guys”. “How old are you?”, I asked, “Eighteen…. That cool?”. I looked at him a second and smiled, “Very ok Jake… definitely ok. You nervous about getting tested?”, “Nahhh…. I get tested often”, and he lowered his voice a bit, “I really prefer to bareback and one of my friends… well, she worries I’ll get something.”, “Well its possible”, especially if I pump a load of hiv+ cum in your ass, I thought. “I decided to get tested, it just seemed like the right idea, even though I’ve been careful”, “Me too”. Chris called my number. “That’s me… ok, nice meeting you Jake, hope you’re here when I get back.”. Chris led me to one of the examination rooms and asked what seemed to be standard questions about safer sex practices, I said “no” when he asked if I had questions about using Condoms or the test itself. He said they test for hiv antibodies that can show up as early as about 90 days, sometimes sooner, sometimes later and that a negative result might not mean I’m not positive. I spoke cordially and told him what he needed to hear, its not like I was going to tell him I was bugchasing with a guy who went off meds to poz me. He asked me to swab the inside of my gums and he put it into a solution and closed it up, “Go back and sit in the lobby and I’ll call you when this is ready.”, “Ok, thanks Chris”, and I gave him a smile, he gave me one back. Jake was sitting there still, “They already test you, too?”, I said, “Not yet.”, and then Chris called Jake’s number. “Back in a minute.” And he disappeared into the same lab room I was in. It seemed like only a few minutes and Jake was back, “back”. We sat and talked about boyfriends and Starbucks and whatever to kill the time. Chris called my number again and we went into a different lab room; that got my attention. “ok.. I’ve got your test results, … any questions”, “Nope.”, I said. “Are you ready to learn if you’re hiv+ or not?”, “Yeah… I think so, I can handle it.”. He paused, “Your test was negative.”, I lied to him and said matter-of-factly, “That’s good.”. “We do ask for a $20 donation to keep the center open and offering free testing, if you can’t… “, I cut him off, “It’s cool. I got it.”, I gave him $40, “That second $20 is for whoever comes in next that doesn’t have it,”, “Nice. Thanks.”, he paused again thinking, “Can we uhmm.. “, he paused a bit, ”get toge….”, “You wanna get together sometime”, I blurted out. We both grinned, “yeah man…. Love to”. “Sorry we’re not actually supposed to do that… but I … I… you’re hot”, we made straight eye contact, “I think you’re hot, too.. is it forward to ask if you top or bottom?”. We both laughed, “Mostly bottom… “ and he paused again, “Bareback?”. My eye went up, I smiled, “Me too.” I gave him my number, “Just text me later when you’re off”, “Cool.”, that was weirdly intense and I was hard when I went back to the lobby. Just like before I got to the lobby and Jake’s number was almost immediately called, he looked at me, and he went to a lab room with Chris; I wondered what his results would be? I decided to wait. Jake returned some minutes later like I did, “That was weird he didn’t ask me to pay this time. I didn’t think you’d still be here”, “I thought I’d wait for you”, we were talked but decided to walk outside. “Wanna get together sometime?”, “Love to…. “, he leaned toward me looking down at my crotch, “Love for you to give me your bare cock”, I smiled, “I tested negative, we can do that”, “Cool. Same.”. My thoughts went a little wild thinking I went to get tested for hiv+ and met two cute really cute guys and both want to fuck bareback; crazy. I texted Sam, “I’m horny and I need to cum over right now.”, “Just got home… come on”. About thirty minutes or so later and I’m naked at Sam’s house, on all fours, and his bare poz cock is riding me like he has all these times before. “Fuck! Sam! I love your poz cock…. Still off meds?”, “Yeah babe… “, fucking me, groaning, “You know I’m not going back on ‘em ‘til you test poz… when you gonna get tested?”. It hadn’t been quite 3 months since Sam and I started down this path, him intent on being my poz gifter, and me intent on being the hiv+ bottom that he knocks up. “Got tested today”, I said as I pushed back on his cock, he groaned again trying to push in further, “ohh yeah….”, “yeah….”. I loved teasing him. He kept fucking me, the only noise was our groans punctuated by the slapping sounds of his crotch and my ass. “So……?”, after a few minutes go by, I waited… I knew it was making him crazy, “Still neg”, “FUCK!”, he said, “I know”. He started fucking me harder. “Bareback fucker… you want it don’t you, you and me, we’re gonna knock that ass up --- get a positive test result next time.”. “Oh fuck yeah… Sam! Do it... fucking breed me… I want it.”, I was squeezing down on his cock the way Cod would do to me sometimes. “I … fucking … want you … to fucking … POZ ME!”, I nearly shouted and Sam took that as a marching order, he was directly behind me but he was adjusting his cock left and right to try and push harder into me, he told me he liked being rough to try and make me bleed a bit; that’s how he went poz so quickly when he chased. “Yeah… Sam,.. do it, fuck me rough .. make me bleed, fill me with poz seed deep in my ass and infect me. I want poz”. “You are going to poz Cod aren’t you?”, “Already trying… I want that as much as I want you barebacking me and dumping unmedicated poz cum in my ass", “I’m close, neg boy”. “FUCK YES! GIVE IT TO ME…. POZ ME SAM!”, he was groaning hard I knew he was about to dump inside me again, “Fuck….. fuck… fuck… here it comes babe… you’re gonna…. ARHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!”, he held still and I could feel his cock expand and his hips jerk a bit, he was filling me up. Sam was pumping hiv+ cum inside me. “Oh fu...... love it… love that….”, he was out of breathe again, like usual. He held still for a long time, longer than normal, heavy breathing between the both of us, both of us sweaty. I was gonna breed the fuck out of Cod when I got home.
    2 points
  44. Cod: Two days go by and I’m sleeping next to my Dad in his bed every night; it was that way before college, too. We’ve had sex each night so far, too, and occasionally during the day. To this point though, it’s been just me cumming inside my Dad; he hasn’t fucked me – its making me crazy. At this point, poz or not, I’m beginning to miss Todd, and his big loads of cum inside my ass. I shot twice yesterday and honestly, I can’t believe how big the loads were; I’m so horny for my Dad but I need and want his cum in my ass. Waking up I can feel a warm, wet mouth sucking on my cock, I’m so hard right now. “Ohhhh… yeah, Ohhh yeah… feels good.. Ohhhh… Dad, fuck, Dad”, he didn’t break rhythm as my hands found his head encouraging him even if I was only half awake. I remember sucking Todd off like this so many times in our dorm and now I know why he loved it so much -- what a great way to be woken up. Dad: My boy woke up, but I kept sucking his cock, I was determined to get that load, “Ohhhhh Dad… “, he kept moaning, his hands on my head, I kept getting him really close, then I’d ease up, then get him close again. My son’s body worked like my own and if edged a huge load of semen would eventually be squirting out. I’m so hungry for his load. “Dad… dad… dad.. suck me… mmmmm”, he kept moaning, he was really close. “ohh fuck Dad, I’m close… I’m close… “, I ease up again “ahhhhhhh… dammit”, I held his cock in my hand and licks his nuts they’re sweaty and I can’t seem to get enough of them (or what’s in them for that matter). I knew my boy was suffering now though, I was really teasing him, and he needed to shoot. “Yeah… boy, you wanna nut? Is that what you want? Feed your Daddies hungry mouth with cum?”, I didn’t wait for an answer I just sucked his cock back into my mouth and worked my tongue in the slit before taking it into my throat, then back up slow. “Fuck!... Fuckk!....” and like that he started to cum, “EAT MY CUM DAD! FUCK!”, he blurted out, my mouth overflowing with my son’s semen, it’s so hot. I love that he can produce so much and I love swallowing it almost as much as taking it up my hole. At this point, I hadn’t cum in 3 days, I’m saving my load for something special but I nearly shot right there just from his orgasm. Once he comes down a bit I ease up on him but keep the head in my mouth, I really want more from this morning if he’ll give it to me. Cod: I can’t believe how hard I came, and he swallowed all of it, except for a bit that leaked out of his mouth. “Dad? Dad? Let me up.. Sensitive.. let me up… Dad.”, he just kept it right there in his mouth, glaring up at me. “Dad, you gotta let me up”, he didn’t move, “Dad, I really need to go piss, get up.”, he just looked up at me. “Dad, I gotta piss, no joke.”, he removed my cock long enough to say, “Go ahead boy, I wanna try this”, as if he’d never tried watersports, maybe he hadn’t, we hadn’t really discussed it, and other than that little bit of fun in the shower I didn’t really know. "Uhmmm… ok Dad,...really... you sure?", “Yeah boy, now piss for your Dad”, my cock was still throbbing a bit. Not needing to be told twice by own Father, “Fine. Put your son’s cock back in your toilet mouth and get ready to drink. I'll try to go slowly...at first." He licked his way around the head of my cock again gathering up the leaking juice, then swallowed the full head in my mouth. I placed one of my hands back on his head. "Just wait Dad...I think I can piss with a hardon, but sometimes it takes me a bit. Wait...wait...ahhh, yeah…that’s it, here comes some for you now." Dad: I feel a warm stream flowing over my tongue and quickly gulp it down, moaning from deep in my chest. He let go of some more and I swallow that just as fast. "Uhhh… Ohhhhh, that's it Dad...drink down my morning piss. I’d never gotten into piss before Dad, I’m a little turned off and turned on all the same time, but looking down at you drinking is getting me really worked up. Ohh fuck.. here’s some more Dad, a little more than last time, I hope you can handle all of this." He let the flow come out a little stronger this time but having done this a few times with Sam, and other guys, I had no trouble keeping up. Early morning piss always seemed stronger and my boy’s was no exception, it didn't matter to me though, I was really turned on and reached down to grab on to my own hard cock and started to stroke myself a bit. “Ok Dad… more, you want it, here's some more for you.” At this point I think he’s fully awake because he really let loose, I don't think he was holding back at all. It briefly crossed my mind the bed could get very wet if I’m not careful. I was trying my best to keep up with him and truthfully each swallow was getting more difficult so soon after the last one, I was getting worried that I'd be washing sheets before the morning was done. Just as I was about to reach up and grab hold of him as a way of warning him that I couldn't take any more I feel the flow of his piss slow down, then he clenches his muscles the way you do when you want to get the last of the piss out and he gave out a huge sigh. I started to bob my head up and down his cock then, determined to get that last bit of his piss to shoot out into my mouth. "Damn boy...that was so hot!", “yeah Dad, wow, never done that before.”.. we both laid there for a second to chill, but I knew this couldn’t last, I was craving Sam’s poz cum in my ass, it was time for a run.
    2 points
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