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  1. Many, many married men will get up to no good while on business trips. Free of the rules and responsibilities of their home lives, they can enjoy whatever is on offer in the town or city they are visiting, without having to spend time being a good father to their children, nor tending to the whims of their not-so-adoring wives. Perhaps some will just enjoy a bit of time alone in their room with pay-per-view porn, while others hit the bars and get stinking drunk. Time will be spent at strip clubs and other seedy establishments, or maybe they will be wined and dined by their corporate hosts at the most elite of restaurants. Many travelling men are sure to commit acts of adultery, whether that involves paying for it or not. I am certain that there will be far fewer married men who do the things I get up to on my business trips, though I expect there are some. Men with these types of urges probably resort to picking a guy up in a bar, arranging a hook-up on an app, or paying for a hustler to visit their hotel room. There are probably a few who spend the night getting down and dirty in a cruising bar or club. But willingly, night after night, bending over with their arse pressed to a hole in the cubicle wall in some public toilets? No, on that front I think I’m probably in a very small minority. But that’s what I do, and I now know all the best spots to visit in the cities I travel to the most. You might even say I have developed something of a routine, from what I pack, where I stay, and managing my time well so that I can get enough sleep around my nighttime activities to not have my work suffer. But this particular trip was not to be routine, and I had planned it that way deliberately. My wife took so little interest in me these days that I knew I could get away with using a bit of annual leave between my Frankfurt and Berlin trips while spinning her a yarn about it being back-to-back deals. This would give me some time to enjoy the nocturnal opportunities in the German capital, without having to worry about being on form for work the next day. I even used some of the loyalty scheme points I’d built up to book different accommodation for that part of the trip, so that it could be truly separate from where I’d be on the working days and yet with no risk it would show up on my credit card bill. The other major difference this time was internal. Aside from the odd blip early on in these adventures, I had been secretly taking the necessary pills to allow me to receive loads without too much concern. Condoms had been a feature once, but those days were long over. However, a few weeks before this trip I had also ditched the pills. You see, I was knocking on the door of 50, and my youngest son had just started university. The need to hold the loose threads of my marriage together was gone, and I was sure my wife and I would be parting soon whatever happened. I mean, I was already pretty sure she was sleeping with her personal trainer, so she might be keen to wrap things up too now that we had done much of our duty as parents. I didn’t want to wait to get on with a new life for myself though, particularly as it was becoming an ever more challenging battle to keep my body as lean and toned as I wanted it, so I had decided to take some action to get to where I wanted to be. That involved one main goal: to be pozzed. It was something I had lusted after for years. Initially it was probably the allure of the risk, but as time passed I began to realise that I saw it as a form of freedom that I craved. Eventually I mentally connected it with being released from my marriage, and this led me to where I found myself in Berlin. Pressed up against a cubicle wall, a cigarette in my mouth, and my freshly brushed hole open and ready for whatever was coming my way. With a couple of event ads placed on the apps to encourage men to visit, alongside the normal pretty busy passing traffic, I was hopeful of several loads as well as maybe the first steps on my journey to conversion. By the time the fourth cock of the night was jackhammering in and out of me, I was completely high on the nicotine, poppers, and utter depravity of it all. I just loved being used and bred, and I was really getting off on the knowledge that there was nothing protecting me from anything the men breeding me were carrying. As yet no-one had let me know they were poz, but my imagination was filling in the blanks as I pictured the virus being pumped into me repeatedly. “You want poz?” I heard a man ask from outside the cubicle door, just as the fourth man slammed in a final time and blew his load. “Yes” I panted. “I not poz you here” the man outside the door said, with a thick German accent. “But you come to this place tomorrow at 5 o’clock and we will give you poz.” A note was shoved under the door, and then I heard his footsteps as he walked away. I was about to reach for the note when a fifth cock started pushing into me, and in the end it was three more loads before there seemed to be no more takers for a bit. I pulled myself up straight and stretched, then bent down to lift the note off the tiled floor. When I opened it up I saw an address written down, along with several bullet points all in German. Although I recognised some of the words, I could not decipher the rest so decided I would sort it out on Google Translate when I got back to my hotel. I folded the note back up and shoved it into the pocket of the jeans I had left on the toilet seat, before bending myself back over and pressing against the glory hole. I lit up another cigarette, and happily waited for the next cock. It was the early hours of the morning when I emerged from the shower at the hotel and slumped onto the bed. I reached for the note and phone sitting on the bedside table, and began to type out the text. I almost immediately sprung a hard-on when I read the translation: - Be at the address at 17:00. Do not be late. - You must be wearing a wide leather collar and wide leather cuffs. - You must be wearing rubber underpants with a hole in the back. - You must be wearing black leather boots. - We will not bring any lubrication or chemicals, so you must have your own if you want them. - You will not go home until the morning, and you will be infected. This was beyond my wildest dreams, and despite how tired I was from a long night of being anonymously gang bred, I immediately set about trying to find somewhere I could buy all the gear they wanted me to be wearing, seeing as I had nothing like any of it with me. Fortunately there seemed to be a few suitable shops close to each other, so I saved a few locations on the map app and then set an alarm so that I would have enough time to visit them, hopefully get what I needed, and then prepare for getting to the location. I also quickly booked a hire car to have for a couple of days, as I wasn’t sure about getting there by public transport or taxi given its remote location in an industrial estate on the edge of the city. Once everything was done that could be done at that time of the night, I plugged my phone into the power, turned off the light, and lay down for a happy night’s sleep in the afterglow of my most depraved night of sex yet. After a groggy start the next day, I successfully bought everything required from two of the shops, and then picked up the hire car and parked it at the hotel. I spent a bit of time showering and douching, before using a toothbrush on myself just to get prepared. I then donned the rubber boxers, admiring myself and my exposed crack in the mirror for a bit, and then pulled on the tracksuit trousers I had brought with me for exercising. The leather boots went on next, which looked a bit odd but I didn’t care. I then pulled on a tank top and a hoodie, deciding it was best to save the rest until I arrived. I put everything else I would need in my gym bag, along with some power bars, a couple of bottles of water, and some fresh clothes and a towel for the eventual journey back. Happy that I had all I would need, I headed down to the car park, had a quick cigarette, then got in and drove off to the address the map app was directing me to. When I arrived, I found I was in a deserted and largely derelict industrial area on the edges of East Berlin. There were notional fences around the various plots, but these had long since been partially torn down or holes ripped into them for access. It was the kind of place that you knew you probably shouldn’t be, which of course made it all the more appealing for me given the depths of depravity I was seeking to plumb on this trip. Many of my favourite piggy bareback pornos had been filmed in settings like this, and now I was possibly going to be getting a chance to act out the fantasy of those orgies and gangbangs for myself. I hopped out of the car, looked around a bit to make sure I was as alone as it seemed, and then finished off getting changed. I have to say, it was pretty thrilling to be stripping down to a near-naked state in late afternoon sunshine on a public street, even if it was apparently devoid of other people. Once done, I checked myself out in the reflection of the car window, loving how I looked with the massive padded leather collar I had bought and deciding there and then that this would be a regular part of my playtime outfit in future. The address I had been given noted a company name, and I could see an old sign on the plot next to where I had parked which matched that. I therefore walked to a gap in the fence of that plot, carefully climbed through, and then made my way across a large broken concrete lot until I reached the single building. There were a couple of service entrances which both had the shutters down, but I also saw a door that was open so headed for that. It led to a dark and smelly corridor, which I followed round a couple of corners until it opened onto what I guessed was once a factory floor. The roof on one side was gone so there was daylight flooding in, but it was in the shade over to the side that some movement caught my attention. A young Adonis was standing there, dressed just like I was. He had blond hair and tanned skin, and even at a distance and with him in the shade, I could tell he was absolutely ripped. I headed over to investigate, and he looked up as he saw me approaching. “Hi” he said, with a slight accent that suggested he might be Swedish. “Hi” I said. “Are you also here for…” He grinned at me, as I sort of swirled my hand in a nondescript way. “Yes, I am here for that” he replied, still smiling. “Cool” I said. “Are you married too?” he asked, surprising me a little. “Er, yeah” I replied, “though probably not for much longer.” He grinned again. “Me as well” he said. “I will get pozzed and then I can be with her brother.” I think my mouth dropped open when he said this, causing him to chuckle. “Her brother fucked me at the wedding, and all the time after” he said, smiling. “But he is poz and always has a condom.” “I see” I said. “And he won’t poz you?” “No” he replied, shaking his head. “So I have come here so I can be his.” I obviously did not know anything about the brother-in-law, but I was a little astounded that any man would deny a stunning young stud like this what he was looking for, especially if it meant you got to then be with him. Maybe it was some sort of family loyalty, though fucking your wife’s new husband on the day of their wedding did not seem to show much in the way of said loyalty. “Well” I said, starting to open one of the two packets of cigarettes I was carrying so I could have a smoke, “I hope you get what you came for today.” “You as well” he said, nodding when I offered him a cigarette from the packet. We both lit up our cigarettes and smoked in silence for a while. “Have you taken poz before?” he asked, just after we had both stubbed out our cigarettes on the floor. “Probably” I replied. “I got fucked a lot last night.” “That is hot” he said. “I hope my boyfriend will give me to other men to use once I am divorced.” “It’s a lot of fun” I said, smiling at him. Our conversation was interrupted by the sound of a steel door being opened on the other side of the factory floor, and we both turned and watched as five men emerged from some other part of the factory. All five were wearing leather boots, chaps and harnesses, and all had shaved heads with various forms of facial hair. Each of them was wearing a different combination of huge silver accessories, from neck chains to bracelets, or thick rings in their ears or noses. However, what stood out the most was the slightly wasted look each of them had, and all of them were adorned with biohazard tattoos on their chests or arms. I sprung an erection almost immediately. This is what I wanted, and some day I would seek to replicate their style, the absolutely immense neck chain and bracelet of one of the guys being a particular draw for me. The men approached us, and then stopped to look us up and down. They gestured for both of us to turn around so they could see our backs and arses, before we were each gently pushed forward to a raised concrete area in front of us where we were then encouraged to bend over. Almost immediately I felt the familiar scratch of a brush being pushed into my hole, but this may have been a new experience for the young Swedish hunk as he yelped and jolted forward. This did not dissuade the men though, and we were both soon being quite vigorously shafted by the brushes to get our holes nice and receptive. After a few minutes the brushes were removed, and immediately replaced by cocks. The fucking was hard and rough from the outset, but I was sufficiently experienced and stretched that it just felt incredible from the get-go. Again, however, my Swedish friend seemed to be struggling with it a bit, probably because his brother-in-law normally went easier on him. However, after a lot of pained panting and groaning, he eventually relaxed and took the fucking. They did a round robin on us for a while, none of them actually reaching the point of breeding, before the fucking stopped and they went back to brushing our holes again for a few moments. I could tell this was to make sure we were really raw now that they were getting close, and sure enough the brush in my hole was quickly replaced by a cock that was slammed in right as the guy roared out. I revelled in feeling him shoot his toxic load into me, and my Swedish partner in crime was even more vocal in his enjoyment of receiving the same treatment. No sooner had the two tops come down off their ejaculations and withdrawn, before the next pair of tops slammed into us and delivered their venom. “Ene mene mu und raus bist du” the last of the men said slowly while standing behind us, clearly making a decision on which of us was going to receive a third load. I was a little disappointed when he rammed into the Swede. Once he was done, the pair of us were pulled up from our bent over positions and walked over to a part of the factory floor where there was a large drain. “On knees!” one of the tops barked, and we both hurriedly got down onto the floor. I knew what was coming, and while I had never actually engaged in watersports, I had seen enough porn to know I should assume a certain position and open my mouth. “You!” barked one of the other men at the Swede, “do same!” All five of them then began to piss on us, whether that was in our mouths, on top of our heads, or elsewhere on our bodies. I heard the Swede gag choke a couple of times, but I was fine and actually realised why men got into this so much. When they were done, they walked away from us towards the door they had first emerged from. “You shower!” barked one of them before he went through the door, pointing at another door over to the side. “Then we come back.” We both hauled ourselves off the floor once they’d left the room, and made our way over to the doorway. Inside was a dark tiled bathroom, and even though the only light was what was coming through the open door from the factory floor, I could see that it was filthy. However, when the Swede went over to a visible shower head and turned the tap underneath, water did indeed start to flow out of it. “It’s cold” he said. “Then we better be quick” I replied. Each of us took a turn washing all the piss off our skin under the freezing cold stream, not removing any of our gear given that had also been soaked by the men. Once done, we headed to the part of the factory where the roof was gone so we could try to dry off and warm up in the small amount of sunshine that was still making it into that space, though I made a quick dash over to get my cigarettes first. “That was fun” said the Swede, exhaling a plume of smoke. “Sure was” I said. “How long do you think they’ll keep fucking us?” he asked. “The whole night hopefully” I said, giving him a wink. “Better chance of it taking with multiple loads.” The Swede nodded and smiled at that, but said nothing more. We therefore just smoked in silence, pondering what lay in store for us once the men were ready again. I couldn’t wait…
    16 points
  2. [This is my adaptation of a hot story I read here] Seduced into Poz I decided to write a story for my magazine about bug chasing – gay men who deliberately choose to get infected with HIV. Even though I thought of myself as a straight male and I was married to a beautiful woman, I found this subject fascinating. For some reason, I decided not to tell my wife about the project. When she went out of town on business, I started to interview gay men online to learn about why they wanted to get pozzed. I have to admit I found myself getting aroused by their stories, and I even watched porn clips and films about it. Then I connected online with a guy who said he pozzed other men for money – a “poztitute”. I was intrigued and asked him if we could meet so he could tell me his story. The next night I went to the gay bar he recommended and waited for him. It was my first time in one, and I was nervous. In walked the most beautiful man I had ever seen. He was incredibly handsome. His tight jeans and t-shirt showed off his rippling muscles. I was surprised when he walked right up to me and said, “You must be Andy. I’m Eric.” He shook my hand and held it for what seemed like a long time. We started to talk. Eric told me about his sex work and why he enjoyed it – liberating men from their fears and letting them enjoy man sex in all its fullness. He went on to share erotic tales of his experiences that set my heart pounding and caused me to get an erection. I don’t know why I was so turned on. I realized he was coming on to me, and I found that exciting. As Eric continued, his stories took on a somewhat dark hue, as he stated he could infect anyone, anytime through a combination of technique and what he called his “massive viral load”. As he talked, he drummed his fingertips on the bar. I immediately noted that he had filed them down to sharp points. He told me they “helped prime a bottom’s plumbing,” which meant nothing to me at the time. Then he rested his hand on mine and left it there, stroking mine gently, sexually. No man had ever done that before and I felt a strange excitement. He told me he was pozzing a guy the next night at his apartment, and he invited me to watch, saying he was sure I would learn a great deal for my article. He told me the guy would be willing and able to provide information on the whole experience. My cock was rock hard at the thought of watching Eric have sex, and my sense of caution went out the window. It probably didn’t hurt that Eric’s hand brushed my crotch and that he realized he had turned me on. When he stood up to leave, he was jostled by a guy climbing onto his bar stool so his crotch chanced to press against my thigh. I realized he was hard. I was strangely excited to know that he desired me, too. The next evening, at 8:00 P.M., heart pounding, I found myself ringing his doorbell. Eric answered the door buck naked. I was totally caught off guard by this and had a hard time regaining my composure. I was absolutely overwhelmed by his physical presence, his manly aroma. Although I struggled to keep my eyes off his cock, it was a losing battle. He had a thick bush, low hanging, veiny balls, a long, thick cock that never hung quite down but arched out from his body. Man, I thought, this is unfucking real. My cock started to throb in my jeans. Explaining he had just gotten out of the shower, he told me to make myself comfortable while he completed preparing for the “fuck-fest,” to use his words. He disappeared back into his bedroom. I sat down in front of the TV, which was showing a gay porn film in which a series of incredibly muscular guys had bareback sex and boasted about giving their bottoms their charged loads. I was surprised by how erotic I found this. Within a few minutes Eric came out in a short robe and sat next to me to watch the video. Out of the corner of my eye I saw his cock push out of his robe as it grew to 10 thick inches. I spent the next half hour with one eye on the TV and the other on Eric’s dick. What had I gotten myself into? I thought about making an excuse to leave but every time I started to speak I couldn’t. My mouth was too dry. Eric and I had a couple of drinks while we waited. Finally, he said that it looked like his friend wasn’t going to show. He said I could do a better story if I role-played a bug chaser. I said OK. He told me to undress, which I did. He saw my erection and smirked. “You’re a good actor, Andy.” I turned red but didn’t say anything. “I like my chaser to feel feminine, because he is going to welcome my seed into his cunt,” Eric said. He handed me a pretty women’s wristwatch and slipped a very feminine diamond engagement ring on my finger. It glistened in the light. I felt a chill go up my spine. Next Eric fastened a black leather dog collar around my neck. “And this symbolizes the chaser’s acceptance of his submission to my will.” I felt myself trembling. Finally, he gave me a studded black cock ring to wrap around by swollen dick and balls. I’m not that big – maybe 5 inches – but I felt huge. “Andy, you really need to let yourself feel what the chaser feels.” He told me to stand close to him; I obeyed. He placed his hands on my waist. I felt our cocks rub together and gasped at the sensation. I placed my hands on his powerful arms and noticed how dainty and feminine they looked with the watch and ring. Eric leaned forward and kissed me on my mouth. It was the first time I had kissed another man. I was surprised how natural it felt. He gazed into my eyes and smiled. “Now suck my cock,” he ordered, quietly but firmly. I started to say I was straight, but he put his hand on the back of my head. I can't say he forced my head down because I offered no resistance. A few seconds later I was sucking and licking his cock. I couldn't seem to stop myself. The smell, taste, texture and intimacy of the experience was wild beyond anything I had before experienced. “Put your mind in the chaser’s space,” Eric said. “You’re about to take my seed, my pozz juice. You will forever be joined to me. Look at the ring. Just like your wife felt when you gave her a ring like this. She knew yours would be the only cock she would let inside her. My chasers are bound to me the same way.” I looked at the ring out of the corner of my eye and felt the thrill of knowing Eric and I could be forever tied if I went through with it. I heard Eric moan as I pleasured him with my lips and my tongue and even my throat. After a few minutes he told me we were going in the bedroom. I just let him lead me in there, holding hands like two gay lovers. I lay naked, on my back, on his bed. Facing my crotch, he straddled my face. I eagerly continued my work on his magnificent cock and balls, and even found myself sliding my tongue in his ass crack. He was clearly enjoying the attention: drops of pre-cum oozed out of his cock head. I loved the taste of his pre-cum -- slick, salty, and sweet at the same time. He started touching me all over and then, leaning forward, began loading my asshole with lube, using hard, sharp, sometimes painful thrusts. I could feel myself being opened up. I knew what Eric intended. He said the best way for me to understand what a chaser felt was to let him slip his cock inside me. I resisted, but each time I said “No” it was with less conviction, and he knew it. His persistence and my rising lust won out. When he assured me he’d pull out if I asked him to, I acquiesced. I still declared I wasn’t going to let him shoot his load in me. He just kind of smiled as he positioned me on my hands and knees. He pushed some more lube inside my hole, and, generously lubing his cock, coaxed his way inside. It hurt like hell at first, a sharp burning and stinging sensation. But after a few minutes of superficial penetration, my ass opened up, and I guess my ass juices began flowing. Pain morphed into pleasure, and pleasure morphed into ecstasy as somewhere in there he began to hit my prostate. I found myself begging for more. The experience was like nothing I had ever experienced: I now understood why so many gay men love anal sex. Eric mostly kept up a nice slow pace while he slid his rod in and out of my hole, alternately teasing my asslips and torturing my prostate when he slid all the way in. He whispered in my ear, telling me how cute I was, how I was natural bottom, how wonderful my “boi-cunt” felt. I loved his words – they made me feel so desired. I tried to listen for any moans or changes in his breathing that would signal an approaching orgasm, but I didn’t hear (or maybe didn’t want to hear) any tell-tale signs. His hands were all over me, a few times reaching around to pinch my tits really hard when he sped-up his pounding, but then letting up as he slowed down. I didn't really want him to stop but was prepared to tell him “no mas” at the first sign he was going to cum in me. Encased by the leather ring, my balls and cock swelled deliciously. While all this was happening, my mind was racing. I felt that I was experiencing all the terror, emotions, and pleasure that someone taking his first positive load could conceivably experience. I tried to make mental notes of everything, but I must admit my brain was quite befuddled by the overwhelming impact of the turn of events, and, of course, Eric's cock sliding in and out of me. After a really long time (my pretty, feminine watch said forty-five minutes), Eric paused his thrusts and said he had some things to tell me. “I can stay hard and fuck for an hour or more. And I can cum and not make a sound.” Then he told me something I was really not ready to hear. “I already came twice inside you, Andy.” Before I could say anything or pull away, he grunted, “Here cums the third load!” Eric's strong hands moved to my shoulders and he pushed me face down into the mattress. His full weight was on top of me, pinning me to the bed. Then he rammed me hard a couple of times and moaned very loud. I felt his cock spasm and then felt the hot liquid fly into me. I guessed that having my nipples pinched had masked the first two loads. However, there was no mistaking what he had done this time. He pulled my face to the side and kissed me deeply. I opened my mouth and did not resist his tongue. Then I was overwhelmed with terror. How could he do this to me? Eric’s still-hard cock plugged my ass, keeping his cum in me. I asked him why he had pozzed me. He told me he knew I really wanted it, that no straight male would let himself be talked into sucking cock and then getting fucked. He told me he had cut me up inside with his fingernails, and there was no doubt his bugs were already in my blood. He told me he liked me and said I could stay the night so he could fuck me some more. I locked myself in the bathroom for a long time. I cried as I tried to force his cum out of me somehow, but very little dripped out, and what did was mixed with my blood. Then I sat for a while, processing what had happened. I looked again at the engagement ring and the pretty watch and realized I had never experienced anything close to what Eric and I had done. Finally, I looked in the mirror, and said aloud, “I’m a gay man. I’m a faggot. And now I can enjoy sex the way I was meant to.” When I came out of the bathroom, I saw that Eric had fallen asleep. I slipped into bed with him. He felt me and rolled me onto my back. Then he kissed me passionately and I eagerly responded. I felt his cock harden again. I pulled him on top of me and murmured, “I need you inside me.” He just smiled. I pulled my legs up and apart, and invited him to penetrate me as my wife had so often invited me. As he fucked me, I saw the light reflect off the diamond ring again and realized Eric and I would always be linked by the gift he had given me. My body was soon wracked by an orgasm that started in my toes and went on and on. Eric said I had just had my first “sissygasm”, which proved I was a true faggot. Soon he erupted inside me yet again. He would fuck me twice more during the night, cumming inside me each time. Early the next morning, we agreed we would march together in the upcoming gay pride parade. “Promise me you’ll wear the watch and ring in the parade while we hold hands,” He said. I kissed him passionately and said, “Of course!” I dressed and went home. Later I saw that my underwear was stained with his cum and my blood. When my wife got back to town, I told her that I was gay. What I subsequently learned was the fuck flu hit me about a month and a half after my night with Eric. My subsequent HIV blood test was positive. I never wrote the article, but soon became an AIDS activist. From time to time, Eric and I get together to make love, and I always wear the special jewelry he gave me.
    7 points
  3. My uncle had business on the coast of Mississippi and he offered me $200 to help him out. I didn't have a job, I needed money, and I liked being around him. He's been my father figure since I was born and we've had a special bond that I didn't understand when I was a kid. I stayed at his house every weekend throughout most of my childhood. I've been attracted to him for most of my life. When I was thirteen, I started sneaking into his bedroom every time he came in from doing yard work. While he was in the shower, I would pick his underwear off the floor and inhale his scent. I was addicted to his musk, his masculinity. He wore his clothes two sizes too small, and he was never without his well-worn John Deere baseball cap. He was a red-blooded American man and all I wanted was him. When I was sixteen, I was finally caught in the act. He went out to get breakfast and I went to his bedroom. I was sitting on the edge of his bed, his underwear pressed to my face and masturbating, when I realized he was standing there, staring at me. I froze. I was too scared to move. "Forgot my wallet," was all he said. He grabbed his wallet from the dresser without taking his eyes off me, and left. After a few minutes, I managed to finish what I was doing. He came back with breakfast and we ate. We talked about going to the lake to fish. We didn't speak of what had happened. His attitude towards me changed only for the better. We felt closer. I told him when I was eighteen that I was gay, but that wasn't entirely true. I wasn't sure what I was. I wasn't attracted to women, and the only man I was attracted to was him, but I couldn't tell him that. I didn't know how he felt and I didn't want to ruin the relationship we had. I had noticed over the past year that his body was changing. He was getting skinnier. His ass wasn't as plump as it used to be. He was still as masculine as ever, but not as built. I still wanted him. He had a dark patch on his chin that he said was just a bruise. I accepted that as truth, but I noticed that it was gone the next day, and that it looked like he had put makeup over it. It didn't take much for me to realize that he probably had AIDs. My attraction to him only continued to grow. I still wanted him, and maybe I was wrong for it, but a need started growing inside me to be just like him. I wanted whatever it was he had, whether it was AIDs or not. When we were in the car, on the way to the coast for his business trip, I would find myself staring at him. He caught me several times, and smiled at me each time. This isn't normal, I kept thinking to myself. But I knew I couldn't come back from this business trip without getting what I wanted. Diseased or not, I've wanted this man sexually for years. It was time I did something to make it happen. I may have been doubtful when I was sixteen, but I knew in my heart that it wouldn't take much to get him to make love to me. Our hotel was a sleazy, rundown joint two blocks from the coast. A couple of tractor-trailers were parked at the far end of the parking lot, and two women, who were without a doubt prostitutes, walked up-and-down the sidewalk in front of the rooms. It was just after seven in the evening when we had checked into our room. I was surprised to see only one queen-size bed, and my heart and cock danced at the possibility that seemed too good to be true. I sat on the edge of the bed. I was hungry. "Can we order pizza?" He smiled at me. "Yes. But I want you to do something for me first." "Anything." He smiled again. "Good. I want you to watch me." I raised an eyebrow at him. "Wait here for a minute and you'll see," he said. He walked out the door and a moment later he returned with one of the women. Without saying a word, he bent her over the little table by the window. He lifted her dress and made eye contact with me as he felt inside her. He didn't break eye contact even has he unbuttoned his jeans, slipped them to his knees, and put himself inside her. I was the one who broke eye contact first. My gaze fell to his ass, now starting to sag a little. A black patch decorated his right ass cheek. I sucked in air. My cock started to throb. I reached into the pair of sweat pants I was wearing and stroked myself. I met his eyes once again and he was smiling at me. "You like that?" He asked. The woman answered, but I knew he was asking me. And I knew what he was referring to. I nodded and smiled even wider. "Good. I was hoping you would." He stared at me as finished. I noticed a flash of pain on his face that lasted only a second as he came inside her. He pulled his jeans back up to his hips before she managed to turn around. He showed her the door and closed it behind her. He turned to me. "I'm hoping that was only foreplay." He was rubbing his crotch and I could see him hardening through his jeans. I stood up and took my clothes off. I looked at him. "You know I want you. I'd be surprised if you didn't." "But do you know what you're getting into?" He asked. "You're the only person I've ever asked that question. You're like a son to me. I want to know that you understand. I want to believe that you understand." I gave him a little smile. "I understand what I'm probably getting into. It doesn't take much to figure out what that black patch means. I still want you. I've always wanted you." He pulled his clothes off. There was a patch on his chest, two patches on his torso, a patch on his pelvis, and, even though I couldn't see it now, the patch on his ass that I saw earlier." "You have to promise me that I won't be the only one." "What do you mean?" I asked. "This is a brotherhood. By the time we go home, you'll be a part of a brotherhood of men who live their lives to recruit others. You have to help do that." I thought about it for a moment. If summoning up the urge to have sex with someone who wasn't him meant fulfilling a wish that I've desperately wanted to come true, I would do it. "I promise," I said. He walked over to me, bent down to meet my lips, and kissed me. He gently pushed me to my knees and rubbed his cock against my lips. He still smelled like her. It wasn't a pleasant smell. His slit was raw and oozing. I let him in my mouth and started sucking him. He moaned as I sucked him, doing my best to keep my teeth away from him. I had never sucked anyone before, and I felt like I was doing a good job. It sound like I was. I felt his hands slip under my armpits. I looked up at him and he lifted me onto the bed. Laying me down, he climbed on top of me, pressed his body against mine, and kissed me. My body was screaming with pleasure as he rubbed his cock against mine. He slid down between my legs, lifted them up, and started licking my asshole. I felt my brain popping with pleasure. He kept making me wetter with spit. He slipped a finger in, working me open. Two fingers. Three fingers. It hurt, but it felt so good. He climbed over my body and gently sat on my chest. "Get it wet." I sucked him, getting as much spit on his cock as I could. He climbed back to my legs, pushed them against my chest, and put his cock against my hole. "This will hurt at first. It won't last long. I promise." He pushed the head of his cock inside me with a little force. I yelped. He learned forward, cupping my face with his hands. "You'll be okay." I nodded, and he kissed me again. Slowly, he moved himself in, and out, and in again, until all of him was inside me. He was right. It didn't last long. Waves of pleasure crashed through me. It was bliss. It was perfect. He spent the better part of an hour slowly making love to me. His breathing started to get more rapid, his thrusts faster and harder. "This isn't the end." He said. "This is the beginning. You'll be a part of something that will connect you with men all over the world. We deserve respect, and that's what we get." His face started twisting. He was about to orgasm. He gave one last final thrust. He cried out in pain as he exploded inside me. I started to jerk my cock, but he pushed my hand away as he collapsed on top of me. He pulled himself out of me. "Men like us, we don't masturbate. We don't waste what can be given to others." He laid down next to me. "I want you to finish inside me." I climbed over to his ass. I spread his cheeks. He hole was purple and raw. There were little bumps around it. "Don't spit on it." He said. "I'll be fine without it. I promise. Just go for it." I put the head of my dick against his hole and pushed. I slid inside him with ease. I was in him for less than a minute before I started blowing the biggest load of my life. When I pulled out, I could see a small streak of blood on my dick. He rolled onto his side and pulled me to him. "I'm attracted to you as much as you are to me." He said. "I hope that we can keep doing this. Sharing our gifts is the best part of the brotherhood." I smiled at him. "Of course we can." I paused a moment. "That woman. You did that to spread the gift?" "Yes," he said. "I only hope that I gifted her and she'll spread that gift to every man that puts himself inside her." We ordered that pizza I wanted, ate dinner, and spent the night repeatedly making love to each other. When I woke up the next morning, my heart fluttered with excitement when I pissed and it burned a little. "Welcome to brotherhood." My uncle said when I told him. "It may only seem like a minor infection, but after the night we had, there's no doubt that you're a member of the pack now."
    6 points
  4. The best when guys get primal! No judgment or hang ups...no posing or snotty attitudes...I've seen absolute beautiful studs fuck the not so pretty guys and it turns out to be the best sex they have...just no hang ups and just get the nut!
    5 points
  5. Chapter 1 – I Learn My Place Doug and I have been playing together for several years. We started out with flip fucking when we’d get together but have added a few more things to the repertoire now. These days, we start out by getting spun and then get into some serious ass play. We both love having our asses worked over and enjoy working on each other’s holes too. We’ve talked about and lived out lots of our fantasies. Doug got a sling a few years ago, which is an integral part of our play. Fisting came about at my suggestion one time. We’ve engaged in bondage play, group scenes, role play, and lots more. While his hand was in my ass the last time that we played, Doug asked me what I thought about being his slave for the day. Basically, I would have to submit to whatever requests he made of me without complaint. We talked it through and came up with a few ground rules. I don’t slam, but Doug does, and I told him I didn’t want to be forced to do a slam. Also, no women, blood, shit, or extreme pain. He agreed to those terms, and we set aside a weekend for this. Doug wanted me in an orange jockstrap, a black leather harness, and a collar. I already had the jockstrap but needed to buy the other items. He told me that he would provide everything else except for the T. As his slave, I was supposed to provide that for him, so I talked to my dealer and arranged for a pickup the day before. I also bought a new bubbler pipe for us, since a good slave always provides his master with excellent service. And, a good slave always verifies the quality of any product provided to his master, so I had little choice but to sample the goods prior to the day. At last, the day arrived. Per Doug’s instructions, I shaved my balls and shaft but left the rest of my hair in place. Both of us are hairy, with Doug having a thicker pelt than me. He’s of Mediterranean descent, so his swarthy skin is covered in a dense forest of fur. It is especially thick between his pecs, around his cock, and around his hole. I’m from Eastern European stock, so my hair is finer, and my skin is fair. I have a hairy chest and ass, with a nice cluster around my hole. As for the rest of the details, we’re both in our 50s and in relatively good shape. Doug is more defined than me due to his more regular workouts, but we both love to eat and drink, and it shows. He has a thick 7” cock, while mine is equally thick and just a little bit longer. We’ve joked that fucking each other is almost like fucking yourself since our cocks are so similar. And we both love dildos, fisting, and other types of assplay. That Saturday, I got ready at home, doing a good cleanout and shower. Then, I put the orange jockstrap and the black leather harness under my clothes. My place is not too private, so I needed to be reasonably attired to get to my car, but Doug’s place is secluded enough that we often play outdoors. The sling in his playroom is also a good draw! I drove over to his house with plans to arrive at 8 in the morning. This way, we could play all day and even go into another day if we wanted. I got to his place a little early, so I pulled off the road and stripped down to my jock and harness. I put the collar in place and switched my shoes for a pair of flip-flops in case we went outside. Once it was 8:00, I walked up to his door. The slave always has access to his master’s house, so I walked right in. Doug heard me and yelled, “Kitchen,” so I went there. He looked awesome. He was wearing a red jockstrap that framed his hairy ass perfectly. Those mounds and the sweet hole between them really turned me on. He also had on a matching red harness that disappeared into the pouch of his strap. I assumed he had a cock ring on that was attached to the harness. “Lick my ass,” Doug commanded. He leaned forward onto the counter, and I dove into his hairy hole. I fucking love to eat ass, so this was not a difficult task to perform. While I was eating his hole, he was drinking coffee and looking over some apps on his phone. I was crouched down on the floor, spreading my ass open while licking, sucking, prodding, and tongue fucking his hole. He has a wonderfully hairy ass that always retains a musky and exciting smell. I loved my service to him and reached back to play with my hole. “My hole, not yours,” Doug bellowed when he noticed what I was doing. I pulled my hands away and used them to spread his ass wider for my tongue. When he was done getting his ass eaten, he turned around and mashed my face into the pouch of his jock. This was a well-worn item and had been through a lot of sexy times. It had a heady aroma of cum, sweat, and piss on it, and I eagerly mouthed his cock through the fabric. I could feel the metal cock ring that surrounded his dick, and it turned me on even more. He quickly grew hard but pulled me away, saying that he didn’t want to cum yet. I literally had all day, so I was willing to wait. Next, Doug told me to vacuum under all the furniture in his living room. I needed to bend over to do this, and I figured that he wanted me to show off my ass while I did this chore. I’m always up for showing off my ass and wanted to keep him pleased, so I was happy to comply. While I was vacuuming, Doug came over and spread my cheeks open to display my hole. “Nice hairy hole, slave,” he said to me. I made my hole pulse when he said this so he would know I appreciated the compliment. When I finished this task, he told me to take the vacuum into the playroom and tidy it up. I went in and was pleased to see that the place was in pretty good shape. I rolled a cart over near the bottom of the sling and placed various lubes and some poppers on it. In my own anal way, I laid out the dildos on the tray sorted by size. We could (and likely would) work up to the largest ones as the day progressed. Then, I put a small table next to the side of the sling with some more poppers on it. I ensured that the camera was aimed properly at the sling, that the full-length mirror reflected the right stuff, and placed some absorbent pads on the floor. I placed a stool at the foot of the sling. Then, I wiped down the sling and noticed a St Andrews cross that hadn’t been there before. I made certain that it was clean and ready, too. I packed the bubbler with product and placed the baggie and torch nearby for use. As a final task, I plumped the pillows on the bed and vacuumed the floor. The playroom looked very ready for use. “Your room is ready, master,” I said when I returned to the living room. Doug was sitting in his recliner with one hand down the front of his jock while working his phone with his other hand. “I’ll be the judge of that,” he replied as he got up. I meekly followed him into the room, enjoying the sight of his hairy ass as he walked down the hall. He walked in and began his inspection. He nodded in approval at my organization on the rolling cart, noted the cleanliness of the equipment, and smiled when he saw that the bed had been dressed nicely. There was a play sheet under the cotton sheet to catch any fluids that might leak out. Nodding his approval, he walked over to the sling. His back was to the sling, and he told me to help him get into position. Hugging him tightly, I lowered him into the sling. Then, I took one of his feet, licked it a few times, and situated it in the stirrup. With his next foot, I sucked in his big toe before putting it in the stirrup. This seemed to excite him since we had never done any footplay before. I helped him get the pillow properly placed for his comfort and then asked if he needed anything more. “Not now, slave. Eat my ass.” Eager to obey and please, I sat on the stool and leaned forward to get my face into his ass crack. He has an awesome ass, with a good coating of hair everywhere that gets denser as it approaches his hole. I love seeing the hair get all matted down with lube and spit as we play. It’s really awesome to see the hairs gliding through lube on a toy or an arm, too. He pushed his ass out, displaying his inner walls to me. I bent forward and wrapped my lips around his hole, and sucked his hole. When I’m rimming, it’s like I’m making out with the guy’s hole. I lick it, swirl my tongue in the areas around it, suck it, probe it with my tongue, and more. Doug likes when I eat his ass, and he seemed ready to settle in for a long session. As I was eating his ass, he placed his hand on my head and pulled me up. “I am not spun,” he growled. I hastened over to the pipe and torch and brought them to him. I held the torch to the product and watched as it melted and smoke began to fill the bowl. When it was ready, I placed the bubbler at his lips, keeping the torch lit and moving so he could have as much as he wanted. He inhaled, held it for a bit, and then blew out a huge cloud. “Again,” he said, so I prepared another hit for him. We did this several times until he said, “Why are you wasting the smoke, slave? Inhale my smoke for your pleasure.” So, we shotgunned the next several hits. He had to be seriously spun since I was flying from just the leftovers. He told me to take two deep hits, which I gladly did. I returned the pipe and torch to their original location, making sure to bend at the waist as I put them down so that he could get a good look at my ass. He smiled at me as I walked back and took a seat on the stool. “Poppers,” he demanded. I picked up the bottle, uncapped it, and held his nostril as he did several deep hits. When I capped them, I kept them in my hand so that I could start rimming his ass again immediately. He was writhing in pleasure, calling me his sex slave and encouraging me with positive words. When I looked up from my rimming, I saw that Doug had pushed aside the pouch on his jockstrap, and his cock was hanging out. “May I, master,” I queried, eyeing his ringed cock. He nodded, so I put his cock into my mouth. He immediately let a gush of precum flow out, which I happily swallowed. He tends to precum a lot, and I love tasting his juices. I sucked on his dick, then he pushed me down to his balls. He has massive balls, and I can only fit one in my mouth at a time. I slavered over them, rolling them around in my mouth and occasionally going up to lick his cockhead. He rewarded me with several spurts of precum before pushing my head back down to his hole. I ate his hole adoringly. The taste and texture of his hole is wonderful, and it looks amazing when it’s opened up for a rimming. The hair around his hole holds some great aromas, and I inhaled deeply and appreciatively. I could have stayed there longer, but he tapped me on the head. When I looked up, he said, “Get me out of this,” indicating the sling. I grabbed both of his arms and helped him stand up. When he was upright, I directed my gaze downward (OK, so I was looking at his cock!) and said, “Thank you, master.” He nodded and directed me to the bed. I crawled onto the bed on all fours, letting Doug see my asshole in all its glory. He grinned approvingly but said that he wanted to smoke some more. I needed to fill the bowl again and kept my ass facing him as I did so. When it was ready, I melted some crystals into a nice fog and helped him to take a hit. He nodded at me, which I interpreted as the OK to do my own inhalation. I did, and he said, “Hold it until I tell you to let it go.” I held it for a long time, and then he allowed me to exhale. He had me do four more hits this way, holding the smoke in for a long time. He took a few more hits and handed me the bubbler and torch. I put them on the table, and Doug told me to get in the sling. He left the room while I was getting myself situated in the sling. Luckily, I’m fairly adept at getting my feet in the stirrups and my ass into the proper position. Once he knew I was settled, he returned to the room. He turned on the camera and made sure that it was providing a good, well lit view of my ass. He made a few slight adjustments and then sat down on the stool. “Are you a good slave?” “Yes, master.” And he slapped my ass. “Are you a good slave?” “Yes, master.” And he slapped my ass. “Are you a good slave?” This time, I said, “That is for my master to determine.” No slap this time. And he replied, “Damn right it is!” He had been lubing his hands while asking me this. Now, he put his fingers at my hole and said, “Your master is pleased,” before shoving three fingers into my ass. I gasped at the sudden intrusion, and he asked if everything was OK. “Yes, master.” “Good, because this is just the start,” he snarled. My ass understood the intent of that statement and pulsed in response. While he was talking, he was moving his fingers around inside me. Doug knows that my ass opens readily, and the T that we’d just smoked would make it even more open. We’ve played sober and spun, but I definitely prefer spun! “Your master controls your body.” “Yes, master,” I said as I felt another finger enter my ass. “I decide what happens to your body.” “Yes, master.” This time, he started to push his whole hand into my ass. I instinctively pushed out a little, letting him have easy access to my hole. His hand slid in up to his wrist.
    3 points
  6. So I was out delivering parcels in my van one day ,and as I was approaching a village where I had a few deliveries, I decided to pull into a car park and put the parcels into some sort of order. Iam in the back of my van when I notice a couple of guys going into the little toilet block in the corner of the car park. Never even gave it a thought that this could be an active cottage but over the next 20 minutes there was 6 guys going in. Parcels put in order, I locked the van up and had a walk over. It was a pretty scruffy place. The urinal was "L" shaped and there was some spunk in the trough where someone had unloaded earlier. There was 2 cubicles and the end one had a glory hole in the door. I stood at the urinal and started to work my cock to hardness when I heard the familiar "slap slap slap" of a set of balls banging against an arse. Someone was getting a good fucking in the cubicle. I heard a guy groaning as he came and a minute later he came out of the cubicle and left. I took off my trousers and walked into the cubicle to find a guy bent over the toilet offering his arse to anyone. I asked if it was ok to go in raw and he said it was fine. He said he`d had 3 loads already so he would be well lubed up. I stuck my hard cock against his sloppy hole and slided up no problem. God, it felt good knowing that some spunk was lubricating my cock. As I held on to his hips, I started to really pound him hard. It wasnt long before the familiar feeling started in my balls as my spunk was working its way up my shaft. I told him I was about to come and he reached round and grabbed my arse so I couldnt pull out....not that I would have. I knew it was a big load I delivered up the guys arse by the way he was groaning. When I pulled out he told me it felt great getting such a big load up him As I left there was another guy standing wanking ready to take my place. So I waved him over and asked if it was ok to watch. I got the ok so gave the guy a quick sucking to get him really hard and then fed his cock up the guys arse. It was so horny watching 2 guys fucking and knowing my spunk was already up his hole. The guy pulled his cock out and spurted all over the other guys hole, then pushed his cock back in and finished off. I left and went back to my van. Did my deliveries and went back to the car park. It was empty but I sat in the cubicle with the gory hole and soon a cock was pushed in for me to suck. The owner came straight away in my mouth and left. Another cock was pushed in and I turned round and fed it up my arse. God, he gave me a fucking to remember and when he came I did the same all over the floor. I cleaned up and left. Iam back there this week so will be calling in again
    3 points
  7. The ones where everybody joins. If you're only watching, watch porn. It's an orgy !!!
    3 points
  8. I'd been to a bar with a friend, had a few drinks before parting ways and heading back to my flat. Feeling horny I decided to quickly clean up before scrolling grindr, which is when an account popped up. 2 tops 👀 4 sub. If received a few dick pics. I opened and looked at them, decent sized cock, looked sucksble. I started getting horny looking at them. I sent my pics back before receiving a message: "You arrive, let yourself in, and head into the living room. There will be a mattress on the floor, the lights will be off. Strip, get on all fours, say "ready". We'll come in and use you, when we finish, you pick up your clothes and quickly leave. You like?" My drunk self happily agreed and he sent me the address. 15 minute walk. I told him roughly when I'd arrive. I prelubed my ass, threw on my coat, and left my flat. It was 2am, slightly chilly, but not too bad. I marched to the address, turned down a street and got to the house. I walked up to the door and gently pushed it open, they'd left it on the latch. The house was dark, almost pitch black, and my nerves started to spike. What was I doing?!? I hadn't even seen his face! But I'd come this far, would be a shame to turn around now. I walked down the hallway and turned into the room on the right, the mattress was where they said it would be. I quickly stripped and got onto the mattress like he told me to. It felt so stupid to be doing this everything felt wrong, but at the same time it felt so right... "uh r-ready" I called out. I heard a movement from outside the room and 2 guys came in, already nude. They looked relatively young, mid to late 20s, but it was difficult to tell from the lack of light. Their facial features almost impossible to discern. "what a slut, you actually came" one of them said as he got behind me, the other going in front. My cock twitched from being called a slut. The one behind got down, held my cock, and began sucking it. I let out a small moan before the other guy slid his fingers in my mouth. I began licking and sucking them. I then felt 2 fingers start to push into my ass as I let out another moan. 2 soon turned to 3 as I could feel him trying to stretch my hole. The guy at the front grabbed me by the hair. "you like that slut?" "yes sir" I responded still softly moaning. The guy from behind them stood up and moved round to the front. "quickly stuck me off, and use lots of spit, in not planning on adding extra lube." I leaned up and felt he's cock land on my face. I held it in my hand and spat on the shaft before plunging it into my mouth. I was glad I squirted some lube in my ass before I came. I sucked it, more trying to cover it in saliva than give him pleasure, he moaned anyway. I slid my tongue under his foreskin as I softly pulled it back and forth. I couldn't see it clearly but it felt about 6 inch, reasonably thick, like the one in the photo. After a minute or so he pulled his cock out my mouth and I was pushed back down onto all 4s. His cock was quickly replaced by the other guys, which felt slightly larger and thicker. I began sucking as the other guy spat on my hole and shoved 3 fingers in and stretched me out. He pulled out and I felt his slimy cock rub against my hole. I wiggled my ass against him. He let out a small laugh and put his tip to my hole, slowly pushing in. I felt a dull pain from the invasion and I let out a small wimper. A bottle was held under my nose, "sniff" the guy said. I did as was told and took a deep breath. Poppers. My mind was racing as the guy started to quickly pound my hole. I let out deep moans in rhythm to the fucking as both my holes were used by the men. "such a slut, being used by 2 strangers on a dirty mattress, you love it don't you?" the guy I was sucking said. All I could do was moan in agreement. Being used by 2 strangers who I could barely see was sending my horny levels off the chart. After a few more minutes of being fucked the guy slapped my ass as his breaths started to get heavier, I could tell he was getting close. I started rocking backwards and forwards, pushing him as deep into me as possible. "you want my load you little slut?" I pulled the cock out my mouth, "yes sir, flood me deep". He slapped my ass again before grabbing my waist and picked up the pace. After a few more seconds he pushed as deep into me as he could go, grabbing my hips and pulling me back. He waited there, panting, as he filled me full of his cum. He then slide out and his cock was immediately replaced by the other guy, I could feel his cock stretching my hole. He started off slow, letting my insides adjust as more poppers were held under my nose. He then reached forward, grabbed my hair and started fucking me hard, driving his cock into my guts. My head was then brought down and pushed against the mattress with my ass still in the air. I could smell the mattress, musky, dirty, used. "take my cock you stupid slut" he shouted at me as he pushed his dick what felt deeper and deeper into me. And I did, I lay their moaning and talking it. A guy I hadn't seen nor even spoken to using my hole, treating me like a whore. "ah fuck I'm gonna breed you, I'm so close" he finally said after a few minutes, my ass starting to ache. After slamming into me a few more times he pushed deep into my guts, his cock starting to pulse, painting my insides white. He then pulled out and gave my ass a slap. "what a nasty whore" he said before spitting on me. I lay there with my ass still up in the air, softly rubbing my loose wet hole. "your stuff is outside, we're finished" one of the guys said. "wdym?" I asked getting up. "it's out the front door, leave" he replied, grabbing me. He lead me to the door, pushed me out and closed it behind. There I was, standing outside completely naked, cum slowly leaking from my ass. My clothes and shoes a few meters in front of me which I quickly picked up and put on. I then marched back home to jerk off and play with my hole. When I got back the grindtr account had gone, probably blocked me. I felt so used, so nasty, like a real whore. Nothing but a hole that they used for 1 night. But I've realised that that is what turned me on so much...
    3 points
  9. FROM STRAIGHT BOY TO CUMDUMP IN ONE NIGHT ----the story of my transformation---- The summer between my freshman and sophomore years of college started out as the most boring summer of my life. I had stayed at university to take summer classes and was subletting a room in a shitty four-bedroom apartment of which I was the only resident. I worked at a local movie store fifteen hours a week and was taking two classes both of which were over by two pm on Mondays and Wednesdays. The rest of the time I just spent watching Netflix going for runs, and jerking off. I had run track in high school and still kept up with my workouts keeping my lean frame in shape. At that time I was five eleven, one hundred and fifty pounds, with short-cropped black hair and the starting of a rather thick pelt of hair across my body. Puberty had come a little late to me and I had been hairless all through high school for the most part, but freshman year it had struck with a vengeance and I now grew thick coarse black leg and arm hair, my pits long bushy shrubs, and my chest hadn’t sprouted a patch in the middle but rather was slowly becoming carpeted in black hair. I loved it, I thought all the hair made up for my slight build and made me look manlier so I showed it off every chance I got. Normally when I went for a run I just ran round the campus, but on this particular day I was in a mood, bored with my solitary routine, sick of not seeing any of my friends cause they had all gone home for the summer, and over feeling trapped on campus so I made my way to a bike trail that ran through most of the town and started to run as far away from campus as I could. It was a hot day and the sweat ran down my bare torso and I jogged along for several miles. Most of the trail was bordered by trees, but every once in a while there was a gap and you could see into the back gardens of the people who’s houses back onto the trail. I had run the trail before and there was almost never anything of interest happening on it, in fact the only real appeal of the trail was that it was away from the school. I suppose before I continue with my story that I should mention that at this point in time I believed myself to be straight. This is in fact the story of how I came to realize that not only was that not true, but just how very much of a fag I really was. Despite believing myself to be straight I had always been interested in the male form. I could never help but to look when I saw a real manly man out and about. So what happened next really should have been no surprise. As I ran round a bend in the trail I found myself facing one of those patches where the trees thinned and you could seen to some random person’s back garden. This back garden however didn’t belong to just anyone. There in the clearing pushing a wheel barrow full of dead plants was a six foot six inch tall sweat soaked muscle bear. He had a strong pronounced jaw line sprinkled with salt and paper stubble, his head was shaved but the skin was tan from the sun. His arm muscles flexed under the dark bronze skin and hair as he moved the wheel barrow across the yard his bare chest glistening with sweat from the heat. Though I was staring intently at this perfect specimen of manliness I was still running until suddenly I caught my foot on a root and tumbled ass over elbow over the small bush that separated the trail from the Adonis’s backyard and landed sprawled face down on his perfectly kept grass. “Holy shit,” I heard him call out, “you ok kid?” “Yeah, I’m fine… just tripped… sorry.” I wanted to get out of there as quickly as I could even and though I was already flushed from the heat running I felt my cheeks burning with embarrassment. I rolled over and started to stand up when the ankle that I had caught on the tree root gave way underneath me. “You don’t seem ok kid, come on… let’s get you inside and make sure that ankle’s not broken.” As he walked over to me I was overwhelmed by his smell, a thick pungent musk that I found to be intoxicating. My head was swimming as I tried to focus through the haze of his sweat stink and I hardly noticed him picking me up and helping me to stand so that we could hop back to the house. He took me into the kitchen, sat me at the table and started to unlace my shoe to look at my ankle. I barely paid attention to anything that happened, till he said it was just a bad sprain and that I should just rest my leg for a while. “How far did you run kid?” “From the north side of campus,” I replied. “Shit that’s half way across town, tell you what. I’ll drive you back later so that you don’t have to run on that twisted ankle.” I graciously took him up on his offer, and sat in the kitchen icing my ankle and watching the man, who’s name I had learned was Eric finish up the yard work before he drove me back to campus. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him and I didn’t understand why, I thought that it was because he looked like the man I whished to become, but I was wrong. When Eric had finished the yard work a little over fourth five minutes later he came back into the kitchen bringing with him that glorious smell once more. “Ok, let me grab a shirt, and right a note to my husband telling him I’m out in case he comes home from work while we’re gone, and then we’ll be off.” He said off of this as though it were the most natural thing in the world, but my head was spinning: HUSBAND? Was this perfect specimen of man a homosexual, could that be? I didn’t have much time to think before Eric had returned with an white a-line t shirt one along with the same basketball shorts he had been wearing to work in the yard. I set my foot on the ground gingerly, and Eric leaned in to help pick me up, but once he had pulled me upright he just held me for a minute and stared into my eyes. His eyes were slate blue and stood out against his tanned skin and dark hair. After what seemed like an eternity he said, “So why did you trip kid?” “Ummm…. I…” I spluttered. “I thought so,” and he leaned in and kissed me. Several things all happened at once within my body: I panicked; I tried to push him away; and my cock sprang to life becoming instantly hard. I staggered away from him for a moment my brain screaming. And then it all stopped and all that I wanted to do was be in that man’s arms, I wanted to feel him against me. I dove back into his arms, grabbed his face and stuffed my tongue in his mouth. His hands wandered up and down my back, grazing but being careful not to go past the waist band of my short bright yellow running shorts, as we kissed and I clung to him as if I never wanted to let him go. Eric broke away, “I guessed that that’s why you tripped, but I wasn’t sure till you sat in here and practically drooled as you watched me work in the garden. Plus your cock hardened every time I touched you. Your brain my not be ready to admit it but your cock certainly isn’t” He said all this staring into my eyes, his hands still roaming over my back, but with that last part he reached forward and grabbed my throbbing cock through the thin nylon on my shorts. I gasped. He smiled, “You ever been with a man, kid?” “I’m straight.” “And I’m the Queen of England,” he said, kneeling in front of me, “don’t worry boy I’ll teach you hot to please a man.” With that he pulled my shorts down exposing my rock hard cock and before I could protest further he swallowed my whole seven and a half inch cock to be base. Within seconds he had me moaning and groaning and holding on the back of his head to keep my cock from slipping out of his mouth. I started to feel my balls tensing up and seeming to sense it too Eric pulled off of my cock and stood up again. “Now you try.” “I’m straight,” Eric pulled of his shirt revealing his massive hair covered chest in all its glory. “You want this I can tell. Now get on your knees and suck my cock.” I don’t know what made me do it but I sank to my knees, Eric pulled his cock from the waistband of his shorts, smacked me in the face a few times and then I opened my mouth wide and began blowing this beautiful man. As I emulated what he had just been doing to me his cock began to grow and engorge until I was convinced that it wouldn’t fit in my mouth any longer. “Good boy, you work that man cock, get it good and hard.” What the hell was I doing? I was gagging this man’s ever hardening cock down my throat and loving every second of it. This was better then anything I had ever down with a girl. The smell of Eric’s sweat burned in my nose and I could taste the sweet salty liquid on his cock and I swallowed. He placed his big strong hands on the back of my head and guided me to begin bobbing up and down on his shaft. His cock brushed against my tonsils and I heaved for a moment before swallowing hard and feeling his cock slid down my throat. Everything was perfect. My jaw stretched as wide as it could, I felt pubes around my nose and balls against my chin and opening my eyes I found that I had slid Eric’s entire massive cock down my throat and was now sucking it with ease. I looked up at Eric and saw that he had his phone in one hand and the other holding my head in place as he started to thrust in and out of my mouth. I panicked a little, but never thought to take his cock from my mouth. There was the click of the camera and I widened my eyes in shock. “Don’t worry boy, just a pic for my husband to show him what’s waiting for him at home.” My brain was screaming at me to spit his cock out, pull my pants up and run, but my cock was throbbing, my mouth was drooling and for the first time in my life I felt an itch grown inside of me that I did not yet understand. “You’re a hot little cock sucker aren’t you.” Without knowing why I nodded, and grabbed Eric’s well built thighs pulling his cock into my mouth completely once more. “I’m gonna have some fun with you tonight.” Eric let go of my head and grabbing me under the armpits pulled me to my feet and kissed me again. This time was rougher, he shoved his tongue into my mouth and held my face close to his with his rough hands. I melted into him, feeling his warm sweaty body pressed against mine, his massive cock trapped between up. “Turn around,” he whispered in my ear. Don’t do it, my brain told me, you’re not a fag. What the hell are you doing? I turned around obediently. Eric hugged me from behind, his hands resting on my pecs as he kissed my neck. I could feel his cock nestled in my ass crack, and I couldn’t help myself, I rocked back on it rubbing his cock with my tight furry ass. Eric began to kiss down my body, his tongue tracing my spine as he once more sank to his knees. His tongue came to my tailbone and I shuddered, it was as if a bolt of electricity had gone through my body. I involuntarily arched by back. “A natural bottom,” Eric muttered and with one hand between my shoulder blades and one on my hip he forcer me to bend over so that my chest was resting on the table. He spread my ass cheeks with his hands and I felt cool air on my hole. Then something warm and wet touched my hole. Two reactions shot through me, the one from my mind of RUN, the second from my ass: GOD NEVER LET THIS STOP. It was as if the way I thought about myself and my body and what I wanted was at war with what my body was experiencing. That itch I had started to feel earlier began to become a burn and find a home in my ass Eric’s tongue brushed against my tight hairy little virgin pucker. Eric pushed down on the small of my back forcing me to push my ass out more and I felt his tongue make it’s first attempt at entering my hole. The war raged on inside my body but I made no attempts to stop Eric, I just kept moaning loudly. I could feel my hole becoming slick with his spit and weather it was from the spit or the warmth or his breath or the repeated darting actions of his tongue I could feel my hole slowly starting to relax and bloom allowing more of Eric’s tongue to dip inside. My cock was hard as a rock and dripping precum but I felt no interest in jerking off my focus was on my internal conflict and on the waves of pleasure that emanated from my steadily loosening hole. “God you have a beautiful hole, tight, pink, and furry. I love it. Nice virgin hole.” Something rough pressed against my hole for a moment along with Eric’s tongue I looked over my shoulder trying to see what he was doing and I gasped when I realized that it was his finger. He briefly sucked on his finger and then pressed it again to my hole. Now slick with spit his finger didn’t just rebound off of my tight pucker but pressed inward a little bit, but my hole resisted. Eric returned to working my hole with his tongue but kept a steady pressure on my hole with his finger. My mind was becoming foggy and the argument between my brain and my body was becoming less and less. I started to think things like: if it feels so good how can it not be what I want. Eric increased the pressure of his finger on my hole, hocked a big glob of spit onto my hole and suddenly something gave way and his finger just slid inside of me. I gasped, it didn’t hurt, not at all, it was like a when you finally manage to scratch a really bad itch on your back that you couldn’t reach; and there ended my internal strife, a decision had been made, my body won and silenced my brain. I pushed back against his finger trying to swallow more of it up. Eric responded by slowly and deliberately sliding his finger in and out of my hole making me moan loudly. I felt sweat spring up on my back and it was hard to catch my breath. Eric chuckled softly to himself and withdrew his finger. I felt empty and alone for a moment and then I felt the finger return but it was thicker this time; two fingers. He repeated the same process until over the course of the next half hour he had worked all four fingers into my hole and was slowly twisting them in and out of my now loosened hole. Eric kissed my ass cheek and stood up with drawing his fingers from my hole. God I missed his fingers, the transformation that had taken place within me over the past forty minutes was complete. I no longer questioned what I was feeling and I knew that I wanted to keep his fingers inside my hole forever. That is until what happened next. Eric rapped an arm around me and pulled me up from my bent position, kissing my neck, his warm musky body pressed against my own. “You have such a sweet virgin hole boy,” he shifted his weight, “but I think you’re hole is ready for more,” with his free hand he bent his cock down from where it rested in my ass crack and aimed it at my now slick and loosened hole, “what do you say we bust that cherry?” I was grinding my ass back against his cock, relishing each time I felt his cock snag on my ass ring, but this was not enough for Eric. He let go of my chest and pushed me back down on the table so that my ass was once again spread out before him. My whole body seemed to have become electric and I sensed every tiny shift that Eric made as he shifted himself into position and began to ever so gently press his thick mushroom headed cock against my hole. His four fingers had opened my up a lot but my hole as still far to tight for Eric’s cock, he pushed harder, hocking up another big glob of spit right onto where his cock head met my hole. The itch I had felt earlier was getting worse, I felt as though there was a burning inside of my hole and only getting Eric’s monster cock inside of me could make it stop. I flexed my ass muscles and twitched my hole like I was taking a shit and felt for a brief moment my hole open up and a tiny bit of Eric’s mushroom head slip inside. I did it again this time pushing back against his cock and felt a little bit more slide inside. “Jesus, you can’t wait to pop that cherry can you boy? Alright then lets do this. When I push you flex your hole.” Eric grabbed me by the hips and started to push hard against my hole, he managed to force a little bit of the head inside without my help but then I flexed my hole and between his pressure and my open hole the head of his cock shot into my ass with a pop. It felt like a soda can had just been shoved up my ass, but I loved it, I wanted more. Eric stopped pushing for a moment, then spat on his cock and pushed hard again sinking about another inch of his cock inside me. He did this several more times till at long last I felt his thick black pubes against my ass and his balls resting against mine. Sweat covered my whole body and I was shaking a little. My hole was twitching around Eric’s cock trying to pull more of him inside of me. After what seemed like a glorious eternity he began to pull out until only the massive mushroom head remained in my hole, and then just as slowly he pushed back in again. A whimper escaped from my lips. “You like that thick cock deep inside you boy? You like feeling your cherry disappear as my cock invades your sweet wet boy cunt?” “Yes,” I said breathlessly. There was no denying what I wanted, no claims of being straight, no claims of wanting to be a top either, my cock was hard as a rock but I had no interest in it, all that mattered was Eric’s cock. “What do you want now boy?” Eric pulled out to the tip again, “Do you want me to fuck your boy cunt?” He plunged back in, harder then he had before, “You want me to pound your hole?” “Yes,” I moaned. “Yes what?” He withdrew again. “Yes I want you to fuck me.” And there it was, there was no taking it back, I had admitted what I wanted. “Good answer boy.” Holding me by the waist Eric started to make me grind forward and back on his cock and he pulled in and out picking up his pace rapidly until in a short while he was hammering away as though he were fucking a well broken in hole. I was moaning like a bitch in heat and I knew it. Everything else in my mind had gone blank and all that I could focus on as my hole and his cock. Faster and faster he went, now slamming his cock in hard so that the room filled with the sound of flesh smacking flesh. He grabbed my shoulders for better leverage and I started to buck back harder, meeting each thrust with equal force. By now I was practically screaming my vocabulary reduced to three phrases: Yes; Please; and Fuck me. “You wanna ride my cock boy?” “Fuck yes” Eric pulled his cock from my ass with a soft squelch and layer down on the floor his cock sticking straight up to the ceiling. I practically flung myself on his cock, positioning it at the opening of my no longer virgin hole and sitting down hard. I bounced up and down letting gravity pull me back onto Eric’s cock each time. Both of us were covered with sweat and it was as if the whole world smelled of sex. Eric’s breathing began to change and he started to buck his cock up into me as I rode. Quicker and quicker he pounded till after ten more minutes he growled, “I’m going to cum, I’m so fucking close. I’m gonna breed that sweet cunt and make you into a real bottom boy.” “Yes breed me,” I groaned, not really knowing what I was saying. “You want my seed boy?” “God yes!” “Ok, well get ready cause…. FUCK!” He never finished his sentence he just grabbed me by the shoulders and forced me to bottom out on his cock while I felt his shaft pulse and throb deep in my guts and a new kinda warmth spread through my body. His cum filled my hole and started to leak out a little down his cock onto his balls. I was panting, but my lust was unslaked. I leaned in and kissed Eric as he had kissed me before he started eating out my hole, rough and hungry. I ran my hands up and down his hairy body feeling the mixture of the hair with the sweat. Eric pulled me close and kissed me too before just hugging me to his chest, his cock still buried deep in my stretched out hole. “Jesus when you sent me a picture of some cock sucker on your tool I expected to find a twink waiting at the door to suck my cock, not find you with your cock still inside of his cunt and your load leaking out.” I sat up, dropping down all the way on Eric’s cock in so doing and gasped, when I heard the new voice. “I took one look at this cherry hole and I had to breed it.” Eric said to the new comer. “Cherry hole you say. Well then I’ll need to taste it too.” “Kid this is my husband Matt. Hope that hole’s feeling good cause it’s in for a long night.”
    3 points
  10. I've been offered money for sex and told the guys, I'd fuck for free...back in the day of early college this older guy asked me in the on campus bathroom if he could watch me take a dump for cash...back then, the thought weirded me out but, it was the easiest 100.00 I ever made! I just did my business in the stall as he stood at the door and watched. He didn't do anything or chat....after I was done..he told me not to flush and handed me the cash...I grabbed my backpack and off I went ...everyone has a kink!
    3 points
  11. -Chris I came to lying on a couch. I heard a moaning noise coming from my side and looked over. On a bed was a man with a massive hairy back pounding into someone who has their thin legs wrapped around him. “I love you so much master please breed me give me more of your poison” I heard from a voice that sounded just like Martin. Shocked I stood up and walked towards the bed where I saw Martin taking the cock of the man Greg had been referring to as boss. “What the fuck” I asked in shock “Oh good you’re up” the man said as he wrapped his arms around my boyfriend and pulled him to his chest all the while pounding into him. “My balls could use some attention so slid down and start sucking” “No fucking way asshole I’m not sucking your balls while you fuck my boyfriend” “Shut the fuck up and do as your told Chris if you’re gonna be rude to master you might as well leave” Martin said between his moans “What the fuck are you doing Martin how could you do this to me and then take his side” I asked confused “I’m - uh- always on- oh fuck-masters side Chris” Martin moaned out “I’m -oh yes right there master- I’m just trying to help you Chris” “The fuck do you mean help me” I asked when suddenly the man lifted Martin off him and stood up off the bed “Alright listen here faggot you’re going to do as me and my boy say or you’re gonna leave and never see him again” the man said towering over me with a massive wet cock glistening between his legs. Martin stood up of the bed, what looked like cum flowing out of his legs as he did before coming right up to me and kneeing me hard in the balls. “You’re such a pathetic piece of shit Chris. I try to share my life with you and all you do is bitch and fucking moan” he said continuously kneeing my nuts for emphasis “I could’ve broken up with you years ago and given myself fully to master but no I told him that even if I didn’t love you like I did him I still wanted you to experience the exctasy that master has to offer” he yelled at me as I collapse to the floor in pain “ and now that I’m giving you the chance to recieve the greatest gift and your saying I’m cheating on you. I mean fucking seriously you’re barely a man with that pathetic fucking cock and if anything I’ve been cheating on master with you cause I love him in ways I never loved you. And are you really so stupid you never realized that I would come hope gaped and full of cum and you would just happily pump away for a few seconds into your condom like the sissy bitch you are” “Now master is gonna keep breeding my ass and you will sit there licking his balls or his ass or even eating his fucking shit if he asks you to because your opinion doesn’t fucking matter now start sucking cuck” martin screamed as master began pounding into him again Martin had been cheating on me for years I thought in shock and worse he said he loved master more than me. I still didn’t want to leave Martin though I loved him and maybe I just had to show him I could sacrifice to win him back I thought as I got to my knees between Martin and master and began sucking his massive hairy balls. The smelled of sweat and tasted of lube and cum but as I sucked and felt the love of my life cum onto my back from another man’s cock I found that my own cock was rock hard.
    3 points
  12. Well, I have needs and I want to cum too. Even better if the tops takes pleasure in seeing how their cocks can make me shoot.
    3 points
  13. HIV Induction Rocky had just graduated high school. With no money for college he was in need to find a job to make some cash. With the bad economy he had trouble finding any job at all. Rocky landed a job at a coffee house in the gay section of town. That’s where he met Dallas. Dallas was a stud of a man. At 45 he was in excellent shape at 6’2” tall, 210 pounds with a lean, muscular swimmers build, dark hair and eyes and a package that made everyone stare. Rocky could not take his eyes off this man. He did his best to be sure not to make eye contact with this stud, but Dallas knew he was being watched. Dallas made sure to draw Rocky’s attention every chance he got. As it got late and closing time was fast approaching Rocky was told that he could punch out and leave since it was getting very slow in the shop. Rocky punched out, got himself a cup of coffee and went to sit down at the table next to his object of desire. That’s when Dallas looked up at the teen and smiled. This was the first time Rocky knew he was noticed by the man. Rocky was so distracted he spilled his coffee all over the table where Dallas was sitting. Rocky was embarrassed beyond belief. He immediately went and retrieved a couple of rags to wipe the table down with and when he returned the man was no longer at the table. Rocky had thought he blew any chance he might of have with this stud. While Rocky was cleaning the table the man returned with a refill for himself and a fresh cup of coffee for Rocky. “I figured after a long day of working here, you deserved to have someone else get you a fresh latte.” The man told Rocky. “Thanks. Yeah, I can really use a cup to pick me up.” The two sat down and drank their coffees and chatted. Rocky told the man that he had just started working at the coffee shop and was trying to make money so he could move out on his own. Rocky learned that Dallas owned his own video production company. Dallas felt that Rocky could possible star in one of his productions is he was interested. Dallas had the teens interest peaked. They continued to chat as closing time came and Rocky had to catch his bus home. As they left the shop Rocky got light headed and stumbled a bit. “Are you ok Rocky?” “I think so. I think I’m just light headed. I haven’t eaten since breakfast.” “That’s not very smart. Why haven’t you eaten anything all day?” “I didn’t have time to make lunch before leaving for work and I the only money I have is just enough to cover my bus fare to work and back home.” “We can’t have that. Why don’t you let me cook you a good meal and then I can give you a ride home.” “As nice as that sounds I couldn’t impose. Besides I have to be back at work by 5 am to help get the shop ready to open.” “It’s no imposition, in fact you are welcome to crash at me place and I can bring you back to work in the morning.” Rocky finally agreed with Dallas since he was beginning to feel weaker and weaker. What Rocky didn’t know is that Dallas had slipped some GHB into his coffee to make him feel the way he was feeling. They walked a short distance to Dallas’ black Hummer and drove off. As Rocky rode along he began to zone out. When they pulled up to Dallas’ home he wasn’t sure where he was or how long they had been driving. Dallas pulled the car into the garage and shut the door. They climbed out of the car and headed into the house. It was a big home once inside Dallas offered his guest a drink as he went to prepare dinner. “What would you like to drink Rocky?” Not wanting to impose Rocky replied, “Anything you have will be fine with me.” Dallas made Rocky a Rum and Coke and had the teen sitting on a bar stool at the breakfast bar in the kitchen as he prepared their dinner. Rocky began to feel better after downing his drink and was promptly given another one. Rocky continued to feel better the more he drank. That was all due to the Tina Dallas had added to Rocky’s drink. Soon enough dinner was ready and the two ate their portions before heading into the den to chat some more. Rocky was wired after a nice meal and 3 Tina laced drinks. They cleared the table and moved to the couch to chat some more. Dallas took control of the conversation steering it the direction he wanted it to go and they were soon talking about sex. “Rocky a young guy like yourself I’m sure you have girls hanging all over you.” Dallas was correct, Rocky was a good looking young man. At 5’9”, 135 ponds, lean, thin runner’s build, brown hair and hazel eyes, but he was incorrect about girls hanging all over him. Dallas could tell from his reaction the truth of the matter. “Dallas I am not really a ladies man. I had a girlfriend when I was in high school but it just didn’t seem to be for me.” “Then you must have a boyfriend.” “I’ve been with a few guys, but never really found the right guy for me.” “I hope you played safe with these guys.” “Absolutely. I’d never take a chance of catching something.” “Then you’re HIV-?” “Yup, even got tested a couple times to be sure.” “Smart boy. Listen, I have a project coming up I think you might be perfect for. It calls for an HIV negative man in the staring role. You can make a lot of money.” ‘MAKE A LOT OF MONEY!’ Those were the magic words. “What would I have to do?” “It’s a video on sex and HIV and I need a young guy like you to play the part of the young guy.” “I don’t think I can do that, I really wouldn’t want anyone to see my face in something like that. My parents don’t even know I’m into guys.” “Well why don’t you think about it and you can tell me in the morning before I take you to work.” “I thank you for the offer, but I am sure of my answer.” “Rocky, after I show you my hospitality by feeding you and giving you a place to crash for the night, the least you can do is think about it tonight.” Rocky felt guilty as to be so quick to say no to the offer Dallas made to him. He figured he could sleep on it and in the morning when Dallas dropped him off at work he could kindly turn the offer down. “OK I will think about it. What time is it any way?” With all the activities of the evening Rocky was unaware that is was nearly 2 am. Dallas said he would show Rocky to a place where he could be alone with his thoughts to ponder the offer that he was given. First he showed Rocky where the bathroom was so he could take a quick shower. Rocky wasted no time in stripping down and getting in under the warm spray to rinse off the grime from that days work. He felt very alert and awake and was wondering how he would get to sleep that night. When he climbed out of the shower and dried himself off he realized that all of his clothes were missing. He began to worry about what he might have gotten himself into when Dallas came in and told him that he put his clothes in the wash to freshen them up for the next days work. Dallas led Rocky from the bathroom through a long hall and down a flight of steps to the basement. They passed through two more doors before entering what looked like a small sound studio. The only thing in the room was a small cage that looked just big enough for Rocky to get in on his hands and knees. “Here is a perfect place for you to think about the offer I made you.” “NO FUCKING WAY AM I GETTING IN THAT CAGE.” There was no way Rocky could over power his host. Dallas grabbed the teen by the balls and pulled him down to his knees. The teen continued to struggle and resist being placed in the cage when he was kicked hard in the crotch. “It will be easier on you if you cooperate and get in the cage like a good little boy.” Rocky new he had no choice and was on all fours and slowly backing into the cage. When his ass hit the back of the cage the door was shut. Dallas had him raise his arms up so his elbows were higher then his back. He then inserted a bar to hold his arms in that position so he could not move. Dallas then got behind the cage and pushed a good amount of meth laced lube into the teen’s ass followed by an inflatable dildo until he felt the resistance of the internal ring. He applied steady pressure and it slid deeper into the teen’s bowls. Next he flipped a switch and the dildo began to inflate till Rocky felt maximum pressure on his hole and deep inside his gut. After a few minutes the dildo deflated and the process would begin all over again. There was no way that Rocky could get any sleep with the meth in his system and the constant inflation and deflation of the dildo in his ass. As Rocky felt the inflating dildo stretch his hole he then felt the cage being lifted off the ground. Rocky thought about screaming out for help but didn’t want to anger Dallas. It seamed that Dallas knew what he was thinking as he told the teen he could yell all he wanted too since this room was sound proof. Dallas left Rocky there with the lights on for him to think about his situation and consider his reply on the offer to do the video.
    2 points
  14. An orgy where the guys actually show up
    2 points
  15. Could eat out a well used hole for hours. The hairier the better. Love to have a man’s ass wiped over my face. Taste the ass juices….
    2 points
  16. Yeaaah I feel every dick pumping cum into my ass
    2 points
  17. @bareback-flipflop & @NordicBtm There is a possibility I may be in Berlin too. Don't know yet for sure so I will keep you updated. Sex in the streets, yes it is banned. However, you don't need to climb on and have sex on Siegessäule. Tiergarten as @NordicBtm says are perfect. Also, during the Folsom, in theory you cannot have sex in public, but there are always people going in for a quickie. You're not going to have a 15-min fuck, but you can have 15 1-min fucks. Still a thrill if you ask me LOL The Pig party is the one to go to. Try the VIP package if you can afford it. Saves a lot of waiting and crowds feel a bit more manageable. But the regular areas are just as fine because when it comes to fucking there's plenty of that. And since we are here on a brotherhood: very few tops will actually cum. There is a lot of fucking for sure, but since we are after the loads, we need to go to Bull. Half of Pig party tops end at Bull between 2:30 and 6:00. Some bottoms will go to Bull as well, but many will be to scared to go because of its reputation: men go to Bull to fuck. And cumdumps like me get no saying as to who is fucking them. especially in the dark room. There is no way to tell you if I got fucked by a royal, the homeless men of the Berlin metro, the professor at Humboldt or the hot cashier at KaDeWe. And as much as as many bottoms profess they are the biggest cumdumps, I can tell you that 80% of them will chicken out when they hear about Bull. Because they know that if you bend over in the dark room, you will get loaded. And absolute guarantee that half of them will be toxic loads. So hope to meet up with you guys and whore each other out! LOL
    2 points
  18. I love having a group of tops/versatile guys use me and fuck and unload in my slutty ass 🍆💦🍑🐷!!
    2 points
  19. Before my husband I’d only ever felt a guy’s cum shooting in my ass once; it was a strange feeling at first but then it made me almost euphoric. My husband shoots like a cannon each and every time. He’s also hung like a champion stud stallion. He was inches up into my colon when he shot; he didn’t need to yell, “Here it comes,” because I felt it like rapid-fire stinging spray. Of course he lied to me and told me nobody had ever made him cum that hard! lol Later when we started playing with others the first guy he fucked jumped like he’d been shot when Kent started blasting inside him; he yelled, “Dude fuck you shoot to kill!” Yup always!
    2 points
  20. Speaking as a high use power bottom, cumming is relative. My body is overrun with so much pleasure stimulation rectal/full body orgasms as a guy's penis or hands go in and our of my ass that whether or not my penis ejaculates is immaterial. If i want my penis to spill seed i can popperbate and edge when there are no tops around to stimulate and use me.
    2 points
  21. HahaHahahahaha / it’s called graduate school!
    2 points
  22. -Martin It was about 4 am when I got home. I crashed out the second I got to my bed. When I woke up and took a shower I couldn’t stop feeling my hole. It was still puffy and a little gaped from last night. I thought that I should feel guilty since another man had been opening up my guts the night before, but I didn’t I loved it and it didn’t really feel like cheating just like being helped by a friend. The second I got out of the shower I called master “Hey boy I knew you’d call” he said while I heard a weird moan in the background. “Yeah I had a great-“ I began to say but was interrupted by a moan of “poz me master” on masters side. It was followed by a slap and master saying “sorry needy slut can’t be quiet” “Oh that’s ok” I said hesitantly “So how about you come over next Friday and we can really get started on stretching you out” “That sounds amazing” I said ending the call The entire week I was so fucking horny. I had been jacking my 7 inch cock at least 4 times a day thinking about that night when finally on Friday I got another call from master. “Hey boy how about you come on over to my place at about noon how’s that sound” It was 11:30 right now “that sounds great but I haven’t had time to shave or anything” “Ha that’s fine boy we’ll take care of all that here, see you then” I rushed over to masters place throwing on a crop top and gym shorts. As I made it 3 blocks down I remembered I forgot underwear by the very obvious tent in my pants but decided to just keep going. When I made it to masters door I was about to knock when the door opened. It was the man who had driven me home the other night I think his name was Greg. “Hey man boss is waiting upstairs” he said walking with a strange gait to the bar I walked up the stairs and found master standing there wearing only large black leather boots and a leather vest. In that moment I got a view of the largest cock I’d ever seen in my life. It had to be a foot long and beer can thick with a massive spiked PA on the tip his head also had a biohazard tattoo on it that was several other places on him as well. His balls hung down at least a few inches as well and seemed to be the size of eggs. “Oh sorry boy lost track of time with Greg, you don’t mind if I just wear this right” he said as he came over and wrapped his arm around me “No it’s fine” I mumbled still transfixed by his horse cock. “Good leave your clothes in here then we’ll get started” he said as I stripped down. This time I had worn a thong that Chris had gotten me on our anniversary . When master saw it he picked it up and hung it on his PA. “Alright now let’s go get you cleaned up” he said showing me up to the master bathroom. “Now first let’s get you nice and smooth here’s a bottle of lotion just rub some on and leave it til it burns” “Ok” I said as I began rubbing the lotion all over my body. After a few minutes it started to burn really badly and I ran into the shower and tried to turn it on while master laughed at my flailing. He then came and pressed a button which turned the water on. “Ha now that you’re done flailing about let’s get that hole cleaned out” he said taking a hose from the wall. “Now I want you to hold this until I say let go alright boy” “Yes sir” I said feeling him push the hose into my hole.as I felt the pressure building inside of me master started to push on my stomach forcing me to release “Bad boy I didn’t say to let go” he said with a smile before grabbing my balls and squeezing so hard I thought they would pop. I let out a half moan half scream confused by the mix of pain and pleasure. “Now let’s try again” he said repeating the process. This tim I did manage to hold it in however. “Good boy now release” “ seems like you’re good to go now put this thong back on it makes you look extra sluty” he said taking the thong off his PA and handing it to me. As I slid it on he slapped my ass soliciting a moan from me. Master then slipped 2 fingers into my hole and guided me to the basement. He was rubbing his thick calloused fingers directly against my prostate sending waves of pleasure through me. I looked down and saw I was rock hard with a steady flow of precum from my cock. “Looks like someone’s excited to get cunted” master said as I was on the verge of an orgasm. When we were at the sling I felt the orgasm about to come on then he suddenly pulled out. “Fuck please I was so close” I moaned out “Aw too bad we have a lot of work to do on that hole if we want to make it a cunt.” Master said as his thick hands wrapped around my waist and hoisted me into the sling. After he locked my legs and hands he grabbed an industrial looking breathing mask and some spray bottle. He began spraying the filters of the mask before walking over to me. “ this is a stronger form of poppers that’ll really help you open up now lift your head” I was unsure for a second but decided to trust master and let him slid the mask on. As I breathed in the chemical smell filled my lungs and I went flying my body felt warm and relaxed and my head felt light. Just then master inserted the first dildo into me. The pleasure was unimaginable my cock was pissing gallons of precum and after a few minutes the orgasm from before hit me and I shot my load into the puddle of precum flowing on my chest. This did nothing to stop master as he just continued to work my hole with ever increasing dildos. I wasn’t sure how many times I’d cum when I looked up and saw that master had his entire hand inside me. He was trying to push deeper but it was too tight. “Fuck your cunt is too tight” master sighed before walking to a cabinet to grab something. He came back with a shot glass and pulled the mask off my mouth. “This is g it’ll loosen you right up” he said “I don’t do drugs” I said dizzily “It’s not a drug it’s a drink” he said putting it to my mouth “Ok I guess” I agreed as he pour the disgusting liquid down my throat before putting my mask back on. I felt the liquid warm up inside me and spread all over making me tingle. When master put his fist back on my hole pleasure shot through me as he slowly pushed in. “Please more” I moaned through the mask as master slowly worked his thick arm deeper into me. As I watched from the ceiling mirror I saw he was nearly at the elbow before he began to pull out and begin fist fucking my cunt. I was racked with back to back orgasms as he worked my hole when suddenly I felt something new. I felt him penetrate something deeper in me and realized he was fingering my inner hole. He was spreading it open with his fingers causing me to begin pissing myself in pleasure. He looked up at me with a devious look before suddenly shoving his fist into my inner hole. The intense pain overwhelmed me forcing a scream out follow by master quickly pulling his arm out. “Ha look at this boy you had your first prolapse.” I felt my hole on the outside of me as master slapped my fuck guts before he pushed it back into me. He came and took my mask off before asking how I was feeling “So fucking amazing master” I moaned out. “Good I’m glad now it’s almost 8 and the bar is going to open soon so I’ve gotta go help but you’re welcome to stay here and keep stretching your hole. I’ll probably be back in an hour or 2” “Ok master that sounds good” I said as master unlocked me and helped me out the sling “I’ll get out a dildo that you can fuck yourself on and some more g to keep you loose how’s that sound boy” “Great master” I responded eagerly holding him for support as I started standing after having my hole destroyed. The cum and piss that had been on my chest began flowing down my body as master put a dildo and bottle next to the sling “Now I’ll see you later remember little sips of g” he said before leaving. I approached the dildo and crouched over it feeling it slowly push into me as I drank down some of the g. I began to fuck myself on the dildo and felt it push through me spreading my guts. I kept drinking the g and riding the dildo for who knows how long until I heard someone coming downstairs. Master entered the room but with him was a small brown haired twink. He looked kinda out of it when master threw him on the sling and smiled at me. Masters cock was fully hard and he slammed it hard into the bottom. “Fuck yes daddy” the twink moaned out “give me that toxic cock” “Oh you want my poz cum you fucking chaser whore” master responded “Yes please infect me with your strain daddy” the bottom moaned back “You’ll get what you’re asking for faggot” master said as he slapped the bottom before continuing the savage fucking of his hole. I just continued riding my dildo unsure of what else to do. After a long while master whispered something into the bottoms ear and he responded “please daddy fill my ass with your hiv positive cum, infect me with hiv for the rest of my life” before master bottomed out into him with a moan. I was shocked, did master have hiv. Was he giving it to this guy, why was he begging for it. After cuming master pulled out of the twink and shoved his massive cock that seemed to be covered in blood down the bottoms throat before taking him upstairs. When master came down again he was wearing the same clothes but with a pair of leather pants as well. “How have you been doing boy” he asked while rubbing my head. I just stared at him too confused to speak. “ oh are you upset about what you saw” I nodded in response “ don’t worry boy it’s the hiv you’re scared of right” I nodded again “ you don’t need to worry baby everything I’ve put in you is entirely clean. The only way you could get it here is if I came in you but you have a boyfriend and would never cheat on him right?” “ I’d never cheat on the man I love, but why did he want hiv” I asked “ well you see hiv is a disease but it’s also very freeing once you have it you’re apart of a community of other manwhores who totally understand your needs” he said pointing at the biohazard tattoo around his belly button “this is their symbol” he said helping me off the dildo. I had so many thoughts running through my head as master helped me get dressed. However before he got my pants on he shoved a butt plug into me. “Wear this til you come back Monday okay” I nodded. “There’s a car to take you back to your place” he said just like last time before sending me off with a slap to the ass. As I walked outside I noticed that the twink was standing naked on the side of the building being spoken to by two old men in full leather. I quickly made my way to the car where Greg drove me home.
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  23. PART 2- UNKNOWN FRIEND TAGGED IN I lay strapped in the swing, my hole wrecked and cum dripping out of it waiting to be released from the swing. i ask "sir can you untie me?" SC: Raw-PDaddy replies: haha oh slut boy il let you go once we are all done. now be a good slut boy and enjoy my friend. his cock is as big as mine maybe bigger. il be nice enough to keep you poppered up cuz he takes a long time to cum. and when he does, your cum slut hole will be quenched. so I took the offer and right as they hit my nose I felt a big cock slapping my hole and again, balls deep. but this time it wasn't bad at all thanks to the first guy keeping me good with the Ps. my cock was pouring out cum from my prostate being pounded. and an hour or so later this guy filled me as much as the first. but didn't pull out. he grunted as he smiled and just kept going. I dont know why but I needed more. to be continued
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  24. Yeah, I feel it. There's the throbbing and the hot liquid feeling, that's what I always feel. Actual squirts though depends on the guy. If they're big squirts then I'll feel them.
    2 points
  25. For me it's just natural that if a top is fucking me bare then he is going to and in my opinion has a right to cum in my ass. I believe the same for oral sex, however I believe in pleasing my tops so the decision lies with them
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  26. PART EIGHT My breathing was still ragged, and my body shaking a little as Matt and Eric kissed each other across my sweat covered body. Eric rubbed my chest and Matt worked the larger plug into my hole. With a soft pop it slid inside of me and held fast, Eric smiled. “How’s that hole holding up boy?” “Still hungry.” “Well I thought that you would probably need a break after the Philips boys so your ass can rest for a little while.” Matt shook the plug a little, “Which kinda cock has been your favorite boy?” “The thick ones,” I said without having to think, “I love feeling my cunt opening wider and wider for them.” “Well then you are sure going to enjoy what’s coming next, but lets get you out of this sling for a bit.” They helped me down from the sling and we took seats on the bench against the far wall. I walked gingerly trying to regain the feeling in my legs which had been up and spread for so long that without my noticing the had completely fallen asleep. When I finally say on the bench I made sure to sit squarely on the base of the plug to push it just that little bit deeper into my hole. Eric noticed and winked at me. Then we just sat there for a while, they asked me about school and we talked about their jobs, it was like we had known each other for years. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised that after the intimacy we had just shared that they felt like old friends. After what seemed like ages of us sitting naked shooting the shit the doorbell upstairs rang again and the two of them smiled. Matt went upstairs to answer the door and Eric helped me back into the sling and pulled the plug from my hole. “Have fun,” he whispered before stepping away to beside the door. Two guys came down the stairs who looked to both be about twenty-one maybe a little older. One was had shaggy brown hair and looked like your classic All American boy. The second had short blonde hair sticking up from under a baseball cap and was built like a brick shit house of a football player. “This is Max,” Eric said gesturing to the blonde, “and Tom,” indicating the darker haired boy. They both wasted no time in stripping off. Max was far less hairy then any of the other men I had had that night but he did have incredibly bushy pits full of dirty blonde hair that made my mouth water. If the pits weren’t enough when he dropped his white briefs to the floor and let his thick eight-inch cock spring up and his big round balls swing loose I knew I needed his cock inside of me. Tom was tall and lithe and looked as though in ten years he would be completely covered in hair, as it was the thick patches of hair that grew on his chest and stomach had already merged and joined with the dense patch of hair that grew at the base of his cock. Tom’s cock must have been what Eric had been referring to when he said I would enjoy what was coming next. It was slightly longer then Max’s and thick as a can of beer. I needed them both. Without speaking they winked at each other and Tom came up to my head and smacked me in the face with his quickly hardening rod while Max moved between my legs. “How many loads you got in this sweet ass man,” Max asked rubbing his thick cock head against my hole. I had to think for a moment, counting the loads. “He doesn’t even remember,” Tom laughed. “Seventeen.” “And you took your first load today?” I nodded, taking Tom’s cock in my mouth. “Damn we have got to get your number,” and then Max slid home. As soon as his cock head slipped inside of my hole I lost all sense of self, all that I cared about was the ever-fattening cock in my mouth and the blonde boy pounding my hole as if his life depended on it. I was right where I belonged doing exactly what I was supposed to do. Max slammed his cock into me as if he had no interest in my pleasure only in using my hole for his one enjoyment and I didn’t care. I have no idea how long he hammered away before he grabbed my hips and shot his first load deep inside of me. Then he and Tom switched and I moaned as Tom’s ungodly thick cock stretched my used and battered hole yet wider. Three times they switched each dumping three loads inside of me bringing my load count up to twenty-three. When they were finished they got dressed and left me there with cum dripping from my hole. Eric came back into my field of view then and smiled. The plug returned and he helped me down. “How do you feel?” “Hungry,” I replied. “Wanna get some food from upstairs?” “Not that kinda hungry.” I fell to my knees and took his soft cock in my mouth. “Shit he’s still going?” said Matt coming down the stairs. “Hell yeah, put an add up on Craig’s List and get this boy some more cock.” Eric moved me to the fuck bench and after strapping me down fucked another load into my overflowing cunt. He left me like that, my hole gaping wide revealing the ocean of cum inside. Then the men started coming. I never saw them, they just came down the stairs and stuffed their cocks inside of me. I have no idea how long this went on or how many of them there were, but I was in heaven. After what must have been several hours and more then a dozen cocks Eric returned and asked me again how I felt, “Sleepy,” I replied. He laughed, plugged my ass, and unstrapped me. He then took my upstairs and laid me to sleep between he and Matt in their bed. I spent most of the day there asleep, and then around four in the afternoon, after a quick shower, I finally took Eric up on that ride home and went straight back to sleep. The next day I woke up with the plug still in my hole and a hunger burning in my guts. I found my phone in the pocket of my shorts, which I had tossed aside as soon as I had gotten home, and scrolled through all the new number till I found one of the Philips boys. “I need your cock,” I texted Jake. THE END
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  27. PART SEVEN Jake slipped down his briefs and let his cock spring forward. He laughed at my gasp of joy and shock when I saw in it’s full glory his nine inch long beer can thick cock. “We always joke that the big cock genes all got saved for me,” he said stroking his massive tool. I couldn’t believe this family, all of them tones and muscular, all of them young and yet hairy as anyone could wish and all with big cocks. “Please fuck your brothers cum deeper into my cunt with your beautiful fat cock,” I said fingering my hole. “God I love it when they beg,” Jake laughed and lined up his cock. “I’m going to fill you up so my brothers can dump their second loads in you.” He slammed his cock inside. After Marcus’s cock, and all of the cum sloshing around in my guts my hole easily accepted Jake’s forceful penetration and I just whimpered with joy. “You’ve already had a big fat cock up here today haven’t you boy,” he called me boy even though I was older then him probably. “Yes.” “Good, I don’t have to worry about working you open cause your cunt is already wrecked.” He, like his brother had done, grabbed my shoulders and started to hammer away. His cock was so deep inside of me that I couldn’t help calling out each time his balls slapped against my ass and I felt him pressing against my stomach. This only seemed to turn him on more as he started to pound harder and harder as if he were trying to get even more of his cock inside of me. His two brothers stood on either side of him jerking their own fat cock and watching their loads froth around their brother’s dick. Sweat glistened on all four of us and the room felt ungodly hot as Jake’s breathing began to pick up. “Let me back in there,” said James, “I’ve got another load ready for his used up cunt.” Jake pulled out and Jake quickly stuffed his cock back inside me and after a few quick pumps shot another load and then pulled back out his cock glistening with cum and ass juice. Without missing a beat Jake slid back in and James came over to my face and stuffed his cock in my mouth. “Clean off my cock boy.” I gobbled down his cock greedily loving the mixture of cum and my ass that clung to his slowly softening rod. “My turn,” called out Jimmy, and again Jake moved and again his brother stuffed his dick back in me. Jimmy also shot another big load after just a few strokes and then pulled out. Jake promptly returned to my hole and James took his cock from my mouth only to have Jimmy replace it a moment later. Jimmy face fucked me steadily as Jake began to buck with forceful abandon into my hole. By this point I was practically screaming around Jimmy’s cock. I needed Jake’s cock, I needed his load, I reached back an pulled my ass cheeks even further apart opening my hole more for him. “Love using my own loads mixed with my brother’s as cum,” Jake moaned. “Your own loads,” I panted, “Have you cum already?” “Four times, you’ve got seven loads from the Philips boys alone and I’m getting the ready to deposit the eight right now.” Then Jake bucked forward and held me fast shooting his load as deep as he could this time. “Thank you,” I moaned around his brother’s cocks, which were attempting to both invade my mouth at the same time. “You’re welcome boy, the guys put all three of our phone number in your phone upstairs so give us a call soon.” Jake pulled out and started to get dressed but both James and Jimmy started to pump their cocks hard and fast as if they were in a race. Suddenly Jimmy made a dive at my hole and slammed his cock inside shooting off another load. “I win,” he said, his body shaking a little. As soon as he finished and pulled out, James did the same thing and deposited one last load inside of me before he and his older brother got dressed to leave. Before they went up the stairs Jake came over and kissed me and said, “Thank god you feel out of those bushes today, I’m gonna love using your cunt regularly.” Then they were gone and Matt and Eric and the plug were back. When Eric slipped the plug into my dripping hole I felt it simply slide right back out. “Nice,” the both said and Matt went over to the shelves to get a larger plug.
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  28. PART SIX The door bell rang again and my hole twitched around the plug holding it open. Matt chuckled seeing my ass suck the plug in a little more. “You’re in for a treat now boy, these are three of my favorite men. I’ve even given up my hole quite a few times to them.” “What makes them so special?” “They’re three brothers, they’re all gay and let’s just say god had an interesting sense of humor with them.” Eric returned to the basement then with three guys following behind him. They were clearly brothers, all sharing the same sharply defined masculine features. The oldest looked to be about 27 with jet black hair combed carefully to one side, the middle one probably 23 and unlike his clean shaven older brother had grown a thick beard and let his hair get a little shaggy. The youngest looked like he was probably 21 or there abouts and had the floopy curly hair that just hung in untidy ringlets everywhere. “Jimmy, James, and Jake this is our new cumdump,” Matt said by way of introductions. “So why don’t you boy’s strip off and enjoy him.” The youngest guy shucked his Beatles t-shirt exposing a trim swimmers body covered in jet black hair. My hole twitched again, Eric really hadn’t been kidding when he said he guessed my type. Without waiting for his other two brothers, the youngest came over, dropped to his knees, pulled the plug from my hole and started to eat the cum from my drippy, sloppy cunt. “Can’t wait to breed this cunt,” he muttered not taking his mouth of my hole to speak. After another moment or two he stood up and moved aside so that his now naked olderst brother could take his place. All three of them were built thin like swimmers but covered in jet black hair, they were like the perfect moment of genetics. “You’re gonna love his spunk filled hole Jimmy,” the youngest said to his oldest brother as he started to rub the cock head of his thick seven inch dick on my hole. “Please breed me,” I begged, grabbing his hips and pulling his cock inside my used hole. “Eager little bitch isn’t he?” “I need your loads,” now pleading for Jimmy to start fucking me. “Don’t worry boy, we’ve each got at least two loads ready for you. And if you like my cock then you are going to love my brothers even more,” Jimmy reassured me as he slowly started to fuck me. I kept my hands on his hips, pulling myself deeper on his cock with each thrust, milking his cock for his load with my ass. Cum dripped from me as the two of us slammed our bodies together and the cum in my hole started to froth. I whimpered and begged him for his load more. I could feel my eyes starting to gloss over, I was starting to get the fucked out look that I had seen girls get in the gang bang porn I sometimes watched. A look that came when there had been so much cum shot into her that she stopped to be a person and became just a bucket. It had finally happened to me, as the first of these three brothers pumped his first load into me I let go of any last remaining ideas of myself and gave in. I was just a hole, a hole to be filled with cock and cum. Jimmy started to pant a little and his brothers egged him on, rubbing their considerable bulges through their jeans. “Fill his cunt.” “Lube him up for us.” “Give him that fat hot load.” “I’m gonna fucking cum up your cunt,” Jimmy growled and slammed in again to dump his load as deep as he could. “You’re gonna need it deep,” he panted. The middle boy dropped his pants and then his underwear, as his brother unloaded inside me, and as soon as the waistband of his pants was below his cock I knew what Matt had meant about God’s joke. James’s cock was considerably larger then Jimmy’s in all directions and his balls hung lower and heavier too. As soon as Jimmy had pulled out James moved into place and slammed his cock hole. James was much rougher then Jimmy had been, grabbing my shoulders and pulling me down onto his cock, he wanted to make sure that I felt all of his considerable length and girth. “I love using a hot wet cunt,” James said in rhythm to his pounding. It didn’t seem like James was going to last too long because he quickly stated to pant like Jimmy had, but unlike Jimmy he slowed down for a minute and regained his composure before returning to his assailment of my hole. Twice more he did that till I was convinced he had been fucking me for an hour. The finally he slammed in deep and held fast to my shoulders and started to just push in and out slightly dumping his load. Now Jake stripped and I gasped when I saw the python that the littlest one of the guys had.
    2 points
  29. PART FIVE Adam needed no more encouragement then that. After a few quick licks of my cum dripping ass he stood up and lined up his own rather girthy cock and slid in with ease. I groaned the deep guttural groan of a man who has accepted his fate. I needed Adam’s cock, and then his cum inside of me. Without any pretence Adam started to jackhammer away at me hole, and I grunted with each trust, loving the sound and feeling of his balls slapping against my ass with each thrust. The air was now thick with that musky aroma that had so intoxicated me when I first met Eric. It seemed to be coming from all around, and I soon realized that my own pits were ripe with it too. My cock throbbed. I had completely forgotten about my own need to release, it seemed so irrelevant in the face of these cocks that needed to unload inside of me. His breath quickened, at it was clear that Adam was not going to last long pounding away as he was. Soon he bucked deep inside of me and held my hips tight as he shot a load almost as large as the one Marcus had just deposited. Then he leaned forward and kissed me shoving his tongue roughly into my mouth. “I put both of our numbers in your phone boy, message one of us when you wanna get bred again,” he whispered, and then pulled out and turned to start putting his clothes on. “My phone?” I asked. “You left it in the pocket of your shorts when you took them off earlier,” Eric explained, “I put it by the front door so the guys could put their numbers in your phone and put yours in theirs so that when they need to unload they can find your hot cunt.” He jammed four fingers up my hole and started to twist them around in the cummy mess. Adam was no fully dressed, but Marcus I realized was still just in his briefs with his cock still out and was stroking. “Move over Eric, I’ve got another load worked up and ready to shoot up this boy’s hole before I go.” And without any prep Marcus sunk his monster cock back into my hole and quickly pumped another load into my guts. “Thank you,” I whimpered. “Any time boy, anytime.” Then Marcus pulled out, whipped his dick off on my leg, got dressed and followed Adam up the stairs. “Marcus has quite the cock doesn’t he,” Asked Matt coming back over with what looked like an even larger butt plug then the last. “Yes he does.” “Did you enjoy yourself boy?” “God yes!” He pressed the lubed plug against my dripping hole. “You want more or you all bred out?” “God no, I want… no… I need more loads! Please!” “Good boy.” The plug popped into my ass.
    2 points
  30. PART FOUR “I’ll get it,” Matt said and ran up the stairs. “Ok, so here’s the deal boy,” Eric said, tugging at the plug again, “After any group you can say stop, but once a guy starts fucking you you will take his load weather if you want it or not. Understood?” I nodded, both excited and scared for what was to come. “Now if I’m right in guessing that you like big hairy men then you are in for a treat tonight boy because there’s not a twink in the bunch.” There were footsteps on the stairs and I strained my head to see who it was. Matt lead the way still naked, his cock now soft swinging like a big thick pendulum with his balls. Behind him were two men, still fully clothed who looked to be in their late fourties. One of then had a salt and paper beard, and the other one a completely shaved head. Just because they were a bit older though did not mean that these men didn’t look fit, on the contrary they booth looked like they were built like brick shit houses. “Damn,” said the one with the beard, “and this juicy cunt got his first load this afternoon and you’ve already got him strapped to a sling with his dripping hole open to anyone. Nice work boys.” “Boy, this is Marcus, and Adam,” Matt said, pointing to the bearded guy and then the shaved head guy. “Enough of this talking,” Marcus said, walking towards where I hung in the center of the room, “I haven’t cum in three days and my balls are acheing to breed a hot boy cunt.” He grabbed the plug and pulled hard, and it popped out of my hole with a wet sounding squelsh. “Get your tongue in there,” He ordered Adam, who without missing a beat fell to his knees and jammed his tongue up my ass. As I moaned from Adam’s glorious tongue fucking Marcus stepped up to my head and started to take off his clothes. I knew I had been right about him being built like a brick shit house when I caught a glimpse of his tight fur covered six-pack as he took his sweater off. Nothing however could have prepared me for what I saw when he took off his pants. When his white briefs slid down I gasped, his cock was not only long but impossibly thick, I would have sworn that it was as thick as my wrist. Marcus just chuckled at my shock and grabbing his cock at the base slapped it against my ribcage a few times with a hard thump. “You’re wet cunt is going to feel so good stretching around my fat cock boy you have no idea. How’s that hole Adam?” “Just about ready for you to destroy it babe,” Adam replied, hocking one more big glob of spit into my still gaping hole. Marcus practically pushed Adam out of the way as he moved between my legs. I stared in aw at the older man’s massive chest and broad shoulders, the clearly defined muscles that rippled under his fur-covered skin must have taken hours at the gym to perfect. There was wicked glint in his eyes as he began to press his astoundingly thick mushroom head against my hole. It felt like Eric taking my virginity all over again, despite my hole being lubed and primed with four loads and a mountain of spit his cock was still just simply too large. Steadily Marcus pressed his head against my pucker and rubbed my bushy stomach. “Breath boy, breath,” he whispered over and over again. Slowly it began to happen, I could feel my ring giving way, spreading to let his cock inside of me. Fear mingled with lust in my mind and I started to try and make my ass open wider for him, winking the muscles furiously. Then all of a sudden something gave way and the head of Marcus’s cock was inside of me. My ass ring felt like it was on fire, stretched to what had to be it’s maximum capacity. I groaned loudly and Marcus resumed his pushing. “You like having your boy hole stretched out like that around a real man’s cock don’t you boy?” I answered the only way that I could in that moment, honestly, “Yes, please fill my hole with your amazing cock and breed my cunt!” “Good faggot.” The pressure increased drastically right then and Marcus forced in the remaining seven inches inside of me. This time I screamed. Next to me Eric was on his knees with Adam and Matt’s cocks in his mouth, all three of them groaning with pleasure. Marcus wasted no time, barely allowing me to get used to his substantial girth before he started his plowing. In no time he had built up enough speed that the sling was swinging wildly, slamming me down on his cock even harder with each return swing. “You’re cock is so big, it feels amazing. Fuck me!,” I cried, “Please, please breed my hole. I want your load, I need your load.” “And there it is boy,” Marcus said in a low growl, “You need my cum. Now you know your place in the world. Take my load you filthy little faggot cumdump.” Marcus grabbed my legs to stop the sling and bottomed out in my hole, his cock shooting long thick ropes of cum deep inside me. Once again I wondered how I could have ever thought that I wanted to be with women? This was perfect. I needed this. After what seemed like a life age Marcus, his cock now soft, slid his cock from my hole allowing a thin stream of cum to drip out of my hole and onto the floor. “Alright Adam, I know how you like to breed a cunt after me. Have fun.”
    2 points
  31. PART THREE As Eric started sending out his mass text Matt helped me too my feet, took me by the hand and led me out of the kitchen. I could feel cum dripping from my ass and running down my leg as I walked into a spacious dinning room that adjoined the kitchen. We turned down a short hall way and Matt opened a door that lead to a staircase heading down to a basement. Leading the way Matt flipped on the lights and headed down stairs. I gasped, the basement was nothing like the rest of the modern but conservative house. The walls were all painted black, and the floor was polished concrete with a drain in the middle of the room. Hanging from the ceiling by silver chain was a black leather sling, just next to the door was a strange waist high bench with restraints attached to it’s four legs. All over three of the walls were pictures of naked men. Some were just posing but others were mid-fuck, there were even some close ups of cock sliding into bare asses that made my hole tingle to look at. The far wall though was a massive shelving unit which held sex toys of every sort the number of dildos alone was staggering. Matt wrapped his arms around me from behind and whispered, “Where gonna have some fun with you tonight boy.” His once again hard cock was pressing against my cum dripping hole, “It’s not every day that a cute little otter like you gets his cherry popped and learns he can’t live without cock.” He tweaked my nipples and lead me over to the bench, bending me over so that my arms landed right where the restraints on the legs were. It suddenly made sense; this bench was a fuck bench to turn a man into just an upturned hole to be used. This time however, Matt did not strap me down, but instead just slid his cocking to my eager hole. He bottomed out and I felt his balls against mine and then he leaned forward so that he could keep whispering in my ear as he deep fucked me. “After I breed your sweet sweet hole again I’m gonna strap you up in the sling for the night. I want you to be able to see what’s coming at your hole while my friends use you. They’ll really teach you how to be a good little cum dump. Then if you still want more, we’ll strap you to this bench and point your ass at the door and let anyone who wants to come over and sink their cock into your wet cunt.” I moaned as Matt picked up his pace. “You know I could tell from those pictures that Eric sent me of you with his cock all the way down your throat that you were a cockslut even if you didn’t know it then. You haven’t even touched your cock this whole time. You know that your cock means nothing when a real man’s dick is in the room.” He started to slam into me harder, I whimpered my agreement, “Your body is meant for men to use, your holes for getting them off. You know that now don’t you boy?” “Yes,” I agreed breathlessly. “By the time you leave here tonight your hole will never be a tight little pucker again, you’ll always be ready for a real man to sink his cock into your spunk hole, and you will thank me for it.” He was hammering away now, punctuating his words with deep slams of his cock. I pushed my ass back against his cock trying to swallow more of it. “You had better keep these four loads in your hole boy, cause it’s all the lube you’re getting tonight.” Matt slammed harder and harder, his breathing becoming ragged, “Ready for another load cumdump?” “YES, BREED MY HOLE! I NEED YOUR SPUNK,” I screamed. “That’s a good bitch.” His cock pulsed violently in my hole and he slammed home, dumping his cum deep inside of me for the second time in a hour. This load felt even bigger then the first and the glorious worth that radiated from his cum filled my entire body. Slowly he pulled out and muttered, “Stay there cunt.” I lay on the fuck bench with my cum filled ass in the air as Matt walked away to the far wall and picked something up off the shelf. When he returned I felt something new pressing against my hole. “Open up and take this plug so that none of those loads fall out of your wet pussy boy.” I relaxed my hole and relished the feeling of the thick plug sliding home till it locked in my ass sealing in Matt and Eric’s loads. “Alright, let’s get you in the sling then.” Matt helped me up and half led half carried me to the sling where he hoisted me up locking my arms and legs in place. He smiled at me, laying there with my legs spread wide strapped to the sling and my hole exposed to anyone who walked down into the basement. “Fuck that’s a hot furry cunt,” Eric said, coming down the stairs, “You dumped another load in him didn’t you?” He said teasingly to Matt. “Well you got two off in his new spunk hole so why shouldn’t I?” “True. You’re gonna love what I have planned for you boy,” Eric came over to the sling and gave a slight pull on the plug, “By the end of tonight, this thing won’t even stay in your ass you’ll be so loose and sloppy.” Somewhere else in the house the doorbell rang.
    2 points
  32. PART TWO My face flushed as I looked at Matt, his husband’s still hard cock stuffed up my spunk filled hole, but Matt just smiled. He had a short cropped red and brown beard, muddy brown hair and bright green eyes set into a strong manly face. Quickly he shucked his shirt exposing a broad chest covered in ginger fur with large pink nipples. His pants were the next to go and then he stood there in just a bulging jock strap smiling at me. “Well boy get my husband’s cock out of your cunt and come suck my cock.” With a tiny bit of reluctance I stood up, Eric’s cock sliding from my juicy hole, and walked over to Matt. He smiled and pushed me to my knees, I felt cum drip from my hole. “Go on,” he said thrusting the engorged pouch of his jock at my face. I pulled the fabric to the side, and released his massive cock. It looked, if that was possible to be even thicker then Eric’s his balls certainly were larger and all around the base grew thick dense coarse ginger pubes. I didn’t waist any more time, there was no more confusuion or conflict, I had been presented with a man’s cock and it was my job to service it. Opening my mouth wide I began to slowly work Matt’s still swelling cock down my throat, swallowing hard when it hit my tonsils. “Holy shit Eric,” Matt said, forcing my head down till my nose was in his pubes, “Where did you find this boy?” “He got distracted while he was jogging by and literally fell into the yard. I knew he would make a hot little furry cumdump as soon as I saw him. Told me he was straight and then he swallowed my cock to the root.” They both laughed. “Don’t think you’re straight any more do you boy? Not with Eric’s load dripping out of your cunt.” I shook my head. “Good. Did you like taking his load?” I nodded, still sucking hard on his cock. “Do you want my load up your cunt?” I nodded again. “Your cunt is hungry isn’t it boy, you want all the loads you can get don’t you?” More nodding. “Good, because by the time tonight is over your hole will be one dripping cum filled mess.” My cock twitched and my hole winked at the thought. “You sure this boy was a virgin when you sunk your cock into him,” Matt asked Eric, “Cause damn he can suck cock!” “With how tight his little cunt was, there’s no way I didn’t pop his cherry.” “Then he’s just one talented cocksucker. Shit, you keep sucking my cock like that boy I’m gonna blow my load down your throat not up your cunt.” I tried to pull off of his cock, but Matt’s hands held me in place; I wanted that cock and load in my ass more then anything. “Don’t think he likes that idea,” Eric said. “No, neither do I,” replied Matt and he released me to spit out his cock. “You ready to get bred again boy?” “Yes please,” I gasped still trying to catch my breath from deep throating Matt’s cock. “Then turn around and show me that pussy.” I spun on the spot, bent over, stuck my ass in the air, and reached back to spread my cheeks for him. He gave an appreciative groan and got down behind me laying his fat cock on my ass crack. “Nice tight little ass with a worked-out loose cum filled furry hole, prefect,” He lined up his cock and sank it into my stretched out pucker in one move. I moaned, bucking back on his cock like a bitch in heat. Matt wasted no time with slow fucking and skipped right to the rough pounding. He grabbed my hips and started to slam his cock in and out of my hole. Using Eric’s cum he pounded my hole without mercy reducing me to a limp whimpering mess. How could I ever have thought that I was something else? Nothing I had ever done with a girl had felt this good, this right. I was kicking myself for resisting what I had always wanted for so long, to be a bottom boy cumdump for big manly tops. Matt pulled out of hole and smacked my as saying, “get on your back, I wanna see your face as I breed you.” I flipped over and grabbed my ankles pulling my toned muscular legs out at right angles exposing my hole once more. Matt got between my legs and slammed his cock back inside of me. He bottomed out so hard that I saw stars for a second, but Matt didn’t miss a beat he just kept on pounding. “I told you he had a sweet cunt,” Eric said and for the first time sense Matt’s cock had entered my hole I noticed him standing behind Matt fisting his hard cock like mad. “I’m gonna load you up boy, you ready for my cum?” “Please shoot your load deep inside of me,” I begged. “Take my fucking load you little faggot,” Matt yelled and he bottomed out once more and his cock launched shot after shot after shot of thick hot cum into my wrecked guts. His cock had no sooner stopped twitching then Matt pulled out, but much to my joy his cock was quickly replaced with Eric’s once more who after only two quick strokes shot another big load deep in my new cunt. Eric caught his breath for a moment and then he too pulled out. “Nice find babe,” Matt said to Eric kissing him. I ran my hands down my hairy sweat soaked chest, past my still hard but somehow so irrelevant cock, to my hole. I felt the soft mushy walls of my once tight sphincter and felt the slick cum that was slowly leaking from it. Easily I slid first two fingers then three and four inside myself and started to twist them in and out like Eric had done earlier. “Fuck look at him,” Matt said, “You still want more don’t you kid?” Guiltily I looked up, but said with hunger in my voice, “God yes.” “I’ve got an idea, keep fingering that hole,” Eric said, and he grabbed his phone and shot several shots from different angles including a close up of all four of my fingers which were now covered in cum stuffed in my hole. “We’ll start with a few thick dicked friends our ours and if that’s not enough then we’ll widen the search.” “Alright well we’re not gonna leave him here in the kitchen so I’ll take him down stairs and get him settled in while you find this new slut some more loads.”
    2 points
  33. HIV Induction- The Next Day All night Rocky felt the dildo inflate and stretch his hole. He felt as if he needed to take a shit. Then the dildo would deflate and the feeling would be gone. Rocky began to wonder how long he had been in the cage, had he missed work, did he still have a job and what he was going to tell Dallas when he finally came for him. Every so often he thought he heard the outer doors to the room he was in open and closed only to be left there to think some more. His arms ached and were numb from the elbow down. His knees hurt from being on them all night with no way of shifting position. He felt cramped and needed to take a piss really bad. As the meth began to wear off Rocky began to doze off for a few seconds to minutes. He would wake and think he heard the outer doors opening and closing only to doze off again. He had lost all track of time when Dallas came in the room. Not a word was spoken as Dallas inspected the teen, walking around the cage as he slowly pushed it to and fro before the pump working the dildo was turned off with the dildo fully pumped up. It was then pulled from Rocky’s ass as it came out with a ‘pop’. The cage was slowly lowered to the ground and the bar was removed allowing Rocky to lower his arms. The door was then opened and Rocky limped out on all fours. Dallas led him over to a bucket in the corner where he was told he could take a piss. Rocky was so tired and ready to crash from the meth he had in his system from the night before. Dallas led him up stairs to a bed room where Rocky would be allowed to finally sleep. Rocky quickly fell into a deep sleep. Dallas then moved him into a sleep sack and quickly secured him inside. He placed noise reducing head phones over his ears, a special gag in his mouth and covered his eyes with a blind fold that would seal out the light. Then the sack was suspended from the ceiling as the teen slept off the effects of the drugs. When Rocky woke up he was unable to move, see, hear or speak. For a moment he thought he was dead. Dallas was aware of the teen waking up and quickly spoke to him through the head phones. “You’re ok Rocky. I want you to learn to appreciate what God has given you; good looks, good health, and the ability to consciously make a choice.” Rocky felt the crotch of the sack exposed and then felt a coolness followed by a ‘pinch’ on his soft dick. Slowly his dick began to get hard as he then felt his left arm exposed and the coolness followed by a needle stick into his arm. He coughed into the gag as he felt his senses being thrown into overdrive. “You have plenty of time to think over my offer and you know what your decision should be.” Rocky was left hanging there in the sleep sack as he heard the soft sounds of the ocean filling his ears. As the special mix of drugs flowed through his body he became open to suggestions he was subliminally hearing within the ocean sounds coming from the head phones. Rocky hung in the sleep sack all day with a raging hard cock and felt as if his senses were on over load. As night time approached Rocky was lowered and removed from his sensory depriving state. Rocky never saw the light of the passing day so he had no clue how long he had been with Dallas. All Rocky knew was that he needed to be at work in the morning. He began to realize the only way out of this was to agree to do the video that Dallas wanted him to take the starring roll. “Dallas, I don’t need to think any longer about your offer. I’ll be the star of your HIV video.” “That’s great news.” Rocky was given some forms to sign before he pssed out again. HIV Induction-The production When Rocky came to he was restrained in a sling in a strange room surrounded by lights and a couple guys with cameras. He looked over and saw Dallas sitting in a director’s chair chatting with a couple guys when he noticed Rocky was awake. Suddenly Dallas called out; “Action!” A skinny guy walked out from behind Dallas with a board in his hands and yelled out; “A Rocky Pozzing, take one.” Rocky was still a little groggy as he struggled a bit to grasp what was happening to him. He ran what the skinny kid had just said over in his head, ‘A Rocky Pozzing….oh my god, are they going to poz me?’ Suddenly Rocky was approached by a muscular man with a biohazard tattoo on his left arm. This guy stepped up between Rocky's legs with an old, used tooth brush in his hand. He rubbed the tooth brush along Rocky’s crack as Rocky shook his head from side to side and begged the man not to do this. “Please don’t poz me, I beg you please don’t do this.” His please were falling on deaf ears as the muscular man began to work the tooth brush into his neg ass. Rocky felt the brush scrape the inside of his ass as the man went to work abrading and opening up his hole for what was to cum. Rocky began to think that maybe this was just an act. That’s it, it was an act and they weren’t letting Rocky in on it so his actions would be seen as being real. Rocky could tell that the tooth brush in his ass was real as it began to sting with every thrust. It began to hurt so much that Rocky couldn’t keep himself from screaming out in pain. “FUCK! You’re killing me with that man, please stop.” The man pulled the, now bloody, tooth brush from the well abraded and abused ass of the restrained Rocky. He made a point of showing it to the camera for dramatic effect before he put it down and called out; “Rocky is ready for pozzing.” From out of no where maybe a dozen muscular men surrounded Rocky when he felt something stick him in his left arm and he let out a cough, then another cough as the man between his legs shoved his cock deep into his bloody ass. Rocky screamed out in pain as the man was only using his own blood for lube. As Rocky was being fucked he noticed that all the men had a biohazard tattoo on their left shoulder. The men surrounding him were feeling him up all over…pinching his nipples, pulling on his balls. By this time Rocky was moaning when one of the men pulled Rocky’s head over so that he could get his dripping cock sucked. The guy fucking Rocky grunted out; “FUCK! I’m gona shoot! FUCK! Take my poz load!” Rocky had no time to react when the guy he was sucking left his mouth to take his turn at fucking him. The first guy who fucked him walked over to Rocky’s head, leaned in to kiss him and whispered in his ear; “You have a sweet ass. I am glad I was the one to take your poz cherry.” This was not an act, it was real. They were pozzing him and filming it. Rocky began to thrash about some more as the second guy fucked him hard and deposited his poz load. Each man deposited a load in Rocky’s ass until the last and final one took his place between Rocky’s legs. Rocky noticed that he seem to have the biggest cock of all, it looked to be over 10” long and had a spiked PA through the tip. The man looked down at him and said; “You ready boy to make sure all that poz cum inside you does the work it’s supposed to do?” Rocky was speechless. His ass was already bloody and sore. He didn’t think he could take one more fucking. The man between his legs rammed the entire length of his cock inside Rocky balls deep in one stroke. Rocky was lost in all the activity. The guy fucking him seemed to take forever to cum. The slam of Tina he was given at the start of the shoot was wearing off when the man leaned in and kissed Rocky deep and hard and whispered to him; “I’ve saved this load for you for over 2 weeks. Its gona be a big one and I have a high viral load. Welcome to the family boy.” Then he hammered home with deep long strokes as sweat poured off his body and dripped onto Rocky. Suddenly he cried out; “OH! OH! FUCK YEAH! FUUUUUUCCKKK!” Rocky was left alone in the sling as the cameras moved around him. One by one they all left leaving Rocky there alone with the skinny kid from the start of the shoot. The kid walked over and took Rocky’s semi hard cock in his mouth and slowly sucked it back to life. Before too long Rocky began to pant and moan out as he was approaching his orgasm. He cried out “FUCK!” as he had the strongest orgasm of his young life and shot the biggest load of his life down the skinny kids throat. The kid left and Rocky drifted off to sleep. Rocky woke up in the front seat of Dallas’ Hummer outside the coffee shop. He was trying to figure out if what happened was all a dream or if it really happened. He went in for work and he was right on time. As the day went on he kept wondering about what had happened the night he spent with Dallas. He looked at the coffee shop owner and thought he had seen him in his dream. He saw numerous faces come through the coffee shop of men he never met before, v but thought he knew from some where. That night when he got home he had a nice meal. His mother asked him how he enjoyed the week he spent with friend. He was puzzled since he felt as if he had only been gone for a single day. Then he headed into the bathroom to strip down to take a shower when he noticed a new biohazard tattoo on his right arm.
    2 points
  34. I find that gay guys have a rather divergent view of what a gay orgy really is. One group seems to think it is guys paired up and having sex in the same space, another group is pretty similar, but with partner swapping, but still mostly in pairs, and then there are guys like me who believe to be a true gay orgy there needs to be a true dog pile with frequent swapping as well as 3, 4 or more ways connected cock to fuckhole or mouth. Are there any other definitions?
    1 point
  35. That's very true, and too many lookies will kill the orgy.
    1 point
  36. Interesting, cannot wait to see where this goes
    1 point
  37. Swallow. Sometimes I put my finger in my mouth to put some cum in my ass. Love to have his cum on both sides.
    1 point
  38. ***Author’s Note*** As stated in the first part, this work of fiction is meant to be a combination between standard fiction and also mystical fantasy. The story so far has yet to take on any fantastical elements. However this part will surround them fully. Part 3 As Jake gazed around at the dark basement, music thumping the walls with deep beats, smoke wafting around, conversations mixing with grunts of sexual pleasure, he felt his soul tearing out of him. In a moment, it was if time was grinding to a halt. Movements amongst the many men in front of him looked like slow motion, the exhale of a cigarette’s smoke dancing fancifully into the air. The thrusts of the fucking taking place to his left looked like a frame by frame play of a movie editor. And then everything stopped and Jake was hurled from his body. He saw the scene, eternally on pause, before him. He admired his own beauty in a sickeningly vain way, eying every perfect inch of his body. Then his vision went black. A voice, exceptionally deep, guttural, almost animalistic lingered in his left ear, hot breath dancing across his shoulder and creeping up his neck. A foul odor from that warm breath entered his nostrils. He tried to turn to see what was behind him, but he was paralyzed. He could feel, but he was unable to move on his own. He was fully naked, in unending darkness, with a solo spotlight emanating from the heavens upon his beauty. “Do you know what you are?” the voice asked. It had a slithery nature to it, yet it sounded like its voicebox was grating against sandpaper as well. It was deeply discomforting, even to Jake who thrived on risk and danger. “You’ve given away your very self in the pursuit of pleasure,” the voice continued. “You’ve elevated your body, and destroyed any sense of morality within you.” The warmth on Jake’s neck and the foul odor went from being uncomfortable to enticing, in a twisted way. His cock begin to twitch. “Yes I see it,” the voice said, “even though know nothing of where you are, and who I am, you are aroused. You were meant for pleasure, you were destined for sin, you have driven by lust!” The voiced raised near the end of the sentence. With that it was black again, because Jake saw himself sitting, well, lounging and a great throne. The throne itself was moving, made up of some gooey red and black liquid that seemed to take the form the great chair, but had no binding. He lounged in the throne, his eyes showing no soul, yet his face of exceptional confidence. His body was divine. The crown on his head as a dark obsidian, leaking a jet black liquid down the sides of his face. Another flash and his thrown was surrounded by at least 20 perfectly beautiful twinks. Their eyes were fixated upon Jake, their hands groping and touching him, their lips attempting to kiss any part of his body. Their eyes looked like they were drugged, and Jake was their jake. They moaned and groaned like zombies, as if their groping was the only cure to their affliction. Another flash and the twinks were replaced by a similarly sized group of incredibly old, wasting, wrinkled men. Jake watched himself be worshipped by these grandpas, and his cock remained at full attention. The voice returned over his should. “Yes, touch yourself to yourself you monster,” it said as Jake regained control, one hand caressing his own chest, one hand immediately stroking his cock. Jake felt immeasurable pleasure in watching this image of himself, the king, and couldn’t help throttle his dick harder seeing it. “Look at how they worship you,” the voice teased. “They are nothing without touching you. That’s power. That’s control. You desire it don’t you? You want more of it don’t you?” Jake shivered as he felt a caress of a sharp object slide gently down his back. Instantly he was thrown into his vision in the chair, being that Jake. His addicted companions surrounding him flashed every few seconds between the twinks and the old men, all of them having absolutely no life to their eyes, only him, as their addiction. The feel of the throne, its slimy blackish red fluid moving faster and faster while still keeping its shape, started to unwind. The liquid started lashing out slowly all over Jake’s smooth torso, then his legs, then his neck, until the images surrounding him disappeared and he was sliding through of a river of this goo. It wasn’t just goo. It was something more. “Yes my dark boy,” the voice now in his head, “It is the manifestation of pure unadulterated lust that you are swimming in”. Jake slide in the slimy liquid like he was going down a slide. Everything was black as pitch, it was just sensations and feelings, nothing he could see. As his slide progressed, his speed accelerating faster and faster, he began to hear torturous moans and cries of pure desire. “They are all pulled to you like a magnet…” the voice said Jake splashed into an infinite pool of the liquid lust, his slide ride completed. The room as almost as dark as pitch, but ambient lighting coming from nowhere and everywhere imitated the darkest fo twilight. It was enough for him to see movements in the waves of the goo, unnatural movements not normal to any liquid. Like sharks converging on prey, he felt them pounce. Immediately his body was grabbed, and tossed about by hands and bodies coated completely in the slime. They were all faceless to him, but they grabbed and tore at him regardless. They were humanlike, but they acted like addicts. Soon he realized the entire pool was changing from liquid to slime humans, whatever they were. As if reading his thoughts, the voice appeared, over his right shoulder this time, “They are slime humans, they are the rejected. The ones that lived a life of morals and values and lost out on pleasure. They come here to writhe in their own pity and torture, until someone like you comes along to satiate them for a temporary period. We certainly have very few visitors Jake. No many can be the monster that you are.” Jake was utterly engrossed by the groping, the touching, the almost rhythmic moaning of the now hundreds of people surrounding them. He opened his arms outward like a prophet speaking to his flock, showing off his immensely gorgeous figure. He licked his lips, desire ravishing him internally. If these are deprive souls that never had a taste of truly powerful pleasure, who was he to deny them their wants? With his arms outstretched Jake beckoned, “I am yours for your pleasure! Use me! Make me your fucking king!” Like rabbid animals the groping and touching and moaning stopped, resulting in a torrent of pushing and fighting. Jake was thrown to the floor, angry sounds and violence taking place as these soulless rejects fought over him. Slimy hands pushed him around, trying to grab him, take hold of him, use him, but he would get pushed over to someone else before they could do anything. The voice inside his mind laughed, maniacally. He was in what felt like infinity, and he was everyone’s desire. Finally a rhythm began to form in the fighting and jeering, and cocks began to enter Jake. It took no longer than 10-20 seconds before cum started flowing into Jake and he was passed to the next soulless one. Over and over, exceptionally fast ejaculations poured deeply into his hole, moans of infinite pleasure coming from every orgasm. He drank in the sin, the darkness, the lust. He was catering to a bunch of souls that had no idea what they had missed out on, and now that he stood in front of them, they were fucking rabid. Within minutes Jake had 50 loads inside him. Then 90, then 150. He kepts being used by the next cock and next cock, moans of terrifying insanity rumbled around him. The voice in his head kept laughing with no regard for anything besides watching him be used. He was thrown to the side and jumped on, having a dick slide into him, then two at a time, then choking as one slammed into his mouth so hard he felt like his neck was going to break. No longer was he standing, he was just being attacked lying on the ground. And he didn’t want it to stop. He needed this. “More!” Jake moaned. He felt himself changing deep inside from self aware to meaningless hole. “I beg you all, more!” Animalistic roars pounded through the crowd, riled up even more by Jake’s words. Another several minutes flew by and 400 or so had entered him. Jake was orgasming himself so much he didn’t even have to touch his dick, His pupils were gone, the whites of his eyes only remained. Within 10 minutes he had 500 strangers donating their DNA to him. He was in bliss, begging and screaming for more, loving the level of abuse, the fighting, the pure animalist raw fury that was excuding around him. He never wanted it to end. And then it did. As if whoever the insane voice in his head could read his mind Jake appeared in black again, yet he could see what he just did playing out in his head. His dick pulsed and dripped with yearning to be back being used, to get another 500, hell make it 10,000 raw cocks flowing new DNA into him. He was shaking he was so addicted and wired. “This isn’t real though…” he muttered “Oh but it is, and it isn’t” the voice returned. “I’m out of my mind, out of my body, you took me to a different plane” Jake replied. “I did and I did not. Yes, I removed you from your body. Yes this is in your head for now. But no, it is real, and this is the tiniest sliver of a taste should you seek this out,” the voice replied. But how do I seek it out? Jake asked He was back in his body in the basement, and just like someone had pressed the play button, his real life continued just as he left it. Yet he was left with the very real feelings that he had just experienced. Instead of allowing the hand pushing him by his back into the middle of the floor, Jake picked up his own pace. His eyes looked different, they glowed a reddish hue, his body sparkled with the sticky sweat sweet from himself and the men just dripping over him moments ago upstairs. In the middle of the room Jake step foot, and he outreached his hands like in his vision. All the men in the basement quieted down, staring at him like he was a god. With his arms outstretched, his mile contorted into something truly sinister, his eyes turned an ever darker shade of red and with incredible confidence he stared at his audience with glee and said… “Fucking…DESTROY ME” And the mad rush followed….
    1 point
  39. My partner is away this weekend and we both got super horny FaceTiming each other, I was using the fuck machine to his orders getting pounded by some large toys. While he watched me he decided to invite a few of our fuck group to come and load me up without my knowledge I didn't know about it till he told me a min before the first guy was at the door, he unlicked the door for him remotely (god bless technology) and announced on the HomePod that I was waiting upstairs. he got up, got me off the fuck machine and slammed his dick in, I was already opened up and lubed that he didn't have any resistance shoving his 10" all the way in. while I was being pounded my partner kept on inviting more and more to come and let them in all while he was watching me getting railed and giving instructions to the tops to pound me harder and harder. It was so hot being controlled like that! by then I think I took about 20 plus loads from 11 guys that came over and my hole got completely wrecked by them, double penetrating me and having a dick in my mouth. Best part was when my partner asked the guys in the room he wants to see them fist my cunt and they all cheered. I was on my back and one by one they fisted me, some slow and deep, some punch fucking my puffy hole lips. then another round of fucking to load me up before shoving a huge plug to keep all the loads up my cunt for my partner till he arrives back in a few hours. Can't wait for him to pull the plug out and have his way with my hole.
    1 point
  40. ^ This. When one half of a partnership has to be away, on business, whatever - of course he'd want his other half to get as much action as possible. Why on earth wouldn't he? The 'away' partner knows he's secure in the relationship, and wants his other half to enjoy as much raw sex as he can get. More, of course he'd enjoy "sharing' the action - even if it's from a thousand miles away. The only potential "problem" might be when (prior to the trip one of the guys has to take) they "promise" not to fuck/get fucked. It's possessive, it's limiting, it's unproductive, and if they have made promises to each other neither intend to keep, why bother in the first place? When my other half had to go downtown for a meeting, whatever, or I had to, we both knew about how long that business meeting would take. When an hour or two after it should have ended, and the half that had to go wasn't home yet, each of us knew exactly what was going on. If he had to go, and was late, I knew perfectly well he was sucking off Cocks in some fuckjoint. If I had to go to the meeting and was late, he knew perfectly well I was porking some Holes somewhere. Often (but usually him) he would pick up some guy and him home to enjoy together. Once, I brought two back home - one Latino that I wanted and a skinny blonde boy for him. When that's a mutually agreed-upon "given", it's perfectly fine (and hottttttt).
    1 point
  41. I was 11; RAN to my dad working in the basement when I found THREE all at once. My dad looks at me, yanks his jeans buttons open, pulls open and pulls down, and lets his huge hairy dick and balls flop out. They’re just swinging in the air and he tells me, “This is what ya got to look forward to son. We got good strong man genes in this family; ask your brother). So I’m a naive kid and run to my 16-year-old brother and ask to see his hairy dick and balls. THAT got me some serious abuse until my dad later smacked his head and told him not to be a shite-head to his little brother. He gave us both a lecture about “helping” the youngers and then told me all about jacking. Little did he know I’d already been jacking with my best friend for a while.
    1 point
  42. First let my say that rape or any type of sexual assault is very wrong. While not "raped" as such, I have been sexually assaulted. I had just turned 25 and my mother had died 4 days before my birthday, so I was emotionally pretty fragile. I was working third shift at the time. Just before my usual wake up from my regular nap before work, I awoke to my father's second wife (note, I never referred to her as my stepmother as I couldn't stand her) sitting on my bed with her hand on my dick attempting to masterbate me. She was one who used sex as a weapon to control people. I pushed her aside, jumped out of bed, ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I don't remember much else until the next time she and my father came by the house, and I in no uncertain terms threw her out. However I was never able to tell my father what had happened and what had been for many years been a rocky relationship with him, deteriorated further. I developed a PTSD reaction to anything related to female sexuality. The sight of just a bare breast was enough to put me into full panic mode. A nude woman would actually make me physically ill. Fortunately as a gay man that wasn't something that happened often, and I did everything possible to avoid. While I remembered the incident, it wasn't until just a few years ago that I connected them. It was actually a thread on here where a discussion about gay campgrounds and a post about why many women's only ones won't allow MTF members because so many women have been sexually assaulted by men. I was lucky to have three very close friends who are clinical psychologists as I was more than a bit overwhelmed by the revelation. I still vividly remember the conversation with the first one. He told me I was not alone. Men can and do get sexually assaulted by women and that he currently had a patient, a straight man, that had been through this. He said normally he wouldn't give a patient a diagnosis, but as I was just a friend needing to talk and wouldn't be seeking treatment with him, he explained to me that in his opinion I had PTSD, but with a very isolated trigger that as a gay man was fairly easily controllable. My other friends in the field agreed and offered further advice. Somehow, just the knowledge of the connection between the incident and my reaction has been a huge benefit and has helped me to at least mitigate my symptoms.
    1 point
  43. 1 point
  44. 8. My cock strained against the cage as I sat on the subway. It was all I could think about, well that and the warm, wonderful, slick, wet feeling of my freshly bred hole. I was on Scruff the whole way home, looking for more guys and seeing if the ones who had already hit me up were free. I opened the door to my apartment once more to the sounds of Mike being fucked, the very thing that had started this journey of discovery. This time however Mike was not in his room; I stepped into the living room and there he was, bent over the back of the couch, a sloppy grin on his face while a big fur covered bear drove his cock into him. The bear stopped, looking a little embarrassed when he saw me, “Fuck, sorry. I uh, well… we should…” “Don’t stop, he doesn’t give a shit,” Mike said. “I sure don’t,” I said, and started to move to my room. “Wait,” Mike gasped, the bear had clearly just pushed his dick in deep again, “you know the new house rules.” I looked at him a little confused, what did Mike expect me to do in this situation. “Nothing more concealing than a jock.” I laughed, “Of course, how stupid of me.” I took off my jacket and shirt, still standing right by the front door. I undid my pants, and then deciding to give the bear a full show, pushed my pants and underwear down in one go revealing my straining cage. “Fuck, you’re both caged! Two sub boys in one apartment. That’s hot as fuck,” said the bear. “Well,” I replied heading again to my room, “I’ll leave you two to your business.” “Fuck that, I’m about to breed your roommate, and then you’re going to clean off my cock and take his place.” I looked at Mike to make sure he was ok with that. “You heard him, come get on your knees fag.” I smiled, and ran over behind the couch. The bear started to pound Mike again, his hips slamming against Mikes round cheeks. “Fuck I love a wet pussy. I’m going to fill you up and then breed your roommate. Leave you both full of my cum.” “Breed my fucking cunt!” “You want this load boy?” “I need it.” “Good.” As he started to pull out further to long dick Mike I saw that the bear wasn’t just thick up top. His cock was broad and flat on top, it was stretching Mike’s well used ass wide, and his lips were clinging to the shaft as the bear pulled out. My hole twitched in anticipation. “You ready for my load?” “Give it to me.” “Fuck yes!” He punched in hard and help Mike by the hips as his balls contracted firing volleys of cum into my roommate’s hole. They both panted for a moment, and Mike let out a small “thank you Sir,” as the bear shifted to pull out. His cock fell from Mike’s used hole with a soft plop. He was still completely hard, the big blunted mushroom head of his cock glistening with cum and ass juices. I caught a glimpse of Mike’s hole, a small dribble of cum leaked from the pink gaping hope as it tried in vain to wink shut. I opened my mouth and swallowed the man’s cock as far as I could. I savored the mixed taste of sweet salty cum, and deliciously musky ass. “Good boy,” growled the bear, “clean the cum off my cock and then it’s your turn.” I slurped up and down his cock for probably five minutes, cleaning every inch of it. Mike had gotten up and left the room for a minute. When he came back he had a wide butt plug in his hand already smeared with lube. He handed it to the bear and bent back over. With his cock still in my mouth, the bear stuffed the plug slowly into Mike’s willing hole. Mike let out a sigh as the plug popped into place, locked into his hole. “Fucking pigs. Alright, boy, time to bend over and take my cock. I hope your hole is as accommodating as your roommates was.” I let his cock fall from my mouth and bent over the couch next to where Mike who was still panting a little from the plug going in. “Your holes already leaking cum too,” the bear said stepping behind me. “I was too horny,” I said, more to Mike than the bear, who was now rubbing his cock head on my hole, “I stopped by some guys place right after work.” Mike smiled, and then kissed me, I was a little shocked but I liked it and kissed him back. “Oh yeah, make out with your roommate while I breed him too.” Mike kissed me harder, and the bear pushed into my hole. I moaned into Mike’s mouth as my hole was opened up again. The bear was thick but at this point I’d had some many cocks in me the stretch was nothing but please. He seemed to enjoy it too as he let out a groan followed by a string of complimentary obscenities. Mike groaned then too and I could just see that one of the bears hands was tugging at the plug in Mike’s hole as he fucked me. My eyes rolled back. This was so fucking hot, and dirty. I had never thought that Mike and I would be doing something like this. Yet, here we were, bent over the couch in the living room while a man whos name I had never heard was balls deep inside me raw, while playing with a massive plug lodged deep inside Mike’s ass. My cock leaked in its cage as the bear pummeled my hole. The last guy had fucked me hard but the bear was fucking using me. I had to hold onto the couch for support and he bucked deep inside me. My second ring was as loose as my first and he bashed past its defenses over and over without pause. I felt like putty again, sloppily kissing Mike as my hole was destroyed. I was giving in. I was just a hole. In that moment I was in my idea place, and I never wanted it to end. I felt pressure building in my groin, kind of like I had to pee, but that wasn’t it. It wasn’t a feeling I had ever felt before, yet it was familiar. Then very suddenly, as the bear shifted to fuck me harder into the couch, I felt the pressure release and understood. Thick drops of cum were falling from my caged cock onto the floor. The man had fucked the cum out of me. I panicked a little, worrying that with the release of my load the stunning bliss of being so horny would go away; but it didn’t, it intensified. It had felt good but getting the cum fucked out of me didn’t feel the same as jerking off or topping. It increased my feeling of being a bottom, that my pleasure had been derived from a man using my hole. “Fucking pig bottom, leaking cum all over the floor and still pushing your cunt onto my cock. God I fucking love breeding boys like you.” “Fucking use my cunt!” I practically shouted, breaking the kiss with Mike at last. Mike grinned, “Breed him. Fill him up.” “Fuck, here comes my load pig. Take my fucking load!” With a yell he slammed into me like he had done with Mike, knocking me forward so I was trapped bent across the back of the couch with my elbows now on the cushions. He unloaded what felt like a massive load into me and then stayed there for a long time. He panted for a minute, and then when he finally pulled out he said to Mike, “Now you clean off your roommate’s hole from my cock boy.” I saw Mike drop out of view and heard him slobbering on the fat cock that had just bred me. I stayed where I was, panting and momentarily broken. I was just about ready to stand again when Mike had finished cleaning the bear and he was getting dressed. We both said goodbye to him at the door, fully naked, and covered in sweat. As soon as the door closed, Mike kissed me again and said, “Let’s get you a plug for your cunt too.”
    1 point
  45. Um, yeah, I know what Mike meant.
    1 point
  46. Tom's Cock .... damn was he good!
    1 point
  47. If it's a guy I don't know, I usually ask--along the lines mentioned above--"You want this load, boy?" I do think a guy should be ready to take a load if he's going to make the step into barebacking. I have a lot of control before I cum---but many guys don't.
    1 point
  48. I assume that if the guy doesn't say anything, it's cool if I cum in his ass or mouth. I think it's a given anyway. I mean, what's the point of barebacking if you're going to ask the guy to pull out when he cums?
    1 point
  49. I personally think if it is not discussed beforehand, once that cock is in your mouth or as that is where the cum goes.
    1 point
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