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Everything posted by chargedodger

  1. lol....GOOD for you!Been there done that.Its part of the gay cultural imperative!:)
  2. looks like fun!
  3. Truly vers here and think much of the pleasure experienced by dedicated bottoms is a LEARNED thing,its how their MIND percieves that sort of stimulation.This is where a good top helps a new bottom by gradually increasing stimulation to the anus...helping the bottom make their mental connection between anal stimulation and pleasure.Maybe some of us are BORN with those mental pathways but think most must learn them.Good luck.:)
  4. Wanted to add a bit to this because maybe a few others went thru the same thing.If I had not had my eyes and body opened sexually at 11 then it would have happenned at 12 or so anyway.Many of my early contacts were with older men who said they had been watching me for years.Maybe being an irresistably cute boy was just what I was meant to be,a natural and pre-ordained path for my life.have spoken with mose than a few men who had similar experiences growing up,some didn't handle it well at ALL and gave in to drugs and alcohol,or became perverts themselves and pay the legal consequences for those acts.Why do some boys go thru this and integrate these early experiences rather well into adult life plan and others just fail so miserably?
  5. The variable experiences of seroconversion illness are my biggest worry.Can't really predict how my body will react to the hostile takeover of the virus,but don't want any half assed efforts on my part either.Bottoming for a man in the throes of seroconversion with fever nigtsweats and all makes it pretty sure the pathway for the virus will be travelled into me.Get hard just thinking about it!Once that becomes a reality I will deal with it,but still apprehensive.
  6. Started bareback in 1967 at 11 years old as a bottom and continue until today.Still neg and fully vers too.:)
  7. Yes,I lived and barebacked throughout that dark period.What the news about the virus did-it was first called GRIDS-gay related immune deficiency syndrome-that news convinced me to drastically reduce my number of contacts.Went months without any sexual contact at all.Then would get wild at the Corral Club or other gay sex venues like adult bookstores video booths etc.There was NO internet back then.A few gay chat lines existed...those were fun.Undoubtably had sex with poz men way back then but never got infected.Just dumb luck I guess.:)
  8. Started very early in life sexually,blonde blue eyed smooth and slender I got compliments from a LOT of men who wanted to have some fun with me.I understood this was all part of the grooming/courtship process and accepted all that.But one older gent said something that has stuck in my head nearly 50 years after he said it.After our third or fourth meeting he told me he loved how being around me made him FEEL.Now there's a place for the bathhouse tryst and abs videobooth hookups with strangers and all but really its not what you do or where you go but how you FEEL about WHOM you are with that makes all the difference in the world.:)
  9. lol...you are winning the battle against your desires by giving in to them.:)
  10. oh man this is definatly on my bucket list!:)
  11. Yes,years ago just after joining bbrts an admirer I did not know I had fessed up and we became good friends,and lovers.Some of the best sex of my life!Still miss him.:)
  12. Dissapointment and disgust were just part of exploring gay sex as a young man.There was no internet or any real source of info in the early 1970's.So I just gravitated towrads public places where such contacts might be made,parks,a few baths in the los angeles area and a couple of local adult bookstores that had very active video(well,it was film back then)booths.Soon discovered that smooking weed helped with my "education" so that became a normal precursor to a night out.Haveing a buzz helped me accept and explore,pushing me into contacts I needed to make in order to learn what I needed to know.The first rimming I got this way,as well as the first time my tongue touched a mans pucker.My disgust with what I had done,or allowed to be done to me went away with time and realization that I had enjoyed it,so it couldn't have been so bad.And so ones sexual skill grows with experience and imagination.:)
  13. The first man to seduce me was far from handsome.Short,fat bald and older he neverthe less pursued and seduced the wide eyed innocent younger me.First time I ever came was between his lips.Moments later his fat long cock took my anal cherry while telling me I was born for this and not to be scared of it.I was,but got over that fear.His heavy weight on me made escape impossible and his fast deep strokes assured the breeding that soon followed and a mans cum found its way into me for the first time.That set the stage for an acceptance of men in all shapes and sizes.Attitude is sexy as hell!Any man who wants to seduce me has my attention over a pretty boy obsessed with his good looks.:)
  14. Low self esteem may color ones sexual choices,but depression surely guides a choice towards adrenalin producing bareback sex.
  15. guys are built to cum.The more often this occurs the better they feel.So we all search constantly for oppourtunities to do so,and hookups with gay guys offer the chance to get off in a fantastic way without any entanglements.As a bi guy I often wonder why so many guys get married after hearing about the bitch they live with.Sure sounds like they got trapped without realizing it many times.That's sad.
  16. Its a mental and physical thing for me,like having a top plow all the way in.There often is some pain involved,but like knowing he is using me for his pleasure as he needs to.Not a problem with average sized men,but longer cocks may take a bit more time to worm in all the way.Poppers help here.:)I am average sized and when I top Its all the way in too.:)
  17. I think that's a sweet idea!And what a great future memory for you two.:)
  18. ABS video booth sex is an important part of the gay cultural imperative!:)
  19. Very well written and has the legs to go on in chapters!just think of all the possible directions the story could take....his first seduction of another human since transforming,his struggle against that seduction knowing what it meant for humanity and his total inability to stop himself from doing it.Perhaps a description of the seductee conversion experience,and how the two become the initial breeding pair in a group that grows.The pheromones emmitted by the group render most any man powerless to escape the seduction,and many are bred.This story has possibilities!:)
  20. Oh man does that sound like FUN!LOVE that color contrast thing!:)
  21. You WANTED to do this.Own that.You are not evil or twisted,just very sexually adventurous!:)
  22. Birthday weekend!Planning on being a bit of a pig.:)Available for a pozitive breeding experience.:)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Joelle


      Have a tremendously Awesome Birthday!

    3. backpackguy


      Happy B-day buddy, get as much cock and sperm as you can...hopefully Poz and charged!!! The gift that keeps on giving. ;)

  23. Ones liking for porn follows patterns similar to other addictive human endeavours.What USED to get you hard heart pounding etc soon loses its appeal,and you look for new stuff and genres to recapture that early rush.We all build a tolerance for addictive pursuits,porn is no different.Sometimes the best way to recapture that early carried away rush may be to abstain for awhile.:)
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