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Everything posted by C10H15N

  1. Yep. I've always had a good time at Inn Leather.
  2. When your ear itches and you stick your finger in it and wiggle it around, which feels better your finger or your ear?
  3. Before PrEP, I kept myself neg by practicing safer sex and in some cases dumb luck. The availability of preventative meds, insurance coverage, and being young enough to still fuck and enjoy a few years of barebacking have influenced my decision. I have no real influence over the drug cost and no qualms with the morality of using my health insurance for recreational purposes. My insurer obviously would rather pay for prevention than treatment. Fair? I've never found anything in life to be fair. If circumstances were to change to make prep unavailable or too expensive, then I would adapt my sexual behavior to keep my risk of infection at a level I can live with.
  4. Avid fister, love a little "rosebud" while playing, but don't want my ass falling out every time I take a shit.
  5. What this fantasy fails to take into consideration is that as your health begins to decline your sexual desire is one of the first things to go.
  6. I like to fuck bare. I don't want HIV. I take meds so I can fuck bare without catching HIV.
  7. I'm a fister. No human cock is a problem.
  8. Nope - PrEP. My body is where HIV cums to die.
  9. Even with a lower age of consent, dealing with someone who is not a legal adult can leave you open to charges other than statutory.
  10. I'm a PrEP pusher. Take the pill because you want to, or wait until you have to. I'd rather have the choice.
  11. Native fuck bud loaded me up Saturday night. He usually bottoms, but this time he rode me hard and put me up wet.
  12. The guys doing the fucking are tops. The guys walking around pissed off are bottoms.
  13. Like I tell the youngsters that hit me up online, I'll fuck you for your 18th birthday, but not a moment sooner.
  14. It is: PrEP with emtricitabine/tenofovir (Truvada) or tenofovir (Viread) alone is highly effective at preventing infection with HIV. However, resistance to these antiretroviral drugs has been detected in individuals who initiated PrEP during unrecognized acute HIV infection, and, very rarely, in patients infected with HIV while taking PrEP.
  15. Get your ass on PrEP then start taking loads.
  16. Update: Level 6 on PrEP Which means level 6 fun with level 1 risk. The game has changed.
  17. Yes, fisting is becoming more mainstream. Thank you Internet.
  18. Umm. There was the twenty something native guy who got tweaked, freaked out, and accused me sticking something dangerous inside him while we were fisting. That episode was largely responsible for me giving up partying.
  19. Two months in. Best sexual health decision I have ever made. I don't even care about status any more.
  20. Proud Truvada whore here. Will take any load. Status has become irrelevant.
  21. Nice profile. If you were versatile, you would be perfect. As a versatile, I avoid bottoms because I know I can satisfy them, but they can't satisfy me.
  22. Sucked off a hot young uncut native at his hotel this morning. Umm, I can still taste his load.
  23. Swallowing POZ loads is not considered high risk. You can reduce that risk even further by going on PrEP and turning your body into an HIV killing machine. For the the first time in thirty years I can and do take any load in any hole without worrying about HIV.
  24. Just a leg cramp? no biggie. I thought you were going to say you crapped on your top.
  25. Anything under 9 inches will stay in my rectum - no problem. Anything larger will need to pass through the second sphincter (muscle ring) and into my sigmoid. If I'm going to take 10 inches or more I would rather be fisted first to get plenty of lube deep, open the second, and align it for entry. Better yet, stick your hand and your cock in my ass and jerk off inside me.
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