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Everything posted by skinster

  1. Any marginal human activity (ANY) in this day and age of global PC <I know it sounds like a rant> somehow removes the presumption of innocence and at the same time grants a conviction by the court of public opinion. Legislature in most states in US are so mired in partisan debate and thus are majorly foggy and dysfunctional that very few actually try to do their main job and write laws to reflect the modern age. The laws on the books are commonly very outdated for the digital hustle. Consider informed consent (something that you willingly affirm to via a prompt directed at you) vs. fair public notice (online text in small print for the mentally twitching horny chameleons that you have to go seek for by your glorious own self). Where do your clicks count if you have ADHD and trade in professional victimhood? That's why there is no such solid legal element of historical proof any more as a time stamp for the profile owner. There could be 20 electronic updates a day - which one is the one? You have more computing power in your pocket than what brought humans to the moon. You update you profile for your last hair color, and all content is new for your next screen grab - what you like, what you do, what your status is. Anything you might have changed would be overlapped by a claim that it wasn't there at the time of the encounter and had been put afterwards as a cover. Now it's on you (burden of proof for your innocence or CYA) to go to the site admin and try to get a notarized content history record, even if they keep it and are willing to disclose. And I'd imagine the hook-up-oriented ones won't be too forthcoming - traffic is high as is, it is easier to claim 'optimized database design' that doesn't bother with such minute legal details 'for the system load balancing' - they are ad-revenue driven on a proclaimed skinny budget, or otherwise they'd be called to testify upon their good will every single day. If many personal things hit the fan from such avenue, this shit can quickly turn dicey on you. Because it's not only legislature doing what they please, but also activist judiciary on occasion legislating from the bench. And in cases of moral character I suspect temptation would very high to calm the community down by tough new action and a new high standing on crime. Be glad the schmuck blocked you. That's why I am of the opinion that "Ask me" is being very helpful in that category alone - it is up on you to fully inquire. Whether I know or not, care or not, whether it is true or not, documented or not and well fucking authoritative - if you haven't - tough titty, at least you'd see my interests, 'cause I did fill that out well.
  2. Staying tight for a FF bottom is an art form in itself. Muscle fitness and gym time. I've seen only one guy over the years who was able to take a second pounding right away after being fisted and provide sufficient grip for good friction. Truly amazing. But the real fun begins after you pass the second ring, just watch those eyes roll into his head and keep on pushing. Piiiiggy-piggy-piggy
  3. You getting off with someone else other than yourself over possibly mutual interest(s) - guilt would be a very strange feeling. Even though I do think my dearly departed relatives that I never came out to while they were still living now find it very confusing as to why I do what I do for sexual gratification. Or uncomfortable to beyond difficult to understand even, in this different day and age.
  4. That's def good news.
  5. See if you have Naked or Blackout night at the Lab. But you also have an upgrade in the future - Biohazard.eu parties. Look that up. You won't even remember a number 7.
  6. No real point to be discouraged if that happens. It is wasteful to one's time and effort - I agree - but eventually you'd get a good feel of how introductions play for the whole picture - feelers can be quite descriptive of intents and interests to gauge the seriousness. I've had more than I ever needed in flakes and fantasists' department. Some very tempting, buff or twinky, only to turn up as complete bummers. If exchange come to a point that the other party can't carry the convo any further, or disappears behind the curve without notice - so be it. If he has the balls to continue - he can come back. Otherwise I know that prior words did not hold as much water for me as I would have hoped to find another kinkster in the sheets. Such transition literally could happen in a span of a few minutes - I've had enough noobs run away from what I do for fun. You just lay the broadest frame possible from the start - there are no hard limits.
  7. No worries for the appearance of your ass - but be prelubed for a proper start. Bend over and grab the wall. May be you should start from a dark room so that appearances are not distracting you. Take a piss before you go in. If your ass is willing, a hard dick is all you need and a load is still a load. When I feel lube and not cum, I know the bottom is serious (as opposed to sloppy, high, inattentive or all of the above).
  8. My info for you is far from first hand. But in the course of a few years I've had a few contacts with people post colon surgeries. So take it as you wish, for the age of internet it all equates to hearsay, as I recall it from memory for the subject. Main idea is - any surgery is intrusive more than not. Your tissues will be shifted and disturbed by parting to heal up with a scar, and that tissue does not have a lot of nerve endings there in the first place that you can easily sensually identify - that's why it didn't hurt much before. That is also a reason for reduced sensitivity and less muscle control there afterwards - nerve ending don't get reconnected through the scar tissue. But internal bleeding is not to be underestimated, especially if there is other medications involved you regularly take or will be taking post-surgery. You need to give yourself time before you start activities again. Colon cancer surgery comes with 6-8 weeks healing time. Same for colostomies. You also need to be aware of your own healing rate for cuts and bruises and such (whether it's fast/easy or not) and adjust your expectations accordingly. FF is usually very straining on the sphincter and colon wall. One of my bottoms back then couldn't take it for about 3 months, and that is with a horny husband top, not my random sessions. And having a colostomy bag attached throughout the healing has produced a few squeezing and farting sounds quite unexpected and audible at random times. I'd advise to be very careful restarting, step-by-step gradually. Unless of course you're a spring chicken.
  9. Basement in Scheune was fun. A bit confusing in layout but very popular. I need another visit there.
  10. Yes and yes. Don't underestimate the power of suggestion.
  11. Totally. My sweaty balls on occasion give me quite an aromatic high just affirming my hornliness. Don't even need poppers some times when I have that going. On the other hand, when I am flying commando, I've noticed discoloration starting on some of my khakis in the crotch area. I figure pH balance is showing off to compliment the aromas. Forget the armpits - white shirts get yellowish quite often without prolonged usage.
  12. I guess proctology for official use would be more applicable. Unless you call your hole a pussy. But still practical gear.
  13. My own reaction was exactly that when I saw it for the first time. You only hear it in movies and whatnot basically happening abstract event and then it's right in front of you. After sex you are not exactly ready for it - the mood evaporates pretty fast.
  14. You probably do. But I haven't found a similar club in Sydney when I visited (2012) that perverts been migrating to when other venues were closing. There was one place with a cavernous 2-level type basement, the name escapes me now. May be it was Headquarters, may be things have changed.
  15. I don't think so. Oils (if from plant and animal origins vs mineral ones) are fairly easy. Synth lubes like silicone are the nastiest for cleanup IMO.
  16. Poppered-up deep sweet ass and a willing mouths are all that's needed. Not even alcohol. Chems are too much fuss over questionable outcum.
  17. < > Oh, dear
  18. Brad, I can't tell. Hadn't been there recently. But back then the interior was on the newer side, so I don't expect any 'modifications' to be in order for the place. So it should still be good.
  19. Try "Addicted" brand from Barcelona, Spain. They are under "Sexywear" or "Fetishwear" - especially the ones with logo on the back. US site is https://addicteddallas.com/207-jockstraps EU site is https://addicted.es/en/207-jockstraps I don't know if they have a vendor in Canada where you seem to be.
  20. Well Eros, that seems to be an acquired elevation in skill set for 1-on-1's when one'd done the homework and the mileage. I was surprised to see it on a guy in his mid-20's. I've seen plenty of guys that do some sort of manual manipulations at the same time when they are fucked alone or in group/club setting. I'd even say most of them do it one way or another, and at the same time only some of them would indeed describe themselves as submissives. This one did, and experience was notably different. He didn't try to play with himself at all and he wasn't having ED issues - he did get boners. Plus it was the first time seeing the guy - I had low expectations to start and was pleasantly surprised.
  21. It's not the gay prudes - we are a documented minority here before the prudes count. It's the other prudes from generations of religious European nuts that were shipped or ran away to here for centuries and still carry on the stride. But I like where your head is.
  22. I've recently seen a cumdump that didn't even try to jerk himself off, may be couple times only as an 'adjustment' of the crotch with clothes on, but for 2 days that I was fucking him - not a single time. He got a coupla times hard, but never touched himself sexually or when he was fucked. It was amazing - that's what proper skills are. He was concentrating on my dick getting serviced, his ass was always ready to be fucked, and I did load him up several times. For a young guy - I'd say superb servicing. The more - the merrier. Too bad he wasn't a local, I would have liked to have him a regular dump.
  23. I think a sling design would be more flexible for travel.
  24. <Scruff> "Mad chill guy here." Mad.. chill.. Abandon all hope
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