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Everything posted by bbzh

  1. I also find it hot. I feel even more submissive when this happens. And I feel like it enhances the power differential. At one of the bars I go to in Berlin, one of the guys on the staff breeds me every time I go to a naked party there. I ended up getting his number and now he takes care of my hole every time I'm visiting.
  2. Speaking for myself of course, I have been guilty of relying too much on poppers to open me up instead of prepping my hole in other ways. I find that using a lube injector and then putting a bit of Vaseline around the anus before using a toy is much better at relaxing me than just relying on the poppers. I love poppers - don't get me wrong. If I've done the other "pre-work", the poppers are the icing on the cake and I can take very large dicks with no effort. Hung tops usually appreciate that they can just start fucking right away, as no additional lube is needed. I splurge on the Double Scorpio brand because they smell wonderful and I don't get a headache from using them.
  3. Great thread. My strategy is simple: stay in my condo in Western Europe. When winter rolls around, head to Fort Lauderdale and Palm Springs. I am currently on a 11 week tour that started in Berlin, where I got lots of cock. I just spent time in Fort Lauderdale, where the men were also very generous with their cum. Now headed to Palm Springs for 3 weeks followed by another 3 weeks in Fort Lauderdale. Gran Canaria would be closer, but having been there a couple of times, it hasn't really appealed to me. I will give it one more chance though, maybe staying someplace a bit more removed from the gay scene. There is a lot of cock to be had from local guys who are closeted and don't want to be caught dead anywhere near the gay scene.
  4. You mentioned living in a rural area. That for me instantly rules out hosting unless it's 1-1 and even then I'd think twice. Potential no-gooders can scope out your place and rob you later. I vote hotel. There's cameras for one. It's neutral as @backtails pointed out. You will never be able to discourage flaking, so look out for your own comfort and safety before trying to accommodate those who don't have your best interests in mind.
  5. I have learned over the years to prepare my hole for anal sex and to avoid guys who are penetrating with force. If you slam into my hole, the fuck is immediately over and you need to fear for your personal safety. This hole is not for his enjoyment alone but for our enjoyment. I present a hole that is pristine clean, prelubed and preheated (thanks to a steel dildo). All the top has to bring is a hard penis and gentle penetration to start. Once my hole is fully open, he can fuck it as hard as he needs to in order to reach his climax. I have let guys who have hurt my hole continue on fucking in the past and guess who ended up with fissures and expensive medical bills? Me. He was on to the next hole. So, tear me up at your own peril. I guarantee you that you will catch these hands.
  6. The online reviews of All World Resorts are quite terrible on Trip Advisor. Does anyone have experiences at other places?
  7. I'm wondering what will happen if they start charging to post or access the porn.
  8. I wonder if we as a society define the words "friend" and "friendly" correctly. By definition, a friend is a person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically one exclusive of sexual or family relations. Friendly simply means "kind and pleasant". I'm friendly to a lot of people who I am not friends with. If I only meet someone for sex, I don't consider them a friend, but a casual acquaintance. I would say about half of my gay friendships were initiated through sex. I wish I had more gay friends. But it's tough because we as gays tend to screen people out based on their preferred sexual position and our perception of their overall level of attractiveness. I've probably missed out on many deep, life changing experiences because of how I perceived someone's photos and how they presented themselves 🤔. Kinda sad.
  9. I'm firmly in the "give up trying to count" camp. If a heavy cummer breeds you first, especially in a public setting, you are probably overestimating the number of loads subsequent fuckers have given you. When I'm topping in a public setting, I fuck holes I don't cum in all the time. If we start obsessing over this, then tops might start faking orgasms. And I agree with the earlier comment that most guys deny breeding your hole if you ask, especially if he fears any subsequent questions. Let's not start conducting interviews after you just took my raw dick.
  10. I am lucky enough to have a few tops who have bred me for years, but was rather unlucky the other day because two of them asked for some ass at pretty much the exact same time that evening. For those wondering, why not do a threesome? I don't like threesomes because it's rare that everyone is happy with the outcome. Also, I didn't want either of them to know about the other as I didn't want any questions. The only threesome I've had that worked well was when one of the tops chose the second top, but I digress. The first top who reached out said he planned to arrive at 7:45 pm. He is always punctual because he has a wife at home and must plan the breedings meticulously. The other top is one I hear from less frequently, but has been breeding me for at least a decade. He asked if he could come at 7 pm. Now that was cutting it too close for me, so to give myself a little wiggle room, I asked the first top to come at 8 pm. Then, the 7 pm scheduled top ran into a huge traffic jam and only arrived at 7:45 pm. FUCK. I texted my 8 pm top that a "friend" was dropping by unexpectedly and wouldn't be staying long. I asked if he minded waiting in the car. He said he could only wait until 8:20 pm. I told him that I'd rush the "friend" to leave by telling him that I had ordered food that I needed to pick up. So the late arriving top and I got right down to business. I sucked him, rimmed him, licked his balls and then assumed the doggy position on the edge of the bed. When his dick entered my hole, the clock read 7:55 pm. He fucked his load into me, had washed up and was ready to go by 8:10 pm. I then opened the window to air out the bedroom and did a quick hole check. All good. At 8:16 pm, I texted the waiting top that I was ready. I like this top in particular because I don't even have to suck his dick. I wait ass up on the bed and he has a boner as soon as he rubs his dick on my ass. I think my cummy hole turned him on because the next thing I know he was grunting loudly and had added his own cum to the mix. He shoots big loads that often soak my balls after he is done. By 8:30 pm, I was laid up with a wet, gaping hole that was making squishy noises when I rubbed my ass cheeks together. It's nice having dick just drop by like this. But I gotta space 'em out better next time 😂 .
  11. Such a system might work better for a top (with a very high sex drive) who wants to schedule bottoms throughout the day, but I think it's going to be pretty close to impossible for a bottom to pull this off without becoming really frustrated. To the point raised by ErosWired, it takes a lot of negotiating really fine details to get someone to commit to fucking these days. You need to respond quickly and be ready to seize opportunities. And many of us bottoms, if we're being honest, are kind of picky too. We've all been known to prioritize one top over another and we know for sure that tops do this with bottoms. I'd say to focus on quality, then on quantity. Lean into the spontaneity of it. And remember, all fucks are not created equal.
  12. Clean freak here. When a top finishes with me and I finger my hole, I want to smell cum, not shit mixed with cum.
  13. We don't have to resort to extremes here - i.e., no sex vs fucking everything with a pulse. I take loads from three guys regularly. To my best knowledge, two of them are married and one is in my estimation fucking a lot of guys. I'm thinking of cutting off the third guy until he gets vaccinated. Scenario planning and taking calculated risks are important factors to consider. The worst case scenario for me would be awful facial lesions and lesions in my ass and having to isolate for three weeks. What about you? I'm not advocating abstinence per se but let's be realistic. There are some very high risk activities right now and I'm not willing to play monkeypox roulette.
  14. My HIV doctor brought up monkeypox during my visit last week. He showed me a chart that illustrated the exponential rise in infections worldwide. He didn't push too hard for me to get vaccinated because the vaccine isn't widely available yet. He also said there are risks to taking the vaccine as there are reports (rare) of people dying from it. He did say to skip those saunas and sex parties in places like Berlin and New York. His other useful tip was to have sex in daylight so I can inspect my partner's body better. I feel my risk is low at the moment. I am only playing with 3 guys regularly so should be easy to discuss with them to see what we can do to keep ourselves healthy.
  15. Took two nice loads today and the day is not over. The first fuck was from one of my regular fuckbuds. He had been blowing up my phone the past couple of days because his wife is on her cycle. I finally had time to meet up this afternoon. I waited in pitch black darkness with my hole already lubed. He came in, stripped, and then smacked my ass cheeks a few times before diving in. I had put a huge pillow underneath my abdomen, which led to him bumping my prostate a lot during the fuck. I tried to be quiet, but the way he fucking me caused me to grunt loudly. He too let out a sound I've never heard him make before when he orgasmed. This guy normally shoots big loads, but this one was over the top. Cum was everywhere. My balls were even soaked. I texted him afterwards to ask why was his load so huge. He said he hadn't cum in 5 days. I curled up with a snack thinking my pussy had earned a well-deserved break when another fuckbud called me. He was in the area and needed a hole. He has a partner at home as well but, as I've learned, this matters little. I wondered if I should tell him I was preloaded, but decided not to because I wasn't sure of what his reaction would be. I don't believe in pushing out good cum for no reason. When he arrived, he too was rock hard. I sucked him good and rimmed him before he mounted me doggy style. He then flipped me on my back and fucked me like a bitch until he was ready to shoot. Luckily I had put a towel down. After he added his load to the one I already had in there, let's just say my cup had runneth over. I'm on track to reach my load goals for 2022. Life is good.
  16. I'm a verse bottom and I hate to be forced to suck dick. I think it's humiliating if a top holds the back of my head while he throat fucks me. I guess I'm a pussy cunt? I only like to be fucked doggy so I don't have to face the top. I need to be fucked and bred so I don't "get too big for my britches". However, I will top guys who are smaller and younger than me if they are waiting doggy and I don't have to face them. They can't present themselves as my equal or I will not fuck them. OK, so let me find a sex therapist because I should not be allowed to roam free being this fucked up in the head 😂.
  17. I've stayed there and liked it. Yes you can have guests easily, but don't give out the code for the front door because it's the same as the one that opens the door to your room. Easy way to get robbed unfortunately.
  18. I say I'm versatile bottom to signal to bottoms online that the chances of me topping them are low. But I am not a total bottom. Never have been. In certain settings (such as a sauna) I am versatile. But I don't fuck bottoms in public spaces at a sauna because then I'd damage my chances of bottoming because most guys look at me and assume I only top.🤷‍♂️
  19. A red flag for me is when the guy tries to schedule the hook-up more than 2-3 hours into the future, especially in an area with many gay men. I also think having one's notifications on constantly contributes to flaking. Assume you find a guy. He remains accessible to others and finds someone else. You end up losing out. I don't sit online unless I'm actually intending to hook up because I believe in the law of scarcity. If what we desire “appears” to be in limited supply, the perception of its value increases significantly.
  20. I hope you're not talking about F56 in Vienna. That place was so much fun when I visited. I'm in Berlin at the moment visiting. The guys are fucking here lol. At one sex cinema though, I did see some guys wearing a mask. I respect the decision, but, I think it kills the mood. I can wrap my brain around the idea of wanting sex but not wanting to get sick - so I guess a mask and a condom serve similar purposes. Has corona changed us? I think the biggest risk takers never stopped fucking. The most risk averse individuals took a break. Maybe what we're seeing now is that some of the guys who were in the middle are still being more careful. And I respect that. The pandemic isn't over. It's just not being covered as much. I'd like to think I'm taking calculated risks. It's not like I'm visiting a darkroom taking raw dick every night lol.
  21. Note: I don't shit in the shower or tub. 🥴
  22. This is a good baseline. You will learn what works best for your body as you gain experience. [think before following links] https://howtocleanyourass.wordpress.com
  23. This married bi guy with kids who I've been messing around with for over a year texted me yesterday wanting some ass. I replied, dude, it's the day after Valentine's Day. You didn't fuck your wife? He explained that she's on her period and that he needed to cum, as if he couldn't fuck her mouth or ass 😂. An hour later, his dick is in my mouth and he is rubbing my back and ass. He climbs on top and fucks me harder than he ever has. I was tempted to ask him to slow down and take it easy on my hole, but then I realized this man needs to release his pent up energy. He screwed me into submission and then dropped his load. After he showered and left, it dawned on me that he hadn't said 5 words to me the entire time he was here. And he doesn't live near me either. Yet, he makes the effort to drive over here to get into this big thick bubble butt and breed it.
  24. Maybe it's perhaps not the best analogy, but I kind of see quickies as microwaved junk food and longer sessions as slow-cooked meals full of flavor. For me, the longer the foreplay, the stronger my orgasm is. But reading this thread, I totally understand why some guys write in their profiles that foreplay is a must. Looking at this from the top's perspective, why should he make the effort to come to my place if I'm pushing him out the door minutes after he arrives? He's coming to enjoy a nice steak and I'm serving McDonalds burgers? Yikes. 🥴
  25. I do not like being fingered mainly because of fingernails. I really don't like for guys to stick in two fingers and have been known to protest. But here's the thing, I am very guilty of inserting a finger in a bottom's ass before I top him to make sure there's no shit. Seems to me that more often than not, the finger comes out smelling not so nice. Not sticking my cock in a dirty hole. When tops do that to me, I don't care for it but I totally get it.
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