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Everything posted by bbzh

  1. I met up last week with a married bisexual guy that I've been hooking up with since summer 2019. He has a beautiful 9 inch cock that I love to suck. He fucks my thrussy (throat pussy😂) until he's rock hard. When he pulls back, I know that it's time to assume the position. He mounts me and fucks me doggy until completion. I've learned to how to loosen my cunt the way he likes. I always take some CBD and inject lots of lube before he arrives so that I can take his cock on the first thrust like his wife probably does. We barely speak. It's basically hello and goodbye. He can have conversations with his wife when he gets home. I am here to provide a service. My dick gets rock hard whenever he texts me - or when I think about him. A few days ago, another married dude whose been a regular since June texted me saying he needs my hole. He has a nice 6 incher that's always hard as steel. When he arrives, he wants the room dark and a porno playing. I suck him for a few minutes and then lay flat on my stomach since I'm taller than he is. He fucks me about 15 minutes before shooting a huge load. His wife just gave birth so it's really important that he get into my ass at least once a week. I blew him off a couple of weeks ago. That was a mistake. When he finally did get in my ass, he shot the most sperm I've ever seen anyone shoot. I mean, cum was EVERYWHERE. The sheets had a huge wet spot, cum was between my legs (!), cum was between my butt cheeks and cum was in my hole. He apologized profusely. I decided then and there that I've got to be a more accommodating cumdump. 😆 So with these two visits, I've met my load goals for 2020. Because of the pandemic, I changed my strategy. I reduced the number of partners I had, but I took more loads from the best tops in my rotation. I realize how lucky I've been that I've got 4 tops in particular who have kept my cunt sloppy and loaded this year. I don't even have to ask. They just text me asking if I want it.
  2. Yes I do like taking loads in darkrooms - but if it's in a bar, I will only go into the darkroom if I'm wearing a neck wallet or things are tucked in my knee-high socks. I make sure I don't smell any shit odors. Somebody might not have cleaned out well and I don't want a shitty dick entering my clean hole. I smell every dick first. The best for me is when someone has led me into the darkroom to fuck me. Because I caught Hep C six years ago, I no longer put myself in situations where a top can fuck me without at least wiping off his dick if it's been in another bottom's hole. I'm after loads not diseases. The way covid is going, it will probably be 2022 before I'm comfortable cruising in bars or saunas. 😪
  3. I get the whole thing about having an attractive gay co-worker and fantasizing about the sex. When we are in heat, however, we tend to only think about the positives of hooking up. Before you do, run a set of scenarios in your head where things go left. The sex is bad. You catch or transmit a STD. He (or you) gets clingy. One of you makes it awkward at work by spreading gossip. What if he (or you) end up sleeping with someone you both know and that starts a squabble? Don't overlook the fact that colleagues are observing you - more than you think. They are watching how you interact. Suddenly your respective managers are told about it. HR gets involved. Geez. A famous comedian once said a fuck is just 50 pumps. Are you prepared to deal with a lot of unnecessary aggravation for 50 pumps? If so, fuck him. If not, fuck somebody else.
  4. CBD suppository + lube injector = taking 10 inches 😄
  5. I am wondering if the pandemic has got you feeling this way? Travel is complicated at the moment (fewer flights, travel restrictions to certain countries). Also, we're being told that if we meet people we can get sick. I do think when our options are restricted, suddenly things that wouldn't ordinarily appeal to us become the targets of our desire. I'd recommend you talk to a (gay) therapist. If there isn't one you can see face-to-face, there are online options. I think you need to sort out your feelings before you do something that you'll regret. And don't forget that we aren't always in control of how much sex we get. We are limited mostly by our geographic location, by how attractive we are to the partners we are seeking to attract, and people's willingness to actually meet up. You are actually very lucky to have what you have - a supportive parent, a boyfriend and a job. Don't take this for granted. The grass is not always greener on the other side.
  6. We may have our own views on what a bottom, top or a twink looks like...but... let's not pretend that porn is not driving how the majority of gay men define these terms.
  7. If you're shy, what I'm proposing may be hard to do, but nothing gets the point across better than dropping to your knees and sucking in a public area or as mentioned above, getting in the sling when a guy you like is nearby. If the top wants privacy, he will lead you to a cabin. If you are not giving off the right vibe, people may decide it's too much trouble to pursue you. The reason those older bottoms are getting the dick is because the tops have seen them around, know that they are experienced, cleaned out, lubed up and ready to bend over and take dick. I wish more young guys would get down and dirty instead of acting scared or walking the halls passing up 6s and 8s trying to get a 10. And one more thing: don't be chatty. It kills boners.
  8. Society pretty much assumes that any guy over 40, unmarried, and without kids is gay. And if you're not talking to your friend about dating women after all these years, he knows you're gay. I do think you should consider coming out to him because it will liberate you as you are living a lie. (If you do, first do some googling for tips on how to do this since you are deeply closeted). I don't think you should come on to him. Just put that out of your mind. I don't think it's wise to risk losing a 50+ year friendship over sex. Find another cock to suck. If you're feeling lonely, make more friends, but don't try to turn platonic friendships into romantic ones.
  9. Maybe that threesome/group play you're fantasizing about should be something you live out on your own without him...chances are that if he is vanilla, he is probably not going to find it fun to watch strangers (that he may find unattractive) fuck and breed you. Now if he comes to you with it, that's a different story. It sounds like from what little you've revealed here that you are sexually incompatible and it's gonna take a lot for you to stay together. I get the whole thing about wanting your cake and eating it too, but maybe you guys would be better off as friends. Or if you're really in love (and not simply in love with the idea of being in love), consider that you might just have to eat dinner at home and enjoy dessert somewhere else.
  10. You don't say: 1) how long you've been in this relationship, 2) how long it's been open, or 3) if it's (usually) don't ask, don't tell. These are all important factors in my view. In open relationships (I've been in one), it doesn't take much to trigger feelings of jealousy and insecurity. And in your situation, this could be amplified because you are going to be apart for two months. I vote for controlling your horniness and focusing on your partner until you are alone. Threesomes are overrated anyway. Usually someone gets neglected and catches feelings. Trust your gut. If you think it will upset your boyfriend, do yourself and him a favor by not even bringing it up. Besides, covid-19 should already be giving you pause about hooking up with strangers. And finally, here's a link to an article from the Advocate about the do's and don'ts of open relationships. It's worth a read. [think before following links] https://www.advocate.com/sexy-beast/2018/4/17/17-dos-and-donts-open-relationships#media-gallery-media-6
  11. I am mostly bottom but I still top. There is not much a bottom can do to make me cum if I don't want to. For me it's all about how the hole feels around my dick. If your hole is too tight or too loose, it won't work. Or if you're not 100% clean back there or you move too much. Many times, I will be getting close and the bottom does something that kills the oncoming orgasm. When I bottom, yes I want the load but I'd never ask for it. That just seems desperate to me. If the top is really enjoying himself, I trust that he will let the cum fly. It's also been my experience that a top doesn't circle back just to cum in me when he's had the chance before. The best part to me is when I sense that the top didn't really want to cum so soon and he's really trying to hold back by slowing down his thrusting, but in the end he just gives in because my ass was just outstanding. ✨
  12. Poor guy. He really thinks he is going to score a hot guy who is only going to cum in his hole? hahahahahahahaha 🤣 That negative test is basically good for one fuck. Seriously, the QuickConnect ad on BBRT is the wrong strategy. He really needs to get on a regular chat site and chat with guys and ask his target if he barebacks. On BBRT, with this ad, he is fishing in the wrong pond with the wrong bait.
  13. One of my regulars whose wife is preggers actually stopped by today to fill me up. He's getting no action from his wife so his loads are huge these days. So much so that when he pulled out today, it splattered and spilled out my hole. I texted him later to say if he's not careful he's gonna have two bitches pregnant at the same time. He's a macho Eastern European guy and he loves it when I text him shit like that.
  14. If there is a market for a service, there is nothing shameful about sellers seeking payment. Certain market participants may not be willing to pay. That's fine. Some are. Well-endowed, bareback tops with a high sex drive are highly sought after so the way I see it, they shouldn't ever want for food, clothing or shelter. Sex is transactional these days anyway. I truly get not wanting to pay, but I don't get the part about shaming those who don't want to offer the service for free. Let's say I'm out salmon fishing, but not having any luck, and then a hot guy walks buy selling fresh, baked salmon....hmmm, come here boy 😂.
  15. @StickyWetHole: to your first question, I feel it is perfectly acceptable to ignore guys who photo bomb me because to me it is a violation of sorts - even if I like the photos. I think it's very narcissistic and suggests that the sender feels he should not be rejected. It's as if he's saying "If you don't want this, then something is wrong with you." Anyway, I usually get a chuckle out of it while I'm ignoring the dude because he inevitably ends up sending at least one very unflattering photo where I think, "Ewww, thank you for making this so easy."😂 You then ask if I would react the same way in public when face to face. Yes. Let me say this: much of what makes online chatting so complex is that we don't have the ability to send or receive visual cues. In a bar, I can do all sorts of things to let you know we're not going to connect - ignore you, stare at other guys, move when you get too close, or look at you and shake my head, to name a few. This is trickier online, and as mentioned by @ErosWired above, folks are often lazy or stingy with their words. Is my big juicy ass not worthy of a short conversation? I sometimes think if we were actually hearing the other person's voice while chatting online, the interactions would be starkly different. May I also point out that we're all fucked up on some level and can be very inconsistent in certain situations based on our mood that day? I say this because I'm usually not interested at all in guys who claim to be bi, in an open relationship or married - or those who are not exactly my type, but, if these same guys catch me at the right moment and say the right thing, these butt cheeks will magically open. In fact, two of my regulars are in relationships (one with a woman), but it's the way they approached me that got them the pussy. Too often, people online are not their authentic selves and use the opportunity to titillate others, with no intention of ever meeting. Nevertheless, I do try to behave online as I do in the real world, and I wish other guys would do the same. You can't expect me to give you a pass on antisocial, odd and narcissistic behavior in public, so don't try that shit with me online either. An unsolicited message from a stranger online is the same thing as an unsolicited call from a telemarketer. Yeah, go ahead and shoot your shot, but I don't have to engage you, much in the same way that women don't have to engage a man who catcalls them. And no, you are not entitled to a gentle let down just because you're horny and you feel you deserve my attention. You're hunting - and guess what? It ain't no fun when the rabbit got the gun. 🐰😆
  16. I think you have to define "regular". If you expect weekly sex from one guy, that will likely be more challenging to find than getting him to seed you a couple of times a month or a few times a year. The way around this is to have several fuck buddies so that you increase your chances of getting laid when you're horny. The amusing thing with doing that is you could very easily end up getting fucked by different fuckbuds on the same day (it's happened to me more often than you might think). I just tell them I've been preloaded and they usually come running.😅 Also, traveling helps a lot. After you have fucked pretty much all the guys in your area that want to fuck you, guys in other towns might see you as somewhat of a prize because they know they can't have you anytime they want. I've established such a connection with several tops in Berlin. Good luck and take a laid back approach. You'll find your men.
  17. I just wish we were not programmed to view STD's as a source of shame. For the most part, they can be cleared up easily - except for Hep C, which I got 6 years ago and was able to rid myself of after taking part in a clinical trial for a new drug. After that, I really cut back on sex in groups. If I do find myself in such a setting, I check that the tops are cleaning up in between fucks. No coming out of another bottom's hole directly into mine. My theory remains that I got from Hep C after a top had rough fucked a Hep C positive bottom, made him bleed and then fucked me with the blood on his cock. To the bottoms who say it's part of the risk of raw fucking, no, there's levels to risk. You invest time prepping to be fucked as a bottom, so why not take whatever precautions you can to reduce unnecessary risk? Don't let the heat of the moment cloud your judgment and result in unnecessary illnesses that cost you time, money and effort to clear up. 1 in 4 HIV+ men are said to be Hep C+. PrEP provides zero protection against Hep C. If you get anal warts, my advice is to get those removed asap. Not only can tops see those on your hole, you are at an increased risk for cancer if you ignore them. I do feel bottoms' holes for warts before I fuck them and tell them if I see warts. The other thing I'd advise other bareback bottoms to do is to devise a strategy for getting treated before you get infected with anything. Find a clinic, especially one that caters to gay men, and bookmark that website. This has been my public service announcement. 😅 I believe in slut safety not slut shaming.
  18. Being at d) or e) is where most sluts likely end up, whether they want to or not. The pool dries up and looks fade. I still get a nice chuckle online when gays lie about their age. Sir, you were 50 when I was 35 and now I'm older than you?😂
  19. I realize from reading all these posts that there are levels to this. And everyone has their own journey from Beginner to Intermediate to Advanced Bottoming. For me, the basic themes would be diet, how to clean out, playing with toys, importance of lube, how to relax, and setting boundaries. All too often bottoms get conditioned (mostly through porn) to think they must give up agency over their bodies once they allow themselves to be penetrated. Wrong. I am not going to put up with abuse or pain for someone else's gratification. Never have, never will. As beginning bottoms advance to the next levels, one can add in special topics like poppers, shower attachments, lube injectors, finding a lube they as bottoms enjoy, best sexual position for their pleasure, PrEP, gang bangs, anonymous hook-ups, and let's not forget sexual health especially if they aspire to be cum sluts. Gotta know where to go get those infections cleared up or have those warts removed. 😆
  20. I agree with the posts above. I think there may be a couple of other factors at play here. First, a side note: I distinctly recall when Craigslist and some of the apps like Grindr were not letting people use terms like "bareback" or "cumdump" in their profiles without getting flagged and shut down. That led, in my opinion, to the emergence of "are you clean?" -- "DDF" (drug disease free) -- "anything goes" -- and blurring of the term "kink", etc. Now you can see PrEP on profiles everywhere, a blatant sales pitch for barebacking. In other words, people end up forcing themselves into boxes and they blur lines so as not to become invisible. Moreover, these profile owners do have friends/work colleagues on these platforms and this often drives their behavior. If you're into bears, I'd cruise on the sites/apps specifically targeting just bears (e.g. bearwww, GROWLr, etc). There are many out there. And once corona is a thing of the past, go to bear events/cruises/bars. I've been to a few and they're very impressive. They need our support. Deep friendships often form because true tribe members are often loyal and support these events. I know the younger generation lives on their phones and apps and that only adds to this confusion about labels and the need to fit in. I always say you can't fake the funk in person so put more emphasis on where people from your tribe congregate and less on what boxes they tick online. Also, consider putting a photo or two in your profile showing your "dream" guy. That way, maybe you get better results, or at least it discourages people who think they're in the tribe - but aren't - from approaching you.
  21. My most recent addition to the roster is a bi-guy named Isaac. His wife is pregnant, so I've been having to step in and service his dick a lot lately. He's the guy who works for a well known international delivery service and shows up here in his work uniform. Yesterday, he was blowing up my phone asking if he could stop by. I eventually gave in. He said he wanted the room to be very dark this time. To add a bit more spice to the hookup, I left the door to my apartment open and put on some porn. When he entered my bedroom, he said hello but I refused to acknowledge him or look at him. That took restraint because he's very handsome and I love to watch him undress. He's a younger dude so without even me touching him, he gets a boner. My hole was already lubed up as I laid across the bed facing away from him. He started rubbing his throbbing cock against my hole. He then suddenly mounted me. It was super hot to feel his mushroom head cock enter my hole while I'm enjoying the porno. I think this whole scene really got him going because he could watch the porno along with me. After about 10 minutes his thrusts became stronger and he let out a loud moan, flooding my insides with hot cum. Upon pulling out of my hole, he takes both hands and slaps my butt cheeks hard. After he cleaned up a bit, he laid across the bed and started looking through his phone. Being the macho that he is, he really enjoys it when I suck him while he's on his phone. He occasionally forces my head down on his cock to remind me of his dominance. As he gets up to leave, I'm laying on the bed, legs spread, watching him dress. I'm enjoying this image of him as the man in a uniform, while I'm just a piece of fuckmeat that he has just emptied his balls into. He gives me this big shit-eating grin as he asks me if I liked it. I said yes and ask the same rhetorical question to him. He responds "Ja sicher!" (of course!) I can be a moody bitch and I don't always put out when he wants to fuck...but maybe I should now.
  22. Wednesday afternoon, I met up with a guy I first met back in January. We fucked a couple of times earlier in the year, but then I chickened out because of corona and turned down his other offers to fuck. He's about my age and we click really well. He arrives, we have a drink and chat for about 15-20 minutes. The whole time I'm wearing a long tank top and nothing underneath. At one point I flash him my ass and ask if he's ready. Then our friendly banter turns into gentle foreplay and then into some serious fucking. I've learned how he likes it. I position myself on the side of the bed, head down for 30 minutes of non-stop fucking. I put very little lube in my hole to start because he's a multi-cummer. I offer up a tight hole to start. Load number one is planted in me after about ten minutes. I am always silent when he's fucking me because I like to hear his moans and changes in his breathing pattern when he's about to nut in me. Then, without moving, he continues to fuck. My ass is nice and slick now so I offer him a loose cummy ass to fuck until he shoots load number two. Mind you, this guy still has not pulled out my hole and has been fucking about 20 minutes continuously at this point. So I switch it up and start offering the snapback, where my hole is loose on the downstroke and then I grip his dick on the upstroke. At this point, he is churning the butter and my hole feels like the consistency of a milkshake. When he finally delivers his third load, he still continues to thrust into my frothy hole before eventually tapping my left cheek and pulling out. He falls onto the bed. I sit quietly while he recovers. We then chat a bit more. He chuckles loudly when I tell him I do certain exercises in the gym so that I'm strong enough to take the pounding without having to move or ask for a break. He then compliments me on how good my ass feels. I tell him how important it is for me these days to caress a man's body and to feel a connection. He slowly dresses and leaves, but texts me on the ride home in the train to say thanks again for the booty. At this point, I'm practically skipping and whistling because I have been fucked good by a guy I really like. My dick continues to ooze precum long after he leaves from the 30 minute prostate massage he has given me. He lives 1.5 hours away from me, but says my ass is worth the trip. He works in healthcare, and I learned I can fuck him even if corona starts to spike again because he is tested very often. If he has the slightest symptoms, he is tested and sent home to quarantine until he receives the results. I don't know what I did this year to deserve him but I'm very thankful.🙌
  23. I don't know how interesting it is for the others to hear me talk about the complexities of that relationship, but here it is in a nutshell: long before we became a couple, he was in a relationship with another guy and was fucking me on the side. Because of this, I never trusted him to be monogamous, so I "forced" the relationship to be open from the start because I thought it might make the relationship last longer. Moreover, I think I would have physically harmed him if I found out he was doing whatever he wanted (we didn't live together) while I was passing up dick. I do understand how seeing me getting fucked hurt him because I think deep down, he wanted to be in an exclusive relationship but wasn't capable of being monogamous himself. We broke up in 2015 and still remain close friends to this day. We recently talked about this topic of monogamy. He reiterated again what I thought back then - he expects monogamy - yet he's still on every app and at one point was play for pay (he's conventionally very attractive). And to your point about not venturing into the dunes at the same time: this was easy because one of us stayed with our valuables on the beach while the other cruised. If neither of us was gone too long, there were no issues😅. By the way, I'm 99% sure he is the guy who pozzed me years ago. I was only going raw with him and two other guys at the time and the other two claimed to be negative when I confronted them. My ex refused to get tested when we started dating, despite me insisting on it. He eventually broke down and found out he was poz, with what the doctor called an "old" infection. He would likely not be alive today had I not pushed him to get tested because it took years to get his CD4 level out of the AIDS territory range. Even he would tell you this. We are in a way bonded together for life and despite everything that happened, I still have ❤️ for him.
  24. Some years back, I was on vacation in Portugal with my bf at the time. We had an open relationship, but it was don't ask, don't tell. We had been at the beach for several days, with each of us venturing off into the dunes to have sex with other guys. One day, we decided to go for a massage at a place about 20 minutes from our usual spot on the beach. I had my massage first and left for the beach, while my bf received his massage. While I am alone on the beach, this guy who had been flirting with me a couple of days prior, started cruising me hard. In no time, he's fucking me doggy right there on the beach. Mid-fuck, my bf walks up and the guy says "Oh shit your friend is here!" He finishes fucking me and loading me. I was gutted. The look of disappointment in my bf's eyes when he caught me is forever etched into my memory. I didn't enjoy being caught that day.
  25. This scenario seems perfectly reasonable to me. My car doesn't run on air if I decide to travel to the guy, so why should I not be willing to contribute if he asks (for a reasonable amount). I see it as a dick delivery fee, akin to ordering takeout. 🤣 If I like a guy and gas money means I get his load, then I'm down for it. I can't take this money with me when I die so...🤷‍♂️.
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