I recently moved down from NYC to ATL, and went to CU with my new black boy in both October and November. I remember fucking you in the back room (I remember the mesh armbands). I also fkd you at Poz/Prep Play (P3) . Now that I see your poz-off meds, I will def fuck you again at P3 in December. I like P3 because of the attitude. I like the guys in ATL -- i only saw one rubber used. The CU on Nov 22 got really hot. I am turned on by guys who go barefoot, and there were 5 dudes there totally naked -- i fucked 3 of them. I like to keep circulating through Club Manifest. I meet my black boy there, we play separately, then cum together at the end. I like CU in ATL much better than CU at Paddles-NYC-Manhattan. Paddles is a cold basement, and because I was on several other BB party lists, I avoided CU at Paddles. I will register on BBRT for CU next month, to add to the numbers and show that i will attend.