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Everything posted by pigpozdad

  1. love how you encourage my bad behavior

  2. I recently had a Pharmacist at a club. He was poz for about 6 months (he got it at local bath spa, and was pretty sure which of two BBC had done it to him), He was on PrEP, and very very proud to be poz. Amazing attitude. He stayed at the club for 2 hours, and then went off to the spa where he got pozzed. He had a deep need to get fucked, and his pits were amazing.
  3. yes, go to Hillside. When I had a friend in Pennsylvania, i used to go three times a summer. Also look for "The Woods" campground, also in PA, and closer to Philly: https://www.thewoodscampground.com/
  4. Thx so much for getting it.  We need to see an explosive growth in new cases

  5. i do -- i lov my mushroom sucked, independently of sucking the whole shaft
  6. The weather has improved, so i will return to Club Manifest and WED humpday parties. Anyone in ATL, meet me
  7. Feet: i lov barefeet cos: 1) you can smell if a guy is actually sick by his sweat (check Chinese Medicine) 2) i hate boots or shoes in my face knocking into my face as i fuck a bttm on his back. 3) My exBF was a junkie and I could smell if he had been previously well-used, even if he cleaned up his ass. 4) It's dirty and edgy. 5) If you are a sub, then what right do you have to withhold any body part? Learn how to be a better perv.
  8. thx for finding me on recon.com

    I am glad youre so horny, now that youre poz

    1. PupLucca


      You're welcome and thank you as well

  9. If you like ass and it's contents, then look on scatboi.com

    Look at PissOrPoz

    1. pozBAMA
    2. pigpozdad


      Yep. Sniff, lick, dive into my hole 

  10. Chin up.  Use your meds, and stay on a healthy diet.  Become a freak much later on, whenever this sinks in.

  11. Guys dont know how to suck on a mushroom. At last week's ATL CumUnion, i had to tear myself away from some mouth, and he really roughed up my cockhead. Here is my trophy. This is after 2 days of putting zinc oxide on it. But i was back in action in 3 days
  12. I recently moved down from NYC to ATL, and went to CU with my new black boy in both October and November. I remember fucking you in the back room (I remember the mesh armbands). I also fkd you at Poz/Prep Play (P3) . Now that I see your poz-off meds, I will def fuck you again at P3 in December. I like P3 because of the attitude. I like the guys in ATL -- i only saw one rubber used. The CU on Nov 22 got really hot. I am turned on by guys who go barefoot, and there were 5 dudes there totally naked -- i fucked 3 of them. I like to keep circulating through Club Manifest. I meet my black boy there, we play separately, then cum together at the end. I like CU in ATL much better than CU at Paddles-NYC-Manhattan. Paddles is a cold basement, and because I was on several other BB party lists, I avoided CU at Paddles. I will register on BBRT for CU next month, to add to the numbers and show that i will attend.
  13. Yes. Since October 2017, i go to most every WED Hump Night (except DILF, underwear nights) i loved CU, Blackout and espec Poz/Prep Play (P3), P3 is sparsely attended, but the pigs are very oversexed.
  14. Lotta guys go on Truvada and later abandon it. Just ride the wave of your slut emotions --- if you get pozzzed, get on meds initially, and began Grad School. BTW, what is the subject you will study (Medicine would be hot, and you certainly wouldnt be the only poz doctor out there).
  15. also on xtube: FISTBOTTOMBOI who does prolapsing, stretching, dildo, and saline
  16. there are two dudes back in NY who say they can tell me by my smell.  They have found my ass in the dark, and I guess its a combination of my cock lube + my ass stink.  I hope to add youto that sub-group

  17. IMPORTANT MESSAGE: Browser ID could not be determined. Your login cannot be verified.
  18. look on xtube for: BULGEXXL
  19. me too. I had to make an in box rule in my yahoo to delete the messages, which come with every login.
  20. i am on NKP and dont PnP myself. but expect the bttm to be spun and flying. I have no problems
  21. are you able to test your VL without the clinic putting yu on meds?

    1. cumbottom4use


      they want me to be on meds after I tested but I refused

  22. Me too. I mos def posted in the wrong section, and I quoted about some video on a site which the moderator said "had pirated videos". How was I supposed to know? Anyways, I had a total of nine (9) points, but the mod listed 5 points for one infraction and three for another. I guess he couldn't count, as 5+3=8, and not 9.
  23. i like sweaty raw bears, pigs, anything slutty

  24. Glad to see youre poz and doing your job for the poz army

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