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Everything posted by Bttm2go

  1. It's not fun but does happen. You just need to get past it.
  2. That was a hot time. I also like to suck the guys cock clean after he unloads inside me.
  3. Damn hot. Love sex clubs/bathhouses.
  4. I try to keep it inside as long as I can. It usually just soaks in by morning.
  5. If I was in KY I would gladly take your loads. What a hot cock.
  6. Married guys are hot. They are generally very horny and really get into fucking. I love looking at their ring as they unload in me.
  7. I like position one and double penetration-top or bottom. I just feels good.
  8. I like both long and short hook ups. However, I do like at least a half hour. A couple three hours can be fun too. Depends on how good the top is.
  9. Love twisted...more please.
  10. I have used elastic wrist bands to carry lube, poppers and other small items.
  11. I like to take the guys jock when I can.
  12. Every guy I hook up with on A4A or BBRT always bareback. Even the safe sex only guys. Maybe it's where I live or travel, but I don't see guys using condoms anymore.
  13. I love poppers, but I have never used them while on the toilet. Interesting idea.
  14. I HATE it when a bottom is playing with his cock. His full attention should be on pleasuring the top who is fucking him. Touching your cock shows a lack of respect. I could care less about my cock while I am getting fucked. When I top, I'll slap his hand away.
  15. I used to read some pretty dark erotic stories on Nifty, but I could not do them in reality. I did find them hot though. I guess I would find out what he didn't like and stretch his boundaries. Perhaps fuck and fist a total top. I'm sure I can come up with some more stuff.
  16. I had a friend who put some hard liquor in his hole. Really fucked him up. Had to go to the emergency room. I would not do it.
  17. Absolutely. They tend to line up when they see you being used. Guys want what the other guy has...ur ass.
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