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  • Birthday June 22

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    Deutschland - Germany
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  1. This could be an interesting story. Did you experience what you're writing about?
  2. Pearl in the ocean of boring fuck stories. You stimulate the imagination. Often stories are rolled out until they are dry and juiceless. . You in short - your ideas are new and fresh. There's nothing else to do but open the fly: the stiff wants to come out and be used. Here comes the juice - grin. I'm curious to see what else you come up with. Your short stories with successful Poz. Do you want to stay so negative or do you want to be surprised? Your imagination inspires me to write something myself. with translation program, unfortunately often bad - sorry
  3. It's a shame I can't speak English. I fantasized about The Movie a little further. I first have to translate what is so interesting to you in context. You probably don't know other stories from PozzitiveDesires?
  4. No, unfortunately we can't continue because he's no longer here. A real shame. I would like to know where you can find him and what else he wrote under another name.
  5. can now be found here as a guest and no longer under his name. Does anyone know what his name is now or where I can find him? His stories are just good and imaginative. Sorry many, many others are lame and boring. I know another story here that he wrote: Mutual Corruption – Part II Are there any others, please name them. Unfortunately, I can only speak German and have to have everything translated automatically. How can I find this sharp and horny needle in the haystack of boring stories?
  6. can now be found here as a guest and no longer under his name. Does anyone know what his name is now or where I can find him? His stories are just good and imaginative. Sorry many, many others are lame and boring. I know another story here that he wrote: The Movie (Revisited) Are there any others, please name them. Unfortunately, I can only speak German and have to have everything translated automatically. How can I find this sharp and horny needle in the haystack of boring stories?
  7. Maybe what I write now is no longer necessary: you are a doctor Here in Germany doctors are sworn to secrecy. You can tell your cousin about a young man. When you weren't in the place where you both live now, he told you he was gay. And then you can tell him everything about you as if this strange young man had told you that. The young man has now come into contact with you again. You can tell your cousin that you can understand the young man very well (maybe even: because you somehow feel the same way). But you don't know how to help the young man. Your cousin may know how to help the young man. Sorry, I do not speak English. The automatic translation is often incorrect.
  8. No, already finished? You can do more, that shows how you surprised us. The jealous man wanted THE gift for his friend. Don't just stop. Surprise us with another idea Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
  9. h it's not the end. I have a little more of his journey with Tom then I am going tp continue it in another section. ??? ---- ???
  10. At the age of 14, an older boy took me to a floor chamber in the neighboring house, where there were many feather beds. There he fucked me. It was very painful. I often went to him even though the pain was. Even today my ass has not got used to it. So I don't let myself be fucked. My prostate does not react with a feeling of pleasure when massaging it.
  11. Still not infected? How much time has passed when he was with Tom for the first time? After four weeks, Chris could you get her flu? Who cares the dear guy then, who gives him love when he suffers? Will Chris be happy despite the pain that he is finally part of it? Sorry automatic translation. Maybe fault? ??
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