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Everything posted by Rancor4

  1. Uncut. Babysitter's teenaged son
  2. Nice...Greensboro, here.
  3. About age 8 or 9, I was taught by an older cousin and his friend. They were around 14, best I remember. It was quite a discovery! I didn't do it regularly until I was 11 and hair began sprouting.
  4. Dan Fisk (the first top to appear) needs to return to porn. His scenes are always smoking hot!
  5. It's a huge problem in my area. It seems like at least 60% - 70% of the guys who say they are coming over don't show up. I used to think it was something about me, but by chatting with other guys in my area, I found they have the same problem with flakes.
  6. Grant Fagan passed away in late 2017. I don't know if the cause of death was released publicly. [think before following links] https://www.wikiwand.com/ms/Grant_Fagan
  7. This story is wonderful! Thank you, NECub, for crafting it so well and sharing it with us!
  8. I got mine beginning at about age 12 and a half. Most guys seemed to be on the same timing as me, though we had a ginger classmate who had a deep voice and full bush by the beginning of 6th grade!
  9. And video it! 😉😈
  10. I've watched your vids for years...love your work! Welcome!
  11. Hot pics, @latintoppoz!
  12. I do the same! 😉
  13. Yes! I am the same way, here.
  14. Greensboro here...looks like I need to move to Charlotte for the action! 🤣😉
  15. Nice video! Please make more!
  16. Hot video! Would love to see more vids from you!
  17. I always seed when I top, regardless of anything else.
  18. I plug up every load I take so it may absorb, and he becomes part of me. I can't imagine willfully pushing out a load.
  19. He died in 2017, according to the posthumous posts people made on his Facebook page. I have no details about his death, however.
  20. Awesome!
  21. Of course I did. 😈😈 Born naughty, here. 😉
  22. Yes!! One of the first gay porn vids I ever saw as a "youngster"...I sneaked a peak at my uncle's VHS tape of this. I am still in love with David Ashfield's cock and Grant Fagan's hole!
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