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Everything posted by hungry_hole

  1. I've had what I thought was fuck-flu a couple of times but I guess it was just another virus. I had cold sweats, headaches, and I was sure I had pozed. But no. Next time it may be a different story and the only way to know for sure is an HIV test. I'm sure that viral load test would also prove an HIV+ status but those are more expensive and requested once the HIV test comes back positive.
  2. A couple of times in the past I have shot my load while getting fucked. It feels good but it takes away from focusing on that cock fucking my hole. I let the top continue fucking only after a few seconds of focusing on myself. But after that it feels great getting fucked. What I sometimes do is jerk off in my room and then rest for a few minutes, before getting on the public sling at the sauna. I feel I can offer a better cumhole for horny guys who wanna cream a hole. When I whore-out a young bottom at the sauna I usually ask him to jerk-off before I let guys in the room. I once took an eager twink bottom to a sauna and put him on the public sling. So many guys wanted to fuck this twink on the sling that he got so horny with the attention that when the third guy was fucking him, he shot his load and wanted to go home right away. He felt guilty with two loads in his hole, but only after he shot hus wad.
  3. What I've said in other threads is that not disclosing HIV+ status is acceptable in a totally anonymous setting, like saunas, sex-clubs, parks, gloryholes. Nobody can come after you and say something like "He was on the other side of the gloryhole when he creamed my hole but he didn't disclose his HIV status". But when the encounter is more personal the guy who is HIV+ is risking legal problems given that the "victim" (hardly a victim) may have information such as cell#, email, profiles, etc. As it has been said here, we can place ALL the responsibility on the poz guys because everyone has to protect themselves if they want to stay HIV-neg. In other words, stealthing OK but only when it's anon.
  4. Awesome post by Vacant Poster! Many think that only the "undesirables", old, ugly, etc, frequent dark places. But no! I've seen many hot guys who love playing in dark places.
  5. I was in Santiago (Chile) last January and rented a beautiful, extremely well located apartment from HungLatinDom. The building has excellent security and all visitors must register upon entry. There are cameras even in the elevators and in every floor. Supermarket right downstairs with everything you may possibly want, including booze. For a wlk-in I would get on the local spanish chat or Manhunt and hook up with guys for a walk-in bareback fuck. It was fairly easy to get guys because walk-ins are not common in Chile, probably because of the security issue. The message on the chat would read "bareback bottom, downtown, walk-in fuck, door ajar, description..." It definitely caught guys attention and many told me that the idea of a walk-in was hot. The doorman would call me, I would authorize the entry, open the door of the apartment and wait for the guys on my bed, on my 4s. I took several loads in these walk-ins. I think I was pretty lucky that nothing happened to me, but I guess it's the good security they have in the building. The night walk-ins were the best because the apartment was dark with hardly any light. Just a few signs made with glow-in-the dark paint saying: "Cumhole" or "Crem my hole". I love walk-ins!
  6. I don't like using the term "Gay Community" because there's no such thing. From all "the men who have sex with men" some self-identify as gay, others as bisexual, and others self-identify as straight. Then there's men who only masturbate and never have sex withe neither men or women, men who choose not to share their sexuality with anyone. Waht joins men in cruising place is the fact that they are men and not their sexual orientation. I agree with rawTOP that men like SEX, and we like pure SEX without necessarily any kind of love or emotionl connection. I've had sex with men with whom I shared emotional conection and I've enjoyed these encounters very much. But I find that I enjoy much more having anonymous sex in saunas, darkrooms, etc. Because I don't percieve anonymous sex as disgusting, anonymous sexual encounters bring me a lot of emotional peace. The only aspect of anonymous sex that could perhaps be called "disgusting" is the high probability of transmission of infections. In this area each man must decide for their own which risks he is willing to take to fulfil his sexual needs. I know that ONE man will never fulfil my needs.
  7. I like wearing a pair of black shorts with a hole painted with white glow-in-the-dark paint. If I can get a sling at the suna, even better (see picture attached). It works for me.
  8. I feel the same way but lately I only clean myself when I'm going to get fucked. I'm definitely obsessed with having a clean hole when I get fucked.
  9. When I go to the sauna and rent the room with with a sling, once I'm on it and the door of the room is open, what turns me on is not the type of man but that a horny guy will come in, want to fuck my hole and then cream it. When it comes to anonymous action I really don't care what the guy looks like. I'm glad I came across pozbrad, a slutty young bottom because I'm just like pozbrad but only much older.
  10. My latest HIV test was negative in December 2012, but I've taken lots of loads since so anything is possible in my next HIV test.
  11. In this debate Tight vs. Loose holes, I favor loose holes because of many of the reasons given here. As a bottom, I can loosen up my hole but at any time I can tighten it. I particularly like loosening up once I notice the guy fucking me is starting to shoot. Are there bottoms with a loose hole that cannot tighten their holes?
  12. It's all over the Internet. The government of Iceland is working on a law to ban online porn. First if all, how will they accomplish this? Then, what is porn and what's not porn. Really stupid idea, in my opinion. Because the Internet and Porn are one and the same. Remember the days of Usenet and the Group Alt.sex? Thousands of messages daily
  13. I spent a few hours at the local sauna yesterday for Valentine's day. I rented a room with a sling, left the door of my room open. Good anonymous breeding. Anyone else had a good Valentine's day?
  14. I was recently in Santiago, Chile and noticed that attitudes towards homosexuality have changed quite a bit. A 20 yr-old told me that he was on a city bus with his dad, who knows his son is gay. A couple of young gay boys were also on the bus, singing and having a good time, when someone on the bus started yelling: "Those faggots, get off the bus!". The father of the boy stood up and said that his son was gay and that he was proud of him. "And the person who has to get off the bus is you!" pointing at the person who had started complaing. Then people on the bus started clapping. When I told this story to a niece of mine, she told me that something similar had happened in her university class. She is attending Medical School at a Catholic university and in one of the religion classes a priest started saying that homosexuality is a sin, etc, etc. One of the students got up and told the priest that he is gay and that he cannot identify with anything the priest was saying about being gay. Then, the students began to clap and the priest had to shut up. Attitudes towards same-sex relations have changed in many countries. But what has to change next is the attitude towards free sex between men. Yeah, many people are willing to accept men getting married and living together, but the need that men have for porn and impersonal/anonymous sex is still not accepted. Let's face it, men like sex and this fact should be accepted. This is for me the big one.
  15. When I was young (in my 20's) I only found young men attractive and sexy. Older men, late 30's and older, were not attractive to me at all. I remember my frustration in cruising places where most of the men were older. That's why now I respect younger men and never bother them unless they take the initiative. Now that I'm older I still feel the same way and the only men I find really atrractive are young men university age until late 30's, depending on the man. I enjoy very much a ride on a city bus that goes to a university: lots of eye candy. Some exceptions are men like Tim McGraw or Kenny Chesney, both country singers who are 42. However, when I'm in the mood for sex, age is no longer an issue. But of course, I still prefer younger men.
  16. For me the big turn-on is cum (not poz cum) so if I cum when I'm being fucked the idea of getting another load up my butt gets me going again and I become a hornier bottom. As a bottom I've noticed many tops who after they shoot their load, they want out of there ASAP. And I kinda like that, being used and then discarded. I've had tops who continue fucking and go on to shooting a second load without even pulling out. A fuck-buddy of mine, black guy, mid 30's, 8.5, comes to mind. He would invoke God every time he came. But I also had a fuck-buddy who after he came I couldn't even touch him because his skin would become too sensitive.
  17. A fuck buddy of mine would become very sensitive all over his body when he was cuming and would ask me not to touch him while he was cuming. It happened every time. Never met anyone else like that
  18. My sexual needs and fetishes are mine and mine alone and I never expect no one guy to satify me sexually. For my sexual gratification I have porn and sexual escapades to saunas and other anon sex places. A relationhip is something else where sex is really unimportant. Sex may be part of the relationship for a period of time but it will never be a fundamental part of it.
  19. I've taken at least one load every day of 2013
  20. I think that there's less of an age limit for tops, but there are stricter age limitations for bottoms. Not that 50+ bottoms can't get fucked, because I do a lot, but in general when topping guys prefer mostly younger guys in their 20's, 30's and early 40's. I wouldn't call it ageism because we all know that what drives male-male attraction is masculine power and unfortunately we begin to loose it in the late 50's and up. Older men begin to look more like older women, flabby bodies, etc. Compared to bodies of men between 20's and 50's, which are very different from women the same age. I accept the age limitation because when I was young older men did not turn me on at all.
  21. I'm not particularly fond of big cocks because of the damage they can cause to my hole. I'm not sure if every bottom can train to take huge cocks. There may be some physical limitations for some bottoms, no matter how much they train. I know I'm one of them. If the cock that fucks me is too thick I notice pain afterwards and can't keep getting fucked by others.
  22. I'm in a relationship but sex is not part of it. I prefer having sex by myself, masturbating watching porn. If I include anyone else I like it to be in an anonymous setting because that way it feels to me as if I'm having sex by myself. Impersonal/Anonymous sex to me is masturbation enhanced by the presence of other male bodies. It would be difficult to replicate this with someone I knew because then it wouldn't be sex by myelf.
  23. Sexual role playing with a boyfriend may be fun but to be honest, I rather have real anon sex with strangers.
  24. 30 years ago most universties in the US and Canada had at least one washroom that was cruisy and where sucking and fucking took place. My university had two cruisy washrooms. One of these washrooms was right next to the university pub and on Friday nights many drunken students would drop by. This one washroom had 2 large gloryholes and sometimes they would be patched up, only to reappear days later. But about 20 years ago all of a sudden they removed a couple of panels and added some light and the action went away for ever. Never to come back. And the same thing happened to all gloryholes in university bathrooms across Northamerica. Amazing! Gloryholes moved into the saunas, bookstores, etc. But this only in Northamerica because in places like Santiago, Chile gloryholes in public bathrooms (universities, malls, etc) are still around.
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