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Everything posted by Petereater

  1. Has me boned☣️
  2. This story and writing simply gets increasingly better... I'll keep an eye out for a birthday invite ☣️
  3. So many directions that this could go... looking forward to seeing what you have in mind ☣️
  4. VERY GOOD START to the weekend ☣️
  5. Looking forward to the continuation...
  6. Indeed a great start, looking forward to where this goes☣️
  7. Great fucking story!...☣️
  8. Oh fuck, this story begs for more ☣️
  9. Have been fuck with horse cock and ball a couple times... AWESOME sensation...
  10. You captured the feeling of doubt our boy is experiencing just prior to committing to his long sought conversion ☣️... awesome!
  11. Well fuck, really great writing... hoping that there will be more ☣️
  12. Fuck yeah he wants it!.. great writing
  13. Fuchk yeah!.. bring it on ☣️
  14. ...would love to hear more about Shawn's ☣️ adventures.
  15. I am starting to imagine what might happen at this alleged pool party...☣️ Great setup!
  16. Oh yeah, bring it on☣️
  17. I sense a multifaceted conversion cumming☣️🦯
  18. I love this, great place in your writing... you have my attention ☣️
  19. AMAZING story, thank you for the continuation BTM4BBRN. I am looking forward to more forced conversions☣️
  20. I am sporting a 00ga PA. I tell bottoms to think of a prostate stimulator on steroids ☣️
  21. This is a FUCKING HOT STORY ☣️, love how you've used incest as a conversion vehicle...
  22. Damn HOT story ☣️
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