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Everything posted by Petereater

  1. I bet that he'll show him his place ☣️
  2. Great start, looking forward to the next step...
  3. It should also be noted that there is a world wide shortage of condoms and few being manufacturer. Not a big issue here, perhaps more conversions among the "safe sex only crowd" more brothers rediscover BB sex.
  4. Very good set up for what is suggested is coming ☣️
  5. We all have to start somewhere...
  6. I am love how the gang is stealthing Chris...DAMN HOT STORY!
  7. I am excited to see where this group takes Chris...am half expecting that this is a " conversion camping trip" very HOT start.
  8. castration play, I love it!.. of course depending on just how tight that rope is, Rod my end up a nut-less wonder... HOT!
  9. Very HOT!
  10. Such an unexpected birthday surprise!... Love it!
  11. Your story is getting interesting, I am looking forward to the next chapter
  12. Love the setup!
  13. Awesome start!
  14. Great story! It's always HOT to read about chasers that are finding success!
  15. Interesting!.. I don't produce enough smeg to work as a lube, fun to think about...Mayo for JO... have to give that a go one of these days...
  16. Yup, more"action" is definitely in order, hot story...BTW I met my hubby at a rest area hook up 20 year ago.. who knew...
  17. A PA with spikes, HOT!
  18. Thanks for the follow Mate!

  19. Loving the conversion from innocence..
  20. I have had Sarcoidosis when I was in my mid 30s(66 now) Sarcoidosis is an auto-imune disease that has varying symptoms and looks a lot like HIV. I lost a lot of weight went from 180 to 120ish...night sweats, fatigue(was unable to work. My blood counts where always way outside of the norm. Spent months I'm hospital on AIDS floor try to get a diagnosis Turns out my auto-imune system was over active and trying to killme (it almost succeeded a couple time during ambulance ride to hospital). I was treated with Prednisone which did the trick for me...that is another story though. Have fun and good luck out there!
  21. If Brad is going to be first, then I want to be second!..
  22. Nice! Hot start.
  23. Wow, twins...incest, F U C K!
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