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Everything posted by Petereater

  1. Very HOT start, I love imagining where this is going... Thank you!
  2. Why wait?
  3. ...looking forward to your new chapters... Thank you for a great story!
  4. Mine has never triggered an alarm, I travel both domestically and internationally. A little disappointing as I love to show it off. If TSA wants to see it I'd drop my pants on the spot. I am sporting a 00ga ring.
  5. Please tell us more!
  6. Might be time to check in with a urologist...
  7. Huge difference!
  8. I love my PA, only wish that I had gotten one sooner. 00ga here, started at 8 ga.
  9. This is going ng to be HOT!
  10. Probably not the biggest PA, but mine is 00ga. I could fit a larger gauge at this point, but will probably stay where I am...
  11. Great story, nice segway to what might be in store for Jess.
  12. Here's my honking PA... even the smooth edges results in a bloody fuck most of the time... OINK!
  13. Love this...hope to hear about the next session soon...
  14. Nicely written, short, sweet, and HOT!
  15. Great writing, I am looking forward to things getting even more twisted! CagedBBoy, you ROCK!
  16. never have as I tell the bottom boi if he's worried about chipping a tooth he's not taking me deep enough... simple solution!
  17. Great start, I love where this is headed...
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