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Everything posted by Kayne

  1. Tried poppers twice in my life literal decades apart. first time... nothing but the second time?! felt lin my head was cavi g in and my heart was gonna jump out .t throat and dance the YMCA a d run an iron man
  2. Men's Room sex is some of the best sex there is
  3. Thanks for following ! Your profile pic makes me one hungry fukker!

    1. pointz


      Thanks… hot profile and hot pix in the “Feed the beast”

      Hungry?….. cum get a taste anytime 

  4. Love Real Daddy n Boy combos. I've experienced it twice in my life . truly hot.
  5. LOL! No. But, When I was in the Trade, I had a Wicked Dry Cleaning Tab, so I have an idea
  6. I remember this behavior from long before the the web was as ubiquitous as it is today. I used to hate getting stood up like this with chat lines assholes. Its just gotten worse over time sadly.
  7. While I'm not into full on cross dressers (don't have anything against em, they just don't chub me up) Dudes in Suits wearing Stockings, or Sheer Dress socks , especially with sweaty feet can get my super hot. super fast. Something about a guy's cock hangin through the fly of a nice pair of slacks. bonus if he's uncut and white.wearing a dark suit, or black wearing a Ligh gray Suit. And I love banging out bubble asses younger men in well tailored suits
  8. yeah. I was talking about oral bottoms. Are you saying you'd be wearing the suit?
  9. Well, if you're a well dressed accountant in a high end suit and can pretend to be like a tax auditor. I know som duded that would get off on being totally naked, leashed and attached by the mouth to your cock, choosing your dick over oxygen lol
  10. Its a crapshoot. Never know when I'll get hard while bottoming I'm a switch so it doesn't matter to me.
  11. We think along the same lines. Thpugh I might enquire about your profession, and it would have nothing to do with anything financial gain , go getting anything from you besides sex. I have a massive uniform kink So, such a thing ma be offensive to you, and that is completely valid, but there is a valid reason to ask. Military Man, Cop, Fireman, Milk Man, Priest. Business Suits,, Football [ American ]It may be worth asking..
  12. Gonna step out on qa limb here. As it seems I am in the minority, but one can only best speak from his personal experiences so Here Goes. Do I think you were in the right to ask? Yes. Do I think he was an qsshole for breaking contact and blocking you? No. You are not Obligated to Fuck Anyone And You are Not obligated to Lower your Standards, or Violate Your Boundaries. You have every right to walk away from.qn encounter that makes you feel Uncomfortable or unsafe There's just one thing... Human Relationships are a TWO way street. Just as you are not obligated to do anyone the above, your potential partner is similarly not Obligated. You are free to make the choices that work for you, But so is he. This is where compromise comes into play. You give a little. you get a little in return As others have said, At the end of the day you can only look after yourself. Test results can be faked. He can Straight up lie. He could walk away.. You have no way of knowing. There is risk in everything, but if you wanna play the game, you can mitigate those risks. You can play safe. but since you're here on a barebackers forum, I'm gonna say that it's off the table. You can Use PrEP. just remember PrEP doesn't prevent everything. I dated a college professor for a little over three months. he hid that he was a meth addict. He hid that he was poz and that he wasn't on meds. I found this out one night. We were having a night in with "friend" of his. We drank,we wound up playing I showered after, and while cleaning up I found out the truth. He welcomed me "to the club" When I hit the roof he said something to me that stuck. "If you're Fuckin' You Gotta Assume Everyone is PoZ". So Do what makes YOU Feel Safe, just remember, Your right to reject a partner is also his right to reject you.
  13. My Response here is going to be in 3 parts. Okay a few things. 1) Say it with me... MEN CAN BE RAPED ! Any time you can provide consent but don't or cannot provide consent because you're unconscious or Intoxicated, (forced or voluntary) ,Physically Forced (Bodily Assaulted using a weapon), the Inducement is Statutory (Prisoners, Underage. Mentally Infirm) or Transactional Inducement (As in using Blackmail, other threats, or using Finances or An Addiction to force sexual contact) You have been Raped. 2. ) Anyone can be RAPED. It doesn't matter if you are A Sex Worker, An Addict, Under Age, Mentally ill, Promiscuous ( a self described pig/ whore) A prisoner of the state, EVEN PEOPLE IN MOMGAMOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR MARRIED CAN BE RAPED 3) You are Not OBLIGATED TO HAVE SEX If he buys you a drink or takes you out for a meal or a show- you are not obligated to have sex. You are not obligated to have sex for a roof over your head You are not obligated to have sex to get other basic needs met He is Not allowed to manipilate, Coerce or gaslight you into Sex 4) It is not your Fault Your choice of clothes/ where you travel/ your level of intoxication/your poor choices/ Being Unconscious Do not give anyone the right to use your body as they please 5) Abuse of Power to Force Sexual Compl9ance Is Rape Boss, Cop, Priest, Correction Guard, Commanding Officer... DOES NOT MATTER! Forcing Sexual Compliance through Rank is Rape 6) Kids Cannot CONSENT TO SEX! 7) Arousal During the Act Or Fantasize about it after, does not In.any way imply Consent Just because.you Get Hard, Get Wet, Cum,. Moan, Feel Good, Take Pleasure. Liked it once it was over or fantasize about it now that nits passed, Does not mean you Weren't Raped Natural bodily responses to stimuli of exogenous zones does not imply consent. 8).You can say No! or STOP! at ANY TIME! Consent is yours to Grant or Rescind! Change your mind once his cock is in you? too bad, No, he doesn't get to "Finish" He Feels 'Led On" Tough. He does not have the right to violate your bodily autonomy. It doesn't matter if you are in your marital bed, or a piece of meat in a sling at a public gangbang / Bathhouse . 9) ""Bleu Balls" Is not an excuse. Come on, Really Guys donI have to point this out? and lastly 10.) No Means No. Rejected him? He does not get to put you in any situation where he ""Gets his way" Bonus Round: 11) RAPE IS AN ACT OF VIOLENCE Regardless if Violence is used against you 12) Stealthing Is RAPE Fantasies and Role play are fun and that is one thing, but passing "gifts" to an ignorant / unsuspecting partner is a violation of trrust and disgusting deriliction of one's duty of care. to another. It is assault. 13) Previous Consent with a Partner does not mean Continued Consent! Just because you Let Steve fuck you on Monday, Doesn't mean he automatically has the right to fuck you on Wednesday and Friday. 14) TOPS CAN BE RAPED TOO! This idea that Men can only have possibly been raped if he DIDN'T get hard is STRAIGHT UP BULLSHIT. ----------‐‐----------------------------------‐‐---- This next part is likely to rub some people the wrong way, but these are Opinions. Please keep in mind that we all have opinions and you have the right to differ in your view. Keeping all the above in mind, I believe in Personal safety, responsibility and Common Sense 1) Don't Party and Play and get Upset the next day because you."feel bad '' about your previously consensual activity the night before. 2) Don't Consent thinking you're going to gain something ( a job. a relationship/ him to leave his partner/ Family, A rise in social status, , a scholarship and say it was rape when things don't go your way. While Sex Workers can and Do get Raped, a sex worker gets their compensation UP FRONT 3) Don't Put yourself in inherently dangerous situations expecting nothing to happen. examples include, Hitchhiking, Drinking random shit you didn't see poured/ have eye contact with in a crowded bar/ club. Going home with anyone at "closing time" Drinking "more than your limit" Getting so high you lose control. Being Alone with a Pro Athlete / Entertainer in His hotel room at 3 in the morning. -------------‐----------- And finally, I was raped. I was systematically raped from my earliest childhood until well into my teens. My abuse began with my own Father and progressed to my "Godparents", some cousins and people that I, as a child, was told I could trust like police officers, doctors, teachers and members of the clergy. Some Assaults were violent and traumatic nightmare fuel, others were accomplished through grooming, and manipulation. I wasn't always taken violently. Some offenses were sweet and done with "love". Some offenses were accomplished through the sex trade.I have experienced Rape as Stripper/ Gogo Boy. I have been Raped as an "Escort" Some Assaults happened as a result of Blackmail. I was set upon when I did not have maturity or agency. When I was older and was flexing my limited agency I may have sought certain outcomes. That I was taken up on them when under the age of consent is unfortunate, and regardless of how I feel about those encounters, they too are actual rape.
  14. This isn't really sex related, but the nerd in me feels the need to honor the passing of one of the greatest men on this mud ball of a planet to ever don the Cape Cowell Yesterday, November 10th The world lost Kevin Conroy. The Voice of Bruce Wayne/ Batman in tons of Batman related media since 1992. And the Best part about this is that Kevin was a part of our Community. He wasn't loud or flashy, but I like the fact that him being gay, and one of the most celebrated Men to ever play the role Made him one of us. I love that his portrayal of the fabled Dark Knight was born of his Experiences being a gay man. I was fortunate enough to be honored with the chane to meet him, shortly after meeting Mark Hamill The Batman TAS Boxed set he signed is one of my most precious possessions. he Will always be Batman to me (Along with Keaton and West) I feel as if a member of my family has died. I know a irreplaceable part of my childhood has.
  15. Yesss! that was fucking fire! Oh I Very much agree! No Problem. She was never in Silent films Sheila's a stage and Radio star before making her screen debut as Charles Foster Kane's mother in 1941's Citizen Kane" One of the greatest films of all time.
  16. I'm a switch and I have mixed feelings about the issue. I like the term "Kunt" but mostly because that's what I heard said when I was a kid. If I am in a Top or 0Dominant role with a partner into degradation, / Humiliation / " feminization the terms " Pussy" or "ass pussy" are appropriate, though Ass pussy is cringy for me. I Do like seeing it in badly translated Bara Manga though for some reason The terms "Bussy" "mangina" "munt" and" boi pussy" all make me throw up in my mouth a little, which for me is a deal breaker. I love "Ass" "fuck hole" "chute" "cum catcher" and ""hole" and "starfish" are all acceptable and won't kill a mood. I write a little an just using 'ass/ asshole is monotonous and loved visual interest in text, in my opinion. Now I say that to say these are my preferences when I am in a Dominant or top role. I'm I'm getting a train run in me, I'm tied up and "R***d* (consenting non- con) I've lost the fight for dominance an am "being put in my place" or am just feeling submissive, then whatever "He" or in case of a gang "they" call meit is fair game, if that makes sense.
  17. Don' mentioned it! But I like being a big dumb cock obsessed himbo jock lol! Thanks mate!
  18. Oh God I miss REAL Lorna Doones. had to learn tonmake shortbread cookies myself. last box I bought went right back to the market. bloody awful!.
  19. Dude tell me about it, but in a weird way it makes sense, until you realize that males have the chemical receptors for that to not be a thing - but it is
  20. Adding my bit As I understand it. I remember this study was a big thing when I was in college. Caution... I'm a cock obsessed big dumb himbo jock so read the following with caution and critical thinking turned on. First, the study only focuses on Male Homosexuality, and does not explore female homosexual attraction.( I'll get to that in a.moment) Next, the study was a statistical analysis , however the sample pool was A) too small to do anything but suggest the phenomenon be studied further, and B) the study wasn't conducted long enough to produce any concrete data. this is the king of thing that needs to be followed through several generations, and I don't know any woman that would be that open obout the kinds of data needed to make this a concrete scientific fact. with that being said... The theory is based on a higher probability based on male children. what OP missed is that it takes into account ALL male children, whether on not the fetus makes it to term. It is a fact that Sperm determines the eventual sex of the fertilized egg. Female fetuses make it to term more often because male fetuses are regarded by the potential mom's as parasitic infections. The immune system does all it can to purge said infection. this is why there is a markedly higher instance of miscarriage for women carrying males. Most women will have one or more miscarriages in their lifetime. This typically happens long before said women ever realizes she is / was pregnant. So the body, marvel that it is, makes changes to a male fetus en utero to trick her body (accomplished by producing more estrogen ironically) into carrying the "parasitic invader to term" Those changes could be responsible for everything fom male homosexuality on s genetic level to trans persons. Studies have proven in Trans subjects there are changes to the xx/ xy chromosomes and sometimes there is even an extra x or y in that the body developes in one way, but the brain and hormones develop in a different way entirely. As for Female Homosexuality. there is data tha suggests that as far back as 800 million years ago and as soon as 600 million years ago the reproducing beings were female and reproduction was accomplished by cloning "egg layers" it wasn't until 350 to 250 million years after that point. this is when the science indicated gamites changed . It is currentl believed that Estrogen was the first of the proteins that turn on or off certain genes. the receptors for which can be found in testes to this day. as such female to female attraction can be seen as atavism on a genetic scale. Many of these things are still found in the smallest living things like plankton, bacteria an many other things one needs a microscop to see. Environmental cues can also have an effect and this is seen in the larger animal kingdom as a form or population control, but that is a different discussion I tend to believe this because of my history. I am the only child of 13 to make it full term and bast the first few minutes of life. but yeah, that the theory of what OP was talking about is based on, as I understand it. Remember though I'm a big dumb cock obsessed himbo jock
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