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Everything posted by ejaculaTe

  1. ejaculaTe

    Thesaurus of Cock

    Here's another online source for your work: http://www.sex-lexis.com.
  2. thanks for The follow..... ?

  3. You should have offered to give him a private reading....
  4. A friend once called it "the perverse operation of the universe." I think it's a universal constant, like the speed of light or Murphy's Law.
  5. Here's an example of what life was like then: In the mid-90s, my supervisor, R, had progressed from being HIV+ to having full-blown AIDS. At some point in 1994 or '95, his t-cell count went to zero. You didn't have to be a rocket scientist to know that his time was running out. The Monday after Thanksgiving 1995, his mother called me, asking if I had seen R or heard from him that day. When I said I hadn't, she asked me to go to R's apartment and check on him. A co-worker and I went to his apartment; the maintenance man let us in. R was on the bathroom floor, having died sometime Thanksgiving weekend. Every Thanksgiving I say a prayer and a toast in his memory.
  6. “Because if people are given too many variables, it becomes too difficult to make a decision. “Guys who stare at porn and apps constantly, flicking from image to image and profile to profile are deluged with options, and can't possibly reflect on what they really find attractive, let alone what they really want in a partner.” It’s called the “paradox of choice.” https://www.businessinsider.com/how-the-paradox-of-choice-could-explain-why-youre-still-single-2018-2 There’s a bit of academic controversy over the theory (no surprise there), but the concept describes what we encounter all too frequently.
  7. Has anyone noticed that the OP hasn’t been online here (at least under that screen name) since 2014....?
  8. The cable companies should include this as a promotional offer, considering the prices they charge.
  9. Age, assuming one was alert and smart enough to pay attention, does bring experience and knowledge. It often falls in the category of "if I knew then what I know now...." [By the way, Fuckboy20, according to his profile, hasn't been online for over 2 years. But your advice and observations are wise and well put.]
  10. I often think of it in terms of one's eyes being bigger than one's ass. It's the same impulse (definitely not a rational thought process) that would lead one to post Craigslist ads in search of 8 inches or more, despite never having taken a dick of any size in his ass. Captured by the fantasy of taking 8 inches, one can forget that the paper in the printer sitting near him is 8½ inches wide by 11 inches long, a rather foolish oversight. Einstein's theories of relativity didn't set out special rules for penis size.
  11. There's a thread in the "Sex with 'Enhancements'" section that talks about this: "Coke + poppers + 1/4 Viagra = bad combo?" (started June 7) (there might be others, but this is the one that I recalled). The general idea is that Viagra/Cialis and poppers can cause a sudden drop in blood pressure, causing the user to pass out.
  12. Speaking from all too recent experience, the pain associated with hemorrhoids is more than just a little discomfort. During the last bout, it felt as if someone was trying to insert a very hot piece of metal in me. Only after 10 days of prescription strength steroid suppositories (an experience in torture all by itself) did the inflammation go down enough for me to have the things banded. (My gastroenterologist is my favorite doctor.) If you think you can handle the pain, you are a far better man than I, and I wish you all the best.
  13. This story, for me, is about far more than a series of sexual encounters. Certainly, the sex is hot, and better yet, those scenes are really well written (narrating sexual action is not an easy task). But there's a sensuality and tenderness between Ken and the narrator that takes the story beyond mere bug-chasing porn. Instead of being a total pariah, Ken is humanized by the narrator's curiosity about Ken's sexual exploits -- that the narrator has his own purpose in eliciting details of Ken's sex life doesn't make his interest less genuine or impair our ability to see Ken as a man, more than a public health statistic or stack of medical records. In turn, the narrator's actions regarding his own health, likely incomprehensible to many, become at least somewhat easier for an onlooker to accept because the narrator has shown, through his acceptance of Ken, that he himself need not become a complete outcast. And Spermpig reminds us that though the ICD code of everyone who's HIV+ is the same, we each reached that point by our own separate and distinct paths.
  14. Thanks for the follow (and that party you attended sounded smokin' hot).

    1. thkpc


      It was.  These things don't always go as planned but this one did.  The guys were awesome. 

  15. it makes you well read. Punishment? You find an otherwise hoT-to-troT Top, but he doesn't do any of the scenes that you've read about.
  16. Better yet perhaps is to say you had been reading the stories on this site. There are plenty of stealth breeding stories here; browse and pick 2 or 3 that really get you hot. That will add an air of verisimilitude to your own words. And for whatever it's worth, I see no reason to advise friend B of friend A's penchant for stealth activity -- as long as to the best of your knowledge, Friend A has no STIs.
  17. It would hardly send a frisson of excitement through one's friends if one said he made it himself. Besides, one gets to sample the artisanal efforts of others.
  18. Some days, life just turns out to be absolutely grand, doesn't it...?
  19. hey, hot stuff..... glad to see you.

  20. Have you looked at the company's web site? Another idea is to look around at health food stores for a similar item or just the basic ingredients which don't appear to be esoteric or complicated.
  21. I had the worst crushes on my 9th grade math teacher and, two years later, on my 11th grade math teacher. Algebraic functions, indeed....!
  22. thanks for the follow....

  23. Thanks for the follow....

  24. thanks for the follow...

  25. 60....
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