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Everything posted by ejaculaTe

  1. now, to find a barber shop like that where i live. and it gives a new Twist to the question "would you like a facial, sir?"
  2. Hell, you're not even close. My temp ran between 102 and 103 for several days; I alternatively thought I was on fire or freezing (I was in front of the gas fireplace, the thermostat set at 82, 2 comforters over me, and I was still freezing). Every muscle felt as if an elf was inside, pounding with a hammer, and I was delirious for a couple of days.
  3. The story is damned twisTed... and I goT hard as a rock. Whew....!
  4. Nothing like experience to add to the realism of the wriTing.
  5. incredibly hoT and oh so TwisTed...
  6. Fuckin' hoT...!!
  7. exactly what i need.... a guy with a sling, a bunch of rigs, and some friends with large toxic dicks.
  8. fuck....! i need a barber like ThaT.
  9. fuck... like everyone else here, i could use a group of 5 like this.
  10. fuck... i feel as if i'm in The room with you.
  11. the baTh house eXperience we all dream about.... fuck, this is hoT...!!
  12. ejaculaTe


    so much for going to work the nexT day....
  13. For whatever it's worth (probably less than a cup of coffee at Starbucks), I totally agree. Anybody can write junk; it takes skill to write good fiction. Try pounding out 500 words describing a sex scene [ok, pun intended] and tell us how much time it took. And being slightly (or very) tweaked while doing it doesn't improve your skill in writing narrative or dialogue.
  14. totally hoT… and totally worth waiting for.
  15. the story has been simply greaT since the start, and this installment is even hotter….
  16. insanely twisTed....!
  17. you meet the most interesting people .... and the phrase "the two poor excuses for pillows" is absolutely spot on.
  18. insanely twisTed story -- and HOT!
  19. i need a broTher-in-law like that....
  20. I somehow missed this story when the first part was posted. But DAMN!, is this story hoT....
  21. smoking hoT as fuck...!
  22. wonderfully perverTed..... This beginning is absolutely spoT on: "Freedom. The last time I felt it was the last time I took meth.... Well, so maybe I wasn’t naked, more like decked out as the slut I am, the slut I become once I’ve shoved a load of crystal up my ass."
  23. this story is just insanely awesome (and it's giving me plenTy of twisTed ideas for play).....
  24. insanely hoT story....
  25. this is a seriously twisTed story -- i love it. "The best prey were the ones who thought that they were the true hunters, the apex predator, masters of all. With their perfect bodies and looks, every urge they had was satisfied by some worshiper who obeyed like a trained dog when given orders. Built by endless hours in the gym, they could pick any man they wanted out of the crowd and have their way with him. Nothing that entered their limited imaginations was denied them." as soon as i read that, i knew this story was going to be great.
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