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Everything posted by ejaculaTe

  1. Not that I've been in a gangbang lately, but I wonder if something generational was at work. (Hell, I still take the time to reply "Thanks, but not interested" instead of totally ignoring an email from someone.) And I gladly admit that my perspective is likely different than yours and that Miss Manners would agree with you in the abstract. But it strikes me that you're overthinking this incident (and I'd guess that would be Miss Manners' view as well).
  2. thanks for the follow....

  3. Exactly. First impressions are everything, and if your first impression is "WTF am I doing here?", then it's time to turn around.
  4. When he comes over on Friday night and does his laundry in between rounds of hitting the glass pipe and hitting my hole.
  5. Practice makes perfect and all that. Now to find an instrument like a 10" BBC to practice on...
  6. What insurance plan covers these office visits...?
  7. You're overthinking the situation. And a few extra pounds won't bother him -- that's the more difficult idea to get into your head given American culture.
  8. Don't underestimate the power of literature to move us. But never did I imagine that I'd be saying that in the context of a website devoted to bareback sex, etc. <shakes head in mild disbelief>
  9. Having been to Morgantown a few times (including being stuck there for 4 days after a spring blizzard), I can only dream that a small parade of college guys had presented itself at my hotel. Sigh....
  10. Hell, I don't wait to be "forced" to bury my face in a guy's armpit... I'm practically climbing up his arm to get to his armpit. And you're right about ticklish guys -- occasionally a real bummer, but not much to do about that.
  11. I had Sunday nights like that when I was working. I would pray for Monday to busy as hell -- I was okay if I kept moving.
  12. This is amazingly twisted. I simply love the theme of the doctor playing against the raw, poz bareback sex. Whew....
  13. How the fuck did I miss this story originally? Not paying attention on my part clearly.... This is one of the god damned best stories on the entire site. A huge thanks for putting in the time and effort to write this.
  14. Going back over one's past isn't easy at the best of times, especially when you're writing for an audience like the one you've found here. You're doing great. Just don't abandon the series in mid-fuck as so many other stories get abandoned. That will really piss off all of us.... ?
  15. Just figure that you won the equivalent of the lottery....
  16. Jeezus F. Crisco, you'll give us all blue balls if you stop now....
  17. I'm seriously addicted to black dick. In fact, I hardly show any interest in white guys who hit me up online -- somehow, in some deep corner of my psyche, sex with a white guy is less satisfying than sex with a black guy. Fortunately, I have a FB right now who's black and who likes to party. I feel as if I've won the lottery.
  18. thanks for the follow...

  19. Hell, we should start a "Starving Writer's Fund" or something like that.
  20. For whatever it's worth, I'm with you guys (Bear4Breeding and Pozpig) on this. It's the old "when push comes to shove" principle in operation -- expressing a fantasy is far more comfortable (and less threatening) than engaging in the act. But, assuming we're talking about online meeting sites, it does strike me that the distance between saying you're "into anything" and actually "doing anything" depends on the online site. If I read a profile on Recon, I'm pretty sure that the guy does what he says he's into. If I read a profile on Manhunt, I figure that regardless of his listed interests, the guy is pretty vanilla -- if he swallows your load, that's likely to be pretty far on the fringe for him. And then there's the bewilderment that can be caused by someone having profiles on multiple sites, for example, profiles on A4A and BBRT. A BBRT profile might well say things that the guy would never in a zillion years put in his A4A profile (because his friends might see it on A4A). This is why I gave up looking for consistency in profiles. On the other hand, my thinking about this just may be a sign that I have too much free time. (And yes, I know that I've made sweeping generalizations about human behavior.)
  21. Ok, let's have all the jokes about being screwed by your lawyer, but this time was different because [fill in the blank]. (And having practiced law at a time when writing was done with quill pens, I've likely heard most of the jokes....)
  22. The story is definitely hot, but damn if it doesn't have the feel of an episode of The Twilight Zone.....
  23. @pointme2thebug: thanks for following....

  24. Reading this sure beats reading the NY Times over Sunday morning coffee....
  25. Wow...! The description of the action is plenty hot. But what, for me, elevates this story above the usual chem sex stories is the portrayal of the psychological journey that each of the protagonists takes. And that portrayal of the journey for the bottom was a rather uncanny -- and disconcerting -- parallel to periods of my life. I sure as hell don't read too many stories or essays anywhere that have that effect. As I said at the beginning of this post, "Wow...!"
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