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Everything posted by ejaculaTe

  1. This beats the hell out of my visits to the doctor -- I always feel as if I've been called down to the principal's office. And hell yeah, some more, please, about the Doctor.
  2. Thanks for the follow...

  3. Jeezus F. Crisco... as everyone else has said, the story is hotter than Hell and the writing is flat out awesome. A huge thanks for putting in the time and effort....
  4. Everything that ErosWired said is absolutely spot on. Some additional observations: Don't assume that one top knows a number of other tops whom he is willing to contact. It's not as if there's a national registry of tops. In terms of telling your target audience about the event, A4A and BBRT might be your best bet though there are surely guys here who will swear by Craigslist. But with A4A and BBRT, it strikes me that you're reasonably sure that you're reaching the guys you want. And figure that only about ¼ of the guys who say they will appear actually do so. My last thought: discuss with the bottom beforehand what his limits are and what he expects you to do if a guy doesn't understand "No."
  5. Maximum Impact and how to use it (very sparingly, as it turns out) is the topic of a thread here: https://breeding.zone/topic/5829-maximum-impact/. And seriously, a little bit sprayed on a rag and then breathing through the rag for 3-5 seconds was more than enough for me.
  6. I see that staying home and talking to my dog is a pretty good choice after all. But I also admit to changing my mind, especially if it's to meet in a day or two instead of in an hour -- in mitigation, I always tell the other guy that I can't make it (and hopefully, far enough in advance of the planned encounter so he can make other arrangements). And though I can't find the reference I'm thinking of, introverted folks would seem to be more likely to make a date and then cancel.
  7. Thanks for the follow...

  8. Who in blazes was going to stop? People barely pay attention to the road and their driving, instead looking at their cellphone or car radio or the cd player; a naked man in the front yard, seen in the blink of an eye, will hardly make any impression on drivers. Passengers might have a better chance of noticing, but if your 8 year old says "Mom, there's a naked man over there," Mom is already 150 feet past the house and isn't inclined to believe her little darling. Your playmates had it figured out perfectly, in my opinion -- hide in plain view.
  9. You too? I had the same e-mail and deleted it.
  10. On a trip to San Francisco in the autumn of 1981 -- gono in the ass and hepatitis A (presumably from eating someone's ass). I was a nice shade of yellow for 10 weeks, the first 10 days of which I spent in the college infirmary.
  11. You wouldnt think that 4 cc (or 5 -- can't precisely recall at the moment) (which is a teaspoonful) of penicillin could hurt so much. I swore the nurse was pushing a marble into my ass.
  12. thanks for the follow...

  13. I'm going to make the assumption that your doctor used a banding procedure in the office on the hemorrhoids. At the risk of telling the world more about my ass than most sensible people want to know, I waited six weeks after the last banding. If you actually had surgery (OUCH..!!), you need to talk to your doctor. And even if you don't feel comfortable having that conversation with your doctor, you need to have that conversation -- for chrissake, you're not dealing with a hangnail.
  14. Thanks for the follow...,

  15. The tender age of 11 in the basement of a neighbor's house. A 14 year old was babysitting there; he was on the junior high school wrestling team so he was muscled. Better yet, he had a very big (and very nice) dick. That experience was all it took -- there were several guys in the neighborhood who were my age or slightly older. No prize for guessing that until I left for college at the age of 18, everyone's dick in the neighborhood had been sucked a kazillion times. The wrestler, by the way, turned out to be very heterosexual; when I last asked a mutual friend about him, the wrestler had 4 kids. Sigh....
  16. @CuriousSlut: If you think you're a bit out of practice, I'd be happy to give you a refresher course or two. (Of course, you're not exactly around the corner -- but in a slightly more perfect world, you'd have plenty of my DNA.)
  17. Thanks for the follow....

  18. Thanks for the follow....

    1. HairyManSteve


      Hey you are welcome bud

  19. Don't stop now.... this has lots of potential....
  20. Of course, the scene is hot as hell (I can attest to the effect that fresh air and the great outdoors has on the libido). The writing, though, is absolutely, totally, 100 percent perfect -- I've read this post several times, and it reads just as fresh and crisp and edgy as on the first reading. I likely will never have a chance to try that "amazing" ass of yours, but reading your description of the scene puts me on the other side of the table with the orally talented guy.
  21. Level 6 (but with some discretion in terms of general attractiveness -- I suppose my focus is supposed to only on the load, but I've never found that approach to be totally satisfying.)
  22. Thanks for the follow... you're an inspiration to all of us horned up guys.

    1. Insidemenow


      I'm a whore ... if you're ever in Dallas you can use my holes :-)

  23. No... all day and all night, because I know just one load in your hole wouldn't be enough for me (and I'd bet that sentiment would be shared by everyone using you). I have an idea the line for your ass would be far longer than any line waiting for a new _Ph___....
  24. Of the many eye-popping experiences I've had in bathhouses, the most unusual (for me) was the instance when a guy, before beginning to suck my dick, put a condom on it. No prize for guessing that this particular encounter quickly ended -- as soon as I recovered from the shock, lifted his head off my dick, and politely pushed him out of the room.
  25. You're absolutely spot on (of course, my opinion and $3 gets you coffee at Starbucks). And an observation along the lines of your post: when I'm complimented on my oral skills, I often reply "I'm inspired by the company I keep." Never underestimate the power of a positive feedback loop.
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