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Everything posted by Shotsfired

  1. You nailed it. It is especially irritating when you are looking to be dominated and you can't tell what they want from the hashtag. I miss the art of cruising. It was less tedious and more spontaneous. A lot of the ads are about as passionate as a dog turd. People need to stop treating dating apps like takeout menus. One went so far as to dictate how many dogs they wanted their date to have. Crazy. Also, just like in the theatre, you are auditioning always. I can tell you that I read their profile. How you present yourself is key to whether I contact you. First, I am more interested in who you are looking for than who you are not looking for. If you say you are into hairy guys, I know I might respond, until I also see something like "absolutely no gingers." I am not a ginger, but that is so rude I don't care if you are my type physically, if you are needlessly calling out groups of people for exclusion, you are likely someone I don't want to be around. Even guys I have no intention of dating can reach out and say hello. If someone you don't like reaches out you, can ignore them, let them down gently or just say "no thank you." Don't be a dick. Chances are you come out looking like a bigoted racist jerk. I haven't met a race, religion nor a male body type where I haven't been able to find somebody that really turns me on. That's the truth. Calling out people in a general with the purpose of excluding them over superficial reasons is annoying and immoral I lose my temper when straights enter gay/queer spaces with entitlement and without invite. . Theu need to come correct or get out. Also, trans people are not their punching bags, litmus tests, or their trial go at gayness. Straight men are getting on Grindr more and more with homophobic comments.
  2. That is great info. Thank you
  3. First, what you are doing is blaming the victim here. He was a child pure and simple. These men were not simply barebackers who didn't disclose. They raped him according to law. 16 is not old enough to consent in the USA. These men wanted to exert power and control over a minor to satisfy a sick desire to taint a young boy. Now if he could consent I think other problems arise. While ethically and morally it is the right thing to disclose, it is also our duty to tend to our own health. Our body is our temple. You should not rely on others to guard your health. That's stupid. I think its unfair to expect the stigmatized party to carry all the responsibility when the other would have to be born under a rock not to know about safe sex, PrEP and abstinence. Negative people should to face the same penalty or a similar one. I for one don't accept criminalisation because illnesses shouldn't be in the criminal code. Civil yes. And until antivaxxers are strung up by their heels, I don't want to see another HIV+ man in prison.
  4. The question is problematic because it uses terms that generalize two hugely diverse groups that have many different reasons for belonging to their chosen party. The Republican Party has obviously fractured badly, but every piece is loud and demands attention. Unfortunately, John McCain Republicans are fading. Fascist ideals and candidates whose religious zeal won't allow freedom are becoming the dominant face of the GOP because of candidates are pandering to the easiest base to move. Democrats are weak as water when we need them to stand up to the GOP. But they always acquiesce at the end. And then they have the extreme left and identity politics. One of the biggest threats to our Democracy is Mitch McConnell and gerrymandering. And they are canceling each other outright over stupid identity politics. Its become a party fascist in its inability to allow its members to question things without being threatened, removed or other forms of cancelation. They don't realise that canceling is a tool of that strengthens white supremacy, hetero supremacy, and misogyny. Canceling does not stop right wing pundits, but the left wing or neutral people disappear. Its cannibalises the left by canceling the people it needs to bring to the table in the first place. I guarantee Ann Coulter and Ben Shapiro aren't afraid of canceling. It's all a charade. The Dems and Repubs are all the same. They differ just on a few key issues to drum up their base. Trump, Clinton and Epstein are all buddies. Fuck them all. But not with my dick. I pick neither group.
  5. You are something else buddy. The minute he asked you for status, you owed him the truth. You have lost his consent. If you continue to have sex without him knowing, it's a type if rape isn't it. He seems uneducated about HIV. You could have taught him about how to manage risk with PrEP. Should he take responsibility for the first time? Yes. It was his job to ask. But the minute he asks for status its your job to tell him. Check your local HIV statutes before you do anything. In Idaho you can be charged for not disclosing. You are part of the reason HIV + people still face so much stigma.
  6. Its kind of bullshit that the poz guys have to bear the responsibility. Its 2021, I think we all know how the virus spreads by now. Maybe its your shared responsibility. Yours to take PrEP if you bareback His to disclose. I think both parties should be accountable. Expecting someone else, especially people who fear rejection, to take care of your health is foolhardy at best.
  7. This is the best father-son story ever. The relationship between father and son is the perfect blend of naivety hunger/experience predation without losing the care.
  8. Please do my friend. I love thinking about Josh becoming a fucked up whore.
  9. I wish these things happened more often in real life.
  10. For me, stories like this one help me process my own double sexual assault from when I was younger. I don't know why but its therapeutic.
  11. Nice. Learn to take it.
  12. This is such a hot fucking story.
  13. I agree. Ft. Troff has a great rim chair for not much cost.
  14. A little PSA for anyone in the bottoms situation, if you start PEP within 72 hours after an exposure, you can avoid becoming HIV+ in most cases Hot story.
  15. Ravishu.com has those forced role play stories.
  16. Bastian Karim has a hot hole and has the sexiest facial expressions.
  17. It has nothing to do with race. Getting to know your whole, and how you prepare to take cock are way larger factors. Having the wrong clean out practices can causes bruising and tenderness. If you use to cold or hot of water or too strong a blast from the shower shot can leave you tender. You may have a shallow bottom. Try position changes and toys to increase your capacity. Nerves and fight or flight can cause you to cramp up. If you use a Fleet enema it can really screw up your hole for a while. Or if you aren't cleaned out far enough. A lot of factors can cause how well you can accept a large cock.
  18. I think HIV criminalization is counterproductive and in rural areas leads to less disclosure. I don't think it is wise to criminalize illness. It's a slippery slope. In the case of HIV, in my opinion both parties should be held equally accountable. Everyone by know knows that condoms, PrEP and abstinence are the ways to keep HIV free. Not taking these precautions is like not wearing a seatbelt, helmet, or wearing a mask. You can get fined for some of those things. That said, if someone is purposefully serially infecting people they should be placed under arrest, but so should people who refuse to obey Covid mandates and host huge super spreader events. The stigma, despite the U = U campaigns is still huge in places like Boise, Idaho which has some of the most draconian HIV criminalization laws in the USA. You can go to prison even if you disclose in some circumstances. In Oregon, PrEP is provided to anyone seeking it. So again, there is no excuse other than laziness, medical allergy or extreme geography not to be protected. Sadly in most cases, I believe laziness, embarrassment, marriage or stigma keeps many gay men from taking PrEP.
  19. Less access to gay sex education and less access to medical care are the largest reasons. Most gay community centers in larger metropolitan areas are in predominately white neighborhoods. Also, I would guess black men face discrimination from white medical professionals. Also, black men are more likely to have contact with the prison system due to systemic racism. Lastly, many black communities are religiously conservative and gay sexuality is not accepted. This forces many gay black men into the closet and they do not seek out PrEP. All this is based on what I have read. As a white man I am no expert, but I encourage other white men to be better allies and help black men get medical access and HIV education and ask gay black men how best to help instead of objectifying black bodies.
  20. I want this to happen to me for real.
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