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Everything posted by negchaserlooking

  1. Bloody hell, what a twist to this story. I certainly don't mind the way you have brought Malik's "abduction" into it, I think it serves as a warning that no matter how big and tough you think you are, you can still be potentially vulnerable to this sort of thing. And of course Malik's frame of mind just played into the hands of the predator.
  2. Loved it, you are an amazing storyteller
  3. Great - another spin off. Love it
  4. Any chance those creative juices may flow again sometime and you add to this story @Hotload84?
  5. Super fucking hot - hope there is more to cum
  6. Fuck (down to one word comments now LOL. This is sooooooooo good, that's all it needs @Navi38)
  7. Loving the slow burn
  8. Great start, nearly got to the end before I realised something was very familiar. Look forward to you developing this one too
  9. A big big thank you for your story. Loved the way you let it develop from a pozzing fuckfest into a story of sex, love and beauty.
  10. Pity we never got to read part 2 @Sharp-edge. The first part certainly left us all wanting more, to see what happens with Draco
  11. Wow @Ptolemyblue2000 that was one fucked up story but sooooo hot
  12. loving it
  13. @losolent - hope all is okay, you don't usually leave us hanging for a next chapter for so long?
  14. Damn - last visit 2016. Doesn't look like we get to see if Dad takes Don's gift as well.
  15. Oh no! More unfinished business. And @tony47hasn't been on here in years 😭
  16. All good, like the way you are building the storyline
  17. That was a fucking hot story. I know it has been years since your last visit but a pity you didn't get to expand on your two poz gifters other exploits.
  18. I think this has been one of my favourite chapters. Love the story but I have to admit that because the story was going along at such a break neck speed, I have glossed over a few chapters until this one. This one, for me anyway, makes your story more than just a pozzing fuckfest. It has become a story of family, of love, of respect plus the hot sex of course. Don't know if that was your intention but please keep going. Thank you @Navi38
  19. another hot fucking chapter
  20. I like your stories. Good start here, setting the scene
  21. 😭😭 Still no follow up
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