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Everything posted by negchaserlooking

  1. Yep, that would do it - stealthed with 3 poz loads.
  2. worth the wait, can't wait to read of that virginal seal being broken
  3. Update - Yes I am @negchaserlooki1 but let me know if you are from here if you want to follow me! I do not usually follow back brand new profiles. Cheers. See you on twitter.
  4. Oh yeah
  5. Now that was a shit hot story
  6. Hot, looks like the Super is getting a New Year gift
  7. Fuck what a hot hot story. Can't remember reading this one before. Loved it.
  8. fucking hot
  9. Yeah I agree, did suggest that back in Oct too LOL. Be a nice twist.
  10. this is such a fucking hot story. Love to see where and how far you take it
  11. Just came back and reread this one. It's still "Fuuuuuuuck" @roguematrix
  12. Just going back through some of the older stories and this one came up - yes, yes, no. What an awesome premise. And the end, well that was a twist I did not see coming. Shit hot story @Barratboy. Thank you if you ever get to see this. But last visit 2016 - shame.
  13. Just re visited this fucking hot story
  14. shit hot story
  15. Fuck that was hot @btm4bbrn
  16. hehehehehe Think Chuck and his mates have found themselves a new toy
  17. Fucking hot @MattQueen1. The story could probably end there, but of course we all want more of Jack's journey.
  18. Oh it is, you will NOT be disappointed. @losolent one of the best story tellers on here
  19. Love the start of this story. Looking forward to more @MattQueen1
  20. Hot, keep them cumming
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