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Everything posted by negchaserlooking

  1. Awesome as usual. Hanging for the next chapter.
  2. Oh no, I have been going back reading some of the older stories again. This one - so hot to begin with, great build up through the second chapter and then nothing noooooooooooo. A few years old now and chances of any follow up - well buckleys and none. Damn. Oh well.😞
  3. Thank you for the epilogue and tying everything together in this wonderful story.
  4. Mmmmm interesting tie in with Simon. Hot.
  5. Very happy to have you back, looks like another great story about to unfold @losolent
  6. That is one fucking hot story, Can't wait to read more
  7. It's a story with a difference, that's for sure.👍
  8. Can't wait for next chapter. Fucking hot story
  9. Great stories, hope you write more. You say based on encounters? You know if you pozzed any or don't care ?
  10. looking forward to seeing how this one progresses
  11. All good, don't mind the slow build at all, keeps us hanging for a lot more 👍
  12. Hot last chapter when the penny dropped LOL. Hopefully the story continues mmmm
  13. Mmmm do we get to see a bit of flipping here?
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