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Everything posted by negchaserlooking

  1. The suspense is killing us LOL. Please keep it coming, it is such a hot fucking story.
  2. Such a different story from you @losolent. Ticking over nicely but not sure what sort of "revenge" they could take on Sam when they catch up with him. Jail ? Nah - that wouldn't be your style - at least I don't think LOL.
  3. Great story @Knockmeup770. Glad you got to finish it.
  4. Fucking hot, gonna lose that cherry
  5. Looking good, can't wait to read Uncle Dom's sermon and lead Andrew into the light
  6. fucking hot
  7. Cheers, I shall have a search
  8. Fucking hell. Full arm to the pit??? Can't even imagine how that would rearrange your insides or if even possible. But the impossible is always possible in fiction I guess.
  9. Wow, this one is a lot different to your usual stories @losolent. Loving it. going to be interesting to see where you take it.
  10. Holy fuck, what a story
  11. Holy fuck, what a story. Pretty sure I have not read this one before because I am damn sure I would have remembered. A tour de force. Thank you @whthole4u. Just a shame that you are not still active.
  12. Well he doesn't sound like the cartoon "Mr Magoo" hahahahaha. Think Max is going to get a nice surprise.
  13. ☣️☣️
  14. You obviously have a "twist" cumming @Tanbbottom 😜
  15. Just reread this one - short, sweet and very very hot☣️☣️
  16. Sam, Sam, Sam, you naughty man ☣️
  17. wow, what does he tell the wife? LOL
  18. Mmmmmm Mason, what is going to happen to you I wonder?
  19. Welcum back @losolent. Looking forward to seeing this one develop. Samson sounds quite mischievous
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