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Everything posted by Spunkinmyarse

  1. Interesting topic, @holefucker. We usually hear about this kind of thing from the bottom’s perspective, ie: how many loads have you taken in one session, etc. It seems to me that you are a bit of an exception. In my experience, when presented with a row of willing arses, most tops don’t move from one to the next in the way you describe, which surprised me when I first started frequenting cruise clubs, etc. Most seem to pick one, seemingly at random, and stick with it for the duration. It’s rare that they move down the line, trying each one in turn. And then other tops will gather round the one getting fucked, and wait for their own opportunity to fuck it, often complete ignoring perfectly acceptable arses on either side. From a bottom’s point of view, this is obviously great if you are the ‘chosen one’, but baffling if you are one of the ones on either side. Age, looks, etc. rarely seem to have much to do with it. A long time ago I came to the conclusion that from a top’s point of view, the hottest arse in the room is the one some other guy is fucking.
  2. Hehe- when yours is full they can join mine lol 😉
  3. Planning to set up a whatsapp group for anyone interested in keeping up to date with what cruising venues are opening up/shutting down in the UK and Europe, as we continue our long-haul journey through this pandemic... PM me for details
  4. Imodium basically just slows down your digestive system: if you imagine your lower gut as a slow but constantly moving river of shit, Imodium simply brings this flow to a temporary halt. It’s designed primarily to provide diarrhea relief, but the effect is the same whether you have diarrhea or not. While I’m actually douching, I like things to continue to flow naturally, so that I can flush out as much as possible. That’s why I take it just afterwards. But it takes an hour or two to take effect, so you could take it just before. It just means that once I’m clean, I’m gonna stay that way for quite a while, because nothing is moving downwards. For me, things don’t seem to start moving again till the following day. So far I’ve been able to fuck hard all evening and take multiple loads without any mishap, and if I get the urge to poo before I go to bed, all that comes out is sperm (love that!). Bear in mind that this is still in the experimental phase for me, though- I’m sure there are others here with more experience of it. In the past, if I was out and about on the road, I would simply stop in a pub or a bar or a public toilet and have a quick check with my portable bulb douche to make sure things were still as they should be. But what with coronavirus, that option has become more difficult as so many of those places have either closed or become less convenient. I don’t like putting chemicals into my body when not strictly necessary, but times have changed, and us sluts must learn to adapt!
  5. I think in your case I would take a couple of Imodium once you’ve finished douching. 3 hours between your last douche and actually meeting the guy is quite a long time, and I can understand why you don’t want to re-douche once you get to his (it’s a bit of a boner-killer). I’ve been in similar situations to yours, and only recently started doing the Imodium thing: it’s really helped- I haven’t had any trouble since. Not something I would want to do every day coz it messes up your natural ‘flow’, but once in a while should be okay. Changing your diet and introducing some extra fibre in the form of a supplement isn’t a bad idea either... Some guys here will recommend a full ‘deep’ clean before you go, and while that would certainly do the trick, I rarely have 2 or 3 hours to spare beforehand, and frankly don’t think I could be bothered to go to all that effort for a single fuck, no matter how good. Generally I use a bulb douche like you do, though I also include a dildo or butt plug in my routine, just to tease out anything that might be lurking a little bit deeper.
  6. I’ve got to back up everything that AirmaxUK says. I’ve been going to the Heath regularly this summer (I’ve had some VERY good nights up there), and can confidently report that a) I have NEVER seen a discarded needle there, and b) I see very few used condoms, presumably because practically all the sex is now bareback. From time to time there is quite a bit of litter around the more heavily used areas, but it is regularly cleared away, and often there will be nothing. Wet wipes and lube packets seem to be the most common detritus. I’m not sure who is keeping the Heath clean at the moment: apparently the staff who usually look after it are still on furlough, which is why there are no bins. I presume it is local (gay?) volunteers... I did once see a guy with a litter picker filling a bag, but I was in the middle of ‘something else’, so didn’t get to ask him who he was and what he was doing. Anyway, I am extremely grateful to those guys who are doing such an excellent job- and would happily do my duty and join in the effort if I could find who was organizing it!
  7. No, no, no- you’re missing the point entirely. By taking out the personality, you are removing the individual. This enables you to access the general, and ultimately the universal: therein lies the “spiritual” aspect of anonymous sex. By putting individuality to one side, I feel that anonymous sex allows me to make connection with ALL men in general, rather than just ONE man in particular. On rare occasions when that connection is good, I sometimes feel I am in union with the whole of humanity, and am being given a glimpse of some universal truth that I find hard to understand, yet alone articulate. Powerful stuff! It really isn’t just a case of “dicks, asses and seed”. It certainly is much more cerebral than that! But as I said in my earlier post, it doesn’t really belong in this thread, so if you want to discuss it further, please feel free to pm me.
  8. I feel that anonymous sex is being demonized here, and that’s what I’m not happy about. For me, anonymous sex has absolutely nothing to do with race. When I’m head down arse up on a fuck bench in a sex club, I usually have absolutely no idea what colour the dick fucking me is. When I strike such a pose, it’s clear to everyone that I’m seeking a level of self-objectification, and anyone who chooses to fuck me must expect a degree of objectification in return, whatever their racial background. Otherwise, don’t fuck me. Objectification in sex is a fascinating subject, and should not simply be dismissed as a ruse to hide racial prejudice. Paradoxically, it can open up a path to greater spiritual awareness and a sense of common humanity which transcends race, gender and whole lot more. But that discussion belongs in a different thread, which I may start, if I can be bothered: I feel we’re in danger of straying way off topic here.
  9. Now that, I kind of get. My desire for objectification (to achieve sexual fulfillment) is mainly through choice. But to have it thrust upon you simply because of your ethnicity must be a very different experience.
  10. Haha- I was thinking just the same! I love being objectified: it’s an important part of my self-identification as a cumdump. Now, if you only objectify men from certain particular racial groups, that’s clearly racist, but otherwise I think it’s a perfectly healthy part of the gay psyche. Many of us here have struggled internally for years to free ourselves of the heteronormative standards imposed on us by society at large: don’t tell me I need to start wining and dining every potential fuck just to prove I respect them as people.
  11. With all the sex venues in London still closed, Hampstead Heath has been my outlet this summer for all that pent-up sexual energy that accumulated during the spring lockdown. I’ve never been one for outdoor cruising before, but have to say I’ve loved it- on a good night it’s been as good as any cruise club I’ve ever been to. But with summer fading, and darker, colder times on the horizon, I’m not sure where I’m going to get my fix going forward...
  12. Are we moving to a place where we no longer have the right to reject? A place where if someone demands sex, we are morally obliged to give it, or else be accused of some kind of -ism? A place where personal preferences are seen as a smoke screen for bigotry? I dislike profiles which state “No X, no Y”, just as much as I dislike profiles which state “X and Y to the front of the queue!”. They’re tasteless, lazy and just plain rude. But don’t tell me I’m not allowed to make a qualified rejection based on my own sexual preferences, and don’t make the mistake of thinking you know what kind of a person I am, just from the sexual preferences you think I might have. I don’t want I live in a place where I get accused of commiting a thought crime, just because I won’t have sex with you.
  13. Sometimes emojis are useful in this kind of situation. If I receive an emoji such as a smiley-face with no accompanying or subsequent text, I’ll usually assume the guy is not interested in continuing the conversation. It can be a polite and easy way to bring things to an end. Similarly if someone compliments me online, I will try to respond, but if I simply say “Thanks!” and nothing else, it implies that I do not wish to pursue things further. However, if a guy takes my “Thanks!” as a conversation opener and continues, I feel no compunction to reply again. Now, if you really want to get into the nitty-gritty of things, a “Thanks” with no exclamation mark is a definite “I’m not interested, thank you”. But it verges on rudeness, so I would very rarely use it myself.
  14. Yeah, been a couple of times this week, and not been disappointed 😉 Are you sure you’ve been going to the right part of the Heath? Granted, I haven’t been in the afternoon, but early eves (while it’s still light) it’s been absurdly busy. But in the bushes, not around the fuck tree- that’s far too open for daylight cruising.
  15. I’m fairly new to it, but going again tomorrow (Thursday), so will let you know!
  16. I think it is turning into a summer to remember up there after all. Went last night (first time on a Saturday), and there must have been 200+ guys there. It’s just like a cruise club, only outdoors. Guys milling around, sitting on logs, chatting, smoking, drinking (as well as fucking, of course). Some are naked, others in jocks or harnesses, some in leather. Lots of different areas to explore, some public, some hidden: you really can see where the mazes you find in saunas and sex clubs came from! All very quiet, though: it’s like the volume has been turned down. No music, of course, just a quiet hum of guys chatting and fucking. Maybe it’s always been like that- I’m pretty new to this. But I’m glad I’ve finally discovered it: it’s great, and now I know what all the fuss is about!
  17. I thought it might be... I think I’m going to go this Saturday lol.
  18. Wow! That’s some cruising area! Are you going to share its location with us, or keep it a secret?
  19. Is it your fear of passing an STD on to someone else (eg: partner), or are you just worried about your own health? If it’s the former, then I understand your hesitation- but if it’s the latter, then I reckon you should satisfy that ‘burning desire’ and go for it! IF you catch something (and I stress the ‘if’), then just get it sorted 😉
  20. Sure- lets just hope it does!
  21. Has anyone been up there lately? I went yesterday evening- trouble is, it’s so late to get dark these days that there are families and dog walkers still using the area round the fuck tree till 9:30pm. And even wandering through the bushes nearby- had to abandon one encounter mid-flow because one straight couple thought it would be fun to go exploring. Still, I had a couple of good hook-ups and took a hard pounding bent over the fuck tree at about 10:00pm. But I have to say, it wasn’t that busy- mostly just a bunch of guys standing around and socially distancing themselves in the dark. I was just wondering how this compares to anyone else’s recent experiences up there.
  22. Yeah- sometimes there are just too many voyeurs. As soon as any action starts up, they swarm round and start wanking, and block anyone who actually wants to join in the fun. If you walk into the main lounge area and there’s something’s going on in a corner, you’re often just confronted by a sea of backs, all turned away, craning their necks to see if they can catch a glimpse of the two guys fucking. It makes me laugh, really- it wouldn’t matter if you were the hottest guy on earth offering to have sex with each and everyone of them, you could still walk by unseen, as long as someone else is getting it on at the far end of the room. The more I hear about the Fort and the Playpit, the more I wish I’d gone there! Does anyone have any suggestions about why it’s not possible to recreate that kind of scene today (virus permitting, of course)?
  23. All the character traits and behavioral flaws you mention, ErosWired, are generally ones we think of as being stereotypically MALE. For good or bad, I like male things: that’s what gets me going, that’s what floats my boat sexually. For a cumdump like me, masculinity is hot, no matter how it’s expressed. Now, you could certainly argue that there is nothing innately male in any of these behaviours, and it’s just our culture that has designated them as such. Maybe so, but I am also a product of that culture, so I have equally been brainwashed into considering them male, and thereby ‘hot’.
  24. Hello mate- yeah, I’m in 😉
  25. We are indeed at an interesting crossroads in this crisis, and it seems to me that gay men (in line with much of the rest of society) are starting to fall into two camps. One camp seems to think that the strictest lockdown possible should remain in place until either the virus is completely suppressed or a vaccine comes along. The other camp seems to think it’s time to start getting back to our old lives regardless. Followers of this thread are most likely to be more cautious and fall into the first camp. Less cautious members of BZ are probably not following this thread, and are more active elsewhere on the site. Personally, I think it’s too late to suppress the virus, at least in Western Europe and the USA. Even countries that have done well on that front so far are in all likelihood going to have to deal with future waves and further control measures, unless they want to isolate themselves completely from the rest of the world. And I’m not confident that a meaningful vaccine is going to become available any time soon. Which means we are all going to have to live with this disease and accept its presence in our communities, and just try to keep it to manageable levels. Does this mean I won’t risk having sex ever again? Of course not. It’s all about individuals finding a level of risk that is acceptable to them. And before anyone jumps down my throat about this being different because the risk can be passed on to others, the same can be said every time you get behind the wheel of a car and drive it along the highway. Just because this is a new risk does not mean that we don’t already make similar judgments in our everyday lives. I’m not necessarily saying that now is the right time, but at some point we are all going to have to come out from under the duvet and face life again, with all its inherent risks. I shall probably be ready to do this sooner rather than later: one thing my partner’s recent death from cancer taught me is that it’s later than you think and life is for living.
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