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Everything posted by slowfuck

  1. Same guy Mungo87 as in the previous post. Just 41 seconds of the hot hung top seeding the sexy bottom's hole. You don't see the cum but anyone who has heard a top cum, that's got to be all of you surely, will know exactly what's happening and will be able to imagine it. I did, vividly. Great for those who get off on hearing good sex. http://www.xtube.com...p?v=RenoX-G597-
  2. Brilliant writing. Economical but as potent and engaging as a real-life account.
  3. My experience is that it's about the volume and types of food I consume. The body extracts the nutrients and moisture required and expels what it doesn't need or doesn't like. The larger the meals the more waste and the older I get the less tolerant my guts seem to be. If I eat a lot of fried food or a lot of sugary foods then it's more difficult to clean out too as the fats and oils make the waste stickier and looser.
  4. Sorry to hear about your scare. Hopefully it's all ok but unless it's late stage syphillis which is unlikely if you recently saw the bump and that wasn't just a coincidence, then yes, a penicillin shot should sort it out. Hoping for the best for you.
  5. To my mind the Vaseline would form a barrier much like an thin condom, and could coat the opening of the urethra too, but of course allow the top to seed the bottom, and some Vaseline could also transfer the bottoms hole so forming an internal barrier where it transferred to the bottom's rectum. I do suspect that a lot of the infection of tops probably takes place because they don't use lube at all so using any lube would reduce the risk. Silicon lube coats the cock like Vaseline but less of a barrier I suspect as it's so relatively thin. [ Puts Vaseline on the shopping list. ]
  6. If people treat BBRT and any hook up site like an online store and don't bother to check pertinent facts as part of sounding the guy out then that's up to them. Some research into PrEP and the Proud study and a little conversation about how it's going should help decide if the guy is lying, that and good old intuition. Not certain but nothing is in this game. Kazore, there were 545 people enrolled to take PrEP on the Proud study in the UK which runs for another year and a bit so I would think that there could well be five pages of guys on BBRT who are on PrEP as part of the study.
  7. Never been to Leicester or Luton - I've heard stories of fun in a sling at Greenhouse Luton if I remember rightly, but not heard about the Celt saunas in Leicester. I doubt there's that many Leicestershire guys on here, but it would be interesting to hear if there are. Typically darkrooms are more conducive to bareback, guys tend to be reticent to bb in full view - that's how it is in the E15 at Stratford in East London. The Celts sauna seems to have a small dark-ish room with sling, the Greenhouse doesn't really go into lavish detail. Is it the Greenhouse you are planning to go arse-up in? Hope you have loads of fun, and enjoy exploring! I'd be interested to hear how things went afterwards.
  8. We have no way to know whether the eight were happy to take the risk, which could well be the case. The ill informed comments come from fearful people who assume there's always a victim and perpetrator when that's not necessarily the case. The issue seems to be that the guy doesn't want, or feel motivated, to take his meds, and the 'state' wants him to take them so that he doesn't infect more people.
  9. When I fuck a guy, I will get near to cumming - which he can usually tell anyway - then just say "Cumming" and within a few seconds squirt in his hole. Usually they say "Yeah". If he says no, and goes to pull away I would pull out and squirt on his butt or back - I don't want drama after an orgasm. If I am sucking a guy off, they typically just say "Cumming" and I make it plain I want to swallow it by carrying on as lustfully as before waiting for the cum to squirt. I like to taste it then swallow but often times I don't get the chance to taste it as they plant their cock as deep as possible and it goes straight down my throat. That's good but I prefer to taste it on the way down.
  10. Following you too - wizzyphoto - and will comment soon. Enjoy yourself!
  11. As a bottom I am concentrating on the top's actions, aiming to please him and encourage him to cum fucking me. Effectively my excitement is building with the tops excitement sensing the top's movements and the sounds he's making. and get a similar euphoric rush when the top is cumming so sharing in the top's orgasm. If he pulls out and doesn't cum, I would feel empty in more ways than one and will be keen to find someone else to replace him if he's not coming back. Hence I am keen to keep him satisfied.
  12. It means you've not proven you can handle a 50-top breeding orgy - when it says '25 Proven' you've managed that 25 times and are still gagging for more... hehehe! Seriously, 0 means no-one has marked any of your posts 'liked', the unproven bit is related to this and when you reach a certain number of likes it says Proven I gather - it's a reputation system that came with this new site.
  13. Your tonsils are protecting you, they help trap bacteria and viruses - though obviously not the viruses that get in via your ass They help fight infections. So you are working them hard...
  14. Hello. Clearly from your profiles here and on BBRTS you need to gain experience and preferably from someone who is willing to take you under his wing. I am not into chubby myself but I have taken a look and offer the following observations and advice. Your desire to meet with someone who can host local to the Kilburn area of London suggests to me that you are still at home and cannot travel far. I would have suggest going to XXL club in London but if you can't travel or be out late then that's not going to be an option as it is a late club. Similarly saunas, but the one I would suggest is the E15 in Maryland, Stratford, E15, where there tend to be older chubby guys and where the action is mostly 11am to 3pm. That is maybe 10 miles from you, so may not be an option either. Starting out is always difficult, and really there are not that many people on BBRT in the Kilburn area, so spreading your profile wider than just BBRT would be sensible. Maybe Squirt or Grindr or some-such, with less emphasis on the barebacking and taking loads in your arse for now, despite the obvious erotic appeal it has for you and I guess for all of us here, and concentrate on just getting some experience with some big chubby guys. Hopefully one or two of them will advise and teach you. You do need to post a picture though even if it's not your face otherwise people think you're a faker and not serious. The problems are likely to be (1) your inexperience, (2) inconsistency in your profile - you say you will give anal loads yet are saying you are a bottom not bottom/vers, and are into FF, B&D and S&M yet you are a virgin, (3) no pictures, (4) there few guys local to Kiburn and fewer still who are big and chubby and/or like chubby so limiting your options, (5) not being online much - only viewed 30 times in August, (6) HIV negative on BBRT - the number of neg chubby tops, or if not neg, willing to fuck a neg guy, is going to be relatively few. I also suggest you visit the GMFA website - ok, counter-intuitively it's the UK-based Gay Men Fighting AIDS site, where they have their very balanced and informative FS magazines for download and lots of online articles which include getting clued up on sex and STIs and HIV, and on meeting guys and lots of other life skills. It also lists lots of sports and social groups to meet guys in person. http://www.gmfa.org.uk/ And be patient. You can keep yourself entertained on here and with your wanking hand in the meantime Good luck.
  15. PrEP is effective by all accounts. Getting past the sensationalist headline, it's true that if people don't adhere to the regimen they could well poz. Where's the surprise in that? It's not the treatment that's failing it's the people it's prescribed to.
  16. Enjoyed it immensely, it captured my imagination and took me right along for the eventful ride. Excellent.
  17. Superb writing, very believable.
  18. I saw that too, I believe it was posted as Anonymous and it seems to have been removed. Haters gonna hate.
  19. I prefer swallowing fresh cum delivered from source, but I get a lot of married guys coming to relieve their urges and even if I start sucking, most want to use condoms to fuck me. As they are getting their breath back I will carefully take it off lovingly for them, and tie it up and put it in the bedside bin. Then when he's gone, if I'm still horny I will rescue the load and swallow it. Such is the power of desire.
  20. When I am being fucked I am aware of all the sounds the top is making and the feel of the cock. When I feel a connection with the guy, really wanting him to enjoy the ride and cum in me, my excitement increases as his does, mine with the thought of taking the load, his with the thought of giving it. As his breathing gets more laboured so does mine with concentration. Waiting for the tell tale shudders and breaths, the swelling of the cock, the pace quickening and the pulsing and slowdown as he ejaculates in me. When he cums, it's like I share in the orgasmic high. More so if I cum then too, but the post orgasm euphoria is definitely shared. Sure if he pulls out, gets his breath back and slaps me on the arse in thanks before wandering off then I would be inclined to want more of the same. If he collapses on me and we start to kiss I will bask in the blissful glow and caress the top. After-service service as it were, get the guy coming back for more
  21. Seconding the praise on the amount of work. Well done to get this far! The things I noticed have been mentioned. One thing clearly not urgent but I apparent 'liked' too many posts and hit the limit? I didn't 'like' that many - maybe five? The like facility is good, but not if it's restricted.
  22. They have also taken the word twin and asterisked it out everywhere, so Twink is now ****k. It's not just you, and there are other words I've not worked out yet. Seems it's some crazy banned words I guess. Seems very strange.
  23. Josh is still a hot little pig They'd have to go some to beat the scene with him in Outlaws - a scene with Lito Cruz and Sebastian Slater, plus Alex Bates as another bottom. The new scene in London Uncut has a different feel - a room rather than a dark barement, more light, more local hot tops and only one bottom - Josh - to be passed around on the bed. The contrast of hairy tops and smooth Josh is the stuff of my fantasies so it's a thumbs up from me, as it were
  24. I was at a naked sex-party and saw this stunning asian hunk of a man, I gestured to ask if I could kneel and suck his cock. He motioned yes. I licked, sucked and deep throated him for a while then he pulled me up and said "Do you drink piss?". I said, "Yes, a little". I went down, took him deep once more and he told me to hold and not move. I felt his penis swell and my mouth fill with piss. I kept swallowing mouthfuls and didn't spill a drop. Once he'd finished, he pulled me up again and simply said, "Good.. Boy..." as he walked off. Fucking hot!
  25. Definitely love to taste cum and swallow it then clean off the cock afterwards. I tend to end up deep throating them and gagging which turns them on more then they usually cum by going really deep and I don't get to taste it, but they certainly appreciate it which is the name of the game. I'd only spit cum out if it was into someone else's mouth or spread-open hole
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