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Everything posted by PozBearWI

  1. I love it when a guy is hairy. That said, honestly whether a guy is furry or not is never an issue for me.
  2. I host naked men gatherings and always provide condoms. I think I last bought a couple of gross three years ago as Covid was winding down. I have at least half of them still. Most of the time I see my guests fucking raw (and speaking for myself, raw is the ONLY way I'll fuck or get fucked). WRT disease other than HIV, doxyPEP is what I keep around.
  3. Of course we did NOT stop it. WHY? Because globally we dilly dallied around, not paying attention to virology, but instead politics.
  4. Yes it was. And yet 45 decided that citizens were exempt from that. So even though they were an "American" in Wutan, they were welcome to come home rather than stay in place until more was known.
  5. @nanana "the government reaction"? It was several governments around the globe. Up until Covid and in prior administrations we had protocols in place which helped stop spread early on (while it was still relatively simple to do). I'll cite what we did with Ebola outbreaks. 45 jettisoned all those protocols so that we were back to stumbling our way through it.
  6. Prices. Yes, cost of goods is an issue. Ditto housing. However attributing the CAUSE to the parties is foolish. We know why. We had a big ole global pandemic four years ago. Global supply chains were horribly disrupted and thus, availability of goods went down; and as a result prices went up. Compounding this, PAY went UP. Certainly not the US federal minimum wage, but Mickey D locally went from about $9 to $15 during Covid. Corresponding employment costs went up as well so businesses needed to raise their prices to pay their staff. Does tax policy influence prices? Yes. And keep in mind WE pay those tariffs that Agent Orange promotes. The cost of goods seems to have settled out somewhat, but of course now those $15 and $16 an hour jobs don't pay for as much stuff. Fiscally I am somewhat conservative. In my local government, of which I am a part, we are grappling with our 2025 budget. We are putting off some desirable things because we are spending more now on our improved EMS and Fire protection, which had become less responsive over time. We have some growth underway that will bring in more cash to our budget in future years, but not in 2025.
  7. My biggest difficulty is that I truly don't care the race of the guy fucking me. That isn't a metric to be checked off. More important for me is whether we interact well with each other.
  8. @norubbers hopefully most like me hold no grudge. Sad that so many things exploded in your personal life. Glad that seems to be resolving. Welcome back brother.
  9. This seems to reflect the downside of parties altogether. "The Republicans" are diverse. Perhaps not a diverse as "The Democrats", but nonetheless save perhaps for the MAGA faithful who have a cult following of Mr T; the members of the parties are not clones of each other. Thus is it inaccurate to try to paint any good definition. I think in part, this was George Washington's point in his farewell letter. But we have polarized now just around these two flags "The Republicans" and "the Democrats" and rhetoric is of course always flawed as a result. I am not a member of any party. I have some views some would interpret as "conservative". I have other views some would interpret as "liberal". Stated a bit differently then, some of my views are left leaning, some are right leaning. The big flaw in THIS QUESTION is that I believe most of us fall into the same as me. Some "liberal" some "conservative". Which is why it is the character of the candidate and not fretting about what they "will do" (which always, always, always will at best be 'partially met').
  10. @PozTalkAuthor Nice to meet this side of you. The first weekend I met my husband; we got in bed and he fucked me (of course raw, that's all either of us was willing to do). He also stated he was strictly a top. And yet before the weekend ended a couple of my loads I fucked into him.
  11. WRT Israeli / US Intelligence details; It is quite likely none of us here has the security clearance needed to know the true details. If those details were known, it would no longer be "intelligence" as it would be generally known. In order for a defense department to work, we need to put people in those positions whose word has proven to be their bond. Those whose word is good. I deal with people every day like that; and quite a few whose word is not reliable. Folks who seem to be unable to agree to something and then hold that agreement. In a nutshell, that describes the Orange Geesus. Most of the time when I listen to him the conflicts within his own statements are pretty obvious. The evidence is in what he says himself. Talk about a guy who sucks his own dick....
  12. You're welcome @hntnhole. Indeed we do seem to be getting drawn into the conflict further than I wish. I would prefer we just keep the position of being Israel's "Amazon" for defense stuff and stop there. What strikes me is how quietly we went about getting Bin Laden. Although perhaps we staged an Afghan war to keep eyes on that. But in that case Nettie could be taking actions less hazardous to the civilian population. It also strikes me though that those in Gaza had to know what Hamas was doing and by collectively allowing them to infiltrate so deeply with regular citizens as "shields"; they were participants in bringing this on themselves. Not unlike US citizens will do who were "Apprentice" fans. There is ample evidence leading up to 2016 who Trump is as a person. He doesn't meet his contracts; "renegotiating" after contracted work was completed, and typically keeping those vendors facing legal expenses until they just gave up. Historically his word has never meant anything. I for one would definitely NOT want him as a boss. So why would I choose to employ him as President?
  13. While the virus is of course pretty much the same; the nature of viral infections is that they combine with our own DNA, so each poz person is producing slightly different virus.
  14. Well, indeed something went amiss coming up to Oct 7, 2023. My point it, we can't just cut and run. Netty will ultimately be replaced.
  15. [think before following links] https://www.state.gov/u-s-security-cooperation-with-israel/#:~:text=The United States and Israel have signed multiple bilateral defense,of Forces Agreement (1994).
  16. Israel is a strategic defense partner of ours. It's a two way street so part of our defense is via Israel. We can't really kick Nettie in the balls; as much as the Israeli Trump deserves it.
  17. But first, I hope, he'll pump his "unknown" load into a few unsuspecting guys. After all he can honestly say "my last test was neg".
  18. Nicely done @floodedslut!
  19. @BootmanLA And MAGA faithful are celebrating that. Seriously stupid behavior. If they didn't want to be considered Hillary's "deplorable" perhaps they shouldn't act that way...
  20. I for one don't care for the "should's".... A bottom should xxxx? Depending upon the top there are somethings a bottom can do to increase his pleasure. But "should". Nope.
  21. Well done. Do you imagine there will be a part 2 where we read about Cody's fuck flu? Not really necessary, this story is complete as it is.
  22. Swap cummy jocks?
  23. And typically it takes a lot of poz fucks before it "takes". Which is part of the pleasure. Not knowing "is this the one?".
  24. Nice to stumble across a fellow Cheesehead.  

  25. I might be your toxic grandpa, where in Canada are you?  

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