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Everything posted by PozBearWI

  1. I suspect if someone where to video my daily routine on TV it might cure insomnia! 🙂
  2. Thankfully, we are not in that space. But Rich and I would not have made it our decades with deception. Ultimately coming clean that you're going to play with others. it is up to him to decide what that means for him. At least, for me, that's what I would do. There is nothing wrong with being true to yourself and candid with those you love. When we get to "this is what I am going to do" it is no longer a negotiation. It is really a go/no go decision that we hope those who love us accepts. When they don't, then their assertions they love us fall as flat as their assertions we don't love them. It is about being true to oneself and sharing ones truth.
  3. It sounds like you had a lot of fun. I fail to understand your motivation? I play quite a bit. My husband is well aware. We have a video doorbell and he has ability to see results on his phone as do I. We both find it HAF when the other has a visitor. If you've promised monogamy, and if you care for your mate, what's the point of subterfuge? I love you so much I want to pull the wool over your eyes? For me you would be a fun friend and were I not married already somewhat husband material. Save that we would be openly playful.
  4. Yes indeed. I don't think the metric should be "success" in this case. We're human. Failure to recognize the effort (whether or not declared) seems to be what is taking dialogue away from solutions these days. In WI, there is a lot of focus on use of native american referenaces. My town, Saukville is an amalgam of "sauk" (NA for river) and "ville" the ubiquitous american town name as evidence in "Smallville" et all. At the moment there is no hue and cry at our use of that name... I grew up being referred to by many as "faggot". Sure it was unpleasant. But those are simply words. Absent anything else the word has no power. When I was being threatened with physical harm by someone calling me "fucking faggot" was way less focused on "faggot" than the threat itself. So, I would propose we change "Resdkins" to "Faggots". I would love to be in a stadium with thousands shouting "Go Faggots!!!!" and "Yeah faggots". Thousands declaring they want the "faggots" to win the season... How is that demeaning??? {{and yes I am aware how this changes the topic rather substantially; but my reply is not intended to change the course of the flow, but rather to be an interesting bend in the river of dialogue}}
  5. Well said. WRT PrEP being as ubiquitous as condoms; i agree. It should also be a ubiquitous as Flu Shots. (injectable PrEP already exists although now available everywhere; WI being one of the "not available" states). We are still thinking of HIV in four decade old terms. The better part of half a century has passed. The effects of HIV now vs 40 years ago are vastly different. It is really since then we've come to know HSV and HPV although we don't consider those people "poz" even though arguably they are. People can vaccinate for HPV now and HSV is pretty controllable. No one is serving a criminal conviction for those. HIV belongs in those categories. One of the things which fucks that up is that we still have massive expenses for treatments. The beneficial treatments for diseases which came from what we learned about HIV and human immune system are also stupidly expensive. PrEP is also expensive. For me here in WI; at least for now; it's about even up cost to prevent or treat. For me that argues that it makes little sense to start HIV treatment until I have HIV. Context though gentlemen... I am of an age where HIV would likely not make much of a difference in my longevity.
  6. The words that stand out for me in @ErosWired response are "I appreciate your effort to be sensitive". I didn't understand any of that from your response, nor was it, I believe; your purpose @BootmanLA. Emotions are factual for the individual experiencing them but they are not "the facts" for the rest of us.
  7. I have sent guys away for that. Once it was clear his engagement was with his phone there was no point in me sucking.
  8. So many of our laws still consider HIV in the context of life in the 1980's. In my opinion it should fall under the same set of rules as HSV and HPV (which in my generation was common). How we consider HIV should evolve to more like that context. Individuals who wish to prevent HIV infection have ways to prevent that and still bareback. I assert that man of the medical advances and treatments and even cures we're experiencing now is the human benefit resulting from the AIDS crisis. If as a society we wish to control disease; we need to make it readily available to everyone without price as a barrier. At the moment there are programs still around whose roots are in the 1980's here in Wisconsin. Affordability is for now less an issue here. Of course that could change drastically with a different administration. Germaine to this topic; socially I assert we would be better off decriminalizing disease. For HIV specifically there are methods of controlling that are not dependent on whether someone withheld information or even outright lied.
  9. @BootmanLA Is HIIV pounding on a medicated HIV poz person? Or is it so well controlled that further damage to ones immune system is stopped?
  10. definitely. i think that has always been the case
  11. Actually trying to respond to both post and BootmanLA reply in one post... Sadly my attempt to multiquote didn't seem to work... So copy and paste to the rescue. The poll is still active so it is too soon to draw conclusions. But as I write this the ratio of total bottoms was only 52.94%. That leaves 47.06% in the top or willing to top category. Whenever the poll closes we'll see how the number fare....
  12. I suspect the sexualizing of prostate exams is done more by tops and 'phobes. If bottoms do it shouldn't matter as they already know how to make rectal entry comfortable. Returning to the main topic; fingers are comparatively small. Even 'big sausage fingers". The difference is trivial in what you'll feel getting your prostate checked. And being a top or bottom is irrelevant. Prostate exam is not a sexual act. It is the physician gaining useful data by touch; which is still an important part of a physical exam. Socially we might have forgotten that doctors use touch, smell, sound, visual queues in their exam. Not every thing is known by blood work, imaging and biopsies. As far as discomfort. The total top and/or homophobic guy who does sexualize prostate exams risk holding a lot of tension; which in turn can make your exam much more uncomfortable. It is better to focus on relaxing, trusting that your doc is gaining helpful data for your benefit. Fretting the size of the probe won't help you.
  13. So picking up on @BootmanLA; my opinion is that if you can get vaccinated for MonkeyPox go ahead and do it. Just good preventive care... But if your hoops are major; like having to drive three hours each way which happens here in Wisconsin; I would make an effort to fit it into something else. I know a friend of mine who lives in a low transmission area came to an event this past weekend I hosted; and then stayed around to get vaccinated Monday before he went back home. Overall, as we just experienced globally a viral event; and the response was largely isolation (which helped); we seem to be observing more evolutions of virus. Some of this is just population mixing as humans in some parts of the world have been displaced. Viruses which might have been common and somewhat controlled by herd immunity might be new when that population migrates. My opinion is that keeping current on the vaccinations we can may result in fewer surprises. As a point, we're seeing a spike in illness amongst young people with multiple viruses at once. We should not be surprised if we see similar "pile on" effects in our near futures.
  14. Yes. Perhaps simpler would be to close off topics that have been running a year and let them restart as they will.
  15. Thanks and I agree. I presume to messaged a mod who might consider relocating? As I was describing, topics sometimes; perhaps even commonly veer off the original post. And in many cases especially when it is an old thread; guys jump in perhaps years into it and rarely go back to the opening and start reading the whole thread from the beginning. I could favor an automated feature where at 12 months they all go into a backroom vault. No matter the topic, keeping it current would make sense. For example, "What's it like to be poz?" thread is several years old. Yes so much has changed from the start of that thread to now. Maybe it would be best split up...
  16. For me giving or getting our jizz is sort of the point. Yes getting there may not feel so different, but when I head knows that no cum will get into me; that just messes with my head.
  17. Nephew!!! Come visit your uncle Jim in Wisconsin... 🙂
  18. Clearly you're feeling some frustration @Darcicrisis. And indeed as threads often seem to morph the "most appropriate category may as well. As @BootmanLA initially pointed out; this whole thread perhaps should be moved from the originally correct category, to a different spot because it clearly morphed. You @Darcicrisis aren't at fault here. I am unaware of a flag I could set that might alert moderators when any of us observes a thread has veered in a different direction. If there is @BootmanLA I imagine you would know. How can we bring morphed posts to moderator attention?
  19. Echoing @versmetropig. My relationship is in its 23rd year. We have been sexually open after the first couple of months. Between us our sex life is largely affection more than getting off. More than getting off though; is sharing a life with another human. We've become a family. Aging has introduced challenges to each of us.
  20. Not very demanding here. But it is HAF when a guy tells me stuff while he is unloading in me. Esp when he says stuff like "enjoy this poz load, i hope it takes".
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