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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. In my experience (back in Chicago), the LCR's are concerned more with "assimilating" more than anything else. There was a neighbor (member) who invited me, and I went to a few meetings as his guest. All I heard were cautionary comments about not pissing off this straight group, that straight group, and for heavens sake not that straight group either. And no, I didn't sneak in a fuck with his hotttt boyfriend .... really really really I didn't .... 😇 I don't even know if there's a chapter here in Ft. L.
  2. Isn't it remarkable how some posts are created, discussed, and then resurface quite a while later? I understand the OP's mindset, and I endorse it. In my case, while pumping my dna up Holes has always been an important part of my (adult) life, it's not the only important part. While I do love fucking Holes, there are other things that interest me as well, and I keep active in a number of facets of living. I guess it's just that I don't want any one-thing to control how I live, what I do, or what I don't do. Life can be a fantastic experience, varied and interesting on many levels. I don't allow any one "thing" to overtake everything else. There's just too many experiences to enjoy, take part in, to allow one particular activity to predominate. That said, when it's Fri/Sat night, the time is right, the Lust, the behavior is right, and I love that part of me completely too.
  3. Of course. The one goes hand-in-hand with the other. I also participate on a "general" political blog, and do my part there. It's not anywhere near as much fun as BZ though ...
  4. Whatever works, right? As long as we can vote (and, fingers crossed, have it counted properly), we'll have to accept any contrivance to get the job done.
  5. I agree. They were both victims of O.R., which only taught repressive notions, and the advent of "free thinking" had barely just begun. Frankly, I think they were both too embarrassed to ever allude to sex in general, let alone anything useful to a kid. Once, my mother actually made a date for me, after receiving a call from one of her friends. The friend's oldest daughter (a real mousey wallflower) didn't have a date for the Prom, and asked my mom if I'd take her. My dad was home, sitting in a wing chair with this Cheshire Cat look on his face, glancing at me sideways. He knew what was coming, and I didn't. So, mom explained the situation, and asked if I'd ask what's-er-name to the Prom. I was stunned, and my dad was trying not to smile. I told my mom that she could never ever try to make a date for me again. Dad began to lose the battle not to smile. At which point, mom said "alright, you call (her friend, the mom of the girl) and tell her "your daughter isn't good enough for you". I'll never forget that exchange - my mom was furious. I simply replied "No, YOU call her, and tell her not to make the same mistake with her son (3rd or 4th oldest, I think). Now. I would have gladly taken the second-oldest daughter - she was a firecracker if ever there were one - she was a lot of fun. Loved getting into mischief, laughing, just a lot of fun. Not for anything sexual at all, just for the fun that surely would have taken place. I don't know how my mother dealt with the issue: she never mentioned it again, thank Whatever.
  6. That jogged my memory: I can't remember exactly what grade I was in - probably Junior High - when my Dad took me downtown to the YMCA one night to hear an "expert" clinically describe what the heteronormative event we call fucking consisted of. It was an "X happens to the woman, Y happens to the man, Z happens when they fuck" kind of thing, quite "clinical". While I recognized a number of schoolmates (with their dads), I don't think any one of us ever talked about it at school. That was it, as far as my cultural sexual education went. Thank Whatever it was only a one-night thing.
  7. To the OP, though: The reason isn't merely the physical sensation of rutting in a cum-sloppy Hole. Rutting in a cumdump's Hole is as much a reinforcement of the cumdump's behavior, endorsing and upholding his behavior - his worship of Sperm - delivered by countless hard, raw Cocks - over the span of time he's been "free". The scent of a well-Bred Hole, the taste of the Sperm pumped up his wet Hole, is the proof of his devotion to his Lusts, that is both enticing (to the next Cock) and affirmation of his wanton behavior with previous Cocks that's equally compelling. Sure, some Cock has to be the first of the night, and as the evening wears on, the cumdump's Hole will become increasingly attractive, compelling. If the loads up a Hole are enticing, it's because his wanton sexual behavior has drawn the attention of his opposite number - the Breeders. I simply adore cumdumps.
  8. Aside from the above, very true observations, there's one more, slightly oblique one: When a guy simply loves - adores - worships hard raw Cocks pumping loads in his Hole, and is unable to resist acting on that Lust, taking loads off Cocks seen and unseen, to me it means he's considered the issue in depth, jettisoned the cultural [banned word]'s and become the man he must be. Of course, it's possible to refrain from becoming that man - becoming a cumdump - but the problem lies in the fact that he's not only avoiding/confronting/reaching his potential, he's purposely avoiding it for one reason or another, and that's a heavy price to be paid for some shred of acceptance by others. When men (Tops) service countless bottoms, reveling in the call of the wild, we Tops are embracing ourselves, our cumdump brothers, and living our Truths. If we're true to ourselves, accept ourselves, and behave accordingly, we become Real Men; we're actually living our magnificent lives, as opposed to sacrificing ourselves on some false altar of "acceptance" by those who will always and forever denigrate us. Not a tough choice, as I see it.
  9. The only (smallish) issue I've experienced with Descovy, is occasional looseness of the bowels. I eat really healthy (or as healthy as I know how - u-no-hoo) - so it's not that big a deal for me.
  10. Presumably you've heard of the North Atlantic TREATY Organization, which treaty has kept the peace in Europe since WW2? Keeping "the world" safe has kept the US, out of wars ever since, other than those started by Dubya, of course ... you'll recall that it was he who invaded Iraq (2003), with 4,431 American soldiers killed, and Afghanistan (2001). with 2,402 American/Allied soldiers dead. At least he kept his hands off Europe. Modern-era Republicans as peacemakers? What a ridiculous, laughable notion. The rest of your screed is beneath a reply.
  11. That's because there's no "understanding" to be had. Isolationism has never proved fruitful; it only proves the incapacities of those who hold those notions. Remember the brou-ha-ha about T building one of his gold-radiator-painted* hotels in Moscow? That fell through for some reason, but once the notion of putting up a shoddy hotel and wringing money out of it enters T's syphilitic mind, he never turns his back on the prospect. He's so desperate for validation, he'll sop up every false smile from the likes of Putin, or any other run-of-the-mill despot. With that deeply-flawed man, there's always the money, the grift, buried somewhere in what's left of his mind. He's probably still thinking he can pull off yet another con somehow. And lately, with his breathtaking legal bills, plus the upcoming trials, he's grasping at any straw in the wind he can. *in the event some are unaware, disreputable dealers of antique, 'period' furniture paint artifacts of questionable merit with gold-colored 'radiator paint', which can resemble gilt, and thus pass off mediocre-yet-old furniture/whatever as "real". Period art-frames, mirrors, etcetera are prime targets. Sure there is. Build a new wall, on the WESTERN border of Ukraine, Poland, the Baltic countries, etc, etc. I doubt Putin will try to swallow Finland at the same time though - those Finns are one tough bunch when they're invaded. I don't think P. has the means to get much more adventurous these days. Other than nukes (if he used them, he knows his country would be reduced to a smoldering pile of irradiating cinders for a thousand years). Remember, The Austrian guy had an entrenched General Staff of long standing to deal with - Pukin doesn't. I don't believe there is any 'understanding" to be had. These folks are pulling the covers over their heads, jettisoning any thoughtful behavior, and trusting that (their version of) "God" will appear and "save" them from their own dullness, which has yet to happen in all of recorded human history. I rather doubt now is their time either. Another way to put it, is there simply is no "understanding" to be had. Isolationism has been proven to be a destructive behavior throughout human history, and this latest iteration is no different.
  12. How very prescient of you to point that out. Religious "pornography" seems a lovely description of that particular bent.
  13. Actually, I still have some t.p. in the bathroom with you-know-who's photo with him - puckered lips, as though about to kiss - that a friend gave me when he was running for his first term. I draped it over a gaudy gilt frame of The Beach at Trouville I hung in the bathroom - and they're still hanging there. One fine day, I look forward to when the cell door slams shut, he's history, and then I'll actually <ahem> "use" those pieces of t.p.
  14. There wasn't a choice that applied to me. Why? They didn't disown me, I disowned them. I have no contact with the cousins, their children, nor any interest in them. Their father was a pastor, and they've all tried and failed at other careers, and they're all back at the same old trough now. The rest of the relatives are still in Sweden, and I haven't been back there since adolescence. There are some distant relatives in MN, but I never really got to know them, nor they me, and I haven't seen/heard from them since childhood. That means that I got to choose my 'family', some of which have passed, and some of which are still an important part of my life - one of which is coming (with his husband of many years) to visit next week. It'll be a lot of fun, as always.
  15. You're a GENIUS !!! When do the toilet "ups & extras" become available ????????
  16. Hell, yes. However, I do a "sniff-test" before getting busy .... there's currently a similar thread about "raunch", what it is, etc. I don't want to pick up some bug I can avoid easily, I don't want to smell, let alone taste shit, and rimming a less-than-prepared Hole isn't something I'm interested in let alone fuck. Once, at my favorite fuckjoint, the darkroom was evacuated almost instantly, when one unfortunate bottom also "evacuated" inappropriately. I know accidents can happen, and when they do it's usually due to poor preparation. I think that virtually every raw bottom does try his best to prepare for taking loads, and that is just one of the crosses they bare - oops - I mean bear ...
  17. Possessing the capacity for empathy is hardly a character flaw. I would go so far as to say that not possessing that capacity is indeed a regrettable, missing component of one's character. While it's the nature of a person possessing that instinct to help folks they run across, it's simply unmanageable to attempt, which is why there are social service agencies we can donate to. You shouldn't feel guilty; It's not your fault the guy is apparently homeless, and there's nothing to feel guilty about. We can only do as much as we can do.
  18. I tend to agree with the others who specified shit. While a pre-fuck shower (without adding deodorant afterwards) is fine, the bottom's bodily reaction to a hot fuck is something I don't mind at all.
  19. Well, I know that Slammer is open on Sunday nights ...
  20. That makes not one shred of sense to me. The whole idea behind practicing modern medicine (or ancient, for that matter) is to test and treat illnesses, and cure them when possible. The outfit I get the PrEP from sends me a "testing kit" every 3 months, with which I do all the stuff, and send it back. However, given certain proclivities of mine, I get tested every month (outside of that supplier), because I go places and do things wherein I could easily pick up a bug (and occasionally do). The way I read the above quote is, the medical folks in your area simply assume that there is only one other person that could possibly be affected, which assumes far, far too much. When there is no single "other person", but rather many others that one has no knowledge of, (other than whether they're a good fuck or not), assumes a far more authoritarian stance than is even close to appropriate. Who do these supposedly caring, medically-trained folks think they are, I wonder.
  21. TALLSLENDERGUY !!!!! That's the most vomit-inducing thing I've seen in ages. Those hideous, vulgar golden shoes were bad enough .... but this !!!! I didn't follow the instructions to "go to the next page", wherein I'm assuming that worthless little statue's cost will appear, but he (t.) would have to pay me plenty (unlike the State of NY, no bonds accepted here, btw - only cold, hard cash) to put it behind a tire and back over it before tossing it in the gutter. ❤️
  22. The President is contemplating another effort to deal with the border problems directly, it seems. We already know that T. has forbidden the House to deal with it, so he can campaign (yet again another wall that Mexico will pay for, maybe?) against the President, using the border issue. It's understandable that the President would like to be seen to be dealing with the mess, but how about dealing with the root-cause instead of just a bandage? Why not mount a political campaign to deal with the governments of South America that have either failed, or in process of it, such that the citizens feel they have to run for their lives? Yes, the "bandage" does need to be dealt with asap, but it seems that trying to rectify the root causes of this mass-migration would be a more effective and permanent solution. Perhaps Spain, the conquering nation of the South American Continent (then, entirely Papist in religious doctrine), could help in some way to reverse the mistakes of the past centuries. While I find it unacceptable that the little boy running the House these days pay any attention to the filth pouring out of the former President's foul mouth, what is, is. I haven't researched what the US could actually accomplish, were this effort to begin, but it couldn't hurt to try. I know that the diplomats are working overtime in the Levant, attempting to bring about some measure of relief to the uncountable starving, injured, homeless unfortunates in and around Rafah as well as the corpse of Gaza, but why not try something that might permanently (or semi, anyway) deal with the root causes of the mass migration in our hemisphere? One ancillary focus could be pressuring the R.C.C. about their stance on birth control, instead of NPF (natural family planning). While NPF can be somewhat effective (from the female's perspective), it does little to curb the "God-given" prerogatives of the husband's "right" to pussy-on-demand.
  23. This is apparently what you're alluding to, regarding "Republicans keep Cuba in line" : "June 20 (Reuters) - China and Cuba are negotiating to establish a new joint military training facility on the island, sparking alarm in the U.S. that it could lead to the stationing of Chinese troops and other security operations just 100 miles off Florida's coast, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday citing current and former U.S officials." That is from June, 2023 ..... [think before following links] https://www.reuters.com/world/china-plans-new-military-training-facility-cuba-wsj-2023-06-20/
  24. You're not kidding ... there are a lot of guys in the 'hood that bought houses around here for that very reason.
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