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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. I'm just getting dizzy ........... and no, I'm not drunk.
  2. Shucks ..... I'm always surprised these Congresspersons have an asshole left, after bending over for the shovels-ful of dough Big Pharma pumps up their ribey asses. How many mansions are enough? How many yachts are enough? How many limo's do they need to carry the bags of money to the off-shore banks ??? And, it's not just the usual suspects, either. We should open our own Congress of the Bareback Nation - we'd all be so damn rich even CheetoHead would come begging (once he outta the clink, of course).
  3. I have a question: May we equate the banned words (and their substitutions) with actual people to be banned? For instance, the real, actual vapid person whose foul name appears in certain threads on BZ in place of an imaginary, wicked, hellish invention of Organized Religion, is actually running for Governor of the State of Alaska. Our brothers in Alaska need to be warned not to vote for Madame X (no connection to the famed Cadillac 16 of the same name) whose connection to the magical contrivance referenced directly above is clear and obvious. Equally clear and obvious is the fact that her name appears in lieu of the actual invention of the universal enemy, O.R. If the answer is yes, then Mrs. Palin is forever banned to stay in the netherworld, and bother us no more. Some other disgustment will be needed to substitute for the forbidden allegorical contrivance. Suggestions, anyone ???
  4. As long as we're as far as possible from the soulless ensnarement's of Organized Religion, I'm with YOU !!!
  5. One fairly effective way to avoid a situation like this, is to restrict your cruising to the places where only other "sluts", "whores" cruise for raw Cock/Hole. There are a couple of benefits that come to mind: 1. If you're susceptible to "shaming" in the first place, it can only happen where your peers are also slutting and whoring. 2. Sticking to the places where shameless men fuck each other removes the ability to feel shame, since every other man is practicing the same sexual license that you are. It's the would-be "shamer" that gets laughed down. The more numerous side of any altercation usually wins. 3. If someone does attempt to "shame" you for your sexual wantonness, merely smile, and say something like "hell yeah I'm a fukkin "_________ " (fill in the blank), and I love it", so what's it to you? In other words, claim the supposed insult as a compliment. That has taken place in other denigrating situations, particularly racial ones, where a disgusting word began to be "taken back" by the denigratee's, thus reducing it's harmful value to the denigrator's. When someone says something like "you're such a pig" to me, I merely grin and say something like "yeah, I know - so bend over and you'll be next". As to the online garbage, none of that is real until the guys meet up and fuck. Everything prior to a raw Cock in a raw Hole is just air in the ether - a fart in a windstorm - and not worth your attention. I don't bother with the cruising apps anymore at all. Good luck !!
  6. As BareLover666 mentioned only a few hours ago, and which I will enlarge upon: So don't use rubbers. I haven't used one for decades. Instead, get on PReP. Get the inoculations against the various std's that come right along with the pleasures of raw sex. Once you're fully vaccinated with all available preventive meds, and on PReP, you will have taken every possible precaution there is to take against illness. At that point, you will be able to decide whether to jump into the whirling vortex of mating men, be celibate, or something in-between. Understand that the more raw Cock you take, the more std's will find their way to your body. Consider it as a trade-off between what you feel you need to do to be whole, and the inevitable sexual bugs that will surely come your way. Only you can decide where you fit on that spectrum, so take all the time you need to come to terms with the thrills and the occasional unwelcome-but-treatable price to be paid. Good luck.
  7. LOL .... Anyone who's actually heard the (human) Mrs. Palin knows how breathtakingly vapid, arrogant, intellectually limited, vain-without-reason-to-be, dull and plain old stupid that foul creature is. I doubt (is "the evil one" ok?) would allow any association with her, since it would only diminish that entity's presumed reputation.
  8. Actually, it's the alligators that I'm more concerned about. There's a forest preserve where I walk the dog occasionally, with a very small lake in the middle. It's a nice walk around the lake, and recently a ranger there warned me to stay further away from the lake (I was maybe 30 yards away already), since some guy got his leg chewed up looking for a damn frisbee close to the lake. Apparently if they're hungry, they can run fast, and after all the stuff I've done, it would be a shame to wind up as lunch for one of those critters 😨
  9. Agreed, ellentonboy. I've asked them questions several times, and they're always clear and kind in their responses. I've read the rules several times, and do my best to stay in my lane. Thanks for the good advice.
  10. Welllllllllll ...... I didn't find it very mystifying. Maybe it's just myopia on my part, but - then again maybe not. Only one way to find out for sure, of course ........................
  11. I have only one minor comment re: banned words. That being, usually when I read a post and see (banned word) in the text, I almost automatically try to figure out what it is. And I can't. I think of every bad word I can come up with, and none of them fit the phrasing of that particular sentance. It's not like I'm inexperienced at it - I was in the publishing business for decades. Bad spelling literally leaps off the page at me. Awkward phrasing does too - but then, not every guy was/is in the wordsmithing business either. My eyes have an "auto-forgive" setting that's always in use unless the errors are just too egregious to let slip by. Even then, my observance is so oblique, it may be easily missed. I'm sure the last one was a week or so ago. So maybe the banned word isn't a "bad" word? Maybe it has nothing to do with vulgarity, crassness? Regrettable spelling or fallacious thought-leading certainly isn't banned (nor should it be - this isn't grammar school, thank Whatever). Maybe if we had some kind of hint from our estimable Leaders we could avoid the dread banned words or phrases.
  12. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA ...... never been to the above-mentioned site, but if it's anything like mancunt, then that's yet another reason to avoid it. I haven't used any of them for years.
  13. To me, (he's passed), it was absolutely inconceivable. The very notion being the definition of vomatious. Now. If I had a younger brother, that would be a verrrry different story ....
  14. Leaving home, going away to undergrad. Must have taken all of a month to figure it all out. Frat-bro brought me out, been wallowing in the pig-pen ever since.
  15. It's always fascinating how becoming a parent can add a dimension to one's life. Lorenzo, are you absolutely sure you have to give up sex with men? There are countless men that are able to "pigeon-hole" their sexual deviancies, sating their desires to a certain point, and maintaining the "family-man" facets of life as well. It sounds like you've placed yourself in a fairly desperate place. Of course you "have other things to do now ...." - wonderful things, beautiful things, self-less things. I haven't found myself in a similar situation, so I'm merely asking why you couldn't carve out a little time, here and there, occasionally, for your own needs. It seems to me that you would be happier, more fulfilled, and thus more able to devote yourself to "the other wonderful thing". The SRQDude's commentary above is well worth taking to heart, and that's already your instinct. Isn't there a little bit of room for satisfying that part of who you are too? Best of luck.
  16. Nah .... I just want the MPX vaccine ... starting to go cuckoo here .....
  17. Neither do I ..... but dayam ..... they're such easy targets .... very difficult to resist .... and doing it politely has to count for something, right ?😈
  18. That won't get very far .... the republiKans want more white babies, not fewer ..... 🙃
  19. Thanks, appreciate it. (I'm going scotch on the doo-dads .... they seem to be in as short supply as MPX vaccine)
  20. Good morning, virginpig14, and welcome to the site. Interesting that you "just discovered this site", in that it appears you joined BZ August 23, 2014? In any case, if you actually have just discovered BZ: Most of the discourse on BZ is very real; for instance, the gay politics section, the health-related sections, and almost any genuine subject a guy can think of. Some of the content isn't meant to be literally true, more just "wannabe" stories, but each of these various "threads" of content are at the top of the opening page. If there are some threads with content you don't particularly care for, you can "not-follow" them, and conversely, you can "follow" threads you enjoy. These choices are available in the upper right corner of the home page. Also, you can "follow" individual members, and you'll get a notification whenever that guy adds commentary to an existing thread, starts a new subject, etc.
  21. just a quick question: "OP" means Original Poster, right?
  22. I like screen names that are inventive, allude to what the guy's prowling for, and leave room for a bit of guessing. Mine, unfortunately, doesn't do much of one of those though. It's fair, it's concise, and not much else. Back when I used the apps, I wonder how many times the first thing a guy would type is "hunt-my-hole". 😴
  23. There are several things we can do: fan the flames of the women's rights debacle, attend demonstrations that are large enough to get local tv coverage, get everyone you know to register and vote, etc. Charlie's no panacea, but hells bells if he's not way better than DeathSantis, and his hatemongering crowd. "ALL politics is local"
  24. Yes, yes ... I know the comment wouldn't apply to you, and added a short escape clause at the end*. That was more directed to the poster of the thread, who seemed unfamiliar with sounding (as well as spelling). Any Bd/Sm gear can be dangerous if the experimenter/beginner doesn't know how to use them safely. I don't disagree that a submissive - in the sense you're using the term - are generally men (i.e. with no small amount of experience under their (chastity) belt), but the poster doesn't seem to fit that at all. Of course it is, in your case. You are eminently capable in the arts of B/d & S/m. Precious few men have your reservoir of experience to draw upon though, and where these kinds of sexual interactions are involved, I will always err on the side of caution, hoping that no one actually harms himself. Actually, asking an experienced submissive to show the newbie the ropes is an excellent idea, which didn't occur to me. Not every B/d S/m Top/M. would have the patience - or even the inclination - to do it - particularly with a newbie. If the Universe decided to bestow an enormous gift upon our poster, it would indeed be you who would have the pleasure of introducing a new boy to the thrills of B/d & S/m. As always, thanks for the incisive reply. *I thought I might hear something from - oh - a man exceptionally well-experienced in these matters, generous-of-heart and body, caring for others, but I don't think he likes hearing about it, so ..... 😉
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