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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. I'm not quite clear about the question: do you mean the bottom (as above, in a sex-only environment) being in a "relationship"? I'm not sure I understand what that would have to do with possessing a talented (and presumably experienced, well-used) Hole. I suppose a bottom, in a relatively static, unexciting relationship, could feel he can only use his skills outside the relationship. That would presuppose the relationship is already foundering, if the bottom brings enthusiasm to the tricks, hookups, fuckjoints with him. That said, a single man who loves Cocks breeding his Hole can exhibit pure (maybe in-born?) talent too. I guess I don't quite understand the question ......
  2. Of course not. The goal of every cumdump worth the title is to satisfy raw Cocks. More, to protect himself as well as the Cocks he services, he should take mitigatory steps to do that, thus enabling him to service many more Cocks over his lifetime than may otherwise be the case.
  3. When the roots of a tree are infected, so is the trunk, limbs and branches. The entire tree rots from within, and the result is malformed leaves. From the mightiest oak to the tenderest sapling, cultural bullshit stemming from the pseudo-religiosity of a hugely altered Original Message infects our culture, and has for far longer than most realize. We can't depend on some magical celestial gardener to come rid us of the poison - that's something we must do ourselves. Otherwise, we only spread the infection, generation after generation.
  4. I think "milking" a Cock is only something that comes with experience, muscle training, and dedication. A man that knows how to use is Hole to suck off a Cock is truly a treasure to Breed with. It's not merely a skill, it's an art to be celebrated and respected. I might just add (from experience) that the more a bottom goes on about his milking abilities, the less likely he is to actually possess them. A bottom that can doesn't need to run his mouth about it - the Top knows right away that he's rutting in First Class Hole. Not that I know from experience, but I'd bet a pot-full that EW has more talent in his little toe than a bar-full of talkers.
  5. Well !!! That never even occurred to me. I agree with your implicit suggestion that many women exert undue "power" over their husbands, which may result in hubby getting some on the side. There are, however, far more than enough "ladies of the evening" to assuage those presumably "straight" men. I think it's far more likely that the straight guy will go find some outside pussy (I mean, real female, as opposed to the "pussy" we read about here in BZ) than cruise around in some parking lot or gay cruising area. The guy could be arrested, with all that entails to his life, the guy could pick up a bug and really fuck up his life, he could be seen or recognized, setting tongues wagging, all kinds of things that could be avoided by fucking a different woman than his wife. I'm not so sure it's impossible for a woman to play both roles. Agreed, she's in a less powerful position, but it's as likely as not that she can be a pig in the bedroom, behind closed doors. I don't think it's so impossible. Pure, innocent little wife at church on Sunday, and a whore at home. Women are far better at this kind of duality than men, probably because of the cultural pressures exerted on them. As to social norms, women are just as likely as men to step "outside" when they're frustrated. Particularly when a little power-play they execute doesn't work. They may not do it as quickly as their husbands, but they're just as likely. if a gay guy sucks off a straight guy, there's almost no chance for anything other than a biological act taking place for either of them. And, I have no problem with that. But adding altruism to the pot would be like a bit too much pepper in the stew. Thanks for the idea though - it bears a bit of thought.
  6. Yes, there is that potential. However, when all of this is over, and considering how culturally close the two populations are, I think Russian shame over what was done in their name will outweigh any potential animosity. The Russian citizenry has been ripped off by their Government (and those who propped it up) for ages now, and I imagine they'd recognize the pattern of repetition, and not blame the Ukranians. re: the foolishness of the Treaty of Versailles, I agree 100%. That was pure punishment, not just "reparations", and it led (exacerbated by the world-wide depression starting in 1929) to a hungry, out of work population of a nation that also believed in the myth of their own Lost Cause - i.e. the so-called Stab-in-the-back, which we see being resurrected currently in the US. Those who shed crocodile tears for the "Lost Cause" of the Confederacy are singing the same song as the Germans once sang. Unfortunately, you're entirely correct in that the depression, magnified in Germany by the reparations debacle, allowed the general population to sink into the pit of hatred of a certain religion and it's adherents. There were a number of contenders for power, but of course, the worst one beat the rest out. What I find interesting today is, Putin is summoning forth the ghosts of that World War to justify his rape of the Ukraine now. I rather doubt the Russian people will fall for that old song. As the entire world vomits at the actions of Pukin (sorry, couldn't resist) I see only escalation coming, and I just hope it doesn't lead to WW3. There won't be anything left - maybe not anyone, either.
  7. That makes me sad too. There are bad folks in all spheres of human beings though, and unfortunately you finally experienced one. I had a similar experience, in a way. Years ago, my better half went out antique shopping, and came home with this kid who worked at one of the shops. It must have been cooler weather, since he had a Pendleton insulated shirt/jacket. Fun had by all, and the othe half offered to drive him back to the shop. That jacket wound up under the bed, and the cleaning lady wasn't coming again until the following week, so neither he nor I had any reason to look under the bed. So, a few days later, he-of-the-hungry-Cock went "shopping" again, brought home something I can't even remember (it was sop for either of us to go for take-out and share it at home) and that kid must have looked under the bed, saw the nice warm jacket, and took it. Of course, a couple of days later, the first one (in this vignette) came back, because - wait for it - his mom was kicking his ass for losing it !!! I had no idea of where toh picked up the first kid, and all I remember is giving the second kid an older one of mine so he'd just leave; I never really liked the colors anyway. But that doesn't match the theft you endured. It's not the stuff - it's the fact that was stolen that harms us. People like that exist, and while we cannot know the reasons they feel they must steal other peoples stuff - particularly after such an in-depth encounter - all we can do is conclude that their situation is far worse than ours. Do try not to let it get too far into your head - the next X number of guys will be good ones !!! Maybe one of them will give you some particularly delicious article of gear - and that will make up for it.
  8. What I can't quite understand is, why on earth bother with so-called "straight" guys, when there are so many gay guys that aren't all fucked up about what they need? To me, it's chasing drama, problems, upheaval, distractions from doing what we need to do. That, and placing ourselves in the way of angry women - which sordid notion is the very definition of asking for trouble. This thread specifies "straight" guys. Not "bi" guys, not "gay-curious" guys, only "straight" guys. Who cares what they do or don't do?
  9. Hopefully, all those frozen/seized rubles can be given to the Ukraine to rebuild their infrastructure, since it was those who ripped off all the dough that made it possible for Pukin to attempt this fools errand in the first place. The Ukrainians deserve it far more than anyone else.
  10. Well said, all the way around. I've never cared for "pushy" bottoms either. There's a time for any mention of preferences/favorites, etc, but it definitely is not in the middle of the Breeding.
  11. One more round of thanks - instead of trying to get in all the various letters, I'll use the plus sign from now on too. I don't want to exclude anyone, but also don't want to have a required "checklist" to refer to either. Thanks again.
  12. Well, I never use that particular term* - I call it Hole. And, I use that phrase (that is good Hole) fairly regularly, but not commonly. That would be in the context of visually exciting, (ie, symmetrically in tune with the rest of the body, and nicely hairy), tight enough to clamp down on my Cock, experienced enough to milk it, experienced enough to know when to let me do the work instead, and already been used when I happen along. A wet Hole is already half-way there to "good", as far as I'm concerned, since that indicates an already dedicated love of taking loads off raw Cocks. *to me, using a feminine term for a man's body is simply not appropriate.
  13. They're probably just envious. They live with all these female-related restrictions, and we don't live with any of those "controlling" demands. Even including some possible, subliminal urges - they're still trapped in PussyLand. Ya pay your money and ya make your choice.
  14. Thanks to one of our members - NLBear - there IS a way to donate to a GLBT(and all the rest of the initials) to assist our Ukrainian Brothers and Sisters in their hour of need. I just checked the website Allout.org again, which NLBear suggested, and as of this afternoon the first banner to appear is how to donate specifically to the Ukrainian Tragedy unfolding there, and specifically to the gay crowd. I'd never heard of it before, and shame on me for that. Every day we learn something new is a good day, right? I have not done any exploration of the organization yet, but apparently there are offices world-wide. Please go to that website and familiarize yourself with their services. Then, dig a bit into your pockets and give what you can. They are us, and they need our help. Thanks.
  15. YES !!! This afternoon, there IS a specific link that appears first on that allout.org website relating to direct help for our Ukrainian brothers and sisters. THANKS SO MUCH NLbear !!! See, everyone? There are so many guys on BZ that know so much about everything ...... this is why I really appreciate BZ.
  16. If I had one, I'd probably like that position more !!!
  17. I take no issue whatsoever with your "rant", rock-cock-jock. That said, it seems that humanity has - since we crawled out of the caves - felt some urge to seek some sort of Spirituality content to our existence. It is that urge/need/whatever that Organized Religion has taken advantage of, for it's own institutional advantage. Thus, we need to take care not to "throw the baby out with the bathwater", as the old saying goes. Spirituality is a quality that cannot be taken away from humanity, it has merely been thoroughly and deeply co-opted by peddlers of magic, the supernatural, ineffectual rituals, on and on. Having been raised in the kind of religiosity you describe, but also blessed with an inquiring mind and perhaps some small measure of intelligence, an independent streak up my spine, I to have rejected these antiquated notions in favor of a personal quest for spirituality. There have been numerous "great teachers" on the issue of gaining a measure of Spirituality throughout human history, and what they have in common, is that all of us are equally imbued with intrinsic worth. We all have choices to make about how we want to live our lives, and what kind of values we choose to include or exclude. Today, reading works of depth, writers of honest inquiry, non-traditional (but equally valid, or even more-so) texts, books, articles will help guide us on our Spiritual Journey. Thus, you and I are of one mind in rejecting the bs peddled by O.R., and the thing we can't forget is that there are other ways to Connect with Spirituality. All we need to do is open our minds, and our Spiritual understanding will increase throughout our lives.
  18. Thanks, but not necessary. Sometimes these threads take on a life of their own, and diverge into other thought-trains. I'm as guilty of that as any guy, I suppose. Your thoughts are always welcome and appreciated by all of us.
  19. I'd have to agree. I think every man should fuck whatever he's drawn to fuck. For me, that disqualifies "straight" men, because I love men who love raw Cock, are willing and able to say so without equivocation, and in any situation that presents itself. In the darkrooms, who gives a rats ass whether the Hole bent over taking loads off any/every Cock calls himself "straight"? His mouth would be full of something other than injurious self-deception anyway.
  20. The only change in my tastes, since I've been at this for a number of years, is I'm not terribly interested in "beginners". There is often too much "baggage" when a guy is just beginning to figure out who and what he is, what he needs, so I go more for the men who have resolved all of that, and just love raw Cocks pumping loads up their guts. It's a process many of us must go through, I realize that, but I've done my share of teaching guys how to release, then revel in their sexual Lusts. In the darkrooms, they've gone through all of that already, and come out the other side ready, willing and able. It's all about Cock/Hole/Sperm
  21. That is about the silliest, judgmental, most ill-informed thing I've read on this site. It reflects a breathtaking ignorance of the Universal Message, as promulgated by a great humanistic teacher. I invite you to consider some of the work of E. Bruce Brooks, available from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. an empirical and exhaustively researched series of publications under the group-titled scholarly efforts entitled Studies in Early Christianity. You may also find some of the Apocrypha illuminating* regarding historical alterations of the Message suffered by the above-alluded-to great teacher. If you are capable of opening your mind, learning facts vs. historical fictions, you can experience intellectual growth, depth, breadth, and enhance, rather than diminish, your assumed "knowledge". *certainly not all - some are clearly historical (dating from the 3rd century, and clearly politically inspired), as the Romans co-opted the Original Message in the effort to broaden their empire via the Roman Catholic Church as well as force-of-arms. I wish you well.
  22. <<<filthy grin>>> and I'll usually fuck a hot Hole in whatever position I happen to find him in ... the above are just my favorites ,,,,
  23. I agree that in many circumstances there is a bit of necessary "checking things out" to see how ready the bottom is. Obviously, if he's been taking loads for hours, no need to bother with that, but if you're his first Cock of the night, consider his level of comfort too. I know some guys just walk up to a Hole and ram it home, but - that seems a bit too much to expect without any prior discussion. The bottom's experience counts too. I prefer natural "lube" to commercial products, that being either my saliva or loads off previous Cocks. If neither of those seem to be the case, at least wet your finger before the exploration. Yes, possibly, probably, and no. I don't see anything odd about being attracted to shorter men than you. We all have our preferences, of course - and that (as stated) wouldn't qualify as a "fetish" in my book (unless your attraction would be to minors that haven't grown up yet). My own preference is to mouth-lube a Hole, preferably pre-loaded - which I suppose would definitely qualify as a fetish. It looks like I'm replying to tallslenderguy's response - when I was trying to respond to Sharp-edge's question. Highlighted the wrong area, I guess. My apologies.
  24. ooops .... fingers got dizzy ..... conCAVE .....
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