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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Lots of us are of like mind. When it's time, I want to be as deep in the Hole as possible, and stay there until the balls are calling for some air.
  2. When two guys who love/care for/enjoy all facets of each other's lives are together, I understand that. To me, however, kissing is for lovers, if one is lucky enough to have one. I don't mean the "peck-on-the-cheek" type, I mean the deep sharing that guys that love each other experience. Short of that, the only excuse I can think of for kissing a guy is if he's just sucked a Cock off.
  3. The "traffic light" construct have been the default "safewords" forever, and the fact that it encompasses three stages of activity (stop, caution, go) can be useful. That said, I prefer to ask the prospective bottom to come up with his own word, which implies he also consider acts he might prefer to postpone in the proposed initial scene. It encourages him to reflect - however momentarily - on associations wherein he might need to use it. I've actually taped a little note somewhere in the slingroom with his choice of word, just to be sure I'll remember it (especially if the scene is to take place in a number of days). Also, as part of the "warm-up", I ask him to repeat his safeword, to make sure he remembers it, and have him explain his understanding of what calling out the safeword will do. The choreography of a Bd/Sm scene is important for two reasons: it demonstrates the capability of the Top to the bottom, and helps the bottom feel confident that he'll receive what he's interested in, and nothing he isn't. I also look for ways to praise, congratulate, encourage (not too much, of course) a newbie, which only builds his own confidence. I know that some Bd/Sm Tops would never let one vowel of praise pass their lips during a scene, for a variety of suspect reasons, but an innocuous word of encouragement almost always helps put a novice at ease, which is one of my goals. There is an old adage among Bd/Sm Tops that states "a boy must be broken down first, and then re-built to the Dom's specifications". That has never made one iota of sense to me. Competency really counts in these kinds of scenes.
  4. I'm so sorry so many actually had to deal with such an outrage. I simply cannot imagine how one get's past that, but clearly a lot of you are dealing with it as best it can be dealt with.
  5. So, if that's the case, the next step is to officially "open things up", as the saying goes ... right? Then, neither guy has to come up with bullshit excuses, try to remember what excuse he used last time, and you guys can enjoy the thrill of fucking/getting fucked together ... each of you gets to wallow in pigsex, gets to watch your partner wallowing in pigsex, maybe even going to orgies together. And, all of it will be on the up & up !!! Win/win, right?
  6. What the word actually is doesn't really matter; Dandelion is as good as any, since that word would hardly come up in any conversation during a Bd/Sm scene., or any other, for that matter. The important thing is that it be established during the required, prior negotiation, and each participant is clear about what it means. Obviously, being a Top, I don't have one: I only need to be sure to remember what the bottom's safeword is. Some also use a "slow-down" word or phrase, which is particularly useful for a novice. In any case, the Top always needs to be assessing the bottom's reactions, and proceed carefully during the scene. Well said. Thank you.
  7. Thanks for the update. One of the reasons is, guys leave their trash all over the place too, and the neighborhood association has been bitching. When guys get so emboldened, the homeowners - many of whom have lived in the area for many years - get pissed off, and (in my mind anyway) for good reason. Our front yards are not there to facilitate a bunch of guys fucking each other. There is, however, an area just N of the High School, immediately over the bridge into W.M's, on the north bank of the river, where guys fuck. I've never gone over there (it's between the river and Wilton Tower), but I know some guy do in the wee hours. There can be alligators in that river, and no fuck is worth getting your ass bitten by one of those critters !!!
  8. I think this question addresses one of the reasons a lot of Tops tend to like rutting in a number of Holes before Breeding a couple of them. It's just a fact that bottoms can take load after load after load without shooting their load, if that's what they need. Tops usually can't pump out load after load after load without some "off" time in-between. It's just a matter of physiology, not a matter of Lust.
  9. Be SURE to send that quote to the Speaker of the House (on his phone, so the kid can enjoy it too).
  10. Interesting comment there, J-raw. What is "sleepy" about the legislative victories he's responsible for? He may appear to be "old", but that only means he's got a lot more experience than younger pols. He knows Government far far better than the former President ever dreamed of. Biden has delivered on his promises, with progressive projects across the board, and some in "red" states. Biden is "sleepier"? I'll take "sleepy" any day over the self-centered, boorish, inveterately self-centered R (assumed) nominee, to the exclusion of any proposal to advance the country. The behavior of the other party's presumptive nominee, whose only statements on his agenda are transforming the levers of Government into instruments of his personal vengeance, is despicable.
  11. Just to mention again: There is NO fucking allowed anymore at Ramrod; "feelies" through the pants is all you can do: B.F.D. The bartenders aren't commenting, even when directly asked. No one I know has it figured out. Some guys do go behind the used furniture store on the corner, or between parked cars to fuck, but occasionally the cops come through too, since that action is publicly visible. Thus, while RR was a fun bar, lately it's more of a hangout joint to meet up, have a beer and a blab with your friends. I don't recommend counting on anything more than a pick-up at RR, and then going to his/your place to fuck.
  12. yeah .... riiiiight ...... What's more probable is, he's doing the same, and it's you that hasn't noticed. However, if your other half really is that thick, please mention that I happen to own a bridge over to Brooklyn, and I'll gladly sell it to him. I'll even give you nice cut too; currency on the barrel head only, of course.
  13. Just a bit of morning silliness ..... but I liked mango's up until just now ... I have a dwarf mango tree in the back yard, and they're sweet as can be ... and now I can't eat them anymore with that hellish connection being made. However, I will do my best to erase that mental picture, and continue to enjoy the mangos. I have a starfruit tree too, so please don't mention anything about them. 😀😄😊
  14. Yes, the Scott campaign has faded into history now. One reason, as far as I see it, is his milquetoast version of delivering the same old R viewpoint, without the rancorous decibels of the clown standing next to him at the debate. When the audience (both in-house and the folks tuning in) is only interested in promulgating hate, division, dystopian visions of the US and it's future, small wonder his voice didn't break through. I think he's basically trying to live a decent life, but not really cut out to plunge knives into the hearts of those he disagrees with. I also think that if true (that his staff was caught off-guard), that's another fairly good reason he never gained much traction. DeathSantis believes in only one thing, and religious beliefs have nothing at all to do with it; he's as transparent as a freshly-washed window. I think that when (not if) Haley dispatches the noise-machine, she'll wind up on top of that heap-of-wannabe's. She's got experience in government, she's quite able to outline her viewpoints, and she's got a pair of balls under that dress. If it comes down to her and O.J., debating through the bars of a jail cell, I'll be enjoying that "debate" for sure. I just hope the jailers get the precise shade of "arange" right. I don't see Christie as a serious candidate. He's politically savvy, and I think he's just there trying to excise MagaBabble from his position as presumed R candidate.
  15. You "get it", don'tcha? For some of us, we are merging not only our bodies (the physical/sexual connection), we're "connecting" mentally, emotionally, almost spiritually too. It doesn't happen every time we Breed, or even every time we head out to the fuckjoints. But when that connection does happen, it's so intense, so beautiful, so thrilling that it magnifies the act of mating with other men so compelling that we crave that experience, and keep fucking guys over and over again, hoping to experienced it again. It's not that we don't want to get our Sperm in as many Holes as possible - we do. That's our nature. It's more that every so often, something spectacularly more intense happens, and we need that too. It's not that we expect to "connect" as described above every time either. If there were a 1-to-10 scale of measuring satisfaction, most would fall between 5 and 10. Only occasionally does that 100, off-the-charts of merging on all levels happen, and that's more than enough.
  16. First, thanks for the interesting responses. Other than recently in Ft. L., my experience with "straight-ticket" voting stems from political activity back in Chicago, where the "Daley Machine" exerted political control far beyond the city limits (meaning in Springfield). In the primaries, one had to vote for each individual candidate on the ballot (or not), but in the general, there was an option to vote "straight ticket", which automatically cast your vote for all the D's on the ballot, and none for the R's. If there were one particular R that you wanted to vote for, you could, and then vote individually for the rest of the offices. If you did that though, you could anticipate hearing from your Ward Office too. And it was the individual precinct-captains (or block-reps) that would get the responsibility to actually go ring the doorbell and have a "chat" with the individual. More, everyone knew that the next time your cat ran up a tree and wouldn't come down, or your neighbor tried to move a fence a foot or three onto your property, or, or, or, the call to the fire department to get the cat down might take a few days instead of an hour or two. The city inspectors might take a while to figure out the "fence" issue, or not. On election day, among other duties, each precinct captain went over to the Ward office around 4pm and got a print-out of who, in that particular precinct, had not yet voted. And then we went to their house, rang the bell, and got them, offered them a ride over there and back, whatever it took. If it was some other time of year, and a neighbor had an issue, they could always go over to the Ward office and plead their case. There was always a conspicuous container somewhere around the Ward office to drop off a "thank you" when the issue was resolved, and I'm not talking Hallmark here. Back when those old political "machines" held sway, it was with an iron grip. While that kind of power has faded away to a certain point, back when I was a precinct captain, there was a schlup of a guy always hanging around the Ward office, jeans/t-shirt, completely unremarkable, and today he's sitting in the House representing the Congressional District I lived in. Play ball, do what you're told, and you might wind up in Washington.
  17. Well, well .... lots of new guys since I last looked at this thread !!! We're pleased you're all here and look forward to reading your thoughts on all kinds of delicious subjects !!!
  18. Agreed. Since virtually anyone can run for President (within the parameters of being a citizen, etc.), nutcases like him have always been, and will aways be present in election cycles; we just don't pay a lot of attention to them. The hotter the fire they breathe, the sooner they're consumed by it.
  19. Yes, in the macro sense, I understand your point. However, in this particular upcoming election, I think there is one urgent issue that many 3rd'ers will pay most attention to, and that's the issue of women's healthcare. A few days ago the State elections that ostensibly were to deal with a number of issues fooled the residents of not one State. This upcoming (national) election cycle, there are millions of enraged women (and their supporters - like gay folks, students, for instance) that are determined to throw out the haters. and I'll bet that there is a decent plurality of 3rd'ers who will eschew their particular "cause", and vote to restore the healthcare rights of women. More, the breathtakingly shit-show in the House will only further inflame those who might be soft around the edges. I think the hard-core OJ crowd will gradually shrink somewhat - not into insignificance, but out of frustration. He seems to be coming more and more unglued in recent clips, and no one wants to back an apparent loser. The right-wing wants to dominate their opposition, and to the extent that OJ appears weaker and weaker as the lawsuits/penalties pile up, his apparent ability to follow through on his hateful agenda may fade. Thus, the impact of the 3rd party voters would be diminished. All bets are off however, if Mr. Netanyahu manages to drag the U.S. into his war.
  20. 1. I wonder how many times we've awakened the morning after an election, to find out that the polls were wrong. 2. Orange Jesus has already been heavily damaged (except to the brainwashed), and at least one or two of these trials will damage him even more. His businesses are in receivership, his receipts are down, and there's a substantial likelihood he'll wind up in a matching jumpsuit. IF the Biden Administration can get a handle on how to promote his accomplishments, hammer on the R's many utter failures, that alone should be enough to win him reelection. Good point. What remains to be seen however, is the actual number of voters who will throw away their votes on one of them. It may be that the 3rd-party voters think they're making a statement, but what they're actually doing is wasting their time and their vote. There have always been "fringe" voters who presume themselves above the fray, and fool themselves into believing they stand for something "higher", or "more pressing" - the Greens, for instance - and they have a point. However, when the Democracy itself (the governance that allows them to vote 3rd party in the first place) is on the block - as O.J. has said publicly in recent days - any wasted votes are truly missed. That's for sure. We're ALL going to need even more "distraction" than we're already getting, and that's a pervectly good thing. Skip the booze, and go for the booty. 😁
  21. Allow me to disagree. While there may be "previews of coming attractions" in '28, we have other issues to deal with currently, and those are predominant now. I think the guy from Ohio will disappear as fast as he initially appeared. What makes you think you know the demographics of television news consumption? If you make silly statements, be prepared to back them up with facts. Real ones.
  22. Well, I'm pleased to know that you noticed at least some positive actions in your area. I don't live in Ohio, but I do live in FL, and I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one. Thanks for your input.
  23. I can't help but wonder if a purple front door carries some meaning in some way? Mine's not purple .... but maybe it should be ???
  24. SIGH ..... What's so bad about just getting the "who's doing what to who" out of the way first thing? If a guy goes to a fuckjoint and doesn't see a covered Cock anywhere, it's a safe assumption that guys fuck raw in that joint. If he does see covered Cocks around, then it's reasonable to briefly mention the parameters before having sex with a guy, and if the proposed fuck isn't to both guys liking, just smile, say thanks anyway, and get in line for some other guy. I would imagine that the same m.o. would hold true on the fuck apps. It's not really that big a deal to just say "I need it raw" or "I need it covered" or any other fetish - for either the T or b. If it's not going to be a match, fine; each guy has done the right thing, and each guy will go find some other guy to get what he needs. No Sturm, no Drang, just guys doing what they need to do.
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