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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Millions honor the concept of God. Many more millions world-wide detest that mistake-of-humanity. The fact that there are so-called "religious" persons who can stomach - let alone accept/endorse this merde is beyond all understanding. Maybe "God" is tired of it too, and sending the most bitter cold weather to Iowa tomorrow. Maybe things are a bit slow in "Heaven" these days, and "God" is going to send some folks to that warm place with the 7 rings ....... which makes more sense that anything in the above.
  2. HAHAHAHAHAHA ...... You are simply a genius at coming up with hilarious nicknames !!! The oblique reference to Julius Caesar - with all his depravities - is simply delicious. If I were wearing one, I'd take my hat off to you !!!
  3. I'm not a South Carolinian, nor a "conservative", and had little knowledge of Ms Haley until recently. So, I can't take a position on that question. What I can say however, is she was asked a fairly direct question, which she (for whatever reason) felt disinclined to answer, and simply parried, That showed precious little courage in addressing the grave error of the Southern States, which prompted the "slip & fall" OP. So, no. I don't believe her "response" was misunderstood, and the ambiguity with which it was delivered was a purposeful attempt to sidestep the opportunity to reply honestly. She even asked whoever the questioner was, "what do you want me to say about slavery"? That answer demonstrates only her disinclination to answer serious questions, for which there is no positive answer. She could hardly have been more clear. Ms. Haley is fairly nimble in her speaking ability: she didn't "misstate" - she was simply unwilling to answer honestly. That said, I don't expect to find much courage in the conservative party these past few years.
  4. I took no offence at all in your responses: the discourse on various issues is why I come to BZ (well, a couple of other reasons too, I guess). I'm glad you were able to find, read, and respond to those earlier posts. Thanks again to moderator Viking for the instructions on how to do it.
  5. no big deal .... probably just a matter of slippery (!) fingers ........... 😉
  6. So, it seems it's the boy-wonder's turn in the crucible of fire-breathing magoid miscreants. He says he's trying to avoid a Govt shut-down in the coming days, communicating with Schumer, all of that - but the nut cases are insisting on their way or the fiscal highway re: a CR. We're watching, closet-boy ..... so is Kevin ...
  7. According to State Law in Florida, sex between relatives is a third-degree felony, regardless of the age of participants. Merely the fact that they're biologically related is enough to prosecute. Some States have de-criminalized sex between adults of some degree of common descendants, but not here. Now. I think that argument is weak as water (when both are well past the age of majority), and resides mostly in a religious/culturally repressive milieu. That said, I think the scene you described is hotttt !!!
  8. "Should incest be normalized?" This ^ is the original post, As is often the case, the thread has developed into a deeper issue: namely, serious child abuse. I have nothing against the "development" of a thread, and enjoy reading the responses. It was not specified if the prospective participants were boy/girl, boy/boy, girl/girl. To the original issue, once the prospective participants have reached the age of majority (as I included earlier), it's not the business of anyone to judge. There are many interesting viewpoints expressed, and one truly tragic experience. Doing so would only open the door even wider to judgements from disassociated "arbiters" of normalcy, which we - as gay men of a particularly delicious-yet-deeply-frowned-upon persuasion - should not enable. Since we've migrated to include those not of majority, I completely agree, whether biologically related or not, that it should never be tolerated. Those misguided souls who willfully wreak havoc on the emotional lives of minors should be punished to the greatest extent of the law. That kind of behavior is a moral outrage, akin to emotional murder.
  9. Kudos, bottomdad123. Where would those guys be without your Hole? Where would the rest of us be without guys like you? We'd be one crabby lot, that's where.
  10. ugh .... it's almost dinnertime, and I don't dare ... the description is simply perfectly vomatious .... and now I'm just not hungry anymore .... but at least I'm laughing !!
  11. I don't mean to offend any religious guys, but - - - the sillier some of the propaganda is, the easier it is to reject, and hear the siren call of wanton raw sex. The notion of gold dishes buried somewhere in the mountains out East (I think?), or the holes sewn in the undies of the husbands - supposedly to make access to the balls easier for the "spirit-babies" constantly circling the earth, waiting for a pair of cojones to sneak into (and thus increase the population) is just begging to be laughed out of court.
  12. I would avoid it, since it could lead to all kinds of accusations (regardless of what actually might happen) in the future. If a younger relative came to me asking for advice, how to navigate Aunt Bitch's reactions, Uncle Asshole, etc etc, I'd gladly offer what advice I could - from the chair on the other side of the room. In the case of brothers, however, I suppose it's only natural that sex is discussed between them as they grow up. If both turn out to be gay (I mean on their own, no coercion), then they're already close, so it might be unnatural to argue against it, once each reaches the age of majority.
  13. Just had the opportunity to get back to this .... If ever there were a crystalline example of just how far down the garden path the "evangelicals" have been led by that hellish cretin, this mish-mash of garbage points the way.
  14. I'm going to get the fire extinguisher ready before I click "play" .....
  15. Oh wow - Thanks so much, viking8x6 !!!!!!! Computers can do so much, but only if you know how to tell them what to do !! I'm going to save your instructions - write them down in cursive if I have to .... Many thanks !!!
  16. You're a prescient one, NWUSHorny. Nope - never experienced the "fag hag" syndrome. I remember a few trying, years ago - mostly in undergrad. I put up with one for a few months though - her grandfather had given her his old 1962, Series 62 Coupe-de-Ville with a 390 in it ... which I got to drive when we (f.h. and I) went someplace. That made it somewhat tolerable, for a while .... and she wasn't all that pushy - more a mouse f.h. than one of those noisy ones.
  17. Agreed. Sounds good, but seldom works. As best I can see, hopefully the more official programs like this the fewer kids of Inherited Power will continue that atrocity. While some claim that the US is a "Christian" nation, talk is cheap, it's the actions that count, and the US is no more "Christian" (in the sense of following the Original Message, as opposed to what passes for it these past numbers of centuries) than the man in the moon. It's a step in the moral direction, but far from achieving the claimed goals. My own view is DEI programs work mostly on those who attempt to honor that message anyway, and are least likely to violate the message. How long it lasts though, is a different question. Still, it's better then openly advancing hatred, which is no doubt why TX is banning these programs in the first place.
  18. Wellllllllll .......... thanks for the reply, but I'm afraid I don't know how to do that either. I always had secretaries to figure out how to make the damn computers work ... No apologies needed - the discourse is what I come to BZ for !!! I'll go back through some of the "likely" posts and see what I can find. It won't be today or tomorrow, but - I'll look for some. Again, thanks for your kind words.
  19. For what it's worth, I never cared for girls much - from grade school days on. It's not that I had any notion of what "sex" was, I didn't. I just didn't like how girls behaved, being silly, all the damn giggling, little girls trying to bat their eyes at little boys, the whole panoply of childish behavior. I always gravitated to other boys. To be clear, I hadn't so much as experienced a sexual thought at that time. I just didn't like girls, which blessing has remained to this day.
  20. That's an interesting proposition. Are you equally active with both women and men now?
  21. Agreed - with the obligation to what? I would posit that would be our ancient enemy, Organized Religion. In the effort to cover the world with certain religious beliefs, and thus accruing corporal/emotional power to themselves, some religious institutions forbade any form of birth-control. For instance, it wasn't until 1968 that the Pope allowed women to take advantage of "the pill". I would further hazard a guess that one of the reasons so many of our neighbors in the Southern Hemisphere are trying so desperately to get to America, is the overpopulating taught them by the original invaders of that continent - Catholic Spain. The more adherents fearful of hell, the more dough flowing back to Rome. This while the clergy were busy lifting their long fancy dresses and fucking each other, teaching choirboys that sucking Cock is a holy activity, on and on. The post-Reformation lturgical institutions may be ever-so-slightly less culpable, but I wouldn't bother trying to fit a piece of paper between the two.
  22. Quite a number of worthwhile advice above. Here's one more possibility: Get a friend/buddy to go with you. Some guy who you already trust, knows your issue, and is willing to help you release your inhibitions or fears. These are the things that can interfere with one's Lusts, and need to be expunged from your mind. Basically, the fuckjoints are about only one thing: Guys who need sex meet up to either fuck or get fucked. Sure, there can be small groups of guys who know each other, sit around and trade gossip more than anything else, and that's ok too. NO guy has a fantastic time every time he goes to a fuckjoint/baths. Allow yourself to be bolder - if one guy doesn't work out, find another, and then another. Don't allow your inhibitions to rule your sex life, listen to your Lust instead. If you can manage that once, the second time will be easier, and the third will be even easier, and the hundred-and-third will be a piece of cake. Know that exercising your sexual needs is an important part of your wholeness, your human-ness. Good luck !!
  23. Agreed. There are almost always other cultural issues afoot when one race or ethnicity is avoided, but another sought. Nevertheless, we can work on solving the issue, bit by bit, bigger bit by bigger bit, and improve not only ourselves, but including others in that process too.
  24. It does seem, NWUSHorny, that you need to get outta Dodge as soon as you can. A well-rounded, talented man, erudite, versatile, loving both T and b, is too precious to waste on an unappreciative population.
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