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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. Yup. It was my life-partner, and I didn't care for it one bit - but I loved him more than I can say, so I just let him have what he wanted. It happened maybe half a dozen times in the 30 years we had together.
  2. Well !!! Relatively recently I had to suffer an abominable "procedure" wherein I had starve myself for 3 fukkin days, drink this disgustment of a liquid that gives us "the runs", and the one thing good about the whole event was the young man who gave me "the shot" into dreamland. He was a beautiful young man, juuuuust a hint of a coy smile, and I was in dreamland almost instantly (I think?) until I woke up in the recovery room with Nurse Wretched. Oh - and I will never ever ever eat "jello" again. Excellent advice from some guys above; give him all the time he needs, and just 'be there' when he's ready.
  3. It seems that most of us prefer that which does not reflect ourselves. I'm not sure why that is, but ... what is, just is.
  4. So that vacant middle lot between Ramrod and Decades has wrapped up some excavation work (maybe a new hookup to the sewer lines?), so at least something is happening over there (and t.y., A.O.). The framing shop on the other (N) side of RR is kaput. How about this for a "pipe-dream" .... RR picks off the next door north (ex-framing shop), already owns the vacant lot next door south, and they're going to build a new bar - and include a nice, big, darkroom with space for dozens and dozens of hungry men !!
  5. Interesting event today; Senator Schumer gave an official "dressing down" commentary on the deficiencies of the Prime Minister of Israel. There's no way this took place without the approval of the President, and the minority leader's response was hardly remarkable. I interpret this as the Administration's "upping" the pressure on Netanyahu, with further pressure to come in the near future. Maybe the letter I sent to the White House actually did make it past the mail room (but, I doubt it). Interestingly though, I subsequently got a standard "beg letter" from the DNC; the first one this cycle. I have a question for all you guys: Do any of you use TickTok? I never have ...
  6. 1. It makes perfect sense. 2. That's not so surprising. Maybe he's going through the process of self-discovery, which can take quite some time, especially for those of an intellectual bent. That's entirely likely, but even if he doesn't "return for more", that may merely mean he's conquered whatever it was that disinclined him to accept himself - as he is - in the past. The process of coming to terms with ourselves can take a while. Since he's so busy working, he may not have all that much time to reflect on his experiences with you two, figure out how he "fits in" to your lives, or maybe into the "gay life" generally. At some point, maybe you two could invite him out to dinner, at some decent restaurant, and have a quiet discussion about where he is in his journey to self-fulfillment. The point would be to do it on "neutral" territory, which relieves him of any potential stress regarding sharing sex. If the discussion goes well, you can always invite him back to your place for a drink, and whatever that might lead to. For a man whose accustomed to being the "powerful" one (i.e. nobody talks back to a surgeon, do they!) I can understand how he might translate getting fucked with "surrendering" his personal "power" to the Top. While that is, in effect, a central facet of bottoming, he needs to know that no Top can feel superior to his own hand: Tops need bottoms as much as bottoms need Tops. It's a joint venture - each guy is equally powerful, in that they either give consent or withhold it. The actual "power exchange" only takes place once the two agree to Breed. Anything prior to that is nothing more than negotiating the terms, often accomplished merely without much talking. One guy merely cupping his hand around a hot ass - or having his Cock fondled by the prospective bottom can be enough. Of course. He may be contemplating what seems to him (if not to others that know him) a complete "role-reversal", but our favored position (T or b) doesn't necessarily translate to other aspects of our lives. It often does, but nothing is carved in stone. Every guy gets to where he needs to be one way or another, and all you need to do is give him the time he needs. Be supportive, be patient, and for heavens sake - don't blame yourself.
  7. Not in the slightest. Once we take the time, put in the intellectual effort to figure out who we are, what we need to do, and then go do it - over and over and over again - we're in a comfortable place - we've found our "place" - even if that's wallowing in a pigpen with our brothers. Our "truth" may not be for others, but it's our truth none-the-less, and no one can fault us for being true to ourselves.
  8. You don't mention where you are, and that's ok. If you don't live near a large metropolitan area, and rely solely on the apps, things might get tiresome - as you indicate. Often, guys that need a lot of raw sex wind up moving to where that kind of action is in abundance. Actually, you're doing everything right - asking thousands of guys committed to being who and what they are for advice. Let us know how things proceed; lots of guys on BZ can offer sound advice - for instance, rely less on the apps, and more on going out to meet guys.
  9. First, welcome to both of you guys. To the quote: There are plenty of gay guys around that haven't dealt with issues like yours, and at some point, biskit's right. Whether that's in the near future or not so much, it's an issue you'll need to be forthright about, and ready to deal with the potential consequences. Those may range from the boyfriend being even hornier for casual sex than you are, and you both go get what you need, come home and regale each other with tales of tails (and Cocks). Or, you might go out together for group-sex. Or, he might not be ready to hear it, and that could be the end of the relationship. The important thing is to be honest with the guy you care about, even if it means eventually splitting up. Take your time, get all your thoughts in order, and when you're ready, have that conversation. Even if he reacts poorly, which would be a shame, at least you don't have to carry the burden of being dishonest. Try to avoid the trap of "cheating" - despite what some guys on here like to go on about. Dishonesty isn't good for anyone. Good Luck, you hotassed piggies !!!
  10. Followed, hopefully, but a crowd of hot guys that know a full Hole when they smell one .... just like dogs sniffing the air where a cat has just walked by 😁
  11. Every guy has attractive attributes and at least a couple off-putting ones. That doesn't stop us from fucking each other - and I doubt it ever will. Sure, occasionally a guy cums along that pushes almost all our buttons, and the rest of us need to hear allllll about it. We're all "ugly" in some way, to some guy, but we're all "beautiful, fantastic, magnificent guys" in more ways than we aren't.
  12. 👍 We're all pulling for you, bud ... The fact that you're here in BZ is already a great step. Ask any guy on here anything you want/need to know ... you'll get to where you need to be !!
  13. I think most folks tend to develop speech-mannerisms native to where we grew up. One of mine, which I never have managed to get rid of, is adding the word "then" to a sentence, which is common as dirt where I grew up. For instance, asking the question "how does that work then?" or "where did you go then?" or "what did you do there then?" or "if you don't like it, don't do that then", on and on. Sometimes I get a quizzical look, but most folks just don't bother. Even typing here on BZ (I almost always try to go back and correct mistypes, grammar, spelling, etc) I catch a "then" or three and get rid of them.
  14. What more can anyone ask of others? It's the "default" position.
  15. Given the OP's apparent concern about the world finding out who he (actually) is, I wonder why he initially offered personal identifying information in the first place. Things like birthdays, actual age, other personal identifying information can justifiably be "close", but not the actual facts. Whether one was born in September of 2000 or October of 2000 wouldn't make much difference to other guys on BZ, neither would be whether he's got a hairy Hole or smooth - 7" Cock or 7.25" Cock - blue eyes or grey - blonde hair or brown. There are plenty of "empty" profiles on BZ, and their commentary is appreciated as much as guys with profiles filled with minutia such as whether they eat one egg or two for breakfast. Publishing details that are so intensely "identifying" seems odd for a guy that fears such information would become (as it always does) "public" information. There are risks involved in just getting out of bed in the morning.
  16. There was a bar down on Lincoln Ave called the Meat Market; it could just as well have been called the PigPen too. There was a urinal upstairs on the South wall - no enclosure, no nothing - just a urinal bolted to the wall. Guys would fuck/suck whatever all over the place, and this urinal was just ... there. After the heat of doing battle for a while I needed to piss, wriggled my way over to that urinal, and found two guys - one on each side of the urinal - naked, kneeling with open mouths. so I just tried to split it up between the two. I'd had a couple of beers by then, so it wasn't "coffee-piss" (which is about the last thing from an aphrodisiac), and finished up, hoping they enjoyed it. Didn't do much for me, but - to each their own. I remember thinking 'shit - glad it's not me that has to scrub the floor in the morning' ......
  17. Well, around here - Fort Lauderdale - it isn't a problem ....
  18. Probably rather few Breed without some kind of 'announcement' of varying kinds. The verbal communication between T & b is one of the fun parts, as I see it. I tend not to get loud about the impending event - merely bending over, getting my mouth near his ear is enough - saying things like "now I'm gonna make you one of my boys ..." But there are other ways we communicate too - tactile, for instance. We can purposely alter our breathing to communicate with the Hole, increase arm-pressure, all kinds of things, but the verbal communication is unmistakable, plus, it can be heard by others nearby, which only pours gas on everyone's fire.
  19. Honing the definition of "journey" somewhat, my own "journey" only began once I went away to school. It's not easy to explain or understand, but in the burg where I grew up, one of the most horrific things that could happen would be that others would look down on you, for whatever reason. I didn't understand it then, but I do now. "What will (other) people think?" was one of the worst-possible results of misbehavior that could possibly occur. So, I was raised in a "lemming-like" crowd of people who would do anything to prevent others from having so much as a question about their behavior. When everyone you interact with - kids, parents - know who you are, who your parents are, which Church you go to, only the really rebellious ones do whatever they want and say f.y. to the cultural structure, and they were cast out early on. Even years later, when I took the exit off the Interstate to visit my folks, it seemed like heavy, wet, invisible blanket settled over me, and didn't lift until I hit the Interstate back to Chicago. Once I escaped - went away to school - it was different; I could be who I knew I needed to be - certainly not "out" - no one was, but at least there weren't authority figures everywhere waiting to catch any infraction, summoning forth the HellFire to burn me to a cinder. So it was an "Alex-in-Wonderland" kind of thing. I sucked my first Cock, fucked my first Hole, all the stuff every other guy does, figured out where I fit in the amazing puzzle we call "Life", and never looked back, Sure, I have a few regrets, things I could have done better, but none of those have one bit to do with coming to terms with my sexual proclivities. The arrival of hiv certainly did put my tastes on hold for a coupe of years, but sticking to my life-partner exclusively was hardly a cross to bear. So when the medications against it became available and guys started fucking in the backrooms again, it was nice to get back to "pig" fucking. Best of all, I'm still l doing what I want, when I want, and that's one definition of real Freedom.
  20. To my sorrow, I completely agree. It does feel the same now as it did then. I watched Kent State happen on tv, threatened to run away if my parents didn't let me ride the Freedom Busses to the protests in the Southern States. LBJ, that disgusting Sec'y of Defense McNamara, that misguided Westmoreland, the entire cesspool of "Containment". The President offered draftee's a deferment if they would take a teaching degree as well as whatever they were really interested in, which is when I found out I had little use for children, but I did it for the deferment. At least it was honest, unlike the life-long-liar with the orange shit smeared all over his face. If he really did have bone spurs, it would take more than a heavy-duty golf cart to drag his corpulent ass around a golf course.
  21. You're right, of course - which is why I took care to add the disclaimer. Congrats on such an inventive expansion on that R woman's dirge, as she delivered their response. At first, I too actually thought it was one of those commercials asking viewers to donate to animal-rescue causes. As a guy that loves dogs a lot more than some people (having kept dogs since the 6th grade), I wouldn't give one thin dime to the R-"dogs", but I do support animal-rescue causes.
  22. Well, I have to admit it was more of a 'wish-list" than an actual prediction. Sometimes we just have to wait for decades for some negative construct to simply fade away.
  23. Well said - particularly the last phrase. Tops that hinge their "Top-ness" on being jerks are missing the boat.
  24. I think most of us start out fairly "vanilla", mostly thanks to repressions, both cultural and religious. But the more action we get, the wider our horizons become, we hear about new and exciting sexual acts, some are attracted to them and some aren't. I started fucking guys before hiv came along, and no one fucked with 'rubbers', (save a handful of guys that created some kind of fetish with them). The more guys I fucked, the more I knew - sensed - realized - that I was a bit "special" in my proclivities, and simply accepted that those repressive rules didn't apply to me. I didn't feel guilty about myself then, and never have. It is what it is, so we should take full advantage of whatever rocks our balls, try anything that makes our Cocks hard, and keep moving forward - ever deeper into the thrills - it just keeps getting better and better.
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