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Everything posted by hntnhole

  1. We did, and we're hoping to hear more from you. Welcome !!
  2. Glad you enjoyed the RamRod! That's the normal scene most nights in the patio bar. However, around 10:45, 11, in the front bar, they all Breed on the pool table too, just inside the front door. It's so busy you couldn't possibly squeeze your way around the pool table. The funny thing is though, all the tv's show only vulcanized sex. No raw vids at all, only fucking with rubbers !!!
  3. For me the progress was almost in infintisimal steps. I always knew I didn't like girls, their silly behavior, giggling, flirting, trying to manipulate boys, blah blah blah, and I always liked playing sports, "boy" stuff. But I remained completely ignorant of any sexual component, or at least it was so religiously drummed out of my mind that I wasn't aware of the possibility. Until. When I went away to undergrad, pledged a frat, and one of my pledge-brothers brought me out. I blame the extraordinarily repressive Organized Religion that was drummed into me as a little kid. Jesus wouldn't like this, or that, or the next thing, and the Evil One was hiding behind every tree, every shrub, waiting to gobble me up to eternal damnation. What a hideous thing to do to a little kid. However, I've made up for it in spades, and glad I have. At some point at some car show - I was still in undergrad - there was a booth selling t-shirts, and I bought one saying "Bend Over, I'll Drive". With uttermost glee I wore that shirt till it fell off of me in tattered exhaustion.
  4. There are PLENTY of seedy alleys around here ... the only problem might be (?) that everyone else knows about them too ... naaaaaaah .... that probably wouldn't be to much of a problem .....
  5. norefusal !!! GRRRRRRR !!! Dinner is served !!!
  6. Interesting subject. I do have a question though - Is grindr really as universally used as the "go-to" for cruising? I've not used it before, just wondering ....
  7. Very hotttttt, PakSubUK !!! Love how the curly Holehair surrounds the BreedHole ... adds a *hole-nother-dimension" 🐷
  8. Also very hot, RawVersGuy1 !!! Love a wet hairy Hole ... yummmmm
  9. Verrrry nice, andkon123 !!! The gear only accentuates the appeal ...
  10. I agree with this ^. I think of a fb as more a buddy first, and then a guy I can fuck. I could enjoy other (non-sexual) activities with a fb, and after doing whatever, go home and Breed. Or Breeding first, then go do whatever, and maybe Breed again after that activity. To me, there's something very special about hitting the fuckjoints as a two-legged Cock, hunting for hot Holes. I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm a hunter prowling for prey, but .... not too far off either. It's not that I wouldn't/couldn't become a fb with a guy I first met via my Cock - I have a few times. But, if I find them interesting, not intellectually dull, compatible with other aspects of life, I don't avoid that either. For all I know, I may well have fucked a guy I know from other facets of my life in the darkroom, and it doesn't matter. But nothing raises the hackles like stepping into that sweet, wanton darkness, beginning the mating ritual. The anticipation is a totally thrilling turn-on.
  11. Well, funpozbottom ..... you had me hook, line and sinker almost to the end ... Happy A.F.D back ... 😄
  12. Thanks for the kind words, SomewhereonNeptune. Without prejudice, I think you're entirely correct. It's seems like some guys are playing a "can you top this ..." game in their ever increasingly salacious posts/replies. But, that's ok too. We're all adults on here, and while some of the stuff isn't in the fiction department (but likely belongs there), there's still room for all of us. It doesn't sound like you're so far out there in your intellectual capacities as Neptune though ....
  13. To the issue at hand, I don't think there's much of a correlation either. I've fucked tons of bottoms with bigger (i.e. longer) than mine. To me, it's a bit of a turn-on to see a big, long, thick Cock flopping around on his belly, sort of like the gilding of the barebacking lily. That said, I very often hear stuff from bottoms like 'oh gawd that's big', when what they mean to say is my Cock is quite thick. I think Cock-size (length and girth) is more of a biological thing, like having black hair instead of blonde. It's how we use our sexual gear is what makes us different from the "ho-hum" ones. I actually know a bottom of modest size who will tell off another bottom with a long, thick Cock, and gets angry with them for not fucking other bottoms. I think that's inappropriate, and told him so. Just because a "born-to-bottom" guy has formidable equipment between his legs doesn't mean he's required to Top. I seldom reach the hallowed "second ring", but I can really hammer the fuckbutton, and that's what counts, right? In my book, using what you've got to fullest advantage is what's most important.
  14. Thanks for that incisive reply, 11bi11guy. That was a great explanation.
  15. Neither do I. I do understand how some guys wouldn't want to broadcast their status, but avoiding doctors is like scolding the horse after it gets out of the barn. These are the folks who save our lives, help us preserve our health, and may Whatever bless and keep them. I can't remember ever getting so much as a denigrating glance from one of them. What they say in the coffee-break-room to their peers is not something I really care about. The way I see it, the medical people are all about preserving health, saving lives, and their personal biases are held privately. At least that's my experience.
  16. Thanks, aj99, for your input. I appreciate the difficulty of recognizing the situation early enough.
  17. When the Top shoots all over the bottom's back, and only then shoves it in. Sperm belongs in-the-Hole. Yes, it's nice when some other guy laps it up off the bottom's back/thighs/wherever - at least it's not totally wasted. If the video director insists on the first jet of Sperm be visible to the audience, so we can see that the Cock actually did Breed, and then the rest gets pumped up the Hole's gut, well ... I can understand the marketing logic behind that decision. But really - wasting the entire load? Poorest of form, as far as I'm concerned.
  18. I can' help but wonder how you reconcile these two phrases, one directly following the other ...
  19. Please don't, TripA84. Mere curiosity about what the "big deal" is cannot possibly be a good reason to mess with it. And, please stick with the PReP. There ae plenty of guys on here that sit down, write all kinds of stuff about how great it is to be positive, and that's most probably because they tossed their health concerns out the window after reading about fevered daydreams, hearing it from other guys who have tossed their well-being out the window, and literally invited serious health concerns into their lives. It's your decision, of course, but a lot of us are hoping you protect yourself to the fullest extent possible, and still exercise your Lusts to the greatest extent you need to. You still have years of hot sex ahead of you without the deadly potentials. Whatever other issues you're wrestling with, you don't need to invite serious health-issues to sort them out. Please don't. 🥺
  20. I'm sorry to know you're so disappointed with the site. Why not just stop visiting? Throwing road-apples doesn't help anything.
  21. A,B,C,D & E. I also get down there and do a "sniff" test. BUT. The skin of Holes is very tender, which means I clip my fingernails, and then use those little, flat, sandpaper things women use to remove any possible sharp edges. If Top is going to "finger" a Hole - i.e. stick his finger(s) up inside the Hole, then he has the responsibility to make sure he's not going to injure the bottom. Far easier to simply get down there and stick your tongue up the Hole, and add that particular thrill to the whole experience. bottoms aren't the only ones that must do some "prep-work" before hitting the fuckjoints.
  22. There's something I don't quite grasp, reading through this thread. While there's a ton of cultural/O.R. repression going on - and always has - there is also a substantial amount of sexual freedom finding acceptance (perhaps not in the present "today", with the R's coming after us, but on the whole). If this is merely another facet of the rise of "conservative" behavior, then sure - I get that. What I don't though, is why men who know themselves well enough to know they enjoy m2m sex and go have it, get married to women in the first place. All the mess that goes along with traditional m2w marriage is so easily avoided these days. What is the point of a gay man (or, at least a man that enjoys both straight and gay sex) bothering to get into a m2w marriage that will almost certainly bring issues at some point. I well understand that some of us older men didn't feel we had a choice decades ago. It was marry a woman or exist on the fringes of society, and I understand how that (plus the pressures of the ancient enemy (Organized Religion) could manipulate gay men into a relationship with a woman. Years ago, that pressure was almost unbearable. From the responses above, I gather that some of you guys believe that there are more and more married (m2w) men who also seek out gay sex. With the freedoms we've gained these past - oh - 20 years, why would men as described above even put themselves through all of that? Why not just say NO - I'll live my life the way I choose, thankyouverymuch?
  23. Welcome, new guys !! A quick reminder: if you haven't already, take advantage of all the preventative inoculations, get on PReP, and then you'll be as prepared as you can possibly be. Then, jump into the maelstrom of Breeding men with a big fat grin. We'll be waiting for ya !!
  24. Really .... I suppose that makes sense ecologically, in that less land is devoted to huge cemeteries, but then in major cities they always need more open, natural areas. I agree completely. Revenge only adds fuel to the fires of hatred, and nothing positive can ever be accomplished. Forgiveness is far more effective, whether the perpetrator deserves it or not. It's how we heal and move on. Well said.
  25. You can do all of ^ and more without getting "spun" (assumedly past tense of 'spin"?) I know; I do it every weekend.
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