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  1. I had been horny all week not able to get out and play with any of my regular fuck buddies my hole was hungry. I was idly cruising squirt waiting to see if one of my regular fuck buds showed up, no luck. I was about to give up and log off when a chat request popped up. I didn't recognise the user name, but the pic looked intriguing, and older daddy type in reasonable shape. "Hey you looking to play?" Indeed I was, the horniness was driving at this point, "Yeah mate, you can host?". A few seconds passed before the response "Yeah, here's my address be here in half an hour" And with that I quickly put on my come fuck me out fit, a tight jock strap, tight little white footy shorts and a dark singlet. I jumped in the car and drove over, with that nervous mix of anticipation and excitement, my hole twitching at the thought of some hot cock. I arrived at a fairly average house on a quiet street, no activity nearby, I realised all of sudden how late it had gotten, had to be close to midnight. Not that i cared, there was a slight chill in the air and I could hear some music coming from inside the house as I approached the door. I knocked, and heard some activity inside. The door opened to the guy from the pics he looked even better in person, he was wearing nothing but a towel and a smile "Hey mate come on in", I slipped passed and felt him admiring my tight arse in my shorts. I was in the living room, a big screen TV was playing a bareback porno, a guy on screen was getting it good and deep. This made my cock start to stir and strain against my jock, in the middle of the room between the lounge and the tv was a massage table. As I was taking this in my host had closed the door and dropped his towel. "I thought you might like a massage to help you relax". I was admiring his cock, had to be 8 inches and was only half hard at best. "That would be awesome mate", I replied and started to shed my clothes, I didn't need much encouragement at this point, and my cock was becoming uncomfortable in my jock. As I bent over to drop my shorts, he came up behind me cupping one of my cheeks in his hand, a finger ever so slightly working towards my hole. "Very nice mate" "Thanks" I don't get too many complaints I cheekily replied, "Bet you don't, if you don't mind I'm gonna give that some special attention when you're on the table, I have a special oil that will get you nice and slippery". As I got onto the table and positioned my head on the cut out, I said "Sounds good mate, been a while so I'll be a little tight". As I positioned my self I heard him getting his equipment together, then at the massage table head opening a cup with a straw appeared, "Gotta keep your fluids up mate" I took a big sip without even asking what it was, it was water but there was something else I didn't recognise. As I finished the contents of the cup I started to feel very relaxed and warm, I'd never done anything stronger than vodka and at first thought maybe there had been some in the drink. Then I felt his hands spreading warm oil all over my back, and as promised extra attention on my arse. He was kneading and spreading my meaty cheeks and I felt extra oil dripping on my hole. I was really enjoying the attention, and my cock was harder than it had ever been, a pool of pre cum between my stomach and the table. Then I felt something I will always remember, a sharp pain in my arse "Hey whats that", "Don't worry mate, just the special oil it burns at first but soon you won't notice it". He kept working a finger in and out of my hole running it all around the rim, and he was right the burning started to subside and it was replaced with a warm feeling and then a hunger, my hole started to open up and I then I heard this low guttural moaning, I thought it was the porn movie, but no it was me I was moaning for more. I felt him press more of his "special oil" into my hole, and this time he had two maybe three fingers inside me, I couldn't really tell but the other thing that was happening was I was raising my arse up to meet the strokes of his fingers. "Oh yeah I think this cunts ready for some cock", all I would do was moan in agreement "mmmhhhhh" "You gonna take my charged load in your cunt mate?", his charged load? what was he talking about?, all I wanted was his cock inside my hole right now! He was now on top of me, rubbing his cock against the opening of my cunt, teasing my hungry hole. "Your profile says you only play safe, but you don't want that tonight do you". He was right but at this moment all I wanted was cock raw and deep in me "I don't care fucking put it in me" I managed to slur out, "I can fuck you raw?", "yeah mate, fucking breed my hole I want your load" - I'd seen enough bareback porn to know the lingo. That was all he needed to hear, in one swift movement he positioned the head of his cock at my hole and buried it balls deep inside me, normally that would have hurt like hell, but instead I felt I finally had I what I needed, a big fat cock inside me. He started to pump me and all I wanted was this cock inside me forever. It felt amazing, sliding so effortlessly in and out coating my insides in pre cum. He pulled out without warning, "Hey", He slapped my arse hard, "Don't worry mate, we just need to relocate" He helped guide me off the table into a room at the back of the house, inside it was lit by only a soft blue glow, the walls lined with mirrors, and on one wall a tv showing an angle on the sling in the middle of the room, he helped put me into it and strapped my wrists and arms in place, then he disappeared for a moment I admired the view of my open arse in the mirrors it felt so empty and I could watch it pulsing hungry for cock. After what seemed like an eternity he reentered the room holding a needle and a rubber strap, "This is gonna make you feel even better mate", in my already partially chemmed up state, from the "special oil" I wasn't able to fight back, especially strapped into the sling, as he swabbed a vein on my arm, and applied the strap I mumbled some half hearted objection "nah mate I don't do needles". "It's okay mate, this will be worth it", and then he stuck the needle in my arm, a little blood appeared and then he depressed the plunger, I felt a slight warming in my arm, then he released the strap and I felt it hit me almost immediately, a head rush and several sharp coughs, then all I wanted was cock, as much cock as I could get. "How you feel mate", "Fuck me, give me that fucking cock" He smiled positioned himself at my arse and slid inside me, it felt more awesome than before even, he started working into me hard and fast. The sling swinging me in rhythm with his thrusts getting me impaled longer and deeper. And then he started "You gonna take my charged load boy, you gonna take Daddy's toxic seed in your cunt?!" "Yes fucking breed me, give me that load, I want that fucking load". And then I felt it the warm rush of toxic cum bathing my insides, he pulled out and shoved a butt plug inside me to hold the cum, didn't want to waste any. I was still horny, and wanted more, little did I know I would get it and then some. More to come....
    4 points
  2. Sex Enhancement Drug Trial Subject Week #1 I had just started college and was blown away by the costs. I was in need of cash and decided to check out Craig’s list for jobs. There was one that caught my eye and got my cock stirring. The head line read, “Gay males needed for sex enhancement drug trials.” I clicked the link and read the complete ad. It asked for gay college age guys age 18 to 22 who were in good health, did not use drugs of any kind and were either a bottom, versatile bottom or versatile. It required me to send a picture with my height, weight, cock size, if I was cut or uncut, the date of my last HIV test and the results. I had known I was gay as early as I can remember and with my jock body didn’t think I’d have issues finding guys to hook up with, but this was a wet dream cum true. I wrote my e-mail telling them that I was 18, 6’ weighing 160 pounds with a 7 1/2” cut cock. I included a couple of pics I had of me in my Speedo from high school swim team and a couple nudes I had showing my cock and ass. I continued to check out Craig’s list when a reply to my e-mail arrived. It asked me to drop by to complete my enrollment process. This included my filling out some paper work and submitting to blood and urine tests. The next day I dropped by the test site office just off campus. I was greeted by a cute stud that looked to be in his mid to late 20’s. He had me complete the appropriate paper work, had some blood drawn and filled a urine specimen cup. I was asked to commit to a decision how I would take the drug. The first way I could take the drug was in the form of a pill by mouth where I would be paid $250 a week. The second way was by nasal spray where I would be paid $300 a week. The third way I could take the drug was by suppository where I’d be paid $350 a week. The last way I could take the drug was by shot and I would be paid $500 a week. Since I had no problem with shots I selected the last method so I could get the most money each week. I was told that I should hear from them by the end of the week with further instructions. I arrived back at my dorm room after class on Friday to discover a message from the testing company. My labs came back all fine with a clean drug screen and a negative HIV test. They asked if I was available to participate that night in the first round of trials. If I wasn’t available I’d have to wait a couple months until the second round of testing began. I responded that I would be at the testing site at the scheduled time ready to participate. I arrived early for the trial and was shown where I could lock up my clothes. I was then shown to the shower area where a hot guy made sure I was cleaned out and ready to play. After I was all ready I was shown to an area they called the prep room where I sat down and the medication and was given final instructions before receiving the drug. The guy about to give me my shot told me “Some guys cough after getting the shot, so don’t be alarmed. You will probably feel your heart race a bit, that’s normal. If the drug is working correctly you should feel the need to get fucked immediately. After you have received your shot you are to enter the play area and have as much sex as you want. You will be monitored by close circuit TV and the number of times you have sex will be recorded along with the number of loads of cum you take inside you. Since all participants have been screened it is your choice to use protection. Most participants choose to take it raw or bareback.” I watched as he placed a rubber strip on my arm just as they did when they drew blood. He then took a syringe with the drug inside and stuck it in my arm. I watched in fascination as the contents disappeared into my vein. He then put pressure over the injection site, raised my arm overhead and asked if I was ready. I nodded ‘YES’ and he pulled the rubber strip off. I coughed a couple times and felt exactly as he described. I NEEDED TO BE FUCKED!!! He let go of my arm and told me to have fun. I walked through the door and noticed 4 other guys from college that were in different areas getting fucked. I was quickly approached by a hot stud with a hard dripping cock. The thing looked to be nearly 8” as he pushed me to my knees and fed me his tool. As I sucked his cock I was approached from behind and felt a couple hand pull me into doggy position as the stud I was sucking dropped to his knees. I kept working the cock into my throat I felt a stiff cock at my hole. Before I could look I felt the cock driven deep inside me in one stroke. Normally it can take me a while before I can take dick like that but the drug they gave me had me wanting that cock bad. I took a moment to ask the guy fucking me to pound his load home. He wasn’t one to disappoint as I felt him hammer away while I tried to coax a load from the guy I was sucking. I could hear the guy fucking me begin to breath heavy indicating he was close to cumming. He then thrusted in deep and groaned out as I felt his cock spasm in my ass. It wasn’t until the guy fucking my throat pulled away that I got a good look at the stud that just fucked my hole. He was as hot as the rest with a cute tattoo on his lower abs. I could barely make it out and wasn’t able to place it but thought I had seen it in biology or the doctor’s office before. As he pulled out I noticed that he had fucked my bareback and I had taken a stranger’s load. In my mind I didn’t care, I just knew I needed more cock. I didn’t have to wait long when the guy that I had been sucking slammed his tool inside me. With the priming I did with my mouth I didn’t have to wait long for his load when I felt his cock spasm inside my hole. I lost track of time but by morning I had been fucked by every guy in the place and some more than once. As I left the testing site I was informed that I was fucked almost 30 times and took about 20 loads. I was told to return the following Friday for my next session.
    2 points
  3. Max pulled over and parked his 1992 dodge spirit, killing the engine but hesitating to open the door. As if glued to the driver’s seat, he silently debated whether to stay or go home, while gripping the wheel and biting his lower lip. Staring out his windshield, he was surprised to see what looked like a normal brick office building, with no obvious markings or signs on the business to show what it was. He double checked the address in the text message from his dealer, Tony, just to be sure, before holding his breath, grabbing his duffle bag and hoping out of the car. The heavy wood door creaked ominously when Max pulled it open and stepped inside the warm alcove. He shivered, glad to be out of the cold February night, but still uncertain about what he was getting into. Realizing the door to the rest of the club was locked, he stepped up to a plexi-glass window and rang the small bell, which prompted a very tall, muscular, bearded guy in his 30’s to appear from a door on the other side of the glass. The hunky clerk, “Jax” according to the name tag pinned to his tight t-shirt, made Max worry even more about what he was getting himself into. “What’s up bro?” Jax’s voice crackled through the small speaker next to the window. “I need to see your ID and cash and do you want a locker or room?” “Um, I’m ‘Max Rider,’” Max said, eliciting a blank look from the clerk. “I think you’re expecting me.” Again, the man looked miffed, and max began to worry that maybe this was a joke or perhaps the massive man was expecting someone more cocky. Here he’d been freaking out over whether or not he could strip for guys, it never crossed his mind that they might not like him. Standing straight up to his full 5’11” height, yet still at least 6 inches short of the other man, Max flashed a fake smile and tried to sound like he wasn’t a nervous school kid. “I’m the entertainment for Dave’s party.” “Oh! You’re here for the strip and jerk show!” Jax eyed Max as far down as the window would allow. “You are definitely hotter than the last dude they hired. Go ahead and come in and I’ll introduce you to Dave and take you to where you can set up.” Jax buzzed Max through the door and into the heart of the bath house. Motioning for the boy to follow, Jax strode nonchalantly down a maze of small dark hallways, filled with numbered doors, past half a dozen men wearing nothing but towels or less. Max would have run for it if he thought there was any chance he’d find the exit. Instead he kept his eyes on Jax’s broad shoulders in front of him as they descended a staircase into the pitch black basement. “This is your room for the night,” Jax unlocked a black door with the number 25 on it, revealing a small bedroom-type set-up with a twin bed, footlocker, flat-screen tv playing gay porn, and mirrors on two of the walls from floor to ceiling. “hang here for a second and I’ll let Dave know you’re here.” Max stood awkwardly in the center of the small room while he waited for Jax to come back, and he wished he’d had the forethought to hit his pipe before he came inside. “Dave just got here a little while ago and is still setting up, but you can get changed while we wait,” Jax reappeared, holding a couple towels, some Gatorades and some body-oil.”…unless you are wearing that for the show.” Max looked down at his hoodie, jeans and ratty sneaks, wishing he could get away with wearing them instead of what filled his duffle. Tony let him borrow some costumey outfits on his way here, and he dreaded the thought of a bunch of queers getting their rocks off watching him in them. He started to sweat when he realized they were paying to see a lot more than that. Noticing how pale the teen looked, Jax got him a gatorade and asked how he got the gig. “I dunno man, it just fell in my lap I guess,” Max sat on the bed and chugged from the bottle as he recalled how he ended up there. “I was hanging with my de-, um my bud, and I owed him some green but I am broke cause of school and my transmission busting and shit. I have been dancing at a club downtown on ladies night and the tips are awesome, so I told him he could have his cash next week but he said he could set me up to do a private gig for twice what I get at the club. I figured he meant a bachelorette party or some shit like that. I never would have agreed if I knew it was for a bunch of dude, but I am too broke to say no.” ”I feel ya dude,” Jax closed the door and sat on the other end of the bed, smiling at the sight of the kid downing the drink laced with ghb. “Why do you think I work here on weekends, on top of my 9 to 5 job? This gig allows me some spare change for recreational purposes. Otherwise I’d be a fucking nun, staying in nights and never getting any pussy.” “That sucks bro,” Max was relaxing noticeably, from both the g and the conversation. Hearing Jax mention pussy made his more at ease, not understanding that Jax wasn’t referring to girls. Assuming his new friend was straight like him, Max stood up, kicked off his shoes, and tossed off his hoodie revealing just how low his jeans were sagging. There were 3 or more inches from the top of the pants up to the white waist band of his calvin klein boxer-briefs, which sat just below a sleeveless t-shirt showing off his buff arms. Jax oogled the teen beefcake as he began searching the duffle for something to wear. “I can’t imagine being stuck here with a bunch of pervy homos trying to mack on your ass all the time. I could barely convince myself to do this one night!” “It’s not so bad Max” Jax tried to contain himself as the kid pulled out various skimpy costumes and a couple pairs of thongs and jocks. “The money is good and tax free, plus I occasionally make a little extra by letting a dude blow me or jerk me off. I bet you could double your take if you tried it.” “I ain’t a fag,” Max stopped sorting the gear from his bag and gave Jax a very serious look. Jax almost burst out laughing at the sight of the young man denouncing gays while standing in a gay bath house, laying out tear away clothing, wearing only his sleeveless tee, boxer-briefs, and sagging jeans. “If you wanna do some gay shit, that’s your business, but I’m only here cause Tony will kill me if I don’t come back with what I owe him.” “That’s cool, just telling you what some of the guys might offer,” Jax replied, defusing the tension by picking up a shiny green g-string and twirling it around his finger. “Especially when you swish around in this pretty pair of panties.” “Fuck that shit,” Max said, joining the laughter. “I might have to get naked for these queens but I’m not doing a drag show first. I better hide all the girly shit from Dave when he tells me which one I should wear.” As Max returned the green g-string and some equally frilly gear to the duffle, he accidentally knocked a small cloth bag out, which spilled open on the bed. “You know you’re not supposed to bring that in here, right?” Jax picked up the pipe and bag of crystals that had escaped from the cloth sack and gave his best fake-mad stare. “Shit man, that’s not mine, it must have been in with the outfits!” Max went ghostly white and stammered excuses before Jax finally laughed and handed them back to the terrified teen. “I’m just fucking with ya Max.” Jax slapped him on the back and ruffled his hair, but Max stayed stiff and silent. “I told you I work here to pay for recreation, which is my discreet way of saying I enjoy partying sometimes too. Just make sure to keep that someplace outta sight and only smoke in here or another private room, cause not everyone is as understanding as I am.” You got it Jax. I’ll be super sneaky I swear man.” Max promised while the color returned to his cheeks. He went to put the pipe back in its bag, but stopped short. “You sure it is cool if I smoke in here? I could really use a pick me up before I meet this Dave guy.” “If you are down, I’d love to match bowls real quick.” Jax reached into his back pocket and pulled out his own pipe, and the two men quickly loaded two large bowls. Simultaneously, Max and Jax lit their lighters and melted the tina in their pipes, sucking in smoke and blowing out huge clouds. Jax insisted Max try his supply, so they took turns on each pipe, and before long, each man was high as a kite. “That’s good shit,” Max complimented his smoking-partner’s stash while they packed away the paraphernalia. “But now I’m fucking sweaty as fuck. Wish I could shower before I get into one of these get-ups.” Jax explained that was no problem as long as Max understood that he’d have to undress here, and take his towel with him to the communal showers, which caused Max to hesitate. Jax assured him he wouldn’t get raped, and told him where the least used showers were, but Max wouldn’t go until Jax gave in and allowed Max to bend the rules and where his boxer briefs. With that, Max stripped off his shirt, revealing his firm pecs, tight abs, and smooth skin except for a fine blonde treasure trail. The jeans were next, and Jax was happy to see his muscular thighs and calves were also covered in blonde hair. Tossing the towel over his shoulder and sliding the room key onto his wrist with the convenient elastic band, the teen stud followed Jax to the showers before the clerk left him to retrieve more Gatorade and check that the other employees were holding down the fort while he played tour guide to the hired meat. Taking the shower in the furthest corner from the entrance allowed Max some privacy from guys walking by, but he did end up sharing the shower with another guest before he had a chance to finish. Carefully turned into the corner, Max tried not to show any interest in his shower-mate, but couldn’t help sneak a glance at the short buff latino’s uncut meat. Max was a big talker when it came to sex but he’d only been with three girls and never actually seen a dick other than his own and his two best friends when they used to go skinny dipping. Even during his years on various sports teams, Max always had separate showers and private changing stalls in his school locker rooms. The temptation proved too great once the man closed his eyes to soap his face, and Max took a good long look at the foreign entity between the other man’s legs. His face went scarlet when he looked up from the thick dark cock and caught the smile on the face of its owner. Rinsing off faster than anyone ever before him, Max was dashing out of the showers in under a minute, trying not to fall as he dripped water all the way back to his room. “You could have dried off there you know.” Jax was waiting at the door to the room with more drinks and a tv remote so he could change the porn to the only straight option they played. “Sorry bro,” Max let them in and focused on drying off, not noticing Jax, facing the tv, but using the mirrors to check out the boy’s silhouetted dick and ass through the wet, transparent undies. He feigned trouble with the remote to cover his glances as the damp calvins dropped to the concrete floor, giving Jax an eye full of Max’s soft 4 inch cut dick, small blonde pube patch, and lowhanging naturally smooth balls. Max turned and bent down over the duffle to pull out some clean underwear, exposing his round, firm butt covered in the lightest dusting of peach fuzz, which made Jax stiffen in his sweat shorts. Luckily he was wearing his best jock, so he knew he could keep it under wraps unless he reached his full 8 ½ inches, which might have happened if Max hadn’t broken the trance by sliding a pair of black briefs over his naughty bits. The two guys proceeded to smoke another bowl as Max downed a second Gatorade laced with g, while a big-breasted brunette took on five guys on the tv screen. Jax was considering slipping a larger dose into the drink and raping the boy then and there, when a knock interrupted his fantasizing. Max asked who it was, and Dave responded “the guy with your money,” causing Max to jump up and let him in. With the amount he was being paid, Max expected a fat troll. Instead a 6’ tall handsome, muscular but not too defined, fuzzy Italian man with black hair in his forties walked in, causing Max to wonder why such a normal, even attractive, man would want to pay a guy to strip and jerk off for him. Jax left the two of them to finalize the plans for the performance, heading off down the hall and into a room marked ‘employees only.’ “Wow, Tony wasn’t exaggerating,” Dave said as he unashamedly walked a circle around Max and scoped out every inch of what he was buying. “It is almost too bad you have to get dressed before the show, because those briefs are getting me hard. Oh well. Speaking of which, what did you bring to wear?” “I laid out a bunch of the stuff Tony leant me,” Max volunteered. His manner was much more relaxed now, with no shame about showing Dave what he had. Dave knew this was probably due to the ghb and tina he’d instructed Jax to give the boy, but Max just figured he was comfy with Dave because he was a masculine, average joe-type. He pointed out uniforms for a cop, fireman and boy scout, as well as some mix-and-match gear which could be used to make him look like a construction worker or leather-enthusiast. Dave was unimpressed with most of it, so he dumped out the duffle bag on the bed, mixing the costumes with Max’s stuff. “Holy shit boy,” dave exclaimed as he pulled a wrestling singlet, pads and jockstrap out of the pile. “Why were you hiding this?” “That’s not a costume, that’s my wrestling uniform for school. I forgot it was in the bag when I grabbed it to take to Tony’s.” Max said, oblivious to the idea that someone might be interested in seeing his buff, tight body wrapped in skin tight green and black spandex. “That’s the one! Just wear one of Tony’s jockstraps instead of your usual one. No one will be able to see your cock through an athletic cup.” Dave handed Max the singlet, helmet, pads, shoes, jock and an envelope with half of his payment for the evening. “You have thirty minutes to get your cock fluffed, get dressed and meet me at the stairs to head up to the tv room where you’ll be performing. Once you get on stage you can do up to a fifteen minute strip show, but no less than ten. Then you’ll be groping jerking and fingering for the rest of the 30 minutes. If you can oil yourself up as you strip that would be great, or you can let one of the audience do it for you. You will get the rest of the money once you have shot your load. There will be a few guys who would toss you a few extra hundreds if you shoot in their mouth, on their face or chest or let them touch you when you jizz. You need any Viagra or a cock ring or anything to help keep your cock up?” “Um, I don’t think so.” Max began to worry again. No one had warned him about the restrictions, and it wasn’t even a possibility until that second that he might not be able to get it up. “Maybe I’ll take the Viagra, just in case.” “Good idea,” Dave chuckled and pulled his towel off. Underneath was the tiniest pair of blue athletic shorts with white piping, known to man. Reaching into the pocket, he pulled out a little blue pill, a leather cock ring with silver snaps, and a bottle of lube. “Take this now, then go do a quick enema to make sure your asshole is clean. There is plastic tubing and water spigots in the stalls by the showers. Then come back here, get your dick hard, and put on the cock ring. Once it is on, your dick will get soft but not smaller. Then hop in that singlet and I’ll see you by the stairs.” Max didn’t have time to ask why he needed the enema before Dave was out the door, but he often administered one before a match to get down a weight class, so he knew what to do. Popping the pill and sliding his briefs back on, he made his way back to the shower area and spotted the stalls. There were a lot more guys around the bath house now than when he arrived, but Max was on a mission, so he didn’t stop to wonder about it. After he was sure he was clean inside and out, he headed back to the room, squirted a generous amount of lube onto both palms and plopped down on the mattress to get his dick up. The video had progressed to a scene where a petite asian girl was being gang banged by 8 hung white and black men, with dicks in every hole, and sometimes two in a single hole. Max’s cock went from flaccid to fully erect in no time, achieving its full 7 and a half inch glory. As the asian slut begged for more cock in her ass and pussy, curiosity got the best of Max, and his right middle finger slid slowly into his virgin crack, teasing his asshole as it had on the rare night when he felt particularly horny. The last time it happened, Max was jerking off at home after a party where his girlfriend had spent the whole night grinding against his cock through his khakis. He’d had a few too many by the end of the evening, and there in his bed he couldn’t quite get hard enough to cum. One teasing finger slowly penetrated his sphincter that night in the dark. It was joined shortly by a second finger, thrusting just deep enough to hit his prostate and blast a huge load all over his chin, neck and chest. Every time he’d played down there he vowed never again, and every time he went a little further. As he remembered the euphoric feeling of the last orgasm, his lubed finger punctured the tight hole, eliciting a drop of pre-cum out of his pisshole. The clock next to the tv caught his eye causing him to pull the finger out since he only had five minutes until he had to be on stage. Carefully gathering his hard dick and big balls in one hand, he snapped on the cock ring and quickly admired how big it made his dick look in the mirror. All his practice getting into uniform after weigh-ins payed off as he shimmied into a black jock strap with a white, semi-transparent pouch, followed by his singlet, knee pads, elbow pads, shoes, and helmet. He almost forgot the lube and oil, but slid them into his elbow pad before grabbing the key and towel and dashing to the stairs. “Right on time.” Dave said, now wearing only a leather cock ring, leather vest and boots. They began up the stairs, as the sound of excited men’s chatter grew louder. “The gang’s all here. I know Tony told you ten to twelve guys, but once I sent out the link with your body pics from the club downtown, we had some added interest. I’ll throw in an extra $500, cool? “Yeah man, whatever.” Max felt like he was floating, rushing and calm all at once, just like before a wrestling match, only better. The crowd noise sounded just like the fans during a meet, tricking his brain and making him forget to hold his towel in front of the obscene bulge in his singlet. “Just tell me where to go and I’m ready.” “I can tell,” Dave said as they turned a corner and stopped in front of a curtain. He reached out and rubbed Max’s muscles just like his coach at school before a match, with a few added strokes along the outline of his cock. “Once you hear your name announced, pull the curtain, hop up on the platform and get going. Do some poses, maybe a wrestling stance or two, then show us what you can do. You’ll get better tips if you go out into the audience a little, but don’t stay out there. They’ll never let you go. ” Dave stepped into the room beyond the curtain, and Max was left alone in the hallway. One last thought of running came to mind, but then a voice came over the speaker and asked the crowd to give it up for wrestling champ Max Rider. The cheer that went up was gigantic, and Max forgot all about running. Rushing through the curtain, he took two long strides and jumped up onto the stage. Max was caught off guard by the fact that it ran the length of the entire room, about 30 feet, but was only 4 feet deep. The wall behind him was mirrored head to toe, with six huge flat screen suspended above, all showing Max from a different angle. The music blasted as the crowd began hooting and hollering. The spotlight in the corner effectively left max blind, but he was sure there had to be at least 40 guys there just based on the shadows and voices he could make out. Ignoring his anxiety, he began by flexing his arms, chest, legs and butt. Once he’d gotten some significant applause, he got down into a wrestling pose and did a take down on the pole located at the far end of the stage. Hearing the guys whistle and clap seemed to make Max excited, in all senses of the word. His cock was about ¾ hard the entire time and working its way to full steam. After tossing in some tumbling and a handstand transforming into walking on his hands, he was running out of moves. Looking up at the tv over his head, Max was relieved to see they had a timer in the corner for how long he’d been up there, which just hit 7 minutes as he watched. “Enough stalling stud! Take it off!” came from the gallery. Do or die time. Max started by peeling away the shoulder straps of his singlet, followed by the helmet and elbow pads. He kept the knee pads on and did a running slide on them to the opposite side of the stage. The next five minutes were some of the most terrifying and thrilling of Max’s life. Once he got the singlet to his waist, he grabbed the oil and hopped into the front row and asked who wanted to oil his chest. The winner was a 20-something thin guy who had a gigantic dick and kept trying to get Max to touch it as he oiled his chest. Another audience member got excited and hoped up and did his shoulders and back, leading to a third guy reaching out, grabbing the singlet, and taking it down to Max’s ankles in one foul swoop. This was too much, so max hopped back on the stage and finished his legs himself. Somewhere in his mind he knew he wasn’t totally in control, and it was only reinforced when Dave climbed up next to him and insisted he be the one to oil up Max’s ass, and max didn’t argue. “Bend over and grab your ankles,” Dave ordered. Max did as he was told and felt as two large, rough Italian hands spread the oil up the back of his thighs, over his cheeks and into his ass crack. He tried to stand up, but Dave pushed him back to a bent position, then spread his ass and oiled the crack for at least a minute, teasing and pressing against the hole. His finger might have gone in if Max hadn’t regained his senses and pulled Dave’s leg out, getting him in a wrestling hold. The audience loved it, and apparently so did Max’s cock, as it was stone hard and dripping. “I’ll give you an extra hundred if you let me peel the jock off with my teeth,” Dave whispered so only Max could hear it. Max released Dave from the hold and stood up, nodding yes. Dave took his sweet time, running his scruffy cheek and lips over the jock before biting the waist band, and slowly dragging it down over the thick pink boy dick. Once the cock head cleared the elastic, it sprang up, flinging a string of precum into the audience. Somehow the teen wrestler with the pulsing pink dick, wearing only knee pads, wrestling shoes and a cock ring got the entire crowd to shut up. Max closed his eyes and began to rub his hands over his chest and abs. Once they were good and oily, he slowly reached down and began to work his dick and balls. As he got closer to cumming, the noise got louder. By the time his half hour was ending, he was still not quite there. A thought came to him and he jumped on it before he realized what he was doing. He turned around, dropped to his knees and spread his legs as far as he could, leaning his face against the mirror. Reaching back he slid one finger down the crack of his ass, circled the hole twice, then rammed it all the way in. He had only seconds until his load would come charging out, but with no other options, he simply threw his shoulders back until they hit the stage, with his head hanging off into the audience. Two strokes of his dick and one thrust of his finger and the explosion began, shooting over his body and into the first row of men. Groans and cheers surrounded him, many of his audience shooting their own load without Max ever knowing it. The next few minutes remain a haze in his memory, but Dave was proud to see the embarrassed straight boy lose himself in the moment, get up, wag his cock at the audience, collect his wrestling gear, and take a bow before rushing off to hide in his room. Back in the basement, Max was spinning faster than a tilt-a-whirl, half of his body tweaking from the tina, and half unable to move from the ghb. He answered a knock at the door to find a very happy Dave. “Fantastic show Max,” He pulled him into a hug, not caring about the sweat, oil, and cum all over Max’s chest. “Here’s the rest of the money plus a generous tip. You were the best I’ve ever seen! Any chance you’d consider doing more stuff for a lot more money?” “No way dude!” Max pulled away and grabbed his towel to cover his nudity and shame. “I can’t believe I did that stuff! I’m gonna shower, get dressed and go home.” “That’s fine. Too bad you can’t stick around though because a buddy of mine wanted to give you a t-shirt of tina as his tip. Room 30 if you change your mind.” Dave knew a new druggie when he saw one, and Tony told him how Max had gone from one purchase every few months to twice a week. He’d specifically given him more than he could possibly afford, knowing he’d be desperate for more and all too willing to exchange his virtue for some cash and crystal. “I…I’ll think about it man.” Max pushed Dave out of the room and disappeared to the showers, washing as fast as his ghb-ed brain could manage. Most of the men in the club were still upstairs so he managed to get clean and back to his room with only two guys making a grab for his cock and ass. When the door shut behind him, he whipped out his pipe and was horrified to see he had smoked most of his stash with Jax before the show. He took a couple big hits and decided to stop by Dave’s room just for the tina. He slid on his briefs and jeans, but couldn’t find his shirt. Knocking at the door, he could hear multiple voices talking in hushed tones. When it opened, Dave, Jax and another tall muscular man were inside, all stripped down to their underwear, including Jax, who had finished his shift. Dave, now in a leather jock with a tear away pouch, introduced Max to Sam, the third guy, who bore a striking resemblance to a wwe wrestler that Max couldn’t quite place. He was built buff and broad like Jax and Dave, but was smooth and had a small belly. Max thought the belly looked good on him, hot even, before remembering why he was there. “Of course Max, I have it right here.” Sam reached under a pillow on the be near him, which made Max notice that this room was much bigger than his, containing a weight bench, some sort of chair suspended from the ceiling and a queen size bed. “Wanna join us for a bowl?” “I guess.” Max was handed the clear glass pipe, but Sam lit the torch and cooked the bowl, forcing him to take a huge hit. He coughed and sputtered and Jax appeared next to him, guiding him to take a seat on the bed between he and Dave, who handed him a bottle of Gatorade to help with the choking. The liquid tasted a little funny, Max’s thought, but downed the entire bottle in a few minutes, while the pipe continued to make the rounds. At first Max was involved in the conversation, but soon found it hard to concentrate. Before he knew what was happening, he was agreeing to let Dave take some photos of him for some extra cash. Jax and Sam helped him to his feet and encouraged him to take off his jeans. He argued for a minute, but must have lost as Sam was sliding them down his legs. Jax had some sort of lightbulb moment and disappeared as Dave and Sam told Max where to sit or stand and what to do. Jax returned with some of the jocks and costume pieces from Max’s room, and helped Max to change into some of them for different shots. Max could hear a voice in his mind telling him this was gay and to run away from these fags, but it was so quiet and the guys were so commanding that Max couldn’t help but give in after every time he argued with them. Once they had shots of him in a bunch of different undies, Dave made a snide comment about how sad it was to see a young guy who couldn’t get it up.Max looked down to his crotch and realized he was soft. Embarrassed, he insisted he could get hard, he just needed a few minutes to jerk off with the porno. “Okay stud, here’s some lube and the tv is right over the bed there.” Dave directed Max’s drugged form to the bed and peeled away the last pair of undies, leaving him nude. “Take your time and get hard while I get some shots of Jax on the weights.” Watching the porn and laying down brought Max back some, allowing him to focus on working his pink dick and balls. In a few minutes he was almost fully hard, but couldn’t seem to get that last little push to full mast. Checking to make sure the other guys weren’t watching, he snuck his finger between his legs and poked at his hole. He worked it in to the second knuckle before he was interrupted. “Looks like Straight Max likes it up the ass,” Sam had turned around and was pointing out Max’s finger play to the others. “Nah man, I just don’t feel right,” Max interjected in his defense. “It’s like I am drunk or something.” “Oh damn, you must have gotten the Gatorade with the ghb be in it,” Jax postulated, knowing full well he had been feeding it to Max all night. The last bottle contained enough that Max was finally letting go, allowing for the next step in Dave’s plan. Max seemed worried but they assured him he’d be fine. “No wonder you need a little fingering to get it up man,” Sam sympathized. “but it’ll work faster if you do a little booty bump to get your ass warmed up.” “What’s that?” Max asked as Dave took a large crystal from the bag and placed it on the end of his lubed finger. “It’s just like smoking a bowl, but it will help get you horny.” Dave said, as Sam pulled Max’s legs open. “I’m gonna put it in this time cause you don’t know how and you might mess it up.” “Wait man, I don’t---UHHHN.” Max groaned as Dave replaced Max’s small finger with two of his thick meaty digits. Max tried to pull away, but Sam held him fast as Dave pushed the big rock as deep into his virgin ass as he could. With his free hand, Dave began stroking Max’s cock, ignoring Max’s feeble pleas for him to stop. A burning sensation deep in Max’s hole made him moan, which Jax decided to mute by taking off the white briefs he was wearing and shoving them in Max’s mouth. Much to his own disgust, the booty bump did the trick and Max was hard as a rock in minutes, leaking copious amounts of seminal fluid and suddenly hungry for another finger in his hole. Dave could see the fight fading out of Max’s eyes, and began working his fingers back and forth. The crystal had dissolved entirely by that point, and Max was primed for the cherry-popping. Jax pulled the briefs from max’s mouth and, as expected, he only moaned. The three men shared a look and a smile between them, acknowledging the rape they were about to commit. Sam released Max’s legs and moved to the end of the bed, where he set up a camera. Jax reached up to the head of the bed under a pillow and pulled out poppers, a butt plug, a huge bottle of lube, some adjustable cock rings and a cock pump. Dave stayed put, working Max’s hole, but releasing his cock to Jax who lubed it up and slid it into the cock pump. While their teen victim’s cock was pumped bigger than ever, Dave reached back and pulled at the snaps on the pouch containing his cock. Max could just barely see over the end of the bed when he raised his head, and began to squirm again once he saw the 9 inch uncut monster Dave was lubing up. “Don’t worry about that Max,” Dave leaned in and whispered to the stoned boy. “Sam’s got at least two inches on me. That’s why I am going before him.” Max jerked his head to where Sam was filming the action, and sure enough, stroking his 11” cut monster dick. The head alone was enough to split Max down the center, let alone the thick, veiny shaft. Max wanted desperately to push them off and make a run for it, but instead he got a shotgun hit of tina from Jax’s goateed mouth, followed by his first man-on-man kiss. His mind was screaming “disgusting,” but his body leaned into it and kissed back. “Fuck yeah, he’s ready.” Jax told Dave, who was coating his dick with tina-laced lube. Afraid for his life, Max tried with all his might to over-power the urge in his loins telling him to do it. It might have worked, except Dave simultaneously pulled his fingers from Max’s ass. “Don’t!” Max moaned, reaching out to try and stop Dave from depriving his hungry hole of something to fill it. “Put it back.” “Damn, this boy IS ready.” Sam said, laughing and moving in closer to get a good shot of Dave pulling Max to the end of the bed and putting Max’s legs up against his shoulders. “Give it to him Davey-boy.” “Don’t worry Maxwell, I’ve got something your ass will like even more.” Dave promised while working back his foreskin, pressing the head to the virgin hole, and leaning in. “FUCK!” Max screamed. His body shot back to almost total control, but Jax was prepared, holding Max down as one, two, three, six inches sank into his no-longer-virgin cunt. The men knew every boy’s first fuck was hard, and they were prepared to make sure this deflowering happened whether Max wanted it or not. “Take it out man! Jesus! Get off me you fucking faggot!” “You’ll regret that bitch,” Dave growled like an animal and started thrusting in and out, faster and deeper with each stroke. Within five strokes he was balls deep. Within fifteen strokes, he was up to a steady rhythm. By the 25th stroke, he was pounding Max like the whore he was meant to be. ‘No’s and cries for help were replaced with sobs, which turned to grunts, eventually becoming moans and whimpers, until Max was able to form words again. “Yeah. Fuck. That. Hole. Dave.” Max urged his rapist on. He felt guilt, shame and disgust at the core of his being. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he realized he was asking a man to fuck him like some two dollar prostitute. He also felt the most satisfying, complete physical sensation he’d ever known, like a constant orgasm, coming directly from where Dave’s cock head bottomed out in Max’s butt. “That’s right Max, you’re mine now. You’re nothing but a bottom bitch cumdump from now on. You’ll try to fight it after you leave tonight, but I guarantee you’ll be back in a week or two, pretending you haven’t spent every day dreaming about having me breed you again. Maybe you’ll even get a girlfriend to play house with, but she’ll just be keeping you busy until you have a man shooting inside you again.” Dave was now up on the bed, fucking Max so hard that his shoulders where next to his ears. Jax had to remove the cock pump because it was hitting Max in the face everytime Dave buried his dick balls deep in Max’s boyhole. “Open your eyes and look at me Maxwell. Good, now tell me you want me to cum in your ass. DO IT!” “Cum…Cum in my…” Max wanted it but admitting it out loud would take away the last straw of dignity he had. “Say it or I pull out right now and you’ll never have a dick inside you ever again,” Dave stopped his pounding and rammed his cock as deep as he could and held perfectly still waiting for an answer. Max was silent until Dave began to withdraw his massive meat, motivating Max to make the rightchoice. “Cum in my ass sir, please! I need you to cum in my ass right now!” Max screamed, reaching up to grab Dave’s hips and pull him back into the hole. “You asked for it.” Dave resumed pounding, kicking it up to top speed for the longest minute of Max’s life, a minute that Max wanted to continue forever. “Fuck, Fuck, FUCK. HERE I CUUUUUUMMMM!” Dave forced his dick a fraction of an inch deeper than the deepest he’d gone and flooded Max with two weeks of tina-filled cum. He tried to count how many pumps of sperm he unloaded in the sweet boy hole, but lost could around 18, which was somewhere near the middle. Once the last drip had worked its way out of his piss slit, he slowly retreated until only the head of his considerable cock remained lodged just inside Max.”Come take my place quick Jax.” Jax did as requested, hoping off the bed and sidling up as close as possible. Max moaned when Dave’s angry read cock head finally popped out, but settled down an instant later with Jax continuing where Dave left off. Dissatisfied with the position he was fucking his new toy, Jax thrust his muscular arms under Max’s shoulders and pulled his body up off the bed, fucking as they walked over to the weight bench, which was set on an incline. Once there, Jax spun Max’s legs until the boy was face down with his head downhill from his hole. Max lost track of time as he gave in to the bliss he felt with every thrust. He didn’t even object as Sam stuffed his mouth full of the giant dick that would eventually destroy his spermy, sloppy butt. “Here cums load number two. Take it Max!” Jax 8 ½ inches swelled and throbbed as he added another pint of baby batter to the straight cum receptacle he had schemed, drugged and abused. Jax knew at the moment of his orgasm that he had done the right thing. Max asked for more when Jax slid out with an audible pop, and then he remembered who was next in line. Dave was now working the camera as Jax jimmied the butt plug into max, and then helped him up and walked him over to the suspended chair the men called a “sling.” With Sam on his right and Jax on his left, they hoisted him into the leather contraption, and secured his arms and legs, before unplugging his ass. He was about to ask why they did that when Sam inserted 2/3rds of his massive meat into the boy in one thrust. Max screamed and passed out for a few minutes. When he awoke, Sam was all the way in, and Max was getting shotgun hits of tina from Jax and Dave. Max never did get used to the length and girth of the horse cock rearranging his organs, but he did beg for every inch of it when Sam got ready to shoot. There was no one left to fill Max after he received the third load, or so he thought. “Sam and I are headed to the shower, but we’re leaving the door open and Jax will be running the camera.” Dave told Max while force feeding him more ghb. “Sam stuffed another rock up your dirty hole, and it should kick in just in time for the news to spread that our straight stripper boy is open for loading. I expect you to have at least two more loads by the time I get back.” Max struggled against his bonds and begged for them not to do it as the g kicked in. They did it anyway.
    2 points
  4. Last load I gave was a while back. I had a fuck bud in Chelsea. Cute skinny white guy, big cock, sweet hole, total bottom. I would go over to his place on the weekend and fuck him, always safe. One Saturday afternoon I went over, already a little drunk, and we had some wine and got down to it. We 69, I ate his ass and and gave him a hard safe fuck. We napped for about 30 minutes, and then he starts sucking on me again. In no time I'm rock hard and he slips another condom on me and flips over so I can do him doggystyle. After about 10 minutes he's moaning and groaning and covered in sweat and calling me a sex god and begging me to never stop fucking him...you know all the crazy shit guys say when they've got a hard cock ramming inside of them. I hold out as long as I can before blasting another load inside of the condom. We cuddle a little bit and I'm getting mentally prepared to leave, since 2 loads is usually all I'm good for. Well he won't leave me alone, and pretty soon I feel myself starting to get hard again. He grabs a condom and puts it on me, but as soon as it's on I start to go limp. He tries a couple of different times, but I just can't keep it up while it's wrapped up. Then he climbs on top of me and starts rubbing the bare head of my cock against his hole. "You make me want to be bad." he says. I'm not sure what I should do, since he's always insisted on a condom before, so I just stay still an let him take the lead. Sure enough he slowly starts lowering himself onto my bare shaft. His hole is so slick and hot from our previous two rounds, that I'm instantly harder than I've ever been. He starts riding me hard, moaning loudly while he strokes his own large cock to a full erection. After a few minutes, I decide that if he wants a raw load from me, he's gonna have to take it like a real bb slut. I sit up, push him down on his back, spread his legs wide, and start pounding him missionary style. Our bodies are both slick with sweat, and I can feel it dripping off of my body onto him. I'm pounding him as hard as I can, the whole time telling him what a worthless little slut he is, that the only reason I met him is because he was on CL looking for a stranger to shove their cock inside of him, and now he was going to get a load shot up his ass to remind him what a bad boy he was...you know all the crazy shit guys say when they are about to shoot inside of a hot ass for the third time in an afternoon. I kept pounding harder and harder, his smooth hole kept me right on the edge of orgasm for a long time. I remember he was practically screaming but I was so out of my mind with lust I don't remember if he was saying anything or not. I let out a long scream myself as I finally blew my load deep inside his ass. I kept fucking him in long, strokes making sure I squeezed out every drop I had, and maximizing my own pleasure. As I started slowing down he grabbed his own cock, which was rock hard again and pumped out a shockingly huge load all over both of us. I licked some off his chest, and kissed him while my fully spent cock slowly started to shrink inside of him. Only when I was totally limp, did I finally pull out.
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  5. I have a mate who is going through similar. He had been mostly safe top until the start of this year, and then took a couple of raw loads and gradually got more addicted. Our conversations have got hotter, as he finds his way around the bareback brotherhood, and discovers new thoughts and feelings. I like seeing the gradual descent of a man into a pigbrother, a guy who slowly accepts slams or drugs or no longer goes out fully geared to clubs, but starts dressing sluttier and sluttier. He on course to convert, sure, and he'll make a fine addition to the brothers. Once it starts, it's hard to turn back.
    2 points
  6. "I think we need to hydrate!" Jesse announced. "Grab your water bottles and if you need more, they're in the kitchen!" Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. "What the fuck? I put the 'Do Not Disturb' sign on the door when I let you in. Look at that, the blinds have been open all this time. No sense gettin dressed, since whoever's out there has already seen us!" "Let me get it!" I said, walking to the door. Opening the door, I saw 2 latin guys in their 30's, shirtless, in shorts and flipflops, 1 carrying a doubleheaded dildo. "Is there anything you guys want?" "We came to get something out of our car and we couldn't help notice what you guys were doing." The shorter one with the goatee said. "I'm Diego and this is Luis, my boyfriend. Luis forgot to pack the Viagra and since we're both tweaked and sufferin from tinadick, we need this toy. At the risk of bein nosy, is this a gangbang? Can we join in?" "Actually it's a private party/family reunion!" Jesse said. "We're taking a break to hydrate. Eliot, show the guys in, so we can all get acquainted." Ushering them in, I made the introductions. "I'm Eliot and these 5 men are my brothers. Starting from the left, it's Jesse, Donelle, Curtis, Lemar and Billy Dee. We're all from Brooklyn, but I moved down here 12 years ago." "Diego and I are originally from the Bronx, but we live in Jersey City now." Luis said. "We were High School sweethearts and we've been together over 14 years now." "Hope you weren't insulted by the private party remark," Jesse explained. "We're all poz and as you obviously saw, we never play safe. Just how much did you see?" "We looked in just when the 3 of you were going at each other hot n heavy!" Luis said. "Fuck, it was better than any porn we've ever seen. You guys are really into each other and once we saw, we had to see where it went. Diego and I are both neg and while we do play with others, they need to be neg." "That's perfectly understandable." Jesse said. "Can we get anything for you? Water? I have a good supply of Cialis since you mentioned tinadick." "We're good on water, but if you can spare some Cialis, that would be wonderful!" Diego said. "Right now, what I really need is to use your bathroom. I'll probably piss my pants before we get back up stairs." "I don't know if you're into it, but Eliot is our official piss pig!" Billy Dee said. "He'll be more than happy to drink your piss and he won't spill a drop! Actually, he's been givin us lessons, but he's the pro!" Squeezing his own crotch, Diego said, "That sounds nasty! Piss is dirty after all!" "Piss is actually sterile!" I declared. "It's supposedly good for jellyfish stings and they say if you're stranded and without water, you should drink your own piss!" "Any port in a storm!" Diego said. "If you really like drinkin piss, you can have mine! Just tell me what I have to do!" Kneeling down in front of Diego, I said, "Drop your shorts and stick your cockhead in my mouth. Your bladder and my mouth will take care of everything. By the way, tinapiss gives me a nice buzz!" In 2 seconds, Diego's shorts were on the floor, his cockhead in my mouth and I was workin my magic. "Mmmmm! That's not nasty, it's fuckin hot! Drink it down! Wow, that was good!" He said as I swallowed the last few drops. "You can have mine if you're still thirsty!" Luis said dropping his shorts. Not one to waste time, I took his cockhead in my mouth and in seconds a torrent of piss was flowing into my gullet. "So nice!" He said, stroking my face as his flow slowed to a trickle. "Diego, maybe later I'll try drinking your piss!" His bladder empty, he removed his cockhead from my mouth and helped me to my feet. "This was certainly an unexpected pleasure!" Diego said. "If tinapiss gives you a buzz, I'll have a go at Luis later tonight. Eliot, how can we ever thank you?" "Urp!" I belched, tasting their piss again. "You already did. Piss tends to be an acquired taste and it might take time for you guys to get used to it." Jesse walked over to Diego and handed him 6 Cialis tablets. "If this isn't enough, there's more. You 2 enjoy yourselves and if we leave the blinds open again, feel free to watch!" "I don't think we need to tell you 6 guys to enjoy yourselves!" Diego said. "I think Luis would agree that this is a night we'll never forget. We'll see ourselves out!" Following our 2 unexpected guests to the door, I closed the blinds, returned to the bed, hopped on it and said, "Billy Dee, Lemar, I'm all yours!" Seconds later, the 2 were on either side of me. "What do you guys have planned for me?" Lemar squeezed my ass and said, "While you were busy with Jesse and Donelle, the 2 of us had a discussion. If you can handle Billy Dee's fatty up your ass, I'll be happy to have you suck my cock and then I'll embrace my inner freak and felch your hole clean! How does that sound?" "Sounds like I'm getting Billy Dee's cum up my ass and yours down my throat!" I said. "Lemar, there's a little something I call 'abc' that I think you'll enjoy!" "Now you've got me curious." Lemar said. "This 'abc' thing, are you going to tell me what it is or will you be surprising me? You sure haven't disappointed us yet." "To put it in simple terms, 'abc' stands for ass, balls, cock!" I said. "We start with my mouth at your ass, then move to your balls and onto your cock!" "Oooh, baby!" Lemar cooed. "Teach me the alphabet with your mouth. You might wanna suck on Billy Dee's cock first. As fat as it is, it might not go in easily even with all that cum in your ass!" Billy Dee straddled my chest. His cock was massively thick from the head to the base, a stark contrast to his thin frame. Throbbing and dripping precum, he eased it into my mouth. Fortunately, it was a bit over 7" in length, so I could deepthroat him, wallowing in the stink of his sweaty pubes, as his balls, the size of plums smacked my chin. "If your ass is even half as good as your mouth," He said, "I'm gonna enjoy fuckin it!" I slobbered all over his fat cock and my spit began to drip down his balls. "You got me wet enough. I'll take it easy goin in, since you'll be gettin fucked plenty more before you leave!" Moving between my legs, he held them up and aimed his cock at my pucker. There was a moment of discomfort as his cockhead penetrated my hole, but as I relaxed my ass muscles the invasion was rather pleasant and soon, he was in balls deep. "Damn, you're workin my cock with your ass! Hot as your ass is, I'm surprised all the cum up there ain't boilin! So fuckin squishy!" "Lemar, assume the position!" I ordered. "Start with your ass on my face and when you're ready for the next level, just move! One more thing, if your cock isn't in my mouth when you get close, shove it in!" Seconds later, Lemar was perched on my face and I had my legs wrapped around Billy Dee's waist. I spread Lemar's butt cheeks and rammed my tongue up his musky hole. "Fuck, you got a hot tongue!" He shouted. "Curtis was right about you! Mmmm!" Watching at the foot of the bed, Jesse said, "Look at Eliot takin Lemar's fat cock like a pro. Not many guys can handle that. Most guys are afraid they'll be split in 2 by it! Fuck that ass!" Moving back a bit, my tongue slipped out of Lemar's ass and his balls were now at my mouth. "Fuck, if you kept that up I was gonna cum without even touching myself! Lick my balls!" I stuck my tongue out and licked Lemar's average sized balls, 1 at a time before taking the pair into my mouth. "Stick your cock in Eliot's mouth!" Billy Dee said. "Hot as his ass is, I don't think I'll last much longer and I want you to shoot your cum down his throat when I paint his hole with mine!" Lemar moved back just enough to shove his cock in my mouth. "Suck my big black cock!" He said, grabbing my ears and skullfuckin me. "Fuck that ass! Suck that cock!" The others chanted like a mantra. Eager to get their cum, I squeezed my butt muscles on Billy Dee's Cock and increased my suction on Lemar's cock as I reached up to tug on his balls. "Oh fuck! I'm cuuuummmmiiiinnnngggg!" Billy Dee shouted as I felt the spasms of his cock deep inside me. "Fuck, me too!" Lemar exclaimed, cumming on an outstroke and his load filling my mouth. Lemar removed his cock from my mouth and I savored his creamy cum before swallowing it. Billy Dee took care as he pulled out of my ass and when he moved his cock to my mouth, I licked it clean. Almost immediately, Lemar had his tongue up my ass, licking and slurping the voluminous amount of cum in there. I wasn't surprised at how much there was as Lemar and I snowballed it back and forth. "I've had you all and it's been LOADS of fun!" I exclaimed. "Are we done for the night?" To be continued
    2 points
  7. I saw ad on craigslist: "Two tops looking for bottom to fuck. Bring ur own lube + condoms or you'll get fucked dry and raw." I e-mailed the poster, we swapped pics, and got an address. Wearing shorts and a vest top, converse, no under pants but lubed myself up. When I arrived at the hotel, the guy who answered door was hot, chunky and in his 40s. A second guy, in his late 20's, slim and handsome, was laying on the bed. The older guy asked if I had brought condoms. "No" I replied. "You read ad, right? You're getting fucked bare, and we expect to cum in you." "Of course" I responded. With that I stripped, climbed onto the bed, my arse in the air, presenting myself for a doggy-style fuck. The older guy went first, fucking me for ten minutes, pounding me hard, and nearly ripping my hips off as he shot up my arse. Then the younger guy fucked me, again for about 10 minutes until he came in my hole. The entire time the younger guy was pounding me, the older guy made me lick his feet. After they were both satisfied, the older guy said "Okay, we're done with you. You can fuck off now." With that I dressed and left.
    2 points
  8. Thank you Tiger for that great reply. I just needed a place to get it off my chest. I know I can't stop and I don't think I really deep down want to stop. I yearn for it.
    2 points
  9. It was a slow Tuesday night at the Hollywood adult theater in Lake City. Just a handful of guys, none of whom wanted to stick their dick in my mouth. That was unfortunate. I really wanted to take a lovely prick in my mouth, nurse to a full erection and enjoy the taste of semen filling my mouth. I love sucking dick and I'm good at it. Too bad the closet cases and "straight" guys infesting the theater wouldn't let me show them a good time. I was sitting in the gay room alone, idly stroking my cock and watching a pretty boy take a rough raw fucking from a big dicked black guy. I envied the kid. I didn't have the guts to bareback and take loads like I really wanted to. I'd only had two raw cocks cream my ass, and that was only because I was really drunk. Both times I'd been anxious for months afterwards, until I tested negative. That didn't stop me from jerking off remembering the feel of a bare cock in me, the intensely arousing knowledge that the cock was spewing cum in my ass, the feel of it oozing out of my butt and the taste of it when I wiped it off with my fingers and licked them clean. Ah well, I hadn't been drinking that Tuesday night and would content myself to sucking and swallowing. Now, if some faggot would just allow me do that. The door to the theater slammed and few minutes later a middle-aged white guy walked in the room and looked around a bit and left. Figures, goes directly to the gay room, sees a queer with his cock out and leaves. Oh, well. Not long after that the guy came back and looked at me. He stepped directly in front of me, unzipped and took his cock out. I took my glasses off and licked my lips and he stepped forward and stuck his very nice uncut, soft dick in my mouth. At last, a fag who knows what he wants! I lovingly worshipped his prick. I love uncut cocks, especially when they're soft as they slide in my mouth. I love slipping my tongue under the foreskin and licking the head, enjoying the distinct tastes uncut guys get when they aren't too scrupulous about washing. Before long I had him fully hard, a lovely seven inches of moderately thick meat. Unfortunately he pulled out and walked away, stroking his length. Ah, shit! Tease me and walk off. Just my luck. I had just about just about decided to jerk off to the video when the guy came back and stuck his dick in my mouth again. I nursed him again and was starting to taste precum when he pulled out and sat down next to me. He turned his head to me and leaned forward. I did the same and he kissed me aggressively. I returned the kiss eagerly. I love making out with tops when they're as good at it as this guy was. He murmured in my ear "I want fuck you your ass." "Mmm, that would fun. What's your HIV status?" "I'm negative, tested last week." "Great. Use a condom." "Absolutely." He stood up, took a condom out of his pocket and rolled it on his cock. I checked and it was lubed. I stood up and assumed the position, bent over a chair back. "Let me open you up a little." A lubed finger slid in me and worked my ass, then another. He was a little rough and it hurt a little. He rubbed a thick lube in me and got me ready. Fingers pulled out, I felt the condom covered dick rub my asshole and shoved in hard. He was a hard, fast fuck, pounding my ass relentlessly. I was in heaven. He must have screwed me for 15 or 20 minutes. Finally, he humped in hard and held. "Breeding you, bitch! Knocking you up!" Those words puzzled me, no man had ever said that when he fucked me. Whatever, it was a great fuck. My ass was thoroughly reamed out. He pulled out of me and I sat down. He had pulled tissues out and was pulling the condom off his cock. I motioned to him and he stuck his wet cock in my mouth. I carefully licked and sucked him clean, enjoying the taste. Odd though, there was a tangy, greasy edge to it that I'd never tasted before. He leaned down and kissed me, smiling. "Thanks for a great fuck. Welcome to the club." He wrapped the condom with a tissue, dropped them in a nearby trash can and left. I sat with a pleasantly sore ass, puzzling over his last remark. Surely he could tell I had had dicks in my ass before. One of the guys who had watched me get fucked sat down and took my dick in his hands. Mmm, good. I'd love a blowjob or handjob while enjoying that freshly fucked feeling. We made out while we played with each other's cock. He was was large and hard and oozing precum. After a few minutes he broke off and whispered to me. "Do you know that guy?" "No, never saw him before. Why?" Do you know your HIV status? He's poz." The bottom dropped out of my stomach. He had lied to me. Never the less I responded "I'm neg, but that's ok, he used a condom." "Are you sure?" "Yeah, I saw him put it on, felt it when he was in my ass and saw him take it off and throw it in that trash can" pointing to the receptacle in which I had seen the top drop the condom and tissues. The guy reached over and gingerly fished out the tissues and condom, handed the wad of crumpled tissues to me saying simply "Check it." I unwrapped the tissues and looked. The condom was broken and bunched up. I felt the condom and felt what I thought was vaseline, then stood up and looked at the seat of the chair. There was a puddle there. I wiped some up and sniffed. Semen. The guy had doctored the rubber and shot a poz load in my ass. "Fuck. He shot in my ass." "Yeah. I thought as much. He's famous for stealthing guys." "How do you know he's poz?" "He told me. I'm poz too. He's fucked me before. I wish I'd had a chance to tell you. When he fingered your ass did it hurt?" "Yeah, it did. Usually I open really easy, with no pain. His nails were probably a little too long." "That was no accident. He was prepping you for his load. Scratching your asshole and rectum so you'd bleed and be more likely to get infected. I'm sorry, but my guess is that the virus is already in your bloodstream." "What can I do?" "Not much. Stock up on soup and electrolyte drinks. If you get the flu in the next few weeks it means you're infected. Go get tested later." I was sick to my stomach. I'd just been infected with HIV. My dick, however, was rock hard for the first time that evening. The guy next to me stroked my cock. "Odd reaction to getting stealthed." I was breathing hard. I realized that taking a poz load and almost surely getting infected had turned me on more than I'd been in ages. The hand on my cock felt great and I was about to shoot. I kissed the guy next to me and whispered to him "Fuck me and shoot another load of poz cum in me." My cock erupted when I said that. I really meant it. I was free. N o need to use condoms ever again or refuse any man's cock and cum. I was infected with HIV and didn't care if I got other diseases. "I'm really turned on watching you getting fucked and infected. I'd love to fuck your sloppy hole and make it a sure thing. Are you sure?" He held his hand to my mouth and I licked my last neg load from his fingers. I stood up, bent down, and licked the puddle of cum off the seat and tasted semen, assjuice and the coppery taste of blood. Infected, for sure. "Yes, do it. Make sure I'm knocked up." I bent over the back of the chair, reached back and spread my ass cheeks. The oozing head of his infected cock rubbed my asshole and he shoved in hard. My cock was rigid again, although usually it took a while to recover. I was so turned on knowing I had a dirty cock in me and was about to knowingly take dirty cum. He rammed his dick in me, fucking me as hard as the other guy had done earlier. I was in heaven, free at last to glory in pure faggot sex with no worries about anything but pleasing the cock in my ass. He hammered in and shuddered. I could feel his cock jerk and twitch and felt warm wetness in my guts. He moaned in my ear. "Pozzing your ass faggot! Fuckin' infecting you!" My cock twitched and I squirted my soon-to-be dirty cum onto the floor. One of the guys watching bent down and licked it up. My cock stayed hard. The guy rose from the floor, pulled a chair in front of me and bent over it. I stepped up and slid my newly infected cock in his ass. I wonder if he'd heard what the second poz guy had said to me and wondered if he cared. The guy was wet and I'd seen cum oozing out of him. I reveled in the feel of his slick asshole and the knowledge that my cock was bathed in strange cum. In spite of having shot two loads in a few minutes I emptied my balls in him quickly. I stayed in, enjoying the feel of his tight butt on my hard cock. Something nuzzled my well used asshole. I looked around and saw the first guy who'd fucked poz cum into me. He slid into my ass and whispered in my ear "How does it feel to be Another Infected Dicksucker, Son?"
    1 point
  10. The first time I got force-chemmed and raped was my first visit to NYC. I was barely 21, in the Army, all buffed out and a bit over-confident as I explored the gay-scene for the first time, alone in a strange dangerous city I had no business exploring by myself. I was walking down a dark, narrow, deserted street taking a shortcut on my way to check out a popular gay dance club I had heard about that was rumored to be frequented by gay college jocks my age. This hot Latin guy was leaning against a wall smoking a cigarette at the opening to an alley. We checked each other out as I went by. He was wearing faded jeans and a wife beater that hugged his torso showing off his nicely muscled chest and arms. He had some hot tats and this bad-boy look about him that made my dick hard, so after passing him, I turned around to look again. I noted that he was checking out my ass, and when he saw me looking back, a sly grin flashed across his face. He dropped his smoke, cocked his head toward the alley in a "follow me" gesture, and disappeared into the shadows. I was feeling a slight buzz from a few drinks I had earlier, which undoubtedly clouded my judgment. There were no thoughts of danger flashing through my mind, only this burning desire to feel this guy's naked body up against mine. I remember wondering if he was gonna fuck me or if I was gonna fuck him. I didn't care which it would be. Maybe both if I was lucky. I didn't have any condoms with me and that fact didn't even register in my mind. When I entered the alley, it took me a few seconds for my eyes to adjust to the dim light. I could barely see him ahead of me in the distance. He was waiting for me outside of what looked like a doorway. As I approached, I heard the door open and he disappeared inside. I followed him, enjoying this little chase thing we had going. I found myself inside a dark hallway. I could smell cigarettes and alcohol. I could hear muffled voices. I couldn't tell where he had gone so I started down the hall. I checked the first few doors, which were locked. When I got to the end of the hall, I opened the last door and stepped inside. I found myself in the back of a long poorly lit room. There was a small bar counter to my right with a couple of guys sitting on stools and chatting with a bartender. There were a couple of pool tables toward the front of the bar, each with a single bare bulb hanging over it. I heard nothing but Spanish being spoken and quickly realized I was the only white guy in the room. As I stood there, taking in the scene, the occupants of the room noticed me and the place fell silent as all eyes turned to me. I sized up the situation quickly and the alarm bells were starting to go off in my head. There were about 12 guys, all Latino, roughly 20-30 in age I guessed. It was hot as fuck in this room and everybody but the guy I had followed in here and myself had their shirts off. These dudes were all in damn good shape and I realized they looked like gang bangers. I noticed a couple fresh tattoos on the two guys nearest me that looked like prison tats. This was not what I bargained for. I started to turn toward the door planning to retrace my steps out into the alley. That was when I heard the door shut behind me and the click of the deadbolt. I knew I wasn't going out the way I came in. I saw another door at the far end of the room and started calculating how I was going to reach it. I'm a tough, wiry, scrappy fucker but I realized there was no way I was going to be able to fight my way through these guys. When I saw a guy at the front door throw the bolt and lock us all in, I knew that I had fucked up royally. Swallowing my panic, I figured I'd better make friends fast. I forced a smile onto my face, walked directly up to the hot guy I had followed in from the alley, and said, "Hey amigo, can I buy you a drink?" The room was silent as he ran his eyes up and down my body and I could see the lust in his eyes. I felt like I was in a fucking meat market and I was the new meat. After what seemed like an eternity, he smiled at me and said, "No white boy, you are my guest, let me buy you one." The whole place erupted in laughter and everyone turned back to their conversations and drinks. I felt such a wave of relief sweep over me I thought my legs were going to buckle. My "host" fired off some commands in Spanish to the bartender, who got busy mixing our drinks. My Spanish is shitty and these guys all spoke some kind of dialect that rolled off their tongues like gun fire. I was clueless what they were saying. In no time I had a cocktail in my hand and I was invited to play a game of pool. The guys at the closest pool table cleared out to make way for us and the game began. The cocktail I was drinking tasted REALLY good...not too tart, not too sweet. It was like something you would have on a beach in a warm climate, but I had never tasted anything like it before. My host had the bartender make me a second one and about half-way through it I started feeling really light-headed and unstable on my feet. I plopped my ass onto a stool and someone asked me, "You feeling alright white boy?" I tried to respond but my tongue felt thick and all that came out of my mouth was gibberish. Several of the guys around me chuckled and the sound of their laughter sounded like it was echoing down a long hallway. I started to fall off my stool and a hot muscle guy with huge arms caught me. He picked me up and laid me on my back on the pool table. My host, the hot guy in the wife beater, came up to me, leaned over and whispered in my ear, "Relax and enjoy it white boy. We're gonna show you the best time of your life tonight." The realization swept over me that I had been drugged, and the panic was starting to build inside me again. My mind was fully engaged, but I had no control over my body. I could see what was happening and feel it, but I was helpless to do anything about it. Guys in the room were stripping their clothes off and I could see guys playing with their cocks. I heard one guy say in English that he had gotten a taste for white boy ass in prison and now he couldn't get enough of it. Several other guys agreed with him. I watched as my host peeled out of his wife beater, then stripped out of his pants. He had purposely positioned himself so I could watch him strip and he was giving me a show. He had a gorgeous chiseled body with 8-pack abs. I was totally hot for him while simultaneously scared out of my wits. The combination of fear and lust was oddly erotic. My mind was doing this tug of war in my head. I realized that I was about to be gang raped by these guys and my reaction alternated between panic and lust. I was scared to death and horny as hell all at the same time. My cock had a mind of its own and it was rock hard. My host took notice and I saw him smile, knowing he was getting the response from me that he wanted. I could tell he got off being in total control of the situation and having me powerless. It dawned on me that I couldn't do anything about it anyway so I might as well make the most out of it. My host walked up to me wearing nothing but boxers. His cock was straining against the front of his boxers creating a tent effect and I could glimpse his cock through the overstretched fly front. He dropped the boxers revealing the biggest slab of cock I had ever seen -- even in pornos. It was long, thick, and rock hard. He stroked it as he showed it to me and told me I was going to enjoy being his faggot for the night. He told me how he was going to tear my ass open with his mammoth cock and how all his buddies were going to watch him fuck me before they took turns in my ass. I was thinking there is no way humanly possible that something that large could be made to fit into my ass. Boy was I wrong. My host said something in Spanish and then I heard him say, “Gibron is going to get you ready for me.” I wasn't sure what that meant until I felt someone grab my arm and pin it to the table. Someone growled in my ear "hold still motherfucker" and I felt something stick my arm. Then I heard, "got it," followed by, "hold on white boy and enjoy the ride," as more guys chuckled. Seconds later I felt a weird sensation. My pulse quickened, I felt a source of intense heat gather in my chest then burst, like a sun going super-nova, spreading outward through my arms and legs like liquid metal until the energy burst from my fingertips and toes erupting outward like jets of super-hot plasma. The heat in my chest rose up through my lungs and into my throat as I coughed violently a couple of times. The noise inside my head sounded like a freight train roaring through a tunnel. My vision changed suddenly and I could see nothing but star-bursts and colored lights. I couldn't focus my vision and my eyeballs wouldn't hold still. They bounced around in my head like a balls in a pinball machine. I experienced the sensation of weightlessness. It seemed as though my body has risen up off the pool table and I felt like I was floating. It was without a doubt the most intense and most pleasurable sensation I had ever felt. I couldn't help but repeat over and over, "oh shit", "oh fuck", "oh shit", "oh fuck." Then I became aware of my cock, standing straight up and rock hard, with this sensation of fullness and heat building inside of it. It felt like my cock was swelling and that it would burst outward from the pressure. Suddenly I felt the heat gather at the tip of my cock, and without any stimulation, the biggest cum load I have ever shot erupted from the head of my dick. My dick was like a fountain, with spurts of cum shooting several feet into the air and spraying in all directions. When the geysers subsided, cum continued to drain from my cock in a steady flow for what seemed like minutes. I was soaked in cum and could feel a huge pool of it forming underneath me on the table. It must have been impressive because I heard several remarks like, "fuck man look at all that cum!", "I've never seen a guy shoot like that!", and "I didn't know a guy could cum that much!" Then I felt multiple tongues on my body licking my load off my skin. The sensations of having these guys touch me were amazing. The next thing I was aware of was my host's tongue and fingers playing with my ass. He was telling me how much he liked my hot, tight, pink hole and how much he wanted to put his huge cock in there and own it. I realized that my ass was craving cock like never before and I found myself lusting after that mammoth cock he had showed me earlier. I felt confident that I could take every inch of it and I was eager to show him how much I wanted it. I knew in my heart that I would give every ounce of effort inside me to take all of him and that I wanted his load in me. In fact, I wanted every last motherfucker in that room inside me and I wanted every one of their loads. I tried to say something to that effect and someone bent close to my ear to hear my confession. He stood up and announced, "He says he wants all of our cocks inside him, right now, at the same time." That got a big laugh from everyone. Someone asked, "How much did you give the kid?" I heard, Gibron say, "Point 8, and I've got lots more for him when he wants it." My host walked up and showed me his hard cock. He held two beer cans in his hand end to end aligned alongside his dick. His dick was the same diameter as the cans and slightly longer than both cans put together. He asked me if I was ready for him to bury his tool in my guts. I wanted it desperately but the size of the thing scared me. Before I could answer he said, "It doesn't matter what you want cuz you're gonna do what you're told, faggot." He walked around to my ass, put the head of his cock against my tight hole, and with one shove he rammed it in ass far as it would go. I felt him bottom out inside me and heard him say, "No faggot. You're gonna take all of it, not just half." I felt him push harder and I was sure he was up against my diaphragm. It felt like he was tearing a hole through my intestines. I could hardly breathe and I felt like I was going to pass out. I tried to scream but nothing came out. I remember a tear falling from the corner of my eye and rolling down my cheek. I remember thinking I had never felt such pain inside my guts. I remember thinking I was going to die and wondering if I would wake up in heaven. Just then, I felt something inside me relax, and I felt a 'pop'. His cock slid further inside and it felt like another two feet of hard dick slid into me. Suddenly I could breathe. Suddenly the pain was gone. I heard my host say, "That's the way white boy. You know you like that monster cock. Relax and enjoy every inch of it." I began to be aware of how fucking amazing this guy's cock really was. He had me stretched to the point I didn't think my hole could get any larger. He liked that tight feeling and he told me so. He was sliding his cock all the way out until just the head was inside me, then sliding it all the way back in again. With each stroke, there was a point in the middle somewhere where I would fell that resistance and that pop, and each time he passed that point a burst of pure pleasure would radiate through my body. It was fucking amazing and I thought, “Maybe I am dead and this is heaven?” It dawned on me that my version of heaven would be spending eternity with an endless supply of hot tops with huge cocks to fuck me, tight bottom boys to take my cock, and this wonderful shit called tina flowing through my veins. The rest of my time at this place was amazing. I had no concept of time. Every so often someone would slam another rig into my arm, and I took every cock in the place multiple times. At one point I heard someone ask how many loads I had taken and I heard, "at least 30 so far". I was both proud and amazed. Every time someone would pull out of my ass, I could feel my hole gape open and cum would run out of my ass and down my butt cheeks. At one point my host laid down on the pool table next to me and I was lifted up by many hands. I was really wobbly, but they set me on top of the host and fed his massive meat into my ass so I was riding him from the top. It slid in easily this time and felt really great pushing up so deep inside me. I was starting to rock on it and ride it when someone grabbed me by the neck, pushed me forward so I was lying on the host's chest, and ordered me to hold still. My arm was pulled straight and I felt something tighten around my bicep. I felt a sharp stick and that amazing heat flooded through my body again. I shuddered and whimpered. The host whispered in my ear, "You love that rush don't you white boy?" I answered, "Yes sir. I don't ever want that feeling to go away." I felt the head of another huge dick push against my hole. There was a steady pressure for a long time and the voice said, "Fuck! This white boy is tight!" I felt a finger slide inside me alongside the host’s massive cock. The finger worked around for a few minutes, then I felt another finger, then another. After a few more minutes, the fingers came out and they were suddenly replaced by the second cock sliding in and filling my ass beyond comprehension. I moaned in pain and pleasure. I didn't think anything could feel better. The second cock slid back and forth inside me, rubbing against my host's dick and stretching me further open with each thrust. This went on for a long time until both guys announced they were getting close. They were both grunting and snorting and telling me how hot my ass felt and I came for the umpteenth time without touching myself. As my cock released, my ass convulsed around their cocks and they both shot their loads inside me at the same time. After they pulled out of my ass, my ass felt empty and it felt like there was a piece of my soul missing. I didn't like the feeling and needed something in there to make me feel whole again. I started begging for someone to put something in my ass, anything. I felt someone slathering my ass with this thick, creamy substance and felt fingers teasing my hole. In and out they went, working my hole, stretching it larger and larger. Soon I experienced four fingers and the narrow blade of the hand. Then it became five fingers and the intensity grew exponentially as the volume of the hand changed from flat to round. The hand was removed for several seconds while something cold and wet was sprayed onto my ass and into my hole. The cold liquid turned hot on contact and burned for a second, then I felt this warm sensation flood my ass and the irritation inside my hole disappeared. I heard the aerosol can spray again near my ear and I could smell some chemical. Someone shoved a wet cloth in my mouth and told me to breathe through my mouth. I took a deep breath and I got an instant warm, fuzzy feeling. My head started to swim and my vision closed in like I was looking out through a tunnel. I was fighting to focus my mind and stay conscious while someone was working hard on my hole. I was aware of someone's hand wedging my hole open and the fullness felt like someone had parked a truck in my ass. Someone stuck a bottle of really strong poppers to my nose and told me to inhale. A few seconds later I felt my body relax and the hand pushed really hard. I struggled to get away but several guys held me down so I couldn’t move. Someone sprayed more liquid on the rag and stuffed it back in my mouth. I was given another big hit of poppers and I felt my ass open up. My ass seemed to have a mind of its own and it started to stretch open as if begging for the hand. I heard the guy fisting me say, “Yeah white boy, suck that hand inside!” I felt him change the angle slightly and the intensity of that small move was off the charts, then suddenly the hand slipped all the way inside me. I felt instant relief and heard a chorus of approval from those that were watching. The hand worked itself around inside me and started to play with my prostate and cock from the inside of my body. It was the most amazing feeling I have ever felt. I started oozing LOTS of precum from my dick and it continued the entire time his hand was in there. At one point a guy pushed his cock inside me alongside the guy's wrist and I felt him unload inside me. Several other guys followed suit and I took several more loads that way.
    1 point
  11. I’ve always had a thing for cubs and bears, so it’s no surprise my favorite hangout is the local bear bar. I’m also a bit of an exhibitionist, and I always try to attend the bar’s monthly “underbear” parties. It’s a popular event because they don’t charge the usual cover to enter the main bar. The underwear party is in the smaller upstairs-bar, and that costs double, but you get to hang out with a couple hundred nearly naked, horny guys, so it’s worth it. I usually arrive early and stake out a spot near the clothes check. Watching the guys undress is a big part of the fun for me. I’ve been enough times to know the regulars and can guess what they have on underneath; boxers and boxer-briefs mostly, and many keep their t-shirts on, especially the bigger guys. But this particular night, I saw more new faces than regulars, and they were showing more skin than usual; probably thanks to the recent warm weather. Although I’m a little shy talking with guys, I’m not shy when it comes to my body. I stripped down to just my boots and my favorite black jock, stuffed my wallet in my sock and checked the rest of my clothes. The flow of the crowd led me towards the bar at the back. Along the way my exposed ass was grabbed several times and even slapped once. During one tight squeeze, a hairy-chested daddy with a neck tattoo pressed closer to me than necessary and paused to rub his impressive bulge against my jock. “Nice bumping into you.” he said over the pulsing music. I just smiled and said, “Likewise.” I wanted to say more, but couldn’t think what, so I reached-up and massaged his hairy pecks. He seemed to like it, so I rubbed his nips with my thumbs. “Mmmm, that’s nice,” he said, "but I gotta go. Catch you later.” With that he squeezed my ass, then moved away with the crowd as I adjusted the stiffy in my jock. The wait for drinks was long. I got a beer then moved towards the corner between the bar and the DJ booth. It was darker there, and s darker here and was somewhat hidden from the crush at the bar, which made it the perfect place to get away from the eyes of management. Immediately I could tell something was up. A wall of men were blocking the area off, and were facing the back corner. I pushed my way closer. Over bare shoulders, I could see a wavy haired, scruffy faced cub, sitting naked on a folding chair. He was sucking a bald guy wearing a harness. Lots of guys had their cocks out, enjoying the show. The bald guy had the cub by the hair and face-fucked him roughly. Every few strokes he went balls deep. The cub had to come up for air only once. When he did, he had the biggest, cutest smile that made my cock jump. Soon the bald guy said he was getting close. I expected the cub to kneel on the floor and open his mouth like a baby bird. Instead he quickly turned around, put one foot on the chair and presented his ass. The bald guy slid his bare cock all the way in, then pumped four or five more times before he started to spasm and moan as he shot his load in the cub’s ass. More than a few guys voiced their approval. “Fuck" involuntarily said out loud. The guy in front of me, an out-of-my-league regular I called Moustache Mike, leaned back and said, “Third load he’s taken tonight. Some daddy’s pimping out his cub bareback. Hot.” “Wow. Yeah, hot,” I replied. The bald guy pulled out and the cub tried to suck him clean, but he was too sensitive and backed away. Another man approached. It was the guy with the neck tattoo that had rubbed up against me. He put his arm around the cub and said, “Let’s see. Who’s next?” as he scanned the crowd. A couple guys raised their hands, but the daddy kept looking. When his eyes met mine he smirked and then pointed right at me. Mustache Mike looked back, and when I didn’t move, said “He means you.” Mike stepped aside and took my beer. Someone behind gently pushed me forward. A few steps and I was again face to face with the hairy-chested daddy. I was a little hesitant, not just because of the audience, but because I don’t fuck bareback - at least until I know someone better. I hoped everyone wouldn’t be disappointed, but I only planned to enjoy the blowjob. My fears disappeared when Daddy moved in and gave me a hard, wet kiss. The cub repositioned the chair and sat in it, took out my cock, which was already erect, and began sucking. Daddy moved aside and pulled my jock to the floor. I lifted each foot as he completely removed and tossed it. The cub was good. He quickly realized that going balls deep doesn’t do it for me and found the sweet spot on the underside of my big mushroom head: the spot where all the pleasure nerves of my cock are concentrated. I glanced down to watch the cub at work and ran my fingers through his wavy hair. He looked up and flashed me his sexy smile. Somehow, that made me even harder. I was enjoying his blowjob so much, that I almost didn’t notice that Daddy was now behind me. He was reaching around, squeezing my pecks and working my nipples, like I had done to him earlier. He kissed my neck and sucked and bit my ears. I was getting close. I didn’t say anything, but I’m sure everybody watching could tell. The cub stood up and turned around. He lined my dick up with his hole and pushed back. My raw cock felt so good entering him, that I couldn’t resist and began slowly fucking his furry ass. Daddy reached down and grabbed some of the cum and lube leaking from his boy. He rubbed it onto my own fuck-hole. His slick finger, teasing and massaging, soon worked its way inside me, pushing the bald guy’s cum knuckle deep. A moment later, the head of Daddy’s cock was pushing against my hole. It popped in easily; more because I had backed onto it, than he had pushed it in. The double pleasure was too much. I fucked faster and faster. Daddy moved closer and deeper. He pinched my nipples harder. I cried out from the pleasure and pain. A few more pumps and my cry turned into grunts as I shot a giant load up the cub’s guts. A second later Daddy let out a primal scream as he unloaded in my ass with deep hard jabs. I heard the crowd cheering over the music as my breathing return to normal. After pulling out, the cub licked cleaned both our cocks as Daddy rewarded me with more wet kisses. I noticed that his neck tattoo was of a black scorpion with a drop of red poison dripping from its stinger. All the kissing and cock cleaning had my dick half hard again. The cub stood up and joined in the kissing. “Thanks Hot Stuff,” he said, “that was fucking hot.” The cub said something more, but it got lost with the loud music. Whatever it was, it made Daddy smile and then he winked at me. He gave my ass one last squeeze before turning to scan the crowd for the next volunteer. I looked around the floor, but my jock was nowhere to be found. A couple guys gave me congratulatory pats on the back and said things like, “nice show man” and “fucking bareback slut.” I suddenly felt very naked and backed away from the crowd and against the wall. By now, Daddy had selected another guy and all attention was focused there. Mustache Mike appeared with a big smile and handed me my beer. “Fucking hot man, I didn’t think you had it in you.” Five years of seeing him in the bar and tonight was the most he had ever spoken to me. “Did you notice what happened to my jock?” I asked. He held it up in his hand. I reached for it, but he pulled back, saying “It’s gonna cost you.” I thought he was joking, but he put his hand behind his back when I reached again. “What do you mean?” I asked. “I didn’t know you’re a kinky barebacker.” “Well…” Mike leaned in closer. “Years ago, I asked somebody about you. He said you were safe-only vanilla.” “Vanilla! No…” “And now it turns out you’re versatile. Us versatile guys gotta stick together" as Mike’s fingertips gently caressed the head of my cock. “Together. Yes.” I said as our eyes locked. I went for it and kissed him. He kissed back and our tongues found each other for a passionate minute. “I’ll tell you what,” he said breaking off the kiss, “I’ll give you back your jock....in exchange for one thing.” By this time Mike’s fingers had found my pleasure spot and my whole body shook as my dick came back to life. Mike approvingly commented “Wow you recover fast. Let’s make that two things.” “What two things?” I asked. “Right here, right now, you let me breed that ass of yours. Then you breed me.” He didn’t have to wait for an answer. I turned around and pressed my naked ass against the bulge in his briefs. He pulled out his huge stiffening cock. A minute rubbing it up and down my crack and he was hard enough to slip it in my sloppy hole. He grabbed me by the wrists and held them against the wall over my head. Instantly we found our rhythm: pulling away, but not all the way out, and pushing back together, deeper than I’d ever been fucked; speeding up at the same time and pace as the load built up in his balls. All the time Mike was saying, “Fuck yeah, fuck yeah, fuck yeah…” until he made a choking noise, pushed in deep and pinned me against the wall with his whole body, saying, “I’m cumming. Cumming. Breeding your fucking ass.” He pulled out and I felt a glob of cum plop onto my leg. Without a word he turned around and faced the crowd, placed his hands on his knees and bent forward. I fingered Mike’s ass lips, then lubed him up with his own cum that was running down my leg. He had bent into the perfect position; both height and angle, for my hard cock to access his hole. I thought I would have lasted longer because I had just cum; but fucking in public, facing a room full of guys in just their underwear, was too exciting. Mike’s cries of “Fuck yeah, fuck yeah. Give it to me, give me that load” pushed me over the edge. I shot my wad inside Mustache Mike’s sexy ass. I smiled at the thought that half an hour ago I didn’t think he even knew who I was. He turned around and we kissed long and slow. I bent down to suck his cock clean. It was then that I noticed on his upper right thigh the same tattoo of the scorpion with dripping red poison. “Cool tatt” I commented. “What is it? Some kind of club or something?” “You might say that.” He said with a laugh. Then his face got serious as he asked, “You mean you don’t know about the scorpion?” “No, but I like it.” I replied, adding “Maybe I should get one.” “Maybe you should” Mike replied as he pulled me in for another kiss.
    1 point
  12. My junior year of college I decided that I had had enough of dorm life and struck out on my own to find an apartment. My parents said that they would pay for it as long as it didn’t cost more then the dorms. Now the dorms at my university weren’t cheap but they weren’t really as expensive as the cost of an apartment, so my choices were limited. After scouring the newspaper and craigslist I found three that were within my extremely small budget and were close enough to school to not make the commute impossible, so, a couple of weeks before school started, I went on a quest to find an apartment. I suppose that I should tell you a little something about myself before we go on too far. I had just turned twenty-one, and has spent a good amount of time the year before working off the last vestiges of my slightly pudgy teen age self and now sported a thin lean build that I was rather proud of. Also in the past year, weather it was due to some hormone increase from working out or my genetics finally decided that it was that time in my development, I had grown a fairly reasonable pelt of hair across my tight pecks and my now firm round bubble butt had a healthy growth of hair across both cheeks and down my crack. What I was most proud of all though was that my cock had thickened and lengthened slightly making it now an exact seven inches long and just about six and a half around. The boys I met at parties and bent over back in their rooms or in the bathroom of the party certainly enjoyed my quickly evolving meat. August in the Midwest is unreasonably hot, so when I went began my quest, upon entering the first place I quickly shucked my button down shirt and walked wearing a wife-beater and tight jean shorts, even as I could feel the sweat still running down my back. An old woman showed me around a dingy little flat in the basement of a small three-story apartment building. It was certainly not what was advertised in the paper but I knew people always exaggerated in those things. I thanked her for her time and said that I would be in touch, praying that the other two apartments were better. The second place I was looking was about a ten minute walk away, but by the time I had gotten there my shirt was soaked through with sweat and I was sure that I stunk to high heaven. Feeling rather dejected after my first viewing I knocked on the door to apartment 1A, which through my correspondence with the poster on Craigslist I had learned was the apartment of the super. The door opened and there stood the single most attractive man I had ever seen in my life. Normally I was only attracted to guys my own age but this man destroyed all of that. He stood at about six foot three inches, which put him about six inches taller than was I. He had a broad powerful chest, thick muscle knotted arms, and a handsome bearded face that made my knees weak. He wore no shirt and his carpenter pants were slung so low on his hips that I could see the tops of his thick bush of pubes over the waistband. I stared at his strong hair covered chest admiring the dark fur that covered his whole torso for a long moment, before managing to blurt out that I was here to see the apartment. The man chuckled and said in a deep voice that resonated in my chest “I’m Chuck, the guy you emailed. Nice to meet you, guy. Sorry, what was your name again?” “Duncan,” I replied, possibly a little too quickly. “Well do you wanna see the place or just stand here in the hallway,” he said turning away from me for a moment. He grabbed a shirt from just beyond where I could see into his apartment and a set of keys off a hook before stepping forward into the hallway. I stepped back quickly allowing him to pull his own door closed before leading the way down the hallway to the stairs tugging the flannel shirt of as he walked. As we walked towards the stairs Chuck made idle conversation with me about school, asking I was studying - just filling the silence, as he lead the way up three flights of stairs and then all the way down the top floor to the last door on the right. He unlocked the door and gestured for me to go inside. It was a much nicer apartment then the last one I saw. The living room was small but had a large window that allowed sunlight to stream into the tiny space. The little kitchen was outdated but usable and the although the bedroom would fit little more then a bed and a dresser, I liked the place. Chuck showed me around and though I tried to listen I kept finding my gaze wandering to the patch of his chest that was still visible as he never buttoned the shirt he put on, or down to where his pubes were coming out over his pants wondering what the pale jeans were hiding. “So you like it kid?” “Yeah, I think it’s great.” “Good,” Chuck stopped his tour of the little apartment and turned to look at me for a long moment before smiling and saying, “But I think there’s more on your mind the just the apartment right now isn’t there?” “What?” “You can’t keep your eyes off my cock boy, I’ve seen you looking.” “Shit, I’m sorry.” I stammered embarrassed beyond belief at being caught, “I’ll go, sorry for the trouble.” “Go? What the fuck kid, no get back here.” “Okay.” “You gay, kid?” “Yeah. Is that a problem?” “Not at all, make this step a little easier.” “What?” “My last slut just graduated and I’m in need of a new one.” He grabbed at his dick through his jeans and I could see the outline now of a fat powerful cock. “So,” he said dropping his shirt on the floor, “If you’re a good boy then I’ll cut you a deal on your rent, and if you’re a really good boy then there is no rent.” He had started walking closer to me, closing the small gap between us in the tiny bedroom. I could smell him now the intoxicating scent of man wafting over me as I found myself close enough to touch his amazing chest. “You interested in that deal?” “Yes,” I breathed. Somehow feeling that if I spoke too loudly I would wake myself from the incredibly hot dream I was convinced I was having. “Kiss my chest.” I hesitated for a moment and then leaned forward and kissed one of his pink fur rimmed nipples. “Good boy. Now get on your knees.” Normally I was the one who told boys to get on their knees, but with this man all of my wishes, dreams, aspirations, wants, desires or need to be a top flew out of my head. All that I wanted was to serve this massive hulk of a man. I sank to my knees without hesitation. Chuck placed one hand on my head ruffling my hair while with the other he undid his pants allowing them to fall to the ground, his cock springing up almost hitting me in the face. Just as befit a man of his perfection he had a thick heavily veined cock that had to be at least eight maybe eight and a half inches long. The hand that rested upon my head guided me forward till his cock head pressed against my mouth and I opened wide taking as much of him inside me as I could. He grunted out his appreciation as I began to work at swallowing him substantial meat, greedily working his mushroom head past my tonsils. After bobbing back and forth and gagging several times I felt his balls come to rest on my chin for a moment before the lack of air cause my body to pull back involuntarily. I felt a powerful rush of accomplishment, I loved feeling his dark dense pubes around my nose and sensing the weight of his low hanging balls against my chin. I dove forward again swallowing his meat once more and eliciting from Chuck a sudden gasp of pleasure as his cock slid down my throat. Despite being almost a total top I had always loved sucking cock, and had gotten a good deal of practice in high school when I was fucking the captain of the football team who it turned out was a big dicked bottom who loved nothing more then to have a load blown up his hole then get his cock sucked till he came. He had been getting bred the quarter back sense our freshmen year but when he got a peak at my even then fat cock at the start of our senior year I spent the rest of the year honing my pounding skills and cocking on his knob. My hands found their way to Chuck strong ass, and I was unsurprised when I felt still more thick dense hair between my fingers as I pulled his hips closer to my face. I breather in his scent as I worshiped his dick, my own cock now hard as a rock forgotten in my shorts. “Jesus Christ kid,” Chuck gasped after a long while, “any more like that and I’m going to blow my load down your throat instead of where it belongs.” He pulled me off of his cock and tilted my head up so that I was looking at his face, losing myself in his deep blue eyes. “Strip.” I pulled my sweat soaked wife-beater off and tossed it and the button down I had tied around my waist off to the side and then after kicking off my shoes shimmied off my shorts and underpants so that I was now kneeling at the feet of this Adonis completely naked my tight swimmers body exposed for him to judge. He smiled. “Get on your hands and knees and face away from me,” were his next set of instructions. I obeyed hastily. Chuck got down on behind me and lent forward, his hand gripping my ass cheeks firmly and then I felt his rough beard on brushing against my spread ass crack just before his wet warm tongue found my hole. I moaned loudly and arched my back pushing my ass back at Chuck’s invading tongue. “What a hungry hole! When did you last get fucked, boy?” “Back in high school like three years ago,” I answered truthfully. I hadn’t gotten fucked since the quarterback of the football team took out his revenge on my ass for stealing his bottom bitch away. “You haven’t had sex in three years?” “No, it’s just that I’m normally a top.” “Well shit then, you’re tight hole is in need of a good plowing.” He dove back in, his tongue swirling around my hole occasionally pressing against my still resistant sphincter. Waves of pleasure crashed over me causing my body to slowly relax to melt into him, and I felt my hole slowly opening for him. Chuck sensed my hole relaxing as well and he redoubled his efforts to slip his tongue inside my almost virginal hole. After a rim job like this, I thought, I might never top again. I heard a rustling behind me and then Chuck stopped devouring my hole, though one of his hands still remained on my ass cheek spreading my crack wide. I heard several clicks and looked back to see and iPhone in chuck’s hand. “What are you doing,” I asked, not upset really just curious. For some reason I felt like this man, who I had just met, would never do anything bad to me. “Sending some pics of your sweet hole to a few guys I know close by who can help me really give your hole the plowing it needs today.” With that Chuck knocked me to the side so that I rolled over onto my back, spun me round, grabbed my ankles, and as he went back to devouring my now upturned hole stuffed his cock back down my throat.
    1 point
  13. 1. Cum dripped out of my swollen, gaping hole as I pulled my briefs up and stood to crack my back. It’s funny, I thought as I felt the backside of my briefs become damp with sperm, three weeks ago I never would have thought to let a man cum inside me, and now, I couldn’t get enough. That was before I had met Simon; however, before Simon had told me how hot I was, how much he liked me; before he had eaten out my hole till he could slide three fingers inside of me without resistance; and before he had charmed me to let him slip, just the tip of his fat cock into my hole raw. I slid my hand down the backside of my briefs and felt my wet hole. The sounds of the others came through the closed door clearly; there were still plenty of me out there. I can go just a few more rounds, I thought, and kicked off my slightly damp underwear. My name is Justin, I’m twenty five and just finished my last year of grad school. At five foot ten I’m not the tallest of men, but I’m what my ex-girlfriend called “Nerd hot.” The short of guy you see with unkempt hair, dark rimmed slightly unfashionable glasses, and a tweed jacket with elbow patches and you think he’s sort of cute but nothing special until they take their clothes off and you realize that tweed jacket and button down shirt were hiding a tight six pack, broad chest and a sizable amount of chest hair. I had one girl actually laugh in surprise when I took my pants of the first time and she saw my seven-inch soft cock. For the past twenty-five years I have identified as 97% straight, every once in a while I’ve come across a guy that does it for my but that’s pretty rare and rarer still would be the circumstances under which anything would happen. I am, however, a liberal man of the modern era and so when I was in London visiting my Stepbrother and he invited me to go to the gay bar with his friends, I was more then happy to attend. Ryan, who had always been the more athletic masculine of the two of us, had come out to his mother and my father when he was fifteen; I was sixteen at the time. Most of my friends thought that I should be weirded out by this (“What if he’s checking you out after you get out of the shower?”) but I never was. Ryan was not one of the 3% of guys that I’m attracted too although I did find out after catching him in bed with one of his boyfriends over a summer break in college that he had a massive cock. After college Ryan had started working for a publishing company and soon after was transferred to their offices in London. At twenty-four he already had a massive flat near to the city center and a damn nice office in their high-rise office. When I graduated for grad school I decided to fly to England for the summer before looking for work and visit Ryan for a while. Two nights after I got there Ryan invited me to join him and his friends at a gay bar downtown. Having just finished a long semester of school I was down for drinking where ever. So we got dressed, Ryan in a pair of tight jeans and a black wife beater that showed off his broad football player chest and his massive arms, he honestly looked like Rugby Ken; and I in a slim fit button down shirt and loose fitting jeans. It was at the bar that I met Simon. He came in late, a little bit after all of the others, and took the only available seat in the little booth (next to me) that six of us now occupied in the corner of this bar. The six-foot three, black haired, blue eyed, pail skinned god smiled as he slid in next to me. “Ayope, ‘o’s this then,” he ask in a gruff south London accent. “My step brother Justin, he’s straight so put your cock back in your pants,” answered Ryan, a slight twinge of a British accent had started to color the edges of his words in the years sense he’d moved here. “Eh, he’s aright. Ain’t yeh Justin?” Simon asked me. I laughed a little and nodded trying to remain calm, I had never been so attracted to a guy in my entire life. He wore no shirt, claiming it had had gotten soaked in the rain just a little bit ago. His small pink nipples stood erect out of a thick coat of dark hair all across is massive pecks. Tight blue jeans hugged his muscular legs, and the outline of his cock running down his left pant leg was obvious. He was stunningly masculine in his appearance and domineer. The rest of the party continued to talk and Simon quickly jumped into the conversation. I didn’t know what I wanted from him but I wanted something. I wanted him somehow. As he chatted with his friends his hand slid from the table and slowly made it’s way to rest on my leg just above the knee.
    1 point
  14. Bringing a boy that's looking to take as many loads as he can POZ more than welcome. I'd like a couple myself. Would also like to try a booty bump. Should be there from about 5 PM to 3 AM Friday night.
    1 point
  15. It started innocently enough. The security guard where I work was driving me out to my car since I get out off in the middle of the night and safety in our parking lot tends to be an issue at that time. Generally it was a short drive, only giving us time for very short conversations, usually involving the weather or the phase that the moon appeared to be in. I had always thought he was a hot guy, probably an ex-cop. He was late 40’s, 5’11” and had the remnants of a guy that had done a lot of lifting in the gym in his 20’s. One night, however, I had ended up parking in a far lot due to some construction in the lot I normally parked in. Once we had exhausted the weather, the conversation turned to our personal lives where he ended up discovering that I was gay. I’m out at work and don’t generally hide the fact that I’m gay from people and didn’t think anything about our conversation until the next night. He picked me up as normal and instead of talking about the weather he started right in on me being gay, not derogatory, but more inquisitive. This continued every night for the next two weeks, then one night I hopped into the security pickup with him and caught my thin scrubs on the latch of the pickup, ripping out the side seam and exposing my right ass cheek. I got in and while he drove me to my car I examined how mangled my scrubs were and while doing so he took notice that I was wearing a thong. This must have excited him, because by the time we had reached my car his pants were stretched tight against his erection. He rubbed he dick through his pants, trying to reposition it so I wouldn’t notice. Seeing his dick get hard made my dick get hard and he couldn’t take his eyes off of it. “I hear you gay guys are good at sucking cock.” “Well, I guess most of us probably are. Guess you’d have to let me suck yours and make your own opinion.” That’s all it took and he had his pants unzipped and his cock at full mast. I went down in his cock, which wasn’t easy considering how thick it was. It easily rivaled a beer can in girth. As I sucked him through the fly in his uniform, he put his hands inside the ripped seam in my scrubs and rubbed my ass. Occasionally he’d pull the thong to one side and touch my hole. While I was sucking him I extracted his enormous long balls from his pants and pulled on them slightly. Apparently none of the women he’d ever been with had pulled this maneuver and in no time he was flooding my mouth with cum. Once he started to go soft he pushed me aside, tucked his junk back in his tighty whities, zipped up and told me he had to get going to do his security checks. I was fine with being used for his pleasure. For the next couple of weeks I kept parking in the far lot where there was less chance of anyone seeing us and every night he would give me a hot load. As he got more comfortable with the fact that he liked being serviced by a guy he got more daring with my ass. At first he’d just rub the cheeks, maybe tap my hole a little, but then it got bolder and started licking his fingers and inserting them in my ass. One night after giving me another huge creamy load he said that the next time he saw me he wanted me to bring some lube with me and make sure my ass was clean. As instructed, the next time I worked I made sure my ass was clean and brought along a sample size of lube. As usual, we drove to my car and I blew him, but this time he inserted an entire finger, then another, then another, until he had three of his fat fingers going in and out of my hole. Just as he was about to cum I clenched my ass and held around his fingers. This really turned him on and he shot the biggest load in my mouth to date. Once he had started to go soft in my mouth he, took his fingers out of my ass and wiped the lube on my shirt. “Tomorrow night, in addition to the instructions you had for tonight, make sure you call me and I’ll walk you out.” Again, I did as instructed and called him when I was ready to leave. He met me by the elevators and when we got he pressed the button for the basement. As the elevator descended the erections in both our pants grew. We got out of the elevator and he led me through a bunch of different doors until we got to a deserted area of the basement. He took out his bundle of keys and unlocked a door to an empty janitor’s closet that had a big wash sink and a drain in the floor. “Take off all your clothes.” I took off everything, but when he saw that I had opted to wear a jockstrap for the evening he stopped me from taking it off, saying “Get over in the corner by that drain.” I went over and stood in the corner and he put his hand on my shoulder forcing me to a squatting position. He then took out his big hard cock. “Open your mouth faggot.” I opened my mouth just in time for him to release a golden stream of piss into it. Much to his surprise I closed my mouth around his cock and didn’t spill a drop. Just to show his dominance he took his cock out and squirted my face with the last bit of piss left in him. “Get up, get the lube and lean over the sink.” I retrieved it and leaned over the stained basin. With his teeth, he tore open the little packet, squirted the majority of its contents all over his cock and then what little was left he rubbed around on my asshole. He then line up his thick cock with my ass and, without saying a word, shoved the entire length into my ass. I let out a little whimper as his big balls swung into me. He grabbed my face and turned it towards him. “Shut the fuck up and don’t make another sound.” Once he was sure I would make any more noise he started to assault my asshole in a way that made me think that he had been thinking about doing this to me for some time now. It only lasted for about five minutes, but after he had cum in me and started to go soft, he pulled his dick out leaving my hole gaping. As hard as I tried, I couldn’t get my hole to close. Using my hair, he pulled my mouth onto his cock and instructed me to clean it off. Once that was done he pulled out two zip ties from his belt. One he put around the plumbing behind the faucet and the other he put around my wrist and looped the two together, effectively tying me to the sink. “The last guy will cut you loose when he’s done with you.” With that he zipped up and left me in the room alone in the dark. I could hear the key in the door locking me in. It was a few minutes later when a set of keys jingled outside and the light was turned back on by a very hot janitor I had fantasized about for months. He was mid-40’s, 6’4” and spoke with a heavy Slavic accent. He stuck a finger in his mouth and then in my ass to see how loose the security guard had left me. He played with my ass for a few minutes while he rubbed the engorged cock in his brown uniform pants. He didn’t say anything, just a few “mmmm’s”. Suddenly he unzipped his pants, pulled his underwear to one side and let his cock spring forth from his pants. It wasn’t quite as thick as the guard’s, but it was easily four inches longer and uncut. Without saying anything, he spit on my hole and spit on his cock, then he started full-on fucking me. There was no getting used to it, no pause, just in and out like he was using a jack-off toy. He kept up his pace for 15 minutes or so until he grunted and I could feel streams of cum being released inside me. He then yanked his cock out of my ass and came up to the sink. He instructed me to open my mouth and proceeded to piss in my mouth and all over my face. When he was done, he went over, picked up my undershirt and wiped his cock off. Then I was left alone again in the dark, hearing the familiar sounds of a key locking me in. After a few minutes another janitor came in. This one was in his 50’s, 6’2”, skinny with a full beard and mustache. He was yawning and he entered the room. He immediately had a finger in my ass. “Nice.” He yawned again. “Sorry, end of my shift. Had to come in and get a piece of this after hearing how good you were.” He took a pair of snips from his back pocket and released me from the zip tie. “I’ve had a rough night; think I’ll let you do all the work.” With that said he undid his pants, pushed them down to his ankles and lay down on the floor. “Come on; work this load out of my balls.” I knelt down between his legs and started sucking his big uncut cock and was pleasantly surprised to find a PA hidden under the foreskin. Only thing I love more than foreskin is a PA with it. As soon as I had his fat cock hard I squatted over it and rode him and hard as I could, squeezing my insides over the balls on his PA. It didn’t take long before I was cumming in my jockstrap without ever having touched my cock. The clenching from my orgasm resulted in him letting loose inside me. I sat there for a minute, relishing the cock in me. Finally he got up and let me clean his cock for him. When we were done he told me I was free to go. I got dressed and found my way out of the basement and back to my car. When I got home I was still so horny from what had happened I squeezed some of the cum out of my ass and jacked off thinking about the three men that had unloaded in me.
    1 point
  16. I was in Louisville last week. It was a cloudy overcast day, and I posted my ad on Craigslist. Within about half an hour I received a response from a construction worker who asked how long I was free. I responded I was free most of the day. He said he would try to slip away. Then it started to rain, and he e-mailed, asking if 'they' could they come over right now. I replied THEY? He replied saying two of his buddies saw my advertisement and were horny. Of course, I said sure. He then let me know none of them had condoms, and he asked if that was okay with me. I replied sure, they could all bareback me. The three guys soon arrived and all three were just fine: one was about 40, and the other two were in their early twenties, all were married and just liked to fuck an ass. In no time I was sucking one of the younger guys while the older guy fucked my ass, and soon enough the guy in my ass groaned and blew his load in me. No sooner had he pulled out than one of the younger guys slid in. He also came, and the third guy took his place, and, as the rain had stopped and they had to get back to work he hurried along and shot his load. Then the three of them went back to the job site. Lucky me for the rain.
    1 point
  17. Love this story thread! Thanks for keeping us updated on the slutty exploits of this nurse!
    1 point
  18. Yeah he definitely is one hot little slut. I love his voice when he begs for cock. He does have a profile on A4A (if it's really his): http://www.adam4adam.com/?p=Latinpapo072
    1 point
  19. I love to sit on it to start. Missionary is great watching his face as he cums inside me is probably my favorite, however, one of the hottest fucks I ever had was a big daddy fucking me doggie but when he came he pushed me down onto my stomach as he filled me with his seed then collapsed on top of me. I am 5'6" 150 he was like 6'2" probably 250. I was helpless and couldn't move and remember feeling his cock twitching in my hole.
    1 point
  20. ...much later, I staggered down to the coffee bar and saw the moustached guy sitting there. Although I'd had a shower, cum was dripping from my arsehole as he realised when he discreetly put his hand under my towel and probed me with his finger. "Good job!" He said giving me a wicked grin. I ordered coffee and gave him a glum smile. "What's up?" He said. I shook my head. "I just can't believe I did that. It was a stupid thing to do!" He raised an eyebrow, "What was stupid?" "Taking those cocks bare!" I hissed "You mean being fucked and bred?" I nodded my head "Feeling my poz cock shooting in you then fucking in the sling like a bitch in heat?" My cock had been stiffening during this exchange, and now he grabbed my erection through the towel and squeezed it hard. "Now who thinks its stupid? C'mon." He grabbed my arm. "Upstairs. We're gonna make a pregnant slut out of you today..."
    1 point
  21. Yes, Armond Rizzo aka Joey Rodriguez is very hot. I love his videos too. He can take big dicks and they often cum right inside his hole without pulling out. I wish they'd show him more often sniffing poppers. I always thought he didn't use poppers but then I saw him holding a poppers bottle in his hand. Other bottoms that I love at the moment are: A) Raul Korso Ahmet (who did "22 Loads Gang Bang" for Knightbreeders and he did a scene with Lito Cruz for SlutMachine)
    1 point
  22. Both have BB action, more drugs at Z.
    1 point
  23. Would love to have a plowman do me for sure.
    1 point
  24. It's always best to keep your porn identity separate from your real identity as much as possible as the other posters have said. Keep in mind that investigators are developing increasingly sophisticated search measures. Your email address can yield a mountain of information for an investigator to mine depending on how intense a scrutiny they want to give you. Just as advertisers can check out what websites you are visiting, and target pop up ads to you, so too can a security investigator see what sites you are visiting if they have access to your home computer/iphone/ notepads, etc. Even if you don't access porn sites from your work pc, if your work pc is networked with your home pc, or other electronic devices, it is possible for an employer investigator to monitor your activities. However, except for the most sensitive positions, I doubt that many persons are subjected to this level of scrutiny of their private lives. Best rule is not to put any personally identifiable information (email info, phone #, DOB, face pix, etc.) in profiles on porn sites.
    1 point
  25. Ever since re-discovering bareback, I also am addicted, nothing hotter than when a man shoots his white-hot load all over my insides! It's what comes naturally!
    1 point
  26. yeh, i LOVE eating cum. i dont care where it comes from. i'll eat random cum off the floor of the bath house. dont want it to goto waste.
    1 point
  27. "Jesse, before we slam, can I ask you a few questions while we still have our wits about us?" I said. "I'm just curious about a few things." "Ask away!" Jesse replied. "I think it's best if we do this now too." "First, is this your 1st trip here as a group and if not, how many times have you been here and do you always look for guys at the abs?" I asked. "Second, what was it that made you pick me?" "This is our 3rd trip here." He said. "We always used the abs to scout out a guy. Last year we found another black guy and the year before, it was a white guy. I think it was you who picked us. You're so bold and confident. One guy last year said he wasn't attracted to niggers and he walked away in a huff. What made you trust us? For all you knew, we might've beat you and robbed you!" "I find the 'n' word to be highly offensive!" I said. "Granted, some have reclaimed it as their own, but I'd sooner not even hear it. As for trust, I tend to go with my gut. You guys were just lookin for a guy to have fun with, but if I did wind up beaten and robbed, the fault would be mine alone. Coming out as queer forced me to face and get over my own prejudices and I realized we're all humans and that's the only race!" "Eliot, you're so much more than a pig and a freak!" Jesse exclaimed. "During the brief time we've been together, you've shown us what a sweet and caring man you are. What you just said revealed the beautiful truth of who you are. Not many men are willing to bare their souls the way you do. The 5 of us think of ourselves as a little family and I'm sure the rest of us would welcome you as our Florida brother. Yes, we're here to have sex and get high, but I hope we'll get to know you better and vice versa. If you don't change your mind about us, I hope we can make this a regular thing and maybe we'll visit more frequently. Are you guys with me?" He asked. The other 4 chanted, "Eliot! Eliot! Eliot!" Determined not to let my emotions get the better of me, I said, "Curtis and I have a sexual history, but all 5 of you have become close and dear friends. If you all want to invite me into your family, that's an offer I can't refuse. Since you have my phone number, you only have to call and let me know when to meet you. You'll have to get used to my twisted sense of humor and I hope this doesn't offend, but will this make me the white sheep of the family?" "No fuckin way!" Donelle chimed in. "There's nothing sheepish about you! You yourself said that you're multiracial and multicultural by injection and ingestion! By the time the 6 of us finish, you'll have so much of our DNA in you that you'll be family whether you want it or not! Remember, it's bros before hos!" "Okay, the serious stuff needed to be addressed and we're all on the same page," Jesse said, "but Aunt T is gettin anxious and she's got a triple treat for Eliot, so I suggest we get started." He placed a point, a tourniquet and alcohol wipes by each of my arms and a third point near my ass. Lemar placed the rest of the equipment on the night stand. "Donelle, you and I will tie off his arms, find a vein, clean it, stick the point in and get the flash. Billy Dee, you and Lemar hold up his legs so Curtis can give him the booty bump! On the count of 3 we push the plungers!" I looked around as everyone performed their tasks flawlessly and noticed Jesse was a southpaw. "Ready, 1,2,3,SLAM!" Amazingly, the chems entered all 3 locations in perfect sync. There was the familiar ringing in my ears and the cough and it was a wild fuckin rush. Billy Dee and Lemar gently set my legs down. Jesse and Donelle undid the tourniquets, removed the points, raised my arms and surprisingly, they both licked my slam sites. Knowing how horny I was, Curtis sat on my face as he slammed himself. The other 4 slammed themselves and I heard a chorus of coughs. Reluctantly, I lifted Curtis off my face because it was now Jesse and Donelle's turn with me. "Before we decide who does what to me," I said, "I just realized that both you guys are uncut which is a huge turnon for me! Are your foreskins sensitive?" "Mine most definitely is!" Jesse said. "Most guys will stick their tongues inside, but this one guy, he fuckin chewed on it and damn, it was fuckin intense! I guess I must have a masochistic side. Anyway, do what you want!" "I can't say whether my foreskin is sensitive or not." Donelle stated. "Nobody has ever done anything to it aside from putting their tongues inside of it. Use your tongue, use your teeth and we'll both find out if it's sensitive!" "Donelle, stick your finger up Eliot's ass and see if you'll be able to slide in!" Jesse said. "For some reason, yep Eliot, it's you, I wanna do something freaky and have my tongue at your hole while Donelle's cock goes in and out! Of course, I want you to chew on my foreskin first!" "Fuckin juicy!" Donelle said as he stuck a finger up my ass. "Curtis your cum tastes sweet mixed with Eliot's ass juices. I should squeeze in with no issues." True to his word, Donelle squeezed his cock in my ass and I worked my butt muscles around it. Jesse stuck his cockhead in my mouth. His foreskin was thick and veiny. I stuck my tongue inside, lapping up the precum and teasing his piss slit. For a brief second, I moaned, as Donelle slid more of his cock up my hole. Unable to resist any longer, I started nibbling on Jesse's foreskin. Putting his hands on my head he said, "Fuckin chew it!" I did as I was told and he grunted, "Ugh! That's fuckin good! Chew my skin!" Curtis, Lemar and Billy Dee shouted, "Chew that skin! Chew that skin!" In balls deep, Donelle said, "Eliot, I've never fucked a more delicious hole. You should have it insured for a billion dollars. It's like juicy velvet! Jesse, you freak, get your tongue there!" Pulling his cockhead out of my mouth, Jesse switched positions and his tongue at the edge of my hole was wonderful. My mouth vacant, I said, "I'm thirsty, if 1 or 2 of you need to piss, do it now! Otherwise, I need to eat ass. While it was a bit awkward, Lemar and Billy Dee stuck their cockheads in my mouth and both let loose. Guzzling it down like someone lost in the desert for a month, I was in piggy ecstasy. "Gonna cum up your sweet hole, Eliot!" Donelle said. "Fuck! Aaaaaggggghhhhh!" I felt Donelle's cock throb as ropes of his cum coated the walls of my ass. Jesse asked Donelle, "Can I lick you cock clean as you pull out?" "Not a chance!" I said, emphatically. "I'm the official cock cleaner!" There was a pop as Donelle's cock slipped out of my ass. "How about this?" Jesse asked. "Do you think you can chew on my foreskin while Eliot chews on yours?" Without a second thought, Donelle replied, "Sure, I can. Just tell me if I get too rough or i'm not rough enough." Donelle stuck his cock in my mouth and I licked it clean. The taste of him nearly made me reconsider his proposal. Easing back, I lapped up the remnants of cum under his foreskin and started to nibble. "Oh, fuck! That's wonderful! I never knew my foreskin was that sensitive. Chew it! Jesse, let me taste your foreskin and chew it!" Jesse stuck his cockhead in Donelle's mouth and Donelle went to town. "That's it Donelle! Fuckin chew my skin!" Jesse said. "Chew that skin! Chew that skin!" The others cheered. "Donelle, stop chewing and suck my cock. Get it wet n sloppy so I can give Eliot's ass a sweet fuck!" I could actually hear Donelle slurp on Jesse's cock and it made my hole twitch. Jesse pulled out of Donelle's mouth, got in front of me, put my legs on his shoulders and rammed his cock into my ass. Chewing on Donelle's foreskin, I was unable to react, but I was most definitely happy. "Jesse, fuck my ass! Hard and deep!" Donelle announced, "I'm gonna get freaky and stick my tongue there like you did, Jesse!" A second later, he did just that and I was in full on pig mode. "My ass never felt so good. Fuck my hole!" "Fuck his hole! Fuck his hole!" The others chanted. "Eliot, your ass is milking my cock! Donelle, lick my balls! There's a huge load of jizz in em! Here.....I.....cum! Fuuuuuuccccckkkkk!" "Man that was fuckin awesome!" I said as Jesse pulled out. "Jesse, let me clean your sloppy cock!" I deepthroated his cock, leaving it squeaky clean and the room must have gotten hot, because I had a potent whiff of manstink in Jesse's pubes. "Mmmm! I do love the taste of cum and my own ass juices. Thanks, guys!" To be continued
    1 point
  28. Hey guys - I am going to be in Seattle mid September (2014), just wanted to check in, is Club Z still the better place to find bb action? Can you find any at steamworks? Or do they police that sort of thing?
    1 point
  29. When I'm getting fucked by guys I'm thinking about how I can make the top's experience better. I'm extremely aware of what is turning them on, what they want most out of me, positions they prefer, and how to be just a hole for them. I give all the cocks near me as much attention I can, thinking about much of a true slut, a real power bottom i could be for them. I'm definitely feeling pride in taking their cocks and loads inside my cunt, but also I feel pleasure through their pleasure, only. If they are happy, if they are in awe at my ability, then I'm doing it right. I typically don't really think of myself all that much except how my hole and pussy feels, and thinking through the top's perspective.
    1 point
  30. I'm usually thinking about him leaving his seed in me, I usually care more about that than anything else.
    1 point
  31. Love to be watched while getting fucked and bred... hopefully by guys that want to take a turn at my ass next!
    1 point
  32. It's crappy here in NY today, totally overcast, threat of rain. Still didn't keep me from taking a ride over to the park. There's a very cruisy area by the back parking lots that I discovered years ago when I wasn't legal LOL. Anyway, you walk into the woods and there's a path you follow. Guys all around cruising. Make eye contact and walk deeper into the brush and with luck, he follows. Today was my best day. Even with crappy weather, the guys were out and they were hot! I'm a skinny guy, and I made eye contact with a big dude, football player type. We made eye contact and I turned to walk into the woods. I ran my hand down my ass to give him an idea of what I wanted. Not only did he follow, but 6 more guys followed too. A caravan of hotness LOL. I walked to favorite spot. There's a very large rock that I can either lean on, or bend over and hold onto. I got there a head of the guys and got undressed and leaned on the rock. Seconds later, I felt hands on my ass. A lot of hands. Squeezing my butt cheeks, pulling them apart, fingers invading my hole. The man I first saw leaned against me and whispered that he wanted to fuck me but he didn't have a condom. Heheheheh. I said no problem and PLEASE cum inside! All he needed to hear. He was pantless and hard in seconds. He spit on his cock and slowly slid it in. Some of the other guys were watching while the others were "look outs". He pulled me slightly off the rock and bent me slightly so he could get a better grip. Once he had me like this, he went to town. He was really pounding me hard, pulling my hair. Smacking my ass. A hand reached out to stroke my cock but I said no. I didn't want to cum, I wanted more cock. I told the this to the guy and he said you want us all to fuck? Fuck yeah I said. Guess they just figured they'd watch. I mean, not all of them were hot, but I wanted to be gangbanged so I didn't care. First guy took about 10 minutes before I felt him spasm and rammed himself into me. He pulled out and before any cum could even start to ooze out, another cock took his place. This one belonged to an older black man. It's true what they say. Black men are huge. It felt like an arm was inside me. I was in heaven. He didn't tale long though. A few minutes, he came and pulled out. A young white dude I hadn't seen originally was next. Rockin hard bod. And a rough fuck. He didn't cum. Fucked for about 10 minutes and pulled out. This went on for 4 more guys, then the younger guy went in again. I had 6 loads in me and was wide open. Before he entered me the second time, he turned me around and sat me on the rock. Lifted my legs and slid inside. Fucked me very hard. Thighs slapping against my ass. I love that sound. When he was about to cum, he grabbed my cock, pulled on it a few times and as I came, he came. He pulled out and from out of nowhere, a guy pulls out this butt plug which he puts in my ass. He informed me that I was going home with the plug in to remind me of today. Like I needed the plug I love the park.
    1 point
  33. I was traveling, had a stop over and spent the last night in an airport hotel. Arrived in the evening and saw two men, obviously father and son, about 50 and 20, both pretty cute, checking into their room right before me. I went to the hotel's sauna later, and I was alone there in the beginning. There was a nice steam bath. I got naked (as it is the custom in central Europe) and sat in the steam. A few minutes later someone entered the steam room. It was the son. He took a sit opposite of me, watching me every couple of seconds. He was wearing swimwear. "Is it okay to sit here naked?" he asked after a short while, and I told him "pretty much". He got rid of his pants and exposed a half erect fuck toy which looked like a fire hose. I hadn't cummed in a week and was pretty horny, and immediately I felt my blood pulsing in my cock, which stood up in a second. Quicker than I could imagine, the boy was in front of me and pushed my head down his meat until my nose was deep in his bushy pubes. Even though he was not really hard yet, I had problems to take this anaconda all the way into my throat. I pushed him away, lifted my ass and turned a bit around. With no hesitation he moved behind me and before I could say a word, he pushed his cock inside me that I almost fainted. No lube, no condoms asked, two brutal thrusts and he was balls deep. I let him continue with no comment, and after a few seconds I could tell that he was shooting about 8 shots while he gave me his last 8 thrusts. He pulled out immediately and left without a word. What a poor lover - but so hot. I opened the cold shower and stood under it for two long minutes until I was almost freezing though still in the steam. Suddenly the door opend and in stepped - the father. I was a bit frightened for a second, but obviously he did not run into his son before. He asked me, if there is anyone else around here, and I said no. He had a towel wrapped around his waist, but when he saw me sitting naked, he opened it and exposed this very similar huge piece of meat. He was pretty much builtr like his son, only much more hairy. I closed my eyes and did nothing but exposing myself to his view. After a while I took a look, and saw him sitting there with a huge boner. "Wow, you are pretty big" I said. "Yeah, too big for most people..." he said. "Really?, not for me, I think". I bluntly lifted my ass and turned around, and this guy was as spontaneous and horny as his son had been. In no time he was behind me and entered me without wasting time or words. It took him much longer to get close, and so I could really enjoy a good fuck. Just thinking that this man's own son's jizz was serving the dad as lube in my ass was so hot that the situation made me cum after a few moments. I shot my load quietly without him noticing, and so he continued the fuck until he became slower and I could tell that he gave me all his liquid boys with a dozen heavy thrusts. I sank down on the bench wasted. He thanked me and went out. The next morning, when I saw them in the breakfast room, I had their loads still inside me.
    1 point
  34. I felt my hole twitch and a small glob of cum escape from my battered pucker as I looked at the man about to give me the fourth load of my life. 'I must be the luckiest bottom in the whole fucking world', I thought, and then paused for a moment surprising myself with how much my self identity had changed in the past two hours. I had gone from a total top who had been fucked safe once three years a go, to a bottom bitch, not just any bottom bitch but a bareback bottom bitch, and more then that a bareback bottom bitch for POZ cum. I studied Chad hungrily as he walked forward. He was taller then the others and a little thinner though still well built. He a look that I could only describe as Irish: bright red hair and beard with shocking green eyes and a healthy sprinkling of freckles across his face, chest, and arms. Ginger coloured fur grew across his chest and down his washboard abs in no real pattern just sort of everywhere. His cock was long and thick, probably just a little smaller then Chuck's, and certainly thinner then Keith’s beer can. Oh, and it was uncut. I stared at the pale flesh that covered the ruddy coloured head of his cock in wonderment as I had never seen an uncut cock in person and I wondered if it would feel different inside of me. He lifted a powerful arm to brush his hair back from his face as he knelt down between my legs exposing a thickly haired ginger pit. Had my soul not burned with lust for Chuck I probably would have given my self body and soul to Chad in that moment. He looked at me his green eyes sparkling with mischief and he directed my gaze to the underside of his left forearm where amidst the form of a twisting snake was the unmistakable biohazard mark. My heart quickened as he with one hand lifted my right leg onto his strong muscular shoulder and with the other aimed his cock at my well-fucked hole. He slid in easily but I still gasped as he bottomed out his ginger pubes coming to rest against my taint. “When we’re done with this sweet hole you’re gonna be knocked up for sure,” he said slowly withdrawing his cock, “and I’m sure glad you’re only going to be across the street. I love using Johnny’s hole but sometimes I’m just in the mood for something different and your furry little cunt is just the thing.” “Please fuck me. Please, breed my hole.” “Don’t worry boy. You’ll get the load you so badly need.” Chad closed his eyes and started to pound away at my hole. I had thought that Wes’s fucking had been merciless but that was nothing compared to this. Chad alternated between jack-hammering his cock into my now slackened hole and pulling his cock out till just the tip rested inside of me and slamming the full length back inside in one quick motion. I screamed out as his cock head repeatedly punched into my prostate. Repeatedly. He was destroying me and I loved every second of it. The room was thick with the stench of sweat and the sound of raw flesh slapping against flesh. My eyes were watering and my mouth was dry but my hole was alive with pleasure. I felt as though my whole body had vanished and nothing was left but that cock inside of me. My feelings and hunger for cock and cum had progressed I no longer just wanted his load but I needed it. I needed him to cum inside me, I needed his cock inside me, I needed to be fucked. “I’m gonna breed this sweet ass so fucking good,” Chad said, smiling at me, his face now covered with sweat. “You ready for another big load of cum, boy?” “Yes, please God give me your fucking load.” “Oh, fuck! I’m gonna cum!” Chad, just like Keith had, slammed balls deep inside of me, laying there on top of me as his cock jerked and twitched spurting it’s thick frothy treasure into my awaiting guts. The sent of man sex that wafted off of Chad’s body as he lay on top of me was astounding. I found myself wishing to stay there forever under him, but slowly his cock began to soften until at last he pulled his now soft cock out of my hole with a quite plop. Slowly Chad got up and I could see the other three standing in a ring around me all sporting wood again. “Why don’t you fella’s go down to my place and breed Johnny in the sling, I wanna take my time breeding this boy for the first time.”
    1 point
  35. My heart was pounding and my head was spinning. I knew what that symbol meant and I had just taken that man’s load, his POZ load. I had to get up, to get out of there, to get that man’s load out of my hole. “Keith you next and then Chad and I will finish the boy off,” Chuck said. I realized I hadn’t moved at all, frozen in shock and fear. Just as I made to put my legs down the youngest of the three men came forward, smiled at me just as Wes had done and got down on his knees. His lust was faster then my fear and before I could really think about anything other then the show of it all Keith had lined up his own meaty cock with my what must now be dripping hole and slid inside. Just as it had when Johnny had started fucking me, as soon and Keith’s cock brushed my prostate all of my panic and fear melted away. Even as my eyes drifted down from his strong handsome face to see the biohazard tattoo encircling his nipple I just felt the sweet euphoria of having a thick cock inside of me. “Man you’ve got a wet warm hole,” Keith said with a kind smile, his voice ringing with a slight touch of a southern drawl, “Gonna make me shoot fast. Wes did a good job of stretching you out normally boys cry the first time they take my beer can.” If I had to guess I would say Keith was probably around twenty-five, he still looked young but there was something experienced in his eyes. He kept is brown hair a little long and messy, that All-American towel dried look. His eyes were a clear sky blue and boyish. There was nothing boyish about the rest of him though. His chest and arms were thick masses of muscle the kind that came from playing sports and working hard on one’s body. In a way he reminded me of a grown up version of the footballer I used to breed in high school. Though I suppose this time the tables were reversed. A thick patch of hair grew in-between his massive pecks and around his light brown nipples and led to a rather extensive treasure trail which ended in a thick bush around his fat cock which was now pumping steadily in and out of my ass. He was not as pale as Johnny nor as olive as Wes but the warm golden brown that came just from being outside in the summer in the mid west. His cock was spreading me wider still then Wes, he hadn’t been kidding it ready did feel like he was shoving a beer can up my ass, and I loved it. “God you’re hole feels so good I’m getting close.” Keith breathed in a hushed voice, as though he didn’t want the others to hear. Then leading forward, burying his dick deep inside me he bent between my legs and kissed me hard on the mouth before moving to whisper in my ear, “I know you saw my tattoo, do you know what it means boy?” “Yes,” I whispered back. “You still want my load boy?” “Yes.” “Not that it matters at this point, you’ve already got two POZ loads lubing up my POZ cock in you.” My brain rushed for a second, and then out of the corner of my eye I caught sight of Johnny’s round peach fuzz covered ass where emblazoned on the left cheek was a yet another biohazard tattoo. I knew then that I had never had a chance. From the moment Chuck’s cock had entered my mouth I had been destine to take these POZ loads and there was nothing I could have done about it. “Tell me what you want boy.” “I want you to breed me. I want you to knock me up, to fill me with your load, to flood my guts with your cum. Please breed me.” “As you wish boy,” Keith bucked his cock hard a few times pulling me out of the trance I had fallen into during his long slow fucking of my hole, and buried his cock balls deep inside of me while his cock spurted his load inside of me. “Thank you,” I whimpered as his cum mixed with the other loads frothing inside of me. My body was shaking slightly as Keith pulled out and the last man I didn’t know stepped forward, this much be Chad.
    1 point
  36. The knowledge that his seed, the very essence of his manhood, is being given to me. Not going to waste in a condom. Gives so much more meaning to the sex. Not only gives my body an orgasm, but gets my mind off as well. His DNA in me.... Incredibly erotic.
    1 point
  37. I also cannot stop barebacking. I also get tested and feel that same relief when it comes back all neg. I then go a month or so, but then it's open season again. I'm not a chaser, but I feel like sooner or later someone is going to poz me. After that I can only imagine I'll go on pleasing poz daddies as much as possible.
    1 point
  38. 6. "Sounds great to me," Javier said. "Get over here and clean me off," he said to me." I rolled off of my back and tried not to fall off the bed at the same time. As I sat up, I had a sudden head rush. It was made even worse by the poppers and tina. "You ok there?" Eli asked me. "Yeah, just a head rush," I said. I stood up slowly, next to Eli, as Javier climbed to the side of the bed. "This should help," he said, handing me the bottle of poppers. "Maybe," he laughed. I knelt down between Javier's legs and did a long hit from the poppers. His dick was right in front of me and it was still glistening from my ass. There was a light covering of lube, ass juice, and cum. Normally, ass-to-mouth was something I tried to avoid, but as the poppers hit me, it seemed like the most natural and right thing to do. It was my life and calling to lick Javi's cock clean and get it hard again. Hungrily, I took the very tip into my mouth, licking up the last drop or two of cum. "Oh fuck, that's hot," Javier said as I worked to take the rest of the head in my mouth. It was still warm from my ass. The neutral flavor of the lube mixed with the tang of my ass and the saltiness of the jizz. He took the bottle of poppers from me and did a hit himself. "You gonna re-fill that pipe today?" he asked Eli. Eli had been zoning out, dividing his attention between the porn still playing on the TV and watching me clean off his buddy's cock. "Yeah, I will" he said, before sitting down next to Javier. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him clean off the pipe, and then carefully tap a few more big crystals into the stem from one of the baggies. "Good?" he asked Javier. "Looks good for now," Javier said. "You want to do the honors? Start it off?" "Sure," Eli said. He held the torch under the bowl, letting the chemicals melt, crackle and smoke before putting the glass stem in his mouth. I wanted to stare and watch this studly man inhale the powerful drugs. But I knew that my job here was to suck on Javi's cock. I closed my eyes, trying to ignore the smells and the noises in the room: the warm burn from the torch, the moans from the TV, the sharp smell of the crystal smoke, Eli's deep breaths from the pipe. Instead, I focused on the two most important ones: the sweat on Javi's body and the wet sounds of me sucking on his cock. They were a good combination and made me want to swallow even more of Javi's heavy shaft. "Oh, that's so fucking good," Eli said, exhaling a thick plume of vapor. "Your turn, Bro," he said, handing the pipe and torch to Javi. "Thanks," Javi said. I opened my eyes and looked up just long enough to see Eli put his arm around Javi as the Latino held the torch under the bowl. "Don't stop," he said to me. "You're doing a great job there. If you can swallow the whole thing, I'll make sure you get a few big-ass hits" "Giving him some incentives, huh?" Eli said. I turned my attention back to Javi's cock and took the head into my mouth. I worked my way slowly down his shaft. While I worked on Javi's flesh pipe, the Latino started to inhale on the glass pipe. He drained the bowl several times before letting the torch go out. As I struggled to suppress my gag reflex, Javi calmly turned to Eli, and shotgunned his hit to the black man. "Oh yeah," Javi said, "That's it." He put the still-warm pipe back in his mouth, and inhaled more from the smoking bowl. "Almost got it all," he said to me. His cockhead was pressed against the back of my throat. I could physically take the whole thing; I had done it before. Now, my only block was mental. I remembered how sore I had felt when Eli had first pressed his tool into my throat. It would be the same when Javi forced his hard tool back in. I hunted on the bed for the poppers, before Eli helped me out and handed them to me. "These should help you," he said. I paused my cocksucking long enough to inhale deeply, but made sure to not let Javi's cock fall out of my mouth. "That's right," Eli said. "All the way down." "Here you go," Javi said. He handed Eli the pipe. "Thanks," Eli replied. He flicked the torch, and repeated the process of heating and inhaling. While he was doing his hit, the poppers hit me and the mental blocks I had created for myself disappeared in a fog of drug-induced pleasure. It would be a bit painful when Javi's cock first entered my throat. But it would be worth it: to see the smile on Javi's face, to feel his erect member press against my airway, and especially to get another hit from the glass pipe. I swallowed slightly, tilted my head, and let his dick enter my throat. It was surprisingly easy to swallow the rest of his shaft. The lube that was still on it greased its journey and helped to soothe my raw throat. "That's it, man," Javi said. "Take it all. I know how badly you want it. And that next hit of crystal." He was completely right; kneeling down in front of him, my entire world was his crotch and the erection springing up from his mound of dark pubic hair. Between the lube, the poppers, and my slow-burning desire for another hit, it was easy for me to swallow his entire shaft. I was going to be sore and hoarse the next day, but I didn't care. I had swallowed the entire thing and I was going to get more tina. Those were the only two things that counted. "Fuck, he made that look easy," Eli said. "Guess he's definitely earned a reward." "Oh, he's earned it for sure," Javier said, pulling my head off of his dick. I looked up at the two naked men; a mahogany and an ebony god that I needed to worship all day, every day. The ebony god reached down and put the pipe in my mouth and then the mahogany one held the lit torch under the bowl. It was still warm from the last hit, so it didn't take long before the white clouds were curling out from the top. "Do a good hit, Matt," Javier said. "Not one of those little pussy hits you seem to like so much." As told, I lost track of the number of times I drained the bowl and I filled my lungs with the thick vapors. When I could no longer inhale any more, I nodded to Eli that I was filled with the drug, but he shook his head. "You can do better than that, muscle bottom." Javier kept the torch under the bowl. I had no choice but to keep on draining the pipe, just to keep the meth from burning. Finally, when I thought my lungs were going to burst, Javier took the pipe from me, and stuck it in his own mouth, sucking down the smoke as the pipe cooled. "Finally," Eli said. "That's how a real man hits the pipe. Now hold it," he continued, nodding approvingly. I held it as long as I could, letting it enter my bloodstream. The meth quickly traveled to the two centers of my body that were driving my actions: my ass and my brain. When I thought I was just about to pass out, I let myself exhale. The cloud engulfed my head, and for a brief moment, I couldn't see anything but the beautiful white nothing. I was lost in the possibilities, but it slowly fell away, revealing the reality of Javier's cock, which was starting to grow hard again. "Nice," he said. "That was a good start. Now one more hit for you." Javi pressed his mouth against mine and exhaled his hit into me. I inhaled and took another big cloud, the second in rapid succession. "Think you can go down on me again?" Javi asked. "All the way down? Lick my balls with your tongue?" I nodded. I could do anything he wanted me to. I would do anything that he wanted me to. I leaned over his glistening cock, still wet from its last time in my mouth. I opened my mouth and the head entered easily. It was soon pressing against the back of my throat. I didn't even need the usual hit of poppers to relax me; I just let go in. I had to make sure that the cloud didn't escape, but quickly, Javi's cock was doing its job of blocking my airway. "Oh fuck, that's perfect," Javi moaned. Eli had taken the pipe from Javi and while I was busy deep-throating the Latino, he did another hit. As Eli was taking a second hit from the pipe, Javi touched my head lightly, and nodded at me. It was his way of letting me know I could finally exhale. I pulled off his cock just enough to be able to breathe and then exhaled the thick cloud. "Fuck, that's hot," Javi said, before pushing me all the way back down on his dick. "If you take it all again, and you'll get another go at the pipe." "If you keep on giving him hits, he's gonna be way gone," Eli said, before he grabbed Javier and shotgunned the hit to the Latino. Javi rested his hand on the top of my head and held me in place while the two men began to kiss deeply. I relaxed and focused on Javi's beautiful cock sliding ever further into my throat. "That's the point, isn't it?" Javi said. He broke off the kiss and then the two men exhaled the rest of their hits. The two men quickly turned back to each other and resumed their kissing. But, Javi kept his hand on my head and held me down on his dick. "A tweaked out bottom will do anything and everything we want. And he's almost at the base of my cock now, aren't you?" I did my best to nod, even with Javi's cock limiting my range of motion. "Very true. Very true," Eli said. I took a deep breath before the final push, smelling the mixture of sweat, lube, and cum on Javi's pubes. Like the best poppers, the sweat filled my mind and with it, the last bit of his cock slid into my throat. "He made it," Eli said, watching my lips wrapped around the base of the Latino’s cock. "Oh fuck yeah, he's definitely made it. Made it to cocksucker heaven. He's got it all in." He rubbed the back of my head. "Good job, dicksucker. Don't stop," he said, keeping his hand on my head and complimenting my cocksucking prowess. "Feels fucking awesome, my cock up in your throat." It made me feel good, knowing how much Javi enjoyed me servicing him. He deserved it; that he was a man was good enough for him to merit getting his dick sucked regularly. That he was hot and hung was more than enough for me deep-throat him. Of course, I'd swallow each one of his rich loads. "Here's the pipe," Eli said, handing it to Javi. "When you're ready for him to pull off, of course." Javi grunted an acknowledgement, but he kept his hand on my head and held me in place. My reward, the hit from the pipe, would be later, once Javi had had more time to enjoy my efforts. "Maybe chill for a bit after?" Eli asked. I wasn't sure if he was asking Javier, me, or if it was just a rhetorical question. "Yeah, that's cool," Javier said. The question had obviously been posed to Javi. He pulled me off his cock, leaving me kneeling by the side of the bed. "Our boy here deserves his reward first." "Of course," Eli said. "Better for all of us." Javier stuck the glass pipe in my mouth and lit the torch under it. "Make it another real hit Matt. Make us proud of you, cocksucker." "Let it melt first," Javi said, as he ran the flame under the bowl. It took a few seconds before the pipe began to smoke, then I slowly drained the bowl a few times. Even though I had more than reached my limit, I didn't stop and continued to suck on the pipe. "Doing good," Javi said as he pulled the torch away. "Just let it fill you up." I got a few more draws before the crystal cooled down and stopped smoking. I concentrated on holding the cloud in as long as I could. Javi handed the pipe and torch back to Eli. The black man lit the torch again, and melted the little bit of tina that remained in the bowl. "Looks like one more hit," he said. "You want it?" he asked Javi. "You can have it," Javier said. "I'm good, at least for now. But I can tell you're feeling the need." "Oh fuck yeah," Eli said. I watched, enraptured, as he again pursed his lips around the stem, and began to inhale. Watching these slow rituals of getting spun, of pushing oneself to a new plane of sexuality, was just as much of a turn on as watching the porn on TV. When it was a masculine man like Eli, it was even more of a turn-on I couldn't hold my hit any longer, and began to exhale. "To me," Javi said, leaning over to take my hit. I exhaled directly into Javier's mouth, letting him find out just how big of a hit I had done. "Nice," he said, as he broke off. I turned my attention back to Eli; he was still inhaling from the pipe. He finally took the stem out of his mouth and looked at the bowl closely. He shrugged his shoulders before putting the pipe back on the bed table. "Done?" Javi asked. Eli nodded while he held the hit. The two men leaned back on the bed and slowly exhaled their hits before turning their attention back to the TV. "Here," Javier said to me, patting the space between them. I climbed on to the bed, making myself comfortable between the two dark men. On screen, a hung black man, his dick not quite as big as Eli's, had his unprotected cock up a young white boy's ass. As the boy's hole was opened up and he was made into the black man's personal plaything, his face was a mixture of pleasure and pain. Both Eli and Javier were chilling out, stroking their cocks and enjoying the movie. It didn't take them long before they were semi-hard again. "Hot movie," Javier said. "Yeah, very hot," Eli said. I poured some lube on my cock and started to play with it. But the tina had already hit me hard so my dick remained flaccid and small. "You got tina dick?" Eli asked me, noticing my soft cock. "Yeah," I said. I spread my legs apart, which exposed my hole. I let my hand slide down. I pressed a finger against my hole; it was still wet and open so my finger slid in easily. "Playing with your hole, huh? Feels good, doesn't it?" Javier asked. He was now fully erect. His member was a statue to masculinity. "Fuck yeah," I moaned; already I had put in a second finger. "You got any toys?" Eli asked. "Yeah," I said. "A few." "Get one. I want to see you play with it." I extricated myself from between the two men, and went to my dresser. Despite the light from the window still being grey and overcast, it was nearly noon. "Looks like it's going to be rain today," I said, opening the top drawer, where I stored the dildos, vibrators and beads. "Good thing we're inside," Eli said. "Staying dry. Staying warm." "And hard, and naked," Javier added. "And high," Eli concluded. "So, Javi, bro, what are you up to these days?" Eli asked as I shuffled through the drawer. "Oh, just things here and there. Running some stuff," Javier replied. He had that flat tone I associated with being tweaked out. I was still looking through the drawer. It was filled with the miscellaneous toys that a gay man accumulated. I wondered what I wanted to use, what toys I wanted to show these men. What toys I wanted them to use on me. "What you running these days?" "Ehh. Mostly tina. Some rock, molly. Weed. What people need. Sometimes what I can find." "Cool. Good to have a source," Eli said. "You hear that, muscle butt?" he asked me. "You got your new connection right here." "And he's always got the option of doing it in trade," Javier said. "Price I'm sure he'll be happy to pay," Eli said. "You found a toy there yet?" he asked me. "You've been looking long enough." I nodded, looking at the dildos, a medium-sized vibrator and then alighting on a string of anal beads. I hadn't played with the beads in a while. I pulled them out. "How about these?" I said, turning around, holding up the beads. "Very nice," Eli said. "Now, let's see you get a few of them in." I got back on the bed, bent over and on all fours between the two men. My ass was facing them with my face buried in the sheets as I huffed from the bottle of poppers. I rubbed the first bead with lube and pressed it against my hole. Right as the poppers kicked in, my ass stretched around the bead, engulfing and swallowing it. Then there was just the thin black cable hanging out of my ass, leading to the next round ball. "Damn. It just swallowed that ball right up," Javier said, moving in for a closer look. He ran his finger around my hole and then caught his finger on the cord. "Fucking hungry hole he's got." My hole was hungry. It grabbed against the bead and dragged it ever deeper into me. "Oh, hot damn!" Javier said, watching the next bead get lifted off the bed as the cord disappeared into my ass. "Just eating that thing up." "Still hungry for more," Eli said. "You know what will make it even hungrier?" "What?" Javier asked, and then the two whispered between themselves. It was something I couldn't quite catch because I was too busy doing another huff from the poppers. The second bead was pressing against my ass. It needed just a tiny bit more pressure in order to slip into my hole. I reached back to press it in, but Javier grabbed my hand. "Wait," he said. "I'll do it." I expected him to immediately press in the bead, but instead, he pulled on the cord, dragging the second bead back and away from my hole. The bead already inside me slid back down, settling up against my prostate. "Here you go," Eli said to Javi. Then Javi quickly pressed two fingers into my hole and pulled them back out. "Looks good," Eli said. "Yeah, doesn't it?" Javier said. He rubbed the second bead with some lube and then pressed it up against my hole again. "Ready?" he asked me. I nodded, and with just the slightest pressure from Javier, it popped into my ass. Its entry was a lot rougher than the first bead, scratching and roughing up my tender ass. I gasped before tightening my ass around the cord. "You felt that, huh?" Javi asked me. "Yeah," I said. "What is it?" "Just a bit of tina up there now. It'll make you ready for anything," Javi said. "Like me," Eli said. "It'll get that ass good and relaxed for this." I turned my head back, and saw that both men were again hard and fully erect. "Yeah, it's going up there," Eli said. He shook it gently as I stared at his cock. "You know you need it. How'd it feel to have Javi up there?" "Really good," I said, remembering how big Javi's cock had felt. I pressed a finger into my hole and realized how much Javi had opened me up, wondering if it was sufficient to take Eli's python-like penis. My finger bumped against the beads already up there and pushed it deeper into my hole. I felt the shard of crystal scrape against me while it slowly melted in my ass. "How big was that shard?" "Hopefully big enough," Javi said. "You feeling it? If not, there's plenty more where it came from." "Oh, Yeah," I said. "I definitely am." It was getting harder to concentrate. My mind was racing, from thinking about Javi's cock in me to dreaming of a line of men pulling a train on me, then back to imagining Eli shooting his load in my hole, and then to something else even more extreme and depraved. It was the crystal taking effect and it wouldn't be long before I would need another hard cock inside of me again. "Let me feel," Eli said, running his finger around my hole. I pulled my two fingers out, and he pressed one of his thick fingers into me. Just that one was bigger than the two of mine. At least my ass was relaxed enough to easily stretch around his finger. "Oh nice. Hot and wet. I can feel that bead up there." He pressed against it, pushing it and the shard further into my butt. "Did you like feeling Javi pounding your hole bareback?" "Yeah," I said. I had to admit that it felt amazing to be barebacked by the Latino man. We now had a level of closeness that could have never been achieved with a rubber separating us. Not to mention, it was just right that he shot his load in my ass. It was now slowly soaking into my body; now, I'd always have a part of him inside me. "You ever wear a condom?" I asked Eli. "Ha," Eli laughed. "You see this thing? Ain't no condom big enough for my tool. Would have to use a damn garbage bag." He shook his cock. It was nearly erect, the bend in it looking almost evil and scary. I still had no idea how he was going to fit all of it in my ass. The closest comparison would have been getting fisted; it was that big. I had never gotten more than four fingers up there. "Besides," Eli continued, "You know how good it feels, skin on skin." I did. Bareback was a rare pleasure for me and it was usually coupled with the joy of being spun. "Yeah, I do," I said. "Just a bit nervous." But, it seemed wrong to deny Eli the pleasure of entering me raw. He deserved that simple joy, after his year of deprivation while in prison. Besides, it was certainly wrong to deny him right after I had let Javier fuck me raw, not to mention breed my hole. Mostly though, I wanted Eli to know how much I respected him: his masculinity, his presence, and his needs as a man. I wanted to give him as much pleasure as possible. "Don't be," Eli said. He pressed his finger in deeper, forcing the beads and their meth payload further into my hole. "You'll love it. Trust me." "And if at first you don't," Javier piped in, "we've got plenty of poppers and some crystal to make sure that you at least want it. Maybe not enjoy it." He laughed. It was going to happen regardless of what I wanted. "Right on," Eli said. "How about it, stud. You ready for a big black cock up that tight muscle hole? Big, black raw cock?" "I guess I am," I said, ready for the next challenge
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  39. Plenty of good stealth-esque material here http://condom-to-bareback.tumblr.com/
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  40. 5. "Damn, Matt," Eli said. "You holding out on us?" Eli was still deep in my throat, and I was only barely able to speak. "It's G," I managed to croak out, hoping that at least they'd be able to figure out what I had said from context alone. "Fuck yeah," Javier said. "This day just gets better and better. Plenty of tina. Hot white muscle stud ass that's totally up for bareback. And now some G to make it all the better." He was silent for a second. "Damn, it tastes awful," he said. I wondered how much he had done. "Some muscle ass will get that taste out of your mouth," Eli said, laughing. "And hand me the bottle." Once more, Javier's tongue was on my ass, pushing in and opening me further up. I squirmed, trying to get more of his tongue into my hole. "Easy there, cowboy," Eli said. "You'll get what you need soon enough. My turn on the G now." He slowed down his thrusts while he was swallowing a capful. "You want some too?" he asked me. "Of course you do." I nodded as best I could. "Right on. Let's do this properly," he continued. He slowly pulled out of my throat, until his cockhead was the only thing still in my throat. Then I could finally lift my head and look around the bedroom and the scene that was unfolding. As I shifted, Javier stopped rimming my ass and stood to watch me get dosed as well. Eli was looking down at me with an evil grin on his face. In one hand, he held the open bottle of G; in the other, the cap for the bottle. He pulled his dick the rest of the way out of my mouth; it stuck straight out in front of him and glistened from my spit. Carefully, he measured out a small capful of the liquid. "Ready for it?" he asked me. I nodded, expecting him to pour the contents of the cap into my mouth and letting me swallow it. Instead, he just stood there and said, "Open your mouth." I did as he instructed, and opened my mouth wide. With a set of precise moves that was surprising given the amount of crystal he had done and the sheer size of his tool, he maneuvered his cockhead back into my mouth. With his head lodged securely in my mouth, he poured the thick liquid on the top of his cock and let the bitter liquid run down his shaft, right into my mouth. "Be sure to get every drop," he said, with a chuckle. "Every drop." I craned my neck up, getting the entire length of his drug- contaminated dickshaft into my mouth and then wrapped my lips around his fat tube. The foul taste of the G had filled my mouth, but the pleasure of having his cock in my mouth again more than made up for it. Fastidiously, I licked every drop of the G I could find off his cock. I swallowed as much as I could, and also swallowed more of his thick tube. As I sucked him off, Eli started once more to drip pre-cum. The salty fluids helped to wash down the G as well as get rid of the foul taste stuck in my mouth. As I worked on Eli's cock, Javier returned his attention to my ass, his tongue probing and penetrating my hole. "You think he's ready?" Eli asked. He tossed the capped bottle of G back to Javier. "Yeah, I think so." Javier had also found the bottle of lube, and poured some on my hole. "At least, I'm ready. And that means he should be ready. Especially after everything he's done this morning, don't think he's got much choice in the matter." "Hear that, Matt?" Eli asked. "Hope you were planning on Mexican today, because that's what you're going to get. At least to start out." I nodded as best I could and prepared myself for the next intrusion into my body that these two men were planning. Javi poured some of the lube on his cock, rubbing it and getting it slicked up for my hole. Intellectually, I knew I was doing something dangerous: letting a stranger fuck me raw. But the crystal had been driving my needs for a while plus now the G was kicking in as well. I was turning into a being that lived only for sexual pleasure and that would only be satisfied a huge penis in every hole that I had. Involuntarily, I had already started wagging my ass at Javi. I was completely ready for his invasion even while I was still sucking hard on Eli's shaft. "He's ready for it," Javier said. "Look at how his ass is begging for my cock." He had lined up his cockhead with my hole but was just barely pressing it into me. His teasing was driving me crazy. I needed his cock inside my hole and I needed to be fucked hard until he shot his load all over me. Or, even better, in me. As best as I could, while I was sandwiched on my back between the two men, I tried to get him into my hole. "Whoa there. Plenty of time for you to get properly fucked today. Let's start out nice and slow." The anticipation was excruciating. I could feel Javier's cockhead slowly working its way into my body, but I wanted it all now. I had stopped caring about these men's needs, and all I cared about were my pleasures, desires, and enjoyment. Eli noticed the change, and quickly reminded me about my role as the designated bottom in this three-some. "Hey Bro, Don't stop sucking my shaft." Eli's cockhead was pressing against the back of my mouth. I needed to take all of it and once again, I needed him fill my throat and choke me. By then, Javi's cock had pressed deep into my ass, and I gasped a bit as he went deeper than I had been penetrated in a long time. Eli immediately saw his chance and forced his cock into my throat. The GHB was definitely starting to kick in for me: instead of immediately choking on his thick black shaft, it let me relax and appreciate the fat black shaft stretching my throat open. I fell easily back into my role as a plaything for these men. Javi was now balls-deep in my ass, and Eli was steadily shoving the full length of his shaft into my throat. All of us were deep in the haze of the drugs: the crystal was fueling our descent into sexual sleaze, the GHB was pushing our limits of pain, and the poppers were melding it all into a single pleasurable sexual blur. "His hole feel good?" Eli asked Javier. "Oh fuck yeah. Hot, wet, and just tight enough." Javi pulled out, then pounded his back into me. The force of his stroke through the length of my body and it forced my head up against Eli's muscular thighs. Eli's dick went deeper into my throat. "Get it lubed and opened up for me," Eli said. "I've built up a big load." He punched my chest. "You're going to be dripping sperm by the end of the day, muscle stud." My response to his prediction was to open my mouth wider and attempt to get the last inch or two of Eli into my throat. I had decided that my value to the two men was only in how much dick I could take and how deep I could take it. It seemed like I was coming up short in my efforts to please Eli: my attempts at deep throating him felt far short of what I wanted to be able to do. It would be a holy act for me to choke on Eli's cock. It would mean that I had taken so much cock I was gagging, unable to breath. I had subsumed my own pleasure for the horny, hung ebony god. "Oh fuck yeah," Eli moaned. Eli and I seemed to have a connection between the two of us, something more intense than just his fat cock filling up my throat. Partially, it was that Eli innately knew how his face-fucking was pushing me to my absolute limits. It was clear that he loved those moments where he hit the limit of my cocksucking ability. He did his best to find them and to make them last for as long as I could stand it and then some. In the most intense of those moments, he took me to a new level and pushed and expanded what my throat and I were capable of. When I craved relief from the intrusion or even just a breath of air, I had a glimpse of what religious ecstasy must feel like. Despite this being just sexual pleasure, something far more earthly and profane, I was making Eli into my personal savior. He was pushing me: making me become a better cocksucker, a better cum hole, a better faggot. It was a perversion of what, by all instincts, I should have wanted, but fueled by the drugs and desire, it was exactly what I needed. It was not just Eli who was working to push my boundaries. Javier was trying just as hard to find out how deep he could press his hard cock into me. He had gotten in further than I could have imagined, and his raw cock was sliding into virgin territory. First, he had opened up my throat for Eli, and now he was getting my ass ready for Eli's monster. That was not to say that he was just a warm-up; Javier's fuck was more than enough by itself. His hard brown shaft was sliding in and out of my hole and I could feel him dripping pre-cum into me, lubricating each stroke. As I focused on his thrusts, I realized that he wasn't wearing a condom. Even though we had discussed it earlier, it was still a shock to me. It had been a long time since I had barebacked, possibly too long. Il craved the intimacy and closeness, but I knew that the lifelong dangers far exceeded the ephemeral moments of pleasure that raw fucking gave me. Before I could make sure that they still planned to pull out, Eli shoved his cock back into my throat. At the same moment, Javier slammed his raw cock back into my asshole. Impaled on both ends by these dark, hung men, I had to force myself not to cry out in a combination of pleasure and pain. I also had to confront the truth: that if Javier had put a condom on, I wouldn't be able to take his cock. A rubberized cock would have been orders of magnitude more painful than the natural perfection of raw sex. Prioritizing pleasure and the continuation of the fucking, I no longer worried about barebacking. I embraced the rare opportunity to enjoy sex the way it was meant to be. "Here," Eli said, handing me the bottle of poppers. "Do a hit." He pulled his cock all the way out letting me breathe normally. I gasped and inhaled deep gulps of air while I unscrewed the top of the poppers. I lifted my head just enough to sniff the sweet vapor from the bottle and keep it from spilling on me. The entire time, Eli's hard cock, glistening from my spit, was just inches away from my face. Javier had also slowed down his ass-pounding but had never completely stopped. I had just a short break in order to re-charge before I was once more spit-roasted between the two big cocks. "Thanks," I said. My throat was sore. The combination of smoking the crystal and the deep throat-fucking from both dark-colored men had taken its toll. It was hard to even just talk and it would be even harder to allow Eli's massive tool to fill my throat up again. But, finally, the poppers started to take effect, and I didn't care about my sore throat anymore. All I cared about was more cock, and Eli's was right there. It was waiting for my attention and I needed to give it pleasure. "Please?" I asked, tilting my head so that I could take the tip of his dick back into my mouth. "Fuck yeah, cocksucking muscle man," Eli said, as he took a small step towards me. I had to stretch my mouth wide open to accommodate Eli, but I was past being just hungry. The only thing that could ever possibly satiate my appetite was his black dick. Before I could even get used to his presence back in my mouth, he had pressed his cockhead against my throat. His tool was demanding an immediate entrance. I swallowed slightly, letting my throat opened up for him. He slid right in, right as Javier did another hard slam into my ass. I needed to gasp for air, but Eli's fat shaft had already filled up my throat and it was impossible for me to inhale or exhale. I closed my eyes and ignored the urgent messages from my body. I had little choice but to concentrate on the two pieces of prime manflesh filling up and using my body. Flying on the poppers, and with the crystal hitting deep in the primitive, pleasure-seeking part of my brain, I didn't care how debased I was. I had a black cock fucking my mouth and a thick Latin cock fucking my ass. I was only living for pleasure and especially these two particular pleasures: sucking cock and getting fucked raw. I would do anything to make them last forever. "Oh yeah," Javi said, pressing his cock into my hole. "That's what you need to do, relax that hole and enjoy it." He grabbed my hips and pulled me down on his hard shaft. "Dripping my pre-cum into you," he said. "Same here," Eli grunted. "Nice tight throat you've got. Thank god Javi opened it up for me." In a small, almost natural action, I reached over my head and wrapped my hands around Eli's muscular ass to pull myself down on to his cock. The extra leverage let me get all the way down on Eli's thick shaft but also forced me stay there. I had to fuck my own throat with his cock. Earlier, Eli had been the one forcing himself upon my throat, now, I was the one doing all the work. It was a small change of physical responsibilities, but a huge mental change. Sex was no longer just something these men were doing to me. Instead, sex was something that I was a full and willing participant in. I was the one making myself to choke on Eli's fat, black shaft. I was the one fucking myself on Javier's engorged brown dick. And I was the one enjoying every agonizing moment of it. I had been holding on to the bottle of poppers tightly, like a talisman that would protect me. Eli reached behind and took the bottle of poppers from my hand. With it no longer in my grasp, I realized how critical it had been to my ability to take the two cocks. Almost as soon as I let go of the bottle, I started to gag on Eli's shaft. Eli noticed my discomfort immediately. He rested a hand on my exposed throat. Lying on my back, my head slightly off the bed, I felt very vulnerable. "Go on, muscle slut. You can do this. Just focus on how good my cock feels. How good Javi feels fucking you." "How's it feeling for you?" Javi asked Eli. "Fucking amazing. I can see my cock stretching out his throat." Eli pulled out, and then pushed back in several times. He tightened his grip around my throat, blocking my airway but also letting me feel his thick shaft filling me. "Damn, that's hot," Javi said. Eli released his grip, and unscrewed the cap from the poppers. He held the small brown bottle under his nose. Even over the noises of me slobbering on his dick and Javi thrusting in and out of my ass, I could hear him take a long hit from the bottle. "Damn, best feeling in the world. Doing some poppers while a hot guy worships your cock," he said. He passed the bottle to Javier. "Or getting to fuck a tight muscle butt," Javi said, before slowing down in order to do his own a hit. I wanted to join these two men and do a hit, but I could barely breath with Eli's dick deep in my throat. Inhaling the poppers would be too much. "Oh damn," Javi moaned, as he sank his cock back into my hole. "So fucking hot and wet," he said when his balls hit my ass. The two men leaned across my body and braced themselves against each other. They started to kiss. I was surprised by the action. Earlier, when they had kissed, it was always to shotgun a hit. Now, it was for other purposes: their own pleasure and the pleasure of using me. On the street, in a club, kissing would have made these two men so much less masculine. But with me sandwiched between them, their hard cocks buried in my mouth and my ass, it was just another way for them to use me. I wasn't part of their intimacy; I was just a set of holes for them to use and enjoy. All I could do in response was to open my throat and relax my ass, letting them penetrate even deeper into my body. "Oh, fuck, nice," Eli moaned, before once more locking lips with Javier. As they kissed, there was a change in the pace of the two dark thugs' fucking. It was easiest to tell the difference in Javi's strokes as they made out. It wasn't they had gotten any more gentle or easier to take. Instead they were slower, deeper and more intense. He was no longer relentlessly forcing himself on me; he knew that he could enjoy my ass as long as he wanted. He wasn't going to rush the experience. He was taking his time to explore my hole and open me up. Eli was almost the opposite; he had sped up and with quick, short strokes, he was doing his best to render my throat raw and ragged. With his faster pace, there were, at least, more opportunities to catch my breath. However, the cool, fresh air was a flame on the increasingly sore flesh of my throat. "Nice to see you again, finally," Eli said, breaking off their kiss for a moment. "Definitely," Javi replied. "And this is a good way to get re-acquainted." "Fuck yeah," Eli said. "I've been dreaming of something like this for months now." Javier shifted his position and rested an arm on my chest. I saw Javier sucking on Eli's nipples, and then Eli moaned in pleasure. "Oh god," the black man said. This was not the first time that Javier and Eli had played. They knew each other's turn-ons plus had spent the entire morning egging each other on to do more drugs and to use me to the fullest. Realizing this made me feel even more like a toy than before. It wasn't me who was important; they could and would use any bottom to get their pleasure. I was no more critical to the endeavor than the choice of lube; as long as I fulfilled my proper and correct role, they would get off. I was totally tweaked out by this point, the G was starting to take effect, and I still had some residual effects of the last hit of poppers. With all these chemicals mixing in my body, not to mention their hard cocks dripping their pre-cum into me, I was in sex-pig heaven. I didn't care if I was just a toy. I didn't care about anything, as long as it meant that I got fucked. As long as I got their cocks and their jizz. Eli had returned his hand to my throat. He squeezed it slightly and held me down on his cock while Javier sucked on his nipples. I hadn't been expecting him to try to choke and hadn't gotten any air before he did it. But the black man was oblivious to my discomfort, thinking only of the wet hole his fat, hard cock was buried in and the warm mouth gently sucking on his nipples. Not until I started to choke on his cock and scraped my teeth across his engorged shaft did he notice. "Careful there, Matt," he said. It was the first time he had actually used my name. "Watch those teeth." "Maybe he needs another hit of poppers," Javier said. "Or something more?" "Poppers can't hurt," Eli muttered, as he held the brown bottle under my nose. I inhaled deeply, knowing that the drugs would soon make nothing but cock matter. "You ready for a hard fucking?" Javier asked me. "Oh yeah," I grunted, Eli's cock still in my mouth. "Fuck my hole good." "You still want me to pull out?" Javier asked. "Still want me to waste my sperm?" "Fuck no," I replied immediately. Now, with the drugs hitting me hard, it seemed like a criminal offense to make this man pull out. Taking his cum would be such a small thing. It would be such an easy thing to do. I wouldn't have to do anything other than let Javier be the red-blooded man he was. He would naturally fill me with his thick spooge, and I would gladly let him. "Fuck me. Shoot your load in me." "He's finally getting the hang of this," Eli said. "You gonna let me cum in you as well?" At that moment, the poppers kicked in. Suddenly, the idea of Eli fucking me wasn't so scary. I knew I could do it. It would hurt, but the pain would be just what I needed. "Of course. You just need to fuck me hard first." "Oh, that's not going to be a problem at all," Eli said. Simultaneously, both men slammed their cocks back into me. I gasped, but that was quickly squelched as Eli's fat shaft slid into my throat. "So fucking nice," Eli said, as he wrapped his muscular arms around Javier and the two men kissed deeply. Javier's cock responded to the kiss. It poked deeper into me and found fresh territory to explore and mark. Meanwhile Eli's dick stayed deep in my throat and dripped pre-cum directly into my gut. "I know," Javier said. "I can do this all day." "No reason we can't," Eli said. He started to play with one of Javi's nips, which caused Javi to slam his cock into my ass. "Oh fuck," Javier said. His hips started to buck wildly. "I'm getting close." "Breed that muscle boy ass," Eli said, egging him on. "I want to watch you shoot your load up there. Lube it up for me." I needed to beg Javi for his load, but my mouth was stretched wide open and filled with the black man's hard cock. It didn't matter. Javier had been pushing deeper into my hole and clearly had no plans to ever pull out. "FUCK," Javier grunted, with one last forceful thrust into my ass. Even though his balls were now tight against his body, his last plunge was hard enough to make them slap against my ass. "I'm going to cum," he said. For a brief, magical moment, his hard shaft was still and unmoving, buried deep in my hole. Then the first volley of sperm traveled down the endless length of his cock. It forced his dick to swell, just as his thick load gushed out of Javier's engorged dickhead. "Oh God," he moaned. "Take my jizz." "Oh yeah," Eli said, his arm cradling Javier's head as he kissed him. "Come for me, man. Fill that guy's ass for me." Javi was now on autopilot as he executed the ancient yet familiar rite of orgasm. He plunged into my hole, each thrust marked with another jet of white-hot spooge. I was relieved that Javier was finally cumming; his cum was lubricating my hole and made his relentless pounding much easier to withstand. It would also make Eli's inevitable assault almost bearable. "Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Oh fuck," Javi repeated, unable to express his emotions in anything but the shortest and simplest of phrases. His orgasm was something that he was trying to share with the two of us, but fundamentally, it was something that was deeply personal and intimate. This rite was the most fundamental act of being a man: the rite of injecting semen into another subservient man. I was the perfect foil for Javier: I wanted men to fuck me and inject their loads into me more than anything else in the world. Forced by the tina, all I was thinking of was Javi's dick shooting in me; all I wanted next was to get the same treatment from Eli. "Fill him up," Eli said. "You know he wants it. He needs your spooge bad." I was tightening my ass around Javi's cock. I was trying to milk out every last drop of his hot jizz. "Fuck, man, you're a hungry hole," Eli continued, turning his attention back to me. I was almost choking on Eli's cock, but despite the discomfort of the full, fat length in my sore throat, it was a small taste of cocksucker heaven. "Can't get enough cock, can you?" My mouth and throat full, I didn't try to reply; I just swallowed. It would massage the entire length of Eli's fat dick, giving him the pleasure he so richly deserved. "Hungry cock slut, huh?" Eli said in response. "Keep that up, and you'll get another big load in your gut." Javier was slowing down his pounding and tried to catch his breath. He was still in a tight embrace with Eli. "Yeah, make him choke on your load," he said, urging Eli on. "You need to get that first load out. Then you'll be able to properly enjoy him." "Oh fuck Bro, you know it." Eli placed a hand on my chest. He braced himself against my body and then used the leverage to push deeper into my throat. It was probably only a quarter of an inch of cock, but it felt like a foot of solid steel shaft. The tip of his cock felt like it was already in my stomach and he was dripping his fluids directly into it. "Can't hold off much longer," Eli said. His balls pressed against my nose, blocking off my last source of air. I didn't know how much longer I would be able to stand his throat fuck, but, at the same time, I didn't want it to ever end. I would withstand Eli's onslaught for as long as I had to. It was my job and purpose to get him off, no matter how he wanted to do it. "Oh hell," Eli grunted. My lips stretched even wider around his cock as his balls unloaded their payload of semen. It first went into the base of his erect cock. Then the spurt traveled down the length of his shaft before finally squirting out of his thick dickhead straight and into my stomach. He never gave me the choice of whether to swallow his load or not: I had to eat it. Of course, if had asked, I would have begged for his jizz. "Oh fuck yeah," he moaned, as another discharge rocketed down his shaft and into my gullet. "Let him taste it," Javier said. "Let him know you're cumming in his mouth." Eli slowly pulled his dick out of my throat. He took his time because several more spurts of sperm landed in my throat. His sperm was thick and it helped to soothe the raw and sore parts that he had been using and abusing earlier. When his cockhead was in my mouth, he held it there. He filled my mouth quickly with his hot cream. It was surprisingly tasty, almost sweet. Rather than immediately swallow it, I savored it, tasting its warmth and aliveness. "Fuck, the guy loves it." "Why wouldn't he?" Eli asked. "Fucking Grade-A man juice there." He turned to me. "You going to get every drop of it for us, cocksucker?" Since my mouth was no longer totally full with cock, I could answer Eli. "Of course man. Every single bit of it." "Good man," Eli said. "And I'm not quite done yet," he continued. He slid his cock in and out. His dick was no longer pumping out cum. Instead, it was now more a steady dribble of jizz. I was more than happy to lap it up, getting every fertile drop and swallowing it. Finally, his cock leaked the last bit of sperm into my mouth. I savored it, but also ran my tongue over his sensitive head. I was hoping for one more drop of his sperm. "That's all for right now," he said, gently pulling his cock out. "But don't worry, there'll be plenty more for you later today." At the same time, Javi had pulled his softening cock out of my ass. "Time for a break, I think," he said. "Catch our breath, recharge pipe, and then another round?" he asked. "Sounds good to me," Eli said. "Looking forward to fucking his ass. Especially that I can take my time and do it properly." I shuddered a bit, wondering if I would ever be able to fit his thick tool into my hole. Even though Javier had just stretched me out and lubricated me, Eli still seemed dangerously big. "But first, I want to hit that glass pipe again. And I bet Matt here wants to clean off your man pipe."
    1 point
  41. PART TWO The door opened and I heard foot steps coming down the hall. I panicked a little trying to pull away from Anthony’s pounding cock but he caught me with his strong hands and continued to fuck my hole as two men came into the room. I stared at them in horror of what they had found, but neither one of them seemed surprised to find Anthony with his cock buried in some strange guy in fact they looked pleased. “Don’t worry boy, they're here to help you learn your true place. Max and Tom live downstairs. They graduated two years ago and decided that some things,” he slammed into my ass particularly hard a few times, “in this town are just to good to leave, so they stayed.” I looked at the two men and realized that they weren’t that much older then me. In fact they looked like the frat boys I lusted over every day. One of them was about my height but was built like a football player, he had short blond hair sticking up under a baseball cap, as I watched he pulled his wife beater t-shirt over his head revealing pits bursting with dirty blond hair. The other was the perfect all American boy, about six foot with brown hair a strong jaw and swimmers body, he wore a black t-shirt and sweat pants which were beginning to reveal a sizable bulge. “How about you boys get naked and give this cumdumpster something to suck on while I give him the second load of his life.” A small part of my brain wondered why I was letting this happen, why I was pushing my ass back against this man I had met not three hours ago and had already blown a load in my, until then, 'condom-only' ass, but then I saw the blond boy (who I would later learn was Max) pull his jeans off revealing a pair of white briefs fit to bursting with a fact cock and stunning balls and I didn’t care any more. Tom was faster then Max and had already dropped his sweat pants before Max could pull off his underwear. Tom was like a mini version of Anthony, in fact he was probably what Anthony had looked like ten years prior, lithe and dark with thick patches of hair starting to grow together all of him. His cock was not as long as Anthony’s but it was certainly thicker. This all American boy was swinging not a bat but a can of Guinness, and all around the base and over his nice round balls was a thick dark bush. Max was much less hairy then the other two men, he had thick pit hair and incredibly hairy legs and ass, but other then that his torso was almost smooth. His nipples were a bright pink and his skin a pail white. His cock was probably eight inches long an nearly as thick as Anthony’s. Despite the sensible part of my brains warnings I knew as soon as I saw those two cocks that I needed them inside me and I knew I needed their loads in my cunt. Both men got down on their knees in front of me and pressed their cock to my lips. Obediently I opened my mouth and began trying to acuminate them both. Behind me Anthony had begun grunting and pounding like an animal and I knew he wouldn’t last much longer. Just as Tom began to force his cock deeper into my mouth Anthony grabbed my hips and slammed balls-deep into me. Once again I felt the astounding pulsations of his cock deep in my gut and then the rush of warmth as his cum filled-up my cunt. After a moment he pulled-out with a wet sloppy plop and staggered to his feet. Max wasted no time in sliding his cock into my gaping hole while Tom started to fuck my face. I gagged on the cock slamming against my tonsils while I bucked back on the cock ramming my ass. Although I couldn't see Anthony, I could hear him chuckling in the background. “Look at you now, being spit roasted by two former frat boys with two loads up your sweet cunt, when just this morning you had never been bred before. Are you having fun, boy?” “God yes,” I tried to answer around Tom’s insanely fat cock. All three of them laughed at the muffled sound and Tom redoubled his efforts and fucking my throat. Max’s cock had me writhing all over the place as he deep-dicked me, pulling almost all the way out before sliding it slowly back into my cum lubed hole again and again. But good as his cock felt I needed his load. “Tom, pull-out the boy’s mouth for a minute. I need him to be able to answer me.” Tom pulled-out of my mouth at Anthony’s bidding and moved behind me with Max. Anthony squatted down in front of me, his now half mast cock right in my face. Gently, he lifted my chin so I was looking him in the eyes. “You’re a good boy. Now, these two frat boys are gonna finish using you sweet new cunt pretty soon 'cause we don’t wanna wreck it too bad before your coming out party tonight. I’ve invited around fifteen guys to come over in an hour to breed your hole. There are no rules except that all loads must go in your cunt. Do you want those loads, boy? Do you want your load count to be at least eighteen tonight?” Max had changed from slowly sliding his cock back in each time to slamming his cock back up my cunt just as hard as he could. All that I could say between grunts of pleasure was “YES!” “Good boy, now Max, give the slut what he needs.” Max grunted savagely and started to jackhammer my hole. I could feel cum spewing from his dick inside of me, splashing against the walls of my cunt. No sooner was Max done then Tom was working his way inside me calling, “My turn.” Despite the vicious poundings I had received that day Tom’s beer can thick cock was still stretching my hole out even more. He pushed inside slowly but steadily, until the whole thing was inside and I could feel his pubes against my ass cheeks and his balls resting against mine. He held still for a moment before drawing back slowly and building up the pace of his fucking till he was like a jack rabbit who had just gotten out of jail. Max leaned in close and whispered to me, “Itn't Tom’s cock amazing?” “Fuck, yes.” “I love taking his cock.” “I can’t wait for his load!” “You’ll get it soon.” “God, I’ll be so loose then it’ll just drip out.” “You think you’re loose now? Just wait until we double-dick you." “You want my load, boy?” Tom said panting. “Please breed me! I need you load in my cunt!” “Yeah fucking pig.” Tom slammed balls deep again, stretching my hole just a little bit more to accommodate it’s base as shot after shot after shot of cum rocketed into my bowels. “Just wait pig, at the end of the night Max and I are going to make sure your cunt can handle whatever the world throws your way. “Put this in his ass,” Anthony came back into the room and handed Max a black butt plug, a really big black butt plug. Without hesitating, Tom pulled out of my ass and Max slammed the plug in to make up for the lack of cock inside of me. “Ok boy. You’ve got twenty minutes till your party guests get here. We’ll get you in the sing in a few minutes, but first I think there is something you should see.” He motioned to Max and Tom who helped me to shaky knees and led me down the hallway to another room…
    1 point
  42. I went on Craig's list and was looking to get bred. I posted an ad and as usual got a lot of responses. If you know Craig's list that means not a lot. There are some who just like to respond with no intention of meeting. One older guy seemed very interested . In fact he sent me number which was always a good sign. I called him and he decided he wanted to come to my hotel.i gave him the room number and about 20 minutes he knocked on the door. To my surprise he was with 2 much younger guys. He said they were his twin sons. I asked how old they were and he answered 20. i invited them in and the older guy got to the task of fucking me. His dick was thick and felt great. He pumped away and I heard him moaning. Then I could feel his sperm going in my ass. He shot deep in me and pumped several times till all was in me. i lost track of where the two boys were while dad was fucking me. When dad pulled out I was surprised to feel another dick go right in. It was one of the twins. He fucked me and blew his load up me ass. When he was done he was followed by his twin brother. They both had dicks like dad except they came a lot more. when we were done Dad said this was the first time for the boys to fuck a man. They both wanted to see Dad fuck a man and then follow up. it was great and always a surprise when you get three loads when you expected one.
    1 point
  43. From your list, I'd go with #7. Two long-term relationships which were NOT what they appeared to be. My fault for being willingly blind and what a waste (of years) of time they turned out to be. My "knew then, know now" addition would be to have learned to drop the hang-ups a lot sooner. Being self-conscience was such a self defeating exercise. Now, dropped the inhibitions, relax and enjoy the ride.
    1 point
  44. 4. I lifted my head up a bit to see what was happening. Crystal-dazed, it took Eli a moment to realize it was his turn. He leaned up in the bed and grabbed a towel to wipe off his hands. He took the glass pipe off the bedtable, examined it closely, and then frowned. "Needs more," he said, and grabbed one of the bags of tina. He carefully stuck the stem of the pipe into the bag, scooped up some of the crystals and tapped them into the bowl of the pipe. He repeated these actions several times, finally filling the bowl of the pipe with the tina. Eventually he was happy, and put the bag back on the bed table. Eli swung his legs over the side of the bed, stood up, and grabbed the torch. I watched as he melted the crystals. I wondered what he was thinking. Javi was dividing his attention between Eli and the TV screen. On screen, I knew that the scene had shifted, and the bottom was now getting fucked by one of the tops. Javi was clearly getting inspired by the porn, and got on the bed, kneeling down between my legs. He spread them wide, exposing my hole to the cool air. "Want a hit?" Eli asked Javi, indicating the crystal-filled pipe. Javi nodded, and Eli handed him the pipe and torch. Javi did a hit, and held it as he returned the tools of the trade to Eli. "Fuck," Javi said, exhaling a thick cloud that fell slowlyto the ground. "Good shit, isn't it?" Eli said. "Our friend Matt here doesn't skimp." He was standing in front of me, his cock hanging heavy in front of my face. I knew it would be just minutes until my mouth was stretched wide around it. "Your turn, Matt." He bent over me, and stuck the stem of the pipe in my mouth. "Suck on this glass cock, and then I'll feed you a real cock," he said, as he held the torch under the pipe. "And none of those pussy hits you've been doing." I sucked on the pipe. Eli had loaded the pipe up well, and it was easy to fill my lungs with the cloud. After draining the bowl a few times, I nodded, but he just smiled and said, "Three more, Matt. And then hold it for me." I did as I was told, inhaling deeply from the pipe three more times, before mercifully, Eli pulled it away from me. My lungs were full. "My turn," he said. He turned around, facing the TV, letting me get a good view of his butt. It was just as muscular as the rest of him, a perfect sculpture carved out of dark ebony. "Blow it up my hole, Matt," he said. I lowered my head, pressing my face into his crack. He assisted by taking a short step back, which pushed his ass right into my face. His butt was just as muscular as it looked, and I had to grab it with my hands to separate the meaty cheeks. Nestled between the cheeks, surrounded by a spray of hair, was his hole. I started to lick around his hole, tasting the last bit of soap from his shower and some sweat. "Fuck yeah," Eli said, as my tongue flicked across his hole. He lit up the torch. "This is the life. Getting my ass kissed by a white gym rat and partying with my bro, Javi." Javier laughed, and I felt him spread my legs further apart, exposing my vulnerable hole to him. "Feel free to blow it up there, Matt," Eli said, as he flicked the torch and started to suck on the pipe. I exhaled, trying to get the smoke into Eli's hole. I did an only adequate job of blowing it up Eli's hole, but as the last of the cloud escaped my lungs, Javier grunted in approval. "Finally, Matt. You did a real man's hit." It didn't take long for that fresh hit of crystal to hit me. It made me feel good. It felt right to be on my back in my own bed, my face deep in Eli's ass and my tongue probing and penetrating his ass. He was forcing his ass against me, getting my tongue even deeper in his hole. I didn't care what this looked like any more. All I wanted was to make him feel good, feel like a man, and if that required me licking his butt, I was more than happy to do it. I could only imagine what his life in prison was like. These pleasures seemed like a small reward for the time he had spent behind bars. It wasn't even a reward, strictly speaking. I knew in my heart that these things: drugs, sex, my submission, were things Eli deserved. He deserved for me to be licking his ass, for me to be making him feel so good, and for me to be getting his cock hard. Eventually, I'd let him penetrate me, first my mouth and then my ass. He'd and use me for his pleasure, and no matter how aggressive or forceful he was, I'd take it. He knew that. Javi knew that. They knew it was my role for the day, to be something the two men used for their pleasure. As I rimmed Eli, he did another hit off the pipe. I wondered how much he had been able to party while in prison. As well, I wondered how much a guy of his size would need to get a good tweak going. I didn't really care; I knew if I ran out of tina, more was just a simple phone call away. I'd buy as much as he wanted. I wanted him to be as high as he wanted. When he exahled the hit, he relaxed a bit, lowering his ass a bit further onto my face. I responded by forcing my tongue deeper into his hole. I was enjoying this. I knew that each minute my tongue was up his ass was a minute where his cock wasn't stretching out my throat. But, as intimate and close as the rimjob was, I knew I'd eventually have to take his cock, anyway he wanted to give it to me. "Ready for the real thing, Matt?" Eli finally said. He stepped back, and turned around. His cock was hard now. It was big enough that even hard, it couldn't stand up straight, but hung down, the fat head just barely touching my lips. "Time for you to swallow it all." I opened my mouth wide, preparing myself for him to enter. "Think he can take it all?" Javi asked. "I know he will. He doesn't have a choice." Eli leaned in just a hair, but more than enough to steer his cockhead into my mouth. There was a tiny bead of pre-cum at the tip. I licked it up eagerly. His shaft was still wet from the lube. I didn't mind it at all, since I knew the lube would make it that much easier for him to slide into my throat. "You'll want this," Javi said, and pressed the poppers into my hand. Eli pulled his cock back just enough for me to do a hit. I inhaled deeply, I needed all the help I could just to take Eli's cock. "That's an ok start," Javi continued. I did another deep hit, then handed the bottle back to Javi. "Give it to Eli," Javi said, refusing the bottle. Reluctantly, I reached up and handed the poppers to Eli. I wasn't sure if I wanted him to be doing them while I was still getting used to his cock in my mouth. But Javi's tone made it clear I had no choice. "Right on," Eli said. "Let's get this started." He leaned in again, his cockhead brushing up against my lips. I opened my mouth, and his dick entered me. Even though I had been on my knees worhsipping him earlier in the morning, this was the first time all over again. It wasn't so much the physical challenges of Eli's thick cock in my mouth, but the mental effort required to understand my new position and my new role. I had a black man's cock in my mouth. A huge black cock, and I was hardly fighting it as it pentrated deeper; Eli didn't wait to press up against the back of my throat. I gave up the last resistance to penetration; I found myself craning my neck to get another millimeter or two of Eli's shaft inside of me. "Hungry, aren't you?" Eli asked me. He did another hit from the poppers. "Ready for more?" he asked me. He was asking me if he could push past the back of my mouth and into my throat. I could tell this was transitioning from a blow job to a face fuck, and I found myself wanting that change. I wanted to make Eli happy. Allowing him unfettered access to my throat was the smallest thing I could do. I nodded, and Eli pushed his hips forward. I swallowed slightly, and his beer-can cock entered my throat. Immediately, I was choking, my gag reflex kicking in hard as his massive tool blocked my throat. "Just relax, Matt" Eli said. "Your throat feels fucking awesome." I concentrated on his cock, forcing my rising panic to subside. It wasn't easy, but the initial terror passed, and I began to feel a faint glimmer of pleasure in his thick hardness dominating my body. As Eli forced another inch of his cock into my mouth, he ran a finger down my cheek and along my throat. "Fuck Eli, you can see his throat stretch," Javi said. His hand still on my throat, Eli traced out the bulge from where his pole was. His casual touch me feel very small. I was turning into little more than a hole Eli was using. I wondered if he would have been just as happy with a sex doll. But even if I was his first available hole, he had still picked me. His cock was in my throat, he was hard as a rock, and it was my body he was using to get off. "Like that, huh," Eli said. Javi batted my cock, which, despite the tina, had started to get hard. I realized I liked this role, a plaything for these hot black and latino men. "Want more?" Eli asked. Without thinking, I nodded yes. I wanted all of Eli's cock inside me, even if I was going to have to fight against my own gag reflex. "Right on," Eli said, and another inch of his shaft slid in. My throat was stretched wide, and now, I couldn't even breath. But it didn't matter. What mattered was this dominant black man getting his cock serviced. And for me to do it without complaining. Another inch of dark meat slid into me and I repeated the now familiar process of fighting back the urge to gag. "Almost there," Eli said. "Just another bit, and you'll have swallowed the whole thing." He did another hit of poppers. I badly wanted one as well, but my position made inhaling from the bottle impossible: Eli's balls were slapping against my nose, and my mouth was filled with his cock. In a slow, relentless grind, he pressed the last of his dick into me. His thick pubic hair was on my chin, his balls now resting against my nose, and his cockhead felt like it was right in my stomach. "I didn't think he could do it," Javi said. He had stopped playing with my cock, and was now starting to finger my hole. It wasn't going to be long before my other hole was going to be penetrated and filled. "I knew he could," Eli said. As they nonchalantly talked about me, all I could think of was getting this thing, this beast, out of my throat and getting some fresh air. I did my best to relax, to gently nurse Eli's cock, and let him know I was here for whatever he wanted, no matter how it made me feel. "Need some air, Matt?" Eli asked, noticing my discomfort. I nodded eagerly. It seemed like years since I had last had a breath. "And I bet you need another hit off the pipe as well," he continued as he started to pull his cock out of my mouth. The entry had been difficult, but it was easy compared to him pulling out. I could feel each inch of his cockhead as it rubbed against my throat. The flare on his head acted like a squeegee, wiping up any saliva that might have lubricated its passage. This blow job was only going to get worse from here on out. When it was just Eli's cockhead in my mouth, I could finally breathe. I inhaled deep breaths through my nose and I opened up my mouth as wide as I could. He pulled the last of his cock out. My throat had managed to get him a little harder; his shaft was now sticking out straight in front of him, not hanging down as before. "Nice job Matt. Get me hard, and there weren't any accidents with your teeth," Eli said. It was a bit sad that his small compliment made me happier than I had been the entire morning. "Want the pipe?" Javier asked Eli, leaning over to grab it off the bedtable. "Sure. And I bet you're up for a hit as well?" "Right on," Javier said. I leaned up enough to see him starting to heat up the bowl. "I'm itching to get inside him," he said. As the white fog began to escape from the top of the pipe, I knew he was talking about my ass. Strangely, I was looking forward to these men penetrating me. I was in an exceptionally good mood and felt open to just about anything. "Perfect bro," Eli said. "You've done a great job of opening him up for me." Javier finished sucking on the pipe, and handed it to me. It was still hot and smoking, so I took a few puffs before the bowl cooled down. "That's not a hit, Matt," Eli said. I exhaled; it seemed like a decent sized hit to me. But Javier just shook his head as he exhaled: the smoke surrounded his head completely. "Let's try this again," Javier said. As he spoke, he grabbed my legs, rolling me up a bit. He leaned in, and buried his face in my ass. His tongue flicked across my hole, teasing me and opening me up. "Fuck, that's good," he said slightly muffled, his head buried in my crack. I examined the pipe. There was still a big pool of crystal, so I lit the torch, melted it, and took a long hit. As I sucked on the pipe, Javier's tongue explored more of my hole and got ever deeper inside me. I squirmed a bit, trying to get more of Javi's tongue in my hole, while trying to manage the smoking glass cock and torch. "Whoa there, cowboy," Eli said. He put a hand on my shoulder, and pressed down to keep me in place. "You're gonna get more dick than you can handle soon enough. Just relax for now." Unable to get any more of the crystal, I let the torch go out, and passed the pipe to Eli. "Hold it," Eli said, as he sucked on the last bit from my hit. "And open your mouth for me." My lungs were full of smoke, but I was able to open my mouth enough for Eli's cockhead to slide in. He exhaled, then immediately did another hit. "Ready?" he asked me. I nodded and he pressed his cock into my mouth. The head first pressed against the back of my throat, then slid all the way in. This time I didn't gag. The tina had finally overwhelmed my desires and all I wanted were both of these men inside me. I was enjoying Javi rimming me, but now I wanted his cock. I knew it would be so easy and quick for him to enter me: slide a condom over his cock, smear a bit of lube, and he'd be in deep before I realized it. And I wanted all of Eli's cock back in my throat. I knew I'd have a wicked sore throat in the morning, but it was something I badly wanted. Tomorrow, I'd endure it as a badge of courage and maybe even find a way to enjoy it. "Slides right in," Eli said. Once more, all I could see were his heavy balls and some of his ass. Even so, I could hear the pleasure in his voice. This was what he wanted: his brain bathed in crystal, his cock hard and buried inside of me, and his friend opening up my ass for his use. "Ready for more?" Javi asked me, taking a brief break from licking my asshole. I immediately knew what he meant, and I knew I was ready for it. More than just ready, I needed it. I needed a hard cock to brutally fuck my hole. "Oh, I'm sure he is," Eli said, answering for me. "But his mouth is full right now. And he can stop holding that hit whenever you're ready. But the longer, the better." Eli pulled his cock out just enough for me to be able to breathe again. I took the opportunity to exhale. I was surprised at the size of the hit; the smoke engulfed my head, and slowly drifted down to the ground. "Not bad, Matt," Eli said, also impressed by the hit I had done. My mouth no longer full, I took the opporunity to speak, "There are condoms in the bedtable," I said. Then Eli stuffed his cock back in my mouth. "Great," Javier said. Before I could say anything else or even get one last breath, Eli pressed his cock back into my throat. This felt amazing; a thick, hard cock in my throat and a warm tongue right against my hole. I forced myself not to gag, thinking about the pleasure Eli must be feeling, being able to dominate me so completely. Unfortunately, Javier stopped licking my ass, which made it harder to ignore Eli's shaft pressing into me, blocking my ability to breathe. Javi pulled open the drawer, and I could hear him looking around in the drawer. "You got any Magnums?" he asked me. "I hate these regular rubbers." Still impaled on Eli's shaft, I couldn't answer him immediately. I heard him rummaging through the drawer, and I wondered what else I had in there. "Just pull out before you cum," Eli said. "Matt'll be cool with that." I heard what Eli said, but it never got through my brain. I had a massive black cock deep in my throat, and my ass was itching. All I could think about was pleasure: my pleasure in getting fucked, Eli and Javier's pleasure in using me. All I wanted was to have fun: to get my face and ass fucked hard, to let these men get off using my body for their pleasure. A condom seemed so unimportant in the moment, compared to the critical pleasures that I needed to give and get. "Yeah," I said, as best I could sucking off Eli. "Just pull out." I doubt they could understand what I was saying. But, it didn't matter. Javier had found something in the drawer. "Is this lube? Or G?" he asked. I knew what it was. It was a small vial of clear liquid hiding in the back of the drawer. I had noticed the G looking for the Viagra, but thought neither of them would be interested in it.
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  45. Nothing better....as my chosen screen name indicates...
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  46. PART 4 - Fun at the seedy motel – Dick in the alley in trade and fresh jail dick So, cum tally at the end of part 3 of fun at the seedy motel: 1 load in my mouth when I sucked Derrick in his car, 4 loads in my ass from Derrick in his hotel room, 2 loads in my ass from the tall guy who had watched through the window then joined in 1 load from the big guy who tore me up Derrick smiled, “You a freak boy. I like that. Glad I ran into you and you take some good dick. You want some more?” After the big guy tore me up, I did not think I could take anymore and asked Derrick if we could just chill for a bit. “Yeah, no problem,” he said, and lit the pipe up for us both. I opened some of the chips and food we bought earlier and was still trying to get my head around the fuck the big guy had just given me. I had had a couple rough fucks in my life, but not in years. My ass felt so empty now, and while my head was saying time to head home (it was around midnight), the rest of my body was still craving dick and cum. As I ate, Derrick opened the pack of pills he bought at the liquor store, “Told you I plan to stay hard, so these will help. May not have much cum left, but don’t you worry. You will get more and this bull dick.” I didn’t have the nerve to say no, so just nodded and finished eating. We sat around the table for a little while and Derrick lit the pipe, and took some more hits. “Come on, get dressed, let’s take a walk.” A walk? Where the fuck would we walk? There was nothing around. We got dressed, I dropped the poppers into my coat packet, and followed Derrick out the door. I was surprised to see some people still around in the parking lot but figured with what had been going on at least in his room tonight, could imagine lots of shit going down in the rest of the hotel. Derrick led the way towards the side entrance, we then turned right, and headed down a little hill. We saw several cars coming up the hill and I was surprised at the traffic. I asked Derrick about it. “Folks getting weed, buddy down at the bottom there hooks them up with that and other shit too. I want to see if he’s got some Special in, would love to see you on that shit getting some big dick.” So we walked a little further down the side street that had warehouses on both sides with the occasional alley in between the loading docks. As we got near the intersection Derrick stopped near the last alley, “Wait here a minute,” he said then kept walking. I sat on the steps by the loading dock and waited. A few minutes later Derrick came back around the corner with another guy. This dude looked young. More like a boy. He had dreds like Derrick, and about the same build but younger, maybe 20 or so. Derrick said, “This is Marcus, buddy of mine. Told him you been freaking with me and we needed some good Special shit. Told him he could fuck you if he wanted, give me a little discount or something.” I just said hi and sat there. Derrick and Marcus then stepped into the alley and Derrick said, “Come on, my man’s a working man here and got shit to do.” So I got up and followed them into the alley between the warehouses. Within 10 feet of the opening to the alley it was pretty dark and Derrick and Marcus stopped by a couple dumpsters that were there. “Bend over,” Marcus said. So I slid my pants down and bent over, placing my hands on the wall between two of the dumpsters. It was a little cool that night, and I started getting goose bumps and my dick was not hard at all. But did not seem to bother Marcus as I heard him spit, felt him wipe some spit in my ass and around my hole, then heard him spit again. Marcus pushed his dick into me and oh it felt nice. What was it with these guys barebacking? No one asked about condoms – damn – not that I was complaining, but what had I been missing? It was about the same size as Derrick’s but not as wide. After the big guy fuck this was a breeze. My ass was sore as hell, but his dick was a lot smaller, so I arched my back and pushed my ass out to meet him. “That’s nice,” he said, and kept pumping. I looked back and saw Derrick was standing a little further back, guess he was watching for anyone else. Marcus kept fucking and soon picked up his pace. “Damn,” Marcus said as he shot into my ass. He pulled his cock out and without being asked I turned around, got on my knees and licked him clean. “Good huh?” Derrick asked. Marcus said, “It’s OK, look here’s your Special, I got to get back to the corner.” I pulled up my pants and was sort of disappointed. Well fuck, he did not seem all that into it. I told Derrick I was sorry and he said “Fuck it, who cares what that youngin thinks. He shot his nutt, he gave me a discount for the Special so we’re good.” We then walked back to the motel. When we got back in the room Derrick lit the pipe for us again, and got the high going. “I liked hearing you cry out. Made me horny as fuck, you know? And damn, seeing your hole all red and swollen after my man raped it. Let me look at it again,” Derrick said. I took my pants off and bent over as he sat at the table. He ran his fingers around my hole, probing at it, sticking one, then two fingers in. I pulled away a little as I was pretty sore now. “Still nice and red, here, taste Marcus’ cum,” as Derrick held out his fingers, glistening with gobs of cum, tinged slightly pink. I slurped on his fingers and he moaned. “Hmm, yeah like it when I hear that hole being hurt, sounds of a good pussy, and gets me so fucking hard, bend over.” So I bent over the side of the bed, Derrick slid his pants down, got behind me, and shoved his dick – dry – into my ass. It resisted and he pushed harder, scraping my insides as he pushed in. “Like that? Feel that hurt? Let me hear you cry, Hmmm….” Derrick said as he fucked. Then he started like the big guy did, pulled all the way, slammed through the outer ring, pulled out and did it again. He was not as big, but I was still sore, so it still hurt and I whimpered and cried out a little each time. “Yeah, make it hurt, hmmm.” Derrick did that for a few minutes then pulled out. Damn – he didn’t cum. “You sure you still want some more?” Derrick asked, I said yes, so he said, “Alright, think I know where I might run into something. Going to see who’s around down the road a bit where some folks hang, got any more cash on you? but first, here,” as he grabbed the pipe, put in some fresh rock and lit it up. He then he got dressed, grabbed his keys and left. So I opened a beer, sat on the bed, pulled the blanket over me and watched TV. Derrick was gone about an hour and I was starting to sober up and feel tired as the rock did not last, but then I heard his keys in the door and he came in, followed by another guy. This guy was about Derrick’s size and about same age I guess. He had on just a t-shirt with a basketball logo, which seemed strange since it was not really warm out. Derrick said, “My man here just got out of DC jail yesterday. He was hanging out down off 5th Street and he’s looking to warm up, freak and make a little something. I gave him your $40 and told him what I wanted.” With that the other guy said “Hey, what’s up?” I almost laughed, I assumed he knew what was up, but said just having fun. Derrick lit up the pipe, handed it to the new guy, then to me, then he took a few hits. He then passed it around again and then back to me. We were out of Coke, so Derrick handed the new guy some change and asked him to go grab a couple from the soda machine up near the front. The guy left the room and Derrick said, “I made him show me his dick first, he’s got a big one, not as big as the other one, but big, so you gonna feel it. He said he only fucks fags for money, so that’s why I had to give him the cash, OK? OK. He’s gonna do what I like, so you open up again, here take some more hits.” I had just finished up a hit when the guy knocked, Derrick let him in, and offered him another hit. “You ready?” Derrick asked, I nodded yes, and the new guy took off his sneakers, his t-shirt, and his pants. Very nice body, total v-shaped torso, a few cool tattoos, and a nipple ring in his left nipple. Woof! His dick was already hard, so I just got doggy style on the bed and moved the bottle of lotion beside me. “No,” Derrick said, “Move down a little so I can watch, and no lotion, just want him to use spit to fuck you, you cool with that man? Like we talked about?” The new guy said, “Sure,” and I hit the poppers and braced for it. He was not as large as the big guy, but still a pretty big dick, bigger then Derrick’s for sure and while my ass was open and used, my outer ring still resisted his first push. This time there was no mercy, he forced through my outer ring, passed the second and was balls deep. I yelped really loud and swore even louder knowing Derrick wanted that, and when I did the new guy slapped my ass and said, “Shut up faggot.” What the fuck? Derrick then started in, “Yeah man, rape that faggot ass, make that hole bleed man, rape that faggot and show him who’s in charge, fuck it HARD!” The new guy then started slapping my ass hard, alternating hands, as he pushed his dick in so I could feel his low hanging balls slap my ass and then pulled it all the way out of my ass. He did the same thing Derrick had done before, pulled all the way out, slammed it back through the hole. Again, I felt like my ass was being torn, it was so dry, and every time I yelped or cried out he would slap my ass harder and say, “Shut up faggot.” Derrick kept urging him on, “Rape it, rape that white pussy for me, make that pussy bleed, come on now, slap it, fuck it, fuck that faggot!” The new guy obeyed and continued to tear me up and slam my ass, which was stinging from his hits, but at the same time was turning me the fuck on! His slaps on my ass picked up, and the new guy said, “Fucking faggot, take my cum!!!” and he shot his load. His pace slowed, but did not stop, as he worked his cum up my ass. He slowly pulled out, then he reached down, lifted my left leg, and flipped me onto my back. He scooted me back further onto the bed and crawled up on the bed, lifted my legs, and positioned his dick to go back in. Derrick said, “Alright man, how about another hit?” The new guy said, “No, I ain’t done.” His dick was not fully hard so with my legs up against his shoulders he jacked his cock a few times, it got harder, and he guided it back into my ass. DAMN! That angle hurt more than doggy style, as he forced it balls deep, then slowly pulled up, then pushed back, up then back. He leaned forward even further, wrapped both arms around my shoulders and neck and pulled me into him as he jack fucked my ass like a fucking rabbit. I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed tight, holding on for the ride, and I could only grunt and moan as his raw dick continued to make my hole open for him. The new guy then started to kiss my neck, full on mouth and tongue, which surprised me, and Derrick even more. “Alright man, OK, enough, come on, let me get some now, come on.” The new guy slowed, kissed me on the lips hard, deep, and slow, then eased his dick out of my ass. Derrick was right there, put my legs up, and slammed his dick in where the new guy had just been, working the new guy’s cum into me. He leaned down on top of me as he fucked, “Fuck yeah, bleed that pussy, mmm, tear it up for this nutt.” I could not see the new guy, but Derrick did not fuck long at all. He soon pulled off, sat in the chair, and as I sat up saw the other guy was sitting in the other chair with the damned cutest smile. Derrick offered up the pipe, so we all took a few hits and sat there a bit. Derrick got up to use the bathroom and the new guy stepped over to me, bent down, and started kissing me again. “He wanted me to fuck you like that you know? I need the money, so hope I didn’t hurt you.” I said no, I was good, but thanks. It felt really good. He smiled again and said, “You liked it?” I told him I LOVED it A LOT, he had an amazing dick and when he kissed me I just wanted him deeper and deeper as his raw cock felt so good. I did not care how he fucked as long as I had his nice black dick in my ass it was all good. He laughed a little, kissed me some more with his tongue trying to get down my throat and was trying to rub my ass. “Put your legs up,” he said. So I laid back and he quickly had my legs up and his dick buried back in my ass and his tongue down my throat again. “Can I see you, I want to see you?” he asked as he pulled away a little, looked into my eyes, and gave me that wicked cute smile again. I totally melted and I shook my head yes and then we heard the toilet flush and Derrick came back out. “Fuck man, ain’t what we agreed to. Get off,” Derrick said. The new guy kissed me one last time, taking his time before he pulled away, and stood up. Derrick reached into his pants, “Here’s your $40, think it’s time you go.” The new guy said, “Alright, can I have your number?” as he looked at me. Derrick said, “Get dressed,” and got up in the new guy’s face. With that the new guy got dressed, looked around Derrick’s shoulders at me, and left. Derrick seemed pissed. He locked the door, came over, pushed my legs back and slammed in. “Fucking pussy, you’re mine tonight, now beg for this black nutt, beg while I bleed that pussy.” Derrick then pushed my legs back as far as he could and rough fucked. He was grunting, groaning, and sweating now with every thrust. “TAKE MY NUTTT!!” he said as he slammed the last time into my ass. He shivered and his dicked pulsed, and he yanked it out, dropped my legs, then laid on the bed beside me. So, cum tally at the end of part 4 of fun at the seedy motel: 1 load in my mouth when I sucked Derrick in his car, 5 loads in my ass from Derrick in his hotel room, 2 loads in my ass from the tall guy who had watched through the window then joined in 1 load from the big guy who tore me up 1 load from Marcus in the alley 1 load from the guy just out jail Stay tuned for part 5 – the Big Man returns for the final fuck fest of the night – can I take it all?
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  47. PART 3 - Fun at the seedy motel –the Straight Thug Objects “Told you I was a freak, now let’s chill a bit. Need a drink, then we’ll see about getting up.” In part 2 Derrick had just finished shooting a third load up my ass while I shot my poz cum into someone else. Derrick was sitting at the table in the motel room, which was still covered with empty beer bottles, coke cans, food wrappers, a couple ashtrays with cigarettes in various stages of being smoked, and his pipe and supplies. So, cum tally at the end of part 2: 1 load in my mouth when I sucked Derrick in his car, 3 loads in my ass from Derrick in his hotel room, 2 loads in my ass from the tall guy who had watched through the window then joined in, and “Told you I was a freak, now let’s chill a bit. Need a drink, then we’ll see about getting up,” Derrick said as he sat at the table, still naked, but his dick was clean as I had licked it clean after his load. The curtains were still open a little on the end, but I didn’t care anymore. Hell, whoever had wanted to had watched me get fucked by two different guys, watched me unload in a hooker’s cunt, and more – so screw it. I was too buzzed to care anymore. I looked at my watch and it was now about 9:30 p.m., I had been with Derrick for about 5 hours now and my week long vacation and plan on getting as much dick and cum as I could was off to an amazing start! I was not tired at all as between sleeping in late that day, and the rock in the pipe, I was wired and up. My ass was sore though, and when I sat down at the table with him realized just how tender my hole was now. But I liked it, it was “I know I have just been fucked good” sore, so I embraced it and looked forward to what else the night might bring. Derrick got up to use the bathroom, but told me to make him a Jack and Coke. The Coke was now a little warm, and the Jack Daniels bottle was now empty as I poured the last of it into a plastic cup I found by the bathroom sink. As I went to get the cup I watched a second as Derrick was pissing, a long steady stream, and right then wanted nothing more than to taste it. When he came back out, I handed him the cup with the JD and Coke, noticed his dick head looked a little wet, and knelt down and licked the remaining piss off his dick. Then sat back in the chair. Derrick gave me that evil grin again, but didn’t say anything and took a swig of his drink and lit a cigarette. I wanted to ask him about where he was from, if he was straight or what, but figured best to just keep quiet and not ruin the fun. If Derrick wanted to tell him he would, so I opened another beer, which was totally warm now. We made some small talk, about really nothing, Derrick finished off his JD and Coke, looked at the empty bottle. “Need to hit the liquor store before they close, get some more JD, beer, bag of ice, and those little pills they sell behind the counter to keep your dick hard. This good shit does that too, but I am going to keep fucking you if you can take it. Can you take it some more?” I was still horny as hell and wanted to be the biggest cum pig I could, so said hell yeah, I could handle anything he had - LOL – little did I know my mouth would get me into trouble on that one. We got into his car and as we drove out of the parking lot I noticed there were a lot more cars now then when we came in and more people standing around outside. No one seemed to pay us any mind, so we drove to a liquor store about 5 minutes away. I gave Derrick some cash, asked him to grab some chips or something too, and soon we were back to the motel. This time Derrick entered the far end of the parking lot and drove completely around the motel real slow as he looked at the cars and folks standing outside. I thought maybe he was looking for the tall guy again. He parked, we went back into the room, he made another drink, and told me to pour the ice into the bathroom sink to chill the beers that had gone warm. Once we got settled Derrick pulled his pipe out, opened the plastic bag that still had a bunch of rock in it, and said, “You ready?” I shook my head yes, finished my beer, then took my clothes off. Derrick was still dressed as he handed me the pipe, used the lighter, and let me take a few big hits. He then did the same, sat back and let it kick in a little. I was ready – I wanted his dick in me and got up to kneel in front of him to suck him again. “No,” Derrick said, “Got something else planned. Now take a few more big hits, then bend over the end of the bed.” So I took the hits, went to the end of the bed and bent over. The opening in the curtains gave a clear shot of me bent over to anyone who walked by who bothered to look. While the room lights were not that bright, they were bright enough, so I knew my white ass was being seen. Derrick grabbed his keys, “I’ll be right back,” and he left. I knelt on the floor then and laid my chest on the bed on top of a couple pillows, waiting for Derrick to return. My dick was hard thinking about him or the tall guy fucking me again. He was barely gone a couple minutes when I heard him opening the door. Derrick walked in and behind him walked in this big monster of a man. This dude was maybe a little shorter then the tall guy, but not by much, and built thick and broad like a football player. He also had a bit of a gut that stuck out through his open jacket and short buzzed hair. He looked rough – total street thug type and maybe mid-40’s. “What the fuck - that ain’t no pussy!” the new guy said. “You said you had some pussy here needing to be fucked damn it!” “Relax my man,” Derrick said, “I told you I had some good white pussy and that is some GOOD white pussy that is ready for any black dick that needs to fuck. Alright? I told you I’d take care of you, now here, just chill, sit a sec, and hit this shit. Got some good shit, so chill man, OK?” I was ready to run at that point, this dude was not happy and figured I could hide in the bathroom if I had too, but he just glared at me a second longer, then sat at the table. I didn’t dare to move to just stayed kneeling at the end of the bed as Derrick put some rock in the pipe and handed it to the new guy. The guy glared at me again, but took the pipe, several big hits, passed it back to Derrick, and I could see him visibly relax a little as the rock kicked in. He closed his eyes a little, licked his lips a few time, and said, “Got a drink?” Derrick handed him the bottle of JD and his plastic cup, the guy pored some in the cup, did it as shot, then set the bottle on the table. “Better man?” Derrick asked him. The guy shook his head, “Yeah.” Derrick handed the pipe to him again and said, “See man, good shit, I told you, now I know that shit makes a dick hard, so let the pussy suck it for you a little, it’ll feel good, telling you man, real good.” The big guy did not reply right away, just closed his eyes a little again and licked his lips then said, “Alright, but turn off the fucking lights.” Derrick got up, turned off the lights, closed the opening in the curtains, as the guy hit the pipe. “Now suck him,” Derrick said. I was still unsure about this, but the guy had taken another hit, had his head back and had spread his legs a little, so I scooted over in front of him. By the light coming in from around the edges of the curtain, and the bathroom and TV, the dude was even scarier up close. “You good man?” Derrick asked, and the big guy just grunted, so I reached up and rubbed the bulge that was showing in his pants. Fucking Christ – his dick was as big as he was! It felt like a monster! He did not stop me so I began to work at his fly and could not get it open. He then stood up abruptly scaring the shit out of me, undid his belt, opened his pants, let them drop to the floor, then sat back down in the chair and grabbed the pipe again. FUCK that dick was HUGE! Not only was it quite a bit longer than Derrick’s, but it was very thick and round with a massive head on it. I was stunned and not quite sure, but reached out, lifted it with my hands, slowly peeled the foreskin back, and started rubbing my tongue around the head. “Hmmm,” the big guy moaned. Derrick lit his pipe up and watched as I licked the head and started licking up and down the shaft. I then worked to get the head in my mouth. It was difficult at that angle, but I finally got the head in and felt my jaws scream as I opened wide to swallow as much dick as I could. I sucked him for a little while and had spit and drool running out of my mouth as I tried to manage that monster dick. As he got harder I started to gag as I went down on him, which seemed to turn him on as he began thrusting his hips a little, which made me gag even more. I started to pull my head off his dick and he suddenly grabbed my head with both hands, pushed my head down onto his dick and thrust up at the same time. His dick suddenly filled my throat my completely and I could not breathe! Tears started streaming down my face as I gagged and tried to breathe, trying to pull off, but he was not letting go, just tried pushing his dick deeper down my throat. Finally, after it felt like I was going to pass out, “Yo man, hit this shit again,” Derrick said. The big guy let go, and I pulled myself off his dick and sat back trying to catch my breath. Holy fuck – the asshole was trying to kill me! Derrick laughed a little, “Was not so bad now huh? Told you I would take care of you big man.” The big guy took the pipe, did not say anything, and did a few more hits. Derrick kept talking, “So you know man, got this pussy opened up for you, bet it could take you if you want to fuck – you know nothing feels better with this good shit then a nice hot pussy wrapped around your dick so you can bust that nutt – you feel me?” The big guy just looked at Derrick, handed him the pipe, “Yeah, OK, but you need to leave. I like to fuck a long time and I don’t want nobody watching me.” Derrick said, “Ain’t gonna happen. My room, my shit, so you either gonna do this or you ain’t.” The big guy said, “OK, but I got to piss,” and stood up and went to the bathroom and closed the door. I stood up and told Derrick I did not think I could take it, he was way too big. “You’ll be alright, you can take it, I got you nice and opened up and I know that hole is gonna like this. Here, you better do some big hits, you are really gonna need it this time. And don’t disappoint me, because I want to see that hole wide open and if you do a good job I got some more bull nutt myself to put up there.” With that, he put a big piece of rock on the pipe and had me take several huge hits. The guy was still in the bathroom, so Derrick took a hit, then handed me the pipe again, “You just open up – let him in – OK, just open up. You told me you could handle anything I had, so you better handle this.” I shook my head and was now feeling a little dizzy as the rock kicked in and the rush of euphoria made me feel hot from head to toe. Derrick squirted a big gob of lotion in his hand, reached out, and started rubbing it in my hole. I bent forward a little and he roughly shoved three fingers up my ass, then a fourth and worked them around. It hurt, but the cool from the lotion felt good. “Get on the bed on your hands and knees,” Derrick said. So I walked back to the end of the bed and got in position. The big guy came out of the bathroom, shut the bathroom light off, went to turn the TV off, but Derrick said, “No, I am going to watch. Here take another hit then you can hit that pussy, OK? OK? We’re just having a little fun and got some good white pussy for you to fucking breed. You said you needed some pussy tonight, well big man I’m taking care of that. So hit this pipe, then I want to see you fuck that white pussy like you want? You know? You just take it, that pussy ain’t going nowhere, so you enjoy it.” The big guy walked over to Derrick and I looked to the side as he stood there taking the hit. The shadow of that monster dick against the light from the window was amazing, but scared the hell out of me. I still didn’t think I could take it, but didn’t see much choice. I held the pillows under me tighter, opened the poppers and started taking big hits. The poppers mixed with the rock made me feel even more out of it. I was shocked back to reality as I felt the guy press between my legs and a stream of lotion flow into my crack. I put my head down as I heard him lube up his dick and looked to the side as Derrick was sitting there stroking his cock in the chair closest to the end of the bed. The big guy then started pressing the head of his dick against my hole. He didn’t say a word, just pushed his dick. My hole was open from all the fucking, but still resisted and the big guy pushed harder. My world exploded as that monster head popped through the outer ring and into my ass. I yelped, swore, saw stars and thought I was going to pass out from the pain, but that did not stop him, he just kept pushing his dick, trying to open me up. By reflex I tried to run from that dick and pull away, but his hands grabbed my ass and pulled me back towards him. “Yeah man, want to see you rape that white pussy good,” Derrick said, “That’s it, open that pussy up, yeah man, you fuck it like you want, bet you ain’t had pussy you could fuck like you want and cum inside of in a long time.” When did Derrick become an evil bastard? The big guy didn’t say anything, just pushed forward with his hips and pulled me back towards him with his hands. He paused, his dick did not feel like it was that far into me, but it hurt like fucking hell! He shifted his hands up around my waist, tightened his grip, pulled me back a little on the bed, then thrust hard and paused. I saw stars again, yelped even louder, and gasped as that knocked the wind out of me. I tried fumbling with the poppers and spilled more than I was able to sniff, but it helped. The big guy repositioned himself again, pulled back a little then thrust hard again. FUCK – it felt like he was literally splitting me open. I wanted to scream or cry out, but now when I opened my mouth just little whimpering gurgling sounds came out. The pause was even shorter this time as he pulled that monster cock back and thrust, pulled back and thrust. “Put some more lotion on that shit man,” Derrick said, “Then tear up that pussy.” The bastard was urging him on! Fucker. The big guy pulled his cock all the way out of me and that time the cry in my throat came out real loud and Derrick just chuckled. The big guy squirted some more lotion on his dick, I quickly hit the poppers, and then he was pushing that monster head back in. The monster dick head popped in through my outer ring, and I cried out again, loud as I could this time. He pulled all the way out and did it again, making me cry out even louder. I think that turned him on as the head felt even bigger and he pulled it out and popped it through several times real fast. I could barely breath from the pain now and managed to ask him to please stop. He paused and I thought thank God, I can’t take anymore. But Derrick said “Naw man, don’t stop. Told you, fuck that pussy like you want. I want to see that white pussy get raped and you’re the big man to do it, now bust it up.” What? Before I could say another word the big guy started fucking again. This time he was pushing in as far as he could with each thrust of his dick, which took him deeper and deeper up my ass. He blew out the second hole in my ass and kept going. I was whimpering, babbling, and almost crying out loud as he raped my ass and with the firm grip he had on my waist there was no where to run. Through the pain there was a new level of pleasure that I started to feel. While every thrust was excruciating, it was also feeling good too and I knew I was truly being fucked by a monster dick. Totally raw – skin on skin – deeper and harder then I could believe. The big guy kept fucking and I realized my ass must be loosening up for him (not by choice, but force) as he was fucking faster and deeper and the deeper he went, the more ecstasy I felt. I was starting to really get into it when he paused, pushed himself up behind me on his knees onto the bed, then pushed me forward and face down so I was laying flat. The pillows I had placed under my stomach for support were now under my hips, which elevated my hole a little. The big guy laid flat on top of me, reached around, and grabbed one ass cheek in each hand. He spread my ass open, worked his dick in my hole a little deeper, then put his hands back up near my head. His dick was hitting even deeper in the position and my whimpering and yelps of pain started to get louder. I had my head turned to the right thinking Derrick could hear me better and would stop the guy, but he didn’t. One thrust made me cry out really loud and this time the big guy moved his left arm under my neck, and covered my mouth with his hand. I could feel his breath on my ear and side of my face as he placed his head against mine and kept fucking. His mouth must have been open as I felt some spit from him dribble onto my face. He was totally raping me now so I tried to just focus on relaxing and letting him have my ass. I don’t know how long he fucked, it felt like forever as he laid on me pumping his raw dick in and out of my ass. I was having a hard time breathing between his hand over my mouth and his weight on me, but he did not seem to care. He started to moan and grunt and his fucking got a little faster and rougher. “That’s it man – breed that white pussy with that nutt – rape that nutt up there,” Derrick said, “Rape it harder, MAKE IT HURT!” The big guy’s moaning got louder and his grip on my face tightened – he then stopped fucking and started a guttural moan, “Uuhhhh, Uhhhh, UHHHHH” and started fucking harder and faster again. He was pulling almost all the way out and slamming in now and moaning ‘UHHHHH’ – he paused again and this time I felt his cock swell, and quiver as he started to shoot, “FUCK,” he said he as cummed way up in my guts. His orgasm rocked his body, and he then moved his hand away from my mouth, took his arm from under my neck and just lay on top of me breathing hard. It seemed like he stayed like that for a couple minutes as I felt his dick soften up inside me. I still felt full, but could tell he was not hard anymore. His dick slid out of my ass, he rolled off me, stood up, and went into the bathroom. I was still trying to catch my breath when Derrick said, “Told you you would take it,” and laughed a little. “Got this bull fucking hard hearing you cry like that you nasty little fuck, now just stay like that.” No problem, I couldn’t move. I heard the water in the tub running, the toilet flush, and the big guy came out. Derrick said, “Yo man, that was good huh?” The big guy was still breathing heavy and just said, “Yeah,” and proceeded to put his pants on and got dressed. “You up for freaking again later? Want to hit that pussy again” Derrick asked him. The big guy said, “Yeah, OK, if I can get some more of that good shit you got. That’ll work. I’m always horny as fuck when I wake up. If you still up, here’s my room number, should be up around 4:30 a.m.” And with that he left. Again? Fuck no. Not me. Derrick then opened the end of the curtains a little like before, walked over to the bed, “Now I’m gonna give you some more bull nutt,” as he climbed onto the bed, got on my back, and in one push shoved his cock balls deep into me. I barely flinched after the fuck I just took and the thought of him working the big guy’s cum into my guts made my dick hard and I started to beg him to fuck me, fuck me harder, please fuck it. Derrick grabbed my shoulders and fucked like there was no tomorrow. He was already close, “Let me hear you cry, take this nutt in that raped pussy, take this bull nutt, oh yeah yeah yeah…….” And Derrick shot his load. When he was finished he stood up, turned the lights on, and knelt back on the bed. He pushed my legs open, spread my cheeks, and probed at my hole with his fingers. “DAMN you’re open, and my man tore you up, nice mix of blood and cum back here. You been FUCKED!” as he laughed a little. Blood? Damn, well I was sure that whatever Derrick had and the big guy had I had too. The thought of them pozzing me even more made my dick even stiffer. What else did they give me? Derrick got off the bed, sat at the table, and I got up to use the bathroom. My ass was totally open and a mix of blood, cum, ass juice, and lotion started coming out. Damn – no wonder my ass hurt. I thought I was sore before! I finished, went back out to the room and sat at the table. Derrick gave me that evil grin, “You a freak boy. I like that. Glad I ran into you and you take some good dick. You want some more?” So, cum tally at the end of part 3: 1 load in my mouth when I sucked Derrick in his car, 4 loads in my ass from Derrick in his hotel room, 2 loads in my ass from the tall guy who had watched through the window then joined in 1 load from the big guy who tore me up Stay tuned for part 4 – Dick in the alley in trade and fresh jail dick
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  48. 2. I tried to relax, bent over the coffee table with the shard of meth dissolving in my ass. I watched the porn, trying to take my mind off my current situation. On screen, the white guy was bent over a couch, and the black guy was poking his uncut cockhead against the white boy's ass. It wasn't going to be long before I was in the same position. Eli's cock was now hard as a rock, and he wasn't going to be satisfied with just my attempts at deep throating his tool. "Get up on the couch, bro," Eli said, after a few minutes. My hole was tingling, almost burning from the bump that had melted inside of it. It wouldn't be long before I was going to be wagging my butt, begging Eli to stick his tool up there. "Nice ass. Enjoyed that view. It's gonna be a pleasure getting in there and breeding your hole a few times." I sat on the couch and draped one of my legs over Eli's massive thigh. This position kept my hole exposed to Eli. He didn't waste the opportunity, and started to finger my hole. We were both getting lost in the drug-high, feeling the tweak come on strong. "What were you doing on the west side," I finally asked. "I was in the state penn, bro," he said. "Free and clear yesterday afternoon." "For?" I asked. I hoped I wasn't going too far by asking him. "Got in a fight, and ended up punching a guy out. Got a year for it. Just think of it as a year at the gym though." With his free hand, he rubbed his chest, squeezing his massive pecs. I leaned over and nibbled on a nip. I was surprised at just how muscular he was; I kept finding new mounds of muscle to worship. Nor did he have an ounce of fat on him. "Not worried by that?" he asked. I shook my head no. All I could think about was how much I needed some cock. Any cock. And his was right there, hard and ready. "Guess it takes more to scare you," he said. I was still locked to his nip, so I just nodded in agreement. He had moved beyond just playing with my hole and was now sticking a finger up there. I had relaxed a lot since he had given me the booty bump, and his finger had slid in easily. "Still pretty tight," he said, not quite agreeing with my feeling. "Gonna have to let Javi go in first and get you opened up properly." Almost as soon as he said that, my phone rang. I had to disentangle myself from Eli: finger out of my hole, no longer licking his pecs, and my leg off his thigh. "Hi, this is Matt," I said, finally able to answer the phone. "Hey, it's Javier, Eli's bud. I'm at the front gate," the voice on the phone said. "Come on up," I said. "You know where it is." I buzzed him in, and hung up. "It's Javier," I told Eli. "You gonna meet Javi at the door like that? Totally naked?" he asked. "He'd dig that. Get him boned right up." "Why the hell not?" I said. I got up and headed to the front door, my dick swinging in the air. A few moments later, there was a knock. I opened it, and Javier was standing there. He wasn't as big as Eli, probably about six feet high, thinner, but still muscular. Instead of Eli's stubble he had a small goatee. I couldn't quite tell his race; it was a mixture of Afro-American and hispanic; maybe blatino was the best description. Like Eli, his hair was shaved short. The light drizzle had wet it down a bit though. He was wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and a light jacket. "Damn. You guys didn't waste any time getting started." he said, eyeing me up. He walked in, and I shut the door behind him." "Yeah, we have," I said. He paused in the hallway and looked me over. "Turn around," he said. I did as I was told, feeling acutely naked and vulnerable. "Very nice," he said and smacked me on the ass. He took off his damp jacket and I hung it up. Then we both went into the living room. "Hey Eli. Good to see you again bro," he said. "Man, Nice to see you again too," Eli replied. "When you get out?" Javi asked. "Yesterday. Just got here this morning." "Well, welcome home. Got you a little gift." Javi pulled his wallet out from his pocket. He opened it, and took out a small bag, placing it on the coffee table. Even from the doorway, I could see it was stuffed full of tina. "Fuck, that's totally awesome. Hope you don't have to be anywhere today." Eli turned to be. "Got another V for Javi?" "Yeah, I think." I went into the bedroom, and found an extra tablet. I came back to the living room by way of the kitchen, getting Javier a beer. I handed both of them to Javi. "Right on! Gonna be a fun day," he said as he popped the blue pill and took a swig from the bottle. He turned to Eli. "You're looking good. How's everything going?" "Don't ask. Cunt of a nurse was fucking things up. Gotta see Weiss this week and get my meds right." Eli grabbed the pipe off the table. "But let's think about better things. Like getting you up to speed with us." Eli took the torch and started heating up the glass bowl. Javier sat down on the couch and took the pipe's stem in his mouth, letting Eli handle the torch. He took a long hit, and held it. Eli motioned to me "Shotgun it from him, Matt" I kneeled down in front of Javi, and took his hit. Like Eli's hits, it was big. I knew I wouldn't be able to take many more hits from either without getting way too far gone. Almost as soon as Javi had finished pushing out the hit to me, he took the pipe and torch, and started to heat the bowl again. "Gotta catch up with your guys," he said. "Good plan," said Eli. "Matt's just done a big booty bump and its barely taken effect." "Sweet," Javi said, "And you? Where are you?" As he finished speaking, he put the pipe in his mouth. I couldn't hold my hit any longer, and exhaled it. "You know me. I've been sucking on the glass cock ever since I called you. And Matt's been sucking on my cock. Take the next one as well, Matt," Eli said. Javi was puffing at the pipe hard, getting as much of the vapor as he could. Finally when he stopped, he motioned for me to lean in and take his hit. It was even bigger and stronger than the first one Javier had done. I inhaled as much of it as I could, but even so, there was dense fog that escaped. "Nice," Eli said. "You'll catch up with us soon enough." "I'm feeling a bit already," Javi said. "But this bowl is spent." Still kneeling down in front of him, I took the pipe from him. He was right. The glass bowl was almost empty. As I was examining it, Javi stood up, and pulled off his shirt, throwing it into a corner. "Use my stash," he said, indicating the bag he had put on the table. "And don't skimp on loading it up." Hands shaking from the hits I had already done, and the booty bump starting to kick in, I emptied nearly half the bag into the bowl, filling it well. Javi kicked off his shoes, and pulled off his jeans. He wasn't as muscular as Eli, but was still well-defined. Across his dark chest, there was a smattering of hair, and a bit of it was grey. It was surprisingly sexy on him. He was wearing a pair of boxers and already, there was a definite tent growing in them. He sat back on the couch. "You should have the honor of the first hit, Eli," he said. I lit the torch, and melted the mass of crystals in the bowl. As the pipe began to smoke, Eli took it from me, and started to suck down the vapor. I held the torch under it, making sure he got a good hit. As he finished, he handed the pipe to me. "Your turn, Matt," Eli said, trying not to let any of the smoke escape from his lungs. I shook my head no. I was already feeling pretty far gone, and wanted to slow down a little bit. "Don't be a pussy," Javi said. "I want to see you do a hit." I reluctantly put the pipe to my mouth, and lit the torch. As I did my hit, Eli shotgunned Javi. The two of them started to make out as they finished exchanging the cloud. Javi reached down and pushed down his boxers as they made out. His cock sprang free, sticking straight up. Not as big as Eli's, it was still a very respectable eight inches. At the base, there was a thick bush and a pair of heavy balls. As I put down the pipe, Eli broke off his kiss with Javi. "Give me your hit," he said to me. "Then take Javi's hit." I leaned over towards Eli, and exhaled the smoke into his mouth. Immediately, Javi grabbed me, and I was forced to inhale his hit. It took me a moment to realize that this was the one that Eli had started. We were all sharing hits now, making sure that the drugs had maximum effectiveness. Even third hand, it was bigger and stronger than the one I just done. I being taken far further than I had ever planned. "Wow, that was weak bro," Eli said, as he blew out the hit I had shotgunned him. " You're in the big leagues now. We're going to have to get you used to what a real man does." "No kidding, man," Javi echoed. "Let's do this right. Hand me the pipe," he said to Eli. Javi grabbed the back of my head, and pulled me down to his crotch. "Suck me off," he said, as he lit the torch. I took the tip of his cock in my mouth, feeling the firm warmth of his head fill my mouth. Javi was taking a long hit on the pipe, enjoying the combination of getting high and getting his cock licked to a firm erection. Eli was the biggest man I had ever encountered. Luckily, Javi wasn't as big. As his cock got harder, I realized it was going to be about nine inches long, and reasonably thick. I hoped that he was going to be the first to enter my hole, since he would help me get ready for Eli's monster. Javi finished his hit, and let the torch go out as I continued to service him. He turned to Eli, and then shotgunned the hit to the muscular black man. Once done, Javi relaxed and let the waves of pleasure wash over him. "Hot movie," he said, kicking back, watching the screen as he kept a hand on the back of my head. There was just enough pressure from Javi to let me know I shouldn't stop servicing his shaft. I kept up my efforts, trying to get more of his cock into my mouth. Eli finally letting out his hit. "Yeah, it is," he said. Noticing my efforts on Javi's, Eli asked, "How's that feel for you?" "Pretty damn good. But it would be even better if I could get into his throat." I knew it was less a request than an order. I pulled off his cock just long enough to grab the bottle of poppers and do a huff. As my attention returned to Javi's cock, Eli lit the torch again, getting ready for another hit. I ignored the sound of the torch and the faint smell of the crystal and focused on the shaft in front of me. I opened my mouth and worked my way down as far as I could. I made sure to get his shaft nice and wet. The extra lubrication would help me when I eventually had to force it deep into my throat. As Eli drew on the pipe once more, I felt Javi's cockhead hit the back of my throat. I swallowed, then forced myself to do what I knew I had to do. I could feel Javi push into my throat. The poppers were filling my mind, and all I wanted was to get as much of his man's cock in my mouth as possible. I tried not to gag. Javi needed a man to worship his cock, and I was lucky enough to be the cocksucker he had chosen. Even if it was because I was the only one there, it was still an honor to be on my knees, Javi allowing his cock to press into my throat. Once his cock entered my throat, it was surprisingly easy to take all of it. My lips soon hit the base of his cock, his balls right up against my chin. There was no response from Javi other than a low moan of pleasure. Still keeping his hand on the back of my head, Javi leaned over, and shotgunned Eli's hit. The two men stayed lip locked, enjoying a long kiss. I watched these two strong, masculine men kissing each other. But their intimacy and closeness only made them more desirable and more unattainable. They were sharing something between them that I wouldn't ever be able to understand. I knew I was just their toy for the day, something to help them relate to each other. I was providing them with the drugs they were flying on, the porn they were getting turned on by, and most importantly, the two holes they would be abusing all day. All of this, I glady gave for their pleasure. "Nice," Javi said, as they both blew out their smoke. Even though they had swapped the hit back and forth a few times, my head was still wrapped in a dense cloud of smoke. I knew they were both getting a good tweak going. I hardly knew either of them, and what I did know about the two wasn't good. But yet I was getting them high, and allowing them get me higher than I had ever been before. I knew the day, maybe even the weekend, was going to be a memorable experience for me. However, at the moment, my world was Javi's cock. I wanted it inside of me. I wanted to keep it hard, to show how much of a man Javi was, and how easily he had dominated me. At the very least, I wanted Javier to acknowledge me as a cocksucker. "Bro, you feeling good yet?" Eli asked Javi. Out of the corner of my eye, I could Eli was still stroking his massive cock. "Yeah, definitely getting there," Javi answered. "Cocksucker is doing a great job on my cock, and the favors are definitely fine." He took the pipe from Eli. "One more for me, I think," he said. "Share it with Matt, man. He needs it bad, especially after that last pussy hit he did," Eli said. "Right on." He lifted me off of his cock. "Ready for a proper hit?" he asked me. I was already missing the feeling of his cock in my throat, and I could only nod in response. To my surprise, he put the pipe in my mouth first. I had thought he was just going to shotgun his hit to me. But he held the torch under it. "You need to do a proper hit first," he said. I waited for the bowl to fill with smoke before I started to pull. I did several distinct huffs, each time making sure the bowl re-filled with the thick smoke. Each drag I thought would be my last, until I looked at Javi or Eli, and knew they wanted me to do at least one more. Finally, my lungs were full and I simply couldn't do any more. "Now, that's how a real man hits the pipe, cocksucker," Javi said, giving me a sign of his approval. I had a sudden rush of pleasure from his small acknowledgement, thinking I might just be able to share in the bond these two men had. But I quickly realized it was only the favors doing the thinking for me, making me feel more connected than I had any right to be. "Give it to me," Javier said, leaning into me. Our mouths met, and I exhaled my hit into his mouth. He didn't try to break off the kiss, but instead pushed his tongue into my mouth. It was a nice bonus, and I was glad to share the intimacy with him. He held the hit for longer than I expect, the entire time his tongue was probing and exploring my mouth. His cock had already done one round of exploration, and his tongue was even more proof how he had easily laid claim to my body and holes. Finally, he blew the hit right back into my mouth. I wasn't expecting it, but was able to inhale a good bit of it. Even so, a lot it was lost in a thick cloud around our heads. Despite being passed back and forth, it was still strong hit, at least as strong as any I had done. I knew I was going to soon regret partying so hard with these men. I wasn't sure of my choices or actions. My only guide to what to do was to make sure these men were hard, they were happy, and any of their desires were satisfied "There's another hit for you, cocksucker," Javi said. "Getting you where I want you." "Right on," Eli said. "Got any left in the pipe? You're still lagging behind me and the cocksucker." Javier took the pipe from me, and looked at it. "Still enough for at least one good hit." The bowl was warm from my hit and began to smoke quickly as he held the torch under it. Javi puffed a few times on the pipe, clearing out the bowl, and then began to suck on the glass cock in earnest. It seemed like he was on the pipe for an eternity, but my sense of time was so distorted, it was probably less than a minute. Finally, he let the torch go out, and took one last drag, emptying the bowl. "Spent?" asked Eli. Javi nodded, and I took the pipe from him in order to re-fill it. Before I could do anything, Javi grabbed me. He wanted to shotgun the hit to me. I shook my head no. I was really starting to feel the tweak, with my cock throbbing and my hole itching. Even as I started to smack my lips involuntarily, a classic sign for me of being tweaked, Javi locked onto my mouth and pushed his hit into my body. I inhaled as he wanted, and it filled me up. I held it as long as I could, as Javi explored my mouth with his tongue. Eli leaned into us, pushing Javier away. He forced his lips against mine, rubbing his thick stubble against my face. I knew what to do, and exhaled the hit into his waiting mouth. He sucked it in, fast draining my lungs. I had to break off the kiss, just to get some air in my lungs. Before I could breathe, Javi grabbed me back, and re-filled me with more of the drug. Eli and I sat there, letting the tina soak into our bloodstream and head to our brains. Finally, Eli exhaled. Only then did I feel ok in exhaling my own hit. Neither cloud was as thick as earlier ones, but they still were getting the job done. "Good?" Eli asked Javier. "Oh yeah. Time to have some fun," Javi said.
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  49. Twins (Part 4) After a shower and little rest they got ready to go out for the night. Eric began smoking some more Tina to keep him going for the nights activities. They passed the pipe around along with a round of Viagra to keep them all hard for the night. Jeff had no idea what where they were going or what was planned, but he was game for anything. They hopped in Jeff's jeep and drove off. Jack noticed that Eric had a gym bag with him, but never gave it much thought as they sped away. It didn't take long before they were in front of a nice looking building when Eric announced they had arrived. Jeff asked what the place was and was told that they were at the local bath house. They went in side and asked for the room that was reserved for them. Eric and Jack had arranged for a sling room for the night and well into the next day. As they got settled in the room, Jeff looked around and noticed the sling. He wondered why they all came here when they could have played back a the apartment. Jack told Jeff this is where we came the night after they told me that I had been pozzed by them to celebrate. I spent the entire night in that sling over there, right were you will be tonight. They all led Jeff over to and then lifted him up into the sling. Jeff then had his wrists and ankles restrained so he was not going any where until he would be released. It was apparent that Jeff was excited at the idea of being in the sling by the hard 8 inch erection he had, then again it could be the Viagra kicking in. They made sure that Jeff's ass was higher then his head so that nothing would leak out. Jack put an open bottle of Gatorade to Jeff's lips and told him to drink. Jeff liked Gatorade, but this tasted different. Jack let Jeff know that it had a good amount of G in it and with the Tina he was about to slam, the poppers later on he would be begging for anything to be put in his ass. Eric prepared the 3 slams. Jeff watched as Eric and Miguel gave themselves their slams. He was fascinated how some one could just inject themselves like that. Then Jack stepped up and showed Jeff how to give a slam. He tied a rubber tube around his arm, found a good vein then stuck the needle in his own arm. Jeff watched as Jack pulled back a little bit of blood back. As he started to push the plunger down, Jeff asked about his slam. Jack looked down at him and said, "I have your slam right here."; Jeff gave himself about 1/3 of the slam before he stopped and pulled back filling it with some of his own blood. Jack let Jeff know that just as had been done with him when Eric and Miguel brought him here a few months ago, the three of them had shared a slam, Jack was sharing his with Jeff. Miguel tied rubber tubing around Jeff's arm as Jack pulled the the Tina and blood mix syringe from his arm and approached his brother. Jeff was in a haze from the G that he barely comprehended all the implications of his brother's actions. Jack let him know that if all the seeding didn't take, this would not fail to poz his brother. Jack found the vein as Jeff watched the bloody clear liquid disappear into his arm. The tube was removed from his arm and he felt the rush and had the strongest cough of all of them. As Jack was administering the slam, Eric gave Jeff a large booty bump Jack commented that "This is going to be good." Jeff felt the warmth through his body and the burn in his ass as his senses were thrown intro over load. He started to wiggle his ass and begged for some one to fuck him. Jack stepped up rammed right in and pounded away. Jack looked down at his brother, enjoying the look of lust on his brother's face as he rammed the entire length of his cock in side his brother.. Jack to a big hit of poppers and paused he pounding long enough to give his brother a long hit in each nostril. Jack went into over drive and grunted out as he gave his brother his first (of many) load(s) of the night. He was quickly replaced by Eric and Jack walked over to kiss his brother deeply. Miguel lit up some Tina in a pipe and passed it around. First Miguel took a long hit of the pipe then passed it to Eric who also took a long hit. He then handed it to Jack. Jeff looked up waiting to get his hit off the pipe when Jack took a long, big breath off the pipe and leaned in to kiss his brother. As Jack and Jeff kissed Jack breather the smoke into Jeff, then sucked it back out of his brother, only to breath it back in to Jeff again. Jeff caught on quickly and they enjoyed the Tina between themselves as they shared a passionate kiss. This lasted so long that they never noticed when Eric shot his load and was replaced by Miguel. As Miguel fucked Jeff, Eric grabbed the bag he brought with them to the baths. Jeff never saw what Eric was getting out of the bag, but he would soon know how mush his ass could be opened up. Between the generous slam, booty bump, the G, and poppers Jeff had been given he was feeling really good. All he knew was he wanted to get fucked. What he didn't know was he was in for the fucking of his life. Miguel began speaking in Spanish which signaled that he was getting close to seeding Jeff's hole. He pounded away at Jeff and then screamed out something in Spanish no one understood except for himself as he let loose his load. Eric placed something on the floor near the area between Jeff's spread legs as Jack stepped up for what Jeff thought would be another fucking. What Jeff felt was a bit of a surprise. Jack reached down to the item on the floor, a tub of Crisco, and began to work 3 then four fingers into Jeff's hole. Eric fed Jeff more poppers by breathing them in through his own mouth then kissing Jeff as they exchanged the poppers the same way Jack and Jeff had exchanged the Tina earlier. This distracted Jeff for a bit as Jack then slipped his thumb into Jeff's hole and began to work his fist into his brother's ass. As Eric Finished feeding Jeff poppers, Jack slipped his fist past his brother's ass ring. Jeff let out a moan of pleasure as he felt his hole stretched open. He looked down between his legs to see his brother with his hand in side his own hole. Jeff had heard about fisting before, but he was amazed that this could be done to another person let alone himself. Jack looked down at his brother and asked how he felt with a fist inside his ass. Jeff replied that it felt incredible. Jeff then saw something else that Eric had brought with them to the baths that night, a very large dildo. Eric told him that it was a horse cock dildo and that measured 13 inches long and 8 inches around. By now jack had worked his fist into Jeff past his wrist. Jack flexed his fingers to stretch Jeff open and prepare him for the horse cock dildo. Eric began to generously lube the dildo with Crisco as Jack slowly pulled his full fist out of his brother. Jack punch fucked his brother's hole a few times before tacking the dildo from Eric as Miguel gave Jeff a hit off the pipe. Jack slid the dildo in side his brother's gaping hole, Eric and Miguel left to cruise the baths for more tops to have seed Jeff. The dildo slid in about half way with ease before meeting some resistance. Jack began to rotate and wiggle the piece of rubber lodged inside his brother. Jeff could only moan as he felt the dildo working its way farther in side him. After some time Eric and Miguel returned to the room and as they walked through the door they gave Jack and nod. Jack knew that the word would soon spread about the fresh meat in their room. Eric noticed that the dildo was not moving as easily now and reached in is bag for something to help with the insertion. Eric prepared a small slam for Jeff and gave it to him. As the slam hit Jeff and he threw his head back only able to say "FUCK!" the dildo slid past the internal ring and completely disappeared in side Jeff. Jack commented "Damn bro, way to go!" as Jack began to fuck his brother with the huge piece of rubber. Soon there was a crowd gathering just outside the door as Jeff was getting a fucking from the dildo. Guys began to line up waiting for their turn to fuck and seed Jeff. Jack noticed this and slowly pulled the dildo from his bother's ass. Jeff felt very empty and his hole gaped open for all to see. Jack announced that the pig in the sling is my twin brother and we are celebrating his becoming a poz pig tonight. He further said that no cock or load will be turned down. The rest of the night Jeff was fucked by every top in the place, some more then once. They lost track of how many loads Jeff took. They made sure that one of the 3 (either Jack, Eric or Miguel) was around so that no harm would come to Jeff. The two not on duty near Jeff to feed him poppers and watch those fucking him would fuck on the bed on the other side of the room. The next morning when the traffic into the room had slowed and then stopped, Jeff was seeded one last time by Miguel, then Eric and finally his brother Jack. The release Jeff from the sling and helped him into the shower where they washed him inside and out. They then dressed and headed home to crash. Jeff sat in the back of the jeep as they drove home reliving the nights events. He was hard as hell for some reason and when they got back to the apartment and alone in Jack's room Jeff wasted no time in jumping his brother. Jeff was now the slutty pig that Jack was as Jack got the fucking of his life from his now poz brother.
    1 point
  50. Twins (Part 3) Jack grunted out, "Oh Jeff I'm going to cum. Are you ready for another one of my charged loads" Jeff cried out, "Give it to me bro, give me your poz load." Jack picked up his pace and grunted, "FUCK YEAH BRO, TAKE MY DIRTY SEED!" as he shot his charged load inside Jeff's ass and collapsed on top of his brother. Before Jeff could recover from the fucking his brother gave him, Jack pulled out and was quickly replaced by Eric. Eric leaned in and kissed Jeff as he slid his 7" cock into Jeff balls deep in one stroke. Although Eric is not as long as Jack, he is thicker and Jeff noticed this immediately letting out a small yell of pain mixed with a lustful moan into the shared kiss. Eric fucked slowly at first, making sure that the loads already deposited in side would be worked deep in side and into Jeff's hole. As Jeff began his fucking, Jack moved to Jeff's head and once Eric broke off the kiss Jeff had his brother clean his cock off. Jeff could taste his ass juices mixed with Jack's cum. He sucked the cock in his mouth clean and greedily continued to suck getting his brother hard again. Jeff was hoping to swallow his brother's load (something he loves to do and had not done the wee before), but Jack wouldn't waste it own his brother's throat. Eric began to pound away at Jeff's hole as Jeff moaned and groaned. Jeff had never been fucked like this before, but he was taking it like a champ. Eric looked down at Jeff and asked, "Are you ready for my seed, are you ready to become a slut like your brother?" Jeff's reply was simple, "FUCK YA! GIVE IT TO ME, I NEED IT!." Jeff grunted as Eric buried his cock as far as it would go and shot another toxic load in the brother's ass. Jack could tell that Jeff was tired of holding his legs up, but before they would let him up his ass had to be prepared for more action. Jack approached his brother with a large needless syringe. It was filled with meth and water. Jack told his brother "It's time for you to get a proper booty bump." as he slid the syringe deep in his brother's ass. Jack pushed his brother's legs back far so that his ass was up in the air just before he pushed down on the plunger emptying the syringe deep in side his brother. Jeff commented that it burned to which Jack replied "It's supposed to burn, that's how ya know its getting in." Jeff felt very warm as his ass felt very hungry. As Jack was giving his brother a booty bump, Miguel laid down on his back next to Jeff. Once they were sure the booty bump was well absorbed they let Jeff lower his ass and legs. When Jeff saw Miguel laying down he thought for a moment that he was going to get to fuck Miguel. He was dead wrong as Miguel held his 7 1/2" uncut cock in the air and Jeff was positioned over Miguel and lower onto his throbbing cock. Jeff has been in this position before, but riding his brother. He had never been fucked like this by another man, let alone a bare cock other then his brother's. Soon Jeff was getting into having his ass filled this way. Miguel was good from this position and knew how to drill an ass to achieve maximum effect, that is making the one taking his cock want it more. And with the booty bump working on Jeff, his ass was very hungry. Miguel pounded into Jeff with no mercy. Jeff never knew that a guy could be fucked so viciously from this position. As Miguel neared orgasm he began to say things in Spanish only Eric understood. Calling Jeff a worthless piece of white trash only there for him to be seeded with all their dirty seed. Then with a grunt Miguel was filling Jeff with his third load of the night. Jeff collapsed on Miguel's chest and the two kissed as Miguel's still hard cock lay still in side Jeff's hungry hole. As Jeff laid there he suddenly felt a hand on his back and something at his hole. He turned to see his brother Jack behind him as he felt his brother's cock enter his filled hole. Jeff let out a moan of pain as Jack slid in beside Miguel's cock. Jeff never thought his hole could be stretched so much. He would find out later how much his hole could stretch. Now with both cocks in side his hole he was getting a fucking he had never felt before. As one would pull out the other would push in so that Jeff was feeling his prostate hit multiple times. This also made sure that the poz cum already in his hole would be worked into him, making sure the seeding would take. As Jack and Miguel worked their dicks into Jeff, Eric stood in front of Jeff with his hard cock ready for Jeff to suck. Jeff was concentrating so much on the fucking he was getting he didn't notice Eric until Eric pushed his cock between Jeff's open lips and into his mouth. Jeff wasted no time going to work on sucking on the cock in his throat. Jeff was getting to the point of really enjoying his double dicking. He was enjoying it so much that he never noticed his orgasm, but Jack and Miguel noticed it when they felt the spasm of Jeff's ass on their cocks. This sent them into over drive and in not time they each deposited a load inside Jeff. First Jack shot and when Miguel felt Jack's cock spasm and felt his load squish around his cock did he start to thrust up harder and then shoot his load. While Eric was watching this hot action he worked up a load for Jeff to swallow down. The four studs collapsed in on e big heap of flesh as they recovered. They continued to seed Jeff the rest of the night through to the next morning. Then they all showered and rested for the party that night.
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