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  1. Part 3: A Change of Perspective Feeling a bit restless, Ryan checked his phone again. No new messages. Damn. It had been over 24 hours since he left the note on Gabe's car windshield. Why was this taking so long? Ryan wondered. Over the past day, Ryan couldn't think of anything but Gabe. But, he also needed to reconcile his feelings. He decided that he just liked the idea of a big poz cock. And he wanted to howl like his roommate, Donald did the night before. I don't want to get pozzed, Ryan assured himself. He made his way into the kitchen to look for a snack - or maybe something to take his mind off recent events. And then, he saw Donald. He hadn't talked to Donald since he'd been home - and their different schedules often meant they didn't cross paths most days. Donald was a night auditor at a nearby hotel. Ryan was in college for perhaps a few years longer than one should be. "Hey," Ryan said as he made his way toward the fridge trying to act as normal as possible. "Sup bitch," Donald said walking by Ryan and slapping his ass. Ryan was stunned. Donald didn't talk like this or act like this. And there was something else different that Ryan just then noticed. "Heh .. oh .. no glasses?" Ryan asked. "Ditched them while you were up north," Donald answered, "got tired of them and got contacts instead. Ryan immediately thought of Superman and Clark Kent. Donald looked strikingly different. It wasn't just the lack of glasses. He seemed less odd without them for sure .. but Donald had a confidence he didn't have. "When did you get back?" Donald asked. "Oh .. this morning," Ryan lied. He didn't want Donald to know he heard about his chasing sexcapade. "Anything new with you?" Ryan asked. "Nahh .. same old .. picked up some extra hours at work is all," Donald unknowingly returned a lie with a lie. "And speaking of work .. I'm back to it. Later skinny ass bitch!" Donald gave Ryan another slap on the ass and made his way for the apartment door. A bit stunned, Ryan uttered "yeah , later man." Ryan didn't quite understand Donald's new strong persona. But, he had to admit, he kinda liked it. And, as if social circumstances weren't awkward enough, Ryan's phone buzzed. Oh shit, he thought, it's Gabe. The text message that followed was simple enough. "You're gonna get it." the message read. It seemed fitting. The note Ryan wrote and left on Gabe's windshield was simply enough. Ryan simply wrote "I want it." Another text messsage followed. "how do you want it?" Ryan thought for a moment, and the answer came very easily Ryan: i want it like how Donald got it. that sounded hott! Gabe: oh, u heard me pound his fuckhole huh? Ryan: yeah. i want ur big dick owning me too. Gabe: mm hmm. so u like hung guys? Ryan: fuck yeah! Gabe: why not let Donald fuck you then? Ryan paused for a moment. That wasn't an option. And although Ryan didn't know for sure, he couldn't imagine Donald's slight frame packing a big dick. Ryan: you're saying Donald is hung? Gabe: yeah. he's about as big as me. i though u two fucked around. Ryan: no. i never thought of him like that. Suddenly, Donald became a lot more interesting to Ryan. The new attitude, a big dick. Wait .. not Donald. Not odd geeky Donald. Ryan tried to dismiss the notion and focus on his goal .. Gabe. He wanted Gabe. Gabe: u know im poz right? Ryan sighed. He knew he shouldn't keep the conversation going, but felt compelled. Ryan: yeah that's cool. Gabe: are you poz? Ryan: no, i'm not. Gabe: you want to get pozzed? Ryan didn't want to think about that. He just wanted to get fucked. Ryan: I wanna feel your big dick inside me. Gabe: my big poz dick will cum inside you if I get that ass. Ryan: can I just suck it? Gabe: no. Ryan waited for more. Nothing followed. Fuck, Ryan thought. Ryan: i think ur hott af Gabe: thanks Another long pause. Ryan: i never done this before. Gabe: done what? Ryan: let a poz guy fuck me. Gabe: but u left me a note saying u wanted it right? Ryan: yeah.. i want it. bad :-/ Gabe: well, u gotta be very clear that u want my poz cum in ur ass ass. dont leave any room for doubt. Ryan stared at the screen. Why am I still talking to him? Ryan wanted to stop talking, but he couldn't ignore how much he wanted to feel Gabe inside him. He also couldn't ignore his dick hardening in his shorts. Ryan: i want you to fuck me with your poz cock. Ryan's hands were starting to tremble .. was it fear or excitement? He wasn't sure. It all felt so terribly wrong, but so undeniably compelling. Gabe: and? Ryan tried to remember what Donald said to encourage the ass pounding he overheard. Ryan: i want you to blast your poz cum deep inside my ass. Gabe: i see Ryan put the phone on the kitchen counter and quickly pulled down his shorts and started jerking. He was too turned on. Gabe can be mine, he thought. He pictured Gabe's big dick again inside his mind. And then imagined little Donald getting fucked while Donald's big dick swung back and forth as Gabe pounded him. I want that, Ryan thought. He picked his phone back up. Ryan: how many times have u and donald fucked? Gabe: idk ..15-20 times i guess now. we started a couple weeks back. Ryan couldn't believe it. Donald was a player. Maybe it's true. It's the quiet ones you gotta look out for. Gabe: but i only fucked him for the first time the other night. Ryan: huh? donald isn't a top. Gabe: could have fooled me. he pounds ass like a pro if u ask me. The fact was that Ryan didn't know. He just assumed that little Donald must be a bottom. Little Donald, Ryan though, I guess he's not so little either. Ryan: then why did he let u fuck him? Gabe: he wants to get pozzed so he can enjoy converting little neg bitches too Ryan thought about the playful slap Donald just gave him minutes ago. And it made him even harder now. I bet he wants to poz my ass too, Ryan thought to himself. Ryan: that sounds hott Gabe: yeah. nothing hotter than pozzing a neg boy's hole. except maybe for when u get it. and ur gonna get it. Ryan's heart was pounding so hard, he thought it might jump out of his chest. He wasn't even touching his dick and his dick was involuntarily twitching up. Despite trembling hands, Ryan managed to tap out the message: poz my ass! i want u to pound me just like u did donald. fuck me like a little chaser bitch Gabe: i shoot big loads. ur ass is gonna get filled. Ryan quickly texted back and hoped he was using the right verbiage " hell yeah! shoot ur viral load deep into me." Gabe: ur ass is gonna be my poz cum receptacle. Ryan placed the phone down on the counter again. He started jacking again with his eyes closed. His phone blinged again. Gabe: i only live a couple of blocks away. u want it now? Ryan read the message. He knew that he had a big decision to make. A BIG decision, he mused to himself thinking about Gabe's big dick again.
    6 points
  2. Got bred by a neighbor in my building while the bf was at work. We chatted on grindr. The guy had me head downstairs to his place (he left the door unlocked), strip down just to a jock, and get on his bed. He came in from the bathroom and started to rim me, while jamming poppers under my nose. When I was lubed and loose, he mounted up and pumped a nice sized load into my ass.
    4 points
  3. Part 1: An unexpected finding Ryan ended up returning home from his trip a day earlier than originally planned. Three days with his family was one day too long, and he told them he needed to get back to finish a school project. Ryan felt a sense of relief when he entered the apartment and made his way down the hall to his bedroom. As he passed by his roommate's door, he heard music coming from Donald's room - which was a bit unusual. Ryan was about to shrug it off when he heard what he could only perceive as some kind of high-pitched howling noise. Startled, he paused in his tracks and put his ear next to the door to try and figure out what was the source of the noise. Ryan's eyes widened as he listened through the door. He couldn't quite understand the words being shouted by Donald. "fuck yes! Give me that poz cock!" was the only phrase he thought he understood. He wasn't sure he heard it entirely correctly. It didn't make sense. "Paw's" cock? He wondered? More phrases would clue him in. An unfamiliar voice dominated now, "yeah, take my poz dick you little chaser bitch. Tell me how much you want it!" Was this a joke? Ryan wondered. He had some vague notion of HIV chasers, or whatever they were called, but he couldn't have heard right. Donald was gay but Donald .. well .. was a nerd .. a major book nerd. And Donald never seemed to hook up. He was just odd-looking. Ryan was trying to picture his awkward roommate getting fucked. No way, Ryan thought as he continued to listen in. "I love it! Fuck me with your big poz dick! Fuck my neg ass!" he heard Donald answer the unfamiliar voice. "You want it deeper?" asked the stranger. Ryan still couldn't believe what he was hearing as he heard Donald answer back - and not in Donald's normal soft-spoken, often unintelligible mumble. There was conviction and determination in his voice. "Fuck yes! Pump every inch of your poz cock into my ..." There was a pause. Ryan wondered if they may have detected his presence beyond the door. Then he realized what happened, apparently the stranger must have obliged. Donald seemed to have a difficult time verbalizing, " ... my .. fuck yes! my fuck ! my ass! I want your toxic jizz ... " and Donald trailed off. It was difficult to piece it all together now since Donald wasn't exactly creating full sentences. The stranger was easier to understand, "you want my super high viral load?" The stranger's question was just as alarming as Donald's answer, " yes! fuck that death seed into me. pound me .. ugggh .. pound me with your deathstick!" Ryan's heart was racing. Was he literally hearing someone get fucked to death? Should he do something? What could he do? They seemed to be consenting. Ryan scurried into his bedroom and quietly closed the door. He convinced himself he must have heard wrong. But, even through two closed doors, the chasing unfolding in the other room remained evident. "Poz my ass! Fill my neg ass with your poz load!" Donald said urgently. The stranger seemed quieter now for some reason. But, Donald's voice continued to carry, "Yes! I love it!!! Breed my ass! Convert me with your sexweapon!" Ryan's anxiety level was escalating and then he noticed something slightly familiar as well. He felt his dick hardening quickly. "I'm going to cum in you!" he heard the stranger now much louder. "You sure you want this load?" "God yes! Give it to me! Use my ass! Flood my guts!' Donald shot back. Ryan's mind was racing. He still couldn't totally understand what was happening. But, he also couldn't stop picturing a big dick only a dozen feet away. Maybe it was just an automatic response to the sounds of sex. Whatever the reason, Ryan pulled down his shorts and started to aggressively jerk his own dick that was quickly nearing climax in only a matter of seconds.. "YOU'RE GONNA GET IT!" the stranger's voice boomed. Ryan was about to explode with unexpected intensity. He heard Donald cry out, "Yes ! Oh FUCK! FUUUUUUUUUCK!" Ryan knew the sound of an orgasm anywhere. His mind went blank and he exploded as well. Gobs of cum spurted out of Ryan's dick. One phrases echoed in his head as he nearly mindlessly jizzed .. "You're gonna get it." As the noise subsided, Ryan started to come back to his senses. He looked down at his hand, dick and the carpet and was shocked by the volume of cum that had landed everywhere. He sat on the edge of his bed, and froze in shock and disbelief. What had Donald done? And what did I just do?" Ryan wondered.
    3 points
  4. Hello all. This is my first story I have written. It came to me in a dream (probably after ready this forum before sleeping) and I knew I had to write it down and share it. Since it drives me absolutely insane when the other writers here don't do it, I will promise to write one installment every night for your guys until it is done. I know how this story ends, but I am writing it as I go. I'll be as surprised as you if the characters end up doing something unexpected. I wanted this to be the deep breath before the plunge, so bear with me. We will get to the action quickly. Also, in case I wasn't clear when I said this was a dream, this is complete and utter fiction for your entertainment and enjoyment. If you have feedback or suggestions on how I can improve, please let me know here or through e-mail. If you want something to happen, email me and I will try and incorporate it into the story if possible (or use it for the next one.) Part I I waited patiently on my couch with my eyes closed and focused on my breathing. With my hands resting on my knees, I waited. I was only wearing an old pair of worn jeans that has slowly shrunk over the years. My bare chest rose and fell slowly as I breathed in and out. The temperature was the delicious cool after the sun set on a hot day. I had built up some sweat doing my Friday evening exercise, and could still smell it coming from my armpits and crotch. I had just finished cleaning up the house, and preparing everything for my guest. He would arrive here at the nice part of town, pull up to my house, come inside, and see another well off house with matching furniture and wooden floors. He would see the organized kitchen, fridge full of food and (unknown to him drugged) beer, and the living room with the large TV and couch. Nothing would arouse his suspicions. Everything was in place, there was the only one missing piece. I smiled to myself as I sat there like a spider in the center of his web. I wondered if spiders enjoyed the false calm they projected as much as I did. Hunters with their deadly snares in place, hidden in plain sight. They waited motionless in their elaborate trap, confident that their prey would willing come right to them. The thrill of the hunt battled with the predator's steel resolve, and I felt my cock pushing against the denim of my jeans as my blood pulsed in tune to my increasing heartbeat. I could feel the head of my cock forcing it's way down the leg of my pants, leaving a trail of precum as the foreskin pulled back further and further. I always was a heavy leaker, but while it made for some very embarrassing moments in puberty, I love having my hard cock covered in natural, tasty lube. There was nothing more arousing than seeing my bare, wet, hard dick buried deep inside a man's ass or mouth, watching it ooze into them drop by drop . I knew that inside that crystal clear liquid was my sweet venom opening the path for the rest. They were always hungry for more, in the end. I had to take a deep breath and stop myself from grabbing my dick through the jeans and squeezing it hard. It was enough trouble getting into these jeans even without underwear. The thought of having my cock soaked and at full mast like a caged animal when he arrived caused another pulse of blood and precum to rush down my shaft. But no, I had to stay in control. I didn't want him to see another hunter. I wanted him to walk through my front door and believe that tonight was for him and his pleasure alone. The best prey were the ones who thought that they were the true hunters, the apex predator, masters of all. With their perfect bodies and looks, every urge they had was satisfied by some worshiper who obeyed like a trained dog when given orders. Built by endless hours in the gym, they could pick any man they wanted out of the crowd and have their way with him. Nothing that entered their limited imaginations was denied them. Their lifetime of dominance was what made them always fall into my reach. They lacked the wariness of smarter creatures who knew that there was more than one type of hunter. They would roam and rely on their will and brute strength to dominate, instead of waiting and using cunning, patience, and preparation. I heard a motorcycle pull into my driveway and took a final moment to get back under control. I got down on my knees and put my hands behind my back. I knew what he wanted to see as soon as he walked in the front door. I kept a small smirk on my face as my chest rose and fell slowly with each breath. He would want to see some rebelliousness, so he could enjoy breaking me in that much more. This would be a weekend he would never forget, but not for the reasons he expected.
    2 points
  5. I was just got dropped off, returning home from the most amazing partied up conversion fuckfest with my new Daddy. I was alone and finally decided to take the plunge and get gifted. I had seen this stud on A4A plenty of times, and had chatted a couple of times, but never went anywhere. Then I found him on BBRT (YES!!) and knew, right then, he was a DL gifter. So, I hit him up on A4A, and asked him to party up my hot hole and have some fun all night long. He drove to my place, picked me up, and we returned to his place. I sat there and got high with him and then he started slowly getting the fun started. So I asked him point blank "Are you clean?" "Of course," he replied. I called him out on it. "I bet you're poz, and you don't care who gets it. 'Cause barebackers will eventually get it anyway. And it probably turns you on even more knowing that you gifted them." He thought I was getting mad and that the fun was over, but then I smiled at him and told him "I want to know the very moment that you convert my horny neg hole, and poz me with your Dark Gift, and mark me forever. I Want you in my DNA, Daddy." With that I kissed him deeply. Six hours, and five loads later, I write this, with Daddy's seed still swimming inside my ass. I'm about to brush the inside of my ass with toothbrush. Fingers crossed! Love my daddy forever. His boy forever.
    2 points
  6. I had been told on a handful of occasions throughout my stay in New York City about a bar known as The Eagle in the Chelsea are of Manhattan. "You've got to go to The Eagle" "You'll get what you want in The Eagle" "You've never been to The Eagle?" and so on. I was told it was a leather bar. Which at first put me off going, I'm not exactly a gay scene member. I'm a pretty regular bisexual guy who's interested in the world of kink without being a regular participant. Besides the only leather I had with me were a pair of regular boots. The idea I had in mind was leather ass-less chaps with a hardness and gay policeman's hat. I wasn't about to dress up as a member of the village people just to get into a club. After I was enlightened to what the place was actually like, I thought it was worth going. "Maybe on a quiet night" I thought, that way I wouldn't be bombarded with too much to process and I'd be more comfortable sat at the bar. I decided to go on a Monday. If I had checked their website in advanced I would have found out that Monday was actually foot fetish night. Now I'm pretty neutral when it comes to this fetish but if I had of know I probably would've went on another night. I head to the bar which opened at 9pm and made my way upstairs. On the quiet nights only the upstairs section of the three storey bar was open. I was greeted by a shirtless barman who looked like Chuck Lidell(ufc fighter) and ordered a drink. He was friendly and welcoming and very open from the get go, he explained to me why there was foot fetish videos on the TV screen, and two guys tickling each other in the corner. I felt a little embarrassed, he asked me about my type as he saw that none of the 9 patrons were talking to me. I told him I was into older guys. "You'd like my friend Kurt, he might be here later" "Cool" I thought. I observed as the barman played cupid with people sitting at the bar, those he knew previously and those he just met. He seemed to enjoy this, but was in no way forced like the barman at Stonewall. He was a really cool barman, didn't pretend to like anyone he didn't like but wasn't rude either. If he wasn't a bottom I'd be very keen to let him fuck me. I wasn't his type anyway, he was more into Latin guys. Speaking of which. A midget parks himself next to me on a stool at the bar. Is midget correct term? Dwarf maybe? Anyway he was about 4 feet tall, Latino, very confident. He immediately struck up a conversation with me. I was the only Irish guy he had ever met. We made some small talk and for whatever reason he wanted to show me some leather harness he bought. He had a picture on his phone. As he flicked through the pics of this unimpressive harness, in a very obviously deliberate move he "accidentally" brought up a picture of his dick(which to be honest was impressive given his size) "Oops, I didn't mean to show you that.....what do ya think?" "Very impressive" I answered smiling. I for just a second contemplated having sex with this guy, just so I could say I was fucked by a midget(dwarf ) however he was being a little overbearing and I soon became uninterested. He got up to use to toilet and never came back. In his place, sat an older black guy who worked just down the street and was just popping in for an after-work drink. He was friendly and interesting and we seemed to be getting on. "Can I swap shoe with you?" "What?!" This was an odd request. Then I remembered where I was. "Just for a few minutes" I hesitantly obliged, it seemed to give him a lot of pleasure. A German man in full leather(pants, boots, and harness) sat beside me, he had a strong BO. Not a bad smell, but a strong smell of sweat, quite nice actually. He joined in on our conversation and filled me with compliments. He leaned in for a kiss, as we were kissing a felt a hand slide down the back of my jeans and grab my ass. I thought it was the German but it was the black guy, I guess he wanted a feel. He then pulls me in for a kiss. The German shoves both his hands up my shirt and feels his way around. "You taste great" says the black guy. His hand sliding further down to the point where I'm sitting on it. His finger pushes into my hole. We all go in for a triple kiss, I'm getting horny. "Come with me" says the German. and takes me by the hand to the toilets. For whatever reason the black dude didn't follow us. Inside the toilets were two older leather guys, one taking a piss into the other guy's glass. He then taps his dick on the rim of the glass making sure every last drop had gone in. Without hesitation, the leather sub knocks back the entire glass of piss. "You find that horny" enquired the German. "Yeah it's hot" I replied. He pulled me into a cubical and shut the door. "Get down" I squat in front of his leather pants in the piss soaked cubical. He pulls out a bottle of poppers and takes a huff. He then feeds me some. The club music begins to pound heavier as does my heartbeat. He pulls out a semi erect penis with a large Prince Albert through the head I place it in my mouth and taste the metal. He pushes his semi soft cock down the back of my throat with gentle thrusts. The feeling of the metal sliding down my throat is new to me and very pleasurable. I take it down and swallow, massaging the head with each gulp. His crotch smells as good and strong as the rest of him, and the high from the poppers heighten this. I feel his cock harden with my lips. He puts the bottle under my nose again "Breath deep" I get nice and light headed, he begins to fuck my throat as he sniffs back the poppers. I see people in the corner of my eye looking in. It gets me going. I start to gag on his cock as he fucks harder and harder, I sense he is close to blowing his load down my throat. I pull back but he pushes my head against the cubical wall so I have nowhere to go. He fills my mouth with his cum, it tastes great. "Open" I open to show him his load. He spits in my mouth and slaps me on the cheek, I swallow it all down. As we leave the cubical and old man grabs me by the arm "I was watching you in there. You're a dirty little boy" This was all done in a very creepy way, that made me feel kind of intimidated, he was really grabbing my arm tight. "Let go of him" said the German guy. and he brought me back to my seat. As I got back to my seat I was scolded by the barman. "You should've let me know you were going to the bathroom, here I held your drink. Next time tell me. Anybody could've put something in there" Oops. I was very impressed that he cared enough to hold my drink and give me a lecture. Luckily(or unluckily depending on your fantasy) I wasn't spiked. "Anyway, Kurt is here, he's at the end of the bar" I excuse myself and head down to see Kurt. He's about 6 feet tall. Wearing jeans large black boots and a sleeveless shirt. He had a bald head and a goatee. Fitting my type(or one of my types) perfectly. Right away we got on great, I felt immediately comfortable around him, and his Texas charm was working wonders. We had a few drinks and he invited me back to his place. The barman looked over and said "See I told ya" he had certainly done his job as cupid well. Just as the place was filling up we decided to leave. Kurt took me to his place in Hell's Kitchen and up to the apartments rooftop. We took in the view and he offered me some weed, I accepted and he gave me a blow back from his joint. This let to a few minutes of passionate kissing. He was probably the best kisser I've ever been with(boy or girl) he knew his way around a mouth, his lips were soft and beard felt great. After a few minutes of swapping spit we moved downstairs to his bedroom. We both undress. "You've got a great ass" he remarks, I thank him. "I'd love to rape that!" "You can" I reply. I feel his body, he is in great shape. His dick is very long. I comment on the size of his penis and he tells me not to worry. "I'll go slow at first" I suck his dick for some time he loves it. Then he parks me on all fours in front of him. He taps my hole with his large dick. "Breath" I take deep breaths as he pushes his dick into me. I feel a shock and push forward, bashing my head off of the headboard. We both laugh before he gives my head a gentle kiss. He is such a cool guy it really makes me want to please him. "Lay on your back" He grabs my ankles and stretches my legs apart, he plunges his dick down in one go, it takes the breath from me but I have nowhere to go. So I take the shock, he begins to fuck. "Yeah exactly like that, fuck your boy hole" He is getting me extremely horny "Fuck me, that's so big" I tell him. "Yeah? You like me raping your ass boy?" I feels so good I can barely answer. "I can tie you up and just rape your hole all day long. If you scream I'll shove my sock in your mouth....Or maybe something else" With that he pulls out and straddles my chest. Pulls my head up by my hair and jams his cock down my throat. I gag a lot and start to drool over his cock. He then buries it back into my hole and fucks. He leans in so my legs are over my head, wraps his arms around me and tongues my mouth and he pounds my hole. This angle is extremely sexy and I can feel his dick pushing through my second ring, it feels amazing. He then turns me around and pounds me from behind, still penetrating my second ring balls deep in my ass. "Im about to cum boy" His speed picks up and I start to loose my breath. "You want my load?" "Yes Sir!" I bellow out. He shoots in me deep, balls deep right into my guts. It makes me hot how deep his dick is in me. "Your turn to cum" "That's ok" I reply, sensing that he might be tired from his machine like fucking. "No way. I'm not the only one having fun tonight" If I could marry that man I would. Where are these kind of tops in Ireland? "Come here" He places me on top on him straddling, with his large dick still in my ass. I grind it deep as I jerk on my dick. It doesn't take much wanking until I blow a huge load on his hairy chest, I collapse, sweaty and exhausted. He pulls my face towards him and makes me lick the sweat and cum from his chest. "Now that's hot" he says calmly. I fall asleep in his arms. He woke me in the morning, fucked another load into me and sent me on my way. We got to know each other before I left and met a few more times, he was one of the nicer guys I met in the states and is the kind of guy I'd do anything sexually with. Those kind of guys are hard to come by, especially at home. Makes me glad I listen to the advice and finally went to the Eagle. My first time there was a resounding success and pretty soon I became a semi regular. Hope anyone who reads this enjoys it. Sorry this entry didn't come sooner. Still trying to come to terms with my recent diagnosis and events surrounding it. So some days it's hard to write about my experiences as I just don't have the energy, I may be a little depressed. Pretty soon I will report on the meeting I believe got me infected, which will be hard given that it has come to light that the guy knew he was positive and told me otherwise. But I think it's the most important part of my stay there, so it's coming up soon. Thanks for reading
    2 points
  7. You should definitely try to get him on Prep too...and do the split roasting! I've been the split roastee (is that the right term? lol) several times and loved it! Also then you to DP some lucky bottom! I'd only done a few times with condoms and was always more that it turned on the tops than for me since it hurt. Since going bare it's much easier and feels fuckign fantastic for me. Nothing like having two cocks shooting up you at the same time!
    2 points
  8. Just got home from my first time getting paid for a fuck. Posted in a previous entry about escorting...but basic story is older hairy guy paid to fuck me. Came in my jock, pulled pants up, and now back home. Just a tip for other guys....just because someone isn't your type doesn't mean that can't throw you a good fuck!
    2 points
  9. This stud just posted several new long clips of him breeding guys he is poz btw http://www.xtube.com/community/profile.php?user=PozSpermdonor
    2 points
  10. It doesn't happen all that often, but I have milked a number of boys. The routine I have developed is to have the boy jerk off for about 15 minutes or so to get him going with anticipation of having his cock controlled. I then restrain his wrists and ankles to the head and foot boards and jerk him until he's beyond begging for a release. It takes getting a rhythm going and pulling back when I sense he might shoot and different jerking techniques like firmly grabbing his cock and jerking him or going loosely up and down his cock with my hand and also resting him for a few minutes every so often. It's all about keeping him on the edge over and over but denying him an orgasm. The most effective way of making the boy squirm and lose control is to put a thin, small toy of about 6 inches in him and have his cunt muscles draw it in and out massaging his prostate while I own his cock. Keep this up for a couple of hours and he will shoot a massive load that just keeps on spurting. And then flip him over and breed him - he's so spent at that point that he's just all cunt wanting to be bitched out by Daddy.
    2 points
  11. Part 2: An unexpected encounter Ryan laid in bed staring at the ceiling. It was time to wake up, but Ryan was more groggy than usual. He didn't sleep very well. The events that unfolded the night before ruminated in the back of his head and he tossed and turned while concerning phrases like "Big poz cock!" and "Deathstick" haunted him throughout the night. Maybe I'll just forget about this and jerk off, Ryan thought. Ryan started stroking his cock and felt that familiar arousal building. He still couldn't shake what he heard out of his head though as he tried to pleasure himself. "Use my ass," Ryan remembered hearing. Despite recalling the events, Ryan's dick hardened quickly. Damn, I have to pee, Ryan realized. He decided to not let his urge to piss disrupt his morning jerk. So, he released his thickening member and groggily made his way out of his bedroom. He paused at the doorway to see if the coast was clear. He was relieved to not hear anything and opened up the half-closed bathroom door. Ryan stopped abruptly at the doorway as the door swung open. All Ryan saw for the moment was cock. Big massive cock. Taken by surprise, he stood silently with his mouth agape. The big cock dangling a couple of feet away was almost hypnotic. But, Ryan forced himself to stop staring and his eyes moved slowly up a six-pack of tan abs to a a very toned chest, until he finally met the dark brown eyes of the tall figure in front of him. "Oh sorry, Donnie said you weren't home," the stranger said as he pissed into the bowl. Ryan was shocked and confused and not putting it all together, "Donnie?" "I mean Donald .. your roommate," the stranger clarified. "Oh right," Ryan said feeling stupid for not making the obvious connection. His eyes fell onto the monstrous dick once again and admired it while the stranger continued to piss. "Not to worry .. he's passed out. He was exhausted," the stranger offered, perhaps trying to ease the awkwardness for Ryan. A long pause followed. Ryan was entranced. He felt a sense of jealousy. Donald got fucked by that? He was thinking as he continued to stare. "I'm almost done," the stranger assured Ryan. "Umm .. it's okay. You don't have to rush," Ryan answered. The stranger felt odd as he continued to piss, while Ryan continued to stare. "Did you need to grab something in here?" the stranger asked. "Huh?" Ryan was again distracted and not processing well. "Oh .. no .. I just have to pee when you're done." Ryan looked down at his feet as he realized he was staring. The stranger finished peeing, flushed the toilet, and then stepped towards Ryan. "I'm Gabe," he said holding out his hand. Ryan looked up and shook it somewhat hesitantly. Ryan was using not shy. But, he was definitely unprepared for this introduction. "Well .. this is definitely the strangest way I've ever met someone," Gabe said trying to ease the tension, "Donald said he had a roommate, but he didn't mention how sexy he was." Ryan glanced at Gabe's cock again. Damn it, Ryan thought, I need to stop looking. "Thanks," he replied softly. "It looks like you liked what you saw, though," Gabe said smiling broadly. "Huh?" Ryan looked down after Gabe pointed at his groin, only to realize he was sprouting a massive boner that was peaking out of the top of his briefs. "Oh yeah," Ryan laughed nervously, "morning wood." Another pause followed. Gabe couldn't miss the sexual interest. Ryan was too scared to make any advances though. Despite being turned on, he knew Gabe had HIV. And this just wan't an option. Gabe stepped close to Ryan, and towered over him by a foot. He leaned in closer and whispered into Ryan's ear "I saw you staring. Don't worry. If you want it, I'll give it to you." Ryan felt Gabe's long and thick member brushing against his stomach. Despite being aroused, he still felt immobilized. "Leave your number on my car windshield if you want it," Gabe whispered. Ryan could feel the heat of his breath on his ear. "It's the Camry." And then, Gabe left quickly as his schlong graised against Ryan's stomach as he departed. Ryan quickly shut the bathroom door. Fuck, hes hot, Ryan couldn't deny. He was too hard to piss and decided to take a shower instead. He couldn't get Gabe's hot body and gigantic dick out of his head. His boner would not go away. So, Ryan decided to jack it, and maybe he'll stop thinking about it. Gabe's offer lingered in Ryan's head. "If you want it," he remembered. Ryan stroked his dick as the shower doused his thin frame with steaming water. I WANT IT Ryan told himself as he stroked more furiously. And then, he imagined himself on all fours, begging for it like Donald did. Yeah I want it, he imagined himself saying to Gabe. He imagined Gabe answering back like he previously heard saying YOU'RE GONNA GET IT. Ryan couldn't control himself. He jacked with vigor. He softly verbalized his desire, "fuck me with your big poz cock." He was surprised how turned on he was as heard himself say it. "Yeah, use my ass. Fill me up with your poz cum," he softly said imagining Gabe deep inside him. Ryan's orgasm was inevitable, "fuck yeah, I want that poz cock" he tried not to say too loudly as he shot his load onto the tile in front of him. His orgasm seemed incredibly intense and nearly unstoppable. Finally, he felt his cock pumping, but no more jizz followed. After some long deep breaths, Ryan returned to normalcy. And he reflected on his "session." He decided that it was just dumb role play. That's all. No need to be worried.
    2 points
  12. My ass was working the plug as best as possible as he was preparing to leave the room. I wanted to be fucked more so bad and this was the end? As he got close to the door he grabbed a cell phone that was on the little table near it. He picked it up and appeared to dial a number. I listened as best as possible to the conversation...I could make out "he is a pig and likes to be fucked and is ready for more. Make sure I have a video to show him what he did tomorrow, since he is likely to forget parts." He put the phone down, came back over to me and put a different hood on, one that covered my eyes, but allowed leaving the piss gag in place. I then heard the faint sound of him walking across the floor and the door open, then close. I was so fucking horny and was stuck here tied in to the sling. I tried to work the plug as best I could on my own to gain pleasure from it. Some time went by and then I heard some noise outside the door. I tried my best to pay attention...even though all I could think about was getting fucked. Next thing I know I hear the door open and I hear voices. "Look at that pig ready to get fucked" and "bet he can take a ton. Look at the size of that plug. This will make for some great footage" I feel my heart start to pound even more. Next thing I know I feel hands on my cock, my ass and my chest...there are so many I can't keep track. I hear "this pig is ours, lets teach him a thing or two." I hear a few voices say "yeah!" I am trying to pay attention, but it is hard. Soon I feel a hand at my head and hear "hey pig, you are going to swallow my piss." soon after I start to feel the piss in my mouth through the gag. I am excited to be getting some attention again. As this is happening I can feel something placed around my forearm. I am figuring at this point it is another injection coming in my arm. I don't resist since I can't see what is happening. Soon after I feel the prick in my arm....then a warm sensation again...then the attempt to caugh. As I am trying to caugh I feel the plug being removed. I hear "look at that hole. It needs to be worked! Give him your fucking cock man." Then I feel it, cock going in. It is big and going in deep. I can't get enough. He is working me hard and fast...I can feel the sling working back and forth...his big cock slipping in and out fast, hard and deep. I just want it more and more. I groan as best as possible with the gag in my mouth and that casues him to work harder. I have never felt anything like this and all I can think is how much i like it. I hear the other vocies "fuck yeah man. This is making for great footage! Fuck him man, harder! Give him your poz load man!" I hear this and at this point I don't care...I just want to be fucked...I want it more than anything. He continues to work me and I hear another guy at my head say "pig, you are going to take my chem piss." I have no choice and I am already reeling from everything. I start to get the warm piss in my mouth, of course still getting fucked like crazy. After a few more minutes I am ever higher and just feel myself wanting all of this more and more. I hear the guy fucking me get loud and say "I am gonna poz him." Soon after I feel his cock enlarge and the load shoot deep in me. After he pulls out I hear "lets double fuck him. I know he can take it" I feel someone slip my hands and feet out of the restraints and then they help me to my feet, Of course I have some trouble but they help. One of them removes the piss gag from my mouth. I am helped on to a platform and told to "sit on his cock" of course I can see it so I am guided. It feels great as I sit on it and it works deep in me. Within seconds I feel someone pushing on my back, pushing me down flat. I then feel the pressure at my hole...and then without warning I feel the second cock slip in...balls deep. I let out a huge moan and hear "yeah, double fuck that ass" It feels amazing, I feel the two cocks working my hole, stretching it out, working in and out. The guy on top works his cock in deep and vigourous for at least 15 minutes...then he starts pulling it out all the way and ramming it back in next to the other cock...burying it deep in my hole. I cant get enough! This goes on for what feels lke forever. Then the guy on top pulls out and says "turn over on your back and sit on that cock Boy" I require some help since I still can't see. They turn me over and slip me back on to the cock below, and of course I then feel the second cock in my ass. About the same time I feel something at my lips and it is a cock and it is worked deepin to my throat. All of the pleasure is jsut amazing to me and I can get enough. Two cocks in my ass and one in my mouth. The two fucking my ass start to work harder at fucking my hole. They both say I am going to cum and shortly after I can feel thier loads in my ass. On cue the guy fucking my mouth shoots his load and I have no choice but to swallow it. "Damn what a fucking pig" they say. "Think he is done?" "Hell no he isn't" Of course all I want is MORE!! "Lets try something else" "Yeah man...do that!!" I can only guess what is next for me...and I don't even care. I just want more!! I feel someone grab my cock and start to rub it. Next thing I feel something cold at the tip of my cock. I then start to feel something work down inside my cock. I know this to be a sound as I have played with them before. I feel it working in and out of my cock and the I feel the guy put it in deep and stop. Next I feel pressure at my hole. I feel something small, must be a finger. Then more and more. I gather this to be a fist...and I am liking it! Right after I feel the fourth finger I feel somthign cold at my ass. I feel it slip in next to the fingers and inside me. Then it happens...the electricity starts. I don't expect it and cry out a scream from the shcok through my dick and deepin to my ass. Of course as this has happened the guy has now put in his entire fist and I didn't even know it. I feel another shock and with that my ass works farther on to the fist....again and again and again...I can feel the fist fucking me...and it is going in deeper and deeper with each shock. "Yeah give him more. He can take it! I want to see him take it to the elbow! Make sure all that poz cum stays deep inside him! More and more and more. I was now enjoying it...anticipating the shock and the fist that worked in deeper behind. Now there was a cock at my mouth and I sucked on it. The shocking continued...as each one happened I worked forward on to the cock in my mouth and the fist work in farther. "Man you did it. You got him up to the elbow! I knew he could do it! His master is going to love this video!" The guy fisting me pulled out and them worked back in, slow and deep. I had never felt that full in my hole. I liked it and didn't want it to stop. All I could say between sucking the cock in my mouth was, more fuck me more! With that he did...working his hand in and out of my hole wiht long deep motions. After he felt I had enough they worked me back to the sling, restrained me again and started to fuck me again. Each taking turns. I really didn't know how many there were, but I guessed 5. I was in such deep pleasure getting fucked one after the other, feeling thier loads deep in me, hearing them groan in extasy as they filled me with thier poz loads. I wasn't even focusing on time anymore...all I cared about was having my ass filled with whatever! Then I heard "How is my pig boy doing for you?" A resoudning "amazing" filled the room. My man said "Great. Alright guys, now he needs his rest. Where is the video?" "Man really? we were having such a great time working his ass?" "Yes, he is mine and now it is time for us. You can come back tomorrow." And with that I heard them leave and the door close. It was now just my Master and I. He came to my head and removed the mask. He asked how I was doing. I told him that I had never imagined that I would have a night like that I was feeling amazing! He replied with "great. Now it is time for you to rest" He took me upstairs and led me to his room. "After you are done sleeping Boy, we can look at your film!" When I woke up he was there laying next to me. Beer can cock laid pressed against the small of my back. "Sleep well boy?" I replied with a yes. "Remeber your long night yesterday?" I replied with not entirely. He said "I figured that would be the case. So I had it recorded so you could watch." With that he hit play on the remote and I started to watch the evening as it had unfolded. I was completely amazed at what I had done and I could feel my cock getting stiff. He reached around the front of me and grabbed my cock and said "I thought so. I knew you liked it! Now you are my little poz boy. You will live with me and service me and my friends." I looked in his eyes and he know that was what I wanted. With that he tied off my arm, waited for the vein to show and slipped the full syringe in my arm. I caughed and he said "Time for round two!" And with the he slid his huge cock deep balls deep in my ass.
    2 points
  13. My retired next door neighbor pays me to take care of his yard. He's too frail to do it himself anymore so I don't mind. He recently moved out and moved in with his son. He rents the place to an older woman now in her mid sixties but still pays me to take care of the yard. She is a little chunky with really big tits and huge nipples. She's always coming outside when I'm around doing the yard in her night wear with no bra , nipples just poking through about the size of my thumb. Being a gay man I try to ignore her , I know she does it on purpose.. During the warm months I wear thin shorts commando style so the outline of my cock is pretty obvious. Guess I'm as big a slut as my neighbor ! Today I was working on the side and the neighbor beside her had recently moved out , actually evicted . The property was being cleaned up by an older guy in his early sixties. We were both working on the side and struck up a conversation. He was a big man , much bigger than me. He had on some overalls. He obviously had really big cock and balls as the bulge was easy to see.. There I was with a t shirt and thin shorts trying not to look at his bulge so I wouldn't start getting a hard on.. I had been sweating so the outline of my cock was totally obvious. I could tell he was glancing at it. At one point I decided to turn off my weed eater sitting there idling. I turned around and bent over from the waist giving him a nice view of my ass.. We talked about the couple living there that got evicted and the mess they left behind. He asked if I wanted to come inside and see the crazy mess . So I said "sure". We went inside and sure enough it was a big mess.. He said " take a look at the bedroom!" and pointed down the hall.. I went first he follow me from behind. We got to the bedroom and Little did I know he had a big hard on. I bent over again to pick up a can and suddenly I felt two big hands grab my shorts and pull them down real fast. He grabbed my hips and pulled my bare ass to his crotch and I could tell he was hard as a rock. He say's " I know a bottom boy when i see one and your a bottom boy !! your fixin to take my big cock whether you like it or not !" My shorts were down and my cock was getting hard and he wanted to rape me . He commanded me to my knees. I turned around and got on my knees. He noticed my growing hard cock and said " I'm going to take that ass , got it ?" I said "yes sir". He took his overalls off and his big cock was standing tall !! Nothing was said as he grabbed his big cock and guided it to my mouth.. I have never been raped before , I was scared , he was twice my size.. Nothing I could do but go with it.. He grabs his cock and guides to my mouth , I submitted and started sucking his big cock. My cock was now frozen hard.. He say's " good boy , suck daddy's big poz cock !" I squirmed away saying " Please don't make me suck your poz cock !" He replies " Oh yes , your gonna suck it good then its going up your ass ! " " Now sit still boy and take daddy's big cock !" I submitted and sucked his poz cock.. Soon i got my first taste of his poz precum.. Though I was being raped I still had a hard on.. I liked it.. I enjoyed sucking his big cock though I was nervous of possibly getting pozzed as I knew he was going to cum in my ass.. Thoughts were racing through my mind.. Is it really rape if I give in ? how could this be rape if I enjoy sucking his cock and I have a hard on ? He then commands " Its time to fill your ass up with cock , bend over across the bed boy !" I get up and turn around and bend over the bed as commanded.. My ass fully exposed to his big poz cock.. He commands me to spread my legs.. He gets up close behind me and rubs his big cock on my ass cheeks.. He reaches around and grabs my hard cock and say's " you like this don't you boy , your hard cock don't lie !" He then spits on his cock.. I knew what was next ... Soon his big cock head was up against my sphincter wanting in.. He took it easy on me going slowly by head fucking me first.. He big cock head going in and out felt really good. My cock immediately let out some precum as soon as his cock head penetrated my boy pussy.. I started backing down on his cock wanting more cock.. He began to tease me as he had me where he wanted me.. I started fucking his cock.. he started pushing forward as i leaned back and soon his big cock was rubbing my prostate .. felt awesome.. I began to drip precum as his cock head rubbed my sweet spot .. He say's " good boy , take my cock , take it all ! " with that he went balls deep and held it there holding my hips tight. He grinded my ass doing circles really spreading my sphincter open good and wide while his cock head probed the depths of ass.. He say's " I love fucking boy hole deep !" With that he held me tight as he fucked my ass.. he started repeating " take that cock ! take that cock !" as his breath became shorter. His intensity level was raising and I knew he was getting close. He then say's " I'm gonna poz your ass boy , get ready for my dna ! " He then makes a sound as if winding up , his voice was getting higher. He grabs my hips and thrusts his cock in as deep as it would go while pulling on my hips.. He then lets loose a huge orgasm ! Pulsating his poz cum deep in my ass .. His hard thrusts and his pulling on my hips made me orgasm as he cummed deep my ass.. We both were shot our load !! After he finished his gifting deed he puts his overalls back on .. my ass is dripping his poz load as I put my shorts on.. He say's "I'm here every two weeks till I get this place rented again , if you want get fucked again with daddy's big poz cock you just cum on over.. and bet you'll be here ready to take more of my poz cum won't you boy ?" I said "yes sir"
    1 point
  14. Note to all my stories: What I post in the fiction section is really and truly fiction, products of my diseased, perverted mind. This story had its start in a guy I saw at Club Z many years ago, long before I discovered bugchasing. He was a troll, looking at him disgusted me, skinny, wasted, missing teeth, much like the Troll in this story. As revolted as I was I couldn't help being fascinated by his cock, it was lovely. Long, hard, perfectly formed, my mouth almost watered watching him stroke it slowly as he looked me in the eye. I wanted to suck it, feel it slide up my ass, squirt me full of his obviously diseased cum. He smiled at me and I turned and fled. I never saw him again, but I still think, what if...? Infected By the AIDS Troll I swallowed when I looked at the Troll, he was obviously sick. I'd seen guys with full blown AIDS before and it had always disgusted me. Now it made my dick hard to look at him and imagine his diseased cock raping my neg ass. He was gaunt, obviously ill, with a big belly that was not from beer. His legs were spotted with a few small Kaposi's marks. He didn't look that bad, but he obviously had AIDS. Did I actually want to let this diseased, AIDS ridden troll fuck me and cum in me? My dick throbbed with the answer, I did. I'd taken never taken a load I knew was poz, had just tested neg after a long dry spell. Now was my chance to get what all my jerk off fantasies revolved around, taking a poz load. I'd finally had to admit to myself that it turned me on more because it would be a load of AIDS cum. We were at a meet and greet for poz men. The organizers put a line in the publicity for the meeting that reluctantly welcomed 'poz friendly neg men', an obvious euphemism for bugchasers like me. I'd recently admitted to myself that I was a bugchaser, what better place to find someone willing and eager to spread the bug than here? I'd thought I'd meet some hot, young, fit guy and go back to his place and get poz fucked. Now my asshole was wet and aching to feel the Troll's diseased cock raping it, tearing it up, making it bleed so his AIDs bug would surely infect me. Troll smiled, a big, shit-eating grin. sure enough, no teeth, just raw gums. I almost shot my load, he was disgusting, I knew I'd be his bitch in minutes. He'd zeroed in and approached me, his name was Tom. The place was packed, he pushed up against me, pressing his hard cock into my butt, then reached around and groped my equally hard cock. We spoke briefly, then he wandered away and circulated, but his eyes kept track of me. My descent into bugchasing started when I saw references to 'charged loads', 'gifting' and 'pozzing' on the net. Soon all my fantasies featured me taking poz loads. When I first stumbled across accounts of young guys taking loads from old, AIDS ridden trolls I'd been revolted, but my dick was always rigid and oozing. More and more I jerked off to more extreme bugging fantasies featuring disgusting AIDS ridden trolls. Why was my dick hard and oozing, about to cum in my pants when I looked at him? I tried desperately to hide it, but I wanted him to bend me over the table and give me the hardest buttfucking of my life, ramming his diseased cock in me hard enough to tear my ass bloody and give the virus that infected his cum a straight shot at my bloodstream. Tom snickered as looked me up and down, he knew what I needed. He wore loose sweat bottoms and his cock was swelling as he looked me, tenting the crotch of the sweats. I couldn't help but stare, it was obviously large, thick and long, I went weak in the knees with a need to suck it, to make it grow, make it hard, so he could violate my neg ass and infect me with his disease. The place had thinned out a bit, men were making out, a few were on their knees sucking, one pair were fucking urgently. Tom looked at me and leered, my time was near. He pushed his sweats down and his cock flopped out. I whimpered, it was beautiful, magnificent, long, thick, big helmet head, a long foreskin lapping over a huge PA. My ass ached as I thought of how much it would hurt when he shoved that AIDS dick in me, how he'd tear my ass open and create clear paths for his disease to find it's way into my bloodstream and infect me. He pulled his shirt up and pushed his sweats down, he was gaunt and wasted, full belly, obviously diseased, Kaposi's on his thighs. I swallowed and dropped my pants to my knees, then turned around, leaned against the drink rail and stuck my ass out. Seconds later I felt the wet head of Tom's cock nuzzle my needy asshole. I moaned and pushed back, he chuckled and slapped me. "Easy, boy! I'm the boss here, you're nothing but a sick bugchasing bitch. You'll get what you want, but you'll get it like I want to give it to you. Tom pumped nine inches of hard dick in and out of me. He popped the head out, then back in, fuck it felt good! A few more minutes of slow fucking and he chuckled. "You like my AIDS dick in you, don't you?" "Fuck yeah, fuck it's good, give it to me." "Oh, I will, you're gonna get what you want tonight, gonna pump a creamy load of my AIDS cum into your tight neg ass, just like you want. I'm full blown. Yeah, you're gonna get it tonight, gonna poz you tonight, gonna infect you tonight." My stomach lurched when he said that. His dick felt so good in me, I loved he had AIDS. He would infect me, I should ask him to stop, or pull out and cum on my ass, not in it. It was so good getting fucked, it was so hot having an AIDS infected cock in me. My ass felt really wet, like when a man had cum in me, had he? I couldn't, but I knew some guys could cum more than once per fuck. Had he already shot in me? My dick pulsed at the thought, I could have AIDS cum in me now! I almost shot my load, it was so hot thinking about getting AIDS cum in me, I wanted it. "You gonna cum in me, gonna fill me with AIDS cum?" "Already shot once, your neg ass is full of my AIDS cum, my AIDS babies are in you now, I just pozzed you, just infected you, you got my strain." I moaned and shot my load, it was too late, he'd cum in me. No point in asking him to stop. And it felt so good, I wanted another load of his poison cum. "Fuck that's hot, cum in me again, give me another load of AIDS cum!" "Oh, I am, I'm pozzing you tonight, just like you wanted." "Fuck yeah, poz me, give it to me, poz me, infect me with HIV! Give me your strain!" I wanted it, wanted to get pozzed, infected with HIV. I might already have been, would be if he fucked me enough. Yes, he was infecting me now. "Sure thing, bitch, gonna infect you tonight, just like you want, gonna infect you with HIV." "Yes, infect me, infect me with HIV. I want you to infect me with HIV, I want your strain!" I looked at him fucking me in the mirror, he was full blown, he had AIDS. I felt his swollen AIDS belly against me and knew he was for real. I wanted his strain. "Give me your load, I want your strain, infect me with HIV!" "Already have you sick fucking faggot, already infected you, take my AIDS cum, faggot!" He shoved in hard and moaned, I felt his cock swell and a warm flood filled my guts as he ejaculated and filled my ass with his AIDS cum, giving me his strain.
    1 point
  15. Day 1 Corey and Richard had been dating a good year, when Corey received a random friend request on Facebook from a handsome Australian guy, Shane. Shane is 23 years old, and was in the midst of planning a trip to the grand 'ole USA, with his first stop being Tampa, Florida. Never a shy type, Shane had started looking for cute guys to hang with, and with some luck have some fun with whilst on holidays, hence - his contact with Corey and Richard. As mentioned, Shane is quite the handsome Aussie fella, 6'1" tall, light brown hair, blue eyes, toned swimmers build, vers, 8 inch uncut dick and to top it off - a smile that can melt butter. He is, however, in equally amazing company as Corey is 22 years old, 5'10", slim, blond hair, green eyes, devilishly cute, mostly bottom and 6 inches cut, and his boyfriend Richard is a 24 year old, muscled Adonis, close to 6' tall, slim waist, chiseled abs, pecs, 9 inch cut cock, vers and definition on top of his definition. His true strength though is his genuine likability - he's just a sweet young man with no attitude like other gym junkies out there. After several weeks of chatting via Facebook and 'clean' video calls on Skype from Australia, Corey and Richard felt comfortable enough with Shane to offer their guest room to him for a week or two. Their generous offer was gratefully accepted by Shane and the planning process for the Tampa leg went into full swing. Clearly Shane's intentions were known to himself, however what he didn't realise was that Corey and Richard were not only genuinely excited to host this Aussie, but also to see if they could get some hot action from this stunning uncut Australian tourist. D'day arrived and after 27 hours in total travel and transit time from Australia, Shane finally arrived in Tampa to very welcoming smiles and hugs from Corey and Richard. Right from the get go, it was clear there was a mutual attraction between all. Having travelled for so long, the plan was to drive home for a quick stop to allow Shane to shower, and then head out for a drink and get to know each other. As Shane entered the bathroom, he deliberately left the door cracked, on the off chance the boys wanted to have a peek. It didn't take long, not a second after the water was running, both boys were peeking through the crack in the door. Both Corey and Richard admired the fine formed Aussie in their shower; as the water cascaded over his tanned pecs, and slim swimmers waist. The boys were all worked up in an instant. Richard had been standing behind Corey, as he is taller and it offered them both better vantage points to peer through the cracked door. This however, easily allowed his stiff 9 inch cock to rub Corey's rear, a sensation he never tired of. Given their heightened state of arousal, Corey quickly dropped to his knees and pulled Richards pants down, devouring Richards cock in a flash. During his hasty relocation, Corey bumped the door, and caused it to emit a slight, but still noticeable squeak. Shane immediately heard the noise, however without missing a beat, he continued his shower routine as normal, although the knowledge that both boys were now watching him shower made him exceptionally happy of what might happen in the weeks ahead. Corey was crouching at his lovers feet, sucking his man's dick, enjoying the taste, the sensation, and imagining the three of them fucking. Whilst Richard was enjoying his blowjob, he kept peering into the bathroom, soaking up the visual delights in front of him, all the while Corey was priming the juice in Richard's balls through his expert suck technique. Richard was now losing himself in the blowjob, gently leaning back on the door frame, closing his eyes as the warm wet mouth worked his cock over, Corey's tongue gently teasing and stimulating the sensitive nerve endings on his cock. Corey was very talented in the oral department, as neither he nor Richard noticed when Shane turned-off the shower, nor when he dried himself off. Shane, on the other hand, heard the gentle slurping noise from the hallway, which triggered an immediate reaction in his groin. He took a seat on the closed toilet seat, which faced the door, and proceeded to stroke his cock until it was at full mast. He sat there and continued working his cock as he listened to the delightful sounds from the hall, knowing full well he was the inspiration for the commencement of the boy's sexual interaction. Shane collected a generous amount of spit in his mouth and then transferred it to his left hand, gently working it between his fingers. He then raised his legs off the floor, his knees to his chest, and started working his slick fingers into his tight Aussie hole. With his fingers working his hole over and his fist jacking his cock, it didn't take long for Shane's cock to start leaking generous amounts of precum. The shine on his cock was amazing, with small beads of precum dripping down the length of his eight inch tool, like wax dripping down the side of a candle. Richard fell from the skies, and realised the shower was now off, and having lost all sense of time he genuinely had no idea how long they had been there in the hallway. Richard listened at the door for signs of life in the bathroom, and when he couldn't hear anything his curiosity got the better of him; so he pushed the door open in one go and both he and Corey we there in the hallway, in awe of the sight in front of them. The hot piece of Aussie meat, on display in all his glory. His hole being worked over, now with four fingers of his left hand in his arse, pounding away, his eyes closed, Shane was now the one lost in sexual delights; just as Richard had been not five minutes earlier. Corey stood and together he and Richard finished undressing each other, then proceeded towards Shane. With slight hesitation, Richard got down and started kissing Shane's inner thigh, and at that exact moment Corey started sucking on Shane's exposed piece of meat. This of course snapped Shane back into reality, and as his smile grew from ear to ear the three young men simply shared an unspoken moment whereby they acknowledged their carnal desire for each other and subsequently allowed the moment to play its course. Shane now removed his own fingers from his hole as Richard was now there, itching to tongue fuck his hole, and he didn't disappoint! Rimming has always been one of Richards favourite sexual pleasures and he was right in Shane's hole, enjoying every moment of it. Alternating from licking the outer edge, to deep forceful thrusts to scratching up Shane's hole with the stubble on his chin. Corey on the other hand was getting Shane's cock slick with generous amounts of spit, because he wants nothing more than Shane's fat uncut 8 inch cock inside his arse! The first words in a very long time were now spoken by Corey, when he asked Richard if Shane could fuck him. Corey is quite submissive sexually and if told to by Richard, he will take any mans cock and load, but only if told to do so by his boyfriend. Richard of course said yes, but said to Shane that if he wanted to fuck around with them it must be bareback, to which Shane said that he tested negative a week prior to his USA trip, although he's been exclusively bareback for the past 3 years. This was music to their ears, and without hesitation, Richard pulled Shane toward him a little so that Shane's arse was slightly over the edge of the toilet seat, whilst Shane grabbed onto the basin on one side and the bath tub on the other side to steady himself. Immediately, Corey threw his leg over Shane and whilst facing him, sat down on Shane's cock, gently lowering himself down, allowing his arse to adjust to the raw cock now working it's way deep within him. As this was taking place, Richard lined up his 9 inch fuck stick to Shane's tight hole and with reckless abandon punched it balls deep into Shane, causing Shane to yelp in obvious discomfort. Richard hesitated a little, knowing he's a rough fuck at the best of times, he was a little worried that he'd perhaps gone a little too hard, too soon in their first encounter with Shane, however as Shane sensed that he'd adjusted his style, he quickly told to Richard to fuck him like the whore he is, to use his cumhole like the countless number of men before him. This triggered a little something inside Richard and a hot nasty perverted smile swept across his face. He began fucking Shane's hole like there was no tomorrow and Shane took it like an absolute champ, even as the micro tearing from the chin stubble scratches started to become more and more irritated, Shane never showed discomfort. He enjoyed the pounding he was receiving from Richards massive fuck tool. Corey was bouncing on Shane's cock like a 5 year old on a trampoline, every so often he'd grind down and get Shane's cock inside him as far as it would go, deeper and deeper. Even though Corey was submissive, he was quite vocal, but not moaning, more like dirty talk, and as he was grinding down on Shane's cock he was telling Shane how Richard owns his hole, how he must be ready for Richard, Richard's mates or complete strangers to fuck him and breed him whenever Richard see's fit. Shane was so turned on hearing that, with the steady pounding on his hole, his tight anal lips wrapped snug around Richards thick cock, tearing him up. Whilst the hot young hole belonging to Corey is thrusting down on his own fuck stick, it's all getting a little too much for Shane to bear. His moaning becomes uncontrollable! The sensations all too much. Corey is doing an expert job, working Shane's dick with his cum hole, talking dirty, begging for Shane's load, grunting "Fuck me, cum up my twink hole you hot Aussie fucker!" Corey is slamming himself down, tweaking Shane's pierced nipples and finally Shane reaches his breaking point, he shouts out that he's gonna cream Corey's tight hole, fuck his load in deep. And with that, the process begins, his orgasm is upon them, his cock thickens inside Corey's hole and he sprays his 3 day load in this young mans hole. Of course as this happens, the relentless pounding from Richard hasn't subsided, Shane's battered hole, aching and tender, pulsing around Richards meat, as Richard slams into Shane with all his might and unleashes a torrent of cum, fucking it into Shane's inner walls. Ensuring his load is thoroughly absorbed into this Aussie, making sure his passport is officially 'Tampa' stamped. Long after Richards orgasm has passed, he was still slowly working his cock in and out of Shane, churning the cum into a froth. Shane and Corey are locked in a passionate embrace, broken when Corey moves only enough to whisper in Shane's ear that he and Richard are recently Poz, and unmediated. Shane remains silent for a moment and Corey is concerned that his comment could have scared Shane due to his silence, however, his fears are alleviated when he feels Shane's dick begin to thicken inside him again. And only then does Shane let both the guys know that he'll do everything in his power to ensure he becomes poz whilst he stays with them, and return to Australia and share their gift internationally. The boys decide that they are now too exhausted to head out for a drink, and that the spare room won't be required as Shane should be sleeping in their bed for the next two weeks. Naturally Shane is more than happy with this proposal, and all three head straight to bed without showering, as they enjoy the smell and feel of each other after their sexual experience. The hosts lay either side of Shane as they drift off to sleep, each silently pondering what sexual adventures will be experienced over the next 13 days.
    1 point
  16. It was a typical Friday night. Of course all I could think about was how horny I was and how badly I wanted to have my ass filled. I was online cruising around BBRT checking things out. There was this guy that I had chatted with before online. We had tried to connect a few times before, but it just hadn't worked out. I figured I would give it a try tonight and see if he was free. I hit him up and we chatted for a bit. Next thing I knew I was on my way to his palce. I was happy to finally meet him as we had many conversations about what we would do if we ever met. I arrived at his house and was ready to ring the bell when I saw a note. "Door unlocked. Come in, remove your clothes and put on the items on the bench." My heart raced a bit with anticipation as I opened the door and went in to the entry way. The area was dimly lit, but there was the bench with a box on it. I undressed and proceeded to open the box. Inside I found a leather jock strap, a ball gag and a hood. I put on the items and sat down on the bench and waitied for what seemed to be an eternity. Soon enough I could feel a presence in the room. I hear a low voice say "are you ready boy?" I nodded my head in acceptance as I could speak. I felt his hand touch my shoulder and I rose. He led me down a hardwood floor for a bit and then down some stairs slowly as not trip and fall. When we finished decending the stairs we stopped for a minute. I was trying to pay close attention to the sounds as I had no idea where I was. I thought I could hear a door opening, shortly after I felt his large hand again as he led me further forward. We then again stopped. I felt him work his way behind me as felt cold metal on my left wrist and a clenching. I assumed it was a pair of handcuffs after I felt the cold metal hit my right wrist. At this point I knew that I was in for something. He pushed me forward again from behind until I felt something hit me on the front of my body, just above my cock. He pushed my head down until I was laying flat on my stomach with my head against a platform. He slid me forward on the platform and set my legs up until I was in a legs bent position. I put it all together and realized that I was on a fisting bench. I then proceeded to feel him put some cold lube on my ass and insert a finger, then two. He held them inside for a minute and then asked "are you ready to go to the next level and experience things you never thought possible" I thought about his question briefly and the shook my head in acceptance. He removed his fingers. I could hear him doing somehting behind me, but was unable to make out what was going on. Next thing I knew there was pressure again at my hole. I felt something begin to insert into my hole, slighily larger than his two large fingers. Then I felt my ass fill with what I thought was an amount of water, but there was a slight burning sensation to it. He removed the device from my hole and then slipped in something else. I could tell immediately it was a butt plug. In no time I was starting to feel hot and my heart was racing. I felt his hand again at my head as he pulled me into an upright position. He removed the hood and for the first time I could see him. Of course at this point I was becoming extremely horny and all I wanted was to be fucked. I took in my surrounds as best I could. I noticed a sling next to the bench I was on. He proceeded to ask me how I was feeling. Of course I was not able to speak since there was a gag in my mouth still, but he could tell what I wanted. He said he knew that I wanted to get fucked because he just gave me a huge booty bump. He proceeded to remove the handcuffs and as he did so he told me I was going to get fucked more then I ever had before. I shook my head in acceptance again. He led me over to the sling and helped me in and put my hands and feet in to the restaints attached to the chains. There was a mirror attached to the top of the sling and I could see my self laid out like a pig waiting for wahtever he wanted to give to me. He reached to my ass and removed the plug. Once it was gone all I could think about was that I felt empty and I wanted more inside me. As I watched in the mirror I could see him remove his jock strap to reveal his huge cock. It must have been 10" and as thick as a beer can. I thought to myself there is no way I can take this, but all I could think was that I wanted it. He came to my arm and tied something around it I could see the syringe out of the corner of my eye. I watched as he slid it into my vein and emptied it into me. I felkt an instant rush and tried to cough with some avail due to the gag in my mouth. He proceeded to fill the syringe again and empty it into his arm. He then doused a healthy handfull of lube on his cock and lines it up with my quivering hole. He looked in my eyes and I said as best I could with the gag in my mouth "fuck me Sir!" Instantly he slid that huge beer can cock in to my ass and he went all the way, balls deep. I couldn't believe that I just took that huge cock, but all I could think about was how good it felt inside me. He began to fuck me slowly at first and then he ramped up the speed. Eventually he was pushing back on the sling so that his huge cock slid all the way out of my ass and then back in balls deep. I couldn't get enough! It felt so fucking amazing! Finally after an hour of fucking he started to twitch and I knew that he was going to give me his load. He groaned loudly and pushed himself deep insdie me. I could feel his warm juice loading inside me. He pulled his huge cock out of my ass and come around to my head. He removed the gag from my mouth and then stood on a pedistal at the head of the sling. He then procedded to piss in my mouth. He said "Be a good boy and drink all of Daddies chem piss!" I did as I was told. I was so high at this point and all I wanted was for my ass to be filled again. He went back around to my ass and began to put crisco in his hands. He slapped a generous amount on my ass and worked it in to my open hole. He then began to work his fist in to my hole. It was amazing how easily he got the large paw inside of me. Once again I couldn't get enough. I could see his cock was still rock hard. He asked me if I wanted another load. I replied with a yes. With his fist still inside me he worked his huge cock in next to it. I could feel my hole stretching as he wokred in to me. It felt amazing. He said " I am going to jerk off my dick iside you." I could feel as he wrapped his fingers around his cock and began to work them insdie me. I had never felt anyhitng like this before and it sent me to the moon. I laid my head back in pure enjoyment. This went on for close to ten minutes before he released another load in to me. He pulled out his hand and slipped a large plug in to my ass. He then said sleep well and I will see you in the morning.............
    1 point
  17. I decided to do something special for my boy's birthday. We planned a night of clubbing and dancing at a few of our favorite bars. I was hoping to line up some dick to share for later that evening. After work, we met at home to shower and change. I helped him clean out his asshole and rimmed him good. I squirted a heathy amount of lube up his tight pussy and fingered it in. I could have dropped my load up his hole right then and there, but I wanted him to be hungry for what was to cum. It's worth mentioning that neither me or my boy have been tested in about a year. We swore it off after discovering the joys of POZ cum and barebacking. We got to the first bar around 10, still too early for things really to be hopping. We had a few drinks, shucked off our shirts, and I dry-humped him on the dancefloor, rubbing my hard cock through my jeans against my boy's bubble butt. I knew that always got him going. We were about to collect our things and go when we ran into two friends of my mine from work, Juan, who was coincidentally the first load I took that I later found out to be POZ, and his boyfriend Mike, also POZ. I knew they had an open relationship, not unlike mine and my boy's, that included sharing our boys' holes and being open to POZ cum. Turns out that it was Mike's birthday too. Who knew? We invited them on our pub crawl. On the cab to the next bar, my boy sat in front, I was in the middle of the back seat, with the POZ couple on both sides of me. No sooner than the cab had started to move, those boys were all over me, unbuckling my jeans, and tweaking my nipples under my shirt. My boy looked jealous of all the fun crying, “Hey? What the fuck? I thought this was supposed to be my party?” I made Juan stop jerking me through my brieds so I wouldn't cum too soon, and promised to make it up to my boy later. But that didn't stop me from tongue-fucking Mike's mouth the rest of the way to the next bar. We got there around midnight and it was really jumping, one of my favorite bars, half dancefloor and half darkly-lit bar with semi-private booths. I saw one of the hottest go-go boy bartenders in town behind the bar. Doug is about 6'-0”, dark black skin, buzzed hair, and piercing grey eyes, not to mention his ripped body, shown off to great effect my the tight Calvins he was sporting. The size and shape of his basket left little to the imagination, but much to drool over. I went up to get a round of drinks and Doug charmed me with his smily flirty self. I slipped him cash and he promised to personally deliver the drinks. When I got back to our booth, I was not surprised in the least to see my boy sitting between our POZ friends, with his legs open side, jeans unbuttoned, and two hands down his pants, while he was busying himself kissing one then the other. “Mind if I interrupt,” I asked? My boy just moaned in reply. He did manage to pull himself off of Juan's tasty lips when he saw Doug walking up, balancing four double gin and tonics on a tray with one hand. Let's just say his waiterly skills were not what my boy found so impressive. Drinks were handed around and Doug leaned far over the table to give the birthday boy a kiss, a long sultry, deep, almost violent kiss, and then whispered something in his ear. I could tell he was loving every second of this attention. Doug sauntered back to the bar, we quickly downed our drinks, and Juan and Mike went to dance. I scooted over to my boy and asked what Doug had whispered to him. “Oh, he just asked if I wanted to see his tattoo later...” What tattoo, I thought? This hot piece of meat was wearing sandals and briefs and nothing else, so where and what was it? My boy got up to take a leak, so I went back to the bar to flirt with Doug some more and ask about that tattoo. Doug was checking out some college kid's fake ID when I got to the bar, but the kid was cute, so he made him a drink anyway. Ah, the corruption of youth. Doug winked at me and then asked if there was anything he could do for me. I asked if I could see his tattoo. He grinned from ear to ear and pulled down his briefs. Around the base of his huge stunning chocolaty well-groomed cock and balls was a biohazard tatt, barely visible against his dark skin. He covered up and then asked if he could show it to me again later. I let him know it was Mike's birthday too, and we made plans to meet up as soon as his shift was over and have a little private party back at our place. I gave him directions and asked him to give us a few minutes to get home and settled. After several more rounds of drinks, and some anonymous blue and pink pills, we couples piled into a taxi. I asked my boy if he had had a good party, and he frowned. “I was hoping to have some cock lined up for tonight. I've got a prelubed hole gone to waste. Shit, and I forgot to leave the bar without seeing Doug's tattoo.” I promised my boy that the party was only just beginning and we had a long night ahead of us. Juan and Mike were too busy missing out to hear anything. When we got home, I turned on some music, and headed to the kitchen to make another round of cocktails. When I came back with the drinks, all of the boys had their shirts off and were exploring each others' bodies with hands and tongues. I shimmied out of my shirt and was about to drop trou when there was a knock at the door. Oh shit, I thought, must be a neighbor coming to complain about the noise. I was happily surprised when Doug was standing there, with a bouquet of roses. I invited him in, and he presented half of the roses to my boy and the other half to Mike. They both thanked him by shoving his tongue down Doug's throat and feeling him up. Doug asked the birthday boys if he could give them a special show. They both drooled with excitement as Juan and I settled down onto the sofa. Doug started to strip until he was back down to his briefs, only now there was a translucent wet spot at the tip of his hardening cock. Mike and my boy got down on their knees and leaned forward, taking turns working Doug's growing cock through the cloth. It didn't take long for Doug's dick to shoot out over the elastic waist. My boy took the opportunity to start sucking on his plum-sized cockhead. Doug worked Mike's pants off and boy boy shimmied out his. Mike pulled down Doug's briefs and went to work on his balls; only then did he notice Doug's tatt. “Oh yeah! There's something extra special in this sauce, isn't there?” Doug just grinned. Facing us, Doug leaned forward and worked his hands into their undies. He took both hands, swirled them around his dick, getting them shiny and wet with his precum and my boy's spit, and began fingering their holes. Juan leaned forward and ripped off Mike's briefs, and I did the same for my boy. Juan and I were trying to kiss, but were too distracted by the live POZ sex show going on just inches from our faces. Doug spun our boys around so they were now facing us, demanding that they get our jeans off and show us some appreciation. They went to work undressing us and started gobbling our cocks. I grinned at Juan, got up, and switched places with him, so now my boy was blowing him while his boy was blowing me, all the while, their asses being toyed with by a ripped black POZ go-go boy. Doug lapped at my boy's hole, then Mike's hole, back and forth until they were both ready. He plunged bare into my boy's quivering hole all the way to the balls. After a few strokes, he did the same for Mike. They were both squealing with delight. I had never seen a POZ black dick stretch my boy's hole, and it got me so close to cumming that I had to pull Mike's mouth off. I scooted underneath so I could suck his dick and finger my own hole with some of Mike's POZ precum, and watch Doug's assail more closely. Juan matched my position and started deep-throating my boy's dangling cock. Doug couldn't hold back much longer and started to cum in Mike's hole, but pulled on and shot the rest on his back. With both hands, he scooped up as much as he could and fingered it into the boy's gaping sloppy holes, open and stretched after their pounding. Mike shot buckets into my hungry mouth, with such force that much of it went straight down my throat. My boy came shortly later all over Juan's face. I wiped it up, lubed up my dick with my boy's load, and spit Mike's load on Juan's dick. Juan leaned over and spread his boys asscheeks for me as I entered Mike's ass. I was obliged to return the favor and spread my boy open wide for him to use and abuse. I savored every inch of Mike's sloppy hole, so filled with a mix of Doug's cum, and my boy's cum as lube on my dick that I could hear a squelching sound. Knowing what toxic goo I was working deeper into his pussy got me off quick. It was only a matter of minutes until I added my own spooge to the mix. Juan must have felt the same way, cumming only seconds after me and breeding my boy with his own toxic cum. Covered in sweat, I shared a passionate kiss with Juan before pulling out of his boyfriend's sloppy cunt and started rimming my own birthday boy's ass. I fingered some of his loads out, tongued out some more, and lapped up the foam around his hairy hole. With a full mouth, I kissed my boy hard, sharing so much cum that it dripped all over both of our faces. In our cumfest, we hadn't even realized that Doug had left the party. I found scrawled on a note on the table by the door from him: Happy Birthday boyz. Hope you like your gifts. Here's a number ***-***-**** to call when you're all ready for your own tatts. I can get you a deal. Love, Doug.
    1 point
  18. Hi guys, as armpits lover here , i would love to hear and share your opinion. do you like armpits bushy ( hair coming out of sides)? hairy normal ? shaved? and as for smells, u like them fresh sweaty? deo? natural? stinky? ripe? unwashed? when i see guy raising is hands up and reveal hairy armpits i get super turned on . i love when guy see my armpits and just sniff it and push his tongue deep in for long time. love to hear your fav and stories.
    1 point
  19. Last Saturday I was invited to a party I have been to before. This time the host said he had over 100 people invited. He was right. When I got there there a huge crowd. Men and women. One rule is that all fucking has to be totally bareback. Women are told to expect multiple guys to cum inside them so use birth control. I enjoy them because there are a lot of guys who like to fuck an ass. In about an hour I had two loads in me, one from a hot Latin guy and another from an older bear. I was relaxing by the bar and this 40 year old woman sat next to me. She said this was her first time and was here with her husband. He was off somewhere fucking and she was sort ot put out. She asked what I thought of her and I said she was very nice. Big tits and nice ass. I also said I am into guys. She then said no problem but would I consider fucking her. Well why not and I said sure. Before I knew it she had me in the one of the rooms and was blowing me. She did great and I alsmost came. She stopped and said no she wanted it in her. She laid down and spread her legs. I fuckd her and then came a huge load in her pussy. She then licked me clean and I fucked her again. Not being into women she was one great fuck.
    1 point
  20. @sluttysublad - I am kinda embarrassed to admit it but I have been keeping an excel spreadsheet with all of my loads since the beginning of the year. Suppose I may sound like a geek, but it makes it easy to track. I organize by date, oral vs anal, where/how we met (bath house, adult book store, bbrt, etc) Although my numbers are not nearly as high as some on here (sigh), it has been pretty cool to see my results each month.
    1 point
  21. FUCK!!!!!! I'm strokin and shooting as I read this hot story: More, more...it's adickting.........
    1 point
  22. No need to apologize as all stud. I hope you get over your depression soon. I have been there I take Prozac daily to combat the depression.
    1 point
  23. It varies from city to city and country to country I guess. Also sometimes which day of the week. Can be a hit or miss. The same club may be horny fun all around one evening and the next it's filled with guys with an attitude who won't even look at you and think they are God's gift to the world. I know clubs which are known for the latter so I avoid those mostly. Pity is those are usually the best so you keep giving it a try now and then only to realise it was another wasted evening and you should have known better. Just give it a try, visit on different nights and see what the atmosphere is. And sure, at first go with a friend if that is a possibility.
    1 point
  24. This guy actually had posted some of his vids before but had to lay low and took them down so now they are back up and he will be adding more I guess.
    1 point
  25. If you're like me it won't be long before you don't even check status and it only turns you on when you find out the load shooting in you is poz.
    1 point
  26. yeah, uclatinosj, I just want that load in me and I don't care about me till my top is done with me
    1 point
  27. well like you i plan on living as i have. As a teen through my 20's i was a whore didnt know my status and took all loads. once i got into my late 20's is when i toned down my sexual adventures. When i got checked and knew i was Neg i stopped having sex for the most part only because ive never liked condoms and wanted to remain so. Now that i decided on taking PrEP i feel a lil more free and plan on playing with Neg and Undetectable guys..
    1 point
  28. Love shoving my face in a rope hairy pit when a cock is breeding my pig hole.
    1 point
  29. Just want to apologise for the comment I made a while ago about asking for it. It was childish and I'm better than that so im sorry to hear about ur situation. Great story tho
    1 point
  30. Took my last load this past Saturday night, from a tall, good looking stranger my partner found on CL. He loaded my ass while my partner watched. He was probably neg, I never asked status, but still held the load in me till Monday morning just in case, by which time it fully absorbed into me.
    1 point
  31. Night of Sauna Conquest: Part 4 I paced myself for a bit as I sternly cruised who was in the downstairs part. As I got to the video room I could hear the chatter coming from within. “Glad a pig bottom came in tonight so need to unload in an unsuspecting victim”. I was aroused by all this poz talk and soon found a dark room near the video room. As I positioned my body across the bed and positioned my legs so my ass hung right out showing my hole. I took another inhale of the popper. My world went red with joy as I felt the touching on my ass. “How many loads you taken?” came from the man behind me. ‘I’ve had four loads so far” I replied. I felt the man move behind me and squat and lick my hole. He started to spread my hole open and a drop of seed started to run from my full cunt. “Good pig” I heard followed by “I’ll be adding to that when the rest of my buds arrive”. I took a hit of the popper and heard the man leave as the next guy came in. I soon felt the sharp prickling of the Prince Albert again against my hole and realised I was going to be impaled on it again. My head was a spin and he said “your such a good hole to breed. I want to give you another hot load” I braced as he pushed himself in the nine inches and almost beer can sized thickness was pushing into me when I had my next hit of poppers. This time it wasn’t as rough as earlier and for the next five minutes he was just sliding in and out of my wet hole. Occasional id feel a small stab of pain when the pa missed the entrance. But I was thoroughly enjoying taking this cock. Second time round I was just in daze. Slowly my senses had started to come back to me and I could now feel the pa cock stabbing my insides hard again. I couldn’t contain myself any longer I screamed out loud enough everyone could here. “Yeah breed this neg pig hole” it was just enough to have me feel myself milking that cock. “Fuck pig you know how to turn a poz man on. Your going to be bugged by the end of night” “fuck yeah take my second dirty load you dirty pig” and with that I felt him ramping up his thrusting I was now in so much pain as I felt the load hit my punctured walls. Such a burning sting arousing my sense that I was bug chasing and had been wanting this free willed sex. As the last of his thrusts stopped I knew he’d finally finished shooting his load. “Thanks pig I’ve really drained all my toxic juice in you” “I’ll be messaging you on the site to find out how sick you are in a few weeks”. He said very weakly drained of his energy. As his dick went limp in my hole and I felt how we had some how both gotten very sweaty in that fuck. I was breathing heavy and with his limp body on me I said “I think you need this room more have a rest and thanks for charging my hole” he allowed me out from beneath him and as I got my towel and poppers. I knew I was needing a break and a steam would be perfect so off I went with the load id gotten leaking out my hole. The steam room of the sauna was always good could find a spot and spread out also had a small locker that matched the locker upstairs so you could put your poppers away from the heat. As I stored my popper in the locker I saw the bio hazard tattoo guy again. He’d just come back or had been in a room. He winked at me and said “Buddy of mine is in there you’ll be wanting his load to”. Curiosity now got the better of me, I decided to take the poppers in with me if I was going to have sex in the steam room. With all the changes the rest of the place had gone through id thought the steam room would of to. But it was still the dark dungy place old pine wood seating one top one back running the length of the wall and around the corner to the darkest spot. Still had a shower in the corner for a quick cooling cold blast. But it was the two rooms in the steam room one wanted to be in. both had a bit of long bench in them to so one could climb on and then spread there legs and ass open. I chose to go in to the second one as it allowed you to see through to the dark corner. As I placed the towel on the bench beneath me and got in position with my ass over the end I saw the guy the bio hazard guy had told me about in sitting on the bench stroking his monster cock in the dark corner. Hearing the creaking sound of the bench the guy moved round to the room. Looking at him there was something familiar to him. A distant memory from my haunting days of the past in the sauna. As he came into full site I recalled his name, the years hadn’t diminished his bearing manly build. The only change was the face some what stricken no longer the black hair but bald and a salty beard. “Hank is that you” I asked and got no reply as he came closer to inspect me. He stuck his rough fingers in my juice filled hole. “I’ve waited a very long time to have you again boy” he said as I continued to look at him and seeing him still stroking his thick veiny cock. He was big at about eleven inches. My thoughts couldn’t stop thinking “who are you when did we meet?” I asked. As he plunged his rough fingers into my cunt again. “I haven’t gone by Hank in year’s boy” came his reply. “I’m surprised you recognised me” I was lost in thought going back to the very first time I entered the sauna how scared and timid I was and how this man before me changed my life that night showing me the ropes telling me the tricks. And then letting me suck him off in the sauna. “You’ve grown boy no longer an innocent but knowing what you want. The place is a buzz of your exploits tonight” I didn’t know what to say back to Hank after he said those words. “By the way kid I go by aids daddy now” I was now in complete shock but out of nostalgia I reached for his cock and felt its veiny thickness. “You know I started to frequent this place quite regularly after that first night when I sucked on your cock just over there by the entrance’ “I wanted to feel you fuck my tight hole so many times” I said to him as I rubbed his leaking precum on my hole. “Tonight breed me with your aids load” I whispered. “I’ve got nothing to loose from it just more freedom. Breed my neg pig hole with your seed like I know you want to” I taunted. He then came down to my face and said “I’ve been waiting so long to fill you with this cum boy” “that I still desired your butt to have my deadly seed in it” “I waited to long and when you moved away I started coming again I missed my chance” “hoping you’d come in” “tonight I’m going to breed you like I should of back then” and with that my hole opened up and I felt his flared cock head enter my hole. I screamed in joy inside me and reached for the poppers. In haling in the steam room I went in to a cloud of red haze. I could feel his cock pushing in my wet hole. But it didn’t feel so wet as I slowly took his monster cock. As he slowly grinded his cock into my hole I was lost in Sodom delight my eyes shut but feeling the presence of Hank above me as this monstrous red figure that was going to change my life yet again. He took it slow like a lover would to start just getting me used to his immense size in me. It felt like an hour had gone past I was feeling dehydrated and sweaty. His cock continuing to work its way deeper into me. I lost control and my body started to orgasm. I was impaled and my ass just start to clasp on to Hanks cock for dear life. Hank just pulled me up a little and started to thrust. I could feel my ass linings pulsing and clamping his cock as he slid in and out. “Damn” I heard cried by Hank. “Fuck you have a talented hole” he screamed” “No wonder the wire is a buzz about you” once again id gotten in sync and as hank rammed me and pushed my bowels open “Breed my hole this pig wants its freedom” I cried screaming “fill me with that death sticks load” “Pregnate me with your toxic juice” words just kept coming from my mouth as we continued to fuck there . My hole was so sloppy now and I was been fucked on by the full eleven inches in and out. I couldn’t take any more and as my body went into shock in a second orgasm I clasped down again on Hanks cock fully inside and deep in side me felt the hottest load I’d ever felt in my life. It was hot and stinging. And as his dick went quickly limp in my hole. I thanked him for the gift. Kissing him and saying “I think its time we both get some re hydrating done”. Hank left first and as the door closed id finally regained some sense of where I was positioned I pulled myself back on the bench and got my feet on the ground grabbed the poppers and threw the soaked towel over my shoulder. I went up stairs and Hank was talking to about twelve men at the bar and as I got close to the exit to throw my wet towel in and grab another I heard “Get over here” It had come from one in the crowd I knew that and as I walked to get a drink of water or something “we are all here now” “hope your enjoying your breeding pig” it wasn’t the crowd it was coming from the speakers. A bit of an evil grin came up on my face as I got to the bar. Asking for a bottle of water. I grabbed the drink and headed of to the locker to get my smokes and have a bit of a break. Checking my phone I saw a text there is thirteen of us here we are gathered up at the bar. I replied to the message and took the phone with me and went to have my smoke as I got to the smoking area. A new message came through reading it said. Be at the bar area with the rest. The venue is now a private party for your breeding. You need to speak to the counter staff and say the words bug chaser. Finishing my smoke I headed to the bar to say the words. As I got close to the bar I saw it was only eleven pm damn I thought I’ve got thirteen here to breed me till dawn this is going to be good. As I stood at the bar one of the gents said “just wait a minute’ the counter staff are just doing a check down stairs to see if anyone is floating about in any of the rooms’. I suddenly realized I was in a den of poz vipers ready to breed my hole. I turned to the guy and said “Can I go put my smokes and phone away I’ll be right back”, I quickly put my phone and smokes away in my locker and grabbed the pill id pulled out earlier. Time for this I think. As I shoved it under my tongue and went back to my bottle of water at the bar. Taking a big gulp the tablet washed from under my tongue and down my throat. It be half hour before I felt the effects of the ecstasy id just taken.
    1 point
  32. I'm impressed. I live in the country side and not many guys to have sex with here, so I mostly have sex when travelling. Work travel = work in the daytime and sex at night. I'm already looking forward to work travel to Berlin in March. But I have been on 8 travels this year so far though.
    1 point
  33. I love toys and the bigger the better. That being said though, nothing and I mean nothing beats the real thing for the most pleasure.
    1 point
  34. Happy Oct. Load Count in hole 256 for year. Sept was slow -3 loads but due to work travel so wasn't in area to take loads anywhere. - Oct off to good start 3 loads - and its birthday month- hard to believe almost 50 and still going strong - wish I could jump on plane this week and hit Slammers in LA or FTL. Nothing in NYC to take anon loads in darkroom and i'm need of a good hole wrecking and breeding- have to figure out if i should take a short trip in November either to LA or Ft. Lauderdale and see what happens...
    1 point
  35. I love burying my nose in a ripe hairy armpit as I'm breeding a man's hole. Men should smell like men, not Axe body spray or Old Spice.
    1 point
  36. I try to keep my pits as ripe as possible as often as possible. Usually the bottom's pussy starts aching and twitching for cock when he takes the stink deep into his lungs.
    1 point
  37. I love pits hairy and bushy especially if they have their arms down and you can still see the hair. I prefer smelly, ripe, but absolutely no deodorant (yuk). The hairier the better it is a total turn on that makes me just want to nuzzle up in them and eat them.
    1 point
  38. Bushy is a visual turn-on, and a physical turn-on if I get to lick and nuzzle. Sweaty is perfect; the sweat works like an aphrodisiac for me.
    1 point
  39. i love hairy ripe armpits! all my regular fb know not to use cologne or deo. i nuzzle up in that pit and sniff and get that stink all over my face.
    1 point
  40. In the UK "undetectable" means anywhere from 20 to 70, depending on which lab did the measurements. I think it's the PARTNER study (else one of the PrEP studies) which takes 200 as undetectable. The number has decreased because of improvements in the equipment used to assess the viral load. Although the lowest blood viral load known to have established a successful infection is 385 or so, the general rule is that it takes a viral load of 1000 to have enough virus present to infect. Note that semen tends to have a higher viral load than blood, one reason why integrase inhibitors are going to be as important as protease inhibitors were when they were first introduced. Integrase inhibitors get further into the system and are therefore more successful at suppressing viral replication. As ever with anything to do with sex, remember that some people lie. Adding a couple of inches to the end of your dick is just a disappointment, but losing a few thousand from your viral load is opening a route to infection. If you have access to it, get on PrEP and end the worry...
    1 point
  41. I know a couple of guys who are into making me cum before they let me near them. One likes me to fuck myself with a dildo and jerk off so that my ass is ready for him and my cock is soft. He says it means I am only thinking of pleasing him and not of my own pleasure. My other fb likes to milk me either with his fingers or his fist and then orders me to lick my cum up while he mounts me and screws me. I follow whatever I'm told like a good submissive cumslut.
    1 point
  42. My thoughts are it's fucking hot, and I love to get an ass full of hot piss! Maybe be forced to hold it in before spraying it all out hehe
    1 point
  43. Ah, hows that for a title. Soooo where do I begin. Well I was in utah for about 2 weeks or so going to school. Nothing but studying, notes, and sleeping. Until my day off on Sunday. I got together with a guy who was local. Cute sexy bear of a man. He picked me up and we went to the mountains and went sight seeing and I saw the ski areas. He grabbed my dick a few times while we were driving and I grabbed his too. When we got back to his place we went to making out, sucking, and just having fun. He seemed very versatile, which I like. When we got to the bedroom we both rolled around on the bed making out and I sucked his cock and his nipples. He got hard quickly and put me on all fours. No lube, no poppers he just shoved his cock in me. Fuck it hurt, but it also felt really damn good. He wasn't pushing it in easy either. But I'm experienced I have guys fuck me dry or just with spit regularly. But just the aggression, domination, and lust of this guy who seemed verse was such a turn on. I backed on his dick and he really fucked me. He fucked me on my side and my back too. Every time he just popped out and just shoved it back in. I was loving every minute of it. We made out a bit too while he was fucking me on my back. Finally, I jacked my dick and came, and so did he. And afterwards I realized he had poppers. He wanted me to fuck him. He's neg but apparently doesn't mind getting fucked raw as long as he doesn't get cum in his hot ass. I fucked him raw and we both took poppers. It was really hard not to but I pulled out right before I came. But damn his ass felt great. We both made out a bit afterwards, chatted, and just bullshitted. It was fun. I like guys like him who seem calm, cool, and collective yet when fucking they turn into an animal. It's hot as hell. We showered and he took me back to my hotel afterwards and we planned to meet again. Although, he was in town yesterday we couldn't because I already made plans with a certain leather top. Now for the other part. By the way I consider that guy someone who "Used" me in a rough and fun way. The other experience was similar to one I had in Atlanta which I haven't written about actually.. The following week on a Friday I got a growlr message from a fucking sexy muscle bear. He told me he wanted to be more dominant and was looking for a submissive boy to use. So we talked and decided to get together. Since last time I got dropped off too close to the hotel I walked a bit away from it to get picked up. I saw him pull up and saw he was a pretty hot looking guy. We chatted a bit in the car until we got to his place. He seemed laid back from talking to him. Not overly friendly but just an average guy. Until we got into the bedroom. Ordering me to strip he grabbed my balls, slapped them, spanking my ass, slapped my face several times, and even punched my stomach a little. My dick was fucking rock hard. He then forced my head on his dick and skull fucked my throat. My dick was dripping pre-cum. He slapped my face a few times too. He then threw me on the bed and put my legs in the air. I was a bit worried at this point but I knew what was coming. No lube just shoved his dick in me. He fucked me extremely aggressively. I didn't even have a chance to relax at first and it actually hurt a bit. But I still took it. All the while he called me a bitch, whore, slut, and other names. He flipped me over on my belly and continued fucking me. His hand came up to my face so I couldn't even moan or groan I just muffled into his hand. I could tell he was loving it but so was I. I was tightening my hole while he fucked me and it didn't take long for him to breed me. While he was milking me I continued working my ass muscles on his cock and he bred me again. After he bred me he forced me on his dick, slapped my face a few more times and squeezed the fuck out of my balls too. From there it was basically rinse and repeat. Slapping, heavy pain on my balls and cock, spanking my ass, raping my ass, breeding me, and sucking him. He grabbed my throat once while fucking me which was fucking hot as hell. But this was the entire night. He didn't kiss, didn't cuddle, didn't do anything like that. I was truly just his bitch cumdump and my dick was rock hard the entire time. I don't believe he let me cum and I had no problem with that. Eventually we did go to sleep but I slept on my side. In the middle of the night or morning I felt a sharp pain as he entered me dry fucking me. I had no choice to take it so I did. Fortunately he shot several loads in me which helped for lube. He humped me a bit until I worked my ass muscles and he bred me again. He repeated a few times too. I got a bit horny in the middle of the night myself and tried to finger his hole but he pushed my hand away. He had me suck and choke on his cock some more and fucked and bred me one last time before he said he had stuff to do. I grabbed a quick shower and he took me back to my hotel. It was hot I'll admit that. I didn't get any sleep really, face hurt a bit from all the slapping and so did other parts of my body. But I felt like I was fucking shinning. I grabbed some coffee from a coffee shop that morning and it made for a great day. The experience I had in Atlanta was similar to this except bondage, watersports, and a bit more physical pain. I was actually quite scared in that situation. This one, not so much just a little at first. But I was really happy to learn that there are dominant and aggressive fuckers in Utah. Definitely warrants a trip back. Also it was nice learning and comparing even more guys that use you rough and guys that rape you. There is a difference and they are both hot in their own ways and have pros and cons. But as I've confirmed (knew all along though) from last night passion and the desire to please the fuck out of the top you're with is also hot. I might not have as much sex as I used to or get out much. But when I do, it's fucking memorable and worth it.
    1 point
  44. Rob gets Stuffed The weekend was all about Rob getting as many poz loads in his cunt as possible, but a couple of times he and I were face to face in doggy position as Dave and Dad fucked us both. We would kiss and make out as our asses were used for the pleasure of our daddies. I was amazed at the number of loads Dave and my Dad deposited in the two of us. Looking back, I think the highlight of the weekend was on Sunday when we all convinced Rob to take both daddy cocks at the same time while he sucked on my cock. It started off with Dave on his back and Rob straddling him. Once Dave’s cock was buried in Rob’s cunt, Dad got between their legs and slowly worked his cock into Rob’s ass. It was amazing watching Rob take both those cocks in his ass. I know from experience that taking both those cocks will really stretch you out and leave your ass gaping after they are done with it. With his ass full of daddy cock, I got on the bed and settled in between Rob and Dave’s faces. Rob took my cock into his mouth and Dave began to tongue my ass and lick the loads out of it. It was so hot for me to feel Dave’s tongue on my cunt as Rob slurped on my cock and nibbled on my foreskin. Since Dad was on top, he set the pace for the double penetration. I could see the base of his cock each time he pulled back. It was so hot for me knowing that Rob was filled with both the cocks that had pozzed me. And I could tell form the moans that were escaping from around my cock that Rob was enjoying being on the receiving end of this stuffing. Dad was taking it slow, really roughing up Rob’s ass and making sure that our weekend project would come out with a positive ending. After about 15 minutes, between watching Rob getting Double stuffed, Dave’s tongue lapping the cum out of my ass, and Rob’s mouth working on my cock, I felt my load starting to rise. I let everyone know I was getting close. Dad pulled out of Rob and moved back. “Get that cock in here and give him another load of that toxic jizz of yours," Dad ordered. I quickly moved between Rob’s legs and added my cock with Dave’s in his stretched out hole. It only took me a few strokes with Dave’s cock rubbing against mine till I pushed in and added more poz cum to the mixture already brewing in Rob’s cunt. I slowly pulled out after I had deposited my load in him and Dad quickly slid his nine inches back in. I moved back up to the head of the bed and settled back in between Dave and Rob. Dave went back to eating my ass out, and Rob began to clean my cock of the cum and ass juices that covered it. I could tell that Dad and Dave were getting close as both of their breathing had gotten staccato. Soon both of them growled and Rob moaned around my cock as he got a double dose of poz daddy cum in his well-used hole. I slid down next to Rob and kissed him as the two men finished depositing their last loads of the weekend into Rob. Dad and Dave slowly withdrew from Rob’s swollen hole, and in so doing, a small amount of cum dribbled out, but Dad quickly rubbed it onto the plug and slid it into Rob’s ass. Rob and I got dressed, and, with kisses all around, Rob and I headed back to our room to deal with schoolwork and get ready for classes the next day. That night, Rob fucked me with his more than likely last neg load as we were keeping the plug in him to make sure he absorbed all that toxic cum. Afterwards we snugged, and fell asleep in each other’s arms. A little over a week later, I woke up to find Rob sweat-soaked. I kissed him then fucked another poz load into his converting ass. He stayed in bed for the next couple of days and I made his excuses to the team and collected his assignments for him. Now that Rob was poz, we could begin our conquest of the team and other studs around campus.
    1 point
  45. birdlock is my favorite. i have been locked for more than a year and a half now. it's comfortable and good for long-term.
    1 point
  46. CCBC sounds amazing! I'm planning to save up to go to Berlin for a week or two since I live in UK it's pretty easy to get to
    1 point
  47. Just about any of the downtown hotels are good in re: a place to stay. I'd look for something near old town/historic district, just because of the charm. In re: raw fucking, HawksPDX bathhouse allows open barebacking, and Steam Portland allows barebacking if it's not in the public areas. I've been to both, and been bred multiple times at each. Both the Oregon Theater and the Paris Theater are hit and miss, but both have open barebacking, and the Oregon Theater has a little array of gloryhole booths up front near the stage. Most of the ABS in the area have plenty of gloryholes, and a lot of them -- Fat Cobra, for example -- are known for their barebacking clientèle. My recommendation? Come visit, and post an ad to Craigslist when you get here. You'll have room visitors, plenty of opportunity to sample the nightlife/other venues, and more cum than you can shake a dick at.
    1 point
  48. seattle here. Thinking of taking a trip to Portland sometime early in the next year. Where is a good place to stay? where do I go for raw fucking?
    1 point
  49. PART 4 Coach Pitt slowly began pulling his cock out of my sloppy hole, and I whimpered. He smiled and kissed me again. “Don’t worry, sweet boy,” he said. “Your hole won’t be empty for long.” In fact, it wasn’t empty for more than five seconds. Coach Strickland pushed his fat dick into me right away, and I could feel the warmth and wetness of Coach Pitt’s seed getting worked even deeper inside my slammed-up hole. “Pitt and I met at a wrestling conference a few years back,” Strickland explained, sweat dripping down his forehead as he thrust his dick deep. “We’d both responded to a Craigslist ad posted by some college slut. This kid wanted neg tops to breed him, so I showed up to give the little fucker a surprise. Anyway, when Pitt shot his load inside this kid’s fuckhole, I caught Pitt’s eye and he winked at me. Flashed that devil-smile of his. That’s when I knew he was doing the exact same thing I was doing—stealth-pozzing the negboy. A few months later, he got me a job here at the high school, and we’ve been slowly converting our favorite wrestlers into poz chemsluts ever since.” His thrusts were faster now. His breath grew ragged. His eyes were solid black, staring me down as he grinned like a fucking demon. “And now,” he said, “You know what’s gonna happen?” “You’re gonna breed me. Please breed me, Coach.” “Fuck yeah, Lance. I’m gonna give you a big dose of my poz seed. You. Fucking. Slammed. Up. PIG.” His whole body shook as he pushed even deeper than before, and his stomach muscles flexed as his dick sprayed volleys of toxic jizz into my hungry fuckhole. By then, I could see that the playroom was getting crowded, and I recognized everyone: guys who’d graduated in the last year or two or three, most of them wrestling at the local university now. They were watching Strickland breed me, stroking their dicks, helping each other get slammed up, and staring me down with that same demonic intensity. Tom Goldsmith—last year’s captain, the guy from the homemade video I'd seen in Pitt's office—was the first to get his poz cock up in me, and by that point I was spreading my jockbutt and begging for his dirty cum. I took a load from every poz jockpig in the room. Then Coach Pitt unstrapped me from the harness, helped me down, and turned to address the roomful of guys. “I’m gonna take a few minutes alone with this boy,” he said. “You’re all welcome to stick around and pig out. Help yourself to more rigs over there on the desk if you want.” He walked me upstairs, leading me to his bedroom. He closed the door. Then he drew me close to him, pressed his chest against mine, and said: “I’m so proud of you, Lance.” He kissed me, a wet, hungry kiss, while his fingers slowly massaged my cummy hole. “I just wanted a few minutes alone with you. And you know what, pigboy?” “What?” “I think it might be time for another slam.” I nodded eagerly, and he smiled. “Good boy,” he said. He gestured for me to climb onto the bed. He positioned me on my back, spreading my legs. Then, keeping his eyes locked on mine, he pushed his cock into my sloppy cumhole. With his dick buried inside me, he proceeded with the slams. I watched in fascination as he wrapped a rubber strap around his arm, as the needle slid into his vein, as blood filled the syringe, and as he plunged the Tina into his bloodstream. He groaned, and his cock grew even harder in my fuckhole. Then his eyes took on an evil glint as he turned his attention to me. “Want some more Tina flowing through you, boy?” “Fuck yeah. Slam me up. Please.” “You got it, pig.” The needle was in my vein within seconds. Then he pushed down on the syringe and delivered the chemical payload I was craving. I coughed, but a little less this time. I felt the drug race to my brain, my heart, my dick. Then my hole began involuntarily milking the raw cock lodged deep within me. Coach laughed. “There you go, slampig,” he said. I kept milking him as he closed his eyes and began thrusting deep. Then he leaned in for another kiss. “I want you to be my boy,” he said. “You’re somethin’ else, Lance. You’re just a natural fuckin’ pig. And my cock belongs in this sweet boyhole.” He reached down to feel my own throbbing cock, which had remained hard all night. “And look at this, you hot little fucker,” he said. “This fat dick of yours? It’ll be perfect bait to get hot neg jockboys—boys just like you—into our sling.” He kissed me again. “You’re fucking perfect. So whaddaya say? Be my fuckin’ boy?” I flashed a giant smile as he barebacked my hole. “I feel so lucky,” I said. “I’ve jacked off so many times thinking about your cock—what it might look like, how it might feel in my hand. And now your giant raw dick is buried inside me. It’s unbelievable. And fuck yeah, I want to be yours.” “Mine?” “All yours.” With that, I felt his dick spasm inside me. Another intense kiss. Then he just looked at me, his cock still twitching as it continued to impregnate my wrecked boyhole. “Fuck, Lance,” he said. “I love shooting my poz cum in you.” Later, when we made our way back to the playroom, I did another slam and took another round of loads. That was incredibly hot, but it wasn’t my favorite part. My favorite part was this: being alone with Coach Pitt in his bedroom, feeling his powerful arms wrapped around me, my head nuzzling the hair on his muscular chest, while his dick slowly worked that second load of his poz cum into my knocked-up hole. And then hearing him whisper in my ear: “Mine.” THE END
    1 point
  50. I fantasized about getting fucked by the men I was attracted to starting in high school. Back then it was the jocks. I was thin and not good at sports, but all my buddies were athletes. I had grown up with them. I made myself part of the clique by being sports editor of the yearbook. I didn't get fucked for the first time til I was 18 and in college and it hurt. It frustrated me that I wanted something so badly that hurt so much. I also worried that my fantasies were related to my dad's abandonement when I was 11. At 21 I finally admitted to myself I was gay. I wanted a man and I met the man I was to spend the next four years with the first time I went to a bath house. He fucked me that first night and every time we had sex after that. I wanted it but I hated it. I found the book "The Joy of Gay Sex" and found out that getting fucked was something you could learn to be better at. I learned to relax my sphincters. I learned to douche. I learned to ride his cock while he lay on his back. It was easier for me to take in that position. As I learned to do it, I learned to love it. I finally felt like my sexuality matched my fantasy and my reality. I accepted I was gay and that I was meant to be a bottom. The men i have always been attracted to are tops. I suppose I am a vers bottom, since I do like to fuck sometimes, but that is because I do have a dick and I can appreciate a hot ass. But I am most in touch with my soul when a man is inside me.
    1 point
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