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  1. i dont know why i did it. when i read his profile he seemed hot, right? and it said his HIV was undectable. so i thought it was safe. he was super fine. looked like one of those swimmers from the olympics. and he was packing a huge dick. i never did nothing with a poz dude before. maybe because i drank some, thats maybe why i said he could come hang. when he got to my place, he told me that his doctor changed his meds and that his virol (sp?) load might be super high. i wish he told me that before i was already turned on and had a boner. he had a big boner. his huge boner made mine look so small. but i didnt care. i guessed i was just going to suck his dick. he put his big dick into my mouth and it felt so good. but i kept getting more turned on. he kept asking me like "do you want me to fuck you?" and i did but i was afraid so i said i don't know. he told me to lie on my stomach and i dont know why i did. next thing i know his tongue is in my butt and it felt so good. i didnt want him to stop. "if i fuck you now, you might get aids. are you okay with that?" he asked me. i told him i didn't want aids. then, i felt him try to put his dick in me. "hey" i said, "i dont want aids!" but he was already pushing it inside me. i know he herd me. it was feeling good now though. and then he just told me, "im gonna fuck your ass good." it felt so good, all i could do was just say "ok." he started fucking me! i had an hiv dude fucking my ass! this was crazy. i told him "maybe should stop. i dont want aids." and all he said was, "does it feel good?" so i said "yes, it feels great!" he started fucking me even more deeper. it felt wonderful. "i really like that!" i said real loud like. "oh, you dont care about aids anymore now?" he asked. i guess i was just so horny and it was feeling so good now so i told him "i dont care! fuck your aids into me!" i didnt think he could fuck me any harder and deeper, but he did. it kinda hurt sometimes but more than that it felt awsome!!!! "you are liking my aids dick in you now huh?" he asked. all i could do was like clench my teeth and moan bc the pain and good feeling was so much. the pain started going away and my dick was so hard it was gonna bust. all i could think was that i was getting aids but it was a hot fuck. this guy might have aids and i like him fucking me ! my orgism was getting to close. "im about to cum . you want it?" he asked me as he slammed dick into me. "YES! I want aids!!!" was all i could yell. it felt amazingly! he fucked me even more quickly and i felt wet inside. it made me cum bc it felt all so good and wet ! "You're getting aids" he whispered into my ear as he slowed down. i felt his dick jerk as he came inside me. i came too. it was insane! he left kinda quickly after that. i texted him "thanks for aids cum! i loved it" i hope i hear back from him soon. i had no idea getting a hiv dude to fuck me would be so hott!
    5 points
  2. Newly posted... I recorded this just today... http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=zJSGn-G899- HIT ME UP if you'd like to make a vid breeding me that we can post to xtube
    5 points
  3. Part 2: no more poz dicks! Remember that hiv dude? I let him fuck me. It felt super but then I regreted it quickly after that. I mean he's very hot and his dick felt so good. But I need to make smarter choices. I know I dont always make the smart choices but I try. Troy (the hiv guy) kept texting me wanting to bred me some more. So I told him I dont want any more poz dicks to fuck me. But he kept perssisting on to fuck me. He asked me if I enjoyed it the last time. I was honest and said "I really liked it!!!" when I texted him. But i also told him I was scared, right? Troy told me that I was gonna get hiv anyway because I liked sex with poz guys. I guess that was true. Nobody's dick ever felt better in my butthole. Man, I really wanted to feel him cum in my butt again. Like now! I tryed to ignore all his texts. I guess I gave in, though last night. He kept sending me sexy texts like "you want to beg for my aids cum again?" and i told him to stop sending those. "please stop. you're giving me a boner!" I sent back, he explaned to me that I got a boner because i wanted to get fucked by him. that was kinda true. He offred to come over and just suck my dick and thats all he would do if thats all i wanted. That sounded like a good idea. I needed my boner to go away. I had so many boners thinking about troy since then. Maybe this would help, right? Neway, he came over and he sucked my dick. I had an hiv dude sucking my dick! Damn, it felt great. "you want me to fuck your ass again?" he asked me. Damn, why did he ask me that? i told him "please dont ask me that when i have a boner." and he just kept saying things like, "u know u want it. i'll fuck my aids cum into you again and you will love it." then he sucked my dick some more. why did he put those thoughts in my head? my boner was so tight and i looked down and saw that big dick as he sucked on me. i wanted it. suddenly, i just said, "yeah! fuck me again!" he spinned me around so quickly and pushed me up against the wall right away. then i felt his tongue in my butthole again. "that feels great!" i said. i knew i should tell him to stop but that dick would feel so good. i couldnt decide what to do!
    5 points
  4. Laughter floated through the comic store through the back room’s open door, meeting my ears and distracting me from the invoice I was reviewing with the store owner. Another laugh transported me back to the first boy I’d fucked in the rec center lockerroom after summer swimteam practice, almost 15 years ago. As soon as the owner signed the form, I excused myself and went searching for the boy whose chuckles got my cock hard. Near the far end of the store, I found three teen boys wearing baseball gear(showing off some firm bubble butts, tight waistlines and broad, if still developing, shoulders), presumably on their way home from practice. They were so engrossed in the adult magazine section they didn’t notice me sneak around the corner where they couldn’t see me. “Holy shit dude, look at those tits! That bitch is fucking hot bro. You gotta get this for me man,” said the shortest boy, who was a good six inches shorter than my 6’2”. By his begging, I guessed only one of the boys was old enough to buy the plastic wrapped mag, even though they each looked about 15-16. Before the other two could respond, one of their cell phones rang, and the tallest boy, who was probably within an inch of my height, retrieved it from his bag. “You here? K, be right out,” He hung up and turned to the middle boy, who I’d put at 5’10”. “You sure you don’t want a ride simon? My mom’s CRV can probably hold your bike.” “No thanks bro, I wanna hit up sports authority on the way home and return the speedo my mom got me since my swim coach said we can wear trunks now.” Simon responded, fist bumping his teammates as they picked up their bags and made their way to the door. He watched them go out the door before picking up another plastic wrapped magazine, reaching down and adjusting his bulge. He tried peeling the adhesive edge back to sneak the magazine out of its wrapper, and I took the opportunity to turn the corner, causing him to drop the mag and almost bolt. “Here you go bro,” I said, picking up the nudie mag and handing it back to him. “Nice choice, you got a lot of gangbang porn?” My attitude put him somewhat at ease, and I had to stifle a giggle when he responded by saying he usually preferred anal. His tone told me he was trying to save face, so I went with it and showed him a magazine that specialized in girls getting fucked up the ass by HUGE cocks. His eyes got wide and his pants tented even more, which reflected in my knakis. “You gonna get that one?” My question shocked him out of his trance, and he blew it off. “Nah man, I only brought enough to get the x-men collection I want.” He handed me the magazine again and I asked which collection. As it turns out, Simon is a huge comic book geek who’d rather be spending his summer reading about super heroes, than in the pool and on the diamond. He was careful to keep his comments as masculine as possible, but once I expressed my own interest and started explaining my collection at home, his teen-thug jock boy persona began to fail as we discussed comic book mythology. It was almost an hour later when we separated to check out, but ‘mysteriously’ I ended up behind him in line, making it easy to ensure he saw the two anal themed magazines I purchased. As we walked through the first set of doors on the store’s airlock, we realized the sunny afternoon had given way to a downpoor. We both ran out, me to my truck, him to his bike, and I waited a moment before taking advantage of this added stroke of luck. “You wanna lift bud?” I yelled out my open window as he tried in vain to keep his balance on the bike. Defeated, he dismounted and wheeled along side me, sticking his drenched head in the window. “I don’t know man, I live pretty far and I am supposed to exchange something near my house, I’d feel bad taking you out of your way.” His words protested, but he was already shivering, so I suggested he wait at my house a few blocks away till the rain let up. Despite his false maturity, I could see him worrying about going with a stranger. “You can dry your clothes and check out my comic collection.” The appeal of my comic books got him to toss his bike in the truck bed and hop in the cab beside me. Two minutes of me trying not to stare at his almost see through baseball uniform and we were already at my house. I parked on my circular front drive instead of pulling around back to the garage, knowing we’d both get soaked. Even better, the muddy ground caused us both to slip getting his bike from the truck to the covered porch, leaving most of our lower bodies a complete mess. Inside, I asked that he strip off his muddy clothes before tracking it all over the house, and was down to my briefs before he could argue. He stripped tentatively down to his support shorts, but I made sure not to look as I tossed the clothes in the washing machine and showed him to my guest suite to use the shower, promising I’d leave some loaner clothes on the bed for when he got out. I accidentally set the anal mags down to get out some towels before heading to my room to shower as well. After the fastest shower I’d ever taken, I tied my smallest towel around my waist, check out my firm calves and thighs, my hefty bulge, my slightly hairy 4 pack leading to my slab pecs, up past my firm jawline to the top of my 6’2” head, well framing my caramel eyes with my black wavy hair. I raced back to the guest room with my flimsiest pair of shorts and an extra-large white cotton wife-beater slung over my buff shoulder and bicep, bursting into the bathroom to find the exact sight I’d been hoping for: Freshly showered Simon on the toilet, his legs spread wide. My cock stiffened slightly in the moment before he realized I’d come in, catching his one hand between his legs with two fingers rubbing the edge of his tight ass, while his other hand rapidly stroked his young 7 inch cut cock. Once he saw my “shocked” face, he grabbed the open magazine showing a petite blonde girl being double fucked by a pair of Italian men who looked kinda like me. “sorry man, here’s the clothes, didn’t mean to interrupt,” I made a big show of not looking, knowing the large clock on the wall in front of Simon concealed a camera which had caught every minute of his shower and the jack off show following. I shut the door behind me, sure he’d be too embarrassed to continue. Right on schedule, he rushed out into the living room as soon as he could pull on the shorts and tee shirt. His hard on was clearly outlined in the thin cotton, and his firm chest was still wet enough to make the shirt transparent. I assured him not to worry about and showed him to my office and massive collection of comic books. Over the next hour we worked him into being comfortable, which was just enough time for the rain to let up. I worried I’d taken too much time making him feel at ease, but he was in no hurry to leave, especially when I mentioned a funny movie a friend sent me featuring some comic heroes fucking. I put on the video and we watched for a while, laughing at the cheesy plot lines in the beginning, growing quiet when the scene evolved into wonder girl getting gang banged by batguy, supermale, cycocks, and Iron rod. I had slowly worked myself to full mast out of Simon’s sight, waiting for him to turn to me. “Holy shit man,” Simon said when he finally caught sight of my dick. I jumped and apologized, ‘not realizing’ what was going on below my waist. In a dramatic attempt to cover my hard drooling uncut 9 inches, I tried tugging the towel over it, but alas that unfastened it from my waist, leaving me naked. Simon openly gawked, his cock hard under the shorts, leaving a wet spot, and his mouth aghast, making me wish I could shove my cock in without scarring him off. Instead I bent over and exposed my smooth tight butt cheeks, winked my fuzzy hole at him, while retrieving the towel and dashing into my connecting bedroom before nudging the door almost totally shut. “Sorry about that bro, just gimme a minute to throw on some clothes and I’ll drive you home man.” I yelled as I whipped out some lube, and got in the exact right position behind the door so anyone peeking through could clearly watch me in the full length mirror. A few loud strokes to be sure he knew what was happening, and the light beneath the door was blocked by Simon’s shadow. I began stroking faster and harder, keeping my face and body in the mirror while trying to ‘keep quiet,’ until the shadow began moving too. He was stroking now, I was sure of it, which was all it took for my balls to tighten, aiming my dick head towards my pecs and letting loose my thick creamy cum in 3 gigantic geysers across my chin and chest, with some smaller shots coating my lower abs, cock and the floor at my feet. That night once Simon left, I confirmed my suspicions and shot another load watching his shower/stroke show in the bathroom and his repeat performance with giant cum shot standing just outside my bedroom door. After denying myself the glances when he was there, I thoroughly memorized every inch of his naked form, from his slim, toned legs to his shelf-like butt, to his fuzzy balls and pubes surrounding his gorgeous pink cock with a slight right-curve, up his treasure trail and six pack to the beginnings of muscly chest and shoulders, over firm well-formed biceps, topped off by his round cheeks, strong brow, blue eyes and dark brown buzzed hair. The only signs of his youth were the baby fat on both sets of cheeks, which were smooth and rosy, on his face and behind. Watching him panic and shoot all over the plant by the door was almost as hot as when he got a finger into his hole in the shower. After I got dressed and brought Simon his clothes, we talked about the upcoming work I would be doing cataloging my comics and entering them into a database for insurance purposes. Since Simon really wanted to read some of the rare books I had, but I had a no lending policy, he agreed to come by a few days after practice each week and help me catalog, reading them at my house. A few days into our plan, I was called to work when he was supposed to arrive, so I decided to leave a key for him. This allowed me to begin his education. Over the following month, I managed to have Simon catch me balls deep in a blond bitch, titty fucking a redhead from the grocery store, and eating out and feeding my cock my cock to a Hawaiian college girl I sometimes hook up with. Each time I’d make sure to be in the thick of it right when he usually arrived, playing in open areas of the house where he could hide and watch me fuck, then sneak out, and come back once I’d bid the girl goodbye. My hidden cameras confirmed he was enjoying the shows, providing me plenty of fodder for jack sessions. After six weeks, I had a threesome on the kitchen table with a married couple I met online, making sure to listen for the creak of the front door to begin the countdown of ten minutes of tag teaming the wife before I was sure Simon would be close to cumming, and sneaking my cock into the ass of the husband. We hadn’t discussed it online before-hand, but I knew by how he moaned when I fingered him, that he needed my cock in his hole. It was during these sessions I also made sure that he saw my partners and I taking hits from a glass pipe filled with tina, and encouraged them to tell me how much they loved it and how much hotter it made the sex. Finally, after some more couple sessions where I’d fuck, suck and feed the guy, I invited over a 24 year old bodybuilder I’d met online who had a very specific fetish. So a week before his last day, Simon snuck in the front door, down the stairs and down the hall way until he was outside my media room. When he looked inside, I’d love to have seen his reaction. In the middle of the room I stood in my black boots, black latex jockstrap/shirt, leather gloves, and full cape and cowl. On his knees in front of me was the 24 yr old in red boots, red and blue jock, blue butt plug, red leather harness and red cape emboldened with a yellow ‘S’ and deep throating my cock. I’d pushed the furniture to the back of the room, creating a vast space for a super fuck, and plenty of hiding spots behind couches for Simon. Once I removed his “kryptonite” plug, Superman ended up getting fucked for almost a full hour before I pulled out and came on his ass and cape, but I couldn’t tell if Simon had stayed to watch or left. When I kicked out the super cum bucket, I expected Simon to show up just as he usually did, but instead I received a text telling me he forgot something and needed to go home early. I panicked that he was disgusted and gone for good, so I ran to my computer and checked the feed. Just as I thought, he came in, started watching, then slid into the room behind the couch where the cameras couldn’t see. Right after I blew on superlad, Simon slipped out the door, up the stairs and was gone. I was certain he was never coming back. The next day, I’d just gotten done working out and drove home to find Simon already in the house working. He informed me that baseball was over for the season and he would be there by noon for the last five days of our arrangement. An hour later he’d finished his work for the day and decided to go home early. I guess that meant he was not okay with what happened and wanted to get it done as fast as possible. I almost called it quits, but decided to check out the hidden cams just in case. A smile spread over my face as the tapes revealed Simon digging through my stuff until he found the butt plug and costumes, before lubing the plug, and slowly sliding it into his hole. And beginning to jerk. Hard. He was about to cum right as I arrived, and quickly shoved the costumes back in the closet, pulled up his briefs and shorts and dashing back into the office. I fast-forwarded and then hopped to my bedside drawer to verify what I thought was true. The butt plug was still in his ass! I whipped out my cock and came all over my self. The next day I put my final plan into action. With only four days to go, I told him I wanted to thank him for all his help by buying his ticket to the comic con that weekend in town. He practically flipped out, throwing his arms around me before he remembered his manly bravado and socked me in the arm as he pulled away. After that I made sure I was around every minute of every day (except a few for him to sneak the butt plug back in my drawer). This all led up to the last day, which would hopefully guarantee me some leverage. When he arrived that afternoon, I was in the living room getting head from a college guy I’d met at the gym, watching some anal gangbang porn and working a big, pink dildo into his bubble butt. But this time, I “heard” him arrive and made the college boy scramble to get dressed, while Simon, freaked he’d get caught watching, ran up the stairs to the office. I proceeded to tell the college boy I’d fuck him back at his dorm room if he’d wait outside for me to toss the dildo in my room and give my “assistant” some instructions for the day. College boy reluctantly agreed since I was providing the drugs, and I went upstairs and through the hall door into my bedroom, leaving the dildo, porn dvd and lube on my bed, and poorly covering them with a towel. I then opened the door to the office and I told him I was running out for a few hours, but I had a surprise for him for the comic con. I proceeded to disappear into my closet and brought out two garment bags. I unzipped them and his eyes widened Inside were full costumes for batman and robin. The batman suit was just a fully clothed version of the one I’d worn a week before, complete with utility belt and skin tight body suit. The robin suit was comprised of small boots, speedo style briefs, tight tunic, butt length cape, black wig and face mask. I could see his cock pulsing under his bball shorts, so instead of waiting for a thank you, I tossed it on the bed somewhat near the dildo and told him to try it on before I got back to be sure it fits, and otherwise just enjoy reading comics, since the work was done. I drove the college boy to his dorm and fucked him for ten minutes until he came, and then made some excuse and headed back to the house. Parking around the corner I snuck in through the side gate and into the gardening shed, where I had set up my laptop and a comfy chair the night before. After being gone for 30 mins I was hoping he’d be well into enjoying the goodies I left for him. Simon didn’t disappoint. When the screen went on, it took a minute for me to scroll through the cameras in the house until finally I found him. Splayed out on my bed, Simon was decked out in the full robin outfit, except the speedo-like cod piece was discarded on the floor. He stroked his cock hard before sliding on the finishing touch with the wig and the mask. He hopped up and crossed to the mirror, sucking the dildo and stroking while checking himself out. He paused for a moment as he walked over, inserting the dvd into the dvd player, and starting a bi-bareback gangbang flick. Once it passed the fbi warning, he made his way back to the mirror, picking up something along the way and started lubing up the dildo. He then pressed the suction cup of the dildo to the mirror and turned around, shoving whatever was in his hand into his mouth. My cock threatened to rip my shorts open when Simon finally managed to work the tip of the dildo into his hole. Once the head popped in, I could tell he was in pain and pulled away quickly. Little did he know his ass had stronger suction than the suction cup and the dildo came off the mirror with him. He hobbled to the bed and was about to pull it out but he lost his balance and ended up taking it further, spitting out the unidentifiable scrap in his mouth. “Oh fuck, fuck, FUCK!” he yelled loud enough I turned down the speakers in case anyone was walking past the house. He tried pulling the dildo out again, and this time he discovered the pleasure it could provide. His dick throbbed and leaked some precum on my bedspread when he got it most of the way out, so he started reinserting it and took the cloth back in his mouth. 5 minutes later he had resuctioned the dildo to the top of my dresser and bounced like he had springs in his ass. He was obviously getting close, which caused him to pull the cloth from his mouth and hold it to his nose as he stroked and galloped. “Fuck yeah, fuck my hole while I make her my bitch. Does that ass feel good sir? Cause your cock is gonna make me cum in her fucking pussy. Can I shoot in her pussy sir? Please sir? I want to shoot my sperm in her pussy sir. I can’t hold it anymore sir, I am blowing my sperm in her slit sir. Here is cums bitch, Here it…UHHH…FUCK…TAKE MY CUM…” From the slit of his cock a giant load shot out, dousing his entire costume and forcing him backwards against the wall behind the dresser. My load was almost as big but it went where most of my jerked loads went, into a bottle I had been slowly filling with my tina-laced cum, then refrigerating for use on Simon’s ass, hopefully. While he was recovering, I squinted at the screen and finally identified the thing that Simon had been sucking/sniffing. It was a pair of panties from the Hawaiian slut. After one of our sessions, I used them to soak up my jizz and wipe down her cunt and ass, but then when we were getting dressed we couldn’t find them. I figured they were somewhere in my collection of cumrags, but it was incredibly hot knowing Simon had them all this time, sucking on my dried cum. I gave Simon enough time to get out of the costume, shower, get everything back in order, and sneak the buttplug into his bag. When I pulled up a few minutes later, he was just throwing the costume in the dryer, assuring me it fit perfectly. We sat down and went over our plans for the next day, deciding we would meet at 8 Saturday morning in normal clothes, then take a train into the city for the convention, and change when we arrived. Since we wanted to schedule our time at the convention carefully, we pulled up the website and discovered there were events well into that night, including a dark knight forum on the roof of the hotel, a costume party at 10pm and a contest at midnight. “We gotta enter Mr. Torelli, our costumes are awesome,” He said, sounding younger and younger every time we saw another cool event. “Simon, you can call me Steve, and I wish we could but the last train leaves at 7,” I put my hand around his shoulders and squeezed, sympathetically. “So we’re outta luck unless you are okay with staying overnight. If we got a couple rooms, that would allow us to stop by Sunday morning for the artists’ brunch, and still be back Sunday afternoon or evening at the latest.” “That would rock Mr. To- Sorry, Steve, but I don’t know if I can. I need to check with folks while I’m on summer vacation,” Simon said, trying to keep up the ambiguity we’d had since our first meeting. I was pretty sure he was still in high school, but we live in a college town and he always tried to make it sound like he was only living at home until school started back up. I’d met his parents once when they came to pick him up one day, which was probably planned for their peace of mind. Still, Simon played it off like a champ, telling me “I don’t need a car at school so I let them provide the ride over the summer so they feel useful.” “Well let me know as soon as you get permission and I’ll book the rooms,” knowing we’d be sharing one room that I booked weeks ago before they all filled up. “I don’t need permission, I just have to be sure they aren’t planning anything that includes me tomorrow night or Sunday morning. I’ll call them right now and let them know I’m gonna be out. Be right back,” Simon said, walking out of the office and down stairs into the kitchen. I clicked on the hidden camera to hear him tell his parents. “Mom? Tomorrow after comic con, Jerry and his dad are gonna stay for the Sunday morning events and invited me to go….I know it’s last minute but we can all stay in the city with Jerry’s aunt…They told me she is happy to host all of us and we can take the train back Sunday night…You don’t need to pick me up, I’ll bike home…No I won’t be too tired mom, I swear…I’ll be fine at practice…Please, if I promise to get plenty of sleep and get a ride so I can be at swim practice on time? Please!... Thank you! Ok, I’ll make sure they can drop me off Sunday night…Um I don’t know if I can stay at Jerry’s Sunday night too…I know it is way closer to practice but I’ll have been with them the night before, plus Jerry doesn’t always go to practice…Ok, I’ll ask, but if not I’ll ride my bike. Ok, see you at home…like an hour…love you too, bye.” Simon’s phone call told me enough to know his parents thought he was going with a friend from school. It also told me they would be totally fine not seeing him until Monday after his swim team practice. Most importantly, it meant I had Simon by the balls. “I told them we were going, they just asked me to ask you if it is cool for me to stay over Sunday if we get back too late for me to bike home,” he informed me as he returned to the office with his costume from the dryer. The next morning Simon texted me asking if I could pick him up a few blocks from the station at his friend Jerry’s house, so I brought our outfits, picked him up and marked down one more lie he told his folks for my blackmail. I told Simon to wear something comfy so we could just sleep in it after we changed from our suits, so I was happy to see he was in some loose shorts and a baggy t-shirt with flip flops. Once we got on the train, we talked about the upcoming day and I began the last step in Simon’s corruption, beginning with some water bottles filled with a vodka punch, with clips to attach them to our utility belts. Simon didn’t want to seem uncool, so he took a big gulp and almost coughed up a lung on the train. Once we got to the convention center I told Simon to get our passes while I checked us into our rooms. Simon never questioned me when I told him the hotel screwed up and put us in one room instead of two and they were full up. He just swigged from his bottle and followed me up there to change. As soon as we got the door open, I pressed his Robin suit into his chest and began undressing. Simon followed suit, until he realized he would have to get naked. “Shit Steve, I gotta change into the bottom part in the john, I forgot to wear undies…I’m not sure they’d even fit anyway,” Simon moved towards the door but I stopped him. “Damn Simon, you’d better show me how they look, cause you can’t go commando if they will show too much.” With that I yanked down his shorts and tossed him the briefs. He slid them up his legs sheepishly, confirming they would give away every detail. “Shit. Well I guess you’ll have to wear your shorts.” “No way Steve, that will look like crap. There’s gotta be something I can do to obscure my…you know,” he pleaded. I smirked inside and offered another suggestion. “Well I guess you can wear the thong I was going to wear under mine since my suit has a separate lining for the cod piece,” I said with my most disdainful voice, not wanting him to realize I’d been wearing it since yesterday in preparation. “Fuck, if you don’t mind, that sounds way better than my shitty shorts,” Simon slid off the bottoms again and stood, naked from the waist down, robin from the waist up. I had only changed into the top half of my outfit so far, so Simon had no choice but to wait as I peeled off my sweats and then removed my thong. I pretended not to notice Simon staring at my thick soft uncut monster and balls, which I had trimmed and fluffed in advance for his viewing pleasure. He slid took the thong and slid it up his legs, disheartened to find it was too big after stretching over my meat and butt. Good thing it was adjustable, which allowed me to reach between his legs and pull the elastic cords through the clasp until it was tighter, and the clasp was pulled up against his hole, to help stimulate him throughout the day. Fully decked, we hit the convention and had a blast, meeting writers, pencilers, inkers, some b-movie and tv stars and stopping every 10 minutes so another geek could get a photo with us. Through every bit of it, Simon never left my side, seeming to take pride in all the attention we received as the dynamic duo. By the time we hit the party that night, I had almost forgotten my original goal. That is, until, we started prepping for the costume contest. There were five categories. Best Costume, Best hero, best villain, best duo, and best team. Once Simon heard that the results would be based on audience response, he insisted we start working the crowd, which was mostly men. Not too surprisingly, a lot of guys loved our look, a few even trying to convince me to sneak off and fuck them in the bathroom or let them take Simon aside and blow or fuck him. I kept them away, but did get a couple numbers, while Simon downed shot after free shot offered to him by his fans. When the contest began, we were quickly moved from the first round to the second and into the finals for Best Duo. The results were close, but we got second place and a $50 gift certificate to a comic store, with first going to Mystique and Rogue (it’s hard competing with hot chicks in blue paint and skin tight spandex in a room full of nerds). As we left the stage, we were approached by a huge muscly guy dressed as bane asking if we’d like to join him and some friends and compete for best group. I wanted to get Simon upstairs, but Bane’s bulging arms, chest and crotch swayed me. Turns out he’d gotten a collection of seriously impressive costumed villains, including the Joker, Penquin, two-face, Catwoman (in full leather) and Riddler. We killed the closest competition and each of the group ended up leaving with $100 gift cards. We said our good-byes, but Bane stopped us and told us that the gay bar across the street was holding a naughty contest in 15 minutes. I said no, but Simon cut me off, asking what the prize was. When he discovered first prize was a signed copy of sin city, he dragged me over there. Somehow with the wig and the mask, the bouncer didn’t card Simon, waving us through and groping Simon’s ass as he passed. Inside we were outmatched by tons of guys in nothing but speedos and body paint, but Simon wouldn’t give up without a fight, dragging me into the bathroom and finding a stall, he stripped off the shirt and tunic, pulled off his speedos and showed me his new look in just his (my) thong, belt, boots, cape, mask and wig. “Wow Simon, you sure you are okay going out there like that?” I prayed he’d say yes. “Shit Steve, who cares if some fags wanna perv on me if we win right?” Simon slurred slightly. “But you gotta do it too Steve, so they can see your huge dick.” He laughed and began pulling at my suit, which got a chuckle from me before I pushed him back onto the seat and slowly stripped away the uniform until I was left in my boots, cowl, gloves, belt and cape. Simon was a little too drunk to care about playing macho and sat staring at my junk while I put the cod piece and utility belt back on. Suddenly he realized how long he’d been looking and pushed past me back into the main area of the bathroom. “Wish mine was bigger, then we’d win for sure,” Simon said, reaching into the thong to try and make his cock look as big as possible. I almost reached over to help him get it up, but remembered myself and where we were in the nick of time. We made our way back out onto the dance floor and check our unused costume pieces at the coat check, where a gigantic drag queen dressed as wonder woman told us we were missing something. She proceeded to whip out a fat black magic marker and draw the Robin ‘R’ on Simon’s chest, and the batman symbol on mine, with amazing skill. We gave her a huge tip, and she returned the favor by sliding the magic marker down the back of Simon’s thong so it was rubbing against his hole like a dick head waiting to fuck. “There you go sweety, just let Batman move the marker around every few minutes till you go up there and you’ll be saving the day in no time,” She smiled and waved us off to flirt and convince the guys to vote for us. Simon finally awoke to the reality of his outfit as we hit the crowd and every guy we met took the opportunity to squeeze my hardening cock and grab his ass. Before I knew it, Simon had his ass firmly against my hip, moving the marker with each step, which did a fine job of stimulating his hole. We got across the stage just in time to start the contest and it was a good thing. Looking down, Simon was now almost totally hard and his ass was bright red from pinches, slaps and grasping hands. When our turn came up, Simon almost chickened out, but the crowds roar in response to my obvious 9 inch hard on and his dripping semi and firm cheeks got him to strike a couple poses and even do a handspring off the stage when we exited. Simon and I enjoyed some free drinks while votes were tallied, but sadly we lost to some naked avengers. Second place was our choice of $100 bar tabs or a set of leather gear including a jockstrap, harness, wrist cuffs and a mask. Simon jumped at the bar tab, but I told him we’d had enough and took the leather gear instead. Back at the hotel, half dressed to where we weren’t indecent, Simon was bouncing off the walls talking about all the insane stuff we’d done and how he’d never get to sleep. In the elevator, a sexy scarlet witch had her hand down the pants of a ripped Hulk, obviously okay with us watching the two of them get started. By the time we reached our mutual floor, she was on her knees sucking his dick and groping Simon and I. At the Hulk’s room, she whispered something to him and then asked if we’d like to come inside. I looked at Simon and he looked equal parts excited and terrified, so I told her we had to hit the room first, get cleaned up and we’d head back when we were ready. She stroked us each once, and headed into the room behind Hulk, revealing another three or four people having sex on the king bed in the middle of the suite. As the door shut, I turned to see if Simon had changed his mind and wanted to join them, but he was already half way down the hall to our room. When we got inside, he started ranting about how hot she was and how much he wanted to plow her full of his semen. “So lets go back and fuck her,” I sat beside him on the bed and put an arm around him, rubbing it up and down his bare arm. “We can tag team her Robin.” That got a smile out of him. “I don’t know if I can Mr. Torelli . I tried doing it with this girl from school and my friend Eric, but I got weirded out having another dude around,” Simon sighed as I slid my hand under his cape and rubbed his lower back. “Having other dicks around just makes me nervous; wondering if they’re bigger, if they’re gonna try something with me, if-“ “Slow down Simon, you don’t need to explain it, you’re not with your friends or some coach who talks down to you. I understand exactly what you mean, that’s why you need to call me Steve. Sounds like you are stuck in your head when you should be stuck in some pussy. I think I have the solution if you think you can handle it,” I slid my free hand into the carry on sitting next to me, pulling out my zipper bag containing my pipe, favors and lighter. “I don’t do drugs Steve.” Simon frowned and looked away. “That’s cool, some people can handle them, some can’t. I bet most boys your age aren’t ready for this stuff, but then maybe you should wait to try the sex stuff until you can feel ready to handle a woman and not be distracted by the men around you.” Simon turned and looked at me like I betrayed him somehow. “I can handle a woman, Steve, I’m not a fuckin virgin!” Simon’s words said he was defiant of my assessment, but his voice rang of self doubt. “Even so Simon, you won’t be able to step outside your box and take control of those feelings until you can understand the difference between sex and nasty, no holds barred fucking, or between experimenting with something and becoming a drug addict or picking up a girl and seducing a woman. You should wait until you gain the necessary age and experience.” At that point I stood up and stripped naked, before sliding a robe on, but leaving it hanging open. “I’m gonna head over and get some pussy, maybe even fuck scarlet witch in her ass, if you can handle it you could come watch.” I turned and picked up a room key, sliding it, my phone, the tina, pipe and lighter into the robe pocket and reached for the door before I heard Simon say wait. “I’d be down to try it, but only a little.” Simon walked over to me and held out his hand. I passed him the pipe which he looked at for a moment before realizing he didn’t know how to light it. I took it back before he got embarrassed and told him to inhale when I said go. I filled it with a big bowl of crystal and lit the underside, until smoke started swirling. “Go.” He sucked in for a long time, using his full lung capacity from swimming until he couldn’t inhale anymore. Suddenly he coughed loudly and exhaled a giant cloud of smoke. Once he’d regained his composure I showed him how it was done and then did it again for him, instructing him to blow it in my mouth when he was ready to exhale. He handled it like a champ on that round and blew a large cloud to me. I did the same back to him and we continued like that for a few minutes until he seemed to be feeling the high. “Now you see how to do it, I want you to keep hitting it while I go see if they are still up for guests down the hall.” I handed him the pipe, encouraged that he desperately went for it, and stepped into the hall. Instead of going down to the orgy, I paused and pulled out my phone, texting the hottest of the men I’d met that evening, including bane. I let them all know I was about to break in a virgin bottom who got high and drunk and would be loaning out his hole to any top with a big cock, big load and big need to breed his virgin hole. Once I got some responses, I stepped back inside, explaining that they were taking a break but would come down and get us when they started again. “Shit, they had to take a break now Steve? I’m horny as fuck on this stuff,” Simon was stroking his hard dick through the thong, but had removed the rest of his costume except for the mask. I started to chub up watching him switch between smoking and stroking while wearing a mask and thong and nothing else. I took the opportunity to pull out my laptop and bring up some bi porn featuring a woman getting her ass double fucked, but eventually leading to some man on man once we were warmed up. As he handed me the pipe I handed him my carry on and told him to see what he could find inside to help out with his lack of pussy. Inside he found a fleshlight, my big pink dildo, poppers, and some cock rings. He needed no instruction once he’d figured out the purpose of the fleshlight, working his cock in without even using the lube. I almost corrected him but decided it would be fine if it made his dick soft since I wasn’t planning on using that part of his body at all. Within minutes the tina really took over and his dick got soft. He tried everything to get it hard again, but was having no luck. Finally I was ready to complete my weeks of work, and show this wanna-be jock just how much of a bottom boy he was born to be. ”One surefire way to get hard again is with this,” I lifted the dildo and towards him. “Just lube it up and slide it in and you’ll hard in no time.” “No thanks Steve, I am not into that gay shit,” he punctuated the sentence by hitting the pipe and turning so I didn’t have as good a view of his cock. “We both know that’s not true don’t we Simon?” I reached over and grabbed his hand, causing him to twist back towards me. “I know you’ve been using my toys to get your rocks off, so why don’t you drop the bullshit and take this dildo up your ass.” His face went ashen and he stuttered, trying to find an explanation for my disappearing/reappearing toys, but drawing a blank. I twisted his arm slightly making him lie back on the bed, and slid the lubed dildo between his legs, before placing his hand on it and giving him a look that said the rest was up to him. His cheeks regained color and rushed to a bright pink as he began to realize he couldn’t hide his shame from me. Tentatively he worked the dildo between his cheeks, before I took pity on him. “Don’t be ashamed Sy, it’s just a toy, and you’ll come to find out most men enjoy toys sometimes. I bet every guy you know has put something up his hole at some point just to see if it feels as good as they say. So stop messing around and sit on that big rubber dick.” Simon couldn’t make eye contact with me as he raised his body up, set the dildo upright and worked his hole down over it. Whimpers and porn music were all you could hear in the room as he gradually worked 5, 6, 7, and finally all 8 inches into his tight virgin sphincter. As promised, his cock began to re-harden and before I knew it, he was bouncing up and down, drool flying from his slack mouth as both hands worked his hard cock. When he wasn’t looking I switched the lube bottle for the bottle of my tina-laced cum, then told him he’d better lube it up again unless he wanted to hurt himself. Still ignoring me, he intensely watch the daisy chain on the screen as he rose off the dildo and began to relube it. “What the hell?” he jumped as my lubed fingers slid in to replace the dildo, flying off of them. “What do you think you are doing man?” “Just making sure you’re lubed correctly. If you don’t know how to do it you could rip you hole or even burn yourself on that thing. Friction will do that.” I stood as I replied, spinning him around and bracing his shoulders with one arm as I inserted my fingers again. “Stop being such a baby.” “Jesus! Take your fuckin fingers out of my ass Steve. I don’t like dudes, and I don’t need any help with my ass.” Simon struggled against me, but less now that I found his prostate and started to milk it. “Seems to me you do, otherwise you’d know how to get it lubed for a dong or stolen butt plug.” Mentioning the stolen butt plug shut him up and eased his struggles even more. “bend forward a little and take a swig from that water bottle in my bag while I grab a crystal to put up there.” He did as he was told, bending until his ass trapped my hand between my crotch and where it was inside his hole. I took a big crystal from my baggie and proceeded to slide it in between two fingers, before working in a third. He complained of a burning sensation, which I explained to be from the tina in his ass, before suggesting another swig from my water bottle filled with gatorade and ghb to promote obedience. Every minute or so he’d try in vain to escape my grip, even as my fingers made him moan and sign. I knew the g was in full effect when he leaned back and let his whole body rest against my thighs, crotch and chest. Like a good trainee, he followed my movements as I walked us over to the bed and laid us down on our sides so we were still in contact from knee to shoulders. I took a second to check that his eyes were closed before switching the porn to a new video and reaching out to take over masturbating his dick, which barely got a “no” before he gave in and let me do as I pleased. He was finally ready for the final step. Without removing my fingers from his hole I maneuvered the head of my dick until it was in line with his tight hole. In one movement I pulled out the four fingers I had in him, and replaced it with the head of my cock. “Stop! Don’t Steve! Get your fucking dick away from my asshole!!!!!!” Instead I rolled my weight over his trashing drugged body until he was trapped and began the slow decent into virgin territory. “Get off me faggot!!!” “Before you call me a faggot I think you need to look at the computer screen and decide just how bad you want me to make things for you.” He raised his head as I said this, thrashing for another moment until it dawned that the video was of him dressed as robin, riding the dildo and begging an imaginary top to allow him to cum in a fictitious pussy. The thrashing started again, this time with desperate cries of terror. “Now based on what we can see here, the only faggot in this room is the mama’s boy with a dick up his ass and a fetish for being controlled by a big dominant man. It makes sense I guess, the idea that you might become a real man one day if you let enough of them plant the seed deep inside you and hope it grows you a set of balls. Until that day, I’m going to make your wish come true by forcing in the other half of my hard dick-“ “Other half?!?!” Simon began struggling more. “Yep, only got 5 inches so far, 4 and a bit to go before my balls touch that hole. And for interrupting me…” I shoved two of the four inches in that very second making him cry like a wounded animal. “SO SHUT UP and thank me for providing your hole with a continuous source of pleasure and nutrients until you graduate to fucking a woman, instead of being one. Now tell me the truth, you never really fucked a girl, did you?” “No, I fucked my last girlfrie” simon was cut off by the rest of my cock pounding home. “Alright! Please sir, you’re right, I never have. I tried but I came before I got inside her. That’s why I was so afraid, because you’d see that I didn’t deserve to come here and lied to you about my age and experience.” “Please Simon, I saw that the first day we met when you couldn’t keep your fingers off your hole for five minutes while you showered. You never need to worry about lying to me about what you are boy, because I see through you and know what you need even when you don’t. So hang on and pray to whatever you believe in, cause I am breaking you in right now.” The following fuck session lasted over 90 minutes, with Simon transitioning from screaming to crying to moaning to begging for more, to cumming, over and over in different orders. I ended up shooting three huge loads inside his hole, in every position I could force him into, before I finally took pity and pulled out to let him recuperate. Funny thing was he asked me to put it back almost immediately. I popped a Viagra and gave him some hits from the pipe and the g bottle before agreeing, at which point I laid back and watched as he rode me to another orgasm for each of us. Collapsing on my chest, his breathing ragged and sweat dripping off his sexy body, he begged me not to tell anyone about what we’d done and told me how ashamed he was when he woke up night after night imagining sucking my cock or letting me fuck his hole. He admitted all the times he’d watched me fuck my various gals and guys and even admitted to doing some things I was unaware of. My dick began to harden inside his hole again when he told me about stealing a discarded condom from my trash can, emptying the load from it the next day onto a cucumber and fucking the cum into his hole in the bathroom at baseball practice, then eating the cucumber. His repressed desires were spilled one by one before he finally stopped and looked at me for some sign that I thought he was evil or dirty. Instead I had him suck me clean while I explained that I’d videotaped the entire session and would send it directly to his house unless he continued to act as my cum dumpster during the school year. He began crying again and begged me not to, so I pulled him to his feet and wrapped him in a towel, donned a rode, grabbed the goodies and began dragging him towards the elevator. “You think I am punishing you, but you need to accept that I know what’s best for you.” As the elevator doors closed, I spun him around, slipped my cock out from my robe, under his towel and pierced his hole, eliciting a squeal. “Just give in so you can stop worrying about what you think you know and can see what is right here.” I pulled out as the doors opened on the lobby level, and texted Bane as I led him into the darkened pool and Jacuzzi area. Once inside the cedar steam room, I bent him over and tied his hands to the bench, lit the pipe and made him take a series of hits before sliding back inside him. He relaxed as my cock slipped past his inner sphincter, and even whispered thank you. Behind us a door creaked, causing him to stiffen again, because he couldn’t see the three handsome well hung men crowding into the space around us. Bane was a good inch longer and much bigger around than my hung cock, and his two friends, while average height and trim, were almost as impressively endowed. I stepped aside while they lubed up and took hits from the bowl. At the last second I remembered what was in my pocket and pulled out my phone to record the destruction of any last iota of will and defiance, not to mention the last time Simon would ever turn down a cock in his ass. Still it is fun to watch the videos of his gangrape and remember a time before he became a drug-addicted cum-hungry bottom slut.
    3 points
  5. From the profile on a gay website I saw the picture of his smooth, toned body straining to arch and push his ass high in the air while on his knees, and immediately saw the potential of training him. First I started with casual chat, asking if he wanted to chat on web cam. As he turned on his camera and showed me his chest with two small, erect nipples, my dick got hard. As he was cooperative, I told him to undertake different poses and show me different parts of his body. The boy mentioned he was versatile and only plays safe. I played along with his game and asked him if he wanted to meet me. He didn't accept my invitation and kept on coming-up with excuses. For thirty minutes I tried to convince him to meet me, but then he said good bye and signed off. I was pissed I had invested so much in a fucking cock tease boy, and, as I signed off, decided I would make him pay next time. Few days later, I was partying with few of my friends who were all poz and older. We were using a bottom boy who belongs to one of my friends, but, after being double-fucked, the boy's hole became very loose. Fortunately, about then I noticed that my little cock-tease boy had signed online, so I sent him a message and asked him to do a web cam. He obliged. All my friends found his young body sexy so we decided to give him a show. There were five of us, not counting the bottom boy. One black guy in his 40's, 6' 3" and over 200 pounds, a big man with a thirteen inch monster cock and bull balls. In addition there were two handsome white men in their 30's, both sporting eight inch cocks (which, I should note, were somewhat enhanced by T and Viagra. There was a younger white boy with a cock as big as the older white guys. He had exceptional stamina and was very dominant, and loved using bottoms for hours. He and the black man had double-fucked our bottom boy, and destroyed his hole for the night. I should add that I'm a f40 year old white guy, although I honestly think I look somewhat younger, and have almost nine inches of big white meat, to which my bottoms always seem to become addicted. As we showed him our naked bodies, including our semi-hard cocks, I could see the boy's little dick getting hard, but he told me that he had never done groups and uncomfortable at the thought. After lots of sweet talking, finally the boy agreed to meet me. I was annoyed that he made me work so hard, but the prospects of making him pay made it worthwhile. I told my buddies how I was going to set him up by being sweet to him, all the while feeding him drugs. Then, when his inhibitions were gone, we would undertake our usual play session. Everyone agreed. Soon enough my phone rang. I put my shorts and a white tank top on, and answered the door. It was the cock tease. He Asian, dressed in a casual chic manner, and I would estimate was six feet in height, and about 150 pounds, slim, but nicely toned. I led him to the living room and introduced everyone before I took him to the dining room table where I had party supplies spread out on the table. I could tell he had never done most of the stuff that was on the table, but when I asked him if he was into partying, he said 'sometimes' in a bit cocky, twinky way. I held out the pipe to him and lit it, telling him to suck it deep until I told him to stop. He followed my directions and really took a huge hit. The boy must have a good lung capacity. As he placed his mouth on the pipe I gradually lowered the pipe so by the end of the hit, he was leaning forward on his chair resting his elbows on his thighs. I told him to take two more big hits and I could see in his eyes that he was high. But I really wanted to train him right tonight so I told him to take his clothes off before I told him to take more hits. He tried to leave his underwear on which I easily pulled down in one pull which made him lose balance and fall on the ground. I told him get on his knees sit up as I fed him the pipe. I told him to open his mouth wide and stick his tongue out as he exhale the fume and placed my cock head right inside of his open mouth/tongue. Next I told him to take a bit hit and hold it in while he go down on my cock. I wasn't hard yet so my soft cock fit right in his big opened mouth. As I looked down at his face through the white smoke he was letting out while his face puffed up to hold all my soft cock in his mouth and his eyes full of hunger, I knew I had him where I want him to be. I told him not to let my cock out of his mouth til I tell him which he nooded. I slapped his face few times softly. My buddies started to shout sweet words of encouragements like "you are fucking beautiful and sexy" etc. Sometimes they ran their big hands on my boy's body which made him shake and shudder each time. This boy was so high and his whole body was becoming sex hungry. I fed him few more hits as I fed him my now hardening cock. Finally after 8th hit, I kept on pushing in til I had it balls deep and held the boy's head to stop him from moving. I told him to breathe through his nose and felt the boy's throat muscle spasming all around my cock as he tried to relax and accept my cock since I wasn't letting him go. As his throat and mouth relaxed and opened up, his mouth got really watery and the drool kept on leaking out of his mouth around my cock dripping onto my balls and his body. Everytime I held his head down for a while and let go, he took a deep breath and dove back onto my cock. My buddies started to talk dirtier and asked him if he liked my cock and the boy answered without taking his mouth off of my cock as I told him so the sound came out all inaudible. We all had a good laugh and I slapped his face and told him he was a good boy then I spat on his face. My buddies were occasionally laying good slapping or rough handling my boy's body as well which seem to heighten boy's sexual hunger. Finally I suggested a game of "choke the boy" where each of buried our cocks in the boy's throat balls deep and held him there and whoever hold the boy's head the longest wins. My boy crawled on all fours from one cock to the other being choked and finally when he was being choked on my black friend's cock, I saw him almost passing out turning all white. I had to pull my boy off of his grip and the black man apologized but told me it's hard to hold back since my boy seem to beg for control and abuse. We all agreed and I told them that's why I picked him for our play that night. We all laughed and resumed our "choke the boy" a little more until everyone's cock was dripping wet and hard.
    2 points
  6. My accidental night…(fiction) I was driving in a snowstorm and went off the road. There was no one around anywhere, no cell service, I was freezing and totally fucked. So I decided to walk towards a small shopping center, I was not prepared so I was freezing. Nothing was open except for a video store. So I walked in and asked if I could use the phone, I called a tow truck and they said it wouldn’t be until tomorrow since there was a huge accident on the main highway that was getting cleaned up. Fuck me. I ask the guy if there are any motels around, he said no, but there is a bathhouse that rents rooms for the night. I sigh, where is it? I ask. He says it’s attached to the building but you have to walk around the side of the building. I thank him and walk over. I walk in and it smells like chlorine. I ask if there are rooms and how much? The guy at the window says, 20 bucks. I say ok. I ask if there is a dryer I could use, the guy says bring me your wet clothes and I will dry them for you. I am grateful and thank him. The place is empty. I take my key and towel and quickly hit the room and lock the door behind me. Room is simple but it will do. I stripped down and wrapped myself in the towel and climb into bed to warm up. I dozed off and woke to a knock on the door, I jump up and ask who it is… Its John from the front desk, I open the door and it’s the guy, now wrapped in a towel. Where are your clothes? I am leaving soon and want to dry them for you before I head out. I thank him again and hand him the clothes. Be right back he says. A few minutes later he returns, closes the door, and asks what happened, I tell him and he says the accident would have made me sit in the car, so maybe its divine intervention. I laugh. Come with me to the sauna, there is no one here, so its ours. I say sure, and he loosens his towel and tightens it again, I get a glimpse of his cock, impressive, about 6 inches soft. He leads the way to the sauna, feels good in here I say. We chat more and he tells me he has to get home soon but knows the roads are still closed. Thirsty he asks? I say yes, be right back, he leaves and comes back with a couple waters. I grab mine and drink half the bottle right away. I lean back and its quiet, I feel light headed from the heat, he moves close to me and says, yeah its really hot in here. I guess a few others came in since I came now and were in the room. I heard him talking to them but didn’t know what was being said. Drink up bud, its hot, then we will go to the couch room and chill. I drink the rest and he helps me walk to the room, but we never make it, I start to fade out. I wake up in a sling, shackled in, unable to move, ass wide open. I suddenly feel something sharp in my hole, I feel it shoved in hard, I moan, its ok bud, its just a booty bump to help you loosen up, with that he shoved his finger deep in my ass, I feel the scratching deep in me and then a warm feeling in my ass. That should take quick since I cleaned him out before we put him in here. He then shoves his cock deep, all 9 thick inches. I start begging to be fucked. He laughs, oh we will. I glance around and there are about 12 guys in line. Each of them were sporting a biohazard tat in the same spot. We are initiating you to the club, you will have this tattoo as well. I get fucked by these guys multiple times, I am there 8 hours and just constantly fucked. My ass is dripping. Cleaning cocks that were in me. They take me out of the sling and put me on a filthy mattress, there is a guy on his back and they order me to ride him. A hot black guy with an 11 inch cock, the other guys pick me up and impale me with his cock. The then lean me over him and he starts fucking me, another guy comes up from behind and rams his cock in my ass, ripping me open, the black guy laughs out loud, awh did that hurt bitch? And fucks me harder, as does the other guy. I am the president of this club he tells me and I might take you as my own. With that he tells the other guy to get off and he flips me onto my back and fucks me like no one ever has. Hmmm I like you, he grabs a little box, opens it and finds the biggest rock, he pulls out shoves the rock in my ass and fucks it all the way in. He pounds me and stops, he cum’s, then fucks me again. This went on for a few hours. One final huge load, I couldn’t believe his stamina. He was a beauty however. I was coming down off my high. He told me he wanted to see me later that day. So I went to his place and he had a nice little dinner waiting, but he was naked and wanted to load me up before, during and after dinner. I gleefully obliged. I became his little PNP whore, I was his, we were together. I was at the gym with him everyday and I was in his bed every night, he also lent me out to his friends. Fully charged with lots of plus sign tattoos on my ass for the amount of poz loads I have taken. Worst night changed my life, and I will never regret it.
    2 points
  7. I've gotten in the habit of extending my perversions by chatting with fellow pervs over a few different video chat services, namely skype and tokbox. I was doing the very same one night, discussing the finer points of meth use and breeding, when I got an IM on one of the more mainstream hookup sites. This kid was 18...barely. He had just come home from some friend's party and was feeling rather horny. He was drunk, probably high (he mentioned liking xanax), and was in the mood to fuck. I gave him some directions, and he set out. While he was headed over, I chatted with my video buddies and hatched a plan. I would hide my webcam behind some debris on the tv table (where my media PC is connected) and fuck this kid on the couch. They would watch as I would attempt to breed him. For good measure, I put a glob of lube on the end table, crushed some meth up, and sprinkled it in the lube. I put the bottle next to this so I could grab lube or my special blend, if needed. The guy comes in, and he is as young as he says. 18, a thin 26-28 inch waist, and tall, about 6'2 or so. He's also as drunk as he sounded, maybe more so. Easy score, as far as I'm concerned. He drops to his knees and starts to blow me. I fuck his face hard, and he seems to enjoy it. My dick isn't huge, but it would choke anyone who wasn't used to deep throating, and this kid took it fairly well. We switched around sucking each other's dicks for a while, then I went down on his ass. He bent over the couch and moaned as my tounge fucked his hole open, making it slick enough that lube wouldn't have been needed. But I used some anyway. I reached over, and grabbed the bottom, pushed some on my fingers, and opened him up a bit more. I left the doctored lube alone for the time being. Sensing his readyness, I plunged my dick in his ass. He yelped and pulled away. I gave him a little time to relax, and took it a bit more slowly. He moaned some more and backed up on my raw dick. I fucked him for a about 10 minutes, and he decides he needs a break. I pull out, and he lays on the couch. He begins to suck on my dick, and I"m afraid I can't hold back much longer. He tells me he wants me to cum on his face, so I try to improvise as best as I can. I pull out of his mouth and spray his face, forcing him to close his eyes. I scoop some off of his face and chest and start to play wtih his hole some, pushing it deep inside. I may not have fucked my cum into his cunt, but at least it ended up there. Being the drunk kid that he was, I couldn't just run him out of my place, so I let him chill for a while. Things heated up again, and I sat on his dick (why do the skinny tall ones always have the monster cocks?) trying to coax a nut from him. No avail, he just can't cum. But, he's ready to get fucked agian. I bend him over again, and this time use the doctor'd lube on his ass. He moans as I finger him, but then he starts to change his pitch a bit. He mentions that his butt burns some. I tell him its probably the old lube I'm using, and that it will feel better when I'm fucking him. Which I promptly do. I line my head up with his hole and push in. He stops complaining, puts his head down in the cushions, and just takes my cock. I fuck him for about 5 minutes or so. He's obviously lost in pure pleasure. So am I. Before I realize it, I'm pumping my second load into, creaming his ass. He doesn't complain or say much of anything. I pull out and sit down, and he lays on the couch and very soon passes out. I let him sleep for about 30 minutes before deciding to toss him out, which took a bit of convincing. I guess I'm just too nice of a guy to be mean to someone. After he left, I turned back on the TV, expecing my tweaker buds to have moved on. But, as true tweakers are, they were waiting patiently for me to return so they could tell me just how awesome the view was. My only regret was that I didn't try to save the video feed. Its not too hard if you have the right software. I guess I'll have to try it all over again...
    2 points
  8. Hey filthbags! I've been an avid fan of these stories for years, so decided to quit being a leacher and start giving back to you all. This is my first attempt at a story I have in mind. Be critical but be kind! Hope you enjoy. ___________________________________________________________________________________ My heart was beginning to race as I walked off the illuminated path and into the woods. I knew I shouldnt be here but his online chat had somehow lured me, like a siren call. I had been online most of the evening, moaning to anyone who would listen about how much my life sucked; Controlling parents, a boyfriend who was out clubbing and ignoring me and school work dragging me down. It was then that this guy in his mid 40s had begun chatting to me. He somehow dominated the conversation, telling me what he was going to do. Every time I read his messages I found myself playing with my nipples, feeling my cock growl in my pants. There was something about the power in his words. It was like he was in the room with me as he was describing how he wanted to wrap his arms around me and smell my neck, rub his hands all over my body and pull me tight against his big burly hairy chest so I could feel his fat throbbing cock between my arse cheeks. I was off the charts horny and he seemed to know it. I tried to text my boyfriend one last time but once again there was no answer. Any other night I would have been happy with a wank but this guy was something else and somehow he convinced me to sneak out the house and come and meet him down the cruising area. I knew where it was, everyone in town knew about the Woods. There was usually an article in the local news once a month about some parent irate that they had found some condom wrappers down there or something. And so here I was slowly walking into the woods in the middle of the night looking for a man I'd never even seen a picture of. He told me to wear some loose trackies and a hoodie and that he would find me. So with my heart thumping I walking into the dense forest and began looking around. It was dark but fortunately my eyes were adjusting and I could make out larger trodden down areas in the woods. I could hear the faint crack of other men walking around in the dark and began slowly to stumble my way through. It felt like I was making a huge amount of noise as I tried to manoeuvre across various branches and twigs all snapping underfoot. Then without warning I walked straight into a huge man walking out of some shrubs. “Sorry I'm sorry” I whispered as I tried to not look him in the eyes as embarrassment washed over me. “Dont you be sorry at all” he purred back at me and I could feel him looking me up and down. Despite the dark I could see he was also in trackie bottoms but his were a lot dirtier, with a few tears and a lot of mud worked into them. As my eyes worked up his body I could see that he had quite a gut on him as well and his tshirt didnt really cover him totally as his belly protruded out. He was wearing some sort of wax jacket which bulked him out even more and as my eyes reached his face, I could see his chubby cheeks and devilish eyes glaring down at me. “Are you lost little boy? Or have you found what you are looking for” one hand squeezed his cock through his trackies as he reached the other hand to my chest and tweaked my nipple. I couldnt help the involuntary moan that came out my mouth. My nipples are super sensitive and hard wired to my cock. Those devilish eyes smiled in the night and his mouth cracked into a wider smile. His other hand came up and grabbed my other nipple and squeezed in unison and my knees almost buckled under me. “You like that dont you, little slut boy” he pulled my nipples towards him and dragged me closer to his body. “Look at me you little slut”. I forced my eyes up to his and he leaned down and put his chubby lips on mine and gave me a deep wet kiss. His tongue pressed into my mouth and slobbered all over me. It was disgusted, I hated it, but I couldnt help myself. He had my nipples ad was working them round and round and I found my tongue kissing him back. His spit was foul, he hadnt cleaned his teeth for some time it seemed but here I was making out his him. “Lets get you more comfortable” he said as he took me deeper into the shrubs he had just walked out of. He found an upturned stump and sat down. Pulling his trackies down he fished out a impressive but ugly looking cock. The hood was half pulled over the head of his cock, and despite being about 8 inches it was gnarled and misshaped. He pulled me down onto my knees and moved my head towards his cock. The smell hit me, this was bad I knew that but he had control over me and before I knew it, my lips were wrapping round that meaty cock and I began to suck. The taste was vile, like he hadnt washed for days, but I could feel his rough hands on my head keeping me down so I bobbed up and down trying to keep my mouth as wide as possible so as to avoid some of the taste. He began to push my trackies down my arse and I could feel the breeze on me. He wasnt wasting any time as his digit immediately found its way to my hole and began to push against it. “Fuck thats nice and smooth. I love young dirty sluts like you, hungry for cock arent you” My head was all over the place, I was feeling awful, the taste of his cock was fading but it was starting to click as to what was going on. This fat stinking slob was making me suck his dick in the woods and I was humiliating myself. I needed to stop and get home, play this off as some sort of bad dream or something, but then his finger was back at my hole and I could feel something being stuffed in. It felt like a sharp pebble or something. I yelped around his cock and tried to pull away but his size made him a long stronger than I was. I managed to pull off his cock and shout out but as I was already on my knees he managed to shove me into the dirt and held my face to the floor with one hand as he continued to work his fat dry digit deeper into my arse. “Shut your fucking mouth you little whore, this is just a little something to help lube you up”. I didnt know what he was talking about, it didnt feel like lube, if anything it was making my arse burn, but with a mouth full of mud and dirt and this fat fucker on top of me I couldnt do anything about it. I then felt him manouver himself around and both arms came onto my own to hold me down. “Its lucky for you youre a good little cock sucker” he said as he began to line his cock up with my hole. I couldnt believe that this was happening, I was about to get raped here in the woods by this fat pig ugly shit and there was nothing I could do. I tried to clench my arse shut, but the burning inside was too much and the pressure of his cock against my hole was too painful. I screamed into the ground as my hole finally gave up and he plunged balls deep straight away into me. “I told you to shut your fucking mouth!” He shouted at me as he slapped me across the back of my head and worked his hand across my mouth. His full weight was on me down as he began to rape me, pulling in and out, pushing deep into me and working that burning sensation deeper inside me. I couldnt breathe properly because of his weight and this warmth was surrounding me. I could feel myself slowly floating away in my own thoughts, the only connection I still had was the sound of his grunting as he fucked my hole and I could hear the sloshing sound despite no longer being able to really feel anything anymore. My vision was getting smaller and darker when he finally took his hand off my mouth and moaned in passion as I took a huge breath into my lungs. He pulled out of my hole and stood up looking at his conquest. I couldnt bare to look at him or even move. I then heard him pulling up his trackies and rustling in his coat pocket. Two rough digits were shoved back up inside me, but my hole took them a lot easier. “Theres another one for luck, and your first of many dirty loads your fresh hole is getting tonight no doubt”. He then pulled my face up off the ground and forced me to stare into his face. “You are going to fucking ruined little boy by the time you see the sun again” and he sniffed back and spat a huge phelm wad into my face and dropped my face into the dirt. The burning in my arse was spreading into another warmth feeling again and I felt unresponsive as I felt my abuser pull off my hoodie, “A little souvenir” he chuckled. I heard the sound of a camera clicking a few shots and then silence as he walked away. What was wrong with me, I couldnt move, I couldnt think, my trackies were half way down my legs with my fucked arse out. My mind started to blur out as I heard some feet walk past. “Someones been having fun” I heard a deep voice say and a few chuckles followed. My eyes began to shut as I saw three sets of heavy leather boots surround me. To be continued.
    2 points
  9. Well, it's official. The other day, I posted about taking my first KNOWN poz dick...and I finally did! I literally ALWAYS go bareback and (of course) I've taken anonymous cock, but this milestone is for me being hiv neg and PURPOSELY, KNOWINGLY taking poz cock and cum. I met up with my 46 y/o white TOTAL top jock daddy breeder Friday night for what he called a "pre-breed" session. We planned on meeting this coming Saturday for him to pump in an entire week's worth of nut up my cunt, but he couldn't wait and asked to meet sooner, so he could drain his balls of the 4 day load he had, before building up the week's worth for the main event. Well, long story short, I met for the pre-breed and he pumped in one huge load. He fell asleep still inside me, for about an hour or so, before his dick finally detached from my hole. He had asked me to stay the night with him and I finally did, for the first time. My hole was NOT wiped or emptied out after the first load and I woke up to him humping and grinding into me from behind. He needed to release again and slid into my sloppy ass again. But he had to force himself into my hole this time, because it was so wrecked, raw, and sore from thew few hours before. Eventually, he forced my hole to take a 2nd load from him. We rested and cuddled a bit more, but his horny dick just wouldn't leave him alone. He tried to resist stroking his horny penis, but I encouraged him to keep going. I wrapped my lips around and sucked and tongued his cock head good and he jerked a THIRD load right down my throat. In all, I ended up with 3 poz loads pumped in both ends, in less than 10 hours! And that wasn't even the main event! My hole is so sore, as I write this, and now I have a new memory and milestone accomplished!
    2 points
  10. Had a busy Saturday. Felt like the whole city was vibrating with sex due to Black Party weekend. Around 10am had a 30 year old beefy mixed black/latino top come over. Met him on a4a and he was packing a decent sized 7.5 cut inches. He wasn't really my type but was good to get loaded and get the day started. He dropped 2 loads in my hole before he bounced. Next up was a 32 year old sexy furry white jock with a big thick 8 inch cock. Super fit and aggressive and sexy. Fucked me in every position possible and really was into slam-fucking my hole and pulling all the way out then back in over and over. Each time he pulled out a little river of cum would leak from my hole and soon the sheets were soaked. He threw me on my back and fucked deep until he unloaded his nutt. After that had a 29 year old black thug with 9.5 inches. Great curve to his cock which fit nicely down my throat. Very aggressive fucker who pounded the fuck out of my throat and then my ass. We alternated ass to mouth for a while before he dumped deep in me. HOT. Now I was super horny and my cunt was getting sloppy. Perfect. I headed over to the afternoon CumUnion party (billed as a pre-party to Black Party) in Chelsea. Never been to CumUnion before but it was fucking hot and I will be back. In the dark back room I got my hole used by 3 hung muscular black tops. The second one fucked me for a good long time and bust his load in me. The other two fucked me for a while but didn't cum (I think). I was basically stalking the hottest, most hung black top in the room but he had just cum inside another bottom and wasn't ready for seconds. Damn. By now I had had 5 loads and 6 dicks but still wanted more. I posted on Craigslist and a sexy black top buddy of mine (who hasn't fucked me in a couple years) replied. I jumped in a cab and headed over to his place for a quick pump and dump for load #6 of the day. Felt like such a happy cunt pig. I still haven't cum and I'm still craving more loads. Will see if I get the time today and will update here accordingly.
    2 points
  11. its 5:49 am and I just came back from this fancy hotel on my town... 3 guys who came to the city for work use me all night... the 3 guys fuck me all night, i smoke some T before the night stars, in the room they blow up on my ass cocaine and then they use me like the whore they like to think im (well im). And thats it... i have the 7 loads of that 3 guys in my guts... nite nite...
    2 points
  12. He grabbed me almost violently, yanking on my jock waistband as if it was a leash attached to a pet collar. He pushed and shoved my body forcefully, rearranging my position on the barber's chair, so suddenly, that I hadn't realized I had been standing for a second before I was pushed HARD back on the chair. He manhandled me, arranging my elbows so they were now resting on the seat, my upper body parallel to the cushion, my chest pressed on the leather, my head facing forward. I saw it before I felt it. It was in the mirror a foot or so way from me but it may as well have been a telescopic vision as it looked obscenely large, as if that was even possible. The head seemed fatter and engorged. Had it gotten bigger since it had been in my mouth moments ago? Or how long ago was THAT? The warm still air in the shop, mixed with the scents of our sweaty bodies with the antiseptic and grooming product aromas lingering around us, seemed to be playing tricks on my perception. We both were sweating profusely, beads of perspiration trickling from me, adding another layer of sheen to the worn leather of the chair. I looked at him in the mirror and from my viewing angle, the reflection of his head was cut in the diagonal crack in the glass. His left eye appeared normal, the other eye on the face was off centered with the iris and pupil appearing to be consumed in black. The thick uncut cockhead entered without any restriction. I am not even sure I felt it as my hunger had been building for quite a long time now that I wondered if this was really happening or some deranged wishful thinking. His thick dick slid into my hole, sans spit or other lubrication other than my own natural manhole juice I was creating from my hunger. I turned my gaze from the mirror and tried to balance myself in the forced position on the chair. I closed my eyes, not wanting to look at his strange reflection anymore. I wanted to savor the sensation of his thick dick throbbing at my hole, in the blackness of my mind, unobstructed by my visual distractions. My heartbeat seemed to be getting louder as I took a deep breath. "You been askin' for THIS, huh Boy?" The dick head remained where it was at the entrance of my very hungry manhole. "How it feelin'?" "Fuck!" I exclaimed, my eyes still shut. "It feels great! It feels so thick, nice and fat!" I squirmed a little wanting to get more of that shaft inside me. "PUT IT IN!" I yelled, daring him. He grabbed the waistband of my jock, pulling again on them tightly with such FORCE that my back and upper body suddenly jerked. "DON'T BE FUCKIN' TELLIN' ME WHAT TO DO!!!" He yelled angrily. "I told you earlier : you ain't makin' the rules here. YA HEAR?!?" Outside a car on the avenue seemed to swerve as I heard the sounds of tires running hard and violently against the road surface. The summer evening humidity creeped in from the street, under the locked shop door, crawling on the linoleum floor and up the barber"s chair. He yanked hard on my jock again and then with his right hand shoved my upper body forward that my weight crashed on itself, my elbows unfolding, my chest hitting the warm seat of the chair. My left arm slammed against the hard metal side of the chair. A sharp intense pain came over me. I felt his thick cockhead trace against my asslips again and any discomfort I had just experienced seemed to quickly evaporate. He carefully moved his dickhead against my opening, just slowly, up and down, up and down but with a little pressure so it felt as if the bulbous head would enter at any moment. All he had to do was push. But he didn't. Instead he repeated this tease over and over, toying with me. I squirmed as it all felt magnificent. Suddenly, he shoved his thick shaft into me HARD and swift. And as open, as hungry as my hole was, it still took me by surprise, the roughness of the entry mixed with his sudden forcefulness and change of tone. But I didn't care. A feeling of exasperation and fulfillment came over me as if the inner heat from the large booty bump from earlier was finally subsisting, like smoldering sparks of a raging fire finally settling down. But the heat was still there. He stayed in his current position, barely moving. I finally opened my eyes and turned my head to gaze at our reflection. His head was cocked back, his arms extended, holding on to my waistband of my jock. His eyes were closed now and I could see he was muttering under his breath so low, that I barely heared him. I was only aware of it as I saw the slow movement of his thick lips in his reflection. "Muthafukka...muthafukka...," he whispered to himself. There was a slight sensation of rocking as I sensed his thick dick head sliding inside me but barely an inch was entering me, in and out, in and out. My hole was just so sensitive that everything felt MAGNIFIED. I was rolling my head uncontrollably on the chair, the cheek on my face rubbing against the leather. The dampness of my sweat made the leather feel slick. His subtle fucking continued at this slow pace. I was satisfied that he was finally inside me. I looked at the mirror again and was surprised to see most of his thick shaft OUTSIDE of me. The cock head was sliding in and out of my hole, stretching my asslips as he would pull out, the soft flesh swollen and clinging to this thick shaft, sliding in and out. He was b a r e l y in me. And yet I was feeling completely turned on by his limited entry. The thickness of the cock head, his deliberately slower pace, and the constant pushing and pulling at my asslips was providing a new sensation. It was like the stretch when someone was fisting me but less so and yet more intense at the same time. He kept going, slowly, methodically, in some studied rhythm. I kept watching our reflection, impressed at his skill and how he was making my hole feel with just the limited entry. I could sometimes see the edge of his foreskin wrapped tight and pulled back at the rim of his forehead as he pulled out carefully. And then it would disappear as he would plunge back into my willing and hungry hole. Whatever fire that had been subsiding earlier seemed to slowly creep back in as the effect of the booty bump would rise and fall, like a tide washing in. The engorged dark shaft appeared larger again. The heat in the shop and inside me from all the drugs were all playing with my perception. The fact that his cock was only partially inside with just the head carefully going in and out made his shaft appear longer in the mirror. It was like a camera trick and yet what I was experiencing between my legs only seemed to substantiate it. His skill made my hole so content and filled, even if it was only a few inches of his bulbous cockhead entering me. I didn't want it to end, it felt so good. I could have stayed in this position forever. The shaft pushed and pulled slowly, quickly, slowly again and then VIOLENTLY. Every now and then he would shove HARD all the way inside me. My body would jerk forward by the sudden assault, the shock and surprise of the feeling of his mass and volume completing me. And before I could really savor it, before I could relax my inner muscles of my hole to let him gain more entry, before I could mentally visualize it all inside me-he would pull out quickly. "How's that special pussy feelin' now?" He suddenly spoke, the deep voice penetrating the silence and warm, still air in the room. He pushed in carefully and pulled out in the same fashion. I moaned. It was all I could utter in response. He lunged in HARD again, shoving my upper body forward on the chair. I caught my breath, but barely had time to feel his thickness and mass inside me again before he suddenly pulled all the way out. He retreated so quickly and violently that if felt more criminal that he would leave me so empty, so void. The unexpected emptiness was almost painful as my manhole pulsed from the shock, my heart beat coming back in a loud drum, louder and louder as if it was a soundtrack to the sudden turn of events. I looked in the mirror. My face couldn't conceal my silent disappointment, my hunger. He pulled away from the chair and grabbed the poppers bottle that he had set aside earlier on the counter. "Get up Boy!" He commanded. I took a deep breath and slowly applied pressure on my arms to push me upwards from the chair. I took another careful, deep breath. My heart was beating faster and faster. I swear the sound was thundering in the room. His left arm suddenly grabbed me by my jock waistband as he helped me off the chair. I stood in front of him, trying to regain my balance from the change of position and dizziness. "Get that broom and dustpan," he motioned to one corner of the shop. What?" I was puzzled, confused and still dizzy. "You heard me Boy." I walked to the corner, leaned down to the floor and grabbed the dustpan with my left hand and stood straight and grabbed the broom with my other arm. I looked at him, still bewildered. "Now get over here and get on your knees and sweep all that mess of your hairs around us." "You can't be serious," I instinctively replied, almost sarcastically. He suddenly stepped forward and slapped me HARD with his free hand. It happened so fast and unexpectedly that I dropped the dustpan, the metal banged on the floor and seemed to echo for a moment until it was enveloped by the air in the room that seemed to be getting hotter and hotter. In between us, on the ceiling, the fluorescent light snapped away again, almost on cue to that moment, the lighting in the room getting dimmer in an instant. "I ain't gonna tell you twice," he said slowly, sternly. I looked at him, almost angry, my heartbeat getting louder and louder. He wasn't smiling or moving. I looked at his thick uncut shaft, still erect and glistening from my hole's juices. I saw the firmness in his stare so I bent down again, this time with my whole body, kneeling on the linoleum floor, collecting the dustpan with my left hand and holding the broom with my other. "You know what to do," he instructed. This wasn't easy. For one, I was very high. Whatever fire I had inside me seemed to have been quickly reignited with the unexpected slap on my face. It still stung on my cheek, his sudden explosion on me. But it burned even more in the emptiness between my legs. I bent forward with my upper body so it was angled lower to the floor with my legs spread wide for balance as my arms tried to sweep the tiny black needles of my clipped hair that was scattered all around us. I couldn't use my arms to support my balance so I spread my legs further, using the weight of my lower body for support, my ass in the air. I heard him step behind me. I was too low now. I didn't have the advantage of the mirrors around us to observe the situation at this level. He paced around me as I could only see his bare legs and his big feet still wearing the beat-up sneakers. I saw the base of the barber's chair behind me and the other chairs around us. Somehow the light from the ceiling didn't seem to penetrate down this deep so the room from this perspective seemed darker, dirtier. He continued to step around me slowly until he was behind me. And then he bent down and I felt part of his large mass and weight of his upper body on my back. "I want those floors spotless," he leaned into my side, whispering in my right ear. Suddenly his hands were around my head, one hand holding the poppers under my nostrils. "You know what to do," he repeated. I breathed deep, deeper than I thought possible. And as alarmed as I was from his unexpected assault earlier, I still wanted to please him. He positioned the bottle under the left nostril, then the right. My breaths were long and focused. And then he placed the bottle one last time on the left side again. I took an even larger breath and inhaled as long as I could as my heart seemed to want to come out of my chest. I felt as if I was spinning even more as my head, now lower to the floor, seemed to accentuate the chemical fumes entering me. His weight on my back released itself from me as he positioned himself behind me. I heard him take his own deep, long breaths from the bottle and then a sound that made me realize he was inhaling the sharp, nasty air into his mouth. I heard him quickly seal the cap and set the bottle aside on the floor. "Sweep, Boy!" He yelled, his voice suddenly muffled as his mouth enveloped my hole, his hands at my ass cheeks, pulling them apart obscenely wide as he exhaled the poppers into my burning hole. It was like throwing a lit match into a pool of gasoline. My hole erupted in a new layer of heat, hunger and anticipation. I tried to do as he commanded but it was impossible. The haze of my earlier poppers intake, my body angle made me even more dizzy and unbalanced, and this new sensation on my manhole was too much to bear. I was trying to please him but regardless of how I tried I could barely get any of the mess of tiny hairs on the floor in the dustpan. One moment I would manage to push the broom to collect and push the tiny shreds of hair. The next moment, my daze and condition would take over me and I would spill the contents back on the floor making more of a mess. "Muthafukka...," he muttered, in between breaths, his tongue diving deep into my my now even, hungrier hole. Beads of sweat rained down from my head to the floor. How was it that it was hotter down at this level? Wasn't heat supposed to rise? Or maybe it was : from my head to my ass that was higher in my kneeling position. I was sweating so much that miniature pools were being created on the floor surface, my tiny black hairs floating and gliding around in the perspiration. The hairs appeared to multiply and take over the tiny lakes of sweat on the floor, almost like the blackness consuming his eyes from earlier. He devoured my manhole. He was like a madman speaking an unintelligible language in between my ass. The poppers we had shared was hitting me hard. My upper body-angled lower on the floor-only accentuated the intense dizziness and floating experience I was going through. And of course there was the massive booty bump from earlier and his uncut cockhead teasing that seemed to have gone on for an eternity that added to whatever I was now feeling. It was as if everything he did was some prolonged extra-sensory experience, some expected and heightened more than I was used to, and some completely unexpected, unscripted. I only wanted more. His fat tongue glided slowly up inside my hole. I could feel the thick tip of it enter me, licking on my upper manhole wall. There was a rough coarseness to his tongue that I could sense that contrasted to the soft, moist textures of the inside of my manhole. All my sensations seemed so heightened that I wasn't surprised I could fathom this. And then the tongue would exit, yet continue to lick away, the roughness sliding along the freshly shaved smooth skin around my pulsing manhole. There was the addition of his beard which was surprisingly stiff and bristling. It felt like a rake against my hole. Every movement of his mouth around my hole would illicit a mix of sharp intense prickling pain like hundreds of tiny needles stabbing my sensitive shaved skin. His saliva was mixing with the layer of sweat in between my hole and balls causing so much moistness I could feel it run down my inner thighs, thin rivers of sex sliding down my legs, connecting with the pools of our perspiration on the floor, my tiny black shreds of hairs sailing on the surface. And then he would pull his tongue into his mouth for a moment, wetting it with more with his saliva. His entire mouth would consume my hole and he would suck on it slowly. He sucked with a gentle force to create a vacuum. And then he would release it quickly so that a puckering sound, moist and wet, would come from between my legs. And then he would kiss my hole again with that big mouth and suck some more, creating the vacuum again and release it as suddenly as it had started. He repeated this over and over, the smack and wet noises getting louder, nastier, almost like a sordid rhythm. My manpussy was singing. It was driving me crazy with the dizziness in my head from everything. And just as I was really getting into the intense sensations, his tongue and mouth would suddenly retreat. It was like he knew I was riding on the feeling, almost at its peak, and just before I would hit that high note he would suddenly stop. It felt deliberate. It felt calculated. It felt fucking great. His hands would pull my ass further apart like he was tying to rip me in half. My hole felt wider, bigger. His fat tongue would invade me again. Harder, tougher, pushing with force to gain more entry. The fat, rough tongue would suddenly lap at my burning manhole, furiously flicking at such a pace that every lick felt like a moist stabbing at my hole. I was shaking uncontrollably from the over-stimulation. He was groaning as he ate my manhole, muttering under his breath. "Muthaaa..." The fat tongue would lap rapidly on my hole. "...fukkaaaa...." The tongue would dive deeper, harder. It was too much. I was on hyper-stimulation overload. I dropped the dustpan, the loud clanging of the metal hitting the floor rang in the shop. Little black hairs littered the floor. "WHAT THE..." His mouth pulled away from my hole, his hands pushing away from me. I turned my head slightly to see him suddenly kneel straight up, pulling away from my backside. "DIDN'T I SAY TO CLEAN THIS MESS?!?" His voice boomed in the space. SLAP!!! The sudden sting of his hand hitting my ass took me by surprise. He hit me with such force that my body jerked forward slightly from the assault. SLAP!!! Another swing on my other cheek. My heartbeat was back in the forefront, the rhythm beating faster, louder. The residue of the slaps on my ass burned. I sensed the heat building again as my manhole was left vacant of any activity. It seemed to protest the lack of tongue, dick, and fingers by burning more intensely. "Look at this fuckin' mess!" He complained, getting up now and circling around me. I adjusted my upper body, lifting it from its current lowered position. Suddenly I felt his right foot on my head, the dirty beat-up sneaker pushing on me. "Did I say you could stand up, Boy?" His foot applied more pressure, pushing my head lower and lower to the floor. I could not speak. The burning between my legs was getting more intense that I couldn't comprehend a reply. I nodded my head slightly in response as he continued to apply pressure with his foot, my head so low now that my left cheek was brushing against a pool of perspiration on the floor that was covered with my shredded black hairs. "You disappoint me Boy!" He removed his foot from my head and I heard him walk around me, kicking the broom away from us as it banged against one of the barber chairs and resettled against the corner floor. I lifted my head slightly, careful to not offend him. I so wanted to please him so he could continue with my burning, needy manhole. He lunged forward unexpectedly, his left foot now on my head, pressure applying itself until my face was again at the floor. I groaned. I was hating it and loving it at the same time. My manhole pulsed from the excitement. He grabbed the dustpan away from me and suddenly released his foot from my head. I exhaled a deep breath and turned my gaze silently watching him approach the counter, the dustpan in one hand, his thick uncut monster cock swaying as he moved. I tried not to look. I didn't want him hitting me again although the sudden assaults did excite me. I could feel my hole pulsing, needy for his attention. I heard water running from the shampoo sink station and wondered what he was doing. The water shut off and from my angle I could see he was approaching the counter. He was fumbling through my parrTy kit. He approached me again, the dirty best-up sneakers were now near my head. "You stay right there, Boy," he instructed. His right foot lifted and settled on my head again, more pressure this time that the side of my face was pushed to the linoleum surface, my cheek flattening parallel to the floor. He stood over me, his feet facing my shoulders, leaning forward as he bent down, getting on top of me so that his heavy cock and balls were resting on the back of my neck. I could smell the mustiness between his legs and my hole pulsed some more. He squatted over me as the mass and weight of his body pushed me further onto the floor. I felt one of his hands grab at my ass, roughly pulling my cheek aside. "What a fuckin' beautiful shaved pussy you got there," he said, proud of his work. I felt a new pressure on my manhole. It was thick and heavy and it was going inside me slowly, methodically. I was still dizzy and all his weight on me wasn't helping to comprehend the situation. I knew it wasn't his dick since his body was turned around in its current position. Like -WTF!?! And then I felt the BURN. O H F U C K. He was giving me YET another booty bump. Was he intentionally planning to get me so spun that I would be out of control? Clearly I had already went past that point much earlier. My head was crunched on the floor. My face was itching from the tiny needles of my trimmed hair that was now sticking to my cheek, my chin. I wanted so much to scratch my face yet I couldn't move as the BURNING between my legs only intensified. I stared across the room trying to gather some focus, some sense of normalcy to the situation that was far from normal. And all I could see across from me were shadows setting itself against the corner and slowly approaching, covering the shop further in the dimmed lighting. The mass and volume at my hole pressed in further, pushing the burn of the booty bump deeper. It was thick and felt wet and cold. As it got in deeper, the girth decreased so that any earlier tension dissipated. But yet the burning MAGNIFIED. I closed my eyes, the weight of his lower body seemed heavier on my head. I could feel his thick hard-on throbbing even more on the back of my neck. I now realized he had coated the tip of the rubber handle of the dustpan with Tina that he was pushing slowly into my hungry, burning hole. "FUCKIN' BEAUTIFUL!!!" He shouted unexpectedly. He pushed the handle of the dustpan carefully into my hole. And then he would pull it out at the same pace. He repeated this over and over, taking his time, playing with the rhythm, the speed, the pressure. I was groaning louder uncontrollably, the intensity of what was happening mixed with the continuing graduation of the Tina burning further inside my tunnel. As he pulled out the widest part of the handle would dilate on my hole, the sense of the stretching so dramatic it was causing me to hallucinate, my mind running away from me, visualizing some other scene of a crater expanding in slow motion, a surreal pictorial metaphor inside my head. Waves of heat and fire exploded inside me. Suddenly everything took on a hyper level. The darkness seemed to dance around the room, shadows jumping from one corner to the next, one minute near my face that was still smashed on the floor, the next on the wall, the ceiling. The flickering of the fluorescent lighting above us now seemed to be occurring faster and faster, further adding to my questionable state of mind. My senses were ultra-heightened. I could hear traffic screeching outside the barber shop and the thunderous pace of pedestrians pacing on the sidewalk with my ear to the ground. My heartbeat seemed deafening. The aroma of the shop also took on another level that my nostrils burned from the chemical fog I seemed to be inhaling. And in between my legs I could only feel s a t I s f a c t I o n. He pushed and pulled the dustpan handle so hard and rapid on my manhole that I could barely catch my breath. The quick contraction and dilation of my hole was almost too much to comprehend. One moment I was in ecstasy. I wanted to savor it, to allow the glow of the sensation to pause inside my head. But he would not even allow that. Instead he would pull the handle out violently and abruptly, so fast that it was wrenching. It was another kind of burn and I would jerk from the assault in a mix of pain and unexpected pleasure. I bit my lip so hard I ripped the soft skin, tasting a little of my blood. He pushed in hard again, the massive girth of the handle expanding my hole. It felt like one of my thicker toys. He shook the dustpan so that the handle jerked left and right, up and down, violently inside me. The massive amount of Tina inside my hole only heightened the feeling. It should have hurt but the fire inside was tinting all my sensations that I only wished the handle were thicker and longer! I groaned louder, my face rubbing against the floor, more tiny hairs collecting on my cheek. He pushed harder and I felt the wide tip of the handle sink inside me, a momentarily glorious pain as the widest part pushed against my manhole. And then it was was just a feeling of being filled as the entire handle was in my hole. He started banging on the flat surface of the dustpan gently at first, then adding gradual pressure as if he was drumming on it, the vibrations echoing inside my tunnel. The tip of the handle was near my prostate so every time he would bang on the dustpan it would send a tiny shockwave inside me. He would bang hard then gradually less pressure and then build it back up again. The decrease it. Then increase it. The vibrations were maddening and random. I could feel precum leaking out of me as if he was milking me. Precum fell to the floor and mixed with the lakes of perspiration on the linoleum surface. And then suddenly he jumped off my body, pulling the handle out of my hole. He yanked it out so fast that it hurt. But it was a magnificent pain like a large wide cock violently pulling out of a furious fuck. I yelled uncontrollably wanting it back inside me. "GET UP!" He shouted. I was shaking, but not from his command, but from everything else: the drugs inside me, the emptiness between my legs and the heat in the shop that seemed to only increase, like my hunger. I took a deep breath as my heartbeat suddenly became evident again, drumming louder and louder like some dub step rhythm rising from under the floorboards. I inhaled deep and exhaled deeper and mentally tried to calm myself. "GET UP I SAID!" S L A P !!! FUCKING HELL! That last strike really hit me this time. The weight and force and suddenness felt like a hot pan scorching on my ass cheek. It stung so bad it momentarily distracted my mind from the hunger and emptiness in between my legs. I took another deep breath and slowly, carefully stood up, turning slightly to him and seeing my crazed reflection in the cracked mirror. I looked deranged. Tiny black hairs were randomly stuck on my face, my chin and somehow my upper body. I looked very, very high. I looked at him standing at arm's length away from me. He looked equally high if not higher. His thick uncut cock was still standing at attention. Suddenly he threw the dustpan across the room where it hit one of the other chairs, banging against the metal surface of the thick base, the clanging echoing in the room for a moment until it fell loudly on the floor, swallowed by the shadows. It caught me by surprise, distracting me. And then I looked at his cock and back at my reflection in the mirror. Nice haircut. I smiled at him and looked deep into his eyes. The blackness that had consumed his iris earlier had faded and I could make out the color of his eyes. He almost smiled at me. "Get back on the chair." He wasn't yelling at me now. He turned the chair so it was in profile again in the mirror and pulled on the side crank as the chair lowered itself by a few inches. I climbed on, setting my ass on the seat. "No-not like that," he grabbed my right arm and pulled me off the seat, manhandling me again with force, turning my body around, guiding me, so that I was facing the back of the chair, my knees bent and kneeling at the seat, my legs spread wide so that they hit the edge of the chair arms, my ass hanging over the seat. "Beautiful," he said, proudly. I turned my head slightly and gazed in the mirror. My ass cheeks looked slightly bruised from the earlier slapping. My hole looked red and puffy. Was that blood on my asslips? Or was it some imagined paranoia setting in? I couldn't tell as everything seemed over-saturated as if this was a Photoshop image with the color levels artificially adjusted. My heart beat louder and louder. He stepped onto the chair, standing on the platform base that was elevated off the floor surface. He faced me, his hard uncut cock pointing at my hungry hole. I took a deep breath. Finally he was going to really fuck me! Out of nowhere we both heard jingling with the lock of the shop door from the outside. We stared at each other silently for a moment, my head cranked awkwardly, as the door pushed in, opening unexpectedly, the blinds on the inside of the glass door rattling. A man stepped inside. He was concealed in the darkness of the shadows at the entrance of the shop, his face indistinguishable. But I could make out his silhouette. He was tall with wide shoulders and a shaved head. He looked very fit. He stepped in quickly, the door slamming shut behind him as his features became more visible in the dim lighting. "HARRISON?!?" The barber and I shouted TOGETHER. We looked at each other for an instant of shock and then at the man, stunned that we BOTH knew him. "DAD?!?" He looked as equally surprised as we did. And then he gulped and said my name, almost in a whisper, suddenly recognizing me, squatting on the chair, my hole pulsing uncontrollably as his father's bulbous uncut cockhead entered my burning hole.
    2 points
  13. Thanks for all the feedback guys! I'm glad you like! I'm testing the water somewhat so bear with me as things will start to get more and more depraved. ___________________________________________________________________________ Sat there in the Woods I took another long drag on my smoke and thought about the shit day I'd had. I'd been down the clinic that day and been given the news. My meds hadnt been working, no doubt because I was so shit at remembering to take them, and my viral load was through the roof and health was looking bad. Yeah I ate too much and drank too much, probably smoked too much too but shit I hadnt expected things to take such a sharp turn. I wasnt sure why I'd come down the Woods tonight, part of me wanted to get some relief, take my mind off this shit day, but more than that I wanted to take out this anger on someone else. Misery loves company and all that right? It was still pretty early but it was nice and dark here, the trees provided a lot of cover and it was nice and quiet, despite the occasional rustling of guys wandering around. I could hear someone getting closer so figured it was time to get my game face on. I was out of shape and stinking like I'd worked an 18hr shift but some guys were into that shit. I got up and manouevered myself out the shrubs from my hidey hole and that was when this kid bumped straight into my big belly. “Sorry I'm sorry” he muttered. Even in the dark I could see his shining red face. Got this kid was young and innocent. His puppy dogs eyes darting away pratically made me shoot in my pants there and then. “Dont you be sorry at all” I said as I took him all in. Baggy trackies, a dark hoodie. This kid looked brand fucking new. His eyes slowly worked up my body. I could see him staring at my bulge and then at my beer gut. My tshirt was riding a little high, but I liked to give a little something away. This kid was a dream come true and the perfect outlet for some pent up poz aggression. “Are you lost little boy? Or have you found what you are looking for” I made a move and grabbed his little cock with one paw and found his nipple with the other. I gave both a squeeze and the Kid groaned. This little shit was perfect and so out of his depth, this was only the beginning of my fun. I found his other nipple and gave them both a harder squeeze. “You like that dont you, little slut boy”. Luckily for him I had a tight grip on both as he practically fell off his feet into my big chest. This kid was mine. “Look at me you little slut” and he slowly pulled his face up as I seized the moment and gave him a deep snog. His mouth was small with tiny dry lips. I pushed my tongue inside and slobbered as much as I could, I wanted to taste every inch of his sweet cherry tasting mouth. I chuckled to myself, what with the beer and the smoke I must taste fucking disgusting, but damn if he seemed to care. I gave his nipples a little stimulation and like reeving the engine, his tongue kicked into gear and met mine for a little dance. I needed to get him into a better position, “Lets get you more comfortable” so I dragged him back through the bushes and sat back down. I got my cock out of my trackies and gave it a little tug. His eyes fixated on it. I might be a fat fuck but my meat always impresses the boys. Its a good 8.5 inches, thick as a beer can and got a whole chunk of veins snaking up and down my shaft. I worked my hood up and down and could see a nice glisten of filth over the head. This kid was going to have the finest tasting death stick, what a lucky lad. I could tell he would need encouragement so I yanked him down by his hoodie and moved his head down onto my cock. He seemed apprehensive but he knew what was expected and like a good little slut he puckered his lips and slowly slide those lips down my meat. Clearly he liked the taste as he started bobbing up and down hoovering me up. Fuck this kid was a natural. He definitely deserved a treat. Lucky for him I'd brought out some of my special candy for these slut boys. I fished out a nice crystal rock from my pocket. As he sucked me and worked that little mouth around my dick, I pulled down his trackies exposing that pale smooth little bum and I pushed my finger towards that special place that was going to keep my babies nice and secure. This boy was smooth as they come and a born bottom. “Fuck thats nice and smooth. I love young dirty sluts like you, hungry for cock arent you” Whether he knew what was coming or not, I couldnt give a shit, but I could feel that I was starting to loose him. There is no fucking way this kid would ever give me a second look in the light of day and he started to realise how far he had already fallen. Time to send him over the edge. I put the sharp crystal on my finger tip and shoved it hard right up inside his tight cunt. He started kicking and moving. Fuck I love it when they make a fuss, especially when it results in them screaming and groaning round my shaft. But this kid was nothing compared to my size and height so I held him in place and made sure that crystal was nice and deep. The little shit managed to spit my cock out and started shouting so with my free hand I shoved his whore face into the mud and held it there. My other finger still deep in his arse working the nail round and scraping as much of his tight lining as I could. I wanted this kid ripe and ready to accept my special presents. “Shut your fucking mouth you little whore, this is just a little something to help lube you up” I dug my nail into his flesh and dragged it out slowly, My finger popped out and I could see it was nice and red and juicy. This whore was good to go and practically begging for it, even if he didnt realise it. Keeping one hand on his neck I moved myself around and lined my cock up with his fresh puckered hole. “Its lucky for you youre a good little cock sucker” because there was no way in hell I was going to waste time with any other lube. I pushed the head of my cock against his hole. Even now the kid was still faking resistance, trying to keep himself clenched, but I could see the crystal was doing its work and moving straight through his blood. He was heating up and moaning and groaning. This slut wanted it. He needed it. He might not realise it but I Was doing him a favour and giving him something special and he would be fucking grateful. I pushed harder and harder and then suddenly the whore gave up resisting and I plunged balls deep in side him. His tiny little frame provided a nice cushion and I fell on top and rested all my weight down. Theres something quite hot about having my belly laid down on top some fine prime skinny boy butt. He was screaming out in pleasure but I didnt want a crowd, I work best solo “I told you to shut your fucking mouth!”. I needed this whore to get himself together so I slapped him across the back of his head and worked a hand in front of his mouth and pushed him deeper into the dirt. Now I was in my element as I started to ravage this little slut. I pumped in and out giving the whore everything he wanted. Every fucking inch of my cock and I could feel my balls building up. He was going to get such a fat thick load, it had been days since I'd last wanked and what with news of my viral load, this lucky shit was going to get the best I had to offer. He might have looked all innocent when he bumped into me but I was going to show him his purpose in life, he was going to leave here a true cum dump. He wouldnt be here unless he wanted to serve real men like me. This little whore was no better than a walking cum dumpster. I was doing him a favour, I was giving him a gift, I was freeing him from his pathetic life and showing him his true purpose. I pounded his little hole harder and harder. I could feel him becoming nice and sloppy underneath me. He was a proper juicy pig when he got fucked clearly, either that or he hadnt prepared himself to get fucked. Hell maybe that was on purpose and he was already a dirty little shit piglet. Well he was about to get a super charged load, I stared down at his dirty little body and gave a few last final deep pumps and then all at once I unloaded. I felt shot after shot after shot rip out of my cock and fire straight into this ruined little slut, I groaned out in passion and took my hand off the pigs mouth as he took in a huge breathe of passion. Yeah this kid knew what had happened and he was in ecstasy. I stood up and looked down at him. Laying there shattered like he had done any of the hard work. I looked at my cock and could see what a mess it was in. Guess he was a little shit pig after all. He was still keeping his face in the mud too. He was a good little slut and deserved a final gift, so I rummaged around in my coat and found another crystal, a larger one this time. “Theres another one for luck, and your first of many dirty loads your fresh hole is getting tonight no doubt” I pushed the crystal toward his hole and this piggy sucked in two digits without any problems at all, I buried them to my knuckle and sent the crystal on its way. I pulled the fingers out and gave them a good suck clean. Theres something unique about the tang of blood, boy shit and poz cum. I picked up this piglets face and looked him in the eyes. I wanted to leave on a high note. “You are going to fucking ruined little boy by the time you see the sun again”, I sucked back to add some snot to the boys arse taste and gobbed a huge wet mess onto his face and dropped it back to the floor. My hands were still a mess so I worked the kids hoodie off him. “A little souvenir” I said to myself as I took a closer look at the insignia on the front. Haha this was a kid from the local private school. No wonder the little pig was down here cruising for cock. Precious little rich faggot. I fished my phone out and took a few pics for my collection. It was always good to add to my folder of ruined boys at home. I left the boy flying and began walking home. I went out the shrubs and headed for home. Just in time too. As I was leaving I saw Frank and his two goons heading in. I liked it rough but those lads were something else. Mean skinheads lads whose reputation didnt actually even meet the reality. I'd seen their handy work once before and how their victim managed to walk away I had no idea. Still wasnt my business. I looked away as Frank sneered at me. Looks like I had been lucky that night and escaped with little time to spare.
    2 points
  14. Another Real Experience - A Surprise Cloudy St. Patrick’s Day A quick one about a quick one two days ago. It’s been a really stressful couple of weeks work-wise and my patience was wearing incredibly thin on Tuesday. Despite being in communications hell, at least several commission checks finally came in so money was one thing NOT causing stress. I was done with work by noon and was to meet family and friends in the city at 8PM for St Pats celebrations. I really wanted to kick back with some clouds but (typical for the last few weeks) my guy was out and his contact was out-of-town. My favorite local FB who’s always up for sharing (’cause I split the costs) if he has and I don’t bemoaned not having and told me to let HIM know if I found any. Another bud who is also able to assist in most instances turned out to be on vacation. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. On pure chance, I called two buds of mine - a couple I’ve mentioned here before in a post about a FF party in Brooklyn they hosted that I wrote about. I hadn’t seen them since the holidays and finally having some extra dough and extra time thought I’d see what was up with them. Turns out they were home, and told me to stop by (which is funny ‘cause its about an hour drive). Amazingly, no traffic - everyone must have been over on Fifth Avenue at the parade and not the West Side Highway - so I was there by 2:30. Thinking I was just “borrowing a cup of sugar” I was even more pleased when they asked if I had any time to have some fun… I told them I needed to be back in Manhattan by 8 but was all their’s until 7ish. That worked for them as they each wanted some playtime but also each had some things to do around their place so they decided to each have a one-on-one with me giving the other time to do chores. I was led down to the playroom and did a quick cleanup and made some clouds before getting down to it with Mick first. He’s that perfect Daddy-type (like I’m not? j/k) nice hairy broad chest, ‘stache, great legs and hairy butt and a very thick cock. We got ourselves spun and traded blow jobs and rim jobs - I love rimming that hairy hole of his! Then we went over to the sling and traded fucks back and forth. Both of us being “recovering tops” (I was one of the first to top him a few years ago…) it takes both of us a little work to loosen up, but we did and threw each other two satisfying fucks a piece. Then it was Don’s turn. He’s way kinkier than Mick. I put some of my leather gear on from my travel bag (it’s always in my car for just these kinds of surprise session) while he sent himself into the stratosphere and I pumped my level up a bit. After some mutual oral action on the play sofa and the mats on the floor, I got him spread-eagled and restrained from the rafters. I clipped his nips, the insides of his thighs and the undersides of his arms and pits with clothespins, got a parachute around his balls (and he has a LONG sac I’m so envious of) weighted it and worked him over on cam with a leather flogger. Stopping now and then to adjust or move the clips and to puff up and shotgun him, we worked him into a good frenzy. Getting unclipped and down from his restraints I pushed him over to the sling, got his legs up and restrained and headed to work on his shaved hole. First a nice long tongue fuck, then some cock work and finally onto my hands. Nice, slow, sensuous and drawn out, I opened him up with fingers one, two, four - then alternating hands until he blossomed open and in went my left hand past the wrist. I’m double jointed, so even though I have medium large hands, they “fold” well and sometimes I have an easier time getting in guys then men with hands smaller than mine. Being double jointed (and still having a good amount of my flexibility from my days as a dancer) I can do something that drives Don and some of my other FF buds nuts. Since I was using my left hand, I turned it clockwise as far as it would go… then, I slowly rotate it back… 180 degrees… 270 degrees… 360 degrees… at just past 360 degrees, I get up off the stool and continuing to turn my wrist in the same direction I step over my left arm with my right leg (my butt brushed his low hangers briefly doing this) then bring my left leg over while still turning my wrist and get another full 360 degree turn of my wrist by the time I’m done - a 720 degree slow turn all in the same direction that most of my fisting buddies who’ve experienced it absolutely love. Don was in seventh heaven… and after a few huffs of Max Impact we went for my right hand in with my left and slowly but surely got both in. After grooving on that flex for a while it was time for me to get cleaned up and go meet my family for beers and corned beef and several bands, wondering if any of them had any clue I still had my metal cockring and harness on under my clothes along with a very happy but spent cock and lubed by satisfied hole…
    1 point
  15. Hi Fellas, what you are about to read is a honest true story. I normally wouldn't tell it because the other person involved is a private person and a family member, but after he read some of the other stories here he gave me permission to tell it so we can see what other readers would think. I hope you enjoy. I've known Jim since i was about 11, he and my older brother are ex-gang members from the same gang. He was always around my house and was like another member of the family. Both him and my brother went to prison for a crime they committed together, while they were locked up they both vowed to change their lives and when they got out they got their shit together. My brother went to school and now works in the medical field and Jim (whose nickname is Joker) also went to school and is now the property manager for the apartment complex he lives in. While in prison my step-sister started to write him and when he got out they got married and he stepped up to help her raise her two kids she had with another man. That was about 10 years ago, and he still looks the same to this day. 6'1 240 all lean and very defined muscle, he looks like a featherweight ufc fighter. He's mixed black & white and is very light skinned and covered with tattoos. Him and I are close like brothers, we joke around and respect one another, he knows A LOT about me and looks after me like a good older brother should (lol). When I came out to my family as a teenager, he was the only one of my brother's gang friends who didn't give me hell over it, he treated me as if it didn't matter. Him and I started having sex together last year right before my 29th birthday. It was 11 am, the kids were at school and my sister was working a double. He called me and asked if I could go get him some weed from the medical dispensary since I have a prescription and he doesn't. I told him that I just went and he could come get what I have and I'll go get more later. As a rule I never wear clothes in my home ever, and as another rule I make anyone who comes to my home strip as soon as they pass the door...no matter what and I have my reasons. There are a few people who are an exception to the rule and Jim is one of them but dont hide my own nudity from no one not even family, so he wasnt surprised when I opened the door buck-naked with a half hard cock. I gave him the weed and brought him a beer and we chatted a bit. He asked what I was up to and I told him that a friend was coming over to eat me out and fuck me because he had the day off. He grinned at me but didnt say anything, then out of no where he asked if I have enough "favors" to have good time. I stared at him wide-eyed in shock, im very open and honest about my sex life with him and other members of my family but I keep my usage of drugs very VERY private from family. He saw the shock on my face and read my mind, he told me that he was dealing on the side, and had a really good feeling that I partied and then said if I kept his secret from the family that he would keep mine. Finally coming out of shock I told him mum was the word. He pulled out his stash asked for my pipe, he loaded it and we started smoking. We blew fat clouds and talked as the time passed unnoticed when I finally got a text saying that my fuck buddy was here, normally in booty call situations Jim would leave right before but this time he made no move to leave. I'm far from shy and get off by fucking in front of others so I told him he could stay if he wanted and that I would play in the living room and he could hide out in the bedroom if he wanted, all he said was "cool" and put the pipe to his lips. My fuck buddy stripped naked as soon as he stepped in and closed the door, he knows the rules. We walked in the living and he was surprised and a little nervous to see Jim sitting on the couch, I understood his nervousness because Jim comes off very intimidating to those who dont know him. I introduced them to each other and Jim passed him the pipe as we sat down and got comfortable. My buddy asked how we knew each other and Jim who is normally quite in front of people he's just met spoke before I did and told him that he was my brother-in-law and married to my sister, he then told my buddy to smoke up so he could catch up to where we were at. Still a bit shocked but very turned on about where this might go, I did what I normally do so I turned on my big screen tv and pressed play on the bareback porn I was watching earlier, I then opened my laptop and put porn on there as well. Jim loaded the pipe again as I went down on and started sucking my fuck buddy. I sucked and slurped on his dick while him and Jim passed the pipe back and forth. My fuck buddy got into the scene and flipped me over and shoved his tongue in my ass and tongue fucked my hole like he never had before, Jim picked up my laptop and said he wanted to watch straight porn, I barely even heard him because I was moaning so loud. I totally zoned out and forgot Jim was there as my buddy lifted my legs and slid his cock in my ass. Me being a black guy, I love getting fucked my white raw cock, most of the time its the black guy fucking the white bottom so its a surprise when white guys see a masculine black man who wants to be fucked by them, they really get into it. He pounded my hole for about 20 minutes before he dumped his hot load far up my ass. I sucked my juices off his dick before I took another hit of the pipe and sat up to catch my breath. I finally came back from the post sex haze and remembered my brother-in-law was still in the room, I looked over and saw him with his hands in his shorts slowly stroking a pretty large hard on, he kept glancing between us and the girl getting pounded on the laptop. My fuck buddy got dressed, said by to Jim and I walked him to the door, when I came back into the living room Jim was taking a really big hit of the pipe, I had to admit to myself that his tina was really good. I laid back on the couch with a happy-high grin on my face and played with my cummy hole and watched the porn on the tv. Jim passed me the pipe with a grin on his face and asked if I had fun, I laughed and said "hell yeah, he filled me up good". he looked down at me playing with my hole and said that he was surprised that he didnt use a condom, I told him that I would never get fucked with a condom because there was no better feeling in the world then the feeling of someone dumping a load in you. He chatted some more, me still playing with my hole and him still stroking his dick in his shorts. We started talking about this different sexual things we like to do, when I told him that I have an obsession with sucking dick and would dare anyone to find someone who could do it better, he admitted to me that he let a couple guys suck his dick while he was prison and just recently got into swinging. I asked him if prison was the only he let a guy blow him and he said yes. I've seduced my share of straight guys so I decided to take the lead and see where it got me only hoping it would be weird after. It was starting to get hot but I decided not to turn on the air conditioner, I told him to stop being shy and get more comfortable before he started to sweat all over my furniture. He pulled off his shoes and shorts then took off his shirt only leaving on his ankle socks and boxers, I joked with him that his bulge was huge and that he must make my sister happy with it and he joked that his dick was the only reason she married him. I finally pushed away my last bit of nerve and asked him if I could see it, he grinned at me and pulled his boxers off. When I seen it my mouth instantly started to water and my ass hole twitched...he was 9 inches cut, nicely thick with a mushroom head and a heavy set of balls, I couldn't stop staring at it all I could do was say "wow", he laughed and took another hit of the pipe. The meth in my system was starting to peak and my already low inhibitions were completely lost, as he was still hitting the pipe I leaned over and took his dick into my mouth without caring about the consequences. I sucked on the head then slid it down until it was in my throat and back up again. I felt his legs relax and tasted his pre-cum starting to leak, grabbed and squeezed the base of his massive dick and swirled my tongue back up to the tip, he moaned and whispered "fuuucckk". I sat back on the couch and wiped the spit from my lips, i looked at him and said "sorry, I just couldn't help it". He laughed and admitted that after watching me and my fuck buddy go at it, he was wondering if it suck him too, I told him that I would suck his dick day or night and he could fuck me too if he wanted. He pulled out his stash and asked if I had the stuff to do hot-rails, I did and handed it to him, he made out four long fat lines and did the first two and sat back glassy eyed. I did my two lines and laid back as the tina worked its way through me, when it reached my asshole I spread my legs and started to finger my hole again. Jim said that my hole looked juicy, I said that it was and cum was the perfect lube. I felt him start to rub his fingers around my hole, I moaned and started stroking my cock. He slowly pushed two fingers inside me and said it was hot, I told him he could add another finger so he did. I was really getting into it and my hole was relaxing, I told him to add another finger, he looked at me surprised and said "wont that hurt", I told him ive had bigger and longer in me before and just to go slow at first. He stared with jaw hanging open and my hole swallowed his for fingers, after a few moments i told him to "please put your dick in me", he pulled his hand out my ass and it was covered with my fuck buddies cum deposit. His instincts took over, he smeared my cummy ass juice all over his dick and slide it all the way in until he was balls deep. We both swore in pleasure as he began to work my hole over. I have a filthy pig mouth when im spun high and a raw dick is in my ass, its like my mouth has a mind of its own. I kept chanting to give me his dick and that it was hot being fucked his dick knowing that it was the same one that fucks my sister, he must of liked hearing that because flipped me on my stomach, mounted me and started to pound me through the couch. Again my dirty mouth took over and I told him not to stop until he emptied his nuts inside me and that since we were family he was meant to give me his dick and hot load. With that he screamed "fuck yeah" and slammed one final thrust into me and emptied the contents of his balls into me. When we came down from our sex haze I got up and turned the air conditioner on and got us both something to drink, I was a little nervous that he was going to freak out and leave, but when I walked back in the living room he was laid back with his feet up on the coffee table stroking his half hard cock. He said that was the craziest this he has done and I told him I had done crazier, that I was a cum-crazed maniac that likes to get it from anyone, anywhere and that I didn't mind supplying chems and other goodies if it meant I could have a good naked time. He asked me to tell him about some of the stuff i like to get into, his dick got hard again as I told him how slept with truckers at cruise spots, how ive picked up guys who wanted to party and told him if they bring a friend and the chems will be free on me. I also told him how my favorite was to pick up homeless guys or sketchy tweakers, offer to bring them home so they can shower and clean up and have a beer or something to eat, and offer to get them high if they get naked and have a bit of fun. There was nothing funnier and entertaining then meeting a guy and his girl friend, smoking them up and helping them out, and later on when the guy is broke again and jonesing for T real back they come back to me behind their girlfriend's back and offer to do whatever if I got them high and of course I oblige. I'm not a dealer but im a heavy user and i like to get other people spun with me, but its not for nothing, I gotta get something out of it and nudity, hard cock and cum is perfect trade. Jim was rock fucking hard and said that he meets all types of people that he sells to that would fuck around but he never got into it because he didnt know them enough, he said it all sounds sketchy and very hot and that we should be partners in crime. The good thing about tina sometimes is that it blocks your inhibitions and allows you to say out loud the things you are thinking sometimes without realizing you are saying them, so when he said he wanted join me sometimes on my sexcipades I knew it was really on his mind. We fucked two more times before he had to go home and sober up a bit before the kids got home from school. I was naked and walking funny when I walked him to the door, he laughed at me but asked if I was ok, I told him I was perfect and that it was one of the best fucks ive had. I joked that I needed to be careful because im already becoming addicted to his body, he said that since he usually stops by multiple times a week to hang out, that I can expect dick from him from now on. After he left I took a shower and relived the passed two hours, I couldnt get over how in a matter of a short time how things with my brother-in-law had changed, I then mentally kicked myself that I didnt think to switch on the web cams that I have secretly well hidden to capture the family fuck session. end of pt 1 ( a lot more to cum ) (Notes: As I was writing this Jim was sitting next to me and getting his dick sucked by one of his regular customers; a str8 skater guy who has his girlfriend drive him over and wait in the car while he picks up their sack of T)
    1 point
  16. I absolutely love being forced to gag on a cock until i'm drooling all over myself. Love to hang my head off the side of the bed and get my throat fucked deep until my face is a wet, sloppy mess hehe Anyone else enjoy this? Tops, how do you love using the throat of a submissive bottom?
    1 point
  17. Spent 1 night in California last night. Posted ads on BBRt, CL and A4A. Well in no time, I had cummers showing up at my hotel door. I left the door ajar, turned the lights down low, slipped on my blindfold and lubed up my hole and they filtered in 1 by 1. In a 4 hour period, I took 17 loads. They just kept cumming and cumming and some of them even returned for a repeat session. One guy that wanted me to see him was a big muscular black guy with a HUGE cock who totally wrecked my hole. He went for a good 45 minutes. I had so much cum in my hole by the end of the night. Hope to do it again sometime soon and try and break the 17 record. Best night ever!!
    1 point
  18. Gents, I will be in Hamburg From March 30 through April 2. If interested in meeting up for a nice bit of american poz cum in your ass, let me know.
    1 point
  19. If I can stick my neck out for Seaguy. I've never met the man, although we live in the same city. I really respect his posts, and I think perhaps his phraseology may be taken too literally, I think we've all been in in a situation where there was a guy who wouldn't take 'no' for an answer, with anybody, and he was completely obnoxious. He may not meet all the criteria that Seaguy spelled out, nor may he meet any of them, but he comes across as a type. I think we've all tried to turn down such a man, and he's persistent. We we all have different flavors that get us off, and we are already on the edges of our gay brethren. I hope that we can all get along as we spread our fucking disease to each other and accept each other's seed. We may not all be perfectly correct in phraseology, but I hope we can forgive each other our transgressions.
    1 point
  20. Well, something I have just recently found that helps me with clean out is apples. I am sure it goes to the fiber aspect. I usually eat one to two apples a day. I Notice diarrhea is much less frequent and that when I evacuate it is firm, all comes out, and other than a very small amount just to get any stragglers, that's it. I also just saw a few articles online saying douching was not a good idea. So I try to use as little as possible now.
    1 point
  21. Like others already said. When hear those words, or similar, I back up on his cock so he is in ballsdeep and contract my ass muscles to milk every drop of cum out of the top.
    1 point
  22. Seaguy, Personally, I think there is enough hate and negativity in the gay community in general, and the poz gay community specifically, that we don't need to call others 'nasty obese troll'. I am not judgemental by nature, and personally I like it 'nasty', I am 'obese', however I am not a 'troll'. If you don't care for 'nasty obese trolls' then don't play with them. But why add hate and name calling? Personally, you are not my type. But you don't see me calling you 'skinny boy bitch' or the like. Just think before you label someone, cause I guarantee either now or in the future, others will consider you as 'nasty' and a 'troll' if not 'obese' as well.
    1 point
  23. Went to the booths today. It wasn't real busy but I had fun with a variety of situations from raw loads to don't touch me married guys jacking off. I started off suck sharing a big black beer can sized cock with another guy. I never had one so big around, I could only get the head into my mouth. I wanted to get fucked by it but thought better of it, I doubted it would fit in my tight little ass. The guy didn't want to cum just yet so he wandered about but kept coming back. And every time I went down on my knees for him and tried my best to get his load in my mouth. He eventually asked if I wanted him to fuck me, I said "yes, but I don't think it will go in, but let's try." At first I thought I was right, he tried getting into me standing up. I kept turning around to suck on it and leave lots of slobber on it for lube, then turn back around and try to get it into me. He finally sat down on the bench and I backed up to him and started pushing down on his monster snake. "It's going in," he says. Like I didn't know. I pulled off real quick wanting to stretch myself out slowly. After a few stabs I finally pushed down and got the whole thing in me. It was about a 9 incher which I have taken before, but this thing was big around and stretching me out good. Once in awhile it would pop out and I would push back to get it back into me. He eventually asks, "Can I cum in you?" "Go for it." I tell him. He unloads in me. I feel the cum oozing out and drip down my legs. He tells me to clean him up. I had douched real good before going so no problem I sucked away at him. He wasn't sensitive like I get after cumming and let me suck away. He softened a bit but then hardened again and asked me if I wanted him to fuck me again. My lucky day. He fucked me and shot another load. I licked him clean again and asked him how many loads he was good for. "Just two," was his reply. He wanted to know if I would be there again tomorrow. I hated to disappoint him. After that I sucked a few guys taking their loads in my mouth and let that married guy fondle my panty clad ass while he jerked himself. He shot pretty quickly and left. It got quiet after that and I thought about leaving. Just then a hispanic guy came in the booth with me. He saw my lingerie and immediately asked if he could fuck me. He used a rubber, at least at first. The desensitizing nature of the condom had him lasting a long time. He pounded away at me with my head slamming into the booth wall from time to time. He wasn't a voyeur and would close the curtain anytime other guys would peek in at us. He pulled out a few times. I was hoping he would shuck the condom and breed me. I was reaching back to fondle his balls and occasionally check to see if the condom was still on or not. After one time of pulling out he slid back in and I didn't feel any condom on. I urged him on. I felt his cock spewing into me then he pulled out shooting more all over my crack. It was a huge load leaving my ass filled and covered. I left like a slut should, cum oozing out my ass and into my pants and happy.
    1 point
  24. It's great when a top says he close that way I can push back on him as hard as I can or wrap my legs around him depending on what position were in so I can get his load as deep in me as possible
    1 point
  25. Him : "Ï'm close" Me : "Breed me" Him : "Fuck yeah" and my ass gets filled!
    1 point
  26. I would pick Pleasuredrome as your first night out. Easy to get to as its a very short stroll from Waterloo underground station, unlike Chariots in Shoreditch and Vauxhall they are lacking in body fascists and if you feel like relaxing the actual facilities are quite good. Locker Room and Sailors are small but for that reason it is either a hot night or a total disaster. Chariots in Waterloo is a good facility that doesn't get the amount of business that it deserves. Chariots in Streatham is a bit run down and tricky to get to but its good for bareback and black/asian guys. Whatever location you decide upon just relax and remember that you are the person in control of the activity.
    1 point
  27. What I did was stupid, and I knew it. But by not articulating the obvious, I could keep things in suspense in a way, making the oh-so-real threat seem less tangible, somehow blurry and far away, as if it had nothing to do with me. I should have stopped him, but I didn't, somehow couldn't. And you're right, PozfetishPig, I was helpless in a way, but not like most people would expect. It wasn't like I was at his mercy, tied up or held down, forced to surrender to whatever he had planned for me. Sure, he was on top of me, holding my lank, boyish legs spread wide with his paw-like hands, while his fat bare dick was sawing in and out of my teenaged pussy. But I could have asked him to pull out and let me go anytime and - call me naive - I'm 100% sure he would have complied, if I'd asked him to. Though his big cock and towering body was totally dominating me, I never felt like I had given up control, which makes my reaction even harder to explain. You know, I was free to go and I wasn't drunk or on drugs either. My mind was clear, the meaning of that tattoo obvious and I knew the only reasonable thing to do - but for some reason I couldn't make myself do it. I had to ask him to pull out, had to better ask him soon, but each time his fat mancock was sliding back into me, bottoming out inside my sore rectum, I was telliing myself 'Just once more, oh my God, just once more'. I yelped each time he was hitting ground, his cock was hurting my insides, my hole way to small to properly accomodate its girth, but I just couldn't imagine a world in which this fat, throbbing intruder was not ravaging my boypussy. Or, probably more accurate, I didn't want to imagine it. Of course I knew where this was leading, that I would end up with a big load of this guy's poz cum deep inside my guts if I didn't act soon. But though he was hurting me, I had this strange feeling that I was born to be hurt like that, to have strangers abuse me like that. 'One more thrust, just let him hurt you once more'. And before I really knew it, one more thrust had proved to be one too many and I felt his cock expanding inside me, throbbing fiercely as his poz load was coating my insides.
    1 point
  28. When a guy tells me he is close, I work my hole more to get his load.
    1 point
  29. Both my Asian slave and the young white slave were fond of each other as they shared being used by me and some black druggies. The young white slave boy was actually visiting from Palm Springs for a month and he wanted to have more sex before he went back. He took me and my Asian boy to his penthouse and it was huge. The young white boy was a spoiled brat when he wasn't high and begging for sex. I invited a young black man with a huge cock to drop off supplies at the young boy's house as I enjoyed the hot tub while two slave boys rested on the other side of the tub leaning onto each other. My Asian slave walked out to use the bathroom and I could see the white slave eyeing my Asian's ass while he got hard in the water. I pushed my foot on his hard cock and rubbed it to his torso as I asked him if he wanted to fuck my Asian boy. The white boy lost his spoiled bratty air and started to moan and begged me to let him use my slave as he was used by me. I told him it depends on his service and he started to get in the water and crawled to me and sucked me in the water. I pulled his hair hard and held his head up as I stared into his eyes and saw the lust in his eyes. I told him to go get some booty bump ready for my Asian and he quickly walked away with his hard cock bobbing in front of him. I went to the bathroom to find my Asian boy as he was leaving and pushed him into the bathroom and told him to use the hose to deep cleanse his hole for another night of being used. When the white boy returned with a huge syringe, I could see the cloudiness of water in it. It was alot of drugs dissolved in alot of water. We entered the bathroom and found my boy filling himself with hot water from the hose. I lifted my Asian boy and put him over the toilet and we both watched as he pushed out the water. It was basically clean. The boy filled his ass with lots of water as well as the stream lasted for a while. When my Asian was done releasing, we pushed him on the floor as we filled his clean hole with drug water. My Asian boy tried to run away as he complained it was burning. I stopped him and told him to shut up but realized he must be really burning inside as I felt the heat on my finger as I fingered his hole. I looked at the white boy and he was all smile as he stared down at my Asian boy's body melting on the floor from the sexual lust and drugs. I saw my Asian boy's eyes were rolled back already. I heard the doorbell and as I went to answer it, I told the white boy he could start whenever. When we returned to the bathroom, I saw the white boy moving my Asian boy to the bedroom. Since both of them were equally skinny, he was struggling. My young black man friend handed me the bag and pulled my Asian boy in his arms and walked to the bedroom as the white slave stared at him in lust. As my young black friend placed my Asian boy on the bed, he wasted no time and started to pull his clothes off. The white slave automatically got on his at his feet and admired him from the floor. Both me and my friend laughed a little and let him admire him a bit longer before we reminded him that he asked me to use my slave tonight. White young boy asked the black man for his name. "Fuzz" "I am Sam. I love your body." Fuzz smiled and turned his attention to my Asian boy who was eyeing two naked bodies as his drugged up body was filled with heated lust. Fuzz pushed a finger and felt the heated pussy wall of my boy and was surprised how much we gave him booty bump. The young white boy Sam answered casually I just wanted to prep him well for me and you and everyone.. Realizing how the inside would be ruined if Fuzz fucked it with his huge cock and filled it with his poz seeds, he got turned on more. He sat at the head of the bed and guided my Asian slave's hole onto his cock slowly til he was balls deep. He lifted the body slightly so the head fell back making it easier for the young Sam to feed him his cock. Once filled with a cock deep inside, my Asian slave started to come back alive and started to fuck both his holes with the hard cocks of both young men. They rarely used force except when they slapped the boy. I started to record the whole scene on the camera. Fuzz must have not done drugs since he came in about 15 minutes after he entered that asian hole. Young Sam took that place an fucked that wet hole as Fuzz and I walked out to do business. After I told him about young Sam and how he's starting to find out his love of black cocks and Fuzz agreed to help him with that before Sam returned home. I wanted the young rich kid to pay for everything so we walked back to the room to find two young slave boys actually making love and kissing. We enjoyed the sweet moment for few minutes before I pulled Sam away and told him to pay Fuzz cash for the supplies. Sam pulled his wallet out and handed Fuzz 10 Hundreds and returned to the bed. The boy was loaded and we were going to use that to our advantage while his stay. As the two young slaves made love, Fuzz prepared slams for him and Sam. We sat and watched them make love passionately until Sam came. Fuzz walked over to Sam and told him to hold still as he gave him the injection. He took his as well while he watched the white boy started to react to his first slam. He told the boy to pack for a short field trip as he pulled him off Asian boy and pushed his own cock back in there. My Asian boy opened his eyes and looked up to Fuzz as he shoved his 12 inches of black cock. Soon Fuzz started to piss into my boy's hole making him get higher on drugs. Sam was so lost with the slam and felt strong need to get fucked while he was i the shower and started to fuck himself with the hose. It was after a good hour or son that I left Fuzz and my slave to find Sam fucking himself in the shower. I told him to hurry up and slapped him hard to bring him back to the reality. Sam was hunger slave now. When Sam was dressed and ready he went to get Fuzz and watched Fuzz's 12 inches of cock leaving asian boy's piss filled hole and spilled alot of it on his bed. Sam found the piss smell intoxicating as he found himself cleaning Fuzz's cock with his mouth. Fuzz pulled back and told him he will have his filling where they are going. As Fuzz and Sam got ready to leave, I got on the bed with my Asian slave and rested. Sam came back and gave us sleeping pills if we wanted to rest and left. Now the whole place was ours. We moved to another bedroom since that room was too stinky with druggy piss and took our pills before sleeping.
    1 point
  30. I think that it is a mistake for men to consider sex the barometer of their relationship. For me sex is a personal aspect of oneself, too personal as to give away one's sexuality to others. If sex is the main part of a relationship between two men then soon that will wither and the relationship will be over.
    1 point
  31. The crazy thing about this exchange, too, is that i'm standing in his office, a naked, hairless pierced fuck twat in a chastity, calling myself a "cumdump" -- and he still just says, "use a condom." lol
    1 point
  32. Would love to hear more of your verbal stories. I think it's hot when the top is verbal
    1 point
  33. Book II Sam Wow, It had been a emotional roller coaster ride over the last month and a half, Not only did I get to fulfill a fantasy of mine since I was a freshmen in high school, but that fantasy was now my possibly my boyfriend, yes he was four years older than me and he was seriously involved with his roommate and Dad, but I liked both of them too. As a matter of fact I wanted his roommate Steve to want me too, I think he liked me as his kinky little brother type relationship. We were quickly becoming the three amigos as we were always together when we weren’t in school or at work, and his Dad Matt made things easier for us to be together, encouraging us to hang out and facilitating hot make out sessions. Speaking of Matt, I suspected that he was having meetings with my Dad, John, not sure if they realized I knew but I did and I was happy that my dad slowly was warming up to me, and we were finally getting closer. My dad did a lot of traveling with work and until I was a little past 14 I spent a lot of time with a nanny to watch over me, although I don’t think it had a lot to do with him dismissing the nanny when I was almost 15, I had come out to him just before my 13th birthday, and he decided I could take care of myself, we had a house keeper who kept the house clean and did the laundry, and I was quickly becoming a pretty good cook, hence I could feed myself. He even liked my best friend Darren who would spend a lot of time doing guy stuff together, we played on the same sports teams and had almost the same classes so we helped each other a lot with our homework. I was a pretty dependable and responsible kid. As I was saying, I think he was having meetings with Matt and they were discussing me and my friendship with Jeremy and Steven, maybe even Darren. I was happy to see my dad making a friend as with taking care of me and traveling, he really hadn’t made many friends male or female since my Mom left us. I also rally liked Matt and sort of thought of him as a second Dad, I was even thinking of introducing the trio to Darren, but that would have to wait as my dad had told Matt he could take me away on Spring Break. Evidently Matt had told Dad where we were headed, but wouldn’t tell us boys, it wasn’t till we arrived at the airport that we discovered we were headed to the windy city, Chicago. We boarded the plane and took our seats with the assistance of the attendant Will, He was late twenties and very thin but muscular. After the plane had been in the air for about forty minutes, I whispered to Steve I needed to use the facilities, and hinted he should follow me in a couple minutes. I walked back to the laboratory and noticed it was just off of the galley of the plain where Will was prepping the in-flight service, I smiled at him before entering the toilet, I did not lock the door and a couple minutes later Steve was entering into the cramped space. I was seated on the potty when he entered and locked the door behind him. I unzipped his pants and pulled out his growing piece of meat, sucking on it to get it hard and wet then carefully stood up and turned to the mirror and lt him slide his meat between my cheeks, I was prepared and handed him a small tube of lube and he slicked up my hole, he squeezed some out on his spit slicked cock and proceeded to slide his monster back and forth between my ass and my thighs “Fuck me with that monster, give me your bare meat, isn’t this why I went on PrEP” I whispered back to him as his head caught on my pucker then began to slide into my hole. He slowly worked his cock in and out of my hole then after about five minutes he whispered back at me “I’ve been wanting to do this with you for about a month now, breed your ass with my Poz cum, ahhhhhghhh , here it comes, oh fuck, welcome to the mile high club stud” He pulled out and I sat back down on the toilet and cleaned off my ass juices and his blood streaked cum from his dick, zipped him back up and told him I still wanted Jeremy to join me in the club. A couple minutes later I repeated the sequence of events and took Jeremy’s hard cock into my hole now slicked up with Steve’s cum. Jeremy fucked me and joined the mile high club having two massive loads in my hole I pulled out a medium Butt plug I somehow got through security in my carry on, then transferred to my baggy cargo shorts when in the restroom at the airport. After Jeremy exited the restroom I was getting myself cleaned up when Will came to the door knocked lightly then opened the door to find me with a raging hard on and a plug up my hole, He stepped inside and began to feed me his drooling cock, he too soon had me pressed up against the sink and mirror and was plugging my creamy ass using my boys cum for lube. “You’re awfully cute to be such a cumdump, boy you want my cum in there to” “Oh yes sir please add to my load count” “Oh yeah, you take all loads boy, even my highly charged Poz one” “Oh yes sir Poz me up, Breed me with your toxic load” With that he grunted and shot what must have been a weeks’ worth of cum up my ass deep into my gut, he grabbed the plug from the sink and shoved it back in my hole then proceeded to lick the cum that had escaped around the plug then kissed me with the combined mixture of jizz still in his mouth, giving me a taste of the cram that was in my colon. I returned to my seat, walking gingerly so as not to dislodge the plug and sat back down. Resting my head on Jeremy’s shoulder I soon drifted off to sleep, awaking to the sensation of the plane touching down, still groggy, as where my Buddies we made it through the terminal and to baggage claim then out to the shuttle that took us to the rental car, Then Matt drove us to our hotel. The hotel was a lavish one in downtown Chicago, we turned the car over to the hotel staff and valets who unloaded our luggage and escorted us to the desk where Matt checked us in then the bell hop showed us to our suite. It was a elegant suite with two bedrooms off of a living room, complete with mini kitchen/bar. Jeremy, Steve and myself were still pretty tired so Matt let us strip down and retire to the bedroom where we fell asleep in each other’s arms, the butt plug still firmly now being held in place. I awoke the next morning to find Jeremy snuggled behind me pressing his engorged cock into my plugged hole, his precum lubing the way as it slide alongside the plug and he was double penetrating me with the plug in place it was a little painful being stretched so much, I pulled away and removed the plug then sank balls deep onto Jeremy’s hard tool. It felt so good to have him buried inside me, slowly gyrating his hips in his sleep, or at least I thought he was sleep, I matched him with pushing back on his cock then he grunted and made another deposit. I got up and looked for Steve, only to find him fucking Matt, the only cock I hadn’t received a donation in my rear from on this trip so far. They were fucking on their side spooning each other so I crawled up and slid in front of Matt and slide his cock into my creamy hole so now he was giving and taking. Steve shot a load into Matt as Matt Blasted a load into me, then Jeremy came in and began fucking Steve, the Sex train started gathering speed again and we all blew another load just a half hour later. Matt directed us into the large Shower and we all washed the travel grim and the sex off ourselves and each other then he had us get dressed. He opened the drapes to allow in the mid-day sun “Wow, what a view, and wish my dad could be here to see this” I exclaimed, knowing my dad had conducted business in Chicago before but doubted he ever got a chance to s this vista. Matt smirked then asked if we were hungry. Being tweens, of course our answer was yes so he arraigned with the concierge for an authentic Chicago style hotdog and pizza lunch, he got directions from the hotel to the best hotdog stand within walking distance than we were off to a pizzeria dogs in hand. As we entered the pizzeria the last of the hotdogs were consumed, Matt polled us on our favorite toppings and went to the counter to order a couple large pizzas and to procure a soda for me and a beer for Jeremy, Steve and himself. We went and found a table that was close to the arcade and still within good view of the large screen television, which was playing the Final four tourney. Matt came and sat down with us then stacked tokens in front of each of us, enough to play some games. Jeremy and I went into the arcade and started playing some of the one shooters and Steve went for a high tech pinball machine. We finished a couple of games and returned to the table, where Matt was seated with a young man seated close to him, wearing a hoody so I couldn’t tell who it was from the back, I came around to the table and the boy took off the hood, I was in shock, it was Darren “Dude what are you doing here?” “Your Dad and Matt here made arrangements for me to surprise you, on my birthday” “Oh god, with everything that has happened lately I totally forgot your birthday, I’m so sorry” “It’s ok, your dad talked my parents into letting me come surprise you on spring break, and I’ll be staying with you if it’s no trouble” “Fuck no, I’ve been wanting you to meet Jeremy and Steve” Darren has been my best friend from school since like third grade, we hung out together and he was the first friend I ever told I thought I was gay. We did a lot together including cuddle and kiss and occasionally jack off, he was the one I told my secrets to including browsing on A4A, and manhunt, he was the guy who got me to sign onto BarebackRT and eventually Breeding Zone, we’d sit and cruise the net and read BB sex stories, we even shared Bug chasing fantasies but we never had real sex. And here he was with me and my little extended family who loved to get naughty, I was ecstatic and nervous for him all at the same time. I looked around the pizza parlor, and gave him a big hug then kiss. I introduced him to Jeremy and Steve and we soon were munching down Chicago style Pizza and talking like we were all good friends and had known each other for years. Jeremy and Steve took an immediate comradery with Darren which made me very happy. After the five of us had scarfed down the two large Pizzas, Matt Suggested we head back to the hotel to take in the gym to work off the pizza and hotdogs then take a short nap before dinner. We arrived at the Hotel and discovered Darren’s stuff had already been delivered to our room. We changed into Workout gear and headed to the gym in the hotel, a group of hot personal trainers were assigned to us and put us through some rigorous paces before allowing us to retreat to the sauna and steam room to relax I went into the steam room with Jeremy and Darren, Steve and Matt hit the Jacuzzi sauna. As I kicked back in the steam room sandwiched between my two best friends we were all naked save for our towels and we were soon playing with each other’s penis’s stroking them and offering some nice hand jobs. Not wanting to get caught and thrown out of the hotel we kept it low key. After about 15 minutes in the steam room we all wrapped our towels around ourselves and headed out to the Jacuzzi where Matt and Steve were relaxing, they were a hot sight, they looked like dad and son enjoying a casual dip. About 15 minutes later we all got out and donned our workout clothes once again and returned to the room. When we were back in the room Matt had us strip and head off to the bedroom “it’s going to be a long night, with what I have planned for you four so get some rest, catch up on your sleep from last night and see you in a couple of hours" the four of us laid on the bed naked and hard but we wanted to be fresh for the nights activities whatever they may be.
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  34. Book II Steven I guess you could call me a wild kid since I was the dare devil of the family, skateboarding, motocross, skydiving, if it was slightly dangerous I was there to do it, I had to prove I was tough to my older brothers, although I was the baby of the family I had to prove myself to my three older brothers who were much older than me, I was an oops as my mother was preparing for menopause, at 42 she wasn’t expecting to be pregnant again her last child being born 10 years ago, but then I popped into the world and my brothers never let me forget that I took quality time away from them. They had all been born in moms late twenties and early thirties and there was just less than four years between all of them. Being 10, 11, and 13 when I was born. I was loved by all of them but I was at the same time treated as an inconvenience until I reached about 10, then it was let’s see what we can make Stevie do. I was a tough little kid who really was only trying to find acceptance from my older brothers most of my life. I thought I had just about done that when I announced to them I think I like boys, I think I was about 14 or 15 at the time, they told me it was just a phase that all the sports and hijinks had clouded my judgment to give it time and I’d get a girlfriend. Well time went by and I got to the point I was masturbating over a shirtless picture of my best buddy, I knew for certain on my 18th birthday after my bro’s threw a party for me and my best bud, Brad and I grabbed the birthday money after the party. We hopped in his car and took off for Berkeley just up the way. We were standing outside a place called the Steamworks. As Brad opened the glass door, he turned to me “Steve hand me your wallet, I need your ID “ I handed him my wallet and he walked up to the window and got me a locker and a membership, then paid for himself as well, we were buzzed in and he lead me to the lockers. I had the inclination to kiss my buddy for a long time but when we entered the baths and got our lockers, he got put on a room waiting list, I found my locker and Brad went to his, I was still clothed when he came up to me and planted a deep wet one on me, he was naked wrapped in a towel around his waist. “Take your clothes off, silly” He lifted my tee shirt over my head and unbuttoned my jeans then slide down the zipper, i had gone commando so as he slide my pants down I was now naked, standing in front of a locker with my best bud, kissing me and holding my clothes, he shoved my clothes in the locker and wrapped the towel around my waist then closed the locker and slid the band holding the key up my arm. He hugged me then took my hand and led me down a darkened hallway. Most of the room doors lining the hall were closed a few were opened and upon looking in I saw naked men laying there either playing with themselves or with their ass up, most were a lot older then us, a couple of the guys wandering around were within a year or two of our age. Men would reach out and touch me as I passed, many eyes were upon us, we came upon one door and a twenty something Latin guy was laying there playing with his hot Latin cock, Brad stopped our progress and stood and watched the guy, then he motioned for us to enter his room, Brad guided me in and the guy reached out and rubbed me through my towel, my cock which was already tenting the towel went rock hard he tugged at my towel and it dropped to the floor my cock disappeared into his throat, he fondled Brad while he sucked on me, brad rubbed the guy and I continued feeding him my cock. The night was early and I didn’t want to cum yet so I pulled out and the guy turned around and offered up his ass, Brad slipped a condom over my cock and I slid into the Latin’s ass, god it felt good his muscles gripped my cock and as I pumped into him he purred and cooed like a cat in heat. I still didn’t want to cum yet so I pulled out as Brad slid in he’d pound the guy till he was really close then he’d pull out and I would slid into the hot Latin ass, we tag teamed that guy for about half an hour then he said he was getting sore and we left his room promising to return and finish the job, we wandered back to the play area and I soon found myself in a cubicle with Brad in the next one, Hot daddies and guys were wandering around on a raised platform and a daddy approached my enlarged glory hole and presented his cock, I tentatively put my hand on it then placed it to my lips, taking the head into my mouth, tasting for the first time precum, I was hooked, Brad next to me was deep throating a hot twink like us and sucking him. The daddy I was sucking grunted the blasted his load into my mouth and throat, lavishing his seed on me. Brad and I wandered the halls and the maze taking in as many loads of cream as the participants would allow, retiring occasionally to the steam room and the Sauna to take breaks from the sex, each time ending up putting on a show of making out and fondling. I became a safe top that night, finally realizing my lustful fantasy with Brad. Graduation came shortly after our night of debauchery, and summer was upon us Brad got me to log into various gay websites and applications for my phone, I went a couple hours to the east to a good university and was paired up with a hot athlete named Jeremy who I at first thought was Straight because he never seemed interested in the frat boys I would bring back to the dorm room to corrupt by spring break though I realized he was jerking off to all the hot guys I was sucking and fucking across the room. Our realization of each other turned a sexually tense situation into a close relationship that made us best buds, almost brothers I knew Jeremy was virtually a virgin and didn’t want to rush him into anything sexual, I was falling for his innocent charm, though I found out he was using my stories of my exploits as good jack off material. We survived our freshman year and ended up spending the summer together, his Uncle Tony helped us find housing for our sophomore year as his mom was getting very sick and was in and out of the hospital. Jeremy was brought up in the east bay but when his mom got sick in his early high school years they moved to be closer to tony and his family. Soon Jeremy was spending his weekends with his mom or Tony. I was left free to explore my sexuality and my fascination with Daddies. That’s when I met Pete at a sex party I was invited to, I started hanging with Pete who was about 15 years older than me, he had some really hot daddy friends and a little of a wild kinky streak. We saw each other for about 6 months when he said he knew of this really hot sex party the last weekend of February, I was excited to go at the time, Pete was beginning to get really dominate with me and I guess in a sense was making me more kinky and perverted, getting closer and closer to abandoning my safe sex stance and making me less of a dominate top, Edging me closer to bottoming. The weekend was upon me and Pete picked me up and in no time we were up in the foothills at a really nice mansion the host no doubt was well off. I entered and Pete instructed me to strip, towels were provided and I walked around the party like it was a bathhouse. It seemed like I always had a cup of beer or other lavation and soon I was buzzed and my head was foggy. One of Pete’s friends asked me if I wanted to see what it felt like to be in the sling, I being a little wobbly and having difficulty in standing agreed and was soon laying back in the leather apparatuses I felt hands on my naked skin and probing my ass, someone dropped down and began rimming my ass, tonguing me deep, as I relaxed I suddenly realized that his tongue had been replaced with a log thin cock, I looked up into the mirror over the sling and did not notice a condom and began to freak, asking if he was fucking me raw and he nodded and told me it was too late as I already had two of his loads in my gut, my hole felt sloshy as a longer thicker cock was shoved in using his cum for lube. By the end of the night and two of the other guess who had been led to a sling had been bred by at least two third of the tops there. Pete took me home and had Jeremy help me into the house and to bed. If felt used the next morning and considered breaking it off with Pete, then he called and talked me into another few weekends of parties, all bareback and convinced me to bring some of my hot friends, I sort of felt like bait for these guys luring hot twink’s to the bb parties. Spring break rolled around and I started feeling like shit, I though good thing it was during my time off from school. Jeremy nursed me back to health from my bout with the flu. A few weeks later Pete showed up and offered to take me to the clinic and have me tested for STI’s, of course they ran a HIV test and it came back positive. Pete said he would take care of me, he moved me into his inner circle of friends and I helped him and his friends pick up younger guys and invite them to their parties. After 8 Months of that I couldn’t take it anymore, but Pete convinced me to keep going that he’d help me make it better, I put up with his bullshit for two more months before he called me a ungrateful asshole and I was getting too old for him anyway, about that time he found a cute 18 year old Twinkie boy who he used just like me, I knew the kid and tried to warn him of the dangers, but he pulled me aside and told me it was ok he liked being dominated, and Pete Had No idea he was already on PrEP, behind his back. I wished him good luck and drove away promising myself never to be taken in by anyone like Pete. About the time I was breaking it off with Pete and company, Jeremy had found a really nice guy, who I originally thought was taking advantage of my best friend and was about to tell him so when, Jeremy told me it was actually his biological dad, so he doubted he would screw us over like Pete did. I really got to know Matt and I never seen Jeremy so happy, then Matt asked us if we would like to move into his spare room to save us on expenses, I was interning at an architecture office and though the pay was ok it barely was paying the bills alongside my stipend from my grandparents estate which I couldn’t really touch much of until I was 25, getting full control of the trust when I reached my 30th birthday. It had been a year since I had the Fuck Flu as Pete explained it to me and a lot had changed I was closer to Jeremy, who not only introduced me to his dad, Matt, but a hot little Jock boy Named Sam was infatuated with me and I started thinking of him as the little brother I never had and he loved having sex with me, safe of course but Matt arranged for me to go on meds and for Steven and Sam to go on PrEP to keep them safer. Then he asked us if we would like to have a really fun Spring Break, We all of course said yes so here I was at 30,000 feet squished in a airplane bathroom with my raw cock up Sam’s rear blasting my Toxic cum into the hot little jock, I went back to my seat and Sent Jeremy over to help Sam take care of his itch for cum and when he returned without Sam I just looked puzzled. Sam returned about ten to fifteen minutes later explaining, the cute attendant that assisted us on boarding had used him as well as a cumdump. We arrived in Chicago and Matt whisked us to a Really nice Hotel where he had a suite reserved, and we all collapsed on the bed together after stripping off our sticky sweaty clothes, falling asleep in each other’s arms, Matt had gone into his Room and most likely collapsed after disrobing himself. Later that morning I was the first to wake and untangle myself from the others I walked naked into the living area of the suite, made two cups of coffee and carried them into Matts room, he was sprawled naked on top of the bed and after taking a sip of coffee climbed on next to him and cuddled my hot little benefactor, e wiggled his ass against my boner and soon my precum had lubricated his hole and I slipped In bare into his hole, giving him a slow passionate fuck enjoying the feel of this mature man, the daddy of my dreams. It took me about 20 minutes of slow fucking him before I reached the point of no return shooting my Poz cum into his rectum. He opened his eyes as I pulled out and I handed him the second coffee “thank you for your gentle fuck to wake me, and thanks for the coffee, did you just fuck me bare? “yeah I figured you have been on PrEP for a week it would be alright” “I didn’t go on PrEP, I gave my pills to Sam, I’m still chasing”
    1 point
  35. Part 4 The rest of the day was spent soaking in the pool and laying in the sun chatting. I didn't take the tail out all day, after a light dinner Pete gave me a Valium and tucked me up in bed telling me I had a big day tomorrow. I must have slept heavily as I didn't hear Pete come to bed, when I woke early he was laying naked beside me sound asleep. I looked at the clock and it was really early so I got up, did what I needed to in the bathroom and slipped the tail back in my arse, Pete still being asleep I headed outside to the pool. Stretching out naked on a sun lounger I reflected on where I was and what was in store for me, lazily I stroked my cock, not trying to cum but just enjoying the feeling of it in my hand and the sensations my hand gave it. My thoughts were disturbed by an bronzed naked man cleaning the pool, I don't know how long he'd been there but he seemed to be paying more attention to my cock than the pool, proved by his hardness bouncing around in front of him. My eyes were fixed on his cock when suddenly a voice whispered in my ear "you like Ian's cock?" "Yeah, fucking nice". "Wanna suck it a little?" I replied by nodding my head and Pete beckoned him over. "My friend here would like to suck your cock Ian". He smiled and stepped forward, sitting up I went straight down on it as far as I could. "Good boy, enjoy it but not too much". His cock must have been about 8" and a thickness that was enough to fill my mouth. It tasted of chlorine, I guess Ian likes a dip in the pools he cleans. Pete was rubbing the back of my head and pushing me further down, I gagged a little but he just pushed a little harder. I could tell he was getting close to cumming, his body stiffened and he began breathing heavily, I increased my sucking frantically sliding his cock in and out of my mouth determined to get that salty taste on my tongue. Pete pulled me away telling Ian that was enough for now, throughly disappointed I did note that he said for now. The rest of the day was spent by the pool, staying hydrated, and desperately trying to get Pete to fuck me again, but no I was told that was for later. In the late afternoon we had a bite to eat before Pete told me to go shower and clean myself out thoroughly "I want you clean boy, your hole is gonna get some use tonight" it twitched a little at the thought. Spending some time in the shower I washed myself inside and out, taking some time on my insides. As I headed out of the bedroom I heard men's voices down the hall, I figured as is already been told to stay naked then I should do just that and headed to the living room with no clothes on. Pete was stood chatting to two guys "ah here's the guest of honour. Martin this is Simon and Stuart, they're gonna join us tonight". I walked over and smiled, they were both tall and lean, Simon had short dark hair, Stuart slightly longer silver hair, both had chiseled looks, with just the right amount of stubble. Pete suggested we head out to the hot tub, we all agreed and the other three men removed their clothes before we all went outside and slipped into the warm water, me between the two visitors. Chatting for a while a could feel there legs against mine, hands roaming under the water, I got my first feel of both their cocks, simon was a nice size and uncut, Stuart slightly smaller and circumcised. Pete was watching and I could tell he knew what was going on under the water. "Boy, I promised you as much Tina as you could take didn't I?" I nodded in agreement. "Well now is time for you to take your first slam." Oh fuck, I've only been slammed four times before across three sessions, I'd been craving that rush again, longing for it. Pete moved in front of me and told me to hop up on the side, he was directly in front of me as the other two jumped up beside me. Stuart reached down and pulled up a tray covered with a cloth, he removed the cloth to reveal six syringes, I could see each of them were full of a clear liquid, the stuff I wanted in my veins so much. He placed the tray beside him, reached down and picked up a leather strap. Quickly the leather strap was tightly buckled around my bicep, Stuart turned a little to face me and pulled my arm out so the back of my hand lay against his naked thigh Pete held both my legs and told me to clench and unclench my fist which I dutifully did as Stuart looked for a vein. I watched as he picked up the rig laying across the top of two more, obviously separate for me, and with his teeth he removed the cap. I was still pumping my fist as he brought the needle to my skin, he spent some time aiming it and then with a sharp jab he pierced my skin. I watched as he moved the tip of the pin around a little looking for the vein. He pulled the plunger back and there it was, that flash of blood spurting in, "oh fuck" I knew what was coming. Stuart just held the rig in place when I heard Pete, "this is gonna be a big slam boy, I know you've never had one like this, it's gonna make you cough, maybe feel like you can't catch your breath, don't panic just ride it, we're here with you. You ready?" Unable to take my eyes of the syringe in my arm, the clear liquid now red at one end, I just nodded. Pete told Stuart to go for it and I watched as he gently pushed the plunger down, I watched as the black rubber seal in the clear tube got closer to the end, I could feel a tingle as the liquid entered my arm but I knew what was coming would be far more intense. After what seemed like minutes the plunger hit home, quickly the strap was off my arm, and then it hit me, hit me like a train. Just as the shit hit my brain I coughed, I coughed hard, I had a funny taste at the back of my throat and yeah I felt like I couldn't breath, shit had they given me too much. I gasped for air but after two breaths my lungs relaxed, miss Tina was filling my whole body now, the rush was like nothing else, it was as if I'd been waiting my whole life for this moment. The rush just got stronger and stronger, I was on fire. I was suddenly aware of the puppy tail plug in my arse, the tail between my legs, I was also aware of me just saying "oh fuck" over and over again. Pete wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back into the water and stood me in front of Stuart. I watched as Stuart picked a rig from the other end of the tray and repeated the process with his own arm. I couldn't take my eyes off the syringe, turns me on so much to watch a guy slam me but also to watch a guy do himself. A little cough and he was there, in my world. Pete slid me across to stand in front of simon and I watched again, Stuart dropped into the water and stood behind me rubbing my cock and tweaking the plug in my arse. Another cough and simon was in the water too standing to one side of me rubbing my arse cheeks. Now I'm stood in front of Pete watching as he prepped his hit, the blood shot into the syringe with such force and I let out another "fuck". Resting his fingers under the rig he took my hand and told me to push the plunger in, very slowly. My hands were shaking from the rush but somehow I managed it, and slowly I pushed. All in and the needle came out and I saw Petes face light up and he grinned. I could sense Petes cock guiding me down so I bent over and sucked it into my mouth, the Tina made me want it so bad, all 3 cocks inside me at once was what I wanted. His cock was rock hard and I could feel it stretching my mouth as I bobbed up and down. I felt one of the other guys playing with my tail when suddenly it was yanked from my arse and then I felt something hard pushing at my hole, I didn't miss a stroke on Petes cock as I felt the one behind me slowly push into me, I swear I felt every vein as that raw shaft slowly slid in. I let out such a moan but kept Pete in my mouth. I didn't know which one was fucking me but then a pair of hands spread my arse cheeks for the other and I drove back onto that hard rod. Whoever it was pounded me hard now forcing me onto Petes cock, I looked up and saw him watched me get fucked, I could tell he was happy and that made me happy too. I heard a voice say "my turn" and then my hole was empty, movement behind me told me they were swapping over, fuck nothing like one cock after the other I thought, and there it was pushing against me, I pushed back hard and it popped inside me. I was getting fucked frantically now, my hole body shoved forward with each thrust. I noticed simon climbing up on the side, right beside Pete and he was playing with his cock, I looked up at his face and he motioned down to his cock so I replaced my mouth with my hand on Pete and swallowed Simons cock down as far as I could go. "Shit I'm gonna blow" came from behind me, I began groaning loudly on the cock in my gob as my arse got truly fucked, the seed started pumping deep inside me, my mind was racing with the thought of it, cum deep in my guts coating my insides, each spurt from the end of the cock filling me a little more. The fucking slowed and Stuart collapsed on my back "fucking good boy, very fucking nice". I released the cock from my mouth and looked up at Pete, "good lad, you're doing well". Let's take this inside shall we". Then I felt my tail being plugged back into my hole and they carefully lifted me out of the tub........
    1 point
  36. In general I prefer a verbal top, hear his breathing, moaning and finally the groaning. I do like to know when the top tells me he's going to shoot so I usually whisper to the top "Make sure you go deep when you shoot your load" But experiences with silent tops can be very hot too, especially in saunas and darkrooms. I find it so hot when I'm on a sling or fuck-bench at a sauna, and a guy starts fucking me and all of a sudden he pulls out and leaves without saying a word. I then check and I feel the cum dripping out of my hole. Big turn-on and in that case silent breeding is fine.
    1 point
  37. I turned my attention to my playkit, extracting everything I would need to complete Tanner's conversion from negboy to cumdump: pipe, Tina, points. I also took the opportunity of turning the thermostat way up - no point leaving anything to chance. I was only out of the living room for a few minutes but, on my return, Tanner had definitely 'changed'. He seemed totally calm, greeting me like I was long-lost friend and happy to see I'd grabbed more of the alco-pop which he was contently sipping on now that the taste of G had gone. I stood, shirtless, before Jake, pouring him another glass of drink and flexing my back at Tanner, bending over slightly so he got a good view of my thick, muscled daddy-butt. Jake smiled at me, licking his lips. Jake looked about ready to suck me off himself, forgetting our main goal entirely. "Not yet boy" I murmured authoritatively. I stepped back over to Tanner, filling his glass with more pink liquid and mussing his hair. This time he didn't even seem to mind the gesture and I gently pushed my luck, running my hand down the small of his neck and shoulder. His eyes fluttered shut and Jake winked at me. "Hey dude" Jake said, "you don't mind if I toke a bit of weed right?" he said, pipe and cannabis in hand? "No way man" Tanner smiled back, a little dazed, "It's totally cool dude - you got enough for all of us?" He asked, hopefully, licking his stoner-surfer lips. He suddenly turned to me: "Ah, sorry man...you don't mind do you? I mean, it's cool if you do, I just..." "Of course not boys...I was thinking the same myself" I said, removing my pipe and packing it with Tina. Tanner watched, entranced as Jake took a good, long toke of weed and blew the thick, acrid smoke into the room. As the smoke descended around Tanner and I, I met his eyes - full of innocence and naivety with more than a hint of growing darkness. "Join in bro" Jake said, as I offered Tanner my pipe "What is it?" He asked, licking his lips, and taking the pipe in his hands. "Real fucking good is what it is" Jake laughed, another stream of smoke emanating from his mouth. Tanner seemed reassured that Jake was smoking too and lifted the pipe to his lips...we watched in anticipation of his transformation. A seasoned stoner for sure, Tanner got the pipe going with hardly any effort or instruction: "Careful" I said as smoke escaped the pipe, wrap your boy-mouth about it like your sucking it and breathe" I said "good, that's it...in and out, in and out". Jake couldn't help but laugh under his breath as the final hurdle to Tanner's corruption vanished in the heat of that pipe. He nearly coughed but, managed to catch himself as I rubbed his back: he kept the smoke in him for a good while before exhaling a thick, white cloud of smoke through his mouth and nostrils like a proper whore. "whoah" he said "Again" I said, pushing the pipe back to his lips and lighting it for him. He sucked again, taking that life-changing smoke deep into his tight body, forcing out all remnants of fear or nervousness. "That's good" he said, exhaling again. "Again!" I ordered, once more forcing him to take another hit before letting him sink back into the couch in a cloud of thick smoke. I re-packed the pipe as Jake peeled off his top; all the while watched by Tanner. A bead of sweat rolled down Jake's neck and over the taught flesh of his tan pecs. I took a hit of the pipe and, as Tanner watched his friend stretch, covered his mouth with mine and blew the contents of my lungs into him.. "shotgun" he whimpered as I withdrew, whisps of smoke curling out the side of his lips. "Shotgun" I responded, taking one more hit and, this time full-on kissing Tanner. We rolled the smoke back and forth for a bit as my tongue conquered him, forced him to accept his role for the night, hot little bottom-bitch desperate for cock and cum - breaking whatever remained of his negboy will. The thermostat was doing it's job, the room was a warm, heady mix of cannabis, Tina and sexual heat. I'd laid Tanner out on the couch as I continued to kiss him - across from us, Jake stroked his growing meat through the khaki of his shorts as beads of sweat rolled down his body. Tanner was as good as mine and I needed to reinforce his role for the night - test his new-found, chemical confidence. I pulled him to my chest and peeled off his top revealing that perfect jock-body, ripples of muscle, tight, sun-kissed skin and perfect nipples. A light trail of fur leading to his warm crotch. I unbuttoned his jeans and let them fall to the floor, leaving only the white briefs he wore constraining his growing dick. Jake had read my mind and was already naked, stroking his long shaft on the seat opposite, totally relaxed and in pig-heaven. "Wanna suck some cock baby boy?" I whispered to Tanner, kissing him swiftly, forcing my tool against his abs. He moaned, breathing into our kiss "Good boy" I said. With that, I thrust him towards Jake. His jeans caused him to fall, head first in front of Jake's beautiful, 10 inch cock. He looked excitedly at his friend, at his round cock-head with a droplet of pre-cum on the tip and wasted no-time going down on him, taking his friend's cock into his boy-mouth. I finished undressing the boy as he sucked Jake, pulling off those helpful jeans and freeing the boy's nice, veiny cock from his pants, throwing them to a corner of the room - he wouldn't be needing those for a long, long time. Tanner was now, completely undressed, and Jake and I got different views of that perfect mass of atheltic muscle underneath that tan skin, pulsing with each slurp of Jake's dick, smothered in a thin layer of boy-sweat, Tanner tried to take more than few inches of Jake into his mouth but, couldn't. Taking a sip of his drink, Jake grabbed Tanner's head and pushed a good four inches of his cock down his friend's throat, pinning him to his crotch with a strong grip. "Nice" I thought: the clean-cut Jake I once knew was totally gone, replaced by a burgeoning dom-top with a lethal prize brewing in his balls. Tanner's body bucked against Jake's assault, forcing his ass into the air as he struggled to breathe - as he bucked, he pushed his hole out to me and, I couldn't resist - I dove straight in, licking his perfect boy-cunt Tanner's perfect hole, preparing another dose of T for the boys aching hole. Tanner moaned as Jake pushed more cock into his throat. His hole pulsed again and I removed my tongue, immediately ramming my T'd up finger into that boy-cunt roughly pushing past his outer ring and into that velvet chute of his. He tried to pull off my finger but Jake's grip was tightvand Tanner stayed put as I massaged the cystal into his blood stream. As the crystal melted in the warmth of his hole, I felt him relax and the familiar wave of electric heat vibrate through him as I continued to explore his bowels. "Good boy" I said, pushing down on the small of his back to give my finger more leverage. "Good fucking boy" "Just sit on my finger...that's it, good boy, really suck it in"
    1 point
  38. Rimming and fingering inside me is best for me. If I am expecting to get fucked, like in a bathhouse, I'll finger my hole open myself so I'm ready to take a cock immediately.
    1 point
  39. Watch out with Metamucil and PrEP which I think you are on. Don't take them too close together. While there are not known interactions between Truvada and metamucil I took the pill one day at the same time as the fiber and the pill came out later on all on its own without being digested!! This is because Metamucil creates this gluey gel around anything you eat, the 701 in this case. I asked my doctor about all this and the pharmacist said that just to be sure you should not take Metamucil within 4 hours of taking Truvada so Truvada is absorbed properly.
    1 point
  40. Its most likely you diet. If you are anywhere in North America, you probably dont get enough fiber, this is TERRIBLE for bottoming because the waste still comes out, but its much less solid, as it goes through the colon, even if its solid coming out into the toilet. A fiber supplement like metamucil will fix EVERYTHING, and probably make you feel a lot better too. I thought it was all BS until I met a fb a mine about a year and a half ago. He said that's what he does, and it really does work. Take it twice a day, and you will almost always be ready, with minimal prep. Psyllium fiber (the active ingredient in metamucil) works in two ways. First it bulks up the fecal matter, and essentially adds structure to it. Second, it adds a clear odorless "mucous" to your digestive tract that allows things to not only pass easier, but also gives you what amounts to natural lube in your ass. I've been bottoming for years, and I have NEVER seen anything make as much of a difference as taking a fiber supplement has. Its also really a good idea for general health because most people in NA dont get nearly enough fiber. Seriously try it.
    1 point
  41. I cannot understand barebackers who do something risky such as smoking.
    1 point
  42. It has been couple of days since I left my slave at my dealer bud, Rod's place in the hands of him and his two young sons. Rod gave me goodies as a gift when I left and I used them after work and stayed horny. Rod's sons were nice enough to send me some video files of them with my slave and another young white slave as they used them. I was so horny after days of after-work highs and watching the sex videos of young men so I rang up Rod after work on Friday. Rod invited me over but warned me how both slaves might be exhausted after days of sex and drugs. As I entered Rod's apartment, I saw a young black boy right behind me. Rod's younger son knew the black boy as he welcomed both of us into the dark apartment. Rod was in his bedroom talking to someone on the phone. The living room was really dark except the light from the TV screen which played the video of two sex slaves. Both slaves were on the floor watching themselves while my Asian slave pumped a huge vibrator into the young white slave's hungry hole. Through his moans, the white slave was still asking for more cocks to fuck him. Rod's younger son looked annoyed as he stared down at the young white boy's body on the floor. He put his foot on his face and started to push his toes into white slave boy's mouth. The moaning and the begging for more cock fucking from the white slave was silenced by a young man's foot gagging. "Finally some peace. This bitch has been asking for more cocks for days now and it's so fucking annoying." Young man bend down to slap the white boy's cheeks under his foot and told him to shut up. White slave boy's eyes teared up but his slim white cock and his nipples stayed hard through the slapping. My Asian slave started to fuck the big vibrator in and out of the white boy's hole really hard. The white slave's body was rocking hard on the rubber cock and Rod's young son replaced his foot with his soft cock as he sat over the white boy's head. Few minutes later, the young boy held the the white boy's head on his cock and started to piss into the white boy's throat. White slave started to twist his body probably in an effort to free himself but both the young boy pissing and my Asian slave kept the white slave boy down. My Asian slave stopped fucking the white boy and pulled the huge vibrator out of his hole in one long pull. The white boy closed his eyes as his body felt so empty. My Asian slave started to rub his hands all over the white slave's body as he whispered right next to the slave's ears and the encouragement to swallow the young boy's piss. My Asian slave's small hands wrapped around the the white slave's neck, started to massage the white boy's throat. Soon after that, white boy's throat muscle was flexing and his adam's apple moved up and down as the white boy started to drink young boy's piss. Rod's son pissed for a long time and alot down the throat of the white slave who couldn't swallow fast enough and started to leak around the young cock. The piss had very strong odor and it filled the whole living room immediately. Young boy didn't want to make too much of mess in his living room so he pulled up the white slave's body slowly as his pissing cock remained deep in the white boy's throat and dragged him into the bathroom. My Asian slave stayed on the living room floor on his knees and was quickly approached by a young naked black boy who looked barely 16 yo. I didn't notice him the whole time since we entered the apartment but he seemed to enjoy what he saw as he was sporting a very big black erection. The young boy had a freakish huge cock. My Asian slave being trained well on deep throat sucking showed some trouble and paused about half way. As the young black boy's cock kept my Asian slave's mouth wide open, lots of saliva started to leak out of slave's lips. The boy's big black cock was getting shiny as it got wet. The young black boy was smiling as he looked down at the Asian slave and he grabbed the Asian's hair and pulled back. The black boy bent down to make direct eye contact with the Asian slave's and said, "Hello, Mister Yi. Or should I call you, Chris?" The Asian slave looked a bit puzzled as they stared at each other's face. Then he let out a loud gasp as he recognized the face of the young black boy. "Do you remember me now? I was in your first period class. I know you were a cock sucker when you couldn't stop staring at my morning hard on sometimes. But I didn't know you were such a dirty bitch." My Asian slave looked really embarrassed but the young man tightened his grab of hair and pulled tighter. Quickly my Asian slave's body relaxed under the young black boy's control showing his submission. Rod's younger son returned without the white slave boy and asked the young black boy if he broke the truth. Rod's younger son, Ryan is 18 YO and his older brother Ron is 20 YO and they go to the same school with the young black boy, Marc. Ron was in juvie sometime for sexual assault of an older lady while on drugs few years ago. Their school is also a work place of my Asian slave as I found out. Marc recognized the face from the videos that Ryan posted on his site and they wanted to have some fun with their teacher. As Ryan and Marc talked about their teacher, the cock sucking dirty slut and laughed at him, my Asian slave started to get more aroused. His body seem to enjoy humiliation. Slave started to moan softly around Marc's cock as he bobbed his head little by little taking slightly more of Marc's cock in. Marc was amused by the effort and and helped him by pushing the head down with more pressure. Ryan's cock got hard and as he positioned it near the Asian hole, my slave spread his cheeks for Ryan. Ryan spit on the hole and on his cock and put a little pressure to pop the head of his cock in the hole. Once his head popped in through the tight ring, he wrapped his arms around the waist of slim Asian teacher and started to piss into the hole. Ryan felt the flat stomach muscles of Asian teacher flexing under his embrace to accommodate his hot piss. He felt the tight slim stomach bulging out filled with his piss and as he continued his hold on the body and the pissing, the Asian teacher's body started to drink his piss deeper into himself. "Good bitch" Ryan thought as his pissing slowed down and he started to move in and out of the hole. He slapped the ass really hard few times and it helped his cock to grow back hard. Marc slapped the face at the same time as he pushed into the throat. Soon the Asian teacher buried his nose at Marc's pubic hair as he fucked back to Ryan. Ryan's piss must have lots of chem in it as the Asian teacher started to get high again. I enjoyed watching two young man using their teacher for sex while high on drugs so I handed them a pipe and slammed my Asian slave with the boys' help. I also gave some K to the Asian boy so he can take Marc's freaky cock if it came to that. I opened my tablet and started to broadcast the sex being careful not to expose two young boy's face in it. As Marc and Ryan had more drugs, they started to get more aggressive. Soon they were not only beating the inside of the Asian with their hard cocks, but they were slapping and punching their teacher as well as they recalled incidents of their teacher being unfair to them. My Asian slave started to welcome their beating as well as their fucking. He started to cry as his cock kept on cumming without being touched. Their fucking and beating got loud enough for Rod to come out of his room still on the phone to tone the noise down. But as he watched the fucking of two young boys and hearing the background story of their aggressive fucking, Rod got so turned on. The person on the phone was curious as well so I told him the address of the broadcast. Two young boys took advantage of the Asian slave's hole being unusually more open as he was on K, and pushed both their cocks in together. The Asian's hole got ripped and started to bleed but the boys didn't stop fucking and the Asian slave didn't resist either. After both of them came in the hole, Marc started to piss in it. Ryan pulled out his softening cock and some piss leaked out. Marc told his Asian teacher to tighten his hole and not let any of his piss leak out. Ryan and Marc lifted the Asian teacher's slim body with Marc's cock still lodged deep inside and sprayed piss in the hole. They walked into the bathroom and got in the tub before they yanked the body off the cock. The Asian hole didn't close quick enough and splashed piss. Rod and I followed into the bathroom and decided to piss on the Asian slave as well. As we covered the whole body with our piss, the Asian was on the tub floor semi-conscious. I wanted to see him getting a little taste of my piss so I pushed down on his cheek with my foot. The boys mouth opened a little and Rod pushed his toes into it. The Asian slave opened his mouth wider by instinct and stuck his tongue out to lick the toes. We aimed our piss on it and ordered him to drink up. His adams apple moved up and down on his thin long neck as he obeyed. He reeked when we were done with him so we turned the water on him before we joined two young boys. Then I wondered about the white slave. Rod told me that the boy loved getting fucked any way the men wanted but wasn't submissive enough so he needed to be punished. The white slave boy was chained and locked in a cage in Rod's bedroom . He had a ball gag in his mouth to keep him quite. Rod's older son, Ron was on the desk next to the cage and had long candles burning. He poured the hot wax on the white boy's body when he got bored and saw the white boy reacting to it. And slowly the white boy loving the burn of the hot wax on his skin. We all felt hungry and decided to go out for food. Ron poured remaining wax on the white boy's body and it covered almost whole body of the small white slave. I took the last bit of it and made sure to cover his white cock and balls with candle wax. To our amusement, the boy's white cock started to shoot cum when I covered it with hot wax. We stopped at the bathroom to turn off the water and bound the now unconscious Asian slave by the toilet before we headed out.
    1 point
  43. I went to pick up some supplies and my dealer opened the door naked. He had a cute young white boy on the floor sucking his cock. As we went into the living room, the boy crawled backwards with the cock pushed deep to the balls in his mouth. As we sat on the couch, the boy followed my friend's every move and kept on sucking his cock not letting it out of his mouth. "Who's this piglet white boy?" "A kid that some guy met at some rave. They came over and wanted to get some stuff but didn't have enough money. So the guy left this kid as the payment." "What the fuck... did the kid agree to this?" "Well..... Sorta. The kid was too fucked up and busy sucking on my cock." "Fuck. He looks young. How old is he?" "Probably 18. I don't know. They did some Ecstasy at the rave and the guy wanted to pop the kid's cherry but the kid was too shy. So he brought him here and gave him some G and T. But when he saw my cock, he got hooked on it and didn't care about his friend." "ha ha. You do have a nice cock, man." "well.... the other guy is sorta asshole anyway. And it could be fun to pop a cherry sometimes." As we talked and took care of the business, the kid sucked his cock the whole time. After taking some hits for the road, my friend finally pulled the kid off of his cock and fed him the drug. The kid didn't want the drug but wanted the cock back instead. My friend slapped him and told him to take more hits. The kid took more hits as he was told. When he got my friend's cock back in his mouth, he moaned around the cock as his eyes rolled back. My friend pushed the kids head down and held him there. The kid choked and try to free himself but my friend was too strong. Around the cock, saliva started to pour down as the kid's forced open mouth couldn't contain it. After few repeats, the kid started to take initiative and started to choke himself on my friend's cock without my friend holding him down. I was impressed and thought of my slave boy and wanted to see them side by side. My friend wanted to meet my slave boy as well so I left to pick up my slave boy. My slave boy was surprised to see me at his door and was a bit hesitant to get to his slave position right away. I decided for a punishment later as I talked to him warmly to take some hits on the pipe. After few hits, he got naked and got to his slave pose and begged me for my cock. I told him we are going to my friend's place. He seemed really disappointed but as I told him about my friend, the hunger returned in his eyes. My friend is a latino, I think from Dominican Rep. He's only 5' 9 and slender muscular body but he's got a cock that can put many men to shame. He's 39 yo but looks young enough to be mistaken for an older brother to his sons who are 16yo and 20yo. He treats his bottoms the way he treats his women, gentle at first but rough in bed. My slave boy seemed to love what I was telling him about my friend as he started to moan softly. I smiled thinking about how we are going to train two slave boys together as we left my slave's place.
    1 point
  44. 3. When I woke up the next morning Simon was gone. I stretched and rubbed a finger across my still slightly tender hole, feeling the slight stickiness left by his cum. My cock twitched slightly as I thought about what had happened the night before. I swung me feet out of the bed, grabbed a pair of gym shorts from the floor, and tugging them on, headed into the kitchen to make some coffee. The door to Ryan’s bedroom was open I can could see two of Ryan’s friends still sprawled out across his bed, another passed out on the couch. Just as I was pouring water into the top of the coffee maker, Ryan came in the front door covered in sweat, just back from his morning run. “Oh good, coffee,” he whispered, so as not to wake up the various sleepers around the apartment, crossing over to the little kitchen. He stood a few feet away from me waiting for the coffee to finish brewing. I didn’t know what it was but something in his eyes made me a little uneasy and then he said, “Simon told me what happened.” “What?” I stammered. “That he fucked you. I always guessed that you weren’t completely straight, but I never guessed that he was your type though.” “I’ve never done.…” “…anything like that before.” “Really?” “Yeah.” “So he was your first.” Ryan inched closer to me. “Yeah, I guess he was.” “So are you his now? “What?” “Did he claim you?” I had no idea what he meant. “No.” “Too bad,” Ryan was now very close to me, closer then I think we had been in a long time. “Simon’s pretty good about sharing, knows that I like sloppy seconds.” He put his hands on my hips and drew my crotch to his, both of us starting to tent out or gym shorts a little bit. I suddenly found myself looking at Ryan quite differently, I guess being my stepbrother, I had never considered him an option but now that he was making the first move my opinion was quickly changing. I looked down at his broad powerful body, the massive pecs slick with sweat, the thin treasure trail of light brown hair (naturally the only hair on his torso) leading down into his skimpy black running shorts now bulging with his semi, the stench of man that wafted off of him all suddenly became very attractive to me. My cock throbbed and I suddenly knew what I wanted, I wanted to get fucked again, and Ryan was no longer my stepbrother but a means to that end. I leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips, tasting the sweat that lingered there, and said, “We don’t need Simon for that. I’ll share with you any time.” Ryan smiled and kissed me hard, shoving his tongue in my mouth. The coffee completely forgotten, we tumbled into my vacant bedroom and hurriedly disrobed. Ryan’s cock was even bigger then I remembered, and was thick, with an angry looking vein running across the top, and surrounded by a thick bunch of light brown pubes. It was beautiful. I made to get on my knees and suck his cock as I had done for Simon but Ryan had other plans. He grabbed my shoulders, spun me around, pushing me down onto the bed on all fours, grabbed hold of my ass cheeks and spread them wide before burying his face in my hairy crack. After a moment Ryan stopped and said, “Did he cum in you?” “Yes,” I said a little sheepishly, feeling bright red flush rise up me cheeks. “Even better,” Ryan said and resumed eating out my ass. I groaned as his tongue made short work of opening me back up. After a few minutes he stopped again, pressing his finger inside me and said, “Is that what you want me to do? Fuck your tight pink hole till I cum inside of you.” The answer was simple: yes, but all I managed to do was stammer, “I… uh… well… I…” “Just say it,” he twisted his finger inside of me more, “once you admit what you want it’s much easier to get it.” “I want you to fuck me and cum in my ass,” I blurted out. “Good.” He pulled the finger from my hole. “Now bend over the bed with your feet on the floor and your chest resting on the mattress. Now that you’ve been fucked once, and, knowing you were fucked by Simon, you were fucked good and hard, so I’m gonna really pound your hole.” I heard his spit on my hole and, I presume, his cock, and then felt the warm pressure of his cock head pressing against my recently virgin ass hole. Ryan hadn’t spent nearly as long eating out my ass as had Simon, and for that matter, it felt as though his cock was thicker then Simon's, so it took a good deal of force for him to break into my hole, but finally my sphincter gave way and his cock head popped inside of me. I groaned in pleasure as he slowly sank the rest of his cock into me. His cock felt amazing. A little painful, but mostly amazing. Jesus, why hadn't we come up with this sooner? I thought. After what had to be almost three minutes of slow penetration Ryan’s pubes came to rest against my ass. “Man you’re tight, and just after getting fucked by Simon too. You’re ass was made for fucking.” With that, Ryan began to fuck me slowly, remarking “I can feel come of Simon’s cum inside of your hole, lubing up my cock.” He built up speed quickly until he was fucking my ass with a quick, decisive rhythm. I shivered as his cock slammed into me. I wanted it so bad. Ryan had hold of my hips, and was pulling me back to meet his thrusts, which drove his cock deeper into my ass. It felt as though he had bust through another barrier, diving deeper into my hole then before. My own cock was dripping precum like mad, but bounced around completely forgotten. “You’re so fucking tight I’m not going to last long, I’m gonna lube you up with my cum now and then you can spend the rest of the day riding me before Simon comes over again tonight.” My heart skipped a beat at the thought of having Simon inside me again. Ryan started to pant, slamming into me even harder, his hands shaking slightly. “Oh fuck. Oh, fuck. I’m gonna cum,” he said, “You want my load inside of you?” “Yes, shoot your load inside my hole,” I panted back. “I’m cuming,” he said, although he didn't need to tell me. I could feel his cock exploding inside my ass. His cock throbbed and pulsed as he flooded my guts and, when his balls were drained, he collapsed forward onto my back. We were both covered in sweat. “There is something else I should tell you,” he whispered, his body still trembling slightly, “Simon and I, well really all of our friends who are probably going to end up fucking you, are poz. So you now have two massive poz loads inside your hole.” I froze for a moment, and then realized that I didn’t care. At that moment with my stepbrother’s nine inch cock still unloading inside of me, I didn’t give a damn about consequences or anything else. I just wanted too always feel the wonderful fullness I experienced from having cock and cum in me. “I don’t care,” I quite calmly replied. “That’s good 'cause you weren’t getting a choice.” “I didn’t know your stepbrother was up for grabs,” said a voice from the doorway. Ryan's cock still deep in my hole, every so slowly softening, we both turned to find the youngest of Ryan’s friends standing in the doorway, rubbing an obvious hard on through his shorts. It was Tommy, the twenty year old, ginger haired, Irish boy. He smiled wickedly and remarked “I haven’t gotten any in a few days,” adding "Mind if I have a go?” “Simon broke him in last night for the first time, but his ass is still fucking tight,” Ryan said, “but it’s up to Justin.” Ryan’s cock slipped from my hole, and with that I stood up, turned to face Tommy, a thin drip of cum running down my leg as I did so. “Well,” I said to the ginger standing the doorway, “Strip. Let's see what you’re working with."
    1 point
  45. 2. We spent a good long while in the club, my stepbrother and some of his friends eventually going off to dance somewhere, and I staying behind in the booth drinking what would turn out to be a few too many beers. Simon was with me almost all night and the more I drank the more I found my gaze drifting to his pale blue eyes. Sometime later Ryan returned and suggested that we all go back to his place for a few more beers. As the little party gathered their things and headed towards the door I felt Simon’s hand gently graze my ass as he past, my cock leapt. Back at Ryan’s place the drinks continued to flow and the guys stated to drop off steadily, and eventually I excused myself to the guest room I was staying in to turn in for the night. I stripped off my clothes and ran my hand down my tight furry abs to my semi stiff cock thinking about Simon. Never before had a guy effected me the way that he did, I fell onto the bed my cock now completely hard and started to jerk myself off my free hand roaming all over my body. I didn’t hear the door open, in fact I didn’t hear anything till in his thick South London accent Simon said, “Well that’s a much bigger cock then I would have guessed.” I scrambled to cover myself but as I was laying on top of the sheets there was nothing much I could do but try and his by rock hard eight and a half inched behind my hands. “Dunny try and hide it,” said Simon, “looks like you could use a hand in fact.” He clambered up onto the bed a wide wicked smile spreading across his face. I froze not knowing what to expect as Simon crawled up between my legs, pulled his shirt off over his head to expose his muscular dark haired torso, and swallowed my cock. No girl had ever sucked my cock like that, it was as if Simon had unhinged his jaw and swallowed my cock whole. I groaned and tried to mutter, “No, I’m straight,” but the words died in my mouth, instead I put my hands on the back of his head pulling him down onto my cock. My breathing had quickened and I was seconds away from cuming when Simon let my cock spring from his mouth. “You ever had a bloke suck your cock before?” “No, I’m… well… I’m straight,” I said lamely. “Doesn’t matter to me, what matters is if it felt good.” “It certainly did, I almost came just then.” “That’s why I stopped.” He shifted his weight slightly and shucked his jeans, now wearing only a pair of tiny brightly colored briefs. “You have an amazing cock,” he continued kissing my cock head, “and balls.” He drew first one nut and then the other into his mouth before sucking the both in. I rocked my hips forward giving him better access to my balls, my ass lifting slightly off the bed as I did so. In one swift motion before I really knew what was happening Ryan had my knees pressed into my chest and his slightly stubbly face buried in my hole, his tongue swirling around my virgin home. No one had ever eaten me out before and I moaned loudly. It had never occurred to me how amazing this could feel and Simon was certainly an expert at these things. His tongue flicked and darted of my hole sending bolts of electricity through my whole body as I relaxed into him. He pressed his tongue into me, lapping at my hole and slowly my hole began to open for him allowing his probing tongue inside. I gasped as my ass was penetrated for the first time by his tongue. Simon shifted around a bit, his mouth never leaving my hole and I could tell he was taking off his tight pants. Something new touched my ass; his hands spread my cheeks wide as he slid one finger next to his tongue and carefully slipped it inside of me. It was like nothing I had never felt before, and nothing like I had imagined it would feel like. He slowly penetrated my hole with his finger still lapping about the invading digit with his talented tongue. My cock was throbbing, and I felt hornier then I had in my entire life, loud lust filled moans escaped my mouth without me being conscious of doing it. “You’ll have all the lads in here you keep moaning like that,” Simon said taking his mouth off my hole for the first time in almost ten minutes. I was panting, sweat glistened on my chest, and precum dripped from my cock like a leaking faucet. “You ever sucked a cock before,” he asked, his finger still knuckle deep inside me. I shook my head no. “Why don’t you get mine down your throat then, least way it’ll keep you quiet.” He shifted so that his body was now over mine, his cock dangling over my mouth, my knees still bent into my chest and his finger still deep in my ass. I had never been this close to man’s cock before, although I had thought about it. His uncut, thick, veiny, still swelling cock hung before me a little glint of precum slipping from the slowly retracting foreskin. My mouth watered. Slowly I lifted my head and opened my mouth taking just the tip in. He tasted salty and sweet and I loved it. I opened wider and took more of his cock into my mouth. Simon slowly lowered his hips so that my head once again rested on the pillows but his cock was firmly lodged down my throat. I moaned around his cock as Simon’s mouth returned to my hole and he quickly prepped me for another thick finger. Only about half his cock would fit down my throat as it grew and Simon slowly fucked it in and out of my mouth occasionally making me gag. As he throat fucked me he worked two, then three, and then four fingers inside me hole. I was so horny I was practically fucking myself back onto his stretching fingers. After the fourth finger was in for a few moments he pulled them all out, pulled his cock from my mouth and spun around. He now lay on top of me, or noses almost touching, his body keeping my legs pinned to my chest, and his cock resting between my spit slicked cheeks. He rocked his hips to and fro a little rubbing his cock up and down my crack as he stared at me with those brilliant blue eyes. “You have the most amazing ass, and your hole is so fucking hairy,” he said, and then after a long time he looked right into my eyes and said, “I want to fuck you.” I had been so over whelmed by what had been happening I hadn’t even thought that this might be coming, but as soon as I heard the question I knew my answer. “I want you to fuck my virgin hole.” Simon needed no more permission then that; he lined up his cock head with my well fingered hole and pushed slightly. He kept a tight grip on my ankles as he did so. It hurt a little at first but then it changed and it was like the fingers. I felt him stretching me out, forcing my hole even wider as he slid deeper and deeper into me. Precum was poring from my cock, and lighting bolts of pleasure wrapped through me. “I’m half way in, how do you feel,” he asked. “Give me all of it.” There was none of the pain I had expected and now I longed to feel him fuck me. It took several more minutes before Simon’s considerable length was all pressed into my gut, and then several more minutes before we moved again. Once Simon was sure I was used to it he pulled back out again and pressed in faster, he did this several more times each time getting a little faster until there was no doubting that he was fucking me. I grunted with each stroke trying to keep quiet say Simon wrecked my hole. He shifted so that he was sitting up more, holding onto my hips for leverage he pounded his big fat cock into my virgin hole. “Fuck you’re tight, I’m not going to last long,” he said. I didn’t care though so long as he would make me feel like this again. “I’m gonna blow my load inside of you. Do you want that? You want my load?” “Yes cum inside me,” I said without thinking. The rhythmic thumping of flesh on flesh had replaced my heartbeat as the rhythm of my driving force and sweat pored off of each of us. “I’m so close,” he whispered, his face contorted with the effort to stave off orgasm for a few moments more, but it was too much. He slammed as deep into me as he could and fired off his load. I groaned much to loudly as I felt his hot seed spill into my guts, knowing in the back of my mind that I should be scared, that I shouldn’t be doing this, but I wanted it so badly. Simon shook a little as he came and then held still, his cock still inside of me for a long moment. Then he kissed me hard on the lips and pulled out of me. We fell asleep in each other’s arms, Simon's cock nestled between my ass cheeks as if ready to leap back inside as soon as possible.
    1 point
  46. Now hard as a rock, I cleaned the cum up that had already leaked out of my ass, drying out my underpants a little, and, now making a conscious effort to keep my hole clenched, pulled my pants up. I left the coffee shop and pulled out my phone. I had a few messages on both Grindr and Scruff from before meeting the man who had just bred my hole for the first time. I was horny again, my lust had returned three fold, and now I needed to get fucked again. I knew I shouldn’t be considering doing what I was but my mind was not in control of my actions in that moment. With a load already snuck into my hole I found myself desperate for another. I wanted another load fucked into me, and this time I wanted to know it. Some shred of my mind still clung to logic and I knew that I would only meet with a guy who was NEG. I thought of the guy at the gym and my hole twitched, a little drop of cum leaking out. As I continued to walk towards my house I scrolled through Grindr and Scruff with no luck. Just as I turned the corner I remembered an old fuck buddy who had lived on that block, he was super hot just the type I was looking for a burly man in his mid thirties. I had actually stopped seeing him because he wanted to bareback me, and I was so pathologically against it that I had just stopped seeing him even for suggesting it. I suppose I was young and stupid at twenty-one. It didn’t take me long to find him in my contacts and I quickly sent him the first message I had in months: I’m horny as fuck and on your block, wanna fuck my ass? There was only a moments delay in his response: You decided you’re ready for my load didn’t you kid? Yes. I’ll buzz you up when you’re here. I hurried a long the block and found his building from memory. He buzzed me in and almost in a trance I found myself standing in front of his dark wood door with brass number plate. I knocked and he opened the door completely naked, his seven and a half inch cock already hard and thick. He seemed to have put on muscle sense I had last seen him and if anything was hairier then before. My hole twitched and another small drop of cum leaked out. He grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me inside. “Strip,” he said waiting no time. I dropped my gym bag shucked my clothes for the second time in a hour, standing for a moment before him in my cum damp boxer briefs before sliding those off too. “I’ve missed your sweet hole,” he whispered as he drew close. It looked as though he were going to kiss me but as soon as he was close enough he spun me around and bent me over slightly, then he bent down and licked my ass. “You’ve already been bred today,” he said suppressed, “The little condom jock’s turned into the cum pig I knew he was.” “Sort of,” I said sheepishly as he began lapping at my cummy hole. I told him what had happened with the last guy and he laughted. “You got stealthed and now that you’ve felt how good a load can feel in your hole you can wait to get more. Shit you’ll be begging for POZ loads in no time.” I thought of the guy at the gym and my hole flexed a little involuntarily, “I’m neg,” I said, however, “and I want to say that way.” “Don’t worry boy you won’t be getting any charged loads from me,” he answered and stood up again, one hand on my shoulder the other on my hip. I felt the tip of his cock brush against my cum lubed hole and I let out a moan. This was not going to be some long passionate love making, this was going to be a quick and dirty fuck I could tell and it was just what I needed. I pushed my ass back a little trying to grab at his dick with my hole. After another moment of teasing he gave me what I wanted and sank his fat cock into my needy hole. I let out a long low moan as he slid inside of me bottoming out quickly and then pulling back till his head popped out of my hole with a wet slap. He jammed his cock roughly back into me making me yelp and began to destroy my hole with his pounding. Rough and merciless he fucked me, using my hole to milk the cum from his cock, and I loved it. I was like a bitch in heat, the feeling of his raw dick sliding around inside of me with only the cum of my first hook up to lube his cock was driving me insane. I was moaning and gasping like a whore begging him to breed my hole, to fuck me, to wreck my ass and he was obliging. Any one passing by his apartment in the hallway would have heard not only me but the steady slapping of skin hitting skin as he drilled my hole open. He must have been super horny when I got there, or perhaps he was as turned on by his raw cock in my hole as I was because quickly I could feel his pace changing and his breath becoming more ragged as he got close to climax. Bucking hard, he held onto my hips pulling me back towards him, till suddenly he growled and sunk his full length into me and held absolutely still. His cock throbbed inside of me as I loosed it precious seed into my guts. I felt that same warmth flooding me again, and through my cock was hard as a rock I had no interest in touching it, it was that warmth that I was chasing now. After what seemed like a glorious age, he pulled out slowly with a soft squesh as my hole tried to close after his vicious pounding. He smacked me on the ass and said, “Call me when you’re ready for another load kid, now get the fuck out.” I quickly got dressed and grabbed my bag, my cock hard as a rock and my hole leaking cum I was still filled with a lust for cock and cum.
    1 point
  47. I agree 100%, which is why I try to take other precautions against other STI's. The big thing with HIV is that it predisposes you to pretty much every other illness out there. Have HIV? the herpes flare ups will be worse, got HPV like pretty much every gay man does? There is more of a chance of side effects, etc, etc. One of my friends who was diagnosed HIV+ last year also ended up with early stage anal cancer, most likely brought on by his initial infection. He had the HPV, but his HIV infection and compromised immune system allowed it to progress. He is fine after a minor outpatient procedure, but still he's 27, and already had a cancer scare and HIV. Herpes especially is a tough one. Lots of people have it, but many don't know it, and many don't get symptoms. Also its becoming more common to see HSV1 infections on genitals. HSV1 is the cold sore virus. Also many doctors wont test for herpes unless there is an outbreak because the tests are not that reliable, and it is considered a self limiting illness.
    1 point
  48. If you have never gone to a cum union party put in on your to do list. I attended the one Monday in Chicago at Steamworks. It was held on the third floor but you could rom the whole club. there are open beds for bottoms to lie in. It appeared to have a number of Latin guys who showed up. Got there at 9 pm. By 10 pm I had three loads in my ass. No one asked about condoms. They just let me suck them and in my lubed ass they went. By 1 am I had 7 loads in me. One young bull must not have cum in a month as he really filled me to overflowing the best is no attitude all the tops were there with only purpose . Fuck the bottoms if you ever get a chance go
    1 point
  49. Camera rolling?" I could feel my Master's body push up against mine and a sharp prick into my arm, pushing liquid down through the IV tube and into my blood stream. I became submissive and was ready to be Master's slam-slave as I was overcome with the rush. I was in his complete and total control and ownership. I was a drug-fucked piece of fuck slave. My mind was utterly fucked-up with verbal abuse and forced acts of sexual debauchery. For hours I was chained down, legs over my head as my hole was wreaked by multiple objects, toys, dicks, fists, and medical devices. Sporadically Master injected me with more liquid meth.
    1 point
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