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  1. Booty Bump at 30,000 Feet from the Air Marshals– “Do you feel OK? You don’t look so good,” asked the stewardess - damn, fucking, perky stewardess in her little blue uniform and perfectly coiffed hair. Fucking Dutch, and at this hour of night! How can they all be so pretty and so nice? I was on board a KLM 747 flight at 30,000 feet somewhere over the Atlantic for an overnight flight. The plane was practically empty and I was able to get three seats to myself near the back where I could suffer in peace, but I had a Tina hangover to beat hell and had gotten up and stepped into the back to ask the stewardess for more water. Just six hours earlier I had been at the apartment of a local dealer with his big black 10-inch dick buried in my ass filling me with cum. Raw, rough, and nasty was his motto and he made me pay for the Tina with my ass and the Benjamins. I had not eaten in over two days, had been flying high, drinking, and had taken several raw dicks up my ass, three of which were anonymously at the dealer’s place. As we wrapped up, the dealer came in me and passed out. I pissed in his Tina-crusted toilet and stumbled home only to find a message on my phone from my boss saying I had to leave immediately to cover an important business trip to Asia for a colleague who’s wife decided to have her baby early. SHIT! I was so fucking high, had been partying non-stop, and was in no condition to do anything, but I needed my job, so quickly packed my bag, did several lines to get me going, and headed to the airport, my ass dripping with cum and my hole twitching for dick, secretly hoping TSA would want to frisk me down in a private room. “I’m fine,” I answered grumpily, “I just had a long week,” as I shakily took the water the stewardess offered and leaned against the bulkhead trying to steady my wobbly legs. What I really needed was more crystal and some beer, and more dick. I slowly paced back and forth at the back of the plane, sipping my water as the stewardesses did a final walk through picking up trash from the last beverage service. The cabin lights were down, most folks were asleep, but I was wired and horned. I had been at the back for about twenty minutes when a tall, handsome man walked into the area and instead of heading right into the bathroom, leaned against the bulkhead opposite of me, crossed his arms, and calmly said in a voice that seemed too loud, “So what are you on?” Fuck – how did he know? “Umm….nothing man, don’t know…what you are talking about,” I managed as I took another sip of water. He then took two steps, got right in front of me, casually looked around and said, “I expect an honest answer BOY. I asked you what you were on, and don’t try to lie to me again.” He then slowly pulled a black wallet out of his back pocket, flipped it open, showed me his big, gold US Federal Air Marshal badge, closed it, slid it back in his pocket, cocked his head, and waited for me to reply. Holy fuck! An Air Marshal! I instinctively tried to take a step back but was already pressed against the bulk head. I nervously looked around trying to find an escape route, then realized I was on a god damn plane, where the fuck was I going to go. I hung my head a little, looked up giving him my best puppy-dog eyes look and said, “Come on man, I’m not doing anything wrong, I just don’t feel good okay.” He reached out, patted my shoulder with big powerful hands and said, “Okay, so lets chat a bit. These long flights get pretty boring and I could use a good distraction.” I got increasingly fidgety as the Air Marshal stood way too close to me for my tastes and began to talk about jack shit. The weather, the Nationals baseball team, I don’t know. I barely focused on what he said as I was becoming so nervous and every time another passenger came back to use a bathroom or a stewardess was around I just knew – just knew they could all tell I was fucked up. “Right?” the Air Marshal asked. Fuck, what was he talking about? I just nodded and decided it was time to make my escape and tried to push my way past him. His left had shot out, grabbed my right arm, he stepped as close as possible and said, “I think I can help you out,” as he pressed his right hand against my chest. I looked down, he slowly tilted his palm to the side to show a small baggy full of white powder. My eyes got wide, I licked my lips and instinctively wiped my nose. The Marshal smiled, stepped back, opened one of the metal drawers along the back wall, pulled out a juice box, tore off the plastic encased straw, and handed it to me along with the baggy. He nodded towards the bathroom at the rear, I was shaking as I took the baggy, the straw, and looked at him warily as I entered the bathroom and closed the door. This bathroom was a little bigger than the others and while I had to piss, was too nervous. I shakily opened the baggy, took the straw, and snorted the powder up my nose. FUCK THAT BURNED! It felt like Tina, but more intense, or maybe I was just so tired, I don’t know, but a few more snorts and I was feeling much better. I stepped out of the bathroom and found the Air Marshal speaking with a stewardess in a low voice. She nodded, stepped back into the cabin, closing the curtain behind her. “I’m sorry to tell you I think you are getting sick and need to be quarantined,” he said with a smile and evil glint in his eyes. “Please step back into the bathroom.” I paused, what the hell was this? Was he busting me now? I backed into the airplane bathroom, the Air Marshal right behind me. He closed and slid the lock on the door, held out his hand, and I placed the baggy in it along with the straw. The Air Marshal opened the baggy, held it up, I tentatively took the straw and snorted a couple more times, then looked in the mirror to wipe off any white on my nostril. He then licked his finger, stuck it in the baggy, then said, “Drop your pants and bend over.” I started to protest, he glowered and said, “I only ask once.” I undid my denim shorts, dropped them to the floor, bent over the toilet and waited, my legs shaking from nervousness and the rush of powder. The Air Marshal took his left hand and pulled my cheek aside, then roughly shoved his coated finger into my hole. I pulled away as it hurt and burned, but he drove his finger as deep as he could and then worked it around, pulled it out, and repeated the process. When he pulled his finger out the second time I heard him suck it clean and as I tried to stand up he said, “Did I say to move?” I stayed bent over, the Air Marshal dropped his pants, his belt buckle banging against the plastic wall as it fell to the floor. I took a deep breath and waited and soon felt his raw dick pushing against my coated hole. The Air Marshal roughly grabbed a fistful of my hair, pulling my head back sharply as he thrust his dick into my ass. “OUCH!” I cried out as his big dick ripped into my ass. His other hand then covered my mouth as he began to pump my ass raw and saying, “I knew you were a little drug fag the moment I saw you. This is what you want isn’t it BOY? Huh? You better shut the fuck up and take this dick!” I just grunted as the Air Marshal’s raw dick opened my hole up and after a few minutes the mix of drugs and being fucked took over. I bent forward, pushed my ass back and up, and through my grunts begged him to fuck me deep. “Here it comes BOY, want this load? Want this load? UGH,” the Air Marshal grunted as he bred my ass, filling my Tina coated hole with his hot cum. He was so fucking deep up my ass that when he yanked it out my guts went with him. My muffled cry of OUCH was lost in his hand as he turned me around, I sat down on the airplane toilet seat, took his wet and slimy dick in my mouth, and licked him clean, tasting the tang of Tina and more. The Air Marshal strained to get his still semi-hard dick into his pants, buttoned up, pointed a finger at me with the instruction, “YOU – stay right there and leave this door unlocked,” before he backed out of the bathroom door. The cold plastic of the toilet seat eased the hot burning in my hole and about thirty-seconds later there was a knock at the door. Before I could grab the handle it was opened and another man stepped in. He was much older than the first and did not seemed at all surprised to find me sitting there and did not back out once he did. He calmly slid the lock on the door and said, “My colleague says you are not feeling so well and asked me to give you some of this.” In his hand was the baggy of white powder and the straw, so I shrugged, grabbed them and greedily snorted as much as I could. GOD DAMN THAT BURNED MY NOSE!!! The new guy chuckled, unbuckled his dress pants, and out slid a nice, LONG dick. He took the baggy back, pinched some powder between his fingers, sprinkled it on his dick and said, “I think you missed some.” I quickly started to lick and slurp on that big meat, loving the taste of the Tina and of his uncut dick. I don’t think he had washed in days as he had a ring of slime and crust around under his foreskin around the head that was foul, pungent, and delicious nectar for a cum pig like me! As soon as he was hard I stood up, turned around, bent over, and showed him my freshly fucked hole. He wasted no time and was rougher than the first guy as he shoved his long dick in as deep and as hard as he could. As soon as his raw dick was balls deep, I moved my feet together, squeezed my hole, and pushed my ass back and said, “FUCK ME.” He didn’t say a word as he grabbed my ass and started to long dick my cum filled hole. It took him a while to shoot, but when he did, cum started to drip out of my hole onto the bathroom floor. Once his dick started to go soft, he slid it out, stuffed it into his shorts, not letting me lick him clean as I wanted much to my frustration. He buckled up his pants and said, “Come on.” I pulled my pants up and followed him out of the bathroom, wondering what would happen if anyone saw us. No one was there though, except the Air Marshal who had fucked me. He and the new guy exchanged a few words, then the new guy said, “Come on,” as he pulled the curtain to the cabin back and started walking down the aisle. I walked past the Air Marshal who grabbed my arm and said, “Grab your bag and shit, take it with you.” So I stopped at my seat, got my stuff from the overhead bin, and walked fast down the aisle to catch up with the older guy. We headed to the front of the plane and I was surprised again at how few people there seemed to be on this flight as we headed up the stairs to the top deck of the 747. Once upstairs, the old guy pointed to a seat near the back and said, “Sit.” He then walked forward and I saw him speaking to the steward, who looked back at me, then nodded, and was soon rousing the two passengers at the front of the cabin. I heard him use the words ‘medical situation’ and before I knew it, they were standing up, grabbing their stuff, and heading down the stairs with the steward in tow. As I watched them leave, I turned and the older guy was now standing over me with badge in hand, “Like you’ve been told, you are sick and need to be quarantined, so now we have some privacy. My partner and I have a pretty good idea of how to make you feel better, but you need to do exactly as we say?” I just nodded as the Air Marshal unzipped his pants, stepped in my row in front of my seat, his hands on the back of my seat, facing the stairway as his long dick was now inches from my face. I immediately put his dick in my mouth and started to suck him, then with his right hand he grabbed the back of my head and pushed it onto his dick making me gag. My eyes teared up while I tried to deep throat him, my gut gurgling and throat making small choking noises. I opened my eyes and noticed someone was standing beside us and sputtered and spit as I pulled off his dick. The Air Marshal laughed, “Don’t worry about Clinton, he’s just waiting his turn.” Clinton turned out to be the steward who escorted the passengers downstairs and he was standing there rubbing his dick through his pants like he was trying to start a fire. He was not my type at all – skinny and nelly looking, but hell, any dick was good dick. The Air Marshal scooted to the side, flipped up the arm between the seats, told me to drop my shorts, and as I did he positioned himself with his back to the airplane window, his dick pointing to the aisle. Once I had my shorts down he pushed me forward I had one knee on the seat, my face towards the aisle and Clinton, and the Air Marshal between me and the window with him angling his dick into my wet hole. I arched my back as his dick popped into my hole. The angle was awful, but then he put one knee up on the seat behind me and it was a fairly good position. Clinton now had his dick out, so I started to suck on him while the Air Marshal rough fucked my hole and bred me with another load. As soon as he was done he pulled out, scooted out into the aisle and started pulling up his pants. Clinton was standing there with a still hard dick looking like he did not know what to do. “I got the watch, use the bathroom,” the Air Marshal said so I pulled up my shorts and followed Clinton to the bathroom. His dick was not as big and he shot in my ass pretty quick, but four loads – from raw dick up my ass – was not bad. I made it back to my new seat, Clinton and the Air Marshal exchanged a few words, the Marshal came over, held out his hand with the baggy and said, “Snort up. We plan to enjoy this flight so this if for you. And for me, well these little blue pills work fucking wonders.” I spent the rest of the flight to Amsterdam getting fucked by the two Air Marshals and once more by Clinton, the steward. When we arrived in Amsterdam the Marshals escorted me off the plane first, keeping up the ‘quarantine’ rouse, and took me right on through customs and out of the airport. I ended up missing my connecting flight and the rest of my trip as the Marshals had seven days of vacation planned in Amsterdam and had booked a room at the Black Tulip Hotel. I had never heard of the place but agreed to go with them for 'only one night’. It was not until we were in the room and I saw the sling and leather bed spread that I realized what they truly might have in store for me.
    4 points
  2. I love going to Palm Springs. You see, once a year some friends - anywhere between 5 and 7 of us - rent a house with a pool for a long weekend. It’s never the same group of people and usually there's at least one person I don’t know at the start of the 4 days. This time I did know everyone, just not very well…. yet. The reason these Palm Springs weekends are so great is because there’s inevitably going to be sex involved. In years past there was lots of drugs as well. But it seems that, as we ‘mature’ that party aspect has gradually knocked down to alcohol and coke. Man, I miss Tina! And sex too, for that matter. I’ve been celibate for about a year with no boyfriend or regular hook-ups. At just 5’6” I had put on an extra 15lbs from drinking. Now 15lbs probably doesn’t sound like much, but to a late 30-something living in gay West Hollywood, CA — an extra 15lbs that’s not muscle might as well classify you as obese. But over the last few months I’ve been taking care of myself, doing the P90X, and gotten into shape. Which was needed for such a naked weekend…. where I was determined to take some loads. Lots of loads! My best friend's BF (Jake) had organized the weekend. Jake and Chad (my friend of 20 years) have a very open and adventurous relationship. I don’t know many of the details but when your friend of a couple decades starts wearing a chain and padlock around his neck out in public, you get an idea that something new and different is happening at home. The other couple was Ryan and Ken. Ryan and I use to be best buds, wing-men, and trouble-makers. Ryan is an ass hole, but I was always able to deal with his snide remarks. He first introduced me to all sorts of fun drugs, including tina. Thank you, Ryan!!! His bf, Ken, is also an ass hole - which is why I stopped hanging around with them. One asshole I could handle, two was too much. (I’ve been known to hold a grudge). But this weekend I was determined to let the past stay in the past and make nice. Because, actually, I knew that Ken had been good for Ryan. When they first started dating, I heard from a reliable source who said of Ken, “Once a nasty BB cum-pig, always a nasty BB cum-pig.” Which should have made me like him a lot! (he’s a bottom, though). Ryan and I had fooled around every now and again back when we hung out more. Even having smoked crystal together, Ryan would always insist on using condoms… which I hated. But his cock was amazing so I took it. I’d never seen a half-cut dick before. Ryan joked that he was circumcised as a baby, but his Mom was too lazy to take care of him so some foreskin grew back. It was long, smooth, and thick - with the little skin covering the head. And dark(ish). Ryan is Italian by decent and has a few of the features. A darker dick was one of them which turned me on so much just because it was different. Now on PrEP, I knew that Ken's piggy tendencies had rubbed off on my former friend and he was playing raw. Make no mistake, I was hoping to hop a ride on his bare fuck stick finally. Anyway the first day was fine. We all swam naked in the pool and hung out. David and Nathan are the last two I haven’t told you about yet. Not a couple but a couple of hot twinks! Nathan is very thin and tall with a huge dick — because all tall skinny white guys have monster cocks, apparently. All I knew of Nathan, really, was that he was shocked one time when he found out that a friend of ours did tina. You know, shocked in the way a young and naive “good boy” would be. Being so young and naive I just made some assumptions about his sexual tendencies -- and they bored me. David was the person I knew the least about but wanted the most. A chiseled frame on a cocky boy’s body, David had been flirtatious and slutty all day. David was a GoGo boy by night and a flight attendant by day. I know he’s hooked up in the past with Jake (our host) and Chad (my friend of 20 years). Chad said that the entire time they were all fucking around, David kept asking to take pictures. A hot, sexy exhibitionist. Nice! As night fell — remember, there are no hard core drugs anywhere just alcohol and coke — talk turns to harder stuff. Thankfully, the crew wants more. I’m relieved. Being a flight attendant must have it’s perks because David happens to know someone in town who may be able to hook us up. Talk then turns to what to order. The two couples are only really interested in E. David turns to me and whispers, “I’d rather get Tina and really fuck around.” (did I mention that we were all casually naked hanging out by the pool and that sorta talk makes me instantly hard?) “OMG, I haven’t done that in so long,” I replied but sounding incredibly anxious. “Wanna go in with me?” he asked to which I devilishly replied “you’re gonna turn me into a cum pig. Are you ready for that?” He was. For a change of scenery, the two couples left to go to Hunters, the local bar. David and I stayed back to call his dealer friend and wait for the package. Since everyone except us were going to roll, we said we’d also get the house cleaned up and ready for a fun night. To my surprise, Nathan stayed back with us but scampered off to shower. Finally alone and away from the condescending judgment of the others, David and I begin to have a more frank and open discussion about our devilish plot. “I love doing Tina so much better - it makes me an insatiable sex machine,” David admits to which I agreed. “How do you do it? Smoke, rail or slam?” “Well I haven’t done anything in years,” I confess. “But I’ve mostly only smoked before.” “Never slammed,” David asked me curiously? “Well once,” I admitted. "But it was years ago!” “Well, hopefully my guy will bring a pipe for you, otherwise you’re in for a trip with me,” he smirked. I was really starting to like this stud. “You need Leather!” he exclaimed and grabbed my arm pulling me to his room. I knew David was into some leather accessories from his GoGo pics. For me, eh - take it, leave it, whatever. Inside his room, David tosses an Atlantis Events duffle bag up on the bed. I didn’t know he’d been on an Atlantis cruise before. Guess there’s lots I don’t know about him. Inside the duffle was all sorts of fun leather treats. I’m fitted with one of his harness and a leather jock. The harness is awesome! Since I’ve been getting myself back in-shape, this new accessory really accentuates my body. “So I’m really into nasty pig sex when I slam,” David blurts out. “I do it all the time around the country where people don’t really know me and I can let loose. But in LA, around my friends, I keep it to myself. You know.” And I did know. I understood all too well how cliquish and judgmental WeHo fags could be. Especially couples. So I reassured David that my inner slut whore would be released right along side of his. We pop a couple of Cialis to stay hard. “So what exactly do you get into when you party?” I had to know. “Everything!” he said. My ripped little GoGo boy was trying on different harnesses himself while standing there in a tiny little jockstrap that was strained to contain his meat. “Fucking and taking photos and videos are hot. I’m also turned on by watersports!” This intrigued me to no end as I wanted to dabble in piss play, but never really found someone into it. My fantasy is to have someone piss in my hole. Amazing! “I just hope my mouth doesn’t get me into trouble with the others because I’m very verbal as well,” David continued. “There’s something about POZ talk, especially to someone who’s neg, that turns me on when I play.” *Ding Dong* We opened the front door to David’s friend, Steve. A well-build guy in his mid 40’s - which is young for Palm Springs. Steve had salt & pepper hair and broad shoulders - the kind you want to swing from. He was extremely nice. As a businessman, I’m sure he WOULD be nice with the amount we were buying from him that night. Standing around the kitchen island, we chit-chat about the weekend as Steve begins to lay out his wears. This guy came prepared! Not only did he have everything in-stock that we wanted, he also came with all the necessary tools one would need; including a pipe and torch and a couple of fresh needles. Wasting no time, and anxious for us to sample his inventory, Steve began filling the pipe without needing any guidance from us. And then enters Nathan. Fresh from his shower, the skinny twink walks out naked. What few pubes he had before the shower are now gone and he is smooth as a baby from the face down. His cock sways between his legs as he walks and looks even larger now - even though it’s soft. “Yea! Goodies! What do we have?” Nathan asked with a boyish excitement. “All the exctacy and tina you boys can play with,” chimed Steve very happy with his business offering. “Yea, so here's the deal - Sam and I are going to PNP and be a couple of slutty boys tonight,” explained David who was teasing young Nathan’s nipples. “Well I want to be a slutty boy too!” Nathan exclaimed in protest like a young boy telling his older brother that he can do anything the older boys can do. My jaw nearly hit the floor. Steve had already lit up the pipe and had taken a hit. I guess it was technically still his drugs even though a wad of cash was still sitting on the table. But here’s where my night started to change…. Because Nathan - the innocent, naive boy - grabbed the pipe and drew out a huge puff of the magical white smoke. And with a confidence of youth and knowing he’s cute, he then shot-gunned David who was now completely fingering little Nathan’s hole. “This is going to be fun,” said David exhaling a massive white cloud. We dimmed the lights and moved over to the couches. I threw on some porn as the boys all did another hit off the pipe. Finally it was my turn. “We’re going to do some very bad things with you tonight, Nathan.” “Oh good!” the boy exclaimed as he grabbed hold of David’s harness to hoist his little boy body on top of the GoGo muscle stud to grind up against his jock. Steve motioned to have me join him back in the kitchen. “Now I brought needles, saline, and a booty syringe - it’s all here and it’s all yours. Do you have any questions?” Excited and thrilled at what I knew was happening - and the euphoria of having a couple of great hits of tina in me after all these years, I did have a concern for Steve. “David and I - for sure - are going to slam but I’ve only done it once and I don’t know about him. Can you stay to help us with our first?” I asked thinking Steve was looking to leave. He was not - just still proud of the various level of prepared he was — which we were not. Collecting the required supplies and moving back to the couch, Nathan is now sucking on David’s cock. A long 7 to 8’ shaft with a huge mushroom head. I couldn’t wait to feel it deep inside me. Nathan is fascinated with the tools of our trade and is gazing at the two needles. This boy is much more forward than I expected him to be. “Do you want to slam with us?” David asks Nathan. “Do you want me to fuck you deep while you’re flying so high? You want to be a nasty cum pig like Sam and me?” David is fingering Nathan’s hairless and perfect boy hole whispering this to him like a seductive temptress. The boy’s eyes are so big and wanting but all he can do is smile a huge grin and nod yes as he stares at the needles being prepared. “You want to take all of our loads up your kunt like a good little bitch? Take our POZ cum deep inside of you?” “Fuck Yea” the boy exclaimed, now riding on David’s finger and dry-humping his muscular chest with a rock-hard cock that I wanted as well. “Infect me!” he exclaimed with joy. I nearly fell over. “Oh you want our POZ cum in you, is that it? You like the idea of taking toxic seed you little slut?” David said after licking two fingers and pressing them in Nathan’s ass. He really did like POZ talk. “Oh Fuck Yea!” said Nathan. “Give me all of it! Fill me with your loaded cum!” “Open your mouth,” David ordered before spitting in Nathan’s mouth which he then closed with a devilish grin and a happy moan. Now I may not know what I’m doing when it comes to injecting - but David looked to be a pro. He tightened a strap around his arm and found a good vein to poke with the fresh needle Steve and I had prepared. Drawing back the blood into the syringe, he was focussed for a guy who was already high from smoking. And the look on Nathan’s face was of a boy in heat. “Do it! Put that crystal in your arm,” whispered Nathan. I had seriously underestimated this boy! A couple of good coughs and David stood up whipped off his jockstrap and began playing with his very hard cock thanks to the boner pills we’d taken. “Now you guys,” he said pointing to us. Because we only had the two needles (we didn’t expect needing more than that) and because David and I are both poz, I grabbed his dirty needle and passed it to Steve to refill for me. Pointing to the unused one I said, “there, that one is ready to go, Nathan, but let Steve here help you with it.” “No,” he said with a calmness and a certainty. “You first and then I want to use the same needle.” This got David, who was now obviously high, unbelievably excited. He grabbed the boy’s head, “you want my toxic seed and toxic blood?” This was said with such excitement and glee but also with a perverted and sadistic tone. David immediately kissed Nathan deep before the boy could answer his question. But after a deep lip lock Nathan shot him that boyish grin that tells you ‘I’m cute and I always get what I want’. “Fuck Yes!” “Charge me up and fuck me up! All of you!” “Fuck! You nasty cum dump, bug chasing slut!” David exclaimed with excitement. He really did get off on this talk. I did too. This was the night I needed! I watched in amazement and excitement as the needle was poked into my arm. Steve was very precise and careful. Nathan had plopped next to me standing on his knees on the couch to watch the show. His massive dick pressed against my shoulder so he could lean over closer to watch as the blood was pulled from my arm to mix with the crystal solution. It entered my mostly slam-virgin body and Steve released the strap to let the drugs rush through my body. The sensation was warm and exciting. I coughed and stood up to touch David’s perfect pecs. I then turned to kiss Nathan. “You ARE going to fuck me with your massive cock tonight,” I said to him with a playful confidence. Now my inner cum-slut personality was emerging! Yea! “As long as you promise to fuck me with your poz cock,” he replied. As Steve began to prepare the last slam in the same needle, David had the brilliant idea to go grab the booty bump syringe. Nathan’s attention was now fully on Steve as he worked. “And I want you to mix some of Sam and David’s charged blood in with my injection,” he ordered. “Are you certain, boy?” Steve asked. Perfect -- the friendly neighborhood drug dealer was now the moral center of this horny group. “Yea, Nathan - that may be too much,” I was able to say trying to also be a little good. “It’s fine. I’m on PrEP anyway. Aren’t you and David undetectable?” he asked. We both were and Nathan assured us that it would be fine. “I’m a bug chaser but I’ve got a huge start and am not completely stupid. I take precautions so I can play hard and slutty like I like. But the idea of chasing is a HUGE turn on for me.” Steve took the needle and pulled out some blood from David’s arm. To stop the trickle of blood from his vein, David licked it from himself. Hot, I thought. My blood was next. Steve then shook the continues of this now pink needle and asked one more time to be sure. The boy was sure. With the same preseason and care, Steve drew back some of Nathan’s blood to mix with ours and began sliding it in. After the strap was released from his arm, the boy’s head thrust back and he squealed with excitement. “Somebody fuck me!” he said. And of course, David obliged. Steve had removed his shirt by now and he returned to his glass pipe to blow more smoke. As Nathan and David were now fucking on the couch, my ass needed some major attention. Getting Steve out of the rest of his clothes was easy. He wasn’t wearing underwear. His dick was also huge and uncut. There's nothing better than the feel of an uncut cock sliding raw inside your ass. I can feel the foreskin sliding back and forth in my hole. Remembering the sensation get's me over the moon so I lay back on the other side of the couch and raise my legs, silently ordering this hot, solid man to come and abuse me. He walked over, bent down and spit a huge glob of spit onto my hole and then slid his 8” shaft into my very hungry hole. “Oh Fuck Yea Man!” I grunted at him. "Fuck me good! Pound me with that cock. I need to feel it in me." “Oh - so there’s more than one slutty cum whore in the house is that it?” he asked me. “Oh fuck yea! I'm the original cum dump. That little trashy fuck, Nathan, isn’t going to get ALL the raw loads tonight!” I protested in a very deep and slutty voice that's half serious but half joking. I then open my mouth wide and Steve happily spits down my throat as he’s pounding my ass next to my tall slutty counterpart. After a few minutes, the two tops swap and my chiseled and hot GoGo boy has his fat mushroom head in my ass. "You like that, you little fuck pig?" "Fuck yea I do!" David's sex talk is turning me on so hard. "We're going to charge up that hot little boy hole good tonight," he says as he's in me. "Yea!" I exclaim. "And piss in my hole!" I couldn't believe the words escaped my lips so easily. "You wanna take my piss? You want to be my urinal? Want me to fill up your hole so it's soaking wet?" he asked. All I could do was grunt my Yes and excitement. "Turn me into a piss pig tonight," I begged. With that, David pulled down my chin and spit in my mouth before dismounting me. Tapping Steve on the shoulder he was all, "come on - we're moving this show." He grabbed the un-used booty bump (we hadn't gotten to it yet) and we all walked outside. "Sam wants to be a piss pig - who besides me can help with that?" David asked looking squarely at Nathan. "Yea, I could piss on him," he replied. "No... IN him. We're gong to fill up his guts and turn him in a wet, tripping toilet," said David. "And if you do a good job, you'll get a prize," he said to the boy waving a full booty bump in his face. On a blanket in the grass I laid down excited for the new experience. Nathan came down and hovered over me with his rock-hard cock at the entrance of my ass. "You want my piss in your ass don't you slut?" Nathan had now taken up a very dominant position as the commanding top. And I did. I did want his huge tool to douce me with his piss. It was over 8" and really thick. Maybe even thicker than Steve's. And I couldn’t wait to feel it. Nathan raised up and grabbed his cock. He stood still for a moment concentrating. Then I felt a couple of light splashes against my ass. Another moment and then the stream came. He maneuvered his cock to spray piss on my hard dick and stomach before guiding it into my hole. The sensation was incredible! The warmth was filling my gut really fast - which I hadn’t anticipated. He still wasn’t all the way in me - just the head of his cock. But the fluid was filling me up. “Yes! Fuck your piss up in me!” I said. “Take my piss you filthy slut.” Nathan had really done a 180 and was now commanding my obedience.
    3 points
  3. Put an ad on craigslist as an ass up face down anon bottom. One guy who responded was mid-20s, white, tall, muscular construction worker with a huge dick. He is a construction worker who was looking to blow a load since he got off early. He came over and I looked out the window as he came up to my building. The dude was driving a beat up truck and was covered in tattoos. I assumed the position and got ass up face down in the living room. He came up the stairs, spit on my hole, got his dick hard and just pounded until he bred me. He smelled RIPE after working all morning. Fucking loved it
    3 points
  4. 2012-05-23 I had not planned on spending more that 20 or thirty minutes here, I thought to myself. Get in, get the stuff (with a little bartering), and get out. Now I was staring up at the ceiling into the mirror that my host (and meth dealer) Gary had so wisely placed above the leather sling I now found myself fastened into. The leather hood I was wearing let me see, breathe and gave others access to my mouth. The black leather is supple, and I saw myself in the mirror, the rainbow studded leather collar, harness and matching jock on my 155 lb frame; I liked what I saw, how my legs and arms were spread and tied to the sling's chains - immobile and subject to whatever would happen. I thought back to what I had met Gary three months ago, and I don't know why I was surprised this was happening to me; in the first twenty minutes after meeting him, it was obvious that he was twisted (in the good kind of way). A friend of mine, Steve, introduced me to Gary because I was having so much trouble finding a reliable source for tina. We drove to Gary's house one Friday afternoon so Steve could vouch for me when we started dealing. The first sight I had of Gary was a memorable one. He came to his front screen door dressed in his harness and chaps. He swaggered a bit, looking oh so hot as his black leather chaps framed his thick, half erect cock as it was swinging back and forth. His cock was decorated nicely with a thick shiny silver cock ring and an impressively large PA. He met my eyes and we had one of those moments when you know you're going to end up fucking. Still, I tried to keep it business, allowing Steve to do all the talking. Gary invited us downstairs to his "office" to complete our business. The "office" was a large basement room with a padded floor, a leather sling a bed, - all made more inviting by the dim red track lights which covered the whole room. He sat at a table, arranging things for the deal. I told him what I wanted and he weighed it out for me, bagged it, and then asked me if I was a cop. I laughed, and said "Hell no." He smiled at me, then said "A cop wouldn't suck my cock would he?" "No I guess, not" I laughed. He remained serious and said "Want to convince me?" Gary was sitting on a chair stoking his hardening prong as he spoke to me. I didn't know if he was really was serious or not, but I figured what the hell, and knelt between his legs and took his big tool in my mouth. The PA was clicking a little on my teeth, but I kept going. Gary was encouraging me and Steve just watched. Gary whispered in my ear that he'd give me some bonus product if I finished him off, and I eagerly agreed, and began to worship his beautiful tool, which now stood full mast at 8" long and slightly less thick than a beer can. I wasn't going anywhere. Eventually I finished him off, got the product from him and Steve and I left that day as I was the attraction at a gang bang at a local hotel (another story). A week later, I called up Gary and told him I'd like to stop by, but I'd be alone this time. He said "Sure, I'll see you when you get here." I arrived at his place 30 minutes later, and he came to the door looking much the same as last time, which made me hot for him to use that big cock of his on me again. We went down to the office again, and proceeded with the deal. Once Gary had it all weighed out, he started to hand it to me, but stopped short. "How'd you like to prove you're not a cop again?" "Absolutely" I said, kneeling down and engulfing him as he chuckled "Fucking tina whore." That turned me on incredibly - being a tweaking bottom slut with my dealer's big 8" cock in my mouth. I heard the sound of a torch being lit, and he nudged my cheek to give me a hit off his bong. Just the first thick hit of tina smoke was enough to put me at his mercy, but we kept smoking and recycling the hits to each other until we were flying pretty high. He offered me a glass of punch, saying "Drink this, it's G. You'll like it." I eagerly did whatever he told me to, drinking the G down quickly and then going back to work on his cock. His wonderfully thick dick responded quickly and he was hard as a rock in no time - no tina dick for Gary. "You like to get fucked, isn't right Jim?" he asked. "Fuck yes" I said. "I'd love it if you fucked me - I've been thinking about that for a week now." He ordered me on the bed, all fours style, and after lubing my hole with some elbow grease, slid that marvelous tool into my ass-pussy to the hilt in one motion. "Fuck yeah!" we both erupted at once. We fucked for at least an hour and a half, with Gary depositing two loads in my ass before I steadied myself to leave. "There's a little extra in the bag" he said. "See you next week, I suppose." "Great" I answered and with a little wobbliness, walked to my car. The deals with Gary had been going according to that general theme for these last three months. It even developed into a little role playing scene, like I was giving him sex for meth. I was paying, of course, but the scene of him using me as a cum dump as a payment for meth turned us both on immensely. The sex was always white hot - in our little scene he saw that I liked being called degrading names and made to feel that I was completely his to use as he wanted. He so naturally assumed the Dominant role and I the submissive one, that I truly wouldn't call it role playing. It was the first three months of one of the hottest affairs I've ever had. So here I am today, looking up at leathered and bound self, unable to get out of the sling, close my legs or keep anything from entering my mouth. I was a little uneasy, this kind of thing being new to me, but horny beyond description, my ass was tingling from the little bit of tina we'd smoked, and I wanted Gary to fill it as soon as possible. But Gary had left the room after tying me into the sling, he put a poppers soaked cotton ball in the little pouch of the hood as well; my head was swimming and I began to realize Gary had been gone nearly half an hour. I chuckled a little - why was I surprised at being on the altar here in this scarlet tinted dungeon shrine to gay piggish sex? A total slut, tied spread eagle in a sling, unable to move or even scratch my balls, smelling nothing but the amyl, and hearing nothing but fuck-me fuck-me fuck-me techno music in the room. It was all making me hornier by the second! Hell, I realized I wasn't surprised at where I was at all, but realized I loved being here - here, like this - it's just what I am. I am, and always have been a submissive bottom for tops to use and subjugate. I took my first cock at a very young age, and loved it. I just naturally love it when men use me. I love to party, take cocks bareback, get fisted, drink cum and piss and of course, am HIV+ - your typical pussy white bottom. So I was eager when I heard footsteps on the stairs finally, and I began to get excited, thinking about nothing but how I was going to give my hole and mouth completely to worship Gary's big cock. I detected more than one set of footsteps coming down the stairs. Since I had no view of the stairs, I had to wait until whoever they were came around to the foot of the sling to see them. Gary stood, his ringed and PA'ed cock protruding from his crotch, the look of it teasing my itchy hole by its absence. Two men had arrived with him. One was black and was older, maybe late forties, a big thick cock like Gary's (no PA), and moderately hairy, but naked except for his black boots red and black leather bands around his biceps, pierced nipples and lots of tats, 6'4" 230, shaved head, goatee with braids, (with an huge earring that made me think of Mr Clean); his dark brown eyes were piercing directly into mine - he smiled the smile of a conqueror. Gary later addressed him as Stick, and further identified him as his supplier from Dallas. I licked my lips as I stared back. The other man was Black-Mexican, late 30's or early 40's, 6'4, maybe 200 lbs, wearing nothing but a pair of sunglasses a baseball cap and a leather harness around his incredible cock (thicker than Gary's - later I'd find out it was 10" with an 8" circumference). Gary spoke first saying "This is my cunt", clearly referring to me. "He thinks he likes to get high on tina and have his sloppy slut hole and mouth used. You'll enjoy him, but first we need to teach him how to really do tina. Here cunt, drink this" handing me the usual G-laced cola. I drank it down without hesitation. With that, Mr Clean produced several orange tipped syringes full of fluid. He was an intimidating looking man, but he softened his expression and assured me as he began to swab my arm - he had a smooth voice, saying "Just stay still. You'll feel a coughing sensation, it's normal, you'll love it - wait for the ride, ok cunt?" "Yes sir," I answered. With a firm grip he steadied my right arm, fixed a tourniquet on it and uncovered the needle. He was confident and smooth, hitting a vein and drawing blood back into the syringe with one motion, then pushing the liquid into my bloodstream steadily until the rig was empty, and just as quickly slapped a bandaid over the spot as he withdrew the needle. It was my first slam ever. I can't find the words to describe what I felt like that first time; after the cough, my ears began ringing and a rush of pleasure and what I can only say is the emotional state of extreme horniness overwhelmed me; I couldn't focus my eyes, my asshole actually started to burn intensely - not with pain, but pure lust. All I wanted was cock - in my mouth, in my pussy, and over and over again. I guess the Mex-Black guy (his name was Pedro) and Gary slammed at the same time I did; as soon as Stick was finished he slammed himself. I was awash in such an intense wave of carnal desire, so willing to give myself for the pleasure of these men that I could not imagine what I would not do to please them, or to satisfy what was now a raging overpowering piggyness. I began chanting "Fuck me, please sir fuck me" over and over again. Gary stuck his cock into my mouth from above, oozing more pre-cum than I've ever seen someone put out. I greedily took his cock in my mouth, but he pushed in all the way down my throat, smiling evilly at me as he said "You're going to be my good little junkie cunt and satisfy my friends, right?" "MMMHHHMMM" was all I could utter. Gary took his cock out so I could breathe - I gagged a little but begged for more. I was flying and my hole was hungry to get fucked. Stick stood rubbing his cock on my hole's opening, jamming wads of lube up my chute and smearing lube all over my hole and butt. He said nothing to me, just looked me in the eye as he slammed his big cock into my pussy ass. Oh God, it felt so good, his thick hard cock, hot inside me and sawing in and out of my bottom faster and faster. He paused a few times, but said nothing to me. I was still swallowing Gary's cock. He held his cock in me for a few seconds then pulled it out, leaving my hole open. I began to moan and wiggle by ass in an attempt to beg for him to put it back in again. Instead, Pedro with his 10x8 monster moved in and began to fuck me silly. He got very verbal, especially about my being a shameless junkie puta for black cock and little fag who was a cum dump for real men. He slapped my ass several times, ordering me to show him how much I love his big black prick as he held still and I slid my pussy up and down his pole as the sling's pendulum motion impaled me on his beautiful cock over and over. Gary and Pedro skewered me for sometime - I have no idea how long - until Gary began to quicken his pace and shot the first load of the evening onto my belly, some of which Pedro raked immediately into my cunt. Gary fed me the rest, and kept fucking my mouth as I sucked his cock clean and swallowed his cum. "Yeah," Pedro taunted me - "fucking cum drinking pussy. You little bitch, you want some more? I'm breeding you right.....now!" And Pedro pounded my ass with violent, quick and full strokes of his 10" of manhood, shooting all of his huge load inside me, continuing to thrust as his jizz made my sloppy ass squish with every stroke. As Pedro pulled out, he moved to my mouth and had me clean his cock as Stick took his place in my ass with his big cock. He was harder than Pedro and fucked slower, using full measured thrusts as he gazed into my eyes. "You like what's happening to you, cunt?" I moaned in affirmation. Stick continued saying "Yeah, I love fucking a real true bottom like you. You love getting fucked don't you." "MMMHHHMMM," I moaned again. Once Pedro's cock was clean, he and Gary smoked a joint as Stick took his time with my ass. "Your hole feels so wide open and ready for stretching. Gary said you'd be a complete pig for getting your ass opened up. I like fucking pussies like you. It turns me on to own a pussy like you and see you take cock like a bitch. Everyone thinks you're a man but you're really a horny little fag who loves to get his ass fucked and be a real man's little bitch." I stared at him hungrily. His dirty, humiliating talk was making me into more and more of the bitch he was calling me. "I get off using a shameless junkie bottom pig like you. You don't care what we do as long as we fuck you right, cunt" he slammed his big cock in my hole. I thrusted back, moaning, "Yes, Sir, I'm your cunt." "You have a nice cunt, so hungry." Stick whispered. "Gary says you whore to get tina, is that right?" he asked. "I like playing like I do," I answered, "it's hot to imagine begging my dealer to put my cunt for sale so I can get high." "I'll bet you would whore for tina if you had the chance, cunt like you would do anything to get a cock in his pussy, right?" "Yes Sir, I suppose so, I've always thought that it is hot to get paid when a guy fucks me." "So you have been paid by guys who fucked you? That's so fucking raunchy, cunt, and I love it! You're really just a cheap fucking whore, aren't you?" "Yes, Sir. I was filled with cock and being told what a whore I was." "Awesome! You cunt, I'm going to show you what a real fucking is. You ready to whore for me tonight for real?" "Fuck yeah" I said, grinding my cunt on his cock. "I have two guys who are going to pay $20 to fuck your mouth and pussy - they think you're neg and that you are getting pozzed this weekend. I think there will be at least five more tonight too. I keep all the money and pay you in tina. What do you say to that?" "I don't think I've ever been so hot to get fucked in my whole life, Sir." "OK, cool cunt, now shut the fuck up for the rest of the evening - I mean it. You're just my hole to pimp out." I nodded. Stick fucked me hard and fast, and gave me his load, filling my hole as he looked down on me with a nasty smile. His cock stayed hard and I was gyrating on it as Gary and Pedro came over after finishing their joint. They asked Stick if he told me about his plan to pimp me out. "Look at the way he's pumping on my dick, he's so hot and ready to be my cheap little whore" Stick said. Gary untied me from the sling and allowed me to get on the bed. Pedro had sat down and I mounted his cock facing away from him, taking Stick's cock into my mouth. Pedro took my legs and spread them, and Gary slipped his fat cock into my cunt next to Pedro's. As Stick fed my mouth with his cock, there was the sound of a doorbell. Gary bellowed, "Come on in, down in the basement." Soon two tall lanky twenty-something guys witnessed the three of them stuffing me with cock. "Look at that whore we're going to fuck, looks like he loves cock" one said, and they both began to strip. "Who's Stick? It was Twenty for both of us, right?" someone asked, to which Stick replied "I'm Stick, and yes, it's $20 for each of you. Okay guys, let's let these two studs have the cunt, since they're paying for it" whereupon Gary and Pedro disengaged themselves from the mattress. "He wants both our poz loads, right?" one of the new guys asked. "Yeah, fuck yeah, the cunt's yours to use. Breed his cunt all you want" said Stick. I was moaning in anticipation. The darker of the two young guys took his shorts off, letting his nice thick dick go free. I immediately sucked it into my mouth. I was on all fours on the bed, and the other kid started rubbing my hole with lube. "How many loads so far, fag?" "Three" Stick answered for me. "Cunt doesn't use his mouth for talking." The guy at my pussy shoved his bare cock into me as he slapped my ass. "You like my hard cock, you pussy ass faggot?" I clenched my hole around his cock as I took the other kid's cock down my throat held it there and gently bobbed on it. We fucked like that for 20 or 30 minutes, as Gary, Stick and Pedro just watched, occasionally commenting on what a good little prostitute I was - God, I was in heaven. Soon, the guy in my ass nutted loudly taunting me to take his buggy jizz and triumphantly announcing to me that he was converting my sorry ass. He pulled out and switched with the other kid, and soon, he also sprayed a load in my cunt as I cleaned his buddy's cock with my mouth. He slowly pulled out and spread my pussy open to get a look at my loaded ass. "You're going tot get bred a lot more before you're through, cunt. How does it feel to be a cheap ten dollar whore?" I responded by enthusiastically cleaning his cock off. "Fucking fag - you're a hot little cunt, crazy for cock and cum, huh?" I smiled. After the two kids left, Stick came over to me. "It will be about 90 minutes before the next guests arrive. I noticed you don't have any ink. I think you should get a whore tag above your cunt. You can talk, cunt." "I've thought about it, Sir. Seems hot" I answered. "I have my rig in the car, I won't make you, but I think you'd look fucking hot with a nice little whore tag over your cunt" he took me by surprise with that. In a moment I made the decision. "I would love for you to give me a whore tag, Sir." I didn't believe I was saying yes. Stick retrieved his tattoo rig and set up, as I was sucking Pedro again. He showed me a pattern for a red bio-hazard sign over a red and black pinstripe. "Perfect," I agreed. Stick knew what he was doing, and it took about an hour. It was somewhat painful. After he finished, he took a pic of for me. It was like the pattern, eight inches wide and three inches tall, centered over my butt crack. God, I thought it looks hot, right above my cunt, giving the tops something to read as they fucked me. I noticed a detail Stick had added: in the loops of the pinstripe he inserted the letters, Slut Pig, but you had to look close to notice them. He put some ointment on it, as I sucked on Pedro again. I could hear him dialing his phone. "Ok, cunt. Let's get you ready for this group. There are five guys coming over to breed you." Stick tied me up on all fours on the bed. I could move my arms a bit and I could see who would be fucking me in the mirror in front of me. "I'm going to video this and get it on ICU, cool Stick?" Gary said"Hell yeah," Stick said. Ten minutes later six not five guys came down the stairs: five white, one black. Gary escorted them over to Stick, who took their $20 bills as they eyed my upturned cunt, ready to be used. The black guy introduced himself as Darnell. He was 6' 200 and has as thick a cock as I have ever seen. He was first up, but came over to my head, and fed me his cock. "Yeah, take my dick you slut" he ordered me. I was able to take him all, and sucked him for all I was worth, as one of the white guys began unceremoniously fucking my ass with quick violent thrusts. He came quickly, and started watching me suck Darnell. I think he got off more on insulting me for being such whore, than fucking me. Another white man's cock replaced him, bigger this time. He blew quickly too. Three more of the nice looking white guys followed, all loading my cunt with their poz cum. Darnell finally started to fuck me, saying he wasn't gay and not poz, but loved fucking white ass faggots. "You suck dick like a real pro, cunt," he taunted me. "A hell of a lot better than my girlfriend." He was close, as he continued to racially degrade me and ram my ass with his big tool. He'd stop, and make me clench and beg for his cock as I wriggled my ass around his massive log. As he bred me, he bent down and whispered in my ear "I would like to know who you are, man. I'd like to get a lot more of this. Here's my cell number, shoving a paper in my mouth, I'm Darnell, see you later faggot." The six guys left as quickly as they came, and I was left there, all tied-up. Gary came over and put a huge plug in my ass, and untied me. "Ready for another slam, cunt? I think you've earned it." I nodded and started sucking his cock. "Okay, get in the sling, and put your legs up." I complied, whereupon Pedro unceremoniously began shoving wads of crisco into my cunt. I could tell he was going to fist me by how his hands moved, and I huffed on the poppers three or four times, very deeply. He easily plunged his forearm into me half way to his elbow. "Okay, Stick, hit the cunt now" he said, as he slowly twisted his arm in my pussy. Stick found my vein again, and pushed what was .4 gram of meth into my arm. "You'll suck anything after this, won't you?" He leered pervertedly at me as the rush hit me. It was overwhelming, and a little scary, but it evened out quickly. There was nothing in my head except how I could get fucked and used by these three hot twisted Dominant fuckers. I reached down and pulled apart my ass cheeks for Pedro, and he slowly slid his arm to the elbow. "Fucking hot little twisted tweaker you are, cunt. You are a sight to see! Look at what a nasty fucking fag you are - higher that a kite on meth, eleven loads in your cunt, and a big black arm shoved up your pussy hole to the elbow. You really are a total fag aren't you? Ever thought you'd be this much of a shameless slut? God, look at you! Were you ever a man, you little cunt?" The taunting was driving me nuts for more. Stick knew just what to say to push me further. He rudely pinched my tit as he shoved his considerable cock into my mouth and down my throat. I took all I could of his cock and looked up into the mirror, what a fucking sight! Pedro into his elbow and Stick down my throat. Gary had gone upstairs and walked down two blocks to the leather bar - that's what Stick said. Stick got a text from him, and he told me Gary was coming down the stairs soon with three young thuggy looking black guys he met outside the bar. They were selling crack outside the bar, and he told them about this cunt he was using at his place and that I whored for chems, so they eagerly came along. As they arrived downstairs, I thought they looked really sleazy. They stripped naked and stood watching Pedro as he kept fisting my ass to the elbow. They started doing some crack as they watched, offering some to me. I declined, saying "No thanks, man. I'm a tina bitch." From their faces, I know they had never seen anything like what Pedro was doing. One of them, (the thinnest) asked if he could try fisting me too. Pedro slowly pulled out and showed them how - lubing them up as he did. Stick turned on the ICU cam and the first of the black thugs shoved thin his arm into me all the way to the elbow. Pedro said that he should try a second hand, but the thug hesitated. Pedro guided him as to how to insert his second hand. Still he hesitated, but Pedro reassured him "It'll be hot, man. This cunt wants it and can take it, believe me! Just look at how he's moving his ass around - he's totally rutting his sluthole on your arm aching to get more of you into his hole." He slowly slipped his second hand in next to his arm, following Pedro's advice as he was turning and twisting his arms in me slowly. He reached a place of resistance and I huffed on poppers four or five times. I exhaled and he finally broke through with both hands into me. I screamed and pumped my ass more, and he slowly advanced into my bowels, finally getting three quarters of both forearms into me, as Pedro poured on the j-lube. He stayed inside me deep like that for 10 or 15 minutes. Stick moved the cam to catch it all, and Gary fed me poppers and his dick as the thug boy filled my cunt with his slender forearms. The thug stud looked down at his cock, and said he was oozing cum and needed to fuck my ass. Pedro helped him as he slid his arms out of my sloppy, gaping hole. The young stud stood and rammed his meat into me and piston fucked me, taking only forty or fifty strokes to dump his wad in my loose pussy. As he was fucking me, I took one of his thug buddies in my mouth as he hit his crack pipe. The third thug was tweaking my tits and sharing the pipe with his friend, ready to replace the first young stud after he came in my ass. This third kid had a big cock, somewhat like Pedro's. He thrusted his rock hard monster cock easily into me. "God damn, this cunt is so fucking used and sloppy - he's fucking worthless!" he sneered. With that I clenched my sphincter on his thick black cock, almost pulling him into me as I did. "Oh damn," he said, "fuck yeah, bitch, you is a for real whore for black cock, huh bitch?" He fucked me rapidly and rhythmically for 20 or 30 minutes. His buddy took a black magic marker he saw nearby and scrawled "Black Cock Fag" on my stomach. As he wrote, the thug fucking me began to slap my ass. Stick came over and began to speak sternly to me. "Look at that cock in your cunt! Tell me what you are, you whore." I was breathless as I was getting vigorously fucked by hot hung thug boy. I didn't know what to say. Stick slapped my ass hard and said to me, "Say that you're a toxic whore and sleazy white slut for black cock." I said "I'm a sleazy-poz-whore-white-faggot-slut-for-black-cock, Sir." Tell everyone how you let anyone dump his cum in your cunt just so you can ride a needle full of tina." I said, "Yes, Sir. That's right. I'm nothing but a shameless tina whore. I love to suck cock, get fucked and have my cunt loaded up just so I can ride a needle full of tina." Stick grabbed my face and commanded me "Okay cunt, tell us all you're a cheap whore for your meth dealer who pimps you out for ten bucks a fuck." I replied verbatim. "Louder" he barked as he slapped my ass good and hard. I shouted, "My meth dealer whores me out for ten bucks a fuck. And he keeps the money." "And you love it, too, don't you? cunt" Gary asked as he twisted and pinched my tits. The thugs loaded my cunt good before they left, saying they had to get back to making cash. All three paid Stick $20 on the way out. Stick loomed over me and showed me the $200 or so that I had earned for him that night. Stick and Gary fucked me one more time, two last loads to make sweet sixteen for the night.
    2 points
  5. Craig and I had been friends since high school, class of 1980. We discovered gay sex our first year in college and quickly discovered our roles. From the start, I was strictly a top, whereas Craig was versatile. Since high school I gained just a little weight, upgrading from 170 to 200. I had also grown a good beard. I liked to masturbate a lot so I had also taken to keeping my nails bitten to the nubs. My cut dick was somewhere between seven and eight inches, with corresponding thickness. I liked to fuck tight asses as well as face-fuck the cocksuckers. I had tried using condoms but just couldn't get the feeling I needed in order to get my rocks off. Over the decade Craig went from about 200 to almost 300 pounds. He had a small, cut dick which measured about five inches, but he also got super hard, so he really enjoyed breaking anal cherries, as well as getting sucked off. I was pretty much an exclusive barebacker, and in fact, the only time I nutted wearing a condom was when I fucked one asshole using Bengay for lube, which, I found caused his ass to flex around my dick while I fucked him as he tried to escape the abject pain. Looking back it may have been one of the fucks I most enjoyed, maybe ranking with my all-time favorite fuck, which was the time I took Craig's anal cherry. Back in 1990 I was working in a small factory, but Craig, who I still occasionally fucked, had taken vocational courses in college and then went to trade school, and several jobs later was working in a junkyard. I was pozzed about this time when, having gone on a month-long vacation, during which time I went to visit family out west, and ended-up at a bar which led to my attending a sex party. When I awoke the next morning I had a hangover and a sore ass. I remembered someone handing me a beer, which I had only partially consumed, but honestly I don't remember much more of that night. Even so, life went on for a few weeks until I found myself feeling as if I had lost a fight with a gorilla. I went to see my doctor who ran a few tests, and eventually told me I was poz. I called Craig, who I hadn't seen, and, of course, with whom I hadn't fucked since the week before going on vacation and told him the bad news. "Looks like our sex life is over unless you want to get pozzed." "Things will be okay," he replied, and suggested I take things easy. I also called my boss who seemed understanding, probably because he himself was bi. I spent the next two months recovering from the fuck flu, and eventually, after a long hiatus, I finally felt like masturbating. It had been perhaps two months since I had last cum, and I readily shot my first poz load off into a bathroom sink. It felt good to get my rocks off, and I found myself thinking of the first blow job I had ever received, which, as it was, had been given by Craig, who had also been my first piece of ass. I found myself remembering the pleasure I experienced when my dick broke his anal cherry, even as he writhed in pain. Fair was fair, however: he had fucked me first so he had been obligated to let me fuck him. A couple of weeks later I persuaded him to let me fuck him again and that time he came from getting fucked, so he was hooked. Our sex life became a rich mixture of getting my rocks off in his ass and mouth, me jacking him off and us putting our meat and cum to others. After I fully recovered from the fuck flu, I returned to work, and I could see I had been missed. Although my boss had hired a couple of temp guys, none of them could match my performance. A couple of weeks later Craig and I got together, and he confided he longed to fool around with me. Sure enough, he ended-up giving me a blow job, and I jacked him off. It felt good to use his talented mouth, get my rocks off in it and feel him swallow my cum with my cock in his mouth. I was on the crude drug cocktails and pondered if, by blowing me, Craig would likely end-up converting, especially since back in the mid-80s Craig had told me that if he ever got pozzed he'd want me to do it. I should explain that back then Craig and I were more or less monogamous. My dick was usually the only one up his ass, save for the dicks of a couple of friends of mine when we were still college where Craig occasionally played around with other guys, usually sucking them off, and I occasionally fucked other guys or had them suck me off. Craig and I also occasionally had oral sex, and I tried once or twice fucking him with a condom, but that didn't work for either of us. After I converted I looked into the dangers of each type of sex, top vs. bottom, oral vs. anal, and that the safest sex with a poz man of all was getting jacked off by one who kept his nails bitten or clipped to the nubs which prevented accidental cuts to the dick. As for penetration, getting sucked off by a poz cocksucker was safest and the most dangerous was getting fucked in the ass by a poz man. So when Craig and I resumed having sex after I converted, initially we had more oral sex and one time, after he had swallowed my poz cum and kissed my poz dick, we had a short discussion and decided that it was time for me to inject my HIV-laden cum into him up his fat ass. My dick hardened as we discussed how I'd take care of him when he caught the HIV flu and he assured me his medical coverage would pay for his treatments as mine was doing. The next afternoon he told me he had chosen to go on vacation in a month or so, which means if things worked out correctly, he would be hit with the fuck flu about the time he was scheduled to be off work. With that, we both stripped, hugged and french kissed, then he spat in my hand and I jacked him off. He shot-off his last load of neg cum in my hand. He sucked my dick to full hardness, left it wet with his spit and lay on his stomach on the bed while I smeared his cum onto my dick. My dick was rock hard and throbbing as I mounted my buddy and lined-up my shot. I put my weapon to his hole and drove it home with a quick thrust to instantly hilt it up his ass as he squealed in pain. My dick felt really nice in his snug hole. I flexed it and felt my masculine power as it expanded in him. He felt it too. He hadn't been fucked since the day before I started my vacation so his hole was tight and very easily abraded by my dick, which encouraged the opening of more fissures to facilitate passage of my toxic virus into his body. I began fucking him, and felt a sense of power over him, somewhat similar to how conquering I felt when I broke his cherry. Now I was breaking his HIV cherry and enjoying his hole which had tightened over the several weeks since I had last fucked him. This time, as I made it a point to pull out almost all the way, and to slam myself home as roughly as possible, just to make sure I tore-up his insides before my pre-cum began to provide too much lube. He felt the pain and asked what I was doing. "I'm preparing your ass to take my virus easier," I replied and rammed it home a few more times. I knew it hurt him but putting pain to holes provided more pleasure to my prick and usually resulted in better feeling more intense orgasms when I ejaculated. I pulled my dick out of him to check for blood and found some along with the usual other stuff from fucking ass. I rammed it back into him with a snap of my hips and fucked him, piston-thrusting in, intensely enjoying fucking him and thinking how great I would feel when I pumped my dirty cum into him and how my prick would pulse with pleasure with each spurt of my HIV-laden cum into him and how he horrible he'd feel three weeks later when he suffered the flu. I was so turned on I fucked him faster, harder, grinning in anticipation of my soon to come ultimate good feeling. I began breathing hard and working up a sweat as I fucked him good while he lay patiently under me accepting my self-serving thrusts in him. I knew he had trepidation about getting pozzed but then again he knew he'd get pozzed sooner or later and by someone else had I not fucked him soon enough. My thrusts became jerky as I got closer and I slowed my thrusts just a little, knowing that a slower speed near orgasm would result in a longer, better feeling orgasm, ejaculating more cum into him which would slightly increase my chances of infecting him. I had had mixed feelings about infecting my long time friend with such a life altering virus but as we'd discussed before, it would be better if I infected him instead of some Joe Blow. I varied my speed, got close and fucked him good, and then my dick exploded in one of my all-time best-feeling orgasms. I enjoyed the knowledge that my mighty meat was pumping spurt after spurt of HIV-laden cum into his ass, my virus-laden sperm forcing its way into his ravaged anal walls. After my initial eight or nine powerful spurts I repeatedly rammed it home to keep up that good feeling in my penis and to pump as much of my dirty virus into him as possible. I felt on top of the world conquering my friend a second and even more significant time. My hips took over thrusting my meat in him for another minute or two before i felt completely satiated. I rested on his back with my dick buried in his fat ass, feeling manly powerful like the studly mountain man who had conquered the fat asshole in the movie Deliverance. I had read the book as well as seen the movie and each time got a precum-slimey boner. Now thinking of the mountain stud having the virus and pumping it into the fat ass turned me on even more. I thrust every few seconds in Craig's ass while laying on his back and he massaged my still mostly hard dick with his ass muscles. "How's your ass?" I asked him. "Not too bad. About like the second time you fucked me. Oh, and I came," he replied. "Good. I'm going to leave it in and fuck you again when I reload," I told him. He felt a bit of pain but he agreed and I took a nap laying on his back, my dick still inside his ass. I also figured he might cum from getting fucked again. About forty five minutes later I awoke and felt my dick was still semi hard in his hole so I began taking short strokes in him while thinking of how he would suffer from the flu and my dick hardened in less than a minute. I began fucking him and enjoying how my hard stiff penis was forcing my virus from my first load into his bloodstream with each thrust in him. I had ass twice in a row before withdrawing many times as well a having someone suck me off for my second load and sometimes got the blowjob first and then fucked the guy's ass for my second piece. I sawed away in his ass and enjoyed the fuck, my first load of cum also providing additional lube but not too much, just what I needed to pleasure my penis and still further abrade his inner rectal tissues. It took about five minutes longer than my first fuck to nut in him. It was a great fuck with my dick feeling just as good pumping my second load up his ass as it had with my first. Again I brutally thrust and slammed it home while enjoying how great I felt pumping more virus up his ass and into his body. I also corkscrewed my hips and pinned him with my prick. Spent, I lay on his back and asked him if he had cum again. He said he hadn't but it felt good even with the pain from being fucked brutally. My dick, lodged in his hot ass, was in seventh heaven, and I found it quite comfortable to rest on his back, somewhat similar to laying on my good air mattress, so I remained in that position, on Craig's back, for another hour before my dick completely deflated and came out of his ass. I dismounted and lay beside him. He got up and sucked my dick clean, doing a thorough job in swallowing all his and my fluids. Then he lovingly kissed both my cock and each of my balls. Over the next several days I fucked him daily, and occasionally I let him blow me. Sure enough, right on time Craig came down with the fuck flu. Of course I honored my promise to care for him until he recovered, checking in on him before and after work. I showed him my hard dick a few times but he wasn't bitter. He knew the consequences of letting a man infect him and reasoned that it was better I had converted him than an otherwise unknown guy. In addition, we both knew how much I enjoyed injecting my diseased cum up his ass. He started feeling better after nearly another month and returned to work. He slowly built his strength back up and diligently took his drug cocktail just as I had been doing. He began losing weight, maybe a pound a month. He had lamented his decade-long weight gain and I had told him that catching the AIDS would result in weight loss. Craig and I fucked a poz guy or let one suck us off once in a while but Craig was still my main piece of ass and I was his stud. We continued our sex as we had before the pozzing. We also discussed various punks and assholes we could enjoy pozzing. Craig was curious about how good pozzing an asshole would feel compared to fucking someone of the same status. He did enjoy better orgasms when he broke ass cherries, feeling his manly power when the virgin hole suffered from the pain he put to him with his small but mighty prick, much the way I had felt when I broke his HIV cherry.
    2 points
  6. last night. another anon pump and dump. 25 year old poz guy came over and bred me on my living room floor
    2 points
  7. OMG What Did I Do? Part IV My ass is still tingling from the abuse I gave it last night while online with a guy that is supposed to have a huge cock. I have not seen it yet, but last night I finally got a glimpse of the head of it. Seemed to be much bigger around than my boys and his is as big around as my wrist. I just want to see it once and I am sure I will cum on the spot. The guy has an extremely sexy muscled body and face and his voice has just the right inflection to make his every word my command. I am basically his to command when he talks and find myself just obeying him and losing concentration on trying to get a look at his cock. He had me so worked up last night that my own cock spurted like a cannon clear over my head, but some landed on my face and into my eyes. When I was blinking and trying to clear my sight is when he apparently lowered his camera to his cock but by the time I could see he raised it back up and I only caught the glimmer of it. My boyfriend has a large cock but this guy claims to have one 11" and from the quick look I got it has to be bigger around than by boys too. I want to see it badly. My ass just tingles thinking about it as it may be bigger yet than my dildo I have which is bigger than normal also. I sent him a message this morning before work telling him I really want to see his cock. I told him it is about all I think about now and especially when playing with my ass with that dildo. I am hoping he will let me see it next time online. Well, work finally over for the day. I have not had a productive day as I could not stop thinking about that little peek I got of my online guy's cock last night. I am hoping he is online again tonight and will let me see it this time. I get home and there is a message from him. My fingers are shaking as I click into my site to read it. He says, "Hi, got your message and am glad I am driving you nuts with want. LOL I love to tease guys wanting to see my cock. I guarantee you it is every bit as large as I say it is. I love stroking it as I tell you what to do to yourself in my name and pretending it is my cock pounding your hole like you want it. What you don't know, because I don't post it, is that I only live about a mile from you. Know that little park on the south side of town, The Lion Park. I live right by it and go walking in it almost every day when it is nice out. When I get to some of the back trails in there I also strip naked and walk in the fresh air. You should try it sometime. You need a little more fresh air and some sun. Oh, I know exactly where you live too. LOL Your boyfriend looks hot too and can see why you are together. Make a great looking couple. " That was all there was and he was not online now. Would he come on later? I sure hoped so. Now I had a bunch of questions to ask. Seems he knows us and I cannot for the life of me remember seeing him before until online. I knew the park he was talking about too, kind of mostly used by guys only to meet up. Maybe I should get over there and find a hiding place and hope he walks by nude to get a look at his cock. I will have to think about that. My boy just texted that he is off early again finally and I am going to rape the hell out of him when he gets here for sure. I am just all excited about a big cock pounding my hole and need my boy quick.
    2 points
  8. Six Load Special http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=k6hPz-G200-#.VTBhnfmjP0s Our guest cam round again and we proceeded to fill his hole with six of our hottest, stickiest loads
    2 points
  9. Daddy Fucks College Guy Bareback http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=l67aq-G600-#.VS4irWK9KSM
    2 points
  10. Traded for Drugs His parents split up when Loan was only 15. His mother remarried Couple years later and headed off on a month long honeymoon with her new husband who was a wealthy business owner. Logan, now a senior I high school was left on his own since his mother felt he could manage for that time. He went to school and worked out in the week equipped fitness room at their new home I his step father's house. Logan was surprised to get a call from his father, whom he bent heard from I nearly two years when his mother through him out. Logan's father had become addicted to drugs (meth, heroin, ecstasy). With all that had happened, Logan still loved his father and missed him in his life. Logan had no reservations when his fatter asked to meet him. His father wanted to let him know his side of the story between him and his mother. His father swore that he was now clean and sober and had been for months. It was time to make amends, one of the twelve steps. Logan headed out to meet his father where hesitation. He pulled up to a out of the way bar, parked and headed inside. He father was sitting I the back corner and waved to Logan. Logan walked over and joined his father. As Logan walked across the bar the bar ender asked if Logan wanted something to drink. He said yes, a Coke would be fine. Logan sat down as the bartender bought his drink over giving Logan's father a wink. Logan's father began to go on about how wrong he was and that he hoped that some say Logan would forgive him for what he had to do. Logan was a little puzzled with his father's choice in words, he wasn't asking for forgiveness for what he had done, but what he had to do. As Logan sat there puzzled he began to feel strange, he felt like the room was spinning until he passed out. .The bartender commented that Logan should be out could for at least 12 hours. They carried Logan out to his car, put him in the trunk and his father drive off. Logan pulled up to an old house where he pulled into the driveway and into the garage to hide Logan's car. He went inside and was immediately greeted by his dealer. The dealer asked if he had the money he was owed. Logan's father said the be did one better. He gave his dealer the keys to Logan's car and house. He told his dealer that the boy was in the trunk. His dealer had some friend who needed a his boy to rent out and Logan was perfect for their use. He have the boy shipped to Mexico for his friend and with the car and house contents that more than settled what he owed.
    1 point
  11. Just can't seem to get enough! Got mailed another anon load. Feel free to add yours guys. All loads accepted. Moderator's Note: The original poster is no longer interested in receiving loads via mail. Please disregard his request. The thread will be left up to preserve the discussion below.
    1 point
  12. How it started It started innocently enough. Well, a recon date to meet for fisting may not be everyone's idea of innocence, but it was really a quite not-very-kinky date. I was 39, quite normal guy called Simon. Out of the closet at work, but not out as a guy that liked to get fist deep into his ass quite regularly. Anyway, the guy seemed very nice: A couple years older than me, recently out of a relationship and keen on trying out fisting. He had only tried it once before, but was determined to try it again. He was a safe sex guy only which I also insisted on. I hadn't really been bare backed since years and recently tested this was how I preferred it. After a quite lengthy period of chatting, we agreed to meet at my place. I cleaned out well and was ready when he entered. He introduced himself as David. He had a great smile and soon also introduced me to a nice 15 cm uncut cock. David urged me to suck him. He made me suck it deep and holding the back of my head ensuring I understood my task was to please him. I did my best and loved feeling his nice cock deep in my mouth. I was rock hard. After a while he seemed satisfied and withdrew. While I recovered he wrapped up and proceeded to fuck me. First he wanted me on my back, looking me deep in the eyes while adding just a bit of lube before entering me. It hurt but soon I enjoyed it. He increased the speed and turned me around. Twisting my nipples while fucking me, he ensured I was very horny and wanted him deeper. It wasn't a merciless fuck, but very determined. He was pounding me intense and hard and was clearly more focused on his own pleasure than mine. Well, suited me well, I took a sniff of my poppers and wanked slowly. He withdrew, grabbed a black glove and fist lube and I lay down on my back with poppers within reach. The first time with a new guy I am always anxious. How is he? Soon I felt his first finger in my hole, and he soon stretched open with two and three finger. I relaxed and knew I could take more with a little help of poppers. He added another finger, and soon tried to push he entire fist. It felt huge, but I loved the feeling and soon he was inside me. And my anxiousness was replaced by pleasure. I knew this one was a good fister. Sure, he was as determined as a fister as a fucker, but he had a certain way of doing it that I immediately loved. I got super horny and as always I my inner slut is released as soon as I got a fist inside me. I really only wanting to feel it deep, feel the fist fuck me and to cum. David didn't allow me to shoot, and after a while he took out his hand and kissed me. Suddenly he showed tenderness that I knew was sincere and from then one I not only liked, but also trusted him. The reason for withdrawing was that he wanted to fuck me again. David made sure I was kneeling doggy in front of him and fucked me again. Can you feel my dick he teased? I ensured him I could. He smacked my buttocks a couple of times and I felt him increase his phase. Hard and deep he fucked me and soon I knew he was close and he came with a small cry that soon changed to a big smile. He turned me around again, handed me the poppers and I felt his fist against my hole. Soon I was urging him to fist me harder as I wanked myself to a big and intense orgasm. We were both happy. Over the next weeks we chatted more, but never managed to meet up and one day his Recon profile was gone. I was disappointed, but what could I do? It was never less a nice memory. Two years later Two years later I suddenly got a message on Recon from David again. Back after another relationship and breakup, he was ready for new adventures. We started to chat regularly again. His profile was still safe sex only, but now noted that he was chems friendly. I had never tried chems and told him that I was not interested. He said he thought I would enjoy it, but that it as of course up to me. We discovered was that we both really liked cuddling. That surprised him. He had thought I was a just sex only guy, preferring only rather rough fist dates. It proved difficult to find time to meet, but eventually we had a new date. Pretty much like the first one, I was once again enjoying sucking his nice cock before he fucked me just as rough as I like it and fisted me with determination and surprising skill. I teased him he was a natural talent as he claimed he hadn't fisted anyone since he first met me. After we had both shot our loads, we chatted, cuddled and had a nice time. From then on we started to chat online even more often. He called me his little slut and told me how much he loved to fuck and fist me. Like me he was very much the boy next door guy, but revealed his interest in leather. He was very happy then I told him that although not much into the leather scene I still owned leather boots and pants. Having sex with me in that outfit was definitely something he wanted. David told me he wanted to try out new things with me and again said we should try chems together. It made me horny to ask him to specify his fantasies. He told me he would love to try to pee in my ass or on my face, cum on my face and bareback me. I made me extremely horny to hear all of this. I said I would like to try most things, but no bare backing. Condoms only when fucking and no cum even in my mouth. However, I started to wonder how it would be to be fucked and fisted while on chems. I read some stories on breedingzone about guy being chemmed up and I realised it was a big turn on to imagine myself as slightly dizzy fucktoy. A chemmed up date I finally agreed to try e with him on our next date. He was very careful to underline this was up to me, and that he didn't want to force me. Anyway, I decided, I am more than 40 now and I should try it at least once. We agreed to meet on evening. As usual I cleaned out thoroughly and on his request I dressed up in my leather stuff and was ready when he knocked on my door. He kissed me passionately before handing me the e and some water and I swallow dutifully. He took one himself. Continuing to kiss me, he lifted my black t-shirt, found my nipples and pulled them just as I like it. I was instantly horny and soon I also felt a sudden rush. I understood the e was hitting. I loved the feeling immediately. We kissed while he was feeling my hard dick through the leather pants. My head was spinning for horniness and soon all I wanted was to suck him and make him happy. I urged him to give me his cock. He pushed me down on my knees, opened his jeans and pushed my head against his underwear. They had a slight smell of piss that made me even hornier. He continued to pull my nipples and I released his cock. I took his 15 cm in my mouth. I couldn't get it deep enough and he said I was a good slut. After a while he lead me to my bed, pushed me down with my ass pointing towards him and gave me some spanks. David opened my leather pants, and pushed them down and exposed my ass. He spanked it again and wanked himself back to a full erection. Putting on a condom and lubing my hole with an experienced move, he didn’t take the time to open me with a finger. He simply pushed in. Not extremely brutal, but not very concerned about me either. I cried out, more of surprise than pain although it was a bit painful. I was still a bit dizzy from the e and enjoyed the feeling of him entering me, fucking me and controlling me and using me. “I will take care of you” he said. “I love you. Just relax”. I did. After being satisfied by his initial fuck, he turned to fisting. He opened me quite gently while I added poppers to my chemmed-up state to ensure I could take his fist. David pushed in, I screamed in pain and pleasure and he said: just scream out, it turns me on. It wasn't a cruel statement, just an observation. He continued to fist me, kissing me, spanking me and then fucking me again. I was in heaven. “Do you still feel the e?” he asked. I realized it had subdued and I said "not so much". “Take some water and I will give you one more” he said. He did, and after a while I felt the intense feeling returning. He sensed I was ready for more and he fisted me again, soon punching me. Alternating between his left and right arm, my hole was punched again and again. It was so intense and so good. I didn't have the usual urge to shoot a load, it was more that I just wanted it to continue. He took some breaks and we cuddled, before he fisted me more. My as was more open than ever before and it felt amazing. We cuddled and I was in a very dreamy state. We were spooning up and I felt his hardening cock against my back. I played with it until it was again fully erect. The condom had fallen off when he had been soft so he was not wrapped up. Suddenly I felt him pushing himself against my open hole. I was still dizzy and not able to resist. He pushed in and said "can you feel my cock? I am barebacking you baby. Doesn’t it feel great? Don't you love it slut?" And I realised I really enjoyed it. Not only did it feel much closer and intimate but it was also the feeling of doing something very naughty. He started to fuck me more intensely and soon I knew he would shoot. I didn't try to avoid it. I just enjoyed feeling him shooting his load in my ass. It was so great and we kissed and cuddled as his cock softened. Still being very horny, I felt his cock slip out and suddenly I just knew I had to suck him. I took his beautiful cock in my mouth again, it tasted lube, assjuice and cum and I sucked it while wanking myself. I shot a big load and was totally exhausted, but very happy. I felt his cum dribble out of my ass and I smiled at him while fingering myself and licking his cum of my fingers. I knew I would be willing to far with this guy.
    1 point
  13. Skate Park Pick Up - part 1 I love going to one of the local skate parks not far from a big name university on the Cali coastline. I don't skate- I spectate. During the hott summers most of the boys end up shirtless working their bodies into a sweat on the ramps and bowls. With their baggy pants that sag well passed their boxerclad butts, they all try to work themselves into sunkissed, toned Adonises wile trying to 'outman' the next. It's like watching a documentary on the posturing practices of hormonal apes- well, i guess it's the same thing,.. Either way, when I have a free afternoon, its nice to blow a couple of clouds before going to watch as young college meat (sometimes some of the local high schoolers show up but they are few and far between and easy to discern from the college boys) glisten on display in the hott Cali sun. I even sometimes take pictures (discretely!) -- or even video -- with my phone if a boy(s) is exceptional, which often happens... A Note About Me: I am in my early 30's (but could pass for mid 20's) and am a highly paid advertising/sales exec for a company you have heard of, which gives me a fair amount of spendable money and time. I have my vices for young meat and good party supplies- both of which have led to several great interactions with the local student population. College boys are so willing to trust and open up to me for some reason, and I'm not complaining. Most of them just see a friendly guy in me willing to provide. I have many stories about my own conquests of young flesh and many that other hunters like myself have told me over the years... This, 'Part 1' is the story of Jordan- one stupid, hurt soul who's life I forever changed--- It was a hot Tuesday afternoon in August. I knew the freshman were starting to fill the city in droves, bringing waves upon waves of fresh, horny meat from all over the country. Any hunter like myself knows this is the best time to pick off the easy prey- first time from home with the smallest feeling of freedom and rebellion against their former lives. I had smoked a small bowl heavily laced with T before going to the skate park that day, and was decisively horny and hunting. Upon my arrival it seemed like the usual lazy day with really nothing more than the promise of some good shirtless pics to show for my efforts. After an hour or so there was suddenly some commotion on one side of the park. One kid was literally baseballing a parking pole with his board screaming, "Fucking Bitch! Fucking Bitch! Who needs her sorry cunt?! I'll get plenty of pussy out here and then she'll see who the real COCK is!" He was a stunning piece of young man. The taut muscles of his arms and back flexed and glistened with sweat as he swung his wood against the pole ( ) He was maybe 5'8" 120lbs of lean boy, with long dark hair which covered most of his face. His skin was so white that it could almost glow in the dark. He had no piercings or tattoos which made me unsure of his age, but his rage certainly showed he was man enough to be prey. He continued to beat his board against the steel pole (making quite the scene) while a couple of other guys tried to calm him down, but this kid was not having it. He lashed out at them, telling everyone within eyesight to 'Fuck Off', throwing his board into the air and walking off towards to busstop. Anticipating a fight or something from when the commotion started, I had already turned my phone onto video and was recording as he made his way to the street. Suddenly, he spotted me- "Dude, are you recording me?!" I quickly turned my phone off and got into my car as he approached me shouting "Dude, What the Fuck?!" I tried to assure him that I had not been recording him but was watching him as I was simply texting. .... If there is interest in the story: A lot more to cum....
    1 point
  14. I spent the better part of a week's vacation at one of those clothing optional resorts with a few of my buddies. We all have three things in common: one, we fall into the "daddy" type; I'm a fifty-something white guy with big arms and shoulders and a thick eight inch dick that has gotten me a lot of ass over the years. Two: we're all ardent barebackers, and most of us (including me) are poz. Three: we're all pretty evil bastards who get off on corrupting young adult gay men so. I don't know why that's our fetish, but there's something about breaking down a guy into accepting an identity as a whore and a cumslut that makes our dicks drool. So from the moment we got there, we were basically looking for marks. That's why we hit paydirt when I discovered Ethan, Rick and Sam. All three were gorgeous in that young twinky way. Ethan and Rick were 22 y.o. monogamous boyfriends who, as I learned over drinks at the lounge, only ever used condoms even with each other. Sam was their friend, who had his own adjoining room. Why would "monogamous" boyfriends spend their vacation at a clothing optional sex-friendly resort? "For the adventure," they said. Immediately I started thinking someone in this relationship wasn't as innocent as they claimed. Sam seemed like a bit of a third wheel; I got the sense that they brought him along out of pity. The kid definitely didn't seem to have much self-esteem, which worked just fine for what I had planned for him. The other two were more of a challenge in terms of what it would take to break them down into becoming. The first clue was Ethan, the bottom in the relationship, who couldn't keep his eyes off my friend Jorge in the pool. Jorge is 48 and poz, with a small 5'9 frame but a fucking enormous 9" dick which was on full display as he lounged in and around the pool. He noticed Ethan's staring and winked at him once or twice. The second clue was that Rick and Sam were going out to a party that night, while Ethan was staying in and relaxing by the pool. It was all the opportunity I needed. I called one of my friends and explained the situation to him. He agreed to make arrangements to be at the party Rick and Sam were going to. Then I pulled Jorge aside and explained our plans. Jorge has a particular finesse for bringing out the slut in young gay men, so I knew he'd be perfect for the job. That night Jorge and I found Ethan by the pool in a t-shirt and underwear, looking sexy as hell. Jorge did most of the talking, using his thousand-watt smile to win the kid over as a "friend." It didn't hurt that for most of the conversation he was idly fondling his own dick under the table, but hey, chalk that up to cultural difference. After an hour or so Jorge bought him a drink, which he spiked with a very modest amount of Ecstasy. The goal as he explained it to me was to loosen the kid's inhibitions just enough that he thought he was doing it all on his own, at least at first. After about half an hour or so, the kid's eyes got just the slightest bit glassy and his friendliness took a decided flirtatious turn. That's when I suggested that maybe we should go back to the kid's room where we could talk a little more privately. Ethan protested, saying that he was committed to his boyfriend and didn't want to give the wrong impression. "No wrong impression at all," I replied. "We respect the boundaries you have with your boyfriend. We are just enjoying the conversation." That made sense to him in his altered state, and we went back to his room. Immediately Jorge threw himself on the bed, his half-erection lolling to one side while I got busy mixing a new round of drinks with a special "booster" shot of ecstasy for Ethan. At first he sat on the edge of the bed while he drank it, clearly very turned on but also uncomfortable. Jorge flirted the hell out of him, complimenting him on his body and his hair and anything else he could think of. Finally Ethan's inhibitions broke down almost completely and he asked Jorge if they could cuddle together. Non-sexually, of course. "Of course we can!" Jorge responded while pulling the boy into a spooning position with his dick pressed against the kid's backside. "You don't think this is going too far, do you?" Ethan asked, still concerned about the boyfriend. "Not at all. Isn't it nice that we can do things like cuddle with each other without it having to mean anything?" Ethan smiled at that answer and pushed his ass out so that it rested even more firmly against Jorge's erection. Jorge began running his hands all over Ethan's body, stroking his face, messaging his nipples. Ethan moaned slightly under the attention. Finally, Jorge's hands wandered down to the tent being pitched in Ethan's boxers. Ethan's eyes flew wide, but Jorge told him to relax, they were just cuddling. Slowly, his hands reached underneath the material of the boxers, stroking Ethan's cock in extreme slow motion while Ethan made incomprehensible moans of pleasure. Jorge began to nibble at Ethan's ear, followed by telling him how sexy and special he was. The boy turned his head and his lips met Jorge's for a long and tender kiss. Jorge moved on top of him and started to pull off his underwear before Ethan protested again. Jorge told him that it was okay, we wouldn't go any farther with him than he was comfortable with. This is why Jorge is the master of this game. I don't have the patience for this kind of back and forth, and the kid's whining was starting to put a damper on an otherwise throbbing erection I was getting horny as hell watching Jorge do his thing, but for the moment I was just enjoying the show. I knew that if I got involved directly this soon it would just throw off Jorge's game. Jorge took Ethan's dick in his mouth and brought the kid right to the edge, tweaking his nipple, deep throating him, playing with his balls; basically pulling out all the stops. When Ethan was right at the edge he reached for his dick, but Jorge held his hands down and moved up so that his knees were pinning down Ethan's arms and his cock was dangling over Ethan's mouth. When he hesitated, Jorge said, "Come on, baby. I just want to make you feel good. There's nothing wrong with that, is there? You're just so damn sexy. Let me make you feel good." After about five seconds of further resistance, Ethan starting slurping on Jorge's cock with abandon. It was kind of cute to see how obviously bad he felt about doing it, even whie he was enjoying the hell out of it. Jorge continued to whisper sweet nothings of encouragement. Finally, Jorge pulled Ethan up and bent him over on the bed, eating him out while Ethan just about lost his mind from how good it felt. Jorge gave me a quick "thumbs up;" this ass was clean. Straightening up, Jorge slapped his dick against Ethan's ass and brushed it against his hole. Ethan stiffened up. "We should definitely not be doing this, man." Jorge held the tip of his cock against Ethan's hole and asked him, "have you ever had a dick like mine, baby? Don't you want to try it, just once?" "I do, but I promised my boyfriend I would only do that with him." "It's great how much you love him, baby, but that shouldn't stop you from being happy and having fun. I promise you won't regret it." Sighing in lust and defeat, Ethan pointed to the nightstand and said, "just use condoms, okay?" Jorge dutifully grabbed one of the damn things and rolled it over his dick, somewhat to my surprise. He then slowly pushed into Ethan doggy-style, making sure that it was gentle enough for the kid to enjoy it without being in too much pain. By now the effect of the second dose of estasy had taken effect and the kid was on cloud nine. Jorge shot me a dirty look and made a gesture with his hands, as if to say "Why aren't you already taking pictures?" Fuck me! I grabbed Ethan's phone and began quietly capturing the whole scene in as much graphic detail as I could. But this is where things started to turn. After he had opened Ethan up a ways, Jorge started to get rough with Ethan. And when I say rough, I mean that man can fuck like the devil when he has a mind to. Even in his blissed out state Ethan frowned and begged for Jorge to be gentler. Jorge responded my pulling his entire dick out of Ethan's hole and then ramming it back in to the hilt. After four or five times doing that, Ethan was nearly in tears. Jorge pulled into him all the way and started kissing his face, telling him that he just wanted him to feel good. Ethan was babbling and begging Jorge to stop. Jorge pulled all the way out of him, and Ethan moaned in relief and disappointment. "I just want you to feel good, baby," Jorge said, ripping the condom and rolling it to the base of his dick. "Do you feel good?" Ethan moaned like a bitch in heat, which is rapidly what he was becoming. "What did you just do? Is the condom still on?" "Yes, it's still on. Here, feel." He guided Ethan's hand down to the base, and feeling the ring, was satisfied. Now if there's one thing that gets Jorge off it's successfully pulling off this kind of deception, and after only a few more minutes he told Ethan he was about to come. "Pull out when you do, please?" Ethan whined. "Of course, baby. Daddy has you. There's nothing to worry about." Jorge sped up his thrusting into the boy, and I could see his body tense and his eyes roll up in the back of his head for a good 5 seconds before he groaned and pulled out, coating Ethan's backside with the last few shots of cum. That meant he had gotten what...seven, eight shots internally? I zoomed the camera in on Ethan's recently vacated ass, which was puckered and had a thick stream of white oozing out of it. Unfortunately, Ethan seemed to notice something was up and looked back to see the broken condom before Jorge got rid of it. "Fuck, wait, did the condom break?" Reaching back to his ass he gathered some of the cum with his fingers and smelled it before wailing, "DId you cum inside me?" "Shhh, daddy said he is taking care of you. He's going to help you clean it all up." Ethan moved as if to get up, probably to run to the bathroom and douche, but Jorge grabbed him from behind and forcefully pressed his face into the pillow before sucking and lapping at the cum oozing from Ethan's ass. Ethan groaned into the pillow, but Jorge continued to eat him out while consoling him with the kind of crap only a high 22 y.o. would fall for. "It's okay, we still used a condom, remember? You felt it. We'll take care of whatever it missed and make sure our boy has nothing to worry about. Daddy promised you it would feel good, didn't he? How did it feel, baby?" Ethan muttered something that might have been "good." Jorge smacked him hard on the ass and then placed his cockhead at the entrance of Ethans widened hole. "I said, how did it make you feel?" Ethan loudly admitted that it had been amazing. Jorge grabbed Ethan's hips in a vice-grip and slid his entire raw cock back into Ethan's hole. Before Ethan could panic, Jorge put his full weight down on top of him and said, "this is what I promised you, baby. This is how it is supposed to feel. Does your boyfriend ever make you feel like this?" The answer was a meek, "no." Sliding in and out a few more times, Jorge told Ethan, "Never forget this feeling. Today you just went from being a boy to being an adult, having sex like a real man is supposed to." Sliding out with a pop, Jorge stood up off the bed and polished off his drink before taking the camera from me and taking a few extra shots of the conquered kid on the bed, his ass still sticking out in the air. I was officially done waiting in the wings on this one. With no fanfare I crawled onto the bed behind him, spat on his hole and began positioning my raw cock for entry. "No, wait, I think I shouldn't do anymore, I mean, we should, uh, call it a night." "Hell no, bitch. You just let my friend have your sweet young ass in front of me and didn't even have the courtesy to offer. That's just rude." I was already sliding my head in when he said, "but, condoms, please!" "Oh, so you invite both of us here and let my friend cum inside you but I'm just expected to watch quietly? You have a lot to learn about manners, young man." With that I managed to maneuver about 3/4th of my cock into him. I'm not quite as long as Jorge but way more thick, and the boy was struggling to accomodate my girth. "Just...just don't cum inside me, please, okay? I want to protect my boyfriend as well as me." "You feel that warm stickiness inside you? The one that's lubing up my cock and making it feel better? That's my friend's load doing that. Sluts like you feed off of the cum from real men like him. The condoms are just you lying to yourself about who you really are. Repeat after me: I am a cum dump for men. Condoms are be pretending to be better than what I am. I will never ask a real man to wear one ever again." See what I mean about lack of finesse? While his body was warming up the feeling of my thrusting dick, his mind was rebelling against accepting himself for the slut he was. He refused to say it, and even scrunched up his face and bit his lower lip in determination. It was adorable, and worthless. I pulled out of him and pulled him on top of me in a reverse cowgirl. I wanted his head pointed away from me so the whining wouldn't be as loud. With the kid not being cooperative, Jorge helped line up my cock with his ass and I pulled him down until I was buried to the hilt with him on top of me. "Now you're going to do the work, boy. Bounce on my dick." Ethan tried in vain to pull off, but with gravity doing most of the work for me he didn't really have a chance. Still, he wasn't making it very fun and my attempts to coerce him weren't overtaking his resistances just yet. That's when Jorge stepped in. He got up on the bed until he was eye level with Ethan and kissed him tenderly. "It's okay, this is good. You're doing so well. All we want us for you to feel good and be happy, but you aren't letting us. So now what you are going to do is make my friend really happy. You're going to show him the best sex of your life, and you're going to beg him for his cum. And you better make him believe it, because if you aren't convincing enough and my friend feels disappointed, then I'm sorry baby, but I'll have no choice but to send the pictures of us barebacking you to your boyfriend. Now are you going to behave and have fun with us?" Stunned, Ethan acquiesced. It was getting pretty hard for him to ignore how good he was feeling anyways, but he still wasn't delivering all that much enthusiasm. I growled at him, "disobedient boys get punished." And with that, I pushed him off of me and repositioned us in the missionary position before ramming my cock into him with all the force I could muster. Inches from his face, I yelled, "What are you?" "I'm...a slut." "Not good enough, boy." I picked him up with my cock still inside of him and pushed him against a wall before delivering several more painful thrusts. "Tell me how much of a cum dump you are." Jorge was hard as rock again watching this, filming with one hand and jacking himself with the other. This kid definitely had a long night and a sore ass ahead of him. "I like taking cum from men! Sluts like me should never ask for a condom!" Better, but there was room for improvement. I told Jorge to open the door, and with the boy in my arms I walked out to the patio where there were about 20 or so onlookers, all of whom immediately turned to pay attention to the spectacle. I laid the boy down on an open patio chair and continues my assault on his ass. This time I leaned in to whisper: "tell these men you're a cumdump. Let everyone here know how proud you are to be a sperm rag." "I'm a cum dump, sir! I only exist to take the loads of other men! I am proud to take your seed, sir!" Good boy. Then I ordered him to tell them how happy being a cum dump makes him. This, I think, is about when he broke. Suddenly the drugs and his own inner nature broke through his resistance and he wasn't performing for me anymore: he was instead speaking from who he was. "Oh, fuck, sir! Feeling myself being fucked raw is the best experience of my life! Please don't pull out of me. Please feed my ass with your jizz. I want to feel your sperm inside me!" "If a man wants to put his cum inside you, do you ever turn that down, boy?" "No, sir!" "And if any of these men decide they want to fuck you, to use you for their pleasure and honor you with their sperm, what's the one rule, cumhole?" "They...have to fuck me bareback. Cumholes like me don't deserve condoms. I will never disrespect a man again by asking him to wear one. I am proud to take his sperm inside me." That tipped me over the edge, and with a bellow I let out one of the biggest loads I've ever shot straight into his newly willing ass. By the time I can down from the orgasm, I turned to see 20 mesmerized men, and I swear not one of them that I could see didn't have a wickedly stiff dick, even the ones whose faces showed disapproval as well. I pulled Ethan's face down to my cock and told him to get to work cleaning me up. While he did, I announced to the crowd that we were celebrating Ethan's birthday as a cumslut today, and that everyone who wanted to help us celebrate by contributing their load to his tender young ass was welcome. No loads refused for any reason. Jorge continued to film as first one, then four, then ultimately ten of the men joined us back in Ethan's room for a celebratory gang bang. Fortunately for him most were decently hot, but there were a few trolls in the lot, including two that looked like they had visible wasting going on. Ethan nearly balked at that, but his craving for dick was nearly insatiable and I think the gratitude of the trolls for a shot at this fine young ass kind of endeared them to him a little. The night ended with Ethan curled up in Jorge's arms, with Jorge's dick still inside him while they both drifted off to sleep. The room was a wreck and stank like hell, but fortunately I had made sure that neither of the other two boys would be returning that night or even necessarily the next day. Before I left, I heard a groggy Ethan ask Jorge if he had sent the pictures of him being barebacked to Rick. Jorge told him, "No, baby. But I did send the video of you being barebacked while telling everyone that you were now a cumdump and wouldn't be refusing their loads. He's your boyfriend. He deserves to know the real you." Ethan turned his head towards Jorge and asked, "I'm going to regret this tomorrow, aren't I?" Jorge only held him closer and said, "You'll feel bad for a little while. Then you'll feel free." They both fell asleep with smiles on their faces. To be continued?
    1 point
  15. Is it strange to desire to be restrained, gagged, masked, chemmed up and used by Multiple tops or even whored out ? Is this too piggy, do others have this desire or is just me...?
    1 point
  16. I was laying on my bed, wearing nothing but a jockstrap, my ass wet with lube. I could hear moaning and yelping from another room in the house. I knew I was next. It was my Daddy’s idea. Ever since he knew I was gay, he told me that my sole purpose in life was to take the seed of proper men. Mom and Dad were divorced, so it was easy for him to introduce me to the world of gay sex. From the age where he decided I was old enough to fuck, Daddy regularly pounded my tight little ass until he dumped a huge load into me, a load that inevitably spilled out out of my sore hole onto the bed sheets. Daddy is generally a nice guy, but he set a special rule when we first started fucking: while I would basically have perfect freedom when out of the house, when we were together, he would treat my ass however he wanted. Daddy is a rough fucker, and never cared if it hurt or not, but eventually I grew to like the warm sensation I felt when he came in me. He never wore a condom. He never talked about it. I never asked. He had a smooth muscular body and thick dick and to say 'no' to him would be stupid. Soon, he started to whore me out to his friends. Some of them were fit and hot, and I loved taking their loads, but others were older or looked drug-addled, and I was terrified they were going to hurt me at first. Daddy had one guy forgo lube as Daddy wanted the guy to fuck me dry until I bled. Eventually, when school finished, Daddy was self employed as a carpenter, so I wasn't surprised when he told me I wouldn't go to go to college, but I was somewhat surprised when he said my full-time job would be to be his fuck toy. So, when Daddy came from work we would usually have a light dinner, then I would get ready, we’d spend three to four hours fucking, then chill the rest of the night; often we would end up sleeping together, and sometimes we’d fuck again in the morning on the weekend or before he left for work. Usually it was just him, but there were often one or two visitors during the weekdays, usually his friends. He said he mapped out my future for me, and that I was going to become a proper cum-slut. I grew addicted to the sensation of somebody’s cum filling my ass, and it became my favourite part of being fucked. It wasn’t enough though for him. Though I accepted my Daddy fucking me unprotected, I knew about HIV and poz guys. I didn’t want that at all, and I would always ask him if the next guy he was setting me up with was clean - he always gave me an unconvincing nod or ‘yeah’.. One day, he told me upfront he was fed up of it and said he was going to get me to stop worrying. So he arranged a party over the internet somehow. Anybody under 50, but they had to be poz. He kept me updated on the details of who was coming, what they looked like and if I liked the look of them or not. To keep me horny, he didn’t fuck me for three days before and order me not to jack off. I was terrified, and I didn’t think we would actually go through with it. I quietly protested, telling him I wasn’t sure if I wanted to do it, until the night before, when Daddy told me to shut up or they were going to fuck me without lube. I did as I was told. He invited a few other 20 year old bottoms to come earlier and placed us in separate rooms. I never saw them, they were quickly brought upstairs to the spare room and study. When the party arrived they would fuck and seed each boy in turn. I was ordered up to my room, as I could hear the guys laughing and talking downstairs as they grouped up in the living room. It eventually died down as they went into the first room with the first boy. I prepped myself, almost automatically, and I heard the first boy cry out, followed by a cheer. It was two hours later, and I was getting really nervous. I could hear the second boy moaning loudly in the room next door. A load grunt and a few cheers told me he had just taken another load. I snorted some poppers and tried to forget that my Dad had gotten these guys here to basically shorten my life. As I heard muffled conversation, I lay on the bed, face down, trying to relax. Suddenly the door opened, and they filed in, talking excitedly amongst themselves. I didn’t look at them; I got on all fours and pressed my face against the sheets, my ass wide open. Two big hands took hold of my slim waist, rubbing the band of my jocks and I felt a wet cock slap into my ass crack. The mumbling died down to murmurs of approval as the unseen top slowly ushered his rapidly hardening dick into my ass. Suddenly, he gripped my waist hard and plunged his cock into my soft hole. It hurt - even through the poppers, it felt like it was tearing me in half. I yelled. The tops around me cheered and goaded the top to fuck me harder. All I could do was gasp with pain. Even my Daddy had never fucked me this hard. I spent the next five minutes trying to tell myself I was loving it, but it just hurt so much. Soon, he slowed down, and pressed his body to mine. I could feel hair and muscle, and smelt sweat. My ass just started to twinge with pleasure. “You want my load, faggot?” he grunted. “Yes, sir.” I whimpered. “I got a little present for you. You know what it is, fucker?” “Yes sir.” “You want it?” “Yeah…” I felt a cold flush as I said the words. He picked up the pace. The pain and pleasure I felt was unbelievable. I commended my soul as he roared and I felt a huge rush of warm liquid inside my ruined hole. I gasped and groaned in ecstasy as I felt his cock pump it directly into my intestines. It was worth all ten minutes of pain. He pumped a few more times and pulled out and exhaled, drenched in sweat. The guys around me cheered, and one guy with a deep voice said “You know you liked it, boy!”. The fuckfest lasted two more hours. Every time they fucked my hole hard and every time it got a little easier to take thanks to the huge amount of poz cum in my hole. I didn’t care anymore. I never looked directly at any of the tops, I just did what I was born to do. A couple of them whispered that they were going to pose me up, and I just whimpered. Daddy got in front of me on the bed and made me suck his cock while I was plowed from behind. Every time I took a load, he told me to let it run out my ass, until the sheet under me was soaked. Eventually Daddy was the last person fucking me. He clapped my shoulders and rammed me into the bed, spilling his seed into my already flooded ass. I didn’t retrain myself - I yelled and screamed like a little bitch. He whispered "I fuckin’ love you” before he pulled out and the guys started to leave the room, some of them complementing me as they walked out. I was nothing but a hole to my own Dad. I felt so ashamed. I also felt horny. I jacked off, fingering my wet hole as I heard the guys leave. Daddy didn’t even come back. He simply turned the lights off and yelled ‘“goodnight”. I slept on the drenched bed. We didn’t talk about it. The next day, I washed myself carefully. A tiny bit of red came out of my ass. I told myself it wasn’t blood. The next day, it was back to business as usual - Dad came home, we would spend the evening screwing. My ass was tender, but I said nothing. I noticed one difference though - Dad didn’t invite anybody to share me over the next few days. A few weeks later, I came down with a fever. I had muscle pains and a headache and wanted to stay in bed. Daddy was, however, very excited. He told me I had the ‘fuck flu’ and went on the internet. An hour later he told me to go downstairs, lube up and wait on the couch. I staggered downstairs and did as I was told. I knew what he meant, I was just to sick to care anymore. After fifteen minutes, I nearly fell asleep on the couch, when the door opened. The guy standing in the doorway was solidly built, with a mass of body hair and a short black beard. Daddy greeted him and pointed to me. Dazed, I turned over as he undressed. Daddy was getting people to fuck me while I was sero-converting! I got rock hard despite my headache. The hairy top started to gently fuck me and while my ass felt great, I felt like I was going to vomit. He took his time, fucking me in every position until, while I lay flat on the couch, begging deliriously for him to cum. Sure enough, he dumped a load. He thanked me with a kiss, dressed and left. With cum dripping out my hole, I looked up at Daddy, who was undressing. “I don’t think I can take another…” I felt pathetic. “Yeah, you will. Got another dozen lined up over the afternoon. Gotta keep that bug charged up.” “Couldn’t we wait until tomorrow?” I pleaded. He came over and kissed me. “I’m gonna guess you got maybe ten years left in you. I’m not wasting money on meds for your hole, babe. Every moment you’re not fucking is a moment wasted.” The door opened again, and kept opening the entire afternoon, as more and more tops walked in, each man dumping his load into my ass as I sucked my Daddy’s cock. At one point there were four guys waiting in line to fill me up. I nearly passed out, but eventually, in the early evening, Daddy told me to take a shower and get ready for dinner. I left a trail of poz cum on the floor to the bathroom on the second floor. As I clambered up, he told me he was going to dump another load in me tonight, before we went to bed, and there would be more of the same tomorrow. Daddy and I are still together. He threw away most of my clothing, except for my underwear and jockstraps, and yes, he still fucks me in every day. Sometime he takes me out to restaurants to eat, but otherwise we never leave the house except to go to mostly sleazy clubs and occasionally to the house of one friend or another, where I am always filled up with cum. Sometimes Dad is too lazy to cook dinner, so on those days I am usually fed nothing more than the cum from whatever top is around. Daddy loves to remind me I have only so many years left, and I don’t deserve anything but more loads. I get dozens of different tops every week now, and they talk shit, telling me they’re fucking me to death. I’m absolutely nothing to them. It’s soon going to be winter, and Daddy says I’ll freeze if I don’t get enough hot cum loads inside my ass. I'm going to do my best to stay warm.
    1 point
  17. This week I’ve been venting some of my emotional frustrations on really nasty, emotionally detached anon sex. The other night I went out with the intention of taking loads in my ass in various trashy ways. I cleaned out, went downtown and made my first stop at the blue store in Chelsea. I went into the booth area and picked out the booth where I always get fucked in. the last one on the far right, It’s not my favorite spatially, but its nestled in a corner and I think guys find it more private somehow, we’re in a cum stained back room of a video store but I kind of get it. I always slut-out in that one. I wore sweat pants for easy redressing and a white T, dark denim jacket— I look good in white T-shirts, I feel clean and comfortable. I took the whole outfit off once my first cock came into view. And it was a heavy fat one. White, cut 8inches thick, and veiny. His body wasn’t ripped but he had a flat tummy and low hanging balls shaved. I squatted to my knees and started sucking nasty. I wanted to taste every inch of this cock. I was ravenous. He loved it; making those really low grunting sounds. After I felt globs of spit hanging off his cock I knew he was lubed enough by my mouth to slide into my body raw. I wanted this raw cock to penetrate me. I wanted to fuck myself onto him, feel every thrust of his spit-lubed stranger dick. I don’t know this man at all and even if I saw him on the street I couldn’t recognize him. This is to me one of the sleaziest acts of sex one can ever commit. To take a strangers cock into your ass raw, one who’s face you’ve never seen or only bits and flashes of a chin, a smile, in the dark back room. A face only lit by porn playing in a video store booth. Completely anon and definitely the filthiest in terms of disease. We use each other as vessels for cum here. I hadn’t offered my hole up here for a while but had made plenty of deposits, but I was always a much better cumdump than top. I spit on my hand and opened my ass up. I took a huge hit of my poppers and let the waves take over me. When I felt the light throbbing of my ass heat against his wet stranger cock I slid my puckered ass lips around his head. I kept sliding and relaxing my asshole around his cock. I felt myself tense up and hit the poppers again medicating my hole to submission for the cock. I spread my cheeks open with my hands and pushed him into my body. The rush of being a sick faggot hits me right then and there as I feel my ass hit the booth partition wall. I pull myself up and slide him out slowly. I imagine my ass sucking his cock. I pull all the way off up until the very tip and slide down quickly onto him impaling myself. I kept doing this and felt for his responses. The subtle signs of gloryhole sex: You read your partners pleasure with slight motions. I pushed my ass against the partition and let him fuck me for a while. And he fucked me hard and rough. I liked to ram all the way in. I just held the wall in front of me watching myself in the faint reflection of the dark plastic booth. I looked like a whore, and I felt like one. I smiled. Then I felt hit the poppers again and started to meet his thrusts. As he backed off me I met him on his thrust into me. We synched up and I heard him hit his poppers—that’s my cue, and I hit my iron horse. Then he started to spasm and I felt it. The poppers were making my head spin and I could feel his sperts each hot rope of jizz blasting my on the inside. This random cock, this disgusting faggot shooting into another fag cumhole. It’s a dehumanizing experience that becomes addictive. He unloaded and started to soften. I clenched my ass around his dick and milked the rest out. When I pulled off he was still hard enough to suck so I did. I took his cock straight from my ass and into my mouth and cleaned him off like a good public gloryhole cumdump does. He pulled himself back in then seeing he was a little sensitive. And before I was able to get back up, he squatted down and looked me dead in the face. My light popped back on then letting me know my dollar was up. He could see me entirely just then. A young guy, white with freckles and blue eyes, gym body but small in stature crouched down on the floor with his stranger cum in his ass and cock/ass scum coating his mouth. He smiled at me. A white guy, late 40’s slightly potbellied light scruff, fairly hairless and really skinny legs and face. He kept smiling and then grabbed my head bringing his hands onto my side of the partition. He pulls me in and tells me to open my mouth. I do. He spits right into my mouth. I swallowed it. “Faggot slut” he said “keep those babies warm for me.” I took one more load from a small cocked man right after. The little ones hurt and this annoyed me, but I felt like he was roughing me up along my anus and I wanted him to fuck the first load deeper into my body. I knew from the way he looked and treated me like a piece of faggot ass that the sperm churning in my gut was poz. The little cock spewed his own load into my asshole and I could see them mixing. Sloshing around in the cavity of my ass just holding that cum cocktail inside me. I went to bed without showering. I had just gotten comfortable in my covers and then I involuntarily released an enormous amount of cum from my ass. I thought it had all absorbed in me by then but I had an extremely creamy slimy ass. I fingered myself some while jerking off and came so hard I thought I would pass out. I woke up in crusty sheets.
    1 point
  18. Part 1 It was going to be a great day! I had just turned 18 two days ago, I was graduating from high school in the afternoon and I was going to a huge party that night with my girlfriend Emily, my best friend Paul and his girlfriend Linda. First let me tell you about myself. My name is Caleb. I’m the youngest of four boys in a very religious and close family. I was home schooled until high school and then went to a high school operated by our church. I guess you could call me the nerdy type. I am 5’11’’ and weigh about 160 pounds. My hair was blond and shaggy. I loved to swim so I guess I had what you would call a ”swimmers build”. My girlfriend Emily said most girls thought I was cute, in a “nerdy” way. Emily was my age and we had been seeing each other all through high school. Emily was very pretty. We both were religious and never took our relationship beyond the handholding and occasional kiss phase. We both believed that any sexual contact should remain off limits until we married. We were very naïve about the real world. Paul was my best friend. We had known each other since we were little kids and were inseparable. If I was a nerd, Paul was a “super nerd”. He is about 5’6’’ and weighs 130 pounds. He has a pale complexion with shaggy red hair. Paul even wears the typical thick rimmed glasses. Paul could easily be mistaken for being 13 or 14 years old. Paul’s girlfriend Linda is very shy. I don’t think they had even held hands let alone kiss. They both are even more naive than Emily and me, if that is possible. I have always considered myself total straight and never even thought about "fooling around" with a guy. It was against what I believed and besides I was saving myself for Emily. Tonight was going to change our lives in so many ways and I we were completely unaware. All four of us were graduating together, so after our graduation ceremony, Emily and I met up with Paul and Linda and we attended receptions put on by our parents and by 9:00 pm it was time to head to the party. We were all nervous but excited about the party. Many kids from our class were attending and we knew there would probably be alcohol and maybe more available there. Paul and I had only snuck a few beers in our life and both of the girls had never tried alcohol. Linda said she would go but would not drink but the rest of us had decided to have fun and celebrate our “big accomplishment”. The party was taking place at a remote farm about ten miles from town. When we arrived there were dozens of kids already partying, many from our school and many I didn’t recognize. The farmhouse was huge and there was a very large swimming pool and hot tub in the backyard along with many picnic tables. There was a huge bonfire in a fire pit. Everybody had contributed money to attend so there was beer, liquor, soft drinks and food. All four of us had packed bathing suits and we noticed nearly everyone there was already in their suits and enjoying the pool and hot tub on a very warm night. We went inside to change and were directed to two bedrooms in the back. The house was beautiful and I was surprised anyone would let such a party take place in it. When we got outside after changing I asked around about who owned the home. I was told it was two former graduates from another local school who were great football players and had even played in the NFL before getting hurt. They were now successful businessmen and agreed each year to allow the party on their property. Their only stipulation was that no one leave drunk and that they be allowed to join the party later in the evening. A friend of Emily’s led us back into the house and showed us a picture of the two owners. They were both stunningly handsome shirtless black men appearing to be in their early-forties. They were both about 250 pounds of solid rippling muscle. They looked like Greek gods. I heard Emily gasp when she saw the picture. “They are beautiful”, she whispered. I thought it odd that these two men would own the house together, but I didn’t pursue the matter further. We went outside and found the beer and alcohol and the three of us grabbed a beer and headed to the pool. The beer was flowing fast and furious and Paul and I matched each other drink for drink. We were definitely feeling the effects About an hour had passed when we heard the owners had arrived along with a nephew of one of the guys. A few minutes later they appeared. All three were shirtless and wore basketball shorts. Their picture did not do them justice. My school didn’t have any African American students, so we had little exposure to black men. They were the most beautiful men I had ever seen. Jordan was the biggest and appeared to be in his early forties. His muscles seemed to pop from his body. Emily commented that his thighs were bigger than my waist. He had closely cut hair and an incredibly handsome face. He had only one tattoo I could see. It was an odd design around his navel. James appeared to be about the same age but wasn’t as big but he had a perfectly defined chest with an eight pack of abs and the same odd tattoo. He had his hair in dreadlocks. Aaron, who turned out to be Jordan’s nephew was about in his early 20’s, swimmers build like me and the face of a model. He too had the same tattoo. We were introduced to them and they seemed very interested in us. Jordan put his arm around me and James put his arm around Paul and asked if we were having fun. We looked so small next to them but they really seemed to like us and we talked for a while. Aaron meanwhile seemed to really be interested in Emily which was making me jealous but I knew she was not going to screw up our relationship. Linda just stood and watched as we all talked. After a few minutes, Jordan suggested we all go to the hot tub. We all grabbed beer and headed over. The hot tub was huge. It could easily handle 20 people and there were about 10 people in there. We climbed in and Jordan made sure to sit next to me and James next to Paul. Aaron got there a few minutes later and maneuvered himself in next Emily. Linda said she didn’t feel good and said she was going to lie down in the car. After a few minutes somebody brought out a “bong”, something I’d never seen before. Everybody in the tub started passing it around and taking “hits” off it. When it came to me, Jordan showed me and Paul and Emily how to do it. I took two hits and suddenly I was feeling pretty relaxed. The marijuana and the beer were really making me feel good. I leaned back and suddenly felt Jordan put his hand on my leg. I couldn’t see it because of the foam in the tub but it felt massive and he slowly began rubbing my upper thigh. I looked over at Paul and could tell by the look on his face that James was doing the same to him. Jordan then reached under the water and grabbed my hand and placed it on his massive thigh. You could feel the muscles under his smooth skin and I began to rub him. I saw Jordan look at James and wink. Jordan than asked me if I’d like to try something called “poppers”? I said sure and he told Aaron to go and get his backpack from the house. Aaron asked Emily to go so they could bring back more beer and she agreed. As soon as they left, Jordan yelled “It’s time to party!” He shifted in the water and then next thing I knew he was holding his shorts in his hand and tossing them out on the grass. James removed his shorts immediately as did several other guys and girls in the pool. James turned to Paul and me and said “What about you two?” Neither of us made a move so they took action. They reached down and grabbed us by our waist and lifted us with one hand while stripping our suit with the others. The next thing I knew I was back in the tub totally naked with Jordan’s massive arm around me. I looked over at Paul who looked totally in shock and appeared to be sitting on James’s lap. Aaron showed up at that moment, but Emily had remained back at the house to use the bathroom. Jordan reached in to the pack and pulled out two bottles and tossed one to James. They took the covers off and put it up to our nose and said breath it in. I did twice and felt like I was flying. I felt Jordan put his hand on my stomach and slowly rub me. He moved his hand down to my penis and took it in his hand. I realized then that I was getting hard. He pressed his face against my neck and began nipping it with his teeth. I moaned slightly and when I did he turned my face to his and I kissed a man for the first time in my young life. His tongue played with my tongue and without thinking I reached up and wrapped my arms around him. I heard a moan from behind and saw Paul lying with his head on James’s shoulder. It was obvious that Paul was being touched under the water and was enjoying it. Suddenly I felt something brush my leg. I reached and felt his penis for the first time. It was massive. I couldn’t imagine a man having a penis that large. Jordan smiled and stood up. I was face to face with penis at least 10 inches long but its width was stunning. There was a large metal ring piercing the tip of it. I didn’t think such a thing was possible. I heard several people in the tub as well as some people who were now watching the four of us, gasp when they saw it. “Taste it!” he told me. I obeyed and opened my mouth. It was so big I could barely get it in but Jordan slowly helped me taste my first penis. “Your turn baby” I heard James say and I turned around to see Paul licking the tip of James’s penis. James was not as massive as Jordan but was longer. He had to be at least 13 to 14 inches long. Paul was mesmerized by it all. They both grabbed the poppers bottles again and took a hit of their own. Then they shoved the bottle under our nose and we both inhaled. I knew then that I was really starting to enjoy this and wasn’t going to try and stop whatever was happening. Suddenly we were both picked up by our two Greek gods and carried to a picnic table. I felt so small in his huge arms as he carried me. His body felt warm against mine and I reached and rubbed his muscled chest. He pulled me tight against him and began to kiss me again. I opened my mouth to let his tongue in. Aaron, who was also now naked, was there at the table spreading a blanket on it. We were both placed gently on table next to each other.
    1 point
  19. Hey filthbags! I've been an avid fan of these stories for years, so decided to quit being a leacher and start giving back to you all. This is my first attempt at a story I have in mind. Be critical but be kind! Hope you enjoy. ___________________________________________________________________________________ My heart was beginning to race as I walked off the illuminated path and into the woods. I knew I shouldnt be here but his online chat had somehow lured me, like a siren call. I had been online most of the evening, moaning to anyone who would listen about how much my life sucked; Controlling parents, a boyfriend who was out clubbing and ignoring me and school work dragging me down. It was then that this guy in his mid 40s had begun chatting to me. He somehow dominated the conversation, telling me what he was going to do. Every time I read his messages I found myself playing with my nipples, feeling my cock growl in my pants. There was something about the power in his words. It was like he was in the room with me as he was describing how he wanted to wrap his arms around me and smell my neck, rub his hands all over my body and pull me tight against his big burly hairy chest so I could feel his fat throbbing cock between my arse cheeks. I was off the charts horny and he seemed to know it. I tried to text my boyfriend one last time but once again there was no answer. Any other night I would have been happy with a wank but this guy was something else and somehow he convinced me to sneak out the house and come and meet him down the cruising area. I knew where it was, everyone in town knew about the Woods. There was usually an article in the local news once a month about some parent irate that they had found some condom wrappers down there or something. And so here I was slowly walking into the woods in the middle of the night looking for a man I'd never even seen a picture of. He told me to wear some loose trackies and a hoodie and that he would find me. So with my heart thumping I walking into the dense forest and began looking around. It was dark but fortunately my eyes were adjusting and I could make out larger trodden down areas in the woods. I could hear the faint crack of other men walking around in the dark and began slowly to stumble my way through. It felt like I was making a huge amount of noise as I tried to manoeuvre across various branches and twigs all snapping underfoot. Then without warning I walked straight into a huge man walking out of some shrubs. “Sorry I'm sorry” I whispered as I tried to not look him in the eyes as embarrassment washed over me. “Dont you be sorry at all” he purred back at me and I could feel him looking me up and down. Despite the dark I could see he was also in trackie bottoms but his were a lot dirtier, with a few tears and a lot of mud worked into them. As my eyes worked up his body I could see that he had quite a gut on him as well and his tshirt didnt really cover him totally as his belly protruded out. He was wearing some sort of wax jacket which bulked him out even more and as my eyes reached his face, I could see his chubby cheeks and devilish eyes glaring down at me. “Are you lost little boy? Or have you found what you are looking for” one hand squeezed his cock through his trackies as he reached the other hand to my chest and tweaked my nipple. I couldnt help the involuntary moan that came out my mouth. My nipples are super sensitive and hard wired to my cock. Those devilish eyes smiled in the night and his mouth cracked into a wider smile. His other hand came up and grabbed my other nipple and squeezed in unison and my knees almost buckled under me. “You like that dont you, little slut boy” he pulled my nipples towards him and dragged me closer to his body. “Look at me you little slut”. I forced my eyes up to his and he leaned down and put his chubby lips on mine and gave me a deep wet kiss. His tongue pressed into my mouth and slobbered all over me. It was disgusted, I hated it, but I couldnt help myself. He had my nipples ad was working them round and round and I found my tongue kissing him back. His spit was foul, he hadnt cleaned his teeth for some time it seemed but here I was making out his him. “Lets get you more comfortable” he said as he took me deeper into the shrubs he had just walked out of. He found an upturned stump and sat down. Pulling his trackies down he fished out a impressive but ugly looking cock. The hood was half pulled over the head of his cock, and despite being about 8 inches it was gnarled and misshaped. He pulled me down onto my knees and moved my head towards his cock. The smell hit me, this was bad I knew that but he had control over me and before I knew it, my lips were wrapping round that meaty cock and I began to suck. The taste was vile, like he hadnt washed for days, but I could feel his rough hands on my head keeping me down so I bobbed up and down trying to keep my mouth as wide as possible so as to avoid some of the taste. He began to push my trackies down my arse and I could feel the breeze on me. He wasnt wasting any time as his digit immediately found its way to my hole and began to push against it. “Fuck thats nice and smooth. I love young dirty sluts like you, hungry for cock arent you” My head was all over the place, I was feeling awful, the taste of his cock was fading but it was starting to click as to what was going on. This fat stinking slob was making me suck his dick in the woods and I was humiliating myself. I needed to stop and get home, play this off as some sort of bad dream or something, but then his finger was back at my hole and I could feel something being stuffed in. It felt like a sharp pebble or something. I yelped around his cock and tried to pull away but his size made him a long stronger than I was. I managed to pull off his cock and shout out but as I was already on my knees he managed to shove me into the dirt and held my face to the floor with one hand as he continued to work his fat dry digit deeper into my arse. “Shut your fucking mouth you little whore, this is just a little something to help lube you up”. I didnt know what he was talking about, it didnt feel like lube, if anything it was making my arse burn, but with a mouth full of mud and dirt and this fat fucker on top of me I couldnt do anything about it. I then felt him manouver himself around and both arms came onto my own to hold me down. “Its lucky for you youre a good little cock sucker” he said as he began to line his cock up with my hole. I couldnt believe that this was happening, I was about to get raped here in the woods by this fat pig ugly shit and there was nothing I could do. I tried to clench my arse shut, but the burning inside was too much and the pressure of his cock against my hole was too painful. I screamed into the ground as my hole finally gave up and he plunged balls deep straight away into me. “I told you to shut your fucking mouth!” He shouted at me as he slapped me across the back of my head and worked his hand across my mouth. His full weight was on me down as he began to rape me, pulling in and out, pushing deep into me and working that burning sensation deeper inside me. I couldnt breathe properly because of his weight and this warmth was surrounding me. I could feel myself slowly floating away in my own thoughts, the only connection I still had was the sound of his grunting as he fucked my hole and I could hear the sloshing sound despite no longer being able to really feel anything anymore. My vision was getting smaller and darker when he finally took his hand off my mouth and moaned in passion as I took a huge breath into my lungs. He pulled out of my hole and stood up looking at his conquest. I couldnt bare to look at him or even move. I then heard him pulling up his trackies and rustling in his coat pocket. Two rough digits were shoved back up inside me, but my hole took them a lot easier. “Theres another one for luck, and your first of many dirty loads your fresh hole is getting tonight no doubt”. He then pulled my face up off the ground and forced me to stare into his face. “You are going to fucking ruined little boy by the time you see the sun again” and he sniffed back and spat a huge phelm wad into my face and dropped my face into the dirt. The burning in my arse was spreading into another warmth feeling again and I felt unresponsive as I felt my abuser pull off my hoodie, “A little souvenir” he chuckled. I heard the sound of a camera clicking a few shots and then silence as he walked away. What was wrong with me, I couldnt move, I couldnt think, my trackies were half way down my legs with my fucked arse out. My mind started to blur out as I heard some feet walk past. “Someones been having fun” I heard a deep voice say and a few chuckles followed. My eyes began to shut as I saw three sets of heavy leather boots surround me. To be continued.
    1 point
  20. You can find me either at Hawks in the dark room ass up or at Taboo NW Broadway cheeks spread against gloryhole. Multiple loads wanted. Total whore here Hole is big, loose, and well used.
    1 point
  21. Hello all - MOD: I hope this is ok. If for any reason it isn't please let me know. I am currently conducting academic research on individuals who self-identify as bugchasers or giftgivers, and would be enthusiastic to receive your contribution. The study is in gender theory and explores the reasons, hierarchies, and structures in which individuals act as bugchasers or giftgivers. I have no bias to the story and am simply looking to amplify your voices. Your anonymity is sacrosanct, and I do not plan on using any information you choose to give me, if not to situate your stories within the paper. Your name won't be used (you will be assigned two random initials), as won't your age, contact details, anything. I am simply interested in why, if you have an answer, you chase or give. I am not interested in fiction. If you are interested, please reply here or message me. Thank you.
    1 point
  22. Hot story can't wait for the next bit
    1 point
  23. Yes please!!! I've got a feeling that very soon Jordan's gonna "see who the real COCK is!" Think I'm not the only one who wants to see young, unsuspecting Jordan wince in pain as your fat mushroom cockhead pops past his no-longer-virgin sphincter and you thrust your unlubed pozcock into what he'll soon learn to call his cunt...
    1 point
  24. He's hot front, back and wet all over!
    1 point
  25. Continue on. Love to see this develop.
    1 point
  26. Fuck yeah.... Slam that boy up
    1 point
  27. 1 point
  28. Bred a hot trucker everyday for the last three days. His truck broke down and he was in a motel. I would go to his motel room where he was waiting face down ass up. He had bio tramp stamp. The first night I was load 4. The second night I was load 7. Tonight I got to be the one and only to breed him.
    1 point
  29. Wow, I'd give anything to fuck that boi. He is totally my type. Would also love to get fucked by the daddy.
    1 point
  30. Lucky you I work in construction n he sounds like the type of Stud that I get breeded by a lot sum days I feel like I spend half me day @ work with a big cock poundin me cum n piss hungry hole but I sure aint complainin most the studs I work with know I luv cock n they know that if they want to dump a load me hole is allways loaded n ready (_0_)
    1 point
  31. After a few days with a sinus infection, I'm horny and haven't cum in 3 days. Get on line and meet up with a top the was disappointing to say the least. Head of to the local bookstore and make a quick trip around. It's slow but I see possibly the hottest guy I've EVER seen 6'4" 30ish. Built like a brick shithouse. Broad shoulders, no body fat, just god like. Total perfection! I say hi, he answers I ask if he wants to play he says yes. We head into a booth and strip. He's perfect. On a scale of 1-10 he's a million. And he's nice too. We kiss and I ask what he's looking for? He says he wants to suck me off. He gets down on his knees and gets to work. I pull him up and get his beautiful cock in my mouth. I ask if he likes getting his ass eaten, he says yes and turns around spreads his cheeks and I go to town! Tasty ass! I tell him it's a perfect ass to fuck and he says to do it. I spit on my cock and push into one of the hottest guys I'll ever fuck. In my state of lust I didn't last long, I told him I was close and he said to shoot it into him so my 3 day load erupted into his perfect ass! In all honesty, I don't know how a man this hot isn't married to a millionaire. And he is definitely out of my league but thank you young man for spending time with me and I hope to meet up with you again. If not I know that we shared a sweet, hot time that I will never forget!
    1 point
  32. So I went to a bathhouse in a nearby city recently. There were only 4 cars in the parking lot, but the weather was warm and sunny, so I stayed. I was smoking by the pool, when I noticed this 20something kid laying in a chaise lounge. He was soft, but still impressive, maybe 6" soft. He still had the air of innocence. We got to speaking and I found out that his boyfriend managed the bathhouse. Nice perk! While we were outside talking, he gasped, "oh man, I didn't notice that you have a Prince Albert!" He was either impressed or kinda weirded out by it. He couldn't stop mentioning it. About half an hour later, We wound up in the video lounge together. They were playing some bad porn with an equally bad soundtrack, and worst of all, rubbers. Ugh. He was sitting on a bench and immediately got hard. Ah, youth! I came around the bench and started stroking him and sucking him. When I got to the head of his cock, he moaned pretty loudly. So I played with his head for awhile. Suddenly he put his legs in the air, and I went down to inspect his hole. It was almost completely smooth. I could've died right there! I asked him if he wanted to come to my room. When we got in the room, we were making out, and I told him to get on the bed. He said, "wait man, I don't bottom."Aha! So that meant I might get fucked. I said, "no, I wanna eat your ass for awhile." He didn't say anything, just grinned and he got in position with his ass in the air and his head on the pillow. I asked him if he liked poppers. He said, "hell yes!" So I huffed and he huffed. His hole was delicious! And he certainly knew how to work it. He pushed his ass out and I was able to get my tongue deep in his hole. God, I love eating ass like that. He kept moaning and babbling nonsensical stuff. I asked him if he wanted to top me. He said, "hell yes!" I asked to be in missionary position and got the pillow under my hips. He just went in raw, no questions of rubbers or status. When he was hard, he was about 7" cut with a cock that was pretty much the same diameter at the top as towards the bottom. He plunged in in one stroke and started jackhammering me. Pretty quickly his strokes got shorter and slower, and I noticed that he kept his cock where just his head was getting stimulated by my first ring. He'd push in til just the head was in, and slowly pull out. Whatever he was doing was feeling amazing! I'd not felt anything quite like that before. When he said he was about to cum, I grabbed his ass and didn't let him go anywhere. He kind of spasmed and jerked and unloaded into my hole. I couldn't feel him cum, but the telltale wetness was there, and when he caught his breath he said, "man I came everywhere." From the time he got into my room and his load in my ass, maybe 7 minutes. As we were putting our towels back on, we were chatting and I asked him how old he was. He told me he was 20. Ah, youth! No wonder he fucked like a jackrabbit! After he'd gone, I felt my ass, and there was cum on the outside. I knew that he'd cum inside me, so man, he really must've come everywhere!
    1 point
  33. It would be fun to be one of the manly mature studs pozzing the twink, especially up his ass. I'd have made him suck my dick clean and kiss it after I pumped my charged spunk into him.
    1 point
  34. While Saturday night is great the weekday can be good too. The best is Thursday. Get there about 4 before the lights out party. When I have gone I always get fucked by 8-10guys. There will be a lot of Latin and Asian guys there. I have never had a top mention a condom either
    1 point
  35. The best time to go Saturday is just befor the bars close. Get a room and you'll have a lot of fun. After the bars close, the horny guys flood in.
    1 point
  36. I'm 19 years clean and sober, but find these stories to be so incredibly hot I can't believe it. I went to treatment before i figured out I was gay and had a chance to ride my first raw cock. Still neg last check, but my first raw cock was from a charged stud and as far as I'm concerned poz guys always go to the front of the line. I have to wonder what will happen if I get a chance with guys like the ones in these stories and so badly want to find out!
    1 point
  37. I love to take piss in my hole and spit in my mouth. HOT fuckin' story. More, more, more!
    1 point
  38. see my thought was sure you might get lots of guys wearing the condom...on their finger. the whole idea of the event is raw cum filled slutty sex. i feel it would be basically rude to ask others to change how they play at event made for them. Maybe you should rethink going and check your limits before going to an event. That being said, Prep is a good way to be safer and that is all you can hope for really. Even condoms are only safer sex, there are still risk such as Herpes and HPV which get transferred via skin contact alone. Good luck in you adventures.
    1 point
  39. God, this party was bad. I mean, really, just the worst. I had only been here ten minutes and between the crappy house music and the wasted, barely-drinking age kids who thought they were being subtle about giving each other handjobs and doing lines of coke in the corners, I was ready to be gone. The only reason I was here was because my mate John had asked me to watch out for these two twinks, Sam and Rick, while he and Jorge got to fuck the shit out of Rick's "monogamous" boyfriend at the resort. What I wouldn't give to be there ruining his hole rather than here. Fortunately I had a couple of pics to go by and this club wasn't all that big. A word about me: I'm a lean, 42 yo African American man with an 8.5" dick, and probably the horniest guy that I know. I don't usually have too much problem seducing guys of all types into my bed. In fact, probably the biggest issue I have is that most guys who see my dick only want me to top them, and I love every position of sex with just about every flavor of guy. There are worse problems to have. I lived close by but had met the other guys in our little club cruising the resorts a few summers ago, and whenever they were in town we got together for the hunt. I had also notified one of my regular fuckbuddies to be on standby, since this seemed like a mission for two. After 45 tedious minutes of cruising the party I finally spotted Sam, the shy one, nursing a drink in one corner and looking crazy out of place. Damn, this kid was cute in that boyish, naive-looking sort of way. A kid like that should have been already taking his second or third load of the night bent over in one of the club bathrom stalls rather than standing around being awkard. That's okay: daddy's here to help. I made my way over to him with my biggest, "you're the only guy in the room for me" smile and introduced myself. The kid looked surprised at first, then his face probably turned about as red as his vodka-cranberry. My dick was already twitching at the thought of what I'd be doing to him later. After about ten minutes of me carrying a conversation, his friend showed back up. Where Sam was cute, Rick was hot but in that arrogant, way-too-aware of it sort of way. I immediately hated him. That only got worse when he basically ignored me even after his friend introduced us, and then five minutes later asked me to get him a drink like I was his damned waiter. Good, so the racist little fuck had this coming to him. I came back with new cocktail for Sam and a roofie-collada for Rick. Rick swallowed the whole thing back in nearly one gulp and started eyeing up the local meat, while I went back to sweet-talking Sam, feeling up his chest under his shirt, casually rubbing brushing my jeans up against him. His eyes went wide at that, and he felt down towards the bulge I was carrying with obvious surprise and desire. Between the attention, the lust and the alcohol, I had this one hooked, and he quickly accepted my invitation back to my place. Meanwhile, Rick was starting to act woozy, and I suggested to Sam that his friend was really drunk and he might need a safe place to crash for the night. I told him I had a spare bedroom and we could check in on him to make sure he was okay. Sam was obviously a little torn about hooking up while his friend was trashed, but my confidence and his own horniness won him over and soon I had them both packed in my car on the way to my place. I led Sam to my bedroom and told him to wait right there while I took care of his friend. I picked up Rick from the car and carried him down into my special basement while he slept, snoring lightly. The secret that a lot of these racist little fucks don't know is that I'm a chief legal officer for a corporation that you've heard of during the day, so I make more than my fair share of money. I could practically swim in the sallary they pay me there, so when it comes to indulging my fetishes I spare no expense. The play dungeon set up in my basement had tools for every possible fetish: a rimming seat, a bench with handcuffs, a wrestling mat, a corner shower with a drain and different hose attachments, a whipping post, a giant flat screen TV for porn and more toys than your average porn shop. I strapped Rick down to the bench and turned his head to the side, just to be safe. Then I called my fuckbuddy over, telling him the door would be unlocked and his "totaly top" prey was passed out and ready for him. With that, I went upstairs. Sam was sitting on the edge of the bed nervously. He had taken off his shoes and was pretty obviously uncertain if he should take the rest of his clothes off either. I sat down next to him and put my arms around him, kissing his ear at first, then his neck, and then bending him so that fell back on the bed I kissed all the way down over his shirt to where his pants buckle was. I kissed the bulge in his pants, and was pleasantly surprised. This kid was really packing some meat in those pants. Smiling, I started to undo his belt buckle, but he stopped me with a frown. "Is Rick okay?" "Yes," I smiled at him confidently. "I made sure he was in the right position and left some water for him if he needs any. He'll be fine." I went back to kissing his bulge while I unzipped his fly. "I just don't know how comfortable I am hooking up when he might be...oh..." he trailed off right at the point I put his newly liberated dick in my mouth, encircling the head with my tongue. It was at least 7.5 inches, and rock hard. Then I pulled it out and trailed my tongue up the base of his shaft all the way to the tip before teasing the underside and then giving it a kiss. "Tell you what, sexy. We can hang out for just a little bit and then go check on him to be sure. Does that sound okay?" "Yeah, that sounds okay." Now I took his balls in my mouth while I stroked his shaft, and he arched his back and let out a little moan. I lifted his legs up and smelled his ass, which was ripe from sweat. "Are you clean back here? Because I want to explore every inch of you with my tongue." He looked a little guilty at that. "Maybe I should take a shower, just to be sure." He tried to roll over and stand up, but he did so awkwardly and almost fell off the bed, which made me laugh. I went over to stand behind him and started kissing his neck again. "You need to relax, baby. Can I help you relax?" "What do you have in mind?" "Do you ever smoke? I have some really nice weed that will help you relax." "Uh, not usually. I guess I wouldn't mind." Perfect. I pulled out a joint from my drawer. This one was specially laced with Tina for a little extra kick. I always kept one on standby just in case. I also pulled out a couple of pills and a water bottle from the drawer and handed those to him too. "What are these?" He asked suspiciously. "Just vitamins. You'll feel better in the morning if you take them now after you've been drinking." He eyed them suspiciously at first, but when I popped back an identical set decided to go for it. Funny thing is that one of them was just a vitamin, and the other one was a boner pill, so there wasn't anything to suspicious about either one. The water had a little G in it, but so little you couldn't really taste it. Then I lit up the joint, taking a tiny puff myself and passing it to him. He took a long drag, coughing and then gulping down more of the water. I encouraged him to take a few more hits, and then steered him into the bathroom. At first he wanted to be alone to clean out, which is normally a good thing, but tonight I wasn't taking any chances. I took off his clothes, kissing him all the while as the drugs took effect. Then he started to strip off mine, which I let him. By the time we were both naked he was pushing himself up against me and moaning like a bitch in heat, obviously ready for anything. I turned on the shower, which was easily big enough for three, and steered him into it before stepping in myself. It had a built in-douche attachment, of course, and as I started to prep him he stopped me apologetically. "I, um...think I have to pee." "Do you baby?" I knelt down eye level with his now flaccid dick, sticking my tongue out til it just touched the underside of his head, and told him, "good. I'm ready for you." His eyes went wide, but then his head rolled back and soon he was bathing me in a stream of his piss. I swallowed a few gulps before guiding his dick so that his stream hit my face, my body and my dick. Then I pulled his dick back up to me mouth and completely enclosed it, taking the last of it down my throat and then resting his dick there. "How did that feel, sexy?" "Amazing." I moved directly under the water to rinse off, then pushed him down and asked him if he thought he could return the favor. He didn't seem to love the idea, but he knelt down anyway with his mouth closed. I have excellent prostate control, so I let a tiny stream hit his chest, and then a slightly bigger one over his shoulders and down to his dick before holding back again. "Open up your mouth, okay?" He shook his head. "Just open your mouth a little. You don't have to swallow, I just want to see you take it in a little, okay?" Feeling guilty that I had just done this for him, he opened up his mouth a tiny ways, and I aimed my stream for him. He spit it out almost immediately, but I pulled him back to dick and told him to keep trying. I finished off my piss in his mouth, and whie he didn't swallow any of it, he showed definite progress being able to take it. I stood him up and pushed him against the wall, kissing him and telling him how hot he was. By now he was putty, willing to do anything I wanted. After making sure we were both clean inside and out, we dried off and headed back into the bedroom. He asked for another hit of the joint, but right now I knew what his body chemistry was really craving. I asked him if he ever partied, to which he said he had heard of it but never tried. I pulled out a bowl and told him to open his mouth before lighting it, then told him to inhale gently. He did this a couple of times, sucking in sweet lungfulls and blowing them out in beautiful clouds of smoke. I took a single hit, wanting to make sure I staid stiff, and then bent him over the bed and ate him out like I was mining for buried treasure. His tight, beautiful ass surrounded a tight rosebud that puckered just slightly under my attention. Standing back up, I asked him if he wanted to play a game. "Yes, anything," he said, glassy-eyed and adoring. I pulled out a box from under the bed and pulled a soft rope from it. Guiding his hands and feet, I proceeded to tie him face-up and spread-eagled to the bed. I paused to admire my handiwork, then I put on some porn for him to watch and walked out of the room to go check downstairs. This was partially just to see what was going on, but also partly to freak Sam out a little. What I saw going on downstairs with Rick and my fuckbuddy almost made me shoot a load right there, but I mustered my discipline and headed back to the bedroom. He was lying there mesmerized at the bareback porn I had put on, one of those gangbang bottom ones where they zoom up on the loads leaking out of the bottom's ass before the next guy eats it out of him and fucks him some more. He turned to me and asked distractedly where I had gone. "Just checking on your friend. He's doing just fine." I sucked him back to full hardness and without further ado, squatted over his dick and slowly guided it into me, with just my spit as lube. "Oh, God!" he moaned loudly. "Um, are you... are you letting me fuck you raw?" he squawked in disbelief. "Yes, sexy. Isn't that how you want it? I want to feel your raw cock inside me. Just don't cum inside me, okay?" Ha, no better way to get someone to assume your status than telling them "not to cum inside you." It's like the magic words that gets about every single top to go bare. Of course, this kid was way more of a bottom than a top, but there was no denying he was enjoying himself. It was also clear there was no way he was lasting very long at all. I slid back up and then all the way back down on his dick, loving the friction it was creating inside me. Now, instead of the porn Sam was staring transfixed at the sight of his dick disappearing in and out of my ass, and I loved that too. I bent over enough so that I could stare into his eyes. "Tell me how much you love that ass sucking your dick down." "Oh fuck yes, I love how that ass eats up my cock. Your bare hole feels so good." I smiled at that, and pulled all the way off him, using his hands to poise his cock right at my entrance. "Maybe I should go get a condom, just to be safe." I could feel him straining, trying to thrust upwards, desperately horny to be back inside me. "Yeah, we should use a condom, only, just...let me be inside you a little bit longer first, okay?" I welcomed his head in just past my sphincter. "Are you sure, babe?" His moan was the only answer I needed. I slid all the way back down and then started riding him like a pony. "Just remember don't cum inside me, okay? You just feel so good this way. While I'm riding you I can fantasize about how deep you are inside me, and how hot it would be to feel your jizz spurting out inside me, covering my ass walls, then trickling out of me all day tomorrow. It's hot enough just to imagine it. Just let me know when you're close so I can pull out." By now Sam was incoherent and wild, making gutteral back of the throat sounds. As my pace increased so did his moaning, and I knew he was seconds away. The entire time I was egging him on about how hot the idea of him cumming in me was, and how I just wanted to picture it with him, and how good it would feel leaking out of me. His moans got sharp and I heard him start to mutter something that might have been, "I'm...I'm..." before he was lost to a scream and I could feel the jets of his jizz shoot deep inside my bowels. I didn't slow down my pace at all, but only rode him harder. He was coming so hard with the constant stimulation he looked in definite pain, until more than a minutes later the final spasms subsided and I could feel him going soft inside me. Trying hard to keep the wolfish leer off my face, I asked him, "What's the matter? I'm loving you fucking me so much. Just tell me when you're close so I can pull out, okay?" Now a guilty look washed over him, and he looked down and to the side as he whispered that he had already cum. "You WHAT?!" I asked, feigning outrage. Then I gave him a good, hard slap across the cheeks, enough to leave a sting without really hurting him. "I told you to let me know!" "I tried! I thought you realized it. I just couldn't...it was so..." As he talked I pulled all the way off of him, and immediately a giant glob of his jizz dripped down onto his softening dick. His eyes bulged watching it, and you can tell he was massively turned on by it, even if he was temporarily out of gas. "Does that turn you on? Good, because you're going to clean out the rest of my ass with that tongue of yours. This is what I get for trusting some little twink from the clubs like that!" I squatted over his face and began to push out, while he dutifully lapped up his spunk out of my ass like a pro. Then I pulled off his face and lay down next to him and gave him a hard kiss, each of us playing with the cum in his mouth until he finally swallowed it. "I'm sorry," he whispered. "Really, you're sorry? Prove it." He looked confused. "For the next few days, you're my slave. You only call me sir. I say bark, you bark. I say jump, you jump. You owe me for lying to me you little bitch, and if you really want to make it up to me you'll pay me back in kind." The thought of being my sex slave for a couple of days caused his dick to twitch in a feeble attempt at coming back to life, and he gladly accepted, not having any idea what all I had in for him. I went back into my toy box and pulled out a special jockstrap. It's the kind that has a hard front and straps to fit it tightly at the waste but still leaving the ass exposed. Almost like a cross between a cup and a chastity belt, it's basically designed to keep a bottom from touching himself while leaving his ass exposed. I untied Sam from the bed and fitted it onto him, telling him that he would be wearing this for most of the rest of our time together as punishment for what he did. If he had to piss he would tell me and I would decide if he was allowed to take it off for that purpose (It had holes in it, so I didn't necessarily have to let him take it off if I didn't want to). Then I pulled on some sweats and a shirt and packed a bag with a couple of supplies. It was getting late by now, probably around 2am, but it was a nice warm night. "What are you doing?" I arched my eyebrow at him. "What are you doing, sir," he corrected. "We're taking a little field trip." As he started to reach for his clothers I told him, "no, you're going dressed exactly as you are." He looked nervous, so I handed him the pipe and told him to take another couple of hits to relax. He did gratefully, and the resistance left his body as his hormones reasserted themselves. "Where are we going?" "You'll see. Why don't we go down and check on your friend?" He nodded, and we both headed down. As Sam's eyes took in the dim light of the dungeon and saw what exactly was happening to his friend, his eyes went wide with shock. "Looks like he's enjoying himself," I remarked lightly. A little of Sam's remaining resistance rose up, like maybe he ought to be doing something about this, but finally he just said, "hot" and followed me down to my car. I was about to enjoy the fuck out of this.
    1 point
  40. It's probably mostly the humiliation for me, but it also makes me feel wonderfully dirty.
    1 point
  41. As has been said, it's another bodily fluid to share and it actually feels great to me to be covered in that wet, warm piss. A big part of it for me is the dom/sub aspect of it, I totally get off on the feeling of being humiliated or degraded as i'm drenched in piss or having my holes used as a urinal. Piss play is so hot!
    1 point
  42. so fucking hot just watched the scene
    1 point
  43. Aside from scat and blood, i'm down for anything. Treat me like your whore
    1 point
  44. It's only too piggy when you don't enjoy it.
    1 point
  45. Going to the park wasn't a conscious choice. i was pulled there by need. It was like my body wanted to slut out more and sought for further infection. I walked passed the park restaurant and through the tunnel. This park always feels scary. it has that New York City vibe where you never feel safe and anything can happen to you. But that fear is a ferocious driving force to explore and to to have sex that shocks me. I walked through the regular path. It was dark and the lamps are out around here making it easy to become a cruising spot. the little light that is around is from a distant lamp that messes with your night vision making any incoming person seem like just a silhouette until their too close to avoid. I saw a few guys around, all of them older latino or black. This dominican older guy saw me and tried talking to me in spanish. I speak spanish but i always fake like i dont in these scenarios. He wanted to suck my cock so i pulled it out and he instantly went down on me. His mouth was awesome. he was a great cock sucker and i just leaned back against the tree taking hits of my poppers as he sucked me good and wet and slow. Guys kept passing by and watching me get my cock sucked by this older man. He was going to town really throating it. I was hard as a rock and face fucked him making him gag and wretch, his neck veins bulging. This thug guy was watching us jerking off. He had been lingering for a while saying nothing, not indicating he wanted the any sort of physical interaction just to watch. he was tall and black with baggy jeans and a long hard black dick. Having come to the park to take loads I pulled the older dominican guy off my cock with some resistance from him. He looked sad to be told to stp, but i wanted to suck cock, i wanted to take a raw load from this thug man. I walked over to him and dropped to my knees and started sucking. He didnt say a word just moved his hand to give me access. His cock was poking out the fly of his jeans and he had his earphones in listening to JZ. he closed his eyes and just enjoyed the long throat massage I was giving him. here i was on my knees in the middle of a NYC park sucking a strange thug cock with my pants down ass exposed to anyone who was walking by. I fucking loved it. i felt so slutty so open and free. I hit the poppers and kept sucking him like a faggot using my mouth to please this man who didnt even acknowledge me as a person, he never looked in my eyes. I could feel the older dominican man watching me staring as i sucked this cock. I heard someone walk by me but never looked. the guy saw a young white boy sucking on a random black cock. I wanted to feel him in my ass so i stood up and guided his cock to my hole. He thrust in me in one fell swoop and i was instantly in pain. I fucked myself onto him hard, roughing my own hole up trying to get him in as deep as he would go. I felt his balls against my own they hung so low. Then i wrapped my arms around the tree and let him fuck me. He rammed me hard and deep. He just fucked and fucked hard pulling his cock almost all the way out and then slamming it back in over and over again. I just held onto that tree for dear life letting him have his way with my slutty ass. More men showed up and they all just watched me. I smiled at them ass getting fucked raw from behind arms around the tree, face getting scraped by the bark. They all watched me be a whore for raw cock taking it like a champ. Some guys came over to see from the side and then realized i was taking him bareback. this one guy was shocked and looked at me in awe and disgust. He said "but you're so young!" and i just smiled at him taking that cock. I never felt so slutty! I loved it. All those times at the gloryholes were so private so alone. this was putting it out there telling everyone that i was a public cum dump for anon loads in a NYC park and I loved it. It was the lowest i've ever gone in terms of feeling like a diseased bitch. I loved the feeling of being owned by anyone openly. I wanted this to be my life forever. Then i felt him shudder and i knew he was cumming in my ass. I fucked myself against him and took every drop of that load adding his spunk with the wasted poz latino daddy i just took bouncing my hole against him milking it dry. He slid off me and I turned around and showed my audience my dripping hole. One guy stuck his finger in me hard and pushed it in deep and rough. He finger fucked me for a bit until another slid in me raw. His cock was thick and not insanely long at all maybe 6.5 inches but it stretched me out goos and he hurt me already throbbing boy hole. He leaned in and started calling me names "You fucking sick faggot. Take that nasty cock boy, you're just a faggot hole showing off that beautiful cunt letting these guys know you're just a cumdump." "Yeeeessss" i said has he fucked me. He stick his fingers in my hole with his cock and still inside and stretched me more. He shoved them in my mouth and slapped my ass. there must have been 6 or 7 guys watching me take this guy raw, hearing what he was calling me and stroking their cocks. "Here i cum boy another load for this sloppy faggot hole" "Yes fill me man, shoot that load in my ass man. You poz man??" I asked eagerly wanting to hear him say it. "Yeah boy take that fucking sick load, take my disease man, im fucking killing you with this AIDS man!" he said loud enough for my onlookers to see. And I smiled at them saying "yes man give it to me fuck that death seed into my ass." I kept pumping until he was done and when he pulled out i got on my knees and sucked him clean. "Fucking faggot!" he said and he slapped my face hard and spit on me. I bent over with his load dripping from my cunt and fingered my it deeper into my hole. I left his spit on my stinging face while the men watched this sick slut. When i realized there were no new takers I pulled up my sweats and went home. I slept letting the random loads ooze from my hole. I felt so proud of myself. I have definitely become a poz load taking whore. And I cant stop. I know this will end me one day but I love it too much to stop.
    1 point
  46. When I woke up the next morning I was still sore and my hole was still gaping slightly. I kept imagining the cum that ejected from my ass and I was craving more. I went on adam4adam and found a guy in my neighborhood. He’s older, late 50’s, latino with a guy and ugly face, but hung like a mule. His cock is Huge, veiny and uncut with a swollen head that glistens when its covered in my spit. I was quick in the emails. “Wanna fuck and load me?” I said “Hell yeah.” He said. “I can be over in ten minutes, I have your address from our last chat.” I left my apartment with nothing but my keys, phone and a bottle of poppers. He answered the door wearing just a tshirt to cover his gut. But that monster cock was swinging in between those older man skinny veiny legs and I wanted it now. I got on my knees taking my clothes off as my mouth found his cock. I sucked like a desperate faggot. I wanted to taste this man entirely to look up into his ugly mug and have him watch me suck him like a slut in heat. He guided me in front of the floor length mirror and I was mesmerized by what I saw: I was fully naked now. His hairy large fingers gripping the back of my head by my hair. My young gym toned body ass plump from running so much. My pale freckled skin and this ugly older man gagging me with his poz fuck stick. I felt cheap and nasty, like a used up poz cumslut. I thought to my self, damn when did this happen to me, when did I become this faggot hole? He forced his 9inches down my throat and I felt his guy hit my forhead when he rammed it in my straining throat. I would gag and he would feed me the poppers. I loved watching myself. I kept thinking of my parents, they would see me in disgust. Their little boy had become a fucked up little whore and he loves it. He pulled me off him and then told me to get on the bed. But I wanted him to watch me get fucked by him. I wanted to give this old guy a show of my hole and his cock. So I told him to lie down and I squatted my ass over him but not facing him. I wanted him to get a great view from behind of his hard raw poz old man cock sliding into my young boy hole. He was definitely more than twice my age, he was older than my parents for sure. I fucked myself onto his bare cock feeling my wet cunt slurp his cock. I felt my hole sucking on that cock. My ass lips protruding out and gripping is rod, sliding over ever vein and ripple of that diseased tool. I looked in the mirror again and saw myself at 25, riding a raw strangers cock that I knew was poz. My gym lean body looked more muscular that night in the dark lighting impaled on that cock. I watched as I slammed myself onto him hitting against his guy and loving it. I love getting fucked by nasty old poz men with crux belly and that wasted face look, this guy was perfect for then and I wanted more of him. Unfortunately he didn’t last long but I worked my ass up on his cock and milked out that load. Jerking my own cock until I came. I quickly got dressed and left. I realized his apartment was real close to ft tryon park and thought “fuck it, might as well cruise for more.” And I made my was to the area of the dog run in search of more disease…
    1 point
  47. Getting piss fucked is totally hot. I love it when a guy is filling my guts with his hot piss. I can feel the warmth and pressure inside me and know what he is doing in me. It is even better if he has been parTying. If he has been partying, the chem will be in his piss and my guts will absorb it and I'll get buzzed too. Just so you know, if a guy who has been partying pisses in you, not only will you get high, but it will show up in a drug test if your employer does random testing.
    1 point
  48. Love my fat ass used as a urinal. Reminds me of what pig I truly am. Haven't taken chem piss yet. Would love to try it.
    1 point
  49. i would never pull out as top and i certainly won't let a top pull out when he is fucking me
    1 point
  50. Not my story. Saw on another board & figured you guys would like to read the continuation. Drugged and Forced to be a Male Prostitute (Part 2) Kyle was taking his second load of poz cum of the afternoon and he was loving it. He knew from that point on he was gay. Over the next few hours he would take more loads from the 2 studs who had shown him how wonderful gay sax could be. All his life he would jerk off trying to think of a hot chick from school or a sexy super model. But now he knew his true self, his real sexual desires were being satisfied. Tyler was fucking Kyle when he said to Rickey, “This bitch is gona bring in some good cash.” “Hell yea Ty, once we get him built up a bit he’ll be a good addition to our coral.” “Look’s like he needs another slam.” “Yea, you’re right Ty. I’ll go get him one, I think he’ll be ready for the ‘DP’ after that.” “Right, I’ll flip on my back,” Tyler picked Kyle up and flipped over on his back without pulling out of their fuck toy. “That’s it, just rock back and forth a little while Rickey get’s you a little something to keep you feeling good.” Rickey returned and promptly gave Kyle another slam, this one stronger then the first. Kyle couldn’t sit up any more and laid down on Tyler’s chest immediately after the removal of the tourniquet as the drugs moved through his body. “OH FUCK!” escaped Kyle’s mouth as he lay on Tyler’s chest. Rickey didn’t waste any time and crawled up behind the drugged teen and slid his cock in along side his buddy’s as a louder “OH FUCK!” came from the drugged up boy. Kyle never knew his as could stretch that far, but as he accommodated the 2 cocks within him he felt an immense pleasure deep in side. Rickey and Tyler set about fucking into Kyle with such animalistic vigor the 2 studs knew that the teen would not escape their grasps as their new commodity. Kyle could only moan as he took the hard fucking of 2 cocks at the same time. Tyler and Rickey had an ability to sustain themselves when they double fucked a willing cunt and Kyle was no exception. Kyle took the simultaneous pounding for well over an hour before they shot their loads. Rickey was first (and in his position it was easier for him) to pound away at Kyle’s well stretched ass. There were a couple times he pulled out to the tip and rammed back in their new boy. He looked into Tyler’s eyes as he shot his load. Once Tyler felt his buddy’s cock spasm his thrusting picked up and he shot his load. The 3 sweaty body’s lay upon the bed as they each collected their breath. Tyler’s cock slipped out first followed by Rickey puling out. They pushed Kyle on his back and took a good size dildo to the boy’s hole, making sure to work their poz jism deeper into the drugged up boy. They were satisfied that their DNA was working its way within Kyle’s blood stream when they saw a red tinge on the end of the dildo. The dildo was removed and a large butt plug replaced it within the teen’s gapping hole. Rickey leaned in close to Kyle and told him, “You’ve been a good boy so far, but now it’s time to learn to suck cock and swallow cum. The rest of our ‘crew’ will be here soon and you will suck each one of them off.” Tyler added, “I’m sure they will love the opportunity to cum down your throat.” A naked Kyle was helped down to the living room as Rickey and Tyler pulled their cargo shorts and shorts back on. They made Kyle drink Gatorade (laced with G), as he watched bareback porn on the 60” plasma as they made sure he did not stroke his semi-hard cock. They could tell that the Viagra he took was not working as well as he was slowly getting Tina dick. Tyler commented, “Another good slam and he’ll be as limp as a wet noodle” as he went to administer a third slam to the drugged up fuck toy. “There ya go boy, you feeling good?” Kyle was in heaven. He had never done drugs before, not even a beer, and now he had been given 3 slams of crystal meth. All he could doo was nod yes as he was in a drugged up haze. His semi hard erection had become a shriveled up 2” boy clit, but he was horny as fuck. Kyle begged, “Please fuck me, I need to be fucked, please.” He was left, not allow to touch himself as he waited. Soon a couple young guys came through the door. They looked to be no older then Kyle, 18, if that. There was Jim, Bob and David. They almost had the same build as Kyle except for the fact that these three were a bit more muscular. The three were told “Kyle here is your new ‘brother’ and he wants to learn how to give a proper blow job. You will each get your reward once he has swallowed each and ever load you can give him. And remember, you can’t fuck him. We’ll be watching.” Jim was the first boy that they brought into the stables. He was a former high school wrestle and used to be straight when they drugged and thought him the joys of gay sex. After his indoctrination Jim broke up with his pregnant girlfriend and went to work for the roommates. There were a couple of boys after Jim, but one ran off with a ‘John’ and the other got killed. Then Bob was easily recruited into the stables. His father kicked him out after discovering he was gay and a drug user. He easily fit in with working as one of their male whores. The last one was David, he was a lonely gay boy in Chicago and found acceptance from the group. He was resistant at first to working for them, but after converting and testing poz he knew he had no place to go. Rickey and Tyler promised to take care of him. The 2 roommates did take care of their boys. They gave them a place to live, clothes, food, gym memberships and most important thing of all, AIDS medication. The three escorted Kyle up to one of the other bedrooms. The only furniture in this room was a couple mattresses on the floor and a dimly lit lamp in the corner. There was also a night vision camera in one of the corners so that the roommates could watch the three teach Kyle to suck cock. Jim said, “If you listen to us and do as we tell you, you will have no problem sucking any size cock into your throat, and with Bob’s length you might even get his cum to bypass your mouth and go directly down your throat.” Jim was first, by seniority, and dropped his shorts. He pulled Kyle’s head into his crotch. “Just lick it for now, lick from my balls to the tip of my cock.” Kyle began to work his tongue all over Jim’s cock and balls. And with the T and G in him he was really getting into this. It didn’t take long for Jim to get hard. Then Jim told his cock sucker, “Open your mouth and suck it in, and remember to watch your teeth. No ‘John’ likes his dick scraped by a boys teeth when he’s getting sucked.” Kyle did just as he was told, and he was sucking his first cock. “Oh yea, that’s it. Work my pole with that mouth of yours.” Jim hadn’t been allowed to cum on almost a week and he couldn’t hold back any longer. He grabbed Kyle's head to make sure that he wouldn’t pull off, looked down at Kyle and told him, “Make sure you show the camera the cum in your mouth before you swallow ever drop.” Jim then began to pant as Kyle felt his cock thicken in his mouth, then “OH YEAH!” Jim shouted out as he fired a weeks worth of cum into Kyle’s mouth. Jim made sure that Kyle showed his open mouth to the camera so that their pimps could see the fresh cum in his mouth before he swallowed it down. Kyle didn’t have much time to catch his breath as David pulled Kyle between his legs. David grabbed his cock sucker’s head and forced the length of his tool to the back of his throat. With Jim at his side, Kyle was coached on how to breathe, work his tongue and his mouth on a cock to give the best blow job known. David just sat back as his balls boiled to overflow and soon Kyle was eating his second load of cum. Kyle finished to look up at Bob stroking a massive 9” cock, bigger then what the roommates had. Kyle was trying to figure out how he’d get that in his mouth when Jim encouraged him, “Just remember what I told you about breathing through your nose and to relax.” Kyle crawled on his knees over to Bob and began by licking his balls. Bob kept stroking as Kyle worked his tongue up the shaft to the tip as Bob moved his hand to the back of Kyle’s head. Rickey and Tyler watched on the group on the plasma knowing that this was going to be a brutal face fuck. Kyle was not prepared for Bob’s cock. He thrusted his massive 9” deep into Kyle’s throat. Since their working boys aren’t allowed to fuck, this is Bob’s way of working out his frustrations. Kyle’s eyes welled up with tears as his throat took a rough fucking similar to that his ass took earlier. With Jim’s instructions and encouragement and his own determination, Kyle was able to accommodate the cock in his throat. Bob was one to take a long time no matter when he shot last. He was a brutal top that was turned into a whore bottom. When he got this rare chance to use his dick, he made the most of it. Kyle quickly learned to relax his throat as Bob rammed his shaft in and out of his mouth. Kyle did his best to put up with the face fucking and just as his jaw began to get sore he felt the cock in his throat began to swell then spasms as Bob was delivering his load directly into his gut. Bob pulled back a bit to give Kyle the last few spurts before smacking him across the face with his still hard cock. “I fucking wish I could breed this bitch! I’m still fucking hard.” Just as Bob finished talking the bedroom door opened up and in walked Rickey and Tyler. Rickey asked, “Nice job boys, you think this bitch will be ready to work the party tomorrow night?” “I’m sure with some personal tutoring I can have him ready Boss”, Bob was quick to say. But he knew he had no chance of fucking the new kid. The boys were there to be fucked and to suck the various guys who paid their way into the party. “OK boys, Tyler has your work assignments for the night. Remember, cash up front and we know how much you will be getting for each of your John’s.” The boys left the room leaving Kyle on his knees in front of Rickey.
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