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  1. Again not mine I just altered it to fit breeding zones rules THE BUILDER - by pedro976 - This story is a work of fiction. If you are under 18 or material of this nature is illegal in your present area. By continuing, you are confirming that it is legal for you to view the material in this story. In addition, you are agreeing that the author, editor, and this site will not be held responsible for any consequences of you viewing or downloading the story. - - - - 1 - - - - Krzysztof's spunk splashed across Tom's open mouth, coating his lips and tongue in thick creamy cum. "FUCK YEAH" grunted the massive muscle hunk as he stroked out the last few drops into his little boy's mouth. Tom was lying on his bed staring up wide eyed at the builder who was straddling him, his massive legs were either side of the eighteen year olds head. Moments before the thick meaty thighs now framing his face had been pounding Tom for the second time that night. His arse was still raw and open from the merciless fucking. Once the effect of the cocaine wore away Tom was pretty sure he was going to be barely able to walk. At that moment though he didn't care. He was still experiencing the effects of the drugs and he was completely in awe of the man God who had opened up a whole new world of pleasure to him. Krzysztof looked down at him and smiled. "Good little baby?" he asked, wiping his slippery cum covered cock against the teenagers plump lips. "God, yeah, it was good" replied Tom breathlessly. Krzysztof raised an eyebrow and Tom realised immediately that he had forgotten to refer to Krzysztof in the way he preferred. "It was good Daddy" he corrected himself. Krzysztof laughed "You learn baby" and then climbing off Tom and standing up he said "I shower" and with that he walked out of the bedroom. Tom watched the massive Eastern European builder's broad muscular back and powerful arse as he left. He breathed a deep sigh and looked up at the ceiling. "Wow" he muttered to himself, but what now? He was completely wired on the cocaine and was not tired at all. He heard the sound of the shower from the bathroom. After a short time Krzysztof returned and pulled on his jeans and vest. "Are you going?" asked Tom disappointedly. "Yes" replied Krzysztof and saw the dejected look on Tom's face. "You come" said Krzysztof. "Oh" said Tom, a smile replacing the frown "Where to?" "You see" came the builder's mysterious reply. - - - - 2 - - - - Tom had showered himself then the big man had led him to his van and they had driven away from his house and into town. Tom's enquiries about where they were going were met with silence and so instead the two of them had made small talk about other stuff. The drugs were wearing off a little bit though and Tom began to worry a bit about what he was getting himself into. Soon enough Krzysztof parked the van next to a row of garages and turned off the engine. "We here" he said, picking up his bag and opening the driver's door. Tom got out the passenger side and walked around. They had arrived at a small block of flats. The building was well lit and looked pretty modern. Still, Tom could not help but feel more than a little apprehensive about what he was walking into. Then again it was night time, he was not too sure what part of town they were in and he had no means of getting home. Following Krzysztof who had begun to walk into the building was his only option. The huge man turned around to look at him as he caught up and must have noted the apprehension on his face. "Don't worry little baby" he said "I sort you out in flat, make feel happy again" and he gave Tom a reassuring smile. Tom assumed he meant more cocaine. It is ok he told himself. He had only sniffed a small amount. The tiny line in the bathroom and the two lines in the bedroom. That was not so much he reasoned. Even if he did a little bit more he would be back home tomorrow and there was plenty of recovery time before his mother returned from her business trip. Krzysztof rung a flat number and the security door buzzed open. The two of them went in and took the lift. "My friend, he has, what do you call it, top floor flat" Krzysztof tried to explain. "Oh" Tom realised what he was saying "You mean the penthouse flat?" "Yeah" smiled Krzysztof "The penthouse" and the way he pronounced the word made Tom laugh. "Hey, no laugh at accent" Krzysztof complained and he took Tom's head in the iron grip of his massive hands, leant down and kissed the teenager forcefully. Tom responded in kind and felt himself getting instantly aroused. Before he could do anything else the lift pinged and the doors opened. Krzysztof pulled away "Come" he beckoned and the two of them left the lift and walked into the corridor. It was obvious to Tom from the single door that the flat they were going to was the only one on this floor. Krzysztof didn't knock the door because it had already been unlocked. Tom could hear that dance music was playing inside. Pushing the door open the two of them walked into the flat. Tom had to admire his surroundings. The entrance led straight into the main living area which was modernly furnished to a high finish. There were two large leather sofas either side of the room. In the middle was a huge matching leather table that was the size of a double bed and Tom assumed could be used to sit on as well as keep magazines and stuff. Double doors led out onto a wooden decked balcony that looked out over town. It was lit up with night lights and the doors were slightly open to allow the breeze in. It was a bit much to take in, especially the massive flat screen television on the wall which was playing a porn movie involving a huge gay orgy. "Hey Krzysztof" shouted a voice and a guy walked in from a room that Tom assumed was the bedroom. He was a little shorter than Krzysztof but was still over six feet. It was what he was wearing that caught Tom's attention first. He had a leather cross belt strapped tight across his defined hairy pecs. On his wrist he wore a leather gauntlet and then a pair of tight leather trousers. That was it. Tom raised his eyebrows. He had seen guys wearing leather on the various porn sites he visited but he had never really thought it was something that would turn him on. It did now though, his cock stiffened a little at the site in front of him. Tom took in the rest of the guy. He had short close cropped dark brown hair, designer stubble and was around forty years old. He was muscled but nowhere near as large as Krzysztof. His face was angular and he had sharp eyes. He was very sexy. "Mateusz" greeted Krzysztof and the two men hugged. They spoke in Polish for a short while making Tom feel a little uncomfortable before Krzysztof turned and introduced him. "Mateusz, this Tom. It his first time" explained Krzysztof. "Hello Tom" greeted Mateusz and before Tom could say hi in return the man grabbed him by the waist band and pulled him against him. "Mmmm" he growled leaning down so his face was against Tom's. He stretched out his tongue and licked up from Tom's chin across his mouth and to his nose in one motion. Much like a lion may lick the face of its mate thought Tom. "We will make your first time a good one" he promised Tom and laughed. Tom was not quite sure what to do so he smiled nervously. Mateusz let him go. "Rack up some stuff Krzysztof" he ordered "then you can get Tom changed and we can have some fun" Krzysztof used a little mirror that was sat on the large sofa table and laid out six lines of cocaine. "Guests first" offered Mateusz and Tom took the rolled up note he was offered. He hesitated slightly. Should he do more drugs? He accepted that he didn't really have much choice given his situation. Fuck it, he thought. He would just do this little bit more, the first lines he had done back at home had made him feel amazing and if he was going to stay with these two guys then he guessed he was going to need that feeling again. He snorted both the lines and allowed the wave of euphoria to begin to take effect as he watched Krzysztof then Mateusz snort up the remainder of the cocaine. "Right" said Krzysztof taking Tom's hand "You change" He led his boy into the bedroom from where Mateusz had emerged. Tom followed not quite sure what was expected of him. The cocaine had made him not particularly bothered. He laughed when he saw the collection of leather gear on the bed. "I never thought I would ever do anything like this" he said picking up some of the kit. "You put these on" said Krzysztof holding up a pair of leather wrist gauntlets. Tom slipped them on and did them up. He noticed that each gauntlet had two clasps and he realised that they could be locked together like handcuffs. Krzysztof held out a leather jock strap. It was studded and the way it was designed meant that Tom's arse would be totally exposed and only his cock would be covered. He realised he was going to get fucked again. His cock twitched at the thought. He quickly got undressed as he chatted and laughed with Krzysztof at what leather kit to wear. The cocaine had done its work again and Tom totally relaxed. He slid into the studded leather jock as Krzysztof reached out and put a studded metal dog collar around his neck. There was a full length mirror standing in the corner of the room and Tom stood and admired himself. He looked hot. Krzysztof pulled off his own clothes and stood completely naked watching him. His cock was fully erect and throbbing. Tom saw him in the reflection of the mirror and turned to look. "Wow" he said admiring the man's muscular body once more. "Just... Wow" Krzysztof laughed and flexed his massive body. "Are you wearing anything?" Tom asked Krzysztof. "I too big" replied the giant and to illustrate his point he held up a leather strap that Tom assumed was meant to go around a bicep. Krzysztof flexed showing of his muscles and Tom realised the strap would not even fit around one half of the hunk's huge arms. "Come on you two" shouted Mateusz from the other room. "We need this" said Krzysztof and he picked up the full length mirror and carried it from the bedroom and into the living room. Tom took a deep breath and then followed. - - - - 3 - - - - He walked in to see Krzysztof positioning the mirror in front of the sofa table that dominated the centre of the room between the two large sofas. "Here's our boy" said Mateusz "Looking good you little leather bitch" he laughed. Tom laughed with him and his cock twitched in the jock. "Looks like your horny" said Mateusz and he came and stood right next to Tom looking down at him. He took Tom's face in one hand. "Are you horny for me baby?" he whispered to him. Tom's cock was rock hard now. "Yeah" he whispered back. Mateusz snogged him deeply. His tongue slid into Tom's mouth. Tom tried to respond but Mateusz's tongue dominated his own and pressed deep into his throat. "Mmmm" growled Mateusz pulling away. "Do you want to feel great Tom" he whispered to him. Krzysztof was stood watching them slowly wanking his massive tool. Tom, at that moment, only had eyes for Mateusz who held his head tight, gazed deeply into his eyes and fixed him with a smouldering stare. "Do you?" he asked again. "Yeah" Tom replied. Transfixed by the gorgeous eyes staring into him. Mateusz reached to a small table on the side and picked up a small clear glass tube that ended in a little ball. It was had trails of smoke coming from a small hole at the end and Tom realised it was a pipe of some sort. "Smoke it baby" ordered Mateusz. "Is it cannabis?" asked Tom. "Not quite, its meth" came the reply. Tom had no idea what that was. He guessed it was some sort of cannabis and because it was only smoking he thought it can't be that bad a thing to do. Mateusz held the pipe to Tom's lips and Tom inhaled. Smoke billowed out his mouth at first and Mateusz told him to breathe deeply and hold the smoke in. Tom tried again and this time he succeeded in smoking it properly. He exhaled and then had another go. "That's enough for the minute mate" said Mateusz and he handed the pipe to Krzysztof who held it to his own lips. Tom was about to ask what he could expect to happen but he didn't need to for just at that minute it hit him. The cocaine was one thing but this was something else entirely. The high was so intense. His eyes rolled back into his head. "Woh" he said. "Good isn't it" laughed Mateusz who had been smoking the meth before Tom and Krzysztof came in from the bedroom. Krzysztof came up behind Tom. He handed the pipe to Mateusz who took a huge drag and held the smoke in his mouth before bending down and snogging Tom. Along with Mateusz's tongue, Tom's mouth was filled with the meth vapours. His cock was raging hard and he opened his lips and let Mateusz dominate his mouth once more. He felt Krzysztof take his hands and pull them behind his back. He heard the clasps of the wrist cuffs lock. His arms were now secure behind his back but he didn't care as he took all of Mateusz's big tongue into his mouth. He moaned and Mateusz pushed harder against him, gripping the back of his head and snogging him hard. Tom flinched slightly as he felt Krzysztof slide a finger into his tight hole. "You so tight baby" growled Krzysztof as he pushed in a second digit and began to finger fuck his little boy's hole. Tom couldn't reply as Mateusz's tongue pushed his own down and pushed deep into the back of his throat. He could only moan with the pleasure flowing over him. Mateusz released him and Krzysztof took his fingers from Tom's tight pussy and put his massive arms around him from behind and held him tight. Mateusz stepped back and took a final drag on the meth pipe. He put it down and then slowly and deliberately undid the zip on his leather trousers. Tom's eyes widened. Mateusz took out in his hand a massive cock. It was well over twelve inches thought Tom. Longer and thicker Krzysztof's and that was the biggest tool Tom had ever seen until now. "Hold him" Mateusz said to Krzysztof and Krzysztof spun Tom around so he was facing him. He gripped the trussed up lad tight in a muscular embrace. Tom's head rested against his powerful pecs. Tom felt that Mateusz had come up behind him and then he felt the huge cock at the entrance to his hole. He squeezed his eyes tight shut. Mateusz took hold of his hips and Tom felt his sphincter begin to rip open as the massive cock head pushed hard into him. His arse muscles gave way under the onslaught and Tom felt the huge shaft follow. It never ended and Tom felt light headed and dizzy as Mateusz grunted and pushed into him further. Krzysztof tightened his hug and held the boy still. "FUCK BITCH" grunted Mateusz "TAKE IT ALL" and he pushed the last few inches into the teenager. Tom cried out and Krzysztof pushed his head against his massive chest muffling the cry. "FUCK YEAAAAAH" laughed Mateusz. "The little bitch has taken it all." He put his mouth next to Tom's ear and whispered "How does it feel to have all my cock in you baby?" Tom let out a muffled cry. "Fuck him" growled Krzysztof and Mateusz took up the idea. He slid the massive shaft out all the way and just as Tom's tight hole began to close he slammed it back into him. Tom's cries were muffled into Krzysztof's huge body. Mateusz began to fuck Tom relentlessly, pounding in and out of him. The meth, mixed with the pleasure and the intense pain caused Tom to black out for a moment. He tried to say something but only animal grunts were coming from his lips. The fucking was intense and Mateusz was moaning loudly as he fed his monster meat into the boy. Tom felt himself blacking out again and the last thing he heard was Mateusz moaning that he was going to breed his hole. - - - - 4 - - - - Tom slowly opened his eyes. He was laying face down on the sofa table in the centre of the room. Jesus, he thought, he must have finally slipped into some drug and sex induced coma. He tried to move his arms but realised that he was still wearing the wrist cuffs and they remained locked behind his back. He was about to get up and ask for someone to take the things of him but before he could do anything his tight boy hole suddenly exploded with pain as it was forced open. "AWWWWWWW FUCK" he cried out as the pain around pleasure rippled out from his sphincter muscle. Tom could not turn to look behind himself but the full length mirror was still positioned in front of where he lay and he looked into it to discover the source of his violation. He expected to see Krzysztof or Mateusz behind him but instead there was an insanely muscular ripped black man stood there, his huge hands clenching Tom's hips tightly. He had obviously just driven what was an enormous thick black cock into Tom's little arse. Tom took in the stranger's appearance. He was very tall and very muscular, every bit the size of Krzysztof. His pec muscles were so ripped they had thick veins appearing at their edges that ran over his shoulders and down his bulging biceps and trunk like arms. His nipples were massive and one of them had a silver metal bar piercing. The defined six pack of his stomach was matched only by his perfect V shaped torso. There was not an ounce of fat on him. Finally Tom was able to look at his face. He had strong afro-Caribbean features, a neatly trimmed goatee beard and from what Tom could see a shaved head. He was wearing a leather police officers cap. Around his arms were tight bicep straps making his muscles bulge even more. He wore a leather harness over his shoulders and chest and leather gauntlets on his wrist. He looked as if he had walked straight out of a fetish porn movie. He must have arrived when Tom was out of it. Tom felt the man's massive shaft push further into him, it kept coming and Tom thought it would never end. "Urrrrrrrrrrrgh" he closed his eyes tight and winced as the cock slid up deep inside him. Just when Tom thought he couldn't take anymore he felt the man's thighs touch his little bubble butt and come to a halt. "I have woken our little slut up" he heard the black man say in a deep voice and there was laughter. Tom lay still with his shut and tried to get used to the monster cock throbbing inside his hole. "Hey Tom, Tom baby, open your eyes" said Mateusz. Tom did as he was told and saw that Mateusz was knelt down next to him. The man cupped Tom's face in his hands. "Ok baby?" he asked "You are going to love Marc fucking you, but you probably need some help" and Tom saw that he had in his hand the little pipe that contained the meth. Mateusz held it to Tom's lips and the boy smoked it. He inhaled deeply. "Hold it in baby" commanded Mateusz and Tom held the smoke at the back of his throat and felt the vapours rushing straight to his brain. He eventually breathed the smoke out. The high came to him almost instantly and it was very strong. Mateusz watched as Tom's pupils dilated and then he gently patted Tom's cheek before standing up. "You're good to go stud" he said to Marc. "Right on" he replied, the sense of anticipation in his voice was clear. Tom breathed deeply as his high swept over his body, loosening his joints and relaxing his inhibitions once more. He looked into the mirror and saw the black hunk keep one hand on his hips and place the other over the wrist cuffs that still bound his hands behind his back. He pulled Tom back towards him so that his cock entered the lad all the way. "Mmmmmm" moaned Tom in pleasure. "We are going to start slow baby boy" promised Marc and Tom felt him begin to withdraw his huge meat. It slid back out of his cunt almost all the way to the huge cock head. Marc let it rest at the entrance to the teenager's hole for the moment before he let his powerful hip muscles move his tool back down inside the boy's cunt. "Yeah baby" he whispered "Nice and slow" "Mmmmm yeah" replied Tom. The gentle sensation of the cock slowly sliding against is prostate and deep into his guts made him shiver with pleasure. "Fuck that's good" he groaned as Marc began a slow but powerful rhythm. Each time making sure he pushed his hard thick cock as far as it would possibly go in, before slowly sliding it back out. Tom laid his head to the side to be more comfortable. He could see that Krzysztof and Mateusz were sat naked on one of the sofas smoking the meth from the pipe. Krzysztof saw him looking and blew him a kiss. "Don't worry, I fuck you more soon" he promised Tom. Marc slowly fucked Tom's hole with powerful muscular strokes. Tom moaned with each long thrust and withdrawal. Marc pulled out of him. "You're going to ride me now baby" he ordered and he undid the clasp to the wrist cuffs and let Tom's hands free. Tom brought his arms round to his front and sat up. He rotated his shoulder and felt the feeling come back into them after having been bound up in one place. "You ok little mate?" asked Mateusz who was still sat on the sofa smoking the meth with Krzysztof and enjoying the show. "Um yeah, I think so" replied Tom but as he tried to get up his legs were weak under him and he stumbled. Krzysztof jumped up from the sofa, the meth pipe still in one hand and caught Tom in the other him before he fell completely. "Easy baby" said the giant man and he cuddled Tom against his strong muscular chest. Tom rested against him, feeling his warmth and also feeling his legs come back to life. Krzysztof had encircled him with his huge arms and he looked down at the boy and Tom looked up. They smiled at each other and Krzysztof put the meth pipe to Tom's lips. The teenager was hooked on the intense high it gave and sucked in a deep lung full. Krzysztof still held the pipe there and so Tom inhaled a few more times whilst clinging to the hunk. Krzysztof passed the pipe back to Mateusz and picked the boy up in his arms. He cuddled him tight. "Now better" he said. Tom looked at him with big eyes. His pupils dilated from the wave of the high now washing over him. They kissed passionately and deeply. After a short time Krzysztof pulled away and moaned deeply. "Baby so horny" he growled then glancing over to the other sofa he smiled and said "Someone wants you" Tom looked over and saw that Marc was sat on the sofa watching them. The huge black man had his legs spread wide. He was still in his full leather gear and he had his massive dick in his hand. He was stroking it slowly. Krzysztof carried Tom over him. "I said you were going to ride me baby" said Marc. Krzysztof lowered the boy down onto the massive black shaft. Tom felt the dick stretch open his sphincter and then slide up inside him. Krzysztof lowered him all the way down so he was sat on Marc's lap facing the dark ripped stud. "That's fucking hot" he heard Mateusz comment and Krzysztof stepped away from the two of them. "Mmmmmm yeah" groaned Marc and he took hold of Tom's hips to make sure every last centimetre of his huge cock was inside the lad. "God that's so deep" moaned Tom, tilting his head back. "Ride it boy" ordered Marc. Tom lifted himself slowly to the top of the black dick and then allowed himself to slide down it to the base. "YEEEEEEAH" growled Marc and as Tom began to repeat the motion Marc thrust his hips upwards causing Tom to moan in pleasure and pain. The meth had hold of the teenager and he placed his hands on Marc's big pecs as he began to bounce harder and faster on the dick. "FUCK BABY" groaned Marc and he gripped Tom's hips tight and pistoned his cock into the boy's tight little cunt. Tom was moaning continually now as the huge shaft tore him into. They were fucking wildly. Tom put his hands around the back of Marc's head and rested his face against his. They looked into each other's eyes. Grunting and moaning, high on the drugs and determined to fuck like animals. "You fucking bitch" whispered Marc into Tom's face as he drove his dick harder and faster into him. He spat into the teenagers mouth. "Fuck me, fuck me hard" begged Tom as he swallowed the spit. Marc began kissing him hard as he gripped his hips tighter and ploughed him. Their tongues frantically exploring the others mouth, their spit mixing together. Marc spat into the boys mouth again and again. Tom loved it and gripped the man's head tighter so that his tongue could be as far into the hunks mouth as it would go. Marc plunged his cock into Tom as hard he could but gripped the boy hard so he stayed impaled on it. Tom leant backwards and moaned loudly. The frantic fucking had suddenly stopped and the contrast of having Marc's huge meat resting all the way inside him sent waves of pleasure from his arse all over his body. He leant back and rested placed his hands on Marc's thick legs to steady himself. "God" he whispered and took deep breaths. Suddenly he felt a pair of hands reach around from behind him and begin to tug his nipples. He moaned and turned his head around. Krzysztof had moved behind him and Tom lent his head back against the man's massive chest and looked up into his face. Krzysztof had seen how much his baby had enjoyed Marc's gob so he spat down into the boy's face. "You like" he said and before getting an answer he bent down and started to snog Tom ferociously. Tom moaned and kissed Krzysztof back, Marc's cock was still throbbing inside his tight hole. Krzysztof pulled away and produced two bottles of poppers. He handed one to Marc who undid the lid and sniffed deeply. "Come here baby" Marc ordered and Tom lent back in towards him. The two of them inhaled the poppers together. Taking long deep sniffs. Tom felt his head get hot and his face flush and let the effects take hold of him. Krzysztof reached around from behind him. Tom had heard him sniffing deeply on the second bottle of poppers but now that bottle was placed under his own nose. Mark held the first bottle up to him allowing Tom to have one bottle under each nostril. The aroma flooded into him and he felt dizzy at the effects. Suddenly next to Marc's huge black dick Tom felt his arse being stretched even more. He realised in a panic that Krzysztof was forcing his own massive dick into the tight boy cunt. Tom went to wriggle away. "Hold him" Krzysztof ordered Marc and with his free hand the black leather hunk gripped Tom around the waist in a vice like hold. "Just breathe deeply" Marc said reassuringly and with the two bottles of poppers under his nose Tom breathed in through his nose then out through his mouth. A continuous circulation of fresh poppers aroma was flooding through him. But even with the help of the poppers relaxing him Tom thought he was going to die. Krzysztof pushed into him slowly. Tom couldn't even cry out. He just squeezed his eyes tight shut and whimpered. All the while the poppers were taking holding of him. The pain was intense but it was mixed with a throbbing pleasurable ache that sent spasms through his arse. Just when he thought he was going to pass out Krzysztof stopped. "I in you now baby" he said. He had pushed his thick cock all the way into the boy and it now rested tight up against Marc's throbbing monster. The two muscle men's meaty spunk filled bollocks rested on each other. Both Marc and Krzysztof took the poppers away. They sniffed them themselves before putting them to one side. "Ready?" asked Krzysztof. Tom had become a bit more accustomed to the two huge cocks inside him. He breathed deeply. The poppers had made him feel like a dirty horny bitch. He wanted this. "Yeah" he said softly. "Tell us baby" said Marc "Tell us how much you want your Daddy's to fuck you yeah?" "I want my Daddy's to fuck me" begged Tom "I want your big Daddy dicks inside me, I want it so much" "Do you want Daddy cum in you?" growled Krzysztof in his ear. "Yeah, I want your cum in me, I want my Daddy's to make me their bitch" "MMMMMmmmm" moaned Krzysztof, turned on by hearing the innocent little boy begging to be treated like a whore. His dick swelled in the lad stretching his hole further still. "You're a lucky boy because you have got three Daddies' here" said Marc and Tom realised that Mateusz had come over to them. He was sniffing from a bottle of poppers and once he had finished he playfully ruffled Tom's hair. "Where do you want your third Daddy to put his dick?" asked Marc. "In my mouth" answered Tom quickly. Marc laughed "What do you say boy? Ask properly?" "Please Daddy" begged Tom "Please feed your big Daddy cock into my mouth" "FUCK" growled Krzysztof "It time for little bitch" and Tom felt him pull his cock out from his hole before smashing it back into him. Tom cried out in pain and Mateusz took the opportunity to stand on the sofa next to where Marc was sitting with the boy on his lap and grab Tom's head in his hands. He shoved his twitching wet cock into the lad's open mouth forcing it right down his throat. "FUCK YEAH" moaned Mateusz and he began to face fuck the little bitch. Tom's own moans and cries were muffled by the massive shaft pistoning in and out of his wet teenage mouth. Krzysztof had his huge hands on Tom's shoulders and was using his might to pull the boy down onto the two huge dicks that were inside him. The muscular builder began to drive upwards into him as hard as he could. Marc held the boy tight against his massive pec muscles. His arms were around the boy's waist and his biceps bulged as he hugged him tight. He began to thrust his hips upwards and he could feel his shaft rubbing against Krzysztof's as they alternatively ploughed in and out of the little cunt's tight pussy hole. "Take those dicks baby" moaned Marc "you take your Daddies big dicks" Krzysztof was wild. He only cared about getting off. The drugs had made it difficult to cum whilst driving him crazy with lust. He rammed his monster meat in and out of the boy as hard as he could. His great thighs smashed mercilessly against the little butt. The rubbing of his dick and smacking of his bollocks against Marc's was loud in the room. The three Daddies' were moaning loudly. Egging each other on as the dicks violated the little teenager. They drove into his arse and his mouth without stopping. Tom was held so firmly he could do nothing except take what his Daddy's were giving to him. The meth and the poppers had driven him crazy with lust and he moaned as the dicks tore into him. He wanted his Daddy's to give it to him so much. "I am going to cum, I am going to cum" cried Mateusz and he pulled his cock from out Tom's throat and began to wank it furiously. He used his other hand to grip the back of Tom's head. Krzysztof and Marc began to pound the boy as hard as they could. Their dicks smashing into him. Tom moaned and cried out his head back and his mouth wide open ready to receive Mateusz spunk. "FUUUUUUUCK" cried Mateusz and his nob head exploded as thick strands of Daddy spunk fired out his slit and coated Tom's mouth. Huge globs of it splashed across the boy's young face and into his hair. "AHHHHH, AHHHHH, AHHHHH" cried Mateusz as he shoved his cock back into the hot little mouth. He rammed it deep down the boy's throat allowing his spunk to dribble out and into the lad. "GOD" he cried before pulling his dick out and wiping it across Tom's cum coated lips. Krzysztof and Marc were still pounding the tight little pussy with stopping and Tom, the warm cum in his mouth and over his face, moaned loudly. "YEEEEEEES, YEEEEEEES" shouted Marc and Tom felt a great eruption in his guts as Marc drove into him with all his might and unleashed wave after wave of searing hot spunk inside him. "SHIT BITCH" he groaned and spat into Tom's face. His saliva mixed with Mateusz's cum and ran down Tom's chin. Mateusz laughed and Marc moaned in fulfilment. Krzysztof slowly eased off his pounding and Tom felt Marc slide out of him. "Lick his dick" ordered Mateusz as Marc stood up next to him on the sofa leaving Tom on his knees and Krzysztof still behind him with his dick imbedded deep to the hilt. Tom took hold of the huge black rod and put it in his mouth. Mateusz pushed his own dick against Tom's lips and the young lad took hold of it. He cleaned his Daddy's cocks with his tongue making sure to swallow every last drop of their cum. Krzysztof watched from behind him and when he saw that Tom had licked up all the creamy mess he picked up Tom by the hips and stood up being careful to keep his dick firmly plugged in the boy's arse. He carried him over to the sofa table and put him down on it so he was facing the mirror. Tom, on all fours, looked at his own reflection and the sight of the huge muscle stud behind him his giant hands clamped firmly on Tom's hips. "I going to fuck you now" promised Krzysztof and he began to plunge his dick in and out of the tight hole. All the time he fixed his gaze on Tom's in the reflection of the mirror and watched his taut hugely muscular body tense and flex as he pounded the teenager's cunt. Marc and Mateusz came and stood either side of the massive Eastern European builder and ran their hands over his chest and shoulders. Tom took the pounding, moaning and whimpering. He saw that Marc was pulling Krzysztof's nipples driving the huge man on even more. Mateusz had picked up one of the bottles of poppers and undoing the lid he held it under Krzysztof's nose. The hunk sniffed deeply and the poppers drove him wild again. He was a fuck machine. He pounded Tom's hole without any let up. The giant dick smacked into the cunt again and again. Marc's spunk still coated Tom's arse and Krzysztof's dick was lubbed up on it. It allowed the muscle God to drive into Tom without resistance. Tom moaned loudly as he watched the stud behind him high on poppers fuck him like an animal. Krzysztof took another sniff of the poppers then pushed Tom down so he was no longer on all fours and instead was lying on his stomach. The builder climbed onto the sofa table himself and began to pound Tom even harder. He could feel the spunk building and he drove on and on into his baby. "Get the Dildo" said Mateusz and Marc reached back to the sofa and picked up the large plastic object. He handed it to Mateusz who put it against the entrance of Krzysztof's hole. The powerful muscular arse of the builder was pounding up and down as he nailed Tom onto the sofa table. Mateusz pushed the dildo and felt the resistance of Krzysztof's own tight cunt. "YEEEEEEAH" growled the big muscle stud as he felt the dildo enter him and Mateusz pushed it in further. The dildo pushing into his arse sent Krzysztof over the edge and felt his massive bollocks tighten. "FUUUUUCK" he cried and he rammed his cock deep into Tom's cunt as his hot semen poured like a torrent out his nob slit. It flooded Tom's arse with thick Daddy juice. "AHHHHHHHHH" cried Krzysztof as he slowed his thrusting and let his dick empty. He slowly came to a halt and pulled out of the boy. Tom collapsed. "God, God" was all he could mutter over and over. Mateusz took hold of him and rolled him over. He laughed "amazing yeah baby?" "God" was all Tom could say and Mateusz laughed again. Krzysztof strode around to Tom's face. His body was glistening with sweat. He wiped his cock over the boys face. Mateusz still held the dildo that he had used to push into Krzysztof and he put it to the boy's lips. "Lick your Daddy's scent off of it" he told Tom and so the boy opened his lips and began to run his tongue over the plastic. Krzysztof put his own dick into Tom's mouth and the lad tasted his Daddy's arse and his cum at the same time. Suddenly Tom felt a wave of pleasure spreading over him. Marc had knelt down and put Tom's legs over his shoulders. He was deeply licking the cum out of the gaping teenager's arse whilst wanking his cock hard. "MMMMMMMM" moaned Tom over the mouthful of cock and dildo. Suddenly he felt his cock begin to spurt load after load of spunk. "Yeah baby" growled Mateusz as Tom's entire body convulsed as he covered himself in his juice. After every little drop had leaked out Marc stood up and the three men stood around Tom looking down. "Phew, fuck, that was hot. Lets shower" said Marc and led the way from the front room. "I will bring the dildo" said Mateusz. Krzysztof laughed and picked up his little boy. Putting Tom over his shoulder he patted his arse and carried him into the bathroom
    10 points
  2. This isn't mine I've just altered it slightly to make it conform to breeding zones rules THE BUILDER - by pedro976 - This story is a work of fiction. If you are under 18 or material of this nature is illegal in your present area. By continuing, you are confirming that it is legal for you to view the material in this story. In addition, you are agreeing that the author, editor, and this site will not be held responsible for any consequences of you viewing or downloading the story. - - - - 1 - - - - Barbara Hastings walked down her hallway to the foot of the staircase drew, in one almighty breath and bellowed: "Thomas Hastings! If you do not drag yourself out of that pit of a bed now then you will wish you had not been born!" She was fairly certain that her neighbour's four doors down would have heard her shouting but she could not care less. She had a flight to catch and she was running perilously late. No response. She sucked in another lung full of air ready to bellow again but suddenly her eighteen year old son appeared at the top of the staircase. He was quite tall for his age. His skill as a runner and regular attendance at the local athletics club had given him a thin toned build. He was wearing just his pyjama bottoms exposing his smooth hairless chest. His blonde hair was tussled from where he had been sleeping and he blearily rubbed his eyes. He was a strikingly good looking boy. He took after his father on that front thought Barbara Hastings as she looked up at him. Shame that shit bag of a man had left them four years ago for that slut of a personal assistant. "What is it Mum?" He mumbled "its 7am and the school holidays! Why are you shouting up..." "Tom. For crying out loud" cut in Barbara Hastings "You clearly do not listen to a word I say. I am leaving now to catch my flight to The Hague. The builder starts today on the kitchen and you need to be up and dressed by 8am to let him in. Do not leave him on the doorstep waiting because you are in bed asleep, do you hear me?" It suddenly all came flooding back to Tom. His Mum had to travel for work and was going to be gone for four days. He had persuaded her that he was mature enough not to need any form of baby sitter and in any event she had arranged for the kitchen to be refitted whilst she was away. He had used the presence of a builder to argue that he would not be alone in any event. She had eventually agreed but on the condition he let the builder in each morning at 8am and stayed at home to make sure nothing went wrong. That suited Tom down to the ground. He wanted to crash out playing computer games and watching movies and was looking forward to four days without chores or nagging because if there was one thing Barbara Hastings excelled at, it was nagging. "Yeah I hear you" he answered. His mother was about to say more, clearly unsatisfied with his dismissive tone, but he was saved by the horn of the taxi that had arrived to take her to the airport. "That is the taxi, I am off, see you in four days" With that she grabbed her suitcase and rushed out the door. The slam echoed around the house for a moment before all was quite once more. Tom took a deep breath, yawned, stretched and then went straight back to bed. - - - - 2 - - - - Whoever was banging, Tom wished they would stop. He rolled over to the other side of his double bed and pulled the pillow over his head. The banging continued. What on earth were they doing he thought. "Shit!" he suddenly muttered. It must be the builder banging the front door. He scrambled out of bed and saw that the time was just after 8am. He could imagine his mother's face if she knew that he had fallen back asleep. It was not a nice image. "Shit, shit, shit!" he cried as he charged out of his bedroom and down the stairs. He got to the front door and without thinking he threw it open. What he saw in front of him made him gasp in surprise. Stood on the door step was the man who was clearly there to refit the kitchen. Tom could tell because there was a bag of tools in his hand and a builders van parked on the drive. What made him gasp was the size of the guy. He was huge. He towered over Tom and must have been at least 6'7" if not taller. He had a shaved head, piercing blue eyes and a firm square jaw line. His head rested on a massively veined neck that lead to the widest shoulders Tom had ever seen. His huge pectoral muscles were straining to rip through the material of his red t-shirt and his biceps twitched with power. Tom couldn't help notice that his tight jeans barely held a great bulge at the front, framed by calf muscles bigger than Tom's entire torso. Tom was so shocked he couldn't speak. His mouth just hung open. The giant man in front of him raised an eyebrow and asked in a thick Eastern European accent "You have kitchen done?" "Um, kitchen, um yeah?" Tom stuttered in reply, desperately trying to catch his wits whilst being suddenly conscious of the fact that he was still just wearing pyjama bottoms and nothing else. He involuntarily folded his arms for security. "I come in?" the man asked when Tom made no effort to move. "Um yeah, sure" Tom stepped out the way and the man walked in. Tom could feel the power radiating from his body as he went past him. There was something frightening yet magnetic about him. Like when you saw one of nature's giants, a lion or a polar bear up close. Tom led the man down the hallway. "Ok then, here is the kitchen. My Mum has moved everything out so you should be good to go" offered Tom. "Mmm" the man grunted. He suddenly turned to Tom and held out a hand the size of a shovel. "I Krzysztof" he introduced himself. "Oh yeah, right" mumbled Tom, embarrassed at his lack of manners. "I am Tom" and he took the big man's hand. His grip was like a vice and Tom winced as they shook. Krzysztof grunted in acknowledgement, turned, and put his tool bag down. He looked back at Tom who was stood frozen to the spot and fixed him with his piercing blue eyes. Tom felt himself wilting under his gaze and wished that he had stopped to put a t-shirt on. He must look so puny to this guy. After a second of awkward silence Tom decided it was time to leg it. "I will be upstairs... um... yeah" he mumbled and bolted out the kitchen and back up to his bedroom as quickly as his legs would carry him. He shut his door behind him and dived under his covers. He felt his cheeks burning with embarrassment. What the hell was wrong with him he thought? He had opened the door without a t-shirt on for God's sake. That was all. Why was he so worried about it? He couldn't put his finger on the answer. There was something magnetic about Krzysztof that meant you couldn't help but marvel at his powerful physique. Tom also realised that it had something to do with the way he had been feeling lately. He was no stranger to sex. Well on the internet anyway. He had a laptop and Ipad and his mother was singularly uninterested in monitoring what he did on them. Like most boys his age he was a masturbation fanatic. He jacked off whenever he had a spare moment. The internet was awash with free porn and he trawled the sites looking for new stuff to get off to. He had never had cause to question his sexuality until a few months ago. Bored of the same old videos he had strayed into the gay section on one of the websites. He had been drawn to videos involving what were called "twinks", young guys in their teens. He had watched a video set in a locker room where two athletic guys had sucked each other off then one of them had fucked the other. Tom had to admit that it was hot and he had imagined himself fucking another guy in the locker room after athletic practice. He reasoned that if he jacked off to straight porn where the girl was fucked up the arse then there was no difference to imagining fucking a guy in the same way. He had never found himself fantasising about guys who looked like Krzysztof though. Guys like that were not twinks but real hard, strong men who could break you in two as soon as look at you. Was he embarrassed by Krzysztof because he fancied him? No that couldn't be it he told himself. It really couldn't. Downstairs he could hear the sound of Krzysztof getting started on taking out the old kitchen fittings. He couldn't help but let his mind wander back to thinking about how massive his biceps were. The old fittings stood no chance against his strength. What would it be like to touch those huge solid muscles he wondered? "Fucking hell" he muttered under his breath breaking the spell of his day dream. He was determined not to think about this anymore. Grabbing a towel he went and showered, doing everything he could not to conjure up images of the huge hunk downstairs. Having got dried off and dressed into his usual t-shirt and jeans Tom was about to head down to get a drink and something to eat from the makeshift kitchen his Mother had set up in the utility room. She had put in a mini-fridge and microwave in there so that he could survive for the days that the work was being done. He hesitated though as he reached the top of the staircase. Going to the utility room meant passing Krzysztof and he really didn't want to. From what he could hear the muscle man was well into ripping out the old kitchen. Maybe he would be too busy to notice him go by thought Tom and with that thought offering him some courage he headed down stairs. At the end of the hallway he stopped and carefully peeked around the door frame at the entrance to the kitchen. He really wished he hadn't. Ripping out the kitchen was obviously hard work because Krzysztof had taken off his t-shirt. His body was absolutely packed with pumped up muscle. Tom could see his two large pert nipples erect on top of his giant pecs. Every inch of the guy was covered in powerful gym pumped muscle. Tom also noticed the mass of tattoos running down the builder's arms. He was too scared to look for long enough to make out what the pictures were. Instead he took a deep breath and darted past to the utility room. Grabbing enough snacks to see him through the day he darted back the way he came and up to his room. He shut the door and breathed a sigh of relief. He was determined not to go back downstairs until Krzysztof had gone home for the day. He passed the time playing his Xbox and hitting himself in the head every time his mind began to wander back to thinking about the builder. Soon enough 6pm arrived and he heard Krzysztof shouting up from the bottom of the stairs. "I go for day now" he called. Tom slightly opened his door and shouted back. "Ok, bye" He heard the front door open and then shut. Breathing a sigh of relief he waited until he heard Krzysztof's van pull away from the drive and went downstairs. The kitchen had been totally ripped out. Tom would not have been surprised if Krzysztof had done it with his bare hands. He smacked himself in the head again. "Stop thinking about him" he muttered out loud. - - - - 3 - - - - "You slag!" shouted one woman at the other. Tom was eating his microwave dinner whilst watching the soap Eastenders. He had no idea what was going on but these two women were going hammer and tongs at each other in their local pub. It was quite good. Suddenly the house phone began to ring. He put his dinner down and paused the telly. He wanted to see the rest of this cat fight. He picked up the phone from the table in the hallway. "Hello" "Tom, it Krzysztof" Jesus thought Tom, what did he want? He had pretty much succeeded in getting all thoughts of the man out of his confused mind and now here he was on the phone. "I left bag in kitchen. Can I come now to get it?" "Um..." Tom couldn't think of a reason to say no so he agreed. "Sure. Just knock the front door. I am at home." "Ok, be there soon" Krzysztof replied. Tom put the phone down. Jesus Christ he thought. He walked back into the front room. His dinner and the catfight on Eastenders no longer had any pleasure in them and he slumped down on the sofa. What the fuck was wrong with him? He needed to get a grip. - - - - 4 - - - - Even though he was expecting it the knock at the door made Tom jump. He walked out into the hallway. It was definitely Krzysztof. There was no mistaking his massive shadow through the frosted glass panelling of the door panels. Tom took a deep breath and opened it. "Tom" smiled Krzysztof "Ok for me to get bag?" "Sure" replied Tom standing to one side. Krzysztof walked in. The evening was a bit chilly and he was wearing a zip up hoody with a white vest underneath. Tom could just make out the central line of his chest separating those huge pectoral muscles before it disappeared behind the white cotton material of the vest. Krzysztof went into the kitchen and came back with his bag. "Can I use toilet?" he asked. "Yep it is just upstairs on the left" offered Tom and tried his best not to watch Krzysztof's muscular arse and legs as he climbed the stairs. Not quite sure whether he should wait holding the front door Tom decided to shut it and instead hovered at the bottom of the stairs. After a while of not being able to hear very much he decided that perhaps he should make sure Krzysztof was ok, and thinking of what his mother would say make sure that he wasn't stealing anything. Reluctantly he went upstairs. As he reached the top he could see that the bathroom door was ajar. He hesitated but found the courage and walked up to it. He tentatively pushed it open. "Krzysztof are you ok..." He stopped mid sentence and stood shocked. Not sure what to do. Krzysztof had taken off his zip up hoody and was now just wearing his tight white vest top. He was leant over at the side of the sink snorting a line of white powder from the top of the cistern lid. He looked up at Tom. "Me ok, left my bag with my stuff and need it for weekend" He seemed completely unfazed by the fact that Tom had caught him clearly doing cocaine in his bathroom. His Mum would have been screaming the house down and dialling 999 even as Tom just stood there, too dumbfounded to speak. Krzysztof must have taken his shock for something else because he said "You try" and he held out the rolled up twenty pound note he had used to snort the line to Tom. Tom didn't know what to do. His first reaction was to tell Krzysztof to leave but he was completely out of his depth. Then he felt a sudden compulsion to agree to Krzysztof's offer. But what was he thinking? He had only ever smoked a cigarette for fucks sake and now he was considering taking a class A drug. "I have never... um..." stuttered Tom, unable to resolve the conflict in his mind. "You do little" suggested Krzysztof and again offered the note. Fuck it resolved Tom. What could happen? People did it all the time. His Mother was away for the next four days and he surely would have recovered from a single snort by then. He took a deep breath. He walked over to Krzysztof and took the note. There was a small line of the powder left and without allowing any time to talk himself out of his reckless agreement Tom lent down and snorted it. He straightened up and looked at Krzysztof who smiled at him. "You will be ok" said Krzysztof "it just little bit" and he laughed. Tom laughed as well. He wasn't instantly struck down dead and he felt the thrill of having done something incredibly mischievous. A few moments later that thrill was replaced with a feeling that Tom had never felt before. It was like the feeling you had at Christmas when you were a kid. Uncontained joy and excitement. Krzysztof laughed seeing the smile plastered on Tom's face. "It working yes?" "Yeah, I think so" replied Tom "Hey let's put on music" and with that he bounded into his bedroom to find his ipod. Putting it on shuffle he turned it up and felt the urge to dance. This was great. Krzysztof followed him into the room and sat down on the bed. Tom didn't know how long for but they chatted and chose tracks to play and Tom danced in front of Krzysztof. In his euphoric state he didn't notice the way Krzysztof looked at him. A passionate animalistic look of lust. The drug had put Tom completely at ease with this giant of a man. "You want more?" asked Krzysztof suddenly. Tom was too far gone now to give any answer other than yes. "Sure he said" and watched as Krzysztof took out a small bag of the white powder and racked it up in lines on Tom's desk. Krzysztof lent down and snorted two of the lines in quick succession. Tom took the note that he was offered. There were two lines left, much larger than the one he had done in the bathroom. He lent down and snorted one. "And other" prompted Krzysztof. Tom did as he was bid and snorted the second line as well. He felt the wave of the high hit him almost at once and he stood up and titled his head back as it washed over him. He suddenly felt the powerful presence of Krzysztof behind him and as he turned his head to see what had brought the massive builder so close to him he felt Krzysztof's arms encircle his waist and a hand go to his cock. "What... what are you doing?" he stuttered, still caught on the wave of the high. "Mmmmm little baby" was all Krzysztof offered by way of reply and he squeezed Tom's cock through the material of his jeans. It responded at once and was achingly hard within seconds. Tom was powerless in the grip of this huge stud. He was horny as hell though. The high had made him crazy to get off and he felt himself pushing back against the muscle hunk. "Yeah, baby wants me" growled Krzysztof and he let Tom go for the few seconds it took to pull of his vest, exposing his massive physique. Tom tried to turn but Krzysztof grabbed him too quickly and pulled him against him so that they were both facing once more to the front by the desk. Tom could feel Krzysztof's massive pecs pulsating and lent backwards against them as Krzysztof undid his jeans button and pulled both his jeans and boxers down to his knees. Tom was powerless as the effects of the two lines really started to kick in. His exposed teenage cock twitched in the air and his tight little bubble butt was exposed to the builder who held him tightly. Although he couldn't see behind him Tom could not mistake the sound of the zip on Krzysztof's jeans being lowered nor the touch of the man's massive cock head at the entrance to his tight butt hole. In a sudden moment of clarity he realised Krzysztof was going to fuck him. "Wait, Krzysztof, I..." he began but the hunk clamped a hand over his mouth and stopped his protests dead. "Shhh baby" he growled sexily in Tom's ear. Tom felt Krzysztof let go of him and realised he was reaching into his own jeans pocket to get something. Tom breathed deeply, trying to focus, the drug had him overwhelmed and before he could think with any clarity Krzysztof's arms encircled him again and he saw that Krzysztof was holding a small bottle of liquid. "Poppers baby" offered Krzysztof by way of explanation. Tom had no idea what that meant. Krzysztof undid the bottle top and held the bottle to Tom's nose. Tom caught the strong smell and guessed he had to sniff it. He inhaled deeply once and then again. Krzysztof took the bottle and Tom heard him sniff deeply himself. The effect hit him like a freight train. The wave of pleasure washed over him and there were stars in front of his eyes. His cock twitched uncontrollably. "Fuck" he moaned at the effect of the high. "I fuck" growled Krzysztof loudly who was clearly being driven wild by his own poppers rush. The huge muscular man put his hands on Tom's hips and suddenly he drove his monster cock straight into the boy's virgin hole. "ARRRRRRRRRRGH" cried Tom as the pain overcame the cocaine and even the poppers. Krzysztof bear hugged Tom against him as his pushed his cock in right up till the hilt. Tom was shaking uncontrollably in his vice like grip. Krzysztof still had the poppers in his hand and so he undid the lid and held the bottle to his boy's nose. Tom sniffed deeply, wanting anything to overcome the throbbing pain from his arse. Krzysztof lent down and sniffed at the bottle at the same time, the two of them inhaling the high.Krzysztof put the lid on the bottle and put it on the desk. He moved his hands down to Tom's hips and slowly withdrew his cock until only the tip was still inside the young virgin. Then he ploughed it back into the tight hole his huge thighs smacking against Tom's plump arse cheeks. Tom yelled out again but this time there was a cry of pleasure mixed with the exclamation of pain. He was so high all he could think was that he wanted this hunk to destroy his hole. His own cock was solid and leaking precum from the tip. "God Krzysztof" he moaned "fucking do me" The bull of a man needed no more bidding and he began to piston in and out of Tom who gripped the edge of his desk. Krzysztof's strokes were so hard and powerful that the boy was lifted from the floor. Suspended in mid air and held in place between the desk and the iron grip of his muscular builder Tom was nailed. In and in drove Krzysztof, wild on the combined high of coke and poppers. His cock was thick with veins and his bollocks heavy with spunk as he fucking nailed his little baby. "Fuck yeah" he growled "You fucking bitch" His insults, delivered in his thick accent turned Tom on even more. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he felt a pain and pleasure never experienced before. He could only moan and grunt like the whores he normally dreamt about fucking in the straight porn he watched. The noises from Tom drove Krzysztof on even more. Krzysztof suddenly pulled out of Tom's boy cunt, lifted him up and threw him over onto the bed. Tom lay there panting for breath. He felt down to his arse and could feel his hole gaping at the ramming he had just been given. He looked up at Krzysztof. The man stepped out of his jeans and stood there fully naked. His muscular body was glistening with the sweat of exertion, the beads running down his chest and tattooed arms. His cock was huge and pulsating. Involuntary spasms causing the shaft to quiver every few moments. "You like bitch?" he growled. Fuck thought Tom, this man was a God. His inhibitions were completely gone. "Yeah I like" he panted. "Call me Daddy" Krzysztof grunted. "I like Daddy, I like..." replied Tom feeling his cock throb. "You want Daddy to fuck you?" asked Krzysztof The reality of the massive cock tearing him open again caused Tom to hesitate. "Yes Daddy, but can I have a break..." he pleaded. "No break for little bitch" ordered Krzysztof and he reached out to the desk and picked up the bottle of poppers. He undid the lid and sniffed very deeply. Twice to each nostril. Returning the bottle to the table he stood looking down at Tom. Tom saw the poppers take hold of the stud and he saw the massive cock begin to twitch uncontrollably. Then with a grunt Krzysztof strode forward and grabbed Tom by the ankle, pulling him to him and flipping him onto his front. Two massive tree trunk arms planted down either side of Tom's head as the hunk lowered his massive body onto the boy crushing him. His huge meaty cock, aching with unleashed spunk found its hole and once more drove in deep. "FUUUUUUUUUCK" cried Tom but he was going nowhere. Krzysztof was making animal grunts and moans as he fucked the lad without mercy. If Tom had been nailed moments before this was something else. Drugs drove the massive animal on, adding to his power and stamina. For what seemed like an eternity Tom lay moaning and begging for his Daddy to fuck him as Krzysztof never let up. The only pause was when the builder flipped him onto his front so that his legs now rested on the massive shoulders and bent back down onto him exposing his hole to the air and then the builder began fucking him hard again. The sweat from Krzysztof dripped from his huge pecs and landed on Toms face and in his mouth. The drugged up boy swallowed it down, happy to taste his Daddies manly perspiration. The fucking went on, never letting up until Krzysztof changed pace and began to withdraw his cock all the way then plunge it as hard as he could into Tom. Each slow fuck was twice as powerful as the frantic pumping that had gone before and the whole bed shook as the builder's mighty tool speared Tom right into the gut. Krzysztof let out a huge grunt as he crushed his massive rock solid cock into Tom's tight hole. Tom was completely overcome by the feelings convulsing throughout his entire body. He moaned loudly each time Krzysztof drove into him, staring up into the hunks deep blue passionate eyes, begging him to fuck his hole. "Fuck me Daddy" he moaned over and over as Krzysztof did just that. Krzysztof's huge thrusts slowed momentarily as he lent back and reached for the poppers sat on the desk behind him. Picking up the bottle he undid the lid and lent in close to Tom, his massive shoulders forcing Tom's legs back behind his head so that Krzysztof's face was against his. "Sniff baby" he ordered and held the bottle to Tom's nose. Tom did as he was told and at the same time Krzysztof sniffed them as well. The two of them breathing in the strong odour of the drug and feeling it take hold of them. Krzysztof put the poppers to one side and lent back down to Tom. He began to passionately kiss the young boy, his tongue forcing its way deep into Tom's mouth. The muscle hunk's big full lips completely covered Tom's and completely owned him. Tom closed his eyes as his Daddy desperately and frantically snogged him. The poppers were doing their job and Tom felt their hot flush on his cheeks. At the same time he felt Krzysztof swell even bigger inside him. The stud pulled away and adjusted his position to ensure he could penetrate his young boy's cunt to maximum depth. He placed one huge hand over Tom's mouth and the other around his neck. He was going to cum inside this kid but the drugs in his system meant he was going to have to drill him without mercy. He wasn't going to let Tom even try to ask him to stop. This was about him now and no one else. He began by driving into Tom as deeply and forcefully as he could. He felt the boy buckle and shake at the violation and saw his eyes go wide with a mixture of pleasure and pain. "FUCK" Krzysztof growled. He pulled his massive meat almost completely out the tight hole and let the quivering of his cock massage the boys rim for a moment. Then he smashed it into the little cunt again, and then again and then again. He tightened his grip on Tom's mouth and throat and started to pick up pace. The ipod had run out of music to play and the only sound that filled the room was Krzysztof's massive muscular thighs banging against Tom's bubble butt, the huge roars of Krzysztof as he delivered each thrust and the muffled moans of Tom as he took the massive cock right up his tight hole. Faster and harder the muscular God went. He felt a huge load of cum building at the base of his shaft and he shouted out as he drove into Tom harder and harder, desperate to unleash his seed into his boy. He looked down at Tom who was staring wildly up at him, his eyes watering from being mercilessly ripped in two. Krzysztof gritted his teeth and the massive muscles on his arms bulged taut over thick pumped up veins. He drove Tom down into the bed causing it to creak and the headboard to bang against the wall in time with his massive thrusts. Then with one massive surge his cum was unleashed. It flowed up his massive stiff shaft and exploded out the huge round cock head coating the inside of Tom's arse with thick white spunk. Tom felt the hot mess spewing up inside him into his guts and cried muffled screams of lust and joy into the palm of Krzysztof's hand. "URRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH" grunted Krzysztof as he slowed down his thrusting and let the convulsing of Tom's arse milk out every last drop of his man seed. Sweat was pouring of his pecs and forehead and he released Tom from his grip and stretched his massive body. Tom looked up with a mixture of awe and longing. "God..." was all he could manage "God..." Krzysztof collapsed on top of him and Tom put his hands around those massive shoulders. Their sweaty bodies pressing tight against each other, Krzysztof's cock still resting inside him. Krzysztof began chewing at Tom's neck and ears and the touch of the man's tongue and teeth caused Tom to moan loudly. "Baby not cum yet" whispered Krzysztof into his ear and at the same time the huge man began to rotate his hips. Tom felt the massive cock stir to life inside him as it slid around in the cum that had just been fired up his arse. "Oh God Daddy" moaned Tom and Krzysztof rolled over onto his back, being careful to keep his dick inside his boy. Tom found himself on top and took a deep breath of air. He placed his hands onto Krzysztof's massive pumped up chest to steady himself and then he began to gyrate his hips. He felt the huge man's cock move inside him and was hit with a new wave of pleasure. Krzysztof held his hips to make sure Tom stayed firmly on his dick but gave him the freedom to move his arse in the motion he wanted. Tom began to gyrate more quickly. It was nothing like the massive pounding Krzysztof had just given him, Tom was being much more careful and slow but the wave of joy rolled over him as he felt Krzysztof's cock brush his prostate. He noticed that the bottle of poppers was still lying on the bed and he picked it up and took a couple more deep sniffs, he held it to Krzysztof who did the same. Tom then began to bounce up and down on the shaft and Krzysztof slowly rotated his hips so that his cock slid back into Tom at a slightly different angle each time, causing new throbs of pleasure and making the boy moan and groan. Tom took hold of his teenage dick and began to slowly stroke his own spunk out. He used the sweat from Krzysztof's body as lube and built up a steady rhythm. "Baby cum for Daddy" growled Krzysztof and Tom began to bounce harder as Krzysztof pushed his hips upwards to help the little boy take every inch of his massive cock. The look of lust on the studs face sent Tom over the edge. "FUUUUUCK" he cried as hot creamy boy spunk sprayed out of his nob head and onto Krzysztof's pecs. "AHHH AHHHH AHHHH" moaned Tom as every last drop dripped out of him. "Fucking good yeah?" asked Krzysztof as Tom looked down at the huge load running over the hunks pecs and nipples. "Fuck yeah Krzysztof" he panted. "Daddy" corrected Krzysztof frowning. "Fuck yeah Daddy" repeated Tom. Quick as a flash Krzysztof rolled over so that Tom was once more underneath him. "Daddy hard again baby" he growled and suddenly and violently he rammed his still stiff cock deep into Tom. "FUUUCK" exploded Tom who was aware of the tenderness in his arse now he had cummed. Krzysztof withdrew and ploughed into him again. "We have all night baby" he promised and he pulled Tom tight against the sticky mess covering his massive chest muscles. He began his relentless pounding rhythm again the bed began to shake again. "Fuck Daddy" was the muffled cry that came from the boy completely encased in the builders huge arms. It was going to be a long night.
    6 points
  3. Blayn and I have been very close friends for about 3 years now. He knows I'm bi and hes always been ok with it. We've even talked about tag teaming a girl someday. Most of our time together consists of drinking heavily and cruising country roads. He's been passed out around me a few times and even in my drunken state I never once considered taking advantage of the situation, that is, until we found ourselves in a 3 way with Tina. Blayn is the type of man that always gets what he wants, especially from women. He stands at about 5' 8", with a thin frame but unlike a twink boy with the same height and weight, Blayn has a natural muscle tone that reminds you that he's a man.Blue eyes that often change from light to dark blue and sometimes green. His captivating eyes paired with his bright smile is enough to make any woman fall to her knees but it's his 8 in cock that turns every woman he's ever fucked into his property, patiently waiting for his next call so she can experience his expert use of his fuck tool. I caught a glimpse of his flaccid cock while he was pissing once. I knew right then and there that he must be pretty hung because I saw a nice fat softie that had to hang at least 5 in totally flaccid. After some probing he told me some past encounters. One ex said she could feel him in her stomach. His favorite thing to do is to position his slut on her back with her legs on his shoulders and pound her cunt, she usually has to keep a hand on his hips because his cock starts to bottom out. I loved hearing his stories. I'm a decent 6.5-7 with 6 in girth. After showing him a pic of my dick on a pretty crazy night, he commented that he definitely has at least 1.5 in on me in length but he's not nearly as thick. I was still so turned on at the thought of his Big White Cock and all the pussy he's ruined for other men who could never reach the depths he has so effortlessly. I'm a pretty goodlooking guy. 6' with an athletic build, broad shoulders, nice round ass and thick strong legs. I don't have to search long to find someone to top my hairy ass or suck my thick cock, but Blayn had his hold on me and he didn't even know it. I was just waiting for my opportunity and then at long last I had it and it came in the form of a funny looking glass pipe and a small bag of crystal shards. We had been experimenting with coke and loved it, so when a friend of ours handed us this small sack and pipe we thought "why the hell not?" It took us a while to get any good hits but we definitely felt the change after we exhaled our first full cloud. "Holy fuck!" exclaimed Blayn, " This is better than coke! My body feels kinda tingly and warm. I just feel fuckin great!" My eyes widen as I blow a thick white cloud, suddenly I know exactly what he meant only I definitely felt hornier than I have ever been. Soon it became clear he must have had a similar spike in arousal because shortly after our first good hits he was inviting me to look at old pics of his exes and ,to my great surprise and happiness, a few videos of his ex wife riding his beautiful, long fuck stick. Seeing it right in front of me made me realize 2 things. 1: he may not be as thick as me but he was definitely stretching out this woman's pussy and 2: I wanted him to see how much better my hole would feel wrapped around that monster. So I start testing the waters, I've known straight guys who "party" and fuck guys so it was just a matter of triggering his horniness. I started by poking and prodding his crotch, "Ok is that ball or cock?" I asked. "That's my dick head" "No way!" i replied genuinely incredulous, "that feels really big, I guess you're a grow-er and a show-er" I said still lightly scratching his cock head, which to my delight, had started to expand beneath his jeans. "You're gonna have to stop that, Alex. It's startin' to feel good" he said before taking another hit of the pipe. Normally I wouldn't dare risk our friendship for a chance to be the hole Blayn uses to unload his cum into (why am I thinking like this? Why do i suddenly need to be this straight man's living fleshlight?) But it all felt so right. Miles from town, nothing but mesquite trees and cactus surrounding us as we sat in his truck, dimly lit but a full moon. I caught my reflection in his rear view mirror. My pupils had dilated to the size of quarters, his were the same, He felt his blood rushing to his cock and looked at me, both of our chests were heaving. He bared his teeth as if to intimidate me, "what the fuck are you waiting for, faggot?" he growled. My smile was short lived as I dove face first to his swelling rod. I got his pants down and there it was, standing straight up, no curve just a straight, white cut cock leaking precum like a faucet. I took it all the way to his big hairy balls on the first go. I wanted to show him what hes been missing all these years.He's moaning and thrusting his hips making his cock go even deeper. I have never taken a cock so deep in my pussy throat. I brought my lips to the bottom of his shaft and stayed there while I repeatedly swallowed, which resulted in my throat massaging his fat mushroom head. He knew he was close so he pulled me off and held my face in front of his and launched a wad of spit right on my lips which I hungrily licked and swallowed, thanking him before he ordered me out of the truck. "Strip" he commanded. I quickly complied. "get on your hands and knees right here in the dirt, faggot". I never heard him sound so angry and turned on. I hit the ground so fast I thought I had injured myself. "fuck yeah, let me see that hairy pussy hole", he sounded so mean and I loved it. He was going to use me. Use me all up for his pleasure and I wanted to be his good fuck hole. My body was aching for his big cock, my back arched involuntarily in an effort to give my straight god better access. I heard him spit and was immediately filled with his hard cock. the pain was blinding but paled in comparison to the relief I felt from finally getting stretched wide open by this straight, hung man. He owned me from then on and he knew it. He started thrusting deep, bottoming out in my hole. The mild discomfort of having his cock probe me deeper than any man ever has wasn't enough to dare attempt to slow his fucking or to make his thrusts more shallow. No, I was gonna take him however he wanted to me to have him. My yelps of pain and pleasure echoed across the empty fields surrounding us. I absorbed it all. the gritty earth beneath my knees, his sweat dripping from his tight abs to my arched back, his flared dick head leaving and then re-entering my hungry hole, his big low hanging bull balls slapping against mine. I was in heaven. I had lost track of time when I felt him grab my shoulders and fuck me even deeper than before. My screams of pain dissipated into the cool night air. After several of his deep thrusts he erupted, depositing his straight seed in a part of me that no man has ever felt. "FUCK! Goddamn Alex that was the best fucking orgasm of my life!" he pulled his softening cock from deep within my body. I shudder and realize that I'd kill to feel that pain again. "Too bad it's over" I say, still catching my breath. "What do you mean?" he gave me a devilish smirk, "I have some plans for us".
    6 points
  4. Part 2 "What the fuck just happened", Blayn thought as he looked down at Alex still panting on the ground. "And what did I mean by plans? I think I need another hit". Blayn raised the bluish clear pipe to his lips, inhaled the smoke and blew a thick white cloud that disappeared into the country air. Suddenly He knew exactly what "plans" meant. He felt the darkness wash over him, welcomed it. He was a man, more of a man than the faggot brushing dirt of his knees. "Gay, straight, bi. Those words mean nothing anymore. Its about my right and power as the alpha to take what i want and right now all I want is to use Alex until I'm fully satisfied. I've never had any chick deep throat me like he did, all the way to the base and then that amazing feeling of having his throat massage my meat. I know he'll let me use and control him. Hell, he didn't even try to push back on my hips and i know I was hitting the back of his pussy hard, especially when I shot my load. Ya that faggot's mine" Blayn had made up his mind. He's going to keep his fuck toy and himself high until he's fully satisfied. "come clean my cock off" Blayn barked. Alex rushed over and hit his knees again just happy to have a part of his new God inside him again. The familiar taste of his masters cock mixed with the taste of his own fuck hole and masters spit made Alex's dick so hard it hurt. "Get in, we're leaving" said Blayn. "I love just telling him what to do. I mean he's my best friend and I still care about him, but he knows what our new dynamic for the night is. He exists to serve his straight master." The ride back to Blayn's house was quick. Blayn made sure Alex was keeping himself properly Spun, although he knew the smoke wasn't necessary. Alex is a natural born cocksucker. They need to be used. In between his hits of the pipe, Blayn noticed Alex was completely focused on his phone, typing, scrolling, reading. "He's probably just tweakin already" When they arrived at Blayn's house Alex noticed that his roommate was home. Blayn noticed his cocksucker looked worried. "Don't worry. You're gonna suck my cock in the garage. You better hope you don't wake Brad up if I decide to fuck you again" Blayn took a hit and felt the wave once again, but his mind frame didn't feel as altered as it had before. The darkness is growing inside him. He liked it. Suddenly he grabbed Alex by his shirt collar and slammed him against his grille guard. The scared and excited look on Alex's face turned his cock into granite. He pressed into Alex to tease him with his cock. His eyes pleaded Blayn to give him permission to suck or even just to touch it, but Blayn instead launched a big glob of spit at Alex once again. It covered his face, Blayn smiled wickedly as he watched Alex desperately trying to gather every bit of his saliva so that he could swallow it. Blayn leaned in and to both of their surprise, licked a spot Alex had missed and presented it to Alex's tongue with his own. Alex slowly extended his tongue and met the bottom of the string of saliva hanging from his masters tongue. The eye contact was too intense and their lips crashed together as if pulled together by a magnetic force. Blayn felt oddly turned on by the impromptu kiss which caused his newfound darkside to take over.The passionate kiss turn into a wet, sloppy fight with Alex's mouth and tongue. Blayn new his cocksucker loved it, but more importantly, his cock was so hard that his jeans were causing him pain. They hurried into the garage where Blayn quickly dropped his pants and Alex (almost as quickly) dropped to his knees. Blayn was in complete control of Alex's head. Alex knew that all he had to do was keep his mouth open for master to fuck. Blayn felt the back of Alex's throat with his cock head with each thrust he made. the sensation was amazing but he knew it could be even better. "Get up and lay on that couch" ordered Blayn. Put your back flat on the cushion, legs up the back of the couch and your head hanging off the edge". Alex knew what was coming. His throat was about to get fucked like a pussy. He ran to his position on the couch and waited for master to make his way over, mouth opened wide eagerly awaiting the 8 beautiful inches that were now the only reason for Alex's existence. Blayn slowly walked over and knelt down so his cock was just above Alex's desperate tongue. His pathetic whimpers made Blayn smirk. Blayn bounced his long cock off Alex's face who could barely manage a small lick before it it was out of his reach. "You love this dick dont you? You just want to feel it, pleasure it. pleasure ME. You're just a hole that my cock uses to milk out my Alpha loads right pig?" Alex nodded furiously, begging for cock with his eyes. " Then I'm gonna use your mouth like a pussy until I empty these big nuts down your throat... got it?" Alex could hardly contain himself when Master shoved his cock balls deep into his warm wet pussy throat. "OH FUCK" moaned Blayn "Your throat feels just like a tight pussy." Alex loved hearing his master moan and appreciate his throat. It didnt take Blayn long to start fucking Alex's throat with the same intensity and brutality he used to fuck Alex's ass. Thick spit ran down Alex's face, he barely had enough oxygen to remain conscious, yet his hands moved to his Master's ass, making his thrusts faster and deeper. Blayn looked down and noticed that he could see the outline of his cock in his slut's throat. He stared, mesmerized by the widening and narrowing of his suck slaves throat and the slut's willingness to take it so brutally for so long and still want more. Blayn moaned as his big balls slid up and down Alex's saliva covered face with each deep stroke he made, the soft gagging and gurgling sounds emanating from between his thighs and sight of Blayns own cock outlined in his pigs throat was too much to bear. Blayn grabbed Alex's cock and balls and with a loud grunt he emptied his Alpha seed into his cocksuckers throat. He pushed his hips forward , making sure that every drop of his seed was deposited directly into his slut's stomach. He pulled out and watched as Alex gasped and coughed. He ordered Alex not to move and quickly snapped a picture with his phone. He knew that seeing Alex in that state, eyes bloodshot, face glistening with saliva and a look of pure ecstacy, was something he never wanted to forget. "Fuck Blayn! you really are using the fuck out of me! thank you sir, I'm so lucky that you find me worthy of servicing your beautiful cock". Blayn was drunk on power and still flying high with Tina. His inhibitions were slipping away but before he could let himself get lost in the smoke and sex, he wanted to stop by a friends house with his new cock servant.
    4 points
  5. Tonight I hooked up on bbrt with this guy from NJ. I drove over to his house in new brunswick, then he took me into the woods by his house, before my eyes could adjust my clothes were off and i was on my knees sucking his big hard cock. sucking goes on for no more than a few min, then he tells me to turn around and bend over. he spits on my hole, thrn his dick, then enters me firmly... my hole opened right up! his first load flooded me only affter a short time, then I was properly lubed for his pounding me for the second one....
    4 points
  6. 3. As we re-entered the paved portion of the Parkway it took me a little bit to get my barring’s then guided David towards the parks exit and to my place, we were mostly quiet during the short walk then as we entered my building David began to mumble. I could not recognize what he was saying but guided him up to my door, unlocked it the lead him inside. “What the fuck just happened, I, I know we were in a fuck frenzy with those bears and then we entered that cave and then… I don’t know it was like we stumbled on a renaissance faire” He blurted out “I’m just as mystified as you are my newfound Friend” “It was just so weird, Ted kind of spooky but exciting” We sat down and discussed the events of the morning and early afternoon, I could not help but to see David was getting turned on again as we talked about what the bears had done with him and soon his hard cock was tenting his shorts, as he could see my rod peeking out of my shorts as well. I asked him about his boyfriend and if he knew of David’s infidelity and lust for cock in his hole. “Jerome, knows I’m a cumpig and he encourages me to experiment, outside our relationship, as long as I keep it safe and tell him of my exploits” “So as long as you kiss and tell he’s ok with you being fucked” “He actually gets off on my tales of sex and we have some of the hottest sex when I do” I leaned over and kissed David on the lips, running my right hand up to his hardening nipple, while my left hand grasped his ridged cock stroking it and causing a droplet of precum to his slit. My tongue slipped between his teeth and explored his mouth as I disrobed David of his tee and shorts, we soon were both naked in my living room my fingers finding his slicked up hole, cum oozed out and coated my digits, I brought them to my lips and licked the gooey mess, then shared a kiss with David. We made out for about five more minutes before he turned me around and dove into my ass crack and began tonguing out my hole. “Oh yeah I’m eating out that dirty bears cum” He continued to lap at the cum, he was working out of my hole, getting me wet and sloppy before sliding his cock into my hole. He started slow fucking me, then sped up his pace and was soon pounding my ass, his balls slapping against my cheeks before grunting loudly and unloading his spunk into my intestine. David rolled off of me and we both panted as we came down off our orgasmic high, we exchanged numbers and got dressed, making plans for the following weekend to meet up in the park. David didn’t last till the following weekend though and called me on Tuesday to meet for coffee, he had written down what he remembered about our cave experience, I shared what I remembers now being distanced from the incident. We talked at length and compared our memories then decided to do some investigating our the next few weeks
    4 points
  7. being submissive does not mean that you become someone's doormat, though some do enjoy that; rather it is finding that person who makes you want to do everything he asks you to do, and do it gladly. a good DOM will bring that out in you.
    3 points
  8. Took the day off yesterday and cleaned out really good before my workout. Then headed to my local adult store with booths for the afternoon. Got fucked by two guys thre times each and took two loads from them. An older dude fucked my ass for about 15 min but couldn't cum. Then got bred by two hot Latinos about an hour apart and both shot huge loads. There was also one more guy with a huge dick who wanted to fuck but came in my mouth as I was getting him nice and hard. Of course I swallowed that down. Yum. All in all, it was an incredible day at the glory hole. Nine fucks by five guys with six loads taken. Wow. I kept those loads in me until I got home. Then it was just a river of cum flowing from my ass for half an hour.
    3 points
  9. CHAPTER 2 Cod: I could hear the sound of Dad stripping down, the sound of the shower, and in the sound of the shower door opening and closing. 'Fuck', I thought, 'I've gotta have him now', and so I entered his bedroom, where I immediately encountered a pile of his sweaty clothing which he had cast on the floor. Retrieving his underwear, I inhaled deeply. Fuck! For a moment I thought back to Todd, one of my college roommates who, as a bit of a slob, casually left his underwear scattered about. While Todd wasn’t my first roommate, he was definitely hot, and even more so when we both figured-out the other preferred guys to women. Naturally we started fucking all the time. One of his close friends (I had seen a picture once), I think the guy was an ex or they were sexual at some point, but Todd confessed one night the ex had turned up HIV-positive and it scared him. "Just like that," Todd said "he didn’t want sex, and life got very boring between us really fast; we went from sex a few times a week to nothing. A year or so went by and we were hanging out, a little drunk, a little close and one thing led to another and his bare cock was deep inside me. It was so hot, we fell right back into that old routine of regular bareback sex. Then one day I was at the campus Starbuck’s and almost literally run into his ex, the 'close friend'. I’d never met him but I knew his face and curiosity got the best of me; we started to talk while we waited in line. After some conversation the ex told me he was HIV-positive, (which, of course, I already knew), but then he told me something I didn’t know: Todd was also HIV-positive. He also mentioned Todd had been on meds for several months. Now, I had never seen him take any meds, and Todd has been fucking me bareback, his cum inside my ass, and he hasn't said a word. I feigned empathy and found an excuse to leave, not mentioning, of course, Todd and I were fuck buddies. I was hurt, anxious and a little scared. I loved bareback sex with Todd, but it didn't make sense he hadn't said anything to me. I wasn’t sure what do or say about Todd. Then I thought of all the times I had let random guys fuck me bare without giving it a second thought, which raised the question 'how many times had I already taken poz cock? Why be upset now?' It might be stupid on my part, but I decided there wasn’t that much risk (no more than what has already happened), so I didn’t say anything, and Todd and I kept fucking bare every week until he graduated and moved. None of that hot sex was the same as being next to my Dad, touching his cock and letting him cum inside me. When I left for college I was young, horny and really missing my Dad. I tried to get fucked by as much bare cock as my schedule, and tight hole, allowed. My Father had introduced me to bareback sex, “This is how men bond, Cod,” he said. I never let anyone at college fuck me unless it was bareback. I didn’t give much thought to the risk, except for that bit with Todd. I just wanted to be fucked. And I wanted cum. Dwelling on those memories really got my cock leaking. I take after my Dad, both of us are cut and both of us drip lots and lots of precum, although his cock is maybe a little bigger than my own. A quick finger gets to the tip to wipe up some of my juice and it was in my mouth before I even realized what I was doing. I made-up my mind then and there: it had been too long since I had sex with my Father. Incest. I was horny, I was an adult, I knew what I desperately need: my Father’s cum. Peaking in Dad’s bathroom he is obviously enjoying the hot water. We never shut doors around here, just the two of us, and, from the doorway he was oblivious to huge piece of wood that had taken up residence between my legs. His bedroom had a large master bathroom with one of those large tiled showers that 3 (or 10) people can fit it with an elegant glass door. I walked right in, opened the shower door and quickly shut it behind me before he can barely react. He just looks at me. I looked at him, I wanted him so bad. He looks so hot soaking wet, “You needed a shower after my run, too, huh?” Barely able to speak, I nodded “Yeah…” Noticing my hard cock, he knew what I wanted. Our faces grow closer as we kissed. So good. So fuckin' good. Kissing him always makes me hard as a rock but I also realized I need to piss. Badly. Breaking from our kiss I muttered “Let me at the drain a sec, I gotta go.” Dad, however, continued kissing me. "Dad.. I...," “Its alright Cod. It's just piss, it’ll wash down the drain, I’ve been waiting to feel you near me for you for way too long. Dad keeps kissing my lips, and in a quick gesture moved the shower head towards the side wall so the water wasn’t directly hitting us. I wasn’t paying attention to him and tried to focus, my cock finally went down enough for my piss to start – it came out fast all over his crotch, legs and feet, “it’ll wash down the drain”, I can hear him. He pushed against me and kissed me harder, my flow finally stopped, and my cock is immediately hard again. He pressed me against the tile wall, “See what you did baby boy? You just pissed all over your dad.” he loved calling me “baby boy” when we were close like this. More kisses. He’s pressed against me and we’re full on making out, and then I feel it, the warmth, Dad’s cock is pressed against my chest and he’s taking a piss…. on me. We never did anything with piss before college and I really like where this is going; his piss flow eventually slows and stops, but we we’re too heavily into making out to even notice or care. Dad stopped kissing me for a moment, his eyes on mine, his face close. I looked down at his cock, it was rock hard. I wanted it. Looking at my Dad and we both know what is going to happen; I slowly move down so I can suck the cock that made me. I feel Dad’s hands gently on my head and start to lick and suck him, I can taste his piss, I’m making a mental note about that for later. “Yes, baby boy, suck me -- suck your Dad’s cock. You like tasting Daddy’s piss baby boy?” I groaned a yes, but didn’t remove him from my hungry mouth. He slowly fucked my mouth. I was really moaning -- I loved it when he took charge of his boy. I grabbed his ass and pulled more of him into me. "Oh yeah boy, suck Daddy's cock, use your tongue... just like that." It had been about 4 years since I had sucked on my Dad’s penis and I was hungry, horny and eager. I started to bob up and down on his cock faster so he picked up the speed of his thrusting to match. I tightened my lips around his shaft to coat it with my tongue and saliva, which in turn was moving around his pole in my mouth to show him I wanted it to feel good. "Oh fuck baby boy... your mouth feels so good… I’m gonna cum... don't stop son... don't... FUUUCCCKKKKK!!!" His cock erupted and cum spewed into my throat and I swallowed as fast as I could. The sensations almost had me there, I was leaking precum all over the both of us. He began to pet me, telling me what a good boy I was. I slowly pulled off of his cock and lapped at the head to be sure I didn't miss anything before standing up; he put his tongue immediately back in my mouth. I wanted to cum, but he looked at me, “We should at least attempt to get clean”, he said and moved the shower head back in our direction, we kissed again. I was in love; I was also horny as fuck and my 22 year old cock had not blown a load that day. I really really needed to get off. I relented and grabbed the body wash and slowly washed his body, it was great being so close to him again, I really loved this, and I know he knew as much. Once finished, we quickly dried off and stepped out of the shower, Dad leading me by hand into the bedroom where he positioned me on the bed and resumed kissing me. This time it seemed like a lover’s kiss. I think Dad was falling for me as hard as I was him. My senses were overwhelmed, and my hormones were in overdrive, so honestly I wasn't about to dwell on the morality of our relationship. Honestly, I I didn’t care. We laid down, I was on my back and Dad climbed on me, kissing me hard, our bodies touching. He worked his way down my chest, taking small moments to lick and suck on my nipples and my happy trail. I was thinking how great it was to be in his bed, when my cock entered his mouth, “AHHHHHHHHHH….” A groan escaped me, “Yes, Daddy,… ohhhh damn, I’ve needed this”, he loved it when I spoke softly and called him Daddy. “Ohhhh, Daddy, Ohhhh." He had to know I was getting close. He stopped sucking and worked his way back up to my mouth to kiss me. Damn, I really needed to cum, and Dad was giving me a case of blue balls. Without pausing in kissing me, Dad reached over my body for a second, reaching for the night stand, but I couldn't tell what he was doing. Now on his knees, his legs straddling my chest, he sat up, and looking me in the eyes asked “So my baby boy’s all grown up. Does he need to cum?” All I could do is nod. My Dad’s left hand reached back and found my cock and started stroking. His hand was cool and slick. He apparently had found the lube.
    3 points
  10. The Royal Poz Fuck Gang [six-Part Story] Note to the Reader: I decided to take on a huge project this time around. The thread "The Unremorseful Stealther" was one many people encouraged me to have a continuation of after the main story. I will definitely go back to it and fill in the next portion, but I wanted to formally have a Hot & Outrageous Cum Soaked storyline for you boys with unique and kinky tales of Sexcapades and the Men who love them. Maybe some of you will even recognize the real dick-down sessions that inspired these fuck-tales. [5-Star Ratings very welcome!] Chapter I: A Letter to Mr. BigDick This wasn't your typical party, of that much I am certain. Five men sat around a small table top with what looked to be a poker game going on. Cigar smoke hung in the air thickly in the shadowy basement which was dimly lit by a single bare bulb off to the side. If one was to come down into the basement they would be able to barely make out the outline of a rumpled mattress pushed into a corner and a sling near it, the walls all lined with mirrors, a single flat-screened TV on an entertainment stand playing porn, and a tripod with the single red-glowing eye of a recorded peering back from the darkness. This was the courtroom of the self-proclaimed Royal Poz Fuck Gang...or maybe the dungeon. "So, get a load of this guys," spoke up the first of the men, light brown skin told of his mixed heritage, and the bright and vibrant face exemplified the fact of his youth. He could only be in his late 20's at most. He sat shirtless, showing-off the hard earned six-pack with baggy sweatpants barely clinging to his powerful and toned legs. He was younger than all except one of the men gathered, but believe it or not he was the leader of this devious bunch, "This bottom I fuckin' bred and converted sent me a love letter!" "No fucking way man," laughed a shaved muscle daddy with a silver and black goatee that sat next to him, "He tracked you down because he fell for ya, after I know you must have stealth pozzed his neg hole. You get all the good shit when we get together." "Markus, if you're not used to the King of Poz Fucks coming up with something hot and wild by now, you really haven't been paying attention. Now, get on with it Derrick and tell us about this new convert of yours." The young black male cracked his knuckles and picked up the letter with artistic handwriting sprawled across its pages. 'Dear Mr. BigDick,' I thought when I wrote this letter for you I'd be pissed. I thought maybe I'd be crying uncontrollably even...but no, here I am sitting with an uncontrollable hard-on as I finger myself wishing it was your fat hung cock ripping into me like you had just over two months ago. I guess I should just come out with it...you pozzed me and I know you did it on purpose now. I was naive and more importantly...I was easy. You used my hole and filled it with poison seed without even caring and lied to my face you were neg. It was the hottest thing I have ever experienced, hotter than any fantasy I had dared to conjure up in my most twisted daydream (and one I could have never confessed.) Maybe...you'll take me back even though my hole is no good to you bugged up, since you can only convert me once after all. Maybe I shouldn't have but I secretly video taped our encounter...and sent it back to you so you can watch it and hopefully will see I'm worth filling one last time at least...or maybe you'll just keep it as a trophy of me being a notch on your belt. Fuck...even that would turn me on. Mr. BigDick already had the video started and all eyes turned to flickering screen hungrily to see the conquest with their own eyes and how a bottom could be so mesmerized after being so utterly used and thrown away by their hung comrade. "Wow, you look exactly like your pictures," a young Italian jock voiced in a low tone sitting on the only bed in view of the camera angle. "Your pics don't do you justice man," a smooth and sensual response came from Mr. BigDick, "Should let me take some pics of you sometime...I bet I could get some great positions with you." "Pun intended?" the Italian jock laughed good-naturedly drawing a bit closer to the thuggish looking hook-up he was about to test the waters with since he only recently came out. "Always," Mr. Bigdick voiced with a mischevious grin, "Now what was it you were wanting to do my man?" The Italian boy shrugged and looked away with a blush already spreading across his face. "Is it cliche to say I've never been with a black guy before?" He chuckled nervously. "Only if you add right after that, you always wanted to get with one to see if the stereotype is true about black dudes being hung and fucking your hole into the ground," Mr. BigDick joked with another laugh. His right hand strayed to his crotch grabbing on it suggestively. A clear outline of the beast beneath the thin layer of cotton could be easily picked out. Italian boy felt himself flush with something different from shyness now, he wanted this hot and street-wise playboy and he wanted him to do nasty things, things he could never speak of to any of his friends or family...he wanted hot and secret fantasies to be realized and dirty kink to go down. "Guilty as charged," Italian Boy confessed, without another word he was already sucking on the thick meat even while it was still covered by the sweatpants. His eager hands tugged at the waistband to uncover his mouth watering (and filling) prize. "SHIT!" Italian Boy breathed in awe as he saw just how big it was, almost nine inches in length and he could only guess its girth, "No way I could get more than the head in my mouth." "Mmmm, hope you ain't turning me down from getting a lil something something already," Mr. BigDick teased in a sultry tone while cocking his head to the side. An inviting and reassuring smile creased his full lips as he asked his next question, "You're neg, right playboy?" "Oh yeah, I've sucked guys before but you'll be the first anal, and we're going to be safe anyway just because you know...can't be too careful," Italian Boy explained. The most impish of looks seemed to show on Mr. BigDick's visage for just a moment before vanishing. The men at the table all chuckled and nudged one another as they watched, it was that knowing Stealther Smirk, he was gonna get that ass one way or another and it was going to be overflowing with toxic jizz. "Let me rim ya man, that'll open you up, and we can just go from there," Mr. BigDick suggested. Italian Boy complied willingly and bent down onto all fours so his ass could hang just over the edge of the bed, facing the camera. BigDick's tongue was already lapping and teasing expertly at that perky bubble butt making it wet and tantalized by its dancing motions. A loud and prolonged moan escaped the bottom-to-be's lips as he rested there. His ass sank just a bit lower and his back arched just a bit more over the next few minutes showing his eagerness to take more than a tongue had to offer...it was sweet torture and BigDick wasn't ending it that soon to make sure the bottom would make the fatal mistake. "Fuuuuuck! I need that cock," Italian Boy begged meekly looking back at Mr. BigDick with pleading blue eyes. "Before I put on a condom, I just want to make sure my hardon won't go away by teasing your hole, alright?" Italian boy was already wiggling his tanned ass so he could have optimal positioning, "and here...ever used poppers?" "Sorta...I tried something called Maximum Impact, but...I don't think I get how to use it," Italian boy admitted sheepishly. "Just sniff in both noses, this is way easier," Mr. BigDick encouraged his target. The man licked his lips as he slapped his swollen cock head against an ass cheek of the boy on all fours in front of him. His dick pressed gently against the hole but then pulled away and circled just outside it to give the bottom time to fall into the trap. Italian Boy sniffed somewhat cautiously at the nondescript brown bottle with liquid in it. He then followed up with his other nose, this time with a bit more of an inhale. "Oh...my...fuuuck!" He sighed in exhilaration while a relaxing heat radiated from his chest and went straight for his hole making it feel even hungrier than he could ever remember his ass being. The quick sound of spit came from Mr. BigDick and his member was covered with saliva. Another splat of the liquid hit Italian' Boys eagerly waiting ass and he moved his cock swiftly against the sphincter and carefully observed Italian Boy's reaction. "Like how that dick feels against your ass white boy?" Mr. BigDick inquired in a low masculine tone, he pressed the head of his cock harder against the bent over hole, almost enough to feel like he would go in, but not enough to actually penetrate. "Mmmmm..." Italian Boy moaned softly in response, leaning back even more against the dick letting it nearly pop in and sniffing more of the poppers already. Mr. BigDick plunged into that tight boy cunt without another moment's hesitation or deliberation. Italian Boy's head reared up instantly with a sharp noise of surprise, he tried to wiggle forward slightly to lessen the speed he was being entered with, but Mr. BigDick already had his powerful hands gripping the boy's sides forcefully to keep him in place. "Shhhh, I ain't going to give that hole more than it can handle," Mr. BigDick whispered hypnotically his voice had a dark comforting lull that eased Italian Boy back onto the fat cock that now was over half-way up his bare boy hole. He hit the poppers once more inspite of himself, his hole ignited into a white-hot insatiable tool for the man topping him to use to his heart's content and Italian Boy loved it. He had never imagined feeling so slutty and worthless and still feeling good, excited, and hungry for ever more. "Holy fucking hell!" the bottom swore loudly, as he began to get railed entirely with the monstrous cock Mr. BigDick wielded with surgical precision for hitting the spots in his ass that would send the bottom shaking involuntarily with waves of pleasure and sinful delight, "So this is why guys get so obsessed with black tops, FUCK! Rape me!" "Yeah bitch. Give it on up boy," Mr. BigDick's gaze was fixated on the sweet hole that was sliding from the base of his balls to just over the head of his near nine-inch dick, the ass lips tugged and sucked on the cock as he fucked viciously and deeply showing just how fat that cock was and how tight his pleasure boy used to be. He was wide open now, juicy and wet with pre-cum lining the inside of his hole and covering the entirety of BigDick's shaft. He now pushed on the center of the bottom's back, making him arch his ass up towards his dick even more so he could plunge, fuck, and fill that boy hole ever deeper and more quickly. Italian Boy moaned and cried out periodically incoherently as his hole was assaulted and slowly getting his poz top closer to climax to infect his naive neg ass with unmedicated seed. Italian Boy closed his eyes lost in pleasure as he sunk into the sweat drenched sheets, only aware of the room shaking from the force of Mr. BigDick's thrusts crashing against the mattress with each rever-berating slam into the bubble butt the white bottom gave up so eagerly. "Oh shit I am about to fill up that white boy pussy," Mr. BigDick announced as he licked his lips and sped up to full frenzy thrusting, making them short and powerful. A wave of went across Italian Boy's ass and up his back from how much strength BigDick put into those dick strikes he delivered into the very deepest center of his bottom. "Dude--Duuude! Just..cum on my back or in my mouth. Fuck, I didn't mean to let you fuck me raw this long," Italian Boy begged suddenly, even as he got his legs forced further apart so his top could put the hole into optimal receptive positioning for his cock and cum. Italian Boy's face was nearly completely obscured by a pillow, he couldn't even see if Mr. BigDick was giving the telltale signs of a top about to cum in his facial expressions. "I'm clean my man. You're gonna get my fucking load playboy, I own this fuck hole," Mr. BigDick said sharply with a resounding slap of his hand against a white ass cheek. Italian Boy whimpered acceptingly and took his brutal ass fuck in submission, he could feel the veins of the cock inside him pop and the already thick fuck stick grow even more full as cum gathered up inside for release. He desperately hit the poppers one last time to prepare for the climax. Mr. BigDick seemed to be able to sense his bottom's acceptance and change from the poppers immediately, because right at the same time he began to spurt hot rivets of tainted seed as deep inside his new convert as possible. He growled his satisfaction as he gripped each cheek even harder like handlebars and let his sweet man milk coat the walls of his bottom until he popped out of that sweet and no longer innocent ass and a spray of poisoned poz seed splattered everywhere from the volume of cum inside Italian Boy's used up fuck hole. "Hot damn, I haven't emptied a bombshell like that in a good long time," Mr. BigDick laughed in satisfaction, slapping that ass he had craftily gifted -- Once. Twice. Three times before he stuffed his index finger into his ass hole to push some of his cum back inside. "Your cum feels hotter than other guys' cum..." Italian Boy commented idly as he flopped completely onto his stomach, covered in cum and sweat from his dominant top buddy, "Like there's something extra there." "Weird," Mr. BigDick said with a sly and knowing smile, "I wonder why..." --End of Video--
    2 points
  11. Waiting for Master's hard 8 inches. I'll be working on parts 3 and 4.Hopefully 3 will be finished soon. Btw, i love hearing from all you dirty men.
    2 points
  12. This guy's videos are amazing. He's black and fucks teens and 20yos. He's also poz. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=Nf0Rz-G198-
    2 points
  13. HI nelliess, yeah, it makes since to me to distinguish between sub and slave (yet another distinction). I find I will end up sometimes wanting to do things a dom wants that I didn't want to do before, not because he forced me or I felt obligated because I assumed the label "sub," but because he elicited something in me that made me want to, which I think is really hot that he has that kind of control and a lot more complex than just telling someone what to do. To me it doesn't sound contradictory for a person to push your limits while respecting them, it sounds like balance that requires intelligence and attention. An artist can bend a hard piece of wood into an art object by applying measured heat and pressure, the inexperienced or non artist just ends up with a broken piece of wood.
    2 points
  14. I completely agree with this. I would classify myself as sub but I'm nobody's doormat. My attitude is that I submit to letting my partner find what pleases him, and in that way find my own pleasure. However that doesn't include humiliating me, bullying me, hurting me or treating me like shit. I think it might be a case of distinguishing between a sub and a slave. I want a guy to take control during sex and push my limits, but also respect the fact I have them and to back off if they try to breach them. That might sound (probably is) contradictory but who ever said great sex was simple
    2 points
  15. The Dieux du Stade calendars are legendary. The whole team can have a go at my ass as far as I am concerned.! French cock pounding my ass....
    2 points
  16. Does it really matter where it is posted? I like the small girl part and think you should post the story. I dislike story updates that never appear for months on end. Especially yours which are so hot! Keep them comming.
    2 points
  17. FT. LAUDERDALE - Whored out a sexy bottom I'd never met before. He's 23, 5'8" 130# and cute as can be. Hottest little ass I've fucked lately. He'd only taken 2 loads before and is a college student here in the area. We started by putting an estimated 6-10 loads of my frozen cum in him which really turned him on. While we waiting for the first top to arrive I pounded a load into him. I could feel the cum in him and after I shot my load there was cum leaking out. The first top showed up and he had a really, really fat uncut cock. The bottom whimpered as he took the cock and finally got the load. The next top was a young 25 year old vers bottom (who had a cute ass too!) but he was packing what had to be a 9 inch uncut cock. The bottom whimpered again... this time over the length. We tag teamed the boy and I gave him one more load while the other guy gave him 2 loads. The boy was leaking cum! The little whore loved having videos taken of him sucking my dick and getting fucked but he wanted faces in it so unfortunately I won't be posting the vids.
    2 points
  18. I'm so jealous of all these stories, seriously want to release my load in a guy's nice hot tight ass
    2 points
  19. Hatefucking is using lube. A guy that cares eats your ass til his dick naturally slides in.
    2 points
  20. Day 1 Corey and Richard had been dating a good year, when Corey received a random friend request on Facebook from a handsome Australian guy, Shane. Shane is 23 years old, and was in the midst of planning a trip to the grand 'ole USA, with his first stop being Tampa, Florida. Never a shy type, Shane had started looking for cute guys to hang with, and with some luck have some fun with whilst on holidays, hence - his contact with Corey and Richard. As mentioned, Shane is quite the handsome Aussie fella, 6'1" tall, light brown hair, blue eyes, toned swimmers build, vers, 8 inch uncut dick and to top it off - a smile that can melt butter. He is, however, in equally amazing company as Corey is 22 years old, 5'10", slim, blond hair, green eyes, devilishly cute, mostly bottom and 6 inches cut, and his boyfriend Richard is a 24 year old, muscled Adonis, close to 6' tall, slim waist, chiseled abs, pecs, 9 inch cut cock, vers and definition on top of his definition. His true strength though is his genuine likability - he's just a sweet young man with no attitude like other gym junkies out there. After several weeks of chatting via Facebook and 'clean' video calls on Skype from Australia, Corey and Richard felt comfortable enough with Shane to offer their guest room to him for a week or two. Their generous offer was gratefully accepted by Shane and the planning process for the Tampa leg went into full swing. Clearly Shane's intentions were known to himself, however what he didn't realise was that Corey and Richard were not only genuinely excited to host this Aussie, but also to see if they could get some hot action from this stunning uncut Australian tourist. D'day arrived and after 27 hours in total travel and transit time from Australia, Shane finally arrived in Tampa to very welcoming smiles and hugs from Corey and Richard. Right from the get go, it was clear there was a mutual attraction between all. Having travelled for so long, the plan was to drive home for a quick stop to allow Shane to shower, and then head out for a drink and get to know each other. As Shane entered the bathroom, he deliberately left the door cracked, on the off chance the boys wanted to have a peek. It didn't take long, not a second after the water was running, both boys were peeking through the crack in the door. Both Corey and Richard admired the fine formed Aussie in their shower; as the water cascaded over his tanned pecs, and slim swimmers waist. The boys were all worked up in an instant. Richard had been standing behind Corey, as he is taller and it offered them both better vantage points to peer through the cracked door. This however, easily allowed his stiff 9 inch cock to rub Corey's rear, a sensation he never tired of. Given their heightened state of arousal, Corey quickly dropped to his knees and pulled Richards pants down, devouring Richards cock in a flash. During his hasty relocation, Corey bumped the door, and caused it to emit a slight, but still noticeable squeak. Shane immediately heard the noise, however without missing a beat, he continued his shower routine as normal, although the knowledge that both boys were now watching him shower made him exceptionally happy of what might happen in the weeks ahead. Corey was crouching at his lovers feet, sucking his man's dick, enjoying the taste, the sensation, and imagining the three of them fucking. Whilst Richard was enjoying his blowjob, he kept peering into the bathroom, soaking up the visual delights in front of him, all the while Corey was priming the juice in Richard's balls through his expert suck technique. Richard was now losing himself in the blowjob, gently leaning back on the door frame, closing his eyes as the warm wet mouth worked his cock over, Corey's tongue gently teasing and stimulating the sensitive nerve endings on his cock. Corey was very talented in the oral department, as neither he nor Richard noticed when Shane turned-off the shower, nor when he dried himself off. Shane, on the other hand, heard the gentle slurping noise from the hallway, which triggered an immediate reaction in his groin. He took a seat on the closed toilet seat, which faced the door, and proceeded to stroke his cock until it was at full mast. He sat there and continued working his cock as he listened to the delightful sounds from the hall, knowing full well he was the inspiration for the commencement of the boy's sexual interaction. Shane collected a generous amount of spit in his mouth and then transferred it to his left hand, gently working it between his fingers. He then raised his legs off the floor, his knees to his chest, and started working his slick fingers into his tight Aussie hole. With his fingers working his hole over and his fist jacking his cock, it didn't take long for Shane's cock to start leaking generous amounts of precum. The shine on his cock was amazing, with small beads of precum dripping down the length of his eight inch tool, like wax dripping down the side of a candle. Richard fell from the skies, and realised the shower was now off, and having lost all sense of time he genuinely had no idea how long they had been there in the hallway. Richard listened at the door for signs of life in the bathroom, and when he couldn't hear anything his curiosity got the better of him; so he pushed the door open in one go and both he and Corey we there in the hallway, in awe of the sight in front of them. The hot piece of Aussie meat, on display in all his glory. His hole being worked over, now with four fingers of his left hand in his arse, pounding away, his eyes closed, Shane was now the one lost in sexual delights; just as Richard had been not five minutes earlier. Corey stood and together he and Richard finished undressing each other, then proceeded towards Shane. With slight hesitation, Richard got down and started kissing Shane's inner thigh, and at that exact moment Corey started sucking on Shane's exposed piece of meat. This of course snapped Shane back into reality, and as his smile grew from ear to ear the three young men simply shared an unspoken moment whereby they acknowledged their carnal desire for each other and subsequently allowed the moment to play its course. Shane now removed his own fingers from his hole as Richard was now there, itching to tongue fuck his hole, and he didn't disappoint! Rimming has always been one of Richards favourite sexual pleasures and he was right in Shane's hole, enjoying every moment of it. Alternating from licking the outer edge, to deep forceful thrusts to scratching up Shane's hole with the stubble on his chin. Corey on the other hand was getting Shane's cock slick with generous amounts of spit, because he wants nothing more than Shane's fat uncut 8 inch cock inside his arse! The first words in a very long time were now spoken by Corey, when he asked Richard if Shane could fuck him. Corey is quite submissive sexually and if told to by Richard, he will take any mans cock and load, but only if told to do so by his boyfriend. Richard of course said yes, but said to Shane that if he wanted to fuck around with them it must be bareback, to which Shane said that he tested negative a week prior to his USA trip, although he's been exclusively bareback for the past 3 years. This was music to their ears, and without hesitation, Richard pulled Shane toward him a little so that Shane's arse was slightly over the edge of the toilet seat, whilst Shane grabbed onto the basin on one side and the bath tub on the other side to steady himself. Immediately, Corey threw his leg over Shane and whilst facing him, sat down on Shane's cock, gently lowering himself down, allowing his arse to adjust to the raw cock now working it's way deep within him. As this was taking place, Richard lined up his 9 inch fuck stick to Shane's tight hole and with reckless abandon punched it balls deep into Shane, causing Shane to yelp in obvious discomfort. Richard hesitated a little, knowing he's a rough fuck at the best of times, he was a little worried that he'd perhaps gone a little too hard, too soon in their first encounter with Shane, however as Shane sensed that he'd adjusted his style, he quickly told to Richard to fuck him like the whore he is, to use his cumhole like the countless number of men before him. This triggered a little something inside Richard and a hot nasty perverted smile swept across his face. He began fucking Shane's hole like there was no tomorrow and Shane took it like an absolute champ, even as the micro tearing from the chin stubble scratches started to become more and more irritated, Shane never showed discomfort. He enjoyed the pounding he was receiving from Richards massive fuck tool. Corey was bouncing on Shane's cock like a 5 year old on a trampoline, every so often he'd grind down and get Shane's cock inside him as far as it would go, deeper and deeper. Even though Corey was submissive, he was quite vocal, but not moaning, more like dirty talk, and as he was grinding down on Shane's cock he was telling Shane how Richard owns his hole, how he must be ready for Richard, Richard's mates or complete strangers to fuck him and breed him whenever Richard see's fit. Shane was so turned on hearing that, with the steady pounding on his hole, his tight anal lips wrapped snug around Richards thick cock, tearing him up. Whilst the hot young hole belonging to Corey is thrusting down on his own fuck stick, it's all getting a little too much for Shane to bear. His moaning becomes uncontrollable! The sensations all too much. Corey is doing an expert job, working Shane's dick with his cum hole, talking dirty, begging for Shane's load, grunting "Fuck me, cum up my twink hole you hot Aussie fucker!" Corey is slamming himself down, tweaking Shane's pierced nipples and finally Shane reaches his breaking point, he shouts out that he's gonna cream Corey's tight hole, fuck his load in deep. And with that, the process begins, his orgasm is upon them, his cock thickens inside Corey's hole and he sprays his 3 day load in this young mans hole. Of course as this happens, the relentless pounding from Richard hasn't subsided, Shane's battered hole, aching and tender, pulsing around Richards meat, as Richard slams into Shane with all his might and unleashes a torrent of cum, fucking it into Shane's inner walls. Ensuring his load is thoroughly absorbed into this Aussie, making sure his passport is officially 'Tampa' stamped. Long after Richards orgasm has passed, he was still slowly working his cock in and out of Shane, churning the cum into a froth. Shane and Corey are locked in a passionate embrace, broken when Corey moves only enough to whisper in Shane's ear that he and Richard are recently Poz, and unmediated. Shane remains silent for a moment and Corey is concerned that his comment could have scared Shane due to his silence, however, his fears are alleviated when he feels Shane's dick begin to thicken inside him again. And only then does Shane let both the guys know that he'll do everything in his power to ensure he becomes poz whilst he stays with them, and return to Australia and share their gift internationally. The boys decide that they are now too exhausted to head out for a drink, and that the spare room won't be required as Shane should be sleeping in their bed for the next two weeks. Naturally Shane is more than happy with this proposal, and all three head straight to bed without showering, as they enjoy the smell and feel of each other after their sexual experience. The hosts lay either side of Shane as they drift off to sleep, each silently pondering what sexual adventures will be experienced over the next 13 days.
    1 point
  21. Hot story can`t wait for more and hotter hole your masters lucky to fuck that would love dropping a load in that
    1 point
  22. If you go to a bathhouse to get breeded just do what sum others have said just let go n let anyone who wants you hole have it ! If you take anyone the word will soon get around n you will soon have a overflowin hole in no time bro (_0_)
    1 point
  23. I admit that i'm pretty neutral on bb and I enjoy when a guy pulls out and i see his milky load at the bottom of a condom - however, it will be to pour all over me when he's gone. It was at a really horny spanking club which segued into a general cruise club, when after getting a bit pissed on a few beers, I ventured back into the darkroom to join the guys having fun ending up bending over for a wiry tall average looking guy would say late 30s. Slowly he maneuvered himself into me and I loved the feeling of being fucked bent over face to the wall arms outstretched. I just let him ride me with his pent up sexually frustrated cock. Due to the position (me short him tall) and his cock being thinner and long he was getting it up about halfway along my crack. A couple of other guys were egging him on and he was saying `you want my cum?` I just nodded ecstactically saying `oh yeh`. Soon he was shooting his load half way up my crack and i could feel it splurging slimily along my cunt's walls. I'll never forget that feeling and mass of emotions and want it again. PrEP and very regular testing may be the answer to my prayers.
    1 point
  24. So fucking hot! Hope there is lots more to cum.
    1 point
  25. fuuuuck i would glady slide that dildo out and fill you with my dick sexy ass boy would fill you up with every drop of cum i could shoot inside you, sweet story and even fucking hotter vid shot two loads cause of this and still rock hard
    1 point
  26. Went to the local bookstore, paid the entrance fee and walked around. Noticed a hot 30 something stroking his cock to some porn. He noticed I was looking and nodded for me to come over. I got on my knees and went straight to work on his cock with my mouth. He feed me some poppers and started face fucking me. After a bit he told me to stand up and bend over. Good thing I had lubed up my ass before I came hoping to get some loads in my ass and not my stomach. I did as was told and he rammed his cock straight in, balls deep. Either he was already close from my oral skills or because of my tight but, he shot his load deep in me within a few seconds. I didn't even have time to pull up my shorts before another cock took the place of the first on. Fucked me for about 5 minutes and unloaded his cum in me.
    1 point
  27. rjb56, please don't let this discourage you. Your stories are great and I for one like what you write. Thanks for taking the time to rewrite your story.
    1 point
  28. For those awaiting Austin Part 2 which I promised for last week, I must apologize but it will be delayed. Within the last week, my previous story Graduation Night was moved off this forum into the Bi-Sexual/Straight Forum. It had been on this Forum since originally posted in March 2015. Apparently it was moved because of a complaint of the very brief mention of man/woman sex near the end of Part 1. As a result I am having to rewrite Austin Part 2, because there was a brief mention of man/woman sex in it as well. Both stories are focused with over 95 percent of the content dealing with gay man on man sex. I hope whoever moved Graduation Night will re-read the story in it's entirety and reconsider their decision. The brief mention of straight sex is only intended to enhance the intense and erotic nature of the man on man sex happening at the same time. Meanwhile, I will attempt to rewrite Austin Part 2.
    1 point
  29. Two trains of thought. He works at United Parcel Service. Shipping, receiving, etc. He is/was a student at University of Puget Sound, in Tacoma. It's probably the latter. He has not logged in a while so maybe it's a frat pledge hazing post thing?
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. For those guys who have been messaging me, Austin Part 2 will be posted next week, right here . Thank you all for the encouragement!!
    1 point
  32. I LOVE nothing more than being the fuck toy for 2 horny tops spit roasting me tag teaming me and my favourite being double fucked!!!!! Also love 1 top pulling out and blowing on my hole just as the other is about to slide in and uses his cum as his lube!!
    1 point
  33. Previously… After an indefinite period of pure rimming pleasure, I noticed that as I thrashed around in response to Richard, I loved every muscle movement I was making. I started to feel even more energetic, I closed my eyes and squinted, and each time I squinted it seemed like I was releasing little squirts of pleasure into my brain. The pleasure was building and building like going up a rollercoaster. The Blue Angels had me and I was coming up. Right so… I was coming up on E. I fucking love that realisation. That feeling when you know – “ok brain, for the next few hours I’m gonna just be in pure bliss”, and it just keeps building. How can I describe it to people who haven’t tried it? Let’s try it this way - if you think of the dopamine or whatever the pleasure neurochemical is, as sugar; it feels like you’re pouring sugar into a heap in your brain. You can feel the extra sugar just piling up in a bigger and bigger heap, higher and higher, and if you take a breath and concentrate, you can feel each grain of sugar as it hits the pile and bounces down the ever increasing mound – each grain that it knocks off of is a neural synapse of pleasure triggered. You can just roll your (very dilated) eyes back in your head and just soak up this bliss. Add that to all your nerve endings being amplified to max sensuality (stroking woolly things and your friends’ hair feels amazing) and your energy levels going through the roof, it’s the perfect drug for sex. It does cause some problems with some people’s hard-ons, but the Viagra usually takes care of that if you take it at the same time or a little bit before it. Man, even thinking about it now reminds me how much I fucking love shagging on E. It’s the fucking tops! Of course, like all drugs there are the negative effects that you just have to accept. It’s almost impossible to cum while on it, and when the pills start wearing off, you stop being able to feel any pleasure for a day or two or three. It’s like the Ecstasy pulls all your pleasure-sense from the next three days and piles them into one massive 5-10 hour rush (or longer depending on how many pills you take before crashing). You can keep raising the roof on this by taking more pills, but there comes a point where it doesn’t matter how many pills you take, your brain’s had it and refuses to cooperate anymore, and you just need to chill the fuck out and recover for a few days. This period I always hated. Being “scagged out” is what my group of mates used to call it. The other effects of ecstasy mean that you’re not able to usually sleep through this (though a lot of my mates would then take a sleeping tablet to do just that – which is fine if you’re not due in work in a few hours). I generally just smoked a fuck-tonne of weed to get me through this part. I still remember the first time I took E – it was with Bill while he was still in university. While he and his straight friends all just wanted to dance, I wanted to fuck anyone there – from the beginning drugs have always made me a complete and utter slut. I even remember coming on to two girls at the party, that’s how fucking desperate I was for a shag! Then during the scagged out part we all ended up walking around Dundee on New Year’s Day desperately looking for a dealer to get us Xanax or something cause the weed wasn’t helping much. I still remember walking through a cinema car park at midday like a zombie. It was where we were meant to meet a dealer who flaked out on us – the sunlight was too bright, there were all these fucking noisy people around, it was fucking hell. We eventually just gave up and spent the next day and half, huddled in Bill’s gaff trying to enjoy watching reruns of Southpark, smoking spliffs and drinking a shitload of tea, and just “getting through” it. Mind you, the first time you’re scagged out – that’s usually the roughest. Anyways, at the party I was coming up. I was naked on all fours in front of the couch being rimmed by Richard, the fucking king of rimming, while I was blowing Mac, who was still only semi hard cause he was so fucking big. I pulled my head off of Mac’s cock and said hoarsely “oh fuck, it’s hitting me, it’s hitting me hard, oh fuck”. I looked around to the others, and sure enough they were all feeling the effects too. Finn was sitting with his head back while face-fucking Harry, who was leaning across Finn’s lap, while getting fingered by Pedro. I smiled at Harry, who flashed me his wicked dimpled grin – well as much as he could with his lips around Finn’s cock. His eyes were massive now too. Richard started doing something with his chin’s beard hair on my hole. Everything started to feel interconnected. Richard’s energy was bleeding, no, “rasping” into me as I was mingling my energy with Mac by jacking him off. The tides of this energy were ever rising. I shoved my hole back at Richard’s expert rimming as I licked Mac’s monster cock like a lollipop. I arched my back and groaned “ah faaaaack yeah”. I submerged myself in Richard’s mouth – his mouth was stimulating every part of my body – my nerves were all radiating from my hole outwards. As he slobbered and nibbled and licked and deftly poked his tongue into my pink pucker, he was playing my senses like piano wires. I stopped licking Mac, I was too caught up in Richard’s attentions. Mac was ok though, he just went over to Finn and fed him his cock. Finn was now staring at me and was a little surprised to be butted by Mac’s dick. Without breaking eye contact with me, he opened his mouth and let Mac feed him his heavy semi-hard meat. Finn’s eyes were massive too. I knew right now that Finn was sending me thoughts that he was really blowing my cock, and through the sexual energy in the room, I could feel myself being blown by him, through Mac’s cock. Ecstasy can be a bit trippy that way, plus, these Blue Angels were cut a little with LSD I think. Mac meanwhile helped take the towel off of Finn so Harry could get better access to Finn’s cock, while Mac began to play with his hole. After a couple of minutes of this, Finn moved off of Mac’s cock to turn to his left and reposition himself over Harry. The two of them started to sixty-nine, while Mac and Pedro both were jacking themselves and playing with the respective lads’ holes. Even though we were all flying like kites now, it was a bit early for Finn and Harry to be fucked, as Mac found out when he got a bit too eager with Finn’s hole, trying to get three fingers in. Finn pushed him off and so Mac went round to Pedro, who started blowing him. All this happened while I was in this blessed out state, having Richard work his magic and destroy all future boyfriend’s attempts at rimming me, just by this (and about three other that year) masterful performances. I remember having these thoughts that Richard was some sort of computer programmer, and he was hacking into my interface, creating new codes and wiring all these sub-routines. Sounds like a pile of shite, I know, but that’s ecstasy for ya. After what seemed like an age, Richard pulled back from me. I turned around to him and literally with tears in my eyes and shaky voice, I managed to say “Richard, thank you so much for sharing that with me”. He just chuckled and wiped a tear that escaped. “Don’t mention it lad” he said, but I continued “no Richard, seriously dude, you have a gift!” He smiled bashfully and replied “well it’s always good to be appreciated”. I said “fuck appreciated, you have to pass this on!” “What do you mean?” he asked. I stroked the side of his face and leaned in to kiss him, tasting my ass on him. I’ve always like the taste of myself – I’ve a savoury smell, like steak in pepper sauce (a weird way to describe myself, I know, but honestly I just took a whiff of my pits there to try and figure it out and that’s the closest I can get). The kiss lengthened, and lengthened and as the E was pouring its sugary effects in the back of our brains, it felt like Richard and I were mingling our essences. I loved him so deeply. He loved me. We were pure. Dammit if ecstasy isn’t the greatest fucking drug out there! After a while we broke our kiss and I reeled. I took a little time to remember who I was, what I was doing and what I wanted to do next. I stood up. My 7.5 inch cock was standing out proud, the Viagra was working. Richard popped me into his mouth and I languorously stretched back. Now normally I’m not mad about blowjobs. I love giving them, but I’m usually a bit impatient about receiving them- they’re not mind-blowing to me (pardon the pun). However with all the right chems I was loving Richard’s wet slurping mouth making a perfect fuckhole for my cock. I started to slowly grind up into his mouth. He slowed me down to a gentle rhythm. Fuck he was good. Leaning back to look at the other guys, I saw Finn and Harry were sprawled across the main part of the couch now, sixty-nining. Pedro and Mac had moved over to the computer and I heard buttons tapping away. I locked gazes with Finn who pulled off Harry’s cock and offered it to me, grinning. I turned around, taking my cock out of Richard and presenting my hole once again to him. Then I bent down to take Harry in my mouth. As I did Finn started licking at where my lips ended and Harry’s cock began. Richard enthusiastically started back at doing what he did best. I pulled off of Harry to snog Finn. We were grinning as we kissed, as if we were sharing a dirty secret. I broke off and licked up the shaft of Harry’s thick 7” cock, while Finn engulfed the head. As I reached the top Finn and I would snog, then we’d break off and repeat our actions. Harry moaned in appreciation. I lowered the point where I started licking up, first down to his balls, then down to the join between the leg and the taint. If you haven’t ever tried it, this can be a really sensitive area on a guy, just trying sucking and lapping down there on your next trick, and see how he likes it. Though be warned - for a good few guys it can be too sensitive and they’ll seize up and push you off. As I did this I heard gasps from Harry. I knew he loved this area being licked, and usually after a little bit of this, he was putty in my hands (and it tended to turn him into a total bottom). Then as I came up to snog Finn again I took another onslaught of Richard’s tongue. It was sensory overload, a wave of pleasure that had washed over me. After a while he relaxed a little, and I took stock of where I was – snogging Finn (a little distractedly), with Harry’s cock in between us in our hands and Richard taking a breather behind me and ever in the background that glorious trickle-tickle of the coming-up of E. I pulled back to take a breath. “Richard”, I called back, “you’re gonna have to take a break on me dude, I’m in bits with your rimming”. I heard a laugh from Richard, while Finn grinned as he started sucking Harry again. I turned to Richard with a cocked eyebrow, and continued, “but I want to see what the hell you’re doing to me. So I propose that Harry be our rimming model!” I heard muffled noises from Harry at the other end of the couch (his mouth was busy with Finn’s cock) while Finn pulled off of Harry and laughed and said “What are ya trying to do now Stuart?” “Let me show you” I gleefully replied. I got up and quickly moved Finn off of Harry, while Richard came up to kneel beside us. Getting Finn to hold Harry’s ass up in the air, while Harry balanced on his shoulders and neck on the couch below. Harry had a hairy hole that he loved getting played with – fingering, toys, multiple cocks, Harry’s hole had seen a lot of action but you wouldn’t think it to look at it – he was a tight bastard who needed a lot of preparation to fuck. I turned to Richard and asked him, “dude show me what the hell you did to me!” Richard shrugged and said, “I can try to show you, but I just follow my gut mostly”. “Well whatever you’re gonna do, let’s get on with it, someone rim my ass already!” Harry shouted up to us. We all laughed and then Richard bent down and started to flick his tongue across Harry’s wet sphincter. Harry started moaning. As I watched I started to try and note how deep Richard went in his rhythm, how he varied between slow and fast, how he teased Harry to make him beg for Richard to eat him deeper and longer. I wish I had a video camera, cause I was in no fit state to remember anything. The abiding memory of the whole act, was Richard handing over Harry’s ass to me and then to Finn and getting us to repeat an action he’d just done. It was like we were passing a glass of wine and Richard was a wine expert telling us how to taste it. I still clearly remember Harry’s upside-down body rocking on his shoulders as Richard held his ass and passed him between us. With each repeatable motion we would dip down in between his cheeks and try our best to use our tongues like Richard. Harry tasted amazing, I could taste Finn and Richard’s spit mingled with Harry’s own scent. Harry was in another world of bliss and later told me it was one of his top five sexual experiences of all time. We must have spent at least an hour in Richard’s rimming session, cause next thing I remember, Pedro was coming over telling Richard that he’d been online again chatting to that dancer, who was making his way to us – it was 2 am and the nightclubs were closing. Richard smiled and said, “Andrew and his mate will be finishing their shift too then”. “What?” I asked, “you invited Andrew over? When did this happen?” Richard laughed and replied, “I got the idea when you were telling us how you met Pedro. Andrew’s an old fuck-buddy of mine and I sent him a quick text while you were talking about Pedro coke-fucking you.” Was there anyone who hadn’t fucked Andrew? To answer my own question; no. Not many. Andrew was a massive whore, who considered a day without dick as a waste. Pedro at this point mentioned something to Mac about Caverject, and next thing I know he whipped out a syringe and an alcohol swab from the sideboard and took Mac’s cock in his hands. I cringed but didn’t look away. I could feel Harry’s ass clench under my fingers. Later he told me that this was one of the reasons he left a couple of hours later. The needles were a step too far for him. Though to be fair Pedro did motion Mac over to the side of the room to administer the dose. I could still see it from my position. The syringe went surprisingly deep into the side on Mac’s cock. Afterwards Mac held a tissue on the injection site and sat at the computer saying “I’ll be out of action for a little bit guys”. At this point Harry pulled a few cushions under his shoulders and had lowered his ass to about 45 degrees off the couch. Finn started to tease Harry’s hole with his cock. Standing over Harry’s upturned ass, Finn spat down on Harry’s already spit-slick hole and started pushing his hard cock down to move the spit around. Harry turned to me and winked and I immediately knew what he was thinking. I turned to ask Pedro where his nearest lube was but he was a bit busy – having come round and bent Richard over beside me. Right now he was starting to finger the 40 year old’s furry hole. I remembered Harry’s own bag of tricks and found the Boot’s bag behind the couch with Harry’s clothes. I took one bottle in each hand and passed them silently to Finn and Pedro. They both smiled their thanks and opened them up. I stood watching as Finn rubbed his cock with lube and then squeezed out a blob on Harry’s hole. Pushing his cock down he started to edge the head in. Harry started groaning as Finn slowly edged a bit more and bit more of himself in. I felt my cock getting stroked and then something cold. I looked down to see Pedro prepping my cock and lining it up with Richard’s hole, and was that some white powder mixed in with the lube? Richard, eager for his coke fix, pushed back against my hard cock. I stood there and let him work his way back onto me. Only once he started an easy motion, did I start to gently respond. I’d be the opposite of Don in topping. I’m all about making the bottom comfortable and making sure there’s no trapped air if possible. I guess it comes from being vers. You know what you like in a normal fuck and most others want the same. I watched as the coke-laced lube plunged into Richards hole and disappeared after a few strokes. Pedro was watching too, and looked up to me. “Hold on tight Stuart” he said, “as soon as that kicks in Richard’s gonna be a wild ride”, and then patted my ass and walked over to Mac. I lost track of what they were doing as I just focussed on Richard’s tight hot hole enveloping my cock. The E was trickling down from my brain to my spine to my cock, and mingling with Richard’s now highly stimulated hole. Richard’s groans changed in pitch, to become deeper, more primal. He started shoving himself against me with more and more force. “Oh yeah, fuck me Stuart” he grunted out. I got into a quicker rhythm with him and raised one bent leg on the coffee table for better access. I swear I could feel how Richard was taking my cock and where his prostate was, not just from my perspective, but from his. I/we started building up the pace, smacking my hips into his increasingly sweaty meaty ass. I grabbed both hairy cheeks with my hands and felt them being grabbed as Richard. As I/we pulled almost fully back and shoved in, in increasing speed, I/we felt my cock push open our/my ring and push past to massage our/my prostate. This was fucking intense. I looked across to see Finn fucking Harry to the hilt and as Finn and I made eye-contact, he sped up to match my rhythm. This pounding went on for an age. Richard could take all I could give him. Sweat was dripping down our faces and backs, and adding lube to where we joined. Ecstasy makes you sweat gallons, so I was delighted to be passed an Irn-bru by Finn. Two of them in shot glasses. Oh right so – time for another shot of G. Richard and I stayed still, still locked together and knocked back our shots. I grimaced at the vile taste again and looked over to see Harry had already taken his. He was now pulling off his blue jockstrap and repositioning himself for Finn who was returning. I looked around for the other two, an our must have passed by now, when through the living room door come the guys, Mac sporting a massive throbbing 9 inch erection, with easily 7 inches of girth at the base. Pedro was wearing his dressing gown again and smiled at us as Mac came over and fed me his monster. “I’m just going to let the lads in”, he mentioned, and walked out.
    1 point
  34. Tag teaming a bottom with another top is one of my favorite things to do. I love watching his cock slide in and out of that raw hole, knowing my dick is next. It's only made better if the other guy cums first because it means I get to fuck in his fresh load. I love pulling out and seeing his jizz all over my cock. Also, if I'm really into both guys, I love shoving my face into the bottom's ass while he's getting fucked, and having the top pull out occasionally to shove his slimy dick into my mouth. And I love to eat the top's hole and suck his balls while he's plowing away. This is basically my favorite thing ever:
    1 point
  35. To get totally used by a group of guys as their whore while they watch a football game. Guys stop by, see me getting fucked, join in. And you know half time, they are all going to want a turn, getting double fucked and throat fucked. Plus as the game would go from winning to losing to winning again how the fucks would change. Guys cheering each other on that are using you. Then the end of the game, hot sweaty, drinking, hairy, men all banging you, getting that one last nut out before they hit the road. The straggler that would still be fucking a couple hours after the game. When it's all said and done, you covered in man stink and sweat, with deep filled cum dripping hole
    1 point
  36. I like you would be very interested in being locked in chastity. My girlfriend and I have discussed it. We wonder how it shows under clothes as I wear dress pants to work. If I was a top I would love to meet a guy in a chastity device. I like the metal ones as they seem like they would make the bottom more uncomfortable.
    1 point
  37. Jock and a harness. Jock lets him know your hole is open for business and the harness gives him something to hold on to as he pounds you.
    1 point
  38. I have had so much fun at bathhouses. The key is to be open to having sex. This seems like a da statement, however, some guys look only for GQ guys to have sex with. I have had mind blowing sex with guys who I normally would not be attracted to. When I'm at the bathhouse, I'm looking for sex not a relationship. The more open you are, the more fun you'll have.
    1 point
  39. My dick was hard and oozing precum reading about Devon having fun conquering Austin the double-virgin(neg and never been fucked) piece of ass and thinking how really great the stud's dick felt when he pumped his toxic seed into the ass and knowing he was jazzed knowing how he completely altered Austin's life, starting with the 'AIDS flu' a few weeks later and condemning him to a life of taking meds to stay alive. Also thinking of Alex having his fun taking his turn stretching the hole more and adding his own poz load to his lover's in it. Also how the two men would profit off their pleasure of ruining Austin's life by selling the film and how Austin went from pain to falling madly in love with the studs when they fuck him in more ways than one. Now I'm fantasizing the two big studs stripping Jacob, ripping his hole open with their mighty dicks and pumping their second loads into him while Rachel freaks out, collapses and lays in a blubbering heap in the doorway while they have more fun duplicating their conquest of Austin up her helpless brother's ass.
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  40. What you need to know about fisting is here: http://winternet.com/~redright/newredright.html Several of us here are experienced/advanced fisters and will answer your questions.
    1 point
  41. the first time i was stealthed was at the Chute in PHX... i was pretty buzzed from being out at the bars, and didnt feel up to trying to make the 45 min drive home so made a quick phone call since i had a connecT in the immediate area, stopped off and then went to the bathhouse. Got my TV room, found it went in and hate that drunk feeling so hot the pipe hard, reloading it and hitting it again til it was empty. Was horny and sweating at this point, so changed into the white low rise jockstrap I bought when I paid for my room, was already wearing a cockring, hung my towel from my neck, and put my baseball hat on, pulling it low, then went to shower in one of the private stalls... I always leave the curtain slightly open and make sure tops have a view of it, usually with my hands on the wall, my back arched, legs spread and my thick bubble ass pointed towards the opening in the curtain... On a couple of occasions I have had some daddy and jock types reach in and squeeze my cheeks and "soap" up my butt, crack, hairless hole, and my bare taint... But I never turn to see who they are. Just get complimented and told what a hot fuck I must be. Then they go about their business and I rinse off, fold my towel in half so its super short and shows my thick thighs and wrap it low on my waist, just above the tops of my bubble ass cheeks, put my hat on and then head to the locker area and put my jock back on and rub body oil all over my hairless body, making sure to use extra on my butt and legs, bending and squatting, showing off my ass to whoever is watching, towel hanging from my neck again, then I start walking around... I go to the gym where there is a hot Latino daddy lifting weights. He too is completely smooth and has a nice deep all over tan, and dark nipples accentuating his pecs. He has on some super short workout shorts and when he lays back to do some bench presses his thick uncut dick falls out of the leg opening. He sees me staring and chats me up. Says he likes my jock. Then goes to shower, and pats my ass before he does and I just sit on a bench, rock hard from this hot daddy. I decide to go back to my room and smoke and get super spun... Once I finish I grab my poppers and gun oil and my supplies just in case. I go to a video room but no action so head out to buy some Gatorade and look at undies in the store. As I make my way back down the dark hallway, I see the hot daddy again leaving the shower room. He smiles atme and asks me to come hang out in his room. I agree, and he unlocks the door and uushers me in, closing it behind him. His room has mirrored walls and a bigger bed. He tells me to drop my towel and make myself comfortable, but I keep my jock on as I watch him lose his towel and put his thick silver cockring on, and we are both instantly hard. Then he puts on a black cin2 jock and sits next to me. I ask if he parTies, he says no, but is cool with me smoking in the room. After I was done he told me how sexy I looked all spun out, laying back with my legs open. I love to rim so ask him to show me his ass... Its perfect, round, high, tight, and totally smooth, and I ask him to sit on my face and rim the fuck out of his tight, smooth, brown hole. Next he takes his cock out and fucks my mouth. He asked me if I had ever been fucked by someone twice my age and old enough to call daddy. I reply no, but am willing to. He puts me on all fours and tells me how hot I look, tongues my hole for a while while he tugs on my cock and balls, than faces me towards the mirror, drops his jock, rolls a condom on, and lubes us both up... He then grabs his camera to video it. He has a thick uncut 7.5" and inched his way in giving me time to adjust. I loved his cock how he fucked me deep with it. Then he pulled out and put me on my back, spread my legs and pushed my knees to my chest and and fucked me til he pulled out, ripped the condom off and blew on my chest, then finger fucked me til I came. I caught my breath, adjusted my jock pouch, we kissed, and I went to shower and then hit the steam room for a few, then went back to my room. I decided to smoke more, and lay back as I stroked to the porn playing in my room, then I crack my door, and continue to rub my cock... I must've been really out of it since I knodded off, and awake to someone massaging me. He asked if it was okay, I said yes, then closed the door and told me to lay on my stomach. Asked if he could rub his cock between my cheeks. I said sure, but said he needed to wrap up if we fucked... He said for sure. He had me so relaxed again I dozed off and woke up to him deep fucking me slow and steady. I asked if he put a condom on and he said yes, showed me the wrapper, but he failed to mention he ripped off the tip and was using it for a cockring. Then he got onto his knees pulling my hips back and up with him and kept fucking me but faster and with no warning started Cummings in my hole, but tried to play it off by continuing to fuck me. When he pulled out I felt something wet leaking from my hole, and turned around to see how he had been wearing the condom, then quickly grabbed his towel and bolted. I was pissed, but it was my fault too... So I went to shower where I aborted his babies, only confirming I had just been stealthed...
    1 point
  42. ATM I like to go into following meeting: 555 000 6969 Up to 100 cams.... Really hot.....
    1 point
  43. Getting fucked by TOTAL STRANGER'S and guys that you normally would NOT be attracted to is HOT. It let's you know that you are in Deed a CUM DUMP, Public FUCK HOLE and a very EZ-lay. Especially when out of town where NO ONE knows you in the first place. Go to the bookstore or bath house and letting the average guy fuck you is HOT because guys will know that when they are ready, they can find your ass.. FUCK IT, FILL IT and Bail. Once they see you offering your ass to others... many that are not your type... will soon be flooding your ass with load after load.
    1 point
  44. It's all good man. You are getting his cock. Just grunt when he shoves it in you. Slick with lube is awesome but so is rough and raw. It's all good. Learn to love it all.
    1 point
  45. Yeah, I have a few fuck buds that aren't much to look at..... 2 in particular. But, they both can fuck like machines.... I'm not looking for guys that I can hang out with, etc. just need a few guys to load up my hole, and these guys are EXACTLY that.
    1 point
  46. My ultimate bareback fantasy would be to participate in a large, outdoor, public sex party. No dark backrooms, no blindfolds, just men fucking and getting fucked by strangers in front of hundreds of other men.
    1 point
  47. Matt met me beside the car in the lot and just smiled at me, I walked over to him and planted a big kiss on his lips and unlocked his door and opened it for him. I went around to the driver’s side and got in , we drove home in silence but managed a long make out session in the residents hall parking lot before saying goodnight and going to our respective dorms. I wanted Matt so badly but my roommate would be asleep and I didn’t want to wake him. My roommate knew I was gay and he was ok with it and a couple times had me blow him when he was drunk but that was as far as I was willing to take out relationship, didn’t want to spoil the friendship. I got back to my room and sure enough Pete was asleep after all it was 3 in the morning and we had class in 4 hours. I was still keyed up with the evening’s event so I stripped down to my shorts and lay back on my bunk. I must have been more tired than I thought because then next thing I knew Pete was shaking me awake saying we had Physics Lab in half an hour. I jumped out of my bed and rushed down the hall to get a quick shower in before class, I must have stunk of man sex. I turned on the water and hung up my towel then removed my boxers when I noticed a stain on the back a mixture of blood and dried up cum, I reached back and realized the butt plug was still wedged up inside my hole doing its job of holding in the numerous loads from the night before. I hung up my shorts so that no one could see the stain and stepped into the shower, I reached back and began to remove the plug, it was really stuck in my hole and hurt like hell, I didn’t have time to try to remove it and it was pretty secure so I just quickly soaped up the rest of my body and rinsed off the man scents of last night. I wrapped the towel around my naked body and rushed back to my room and pulled on my jeans and a tee shirt, grabbed my book bag and headed out to class. It was hard not to squirm while sitting on the hard metal stools in class and doing the assigned labs, Pete came over near the end to see my progress and to ask me a few questions about my interpretation of the assignment. After class we parted and Pete asked me to meet him for lunch in an hour and a half, I agreed and went to my acting class, something was bugging Pete and I could tell, My stage direction class was intense and exhausting , as if I wasn’t tired enough as it was. I meet Pete at the Commons for lunch and after getting our food we found a table in a quiet corner, Pete asked about my evening and about Matt and if I was serious about Him. I told him I wasn’t sure about Matt, we were getting to close friends and all, Pete said he thought Matt was falling for me and that he had heard rumors about the “survey we were taking part in”. I asked him what rumors he had heard and he told me that he heard it was just some perverted grad student wanting to make porno videos of guys having a gang bang. I laughed at him and said “what you want to take part” he just looked at me and replied “Maybe”, I looked at Pete Dumbstruck just as Matt came over to sit with us. Matt came up to the table set down his food and hugged me from behind. The rest of our lunch was spent in silence, no one wanting to mention either last night or the bomb of what Pete had just implied. As we finished I got an Idea and asked Pete and Matt to join me in our dorm room. We walked back to the room just exchanging small talk and a few buddy slaps along the way. Upon entering the room I asked Pete to lock the door. He did and as he turned around he saw Matt and I passionately kissing and caressing each other. I broke off the embrace and said “ok guys here’s the scoop, I need your help with a little problem”, with that I unbuttoned my jeans and let them drop to my thighs my ridged cock poking straight up. Matts mouth began to water and Pete’s eyes were glued to my cock “ oh not that” As I turned around and bent over to reveal the base of the butt plug tight against my ass crack. Pete started to laugh and Matt said maybe we should go down to the Handicap rest room and work this problem out. Pete chuckled at the pun and I pulled up my pants again as Matt reached into my night side table and removed a couple items. We walked down the hall and Matt looked down the halls in all directions. Pete opened the door and slipped in with me and Matt close behind. Pete locked the door and asked me to strip. I kicked off my pants as Matt helped me remove my shirt. I suddenly stopped them and asked why I had to remove my shirt Pete just tweaked my nipples and said “easy access” after which he started sucking on my nipple. Matt helped me remove my shoes and socks before starting to undress himself. Pete pulled off my nipple and followed suit, I asked why they were getting undressed and they said this could be messy business. Mat explained he removed his but plug this morning and it was a bit dirty and I had mine in 4 or more hours longer so who knows what is behind the plug. The Handicap rest room also doubled as a shower and changing room so Matt neatly folded our clothes and placed them on the shelf in the room then had me kneel on the bench in the shower where he started a warm stream to gently start spraying from the hand held nozzle. Pete walked around me and presented his rock hard cock to my lips and I began sucking on his shaft. He whispered he wasn’t drunk this time, as Matt ran a stream of water over my hole and began working his fingers around the base of the plug. He tried moving it but the pain was intense and a whimpered for him to stop. He walked over to the shelf and removed something’s from his pants. He came over and gave me a large huff from the little brown bottle; the intoxicating vapor soon had me relaxing as he squirted something on his fingers, he then began massaging in the lube between the base of the plug and my tender ass muscles. Pete gave me another hit from the poppers and I went reeling off again as my ass began to loosen up Matt was able to begin extracting the plug from its confines. He just started to remove it when my ass sucked it back in I had Pete’s cock buried in my throat and the plug deep in my hole I was a happy little slut. Mat started working the plug in and out as Pete kept feeding me hits of the poppers I was flying low and in total lust. Last night had released a beast, Finally Mat pulled out the plug and a stream of cum and Blood and shit plopped on the floor my hole was free from the device but now felt empty gaping to be filled again. Matt took the shower nozzle off and pointed the naked hose directly at my gaping hole and shot water into my rectum filling me with a warm stream of water, rinsing out the remnants of last night he hosed down the tile and rinsed down the muck into the drain. Pete pulled his cock from my mouth and stepped behind me and shoved his cock in and began fucking my ass with the douche still inside to splash around his cock he pumped about 5 minutes then held his cock deep in my bowels, he wasn’t Cuming but I felt a new sensation as he let his bladder empty into my well soaked guts I could feel him fill up my inner ring with piss then he began pushing in and out again as his cock increased in size once more fucking my pissy hole and filling me with more cum he shot deep inside me then gently pulled out as I was about to explode Matt then entered me for a quick fuck and shot his load in as well. They both held onto me as the helped me to the toilet and sat me down. The feed me their cocks to clean off and they tasted like ass and cum and a new taste to me piss. They both took a communal shower as I expelled the douche and piss and cum from my well used hole. I then showered to wash the funk off of me and we all got dressed. Matt unlocked the door and exited the restroom; he then knocked three times to let us know it was safe to come out. We walked back to our room and Pete started asking questions about last night. Once in the room Matt and I explained to him that we signed a confidentiality agreement and couldn’t tell him more, he would have to apply himself to the survey to become a participant. Pete rushed over to his computer and pulled up CL and responded to the most recent ad for participants. There had been maybe 50 to 75 guys at the last “party” and I had taken about 2 dozen loads, I was starting to regret having gone when a new E-mail showed up in my box. It thanked me for my participation and suggested 3 different party dates in the near future and asked if I would like to continue with my participation. It then listed a couple of people who had already said yes and on which dates they would be participating, I noticed that one of the guys who had left me their e-mail on their band was attending two of the three parties and I was like hell yeah I’m going to those parties. They were all about a week or two away so I put them on my calendar and thought I’d email a couple of the guys in the meantime. The cute twink responded quickly and said he was having a little get together that weekend and wanted to know if I had any other gifted friends I would like to bring along. I responded back that I would love to cum to his party and bring my roommate and a couple of his friends. After sitting down and talking to Pete found out I wasn’t the only one who had been giving him head but had a small group of buddies who he regularly fooled around with. So I thought he could invite them as well. Classes were long and boring for the most part as I was looking forward to the party this weekend and my mind was just going through the paces until then. Friday arrived and Matt, Pete and I along with five of Pete’s friends headed over to a house just off campus on the fringe as the locals would say, as it was just outside of campus security jurisdiction. It was a ample sized house with an extra-large backyard complete with pool. Our host greeted us at the door and gave us all a huge kiss and thanked us for coming, he explained that this was a sleep over party and once we entered we would be there till about noon the next day, I had nothing planned so I was fine with that and so were my companions. He said that to make ourselves feel at home and lead us into an inner hallway where there were lockers provided for anything we might want to put in them as the evening progressed. He then left us to navigate around ourselves. Matt and I wandered around and found guys in all states of Undress from just having their shirts off to full out nude and making whoopee. We were offered many forms of drink and smoke and within 20 minutes of arriving found ourselves feeling pretty good and rather horny. The night went on as we managed to make our way back to the inner hallway we each found a locker and shucked all our clothes and placed them inside then took the keys and slid the elastic bands on our arms. We mingled and got fondled and sucked and found quite a few guys willing to fuck. Being a pretty much college party the average age was about 22 with quite a few twinks to satisfy my taste and a few daddies sprinkled in to fuel my appetite. Our host it turned out was just 18 and my friends found him most accommodating especially when he slipped into the sling for a center stage gang fuck he was taking all cummers and was covered in spunk by the time he let someone else take his place. I found Pete and he had started to explore his sexual side with vigor and spunk. He said he was going to be next in the sling. I had gotten so used to bare backing that it took me until the next morning that there was no condoms anywhere not even used ones and that everyone was fucking bare. I had about 12 loads oozing out of my hole and had planted at least 5 by the time the sun rose I was drunk on cum and poppers and my cock was beginning to take more time to recover, when I came across a hot guy 20 and built like a god , although I had just dumped a load in another twink I was in lust as he sauntered up to me took me in his arms and plied me with kisses I was instantly hard his long cock snaking between my thighs found its target as he lifted first my right leg up his cock slid into my awaiting hole as I slid down he lifted my left leg up and around his torso, my entire weight supported by his cock and my arms around his neck. He bounced me up and down his shaft as he plunged into depth that I had never known he was fully in me and we were kissing as I felt the warm flow of liquid above my second ring, he continued to piss into my intestines for what seemed like an eternity as I felt his stiff cock soften in my ass he began to pump me again thus making him full hard again and he fucked my hole my sphincter grasping fast on his shaft as it went in and out of my hole he laid me back on a lounge chair and preceded to pummel my ass from above. I looked up at his smiling eyes and my hard dick pointing down at my face as he had me on my shouldered bent over almost enough to suck my own cock he reached down and stretched my cock down as I tasted my sweet precum dripping from my cock I stuck out my tongue and licked the head. I felt like I had to both cum and piss at the same time someone placed a bottle of poppers under my nose and I bent my head up a bit and took my cock in my own mouth and began sucking then I pissed into my own mouth locking my lips around the head I didn’t spill a drop I drank my own piss and it was acrid but sweet on my tongue. My pissing must have sent shock waves through my ass and began milking the cum from this Adonis as he began shooting his load deep inside my full cavity. HE left me feeling spent and energized my hole dripping cum and piss. Matt found me slumped over the lounge chair and smiled he said Pete had just taken on this really hot stud while in the sling and that the stud had pissed all over Pete. Morning had appeared and Breakfast had magically appeared in the dining room as the guest began filling up on pastries and juice refueling for a hot day of sex and swimming and more sex. I managed four more loads into various twinks and a daddy or two. I was ready to have a relaxing lay by the pool when Pete showed up and plopped down on the lounge beside me. Just looked at me for a second then planted a deep kiss on my lips I could taste the cum and piss and ass on his tongue “thank you for bringing me out and teaching me that gay sex isn’t dirty but it’s hot and exciting” I smiled and laughed. He then told me he got a invite to the survey and would be going later in the week I told him have a good time. The party ended shortly after noon and we walked back to the residents halls and all collapsed in Pete and my room I fell asleep wedged between Matt and one of Pete’s friends and Pete had two on his bunk as well and the rest were crashed in a heap on the floor between us. In all it was a good Saturday so far. To be continued -return trip to the survey
    1 point
  48. The Survey was still a week off and I had met up with Matt (my new sex buddy) a couple times during the week, we had lunch and a couple of dinners together. He was a EEE major and I was Criminal justice Major with a minor in Drama, I also was second string on the men’s volleyball team. Matt was so sweet and we eventually ended up at his dorm room or mine as he was just the next building over. Our roommates were both party animals and spent a good portion of their time away from the room so it gave us both time to fool around with each other. Matt also received an Invite to the survey only his check in was at 8:30 to 8:40 a half hour after mine we decided we’d drive over together and he could wait in the car until it was time for him to check in. September 30th came and we had a light dinner ant the commons (cafeteria for the residential students) and he said he was a bit nervous about this survey, I told him relax how hard could a few questions be. We arrived at the designated address in an Industrial section of town. It looked like a warehouse of some sort. The neighborhood had seen better days but there was on-site parking in a fenced in area adjacent to the door. There were about 4 other cars in the lot which could hold maybe 40-50 cars. I looked at matt and asked him if he felt safe waiting a half hour in the car and he said he was a bit hesitant but he would be alright. I exited the car and went to the door, took a deep breath and entered. The interior was a lot nicer than the exterior, the walls had a fresh paint job and it felt clean. I walked over to the window and handed the young man behind the glass my e-mail invite, he turned around and found my corresponding paperwork and handed me an envelope with my invite fastened to it and asked me to step through the door into the interview room 3. I realized that there was a short corridor at a 90 degree angle to the check in window, with several doors leading off of it on either side. I walked down the corridor and heard someone else enter the building and walk up to the window, I glanced back towards the window and saw an attractive young man repeating my moves to check in. I stepped through the door and was greeted by another guy maybe mid 20’s who offered me coffee or juice. I took the juice. I sat down at the little table and was instructed to open my package in it was a scantron and some colorful wrist bands (all the same color dark red) the guy then handed me a questionnaire which was quite elaborate, It had a section at the top which had instructions for using the scantron and the questionnaire, he then excused himself from the room and handed me a locker key said that after I finished the questionnaire I was to strip and proceed to the locker room where I would lock up my clothes and give the package back to the attendant. He left the room and I took the pencil and the scan form and following instructions penciled in the ticket number assigned to my packet then got to the first question: 1: Were you in any way coerced to participate a. No b. Yes c. Maybe a little by friends 2: what is your status? a. Positive b. Negative c. Not sure If your answer to 2 is A continue on with questions 3-13 If your answer to 2 is B skip to questions 14-24 If your answer to 2 is C skip to questions 25-35 This is where the questionnaire got elaborate it had flaps covering the question sections. I had always been careful and had used protection and my last test was negative so I lifted the flap marked B and was presented with questions 14-24, the asked what my attitude was regarding sex, bare backing ,conversion of status, sexual practices, top, bottom or versatile, and a few other things concerning promiscuous sex and moral values. At the end of the questions it gave directions for the wrist bands and the evenings events. It instructed me to go out into the play area and have fun, no condoms allowed and I was to be as versatile as possible, I was to place all the bands on my right wrist and was to take one off and place it on the right ankle of my bottom upon depositing my load in their ass, anyone who came in me would do similarly. This made me a bit nervous know I would be taking loads and not really knowing the status of the person I was getting fucked by or the person I would be dumping my loads. I was rock hard at the thought. I took my shirt off and folded it neatly and then my pants, I had worn a sexy jock strap and thought I wasn’t ready to shuck that so soon. (The instructions stated kink wear was acceptable), took off my tennis shoes and stuffed my shorty socks into them. They had a mirror on the wall (2 way perhaps) looked at myself in the mirror and thought shit I’m going to get laid tonight I stood 6’2 and had maybe 10 % body fat had a cute face and a tight bubble butt who could resist. He instructions said that when my wrist bands were exhausted or 2 am rolled around the night would be over for me, I counted 10 bands on my right wrist it was coming up on 8:30 and I knew Matt would be entering the process soon and couldn’t wait to get my hard cock in him again. I left through the back door next to the mirror and glanced back to see that my suspicions were true it was a double sided mirror so that the proctors could watch us fill in the questionnaire. I proceeded down the hall following the arrows direction me to the locker room, there were about 3-4 guys putting away their clothes, none of which I found revolting but they ranged in age between 18 and 60. Thought to myself this should prove interesting. There was a towel and some slip on water shoes (stretchy one size fits most )in the locker I slipped on the bright orange slippers and wiggled my toes kind of comfy they would protect my feet from the hard although carpeted walkways and tile floors. I then exited the locker room after throwing the towel around my waist; it almost went around a second time. There was a juice bar set up for refreshments just past the locker room and then a couple passage ways lead off from there. There were cubicles with mattresses in them a couple guys were using them and then I reached an area with a maze and multiple slings set up. I had a few guys pass me in the narrow passageways and cop a feel, the night was young and I had at least 5-6 hours ahead of me. I continued to wander and get cruised as I cruised what must have been the first and second groups of subjects since there were maybe a dozen or so guys wandering the rooms. A hot twink passed by and groped my jock and then brushed my chest. I stopped long enough for him to get a good feel before he lead me to a sling where he climbed in. we kissed and he pulled my hard cock from its confines I slid into his rectum easily thinking he was already lubed up I pumped him for a little while slow and easy I noticed he had a pink and orange band on his left ankle and a blue one on his right, he wasn’t lubed up I was fucking him using his already spunked hole as lube, this made me harder and made me add a fourth load to his hole. I’m kind of kinky so I wanted to see if fetlching was for me so I began to eat his cummy ass it tasted good, he got up from the sling and started kissing me and receiving the cum from my mouth as he turned me around to the sling he sat me back and lifted my legs, securing my feet in the stirrups he began rimming me and working the mixture of cum and spit into my hole. He then placed his cock at my hole and edged in the head he rocked the sling back and forth and the movement worked his cock into my hole he pumped my hole for about 5-10 minute varying his speed as his cock slid in and out of my slowly loosing hole, he then started slamming into my hole then went stiff as his cock pulsed in my hole and shot a good sized load deep in my gut. He slipped a white wrist band on my right ankle and kissed me. He left almost as quickly as he had appeared. Upon his departure I noticed a guy in his 40’s had been watching and he approached me. He felt up my ass and stuck a finger in my hole It felt good and I did not try to stop him he leaned down and sucked on my nipple my cock bounced in my jock as he slip his cock into my hole, he wasn’t completely hard yet but was growing in my ass he began working it in and out and it continued to grow and thicken, soon I felt very full and he pump my hole and quickly shot in my guts a big load then placed a light blue band on my left ankle. He left and I got up from the sling cum dripping from my hole, I did my best to hold it in but there was already a large amount in there. I wandered back towards the juice bar to find about a dozen guys sitting around some had already been banded several times some with no bands on their ankles. Did not see Matt but knew he’d be playing around since it was just past nine already. I drank some juice and then wandered back to the maze where I ended up taking 3 more loads and giving another to a guy in his 50’s. I was so turned on by all this sex happening around me it was like I was on Viagra my cock would go limp after Cumming and then be ready to pummel another hole in about five minutes. I planted my seed in another twink then in a twenty something jock . I found Matt in a cubicle with two cocks pulsating in his hole. As each guy banded him then left he looked up at me and had this big grin on his face. I sat down next to him and he hugged me, then kissed me passionately, he tasted of cock and cum and ass. He rolled me over and began fucking me while looking down into my eyes lust in his and want in mine, I no longer cared what status he was or I was all that mattered was the loads we were receiving and giving. He had 8 bands left to my five but he had almost double the bands on his ankles he fucked me quick and shot in my hole and slipped his yellow band on my left ankle. We had attracted a crowd outside the cubicle so I flipped him over into doggy and began pumping my cock in him as a twink came up behind me and planted his cock in my hole I was pumping into Matt and the twink was fucking me, a daddy came round and fed Matt his cock the twink shot off and lifted my right leg and placed his band on my ankle and disappeared I noticed he had a light purple band on and he had somehow managed to write his e-mail address on the one he placed on my ankle. The daddy then came up behind me and unloaded in my hole and then banded me the same way the boy had. I unloaded in Matt then laid down beside him where I received yet another load and then another. I had thirteen bands on my ankles and only four left on my wrist. I was exhausted and Matt was looking a bit used so I took him by the hand and lead him back to the Juice bar for a quick energy boost. We rested for about 10 minutes. We were about to go back into the maze when a couple stopped us and asked us if we wanted to join them in the steam room. We said lead on and we were soon in a large tiled room with benches and alcoves they had constructed a couple slings in the center of the room with plastic coated chains, they were empty so the couple lead us over as they climbed in between the steam and the loads they had already inserted in them it was no problem fucking them and leaving our loads in to comingle with the others. Had a couple more guy put me in the middle and ended up receiving three more loads while taking turns fucking the couple. I saw the first twink I had fucked as he came up and fucked me again then the couple put Matt and I in the slings and we began taking loads form any hard cock in the steam room. I had one band left and the cute guy I first had fucked was close by so I motioned him over and he climbed into my lap and impaled himself on my ready to burst cock. As I took two more loads in the sling the boy rode me like a champion stallion, and I burst into his hole I could feel the other loads leaking out around my cock. I took four more loads and the boy left his band on my ankle I did his as well, having written my e-mail on the band. I left the steam room and went into the juice bar to wait for Matt Matt found three more guys to plant his seed in then came to join me in the juice bar when he got there he grinned and we headed back to the Locker room to find guys going at it on the benches in front of the lockers. Just like a porn movie eh he retorted to me. We went to the attendant and he pulled up our envelopes, he told us to get our stuff from the lockers and to go to rooms 4 and 6 for debriefing. We emptied our lockers left the towels and slippers and took our stuff to the respective rooms. This time the guy was in a jock strap and they had darkened the rooms a bit he had me lie back on the table as he removed the bands from my ankles, he marked down which colors I received and on which ankle then he handed the ones with the e-mail addresses on them to me and fingered my hole. He tasted the spunk then reinserted them once again then put them in my mouth. I’m a cum pig and the taste of all those loads got me hard again he then pulled his large cock out and slid it into my ravaged hole it hurt like hell he was so big then I realized he had a PA and was fucking me with a 0 gauge it hurt and felt good as he churned the loads in me around and fucked me good he shot his load to join the rest then pulled out and made me lick his cock clean. He then shoved a small butt plug up my hole to “help keep the seepage at bay” I got dressed shoved the bands in my pocket and went to join Matt out at the car. To be continued
    1 point
  49. I have fantasized about this on the other end of it. I always thought it'd be hot to roofie a bottom and then set up a camera and take advantage of him and breed his sweet hole, maybe even have a friend tag his ass with me. Then after he woke up, wondering where he was, i would show him the video of me and my buddy using his ass and dumping our loads down his ass. Of course, I would do this to someone who was WILLING to do it. I would never do it to a stranger.
    1 point
  50. my fave is "Ace in the Hole" - love to be the guy in the harness....he's taking over the tops from the poor btm!!...then followed by a close second "Pigs of Steel"....both from Dick Wadd... http://www.dickwadd.com/osc/product_info.php?products_id=65 http://www.dickwadd.com/osc/product_info.php?products_id=62
    1 point
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