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Hey, first I wanna say.. that this is the first time I write here, so please have mercy. English is not my main language, so if I do stupid spelling mistakes, I am really sorry. I try to do my best, to make a good story here. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am a german college student in Berlin, just got 22 years old. I am using this website since.. I don´t know, 2 years? It started pretty normal, I had a lot of good sex. One day, I startet bareback, and you know... I loved it. The next time, I was looking for hot guys who wanna shoot their loads into my ass. I was not able to cum, if I had not at least one shoot up my ass. Then I found out about the poz-play world and it totally turned me on. I was reading stories and watching porn with this topic. It´s just so hot. After 2 years, I decided that I am ready for more. This is the story of me. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am a 22 years old, tall blond bottom, sometimes even going to thy gym.. I think, you can say I look quite well. I found a really hot 28 year old guy with a huge uncut cock in the internet, and startet chatting with him. After some days he wrote me, he was poz. I blocked him, and was kind of scared. Week later, when I was horny as fuck.. I decided to start chatting with him again. He understood me, and was fine with a little bit of dorty talk. I explained him, I don´t want to be poz and how hot he is. He offered me to visit him, just for a talk.. And I think, it was not a mistake to visit him. After exchanging numbers, I was showering and made my way over to his place. He looked even better in real life, a handsome guy. 28 years old, sporty and tall. Brown hair, and a great smile. He tested positiv 4 months ago and he told me he is not on meds yet, cuz his blood is in an ok-area. So, I entered and we started talking. (I am B, and he is A!) A: Hey, you really came! I am proud of you! B: Yeah, still kind of nervous. My hands are all shaking A: That´s ok. We don´t have to do anything. B: I know, just wanna talk with you. A: I see.. so, wanna sit down? Drink something? B: Water would be fine, I´m coming from Dinner. (after giving me water) A: So, you wanna get poz or what? B: Don´t know, it turns me on to think about it, and I would love to taste that dick.. but you know, beeing sick is terrible.. and I don´t want to waste time.. you know? A: I see.. I have a question, would you fuck me, right now? B: Not sure, with condom I would do it. Don´t think I could take it bare. A: Ok, have you fucked a poz guy before? B: No, or.. at least I didn´t know. A: And.. are you clean today? B: haha, yes.. I am ready if you wanna hear that A: Ok, so you would sleep with me now? B: As I told you, I just don´t know. You are really hot.. and I´m horny, but I´m 22 and.. A: it´s ok, just kidding. But if you want to have a little bit talking, we can do that in the bedroom. It´s warm there. B: Well.. I am not sure. A: I will not do anything you don´t like, I promise. Just talking. B: Would be cool.. So we moved in to his bedroom. I was rock hard all the time, he too I guess. A: Better in the bed? B: much better A: So.. is it ok if I take my clothes off? Then you can see that you miss B: well, it´s your choice... He started to undress. Such a hot body. Wish you could see it. He only left his boxershorts, so hot. And his dick was looking throug it.. A: hey, don´t look there haha B Sorry, you know. It´s hard A: I know. what about your cock? is it hard too? B all the time, yes A: So you want to fuck? B: I never said no, I just want to.. play safe. Maybe A: I would say.. we see how brave you are. He kissed me and grabed my dick. It was so perfect, so softly. He started to undress me and jerked me off a little bit. I wanted him so bad.. but.. A: well, I think you can use your mouth, should be fine B: Really? I like to.. but I am not sure.. He grabed my hand an put it on his perfect dick. That was what I needed. I could never grab it myself, but now... when my hand was already there.. i started to work with it. Just a nice uncut cock. And I could play with it. He groaned and I was ready. I tooked his dick in my mouth. It was perfect. I wanted to suck him really good and try my best, but he said A: wait, stop it. I can´t do this this way. pleas, lay on your back. I just have to fuck you. It was so intense. I was rock hard and I wanted it so bad.. B: ok, but we use a condom, ok? I layed on my back, he was above my, kissing me and telling my I would gonna love it. Then I felt his cock at my ass, trying to get in. He put some lube up my ass, I was groaning all the time. it´s just so hot. A: I will go in, you are ready? B: Just fuck me, please. I was begging like one of this chasing sluts in the stories and I needed it so bad.. Then he started to go inside of me. I knew he fucked me bare. I just felt that there was no condom on his dick. And I didn´t care. I shut my mouth and he stroked his dick inside of me. when he was inside with his dick, he stoped, kissed me and looked in my eyes. A: You know, I am inside of you. Bare. You want it, I know that. Just let it happen. B: I.. you are so hot, and it feels so good.. but.. I don´t.. A: Shh.. I will just do a little bit of moving, ok? Then you tell me how it goes, ok? B... ok, but don´t cum inside of me He startet pounding me. It was like heaven. I knew that bare poz dick was inside of my ass. He had the perfect size and I already wanted to cum all over my body. He looked so good.. and continued fucking me. He just didn´t stoped. After a while of perfect bare sex.. A: I am comming close, you have to decide now.. B: I.. know.. He didn´t stoped punding me. A: So? You want that load in your ass? I knew it was already precum inside of me.. but taking the load and.. B: ok.. please, yes. shoot it in! A: i would love to.. He started fucking me harder. It was perfect. I never had a time like that while beeing bottom When he came inside me, he kissed me pressing his body on me.. I felt every single shoot. He shoot a gib load of his poz cum in my ass, 5 or 6 shoots.. he just touched my cock a little bit I also came all over my body.. It was so hot.. After we finished, he pulled out kssing me. A: How was it? B... perfect. I love it. But what now? A: it´s ok, I came already at the beginning. This was the second load. I guess it´s too late now.. B.. really? I was a little bit sad.. but, not sure.. my cock was still hard.. and I was happy. And what then happend..16 points
My Three Way With Two Barrio Boys (This story is related to Barrio Boy Gives Me a Load - https://breeding.zone/topic/35460-barrio-boy-gives-me-a-load/ ). I was still grappling with the raw pig inside of me wanting to get out. Besides a lover I had about that time who only fucked me raw (we both had tested negative just before meeting), I still played safe except for the occasional hook up, usually when I was drinking way too much and feeling less inhibited. But oh the guilt after! I had gone back to the streets around the clubs on North Main in San Antonio a few times to see if I could meet the barrio boy that had fucked me raw in the parking lot, but never saw him. I did hook up with a couple other guys from the barrio, however they were nothing memorable, they all played safe, and the only real excitement was not knowing if they were gay, bi, or what. There was one car though that I saw several times cruising the area, a dark blue/black Chevy Caprice. The guy driving looked Hispanic, about my age, mid-20s, he usually had a bandana around his forehead, cigarette in one hand, and he would drive by slow, look, but never stopped or gave any other indication he was interested. It had been a few months since I had been to those clubs and as spring approached, things in the city got crazy as the Latin singer Selena had just been murdered. One of her clothing stores was on Broadway Boulevard just two blocks from my house – less as the crow flies as I could see its parking lot from my back deck. Hundreds of people from all over Texas descended on the store, which quickly became a makeshift memorial to Selena. The street and parking lots up and down Broadway were filled with cars, people playing her music, just hanging out, and mourning in their own way. The day after it happened I decided to walk over to see the crowds and what was going on. As I got to the end of my street I stopped in the parking lot of this little convenience store to check out all the people and the first care I noticed looked just like the Chevy that I had seen by the clubs. Two guys were sitting on the hood with a six-pack between them and I could swear one of them was the guy I had seen driving. So, I stood off to the side and watched them and everyone else for a while before finally going into the store and buying some beer. I came back out, walked up by the car, and leaned against the wall off to the left so I could get a better look at them. The guy closest to me – the one I thought I had seen before - looked about my age, short buzzed hair with a blue bandana around his forehead, clean cut face. He had on a white tank top with big yellow pit stains, some pretty cool looking tats on his arm, and was pretty built, standing about 6’1, maybe 180 or so. The other guy with him looked about 10 years older, long hair pulled back in a pony tail, thick mustache, no shirt, and he also had some tattoos on his arms. I was on my third beer when they caught me eyeing them. Fuck – I wanted to run! I was so embarrassed, but just nodded and said, “Hey, what’s up?” The guy closest to me said they were just hanging and I could set my beer on their car if I wanted. I said thanks and introduced myself and the younger guy said his name was Diego and introduced me to other guy, but all I caught was “…my cousin...” as I was too busy staring at the bulge in Diego’s pants. With his leg hanging over the side of the hood, the jeans were stretched tight across his thigh and his long, thick, cock clearly showed. DAMN! My ass got wet right then with lust – and again – they caught me looking. Diego didn’t say anything, just turned back toward the street and the crowd while I blushed. I chatted with Diego and his cousin for a while, drank the rest of my 6-pack, and Diego offered me some of his beer. His cousin barely said two words to me, and gathered he spoke mainly Spanish, so I focused my attention on Diego. I had figured my lust was a lost cause, and was just enjoying hanging out, and watching the crowds come and go from across the street at Selena’s store. “You live near here?” Diego finally asked. I was off in lust land looking at his dick again, couldn’t help it. I came back to reality and said, “Yeah, just up the street on the next block and hey, if you guys want a break from the heat (it was only about 80 and about 3:00 in the afternoon, but we were all sweating, so… figured what the hell) you’re welcome to come hang out a bit.” Diego said, I do need to take a piss,” then chatted with his cousin some, who shook his head yes, and it seemed like I had company. I first ran into the store, grabbed a case of beer, hopped in their car, and we drove around the corner and up the block to my house. I showed Diego the bathroom (I wanted to watch so bad), took the beer to kitchen, and then sat down in the living room with his cousin. His cousin just smiled, and worked nursed his beer, so I turned on the TV. As Diego walked back into the living room he was adjusting his dick in his pants – damn – I could not help staring again. This time he did not seem to notice but his cousin sure did. Crap, last thing I needed to do was get grief from some straight dudes in my own house. Diego and his cousin then started speaking in Spanish to each other about something, and I just gulped my beer down and tried not to get scared. Diego then said, “You want to party man?” I said, “Sure, we can hang out.” Diego and his cousin chatted some more, Diego asked if I had any cash as his cousin would go get some food and stuff as he was hungry, so I gave them $50 and said my treat, and his cousin left. As soon as his cousin left Diego asked if I had any movies. I said yeah and knelt down by the TV cabinet to see what I had. He came over and stood by me as I pulled tapes out, his dick inches from my face if I turned to the right, which made it damn hard to focus. I pulled several tapes out tapes out and Diego reached down and grabbed one that I had tried to tuck into the bottom of the pile – some gay porn. Oh fuck – but he just handed it to me and said, “This one.” Hmmm, did not expect that, but yes Sir! I popped it in the VCR, got it going and when I turned around Diego had his pants around his ankles just standing in the middle of my living room with a big old dick pointing straight west! “Suck it for me,” he said, so I scooted over on my knees and started sucking him. He was uncut, and long (one of the longest dicks I had ever seen), and nice and fat. Diego’s dick was so hard the skin was stretched way back down his shaft and the veins were raised up off the shaft. I then realized he had on a LEATHER COCKRING – wow – one of those kinds that have snaps, looked like it was choking his dick, and his balls looked red and angry. Focus – so I just kept sucking him all the while worrying about his cousin who could come back anytime and as the spread between my thumb and pinky is 9 inches and his dick went beyond that, figured he was a good 10, 10 ½ and then started to worry as I was not sure I could take it. “Get some lotion,” Diego said. Huh? I was so focused on his dick, I barely heard him, but scrambled up, went to the bedroom, got a bottle of Vaseline Lotion, some condoms, a towel and the poppers and practically ran back hoping he had not left. He was standing in the same position, facing the TV with his big dick looking even harder. I handed the lotion to him with the condoms, bent over and started hitting the poppers. I was ready for him to ram it in, but was scared and excited, as I wanted it so bad. Instead, I felt his hands on my ass as he knelt behind me and spread my cheeks. His tongue started licking the outer edges of my ass. One cheek, then the next, each lick getting a little closer to my crack. I was in heaven already and started to moan. “You like that?” Diego asked. “Oh yes, please don’t stop, please don’t stop,” I started to beg. He kept on licking and then started slurping with his tongue getting closer to my hole and if not for his hands on my hips I would have been jumping all over the place with the excitement his mouth was causing. His tongue then pushed into my hole and I leaned forward more to try to open up. I could not stop moaning at that point as getting my ass ate makes me want to get fucked so bad and this man knew what he was doing! Just when I thought I could not take it anymore and might actually cum, Diego stood up, I heard him squirt some lotion and for a brief second asked in my mind if he had put on a condom? Fuck it – I did not care and right then wanted to feel him cum in me more than anything. So I hit the poppers. Again I expected him to just push his dick in, but he didn’t. He slid a finger up my ass, which made me jump. He pushed it in and pulled it out a little, then worked a second one in. I was not used to being fingered as it often just hurt, but this felt good and I started to moan some more and then heard myself say, “Please fuck me, please fuck me.” Damn – was that my outside voice? Diego said, “What do you want?” So I just started repeating – begging – “PLEASE FUCK ME, PLEASE FUCK ME.” His fingers left my ass and I heard the lotion again. This time it was his dick for sure so I bent over, put my right hand on the coffee table to brace myself, took a big hit of poppers and said again, “Please fuck me.” Diego obliged me as I felt his dick push against my hole and slowly begin to slide in. Fuck – it hurt a little, but I wanted him so badly I started pushing back as I wanted him all inside of me. Another hit of poppers, I felt the warmth of his dick and pushed back again. This time Diego moaned and a few more thrusts and I felt the leather cock ring and his balls hit up against my ass. He stayed like that for a little bit, just buried in my ass before he started shifting his hips to the side, pulling out a little and pushing in, slow and easy - small little circles each time pulling out a little further. I was jerking myself hard and was so horny feeling his cock like that. He reached out, pushed my hand off my dick and said, “No, just feel me.” I never got fucked without jerking my dick, but held back and what an amazing feeling with him slowly grinding in and out of my ass. Diego soon picked up the pace and started doing a straight shot in and out of my hole. Each thrust he would pull back, go balls deep, grunt, pull back, and go balls deep. Faster and faster and now his hips and whole front were slapping up against my ass each time he buried his cock. He then put his hands on my shoulders and I felt him tense up and he shot his load. His legs shook, he grunted, moaned, and said something in Spanish I had no idea what, but hoped it was good. Once he stopped, he just stayed like that and I felt his dick begin to soften and it then slowly slid out my hole. Hot cum began running down my leg and I knew then he had not put the condom on – and I loved it! I went to the bedroom to get another towel and when I came back Diego had his pants pulled up, but had left his tank top off, and was looking through the pile of movies. He stopped the gay porn that was playing, popped in a straight porn, then stood up, came over to me, and started kissing me. My knees literally buckled and I felt weak still feeling the hotness of his cum leaking out my ass and then his kiss. He pulled off my mouth, looked at me, “Did you like?” I had a huge goofy grin and laughed as I replied, “It was awesome, and thank you.” We both grabbed our beers and sat back on the couch. Diego kept leaning over to kiss me and with every thrust of his tongue my dick got a little harder and ass ached a little more with my need to feel him inside me again. By now, cum was leaking out my ass and had made a wet spot in my shorts, so I could feel the wetness as a reminder of his load. About 10 minutes later his cousin came back, walked in, saw the porn playing, lotion and condoms on the coffee table, he looked at Diego, then me, set the food on the coffee table, and said something to Diego in Spanish. Again I had no idea what they were talking about but within seconds his cousin had sat down, was taking his shoes off, and pulling his pants down. I looked from Diego, to him; back to Diego who just smiled and said “He’s wants to fuck you – ok?” Yeah OK! His cousin’s dick was a good 8 inches, fatter than Diego’s, and also uncut. I went over to suck him, but he just turned me around, spit on his hand, rubbed the head of his dick, and pushed it in as I was already full of Diego’s cum. Whew – I hit the poppers, caught my breath, and looked over at Diego who was just watching. The cousin did not last long and fucked faster, faster, then tensed and shot. He yanked out, slapped my ass, and said “Good – hmmm – good.” I now had two loads of cum trying to run down my leg, grabbed the towel, and tried to mop myself up while the cousin got dressed and Diego watched. We then all sat down in the living room and busted open the Mexican fast food the cousin had brought and made small talk, but did not speak a word about them fucking me. However, with every bite of food I kept thinking about their cum in me and hoping I would get more. We finished dinner and it was still early, only about a 5:00 p.m., so I figured they would head out, but Diego said, “You ready to party?” I thought we had been, so not sure what he was talking about, but said sure. His cousin reached into his pants, brought out a bag of white powder, smiled at us, then got down to partying. Before I knew it I was on my knees taking turns sucking on their dicks as they sat on the couch watching the porn. My knees were getting sore, so I grabbed a pillow off the couch and put it under my knees and shifted to a doggy style pose as Diego and his cousin spoke to each other. His cousin got up, pushed the coffee table away from the couch, walked behind me, I heard the lotion squirt, he then sort of bent down and plopped his dick into my hole and started pumping while I continued to suck Diego. WOW! That felt amazing. I didn’t know if it was from partying or just from having a dick in that position, but my ass felt hot and tingly and it felt like I could feel every square inch of his cock, as well as Diego’s dick in my mouth. This time the cousin fucked rough and hard and I had bruises on my hips the next day where he and Diego had grabbed a hold of me and dug in when they fucked that night. My jaw was starting to hurt, and my knees hurt, so I said I needed to stand up and pulled off Diego’s dick and his cousin pulled out and stepped back. I asked them, “Do you want to go to the bedroom?” Diego said, “Sure, but let’s take another hit.” So we partied a little more, drank a little beer, and I led them back to the bedroom suite. The cousin walked straight into the bathroom to piss, and Diego and I lay down on the futon mattress on the floor. Diego laid me on my side, pushed my right leg forward over my left, and pushed his hard dick into my hole like a hot poker going up my ass. It was so hot and for a second afraid something was wrong. I started to push away, and he wrapped his arms around me, leaned over my shoulder, and started licking my ear. DAMN – I melted again and relaxed. About then his cousin came back, knelt on the futon by my head and stuck his dick in my mouth. Diego kept deep dicking my ass while his cousin fucked my mouth. The cousin grabbed both sides of my face and started to really fuck my throat. I choked a little and my eyes started to tear up as he fucked harder and faster and harder and then shot in my mouth. His cum tasted awful. Very musky, rank, and strong, but I swallowed every drop and sucked harder until he pulled out and laid on his back on the futon and closed his eyes. His chest was covered in sweat and he was breathing hard as I ran my hand over his torso as Diego kept fucking me. Diego then said, “Get on your knees.” I pulled off his dick and scooted onto my hands and knees beside his cousin who was still lying there with his eyes closed. Diego pushed his cock back in my ass and was long dicking me, pulling almost all the way and going all the way back in. Nice long, slow, and steady strokes. The poppers seemed to have stopped working and my insides felt like they were clenching up. I asked if we could take a little break and Diego yanked out in one pull, stood up, and headed to the living room. Fuck – I blew it, I thought. He’s pissed. The cousin was still laying there on the futon, so I got up and followed Diego to the living room. He was sitting on the couch and I asked if he was OK, and if he was mad I asked for a break. “No, no, it’s good man,” he said, and so we partied a little more. His cousin soon joined us and we kept watching the porn, partying, and drinking. Soon the cousin’s dick was hard again and I went to get on my knees to suck him, but he kept me standing and turned me around, so my ass was towards him. He then guided me to sit down onto his dick, which went in easy as hell as I was pretty opened up by then. Diego was sitting beside us so I reached over and started stroking his dick. The cousin’s stiff meat felt so good and I started riding up and down as hard as I could and he started to moan. He moaned louder and louder and then shot another load up my ass. Fuck yeah!!! His hot cum started dripping out my ass and my hole throbbed. Condoms were the farthest things from my mind at that point and I just wanted more – more raw dick, more cum, and more cum. Diego then grabbed my hand, pulled me towards him and so I slipped the cousin’s dick out of my ass and stepped over, and backed down on Diego’s. DAMN – forgot how long he was and in that position felt like he was way up in my guts. Diego started thrusting his hips and pushing his dick deeper up into me. My hole was wet and sloppy from all of the cum already up there, and it was making squishy noises as Diego backed my gut pipes up further. He held my hips/ass hard and dug his fingers in as he fucked me. The cousin got off the couch, went to the bathroom, and when he came back he knelt in front of me and put my dick in his mouth. WHAT THE FUCK? I was the bottom – oh fucking hell that felt good and soon cried out, “OH STOP, PLEASE STOP, I’M GOING TO CUM – NO – I CAN’T GET FUCKED AFTER I CUM, NO STOP.” Neither one stopped, Diego fucked harder as he held my arms by my side now and the cousin sucked my dick. I could feel the cum start crawling up my dick and it wouldn’t stop, I couldn’t stop it, and started to shake, twitch and literally convulse as I blew my load into the cousin’s mouth and started moaning and groaning louder than before. My ass clenched up and wrapped tight around the dick in my ass, and this set Diego off as he grabbed my hips like a vice and moaned and groaned as he shot another load of cum deep inside me. Once he stopped shaking, he turned my face to the side and leaned forward, kissed me and filled my mouth with his spit. I could barely breathe. The three of us detangled from each other, I excused myself to use the bathroom, and so much cum and juice came out of me, I could not believe it. I washed my face, went back to the living room, and Diego and his cousin were both sitting on the couch now, naked, passing the party supplies back and forth. I sat on the chair, and joined in. I’m not sure what time it was, but it was dark out, and we spent a while more in the living room with Diego or the cousin fucking me for a few or having me suck their dick, then partying some more, drinking, making small talk, and watching porn. What we talked about I have no idea, even the next day it was sort of a blur, but they did not shoot any more loads, and I was sort of disappointed as while the fucking felt good, I knew I had become a cum hound and just wanted to taste and feel more of their hot loads – the best Mexican food ever! Later, we ended back up in the bedroom with me on my stomach on the futon and the cousin fucking me. My ass did not hurt anymore; I was too fucked up, and was just enjoying feeling the cousin and Diego on me, inside me, us all tangled together. While the cousin fucked me, Diego laid beside me kissing me, from rough and hard, to gentle and sweet, and my mouth was getting fucked by his tongue harder than my ass was getting plowed by the cousin’s dick. At some point I passed out, or fell asleep, and the next thing I remember is strong hand covering my mouth and feeling someone’s body move onto my back and shove their cock into my sloppy hole. Diego. I could not really move my head, but peering to the right could see the cousin was sleeping on the other side of the bed. Diego kept his right hand over my mouth, put his head down against mine, and started nibbling and licking on my left ear. I was feeling more sober by then and my ass hurt – not in a good way – felt like I had been torn up and started to fidget and try to shift a little. Diego just pressed his body harder onto me and pushed his torso a little more forward so his dick pushed deeper and straight down into my hole instead of just going in level. This hurt even more and I started whimper. His grip on my mouth got tighter, his left hand was on my left hip pushing me down, and he angled himself a little to the right and thrust even harder. Right then I wanted him to stop, I could not take any more, but he held me tight and fucked harder, and harder, and harder. Diego leaned into my ear and said “Yeah mi cielo, give it to me, yeah mi cielo. Open that hole.” Between my whimpering and Diego slamming into me I was sure the cousin would wake up, but he kept sleeping. I had no choice but to lie there and take the fucking Diego was giving me and after a while the pain gave way as my dick got hard and my body responded to Diego being inside me. I realized how much I was craving the feeling of his raw dick in my ass and started moaning and trying to push back on him to meet his thrusts. Diego pumped harder and faster and when he shot I could feel him unload in my ass. It felt so warm. He then slid off my back and onto the futon by my right side next to his cousin. His hand was still over my mouth and I started kissing his hand as he relaxed and soon he was asleep. I lay there with my ass throbbing feeling the heat of Diego as he lay beside me and hearing his cousin snore on the other side. We all got up the next morning and I cooked some breakfast as Diego and his cousin took turns showering. When the cousin was in the shower Diego held me close and gave me a long, deep kiss. When I asked him if they had a good time, Diego laughed, smiled, and said, “Oh yeah mi cielo.” I told him I had fun too and hoped I got to see him again. Diego smiled, took my hand and let it rest on his now hardening dick, and as the next batch of pancakes started burn, my ass got set on fire with a rough, dry, morning fuck. I saw Diego almost every Friday night after that for several months. I never knew if Diego was his real first name or last name, where he worked or lived (besides on the West side), or even his phone number. It was all about the dick, ass, and cum, the party and small talk. He always called me, and always showed up on Friday with his cock ring on and his dick hard and throbbing and ready to cum in me and he usually gave me 3 or 4 loads over the course of the night/next morning. A couple more times his cousin showed up too and we would do an all night party and fuck three-way session. They never asked me if the cousin could come by, guess it was something they worked out as he would just show up when Diego was there and jump right in and give me some dick and cum too. Those two barrio boys would wear my ass out on those nights and I would walk funny the rest of the weekend, but every time Diego made sure his was the last cock and load I would get – usually by waking me up in the morning with his cock sliding up my ass and his hand over my mouth as he whispered in my ear, “Yeah mi cielo, give it to me. Open that hole. Yeah mi cielo,” until he flooded me out with his cum.4 points
You are on your back, the dude with the huge dick is pumping your ass like he is possessed. You have no idea if he is poz or not, all you know is that his massive pole feels great going balls deep into your negative ass. New to barebacking, you quickly forget about the risks when you see a cock and start think how good it will feel slipping into your ass. But tonight is different. Tonight that magic dick is going to spew a toxic load into your tender ass and start your conversion. You are ten seconds from taking the stealth poz load that will change your life. And now, the process is launched and there is nothing you can do to reverse it. You are not poz yet, but you are seconds away from infection. At P (poz) minus 10, the process starts. All of the efforts of the top ramming his cock into your ass are about to pay off. The level of arousal is such that the orgasm that will convert you has started. Wham, the rear most sphincter in his piss tube slams such. This seals the tube on one and and keeps the piss out of the cum. P minus 9 sees the prostrate (with the piss tube running through it) begin to stir up the toxic stew that will deliver the virus to mucus membrane in you shit chute. P minus 8 and the front piss tube sphincter slams closed. Now, the prostates mix of sperm, virus, fluids and sperm food fills the sealed tube. The top knows the feeling of his cock swelling for orgasm. As the tube fills with that potentially lethal mix, his breathing deepens, his thrusts become my animalistic and he may start groaning as he enjoys the feel of his ever more engorged cock. P minus 6 and the tube is nearly full. While only 5 percent of the volume is sperm, there are as many as 500,000,000 of the little baby makers ready to make the swim of their lives----but will only die in the dark dank reaches of you queer asshole. There are a number of different fluids that are present as well---most of them are carrying the virus that will soon infect your body. P minus 5 and the top shouts OH GOD, and moves into the second phase of his virus inserting orgasm. The pressure in the closed off piss tube has reached the maximum and it signals the front sphincter to open suddenly. The built up cum pressure forces the poison wad to start moving toward your cock head. P minus 4 and the jizz is near the glans....the top's very meaty, mushroom cockhead. The state of overall arousal and the sensation of the dollop of cum reaching the glans combines for more action. The muscle like parts of that glorious piece of man meat start contracting. The top's work is nearly done. The tensing of the those cock control system expel the shot with great force.....as much as 80 miles per hour. And all you know is that you are enjoying a great fuck and you know Mr. Top is about to explode into your willing ass. The virus that causes HIV+ has been launched and will soon be residing you that ass you think is just being used for fun and sex. T minus 3 and the filthy load is out of the tip of the cock and free flowing towards the lining of your rectum. Splat and it hits you.....the virus is now yours and no longer just a theory it is in your ass. The top continues to spasm and shoot parts of his gift. The continual thrusting of his meat smears that load up and down your hole. He is increasing the points of contact---so the virus has more opportunities---and you are just wiggling and squirming in the delight of being well fucked. T minus 2 and the top is nearly done. HIs strokes are not as deep, his cock is softening, but his deed is done, he has mixed a toxic wad of white sticky goo and shot it deep into your ass. He then smeared it for maximum effect. T minus 1 and he with draws. Now it is up to the virus and the receptiveness of your ass. The brutal fucking had damaged the lining of the very thin membranes of you ass-cunt so you are ready for accepting your fate. T minus ZERO--blast off. The virus containing cum that is smeared inside you begins offloading the passengers. The poor sperm are condemned to die in your shit hole or will be expelled with the next dump you take. But the HIV causing virus is very happy, the warm dark hole is a good place for them. The thin and damaged walls of your rectum make it easy to move in. And they begin gathering together and replicating and preparing to wage a war on your immune system. A war they will win. You may feel the battle if you develop the fuck flu. You may never know there was a war until, you get that test result you are not expecting. But for now, you have no idea that the war was started, all you know is that you are simply laying there, cum in your ass, happily and thoroughly fucked. It is just a mater of days until the war has been won and you are HIV+. You have no clue what happened in the past 10 seconds. You have just been pozzed3 points
and really never looked back. Prior to that my life was a clusterfuck of one bad decision after another but I found that most of my problems were due to me, a very liberal gay man, living in a small religious ultra-conservative town with absolutley ZERO gay scene and as non-gay-friendly as it got. Small town USA can be flat out depressing to a point that can drive a gay dude insane. Depression is the #1 killer of gay men. I could write an entire thread on the ailments that gay depression leads to. That all changed for the better the day that I made the best decision I've ever made in my entire life. I decided to move to Chicago. Why Chitown? My midwestern roots made the move easier. But I had taken a few trips to Chi in the years prior for the hot, active gay scene. A gay weekend at Steamworks or Man's Country. Or I'd hit the now closed infamous Bijou theater. Or the multitudes of gay bars. The Ram theater. There was cock and hole everywhere. Chitown is a wiener buffet and I fell in love with the city just from taking a few weekend fuckfest trips there. I would actually get depressed when leaving Chi to drive back to my small town hellhole. That's when it occurred to me that I had to move to Chitown. In order to save my life from the downward spiral of depression and loneliness. I did my research and started to develop a plan to move. The internet helps enormously nowadays. Planning the move and actually doing were far easier and less stressful than I thought. I owe that to the time that I took to properly plan it out. I rented an apartment before moving which eliminated that major hurdle and stress maker. I had sent out resumes and had interviews lined up for a job. I had limited savings but enough to live on for a short time. Proper planning and an organized strategy made it work well and the entire move was rather easy. Again, planning is the key. I've spent the past 25 years living in fag paradise. I love Chicago's rich gay history and legendary gay scene and venues. Steamworks, The Leather Archive and Museum, Touche, Jackhammer spin on over to BBRT and check out Chicago's local sex party or quick connect search pages and one can see it is very active. Living in Chicago is quite affordable for a huge urban area, compared to many other cities. Rents are surprisingly reasonable for a big city. Not to bust on NYC or SF, gay heavens in their own rights, rents can be astronomical in many cities. It pays to do your homework and consider cost of living anytime you're looking to move. Chitowns cost of living is very reasonable. I'll quit making a sales pitch for Chicago now and close by saying that the point of this thread is that if you are stuck in boring small town hell, moving to a big city can often be the POZ change that can set you free. I've been a longtime reader of this site and finally decided to make a profile after reading many topics posted by BZ'ers that talked about sex dead places and a hard time hooking up in their home areas. Wienerfest cities like Chicago, NY, SF, Denver, Montreal, Toronto, Berlin, London cure the hookup problem. Moving from a small town to a big city can be a big hurdle to overcome but if my poor ass can pull it off I believe almost anyone can do it. Moving to Chicago allowed me to finally find my gay freedom, my gay self, my slice of gay heaven. It saved my life. I'd be glad to give pointers to anyone considering a similar large move.2 points
It took me forever to get dressed. It was my first college party and I wanted to look good. I mean I knew I looked good, but I wanted to pick the right clothes. I looked in the mirror staring at the 5'5 145 latino stud looking back. I lifted up the tight black shirt I'd picked seeing the outlining of the matching underarmor briefs I chose in a tight pair of jeans showing off my strong legs and big ass, I inspeced my four/sixish pack of smooth stomach and my chest which had been growing nicely thanks to all the new hours at the university gym. I'd shed the geeky glasses and spiked my short black hair and yeah I felt it. I looked good. This was the first college party I'd go to. I got my invite on grinder. so i knew there would be a lot of gay boys there. I'd recently just gotten out of a 4 year relationship with my high school bf (yeah we thought we'd be together forever but ended after I saw him getting fucked by his neighbor in the jockstrap I bought for him). I was antisocial. I knew it, but I was determined to prove I could have a good time on my own. I mean college is for experimenting and meeting new people right, and few gay friends couldn't hurt. I rang the doorbell as I arrived and a cute boy answered the door. He smiled and stood there awkwardly. "Hi" I answered trying to break the silence "I was invited by Greg" I thought I should leave the part out about getting to know Greg on grindr. We'd flirted but never met before. Traded photos. He was a hot slim stud around my built but had about 10 lbs of muscle on me, and at least 2 or 3 inches taller. The boy at the door who was a twink slim with I have to admit a nice bubble butt ass in some tight jeans stood there still and silent with a giant grin. "Can I come in?" I asked "I'm so fucking high right now" He blurted out and then covered his mouth and started laughing and walked away from the door. which I guess was an invitation in. I walked in and yeah it was a sausage fest. there was a giant living room table set up with a beer pong game going in full swing. at least 15 guys there all with a red solo cup or a bottle in hand. It was a grindr party. Id seen at least every face or torso in the room at least once on the app. Few of the guys gave me bro nods as I walked around searching for the only guy I knew there, the host. It was a pretty good group all considered. I recognized couple guys on the wrestling team, all pretty fit and jockish looking, one of which was acting more fem than I'd ever guess a guy that looked like him to act. There was practically half the swim team and a quater of the boys track team. I think every guy in the drama department showed up, which accounted for the guys that didn't look like they walked out of magazine but each of them still very handsome/pretty. and then several others I didn't recognize. strangers like myself. I walked around still looking for greg getting approached with hi's and and who are you's from randoms as I walked around. Till I found myself in the backyard where the other 10 or so people were smoking and drinking. "You made it!" Greg walked right up to me. God felt so good to just not feel so awkward and know someone. "You look great" he said. "Thanks you too." I responded. He did. He's body was ripped and he showed it off in a loose hipster muscle shirt. and the guys he was hanging with had at least 20 lbs of muscle on me. Damn, I thought, this guy knows how to throw a party. This could have been the set up for a porno. "You don't have a drink?" "No no," I stammered, "I just got here" "Have mine" one of the more musclar guys sitting around the stone table where greg had been offered. " I've had enough" "Um thanks" I took a sip. "Drink that slowly." Greg smiled. "It packs a kick" I smiled, and pretended to know what he meant. then took another drink. Everyone around the table chuckled a bit and then they pulled me up a chair. I sat down and just listened mostly keeping to my drink. I couldn't help that as the drink went down I kept feeling warmer. like a fever rush in my chest arms and legs and ...dick. Gregs friend brough us another round, so I quickly finished what was left in my first glass and started on number too. Greg was staring at me smiling and whispered into the ear of another toppless hottie sitting next to him. I sipped my drink and couldn't help feeling how warm I was, but also how good my skin felt. The chair everything felt good, and I found myself smiling and laughing randomly. Dylan, the guy that had given my drink put his arm on my shoulder and offered me another full cup. I swigged down my second and started on my third when my head began to spin. Dylans giant hand on me felt so good. I wanted him to touch me so bad. Suddenly greg was on my side whispering in my ear. "How you feeling Jay." "I feel great!" I said, probably louder than necessary, because the company outside burst out laughing. "Take your shirt off man," Greg offered." The air feels great." I didn't think twice of it. I took my shirt off and yeah, the night breeze felt amazing. "Damn boy" Dylan exclaimed letting his hand rub over my chest. "You're bigger than you look in that little shirt." "Yeah...I been...bluck...bull...bulking up..."I was stuttering there was more laughing and I laughed too. I flexed a little bit. I wasn't the biggest guy there but I knew I could match the swim team and wrestling team bodies and dylans hand made me shiver as his fingers rand down my spine. "We should do body shots!" greg announced and moments later a tray of tequila or vodka or both was being held outside. "You first jay." I laughed but was moved to the stone table and guided to lay on my back. Greg poured salt on my neck and dylan put a lime in my mouth. Slowly greg licked the nap of my neck which almost made me swallow the lime, then took his shot and saved me from choking. "How was that?" Greg asked. I smiled but before I could answer. Dylan poured salt on my nipple and began licking. I moaned loudly as someone placed a new lime in my mouth and dylan tounge took it quite skillfully from me. I moaned as dylan stayed longer kissing me when I felt a new tongue slurping salt from my navel. A lime was pushed between dylan and I, and dylans mouth held it as a new mouth took it and then let his tongue travel into my mouth. When dylan got up from my line of view. I saw a group of guys standing around me licking lips and holding a shot. more salt was being pourd on my chest, abs and neck as four sets of mouths descended on my body and sucked and teethed and licked before taking a shot. I felt a hand rubbing my hard cock through my jeans. One of the swimmers team members pulled down my pants and forgot about the salt and sucked on my inner thigher hard making me shiver and moan feelilng his tongue slip from my inner thigh up to the lining of my underwear and under where the covered before taking his shot. But now all pretense seemed to be gone. My head was pulled back and I was looking up staring at a good size thick cock dripping with precum. Dylan waved the cock in my face my mouth opened with awe seeing it. and he wasted no time in pushing it into my inviting mouth. I couldn't help but moan feeling the warm cock slipping into my mouth guiding the pulsing shaft into me feeling his balls reach my nose and suddenly gaging so hard he was forced out of my mouth. his precum and my spit now left a trail on my face from where his cock had just been. Dylan smiled and guided it back into my mouth this time not as deep and began to rythmically pump his hard cock into my throat softly and shallow and then depper as the strokes progressed till my gaging reflex relaxed. I moaned with each new intrusion into my mouth. It felt wet warm dirty and amazing. suddenly my own cock was being enveloped. But this wasn't an ass. I don't remember when lub was rubbed on my 8inch dick but I felt a warm body climb over me and lower itself on my cock. The hole was open and wet and warm and it swallowed my whole dick quickly and begand to bounce on me. My hips thrusted instinctually and I could hear moaning happening above me. My head was spinning I barely noticed dylan remove his wet dick from my mouth until I realized a new dick was being introduced. This one thicker and shorter and tasted like it had been covered in cum. I tasted cum I knew it, but this cock was still hard as if it had been covered in cum but not cum itself. I heard the cock's owner say yeah clean off my cock! and I moaned and sucked harder. Voices all around me grew louder. Whats going on I thought MORE TO COME2 points
Kenny and I had been friends for years, since college. I had matured but he still loved to get high or drunk at parties while I liked to have a drink or beer or two and then drink soda and sample the hors-devours at parties. The problem as the years wore on was he'd end up so loaded he'd pass out. In the decade since finishing college and trade school we had gained weight, going from 190-200 to about 250 for me and 270 for him. We were both Tops and respected each other not to try to put our dicks in each other. We took our pleasure together by spit-roasting bottoms and versatiles and taking turns fucking and getting sucked off by them. We also enjoyed getting rimmed, using the mouths, faces and hair of bottoms and versatiles for a bukakke target and urinal and getting our often sweaty feet orally serviced. Some of the parties he liked to attend were boring to me. The loud music, some of which was merely annoying noise, the smoke of cigarettes and various illegal stuff, the uncontrolled pissing, vomiting and passing out of some guests as the party progressed, the loaded/high guys (and women at the bisexual parties) trying to hit on me, other goings-on and having to step over or around used condoms, spikes and other waste on the floor irritated instead of entertained me. The only real reason I went was to keep him from driving there and then driving home intoxicated, especially after two drunk driving convictions and the early morning he clipped a parked garbage truck. Having to take a day off from work to bail his ass out and then drive him to court for his arraignment and trial took its toll on me. I had considered parting ways but when he was sober he was a great sex buddy sharing bottoms and versatiles for our mutual fun. The worst part of those parties was trying to get Kenny to his feet and into the car for the trip home, then getting him on his feet for the walk up to our second floor apartment. The joke was that Kenny was still neg but I had been pozzed by a poz cocksucker who had raked me with his teeth while I myself had been drunk. The virus from poz sperms of the previous guy he'd sucked off and in his own saliva had entered me through the cuts and abrasions he'd put to my dick. One typical night at a nude sex party Kenny was having his fun. We had each let a good cocksucker blow our three-and-a-half decades old cocks shortly after arriving. My sexual needs were satiated and I pondered if the cocksucker was poz or not and if his mouth had any sores, etc. that would allow the passage of my virus into his bloodstream. A couple of hours passed and I had found a fellow designated driver so we had a nice conversation about various subjects including the topic of HIV and AIDS. A couple more hours passed quickly due to our enjoyable conversation. I had to take a piss so I went to the bathroom. The main one was occupied by someone taking a shit and someone pissing in the sink. The master bath was occupied by someone vomiting in the john and two couples having sex. By then I needed to piss bad. The tub and the shower stall were occupied by fuckers but the two sinks were free. I pissed in one, ran the tap a few seconds to rinse it out and then went looking for Kenny. After looking all over the place I asked if anyone had seen Kenny. The host, an older man who was poz, told me he might be in one of the bedrooms. I had checked the master bedroom when I went to the master bath so I checked the other four bedrooms. I found Kenny, still nude, laying face down on a mattress on the floor. I checked him. He was dead to the world, his steady breathing the only sign of life. I pushed on him but he didnt wake. Once again he had drank too much or nearly O.D.ed on whatever dope he had brought or was available. I stood there and then decided to lay beside him since the sheet over the rubber sheet looked clean in the dim light coming through the window curtain and a night light plugged into a wall outlet. I lay on my back and was about to drift off to sleep dreading having to once again ask for help getting him out to the car and then wrestling with his 270 pounds up the stairs to our second floor apartment by myself. I was feeling a bit of anger and got up. I then saw a tube of what looked like lube laying on a nightstand. I stepped over to it and saw that it was a popular brand of lube. I looked at Kenny's bare butt and my dick started hardening. I decided then and there Kenny would finally pay for his lack of control of his drinking and dope habits and I'd finally have a piece of his just about virgin ass. I was horny, my dick finished hardening and starting to ooze precum, his ass was more than just available, seemingly begging to get fucked and I wanted to have fun punishing him by getting a poz load off up his ass which I had coveted for several years, especially because there was the chance someone would come in and beat me to it if I crashed next to him or left the room. Because I was poz and enjoyed gift-giving and he was still neg I'd double my fun and the great feeling of ejaculation, not to mention how sore he'd be the next day because he had been fucked only once, back when we were 18 or 19. I was surprised nobody else was crashing in the room since there was another bed besides this mattress on the floor. I decided it was high time to punish Kenny by taking advantage of his naked and passed-out vulnerability as well as fulfill my longtime desire for a piece of his ass. I first spread his legs. He was still so konked out he didnt move, it was like dragging two padded logs apart. I picked up the lube, unscrewed the cap and squirted some into my hand. I replaced the cap, put the lube back where I found it and smeared most on my dickhead, some on the rest of my shaft and the rest on his hole. He still didnt move at all, not even his hole doing much other than seeming to tighten just a little. I spat on his hole to add just a bit more lubrication and took my position between his spread legs to mount him. I put my cut dickhead to his hole and began penetrating him. He seemed to be fighting it by tightening his sphincter but not consciously. I forced my glans past his sphincters all the way into his ass. He was so out of it that he hardly flinched. Had he been conscious he would have screamed from the pain of getting penetrated and thrown me off before I was halfway in. Once hilted which I accomplished by pulling out a little and shoving it in again, I lay on his back feeling the warmth from him and the nice warm snug tightness of his hole around my weapon. I flexed my love-muscle inside him and then began fucking him. I assumed his tight hole to be virgin because he was as much a Top as I was and that while he may have tried getting fucked when he first came out, same as I had, he didnt like it any more than I did. I liked breaking anal cherries, putting pain to them for my pleasure, before I got pozzed, and after getting pozzed I discovered how much I Iiked pozzing neg holes. But most of all was the combined thrill and fun of breaking a cherry as my dick split parts of the walls of his rectum apart inside from my thrusting in to facilitate easy entry of my dangerous virus into his bloodstream and pumping my pozz sperms into it. I fucked him good, enjoying how good his tight virgin hole felt around my hard horny dick and knowing how each thrust was ripping more fissures in his rectal walls. I fucked his ass as fast as possible, corkscrewed my hips a few times and then angled my dick a different angle with each trust for half a dozen thrusts to further tear his rectum. Once I was satisfied that he was bleeding inside I settled into piston-thrusting in order to reach orgasm and inject my dirty virus into him. Even after my vicious assault his cunt was still nice and tight making for a great piece of ass. He was still out cold, dead to the world. My pre-ejaculatory urge came and I let my loins take over to pound him faster and harder, my pelvis sometimes slapping his ass, and then I felt and enjoyed that magic moment of my dick exploding in ecstasy firing my deadly bullets of virus-laden cum in his torn rectum. I pulled almost out and slammed it home a number of times shooting-off spurt after great-feeling spurt in his ravaged hole until my balls were empty. I lay on his back, lazily thrusting my dick to further force more of my virus into his bloodstream, enjoying how great it still felt in his ass. He barely stirred and was still so out of it that he likely still didnt know he'd been fucked and fucked good. I wanted to go to sleep on and in him til daylight but the circumstances prevented it. I did remain on and in him for a little while before pulling out and dismounting, my long-awaited mission accomplished. I left the room and looked for someone who would be high enough to suck my dick clean. I found a semi-scuzzy looking cocksucker who was up to the task. I had him suck for about ten minutes partly because he was good at making a man's dick feel good in his mouth and I had the possibility of getting a third load off. I was turned on from fucking and pozzing Kenny that I did shoot off a load in the cocksucker's mouth. He swallowed it and kissed my heroic dick. I was satiated and decided to go rejoin Kenny who was still out cold. I lay beside him and replayed in my mind how utterly fantastic my dick felt shooting my deadly jizz up his defenseless ass and dozed off dreaming of picking up a twenty-something twink to bust his ass cherry and pozz it. We both awoke as the first rays of sun filtered through the curtain. Danny our host was standing at the foot of the matteress and a couple more guys were on the bed across the room, one waking up, the other still asleep. "Good morning Dan." I said, feeling chipper. Dan replied, "Good morning." and asked if I needed help with Kenny who was groggily waking up still in a stupor. I said, "I can use it, looks like he needs lots of coffee if we're gonna get him to the car and then up the stairs." "The pot's on its second load. Help yourselves." Dan replied. We went to the kitchen where the last party goers were drinking their java and discussing the fun and bullshit that went on throughout the night. I poured myself a cup and took one to Kenny who was sitting up with a pained look on his face. "Was I fucked?" he asked, his speech slurred. I told him I had no idea. He was conscious enough to take the coffee cup in both hands and sip it, then drank some. He handed the cup back and said he had to go to the john. I helped him up and led him to the bathroom, lowered the toilet seat and sat his ass on it. He began to empty his bladder and ass into the bowl as he seemed to wobble. I had to help steady him as he wiped his ass. There was blood and traces of my spunk as well as the usual shit on it. As he flushed the john he began to heave. I directed him to the sink where he vomited some foul smelling puke. I let him puke until he was dry and turned on the water to wash it down the drain. Next step was more coffee and once I was assured he could keep it down Dan and another couple of guys helped me get him dressed and into the car. By the time we got home he was able to climb the stairs. I stripped him and saw blood on his undershorts. I had bought some adult diapers months ago for when he was too drunk to make the bathroom. I put one on him, let him puke in the sink and then settled him into his bed. By then he was whining about his hangover. I said nothing, having gone through the same bullshit from him several times before. By the afternoon he was feeling better, had a late lunch and was feeling even better. I checked his diaper. It had piss in front and some blood in back. I smiled to myself knowing how mighty my dick was and that he soon would suffer the flu in two or three weeks and then join me on the lifelong med regimen. He recovered from his hangover a day later and was sober and fit enough to go to work by Monday. Fortunately he confined his dope and drinking to those parties and a weekend beer if someone was going to blow him or drink his piss. He never knew what happened other than seeing the blood when he wiped his ass after taking a shit that day after I had my pleasure brutally thrusting in his nice tight ass. He may have suspected something but his hangover seemed to overshadow the pain in his ass which likely subsided by the time his hangover ebbed that afternoon. I could have fucked him even harder the way a large bear brutally drilled a child molester a new asshole in the tank at the county jail. The nice thing was back then rape laws didnt cover same-sex action unless an effeminate male raped or fucked a masculine man and in fact had he reported getting raped he would have been busted for being on the receiving end of sodomy. Being the Top wasnt a crime in that state but taking "the woman's part" was. Had he been effeminate he would have also been considered to be soliciting a dick for his ass or mouth. About three weeks later the AIDS flu hit him like a ton of bricks. He said he felt like he had been used as a heavy bag at a boxing gym. I got him to my doctor who was familiar with HIV and AIDS. The doctor ran the tests and the results came back positive. I had knocked him up just as I knew I would. Fortunately I wore loose jeans when we went to the doctor's because my dick hardened in my pants when the doctor gave us the news. Kenny's sad tears of defeat juxtaposed with my hidden sexual excitement and feelings of accomplishment. We had to comfort him and explain to him that it wasnt all that bad, mainly because he had known about me from the start of my AIDS flu and subsequent meds regimen and the precautions I had to take both for my health and to keep from un-intentionally knocking-up a neg hole. He seemed to realize that he had been impregnated at that last party. The great thing was that he finally curtailed his out of control binging on drugs and alcohol even though it was too late because his behavior had finally caught up with him. If I hadnt pozzed him someone else would have done it later on down the line. Although I would have liked to make him my bitch I knew he wouldnt go for it. He took his meds on schedule with a little help from my prodding. For a while he barebacked poz guys and rubbered-up for the neg assholes. A few short months he experienced the thrill of pozzing a neg ass.2 points
My take is that if he was hunting for sex on Craigslist & wanting bred, and didn't ask your status beforehand, then it's totally his responsibility. Don't feel bad, no reason for you to! People have to take responsibility for themselves. If he was looking to be bred, then he should have assumed there would be a risk. He knew the risks, and if he didn't then he's just dumb. He should get educated about it, as you say, being undetectable is an extremely low risk of transmission anyway, as I often explain to guys. often wonder about this too. Like on Grindr, where it's not always assumed by guys that you might be poz, unlike say BBRTS or a poz-friendly site. Since you're undetectable, like me, there's no way that you could have given him "fuck flu" if that's what he calls it. The guy has some issues clearly. He's probably slept with a ton of other guys & is just paranoid. The reality is that many guys still are ignorant about hiv. Being undetectable and healthy is a much lower risk of transmission than a high viral load. Personally, I hate when a guy asks if I'm "clean". If a potential hookup asks that during chat, I stop chatting with him, because it's rude. You can ask, are you hiv poz, and I'm happy to discuss it, but being hiv positive does not make you "unclean". Also, hiv is a chronic, manageable condition now, not some deadly disease, with treatment. It's not the 1980s anymore. Guys like that really need to get with the times & learn what undetectable is. Being poz today means you can live a long full healthy life with treatment. Here's where I come down with regards to hooking up as a total top poz man. If the guy point blank asks me, like on grindr, I tell them, I'm not going to lie. If they're open, great, if not, oh well, I wouldn't want to breed someone that shallow & uninformed anyway, & at least I can sleep well at night, & besides, plenty more fish in the sea. If they don't ask at all, then I don't feel obligated to tell them or bring it up. Although, on sites like bbrts which is poz-friendly anyway, or a4a, I state my status as undetetcable. But on Grindr, I don't tell unless they ask me directly. That approach has served me well.2 points
Three loads from three hot black tops today. One regular this AM, about 8 inches, drilled me quick and left a load after about 5 minutes of fucking. Then had a long hot extended play session with a tall muscular dude with 10 huge inches. We fucked for over an hour and my hole was so sore after. Finally this evening invited over a 21 year old top with 9 THICK inches. Sweet kid. We sucked each other, made out, and I came while riding him which I never do. He then flipped me over doggy style and pounded my ass until he unloaded.2 points
I work security in a downtown area and a dude hit me up said he recognized me from seeing me at work and said he wanted fucked. Hot dude, I think he works in the mayor's office & I have seen him a couple of times in the gym, too. He has roomies & so do I so it can be tricky for either of us to host, but a few weeks back, he texted me and said he really needed fucked & said if we were quiet I could sneak in and he would give me hole. So that's just what I did, I felt better about it because it was late, so more discrete for him, got there, snuck in through side door & we went upstairs & I plowed his hole & bred him. Really hot time.2 points
Taking all loads - no questions asked :-) I prefer anon bathhouse sex rather than "hooking up". The reason is quite simple - much better chance of getting multiple loads. Most ever has been 23 one glorious Friday evening into early Saturday morning. But this is latest load so...went the local bathhouse two days ago around noon for a quickie for lunch. It had been almost two weeks since my last good pounding and I was aching to be filled. I'm sure all you other cum dumps know what I mean. I prefer getting fuck with a bit of a vodka buzz so I had about a dozen quick shots before I went. Got there around noon, got my favorite room and did my routine - a few quick hits of poppers and my favorite butt plug to loosen me up. Then I open the door and stick message ass in the air. Which, depending on the day is a hit or miss prospect (really guys..if I'm on my knees face down ass up, just walk up behind and fuck me...surprising how many times I get asked what I "want"). Lucky for me it was a "hit". My ass was only up for about 5 minutes when some nice guy decided my hole looked welcoming. Nothing was said, he just stepped up and slid in. Since I'm there to take any and all loads I'm totally okay with quick cummers. This guy only lasted about five minutes before he gave me his load. After he just pulled out and left. As soon as he left the room my next "customer" jumped right in. This guy was nice and thick and new how to fuck. He was definitely a top and let me know it, calling me a slut and q cum dump and asking how much I loved getting fucked. I was putty in his hands begging him to fuck me harder and cum deep in me. His final thrust was hard and deep and I felt him pulsing inside me. After he pulled out he grabbed my by the hair and told me to clean his cock. Since I really love ass to mouth I gladly obliged. After that there was no one willing for about half an hour so I got up and wandered around. In the backroom a guy was laying on his back waiting to be sucked so I was happy to do it. A few minutes in to my first suck of the day some nice man slid in behind and started fucking me. I FUCKING LOVE being spit - roasted! The guy came in my mouth so of course I swallowed and stood up to let him leave. The guy fuck me wrapped one arm around my neck and the other around my waist and continued my third fuck of the day. So iI don't bore you all after I took my third load I got on my knees on the bed/bench in the backroom and was fucked another 4 times. So seven awesome anon loads- I really love being a cum dump!2 points
Married guy hit me up on Grindr needing his hole used. He also said he wanted cum in him. Hot looking muscular guy, really hot ass that was practically begging to be fucked. I came over on my lunchbreak & he was in a jockstrap ready for me. He had a sweet pale furry hole. I liked eating his cunt getting it wet for my dick. Spread him and pumped his tight hole and gave him 2 loads. He must have not been fucked in a long time or at all because his hole was so tight it was amazing. Bred him twice. Noticed that when I was putting my jockstrap back on when I was getting dressed that he had bled a little, probably because he was so tight, but he said had wanted his hole wrecked, so mission accomplished! I am always up for breeding a closeted or married guy.2 points
Part 4 My whore just lay there on the dirty matress barely moving after his brutal poz fuck. I sat there looking at him while I smoked a cig. "Roll over and show me your cunt!" I ordered. Cory immediately did as told, grabbing his ankles, spreading his legs apart, showing us his red, oozing, fuckhole. We just laughed at the slut. "He minds well." commented Andre. "Yea," I said, "he already knows there's no use in disobeying me." Standing up, I spit on his face, followed by the other two men. "You wanna sell him today man?" Asked Andre. I know a few guys who would pay for some nice teen pussy." "Hell yea I do! No since wasting time. But I wanna film it. They can wear masks, but I wanna get his whole birthday on film to sell. Any poz guys?" "Yea, a couple. How much you selling him for?" "Since he's fresh, even though his pussy is already sloppy, we'll go with $50, but they can be as brutal as they want." "Aight, I'll get the word out now, shouldn't take long." And it didn't. His first official john showed up within an hour. I made sure Cory got another big slam before I turned the guy loose on him. I had the camera set up to catch the action so I wouldn't be in the room to impede the festivities. We just handed the guy a ski mask and let him in the bedroom. We sat in the living room, smoking a fresh pipe. Soon we heard Cory getting beat, his screams making my own cock stir in my jeans. Not too long later the guy came out of the room, handed me $50 bucks and left. I could hear Cory sobbing into the matress. "That's some fucked up shit man." laughed Andre. "Yea I know, but it's hot." I replied. The scene repeated itself many times over the next few hours. The fourth guy used his belt to blister my whore's ass real good. We could hear every time the leather was laid into him, followed by a loud scream from my son. After each john left I would inspect my property to make sure he wasn't seriously injured. But other than welts and bruises, he was alright. By the end of the night, I had $700 bucks in my hand. I gave $300 to Andre, since he was basically acting as a pimp that day. So I figured $400 for sitting on my ass and smoking was pretty good. We went into the bedroom where Cory just lay face down on the matress. His body covered in the marks of his abuse. His ass had severe welts on it, as did other parts of his body. Bruises covered his arms and legs, his face a dark red from repeated slappings, and the beginning of a black eye. He looked like a real roughed up prison bitch. But we weren't finished with him yet. We stripped off our clothes, my cock rock hard looking down at my fucked up son. I laid down on the matress and grabbed Cory, pulling his body on top of mine. With no effort, I rammed my cock up his cunt, it was so loose and wet. He just moaned as I entered him. Andre moved in on top of his back, and lined his cock up to Cory's hole, and forced it in next to mine. Cory just threw his head back and squealed at this new intrusion on his already ripped and sore hole. Andre just powered in, burying himself to the hilt, then started power fucking my son. I just laid there and let him do the work. "You like that boy?" I spoke into Cory's ear. "Tell me son. Tell me you love it. Tell me you are Daddy's whore. Thank me for your birthday presents." "Thank you Daddy," Cory panted, his mind and body too fucked up to resist anything. "Thank you for my birthday. I love you Daddy. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me." He just repeated that over and over. I knew I totally owned him. Andre must have fucked him for 20 minutes before he blasted another load in my son. As soon as he pulled out, Jamal took his place. Cory's hole offered no resistance, accepting the log right up his trashed out hole. Cory just moaned and begged to be fucked more. I grabbed his head and planted my lips on his neck, sucking as hard as I could. Soon I left a dark red mark, and moved to a new spot. I bit down, breaking the skin and tasted blood. This sent me over the edge and I started fucking his pussy hard with Jamal. Soon we were both dumping two more loads in my sons wrecked mancunt. 22. That's at least how many loads my whore took that day. Watching later what I had taped was so hot, watching anonymous men beat and fuck my son, I couldn't wait to get it edited and online for sale. I knew plenty of sick fucks would pay well for it.2 points
Jaeger fucked Tanner without cumming for a good fifteen minutes, exploring the depths of his hole with his massive cock until he had Tanned screaming into the palms clasped around his mouth. Jaeger had found Tanner's prostate, and was angling his thrusts to hit it violently till tears ran down Tanner's perfect, jock face. Jaeger reached around to Tanner's captive sack, it was heavy with his unspent sperm, painful to even the slightest touch. Jaeger felt Tanner's hole tighten as he grabbed the boys super sensitive, cum filled balls. "Yes. Good boy...full of sperm" Jaeger said through more sharp thrusts, biting the boys ears. He pulled his dick out from the vacuum of the kids ass. It was coated in thick cum and ass mucus. "Suck me clean" he ordered Tanner immediately complied as one of Bruno's house twinks came out "Everything is ready sir" he said, trying not to make eye contact with his Spanish master. "Good" Jaeger said. "Baby boy, you step in my house you are mine...Yes? You understand? Yes" He gently slapped Tanner who nodded eagerly, mouth still sucking his own ass juices of Jaeger's cock. "Fuck him up" Jaeger said pulling his glistening dick away from Tanner 30 minutes later, Tanner was trussed up in a sling in Jaeger's dungeon. A cocktail of drugs pumped into his veins, a gold collar on around his neck and his perfectly shaved hole exposed and pulsing with heat and desire. As the men of the party filtered into the dark room, I couldn't help but take up a position near the back, I was excited to fuck our prize when he was good and loose and full of sperm. There was thumping music playing as one by one Tanner took cock after cock...no one pulled out and any drop of cum that wasn't deposited in his belly was fed to him from fingers or dicks. He must have had the potent seed of about 30 men before he started to look tired and another dose of Jaeger's special cocktail of drugs hard wired were administered to hard wire him awake. I took up position, and slid without resistance up my conquest's hole. The walls of his ass were thick with cum, it was glorious, no more friction or tightness but perfect, warm folds of jock ass stretched to delight so that you could feel the boy shuddering with every breath. I grabbed his hips, ground up into him and unleashed another hot load up him. "Too fucking good boy" I moaned as Jaeger sauntered through the crowd, smiled at me and motioned for his turn. I pulled out, happy to oblige. No sooner had he got up to the boy then I saw the massive dildo in his hand. This must have been a good 12 inches long and 5 inches thick. He pushed down on Tanner's tight abs and shoved the toy home. Tanner moaned deeply as inch by inch vanished into his teen cunt. Jaeger was pleased and as the final inch disappeared smiled evily. Slowly, he fucked the boy long and hard with that impossible dildo whilst Tanned moaned for more. "Ok" Jaeger said finally He ripped the cum soaked toy out the boys now gaping hole and directed someone near the kids head to shove it down his throat. As the Tanner tried to accommodate the toy in his throat Jaeger did something that nearly made me cum. Before Tanner's gaping pussy could wink itself shut, he casually starting working his fist up the boy, it didn't even take a minute before I swear we all heard the pop as Tanner swallowed the fist...first gay experience and the boy was being fisted, hard! I was so proud. 30 minutes of fisting passed...not once did Jaeger pull out. Finally, when he did, Tanner's gape was so beautiful...like a blossoming rise pulsing with white cum. Jaeger shoved his dick into the warm flower and fucked it back into place until he deposited his own load. Before the night was over Tanner dropped cum from every orifice and glistened with hot sperm. In fact the only person who hasn't cum was Tanner. Having taken eveeone at least once...Jaeger released the boy's clamp, located his prostate in his wrecked hole and milked the boy for neg load after neg load till he was spent. "Next time you shoot boy, you'll be family" Jaeger said...as I watched I couldn't help but hope he'd share my genes...but we wouldn't know who was the lucky daddy for a while...2 points
I had not been feeling very good at all, so I called and doctor who was able to get me in to his office in about an hour thanks to a cancellation. I made the appointment, but by the time I arrived I could hardly move nor breathe. I really felt horrible. Doctor took a couple of tests and quickly determined I had pneumonia and hustled me across the street to the hospital real quick. Soon there were iv tubes running in me and fluids and antibiotics being fed into me. More tests and more tests and finally the doctor came by and told me I had probably gotten to him in time as my lungs were really full of gunk for sure, adding I would be at the hospital for at least a few days. He also ordered up some breathing treatments to help clear up the passageways. The respiratory therapist who showed-up was a young hot looking twink guy. WOW. Just looking at him standing there, in his scrubs - my breathing was definitely labored. His clothing was a bit small for his build, and definitely hugged him around the waist very nicely. I could still see he was sporting a very nice looking bulge in his crotch. I was sure he was checking me out too and basically I was naked but for one of those stupid hospital gowns. Not much I could do feeling so bad but look. I was also sure that he purposely leaned against my arm as he put the breathing mask on my face and I could feel that nice bulge I had seen. He seemed to be very well hung and I was loving it even if it only lasted a few seconds. The treatment was over way too fast as I could not take my eyes off of him. He again leaned against me as he took the mask off and told me he would be back again in about 4 hours for another one. He smiled so wonderfully as he went out the door. Sure enough the cute guy was back in 4 hours and again he leaned against my arm as he put the mask on and again as he took it off. He was looking me right in the eyes as he did it too, and smiled big at my staring back. He leaned in and whispered to me that he knew I couldn't do anything but wait until I felt better and he would see what could be done. I gasped at that wondering what he had in mind with me down in the hospital in bed. He was off then till the next morning. When he did return it was the same thing almost. As he went to put the mask on me he leaned in again and this time his cock was right against my hand. I could not resist and took ahold of his cock through his scrubs. It felt fantastic and was big enough around I definitely could not get my hand clear around it. I rubbed it the whole time of my treatment, stroking it and his low moans made me horny as hell for him even more than I had been. Too quickly it was over though and he told me he would see me later again, this time leaning down and planting a quick kiss on me. On his next trip in, he started to talk a little as I rubbed his cock again. He told me I didn't know him but he knew who I was from some pics on my profiles he had seen online. He mentioned seeing me on BBRT, BZ, MH and a couple of others and thought I was hot and wanted me as soon as possible, when I got to feeling better. He was again off then till the next day, leaving me with a lot to think about. I was especially intrigued by what he meant about me being so hot as I am really only about average looks and my cock barely average. Oh, well, he was hot enough for two I thought. By the next morning I was finally feeling quite a bit better finally. Even managed to get out of bed to use the toilet instead of a pan. LOL Still breathing hard by the time I got back to bed though but much better anyway. The morning treatment was not much as he seemed preoccupied and no talking really just in and almost out. But, he stopped for a minute on the way out and told me, we could be in luck for the afternoon as the nurse and aide on duty then were the laziest they had and would not leave the nurses station for almost anything other than an emergency and away he went, leaving me wondering again. He came in in a hurry that afternoon. He told me we had some time and wanted to have a little fun. I was all for that. As he prepared by treatment he was kind of fidgeting some. As he leaned to put the mask on again he leaned against my hand but this time as I grasped him his trousers were down and I grabbed bare cock and it was divine. I started to stroke him and as I did he leaned over a little more and reached under my gown and grabbed my cock. I was hard already but he made it a rock in no time and played with my balls too. Then I felt his hand go between my legs and started to rub my hole. He looked at me then and told me he knew I was a bottom from my profiles he had read. I smiled and nodded and spread my legs so he could play easier with my hole. He pulled away for a sec and I saw him get something out and it turned out to be some lube which he then started to apply to my hole. I was loving it and then his finger started into me and I moaned for sure as the pleasure erupted inside me. In no time I felt another finger and then another finger enter me as he opened my hole up wider and wider and drove his fingers roughly in me deeper also. I was writhing on the bed and was soon ready for anything he wanted to do. He then looked me in the eyes and asked if I was ready for more and I nodded yes. He climbed on the bed and carefully lifted my legs up and out. He lined up his cock head with my hole and slowly started to slip it in a little at a time. Stroking it in a little at a time, so slowly and so agonizingly fantastic, until I finally felt his balls hit me in the ass as he bottomed out. He held still for a bit and then spoke to me telling me how he had read every single line of my online profiles, so he was sure he knew exactly what I wanted from him. I was curious as to that but then as he said it he pulled almost all the way out of my hole and slammed back in hard. I gasped but only for a second as he did not stop but immediately went into fast speed and pounded my hole fast and furious and hard and as deep as he could. It hurt a little to start with but soon I was in heaven for sure as that is the way I definitely love it. fast, hard, deep and filling my hole as full as possible on every stroke. He kept up a little whispering to me. He was telling me how nice my hole felt, so hot, and he had just what I wanted and knew I was going to love it. At times he would reach between us and run a couple of fingers in me as he fucked me good and I could feel the extra stretch that did and then one time he reached and leaned up some and I was sure he tried to get as many fingers in me at the same time as his cock as he could. It was kind of uncomfortable and I groaned a little with it. As he brought his hand back away though he lifted it between us and I gasped as I saw what looked like a little blood on his fingers. He leaned towards me again and told me he thought he tore my hole a little that last time, but he was smiling when he said it. I started to ask what he did that for when he all at once grabbed my legs and lifted them way up and caught me off guard and I could not get a good breath to ask then as he really tipped me up and pounded deep into me even harder and faster. He was breathing heavy too I noticed and then he leaned in and told me here it comes, just what you wanted and needed. He ground into me then and I could feel his cock throb and feel the heat of his cum as it erupted inside me. He ground his cock as deep as he could and kept doing it for what seemed forever but felt so good. He finally settled down a little and told me there, it is done and I had what I had always wanted in me. I looked confused I know and asked him what he meant. He told me he read everything I had every written online and he knew I wanted his gift. I was still puzzled and he then lifted his top and there around one of his nipples was the sign. Yes, that sign, the biohazard symbol. I knew too well what that meant. I gasped and asked what the hell, I hadn't wanted that. He told me it was on every one of my profiles that I was poz friendly, and would take any load no matter who, and I had written some stories about bug chasing on BZ. He just knew I wanted to become poz and was really happy to help me out. He got up then and told me, Hey, I am done for today but I will see you in the morning and maybe we can do this again, huh? I could only lay there and wonder, what the hell did I get myself into on just fantasizing so much.1 point
I was feeling horny, so I phoned in sick and went to the sauna in the next town. It is down a side-street in a pretty run down area. The place is none too clean, and the clientele tend to be older, sleazy and not exactly in shape, but I was only interested in stiff cocks. I undressed, put my stuff in a locker and then headed upstairs, wearing just a towel, heading for the third floor where the darkrooms, cubicles and slings are located. As I expected, the third floor was dark and smelled of body odor. As my eyes adjusted, I saw a space off to one side with a bench on one wall. I could just make out a figure laying there, so I went inside and began feeling his body, my hand sliding down his heavy belly, and when I reached his crotch I found a stubby erection standing straight-up. Sighing happily, I knelt beside him and began to suck the veiny cock which oozed pre-cum onto my tongue. My towel had slid down and my bare ass was up-raised. Suddenly I felt a hand on my ass, and a finger dripping with lube sliding into my arse hole. I gasped, but before I could react anymore, the finger was replaced with a long, thin cock which slid smoothly into my rectum. I barely had time to realise he wasn't wearing a condom when the fat guy lying beneath me produced some poppers and clamped the bottle to my nose. I inhaled deeply and felt my body sag in sweet surrender to the naked cock sliding deliciously in and out of me. It was all over so quickly. He stiffened, gasped and then his cock was throbbing and spurting into me. After he finished, he slid out, gave a low chuckle and said "You're fucked, sunshine" and then he was gone. I was still flying from the poppers, barely able to understand what I had done when the fat guy pulled me down to the bench onto my side, with my back to him, his arms locked around my chest, his belly squashed against my back, and his thick, blunt cock nosing easily into my sperm-filled hole. He grunted and began to thrust, at the same time producing the bottle and forcing me to sniff. "Aw, christ!" he gasped "Gonna cum in you, boy." And then his whole body rippled and shook, I realised a second man had cum in my ass. When he was finished, I rolled away and lay on my back, gasping. He clambered heavily over me and ruffled my hair, laughed and remarked "Hope you liked what I gave you!" Then he was gone. Later, I went down to the coffee bar and started chatting with a moustached guy with pierced nipples. He said he wanted to fuck me, but, as I had noticed a discreet biohazard tattoo on his hip, I answered his invitation asking "I'm not sure, but you're poz, aren't you?" He gave an evil laugh and said "I wouldn't worry about that. Your ass has already been mentioned in despatches by some good friends of mine. You've been pozzed twice today already!" He finished his coffee and stood up. The towel stood out with the outline of a a heavy erection. "C'mon," he invited, adding "your arse is mine...."1 point
I secured the boy's feet in the sling, tightened the straps around his wrists and shoved a hard lump of tina into his tight sphincter, roughly massaging it into the heat of his pulsing ass. He said he was a top, no questions , and as my single digit explored his hole I believed him. The boy was fixed tightly around my invasion, I could feel the pressure around my knuckle as he pushed hard against the burning drugs melting into his system. "Nice, lad" I said, keeping my finger dancing along his prostate, watching the expression of clean cut, boy next door 19 year old struggle against the sensations of pain and pleasure. He broke into pearls of sweat that dripped off his tight abs onto the concrete beneath him. "Uh...Uh" he moaned as I twisted the last remnants of the rock deeper and deeper into him "Oh fuck" he cried, shaking in the sling. I smirked as the crystal vanished and the boy visibly started to relax, I kept my finger in his warm cunt, leant over his jock boy frame, and kissed him hard brushing his damp mop of dark hair across his brow. "Oh Fuck..." He moaned into my mouth as I drew my finger out his quivering pussy. His twink cock was rock hard, a silver stream of precum pooling under his abs. I stood back up, scooped up the entire pre load and fed it to him off my fingers. It'd been a good night in the end. I looked down at my broken little top, slurping his own cum off my digits and couldn't help a broad grin. The hottest twink in the club - mine to abuse for as long as I wanted. Only I hadn't wanted him, I'd wanted his cute-as-fuck, shy little jock friend. I'd tried every trick in the book to get him where the hot twink now found himself. I pushed my fingers further down the kid's throat, taking out a little frustration. Twink; jock; chem; "There, there" I soothed, drawing them out as he gagged and coughed. "You gotta get used to it, you want to please me don't you? You want to get me off, right?" I asked He looked at me with fawning eyes. "Yes...God, I want to get you off...I want to make you cum" "Who said anything about cum boy" I said laughing, gently running my hand down and up his tight, taught little six pack. He looked at me quizzically as I left him hanging for a moment to find my playkit in the darkness of the room. There was something about the one that got away, something that made a predator like me...well, angry. I hadn't lost a chase in a while and that little jock had got to me, got under my skin and into my head. Seeing his pert little drunk muscle ass disappear into a taxi had seriously angered me...and now, I was going to take my frustration out on his friend...luckily, he was one of those clean cut, athletic little swimmer types that'd usually get my blood boiling to breed. Tonight my blood was boiling to destroy. A few more drinks, a bit of G and the kid was pressed against my hard chest, gibbering about being a top and not really up for much more than 'fooling around'. Fortunately, the Tina laced joint we shared in the parking lot changed his mind, suddenly he was amped, pliable to my suggestion... "I've never been to a sex club" he giggled. A shit tonne of reassurance, another laced joint and the kid gamely got up in the sling. I'd rimmed him, nigh on treated him like a fucking king till he was so relaxed, so high on drugs and sex he barely noticed as I secured him. "Wha...whats that?" He said as I returned, applying a tourniquet to his little, bulging arm. "This kid" I said, prepping his vein "is heaven, hell and every fucking thing in between and it'll blow your fucking mind" "Uh...I...don't know" he said "Kid" I said, pausing..."That's not gonna work for me...you wanna have the best night of your life? You wanna have sex as though your life depended on cumming, as though there was nothing else on earth but cock and men and muscle and pecs and boiling, life affirming jizz?" He sighed, "Oh Fuck yeah..." He sighed I plunged the needle into him, slamming him into the stratosphere...he'd thank me again in a few hours. It hit him violently, I soothed as he coughed, spat, gagged ...rubbing him as he struggled for breath. As he breathed deep,I heard him growl... "Oh...fucking hell...I feel...Oh Fuck" I laughed as he struggled in the sling "Please, he said...Oh...Fuck, I need to touch myself...holy shit..." I shook my head, grabbing his rock hard dick myself and gently jacking it for him "Feel good?" I said He mumbled something as he smiled broadly, eyes rolling backward. "Dont stop" he said breathlessly, so I did. I was king now. I walked around to my playkit, grabbed a small plug and found myself at the entrance to his perfect little hole. He continued to struggle to break free of the sling to touch his leaking cock. I spat on the plug and gently pressed it against his hole. A bit of pressure and the boy took the whole fucking thing, sucked to the hilt. He moaned, his dick pumped a fresh pool of pre cum onto his abs. "Perfect" I said, "keeping it cumming kid" I laughed, scooping it up, tugging out the plug and coating it in his semen. "Here it comes" I shoved it back in, grabbed the rest of my toys and hunkered down to push the kid's limits. A plug, a dildo, all lube free save for a good few doses of boy pre seamen. The minutes flew by, as I sucked out a good sized dildo from his ass I was ready to fuck...but, not him, not yet...first I needed to vent a bit more, I wanted to revel in his worn out pussy, not break him in for others. I shoved a plug in him, kissed him, grabbed my towel, opened the door and left. I took the key to his restraints with me, no one would take my prize that way. The club was thumping with sex and, as I turned back to the sling room I saw one by one, as men entered, enticed by the perfectly displayed offering therein. I couldn't help but watch as a massive daddy type, reached the blissed out kid first, pulled out the plug and inserted a few fingers. My view vanished as men began to pour in from..."see ya soon boy" I said, dropping my towel and entering the club proper, letting my dick guide me into the thick of the heaving, sweaty pool of men.1 point
Paul was drunk. And he wanted to get fucked. There was nothing he loved more than raw cum in his ass. He'd only ever done it with boyfriends before, but tonight, single after a recent breakup, his wicked side took over, and he found himself ambling through the streets towards the local sauna. He was stunning looking, a swimmer, and his ridiculous body was accentuated by his spray on t-shirt and jeans. He stumbled into the door of the sauna. unsure of what to do next. A tiny old man behind the counter almost fainted when he saw Paul. Paul returned his stare. "Fif - fifteen dollars," the man finally said. Paul reached into his pocket, brushing his tight t-shirt up slightly as he did. The old man audibly whimpered. Paul looked at him. Covered in lesions, he looked like he should have been dead years ago. Paul hesitated for a moment, asking himself 'Should I be here?' His cock was hardening as he realised the old man was enjoying looking at him so much. 'Yes, yes I should'. He paid, and the old man gave a rather more audible whimper as Paul turned towards the entrance. Paul knew he was rubbing himself as Paul's tight ass swayed into the changing room. It was dank and dark, and the smell of piss and amyl nitrate permeated the air. Paul went to his locker, a little voice in his head telling him to leave. He ignored it, and peeled his tight t-shirt off, his ribs showing as he arched his back to remove the t-shirt. He heard a whimper, and as the shirt came over his head he saw the old man, who was shamelessly jerking off as he watched Paul change. Paul had never been as turned on in his life. He could hear the buzzer to the sauna going off. The old man turned towards the reception, hesitating a moment, but then he heard the click of Paul's belt. He turned back to see that Paul was taking his jeans down, revealing an exceptionally skimpy pair of black briefs which barely covered his ass, and as Paul bent over to pick up his shoes, the old man screamed as he shot a dirty load all over the floor, moaning orgasmic ecstasy. Paul then removed his briefs, wrapped a very skimpy towel around his waist and made his way into the depths of the sauna. The old man, meanwhile, sank against the wall, and simply watched, his mouth open, agog as the twink beauty passed from his view.1 point
I was in Washington DC last week for a work trip. I always try to get loaded up (and dump a few loads) when traveling for business, and this trip was no exception. My hotel had a partnership with a nearby gym so I decided to take advantage of it to blow off some steam after work. I douched a couple times just to be prepared and headed out. There was quite a bit of hot eye candy of all kinds at this gym, including some stunningly sexy black men. It's a mostly mixed gym so it wasn't easy to determine if the hot guy with the big bulge you're drooling over was gay or straight, even so, I couldn't keep my eyes off of this one particular gentleman - 40ish, 6'2', 240 pounds of rock solid, black muscle. His bulge was definitely promising and I caught him returning a stare a couple times. That definitely got my hole twitching. I made sure to end my workout at the exact time the stud was headed to the locker room. We both collected our belongings and began changing out of our workout gear. I could tell he liked what he saw - and my God, did I like what I saw! His dick was pretty huge and getting plumper by the second. I was now on a mission. I finished my business and headed out near the gym lobby. He was 10 seconds or so behind me. As I walked out of the gym I held the door open for him and gave him a devilish smirk and noticed he had placed a wedding band on his ring finger. He smiled and shook my hand with a very firm grip, introducing himself as Walter. As luck would have it, the parking garage and my hotel were in the same general vicinity, and when I mentioned I was in DC for work and staying at the Marriott, Walter was definitely intrigued and the conversation lingered a bit so I took the bull by the horns, so to speak, and asked him if he wanted to grab a drink in the lobby. He agreed and said he'd put his gym bag in the car and meet me inside. My hole was not only twitching, it was beginning to sweat a little and get wet back there. It's got a mind of its own. Walter and I drank a couple beers and he told me he'd been married for 10 years. He could have easily walked away but it was obvious that we both wanted to fuck. When I suggested we go up to my room, Walter said his wife would be expecting him home within the hour so we didn't have a lot of time. So I suggested we hurry. We went upstairs as quickly as we were able, and I dropped to my knees even before my hotel room door had closed. His rock hard cock was out within seconds. It truly was a beautifully thick, veiny, throbbing piece of meat, easily ten inches and oozing pre-cum. I immediately went to work on it, sucking away. His crotch smelled incredibly hot and my senses were in overdrive. My efforts were rewarded often with more oozing pre-cum, which makes me moan just about every time. Before long, one of his strong hands was squeezing my ass. My hole was puckering like crazy. Since he was married I dreaded the condom question - but it was never mentioned. We both knew where his nut was going. Since we were short on time I stood, turned around and offered him my thick bubble butt. I slobbered his piece up pretty well and he spit on my hole several times before fingering me to open me a bit before placing the head of his massive dick against my hole. Fuck, this was going to feel incredible. He slowly entered my body, stretching my hole open inch by inch. The pain was intense but it hurt so fucking good. Once deep inside me, he started some dirty interracial talk (which I also love) about muscled white boys and how hot it is to see a big, black cock splitting a hot white hole open. And shooting inside. He picked up the pace a bit and the base of his pole grew even thicker. His moaning and heavy breathing let me know that he wouldn't last much longer. Sweat began to pour from both of us. I begged him for his load. And I got it. Three huge spurts of spunk back to back as I squeezed the fuck out of his cock. He stayed inside me for a bit and I wiggled my ass against him. Why did it have to end? He reluctantly plopped out of me and I spun around to lick him clean, which he loved. Sweet, sweet nut....in both of my holes. We exchanged information and I jokingly (or not) made a comment about getting him a room key. I wanted as much of that man as I could get for the remainder of my three-day work trip. "Fuck yeah" was his response. My swollen, beautifully sore hole - twitch, twitch, twitch. I could feel his cum dripping down my leg as we rode the elevator down to the front desk to get his key.1 point
Click here to see Felching Pisser's original blog post... South Bend—April, 2014 (Immediately after the last post.) I slept for a bit at Steamworks. I’d done four hours of piss play and fucking at the piss party then almost as much at the bathhouse. My body told me it had to rest. Despite the giggling in the hall, the pounding music and the noisy rutting next door, I drifted off fairly fast. I awoke in time to get out before I had to renew. I drove to Ryan’s house, met Alejandro (who was watching a movie with Ryan) and fell into Ryan’s bed. They would wake me before the others arrived. I must have slept soundly for I never heard the fucking happening upstairs. Only later did I learn Ale had left a huge load up Ryan. They woke me—all smiles. We set up the sling next to the double bed just before the last two arrived. Ryan had invited three men, all of whom happened to be Hispanic. Alejandro—25ish, short, cute and worked out. When I said hello to him earlier, I couldn’t help but notice how his jeans clung to his hot looking ass. Miguel and Luis have shown up in these pages before. They are both in their mid-40’s. Miguel is one of the most voracious bottoms I’ve met. Luis has a great cock that keeps his boy happy between the times when he whores him out. Ok. I’ll admit it. I was tired enough, that I don’t remember any kind of blow by blow of how this went down. Ryan has it all down on his blog “Spreading My Legs” in four installments. I know he’s right—for it is documented with four times the number of pictures he has kindly allowed me to use here. All I remember is: A constant back and forth between available holes. Everyone wanting to suck a cock pulled from the latest ass. Five creative guys twisting into any and every position to have great sex. So here’s a photo essay of pigs in heat. I do remember this moment quite distinctly. Luis was fucking Miguel. I warmed up in Miguel’s mouth. And we went right into the side by side fucking. I love watching other men fuck. And we switched asses. I also love watching bottom's kiss as we drive into them. Fucking Ale. Ale riding me. Miguel's turn to sit on me. Ale and I clean up Luis--fresh from someone's hole. Rimming Ale before I dive back in. Miguel sling fucked. Heaven. For all concerned. Getting ready to shoot. That's my cum. I felched it, of course. More...1 point
Part II. After some clumsy stumbling and making out, we got dressed. My assistant and his twink date put their clothes back on, over very sexy jockstraps. My boy and I changed into gym shorts, our jocks, and some tank tops. My assistant and I piled into the front seat, and my boy and the twink made out in the back seat. Before we were halfway there, my boy’s shorts were at his ankles, and his ass was full of raw POZ twink cock. The twink bred my boy as we pulled up to the club. My boy bent over with his ass hanging out of the car door and my assistant was happy to fuck and breed him right there in the parking lot. I was sort of hoping we’d see more action in the parking lot, but someone from the club came out and told us they had seen the action on their security camera. He thought it was hot, but told us to bring the action inside where it would be ‘safer.’ We couldn’t help but smirk as he said that. We paid the admission, stripped down to our jocks, left our clothes in the lockers, and headed into the darkened passageways of the bathhouse. It didn’t take long for me to be on my knees as my assistant skull-fucked me. He had just cum inside my boy, and while he had no problem getting hard, he wasn’t ready to blow his wad yet. Plus, he told me, he wanted to loose his load up my hungry asshole, not down my throat. I pulled off and wound up blowing about six guys, most of whom came down my throat or all over my face. My assistant licked the seed off of my mouth, and spat it onto my hole, working it in with his fingers. On my knees, he plowed into me, pulling my jockstrap for leverage. One of the guys I had blown leaded forward and chewed on my ear. ‘I’m POZ, you know… That’s what I came on your face… Hope you’re ok with my load lubing your ass for that guy’s cock…’ I just moaned. My assistant lost his load deep in my guts, and pulled out. The POZ guy I had blown cleaned my assistant’s cock off for me and dribbled everything in his mouth into mine. Simply delicious. We went looking for our dates, and found them in a big sweaty pile, my boy bouncing up and down on a stranger’s dick, with another one down his throat. The twink was raw-topping two heavy-set guys, on their knees side by side, making out with each other. He’d plow one hole for a few strokes before pulling out and sliding into the other one. He started to loose his load in one guy, and pulled out to shoot the rest on the other. My assistant knelt down and worked his boy’s load into both open holes. The twink’s toxic load, and my assistant’s load, in my hole got pushed deeper by another two burly tops who both had their way with me as I watched the sweaty scene unfold. My assistant got fucked by a few guys, some of whom were clearly POZ, either from tattoos or wasting, but the twink put us all to shame. He took over six loads that night, working his expert slutty ass on cocks of all sizes, shapes, and colors. We left after a few hours of fun, sweaty and cum-drenched. In the car ride home, my assistant told us that he met the twink online in a chasers forum and that he’d started taking all loads only recently, and was finally actively chasing. We told them that we weren’t actively looking for it, but swapped cum with a bunch of guys and almost never asked about status. The twink held my boy’s hand and told him that he’d be happy to line up POZ cocks for him anytime. We kissed each other goodbye, lingering long enough to swipe a few fingers into cummy asses and get a goodnight taste before parting ways. We were both exhausted, and fell into bed covered in sweat and leaking seed. Saturday next morning we woke up, lingered in bed for a while, and fucked each other slowly, retelling our cum-swapping escapades. When we were both sated, we lay next to each other and talked honestly an openly about our mutual desire for cum. He confessed that he got hard just thinking about ‘the bug,’ and I vowed to support him and not stand in his way. I told him that I was going to keep taking loads, but not especially seeking out toxic cum. We fell back asleep and woke a few hours later to a text from the twink to my boy: PLANS FOR NEXT WEDNESDAY? CAN LINE UP SOME POZ COCK 4 U BY THEN. My boy handed me his phone, grinning, I texted back and hit SEND before asking him: BRING IT. OUR PLACE? The twink responded: YES. U HOST. I’LL B THERE WITH FRIENDS. B READY AT 7. C U THEN. To be continued…1 point
Mungo87 fucking a hot ass. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=mGzOC-G409- Too bad I'm not the one in this video!!1 point
Slammers which is called 321 Slammer.... You could always use the website Squite.org when traveling to find good places too....1 point
1 point
I drove 18 wheeler for a few years, years ago. I considered it to be my 18 wheel bathhouse all across the US and Canada. Rest areas, truck stops etc. Modern trucks can have huge sleeper cabs that are like mini-apartments. I had soooo much nasty sex in my sleeper.. Although, while often laid over for a day or two waiting for my next truckload, one needs to just get out of that fucking truck for awhile so I'd often rent a car and hit up the baths or bookstores all across the land. I knew the locale of every bath and adult arcade in north America.1 point
i just topped one of my flight attendents. Mostly a bottom, but he is young and cute and got him drunk on margaritas, and just got backed from his room. Bred him and left him on his bed with my cum leaking out his ass. Fucked plenty of male and female flight attendents over the years.1 point
I am one of those pillow prince cocksucker. I have a regular prince who comes over with 10 minutes notice and sits back to let me worship his dick and swallow his load. This is totally anonymous. I din't know his name, he doesn't know mine. That makes it hotter. Anyhow, I enjoy a long sucking better than a short one. If I feel like just finishing him off, I stop and remember this is not about him nutting, it is about the adventure; me trying new techniques, different regions, different timings. I think we kind of decide together when he will cum through an unspoken connection between his body and my mouth. So bring on the pillow princes and line them up at my door. I'm in Houston, by the way.1 point
hey nastymind - I've been a Pillow Prince for years - although just heard that term lately. I love to kick back and have my big dick and full balls sucked and worshiped until I explode, and he sucks it all down. One of my regulars brings me off just the way you describe it - because I taught him that's what I like and he's a good cocksucker. I used to get a lot of flack from guys - even if I made it very clear that I just wanted a blowjob, no recip, no nothing. Many guys were more than glad for the chance to suck my big dick, swallow my load, and go home, but some would say "that's all, what do I get out if it?" I realized the answer to that question is "you get to suck my Big Fat Dick!" and if they had to ask they were not the cocksuckers I was looking for, just guys that like to suck cock. Be proud of what you offer - there are cocksuckers everywhere who will gladly give you exactly what you want when you tell them what that is. And you are absolutely right - the cocksucker is in charge, and the good ones know it. Enjoy it. Feed them all you can, and if you find a good regular, feed him well so he keeps coming back for more. Like women, some cocksuckers and emotional and flaky and must be handled. Put in a little work to train him and you'll get years of ball draining pleasure out of it. My current regular (many have come and gone over the 35 years I've been a Pillow Prince) has been sucking me off for over 5 years, and I'm training a new one now. Have you ever had two hungry cocksuckers working on your hard dick and balls? Two hot wet mouths dedicated to giving you pleasure and making you cum. It's Fucking Awesome. Any true cocksuckers in NYC who want a chance at my Big Fat Dick, get in touch.1 point
fucked a gas station cashier in a stock room late at night. we had to stop when customers came in had a 3sum on an office conference table with a security guard and a friend of mine. he let us into the building in the middle of the night got fucked by an on duty cop once too1 point
clubhouse2 is a lot of fun for a bottom. Hop in the sling and let them have you1 point
I am always horny, but this night I was hornier than usual. I hadn't been out having fun in a few weeks due to work. I took the next evening off. I knew it was Cumunion Night and I was ready. I took a nap after work, woke up, prepared my ass properly. Got dressed and took the 45 minute drive to the bathouse. I got there about 1am, and there was a long line. Took about 45 minutes to get to the door. I am a 52 year old blk male 5'8 150 lbs with a 8 1/2 inch uncut cock considered good looking. 6 guys were in line behind me, they were all together had been drinking were funny flirting with guys in line. One of then a 40 year old cute blonde leaned to me whispered in my ear I love black cock I looked at him smiled and kissed him. I finally made it in paid my fee got a locker. Got naked, lubbed my ass up nicely , put on my cock ring, put my towel on my shoulder and did ,y walk around so I could see whats going in this steamy hot sex pit. A lot of moaning coming from the rooms, the video room had one guy getting fucked and another in the sling taking a nice cock. I made my way to another room that has a bed in it and there was a handsome Asian dude getting fucked by one of the guys who was behind me, the guy getting fucked saw my cock got a hold of it and pulled me toward him and engulfed it. I started pounding his mouth as he was getting it good from the rear, he put a finger in my ass and I moaned, this got my buddy who was fucking him excited because he dumped a load in him, he smiled leaned over and kissed me, My Asian sucker stopped and said that is 4 loads so far tonite, I told him see me later so I can help him up the total. I then headed to the dark room, there were three guys bent over getting fucked, I walked by one as a load was been deposited in him, the guy pulls out and I decided to put my raging hard on in him, It felt so good and warm my BBC pushing that cum back into his ass, he pushed back on me and we got a rhythm going, I felt a spurt on my leg as the guy next to me was stroaking himself and let his juices go, that felt good, I took a hit of poppers and that just intensified the feeling I was having, I felt my cock getting bigger as I let loose a load in him. I went and showered was still hard and horny, made my way to the video room and there was my blonde friend from the lobby on the bed sucking the Asian guy, I made my way to them, they both looked up and smiled I took turns kissing them, and we were all sucking each other rimming kissing it was about a good 15 to 20 minutes of oral tounge play I flipped my Blonde friend over on his back and entered his hole, he moaned, I leaned over and kissed him, our Asian friend then entered me that is what I needed a nice big juicy cock in me we went at this for a few, then he got out of me and whispered to me you promised me your load, So he got in the middle took the blonde cock in him first then I entered him, we have a good size audience watching us some are playing with each other blowing and etc, we are going at it furiously, one of the six guys from the hallway stand on the bed in front of me and sticks his cock in my mouth, which I readily accept, he gives me a hit of poppers, ,another guy starts licking and fingering my ass that's it I let out a load scream and let loose a load, this gets my blonde mate going he shoots as well, the guy I was sucking lets loose and as I keep pumping in the Asian guy I swallow every drop, the Asian guy finally cums we all collaspe on the bed to a round of applause, then a few guys comes over and licks us clean, our Asian buddy leans to me kisses me and says load 11 and 12. I walk to the shower where my blonde friend is we smile and soap each other up and help wash each other both to tired to do anything else, I make my way to the lockers get dressed see my blonde friend doing the same we exchange numbers and names is Alan he was telling me how I would fit in with some guys he knows who throws extreme parties, We see our Asian buddy get his number as well, His name ends up been Louis, I smile and quote Casablanca Louis I feel this is the start of a beautiful relationship1 point
If he was that concerned and had a girlfriend and is 24 years of age , he should know better. I always tell up front, not that I get that much action these days but when I was diagnosed I always told, it was much easier and I never had to worry about anyone coming after me.1 point
Look forward to seeing how it goes versbbguy. In the meantime you and the guys might like this story on nifty: http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/incest/moving-in-with-my-son/ It is not about bug chasing or chems, but all the action is BB. The story is a real slow burner. It's about a straight father who moves in with his gay son and his partner. The father is impossibly naive and matter-of-fact about things, which kinda makes the storyline hotter. In one hilarious chapter the son confesses he doesn't just work as a barman, he's actually a gogo boy who loves getting banged in the backroom. LOL.1 point
I got cut last Saturday. Still a tiny bit sore and a lot swollen but all is good1 point
I got a hold of a buddy the other day who is a total bottom, and I asked if he had any friends who top that I could borrow for a while, as I had not had a cock in my hole in some time, and the action seemed to be dead in my town. He said he knew of a couple of guys who might be interested, and that if they were interested, he might come along as well. We arranged to meet at a local adult store as there were too many people around my place for us to be able to play. My Buddy and his two 'friends' showed up and he introduced them to me. While introducing them to me he said the first one was poz with a high VL (and unmedicated) and the second one said he was poz, but undetectable. We had met in the parking lot, so after the introductions we all went inside to do some playing. We got a large room, stripped down and I started to suck the undetectable guy while my buddy sucked the total poz guy. After I sucked him a bit, my guy had me get up on a table, and when I positioned my legs over his shoulders, he rimmed my hole but good. I could feel his tongue all over my whole, and forcing its way inside me, all the while he was slobbering and wetting and lubing my hole. Looking over, I saw my buddy who was bent over, and getting pounded deep in his hole by the other guy's poz cock. After a few minutes of being rimmed and my cock getting a little of his mouth too my guy stood up beside the table and with my legs still over his shoulders proceeded to slam his 8 1/2" thick cock in my ass and started to pound my hole good. After not having any in a long, the action felt terrific. He pounded good and hard and fast and then he said "Here it comes" and loaded my hole good and full. Buddy then spoke up and asked "How did you like it?" "It sure felt fine" I answered. His guy had pulled out of him and come to look at my slopped up hole and my buddy said, "Guess what? When introducing the guys to you, I deliberately reversed the two guys: you got the unmedicated poz load deep in your hole!" I almost jumped to the ceiling when he said that but couldn't move as the other guy had grabbed my legs and plowed his cock in deep too and started to fuck me good too. Then my buddy said "Hey, I was just fooling, they both are total poz, and neither is on meds, and both have a high viral load." As he finished his remarks, the second guy grunted and filled my hole up too. What a rush. I was so hyped at what he said my cock just erupted without being touched. What way to find out what is being pumped in me. Now it is just a waiting game to see what happens, especially since they had already loaded-up my hole. Then I thought what the hell? and took another load from each of them before they left.1 point
You guys are really great, I have to say a huge thank you to everyone who's reached out to me. I'll be honest I wasn't even sure I'd write something anyone would want to read. I was a little annoyed the story was moved, it felt butchered, but there will be at least one more chapter. If you came to this section hoping for lots of chems you won't find very much of that, Chapter 17 (and ultimately 18) may be the only ones, I haven't decided and I honestly have been writing this as my horny, depraved imagination carries me.1 point
Anyone on the Cape or South Shore of Massachusetts looking for fun? Love to breed and get bred. Love to shoot inside a nice warm hole and get your cum either down my throat or in my ass! Neg guys are very welcome. Read my profile for contact details!1 point
The Invitation The weekend at home was a short respite and I headed out first thing on Monday morning for the where day conference. So far Ben had been fucked bareback by at least five guys in the last couple of months, with very strong indications that Sam was one of them, probably the first one. Based on how badly he wanted us to get together with Matt and Josh he had probably been fucked by them as well. Then there was the flu he got about a month after meeting up with Sam again, followed by me getting it. Since I was now most probably poz, and the only person who had fucked me raw before Jeremy was Ben, I had to assume he was also poz. There was no way to undo that but now I was going to play some mind games with Ben. When I tired of that we would just accept our new found freedom and fuck around bareback with whoever we felt like. Just for the fun of it I searched the profiles again and found one that sounded just like Jeremy. He was not shy and showed his face. Yes, as I suspected, Jeremy was BBSam4Fun’s “J2”, and his profile picture showed him in his latex outfit with the biohazard logo. He listed his status as “Ask Me.” I had a hunch that it was highly unlikely that the test result had been a false positive and so there was no point in me playing safe anymore. It was time to take up Zach on his offer as we were both going to be at the conference. We finished at around 5:30 that evening and as we walked out of the conference room I asked Zach to join me for a drink in the bar. We chose two comfortable chairs in preference to a hard stool at the bar counter. The chairs and accompanying side table were chosen to give a good view of the bar and its occupants. I scanned the room. Only one guy caught my eye. He was one of the conference attendees, and he had caught me looking at his package earlier in the day but had said nothing. Dark hair and complexion and a slim build. He looked Mediterranean or Latino. It was not important what he was other than he had smoldering hot looks. I kept looking at him as Zach and I discussed this and that and drank a few beers. After about twenty minutes I could contain myself no longer and brought up the subject of sex. “Zach, I thought about what you said to me last week. The answer is yes. I’d love to fuck your butt. Tonight, if possible.” Zach just laughed. “No way. I already made plans for tonight and it does not include you fucking me with a condom-strangled cock.” “Who said anything about condoms? I want to ram your ass with my juicy raw cock until I dump a massive load deep in your colon.” Zach looked stunned for a moment. “FUCK yeah! I want that. My plans have not changed but you are now invited. Are you going to get fucked bare as well?” “What do you think? What goes around cums around. Of course I am. The more loads the better.” “Well then, another convert to our cause. I have some fun in the gym planned for tonight. Access to the gym is usually restricted after 9 pm but Chris gave me an access key. The nice thing is unlike many hotel gyms there are no big windows where a casual observer can look in. So we can do whatever we want as long as we clean up when we are finished.” “Great, so I guess that the party starts at nine?” “Ten actually, we need to wait for Chris and Ricky his boyfriend to get off work.” “So it will be the four of us?” “Actually no. I was not expect you to join us to play, so I arranged a little orgy with some of my friends who are in town. Quite a few of them are poz and the TeamBB rules apply to all of my parties so you cannot ask. But you are most welcome to join us if you agree to that. The more the merrier. I’ve been dying to get your dick in my hole ever since I first met you. And if you can round up another bareback top or two between now and ten that would be great too.” I looked at him with amusement. I had not picked up anyone, bareback or not since I had met Ben. So it really was not likely that I would be bringing someone new to the party. “Zach, you going to join me for dinner?” “Nope, got other plans and a breeding and seeding party to get together.” I grinned at him. He was not shy, that’s for sure. As he left he turned and commented “See you at ten at the gym. The password to get in is Team BB. And since we are playing by the rules see if you can find something appropriate to wear.” I sat by myself drinking my beer but that was not for long. The hot guy had been sitting across the bar watching us all the time. I did not mind as it gave me an opportunity to look him over. Seeing that Zach was not coming back, he sauntered over and introduced himself. “Hi, I’m Dino. Mind if I sit? Those bar stools are hard on an ass.” “Hi, I’m Brandon. Sure, go ahead. I like a little company.” (Fuck, he was even hotter up close and I could see he was packing some serious meat in his tight khaki pants.) He looked at me closely as if to decide his next move. “You organize these conferences and are here often. Where can one go to get a bit of action?” I was taken aback and took a moment to reply. A hot guy like him setting off all the gay alarms wanting to get some action. So I stalled and played dumb. “Action? What do you mean? Gentlemen’s clubs?” He burst out laughing. “Dumb ass. What do you take me for? You are obviously gay and you have been cruising me all evening! Nope, I want the gentlemen, not their clubs.” I smiled “Oh, that’s a relief. I thought you may be asking me to find something know nothing about.” He grabbed his ample crotch. “There is something else that is hard on a man’s ass. Or should I say in an ass.” Great, maybe I had found a top for Zach after all. But we did not know if he played safe or not. “Why don’t you join me for dinner and let’s see what we can come up with for tonight.” We spent some talking about this and that and we discovered to our surprise that we lived only about 20 minutes from each other. After some time the inevitable topic of whether we were single or not came up. “So you have a boyfriend” I said. “Does he know you fuck around on the side?” “No, I’ve never told him and I don’t think he suspects. When we first met we used to fuck a lot, always with condoms. Then after about a year we got tested and started barebacking. He insisted on monogamy and at first the excitement of raw sex was enough. Then it sort of got boring and now we only have sex about once a month. I need more so I suggested we open our relationship up a little but he was having none of it. He said he did not want to go back to condoms. I even suggested we find another neg couple for regular hookups but he did not like that idea either. So we started some fetish stuff to get the excitement up but really I think what we need is more cock from strangers.” “My husband I have an agreement. Sort of a don’t-ask-don’t-tell arrangement. The rule is we use condoms when we play with others, but I know he doesn’t so I don’t either.” “Fuck, that’s hot. Since I travel a lot I fuck around a lot that he doesn’t know about, always bare. I could never go back to wearing rubber.” I realized that I may have come up with a top for Zach so I asked him the question. “You up for a bareback sex party tonight?” I did not have to encourage him, he was raring to go. So I told him the Team BB rules. He chuckled. “Well, that’s convenient, I went past the local fetish wear store yesterday evening as soon as I got in and bought myself something sexy in neoprene.” I could not resisted the temptation. “I though you could not go back to wearing rubber.” “No you fucking idiot, on my body, not my dick. With rapid access to where it’s needed. You’ll see tonight.” I told him where to meet up and the password and we parted. I looked in my bags. I couldn’t find anything particularly sexy to wear to the party and the fetish wear store had already closed. I grabbed a pair of scissors and my favorite white swimsuit and removed the front lining. It would have to do for now. I knew how well the single lined rear showed off my crack when wet so I was hoping the same would be true for the front. I could not wait for the time to pass…the anticipation for the nights activities was too great. Exactly and ten pm I found myself in front of the gym door with the large closed sign. I knocked. “Password?” “Team BB," I answered. Zach opened the door and let me in, commenting "You're the first to arrive. The entire facility is available. Enjoy." He was wearing tight leather shorts and a half-harness and construction boots. His tight little body looked even hotter in that outfit than I remembered from the gym, but since I had a few minutes before the main activity began, I stripped down to my swimsuit, jumped into the pool and took a quick swim to cool down a bit. Looking down, I was amazed how see my speedo was all but transparent. I lounged in the water for a few minutes before the next guys knocked on the door and Zach let them in. They were two hunky boys, both in their late twenties, both dressed in tight jeans and dark t-shirts. They disappeared into the locker room to undress. Zach stepped over to me, identifying the guys as the Baker twins, Brent and Brad. The twins emerged from the locker room and walked straight towards where I was in the pool. They were both wearing translucent latex outfits like shorty surfer wetsuits with zippers all the way from the neck to the small of their backs. Brent was wearing yellow and Brad was wearing red. The rubber was transparent enough to see each had a biohazard tattoo on the left side of his crotch. They had obviously been wearing the rubber for a while because their muscular bodies were already slick and slippery with sweat. Seeing that and their fat uncut cocks I knew immediately that I wanted both of them to breed me. I climbed out of the pool in front of them noticing their looks of approval as the wet see through spandex clung to my crotch outlining my cock and balls. I turned around to show them my ass as I bent down to pick up my towel. They were only a few feet away. Brad looked at me with a grin. “I like your swimsuit. Low cut. Real low cut like a competition swimmer’s so that it doesn’t even cover the top of your crack. My brother and I like that. We were on the swim team at college and got to look at a lot of hot guys in a tiny speedos.” Brent chipped in. “And fuck a lot of them. We like what you are packing in front as well. If one of us fucks you we both are, and we’re going to fuck you and give you our loads. Then you are going to fuck us. We come pre-lubed with cum.” My dick had started to chub at the sight of these two muscular dudes and suddenly got very hard at the thought of their charged cum in my hole. It would be the first time that I knowingly took a load from a poz guy. (Or two.) “Yeah.” Brad continued. “We always fuck each other before a party. Gets our asses ready and slows us down so we don’t cum too quickly.” As he spoke their dicks were starting to expand and fill out in the tight latex. They both unzipped their crotch zippers and released their swelling uncut cocks. “Let’s see how you suck,” Brad suggested. I went down on my knees and swallowed Brad’s drooling meat. Brent did not waste a moment and went down on all fours behind me and pulling down my swimsuit he thrust his tongue deep into my ass crack. I relaxed my sphincter to allow him access and he wormed his tongue into my hole. That lasted all of a second before he withdrew his head. “Damn, no cum there. That’s not right. We’ll have to fix that.” He dived back in and started getting my anus nice and wet for the coming fuck. Brad looked down on me furiously working his dick with my mouth. “Yeah, you need to know what a good hole tastes like.” He slid out of my mouth and turned around, unzipping the back zipper of his suit revealing his well fucked hole. Soon we were all on the floor, Brent loosening up my hole with is mouth and me tasting the sex juices in Brad’s ass. Without asking me, Brent stopped rimming me and I felt him place the head of his leaking dick at my back door. It was so slick with pre-cum that he did not need any lube and he slowly slid all the way in. Brad knew what Brent was doing without looking. “I want you to fuck me while he is fucking you.” He moved away from my mouth and backed onto my cock. “Don’t need lube.” He took my cock balls deep in one swift move. It was a new experience to be sandwiched between two slippery latex sheathed guys getting barebacked and barebacking without skin on skin body contact. In spite of having fucked his brother earlier Brent did not last long and I could feel his pace pick up seconds before I felt his cock swell and twitch as he started spewing his toxic cum in my guts. It took me over the edge as well and I dumped a massive load in Brad. As he came Brent whispered in my ear. “I’m not supposed to tell you this but I’m poz and not on meds. Same for Brad.” I did not really need him to tell me he was poz as I had noticed their tattoos. As for meds, I had not even been to see a doctor yet. As I came down from my orgasm I noticed a few more guys had entered the room and they had been stroking their cocks as they watched us fuck. I heard Zach say “Treat him nice guys. It’s his first bareback sex party, so make sure he gets plenty of loads.”1 point
I took my first fist at 19 and that was 3 years ago and glad I did it then. It just take a lot lube and someone who is willing to take their time.1 point
I'm a PrEP pusher. Take the pill because you want to, or wait until you have to. I'd rather have the choice.1 point
When I'm in my rhythm I'm not breaking it for no one. If the bottom agreed to fuck bare he should know that he is getting my load in him. When I yell out open up boy just know I'm about to seed your hole.1 point
Could it be that tops are ignoring bottoms who say "don't cum inside me"? It happened to me last night. Again. I was topping this dude with a very tight hole and just as I was about to bust inside him he said.... I ignored him. Totally. I unloaded a bucket full of cum inside his fuck hole. Simply because I thought he was being ridiculous. Am I wrong to think and feel the way I do?1 point
2. Jeff I waited for the very last drop of my cum to drip out of my dick before I pulled out. I needed Tim to get every precious drop of my spooge and with it, as much of my virus as he could. I had been waiting for the chance to fuck Tim for far too long and I didn't want this opportunity to go to waste. It had only been a few months ago that I had found out he barebacked. That he had done it once was all I needed to know: it wasn't a matter of if he would take my poz cock, it was just a careful negotiation of when he would. And now, only six months later, I had just unloaded deep into his unprotected guts. "Thank you," Tim grunted, as my cockhead slipped out of his hole with a barely audible pop. It was slick and shiny. Tim had gotten a dildo Diablo right before I fucked him; the frozen sperm had melted and coated his guts and then my shaft. From the gyrations of his ass and his moans, it was also clear that the tina had also taken effect. Most ceremonies began with the sacrifice getting the dildo Diablo or the Devil's Cock; a frozen rod of semen collected the men of our congregation. Of course, we made it even better by sprinkling it with a generous amount of crystal methamphetamine. By the time it melted, the sacrifice would be so hungry and needy he would rarely worry about the long-term consequences of his action. This ceremony was no different. It had been easy to tell when the crystal had hit Tim. It had been in the middle of me fucking him, and the high had continued to build for him. Now, he was completely tweaked out and definitely ready for the rest of the solstice celebration. The hot poz men, dirty satanic talk, and unprotected bareback sex would be just what he needed. "My turn," a man said. I turned. Standing next to me was one of my brothers in the Dark Lord. With the black leather mask and the flickering candles, it was hard to tell who it was. But names did not matter. We were all just foot soldiers in the army of the Dark Lord, doing his vital work. I stepped aside, giving the next man access to Tim's raw hole. The stranger quickly lined up his cock, and then sunk it into the sacrifice. Tim grunted in response, a deep masculine sound of pleasure. He looked up, but before he had a chance to turn his head, I stepped in front of him and guided his head down to my cock. "Lick it clean for me," I said. He opened his mouth, and let me push the head of my cock into his warm mouth. "All the way," I said. Telling him to take it all the way was redundant. Tim was still strapped down to the fuck bench, so it was impossible for him to move. But he sucked on my shaft so hard that I was nearly dragged forward. I took a slight step towards him. He had no choice but to swallow me balls-deep, which he did. "Yeah," I moaned, as his warm mouth enveloped my shaft and his tongue lapped up all the juices that had accumulated. "Taste all those loads. All of them infected." "Mmmmmph," Tim said, his mouth full of my cock, and his ass now full of the stranger. Neither of us were using a condom, and both of us were infected by HIV. If Tim was thinking about that, he made no sign of it, arching his back to meet the other guy's shaft, and massaging my dickhead with his throat. Finally, my dick was clean, and my cock was starting to grow soft, exhausted from the first orgasm but not quite ready for the second one yet. "Please?" he said as I pulled my shaft out of his mouth. "Don't worry," I said. "You're going to get plenty more before the night is done." "Good," he said. "How are you feeling?" I asked. The executioner had retreated to his throne, and out of the corner of my eyes, I could see one of the altar boys going down on him. The executioner didn't like us getting too familiar with the victim, but he knew I had recruited Tim. I knelt down so that my face level was with his. Up close, I could see just how tweaked he was. "I don't know. Wonderful. Amazing. But also, I dunno," he said, tailing off. His eyes closed and a look of utter bliss was on his face. His back arched, all the better to accept the stranger's raw cock. He had never even seen this man, and yet, he was letting him fuck him. It was his long-repressed, perverted desires being unleashed by the crystal. "What?" I asked. Seeing him so utterly defenseless against his needs was getting me hard again. He didn't care who was fucking him. No, it was more that he couldn't care who was fucking him. All that was important was that he was getting fucked. "I'm scared. This isn't like me." "But do you want it to be like you?" "Yeah," he said. He opened his eyes again. They were unfocused and distant. He had entered his own world, and given himself over to pleasure. He had given himself to the Dark Lord. "I want to be free. To enjoy everything." "Good. You are giving yourself over to pleasure." "To pleasure," he repeated, dreamily. He closed his eyes again and arched his back. The man behind him obliged, and pounded his ass a bit harder. "It's just, this isn't, this isn't me." He suddenly focused and realized where he was. He pulled off the stranger's cock, but found himself held in place by the thick leather straps. "Relax," I said. I ran my hand over his face, feeling the stubble on his cheek, and my touch had an immediate response. His body slouched and relaxed, but he still allowed the stranger to continue fucking him. "We dosed you with a drug. It's going to be ok. It's going to help you do this." "A drug?" he asked. A smile emerged, as the idea of getting drugged up finally hit him. "Fucking hot," he said. Tim, or rather, the sacrifice, was a lot kinkier than I had thought. This was suddenly starting to get very interesting for me, and my cock was getting hard again. "You," Micah said. Tonight, playing the role of the executioner, Micah had final say on everything. I hoped he had not noticed how hard my cock had gotten. I wanted to get back inside of Tim so badly, and I didn't want Micah interfering, even if it was for the sake of the ceremony. "Is something wrong with the sacrifice?" he asked, loudly. "No, Sir," I said, turning my head to face the executioner. "He is a bit afraid, but nothing he can't handle." "The sacrifice should be afraid. Our Dark Lord takes pleasure from many things and fear is just one of them." I watched Tim's eyes widen; it was hard to tell if it was from fear of the illness or anticipation of the pleasures. "But then, above all, Lucifer is about pleasure." He turned to look directly at Tim, his eyes nearly hidden by the black leather hood he was wearing. "The Dark Lord has so many pleasures. What is your pleasure, sacrifice?" "Cum," Tim said, hardly missing a beat. It was an interesting choice: not cock, the object, or fucking, the action, but cum, the result. "Poz cum." And didn't even pause before getting to the ultimate point: the virus that all of us would share with Tim tonight. "He chooses well," Micah said. He stood up, his massive cock hanging stiffly in front of him. "Congregant, will you satisfy the sacrifice's needs? Make him die so much faster? And, altar boy," he continued, turning to a young man hidden in the crowd. "You may take care of my son's needs." A young man darted out and knelt down in front of me. He carried a silver tray, upon which lay a glass pipe and a torch. Micah was an evil bastard. He knew that the higher all of his flock got, the more loads they would pump into Tim. I looked over Tim's body and into the face of the anonymous man fucking him. He was only the second one. It would be an endless night for Tim. There was a long line of men who would fill Tim up with load after load of infected jizz. "Give the sacrifice a hit as well, my son," Micah said. I nodded in agreement. Micah's tone of voice reminded me of when he had participated in my pozzing. He had been younger, but then, we all had been younger. I don't remember which one of the many men who fucked me Micah was. There were so many, and like Tim, I had been drugged as well. There had been another executioner that night. He was no longer with us. Of course, many of the men from my ceremony were no longer with us. So many had been cut low by the Dark Lord's demon virus and were now celebrating the solstice in his chamber of pleasures. I picked up the glass pipe from the tray and then the torch. It was hard to tell in the dim light, but prior experience suggested that the pipe was loaded with crystal, and it would take a moment or two for it to melt and smoke. I held the torch under the bowl as the light illuminated a small part of the pentagram. Tim looked around, but it was impossible to read his expression. With each thrust from the stranger, his face relaxed, revealing the bliss that he felt. "This is going to be good," I said, as I put the glass cock to my lips and inhaled deeply. As expected, the pipe was loaded and the drugs were pure and strong. I inhaled deeply, feeling the spirit of the Dark Lord fill my lungs and begin to suffuse through my body. I did not partake of the Dark Lord's drugs as often as some did, and it would require only a few hits for me to be under his spell. "Very good," I said, exhaling a small, yet thick cloud. "What?" Tim asked, his eyes glazed over in pleasure from the on-going fuck. "Just enjoy it," I said. I exhaled my hit. My head was momentarily enveloped in the white cloud, but it soon dissipated. As my vision returned, I first saw Tim staring at me, mesmerized by what had just happened. I turned my head to Micah. He was still sitting in the executioner's chair, but he nodded at me and pushed the altar boy off his erection. Micah stood up. The altar boy shuffled backwards as quickly as he could to avoid toppling over backwards. "Let us all partake in the Dark Lord's addictions," he announced. There was a sudden flurry of activity in the crowd of men, as the altar boys rushed to supply all of the men with the glass pipes and torches. Micah's boy got up quickly, and quickly returned with the necessary goods. The silver platter matched the chrome bars on the boy's chastity cage. It was good that the altar boys dosed up before the ceremony began; with all of the horny men, their cocks would be soon straining against the restraints. It was one of the few times that crystal dick was an advantage. Micah took the pipe and torch, and began his hit. I turned back to Tim, and began another hit for myself. This one was quicker; the pipe was still warm and it was easier to get a lungful of the potent drug. This time, when I exhaled, I blew it out right into Tim's face. He tried to inhale some of it, but it was too weak for him to get any effect. "Patience, sacrifice," I said. "You'll get a hit soon enough." Around me, the men were all hitting their pipes and shotgunning it to each other. As they did so, I could feel the dark sexual energy rise and saw the room grow cloudy from the large hits they were all doing. "It's going to be a good night," I said to Tim, exhaling my own hit right in his face. "You want some?" I asked. He nodded. "Please," he murmured. His body was still being pummeled by the anonymous man fucking him, and his breaths were all too often interrupted by a gasp of pleasure as the man found a tender, sensitive spot. I looked over Tim's shoulder at the stranger fucking him. He was smiling, and gave me a thumbs up. "The man has a gift for you first," I said. "Please," Tim murmured again. The thrusts from the stranger grew even more strong and intense, as he neared orgasm. "I want it." Tim gasped. "Fuck yeah," the stranger grunted, slamming his cock into Tim and holding it there. "Fucking take my load." He moaned as his body shook with the intensity of his orgasm. "Fucking take my toxic cum." Tim moaned in reply, his face blissed-out and joyous with the pleasure of taking another load. "That's load number two for you," I said. "But I know there are plenty more for you." "I hope so," Tim said. The unknown man's body jerked and spasmed a few more times as his balls squeezed out some more cum. He took a moment to catch his breath, and then pulled out. "Fuck," Tim said; I couldn't tell if it was from the stranger's quick movements or the sudden shock of no longer having a cock in his ass. If it was the latter, Tim did not have to wait long. Almost as soon as the stranger stepped away, another one took his place. Again, the dim light and a tight-fitting hood made it hard to recognize him. But once he moved, I recognized the tattoo on his chest, a pistol pointed at his heart. I knew him; we had played around. But as was the custom in our church, I would not acknowledge him as anything other than a brother in Lucifer during the Solstice execution. "Another one for you," I said. Pistol grabbed his stiff cock and aligned it with Tim's ass. "Please," Tim grunted. Pistol slid into him, not pausing for Tim to even get used to his thick shaft. Tim looked at me, and then his eyes darted to the glass pipe I was holding. "Please?" he asked again. The crystal was hitting him hard, and he was turning into a needy bottom. I lit the torch and held it under the bowl. He was going to get even more tweaked out and his needs would only grow. "Of course," I said. "It's your last meal, as it were. You can have anything you want." A bit of smoke was starting to curl out of the bowl of the pipe. I stuck the pipe into Tim's mouth. "Inhale, sacrifice. Slowly and deeply." Watching Tim hit the pipe, I wondered if he had ever smoked tina before. He worked the pipe like an expert, draining the bowl and letting it refill. His lung capacity was impressive; each time I thought he had hit his limit, he just paused and then continued. Finally he nodded, and I pulled the pipe out. It was still hot and smoking, so I did a quick hit myself. Not until I exhaled did he dare exhale his hit. Once more, we were engulfed in the thick cloud, momentarily lost in Lucifer's mysterious kingdom. But the clouds drifted to the ground, and we were back in the physical world. Pistol was now pounding Tim's ass hard, the sweat glistening on his chest. It would not be long before his pistol went off, shooting its deadly bullets into Tim's body. "Another one," I said. Pistol slowed down his attack on Tim's ass as I put the pipe back in the sacrifice's mouth. Even if Tim wanted to protest, he was far too tweaked to string the necessary words together. But, it was clear from his face he was now in the Dark Lord's playground and he never wanted to leave. I held the torch under the bowl. It quickly started to crackle. "Do it," I said. Tim inhaled. I waited for him, until he could no longer inhale any longer, and then took the pipe away from him. I looked up at the executioner. Micah slowly nodded his head back and forth. I was disappointed; I wanted another hit from the pipe. I wanted to be closer to Lucifer and his world of pleasure. But, as the sacrifice's attendant, I had other duties tonight. At midnight, I would be released and able to join in the pleasures. No longer needing to be concerned about the glass pipe, Pistol picked up the pace again. His hips hit the sacrifice's ass, as his cock forced its way into Tim's body. "Oh fuck," he grunted, and his rhythm sped up further. "Oh fuck," he grunted again, and slammed his cock into Tim. This time, he held his cock in place and grunted one more time. This was the sound of an animal, deep, visceral, and almost scary. It was the sound of a man reaching orgasm and filling another man with his sperm. "Please," Tim whispered, only audible to the two of us. Pistol pulled out, then shoved it back in as his hard cock shot spurted more cum into Tim's tender hole. "Another bullet in our sacrifice," Micah said. The executioner had returned to the throne and the altar boy was once more between his legs. "And there are so many more to come." Pistol grunted a few more times, then pulled his cock out of Tim. Tim's face screwed up in a combination of agony and despair. He clearly wanted to be fucked more and to feel more men cum in him, but was also aware of how sore his ass already was, even as the ceremony was just starting. But he didn't have long to wonder. From the crowd, another man stepped forward to take his place between Tim's legs. I recognized Nash immediately. His skin was ebony black and almost absorbed what little light was falling on him. His black skin reminded me of the Dark Lord's own complexion; perhaps more so than any other member of the congregation, he was Lucifer's perfect ambassador to the earthly plane. He was tall and muscular, with a long, thick cock. There was some resistance when he first asked to join our congregation, but his generous endowment and relentless approach to fucking more than overcame any protests. As he stepped up to Tim, I could see his fat shaft sticking out straight. It was big enough that even fully erect, it still hung down slightly. As Nash lined up his dick with Tim's hole, he licked his lips, anticipating the warm wetness that would soon surround his manhood. Nash reached down and pulled Tim's ass cheeks apart just to make room for his thickness. Tim reacted to the touch with a moan of pleasure. I wondered if Tim would have reacted the same way if he had seen just how big Nash's cock was. The first time Nash had fucked me, I was amazed there was enough space in my guts for him to enter, and Tim was a bit smaller than I was. It was a good thing that Tim was still restrained. It would make the inevitable assault more surprising, but not being able to see Nash's endowment would reduce Tim's anxiety. But, after all of the crystal Tim had done, it wasn't clear if Tim was capable of being scared of anything. "Another one for you," I said. Nash's cockhead was pressed up against Tim's hole. Although Tim had opened up a lot from the three of us who had already fucked him, it would still be a tight fit for Nash. "Please," Tim grunted. "More." I didn't know if Nash heard Tim. Around me, men were sucking down on the glass pipe. I could see the torches flicker on and off as the men did their hits. As the crystal hit them, they started to suck on each other's cocks; in addition to the sounds of the glass pipes, I heard the soft moans and gentle licking of the men pleasuring each other. Nash had been doing the same, hitting the pipe, and getting his cock nursed to hardness. Now, he was ready to fuck. Tim's request was unimportant to Nash. He just pushed his thick head against Tim's hole, and forced his way into the man. "Oh fuck," Tim said, as he realized just how thick Nash was. I smiled. This was what Tim had signed up for: getting fucked by some of the biggest cocks and the meanest men. Pistol didn't stop, Nash would not stop, nor would any of the other men stop. Tim whimpered a bit and his body tensed up as Nash pushed further into his hole. But Nash didn't stop. He was slowly thrusting in and out, each stroke pushing him deeper into Tim. "Dear God," Tim said. "God abandoned you the moment you climbed on to the altar," I said. "Or maybe you abandoned him. The Dark Lord is your salvation now." "It's so fucking big," he said. I guessed that Nash had barely gotten half into Tim. "So fucking big." I grabbed the bottle of poppers and held it under his nose. He inhaled deeply, like it was the only thing that could save him. I let take as much as he needed, holding the bottle under his nose even after he nodded that he was good. Nash had only begun the process of fucking. "Can I..." Tim started, and then trailed off. He closed his eyes and concentrated. "Of course," I said. Nash was exploring new territory in Tim's guts and the only lube was what little pre-cum Nash was dripping into the man. Tim didn't need any more crystal; most of what he was feeling was from the booty bump and the last few hits had barely taken full effect. But, the rite of sucking on the glass cock would calm and center him and help him accept Nash's long shaft. I, on the other hand, had only just begun. "Let me get it started for you," I said. I stuck the pipe in my mouth and lit the torch. The pale blue flame barely added any light to the room, but it was just enough to see Tim's suffering in perfect detail. Nash was almost all the way in him, and was starting to seriously fuck the man. The fat black cockhead was rubbing all of the accumulated cum into Tim's body. My cum. Pistol's cum. The Dark Lord's virus was in Tim's blood now, and it would soon take root and grow in him. The fuck flu would be an unpleasant time for Tim, but we would be there for him, holding him closely and reminding him that his ordeal was only temporary before he was released into the pleasure of the Dark Lord. Thinking about Tim getting infected and getting sick made my cock stir again. I wanted to get back inside of the sacrifice and give him more of my deadly seed. I wanted him to feel the death that surged through my veins and was eating up my body. I took a long hit from the pipe and let the drugs fill my lungs. I could feel the presence of the Dark Lord in me, releasing me from the proprieties of the culture I grew up and into black and evil society of pleasure. I was Lucifer's foot soldier, and tonight, it was my job to bring him another offering. "Here," I said, taking the pipe from my mouth and sticking it into Tim's. Nash slammed his cock into the sacrifice's body hard enough to move the altar to sex a bit. "You're going to need this tonight."1 point
Moderator's Note: There are brief mentions of straight sex in this story. This story is not for everyone but thought I would share. Scruff Hook Up It started out as a typical Saturday for me. Waking up around 11:30 in the morning hung over from the night before and my dick hard as a rock. As I pulled back the sheet the smell of some whores ass and cunt juice still on my dick hit me. The fucking cunt that I had picked up at the clue turned out to be a real pig begging me to fuck her up the ass then sucking my dick clean before I rammed it back into her juicy cunt. But that is another story. In case you hadn’t figured it out I’m bi and really get off on fucking pussy, ass and a hungry throat. At 5’10” 175 pounds with a shaved head and black trimmed beard, my 8” thick cut dick has never had any trouble finding ass or pussy to fuck. Even when I was married I fucked around shoving my raw dick into any hot wet twat or ass that made it jump. My high sex drive combined with my dominate nature always seemed to get girls fucking wet and fucking faggots week in the knees. Even the most straight appearing guys turned into submissive cock whores around me. Dropping to their knees and taking my hard dick all the way to the base then bending over and begging me to fuck them. Thinking about all of this and the night before made my dick even harder. But I knew if I gave in and started stroking it I would get nothing done today. I made my way to the coffee pot fixed myself some coffee and settled in to write some music. After working on my music for about 7 hours I decided to go smoke a bowl and kick back before getting ready to go out for the night. After I smoked a bowl I logged into Scuff to see if one of my fuck buds was on line. While he was not on line another hot little fuck did and he was close by. His profile said he was bi 47, but sure didn’t look it in the right way, 5’8” 140 pounds 6.5 dick and versatile. My experience has been that guys who say they are versatile are really bottoms that just love to get fucked, but think versatile makes them more masculine. I hit him up, we started chatting and sure enough he was looking to get fucked. Not only was he looking to get fucked but really liked getting fucked rough and used like a whore. He also was into man smells and liked to get stoned because he turned into a real cock whore who could not get fucked enough. That was music to my ears so I asked if he was free around 8:30 that night. Just to sweeten the deal I told him I had some killer weed that I was certain he would enjoy. That seemed to close the deal and he agreed to come over at 8:30. I went to the kitchen to get a bite to eat and then thought about jumping in the shower but decided not to, just to see how much of a pig this little faggot really was. Knowing I was really ripe and that my dick was still covered in cunt and ass juice from the night before. This would be a good test to see just how piggy then little fuck really was. I decided to through on some basketball shorts with no underwear, t-shirt that I had worn all week to work out in and my dirty gym socks. I then kicked back on the sofa smoked some more then loaded a fresh bowl and waited for the pussy boy to message me that he was here. About 20 minutes later I got a test from him letting me know he was here. I told him the front door was open to come in and strip that I was waiting on the sofa. A minute later I head the front door open and close and then the sound of metal hitting the floor as he stripped down. I looked him up and down as he came into the living room with his hand over is cock and barely able to look up. I thought to myself I have it the jackpot he is even more submissive than he let on. He looked even better than his picture and much younger than 47. I told him to sit at my feet while I reached for the pipe. As the boy got between my legs I lit the pipe and shoved my foot in his face. He immediately took a big whiff and I could see him start to play with his dick. As I exhaled into his face I ordered him to get his hand off of his dick. I put the pipe to his lips lit it up again making him take a good hard hit. As he held it I leaned and tweaked his nipples making him moan as he exhaled. I made him take a second hit then leaned back and put my ripe sweaty socks in his face. Turned out the boy was a true pig as he began to sniff and lick my dirty ripe gym socks. I took a couple of more hits and then put the pip to the boy’s lips again. He started to protest saying he was already high but with a look from me the boy obeyed and took another hit. As it began to take effect he started rubbing my feet slowly working the socks off. Then he looked up at me for approval to remove my socks. As I looked down on him and nodded he slowly removed the first sock then shoving it in face taking a deep breath. I shoved my bare foot against his face holding pressing the sock into his nose. I slowly moved my foot and let the sock drop to the floor as a whimper escaped from his lips. I raised my foot back up to his face and ordered him to lick them clean. His tongue went immediately to the heel of my foot and he started to lick the soles of my feet then between my toes. I looked down at him at my feet as I felt my own high reach the perfect level. “Fuck you are a dirty little faggot” I barked at him as he started to suck my toes clean. “You fucking like my big ripe sweaty feet just wait tell you get to my ass and balls pig.” I slide my other foot under his ass as making him moan as I rubbed it against his twitching hole. Teasing him with it, making push back against my foot with that hungry fuck hole rubbing against my sock. I slowly moved my socked foot to his face and the whore went crazy licking and sniffing my sock covered with its ass scent mixed with my foot stink. I leaned up pulled the sock off of my foot and shoved it in his mouth, slapped him across his face and then spit in his face. His eyes went straight to the floor as I grabbed him by his hair dragging his face to my crotch. I shoved his nose right under my ball sack forcing him to sniff my crotch through my shorts with his mouth stuffed full of my dirty gym sock. That is when I noticed the little faggot was reaching back and playing with its pussy. Fuck its pussy not its dick. Damn this little fuck was a true whore and the smell of my fucking crotch had him fingering his hole and moaning into my crotch. I stood up slowly pulled his fingers out of his hungry cunt. I brought them up to his nose making him smell them before pulling the sock out of his mouth and then shoving his fingers into his mouth to clean. As expected the hungry little pig started eating his fingers fresh from his ass. I pulled off my t-shirt and shoved it in his face while he continued to lick his fingers clean. With my shirt covering his eyes I let my basketball shorts drop to the floor. I tied my t-shirt around his eyes using it as a blindfold then pulled his fingers from his lips forcing his arms behind his back. I grabbed the duct tape and bond his wrist together. This little submissive faggot wasn’t going anywhere. Then grabbing him by the hair I yanked his head back and spat in his face. I needed this little fuck to understand that it was nothing more than a hole to me and that I had no respect for it, at all. I then swung my leg over its shoulder and placing my foot on the couch. This put his nose right between my big bull nuts and my hairy ass. Forcing the cocksucker to breath in my stink, instantly his cock begins to drool leaking cock snot out the tip. Then without being told his tongue began trying taste my ripe sweaty nut sack. I pulled away from his mouth yanked its head back farther, spit a big luggie into his face before slapping him hard across his face. “Did I give you fucking permission to taste my stink faggot” watching the confusion race across his face. “Don’t even fucking think you have come close to earning the right to taste my fucking stink.” I shoved him down on the floor, sat back down on the sofa and placed my feet over his face. This time the faggot didn’t even attempt to lick me until I gave it permission. As the worthless cock hungry whore started to lick my feet I grabbed the remote turned on the big screen TV and hit play on porn I had waiting. As I watched this white whore who was tied up getting gang banged on the big screen I lit up a cigar and opened a beer with my feet getting worshipped by this cocksucker. Just as I ordered the piece of shit to lick between my toes the phone rang. I was my buddy Jarred. Jarred started right in telling me he had scored some good shit and wanted to know if I wanted any. Before I could answer he was asking about the bitch moaning in the back ground coming from the TV. I chuckled and told him I was interested in getting some good “shit”. He laughed as he realized he had not waited for my answer. He asked what I was up to and I told him I had some cock hungry faggot licking my feet while I watched porn and smoked a cigar. Of course this got his attention and he said he could be at my place in 30 minutes. I busted out laughing and told him to bring the stuff he had just scored with him. I felt the faggot begin to squirm under my feet as I hung up the phone. I moved my feet from over the faggots face reached over and picked up my sock and shoved it back in the faggot’s mouth. Then secured it with duct tape to hold the sock in its mouth, I flipped the pussy boy over to where he was on his knees with his ass in the air. I picked up my special lube from the table and began coating my fingers. “This is your lucky day whore you are going to get two dicks instead of just one.” As it began to protest though the gag I began working his ass with the lube. It wouldn’t be long until it was moaning and begging to get fucked. As the faggot continued to protest though the gag and try to move away from me I continued with the mind fuck. “Don’t act like you don’t want two big raw dicks fucking your hungry cunt. Oh I did tell you I only fuck raw didn’t I?” I began to laugh as the whore tried harder to get away as the realization hit him that we had never discussed fucking without a condom.1 point
1 point
The moist heat of Tanner's seizing hole sucked Jake's cock length into him, I heard Tanner take a hit of poppers....the kid learnt quick. Jake struggled to push his last inch into Tanner, I sharply pushed the boy's ass down forcing his hole to accept Jake's entire shaft. The last inch vanished and Jake and I were balls deep in the jock. "Holy fucking shit" Jake cried, he tried to start fucking but Tanner started spasming uncontrollably down his thighs, "Wait, Jake" I said, placing my hand on his thigh to make him stop. "Just breathe boy, breathe in our cocks...you're doing so well, just breathe them in, own your cunt muscles, let them expand, let them relax...yeah?" Tanner took another hit of poppers and Jake and I literally felt his hole start to relax, his once tight ring expanding around our shafts. "Bro" Jake spoke "You're doing so fucking good...just fucking take it, you're such....uh....a fucking stud" I rubbed Tanner's sweat drenched lower back, keeping a little pressure on him so he didn't go anywhere. "Dude" Jake moaned "I can feel the heat from your open hole on my thigh...." He was right, Tanner's fucked up little cunt was in heat, an inviting warmth flowed out of his stretched muscle pussy. One more hit of poppers and I felt the familiar feeling of being milked as Tanner went to work. "Oh my God!" Jake cried as bit by bit we started grinding into the receptive boy. Tanner was struggling but taking it, I had to marvel at his resolve as he began to grind back on our pulsing shafts. "Fuck Tanner" Jake moaned, biting the kids nipples as he began fucking the boy, pulling out along my shaft as I pushed it. We worked him over like two well oiled pistons. Tanner was screaming, tears running down his cheeks, huge fucking smile on his face as I grabbed his neck for better leverage. He gurgled like a little whore under my thick grasp. Jake grabbed Tanner's hips, taking up the responsibility of keeping him put. His hole made satisfying squelching sounds, I forgot how much pre cum Jake produced. In no time our cocks were slick with it, gliding against each other as Tanner's mucus covered ass walls shuddered with pleasure. The friction was perfect for me, I could fuck a hole like this without cumming for hours. Jake wasn't so mature yet...He was getting close, squirming and shoving, moaning and writhing, jerking his dick in the heat of Tanner's beautiful little butt. He was lost and, I was happy to let him go for a while. I released Tanner from my grip, he fell forward coughing as I pulsed more blood into my dick, forcing his red raw hole to open further. Keeping my cock perfectly still, feeling Jake probe like a dog under me. "Uh....g'uh...ah....uh" he was practically screaming now. As the breath flooded back into Tanner's lungs his hole vibrated violently ... A little trick I learnt, a coughing bottom, makes fucking feel fantastic. Jake brutally shoved his dick past mine, popping it into Tanner's second hole and unleashing his virile, swimmer seed into Tanner's innermost, receptive walls. He grunted, and I felt his hot cum start flooding back around my shaft...I pulled out of Tanner...happy to let the boys have their moment. Plus, I didn't want any of the fresh seed to pour out of his wide hole. Tanner's sphincter gently closed shut on Jake's cock...sealing the cum up him. I went round to the front of the chair. Tanner was moaning gently as Jake began making love to his hole...the gentility messing with his mind as I leant down to his vibrant, youthful face... "How's that cum feel boy?" Tanner looked at me, wiped a tear from his eye, smiled evily and said "I can feel it, it feels hot but...so nice...feels fucking nice" "Good boy" I said...."cuz you're going to get a lot" As he thanked me with his eyes I let him nurse my thick, ass-warm cock in his mouth as I heard my phone vibrate from over on the other couch. I smiled...a few more loads in the boy, and the party could really begin.1 point
I watched Jake abuse the boy's stiff dick like the expert, seasoned cocksucker he'd become. Tanner was completely lost in the sensation, being edged almost continuously and not being able to cum. I had to admire my handiwork as the two hot little studs made out with other, feeling each other's tight little bodies, massaging, squeezing, exploring as their tongues embraced. I took a final hit, sauntered over to the boys, put my mouth next to theirs and exhaled, watching the boys breathe in the white cloud as it dissolved around them. I joined them in a three way kiss, sucking on Tanner's tongue then moving to shove my tongue down Jake's throat. "Can I fuck him ?" Jake whimpered I patted him on the head, "Not yet...I'm gonna replace the seed you felched out of him" "Ok daddy" Jake replied, my dick stiffened. "Tanner, daddy's gonna fuck you...when he cums, clench your ass...I don't wanna see his vim leak out...I don't want to punish you" Jake commanded, in between sweetly kissing the boy. "Turn around, turn out your ass and spread your cheeks boy" I said Tanner complied instantly, straddling the chair. Jake went round the back, stood on a Stoll and shoved his cock into the jocks throat one thrust and his 8 inches vanished without so much of a cough from Tanner. I rubbed my now concrete shaft on the boys hole... "Open it boy" I said, he complied...his tight boy cherry parted ever so slightly, pulsed open. I took the opportunity to shove my index finger in at its most open. It was like hot silk up there and I had to moan. "Its going to be rough boy, I'm going to Fuck you into manhood" I fingered his prostate and I swear he nearly swallowed Jake's ball sack as well as his entire shaft. "You'll thank me later when some of my friends Fuck you into oblivion....you won't want to be tight in an hour boy, and you won't be" I ran my nail along his pleasure button and felt him spasm uncontrollably.... another anti-orgasm swept over him. I ripped my finger out and delighted as he hole stayed open just a little bit longer. "1..." I said, spitting on my hand. "2..." "Here...we...go" "3" I shoved my entire shaft up his gently open cum-lined shoot...this time he moaned hard and Jake pulled out of his throat. "Just in case" he laughed. He took a hit of poppers, and watched me as I pressed into Tanner. He was way too tight for what I had planned and he'd have to loosen up quickly, 3,4,5 inches pushed past his hole's resistance. The boys shared the amyl and, in no time I was buried to the hilt in his hot little ass. My hands gripped his hips tightly as he breathed deep and hard. No help waiting, the boy needed it hard if he was going to make it through our party. I started pulling out, I thought he was about to scream but he moaned deeply instead. "Yesssss" he sighed in a thick baritone I'd have to thank Bruno, my dealer later...whatever he'd given me, was working magic on Tanner. Even as his ass lips tugged against my invading cock, blossoming on my being shaft, he still wanted more. I shoved back in. "Whoah" Jake clapped, "Fuck that's hot" "Can..." Tanned started as I shoved in and out of his de-virgined cunt "Can...I...uh....please....uh...God...suck your cock!" He cried, head up back low, ass out. Jake looked at me with sheer glee, took a step forward, eyes still fixed on mine and planted Tanner at the root of his dick...matching my thrusts into the Adonis' throat. Bit by bit, I felt Tanner's hole stretch but, not quick enough. He'd make all our guests cum in seconds in this state....I was only lasting so long because of sheer, mental diligence. I closed my eyes, gritted my teeth and pummelled the boy's pussy like it was going out of fashion, in out, feeling it tense looser and looser around me. The the fog of my discipline of not cumming, I felt Tanner move slightly, backing up towards me. Then another set of legs by mine. I slowed down, opened my eyes and saw that Jake was sitting in the chair, under Tanner...cock primed. He smiled at me over Tanner's shoulder. "Need some help?" he asked, pushing his cock head ever so slowly against the underside of my shaft. "You read my mind fucker" I said..."Here though" I pulled completely out of Tanner, rubbing my pre cum, ass juice coated shaft on Jakes, then shoved back in. Jake smiled, bit his lip and pressed his dick against Tanner's stuffed cunt. As Jake applied pressure, Tanner's head flew up "Yea!!" he cried..."Fuck me...uh...together!" You gotta love jocks, I thought. Always up for the challenge. I heard Jake grunt loudly, felt a piercing rip shudder through Tanner's body and then, Jake's cock head pop through the outer ring, lodged next to the base of my already ball-deep shaft.1 point
The sweat began pouring off him, making the taught muscles in his back stretch and strain. His beautiful hole stretched to accommodate me, flushed red as I pulled an inch out then back in. Jake pulled his dick out of Tanner's mouth, coated in saliva and slime. Tanner coughed as Jake shoved the poppers back under Tanner's nose. He breathed the fumes deep, "Again" Jake commanded, gently slapping Tanner. He inhaled again, big black puppy dog eyes staring straight at Jake's cock. "Again!" Jake chided. Tanner inhaled for a third time. Jake put the bottle away, waited as the first wave of amyl hit the boy before reaching down, bringing the boys wet lips to his, passionately kissing him full of his tongue. I heard Tanner sigh. The poppers hit him hard and he lifted his body to meet the kiss, sliding further down my shaft. He sighed again, contendetly ...I pulled him fully onto my lap so that he was kneeling on my cock. "Mmmm" he moaned into Jake's mouth as I bounced into him. Grabbing his firm pecs as leverage, pinching his tight nipples causing him to buck into my lap with moans of pleasure. Jake got up and disappeared into the kitchen, saliva covered cock swinging as he left to get some supplies. I pushed Tanner forward so he was half resting on the chair and began pumping in and out of his relaxing hole, losing myself in the tight folds of his perfect ass. Free to moan, Tanner let loose. Grunting and sighing like a seasoned boy whore. I felt my dick pulse some of my fertile pre seed into him, lubing him up as I went. "Yeah..." He began to mutter "Yes" as I hit his prostate with each thrust. "Fuck" he screamed... "I'm going to fucking cum" he yelled, as I maintained momentum. "No you don't" Jake said evily, I hadn't even heard him come back in. He dropped my supply bag on the floor next to us, and quickly ducked under Tanner...flicking the boys rising balls, boiling with his seed. The pain shot through his muscle frame but wasn't enough, as my anal onslaught drove his prostate into overdrive. "I'm cumming!!" Tanner yelled again, tears running down his face overcome with the sensations his body was feeling. Jake grunted angrily, grabbed Tanner's ball sack, yanking it tight to stop the flow of teen cum from escaping up his neg boy shaft. Caught in an orgasm without release Tanner bucked furiously onto my dick, abandoned to the futile sensations emanating from his ass. His ass walls contracted as the wave of anti-pleasure washed over him, milking my poz shaft for its toxic payload. "Please" Tanner screamed as Jake tightened his grip. "I...Uh...Uh...I've got...to ...Uh...cum!" "Not yet" Jake growled as Tanner's whole frame shook from my physical onslaught. His cunt was red and puffy but, felt like warm velvet inside, slick with friction. My hips took control, I couldn't stop fucking the boy if I wanted...he'd done something I didn't think was possible...he'd taken back the dominance, fucking himself on my thick tool, commanding his pain and my pleasure. "I'm going to breed you son!" I cried "Fuck you full of my poz babies" "You want that? You want my hot poz babies in you?" The boy cried out as I felt my cock expand in his chute. "Tell him" Jake cooed, rubbing the boys sweaty back as he maintained his grip on the boy's balls all the time whispering sweet pig words in the jock's chem sensitive ear. "I want it" he breathed "What?" I yelled, "Please...Fuck me full of your poz cock, I want...Uh....Uh...I want you to poz up my jock hole....please!!" He yelled "You fucking little slut" I screamed, fucking him as if my life, or rather his life, depended on it. He cried out again as another anti-orgasm overtook him. "Poz me up!! Uhhhh!" That pushed me over the edge, my balls suddenly spewed rope after rope of my thick, white death spooge up the boy. "Fuck yes!!" I screamed, feeling my cum, bathing my dick in its warmth as I filled him up. My orgasm swept up from my toes and ended with my sixth, seventh injection of boiling cum up the boy. The boy breathed heavily, pulsing his ring around my dick... "Th...Thank you" he whimpered "Looks like the boy might be learning" Jake laughed, releasing the boy's sack from his grip. "You don't get to cum Tanner till we're sure you're good and pregnant" Jake smirked flicking the boys balls again, making sure the pain registered over and above the jock's desire for release. "How long that takes is up to you..." Jake cooed, "but, the next time you blast that jock boy seed, it'll carry some pretty potent DNA..." "Thank you!" Tanned cried through the pain and I couldn't help but smile broadly...this was going to be one hell of a conversion. I heard Jake rustling in my goody bag and began to withdraw from Tanner's pulsing anus. "Uh...uhhhh" Tanner whimpered, as my dick pulled out. My shaft was covered in pink cummy foam... "Nice" I said..."very nice" My cock head reached his sphincter and I brutally popped it out. He winced as his hole winked shut, a rivulet of my cum dribbling down his crack. As he breathed out hard his hole would open ever so gently, causing more cum to leak out. He sighed deeply, probably thinking he was done. As Jake prepared some 'treats' next to me, I swung our conquest around, planted his sweet mouth on my shaft and fucked my cock clean. We weren't nearly done.1 point
Finally hooked up with a hot Black poz guy that I been stalking on BBRT. Went to his place and after sucking on his fat cock and taking a little hit, he slid his poz pole in my tight ass and left me two loads. Fucked for about three hours - best fuck in a long time. He loved breeding my neg "boy pussy" - hope it takes.1 point
He led me up to the first floor, but turned the opposite way to normal, down a narrow corridor. At the end was a door with a biohazard sign on it and 'staff only' written underneath. I looked at him quizzically and he laughed. "It's to keep out the ignorant, and attract the initiated." He pushed open the door. Inside was a small room with benches around the walls, lit by a dim, red light. After my eyes adjusted, I noticed maybe half a dozen guys lounging on the benches, and in the middle another bench with a padded top and a lower step, also padded. "Who's your friend?" asked a thin guy with pronounced veins on his forearms and legs, and a pronounced belly beneath his skinny rib cage. By way of an answer, my friend turned me round, bent me over and spread my cheeks so they could see the cum dripping from my hole. "Weeell!" cackled a short, tubby guy with strange blotches on his chest. "Does the bitch want knocking up?" "Fuck yeah," replied the mustachioed man, who added "Popped in a load myself already!" The group stood up and came over to me, grabbing my cock and feeling my arse. I knew I was surrounded by poz guys and my heart started to pound. They felt me tense up, and someone jammed a bottle into my nostrils, forcing me to inhale the poppers. They were strong, and I felt giddy with lust. "There you go," murmured the thin man, as his tongue invaded my mouth. I could taste his tainted saliva and feeling his surprisingly large cock rigid against my belly. "Like a fly in a web," someone whispered as I was led to the bench in the middle of the room. I knelt on the lower step, and sweaty hands pushed me face down onto the upper part. Straps went round my wrists and ankles and I was held fast, my arse open and available to anyone. The thin man came in front of me and offered me his cock which drooled with precum. "Lick it," he ordered. I felt a moment's fear, and then tentatively licked the drool of toxic precum off the thick, glistening tip. "Good boy!" he said. "Who's first?" The chubby guy answered "Me!" as he walked behind me. The thin guy bent over and whispered "You're gonna like this one: this fukka has full blown AIDS." I felt a thick, heavy cock sliding into me until his belly was squashed against my arse. He fucked me with quick and hard strokes until I felt his cock swell in my ass and he gasped "I'm ccc...umming!" The thin man grabbed my face, kissing me hard as the cock in me spurted toxic sperm and I moaned with surrender. The chubby guy got off me and I was panting for breath, my hole dripping and wet. I looked up and saw savage, eager faces and rigid cocks and knew I was lost. Another cock slid into me, and I lowered my head, giving myself up to the gift....1 point
...much later, I staggered down to the coffee bar and saw the moustached guy sitting there. Although I'd had a shower, cum was dripping from my arsehole as he realised when he discreetly put his hand under my towel and probed me with his finger. "Good job!" He said giving me a wicked grin. I ordered coffee and gave him a glum smile. "What's up?" He said. I shook my head. "I just can't believe I did that. It was a stupid thing to do!" He raised an eyebrow, "What was stupid?" "Taking those cocks bare!" I hissed "You mean being fucked and bred?" I nodded my head "Feeling my poz cock shooting in you then fucking in the sling like a bitch in heat?" My cock had been stiffening during this exchange, and now he grabbed my erection through the towel and squeezed it hard. "Now who thinks its stupid? C'mon." He grabbed my arm. "Upstairs. We're gonna make a pregnant slut out of you today..."1 point
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