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  1. Part 5: Hawk gave a wild sweep of his arm, “GET THEM ALL IN HERE. EVERY FUCKING ONE. I DON’T CARE IF THEY SWING THAT WAY OR NOT. I EXPECT EVERY GOD DAMN DICK WITHIN A MILE OF THIS PLACE TO FUCK MR. DEA AGENT HERE. DRUG HIM UP AS MUCH AS YOU WANT. DO WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT. SOMEONE NEEDS TO PAY FOR THIS FUCK UP SO UNLESS ONE OF YOU IS GOING TO STEP FORWARD, THEN IT’S HIM.” My punishment was fast, swift, painful, and complete as one after another of Hawk’s drug crew were escorted into the small room and ordered to mount and breed me. A couple of them did stuff my ass with big meth shards, but not for my enjoyment, it was because they knew the shards would cut and scrape and strip away my gut lining as they were pushed around in my hole by all the dick. The high helped - a little - but what helped more was knowing I had hurt Hawk. He was the biggest meth cooker and dealer in the region and because of his Aryan DNA believed himself to be superior to everyone else. Well that, his huge dick, and his armed men. He suspected, but could not prove, that I had something to do with Chris being picked up. I did. A few years back a buddy of mine who works for another government agency, one far more secretive and into far more shit than the DEA, installed a software program on my phone. While the program appeared to the casual observer to be one of those popular games everyone played, there was a secret level to it that once opened, allowed me to track Chris and whatever phone he was using based on his number. Chris had a long history of drugging out and falling off the deep end and I had to find some way of tracking him down. This program had lots of additional bells and whistles - his phone could be turned on remotely, turned into a recording device of conversations or even other phones around it by creating a small hot-spot. So, between Chris’s phone, and those he was around, I was able to quickly find him, or at least those he had been with recently. The info was uploaded into a secret email account in the cloud as sort of a buffer. It was never real time, but close enough. Hawk and his men would find nothing on my phone. The Assistant D.A. McLeod on the other hand I suspected would have found a great deal that was of interest. Some time later as I laid on the floor covered in the filth of multiple men, shivering from the meth and the shock of abuse to my body, Hawk stomped back in. “Well agent,” he said, far more calmly than he was, “Your phone showed me nothing, although I must admit I was surprised in your taste of music - and porn. Your little friend has now become a risk to me, to this operation, to those I work for. Come with me. We’re shifting operations to a new facility he is not aware of.” I was shoved into the back of an unmarked van still naked except for the tattered remnants of my DEA windbreaker. Hawk slammed me down onto the uneven floor, slid his dick inside my cum filled ass and began pumping me as the van rocked side to side as we turned and drove away. “Head south first,” Hawk instructed one of the armed men sitting against the van wall, “I want Mr. DEA Agent here to know what a true AIDs dump he is when I fill him with another load while we are parked in front of his office building.” Hawk dismissed any feedback about that being unwise and proceeded to fuck me harder, to try to punish me for what he still believed I did. “Since we’re going to be in the neighborhood, why don’t you let me out so I can get back to work? I thought the whole idea was for me to be an asset in the office - not just some fuck toy.” That got me a hard knock to the mouth, a renewed taste of iron as my cut lip opened again, “YOU WILL DO WHAT I SAY, WHEN I SAY. RIGHT NOW - YOU ARE GOING TO MILK A FEW LOADS OUT OF ME. I KNOW EVERY THRUST OF MY SUPERIOR DICK PAINS YOU. I CAN FEEL YOUR BODY TENSE, YOUR MUSCLES QUIVER. YOU CAN FIGHT IT AGENT, BUT IN THE END, I WILL BREAK YOU AND TURN YOU INTO JUST A DEFLATED AIDS BAG. AND OH YES, WHEN WE HAD YOUR PHONE WE USED IT TO CALL YOUR OFFICE AND MY MAN ON THE INSIDE CONFIRMED THE CALL. FAMILY EMERGENCY AND ALL THAT, SO YOU WON’T BE IN TODAY. WE’RE THERE? GOOD. I’M READY TO INFECT YOUR ASS AGAIN AGENT!” Hawk rolled off me, the van pulled away, and I inched closer to the far wall. The two masked guards opposite me were two of the ones who had tortured me earlier. I could see their eyes and I knew somewhere deep down they realized they were marked. Voices rose from the front, the men shifted nervously, Hawk crab walked up to the front seats and shook his head vigorously back and forth and hit the back of the seat with his fist. He turned and glared at me. I wanted to smile, but remained expressionless. The van pulled to the side. Hawk came back, stood over me, raised his fist back and trembled in rage. I stayed still. He then exhaled, lowered his fist, and said, “It appears that my backup lab was just raided by a multi-agency team and a number of my men arrested.” I piled on, “Wouldn’t that be the sort of thing that you would think your ‘people’ inside the DEA, local police, and others would have given you a heads up on?” Hawk growled. I continued, “I could have warned you if I had been at work like I was supposed to be and not here being some fucking chew toy for your pack of dogs. Clearly this is bigger than Chris - or me. I have never been to this other place right? You said Chris had not either so that means you must have a mole. Someone who has been on your team for a while has sold you out.” I looked to the masked men on the other side of the van with a clear, questioning look, then to the two men up front and stated again to Hawk, “Someone sold you out.” Hawk’s head whipped to the side, the front, and back. His eyes narrowed. He calculated loss, risk, safety, and the many forks in the road before him all within seconds. Hawk edged over between the two masked men, placed his left hand on the shoulder of one, his right on the shoulder of the other, leaned in and spoke in a low voice. The two masked guards moved with practiced stealth and grace in a dance of death. Before they could react, the two members of Hawk’s drug gang that had been sitting in the front seats were pulled into the back and any threat they may have posed removed. One of the masked men eased into the driver’s seat, rolled his mask up onto his forehead, and put the van into drive. Hawk looked at his former colleagues, “All threats must be eliminated until I get this under control.” The van rolled over a familiar bump; I was hustled out the side door, up the steps, and into my kitchen. Hawk strolled in and looked around, “For now, we will stay here. What better place to hold out until things settle than a DEA agent’s house, right?” The masked guards did a quick check of the place, confirmed no one else was there, and emptied the chamber of a back up revolver they found in my dresser. Hawk sat at my table like he was king shit. He dumped out two bags of his meth - the Aryan Eagle black and menacing - then proceeded to chop it up. “Come agent. Let’s enjoy ourselves shall we. You and I do not need to be enemies. Frankly I see us as friends who are just - shall we say - getting to know each other. I know you Agent - I know your ass - I know you claim to be a top but when I am inside you and getting ready to spill my toxic seed your hole clenches tight, milking me like a Bavarian maid.” The hours passed. The guards were on high alert, Hawk was on the phone making call after call, trying to get control of a situation that clearly was spinning wild. One of the guards had left to get rid of the van – and the bodies - and when he returned, he had brought with him a large duffle bag that contained a number of bug-out supplies including an entire box of dozens of SIM cards. After every call Hawk switched out the cards and one of the guards would destroy the one just used. Clearly no one was going to track him that way. “Mind if I make some iced tea?” I asked. Hawk shrugged, one of the guards checked the cupboard then nodded. I turned on the faucet and reached over and twisted the little wand on the mini-blinds over the sink. The blinds did not open all the way, but they were open enough - I hoped it was enough. Hawk was calmer and high and still had a trace of meth around his right nostril. He took his shirt off, rubbed his hands over his chest and torso, outlining his tattoos, and admiring his muscled Aryan physique. The guards continued their rounds as Hawk stripped, his massive uncut dick demanding attention being one of those freaks of nature that meth did not make go limp. “Let me just have a little more tea,” I told Hawk as he tried to push me to my knees to suck him. He grunted and stroked his dick awaiting my return. I refilled the glasses of the guards and handed it to them, then returned to the kitchen, knelt on my floor, and let Hawk pummel my throat like I knew he planned to pummel my ass. Had it been enough? Hawk ordered me to bend over the table so he could spit fuck my ass. I handed him a glass of iced tea, “Here. If you’re going to fill my ass with more cum you need to keep hydrated.” Hawk smiled, took the glass, downed about a quarter of it then as he tried aiming his dick into my hole with his other hand the glass slipped, shattered, ice tea spreading across the floor. Was it enough? The grunts and fullness of his dick inside my ass dulled the world around me. Or maybe that was the meth. I barely registered when I heard the first THUD. Hawk paused and asked, “What was that?” He was looking to the front of the house. I slid off his dick, grabbed his wrist, and pulled him down with me to the floor as I begged, “FUCK ME ON MY BACK. YOU’RE RIGHT. I NEED TO SUBMIT AND THIS WAY I CAN FEEL YOU FILL ME DEEP WITH YOUR AIDS CUM. YOU’RE MY SUPERIOR MASTER. I WANT TO SERVE YOU - CAN YOU SHOW ME HOW TO SERVE YOU? PLEASE YOU? OH BREED ME!” Any thought Hawk might have had in his head went WHOOSH and vanished. All he saw was victory. All he felt was my hands clasping at his hips to pull his raw Aryan dick deeper. All he understood was that I was his. Fucking dumb animal! Hawk’s body slumped forward, his weight pinning me to the floor, my arm unable to avoid the splinters of glass that now pierced it. A familiar voice laughed, “Well, well, well, Agent. I must say I didn’t recognize you. Usually I’m the one on my back looking up.” I exhaled then had to laugh as a muscled arm reached down and helped me sit up. Jayce. While Chris and I were best friends growing up, Jayce and I were more like best enemies. We were total opposites in everything from our build to our families. Mine was law abiding, his was the biggest street gang in the city. Yet, Jayce and I alone, together, in bed, was always a good thing and I had dumped plenty of my loads up his sweet black ass. Between my job, and his gang, we of course kept our escapades secret, but on occasion, I was able to help him and let him know when the DEA was closing in on his family’s business and now he was able to pay that all back. We had worked out a secret signal long ago - my kitchen blinds. If they were closed, I had family around or for whatever reason could not see him. If they were totally open, the coast was clear. If they were only partially open, tilted up, then there was danger. I had relied on Jayce’s street skills to figure out the rest and lucky for me - and unlucky for Hawk and his men - he did. OK, well the Rohypnol I might have spiked the iced tea with helped too. I know, I know, who keeps crushed date rape drugs in their kitchen cabinet in a sugar bowl? I was a Boy Scout and I’m a DEA agent and I was prepared. I rubbed my face. Jayce handed me a glass of water. I gulped it down, shook my head, “Thanks,” I said. Suddenly a piercing scream exploded from the next room. Jayce helped me stand, we walked in, and one of Jayce’s guys shrugged and said, “Smurfette just bit off most of his left ear.” Jayce laughed, lit a joint, nodded to the large, black/blue Pit Bull name Smurfette that was knotting Hawk’s ass as he asked, “I don’t think you need both ears to be a bitch do you?” I could only laugh. I never knew what happened to the armed guards Hawk had - the ones I vowed to take out. When I asked Jayce he just shrugged and said, “You see them assholes around anyplace? Ain’t nothing to see man. Nothing to see.” Before Jayce left, and as I watched some of the guys from his family’s gang drag Hawk’s bloodied – but still alive - body out of my house, I went over to the shreds of my DEA windbreaker and pulled out a couple packets of meth with the Aryan eagle mark and a blue shipping receipt. “Here,” I said as I handed him the meth. “When they were preparing to move I was able to figure out why his meth is so damn good. Here are some samples of his latest cook and trust me - that shit is fucking awesome! But more importantly is this. This manifest shows you the extra ingredient he used to make the shit so pure, so kick ass. It’s yours now. Someone needs to step in and become the new, biggest cook and seller in the region.” Jayce smiled, reached down and stroked my dick, then whispered, “So, when do I get to lay on my back again for you Agent?” The next week at the office was fucking crazy. Reports of gang wars, multi-agency task force take downs of the biggest meth cook in the region, connections to Colombian cartels, or maybe the Russians, every day brought some new ripple in the pond created by the small stones I had cast. I was at my desk when there was a large commotion; a TACT Team goose-stepped into the situation room surrounding my cube. The DIC (DEA Agent in Charge) walked through the melee and set a stained, cardboard box on my desk. “This was just delivered for you,” he said while shaking his head. I looked at him, then the box, lifted one flap, then the next, and next, and pulled out a typed note that was resting near the top. The note said, “I DON’T THINK YOU NEED HANDS TO BE A BITCH EITHER.” My eyes wide, I pushed my chair back, stood up, and peered down into the box. My ‘gift’ was wrapped in yesterday’s newspaper. I took a pen and eased back the ridges of paper and my breath caught - there in the box was a set of hands clasped together as if in prayer. Within the hour the lab techs would confirm what I already knew - those hands belonged to Hawk. CASE CLOSED. (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
    7 points
  2. This is essentially another BZ member's story. PissPigBrooklyn sent me his true story and I just expanded it and added some details I'd imagined. You may disagree after reading this, but I don't think there's anything 'wrong' with me. I just wanted HIV, and had been trying to convert for a long period of time. Why? It was one of my many fetishes, but I'd more or less given up when I met an old acquaintance at an art gallery opening. He had actually been a former escort i had engaged. (It's yet another fetish.) I remarked on how much weight he had lost and he said well he was likely to lose even more. I knew why and asked if he was on meds. He shrugged. I asked if he had it when we fucked a few (about 4 or so years earlier_. He said no, not to worry. I said too bad. He pulled me aside and undid his pants showing me a biohazard tat on his hip. I traced it rather longingly and he put me on my knees where i traced it with my tongue (never told anybody this part and we were only a few feet from the crowd at the exhibit barely hidden.). He looked at me with interested eyes and asked "Really? You chasing?" "Like a hound after a fox," I said using the first cliche that came to mind. He said that he had a pretty high viral already when tested two months before and that he was sure he could do something about that. I could feel my breathing starting to change to shorter pants. "What did you have in mind?" I thought immediately of a friend who was also chasing and told Bill how we had been planning a conversion party but had only been able to find one, maybe two guys to do the deed for the two if us. In that full crowded room, Bill took my hand and guided it to the crotch of his pants. He was rock hard! "I'm in" he said. "You sure are," I responded. The following day I contacted my friend and we began to make immediate plans for the party. We had two more guys besides Bill interested in it and within two days and thanks to a Craig's List posting, another guy seemed really interested in it. We set a date and I rented a room at a midtown hotel. Of course things began to go wrong immediately. Two of the guys cancelled, including the Craig's List guy and a subsequent ad yielded no true results. I had begun to give up hope when I called Bill with the last postponement. He had been very patient through almost a month and a half of waiting saying not to worry, his viral load was probably only climbing higher (it had been 350k three months before) Bill said he would wait but was scheduled to leave town right after Thanksgiving. This was in late October. he offered to do me alone by himself. I said that if something didn't happen by Thanksgiving, we would. Suddenly things began to fall into place. One of the people who had backed out was suddenly available again and another friend of the other bottom had agreed to go off meds in order to top at the party. Now THAT is a real friend! There were now four tops and two bottoms. We scheduled it for the day after Thanksgiving! Black Friday indeed. Everyone including Bill was happy. Maybe he expected to get paid for this -- but I was already stretching my budget with renting a hotel room in midtown. Hell....if I got what I wanted, I'd pay the man. He was very European, foreign-looking. I'll describe him as an Italian Mick Jagger if you need a mental picture. That Friday arrived and I couldn't eat anything. My heart raced and I felt a little dizzy at times. Nerves. I was definitely not having second thoughts because I'd been wanting this so long. I was energized with excitement and anticipation. The hotel wasn't what you'd call 'plush', but it nice and roomy. There were two Queen-sized beds and eight pillows. It already smelled nice, but I lit a scented candle I'd been given as a gift by somebody in my family. It made a nice glow as the sun began to get lower in the sky. My chaser buddy came to the room first. I could tell he'd been drinking a little, and I wondered why I hadn't brought some booze to this thing. Whatever...we could just raid the minibar if needed. In fact, I needed a shot of something right that second. My friend and I each had a couple of drinks before that first knock at the door. It was Bill, looking hot as ever. He even had cologne on. He looked around the room and decided it would work. "How many others are coming?" He asked. "There will be six total. Want a drink?" "I'm good for now. Maybe later. The candle is nice -- what's the smell?" I'd completely forgotten. In the next fifteen minutes, all the other tops had arrived. I was really uncertain as to how this should get started, but Bill just stripped bare. I guess that was good as an ice-breaker as any. I got naked and then so did the rest. My buddy had already picked out the dick he wanted and the two of them went at it. I could see the top guys bony ass pumping up and down into my lucky pal. He was going to get it for sure.. I'd already promised Bill the first fuck, and he moved in close to me. I think the part of all of this was how much heat his naked body gave off. He was maybe feverish or just energized by lust. He felt hot to the touch. I wanted to be burned. He was taller than me, but much lighter, and still took me over quickly. I was on my back with him forcing his way into me. He entered me slowly, using just some gun oil. The other tops were fooling around with each other and one of them lit up a joint. Shit -- I'd have to pay extra for that because this was a non-smoking room. I didn't care. I'd take out a second mortgage on my house for the sensations I was having. As Bill found his way inside of me, deeper and deeper, he started talking in a low growling voice... "You're going to take my dirty seed and make it part of you. Understand?" I was in pure heaven. The world could end now. "Yeah." "It's going to be with you forever. You'd better be sure because there's no turning back. You fucking sure you're ready?" I realized I could change my mind. He was giving me choice. At that second I decided once and for all that I was chasing HIV and not just fantasizing. This was real. So I quietly reassured him. "Yes. Fuck me hard and deep. Fill me with your toxic seed. I surrender to it." Well, I didn't have to say any of that because he announced he was shooting his death load...and telling me how sick I would become. I shot a load just as he was pulling his soft dick out. I tried to remember everything about the moment...the smells, shadows and sounds. I'd wanted this too long to ever forget it. The other tops fucked me, but they weren't as talented as Bill...especially with the poz talk. One of them didn't say anything, and the others just said generic things like "Take this dirty bug" and "Death is beautiful". It all felt good, but I missed Bill's penis in me. We went at it one last time, but is was easier and slower. His body was so heated...he must have a fever. Then the party disbanded. My friend I had a celebratory drink and then fell into an exhausted sleep. Bliss. I got the expected 'fuck flu' in early January and tested poz the next week. Happy Ending.
    6 points
  3. Let me tell you my story. Currently I am 23 years old, but sense I was 19 I've been into Bug Chasing one of my first stories I read was on here. I fell in love just like so many of you I recently just made a profile because my urge and desire to get the gift has been growing in me so much, I even took PrEP so I could just be a slut and take loads but all that did was get me other stds and not the one I so desperately truly wanted. So let me tell you how it was suppose to happen and perhaps soon it will. I met a gifter on bbrt handsome daddy his name is Nick. He found me on bbrt because my profile says HIV neg but preference positive okay. So Daddy Nick messaged me asking me if I like talking poz loads? I replied yes but all of mine have been undetectable poz tops. He said he can fix that only one problem I live in Portland and he is up in Seattle not to far from each other but it makes for a difficult time scheduling. Daddy Nick and I have been talking for over a year he found me when I was 22 and I kept hoping to met him soon we would message each other I would tell him how much I want his poz cock to knock up my neg hole. We had phone conversations it was the first time me hearing his voice and it sounded so strong and masculine. I knew this was the man that I wanted to gift me for me to carry his poz babies in me infecting me more every day until it developed into AIDS. I told Nick how I didn't want to go on meds and let the disease take me, I told him why I was chasing to being with for me its having that bond with a man for the rest of your life. Even if after he knocks me up and we never speak again he'll be with me I wanted to be knocked up and be impregnated by him and marking me as the true whore I'm suppose to be! So he comes the day the day I travel up to him and he gets a hotel and everything we have disgust becomes reality for the both of us is a month before my 23 birthday because I told him I wanted to have it be a birthday present for me becoming HIV positive. I get to the hotel and I finally met Daddy Nick in person and he is just as handsome and sexy as he is in the pictures I've seen he is 48 years old 5'10", 195 lbs, brown hair, hazel eyes, and with a viral count of 100,000 just had it checked the week before is his everything I have hoped for and more and I am 22 5'9" 180 lbs, curly brown hair, blue eyes and recently tested Neg I bring my test results to show him. We go into the room and he pulls me in and we start kissing his body is so warm. He pulls my shirt off and I his we continue to make out move to the bed and we pull off our pants he is free balling it and I'm in my jockstrap like we disgust he has me get on all four and he goes to the sink I'm waiting for him he comes back with what I'm excited for a white toothbrush. he puts it on the bed and starts rimming me tasting my neg hole its nice and clean and smooth for him his tongue probes my hole nice and deep I start to moan and he keeps eating me out the only lube we are having tonight is his spit and my blood after rimming me for 10 minutes he stands up with his 7.5 in hard cock dripping that toxic precum. He asks me if I ready? I say poz me daddy. He grabs the toothbrush and shoves it in I wince with the pain he twists it all around I said I wanted to have a rough hole to make sure it accepts his seed and he is doing just that. After fucking with the toothbrush for a few minutes he pulls it out and the white toothbrush isn't white anymore but red and pink. He spits on my hole and his cock and gets ready to slide it in. Daddy Nick "Are you ready to become my poz son boy?" Me "Yes daddy I want your poz cock in me make me yours forever." Daddy "You know once I'm in I won't stop until I've bred you its your last chance?" Me "please daddy give me your AIDS babies." Daddy "Alright boy you asked for it gonna knock up your neg hole" Pushing it in me I feel pain the cuts are really hurting now I cry out but Daddy has a good hold of me and starts slow fucking me getting me use to his big poz cock. he is building up a rhythm getting it more wet as more of my blood comes out on his dick he is giving me a really hard pounding now I'm moaning like crazy begging him to infect me give me that toxic load make me his poz son and him my poz daddy. He stops and flips me on my back pulls me legs up to his chest he says he wants to see my eyes when poz me I kiss him and he slides back in humping my ass. I can feel his balls are slapping my cheeks covered in what I assume to be my blood. He looks deep in my eyes and says Daddy "Tell me what you want boy?" Me "I want your poz load daddy" Daddy "Tell me how you feel about me?" Me " I love you daddy" Daddy "Say it again" Me " I love you" AAAHHHHHH he cums in the most powerful orgasms I've ever seen, right into my neg ass I erupt to shooting my last neg load all over our chest. he still is fucking his load into me slowing down until he gets to soft and he falls out and he just lays on top of me and we hold each other fall asleep like that for awhile until he wakes up and has us go take a shower clean up from everything. He kisses my neck in the shower I feel so close to him now I look at him this is the man that pozzed you, you have his toxic load in you right now after years of you jerking off to bug chasing stories dreaming of this moment its finally happened! We stop the shower and get out dry ourselves and he smiles at me says are you ready for round two? of course I am I'm not leaving this room until I know I've been converted. After a long night of fucking we fall asleep in the morning I have to drive back home and deal with what comes from my amazing night with my new poz daddy. We dress and he gives me a final kiss and hug before i leave he says to call him when I come down with the fuck flu he wants to know how his boy is doing. He gives me an Oralquick test so I can test after I start feeling better he wants to be on the phone when that strip turns poz. Three and half weeks later I start feeling bad; muscle ache, head hurts, needing to be in the restroom all the time. I call Daddy and tell him I think I'm finally being hit with the fuck flu its a tough week but I manage through and once I start feeling better I do my oralquick I'm on the phone talking with him waiting for those 2 lines to pop up and it does I'm finally POZ I start to cry on the phone but not sad tears overwhelming joy tears I am finally what I have been wanting for 4 years a bareback no loads refused poz bottom. Daddy wishes me a happy 23rd Birthday and says enjoy the gift.
    4 points
  4. Part 1: Garduation Night Party Hi, I'm Jake. I turned 18 years old a month or so ago, and was just graduated near the top of my class and have been accepted to a very good university here in the state. I'm looking forward to meeting new friends in college, but last night I attended a graduation party that I thought I'd describe for you, but first let me tell you about myself. I'm Jake Adams, 18, 5'10, 150 pounds, toned and fit but not the bulky/Uber athletic type. I have blue eyes with I got from my father and brown hair. I can say I'm fairly attractive, people say that I have a very innocent yet appealing features. I seem to recall even having heard a gay guy call me the 'perfect twink' when I was out in the mall shopping a few weeks ago. Any how, back to the party, which my friend Adrian planned as an occasion for me and my friends to let loose! Adrian's parents are pretty much well loaded and have no problem with Adrian footing the bill for the graduation party which was hosted in their country house a few miles out of town. I arrived at Adrian's place at around 8:00 PM only to find the party was already going on smoothly - several guys playing beer pong, girls and guys dancing to the latest beat in the amazingly spacious living room while several people have already jumped in the pool with their best swimwear. This is gonna be an awesome party indeed. I was greeted by my friend Josh who immediately handed me a red cup. "What is it?" I asked. "Something to loosen you up," Josh somewhat vaguely answered. I gladly took the cup and took a sip. The mysterious beverage tasted like orange juice but I suspect it was spiked with a tad of alcohol. Over the next couple of hours I must have drank half a dozen cups of the beverage Josh gave me and I was definitely feeling a little bit of a buzz - perhaps somewhat dizzy, certainly louder and more 'loose', and almost certainly somewhat chatty with total strangers. The party was already at its peak with several couples making out and others flirting like there was no tomorrow. I had to get some air and left the main party area as I wandered in the house and retreated to an empty bedroom. I could still hear the party music in the background but at least I was alone and could finally get a breather. And there I was alone in the bed reminiscing the past four years of high school and then the door opened: it was Josh. "Had to get away, huh?" he asked. "Yeah, I really needed to catch my breath. This is quite a party." "Mind if I join you?" Josh asked as, without awaiting my reply, he entered the room, closed the door, and strode to the bed, pulling his shirt off in the process. What really surprised me was that I found myself thinking 'Holy fuck, Josh is hot!' And I was absolutely right. Josh's was sporting an amazing chest, some great pecs, a well toned, fit body, and some die-for abs. I knew Josh had been on the swim team for several years - apparently the constant exercise paid off. I've always known that I was gay since I was a sophomore but I really never acted on it and my sexual urges were very much under control even as I went through puberty ... well of course the occasional jacking off to the hottest male celebrity or porn star was there but no sexual experience for this guy. I'm a total virgin! Well anyway, Josh, who's now half naked is now beside me in the bed. "It's really one hot night huh?" He quipped. He was just there beside me in the bed as I appreciated the view of his sweat glisten off his body... I might have stared to much and he must have noticed. I really did not know what was on his mind then but he suggested we watch porn and I just said "cool!" Josh took his phone and played this porn video of a whites woman being fucked my this hot guy ... he didn't even lower the volume and the room was filled with the moans of the woman as She was fucked bare by this hot stud. I was already getting horny looking at the hot guy and his large cock and I could sense Josh was getting horny too... I could already see a big bulge in his shorts and my erection was already forming a tent on mine as well. Josh then looked at me asking "Wanna jack off?" I was little bit surprised but then I just nodded in agreement. He then took off his shorts and underwear and there it was... his seven inch uncut cock! It really thick and bigger than my six inch cut cock. His pubes were trimmed and so are mine... he just continued on watching the video as he started to jack off his thick cock. I could really sense that he was horned up and in after a few minutes I think he noticed that I was paying more attention to his cock than the video and he repeated his invitation: "Wanna jack me off?" He didn't even wait for an answer and he just held my hand and guided it towards his cock... as my hands reached his cock... I felt it's warmth and the girth was amazing. He then guided my hand as I matched the pace that he wanted... he just looked at me with his sexy eyes and lips and then one thing led to another and we ended up kissing each other. We kissed passionately as we exchanged fluids... he then held my head and guided it towards his cock... I licked his body and nipples, drifting gradually towards his cock which, when I finally arrived, I licked, only to hear his soft moan. I could taste his salty precum and smell the musk on him and the smell made me hornier. It was a slightly funky but enticing aroma - just how a cock should smell: not too clean, not too dirty, just enough spunk. I then licked on his balls, whereupon I was rewarded by another moan. "Suck me," he ordered. I just looked at him and nodded as I did my best to fit his large cock in my mouth... at first I could only fit the cock head but after a few minutes I was able to put more than half into my mouth. He then put his hands on my head as I sucked on him... with Josh guiding the my head and with me doing my best to not scratch his amazing cock with my teeth. As I got more comfortable. I even started to play with my tongue as I sucked him... he must have really liked it as he quietly said in between his moans "Nice one Jake, keep it up." As I was sucking him... I also started to jack off ... being able to suck my first cock was not part of my plans for tonight but I'm not complaining. Josh played with his nipples as I sucked him. I kept my eyes on him as I played with his thick cock- watching him enjoy and moan as sweat glistened on his pecs and abs. I continued sucking him and then we were startled by another guy's voice. "You horny fuckers!" It was Adrian. We forgot to lock the doors and there I was caught red handed... or should I say cock handed? In any event, I was caught with my mouth full of cock.
    3 points
  5. My bf gave me permission to go the local sauna in Belfast for it's naked in the dark event. This is the first time I've been since we started dating 5 months ago so I was in the mood to be a total slut I arrived just after 7 and it was already busy with a good mix of types and ages. I stripped off and headed upstairs to see what was happening. As always I quickly migrated to the dark room where it is pitch black and perfect for getting my hole loaded. Literally as soon as I walk in the door a guy grabs my soft cock and starts sucking it so it isn't long before I'm hard. I feel his ass and it's already got a raw cock inside pounding away at him. I move behind and the other guy steps aside to let me in, His hole felt great. As I was fucking the guy before me started feeling my ass which I'd pre-lubed like a good boy. He slid his big thick cock into my hungry hole and started to pound me too. It wasn't long before he was blowing his load in my ass. A little later I got a load from another fit guy who made me choke on his cock for a while before I sat on him and miked a load out! I finished the night off by swapping loads with a tall skinny twink who has a REALLY thick cock and made me beg for his load bringing my total for the night to three. Not bad for a night and a very happy hole going home!! Maybe next time I'll convince the bf to come with me.
    3 points
  6. Part 2: Popping the Cherry Josh and I were there in shock and utter disbelief as Adrian caught us with Josh's cock in my mouth. It was as if time stopped and Josh and I couldn't move. Adrian just smirked closed the door behind him and locked it and said "give me some of that" Adrian just unzipped his pants and his semi hard floppy cut dick was now in front of me. Adrain looked over to Josh and gave him a signal and Josh pulled out my mouth ... I then took Adrian's now hardening cock into my mouth. It smelled of musk not too bad just a hint of sweat as expected from the night's worth of partying and I was getting more aroused as now I was getting used by 2 hot guys. Adrian is 5'11 he hasn't removed his shirt yet but from the quick glances I've taken from the shower room at school he is pretty toned and well built. I was now slobbering all over Adrian's 7 inch cock being able to deep threat him with his trimmed pubes hitting my nose. As I continued on sucking Adrian, Josh was now behind me and caressing my ass as he jacked off watching me suck Adrian. I could feel Josh's finger linger near my hole and he spat on my hole and licked on his finger and slowly pushed it into my hole... it's the first time I've been fingered and I really couldn't quite put how it felt. It didn't hurt but was not that pleasurable but as Josh slid in another finger and got in deeper I could feel him hit a spot inside me which was just amazing! It was as if I was being tickled and jacked off from the inside and al I can do was moan as I was sucking Adrian. Josh then spat 2 more times into my hole and I could feel that he was positioning his cock behind me... he then tried to enter me several times but the tightness of my virgin hole made it difficult. He then went near my head as I was sucking Adrian and whispered "relax for me please" I relaxed my hole as Josh's cock tried to penetrate me slowly... then *plop his uncut cock made it inside me. I was consumed by this searing pain but I couldn't really scream as my mouth was full with Adrian's cock. Josh then said "oh he is tight!, are you a virgin Jake?" I just nodded in agreement as Josh slowly pushed in deeper into me with his thick uncut cock. He was now more than halfway inside me and he started to gain a rhythm as he slowly pounded my tight hole... I could hear him moan and cuss as he was fucking me then after a few more thrusts he was already balls deep inside me. Adrian lusted over as he watched me get fucked by Josh and said "give me some of that tight ass Josh later, will you?" Josh just said "yeah, Jake is way tighter than any pussy I've fucked" Josh spat more on my ass as he fucked me and he was now fucking me real fast and the pain I felt earlier has now been slowly replaced by this amazing feeling of fullness and tingling inside me as Josh's uncut cock hit my g-spot again and again. I moaned and moan as I sucked Adrian and I then felt Josh's hands tighten it's grip on my hips and he started grunting and then I knew he was cumming inside me - my first fuck and cum. Josh must have cummed a lot as he held me tightly for more than a minute as I felt his cock throb inside me. He then slowly pulled out and said to Adrian "that was amazing! Your turn buddy" As Josh pulled out of me I felt a certain level of emptiness and as Adrian pulled out of my mouth to get behind me my mouth longed for cock and then I realized that i was becoming a cock whore ... The emptiness was soon gone as Adrian got himself behind me and he then spat on his cock and my ass felt up my ass cheeks and said "you got one cummy hole, I hope this is still tight" I could feel the cum leak from my hole and Josh was there laying beside me in his a post fuck glow with sweat glistening over his sexy body and his hands on the back of his head. His slightly hairy pits were near me and I could smell his manliness and it made me a lot hornier and put me in a sexual trance. Adrian then positioned his cock on my hole and slowly pushed in. He met no resistance from my now cum filled hole but I think it must have still been tight for him as I heard him remark "oh yeah, this is way tighter than any girl pussy I've had, you're giving the girls in our school a run for their money" Adrian was soon balls deep in me and was fucking me hard as in the heat of the night and of the moment I felt his sweat drip on to my back as he fucked me. His thick cock was now way inside me as he hit my g-spot and all I can do was moan and moan in satisfaction. It didn't take long for Adrian to hit it just right and I couldn't believe it... I started cumming on the bed without touching myself. I could feel my cock throb and my ass tightened as I came... that must have put Adrian over the edge as well as my ass massaged his cock... he held on to me tight and grunted and moaned and I felt his cock throb and release his cum inside me. Adrian clearly came a lot as I could feel the cum leak even while he was still inside me. After a minute or two he slowly pulled out his softening cock and both Adrian and Josh started to dress up as I was there laying on a pool of my cum and their cum on the bed. Before leaving the room, Josh remarked "you're a good fuck Jake, let's do this again" Adrian just gave this sly smirk on Josh's comment and both of them left the room and went back partying... I looked at my watch and it's already 30 minutes past midnight.
    3 points
  7. No Risk… No Fun… (Part 6) ** Please remember to ‘like’ the story if you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment or to contact me via mail. Thx. ** I slapped Davis hard to calm him down. “Shut up and stop squirming around” I told my mate to hand me the tooth brush and held it closely to Davis’ face. He watched hypnotized at the instrument, which should make him bleed and give all the others the comfort of raping him. It was an old and used brush. Another guest forgot it probably in the bath room, or just didn’t want to take the tooth brush with him anymore, since it looked quite shabby. I touched Davis face with the brush. It didn’t hurt him, but still he tried to avoid contact. I drew a line over his cheek and smiled at him. “What do you think? We will use this to rip your cunt open” “Will it hurt me very much?” he was obviously frightened. “I won’t lie to you… it is pretty painful, but this way we can enjoy your wet cunt much more later on, do you get it?” I asked him calmly. “It is necessary for you to get the full impact of our cum into your system” I explained to him. “Believe me, once we’ve finished with you, you will drool for every cock in town to give you another shot of charged up cum and with your looks you will be prime meat…. and we give you enough experience to know your future role as a faggot cum dump for dirty loads…..” I spoke to him soothingly. “So…. we will push you down now and I want you to relax your sphincter. We want to enjoy this moment, so don’t trash around or scream out loud…. you don’t want to make me angry again… do you? I asked him sternly. Davis looked around in panic. “Of course…. if you would use the tooth brush on yourself….” I thought out loudly. “You know your body best. If you put up a good show for us, we might not even fuck your hole” I continued my thinking talking more or less to me. I saw a gleam of hope in the boys’ eyes. “Are you nuts?” one of the guys complained. “I want to drench his cunt with my lethal injection” he laughed out loudly. I turned around and winked to my companions, then turned back to the lad again. “Believe me. If you use this tooth brush and fuck yourself with it for a while, we will shoot our loads without even touching you.” I smiled. “You must be good though. Just entering with the tip and then hoping for good is not enough. We will instruct you probably, while you are having fun with yourself, but I promise we won’t interact in any other way” “And you won’t rape me after all? You promise?” Davis asked cutely. “If all of us shoot a load within an hour into your mouth, you will be free to go….. I promise” I vowed. I held the tooth brush still in front of Davis’ eyes. His hand raised up slowly and with a promising wink he accepted the torture instrument. The guys moved closer to the bed stroking their cocks slowly. The video-cam was stationed on the tripod again. We pulled the tripod a bit to the side, so that the bed was in good view. One of the guys stood behind the cam to zoom in from time to time. Davis was still looking at us with fear in his eyes. He tried to sit up and while staring at us the brush vanished under his body eventually. “This way you won’t be successful in avoiding your rape and the time is ticking” someone advised him. “We could shackle his feet to the bedpost” a buddy suggested. “This way he would be on his back, with his legs spread widely and chained up to those posts.” “No! I don’t want to be tied up!” the youth exclaimed at once. “Listen…. just comply. I am a man to my word. Make love with this tooth brush and accept our loads in your mouth, then you won’t be harmed any further.” I tried to convince the lad. “Get on your back now…“ I continued. He looked me into my eyes and slowly moved into a horizontal position. “Get the handcuffs” I hissed. While we helped him to pull up his legs, we tied him up finally. We were able to see his ass crack slightly open for us. “Now try to find the hot spot – use your other hand to spread your ass cheeks. We need to see what’s going on in order to cum…. just trying to help you lad.” I encouraged him. Davis moved his left hand to get a good grip of one ass cheek. While he pulled it away, we could see his asshole finally. “Good boy…. now use the brush and slowly enter your hole with it…. Don’t pull back…. never pull back until I tell you…..” He sobbed silently while pushing the tip of the tooth brush into his body. He stopped suddenly. I promised him, we wouldn’t interfere but I saw the danger in him pulling out immediately. So I rested my hand calmly on his hand and told him in a comforting voice not to pull out now, but to keep the pressure and push deeper into his cunt. He nodded understandingly and while he pushed the brush deeper into his asshole, I withdrew my helping hand and continued stroking my hard dick. All the guys were slowly jacking off, while they heard the youth whimper and watched him cooperate to our advices. “This is so fucking beautiful” I whispered. “Good job boy, just a little bit deeper… stop now” I ordered him. “How do you feel?” I asked the heavy breathing lad. “I’m scared…” Davis lamented. “No need to baby…. now listen to me…… look onto my eyes cutie… look at me…. Keep the eye contact… now…. *moaned* Yank the tooth brush out of your fuck hole you son of a bitch…. yank it out!” I shouted out loud. Davis pulled the tooth brush out of his arse in one fast motion and immediately started screaming on top of his lungs. “Aiieeeeeee… AAAIIIIEEEEEE … *sobbed*” Two guys covered the youth’s mouth to mute his alarming sounds. Davis trashed around, but since he was not able to move his legs, he had no choice but to scream about the horrible pain he just endured. He dropped the tooth brush next to his ass but I picked it up for him. Two other pals on both sides used the situation already and grabbed both hands of the cub and made him stroke their dicks, which he actually did. That was so hot. In the moment of his biggest pain he still functioned as the goddamn faggot he was. I let the guys fool around a bit, but after the first wave of pain faded away, I handed Davis the tooth brush back and praised the lads guts, to fuck himself with this device. “That was a great beginning, but if you want us to cum into your mouth, you better continue to fuck yourself with this!” I exclaimed. I helped Davis, who didn’t seem to be so brave anymore, and led his hand back to his hole. We wanted to see blood sipping out of his ass cunt profusely. The pub tried to find some sympathy in our eyes. That was the only thing he could see – the slits in our masks revealed how much we enjoyed this despair and pain. “Push now!” I demanded and with a cry of help he entered his tiny hole a second time, knowing it wouldn’t be the last…
    3 points
  8. I had a pretty ideal childhood. It was perfect in my memory up until the age of 11 -- when I started to notice there was was something 'funny' about me. My friend Pete told me I acted like a girl sometimes. And talked like one. I knew it was true and I also noticed that I noticed the hairy lifeguard at the pool more than I noticed the bobbing boobs in the water. This was bad. I shut down because I needed time to figure this out. I never talked if possible. I avoided Pete and my other friends. I also avoided my parents. They were concerned that I spent all my time alone I needed time to think. My dad suddenly got very attentive, and he wanted to do stuff together with me. I really couldn't refuse or they'd send me to a doctor or something. We played catch, we went to the arcade and I did my best to make him think I was enjoying it. But I remained quiet and never talked. The dark circles formed under my eyes. They got darker and darker. There was a song on the radio that I'd heard about a 'lonesome loser'. That was my persona; theme sing. So many songs spoke directly to me once after I turned twelve. It's something that doesn't happen once you're older. So I mainly stayed alone in my room and listened to the radio. The 80's were at their cheesiest back then. I was obsessed with about five different songs. I wasn't allowed to lock my door back then, and my parents could barge in any time they wanted. My mom burst in once during that Summer and insisted I go outdoors. "It's so beautiful outside. Your father is in the backyard doing some work and you should go help him. You've had enough radio for one day." sigh I found my dad digging or planting or something. Weeding, maybe. I stood next to him wordlessly until he noticed me. "Oh hi! It's nice to see you. You need some sun, William. Go rinse of this spade off and then I've got a surprise for you." I carried the implement over to the faucet and cleaned it. I realize now that the smell of water coming from an outdoor spigot in the Summer is delicious. It's warm at first and then gets colder. I can still smell it now. Well, my 'surprise' was a whole bunch of fresh plywood he'd just bought from the hardware store. He had decided we were going to build a tree house together. ?? Huh? I was going to be a teenager in less than a year. Did he really think I was going to hang out in a damn tree house? He was so excited that I didn't have the heart to tell him that I didn't really want to do this. He was a kind man and only wanted me to be with him more. I was a little jerk, a lonesome loser, but I couldn't hurt his feelings. There was a trace of human left inside of me somehow. He had decided the giant hickory tree would be the best place to build it. It was an old tree that, looking back, seemed to just beg for a tree house. It had a low wide trunk and the branches spread out in such a way as to allow space for something to be built in there. So we built a tree house over the course of two days. Possibly three. When I say "we" I mostly mean "he". I fetched nails and things from the garage when he needed them, but Dad did all the work. Even our retired neighbor -- a widower named Hal came over and did more work than I did. "Almost done. We'll get shingles for the roof eventually. Maybe your mom will give us a rug and a chair for the inside. It's big enough for you to even bring your sleeping bag in there....not that we'll let you do that without some discussion. You know your mother." Suddenly I liked the idea of my own separate place away from them. I now embraced the concept of a tree house. After he waterproofed it and made double sure it was securely stable, I could go in it. Sweet! I made it into my second room...a second place to hide. I ultimately had a table and chair there...along with a rug and some old pillows. It was a perfect space for me to escape. Of course I brought out my radio. My aunt had bought me a "boom box" for my birthday. It was so huge and ate up D batteries like crazy, but the sound was good. I would wake up early in the morning and go to my escape place to spend the whole day listening to music and daydreaming. I guess my parents thought that I'd be having a bunch of friends over to play pirates or something. I only went inside to go to the bathroom or refill my plastic jug with Pepsi. Then one day, a few weeks before school started, I had a visitor to my private tree space, It was my old friend Pete, "Hi, Will. Your mom invited me to "come play". As if we even "play" anymore." Pete had gotten taller and seemed more adult. I was just a kid and everybody around me was growing up. "Yeah, She's lame. I know. Do you like this station?" There was a Duran Duran song on. "104.1? No way. I like real music. Only girls listen to that shit. I like 99.8. Speaking of girls, look what I have..." He pulled out a porno magazine from the back of his shirt, It must have been uncomfortable to walk with that jammed into the waistband of his Lee jeans. I didn't change the station because my favorite Cyndi Lauper song was playing. I really liked her. Porn? Pete? It didn't match. But he'd changed so much. He almost had facial hair. "My dad has tons of these in the house. He must really like to beat his meat." "Do what?" "He jerks off. It's called a bunch of things. You've never done it?" "Do WHAT??" "You rub your dick up and down until the stuff comes out. My bother does it too." "How do you do it?" "Well, I can show you. It's not gay if I just show you." Pete found the centerfold. The model was obviously an adult woman, but she was dressed like a little girl. She also slightly resembled a girl at our school that every guy had a crush on. She got boobs in the fifth grade and was extremely athletic. She played all the sports and taught tennis during the Summer. He unzipped right there in front of me and started to fondle his private parts. I couldn't believe it. I tried to make sense out of what he was doing, but it was all just too bizarre to comprehend. He kept going and before long, he stopped and some milky stuff came flying out of his little wiener. He quickly sipped back up and suddenly looked a little embarrassed. He told me to try it and I was horrified at the idea. Interested but still horrified. I had a million thoughts and a million things to say, but right about then my mom came out to ask if we wanted ice cream sandwiches. We declined and waited until she went back to the house. "I gotta go. Want me to leave you this.? My dad will never know it's missing." "Nah. Maybe. No." "OK. I'll bring another one next time." He climbed down and I was alone again. Alone with all these crazy new thoughts. That night at dinner, I could barely eat and didn't say a word. Parents exchanged glances. "It nice to see Pete again. He's grown so much. Well, you both have. Did you two have fun?", she asked. "Yeah." "I can take you guys to the pool tomorrow. Or you could rife your bikes. You haven't ridden that bike in forever." She needed something. My silent dad did too. They wanted a normal son and I wanted them to not want that. "Maybe. Thanks." That was enough. No way could I go back to the pool. Knowing what I did about my body and seeing that hot lifeguard would just be way too overwhelming. I went back to my tree house and listened to the radio until almost midnight. I went to bed and made a few attempts to 'beat my meat'. It wasn't happening. All I could picture was that she-girl and Pete's little dick. I was not inspired. Horny. but not enough for this. I somehow fell asleep and dreamed about the lifeguard screwing some woman who was dressed as a little girl. The long Summer days rolled along and the only thing I did was listen to the radio. Pete came by about once a week. He always brought a new nudie magazine and I always pretended to like the pictures. Vaginas were just gross. God only knows what was up in those things. Pete never masturbated in front of me again. He told me about this 7th grade girl that had let him feel her boobs. And then one day he brought over a new magazine called "Club". There men in it. Sure, they were always soft and there was always a naked woman there too, but at last I got to see a penis!! There was one series of pics about a trucker picking up a hitchhiking woman and they made out in his truck. He had a huge hairy dick and big red balls. That's when I felt something. I wanted the trucker. "This is good one. Can I keep it?" "Why? What is it about this one? You never wanted to keep any of the other magazines?" "I--I just like this one." "Yeah. I'll let you keep it. But you have to tell me why first. Is it because there are dudes in it? You like dicks, right? I guessed that a long time ago." "What? No! I just...." "You're just a gay. Everybody knows it. I'm not a gay, but my brother might be one. It's okay. I'll bring over some of my dad's "Hustler"s. There's always guys in that." "Uh..." "I'll come by tomorrow and give you some magazines with dicks. But then I'm not going to visit anymore. I like you, but I don't want to be around you so much. It feels weird. No offense." I closed my eyes and nodded. I knew what I was and so did the whole world, apparently. I sat there and listened to David Bowie sing about his little China girl. It was the middle of Summer. I'd never be the same after today. Never. I successfully ejaculated that night and every night after that. But during the day, I just sat in the tree house, listened to music and wondered what the hell was next. Once school started, I'd say 'hi' to Pete. but he was always out of it. He'd somehow fallen into the stoner crowd. Just like his older brother. He smoked now and would sometimes give off booze fumes. I had no friends left in the whole world. It stayed that way in high school. I just kept beating off. listening to the peak of new wave pop. And getting stoned. Weed was surprisingly easy to get in my little town. Pete gave me my first joint when he dropped off a load of mags and then never visited again. At school. we were just polite classmates now. Fine. I was too weird anyway. I was a committed loner and childhood friendships didn't mean a thing anymore. I spent long days and nights in the tree house. Hair bands had taken over the radio...pretend rockers with identical looks. I heard the music change and the playlists mutate while I blissed-out on an herbal cloud. By the time I got to college, grunge had entered with "Smells Like Teen Spirit". I bought the cassette and played it endlessly. It was music meant for ME. I even liked the copycat bands. My dorm roommate moved out when I wouldn't talk to him and blared my music. I had the place to myself which was good because I hadn't learned how to be social or considerate yet. It's everyone else with a problem...not me. I was just doing my thing. My adviser suggested I be an English major and I simply shrugged and went with that. I read so many books and wrote so many papers. I was acing all the classes and even some electives like "History of Photography". I was a deep thinker (or so I told myself) and none of the homework interfered with my isolated stoner life. And then reality rudely moved in. Mom was sick. Dad called me and said my mom collapsed in a store. Turns out her kidneys were failing. And she had crippling back pain. "Can you come back home, William? She would appreciate it so much. She's on dialysis twice a week. Just get your finals over with and come home.Please." By the time I got through exams and made it back to my Nowhere town, Mom was way worse. Christmas was a week away and that woman loved Christmas. But the house looked like every other day. No tree, or stockings or anything. Turns out it was bone cancer and she'd never get better. She got smaller and thinner and then died in her sleep. But at least I got to kiss her cheek and hold her hand one last time. Poor lady. She deserved a better son than me. My dad couldn't handle it all and moved in with his brother - who lived in a town in the next county. I was on my own., alone in a silent house. I guess Dad had recovered enough to make all the arrangements. The funeral would be in three days. We got our first snow and it was cold out, but I went to the tree house to get super stoned. My radio was still there, but I didn't turn it on because the batteries were probably dead. Like Mom. I'd cried enough on the drive home, and now my eyes were dry. I had a Walkman back at the house, but before I could go grab it, I had a visitor. Pete. Never thought I'd see him again. "Hi. You okay? I heard about your mom." "Yeah. I'm okay. My dad split... I guess he'll come home before Saturday. He's a mess." "Yeah. I bet. Are you here alone? Damn. I'm so sorry." "I'm fine by myself." "Want some of this?", he said reaching into his pocket for a little bag of white powder. I knew what it was and what it looked like from TV. Cocaine. Sure. Whatever. We both snorted some, and my heart sped up. I also wanted to start talking....which I did. I told him about my isolation and cloaked gayness. I talked on and on and didn't stop. "I'm sorry for leaving you all alone back then. Those days were different. I got married. Did you know that? And then I got divorced. In four months. She was more of a coke-head than I am." "Wow." I didn't give a shit. really. I had my own issues to deal with and suddenly didn't feel like talking about it. We did a few more lines and I needed to stop because my heart was beating way too fast. Pete straightened himself up a little. "I was going to wait to tell you this, but...." "What?" "My older brother. He went to college like you did....but dropped out after a year. Drugs and stuff. He's living at home now. And he looks sick. Anyway -- I showed him your photo in the yearbook and told him...about.... some things. He wants to meet you. He might be your type. What do you think?" I motioned for his bag of coke. We did more and then split the remainder of my fat joint. "Is he home tonight? Tell him to come over." "Are you sure, Will? Your mom just died. He's gay for sure, but he's kinda sick. You do know there's a gay AIDS out there. He might have it." "No worries. I want to see him again." "OK." "Tell him to bring some 'D' batteries too. My boom box is dead. Tell him I need charging." Looking back, I can't believe I said that. But I did. There are no take-backs in life. I'd learn that soon. Not long after Pete left, I decided to take a nap. I had on a ski jacket and long pants. I slept for maybe a few minutes, imagining I heard the radio playing. No. I DID hear it. There was someone there with a flashlight. It was Pete's brother, Brice. The light hurt my eyes and I told him to shut it off. "Oh, Sorry. I didn't have any 'D' batteries, but I brought over my own boom box. Let your eyes adjust. It gives a nice glow in the dark." He was right. Once the flashlight was off, I felt better and could see more. His radio gave off a nice green glow that reminded me of something, but I couldn't think what it was. Something I'd seen on TV? "Brice? What time is it?" "It's a fine time. Mild Winter nights make me horny as hell. God, you've barely changed....you look like a kid still. Sorry about your mom, man." "Thanks. Pete said you're back at home, now. How's that?" I was waking completely and sitting up a little. "It's fine. Not like I got a choice. Pete said you home alone. Is that true? Let's go inside where it's warmer." "Sure. Bring your radio." I liked that green glow for some reason. We crunched our way through the dead leaves and frozen air. The house was a tomb. I turned up the heat and led Brice up to my room. He was a tall guy, much taller than the rest of his family. In the light, he looked thin and a little sick. Very pale. I knew what was coming next. "You got a night light or something? It's too bright in here." "I used to. Just turn on your boom box -- that'll give enough glow." He did. Donna Summer's song about her love flying across the sky was on. I liked that song. I made myself not lip-synch it as our eyes adjusted to the darker room. Brice was undressing....and I figured I should do the same. It was getting warmer. Or maybe just I was. He got under the covers with me, and I realized he'd taken off everything. I'd left my underwear and socks on. I took them off in the green glow. "You're my brother's age, right? You're 19?" Well, yeah.... "Yes. Why?" "I just don't need anything else on my record. We're going to fuck. Ready?" "Yes. I want that." "In about an hour...some friends of mine are coming over. They know who you are and want to plow your little ass. I left the door open. I hope that's okay because it's already done. Not like you have a choice." He was on top of me...in the bed I'd slept in as a teen and done my homework on top of. Brice was wild and maybe insane a little...it seemed like he was trying to devour me, or kill me. I felt his hard dick against my stomach. It was my first kiss, my first everything. I felt his hard dick on my stomach and really wanted to look at it. As if he'd read my mind, he scooted up and let it tower over my face, The greenish glow and the shadows made it look huge. This was way better than seeing soft members in magazines. Way, way better. The head of it looked wet...or maybe it was just the light. "I'm leaking pre-cum like a motherfucker...that almost never happens. Want a taste?" I didn't even have time to answer before he was poking that glistening head between my lips. The taste was new but as old as time. I loved it. He took my moans of satisfaction as his cue to push it further into my mouth. I loved it. I'd been imagining this act for so long. He pushed farther until I gagged a little. Then we found an agreeable place he could thrust in and out of. I sometimes wish I could turn off my brain and just go with the things my body was feeling. Pete said he was "sick" and I tried to get that thought out of my head. This was so nice. He stopped and pulled the dick away. "I don't want to cum just now. Ever eaten ass before?" "No. I've never done anything." "I'm clean, well -- clean-ish. If you don't like it, we can stop. I didn't like doing it myself. Not at first." He sat his bare ass right on my ass. I didn't know how I was supposed to 'eat' it, so I just kissed his cheeks and slid my tongue up and down between the crack. Without anything in my head except horniness, I pushed my tongue into his butt hole. He moaned and spread his buttocks apart more. My tongue and mouth overruled my brain and just went on pleasing him while I forgot all about breathing. "Goddamn -- you're a natural little bo --- ssshhh. I think the other guys are here. You don't mind if they watch, do you? I can make them stay out in the hall." "No...I don't mind." "Be right back." He got up and left my room, and then called to the strangers from the top of the stairs. They all filed in. Four or five of them maybe. Six? I couldn't tell. Janet Jackson was singing. All of my senses were turned up to the max. "You fellas get to see me take this kid's virginity. Good timing." Maybe he wanted to show off or something, but he got super demanding and he made his voice sound lower. He commanded me to put a pillow under my butt and spread my legs. I did as told. My brain told me this is how the gays were getting that disease, but I was beyond caring. He held my legs even farther apart, and tried to poke that beautiful cock into my ass. It was unbearable. "STOP!" I couldn't handle this. "Did anybody bring lube? He is so fucking tight." "Yeah. I brought a tube of KY. Mostly full." That voice was familiar somehow. Another guy said "Brice, you said he was a virgin. Why the hell didn't you bring some yourself? I brought some booze, but you owe me the next turn at his ass." "Deal." He worked the oil or whatever it was onto his erection and the poured some right onto my exposed hole. His big fingers were pushing it inside of me. That hurt too, but I muted my protests somehow. And then he pushed the head of his dick into me. I screamed again. One of the dudes turned up the radio and Paula Abdul was singing loudly as Brice held his hand over my mouth. He went slow, but never pulled out...just kept going. I'd agreed to this I guess. But DAMN -- it didn't feel sexy. He was all the way to his balls and stayed there for a few seconds. I adjusted and tried to enjoy it...I'd only ever wanted this. He started thrusting back and forth. This was fucking! I was fucking! He found a good rhythm we could both enjoy. The guys were murmuring among themselves. One of them said "You got two more lesions on your back, Brice." "Shut the fuck up, Andy. I'm about to knock him up...right....NOW! AH FUCK!" He must have cum. I wish I could say I felt it, but the pain and the pleasure and feel of his body were just so intense. I was no longer a virgin and probably not healthy anymore. Brice stayed still for a bit and panted. He got up and was soon replaced by Andy,the booze-bringer. He was shorter than Brice, but just as endowed. He'd been beating off and drinking. He offered me a sip from his bottle and I was glad for it. I have no idea what it was, but it made me cough. They all laughed. "Take one more sip. It gets better." He was right. He didn't bother with my mouth at all. Just fucked me with no attention paid to me as a person, It was so much easier this time around -- maybe because of all the sperm already in my hole or maybe I had just learned to handle it better. He was fast and didn't even tell me he was shooting his load inside of me. He just stood up and said "Done". I had a few more drinks from the bottle, which made me feel warm inside and out. I was a slut now. Maybe Andy was sick as well....he'd just swam in Brice's juices after all. "My turn." I knew that voice was familiar. It was the lifeguard from the pool...the guy I'd fantasized about all those years. He was as hairy as I remembered. Maybe not as muscular, but still beautiful. His dick was a bit smaller than the other two, but I honestly didn't care. He was my dream and he was going to fuck me. I completely enjoyed the sex this time. For one thing, he talked to me. He also kissed me and it felt like 'making love'. The sensation of his penis inside of me made me shudder as if I was cold. The world went away and it was just the two of us. "You never went off the high dive. Too scared? I saw you grow up and now I'm seeing you as a man. Ready for that final dive? I'm gonna cum. You'll never be afraid of anything now....uhhh. YEAH! I just took you to the deep end." He kissed me passionately. There were still guys there who wanted their turn. I obliged. Brice went at me again and so did the lifeguard (Tom). I woke up in his arms that next morning. He and I had a long-distance relationship after the funeral and after I went back to school. I made it home more often and we made all kinds of plans together. We were both poz and I really want to believe it was his strain that I carried inside of me. My lifeguard and I in the same club. We're both still alive and living in my old house with Dad. He's the one who keeps track of our medications and doctor's appointments. We're a family. My ideal childhood turned into an ideal life.
    2 points
  9. Got there about 9:30, found my room on the 4th floor, stripped down to my towel and did a walk around but things hadn't started heating up yet, so went back to my room, lubed up my hole and laid face down on the bed with the door open. Only laid there about 5 mins when i felt a hand on my ass and saw a nice uncut 7 incher bobbing near my face. I gave it a couple of strokes and when his fingers got to my hole and he felt the lube, he just climbed on top and slid in. Fucked me good for about 10 minutes before dumping a big load in me. He smacked my ass in thanks as he left the room. Got up and started wandering again. There were a few guys in the dark maze and got groped some but no one was doing anything else yet. Wandered down to the basement and sucked a couple cocks in the glory hole room, then made my way back up to the 2nd floor. There were a few guys playing in the movie area near the stairs and a dark skinned black guy with a nice cock was watching and stroking. I dropped to my knees and started sucking him but after a minute or so, he nodded at me to follow him back to his room. He laid down on the bed and I crawled between his legs and started sucking him again, getting him good and hard...a nice fat 8 incher. Made sure my hole was nice and wet, climbed on top, and took a big hit of poppers while sliding down on that big black cock. Rode him hard for a while, bouncing, rolling my hips, squeezing his big cock, until he asked me if I wanted that cum in me. I don't think I said anything, just moaned and rode him harder. He grabbed my hips, pulling me down deep, and I could actually feel that big cock throb as he shot his load in me. I climbed off and thanked him as I made my way out the door. Went back to my room to clean up the cum running down my legs a little. After resting for a little while, I made my way back to the maze. Got groped and grabbed as I wandered in the dark. I was grabbing cocks when I could trying to find a nice one to fill my hole. Then I felt one that was perfect...nice fat head, narrower shaft and spreading at the base, maybe 7-1/2 or so....and as i got ahold of it, his fingers slid up my crack and when he felt the lube, he pulled me into the alcove in front of him. I stroked his cock as he squeezed my ass, then he bent me forward, pushing my head into the dark aisle, and slide that wonderful cock into me. I felt the pop as that fat head went through my ring and I took a big hit of my poppers. I couldn't help but moan as he started pumping that cock in and out of me, which attracted others in the darkness. Unseen hands were grabbing my cock and balls and pinching my nipples, cocks stuck in my mouth for a few strokes. No one stayed long, but seemed like every guy in the maze came by for a touch or a few seconds of sucking. Meanwhile, I'm getting a great fuck as he's alternating between slow and fast, deep and shallow, hard and soft. Until he pulled me upright against his chest, cock still in me, and growled in my ear that I should get ready because he was about to breed me and then his friend was next. I just moaned and bent forward again. He put his hands on my shoulders to pull me down onto his cock harder as he pounded the last few strokes and then buried himself deep as he filled me full of his cum. Before I could even catch my breath, he pulled out and I heard him say, "You're next, bro" as he squeezed past me to leave. I felt someone spit on my hole and then a heavy cock slapped on my ass and I heard a voice say, "I hope you like black cock, cause I sure do like some white pussy." I took another big hit off my poppers and just as I capped the bottle, I felt his cock enter me. He pushed slowly, not stopping until he had all of it in me and it must have been 9-9-1/2 inches easy. He stayed there for a min, letting me get used to his length and damn was he deep. He asked, "You ready, bitch?" I didn't answer, just started pushing back at him as I took another deep hit of the poppers. He grabbed my hips and started long stroking me, not too fast, just a nice steady pace...all the way out and all the way back in. He must have fucked me for 15 or 20 minutes, never altering his pace or his depth. In the meantime, I had a steady stream of gropes and cocks stuck in my mouth as guys walked by and I was still bent forward into the aisle. Finally his pace altered, getting a little faster and he stayed deep, only going in and out a few inches, until he pulled me into him with a slam and held me there as he unloaded in me. When he finally let go, I slid off him, and on a whim, I turned around and kissed the head of his cock. He patted my head and said, "that's a good little white bitch." Damn, I love strong alpha black men, lol. I went back to my room for a while to rest and give my tired little fuckhole a break, lol. I took maybe a half hour nap and when I woke up, I put some fresh lube on my hole and went wandering. There was action all over the place. I spent some time in the little theater room on the 4th floor, fluffing cocks to fuck this thin black twink who was taking some good fucks. Then I wandered to the basement and played in the glory hole room a bit. Finally made my was back to my room and laid face down with the door open. It was 4 AM, so I figured I'd give it 15 minutes and if no one came in, I'd go home. I wasn't lying there 2 minutes when this well built black guy in glasses came in that I had seen a few times earlier, but always when I was preoccupied. He stuck his cock in my face, and I started sucking him. My man was definitely a grower because before I knew it, I had 8+ decently thick inches of black cock in my mouth. He grabbed my lube bottle and lubed himself as he climbed between my spread legs. I took a big hit of poppers and felt that head press against my hole and then he was in. At this point, the fucking was just a blur, but suffice to say, he knew how to fuck. After a while, he pulled me to all fours and then went to town on my ass, finallly pumping his load into me as I collapsed back on the bed. He slapped my ass as he left and pulled the door shut behind him. I laid there for a while, then I cleaned up my leaking gaped ass and got dressed to go home. I love a good CumUnion party!
    2 points
  10. Meth Lab Fuck Down: My phone buzzed. This was the text I had been waiting for. Tonight would be my big break. Had I crossed a few lines to get here? Yeah, sure, but once I made the takedown of the biggest meth cooker in the Mid-Atlantic region, no one would give a shit about that - if they even ever found out. I was careful, wicked careful, and knew how to cover my tracks. Fuck I learned from the best. My dad, one of my uncles and the guy next door were all Drug Enforcement Agents (DEA) and growing up that’s all I ever wanted to be. It was my destiny. Tonight was destiny too and in addition to making my career it would give me the way to get Chris out of the cluster fuck of a life he had made for himself. Chris was the son of the DEA agent who lived next door to us when I was a kid, and my best friend. All my childhood memories involved Chris and because his dad and mine were often gone, Chris was at my house more than he was at his. We were inseparable and when we became teens we learned the ins and outs of life together - always together - that is until he got caught up in drugs. Finding Chris on the back porch lying on his side, drooling, doped out, and a fucking mess broke my heart and no matter what I did or said, Chris would never stay clean for long. After graduation, for our 18th birthdays, we went camping and the tent had barely been set up before Chris had shot up, or snorted up, and was high as shit. Well that just pissed me off so when it came time to crash and time for us to fuck I was not gentle. I fucked him as hard as I could and let out all my anger, frustration, and disappointment into his ass - along with two huge loads of cum. Chris took it all and begged for more and that’s how we spent our camping trip, with him high and me fucking the hell out of him over and over. Not much has changed the past several years. I went to college, got my degree, and followed my dad into the DEA. Chris continued to get deeper and deeper into drugs; his dad kicked him out; but I still looked out for him. I always made sure he had a spot at my place to crash, food, a little cash and in return I fucked him. Hard and rough and raw. I didn’t know if Chris fucked with other guys or not. I didn’t. Never even considered it, but with Chris it was the way things were. Did I ever feel guilty about it when he was fucked up? No. I had dealt with that stupid shit that first night. It just was. We both enjoyed it and in the midst of all the crazy shit it felt normal. Of course Chris was always grateful for the food and place to crash and kept promising he would pay me back, but until then, his ass was mine. My phone buzzed again. It was Chris. “DEAL’S GOING DOWN TONIGHT BY THE OLD PIER. MEET ME THERE AT 11:00.” My heart raced. Chris was my CI - my Confidential Informant. He had admitted one night he had gotten mixed up with a guy named Hawk, who I knew from my DEA briefings was reportedly the biggest meth cooker in the entire region. Every time I had Chris on his stomach and was fucking the shit out of him, I pumped him for info too. What was Hawk’s real name? Where did he hang? Who were his guys? Who did he sell to? And more. Chris seemed to be willing to talk, and even more willing when I would hand over a baggy of powder or a few needles filled with dope. I cared about Chris sure, but knew he was going to get fucked up no matter what, so why not help him out and help me too? He was always chatty when he was high and plus I loved feeling his ass open up for me and milk my cum out. There was nothing better than fucking his ass when he was high out of his God damned mind. His hole was wet, silky, and just sucked my dick and cum. Maybe it was seeing what drugs had done to Chris and his family is why I had never tried them. Yeah I was around the shit all the time, but had never been tempted, not even when Chris would leave shit laying around. Just wasn’t me. At 8:45 p.m. I was down at the old pier, peering between a rusted dumpster and the chimney of an old factory. Chris had told me before that he often did pickups for Hawk where he would deliver Hawk’s meth to someone and then meet Hawk at some out of the way place to give him the cash. During one night when Chris was super high and I had already pumped a load into him, he confessed that he had lied and that he always met Hawk at the place where he cooked the meth. I couldn’t fucking believe it! Instead of being angry I gave Chris a reward - another nut sack full of cum in his punk hole and that’s when he agreed to text me when the next deal went down. A light rain had begun to fall, but that was OK. I had on my DEA windbreaker; my gun was still in my holster, and my phone in my hand so I could quickly call in backup. Chris said it was only ever him and Hawk and no one else. Yet, just in case, I wanted to be prepared. However my plan was take Hawk myself. I needed this. Over the past few hours I had seen only one person go in the door - the man I assumed was Hawk - my prey. My watch showed 11:01. I heard a cough and saw Chris ambling down the alley towards a dimly lit door. He had on the same white shirt he was wearing two days ago when I last fucked him. I had tried to get him to spend the night after I bred him, but he was too wired and bolted as soon as I was done. Chris had flipped up the collar on his shirt I guess in an effort to try to stay dry. Little good that did. It just made him look like some cartoon character - all skin, bones, a head too big for his long limbs. He stopped at the door, knocked, waited, the door opened, Chris said something, then started to walk inside the old factory. My breath caught in my throat. Chris stopped, quickly glanced side to side and behind himself, then bent down like he was tying his shoe. That’s when he was supposed to stuff a wad of paper towel into the door latch hole so that the door would not click shut behind him. I waited until my watch said 11:09. I scanned the alley and confirmed no one was around. My cold, wet fingers found the snap on my holster and with a small click, I released it and eased my gun out. One more check to confirm I was alone and I quickly slid along the brick wall to the factory door Chris had gone in. At the door I paused, waited, listened. I never questioned that Chris would not have done what I had asked. I never even considered the idea that he might have betrayed me. I should have. The factory door eased open on well-oiled hinges. I quickly stepped inside out of the casting of the light. I let my eyes adjust to the darker interior as I tried to calm my breathing and steady my hand. This was it. I replayed in my mind the various scenarios I expected and in each and every one I knew I would have Hawk in handcuffs very soon. I eased my way to the right, following the rough outline of the exterior wall. I heard no voices, saw no movement, but wanted to be sure. The darkness embraced me as I moved, silent, and sure. I continued to edge my way around the outer wall until I came to a cut in - a long, dark hallway with a faint light at the end and the distant echo of voices. I checked around me once more - all was still and silent. I crept down the hall, the light grew brighter. A door was open, an angry voice was saying, “YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU WHEN YOU TRY TO STEAL FROM ME?” I quickly peered through the crack and saw Chris on his knees and a big man - Hawk - standing over him. Compared to Chris, Hawk was a fucking monster. A good foot taller, a good 100 pounds heavier, and all the Aryan tattoos on his forehead and arms only added to the sinister monster look. Yeah this asshole was going down and Chris would be forever grateful. I eased my boot onto the edge of the door and gently pulled my foot back, slowly, to give myself enough space to slip into the room and take Hawk by surprise. BAM! MY WORLD WENT DARK. I winced trying to decide which was worse: the splitting pain at the back of my skull or the slicing pain in my wrists. I moaned. I eased my eyes open and turned my head, which caused a new round of nausea and pain. My wrists were handcuffed and a large chain was threaded between them and connected to a pulley that dangled from the ceiling. I had been stripped naked and was hanging from the chain with my feet barely touching the floor. I assumed from the hot wetness still trickling down my neck that I had been hit and hit hard in the back of the head and that’s what had knocked me out. God damn it! My ears then picked up the moans and groans and sounds of carnal pleasure. I leaned back a little and looked to my right. There was a man - Hawk - naked and fucking Chris who was bent over facing my way. Chris raised his head, closed his eyes and smiled in total fucking ecstasy like he would smile when I had my dick up his ass. He opened his eyes, smirked, closed his eyes again as Hawk hit just the right spot up in his ass, and Chris started bouncing his hips up and down like his hole was in full orgasm. My mouth dropped open. Shit! “GET THE FUCK OFF MY DICK!” Hawk spat as he shoved Chris off his still hard dick. Chris tumbled onto his knees and looked up at Hawk with awe, admiration, and adoration - disgusting! Hawk kicked him in the ribs, “WHAT THE FUCK YOU WAITING FOR? YOU GOT DELIVERIES TO MAKE AND DON’T FUCKING SHOW BACK UP HERE UNTIL I TEXT YOU. NOW GET!” A low growl rumbled in my chest. For Hawk or Chris I don’t know. Clearly I had been set up and clearly Chris was Hawk’s lover or whatever too, but it was the way he treated him. I loved Chris - in my own way - and always did right by him so seeing someone treat him like that just fucking pissed me off. I promised myself right then I would kill Hawk. Fuck the take down! Hawk picked up a plate of crystal meth – bright white lines of powder - that was sitting on the couch and sniffed a few lines using a tattered bill. He wiped his nose, licked his lips, casually sauntered over to me with his monster dick swinging back and forth and when he stopped he said, “WELL, WELL, WELL, AGENT. WE FINALLY MEET AT LAST.” This man - this drug dealer - this filth of humanity that stood before me curled my stomach. I wanted to lash out, but held my tongue as my brain worked to figure a way to escape. Hawk smiled, licked his right index finger, rubbed it around in the plate of white then slid it between the flesh of his gums and lips and hummed as the burning kicked in. His blue eyes flashed open, the pupils distant pricks of black as he eyed me up and down, “YES, I CAN SEE WHY YOUR LITTLE ONE IS SO PROTECTIVE OF YOU - ENAMORED IF YOU WILL. BUT TRULY NOW. YOU AND I BOTH KNOW IT IS NOT REAL. EVEN THE GRATITUDE IS FALSE. YOUR LITTLE ONE IS ONLY A BITCH KIPPE - FAG - FOR YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE NOTHING MORE THAN A MEANS TO AN END. I ON THE OTHER HAND AM THE MASTER. THE SUPERIOR SPECIMEN OF MANHOOD. JUST LOOK AT EVEN HOW MY DICK - STILL SOFT - IS FAR BIGGER THAN YOURS. DO YOU WANT TO FEEL IT? I THINK YOU DO - I THINK YOU MUST!” I twisted and jerked as Hawk stepped behind me. The heat from his body like a hot furnace on a cold winter’s afternoon. I heard the wet slurp of his mouth, then the piercing press of a pointed finger and nail at my sphincter. I tried to adjust my footing but the give of the chain snapped back, sending me onto his coated dart, “YES, SEE? YOU WILL LEARN WHY YOUR LITTLE ONE BEGS FOR MY DICK - BEGS FOR THE FEEL OF MY FORESKIN SLIDING BACK AS I POUND HIS ASS - BEGS FOR ME TO POZ HIS HOLE AND FILL HIM UP WITH MY AIDS. FRANKLY I AM SURPRISED YOU HAVE NOT TESTED POZ YET, BUT MAYBE BECAUSE YOU ARE ON PREP? OR JUST MAYBE BECAUSE YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN A TOP? WELL, WE SHALL TAKE CARE OF THAT.” The clear toll of porcelain on concrete, and the pause of his finger assault on my ass, let me know he had set the plate of drugs on the floor. I wanted to beg and plead for him to stop. To tell him I never did drugs. To scream that I was not a bottom and didn’t get fucked. To tell him I was there only for Chris. All plans for trying to talk my way out of it quickly vanished though. My body arched, my veins pumped my blood faster and faster as my heart raced, my skin was scored bloody as Hawk aggressively pushed his dick into my drug coated ass hole. “OH YES AGENT! THAT ASS IS MUCH TIGHTER THAN YOUR LITTLE ONE’S. YOU ENJOY FUCKING HIM DON’T YOU? NOW AGENT, I WILL SHOW YOU WHAT IT IS LIKE TO BE A DRUGGED UP CUMP DUMP. YOU SHOULD BE HONORED. I HAVE COATED YOUR ASS WITH MY LATEST COOK - MY BEST PRODUCT SO FAR AND TOGETHER WE WILL ENJOY THE RUSH! AND AFTER - WELL AFTER WE SHALL SEE….” (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
    2 points
  11. ...dwelling at the fountain of joy...
    2 points
  12. ...yesterday at the park...
    2 points
  13. This pic gives the phrase GO FUCK YOURSELF a hole...uh...whole new meaning...
    2 points
  14. Hey guys. I have been trying for weeks to post new pics using "create" the "status" but I have no kb left. So, I have been trying numerous times to post new pics by coming here to my personal activity and post. All I get is "you have posted content with formatting. Please remove formatting. If I click "remove formatting", my pic or gif disappears. If I click "keep formatting". same happens. Sorry. All I know to do is to just post some in my galleries.
    2 points
  15. What to do when you horny and bored at the office? Go for an early lunch maybe?
    2 points
  16. Answered a top's post on CL and followed his directions. Arrived at the apartment complex, ass lubed already, and found the building in the back of the complex, door was open and blindfold was on the doorknob. Stripped naked in the outside hall and put on the blindfold before knocking once on the door. A minute later it opened snd there were not 2 but 4 hands on me. Feeling an already hard cock pressed up against me i bent over to taste it and the yummy pre-cum already leaking from it. Licked it a few times to moisten it and then slowly swallowed the shaft until my nose was buried in his pubes. Another cock probed my hole and then slowly buried itself inside me. He began fucking me, pushing the cock in my mouth down so i was getting ass fucked and throat fucked at the same time. Every couple minutes they switched places until the guy in my ass started grunting and telling me he was going to cream my ass. I felt that awesome feeling when suddenly his cum was super lubing my ass and he fucked me hard. Switching places the other guy rammed his cock into my while i cleaned the cum off a softening cock. Right then another door opened and some guy said "I thought i heard you fucking another whore. I want his pussy too...". So after the second guy bred me thrre was a third who in one motion buried himself in my ass and fucked me there in the open hallway until he added a 3rd load to my ass. What a great way to start another slut day!
    2 points
  17. No idea if his cock would fit, but I'd sure like to give it a try...
    2 points
  18. This happened on the evening of the 4th of July... Met a sexy daddy from BBRT that was interested in having a threesome with me and the bf. We went to the daddy's house and had a few drinks before we starting undressing and fooling around. Made out with daddy while the bf was going down on both of us. Daddy wanted my bf's hole, and I told him it's all his! He started rimming my bf, and the bf was squirming and moaning in pleasure... that was all the confirmation daddy needed, he lubed up his dick and started pushing it into the bf raw. There's just something so hot about watching another man use my bf. Bf has a tight hole, so daddy got close pretty quickly and had to keep slowing down as to not cum. I told him he can go ahead and breed my bf, so he's nicely lubed up for me. Daddy starts moaning and breeds my bf with a huge load... I can see a little cum running out as he pulls out. Fuck! Now it's my turn... I don't even lube up, I just start to slide inside because his hole is super wet and cummy. Damn this is what we've been missing! There's nothing hotter than fucking a silky hole full of cum. Then daddy asks if he can fuck me while I'm fucking the bf... sure! I'm fucking my bf missionary, and daddy gets behind me, puts a little spit on his dick, and forces it into my hole. It feels so good! I am pounding the BF for about 10 minutes and I keep getting close because of all the pleasure from getting fucked while I'm fucking... Bf is making out with me as daddy is pounding me. I get close, and I can't stop, daddy's cock is pushing me over the edge! I bred a huge load into my bf, and daddy came at the same time. Daddy pulls out and I feel his load gushing out of my hole... another big load! We all relax, cuddle and kiss for a few minutes. I then went to the bathroom (to pee, I'm keeping the load inside as long as I can). When I came out, I saw my bf laying face down and daddy was fucking him again... such a hot site. After daddy bred him, I fucked him again and gave him another load. So now my bf has 4 loads inside him. I think I convinced him that there's nothing hotter than taking loads, hehe. We went home after that, it was getting late. Definitely adding the daddy into my contacts.
    2 points
  19. Part VII I think I have gone crazy. Here I am laying beside a guy on a park bench filled with his poz cum, again, and supposed to be straight. All I can think of is wanting some more now. This can't be. I hear a voice and look up to find another of his buddies just coming in the tent. He is sayin how nice that looks and is dropping his shorts and soon in naked as well. He climbs on the table with us and my legs just kind of on their own go up and out. His hard cock centers on me and he drives it deep into my ass. I can only moan in pleasure. The first guy gets up and tells us he will be back and leaves. This new guy is pounding my hole hard and deep and all I can do is moan in my pleasure. He is hitting my prostate and driving me wild again. My mind is in a panic but my ass is loving this and I can't do anything but drive back onto his cock as he drills me good. I find myself begging for more and more and harder and faster. He complies and pile drives me with all his might. My ass is on fire. "Do me, do me, do me," is my chant. I hear some rustling and look around to find at least 5 or 6 other guys have come into the tent now. I hear myself telling them to line up, I want you all. OMG, what the hell am I saying? Soon this second guy grunts he is cumming and grinds his cock into me, then gets up and another guy takes his place. On and on they go, as one gets done another takes his place. I can't seem to stop or get enough. I want them all. "Fuck me," I tell them. They all keep dumping their loads into my willing ass and I am loving it. Finally, they seem to be done though. I look around and the first guy is back and sitting beside me and telling me it is ok now. Just to relax and and let it happen. He kisses me again and I fall to sleep in his arms as he climbs on the table with me.
    2 points
  20. Part 2: Hawk aggressively pushed his dick into my drug coated ass hole. “OH YES AGENT! THAT ASS IS MUCH TIGHTER THAN YOUR LITTLE ONE’S. YOU ENJOY FUCKING HIM DON’T YOU? NOW AGENT, I WILL SHOW YOU WHAT IT IS LIKE TO BE A DRUGGED UP CUMP DUMP. YOU SHOULD BE HONORED. I HAVE COATED YOUR ASS WITH MY LATEST COOK - MY BEST PRODUCT SO FAR AND TOGETHER WE WILL ENJOY THE RUSH! AND AFTER - WELL AFTER WE SHALL SEE….” My plan to take down the biggest meth cook in the region had failed miserably. My career in the DEA was over! Not only was I chained, naked, in some warehouse but my best friend and fuck buddy Chris had betrayed me and set me up. All future regret and assessment of what had gone wrong were pushed aside as a fresh wave of drug high crashed over me and a new round of searing pain tore through me as Hawk pushed his raw, Aryan dick inside my previously unfucked hole. “YOUR LITTLE ONE WAS RIGHT ABOUT ONE THING AGENT,” Hawk said, “HE SAID YOU NEVER GOT FUCKED. OF COURSE I DIDN’T BELIEVE HIM, BUT LOOK - HERE IS THE PROOF - I HAVE POPPED YOUR CHERRY GOOD. PERFECT! I LOVE NOTHING MORE THAN CONVERTING A NEG BOTTOM AND FILLING THEM WITH MY MUTANT AIDS CUM. YOU KNOW METH DOES THAT RIGHT? IT MUTATES THE VIRUS AND METH AND LIQUOR ARE MY TWO MAIN FOOD GROUPS - ALONG WITH RAW ASS - OK SO THREE FOOD GROUPS. MY POINT AGENT IS THAT IT IS OK TO SCREAM, TO EMBRACE THE PAIN AND FRUSTRATION YOU ARE FEELING, TO FIGHT BACK. IT WON’T DO YOU ANY GOOD OF COURSE. IT’S FAR TOO LATE AGENT - OH YES FAR TOO LATE. YOU FEEL THAT AGENT? THAT’S MY DICK PUMPING YOUR ASS FULL OF MY SPERM. PUSHING IT INTO EVERY RIP IN YOUR ANAL WALL - CREATING MY OWN 4TH REICH OF CUM DUMP FAGGOTS WHO I BRAND WITH MY SUPERIOR DNA. YES - TAKE IT AGENT - TAKE IT ALL!!” I looked down to see Hawk’s fingernails embedded deep into the flesh around my waist, small trickles of red creating meandering streams down my thighs as he dug as hard as he could while cumming inside me. I had to bite my tongue in order not to scream from the burning pain in my ass as he fucked me and bred my hole. I would not give this filth the satisfaction. The brutal pummeling paused like the final throes of battle before an armistice and I heaved a sigh of relief. The meth lord just laughed, “WHAT? YOU THINK I AM DONE? FUCK NO! WE HAVE JUST GOTTEN STARTED. I’M A POZ FUCK BREEDER AND CAN SEED THAT ASS OVER AND OVER. THERE IS NO END AGENT. NO SOLUTION TO YOUR CURRENT PREDICAMENT EXCEPT DOING WHAT I SAY, WHEN I SAY, HOW I SAY. RIGHT NOW, WHAT I SAY IS THAT I AM PACKING THAT SHIT CHUTE LIKE A COLOMBIAN MULE THEN RIDING YOU HARD AND PUTTING YOU AWAY WET. YOU READY TO GET SO FUCKING HIGH YOU CANNOT SAY YOUR A,B,Cs? I MIGHT CONSIDER STOPPING IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING BETTER TO OFFER ME AGENT? DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING BETTER? MAYBE THE LIFE OF YOUR LITTLE ONE? YOUR FRIEND? YOUR LOVER? OH YOU WANT TO SAVE HIM? REALLY? ARE YOU THAT FUCKING STUPID AGENT? YOU KNOW THIS WAS ALL HIS DOING. HE HAD A SIMPLE CHOICE. I’D CUT HIS HANDS OFF FOR STEALING FROM ME OR HE COULD OFFER ME SOMETHING BETTER. SO HERE WE ARE AGENT - YOU ARE THE SOMETHING BETTER AND HE GETS TO KEEP HIS LITTLE FAG HANDS ATTACHED - FOR NOW.” My body shook as Hawk finger fucked me rough, hard, and burrowed trails of meth into my anal lining. I was gasping and drooling like some tweaked out idiot and wanted to just grab my head to try to slow down my thoughts. The handcuffs and chain made that impossible and when the meth cooker shoved his raw dick back up my dry, scabbed hole I barely flinched. Another Aryan load up my ass later and the chain was loosened from the ceiling and I crumpled to the floor. My legs burned, my body was on fire. Was that his AIDs virus of the drugs? The skin on my knees was ripped off entirely as Hawk looped the long chain around his forearm and dragged me behind him like a Sultan’s concubine. I managed to get my feet under me enough to stumble along after him. The hallway swayed back and forth with every step. Hawk stopped, my head was hit hard, I crumpled to the old factory floor as toxic rain poured from the heavens. “FEEL THAT? SMELL THAT? THAT IS GOOD CHEM PISS RIGHT THERE. THAT’S HOW WORTHLESS YOU ARE AGENT - JUST A FUCK PUPPET FOR MY DICK, POZ LOAD, AND A URINAL FOR MY BODILY WASTE. OPEN THAT MOUTH - I SAID FUCKING OPEN IT! GAG ON THAT PISS AGENT - SWALLOW MY SALTY FLUID. YOU ARE MINE NOW - BODY, SOUL, LIFE. ALL MINE. DON’T WORRY. I BOTTLE MY PISS. CHEM MICRO-BREW. EVERY OUNCE I PISS OUT WILL GO INSIDE YOU FROM NOW ON ONE WAY OR THE OTHER.” The pores on my skin opened to allow his Periodic Table of bodily fluids to seep inside me. Hawk was still naked as he dragged me onward. We approached a large, steel door that was guarded by two men in ski masks both dressed in black and holding automatic weapons. Fuck! What had I been thinking? There was no way I could have taken these guys on alone. The door was pulled back, bright fluorescent lights burned my retinas as Hawk dragged me inside, pushed me face first against a steel column, and casually wound the chain between wrists and around the steel. The meth cooker walked over to a large, plexiglass clean room that took up most of the interior of the warehouse space we were in. He hit the intercom, the light turned orange, and as he casually began to put on latex gloves he addressed the dozen or so workers inside - all of whom were men, and all of whom were naked except for their white underwear and face masks. “LISTEN UP FOLKS!” Hawk yelled, “THIS HERE IS MY NEW BEST FRIEND. MR. DEA AGENT. NOW YOU MAY BE WONDERING WHY I BROUGHT HIM IN HERE - RIGHT IN THE FUCKING MIDDLE OF MY COOK - RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF MY FUCKING PACKING AND SHIPPING LINE. WELL, MR. DEA AGENT HERE NEEDS TO UNDERSTAND JUST HOW FUCKING TINY AND HELPLESS HE IS. NOW SOME OF YOU KNOW I HAVE A DICK THAT CAN BUST YOUR ASS WIDE OPEN. WELL I JUST PLANTED TWO HOT LOADS - HEAR ME - TWO FUCKING LOADS UP THIS DEA AGENT’S ASS. I POPPED HIS CHERRY GOOD. NOW AS A TOKEN OF MY APPRECIATION I WILL LEAVE HIM HERE FOR A WHILE. LET HIM STEW IN MY JUICES AND OF COURSE, LET HIM TAKE WHATEVER DICK ANY OF YOU FUCKERS WANT TO STICK UP HIS ASS. YOU HEAR ME? WHEN I COME BACK I EXPECT TO SEE HIS CHEEKS COVERED WITH SO MUCH POWDER I’LL THINK WE’RE IN THE ALPS AND I ALSO EXPECT - NOW PAY FUCKING CLOSE ATTENTION - I WILL ALSO EXPECT TO SEE PROOF THAT HIS ASS HAS BEEN FUCKED AND BRED BY YOUR RAW DICKS.” I watched as Hawk walked past me towards another door that was guarded by two more men with guns. He paused, pulled an industrial apron off a wall hook, slipped it over his head, then gave me wave and said, “KEEP THAT ASS FILLED AND WET FOR ME MR. DEA AGENT. I’LL BE BACK AS SOON AS I COMPLETE THIS COOK AND THEN YOU AND I SHALL DISCUSS OUR FUTURE.” Stay Tuned for Part 3 (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
    2 points
  21. Part 3: Once again my arm was tapped as one of the anonymous breeders prepared to infect my ass and veins. In a brief moment of clarity I wondered, “This was only my first night. What would day two be like?” My limp, drugged up and fucked out naked body had been roughly dropped on one of those big luggage carts you see at hotels. Shadow man - my anonymous host, drug benefactor, and pimp daddy laughed as he kicked my ankles, “Keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times.” I would have said something smart assed if I had been able to, but the drugs still had me held tight in their grip and there was now duct tape over my mouth too. The opaque view of the world through the homemade plastic hood turned to black as shadow man slid the cart cover down over the top, hiding me from view. The rolling coffin rumbled down the hall as shadow man provided commentary, “We’re taking the service elevator down. This is how my homies and folks usually come in and out. I can turn the security cameras off and on and no one knows, plus only me and my boys got the keys, so keeps my shit private.” The service elevator creaked and moaned, whirred and stirred, as we dropped down to the floor where my room was located in the hotel. “Good morning Ma’am” shadow man said to someone as he rolled me down the hall. I could tell someone else was with us from the dangling of the keys on their belt even though they did not speak. A small beep, a click, a door opened, a bump as the cart was pushed over the door sill, the door whooshed closed, then silence until the lights were flicked on, and shadow man and his cohort stepped further into the room. “You sure we good?” the other man asked. Shadow man laughed, “How many fucking times we done this shit now? Trust me man. It’s all good. Now drag that faggedy ass out here, put his finger on the safe, and let’s clean this place out. Remember, don’t fucking leave him alone and your Jersey boy should be here in a minute. Once he’s done hit me on the walkie - then me and the boys will come back and roll him back up and get the setup done.” Still not convinced the other guy questioned, “What about DNA and shit? Shouldn’t we be worried?” Shadow man sighed, clearly frustrated, “Fuck no man. I know this is your first kidnapping and all but man the fuck up! This is a hotel room. You know how little this place gets washed and cleaned and the cops - even if they bother fucking looking and trust me they won’t as our man in the precinct always gets these cases - but even if by chance they did look they will find so much fucking DNA in here it won’t matter. Plus our reports will make it legit and then the bonus is your Jersey boy will use the cell from the bus station in Newark or some shit and you know we got the cab connect all down. Same old plan as always - only this time, he ain’t shipping out quite so fast.” I tried to wrap my head around all I had just heard - or imagined. I was not quite sure because of the drugs and all but it sounded like they were planning to set me up? Kidnap me? I grunted as I rolled off the luggage cart and onto the floor. I still had on the plastic hood, so could not see shit, and got a quick kick in the ribs for my effort. “Now, now, now,” shadow man scolded me as he cuffed me on the head, yanked me up by my arm, walked me forward then pushed me onto the bed. He turned to his associate, “Just make sure only his prints are on the syringes and that way it will prove he was junkied out when shit went down.” The door opened and closed, I was then pressed back against the bed as a burly body straddled me, “Give me that fucking arm. Time to dope you up. My Jersey boy comes through for them raw times and likes limp biscuit bitches to fuck. Here - wrap your fingers around this - don’t fucking fight me! There you go. Good. Good. Ok - get ready to spin out and embrace that good shit. You lucky that pussy is valuable as you sucking up all the good juice boxes.” I flopped back on the bed, high as shit. My face was sweating like hell in my plastic hood. It was so tight I could only wipe at the skin around my mouth and nose where shadow man had cut the X. There were slimy spots too, from nutt, or something. I didn’t really want to know. Yes I did! As the drugs kicked in my horny meter went into the red and I reached down to try to jack my withered dick. Useless. Fucking useless. How frustrating! I don’t get how guys can stand being spun out like this all the time and not even get hard. It was like my whole body was itching on the inside and I had no way to scratch. I couldn’t even fucking jerk off. My pointer sat on the bed and seductively rubbed my thigh, “Sucks huh?” he asked. Just then there was a knock at the door - three fast, then two slow. The door opened, a cloud of smoke filled the room, and a deep voice echoed off the walls, “Show me that boy clit if you want this potent nutt.” I rolled over and reached back to spread my cheeks and whether the next was said to me or my pointer I didn’t know, “This dope dick going to rape that ass good. You know anal raping ain’t cheating right? I can honestly look at my girl and truthfully say I ain’t cheated on her.” To me that seemed like denial, splitting of hairs, semantics, whatever, and then I wondered how I could think so clearly when I had just taken a syringe of some shit? I didn’t have long to ponder that question as the new, anonymous breeder pulled me to the end of the bed, flipped me like a pancake onto my back and lifted my legs up like he was changing a baby diaper, “I plan to take that hole - own it - remodel that house and do a complete tear down, break those walls, then leave it as a claptrap.” He jammed a couple sharp nailed fingers into my asshole, “Damn - that’s some phat gushy pussy. I plan to kill that meth whore hole with my Black Flag roach killer. Disrespect that ass. This that ghost dick - that Certified Pussy Pleaser. I got that young blood dick that digs deep - a big donkey cock and no tapping out til it’s flooded.” As he ranted on about how great he was, my pointer climbed up on the bed behind me, set his balls on my face, then the new guy said, “Hold them legs back and let me hear him gargle on that dick.” My legs were yanked back like a turkey wishbone, and then he said to me, “The only part of me you will feel is my meet in your pussy cum catcher as I wind up and toss you this pitch.” I cried out in pain as that black stallion busted through the gate and took off like he was trying to win the Kentucky Derby. A raw, brutal fuck later I was basking in the afterglow of a vein full of liquid sun and an ass full of liquid BBC juice. Anonymous hands guided me, then rolled me back onto the luggage cart, along with some blankets and other things - luggage? The cart trundled down the hall, the service elevator whirred and stirred, and back up on the 17th floor I was left standing in the middle of the model suite as shadow man roughly fingered my cummy hole. “So here’s how things go,” he explained. “Your room has been emptied out of all your shit a week early. You bill is unpaid. You skipped out during the night after a drug binge or whatever the fuck. Right about now my guys are filing a police report for all the damage to the room - broken furniture, holes in the walls, thousands of dollars of shit along with reports that you assaulted some of the staff with a knife along with threats to do bodily harm. So in addition to being a thief, destruction of property, there’s that whole nasty attempted murder shit too. A warrant will be issued and if you ever show your face, NYPD’s finest will cart you off to Riker’s then send you upstate quicker than the Easter Bunny hides a fucking egg. You understand me? Huh?” The last was emphasized as he grabbed the back of my neck and squeezed and shook hard like I was in the jaws of a pit bull. I was so fucking confused and even though I should have been more freaked about what he had said, all I could focus on was trying to get more dick and more drugs. Shadow man laughed, shoved me onto the couch, tied off my arm, and was tapping a vein as some other hand shoved some powder up my hole that scalded my skin off. “You sure that’s a good idea?” someone asked. My head rolled to the side, my tongue flapped out as shadow man laughed, “Every fucking day I will drive him to the edge of an O.D. and let him hang off the side of that cliff a bit. And well, if the cliff crumbles and he falls, that’s what Doc and these handy Narcan doses and other shit’s for.” Shadow man laid me on the couch so one of my legs was off the front. CLICK - HISS - CLICK - HISS - CLICK - HISS - he hit his pipe, the crack smoke casting a pallid blanket over me. Once the rock kicked in he got on top of me and angled his dick. The pressure and weight of his body felt so good, reassuring, and his big dick in my ass made me feel that was the way I wanted to be all the time. He wrapped his big arm under and around my neck and held me in a grip lock as he began to slowly long stroke my hole. “This is how shit’s going down this week,” he said. “Whether you stay awake or not, you’re being slutted out 24/7. I’m going to keep you high and cock crazed so all you are is my latest hoe flavor.” I must have said, “Huh,” or something and he continued, “Don’t you get it yet? I’m pimping you out. I’ll let ever nicca in the Big Apple that wants some of that hole climb the fuck in it and breed it, infect it, use it, abuse it, tear it up, throw it away. I got dozens of regulars who prefer my discrete one-stop-shop then going to some ABS or trap house where it’s hit or miss, they might be seen, and they can’t get the good dope that I sling so two birds - one stone - or one ass in this case.” I was impressed; this man had a solid business plan and had worked out all the angles. Then as he hit a spot extra deep I remembered, that oh yeah, the whole sex trafficking thing with me as the commodity. Yet, frankly, I felt a relief inside. For the first time in my life I had no inhibitions, did not worry about what some sweater queen might think, didn’t have to wonder if they liked my ass or not. It was all about getting in, getting off, getting high! I listened as shadow man kept thrusting and explaining how things worked, “My man handles the door and takes a slice off the loaf. Here’s your weekly planner: Monday: Today, I got those Wall street types who are coke heads and need their weekly pick up of dope and some raw ass on the side. They will believe whatever the fuck I tell them like you some clean suburban ass, first time in the city, and that they are the first raw dick you ever taken. Most will drop $200 to dump a raw load, which is nothing for them. Their wallets fat, but trust, I only let the big dick fuckers use the asses I line up. I got a special room for them. Oh you’ll probably get 6 or 7 during the morning rush, another dozen at lunch, more at C.O.B., so I expect a quick $6-8k off your ass today.” I had to interrupt him as I started cramping, but shadow man dismissed my pleas with a reference to the “Wall Street grimy freak” who would be there shortly and who pays premium for it super filthy and he would give me another shot to make sure once it kicks in, that would fucking clean me out for days quicker than Draino. With that out of the way, shadow man continued to deep stroke my hole, his dick swelling as he told me how he would pimp me out the rest of the week: “Tuesdays are for the thug homies with that diesel dick who can make it rain. A little dope, smoke, snow, and they get a private hour to use that side snatch. All them niccas be armed and dangerous so you gotta watch your mouth and what you do and fucking play along with any shit they want and they’ll leave that hole so sore you can’t walk. These guys all help move my product on the street and got their own crews. Next up, on Wednesdays we deal with the construction crews who just want some cum dump ass to fill up without hearing a bitch complain. You’ll be tied up with your ass sticking out of a gloryhole - gagged - and you’ll be nothing more than a white fleshlight meat puppet. With them, it’s all about the numbers and the 5-minute nutt and they don’t mind fucking a wet, sloppy pussy after another dude. You’ll get more dick that day than most folks do in a lifetime. A lot of these dudes direct sell for me - easy for them to get places without being seen as no one pays them any mind. Thursday the MOFO big dicked bandit street types will roll in. These guys are real gangbangers and like me, enjoy using a white bitch twitch and going balls to the wall for that extreme R&B - raping and breeding. Remember my buddy who choked you out? He’ll be back and he’s a lightweight compared to some. Ex-cons, sex offenders, repeat offenders, these folks are dudes I served with or that my probie cast my way as part of their ‘rehab’ back into society. They’re my muscle and enforcers on the street - guns and fists for hire and they might roll on you one-on-one or decide to go down some extreme shit path and gang rape you with no fucking limits. Don’t matter none to me as they still pay and I keep them stocked and happy. Friday we got you a repeat with the Legendary Cream Team - my Harlem homies. You held your own with them so we’ll do some double dipping. The homies are just a bunch DL brothas from the hood looking to chill, smoke, and bust a nutt with their power strokes- all bout dat life! YOLO! Saturday - Fuck! Saturday might the nastiest, freakiest, dirtiest shit of all going down - you hear me? You zoning out bitch? Here, I’ll wake you back up - feel that dick tickling your ivory? That’s better, now listen the fuck up. Saturday, I hook up the worst of the worst. All the homeless street hustlers who can’t even get a $5 John to take their bug infested dicks. We got the crack house drug addicts - all veiny and wasted who fill you up with so much fucking disease. In addition to whatever viral gifts they bring, I fence whatever shit they stolen that week so they might be short on cash but always good for some pretty good grabs. Even get the occasional car and shit. I keep their habits fixed - lower cut shit - but for them still better than what they can get and in turn they’re my army of eyes and ears on the street. They might be dirty and raggedy but they need a pussy too and don’t care how busted your hole is, how full of nut, how sick you are from being drugged out, or how much you stink from all those AIDs niccas laying up on you. Fuck, they be adding layers and dirt rings like you a Redwood Tree - coating you in chem sweat and piss, caking your body. Sunday, well Sunday is check out. When you nothing but an infected bag of AIDs and a fucked out whore, I sell you off like a puppy mill and then the next fag pussy comes along, rinse and repeat. I was busy trying to wrap my drug-addled mind around all shadow man had just told me when he squeezed his arm tighter around my neck, “YOU READY FOR THIS BBC NUTT? YOU FUCKING WHITE BITCH TWITCH! POZZING THAT WRECKED HOLE GOOD WITH THIS ANONYMOUS DICK. YOU WILL NEVER - EVER - FUCKING SEE MY FACE BUT YOU WILL FEEL ME AGAIN AND AGAIN. YOU WONT SEE ANY OF THEIR FACES - HUNDREDS OF MEN WILL FUCKING USE THAT ASS AND NOT A SINGLE FUCKING ONE WILL BE SEEN BY THOSE FAG PUSSY EYES. GOOD THING YOU KNOW HOW TO OBEY - OTHERWISE MIGHT HAVE HAD TO SEW THOSE PEEPERS SHUT. BEG FOR THIS NUTT - BEG FOR THIS POZ DICK - BEG FOR ME TO BREED YOU WITH AIDS CUM!! Hot pimp daddy nutt swam up my man womb, buried themselves deep, like only true POZ BBC cum can. Once he had finished, shadow man climbed off me and then told me to hold still as he jammed a needle roughly into my arm. “This shit will make you cramp up like you just got kicked by a donkey. Hold it until the Wall Street guy sticks his dick in your ass then go for it. I’m going to walk you into the hot tub. He’ll slam his dick in and fuck you senseless and let loose. He likes it as nasty as you can make it so no holding back.” Yeah, no worries on that front. A while later I was being showered down and cleaned off as the first Wall Street guy had gotten all he wanted and bred me good. I didn’t know if he was black, white, or what, but he had a monster dick and was a freak, so as the water ran down the plastic hood like a thunderstorm hitting roof tiles I moaned - eager to get my ass filled back up. Once I was clean, shadow man toweled me dry, sprayed some Axe or some shit on me, then had his buddy place his hands over my eyes as he sliced the plastic hood off. He quickly wiped my head down with a wet towel, then blow dryed it, then covered it right back up with a real leather hood - one that had holes for my nose, mouth, and ears, and a big fucking padlock at the back of the neck like I was a Public Storage Unit. CLICK - HISS - CLICK - HISS - the hot pipe smoke filled my lungs, hit after hit - then a needle burned into my veins and filled me up. “You ready to be a slut?” shadow man asked, “Ready for that hole to be used by every part of NYC society and filled with so much cum you won’t need to eat for a month?” I could only moan in agreement as the drugs kicked in and my ass craved some more dick. Today was Monday and I couldn’t wait for the rest of the week! (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
    2 points
  22. I take my lead from my fellow animals. They don't ask names when they mate, why should I? If a guy offers or asks I will say mine otherwise i am just about mating and nutting and mating and nutting. When I'm at sex clubs rarely do I leave knowing the name of any partner i juts had. I was bred and milked and like a good piece of sexual livestock, I am happy with that.
    2 points
  23. An Audition for the Bare Fuck Club My boyfriend and I had fooled around behind each other's backs for some time. I knew he was getting fucked by other guys, and he knew I was fucking other guys too, but we kept it discreet and never really talked about it. I always played safe with other guys, but fucked my boy bare. I assumed that he made the guys fucking him wear condoms, especially after finding a half-empty box of rubbers in our closet. I was headed out of town for two weeks for a project and we agreed to video chat as often as possible. The first few days we chatted and caught up, and he always seemed focused and happy to see me. On the third day, he seemed distracted, like someone else was in the room. I made a joke that I didn't want to keep him from his date, and he blushed before making excuses and logging off. The next day, I jokingly asked how his date went. I was surprised when he said, “Pretty well. He fucked me good!” I still wasn't sure if he was serious, and I asked if he was well-hung. “Fuck yeah. He's got at least ten thick inches, and he knows how to use it!” My jaw dropped. My boy went on, “When he came in me, I swear I could feel it in my throat!” I was shocked that he had let some other guy breed him. I guess over the next few days, the guy came back, fucked him raw again, and gave him his load. A few days later the guy brought a friend along too. Both guys took turns at my boy's ass before they creamed his hole. My boy made sure to tell me in detail how they used him and how much he liked feeling their cum leaking out of his slack hole. I couldn't help but be turned on. The following day was my last full day out of town and he messaged me a pic of his ass full of hard dick, with cum oozing out of his ass and puddling on his top's huge hairy balls. I came hard jerking off to his photo. My boyfriend met me at the airport and told me he had a fresh load simmering in his gut as he drove us home. As soon as we were inside, we tore off each other's clothes. Right there in the hallway, I had him bent over the staircase railing with his jeans at his ankles and spread his cheeks. I knelt down and slipped my tongue into his loosened hole. I was rewarded with a dollop of cum. I spit it onto my dick and forced my way into his cummy hole. There was a froth of cum forming around my cock as I pounded his ass. He moaned with pleasure as I added my cum to the mix already deep in his belly. We fucked again before going to bed that night. As he cuddled with me before drifting off to sleep, he told me how glad he was that I was ok with other guys fucking him raw. I honestly told him how much it turned me on, and that I would love to watch him get fucked and take some stranger's load. A few days later, my boy arranged for his ten-inched friend to come by to breed him after work. My boy met Joe at the door and kissed him hard before welcoming him into our living room. Joe extended his man-paw and shook my hand. He was HOT. Six foot tall, in tight jeans and a t-shirt that stretched over his powerful frame. He had a trim beard and a tuft of silver chest hair peek out of the collar of his shirt. He wrapped his muscled arms around my boy's frame and lifted my boy's shirt off. My boy started chewing Joe's nipples through the shirt as he unbuckled Joe's jeans and shucked them to the floor. Out plopped a beautiful hardening cock. My boy expertly deep-throated Joe's tool as he fished out his own dick. When Joe was fully hard and his cock shining with spit, he flipped my boy over the arm of the sofa. He jammed his bare cock without warning into my boy's raw ass. I was mesmerized as I watched Joe's powerful ass ram into my boy's body. I fisted my own cock as I watched Joe pump away. My cock was oozing pre-cum as I watched Joe's pace quicken. I crept closer to watch Joe's dick plow my boy bare. All the while, my boy was whimpering, “You gonna breed me, you sick fuck? Gonna give me your load? Gonna fill that hole?” Each time, Joe grunted back, “Fuck yeah, man. Gonna fill you up!” As Joe's pace sped up, his shirt crept higher on his muscled ass revealing a small black tattoo. My heart stopped as I recognized the symbol to mean BIOHAZARD. This hunk fucking my boy's bare ass was POZ! I wanted to cry out to let my boy know the danger he was in, but before I could say anything, Joe threw his head back and growled as he pumped his toxic seed into my boy's bare hole. I was silent until I realized that I had blown my load all over the floor. Joe withdrew his cock with a squishy plop and grabbed the back of my head. He forced my face into the diseased seed leaking from my boy's hole. I couldn't help but lap it up. I was about to swallow when he pulled me to my feet and drove his tongue into my mouth, sucking out and swallowing his own POZ cum. My boy collected himself and asked me if watching him get fucked bare was everything I thought it would be. I gestured to the puddle of my cum on the floor to answer and he dove down to lick it up. Joe excused himself to the bathroom to clean up a bit, and I took the chance to ask my boy if he had seen Joe's tattoo. He told me frankly that he had, and he knew what it meant, and that he was willing to take the risk of POZ seed if that meant he got more loads. I was still trying to process that my boyfriend had been knowingly taking POZ cum in his ass, and was planning on continuing, when I realized that Joe had come back into the room. Joe smirked at my naivety and asked if I was okay with what had just happened. I told him that I knew he was taking loads, but didn't know he was fine taking POZ loads. He told me that it was a natural progression, and taking POZ cock was bound to happen sooner or later if a bottom didn't demand his top use a condom every time. Even though I knew I should be outraged, my cock was telling a different story. I was rock-hard and drooling pre-cum. Joe reached out and stroked my dick, asking if we wanted to hear about a club he was in. My boy and I were all ears. Joe told us that he belonged to the Bare Fuck Club, an exclusive audition-only group of guys who liked to give and take raw loads. Some were POZ, but most were NEG. For these guys, it was about cum, not status. Every member agreed to a no-questions-asked / no-loads-refused policy. My boy was panting at the thought of being in such a club. He asked Joe what the audition entailed. Joe said he would put us in touch with the audition committee and they would be in touch. A few days later, we were sitting together in our living room, waiting for two strangers to come over and meet with us. I knew from their message that at least one of us would have POZ seed in our holes before the night was through. To be continued...
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  24. It was all falling into place. I had just discovered my boyfriend of ten years was cheating on me. How did I discover it? Today, Saturday, I was sleeping in late as I recovered from a godawful, unseasonable flu. My guy had left me to work overtime, yet again, and in his hurry he had accidentally picked-up my phone, leaving his plugged into the charger. As the text message pinged, I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and groggily picked up the phone and opened what I thought was a message for me Pitor: Ive not cum since we last fucked got a huge Poz load 4 u my filthy POZ cum slut? I had to re-read it as those two words jumped up off the screen at me: Poz and Fucked. The bastard was getting barebacked, then turning around and fucking ME and didn’t have the decency to say and I didn't even know the fucker bottomed as he certainly didn't for me! I was stunned. My boyfriend Grahame is cheating on me AND was fucking with a guy with HIV. I couldn't believe it and felt sick as I scrolled through a series of text and picture messages. With my heart sunk with each conversation as I realized they had been chatting and fucking for the past nine months. My stomach churned as I think back on the deceit and web of lies doing extra hours at work or dashing off to see family but as mad and pissed as I was my cock was rock hard as I read the multiple messages. Grahame: I would LOVE to get fucked by your big PA’d dick! Pitor: U know i'm POZ? Grahame: I don't care. J I want to feel ur big dick in me raw!!! As I read on it was obvious this just was not just dirty talk. Pitor Good I wanna mark ur your ass as mine! i've had to come off meds now but still have a low viral count but u can still get pozzed. ru cool with that? Grahame: ive thought about it but I cant give up on the best fucks of my life. i dont want to stop taking your cock!!! Pitor: good, i can't get enough of your ass. Grahame: Jeez my ass is still ripped, sore & bruised from yesterday. I can barely walk! You fucked me so hard. I can't get enough. I WANT MORE!!!! Pitor J yeah, followed by a picture insert I saw a little blood flecks mixed in with some cum that was dribbling from your hole. I know it was Grahame because of the series of moles on his right ass cheek. I knew you'd like my 10 inches. I love pumping my DIRTY cum deep up ur ass. Ur NEG ass is soooo fucking hot. Grahame: Yeah knock me up with ur + babies Pitor: Good coz Ive got a bonus 4 u this afternoon ;-) Grahame: That was awesome! I cant remember the last time I did ass to mouth I love it when you drill both holes! I can’t believe I’m reading this behavior coming from a guy who didn’t like to rim me because he thought doing that was too dirty-- the fucker! Pitor: yeah that was hot! glad I got to cum in each hole. U got to deep throat well even tho I choked u a few times. Grahame: No worries i fucking loved that! Having sooo much cock in my mouth was intense I almost blacked out. i can't decide if i like ur dick in my mouth or ass the most. Pitor: well i'll just have 2 keep fucking both ends like today then. Grahame: Oh yes please!!!! I’ve never felt so dumb, stupid and humiliated. Yet my cock had never been harder as their fucking tales unfolded and I realized I wasn't just upset, I was jealous. I had been missing out of being rammed by the apparently humongous cock which Grahame had been enjoying. 'Ummmm, I wish I knew what it felt like', I murmured to myself as I found myself jacking my dick. Pitor: It’s all set for this afternoon. Don’t forget to bring your leather blindfold he he I had no idea he owned a leather blindfold-- or where he kept it. The things you learn! Pitor continues: You really love POZ cock n cum up ur ass don't you and say u cant get enough so I have a plan 2 make sure u do get MORE than enough Grahame : I want it and am willing to do anything thing for your cock and cum Pitor: Anything eh? Grahame: Yes, yes, YES! In a trance reading all these reckless indiscretions I realized I was furiously wacking myself, and a huge amount of my pre-cum had pooled on my abs. Pitor: so what did you think of my Polish friends Pawel & Kris? Grahame: bloody fantastic m8 great big cocks rammed in both ends switching back and forth whats not to like? Glad they came first b4 you used that jagged PA on me. Pitor: yeah cum as lube is best, especially when its freshly diagnosed as POZ cum Grahame : Hell yes! Pitor: They’re in town a few more days. u wanna play some more with them? Grahame: YES!!! as much as we can!!!! But without the blindfold this time as I want to watch their faces and look into their eyes as they shoot their payload into me. Really want 2 make this happen…Harry and me have played around with guys in the past but always safe and I hate condoms so now I’m probably Poz from all the fucking WE have done Harry and me can bareback all the time and not worry. As u wont let me cum when we fuck I’m sooooo horny by the time I get home I’ve been fucking Harry almost every time I get to bed he must be POZ by now too! Pitor: Sweet my strain lives on Grahame: I’ve called in sick i wanna get fucked by them all RIGHT NOW. I notice there is a couple of weeks’ gap now between their conversations Pitor: when ru gonna get tested? Grahame: NO point, I’ve felt like crap for the past 2 weeks with what must be fuck flu but all good now can’t wait to ride your death stick again. Pitor: Great! i've got another friend u’ll like. Hes looking to become poz too. CUM over Tears ran down my face as I read about Grahame’s conversion party and confirmation of his seroconversion and realised from his symptoms that I was almost certainly also seroconverting. When I came to this realization, my cock exploded, shooting the biggest load of my life as my poz cum flew everywhere, giving me a real sense of perverse accomplishment, knowing that I could see this as an all around positive outcome as I could now share my seed and TOP for the first time. Without hesitation I scooted over to my laptop, open the web browser and post a BBRTS advertisement which read “Hung Poz Cock Seeking a Neg chaser".
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  25. CHAPTER 1 My wife had the great idea to go to a resort with her brother and his wife for a week over summer. We'd been happily married for 3 years & unhappily married for another year or so. She'd decided that a week away might spice things up. How that was meant to happen with her brother & his wife there was beyond me. Mike & myself were lounging by the pool while the girls were off doing some shopping. "Fuck man, I thought this was meant to help our relationship, she's nearly spent more time with your wife than me!" Mike said. "Tell me about it man, I've been so fucking horny and she's been nowhere to be found. She was talking about getting knocked up this trip and I've barely seen her.....Sorry man, I shouldn't be talking about fucking your sister" "Ha ha, it's cool. She used to tell me about all of the stuff she used to get up to so there's not too many surprises" "She didn't say anything about me did she?" "Just about how great your body is man, and I can tell seeing you in those speedos, she wasn't lying!" It must've been the alcohol talking as he started adjusting his cock as he said it, and I couldn't help but glance. "Shit, you've got me covered in the body department man" I replied. "and from the looks of things, in cock size too!" "Did you wanna check each other out?"Mike asked with a glint in his eye. "I dunno man, what about the girls? What about your sister?" "Well I sure as hell won't tel her so our secret's safe with me" "Alright then" I agreed and we walked off to my room. As I led the way I was thankful I was holding my towel and clothes in front of my growing cock. It felt like Mike was checking my ass out which I found exciting for some strange reason. I unlocked the door, we went into the room and I put my clothes and towel in the laundry basket. When I turned around I was shocked to see that Mike had already taken his speedos off and was already completely naked! His cock looked so massive even though he wasn't close to hard. "Damn man, how big is that?" I asked, unable to take my eyes off it. "Once it's fully hard? About 9 or 10 inches" as he started stroking his thickening cock. Even though I'd never felt anything like this before I couldn't help but think how sexy he looked. "Lemme see yours man" My 6-7 inch cock looked tiny compared to his monster as I removed my speedos. "Hey, that's nothing to be ashamed of" he said as he walked towards me. "Just might need a little more encouragement" He grabbed my cock and it felt like an electric shock going through my body. "See it's responding already" As he'd made the first move I felt a little more comfortable reaching out and touching his. My hand wrapped round his long shaft. Mike started slowly jerking my cock and following his lead, I began to do the same. "Dam, you're so good at this Mike" I whispered. I looked up and our faces were so close together, I could feel his warm breath in my mouth. His tongue flicked out & without even thinking I sucked it into my mouth. Once again I reeled back in shock. "Oh god, sorry Mike. I don't know what came over me!" He laughed it off, "Hey no harm done man. I fit didn't feel so good I'd have been a lot more offended" "You liked it?" I asked with a combination of nerves and shock. "Fuck yeah, I'd like to do it properly if you were keen" He suggested with a grin as he moved closer to me. His hot breath on me caused me to lose control again and I brought my lips to his and we started to make out. I'd never even thought about being with a guy and here I was, kissing my wife's brother as though we'd been lovers for years! Our hands sought each others' cocks once more, not nervously this time but with animal lust. I couldn't remember the last time I'd been so turned on and going from the fee of Mike's cock, he was starting to feel the same! "Damn my sister's lucky, you're a hell of a kisser" Mike smiled to me as we made out, "You're much better at it than she is" I replied. My free hand roamed down his chest as we kissed and I stroked his cock. He felt so fucking good I wanted to kiss every square inch of him. I broke off our kiss and I started kissing his hairy chest, sucking and biting on his nipples as Mike groaned his approval. Before I knew it I'd reached his abs and I could feel his cock on the underside of my chin as I knelt in front of him. I looked up at him questioningly, "I'm not gonna say anything if you don't man but fuck if you want this half as much as I do go for it!" Mike said as if he read my mind. END OF CHAPTER 1
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  26. Every bug chaser remembers the first time they made that fateful decision to knowingly take a poz load, and I'm no exception. It was quite a few years ago now, back when gay.com was still a good way to meet guys for hookups. I had been chatting with this one guy for quite some time, on and off. I still remember his profile name: Big N8R. His name was (you guessed it) Nate. And Nate had an 8 incher with a PA, so you can pretty much figure out why I kept talking to him. The only wrench? Big N8R was HIV positive. We flirted back and forth whenever we saw each other on, but I could never pull the trigger. I mean, he was definitely cute (rough looking, scruffy goatee, full sleeve tats) and had a big ol' cock, but he was poz and I didn't know if I was ready for that. Plus Nate made it very clear that he was all about fucking bareback and he didn't like to pull out. Well, one night I was online and had basically been cruising to get my ass fucked all day-- no takers. This left me exceedingly horny and exceedingly frustrated. A dangerous combo, as all you bug chasers know. Add to that I'd had a couple beers so... It was about 1 am and I was itching to get fucked. Some morbid fuckers might say I was "dying" for it. Anyway, Nate's online, so you can figure out what happened next: Me: Dude, I'm so horny! I really need dick tonight! Nate: I'd love to help you out, but you know my deal Me: Yeah, I know. And I think I'm ready for it Nate: Um, really? Do you know what you are asking for? Me: I've fantasized about your cock in me for a long time-- I think it's time we fucked. Nate: Ok. Just so we're clear-- I'm Poz. And I fuck bare. And I don't like to pull out. Me: Yeah. Um, if I asked you to pull out-- would you? Nate: well.... for you? Yeah. But I don't make a habit out of it. and I don't think you'll want me to Me: I really want to try this Nate: You sure? point of no return you know.... Me: Yes. And I texted him my address. He was at my door in 15 minutes, and naked beside my bed in one. First off, let me just say I picked a doozy for my first poz experience. Nate was 6'2", decently in shape (like you could almost see a six pack), tattoos everywhere including full sleeves, and that COCK! His pics didn't do it justice. It was every bit 8 inches, slightly arced downward, and one of those that is big to begin with but the middle is even fatter. And at the tip gleamed a huge PA. Turns out he had a 2 gauge in. Holy fuck. Secondly, let me just say I was nervous as fuck. You bug chasers can relate to this. I was standing on the edge of a precipice and just like Nate said-- point of no return. I knew I was about to "knowingly" take an HIV positive load in my ass. From a cock with a PA. The chances of infection would be high. The danger of the situation was intoxicating, but the implications were daunting. My stomach was in chaotic knots while I looked at his stiffening cock. My body was in a war with itself. My ass wanted that cock. My stomach was conflicted. My mind was screaming not to do this as it was too risky. And my cock was thickening at the sight of him. You can guess which side won in the end. Nate said, "You ready?" And I told him I was really nervous about the whole thing. He told me to just relax and that he really would pull out or stop any time if I asked him to. And with that, I dropped to my knees and started trying to suck his cock. I don't like trying to suck cocks with PAs as the metal clinks against my teeth and it's really jarring. So we only did this for awhile as I was very clumsy at it. Plus he didn't need any motivation for the main event as he was already drooling precum. Nate hoisted me up by my armpits and pushed me back onto the bed. "You don't need to suck me anymore cuz I'm just here for this sweet ass." He pushed my legs high and dove his tongue into my crack. And damn he knew what he was doing! Within 5 minutes he had be begging for that cock. I was on my back at the edge of my bed (it was a taller bed-- perfect height for a top standing and fucking me while I reclined) and he grabbed the gun oil. He lubed that big cock of his while staring into my eyes. "Last chance," he said. At this point I just grabbed behind my knees and opened my ass for him as a reply. The entry was excruciating. I had only been fucked by a guy with a PA once before, and it was a much smaller gauge. Feeling all that cool metal at my hole made my pucker seize up, and Nate basically had to force his cock inside me. "Fuck you're tight! Just relax, baby. You're gonna need to relax to take the fucking I'm about to throw. Oh, and by the way? It takes me forever to cum." I will say that Nate wasn't really out to hurt me-- at least at the beginning. He worked his cock in slowly (once that head and PA got past my ring) and bottomed out inside and left it there for a minute or two so I could get used to his size. He rocked gently side to side, helping me open up. And little by little, I did. He started slowly withdrawing and then pushing back inside. I could feel the PA shifting and moving inside me with every slow thrust. In my mind, I knew it was dragging across my intestines, possibly doing damage and putting microtears in the lining where the infection could enter my bloodstream. This made my stomach knot even more, but again, the sexy danger of it all gave me a raging boner which acted as a handle for Nate. "Looks like someone's enjoying this cock," he said with a smirk. "Oh my god! My ass is so FULL! I've never had this much cock in me-- And that PA! I can feel it moving inside me-- it's incredible. Don't stop fucking me, Please?" I begged. That's when Nate knew he had his victim. The more Nate fucked, the more into it I got. The idea of his cock being positive was fading into the background as the intensity of the fuck filled all of my present thoughts. I became a bottom machine on a mission-- to take his cock and load. Before long I was grabbing the edge of the bed and bucking my ass into his cock to force him as deeply into me as he could go. His PA was breaching my second ring at this point and the pleasure/pain was indescribable. You know, that painful punch deep in your guts but once the cock goes inside it's like the gates of heaven open up and choirs of angels are singing. True to his word, it took Nate a long time to cum. He probably fucked me for an hour solid-- and I was almost swallowing my tongue with the pleasure. By the end, he had my ankles in his hands and was completely withdrawing his cock and ramming it all the way back in to the hilt. Again and again and again. The PA just ripping past my sphincter like it was tissue paper. My poor neighbors! I know I was getting loud, but I didn't care. I was speaking in tongues and begging for him to cum. And begging for him to never stop fucking me. And begging for more and harder and deeper and whatever else I could beg for. I remember Nate finally looking down at me and into my eyes, and he got this almost quizzical look on his face... and then he rammed all the way inside me, as deep as he could go and he held it there. He froze in place, body tensed, not breathing. And then I felt the throb. His cock head was throbbing out that poz load deep into my guts-- well up into my abused second ring. Nate just kept looking into my eyes as his cock shot jet after jet of dick poison into me. I found I wasn't breathing or moving either. I was just as frozen as he was-- letting him plant this toxic seed inside my guts. When his orgasm subsided, we finally came back to ourselves. He was still buried in me, and he grabbed my precum leaking cock and he started to jack me off-- slowly. He timed the strokes on my dick with slow, short strokes of his cock in my ass. I was already near the edge, so it only took an agonizing minute before I felt my load boil out of my nuts and shoot all over my belly. He scooped up my neg load and ate it greedily. And then he ever-so-slowly pulled his softening cock out of my clenched hole. The PA was the last to pop out, and it was like my hole didn't want to let it go. We still hadn't spoken a word at this point, and we both crawled up onto my bed and lay side by side. Finally he broke the silence. "You ok?" He asked. "Yeah, I think so. Um, you didn't warn me when you were going to cum so I could have had you pull out...." "Would you have asked me to?" he inquired. "No. But if I had, would you have pulled out?" I asked back. "Honestly? No. It would have been like stopping an avalanche." We lay in silence a while longer. Then he got up and began to get dressed. "So that was your first poz load, huh? How are you feeling?" "Ok. A bit conflicted now that its over. But also turned on. And ashamed. And I feel stupid. And exhilarated. Lots of things." "Yeah," he said as he was at the door and ready to go, "Everyone remembers their first charged load."
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  27. The Stealth Bomber, Episode 1: Welcome to the Poz Team– Carl, Chris, Concierge in Denver, Curtis, the names in my ‘C’ column go on. I have tracked my victims from day one. While faces and asses have blurred over the years, their names/reference are logged, not one is lost, and my little trophy from each kill is put away with great care. My name, well my name changes and often, in person and online, I am always someone new, but someone new with the same goal, stealth bombing negative ass, turning unsuspecting bottoms and those who play at being a bottom into nasty, infected, viral filled cunts! In my mind I do call myself the Stealth Bomber, so that will work *Author’s note: The Stealth Bomber series is based on the real life of adventures of a fuck buddy of mine and is written in his honor and the work he does breeding ass. The stories are written from his perspective. Names and some details have been changed to protect the guilty, the innocent, and the just plain stupid. I have been lucky enough to take a number of his infected loads and hope you are someday too!* A little about me. I am in that sweet spot age of early 30s, so not too old for the young 20 somethings, and young enough for the 40 somethings to make them think they scored a sweet deal. I don’t have model looks, but men and women often admire me. I have a good job, a nice dick that is almost 9 inches, and nice thickness, and my best asset is my cum – thick, heavy loads that stick like oatmeal and I can cum 4 or 5 times in a row, each load as big and thick as the last – perfect for those cum hounds who beg for more! As the Stealth Bomber I plan to infect as many asses as I can, not just because I want to, I NEED TO INFECT AND BREED! It’s like needing to breathe for me. I need ass and only truly enjoy my orgasm when I know the hole riding me is negative. Do I fuck poz asses? Sure and I enjoy it, but the thrill of the chase, the satisfaction of conquering, and the twisted joy I get from stealth fucking is a whole other level. Let me tell you about my latest, Craigslist #67. Here was his post: Wanna breed a neg bbottom? - 30 (DC) - Neg bottom here. Turned on by the idea of getting pounded by a raw cock bb. Love aggressive dom types but not a must. I had not cummed in a couple days and my need was growing. I could get ass anyplace, but I wanted neg ass, ass to infect and this one sounded just right. I sent him an email with the usual sales pitch, told him how much I would enjoy being the dom top he needed, it had been so long since I had fucked anyone, and lie lie lie lie. He hit me back within minutes, we exchanged pics, he told me he wanted my dick so bad then said, “I’m neg/ddf, you? because I like to know, too many HIV+ guys out there.” Of course I told him I was neg too and it was hard for me to cum with a condom, so great to find a bottom who was neg I could play with and without further question he emailed me his address and asked me how I wanted him. Bent over by the door, ass lubed, ready for me I replied and was on my way. The buzzer in the old building sounded like a Ford truck on its last leg. I punched in the code, was buzzed in, made my way up and found the door to the apartment slightly ajar. With my left hand I pushed the door open, the light from the hall illuminating the white ass bent over and waiting for me, just like I like it! I stepped into the hall, closed the door and ran my hands up and down his negative ass – well neg for the moment. The bottom had one hand on the wall and the other was holding a bottle of poppers up under his nose sniffing like it was his last breath in a caved in coal mine. Just fine by me. I stroked his ass as I reassured him, “It is so good to find someone else who is negative. It has been so long, and I just cannot cum with a condom on, so I know I will enjoy this!” The bottom just mumbled into the poppers bottle and frankly I could give a fuck what he had to say. As he inhaled the poppers I dropped my jeans, made sure my cock ring from Fort Troff was on nice and snug (love those new thick ones they have), and with my left hand pulled out my cotton square. You see, I need a little souvenir from each stealth fuck, a reminder and evidence of my dirty deed and thank God for CVS and their cheap ass shit. I get like 100 cotton squares for a couple bucks and they are just the perfect size for my treasure chest. Anyways, I picked up the bottle of lube he had sitting by his feet and with my right hand began to work my index finger up his tight puckered hole. He immediately jumped, pranced, and did the two-step, but with my left hand held him still and continued to finger his ass. Like most bottoms he did not even flinch as my nail began to dig into his ass walls. While some guys leave one finger nail extra long to snort some lines, I leave my right index fingernail sharpened just right so that as I finger a dumb fuck’s cunt, I make sure to scratch and claw and tear his tender little hole so my cum can burrow in deep and infect him good. I continued to finger him as the clueless bottom started to buck and push back all the while telling him how nice his negative ass felt. It took only just a minute for me to see the bright red trails of blood when I wiped my finger on the cotton square – perfect!! I put the cotton square in my pocket, worked his hole a couple more times, and then bent over and began to lick at his ass. OH THE TASTE OF A RAW HOLE, TORN AND READY TO BE INFECTED! There is nothing like it. While I could eat a tangy ass for hours, I NEEDED to infect him, and so reluctantly pulled back, lined up my now dripping dick with his ass, and began to gently push my head against his now red slicked and winking hole. Every bottom is like a new horse. You have to gauge their reaction and willingness to submit and this one was ready for anything, so as soon as my head had pushed a little into his hole and he started to push back, I grabbed his hips and went balls deep. The bitch bottom arched his back, the muscles in his neck strained as he gasped, his fingers clawing the sheet rock of the wall as his left hand slung the bottle of poppers back under his nose as he sniffed and snorted and grunted. I let him feel my dick spread him open, and once the poppers started their magic, his ass ring began to relax and I was able to get to work. While I can take hours to cum if I wanted to, I just needed to infect, so this was a slam, bam, fuck. The dumb ass bottom grunted, moaned, and mumbled as I grabbed his hips and fucked him deep and hard. His hole got wet and sloppy quick, so I knew my fingernail had set the stage for a grand finale. “Oh, you got such a good ass, the best I have ever felt, you feel so good, want to make love to your hole!!” I murmured and he replied with more moans and gave his ass fully to me. They all want to feel special, cared about, loved if you will. Fuck that, they are just worthless pieces of ass for my pleasure! My balls pulled high and tight, my dick began to tingle, my whole body began to tense as my cum quickly moved up and stationed itself, ready to breed and infect its next target. The bottom was practically drooling now as he had bent completely over giving me full and deep access to his negative hole. Nothing like a cum whore to get me off, so I rewarded his gratitude and pulled him close to me as my dick head edged his ass walls and I began to plant my seed in him. “You want me to cum? Oh you have me so close? Want me to pull out? Please let me cum, please!” I begged, and of course he said yes, but it was already too late, I had already let loose my first load and there is nothing that gets me hotter than fucking an ass that I have already bred once. As load number two shot deep, he begged for me and I gave it all to him. I had had enough of this bottom, and it was time to go. All pretense over, I yanked out of his used hole with one tug making him cry out. “Oh I am so sorry, are you OK?” I asked with feigned care and concern as I rubbed his ass cheek with my left hand. With my right hand I pulled the cotton square out of my shirt pocket and wiped it up and down his crack, inserting it in his torn hole and reveled in the glorious site of blood and my cum as I pulled it back out, carefully folded it, placed it back into my shirt, pulled up my pants, told him how much I hoped we could do this again and let myself out. As the elevator doors closed behind me I studied my latest treasure chest addition. It was soaked pretty good, deep red, the edges a light pink, and was literally sopping. YES! Another successful breeding and I was sure my charged up load would be with this one forever. As soon as I got home I carefully attached my bloody and cum soaked cotton square to an index card, noted the date and other information, and filed it in my treasure chest. I then got online and sent him an email, thanking him for a great time, reinforcing how nice it is to meet a negative bottom, and that I hoped to see him again soon. He immediately hit me back asking when. Little did he know, I had no desire to fuck him again, he was done and was now part of the other team – POZ! In about two weeks I would email him, accuse him of infecting me, and refer him to Ernest at the local HIV clinic for testing. Little did he know I fucked Ernest raw at least twice a week. By day Ernest preached safe sex and played the good little clean queen, but by night he was my cum slut who wanted nothing more than my poz load in his ass. Stay tuned for more adventures – would Ernest tell a neg bottom he is poz just for me to use? Where is my next victim found?
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  28. I have lived a very fortunate life. I came into enough money to live more than comfortably and decided I wanted to live in a fantasy so to speak. So I moved to a new town, got a big place, and got me a few house boys. I knew what kind I wanted, or at least I thought I did. After many interviews I found 3 that were very much to my liking. Luke is a short built blonde firecracker. He’s got a great laugh and a seriously kinky side. He loves to cook so he’s the butler, cook, and personal trainer. Next was Gabe. I usually don’t like the younger thinner set but he was too sweet and willing to do ANYTHING for the job and for me so I took him on as the cleaning boy. Finally there is Jake. Jake surprised me, I usually don’t find guys taller than me attractive and me being 6’2” I don’t run into them a lot anyway. But Jake is 6’4” and has the shoulders and chest of a god so he was hired. He is my gardener, driver, and mechanic. Each is special in my eye in a different way. I can’t forget the first time I bred each one of them. But those are stories for another day. Today I wanted to write about our latest contest I had with them. First you have to understand I LOVE cum, anyway I can get it, the feel, the taste, just everything about it. I knew it was going to be a rough week at work so I designed a contest for them. I gave them one weekend, from fri night till sun morning to bring me the best hole they could. I didn’t care who fucked them or how many. Whoever brought me the best cum sloppy, sweet tasting, warm, worn hole the way they all know I like it, would win. I promised the winner a good bonus and a small trip just the two of us and sent them on their way. I knew each of them had at least one fuck buddy besides me but wasn’t sure how far they would go. I just knew I love sloppy seconds and was hoping they would surprise me. And they did. I swear I didn’t see much of any of them that weekend. Fri night I had a work dinner and came home and no one was there. I later got a text asking me to join them at a club we sometimes go to. I decided to stay in though. Each of the boys has a room that has access into the house and to the outside so they can come and go as they please. I had a few drinks and went to bed. I figured if any wanted a judging that night they would wake me up. The next morning I woke up and started toward the kitchen. That’s when I heard Gabe getting plowed upstairs, and noticed Luke was walking like he was freshly fucked making breakfast. He always looks hot in the morning, he was standing there in a red tank top showing off all the definition of his chest and arms. I could just make out those rosy nipples that taste so good. The cotton gray pajama pants that hung over his ass just reminded me of those sweet globes and that perfect winking hole I have seen, kissed, and felt the inside of so many times. I asked him “How are you doing this morning? You’re looking a little bow legged.” “I’m fine, just trying to keep it ready for ya.” “Oh, is it ready to be judged?” I said as I felt myself harden in my pants so excited at the idea. “Not yet. I have two more who are supposed to be stopping by this morning. Maybe then you can judge it” Luke said I groaned and rubbed myself. Smiling, he laughed and asked “Would you like a taste, just a preview?” “You know I would.” “Promise it won’t influence your vote? We all promised to play fair on this one and don’t want to be caught cheating,” asked with a smirk. I raised my hand like a boy scout and said “I promise if one of their holes is better I will choose them. Now can I have a taste?” He stuck his hand that wasn’t holding the spatula for the eggs and bacon into his pajama pants for a moment and it came back glistening. Looking like snail slime all over his middle finger. He put it to my mouth. I kept my lips closed for a min so I could smell his ass juice and cum on the finger. I tasted it like it was a fine delicacy. It was sweet and tangy. My mouth followed his finger as he attempted to withdraw himself from my mouth. In fact, I was off my stool and grabbed his waist to prevent his departure. Not to be outdone, before he could stop me. He pushed us together so I couldn’t get his pants down, turned his head and kissed me. Then said “You are always welcome to my hole, you know that, but you have a contest going on and that wouldn’t be fair” I acquiesced and returned to the breakfast bar to await my breakfast. At that moment I heard Gabe’s infamous howl meaning he had been jizzed in and set over the edge himself. We both laughed. “Well he seems to be in the spirit of it” Luke said “Of course. Are you worried?” “Not really, I know I am your ideal type, as long as I can get a lot of good cum in my hole I’ll win” “Oh a bit cocky are we? Don’t rest on your laurels. You always have to watch out for the underdog” “I’m not being cocky, just confident, besides I have an ace up my sleeve I’m not sharing” “How exciting. Have we seen or heard from Jake yet?” “We all went to the club together last night. We kind of split up as the night wore on. I think he may have gone to the bathhouse.” “You have an ace to beat bathhouse used hole?” I laughed “We’ll just have to see won’t we, besides I’m not sure that is where he went, and you know a guy his size is always being begged to be the top in the bathhouse.” “Well he is good at that too.” “Hey, I am too but that’s not the contest. Don’t go changing the rules now.” “No worries about that. I’m looking far to forward to 3 sloppy, tasty holes far too much.” “Good, because I’m making you more than breakfast lol” Luke said as he slide the food in front of me and wiggled his ass at me. “Now if you don’t mind, I have some more mixing and batter making to do before my dish is ready to be served.” And with that off he walked, still with just a bit of the stagger of being freshly fucked. It took everything I had not to tackle him and take that ass. I know what that ass feels like, and how much sweeter it is cum filled. However I resisted. I sat there eating my breakfast hard as a steel girder. When I had finished my omelet I heard Gabe bounding down the stairs to his room. He was wearing a pair of running shorts and no shirt. His body is always a little distracting, He’s got the forever tan Latino beautiful skin. He has the most delicious brown nipples that beg to be tortured and oh how does he love it. “Good morning, David”, Gabe said. “Good morning, boy. Is your friend gone?” Gabe blushed and said “Yes, I sent him on his way, he had donated to my cause and I was through with him. “ “Your vacation cause?” I said laughing “Yes, I don’t want to be left behind” He said sheepishly “You do know we are coming back” I said giggling “Oh I do, but to have to do without you and your cock would make me so sad” he says as he grabs my cock through my pajama pants. “So has either of the other boys turned in their homework yet?” “No, I think they are both still working on it.” “Is there any extra credit if I turn it in early?” “Not neccesarly” “But it’s not gonna hurt me to turn it in early” he says as he bends over the counter next to me. “No, it might help your cause seeing as your brother was in here turning me on making me breakfast, I could really use the chance to get off.” “Good cause the fresh load I have in my ass is begging to be worked in.”He says as he pulls down his shorts. “I even added my own loads to the hole.” I stood and walked over to him, savoring the sight of his round ass. It is almost hairless expect for the crack. As I got closer I felt myself smiling seeing the cleft of his ass sitting there, begging for it. “So how long have you been working on this hole?” I asked as a felt the globes of his ass. “All night sir, I wanted to get it as full and sloppy as possible for you, I was going to go even longer but I’ve come upon a dry spell this morning and wanted to get it to you while it was fresh.” “Well you do know how I like it Gabe” As I parted his cheeks I saw just a hint of shine at the top of his crack. I started to follow it down with my eyes, noticing the mix of cum, sweat, saliva, and ass juice blended together in his crack, covered with the finest of hairs. I was hard as a rock. It took everything I had not to just drive home in one swift motion. But I remembered I was supposed to be judging this and wanted to get all the aspects of this fine specimen. I leaned forward and sniffed it and felt a drop of precum leak out of myself. Running my tongue down around his ass he started to squirm. As I got closer and closer the taste got stronger and stronger. I finally made it to his winking hole and felt the heat coming off his fresh fucked hole. I dove in. He kept squeezing his hole to make sure to keep it in but was moaning so loud from my tongue assault. I am humming in his ass eating his ass like I am a ravenous animal given his favorite dish. Licking, tonguing, chewing, and sucking on that hole for all I was worth, but I could only get a little cum out, he was a skilled boy keeping it in there. Finally I couldn’t take it any longer and stood up to drive my meat into that perfect hole. As I stood up Gabe asked me “So how was the taste?” I laughed a bit. “You want judged on the different parts?” “I like to know how I am doing.” “I give it a 7. Perfect taste, Nice and fresh” “Why only a 7?” He says as he is wiggling his ass on my cock. “Because though I can tell that the hole is cum filled, I can always have more cum” As I am thrusting in his crack. Feeling my dick rub his hole over and over. He keeps trying to get it in but I am enjoying his slimed crack. “Come on daddy, my hole feels great and it needs you in it.” At that I knew I was going in on the next stroke, and I did, all the way to the hilt in one stroke. He cried out nice and loud just like I like. I left it in at full dept and felt his hole squirm and stretch as it adjusted to yet another cock in the warm cum cavern. I heard the front door open as he screamed, and then proceeded to thank me and my cock. I saw jake walk in, he looked rough, he was a little dirty and his clothes looked worn. He smiled at me and winked as I was balls deep in Gabe. “I’ll get to you next, Jake.” “Oh I’m not ready yet, Sir” “Sir?” “It’s been a long night of service to get ready for you. But I am not done yet.” “Got it, your brother wanted extra credit for turning in early.” “Did he get some?” “No extra credit, but he is defiantly fresh and going to get it good” at which point Gabe couldn’t handle it any longer and started trying to move all over my cock. But with his jammed between me buried deep and the counter he couldn’t do much but milk my cock in his ass, moan, and groan. Jake laughed and turned to walk away and I noticed his jeans had a hole ripped in the ass and his pants were soaked around that hole. Between Gabe squirming on my cock and the sight of that I felt my dick get even more ridged. I almost blew right there but I knew I wasn’t done. I gave his hole 5 good deep slams and pulled out and dove for that hole before it all leaked out. And was I ever rewareded. I got my face planted in his ass just in time to catch cum running leaking out of his hole. Swallowing and sucking I gathered all the cum I could from that hole. He just kept up his growling and started his pleading to be breed. I stood up and drove back in. I knew I wasn’t going to last long. I was way too turned on but was determined to give him a good ride and did. I started thrusting on him and he just got dirty in his talk. He was begging for cum, calling me every name in the book. “My cum channel needs you daddy. Make me yours, load me up. You own this hole no claim it. I wanna feel your morning load coating my ass. I wanna keep it in me forever. Own my ass, tear it up so no one else can use it but you. Deeper, harder, just own it.” After all that talk spewing out of his mouth I just started smacking his ass to feel that muscle squeeze me tight. And when I was finally close enough I bent over his back and grabbed his nips. He needed pain and I needed to feel his ass get as tight as possible. I pinched hard. I tried to rip those bastards off and felt his ass tighten up from the pain just causing him more pain. He cried out. He went rigid which sent me over the edge. I kept thrusting right past his protesting ass and enjoyed the ride. He was screaming in a mix of pain and pleasure. That was it I grunted load and dumped a load in my little houseboy. It felt like it went on for ever. I just kept shooting steam after stream of cum into his ass. And I hadn’t let go of his nips. I had held on for dear life as I jizzed his hole. He let out a scream. This boy always has had jizzjoy. That was that I thought. “Did you jizz the counter Gabe?” I said as I released his nips. He sighed. “No sir, I know better.” “Good boy, damn nice hole” I said as I slipped out of his hole “Thanks Daddy.” “Now get me a sharpie” I smacked his ass to tighten the hole “And keep that cum in” He reached over the counter and produced a sharpie out of the drawer there. I took the black marker and wrote an 8 on his ass. “Of course, nothing makes me happier. How did I do?” “You did great as always and I scored your hole too” “And?” “I wrote it on there at the time of deposit so as not to be skewed. If you wanna find out what it is find a mirror” I said laughing. “Oh and no pants till tomorrow morning and only a jockstrap if you need underwear. I’m going to want to taste that ass later again.” “Got it, Thanks” To be continued
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  31. Not really! Can cope with gono very well.
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  32. Given the way gay men travel, I doubt it matters. Past outbreaks started in Hawaii and spread to the West Coast. If it's out there, it only takes one guy having a hot night at Steamworks to carry it all over. Aren't you worried about never shutting off your dripping, burning cock? It's not like getting pozzed and "having no symptoms."
    1 point
  33. Job done. Who's next in line?
    1 point
  34. fuck me I'm fertile. dirty cumdump in wny, poz off meds now for 6 months. looking for charged tops/breeders and pervs. can host no problem. wickr bareben
    1 point
  35. He looked down at my hole. He slapped his covered cock onto my hole a few times, teasing it with his head. I saw him stroking his penis with his spit getting ready to penetrate me again. Eddie: Oh fuck I'm gonna make your pretty pussy gape. And he thrust into me in one shot and held it steady deep. He had my ankles up still and just started to grind out and in slowly. Eddie: Do you feel all of me in you faggot. I'm balls deep. I couldn't speak due to the girth of his cock but I still held him tight by his hips as he made himself fit. He pulled all the way out. Eddie: Oh yeah pretty puss is already starting to stretch. And pushed back in. Eddie: Tell me to go faster faggot. Tell me what you need in you. Jacob: Oh Sir! Fuck!! Please don't stop. Eddie: That's right faggot. He started to pump more and more into me until I was babbling incoherently about how good he felt using me like his cock glove. He kept bottoming out his balls slapping against mine, the sound driving us both crazy. Eddie: Oh boy you feel so good wrapped around me! He grabbed both my ankles in one of his strong hands and started to fuck me on my side a little, using his other hand to stretch open one of my cheeks. Eddie: Fuck I've got a two week load built up, and I. am going to. smear. your. walls! He kept fucking me more aggressively with every word. He grabbed my ankles one on each hand again and spread my legs out and knees at my chest and drove himself home. Eddie: I'm about to cum son. He said as he built up his speed. Eddie: Baby boy can I shoot in your hole. Jacob: Fuck no! Even with your condom, pull out! He picked up his pace and held my ankles down tighter. Eddie: Oh too late baby boy I'm shooting I'm shooting! I felt his cock bounce in my ass as it pulsed his cum into the condom. Jacob: Dude what the fuck you were supposed to pull out! He didn't stop fucking me. Eddie: Baby boy look down at my cock. I had to bend my head up awkwardly while he was still rough fucking me. Jacob: What the fuck man! The condom came off! Eddie: Yes it did pretty boy. I broke them both right away, I don't fuck with condoms. Jacob: Get off me man! He held me in place. Eddie: What's the matter straight boy? Haven't gotten off yourself yet. And doesn't that cold feeling feel so good down there. Do you feel me in you, smearing up against all those pretty walls you have. I struggled to release myself but he was stronger. Eddie: I already came, but I can stay hard enough to fuck you more if you still wanna cum. Jacob: But dude you came inside me. Eddie: Yeah and it's your turn to feel that good. Feel me still inside you, still making you make these noises. He had me there, he didn't lose any part of his erection and he still had me moaning. Eddie: I already came, all I can do now is make you feel good. Jacob: Alright fine dude but just until I cum. Eddie: Let's make this fast then faggot.
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  36. PART10 It's been a couple of days and I haven't had the chance to fuck around - I've been trying to catch up with my notes from college and also do some advance reading in the library - I know that some of my classmates would be professionals and have years of experience so I have to keep up, going directly to grad school after college was starting to look less appealing as the days went by - though all the cock I've gotten here in Cairo reminded me of how amazing the past 2 weeks has been. And finally tomorrow would be the first day of class and I can finally start my first steps into having that graduate degree. My first class was pretty much uneventful. I had a middle aged lady as my professor with a dozen or so middle aged guys - none of which caught my attention - All seemed to be happily married and were just taking this class to get a promotion at work. Sigh. I was more excited going into my second class as I knew Professor Ahmed would be handling it - gosh it's been days since I last saw him and I'm aching to have his cock in me. As I got into class, the professor still wasn't there but what caught my attention was ... there sitting on the 3rd row side by side are Jacob and David! My fuck from more than a week ago. Shit I knew these gorgeous guys were foreign students but they never told me that we were going to the same school. Agh what jerks! As I walked to sit beside David... all I can see from both of them were these devlish grin and smile. I was really quite upset but I also felt my pussy tingle at the same time - the thought of being in the same classroom as with 3 guys I've fucked really turned me on - it also didn't hurt that all are amazingly hot and great fuckers. Moments later Professor Ahmed got into the room and started discussing the class syllabus... I really couldn't concentrate to what he was saying as my eyes focused on his bulge and his fit shirt which pretty much highlighted his amazing body and pecs and when I looked to my side David and Jacob may seem ordinary from the rest but god they were hot as hell too! I might fail this class for being too horny for my professor and classmates. And then my day dream was broken as David spoke to me "so wanna be group mates?" All I could muster was "what?", David then replied "Well the professor said we should work in groups of 3 for a research paper, want to join me and Jacob?" I was still quite confused with everything and I just responded "yeah, sure thing." God I really have to get my act together, I was in a complete daze but then I started to regain my composure as we started to move on further into discussing class requirements and such. Then as the class was dismissed, before Professor Ahmed left, I pretty sure he gave me a wink and smile as he exited the room. It was already getting dark then as this was a 7pm class after all and the building was almost deserted... as I walked through the corridor, a familiar touch made its way to my shoulder and it was David with a smile on face. He then grabbed my hand and just said "come with me" we made our way to the PWD toilet down the hall and Jacob was already there inside waiting for us. Ugh these fuckers are really cunning and horny I thought. In seconds Davids lips found its way to my neck as he started to kiss and lick me... Jacob then started to undress and I was reminded of how nice his hairy toned body was. David then started to make his way through my body as he removed my g string while keeping the rest of my dress. His hands made its way to my pussy and his fingers were amazing! I then bent down as I started to suck the thick cock of Jacob. And god how I miss te feeling of cock in my mouth... his thick cock was stretching my mouth and I slobbered all over it as he moans started to escape his mouth. Then David yanked me as his mouth made its way to my pussy and his tongue teasing the hell out of it. He then positioned his dick and then slowly entered me with just his spit and whatever fluid I produced as lube... he bottomed out as I continued sucking Jacob, my hands made there way to Jacob's chest as David fucked me slowly and said "we've missed this pussy" I could only moan as he gathered pace and started to fuck me harder... then he started to withdraw and left my pussy empty. I was sad but then Jacob sat on the toilet and I took it as a sign. I climbed over him and then started to ride his thick cock ... I moaned in pure pleasure as his thick cock made its way through my pussy... I was wet and horny. I grabbed on to David's cock and put it in my mouth.. I sucked him as I rode Jacob's piece of thick cock. We were all moaning and grunting - not caring if our moans of pure lust echoed through the empty corridors. Then David pulled out his cock from my mouth and gave me a wink... he started to go lower and positioned his dick near my pussy as well and then he slowly pushed against my pussy which was already full with Jacob's cock... then *plop as his cock head entered me and then slowly he bottomed out and both of them kept stil for a while as I got used to the extra feeling of fullness. And shit it was amazing... my pussy was now wetter and slicker as both found their rhythm and fucked me in sync and their cocks rubbed against each other's inside my pussy - gosh these guys are kinky as hell. Then without warning I felt one dick throbbing in me... then followed by another... no moans or grunt just complete silence as both emptied their loads into my pussy. David was the first one to pull out and then I pulled myself from jacob's now softening cock as globs of cum dripped on to the floor... I felt so horny being the slut that I am and I made my way to both their cocks and cleaned it with my mouth and tongue. I then looked at myself at the mirror and there looking back at me was this cum covered slut with messed up hair to complete the "look". Both guys thanked me and said we would be having more of this as we were "groupmates" after all. They exited the toilet at the same time as I was there left cleaning off te cum on my face.
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  37. I've done a lot of slutty things but the top 2 are probably getting fucked by my bf and his dad and then fucking my bf's sister. Second would have to be getting fucked by 4 large dogs and their owners and friends one night.
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  38. The two guys knelt down next to the Fuck Bench with their cum and lube covered hands and arms still fused together I centred my body over it and lowered myself down. I made contact with it and began to squirm atop it looking for the right angle of entrance. It felt like I was sitting on a barstool. I felt my asshole begin to open, my anal ring spreading and stretching over it. In an agony of sexual drive, I lowered myself further, continuing to spread, not believing how far I was stretched. I reached down to feel how much had penetrated and couldn’t believe that I still had a long way to go before my ass would envelop the massive ‘fist’ and it would all be inside me. Further I stretched, any pain overcome by my arousal and need. I opened more, stretched a little more, then……OH MMMYYYY GGGOOODDDDDDD it was in and my anus closed around the relatively smaller thickness of their wrists. Now I could sink down faster. A slight pause and adjustment and they were inside my colon, my anus spreading open again as the three forearms entered me. I sunk down until my ass was resting on their biceps. I lifted off them, then back down again, fucking myself on this huge cock. Faster I went and this was the most erotic feeling of all. There was no way that I could orgasm and yet I felt the shivers leading to an explosion coursing through my body building from my curling toes to those all too familiar sensations in my balls. I shut my eyes tightly tossing my head from side to side, bright colours flashed across the fog in my brain. I was reduced to quivering as my body shook uncontrollably. The two smiled at me saying, "You have to be completely exhausted, give in to us, relax, you have no choice. We have control." I scream a muffled “No after No” tossing my head from side to side. Teasingly I felt them bang against my prostate again and again and in response I squeeze my eyes tightly shut forcing tears to roll down my face. Someone from behind me says, "Look! He's crying, Oh my God you reduced him to tears." As I cried my body shook. The guys were relentless as they banged, prodded and flicked the nut inside me. “Oh! Yeah it’s amazing how much pleasure and pain just your fingers and hands can provide." I shut my eyes again in extreme pain saw a bright flash of colour and blacked out, welcoming the oblivion brought on by passing out. I do not know for how long I was out of it. I do remember waking up to a warm sensation all over my body as through flickering eyes my senses came back to life as I realised I was being pissed on again. One final punch to my prostate and that was it: the sensations, sights of cocks and sounds of piss splashing all over my body were too much. I shook tremendously upon the onset of orgasm. My balls strained, pulled up and groaned loudly as I watched my seed spew out into the air, landing in splats on my abs and the floor.
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  39. Point Break - Part 2: Hotel Hoe Down : I reached up and eased the plastic off my head, wiped the sweat and grime from my face, rolled over and looked for my shadow man. Once again he was silhouetted against the single light, all shades of darkness, and then he spoke, “Good slut. You want some more breeder dick? Fucking white bitch twitch.” My trip to NYC was going great so far. I had checked in, taken some anonymous dick in my room when this superior BBC master I had chatted with sent his buddy to ‘inspect me’. I got bred and fucked good, then was told to go up to the 17th floor, where, amidst the debris and chaos of the floor renovation, the BBC, or shadow man since I had not seen his face, got me high on a crack pipe then pounded the fucking living daylights out of my ass. I WONDER WHAT ELSE HE HAD PLANNED FOR ME? “You want some more rock?” the shadow man asked. I was relishing the heat radiating from my ass, picturing his AIDS nutt burrowing like the great worms of Dune through my intestinal wall. I got up onto my knees and replied, “Yeah, sure.” Shadow man stepped forward, his POZ dick so close, his face darker than a summer storm when he reached down and cuffed me good, “Try that again hoe - that’s no way to address your superior black master especially after he just gifted you. So, if you trying to be that drugged-up-pussy-slut, how do you think you respond - huh?” I hung my head, “YES SIR - MASTER SIR - ANYTHING YOU SAY - WANT ME TO DO. I’LL DO IT. YES SIR MASTER.” He chuckled, “Fucking dick hungry white cunts. That’s better. You learn quick. Good thing because me and my homies plan to seed that manhole. Show you how big and filthy and nasty the Big Apple sewer rats are. Fill you with gutta-snipe dick, infected jizz, sling that dope in your lungs and veins, and make you O.D. every which way imaginable.” Hell yeah! I was still trying to process each part of what he had just said when shadow man stepped out of my line of vision, went behind me, grabbed the plastic sheeting, then I heard him cut into it with a knife or some other instrument. He walked up behind me, rested his still hard dick on my right shoulder and I about broke my neck trying to twist it so I could touch him with my tongue. He lowered a big slice of plastic construction sheeting down in front of my face, moved his hands in unison towards the back of my head and said, “Reach up and grab it in the back right where my hand is at.” I lifted my left hand and grabbed the stiff, slick, plastic. Shadow man was behind me and I heard RRRRIIIIPPPPP. “Stay fucking still and don’t worry. Won’t have you falling out on me just yet, but if you real good got a buddy who will choke you out just as he slams his monster dick in to breed you - you won’t fucking believe how that feels. Anyways, going to tape this shit up, wrap you up like a bag of medical waste and will then cut a hole flap for your mouth/nose in a minute so you can take the pipe, wet the dick, swallow the piss, and whatever the else I fucking decide to stuff your gullet with. What do you say fag boy?” Even through the plastic now covering my face he could clearly hear my reply, “YES SIR - MASTER SIR - ANYTHING YOU SAY - WANT ME TO DO. I’LL DO IT. YES SIR MASTER.” Having wrapped my head in plastic and duct tape like a mummy, shadow man then stood in front of me and said, “You better not flinch, otherwise you can play the Joker in the next Batman movie.” He gripped the plastic between his fingers and slowly sliced into it making a diagonal line left to right from just about my left nostril down to the right corner of my mouth, then reversed the process so the plastic had a big X cut into it. He shoved two fingers through the hole. I opened my mouth; he scraped up my gums and cheeks a bit as I spread my jaw wider and wider. “Yeah, that’ll do,” he proclaimed. Shadow man stepped away, “Aiight, open that air hole up so you can hit this big rock. You ain’t no baby bird no more so I want to see a true fucking rock star you hear me? Suck that shit up; hold it deep, I want you to tweak the fuck out. You are going to give up control one way or the other - willingly or not - I don’t give a fuck which and before we’re done you’ll be begging to have me slut you to the NYPD mounted patrol so that hoe pussy can get filled with 4-legged horse dick.” CLICK - the lighter caught, the rock hissed as it sparked, the cool glass quickly warmed up between my lips and I almost flinched and pulled away as the flame felt awful close to my face, but I held steady. “Good bitch - good bitch. Take that smoke,” my superior BBC master said. Over and over, back to back, I hit the pipe and was getting fidgety as hell. He then stepped away, I could hear him inhaling, exhaling, could smell the rank particles filling the air. “We all good - come on now. The homies are waiting,” he said. I stood up, let him turn me around, and reached back to try to find his hard shaft and grabbed on. “Dick hungry hoe huh? Tell me faggot hoe how you going to make this superior black man proud tonight?” I spit the words out quicker than Vanilla Ice, “Fuck me master. As much as you want - as many guys as you want - whore me out - drug me up - no limits MASTER - just infect me, POZ me, fill me with dirty dick, seed, dick...of Jesus I’m kinda fucked up. Um...make me take your piss, slap me, choke me, spank me, um...fuck me - oh wait I said that. Use your toothbrush on me MASTER - my mouth and ass - um...pussy cunt. Manhole.” Shadow man laughed, slapped my ass cheeks hard, grabbed my hips then slammed his raw dick back in with no warning as he filled me, “Fuck yeah white bitch twitch. All that and more and that’s just the beginning. I got a whole lotta R&B planned for you. Rob you and beat you - rape you and breed you - rim you and bang you - rip you up and bust you out. I may O.D. you just to watch you shake, sweat, puke, shit, and hallucinate until you think you at fucking Coney Island before I put that pipe back to those lips and set you right just so I can edge you back out all over again with one fucked up trip after another.” My mind reeled as he roughly grabbed my wrists, pulled my arms behind my back and twisted, “And that’s just tonight.” I groaned as he slid his BBC out of my hungry ass, and shook with need for the pleasures that awaited me down the rabbit hole. “Come on” he said as he pushed me forward, “I’m just walking you down the hall. I got you. Don’t worry. You won’t fall or shit. Homies are waiting.” He paused, slammed me face up against the door jam, drove his dick back in me, and snarled, “Nothing gets my POZ nutts churning that boy cunt butter like watching my home boys use a hoe bitch - totally anonymous - on the DL. Big dicks one and all. Rough trade shit - and each and every motha-fuckin one has AIDs or some sketchy shit to breed in that puss puss. They’ll be fighting, drinking, drugging, and whoring - you being the whore. What? Don’t fuckin worry about where we going. Jesus. I can see we need to keep that mouth stuffed. OK - you saw all the construction shit up here? Well a couple years back some folks from China or some shit bought the place. Thought we were going to be the next big thing, so they decided to tear shit up. Make it all high end. Well, what they didn’t realize is folks with that kind of cash don’t come to this part of town. Nothing here. So shit tanked - new owners, whatever. Anyways, things got left as they are with no money or plans in the future to fix it. So, I use it for my needs - to breed and POZ dumb fucks like you, and more. Just down the hall is the only room they done up - a suite - or what would have been a new suite. It was a model of how they thought the whole place would look. Come on now. Enough yapping.” I let the superior BBC master guide me through the debris, down the hall until he stopped, “OK, let’s do another rock real quick like. Huff it up like you having a baby - an AIDs baby - my baby - you about to give birth so suck that smoke good.” This time the smoke scalded my windpipe and lungs going down and coming up - it was like inhaling acid! Satisfied, he rapped on the door - paused - rapped twice real fast - paused, then again. Nothing. I could hear him slide his key card in and the door caught as he opened it, “GOD DAMN IT MUTHA-FUCKAS. WHY THE HELL DID YOU LOCK THE DOOR? COME ON NOW AND LET ME IN - I GOT TONIGHT’S PINK PUSSY TREAT AND THE HOE IS ALL LOOSEY-GOOSEY.” The door lock was flipped back; a wave of voices, smells, and other noises permeated the plastic wrapped around my head. “Where’s that tin foil - don’t fuckin burn it through man - hell! Who got a fresh needle? Man I hope that puta gets here soon - I need to piss something fierce. Yo - who snagged by box of rocks? Motha-fuckas better step up! You dealing or what man? Come on now. The bet is good.” Almost as one all the voices hushed like the Pope had just entered the room. Through the opaque plastic I could make out just general shades of darkness, light, movement and the bright areas in front of me filled into dark voids and multiple men gathered round - how many I had no idea. I was turning my head side to side like a hooded falcon on an Arabian prince’s arm. Shadow man spoke up, “Hey, hey HEY! Jesus it’s like running a God-damn day care sometimes with you all. Listen up. So far, this hoe has done good - real good. But - and you know what I mean when I say but - the faggot gurl still has some proving to do. So, I need to go down to the restaurant and fix some shit real quick. In the meantime - HEY HEY HEY fuckin shut up! In the meantime, just stick to the pipe for now but no limits on the man cunt aiight? I already marked that pussy good so POZ it up, bloody it up, beat it up, what the fuck ever I don’t care.” My BBC master let go of my arm, voices were raised, hands grabbed me, and before I could barely take a breath I was bent over with some uncut, slimy dick fucking my mouth while a toilet paper roll sized one fucked my ass. The voices started again… “Yo, pull off that mouth - let me share this spark - come on now, take the pipe - suck it up, yeah bitch - yeah! Fucking wet pussy right here guys - fucking wet - sloppy - fuck that’s good - already dropped some cum - who’s next? Back off nicca! You and those fucking toys - no way man! We only using this hoe for dick - dick dick dick. Need me to say it again? Why does Carlos always try lifting them ankles up when he sees my big black dick swinging? You going all gurly on us Carlos? Or you going to do some baby momma making? HA! Come open that mouth and lick my fuckin drip! Get ready for this Superman dick! Wait no - Iron Man - yeah my shit’s brick hard - oh fuck - wait - Thor dick - with my war hammer! You dumb ass - Thor’s white! He needs this Black Panther Dick prison fuck down. Let me climb up in that hole and show you what’s what. Skeet skeet - take them babies in that fag cunt! Swallow - don’t fuckin dribble! That’s some good piss right yo! Hey - who can film this shit - look at them ass lips stretch for my monster! Fucking-eh niccas, homie got us a true freak sub! Look at that shim’s cunt pulse after I brushed it good - all bloody and ready for my POZ load - fuck yeah!” On and on it went as one after another of the dudes gave me the smoke, gave me the pipe, gave me their manly juices from spit, to piss, to nutt and more nutt. Like shadow man said, there was plenty of fighting and shit and I was not the only one who was going to leave that room with bruises. I was on my back on the couch; my legs lifted high and up so the top fucking me could dig in deep. His dark image a blur through the plastic homemade hoodie as he pounded and with each thrust he worked to fill my mouth with his spit as he practiced lobbing chunks at my open, eager air hole. Someone sat down on the couch to the right, patted my head, and said, “Well, well, well. I see the hoe’s found what that pussy needed.” It was shadow man. “Remember I said I got a buddy who will choke you out as he breeds you? He just rolled in from the clubs and is horny as shit, so as soon as my boy here gets his nutt, you are going on a new trip.” While shadow man sat with his hand on the couch beside mine, his buddy finished his business and dumped some more cum in my raw ass. “Come on,” shadow man said as he helped me stand up. I was a bit dizzy, my legs cramped, cum and ass juice were running down my legs. He pushed/steered me away from the din of his homies’ voices, into another room, and shut the door, then said, “My boy is a gully gangsta nicca who goes hard. He’s an extreme motha-fucka, but knows his shit; so don’t be tripping over it. Enjoy the fucking ride. Here, sit on the toilet, let your guts release whatever the hell you got stored up in there - you ain’t U-Haul - then we’ll dab you out with some hoe tampons, make you nice and dry so you’ll feel it good when he takes you.” I had my eyes closed behind the plastic hood over my head. Not sure why, maybe just my body’s way of trying to reset, relax, and let flow what needed to flow. Have you ever tried to wipe your ass without being able to see? I had to laugh at my attempts, but shadow man stood me up, dabbed me dry, and inspected me to make sure I was good. He flushed and closed the lid then had me sit back down. “Can I hit the pipe?” I asked. He just laughed, walked away, the door closed, I was alone - or so I thought. CLICK - - - HISS - CLICK - - - HISS - echoed from the far corner. I tilted my head, turned, and for the first time saw the darkness of a large monster hiding in the corner with a long flame spitting up to burn his smoke. I didn’t dare move, or speak. CLICK - - - HISS - CLICK - - - HISS - and then the flame died, the monster moved, and his darkness filled the void. “Stand the fuck up, bend over, and show me that cunt,” the monster growled. His claws dug into my tender, used, flesh hole, then he spun me around and I could imagine his incisors long, and sharp, ready to rend my flesh apart. His face was inches from mine, his breath hot on the bits of skin that showed through the cut in the plastic hood. He reeked of smoke, liquor, and more. My wrists were grabbed hard, my hands raised and set against his bearded, square-jawed head, “Feel my face - run your fingers on my grill - hmmm - make those memories of your executioner - imagine in your mind the roughest thug nicca you can, times that shit by 10, and still you be bowing at my feet as the scrap of worthless hoe flesh you are.” I was turned around and a beast dick pressed at my hole. “This that grown man dick that none these youngins can give you,” the monster promised. Cold steel then pressed against my skin as he slid a knife between the plastic hood and my lower neck. Gently he edged up, got a finger underneath, and made small saw cuts creating a flap in the back. I thought he was going to take the plastic hood off me, but instead, he wound layers of duct tape around my forehead and over my eyes and bridge of my nose, securing the plastic in place on my head and cutting off what little light remained in my world. My chest heaved in and out as my adrenaline kicked in, but I held myself steady against the bath vanity. The knife was laid on the counter as this BBC monster slid his open hands up my spine, parted to the right and left sides of my neck, and then with practiced ease interlocked his muscled hands around my throat. He began tapping his right index finger against the spot on my neck where my carotid artery pulsed and fluttered like he was setting his own body’s clock and rhythm to mine. He pressed his body closer and I could feel his stiff dick at my asshole. He set his head against mine, his face by my left ear - closer still and he was ready. “Usually I got to pay to have a knock out thot delivered cause I’m not going down again on no rape charge, but while you are free, you sure the fuck not willing!” The monster slammed his mutant dick into me dry and I yelped in pain, and his grip tightened, “Feel your god’s hands around that throat squeezing your life out - feel your god’s dick in your ass, filling you with my AIDs death. Prep won’t do you no good. My shit is totally med resistant and toxic and now I can add another tear drop tattoo to my face, and…” I was out. My eyes fluttered. I felt the heavy weight of the ocean on me like I was a sub that had been torpedoed and begun to sink, but slowly started to find my way back to the surface, back to the light, bobbing once more upon the waves. I was still bent over the vanity - well slumped - with the monster’s claws digging into my neck as he ravaged my now, wet hole with his breeding stick. I fought to stand up straight, to feel him go deeper, and he growled his approval. I grabbed his powerful forearms as he mauled me and scratched and slapped and scrabbled as the monster invaded my flesh and secured me in its death grip. “FUCKING CUNT TAKE THIS NICCA DICK - RAPE THE FUCK OUTTA YOU! GOD DAMN PUSSY FAGGOT - FEEL MY 11-INCHES RIP YOU A NEW ASS HOLE - INFECT THE FUCK OUTTA YOU! BEAT YOU TO DEATH FROM THE INSIDE OUT! POZZING YOU FUCKING BITCH - POZZING YOU GOOD - PO….” and I was out again as he squeezed my neck full force. There was an incessant pounding in my head - no on my head and why was it so fucking loud? My eyes took a quick peek, closed, reopened, and then closed again. Quit fucking slapping me! Well that’s what I thought, but not a sound came out of my mouth. I groaned. Shadow man’s voice loomed over me, “Come on back now - there you go - he’s a fucking pro but some bitches take longer to come back around than others and guess you’re one of the slow ones.” I moaned again, someone rolled me onto my right side, my ass was pried apart, “JESUS FUCKING CHRIST LOOK AT THAT - CRAZY NICCA TORE THAT SHIT UP!” someone said, followed by, “LET ME CLIMB ON THAT SHIT - SCOPE IT GOOD.” Shadow man rolled me back over, “Fucking wait a minute bro, fuck. Come on, help me sit him up a sec, here, drink this, it’s just water, drink it all. There you. Feeling better huh? Yeah you are.” I was on a bed, well a mattress as there were no sheets or anything. I turned my head left then right, dark demons shifted in and out of the light and I reached up to touch my sore neck and throat. Appeared shadow man had rebuilt my plastic hood as the duct tape was gone off my eyes, the cut in the back repaired, and once again I was just an anonymous cum dump for whatever dick needed a hole. Shadow man spoke again, “I need you to scoot up a little - you OK - there you go - now get on your hands and knees - now feel my dick - OK back up, back up, fuck yeah that feel good? I know it does. You’re such a fucking cock slut! Now I’m going to lay back and want you to come with me - just roll back, keep my dick in you, and lie on top of me - yeah just like that. Yeah I know that pussy’s hurting, but we’re about to take care of that real good - real fucking good.” My ass was on fire, and my whole abdomen hurt, it hurt to even breath, but shadow man wrapped his arms around my chest, held me tight to his warm body, and continued to monitor my temp with his BBC buried to the hilt in my swollen ass. My superior BBC master provided the commentary to fill me in on what was happening now, “TIME TO GET YOU POINTED OUT. EVER TAKEN CRYSTAL THROUGH A NEEDLE? HEROIN? ANYTHING? OH DAMN - A VIRGIN! SHIT - WELL NOT FOR ANY LONGER. MY HOMIE HERE IS ABOUT TO WRAP A RED CANVAS BELT AROUND YOUR RIGHT BICEP. FEEL THAT TUGGING TIGHT? OK, NOW HE HELD THE SYRINGE UP TO HIS MOUTH, PUT THE ORANGE CAP BETWEEN HIS JACKED UP TEETH - REALLY MAN YOU NEED A GRILL OR SOME SHIT TO COVER THAT FREAKNESS UP. ANYWAYS, HE’S GOT THE CAP IN HIS TEETH AND IS NOW CHECKING THE SYRINGE. THE SYRINGE HAS A BIG METAL RING ON THE END, LIKE A GRENADE PIN YOU KNOW? HE’S GOT HIS FINGER THROUGH THAT AND - WAIT - OK - NOW YOU’LL FEEL HIM TAP YOUR RIGHT ARM. WHAT’S HE DOING? HE’S LOOKING FOR A VEIN. A VEIN HE CAN INJECT YOU IN. THIS AINT’ NO KIDDIE MEDICINE YOU GET SQUIRTED IN YOUR MOUTH. THIS IS TURN-YOU-INTO-A-SEX-SLAVE SHIT COCKTAIL. YOU DON’T THINK I MAKE A LIVING WORKING AT THIS HOTEL DO YOU? FUCK JESUS - THANK GOD FOR NAIVE FAG PUSSY LIKE YOU. OK - CHRIST YOU GOT SOME GOOD VEINS - WE’LL SEE HOW LONG THOSE LAST. OK, HE’S DOUBLE CHECKING THE SYRINGE, LITTLE SQUIRT, NOW JUST BY YOUR ELBOW CREASE YOU WILL FEEL A LITTLE PRICK - JUST A LITTLE - THEN MAYBE SOME COOLNESS. FEEL THAT? HE’S FILLED YOUR VEIN UP GOOD. NOW GET READY - HERE COMES THE FUCKING RUSH - WHEN HE PULLS THE BELT OFF YOU’LL WANT TO COUGH, THAT’S OK, JUST LET IT OUT, I GOT YOU.” Everything then happened so fast. The belt came off my arm, my body went extra dimensional, I got so fucking hot - voices were crashing around inside my head. What the fuck did you give me?” I managed to blurt, “I want to go back to my room. Take me to my room, I…I don’t like this...I…” The next anonymous dick slid into my cum filled hole with ease. I moaned in contentment as I once again felt like a turkey filled with stuffing at a Pilgrim Thanksgiving, dripping with sauce. My intentions were innocent enough when I answered the man’s ad. OK, well maybe not, but even with the empty rigs lying on the floor, the multiple raw dicks that had bred me, and the BBC maintenance man/pimp repeatedly calling me his, “White bitch twitch,” code for drugged-up-cum-chaser, I had yet to admit to myself how far I had fallen. Once again my arm was tapped as one of the anonymous breeders prepared to infect my ass and veins. In a brief moment of clarity I wondered, “This was only my first night. What would day two be like?” (*From the author: If you like the story let me know - post a reply or give a reputation. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to read these stories and for the continued support!)
    1 point
  40. Preparation H is actually useless. I looked into it. The "active ingredient" is shark oil which has, incredibly, zero medical evidence to support it. Anusol and other brands like it, contain actual real medical ingredients, mostly a combination of a lube to keep the 'roid moist and prevent irritation, an antiinflammatory to soothe it, and (usually) lidocaine to numb it. Well worth using in my experience. You CANNOT make a 'roid better by squeezing it, piercing it, or otherwise fucking around with it while it's "thrombosed" (i.e. lumpy and swollen). Even docs won't touch that, because while the thrombosis is happening, there's not a whole lot you can do except let nature take its course. Thrombosed 'roids are basically caused by blood clots, and they just have to get redissolved by your own body, which usually takes 7-10 days. Unfortunately cutting the clot out (which CAN be done in extreme cases - it's a 2 second op by a doctor) is not usually used because even though it provides immediate relief, the end result is that more clots will then form because of the injury, leaving you in an even worse situation. Ultimately once the 'roid subsides, you CAN get it treated pretty easily. Hemorrhoids are basically varicose veins in the blood-vessel-rich tisssue of the anus. Like all varicose veins, they can throw a clot or flare up, but no cream in the universe will actually "fix" it... you require an actual medical procedure. The easiest and best is "banding". You see your doc (usually a specialist proctologist) and they literally put a little special elastic band around the varicose area. This pinches the vein, cutting off blood flow, and killing the tissue above the band. That tissue falls off after a few days, taking the elastic band with it... and leaving a little bit of scar tissue in its place. The scar tissue is not noticeable to look at or feel, but what it DOES do is provide a "reinforcement" of thicker tissue in the area where the varicose vein occurred. This stops any reoccurence for the rest of your life - at least in that spot. You'll inevitably get more 'roids as you age, but the more you get "banded" like this, the more spots of scar tissue you get... and the more reinforcement your ass tissue has. After about 6-10 bandings, you'll generally have enough extra reinforcement scar tissue, that no more varicoses can pop out. This makes you basically immune to getting any more 'roids, EVER... so it's well worth it. You can get it done under public medicare for free but this often means waiting a few months... paying $200 for private treatment generally gets it done without waiting. There are other methods apart from banding - cryo-freezing being an example - but basically the message here is that it's easily treatable. The procedure takes 5 minutes including the time to say hi to your doctor and drop your pants. There is generally little to no discomfort - if the 'roid is very close to the sphincter, though, you WILL get a dull ache which will go away after about 6 hours. It's hard to tell in advance if a 'roid will be an "acher" or not, so plan to take the day off work just in case. Actual full surgery (where they cut and remove the vein entirely) is not used any more by any decent doctor, because it's unnecessary and actually pretty ineffective, as well as leading to weeks of post-op pain. This is called hemorrhoidectomy and if your doc suggests this treatment it's a good sign he has no freakin clue what he's doing and to go see someone else. Hemorrhoidectomy is 20+ years out of date... very very old school. There's actually not much you can do to prevent 'roids. Almost everyone gets them, and it's largely down to genetics. Anal sex has NOT been shown to cause them, although straining on the toilet bowl for long periods certainly does cause them. So don't spend more than a few minutes taking a crap... aim to be in and out as quick as you can. The key is not to suffer and not to just use the creams and then forget about it when it subsides. They will NOT go away and the longer you leave it before gettng it banded or frozen, the bigger and more frequent you'll get bouts of painful thrombosis. So just get it treated, and after a few times your ass will be reinforced with spots of scar tissue and you'll never suffer again.
    1 point
  41. I LOVE a guy wearing a plug, getting his hole used to being plowed. I also love rosebud holes, drives me NUTS seeing a hot sweet rosebud needing eaten and pollinated
    1 point
  42. any horny hairy chasers or gifters wanna chat? hmu
    1 point
  43. I've done it as a top a few times. Last year, during the winter, I was in Philly. Checked out CL and saw an ad for a guy in my hotel looking for an anon fuck. We emailed, and I realized he was two floors below me. I went down, opened his door, and was presented with a beautiful ass. I kneeled down, worked my tongue into his hole, stood up, lubed up, fucked him,and dumped a load. I was back in my room ten minutes after I shot in his ass. It was perfect: no going outside to a new hotel, a perfect ass, and a nice quick release, just what we were both looking for that night.
    1 point
  44. That's hot man. I really do love black meat. It took me a while but my buddy and I decided to try our first slam. We were hanging with a guy that we'd partied with before and he asked if we wanted a shot. My buddy said yes, so I said sure too. I was thinking of a G shot - had no clue it was going to be a slam. He leads us to his bathroom which I thought was odd since the G was in the kitchen, but figured they got distracted. The next thing I knew he was measuring out crystal and placing it in syringes mixed with saline solution. My eyes must have been bugged out of my head. We'd been smoking and did some G earlier, so my inhibitions were already down. It turned me the fuck on! We waited a few minutes to let the solution reach it's potency and he asked which of us wanted to go first. My buddy Scott volunteered (fucking slutty pig! lol) and I watched as he tied off his bicep and wiped the veiny area with an alcohol swab. Within a few seconds, the needle was in his arm and he was talking Scott through what to expect. He pulled a bit of blood back into the syringe and slowly began to inject the tina into his veins. Scott took a few deep breaths, coughed a bit - and exclaimed "HOLY FUCK!" a few times and darted over towards the bed. I followed him to make sure he was ok and I could tell he WAS. He grabbed at my cock and just fucking needed it. It was incredibly hot. He sucked me and I fucked him a bit and then it was my turn. I laid back on the bed and assumed the position. Scott kept looking at me and I could tell he was flying so hard and just waiting for me to lift off and join him. It was the most intense feeling I've ever experienced. I just wanted dick and ass and MEN. Scott and I fucked and watched our hot daddy buddy slam himself - and joined us in lift off. We fucked and played and stretched each others man-holes for the next couple of hours. Our mutual craving of big black cock kicked in and we prepared 3 more slams for us and started hunting ...
    1 point
  45. I'm a top and do find this frustrating, but for a slightly different reason than convenience, which, I admit, is a real issue, btw. Simply put, I like to fuck more than one guy before I shoot my load. It may be selfish, but I like having my cock deep in one guy's hole, pull out, walk a few feet over, and then plunge my cock deep inside another guy's ass. It feels a little nasty and I like the contrast of holes, because every ass feels a little different. I usually blow my cum up whatever rectum feels best after I have sampled them and gone back and forth a few times.
    1 point
  46. Part 2 “But no sitting on the good furniture.” “Rim chair or hard wood floors only huh?” “You know the drill boy” His smile said all I needed to know. No matter which boy I took with me the other two would have fun without me and be happily waiting here when I get back, bent over the counter if I wanted. He started to walk away before I cleared my throat. He turned around. I stood there looking at him. “Oh sorry, daddy. I got too excited about my score.” He said as he got down on his knees and cleaned off my cock with his mouth. “Good boy” I heard a door close down the hall and knew one of the boys was increasing their load count and hole stretching. I decided to take a shower and get ready for the day. I had a few things I wanted to go out get for my trip. While I was in there Gabe came in to see if I needed company. I told him no, I wanted his hole to stay the cummy mess it was and if he did shower I would downgrade his score. He pouted and left. Then Luke came in to see if I wanted company. I told him only if he was turning in his ass for judging. He told me no, he was still waiting on a few more scheduled deliveries. He did tempt me more though by rubbing his ass on the glass of the shower. It was a red hot, slimy mess. It looked delicious in that ass crack of small blonde hairs. I told him if he didn’t stop I would take his ass and it would be judged now. He left after that. Of course I couldn’t resist licking the glass. His ass juice mixed with all that cum sent a shudder through my body. He is the biggest tease but unlike the usual tease he will do anything I tell him to or even things I want before I tell him. I kept waiting for Jake to walk in. All the boys know I love playing in the shower and I almost always have at least one of them in there with me. But Jake never came in. I got out and toweled off. I then went down stairs to read the paper. I was going to take one of the boys to the store with me but they were all occupied or indecent to take out at that point. As I was reading two big black men walked out of jakes room. My jaw dropped. They were both naked. They were both at least 6’6” and hung. The one on the left was hanging longer, but the one on the right was very thick. They both were still semi hard. The one on the right asked “Are you David?” I said “Yes” They handed me a card and an unopened rose. The one on the left said “And he said something about a shower boy?” I hollered for Gabe. He came down from his room. I said “Your brother said you were a shower boy for these guys. So clean their dicks, then grab their clothes, and then take them to the shower.” Gabe had the biggest shit eating grin and said “Yes sir.” As Gabe got down to clean their dicks I told the guys “Think of him as a guest towel. He is pretty, he is there to be used, but down ruin it because you are a guest.” They both nodded. I then turned to my card and rose. I opened the card. It said “My ass is no longer just a rose bud. These boys have added their spunk as the final ingredient for your feast to enjoy. I wanted you to see what just destroyed my hole. I now await your judging of my hole.” My cock leapt to attention. Gabe was getting to much into giving head and not just cleaning. I smacked his ass. He spit out the thick cock in his mouth. I grabbed his nipples and stood him up by them. I then grabbed his balls so I had his full attention. “What was your second direction?” He looked at the ground and said, “Gather their clothes.” “Then go, Sorry boys. If you want there is a gang shower in the bathroom down at the end of this hall.” As Gabe came back from Jakes room I told him to stop. He wouldn’t look me in the eye. All I said to him was cage. I then went to Jakes room. When I walked in it smelled like sex. First thing I noticed was he had left his pants on but he was restrained wrist and ankles spread eagle on the bed face down. He was blind folded and still in his dirty ripped clothes. On his back was a pair of scissors with a red satin bow on it. My first thought was this boy knows me too well, a mixture of romance and kink. And I noticed no gag so I asked “So, how is the hole?” He responded “Properly prepared.” I growled at him. I reached over to feel his pucker through the hole in his jeans. My finger slide in without any pressure. His ass felt full. I could feel my finger pushing back and forth through the sludge of spunk in his ass. I was drooling. My dick jumped. And he moaned. I pulled out my finger and tasted it. It had a sharp but sweet taste. But it was so thick. I moaned like it was the best vintage of wine I had ever tasted. “Your hole is so loose and full” “I posted my photos and ad on craigslist that I would be at the bath house taking all loads. I did pretty well. And I knew I had the boys lined up for this morning. I wanted to show you how good my hole really can be. Now it’s ready for you sir, please taste, use, and score my hole” “Happily.” I said as I grabbed the scissors. First I cut waistband of the pants just to see that wonderful set of ass cheeks. At the top of his ass I noticed the end of red mark. I then started cutting his shirt up the back and found red marks all over his back. I have to say the sight turned me on. The thought of this big 6’2” broad shouldered man being abused and whipped just went straight to my dick. I said “Did you take some abuse?” “I had them lock me into a fuck bench at the bath house. One of the guys figured out when he lashed my back my hole would tighten up. I had told them not to let me out till 8am this morning no matter what so they left me and some of the other guys got off on my screams and moans and hole tightening. I’m sorry if the marks displease you.” “No boy, they don’t displease me. But I would have loved to have seen or at least heard it.” “If you press play on my mp3 player on the night stand you can hear me moan through the lashes. I had it recorded with my phone.” “Damn boy you really did wanna win this” I said as I reached over and hit play. As soon as I did I heard the belt hit his back. The scream that turned into a moan was too much for me. I stood up and stripped. I then opened the ass of the jeans so nothing would get in the way of his hole. I snipped the remains of his boxer briefs and pulled them out and off of him. He whined when this happened because I’m sure it rubbed his dick. I wanted to get deep. I then got up on the bed and started rubbing my cock along his crack. The slime of cum was everywhere. I then pulled back and continued listening to his sloppy fucking on the recording and the whipping of his back. I lined myself up and waiting for a loud scream. When one finally came about 20 seconds later I plunged full length into that hole. I felt the cum gush around my dick and onto my balls. Jake just moaned and smiled. I swirled my dick in that hole. I traced the scissors on his back. I cut the rest of the shirt off and noticed chains laying by either side of his chest. I knew they would be connected to his nipples. This boy was seeking torture today. “damn boy nipple clamps too. You really wanna be hurt today.” “My hole is wrecked, and I know you love that but I wanted you to be able to make it a little tight if you wanted too. So I gave you some options.” I reached down and grabbed both chains. When I pulled, true to form his hole clenched as best as it could on my dick. He also screamed. The scream probably made me harder than the hole did though. I was already hard a rock and stirring cum in a great hole, so no complaints. I then pulled out and dove face first into that hairless big ass. I was over taken with the taste. As I sucked on the hole he pushed some cum out for me to taste. It was fantastic. Ass juice and cum filled my mouth and I swallowed a wonderful load. As I was gobbling his ass full of cum I noticed another chain in his pants. I felt around and found it was connected to a choke collar on his balls. I pulled on it hard and felt his ass ring try to close on my tongue that was digging for more cum. I also felt his scream rattle through his body, quickly turning to a moan and shutter I could feel in his ass. “Please load my hole sir, enjoy, abuse, and overflow my hole” I put my thumb in his hole and then pushed in my dick with it. He squirmed in the perfect way, almost wanting to fight the restraints but then relaxed into it. I kept fucking him and then pulled his nipple chains. I felt his hole start to spasm. I knew he was cumming so I reached down and pulled his ball chain. His back arched and hollered in ways I never knew he could. That threw me over the edge and added my slime to the deepest part of his ass I could get too. Spent and happy I rolled off him. I called for Gabe to bring me a sharpie. “How did I do sir?” “Very well, you know me too well” “Is there anything I could have done to make it better for you?” “God I don’t know” Gabe showed up sharpie in hand and I could see the cock cage inside of his jock strap. “Are the boys gone?” I ask “Yes daddy” Gabe says. “Okay, I want details later. First I must grade this hole.” I write 9 on the small of his back, covering some of the lash marks. “Plug that hole. I’ll wanna taste it again later.” “Yes sir”
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  47. My own cock throbbed though I felt no need to tend to it as Johnny pressed his long slender cock into my mouth. I soon felt his trimmed pubes against my nose and held firmly to his blond peach fuzz covered ass as I deep throated his cock. For a moment the top that I had once been resurfaced and I thought how hot Johnny’s perfectly pert round ass would look with a load dripping from his pink hole. My mind drifted to my own now cum filled hole and I felt a twitch as I imagined a small glob of Johnny’s cum escaping my slightly puckered hole, the hair around it matted down with sweat and ass juice. “Alright Wes,” Chuck said, “Why don’t you show this boy what it’s like to get fucked by a real man and give him another load he’ll never forget.” Wes… I wondered for a moment which one of the three men that was, and then I realized I didn’t care. I wanted all three of them, in fact I didn’t really even care if I ever saw which one was which so long as their cock ended up in my hole. I let go of Johnny’s ass cheeks and grabbed my own ankles some what awkwardly as Johnny was still squatting over me slightly with his cock down my throat. A rustling told me that Wes was getting into position, and then I felt rough hands on my thighs pushing my legs forward lifting my ass up. A glob of warm spit fell onto my hole and then I once more felt the unmistakable pressure of a cock head pressing against my sphincter. I moaned around Johnny’s dick, which had become fully hard again in my mouth and from his breath I guessed was well on his way to shooting his second load, as Wes buried his cock in my hole in one long slow stroke. He was obviously thicker then Johnny but perhaps not as long, certainly not as big as Chuck. Still I could feel my hole quivering around his cock as it sank inside of me, stretching me wider then I ever have been before. Just as he bottomed out in me and I felt the scratch of his pubes on my taint Johnny stuffed his whole cock down my throat and let out a long low moan as he shot his second in my mouth. Greedily I swallowed every drop before he slowly pulled his cock out of my mouth. “Get the hell out the way boy,” Wes said in a rough voice, pushing Johnny off of me, “I wanna look in this boy’s eyes when I breed him, that way he’ll always remember this load.” With Johnny out of the way I took stock of the man who was now balls deep in my hole. I was not disappointed. He was certainly the oldest of the men assembled with flecks of gray starting to creep into his jet-black hair at the temples. It looked as though he had probably shaved that morning but his beard was already returning with a vengeance, his skin a golden olive colour I guessed he was probably Italian or Greek. He stared down at me with dark hazel eyes as he slowly began to withdraw his cock from my ass, the thin lines at the sides of his eyes deepened as his face spit with a wide toothy smile. “You like that cock, don’t you boy.” “Yes.” “Yes, what?” “Yes…Sir,” I don’t know why but calling this man Sir just seemed to be the right thing to do. He smiled a little broader and said, “That’s right boy,” and sank his cock back into me. I could see that he didn’t have a condom on, I don’t know why I thought he would be different as he was using another guy’s load as lube. I didn’t care though, his cock splitting my hole wide felt too damn good to care about anything like that. His rough hands held my legs pinned to either side of my chest, bringing his torso over mine so that he could look directly down into my eyes. His body so close to mine my nostrils were filled with his rich manly smell and something else that it took me a moment to place… cum. Wes started to pick up the pace, pulling almost his entire cock from my ass with each stroke. Sweat began to glisten on his chest and occasionally drip down onto me. The steady sound of skin slapping on skin, and the wet squelsh of my quickly widening hole filled the room. I began to sweat myself, panting with each thrust of Wes’s fat cock. I knew what I must look like, I had seen bottoms in this place of ecstasy before, their faces contorted with what could be mistaken for pain, their eyes rolling into the back of their heads, their cock hard but completely forgotten. It was the look of a bitch in heat, a look that bottoms only got when they truly gave themselves over to be fucked without caring for their own release at all. For a bottom like the one I had become, in that moment the release was feeling a top shoot his load, and nothing else was needed. “Fuck my ass,” I whimpered between moans, “Fucking plow me.” “I’m getting close kid,” Wes growled, never slowing down, “I’m going to breed your ass so good that I’m going to stay with you forever. Do you want that boy, do you want my load in you forever?” “Yes, breed me,” I panted, at the time not realizing the significance of what I said, “Fill me with your cum, lube up my ass for your friends.” “Take my fucking load, you slut!” Wes didn’t stop fucking as he came, in fact he slammed his cock into me harder then he had ever before six or eight more times. I could feel his load filling me more and more until just when I was wondering how he could possibly be going he stopped and held perfectly still with his throbbing cock halfway into my ass. His whole body was shaking just slightly and a wicked gin was spreading across his face. “Next,” he said pulling out and getting up. It was only then when he stood again that I noticed the tattoo on his bicep, a bio hazard symbol.
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  48. I happily took his cock down my throat again, and now being somewhat distracted my hole loosened up even quicker for Chuck. I gasped around his cock when I felt his tongue slid easily into my hole and then back out again only to be quickly replaced by a spit lubed finger. As I chocked down his cock Chuck worked a single tick finger into my tight hole, his tongue working around it adding more lube, persuading my hole to open wider still for him. I was groaning more and more as Chuck worked my hole loose and as he began to press a second finger against my spit slicked pucker he let his cock slip from my mouth and spring forward so that his balls were resting just above my face. Normally I would have gobbled up his balls happily but I was lost in the ecstasy of the invading fingers and roaming tongue, my eyes were shut and my mouth hung open as I panted and grunted. Suddenly I could hear voices down the hall and I wondered for a moment why I could hear them so clearly before I remembered that we had never closed the door to the apartment. In a moment of self-consciousness I tried to muffle my groans but Chuck seemed unconcerned and continued to noisily work my hole with his fingers and tongue. The pressure on my hole increased as Chuck pressed another spit slicked finger against my hole, steadily working it in along side the two he was already twisting around in my hole. Despite my tying to keep it down so as not to be over heard in by whoever was in the hallway I let out a loud gasp and then grunted with a form of pleasure I had never imagined before as his finger suddenly popped inside of me. Chuck chuckled slightly at my ecstatic moaning and began to twist his fingers in and out of my hole spreading them apart as he did so. I had never imagined that this was the joy that the boys I had been fucking were feeling as I had invaded their holes. If it always felt this good I was likely to never top again. “You ready for some cock boy?” Chuck asked, thrusting his fingers knuckle deep into my hole. “Yes, please fuck me with your big cock,” I moaned, feeling my ass twitch around his thick digits. “Oh no boy, you’re not ready for my cock, and besides my cock comes with a little something extra. I want your hole to last a good long while so let's start you off with something a little easier to deal with - like Johnny.” I was confused for a long moment before I heard clothes being shucked and someone moving towards where Chuck had me pinned with my ass in the air on the floor. I could see nothing but Chuck's broad, round, meaty, hair covered ass cheeks and his dark fur rimmed pucker, but I sensed someone else close to my ass as Chuck withdrew his fingers from my hole. Chuck then held my ass open with both hands, and I distinctly remember my hole felt disturbingly empty and open to the air as I waited for god knows what to happen. Then I felt it: the warm tender firmness of a hard cock head pressing against my well slicked and primed hole. My brain screamed with panic. A guy who I couldn’t even see was sliding his cock into my hole, bare I guessed, and I was powerless to do anything about it as I was being held down by the massive Adonis who had seduced me. Just as I started to thrash around in an attempt to break free, the invading cock brushed against my prostate. It seemed as if an electric shock had passed through my entire body. I froze, all the fight gone out of me. All I wanted was for it to happen again. The guy, who’s name I guess was Johnny from what Chuck had said, obliged me without even having been asked. He slid his cock back so that just the head was inside me hole and then plunged down again this time brushing more forcefully against my prostate. I let out the same sort of guttural moan I had when Chuck’s third finger had popped into my hole and I pushed back on the stranger's invading cock, endeavoring to press him against that tender spot again. Johnny was certainly an experienced top. With each stroke his cock head pushed more and more forcefully into my prostate. My groans quickly turned to a constant stream of moans and before long I was muttering “Fuck me, please fuck my ass.” I had transformed into a total bottom and I still could not see who was fucking me. Chuck still squatted over me holding my legs apart as Johnny fucked me. Every once in a while Chuck would mutter encouragement to Johnny telling him to "Use his ass good,” and "Get him ready for a long night of fucking.” I could feel Johnny picking up speed, his thrusts becoming deeper and more erratic. I knew what was coming: he was getting close. I had felt those signs enough times myself, the tingling in the balls as they slowly tightened up closer to one’s body, the waves of pleasure that crashed over one’s cock head and radiated throughout the rest of ones body making it difficult to control the thrusting, all leading up to that moment when… he slammed his cock into me harder then he had done yet and balls deep in my hole began to unload his balls. “Lube him up good,” Chuck encouraged as Johnny panted and his body shook with the force of his orgasm. I could feel his cock pulsing inside my ass, and his warm sticky load filling up my innards answered my question about condoms. He was breeding me. It must have been quite some time sense Johnny had last gotten off judging by the size of the load he dumped in my hole; or, perhaps I was simply over whelmed at the sensation of being bred for the first time. Whichever the reason was it took what seemed a full two minutes before Johnny withdrew his cock from my now squishy hole. “Nice job Johnny,” said Chuck siding a finger into my hole with ease, “got him really lubed up here for the rest of us.” He withdrew the finger, “You wanna see who just bred your hole so expertly boy?” “Yes please,” I said breathlessly. Slowly Chuck let my legs down and then stood up himself swinging his legs over me till he stood next to where I now lay on the floor. There in the doorway stood a guy, completely naked, probably not more then a year older then me, with a slightly on the thin side but certainly long dick, smiling sheepishly at me. He had a strong muscular frame, large pink nipples that stood out from his pale skin, short-cropped blond hair and a boyishly handsome face. “Johnny here lives next door and is the bottom bitch for Chad who’s the super there. He doesn’t get to top very often and we thought lubing you up for some man cock would be a nice treat for him. Chad likes his boys little more hairless then I do but he’s still a sexy fucker,” Chuck walked over to Johnny and tweaked one of his protruding nipples, Johnny jumped a little but smiled. “You know this kid is also an brilliant cock sucker, why don’t you let him clean your cock off Johnny while we see if we can’t work one of these thick man cocks we have waiting into the hole you so kindly lubed up for us.” It was only then that I noticed the three other men standing just beyond the doorway. I only got a momentarily glimpse of them before Johnny was sitting on my chest feeding his cock down my accommodating throat, but from what I could see they were all naked, all tall and powerful looking, ranging in ages for late twenties to earlier forties, and all had massive veiny cocks that made my mouth water and my hole twitch.
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  49. The Stealth Bomber, Episode 2: My first victim – Ernest – The first name in my log, and my first trophy, belongs to Ernest. As I finger and admire the index card with the square of cotton underwear on it, the blood now faded to brown, I recall the night it all clicked for me and I understood my need, my calling if you will. Sure I had fucked a few asses raw before that, but it was all just physical – dick in hole, dick in hole. But that first night with Ernest the physical wound tight to the mental, and both wrapped round and round my soul until I knew I needed to breed to infect and convert and I had no guilt whatsoever in who I infected or how. I have perfected many ways over the years of stealth fucking my victims and have done everything from using condoms that are so old they literally disintegrate while fucking, to using a razor blade to cut an X in the tip and resealing the package with a little glue, to just putting the head in a little, “I promise.” Yet nothing compares to the intense rush and satisfaction I get of them willingly giving me their hole raw, believing like the dumb fucks they are that I am negative too, and being so excited they beg to take my cum never knowing or suspecting that I am changing their lives forever with every little soldier I give them. They become my nasty, infected, viral filled cunts! For weeks before meeting Ernest everything just seemed off. I had this itch I needed to scratch, but did not know where or how. I was agitated and constantly shifting in my chair, drumming my fingers on the table, could not focus, and even my coffee tasted wrong, and anything I ate tasted blah. This was before barebacking became so openly talked about like it is now on websites, in porn, fuck all over the internet. I remember one little prick who went off on me right in the bar when I told him I liked to fuck raw, telling me how it was because of gay men like me that so many men were dying and not playing safe and that it was MY DUTY to ALWAYS wear a condom. Well that bitch got his, but that’s a story for another time. So anyways, I was in a foul mood, it was a Thursday night and I headed out to the Fireplace, a little gay bar down on P Street in Dupont. The place was crowded and had too many sweater-queens this night for my taste, which did not help my disposition. I had just downed my second rum and coke and was feeling more and more agitated when I saw Ernest. Well Ernest is (by his own admission) an ‘ugly old queen’. Attraction is a funny thing though as for me, an eager bottom who is face down, wet hole twitching, gets my engine running and I could care less what his face looks like. An eager cum whore who wants to take it is attractive as shit! I have fucked lots of studs who everyone thinks are 10, but they end up a 0 in bed – they just flop about like half dead fish – no heart in it. We used to call them prancers, all show. Ernest was no prancer, but he was an irritating, cock blocking fuck. I had seen him around, always one hand full of pamphlets about safe sex, the other fishing in his paper bag for a handful of condoms to pass out. He had no problem going right up to anybody and everybody and preaching the message and nothing killed my hard on faster than hearing that shit. Ernest made his rounds, plopped his ass on the stool at the end of the bar, did a couple shots, and tried flirting with anyone within an arms length and was quickly shot down by all. Something in me stirred watching him and that itch I had going on inside began to come into focus and that focus was directed right at him. Ernest picked up his pile of safe sex pamphlets, his wrinkled paper bag of condoms, and headed out the door and started walking up P Street. I quickly caught up with him and asked him if he had a light, and started to make small talk while casually rubbing my left hand up and down the growing bulge in my jeans, making Ernest stare and sputter at the bait being dangled for him. Time to reel this one in a little. “Hey,” I said, “You up for sharing a drink? I’m not quite ready to head home, but it was getting too crowded in there for me. Got anything good at your place?” Ernest quickly said sure, we hailed a cab, and 5 minutes later we were at his dingy little apartment. I can drink most men under the table and suggested we start off with a couple shots and I could quickly tell Ernest was not used to that, so I had found my net to bag this fish. I made sure to sit close to Ernest as he excitedly told me about his outreach work to promote safe sex, my thigh against his and the heat from my dick radiated close to his hand. I told him how great it was that he was doing that as I took his hand and placed it on my hard dick and held it there with my left hand covering his. Ernest had a hard time focusing now, between the liquor and my dick his mind and ass were thinking of sex. Perfect. I continued to praise him as I leaned close, my hot breath on his neck, as I told him, “It’s been so long since I have found someone I could trust to have sex with. There is so much risk out there now. But you, I know I can trust you can’t I?” Ernest just nodded as I stood, unzipped my pants, pulled out my now drooling 9-inch dick, and held it inches from his face. My dick bobbed and bounced in hunger as Ernest’s eyes got wide. I gently ran my right hand over the side of his head and whispered, “Can you lick it a little for me? Please? Just a little?” Ernest’s tongue ran over his lips several times like a snake sensing its next meal. He started to lean to the side to reach around me to the coffee table to grab a condom from his paper bag, but I grabbed his arm, his condoms spilling onto the coffee table and the floor as I pleaded, “PLEASE, just use your tongue on the shaft a little then? It has been so long since I have met a clean guy like you and I need to feel a man again.” I could see the battle being fought in his head as he decided what to do, but it took only a second for his need to overcome all else and for Ernest to open his mouth and take my head full in. DUMB CUNT WAS MINE NOW! I let Ernest take his time and relish in the taste of raw dick in his mouth. I precum a lot, and he savored the taste. The boy knows how to suck dick as his tongue and mouth action had me ready within a couple minutes and without warning I let my cum fly and fill his mouth. I held Ernest in place, my left hand on his shoulder, as I shot load number 1. He tried to jerk away when he first realized what was opening, but then instinct took over and he swallowed, first reluctantly and then with passion, until every drop of my infected cum was now sliding its way down his throat. I immediately pulled out, his mouth still open and tongue looking to milk me, and I said, “Oh God man, I am so sorry, I don’t know what happened, I mean…..holy shit that felt so good, and I……sorry man.” Ernest just looked at me, his eyes begging for more before he shook his head, told me it was ok and reached for the liquor bottle. I was determined to get more, so I poured us each two more shots, which he slammed back to back trying to burn his guilt away of having swallowed my cum. So much for safe practice number one. Ernest took the bottle from me and did another shot, swaying a little as he set the bottle down. My dick was still hard and my precum faucet was turned back on, so I stood back in front of Ernest and without a word he started sucking me again. He did not try reaching for a condom this time and I let him take his time. After several minutes he anxiously looked up at me and asked if I was close. I said, “No, but maybe if you let me eat your ass a little, that always helps.” Ernest quickly got out of clothes, got on his hands and knees on the futon while I sat on the coffee table and started licking at his hole. The first flick of my tongue made Ernest moan and dance and I soon had his hole relaxed and wet and Ernest was jacking his little dick like mad. I stood up and started rubbing my raw dick on his hips, his ass cheeks, the back of his thighs as I gradually slid a wet finger into his tight ass. I thought he was going to rip his little dick right off as hard and fast as he was jacking it now, so now was the time. “You feel so fucking good man, and like I said, it has been so so long since I have met someone clean like you. This is amazing! Do you have some lube? Poppers?” Ernest quickly ran to the bathroom and was back in a flash with a bottle of ‘condom safe’ lube and poppers. I hit the poppers, handed them to him, and he closed his eyes and sniffed hard then got back doggy style, all the while snorting the poppers deep. My finger found his happy little hole again, my dick harder and wetter as it pressed into his cheeks, then his crack. A part of Ernest’s mind must have flashed DANGER as he reached around as if to push my dick away, but I kept telling him how amazing he was, how great his ass felt, how I had not been with anyone like this in so long. Ernest was jacking his dick even harder now to the rhythm of my finger fucking. I eased my finger out guided my dick towards his hole, slid my finger back in, and Ernest moaned. I then leaned over Ernest’s back, wrapped my right arm around his chest as I told him how wonderful he was, how much I was enjoying being with him, how good…..AND THEN I SLID MY RAW DICK INTO HIS ASS! Ernest grunted, he collapsed a bit under me as my 9 inches slowly pushed in, his ass ring trying to slice my dick right off as I told him to breathe, that I just needed to feel him a little so he could suck me again and make me cum. That’s all right isn’t it? Ernest just moaned, so I took that as a yes. Not that I fucking cared if he said no, things would have just gone a bit differently that’s all. “Go on, hit the poppers, that’s it, oh you feel so wonderful.” That was my mantra for the next several minutes as I took my time and enjoyed Ernest’s sweet, raw hole. I began to feel all that tension – that itch I could not scratch – begin to subside. Yes, this is what I needed. A nice negative hole to breed and infect. Ernest started to rouse a little so with my dick still in his ass I stood us up, filled the shot glasses and paused my fucking while I handed him one and downed my own, and gave him another. He was really unsteady on his feet now, so I bent him back over onto the futon, wedging his head into the back as I started to long dick him, time to do some breeding. Ernest fumbled to snort the poppers, half of which spilled on his face, the rest on the futon, the bottle now open in front of him and its contents coming out in little waves with each thrust up his ass. He is mumbling and moaning and his face is all scrunched up in agony and ecstasy while my first load rolls like a tidal wave up through my balls and explodes out the head of my dick. I didn’t stop or slow down at all and actually picked up the pace as my next load is right behind the first one and within several strokes I flooded his ass some more! My scalding cum crawled up inside his cunt and lodged itself in the nooks and crannies of his guts before it burrowed deep deep inside. Ernest’s left hand is reaching back now as if to try to push me off, but I pump his now wet ass until I am good and spent, ease my dick out, and use his white underwear to wipe up his now bloody and cum filled ass. Something about seeing the proof of what I had just done made me horny as shit so as he struggled to sit up right, I shoved his underwear into my pants pocket. Ernest then tried to stand but weaved a bit, and plopped right down onto the coffee table onto his safe sex pamphlets and the condoms from his paper bag. Kissing is not my thing at all, but I needed more, so I sat on the futon, held Ernest steady and before I kissed him I said, “You have such a sweet ass. Thank you so much. That felt so amazing. I’m sorry. I couldn’t stop. I tried. But it was too late. But I know you’re clean, so it’s ok, right? It’s ok? Please don’t be mad at me, please, I needed you so bad.” Ernest drunkenly mumbled and nodded and I kissed him long and hard, making him swoon even more. I held him close and asked if he wanted to suck me again. He nodded, but his eyes were now mostly closed, he could not keep his mouth open on my dick, which was just fine be me as it was his ass I was after. I lifted Ernest back up off the coffee table, laid him on his stomach on the futon, and crawled on top of him. While my hard 9 incher wound its way back up his cum filled ass, I kept reassuring him and thanking him for making me feel good. Ernest continued to mumble in his drunken stupor as I now took my time enjoying his ass. I was working on depositing load number 4 when Ernest leaned his head off the edge of the futon and puked all over the fucking floor and quickly seemed to pass out. I didn’t give a fuck. Cunt was dumb enough to let me in, taste my dick, then let me in his ass so I was going to get all I wanted. After each load I grabbed his underwear out of my pants pocket and fingered them into his used hole. Each time I did they came out redder, wetter, and slicked with cum and ass juice, and I felt better and better. I shot several loads up his cunt before my dick decided it had had enough. When I climbed off Ernest he mumbled a little, but was still out of it. I found a piece of paper and pen, wrote a note telling him how much fun I had and I hoped to see him again and left my number. As I got dressed I had to laugh as there were wet spots now on a bunch of his safe sex pamphlets and condom wrappers where he had sat, wet spots left by my cum dripping from his ass. I did not really expect to hear from him again, and that was OK, as I felt so much better and I felt right for the first time in a while. I knew what I had to do now and was thinking about the best way to go find some negative ass to breed when Ernest called me about 5:30 that Sunday after he had spent all afternoon at the local clubs, apparently getting drunk, as his speech was pretty slurred. One thing was clear, he wanted me to come fuck him again, so I told him to get naked and get his ass lubed and I would be right over. This time all pretense was over as the second I walked in he was gobbling down my raw dick and begging to be fucked, and I was happy to give it to him. I planted 3 loads up his ass and told him to call me when he needed some more, which happened the following Tuesday and Thursday after he once again did his safe sex rounds at the bars. This went on for a couple weeks before it was time to change shit up. Ernest called, asked me to come by, but this time I told him we had to talk first. He answered the door naked like a good cum hungry cunt, and as always was a little drunk, but sober enough to begin to cry when I showed up clearly angry and upset and the first words out of my mouth were, “Did you infect me? It must have been you. I haven’t been with anybody else like that, ever! Just you. You said you were clean! I don’t understand!” I learned with Ernest to accuse first – he swore in between sobs full of tears he had always been safe, but I said, “Well apparently not. Sometime you must have fucked raw, you were drunk or who knows what the fuck you did and you know it can be dormant for years.” After showing the proper amount of anger, I held Ernest close for a moment, told him it was going to be ok, fed him several more shots, and said that he could really help me feel better. I gave Ernest an angry rough fuck as I kept telling him he had infected me and now what would I do? That I needed him, and he felt so good. His body shook and trembled with sobs as he cried the entire fucking time, trying to tell me how sorry he was, and that he would do anything, anything to make me feel better. Dumb cunt. I told him, “That’s right. You will.” That was the only time I spent the whole night with Ernest. I wanted that guilt deep and strong and no matter how much he begged me to stop fucking him, I plowed his hole as hard and rough as I could, over and over saying he had better figure out ways to make what he did up to me. I left just before sunrise after I had made his hole raw, bloody, sore, and coated with so much of my cum even I was amazed. Even when Ernest’s mouth said no, his ass said yes and was hungry for more. For the next couple of weeks I called Ernest every other day so I could use him and the entire time I fucked him I drove that dagger of guilt deeper, twisted it, found a new spot and drove it back in again all the while my poz and infected dick ate at his ass. Ernest would often cry during these visits, slobbering on about what would people say if they found out? What about his job? What about his outreach at the bars? His family and friends would not understand and now no one would ever want to be with him. With my hot cum dripping out of his ass I told him, “It will be OK. No one but us ever has to know. I promise I will keep your secret, as long as you keep mine. We’ll protect each other right? I won’t tell anyone you infected me. Will you continue to help me out?” When I knew Ernest was good and mine – in every way possible – I didn’t call for a couple days and sure enough, he started to call me, frantic. Perfect. I told him I might see him at the Fireplace later and when I did, I made sure I had some little bottom hanging all over me, just aching for some dick. I happily took a couple of the condoms Ernest was handing out as he eyed me suspiciously. I sent the bottom to the bar to get a new round of drinks and whispered to Ernest, “I can only fuck the way I want to with you. Will you be home later so I can come see you when I am done with him?” Ernest just nodded, smiled a little, and went back to preaching the safe sex message. I have practiced and honed my skills as the Stealth Bomber over the years since I met Ernest, and Ernest has always been and will always be, my cum slut. When I need some papers testifying that I am HIV neg, all I have to do is call Ernest at his job as a counselor at one of the city’s places where they do testing and there they are, waiting for me beside Ernest and his prelubed hole. Anything else I want or need, all I have to do is make the call and Ernest will do it, and then he will be ass up and waiting for me to give him what he wants and needs – my cum – my nasty, infected, poz cum deep upside his dumb cunt ass.
    1 point
  50. My first piece of fiction, I wanted to keep it plain and simple but hot. I hope I achieved that. ********************************************************************************************************************* Standing in front of me he said “Well, what are you waiting for? This is what you want isn’t it?” With that he undid his belt buckle, pulled open the fly buttons, and his jeans dropped to the floor around his ankles. He wasn’t wearing any underwear so right at eye level in front of me were his cock and balls. He was still soft about seven inches long, but quite thick in girth. Around his glans, the foreskin nestled just stretched back enough to leave the tip uncovered, his piss slit visible. “Suck it” he demanded. Without hesitation, I opened my mouth and slowly, respecting his cock, took it into my mouth. I rested the end of his helmet on my tongue and guided the remainder into my mouth into the back of my throat. Gently at first, I sucked and worked on his cock, ensuring my tongue lapped around the uncovered end, and gently teased his piss slit with gently pressure. Pushing the very tip of my tongue against the piss hole to tease it apart. “Mmmmm, see how good my poz cock feels” he said - and it did. I started to feel his cock swelling as my mouth action was beginning to show results. Still sucking, his cock hardened and could I feel the foreskin stretching back. I took his cock in my hands and helped it gently, pulling the shaft skin back and running my tongue across and over the helmet, as well as around the newly revealed inner skin at the top of his shaft. “Kiss my balls” he demanded. I licked the full length of the shaft, moving my mouth around his sack and kissing each ball that dangled in front of me. Carefully I opened my mouth to allow the whole ball to sit in my mouth, providing a gentle teasing sucking action. “That’s it boy, massage those balls, full of poz cum, suck those balls, boy. The massage is gonna make me shoot a bigger load.” With that I was spurned on to working on his sack. Gently enveloping each ball in my warm mouth, licking and applying gentle pressure on each poison-filed testicle. “What you want, boy? What I’m gonna give you, is in those balls, but you’ve gotta work for it. Worship my sack. Kiss my poz balls. Warm my toxic cum.” With that I just moaned in agreement, and redoubled my efforts to service his sack, then moving back down his now fully-hard shaft, knowing that through the his cum, that which I so desired would be delivered. By now I could suck on his cock head which was now fully exposed, the foreskin behind the helmet. It was a gently purple colour and unlike a circumcised cock head a little moist from being under the skin. I noticed a very faint wiff of his last piss, but more the aroma of crotch: that slightly musky, sweaty smell and it was wonderful. “Take this, boy” he said as he maneuvered a bottle of Jungle juice under my nostril. “Take a good long sniff.” Without hesitation I closed my eyes and did so. He switched nostrils and I repeated the action. “Now, lick my head” he ordered. I looked back at his cock - a droplet had formed on the tip. Without hesitation, but with genuine excitement, I licked it. “That’s my poz pre-cum boy, my DNA. Does it taste good? You want more?” “Fuck yeah” I grunted, only to look down at his cock and see another droplet form. Again I wrapped my mouth round his cock and lapped at the end. With that he said ”Come with me.” Rising to my feet, I followed him into a sparsely furnished bedroom. I guess it was his 'fuck room' as it contained a bed and nothing more. “Lay on your back” he commanded as I positioned myself on the bed. He took each of my ankles in his hands and raised them up, to reveal my hole. “Hold your legs up” he ordered, “Show me your hole.” With my legs stretched apart he had a clear view of my hole. “Now, show me you wants me. Open it. It’s no use to me like a duck’s ass, all sealed up.” With as much effort as I could manage I flexed my anal muscles, hoping there would be enough of a movement to please him. He lifted his hand and I watched him carefully put his index finger to his cock to wipe off more pre-cum. Without a word he very gently wiped his finger on the very edges of my hole. I could feel the moisture of his poz pre-cum on my flesh. It felt so intense. My hole must have quivered in reaction. “Are you ready for me?” he asked, adding “You ready to take my gift? To be filled with poz cum?” Again, I grunted my approval, whereupon he muttered “I gonna poz you, make you feel complete, breed you.” Then he asked “Do you want my cum in your hole, boy?” “Do you want my poz cum?” Another thrust of the poppers and I again assented. With the hit of poppers I realised he had shifted his position and his cock head was now pushing at my hole. I can't say he had either lubed me with pre-cum, or spit or something else but at my entrance it felt good. No pressure but it was slowly entering me and it met with little resistance. With just his head in me he stopped and said ”If I go in more there’s no turning back - I don’t stop, I don’t pull out, there’s no safe word or stopping. You’ll take my cum, my poz cum. My HIV becomes your HIV. My toxic semen will work its way through your body, transforming you into a poz boy.” All I could say was “It feels so good - push it in me.” “I can’t hear you” he continuing "what do you want?” "Please, fuck me” I begged. “And what…what do you want” he teased. “I want you to cum in me” I replied. “Do you?” he asked “Do you really? Do you want me to cum in you? To empty my balls into you?” "Yes, yes, fuck me and cum in me” I cried, reaching the zenith of frustration. He responded by thrusting the poppers under my nose yet again. “Tell me what you really want” he ordered. “I want you to fuck me. I wanna feel your raw cock. I want you to fill me with your poz cum. I want to be poz. Make me your poz boy.” With that, he pushed his weight forward and I felt the length of his cock sliding into me. “Feel it” he demanded, taking my hand and placing it at the base of his cock. “I’m fully in your cunt. You're tight - that’s good. You feel nice around my cock. I’m so fuckin' horny. Seeding neg boys is the fuckin' best.” “You probably can’t feel it but right now I'm dripping pre-cum. Once it starts, I produce lots of pre-cum. Even before I give you my cum load, my toxic pre-cum will coat your hole, lubing you for my fuck. There’s no point turning back or stopping now that the transfer has begun. Tell me again, what do you want?” “I want your cum” I grunted. “Why?” he asked. Again I replied “I wanna be pozzed. I want you to fuck your dirty cum into me.” “Good” he said and with that he vigorously started to fuck my ass. As he fucked me he brought his face to mine and started kissing me, pushing his tongue into my mouth, whispering into my ear “I’m gonna give you my gift. Tell me you want my gift.” And as he pumped his cock into me I cried out “Please fuck me. Give me your gift! Give me your poz cum. Make me your own." With that he began to fuck even more vigorously and then, his leg muscles tightening and quivering, he leaned over and his tongue into my mouth. At that moment I knew at that moment he was delivering his gift. Unlike a porn shot, he didn't pull-out to spunk on my hole. He delivered his load deep, complete and irrevocably inside my ass. But, as he was still hard, that was not the end. He continued to fuck his spunk ever deeper into my ass. My hole felt wet, slippery and good. As he began to soften he pulled out and said “Push some out for me.” I felt so good I truly didn’t want to let a single drop go, but I did as I was ordered. He reached into my hole and collected a large white blob that appeared, lifting it to my mouth, saying "Take it,” shoving his finger into my mouth. I eagerly licked it clean, sucking on his finger like it was a cock. I hadn’t cum yet. “I want you to cum” he said. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he started to finger my hole. With all his cum in there it felt good and as a natural lube cum opened me up quickly. Within seconds I felt three and then four fingers up my hole. As I worked my cock he pushed his fingers deeper into my body, working his poz cum into my hole ever deeper. It felt good, stretching but not uncomfortable. Finally I came close and, sensing my my body language that I was on the edge of blowing my load, he took my cock head into his mouth, sucking so hard that I immediately blew my load. He then drew his face to mine opened his mouth and the cum dribbled out. Without hesitation, I closed my eyes, opened my mouth, and let my own cum flow from his mouth into my mouth. He then brought his lips to mine and, for what seemed an age, we kissed deeply. When we broke-off the kiss he murmured “Your last neg cum. Now when you cum it’ll be as toxic as mine.” I then lay back and contemplated what I had done, what I had begged him do to me. We lay on the bed and he took me in his arms as I began to cry. I’m not sure if the tears were of happiness or fear, but he cradled me and said “It’s okay. You’ve done a big thing, but you're there now. You’ve taken your first poz load, and I'll give it to you again and again - until you test positive.”
    1 point
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