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  1. Part 53 Several minutes went by then with my friend just sitting there staring at the floor. I could tell he was completely stunned and not able to make any kind of coherent thought or sound even, His eyes closed then and I almost thought that maybe the shock was too much for him and he had had a heart attack or something. I looked closer and could see he seemed to be breathing though, although it seemed to be somewhat labored. There came a tapping at my back door then, so I got up to go see who that could be. I entered the kitchen and could see through the screen door that is was Hank. I motioned for him to come on in. He told me he was wondering what had become of Randy, so I filled him in on what had happened and what was not going on. We quietly walked to the living room and looked in. Randy was still sitting on the couch and my friend was in the same position I had left him in when I went to let Hank in. He was still sitting with his eyes closed and not moving. I was really starting to worry about him now. Hank tapped me on the shoulder and told me he would be right back. He then went out the back door. I entered the living room then and sat down by Randy, who also had kind of a worried look on his face. Hank was only gone a very few minutes and then came back in. He had a glass in his hand and tapped my friend on the shoulder and told him to try this as it might help. My friend finally looked up and saw Hank for the first time. Hank was smiling and held out the glass. My friend took it after a moment and took a sip. He made a terrible face and coughed a little. Hank told him to just sip it slowly. He was still smiling and his voice was very soft and comforting sounding. My friend took his advice and just sipped slowly on the drink. It seemed to calm him a little and soon he had finished the drink. Hank asked him if he wanted another and my friend nodded yes. Hank then went into the kitchen and I followed to see that he had brought more with him. It was cold cans of Coke and a bottle of Rum. I well knew the calming effect that could have on someone. Hank mixed another one and took it to my friend, who didn't sip this one, but gulped it down fast, too fast I thought, but at least he seemed to be coming around more. Hank had sat down on the arm of the chair and was rubbing his back and soothingly telling him that everything would be fine and not to worry. My friend looked up, still somewhat wide-eyed at what had happened, to see who was there now. Hank introduced himself also telling him that he owned the building. My friend just kind of nodded barely really acknowledging knowing what was going on. Hank continued to rub his back soothingly. My friend seemed to be calming down as Hank rubbed his back and whispered soothing words in his ear. Soon, I could tell that Hank was now massaging more than just a rub. He had also, with the whispering, gently kind of nipped a little at the ear lobe every so often. Then it turned into actually kind of nibbling and kissing his ear which then slowly went down from his ear to his neck. My friend didn't even seem to realize what was going on. Hank nibbling and massaging and kissing went lower and lower as he moved to my friend's bare chest and then he took a nipple into his mouth and sucked it in nibbling as he did it. My friend finally gasped at this but I had sat down and could see that his cock had definitely come to attention and was protruding his shorts out for sure. Hank then moved upwards, kissing and nibbling all the while, up across his chest to his neck and then over his chin. Hank then planted a kiss on my buddy, who at first kind of flinched, but then I could tell his mouth opened up and I am sure Hank's tongue was entering him in a deep passionate kiss. My friend was moaning softly now as the effect of the alcohol and Hank's ministrations had him almost hypnotized. Their kisses went on and on for a good 5 minutes. Then Hank slowly and gently brought his other hand and was caressing my friend's cock through his shorts. This brought a gasp from my friend as his cock twitched under Hank's gentle rubbing. Very soon Hank hand reached into the shorts and was stroking my friend's cock. They were both breathing hard now. Then Hank withdrew his hand and took my friend's hand and placed it on his bare cock. My friend just gripped it to start with but then Hank slowly took ahold of his hand and guided it up and down his shaft. My friend then was doing it on his own as Hank pushed his hand inside my friend's shorts again. They stroked each other's cocks for a while. Then Hank pulled on the shorts and without thinking my friend lifted up and Hank pulled them down to his knees. Hank broke off the kissing and looked my friend in the eyes as he then dropped down and pulled the shorts completely off. My friend seemed to be too stunned at what was going on to move. As Hank got back up, he leaned in and started to kiss my friend again as he gently pushed him over onto his back while climbing on top of him and grinding their cocks together. My friend was constantly moaning now in the throes of passion. I was sure he had no idea what was happening, but I knew exactly how Hank could manipulate the situation. I fleetingly wondered if I should intervene and try to stop Hank, but the scene was so hot I could not move or speak. I could only watch mesmerized as Hank, without breaking off the kiss, moved slightly downward and his cock slid between my friends legs. Hank reached down with both hands then and drew those legs up and around himself. This helped move Hank's cock into position against my friend's waiting hole. Then as Hank broke off the kiss and looked deeply into my friend's eyes, he thrust forward, penetrating into that tight aperture and he did not stop until he was buried to the hilt. His cock completely imbedded as deep as he could get it in that already cum lubed hole. My friend winced some from this invasion of his only once before entered hole, but Hank covered his mouth with his own to stifle any sound. Then Hank started the slow out stroke and then back in again. My friend moaned and thrashed as Hank started slowly but soon picked up speed. He took only a couple of minutes until he was pounding that hole as hard and fast as he could. My friend's head rolled side to side as he soon felt the pleasure building from this onslaught. I just sat and stared at this sight. It was damnably hot and my own cock was standing at attention as I watched my friend being pummeled as I had been. I absolutely knew the pleasure that Hank could bring with his magnificent cock and I actually felt somewhat jealous that it was not me getting fucked like that again. My friend threw his arms and legs around Hank and held him tight as he could. Hank drove his cock into him over and over again, now bringing absolute moans of pleasure from my friend. Hank thrust into him time and again, over and over. He continued for a good half and hour. Then I noticed the tell tale signs that Hank was getting close to climax and he leaned back a little and looked deeply into my friend's eyes and told him it was happening. He was telling him he was cumming deep in his hole and he had HIV and had a very high viral load. As he said it, he thrust one last mighty push and my friend's eyes got huge as he realized he was getting another load of tainted cum in his ass and at the same time his own cock pulsed out his load too.
    12 points
  2. Sunday is the day of rest... Unless you know young dumb fags are at their most vulnerable hungover horn state. Then it's cherry popping season....
    11 points
  3. You don’t go to a Cumunion party looking for a boy friend , a lover , someone to hang out with. You go to Cumunion to fuck or be fuck with a raw dick.
    7 points
  4. I love it when the guy you are training up starts to turn into a REALLY sleazy pig. You can see the change in his eyes as he becomes more confident and hungry for sex
    7 points
  5. Part 7 - Three In A Bed I froze feeling a hand caressing my ass but strangely I felt a little slutty letting him doing it. You could say I was beginning to feel part of the gay world, being in this nightclub just made you feel sexy and wanting to engage with numerous men. Then there was the part of me that was still guarded but also enjoying the attention my ass was getting from this stranger. It was the element of surprise that kept me from turning instantly to see who my fondler was, secretly I was hoping to be amazed. Tempted by playing it cool and impressing myself as I focused on Mike's drink as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening to me. They had moved closer as I could now feel the warm air of his breath dancing on the nape of my neck making the hairs stand on end. "Such a perfect ass you have. Haven't seen you here before" came a very sure and confident voice. I stayed perfectly still only raising my head not even looking at him "My first time here" I replied. His hand ran up the side of my body "You very fit, first time here eh?" he said pulling my body turning me around. His body was smooth and his muscles were almost like Eddie's "Just having a night out with a friend" I said. "Your are even sexier looking close up" he said dazzling me the sexiest smile I had ever seen. I smiled embarrassingly almost swooning at this hunk "Am I?" I questioned him unsure what to really say. His hand caressed my face and I made no attempt to stop him "Hell your sexy, your eyes are amazing" he said. I looked at him "Is that why you was looking at me from the dance floor?" I asked. "Maybe, or were you looking at me?" he replied catching me out as we both smiled. He leaned forward and kissed me attempting to push his tongue in a get a full taste of me "Woah" I stopped him. "Sorry, I couldn't resist" he said "Names Chad" his hand rubbing my arm slowly. I almost giggled at my precarious situation "Tom, I'm Tom" I replied trying to sorting myself out. It was the way he nodded then moved his head closer to me "Nice to meet you Tom" he said so seductively. Oh he was good, so good in fact I threw down my guard, I was a sucker for eyes and he had the most beautiful blue eyes. He kissed me on the lips then hardly moving his face away he brushed his lips over mine so delicately, his hand guided mine down to his cock forcing me to feel it and how hard he was. Intuitively my lips responded to his gentle brushing and I allowed him to close in and kiss me properly, once, then again and my mouth opened a little and he slipped his tongue in briefly almost as if he was tasting to see if he liked. The third time my mouth still slightly open and again he slipped his tongue in and touched mine lingering and caressing it. His free hand went behind my neck and held me kissing me deeper. I didn't protest or try to escape and just allowed him to work me for a minute until he stopped kissing me and smiled at me nodding in an appreciative way. I could see the looks other guys were throwing in our direction but I didn't care. Slowly his hand was replaced by his arm around my neck and the other around my back. I was his and he knew it, right from the look across the floor when our eyes met he sensed I would be an easy catch. Looking around he seemed to wipe his mouth or lick his finger I couldn't be sure, what I did see was everything he did looked sexual. He leaned in an unceremoniously kissed me harder forcing my lips wider apart, he tongue darted in to my mouth feeling like I was about to swallow it he was so deep tasting every inch of my mouth. My hands worked up along his body and across his arms having a cheeky feel of his muscles and finally coming to rest around his back. He was assertive and confident in his manner all the time kissing me until he broke free and kissed my neck. "Shall we get out of here I live just around the corner" he said looking at me. My head was already out of the door and in bed with him "Yes, oh but I have to let my friend know" I said. My lips felt like they were tingling slightly and a mildly bitter taste was hanging around on my tongue and the sides of my mouth. I didn't know what to make of this or have to time to dwell before he returned to kissing me slowly, erotically he rubbed his cock up against mine then grinding it harder up against me. I knew he had one thing on his mind and that thing is what I was now after. I suddenly needed him badly, his actions were causing me to step back and I was moving out of my safe space at the bar slowly being guided away without me realising. I was so hooked on him, attached at the mouth, my feet voluntarily shuffling towards to the end of the bar from his welcome advances. "Tom!!" Mike called to me, I heard my name but failed to register it was me being called. I felt my body being tugged and I looked seeing Mike's concerned face breaking free from Chad's kissing. "Fuck off Chad" Mike said, he knew his name, I suddenly came out of my transient sexual state. I stumbled against the end of the bar giggling "Chad and I are off to fuck" I said to Mike. "Mikey mind your own business" Chad said returning his focus back on to me. Chad went to kiss me but Mike pulled me away "Leave him alone" he said quickly looking at my dazed state. Chad looked at Mike "Or what Mikey?" he said confronting him. Mike faced up to him "What the fuck did you give him?" he asked angrily pushing Chad. I giggled trying to shake the fuzziness out of my head "His tongue" I replied and laughed. "I know what your doing " Mike said to Chad "Clear off or I will get security". "Fuck you" Chad said and walked back over to the dance floor, Mike saw me rubbing my lip. Mike but his arm around my shoulder "Lucky escape Tom, trust me" he said. "What did he do my lips feel funny?" I asked looking at Mike smiling. Mike shook his head "He puts drugs under his tongue before kissing and passes it to you without you knowing". Mike got me a bottle of water and made me drink it all quickly and then another, we sat down at the bar and slowly the fuzziness began dissipating from inside my head. My lips returning to normal figuring that he hadn't managed to pass to much of whatever drug he had in to my mouth. "Fuck I have a lot to learn" I said lowering my head in to my hands. Mike nodded "Shall we call it a night?" he asked. "Yes but one more thing" I said holding my phone up "Do you want to be seen by 400k people?". Mike chuckled "Do you though, want to be seen with me, they may talk?" he replied looking at me. I shrugged my shoulders and took a selfie realising that if anyone knew this place then my sexuality would probably be blown open wide, Mike looked at the photo 'I love it' he kissed me on the cheek. I typed the tweet 'Friday night with bestie, love you all', Mike laughed and called me cheesy but I posted it anyway. We both turned and leaned on the bar Mike counting the number of likes and responses flooding in. The screen of his mobile phone flashed with the tweet and Marcus picked it up and laughed out loud interrupting Jacob and Eddie from their conversation and showing them the picture. "Looks like Tom is doing more than okay" Marcus said to Eddie and Jacob. James looked at the picture "So nice seeing normal photos of him" he smirked at Eddie. Jacob smiled "Who is the cutie he is with does it say?". Marcus shook his head "No just says he out with his bestie and it looks like a gay club". Eddie chuckled "That is Mike he came with Brad to rescue him from Eric" looking at photo with a tinge of sadness. James rubbed Eddie's head "You miss him don't you?" he asked. Eddie nodded "You know he brought a sense of normality to life in LA". "I will drink to that" Jacob said raising his glass "The Model Called Tom and his morals of normality". Marcus pressed the like button and I saw it flash up briefly. The battery on my phone died after 90k likes and still going up, quite a lot of tweets came in asking for Mike to be their bestie as well. But I was shattered and so was Mike so we did eventually call it a night at 10pm, I know, call me a lightweight but being on the scene for the first time in this way was more than I could cope with. Brad read the last entry I made today, he read and re-read the last sentence I wrote 'I am going to free myself from all of this once and for all' panic struck through him as he fumbled around with his phone. We stopped at a diners not far from Mike's apartment and sat down to order coffee and pie and scrounging a charger from the cute waiter to bring my phone back to life. I had several missed calls and texts from Brad, each one asking where I was and was I okay. He must have stopped calling after seeing my messages had been read as he didn't call now my phone was charging up. Mike looked at me "Your going to have to talk to him eventually" he said nodding at my phone. "Only when it suits him it would appear" I replied as it started vibrating again. Mike's phone pinged he looked at the message "Brad has asked if I am with you" he said looking over at me. "Strange, he needs to know if your safe" Mike looked a little puzzled reading his text aloud. I was busy watching the cute waiter "What oh, yeah, tell him I am fine" I said as Mike typed away. "So what are you going to do Tom?" Mike finally asked "I mean this situation". I laughed "Situation" I said looking at him "I don't know maybe move here a get a job" I replied. Mike smiled "Well there is always a room here for you if you need it" he offered. "Thanks, I may take you up on that whilst searching for a job" I said watching the waiter pour our coffee. Mike watched the waiter walk away "Cute isn't he?". I chuckled "Very" watching him bringing our pie over "Thanks Sean" I said looking at his name tag. Sean blushed a little and looked me in the eye "Your welcome" he replied making eye contact with us both. "See you could have almost anyone, gay straight, bi. They all like you Tom" Mike said then burst out laughing. I smiled and shook my head "Maybe, but fuck can I pick the dangerous ones" I replied. Mike held my hand across the table "Right situation, right time, you will find the one". I laughed "Yeah but it's an employer I need to impress most" I said bringing our chat back to earth. Mike leaned forward "I can get you an interview for a flight attendants job" he said. "You can?" I replied "well it's an option I guess, thanks" I said tucking in to the pie as I was hungry. "Do you think he is?" Mike asked nodding over to Sean "I mean sometimes I think he wants to talk to me when I come in here". I waved my fork precariously in the air "What gay?" I asked as Mike hushed me as I said it pretty loudly. Fortunately no one was paying attention to us except Sean, as hungry as I was my eye kept wandering over to him. He was obviously quite young but old enough to work since it was so late. He was attractive in a funny youthful way his brown hair flopped over his face and his brown eyes were big pools of deep desire. His face really seemed to fit his stature standing at just under six feet, and easily you could make out he packed some punch looking at the shape of his arms under his shirt. But he had a bulge that showed magnificent potential through the waiters apron he was wearing, but what struck the most was the kind of rough edginess about him. You knew he was a good waiter but could only wonder if he was an animal in bed. We ordered another cup of coffee from Sean, I was feeling a lot better but peeing like crazy after all the water I drank in the club. Sean poured my coffee "You guys had a good evening out?" he asked nervously looking at me. "It was okay" I replied seeing Mike transfixed of Sean "Nothing special, must suck working on a Friday night". "Kind of but it is a job" Sean replied pouring Mike's coffee and clearly looking at him. Mike was watching his hand on the coffee pot "What time do you get off?" he asked. Sean displayed a sexually wicked grin "My shift is over in 30" he replied "been a long shift I can tell you". Mike was right it was as if Sean was desperate to talk to us "You heading out after work?" I asked. Sean smiled at me and shook his head "What and blow my wages, no" he replied giggling. Mike chuckled "You don't look old enough to be drinking age" he said attempting to get Sean's age. He laughed "I'm nearly 19, old enough for most things but not drink" Sean replied emphasising the word most. Mike chuckled "How nearly is nearly" he asked "I mean your over 18 right?" Sean laughed again "Yes 18 and 11 months, so you know..." he tapered off "Sorry back to work, enjoy". He seemed a little timid but very definitely gay and just like me he was unsure how to go about it. Mike looked at me and I suggested we take him out for a coffee, Mike laughed telling me how crazy I was pointing to the coffee cups on the table. Okay so it was a dumb idea since we were already drinking coffee. We drank our coffee slowly chatting away and laughing at the tweets still coming in. We could see Sean getting ready to finish his shift and preparing the checks for his tables, noticeably he left ours until last, there had been several glances and smiles between the three of us as he would wander past trying see what we were so engrossed about on my phone. Sean placed the check down "Thanks guys, my shift is over" he said loitering for a moment then turned. "Sean" Mike said waiting for him to turn "do you fancy hanging out with us this evening?" he asked. Sean glanced around the diner "What do you mean hang out with you?" he questioned. I put some money on the table "Chat, walk, whatever you fancy" I replied knowing we had no plan what to do. Sean spoke quietly "Don't try anything, I come from a rough neighbourhood and can take care of myself". I chuckled as it wasn't a threat just a kind warning "Did anyone sat here offer you sex?" Mike replied. A shocked look flew across his face "Oh, sorry I just don't want you to think that I..." he started saying. "You know what we don't need any trouble so let's forget about it" I said standing up. Sean now looked at Mike "Can I meet you outside in 10?" he said nervously. We both nodded and he walked off "Hanging out with us, that is so lame" I said laughing to Mike. Mike chuckled "Fuck if I knew what to say" he stood putting down a generous tip. We waited by the car and Sean appeared "Hey, my parents are okay said I was out with friends". He was still nervous "What shall we do?" Mike asked looking at us both and Sean shrugged his shoulders. "Shall we go back to yours Mike and chat, I'm still hungry" I said and Mike nodded. Sean smiled "There is a deli round the corner I'm hungry as well" he said. Sean got in the back seat and we headed to the deli that was 100 meters down the road, Mike also knew this place since he shopped here often. You two stay here and I will get some bites he said getting out of the car. Sean watched him go inside "Sorry about earlier I mean I get hit on all the time by drunk gays" he said. I turned to face him "Oh right, I guess you would being so close to gay area here" I said understanding. Sean nodded "I have had some pretty awful experiences" he said looking out towards the deli. "Me to, actually I had one tonight" I said looking seriously at him "Mike lives around the corner you ok with that?". Sean looked and smiled "Yeah, but do you think we can talk, I mean I have not been able to talk to anyone about this" he said. I nodded to him "I completely understand Sean and we can share stories if you like". He seemed to relax "I don't have any gay friends, you know growing up in a rough area" he said. "Well I hope you like us and we can be your first two gay friends" I replied watching Mike in the deli. "So" Sean hesitated "so are you and he a couple?" he asked timidly. I chuckled "No, friends, I wouldn't say no though he is quite charming. That is between us!" I said looking at him. Sean laughed "Our first secret" he said as Mike returned to the car putting the bad in the back seat. Mike looked at us both giggling and just said he didn't want to know shaking his head, he got in to the drivers seat for the short drive to his apartment block. Sean walked in to the apartment behind us both slightly nervous but seemed to feel more comfortable when he saw that we were both pretty ordinary guys as we took our trainers off and threw them in the corner of the room so he did the same. Mike set the food up on the table in the kitchen dining room as Sean and I sat in the lounge chatting away about the area mostly and he opened up a little telling me about how hard his life is with his family and how much he was working to get out of the neighbourhood and make a better life for himself. Okay I am big softy at heart and I kind of felt for him but also admired his courage and determination to work himself into a better life. We joined Mike at the dining table and Sean got stuck along with me, the pie was nice but didn't hit the spot so having a midnight snack was pretty awesome and the first time I had even done this. Mike was nibbling holding my phone reading all the tweets and giggling every now and then. "Does he always do this?" Sean asked me nodding at Mike. "No he is just infatuated by a social media page I am involved in" I replied not giving anything away. Sean screwed his face up eating an olive "Yuk, that's gross" he laughed but swallowed it nevertheless. "What's gross?" Mike suddenly looked up as if he had suddenly realised we were there. I smiled at Sean "Nothing go back to ignoring us" I said to him and he head went straight back to the phone. "No way, no way" he suddenly cried out "someone wants to hire you in the UK" he said handing me the phone to see. Sean looked over confused "Oh, your an escort?" he asked looking a little surprised. Mike and I laughed hard "No absolutely not" I managed to say "I did some modelling that's all". "Wow really how exciting" Sean replied. Mike rolled his eyes "Some modelling, he is so modest Sean. He is actually really good, show him" he told me. I handed the phone over "Seriously" Sean said looking at the pictures "Wow you are hot as hell". I blushed a little and waved my hand in the air as if it was nothing "Thanks. Your pretty hot yourself" I said. Sean nervously smiled "Do you think so or are you just being nice" he replied looking at me. I shook my head "No, really you are. If I met you on a date we would totally be doing it with you right now" I laughed. Sean laughed "Yeah I could see that" he replied "I would do him definitely" he said nodding towards Mike. Mike looked up musing it over "I have a boyfriend" he said "but were not exclusive just yet" he winked at Sean. Conversation moved more towards my modelling at Sean was very interested to find out more about me, we moved in to the lounge and drank some sodas. During this time I opened up to him about the Chad and my lucky escape, Sean sat there opened mouthed after I mentioned his name. He told me he had met him at the diner and saw him drop something in a guys drink when he went to the washroom but didn't think anything of it. Sean told us about his close encounter with Chad a few weeks after and confided in us that he had beaten a guy up who came on two heavily waving his dick in the air demanding he bend over and take it like a pussy boy. It became evident that Sean was a complex person, he still had his street vibe going through him but there was also a sensual side where he needed to explore his sexuality more, something that was completely taboo where he lived and it remained hidden within himself. He wiped his eyes as the emotions poured out finally being able to talk to people without judgement or retaliation. It was already 3am and we had sat there talking for several hours, a lot of laughter and tears as the three of us really bonded together. "We should get some sleep" Mike suggested looking at his watch "You want to stay over Sean?" he asked. Sean looked at us both "You don't mind?" he replied. "Not at all" Mike said "I only have 2 bedrooms so it would be the couch" he said. Sean stood "So I have never asked this before" he paused "can we sleep together, you know the three of us?". Mike looked at me "This is awkward" he chuckled "we have never slept together" he said honestly. "Oh right" Sean said looking as if he wanted to run feeling a fool. I looked at Mike and Sean "What the hell lets do it" I brazenly said seeing a surprised look on Mike's face. "You will have to sleep in the middle Sean" Mike said waiting to see if it was to much for him. Sean nodded and the three of us went in to Mike's room. Sean and I stood facing each other, I raised my hand and began unbuttoning his shirt. He reached up to do mine and I could see his hand was trembling. I looked at him "Relax Sean, nothing is going to happen unless you want it to" I assured him. The way he looked at me then he glanced at Mike who was nearly naked must have brought him over the edge, he pulled me forward and sunk his lips hard on to mine. It he might not be experienced but he knew how to kiss, he had my mouth open holding my head his hands he kissed me hard and deep at first then moving in to a more sensual expression of affection, my hands continued to take his shirt off then his uniform chinos slipping effortlessly down. He stopped kissing me and finished undressing himself but leaving his underwear on as Mike had done. I watched him climb on the bed and pull Mike in to his arms quickly kissing. Mike had his hands roaming over Sean's body and the moans escaping his mouth showed how much he needed to experience being with another man. Absent minded my hand had worked down to my cock and was gently rubbing the throbbing meat under my underwear. Only now did it register that I actually found Sean very sexy. Seeing his muscles flexing as he held Mike it was so cute, I climbed on the bed and laid beside them turning the light off and the glow from outside was the only thing illuminating the room. I just managed to lay back on the pillow when Sean turned on got on top of me and began kissing me. I wrestled him off on his back and held his arms looking at him 'trust me' I said softly and kissed his lips and slowly worked may around his neck and down to his nipples. Sean was kissing again with Mike who was also running his hand down my body coping a feel of me. Sean was in head first with the two of us as his first experience, this was a first for me as well and sight of naked bodies shuffling in he dim light was so sexually pleasing. I stopped licking Sean's nipple and turned my head, tongue stretching out it flickered against Mike's nipple, unsuspecting how wired to his cock it they were he instantly cried out rolled flat on his back I could see his cock trying to break free from his underwear. His moaning turning Sean and seeing how incapable he was of controlling himself as I had his nipple in my mouth was working Sean in to a frenzy. He kneeled by Mike's head and rubbed his cock on his face, gently pulling his underwear down over his genitals the long thick cock flopped out smacking Mike squarely on the mouth. His eyes opened wide, his hand grabbed my arm, the expression on his face was of shock and amazement feeling the tongue washing over and around his cock. The sensual way his lips closed around Sean's cock causing him to grip me harder as he felt parts of his body reacting that he didn't know how to deal with. I kneeled up and against Sean who turned to me grabbing my neck roughly and kissing me harder that he had done before trying to expel some of his sexual frustrations. Taking his other hand I placed it inside my underwear, we both moaned simultaneously, his fingers began exploring, my hand took hold of Mike's cock, leaned down and took him in my mouth sucking a few times but I could sense Mike was close to orgasm. Sean didn't hold back and the gently sucking and licking I felt his hips thrust forward burying his head in to my neck he cried out as his whole body shuddered shooting his load in to Mike's mouth. Gentle caressing Mike's cock I could feel it welling up and the moment Sean thrusted his cock deeper in to Mike's mouth and began ejaculating it brought Mike over the edge hearing him moan with a mouth full of cock his legs danced on the bed and my hand holding his cock became wet and slippery with his seed. Sean released his grip kissing me again he finally let go, Mike flipped me on to my back and looked at Sean 'You want to suck him' he asked rubbing my cock. Sean nodded and took his first steps towards taking a man's cock in his mouth, gingerly and ever so sweetly he kissed it at first and gradually began licking with tender strokes at first. He was a quick learner and soon my back was arching from the pleasure running up my spine flowing outwards to every nerve ending. Mike was still hard and he now leaned across my face rubbing his cock against my lips and pressing it down until I tasted the remnants of his orgasm. I was beginning to understand what Mike had felt just moments before, unable to ascertain where the pleasure was coming from as they seemed to crash in to each other somewhere in between. My hand reached up and stroked Sean's head and gently held on to him, for some reason I had to touch him as I felt it was the least I could do for him pleasuring me in such a way. Mike abruptly pulled his cock out and cried as he began shooting another load of his seed smack up against my lips and almost trickling up my nostril. Forced open again his cock pushed his seed in to my mouth, the taste reminded me so much of Brad. My body rapidly heated up and I tried to pull Sean's head off my cock as I started pumping out seed. My body was in heaven and moaning, assaulted at the mouth and cock at the same time I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment. The choking snapped me back seeing Sean laughing but coughing telling us he swallowed some of it. The three of us collapsed back on the bed laughing our hands on each others bodies in a sort of appreciation. After several minutes Sean reached over for some water. He sat up kneeling in between and facing us "Thank you both, for this and not being weird" he smiled. Mike looked at me and smiled "Dam he is so cute" he looked at Sean "I hope we didn't push you to far?" he asked. Sean rubbed Mike's leg "No" he paused for a moment "I mean will you teach me how to, you know?". I chuckled and patted the empty spot and he laid down "When you are ready and comfortable with us I am sure we can". Sean bit my nipple giggling then kissed me, he turned and kissed Mike then indicated for us to kiss each other which we did. I always found Mike so sexually interesting but we quickly went past that as friends so it was kind of hot being able to kiss him so fondly. Sean cuddled up to me by rolling on his side and placing his hand on my chest, Mike spooned against Sean holding him around the waist, the hypnotic breathing against my neck by Sean soon had me falling in to a deep sleep. It was 11am when Mike came in to the bedroom and brought us coffee 'Come on sleepy heads' he said putting the coffee cups down next to Sean and I, we woke up in the same positions except Sean's hand had wandered down my body and was resting against my inner thigh. Sean kissed me neck and sat up "What time is it?" he asked rubbing his eyes. "11" Mike replied gathering clothes on coat hangers from the wardrobe "I have to press my uniform" he said. Mike disappeared and Sean straddled across me body "Get up" he said "Oh wait you can't" he laughed. To be honest he was turning me on "Oh it's getting up" I replied making load pleasurable moans. "You dirty whore" he chuckled pinching my nipples, he leaned forward and kissed me then climbed off the bed. Sean was actually a very sweet guy, genuine down to earth but such a rough side to him when it came to pleasure, it was almost as if you could see he would be a heart breaker leaving a string of unhappy lovers in his wake when he got older. We both threw on some underwear and joined Mike in the kitchen diner who had set breakfast up and now busy pressing his mountain of work uniforms. Sean and I sat there drinking coffee waiting for Mike to finish out of politeness. "You have to do that each week?" Sean asked admiring how Mike was engrossed in pressing his uniform. Mike looked up "Yes, you always have to look the part. Anyway I like to get it done before Monday" he replied. "The job I want you have to pass loads of tests before you can actually work" Sean said "But I can't do it". I looked at Sean "What do you mean, you can't do it?" I asked putting my cup down. Sean shrugged his shoulders "They say I am to young at the moment but when I turn 19 I can apply again". "What is it you want to do?" Mike asked hanging up a perfectly ironed shirt. Sean chuckled "You will probably think it lame, but I want to work on the airlines, travel around you know". Mike turned to look at Sean "You mean flight attendant?" he asked. "Yeah" Sean nodded "I know it's strange but ever since I flew to New Orleans I wanted to do it". What followed next was no surprise except to Sean when he found out that Mike was living out Sean's dream. Mike promised Sean he would ask and get him an interview as soon as he turned 19 and would act as his sponsor. Mike put his uniform back in to the wardrobe and sat down joining us for breakfast just as his phone rang. He picked it up smiling and waved 'Hello sexy' he started off, I looked at Sean and "Are you having fun in Santa Barbara?" Miked asked. "It's okay but wish I had you in bed with me" Steve replied. Mike chuckled "This week. Are you alone?" he asked. "Yes, I have sneaked away for a couple of minutes" Steve replied. Mike turned the phone towards me "Steve" I said to his video image. "Fuck TFT, are you alright?" Steve asked. I nodded "Yes, can you come over next weekend my 21st?" I asked him "Of course, to hell with this gagging order" he replied straight away "Wouldn't miss it for the world". "Thanks, oh this is Sean" I said pulling Sean in to view who now got embarrassed. "Oooh your sexy" Steve said giving a thumbs "Did the three of you get it on last night?" he asked. Sean went bright red "That's a yes then. Shame I wasn't there" Steve said chuckling quietly. "I have to get back to work Mike, miss you and chat during the week" Steve said, we knew someone had returned. Sean looked at me "What is TFT" he asked more concerned about that. Mike laughed "That's what they called him in LA, Tom From Texas" he replied, Sean laughed and put his arm around me. "You will come down next weekend as well" I said to Sean. "I am working" Sean said looking at me then Mike "let me see if I can get my shift covered". So it was agreed that the three of them would come down to Medina next weekend when I was to turn 21. It would be a fairly quiet weekend with not much partying as it would only be the four of us and Brad if he was talking to me. That is all I wanted for my birthday Mike, Steve and now Sean, who I considered my closest friends at that time for more reasons than one cares to tell you about. We parted ways Sunday afternoon as I had to drive back to Medina. I dropped Sean off at the diner to start his shift, Mike said he would pop in later for a coffee and would facetime me in so we could chat. I drove with the window open all the way back to Medina enjoying the fresh air and the last of the daylight. Turning on to the access road and seeing the ranch house bathed in a subtle orange glow from the setting sun there really was no place like the Medina ranch in my eyes it just seemed to cast a spell and lift you up no matter how down you felt...
    5 points
  6. By the time we got upstairs, Toby had lit the pipe and the two bois has clearly taken a few tokes as they were already covered in a sweaty sheen and were making out, fingers in each other’s arses, tongues deep in one another’s throats. On the tv screen, Michael Brandon, one of my favs was fucking Sean Storm - a hot scene which would have been way hotter in Brandon was barebacking him. I wish Michael Brandon has done raw fuck scenes - such a waste. I’d often imagined his massive raw cock fucking in his inimitable style - hard and verbal. Shame he’d never done any piss either. For a while we just stood in the doorway, wrapped in Michael’s arms his now hard cock pressing insistently at my own now tight cunt, rubbing his precum against it as he kissed my neck and tweaked my tits. The bois knew they were being watched and put on a show - kissing, sucking, pit licking and rimming as we stood there. Finally they pulled apart and legs open beckoned is both to join them, pipe in hand to invite us to toke up. Milos’ eyes were alert and eager as we climbed onto the bed. He grabbed me and gave me a deep, long kiss as he took my hard cock in my hand and guided it to the entrance to his guts. As we kissed, I pushed in and heard him sigh as he felt the length of my pierced cock invade his arse once again. I marveled how tight he still was and it took all my concentration not to bang his cunt hard and mercilessly once again. But I needed to show restraint. I leaned into him and spread my own cheeks. Toby didn’t need any instructions as I felt his tongue start to eat me out. I moaned and got verbal - about Milos’ tight wet mancunt, my own hard cock but most of all how good Toby’s tongue felt in my own cunt and how wet it was making me. Right on cue, I felt him push his cock into me. I didn’t have to act, Toby felt good in my arse - his thick ginger cock opening me up just enough and beginning to feel his streams of precum coat the insides of my arse. I buried my face in Milos’s dank chest, breathing in his scent and sucking up his sweat. His hand was on the back of my head, whispering in my ear - how good my cock felt in his cunt; how he’d wanted me from the moment he’d seen me; how he wanted all my poz seed deep in his guts and his in mine. And how he wanted to see me fucked by Michael. I looked up into his eyes. “No, babe. Not tonight, ” and buried my face into his pit, Toby now methodically pulling out and jackhammering his cock back into my hole. Milos pulled my mouth to his and kissed me. I took his head in both my hands as I heard the tell-tale click of Michael tapping one of the syringes. Every thrust from Toby’s cock pushed my own cock into Milos’ cunt, filling him with precum. We were all being so verbal but even Toby sounded surprised when Michael pushed his tongue up his arse. “Fuck dude, don’t stop! Eat out my mancunt. You’re gonna make me shoot!” And shoot he did, long deep gooey eruptions of spunk into my guts. I closed my eyes and imagined his poz seed exploding through the walls of my raw arse into my blood stream. I could feel my own balls tighten as I felt Toby’s cock pull out and replaced by Michael’s long tongue searching out the seed within. Milos could clearly sense I was close and put a hand on my chest. “No baby, not yet. I really want to taste Mike’s seed in your cunt.” I shook my head as I paused mid fuck. Lost in the sensation of Michael’s tongue and spit rinsing out my hole. “No babe. I’d need to slam and I don’t want to freak you out.” Milos smiled. “I won’t be freaked out, I promise. He paused momentarily and then stared into my eyes. “And if you do it I’ll feel okay about trying it.” I moaned and crushed his lips against mine, pushing my tongue into his gorgeous mouth. Behind me, Michael has clearly heard it all as he pinched my arse cheeks and withdrew his tongue. I pulled out of Milos and nodded as I kissed him once again. Milos slid up to kneel in front of me, pushing his cock into my mouth. Toby sidled next to me and tied the rubber strap around my arm as Milos leaned over to spread my cheeks and spit on my hole, my face buried in his hairy, sweaty crotch as I guzzled down his precum. Toby’s hands dropped to my arse, spreading my cheeks and rubbing my hole. I felt a sudden coolness of coke being rubbed across the butt hole and moaned. Michael grabbed my arm and I felt him tap a vein and slide the needle in. Then, the first rush as the T entered my body, gagging as I tried to cough and suck Milos’ cock at the same time as I felt Michael’s massive mushroom head push against my cunt. “Fuck man,” excitedly whispered Milos. Michael’s cock forced its way into my arse, inch by never ending inch and despite having taken two cocks already, and even though my mouth was jammed with Milos’ cock, I screamed as I felt it not so much rip into my cunt but expand my arse against the will of the muscles of my cunt passage. But every spasm of pain was overridden by a deeper, darker spasm. One of being fucked, used, opened up, filled and receiving Michael’s own toxic load. His big mushroom head, like the vanguard of an toxic army pushed ahead into my body making me gasp. Every so often Milos would slap my head calling me his “dirty fucker” and telling me how good it looked to see me being fucked and used. I grunted in affirmation. Little did the fucking cunt know what I had in store for him. Finally I felt Michael start to slowly pull his cock back. But for the uninitiated they often thought that that was it. I knew, after years of being fucked, that that wasn’t the case. Slowly he started to piston his cock in and out, never completely withdrawing but using the momentum of each thrust to dig deeper in and opening up a part of me that needed the coaxing. Milos pulled me off his cock and gobbed in my mouth before forcing me to take his cock back down my throat. For a sub boi he was clearly enjoying what he imagined was a reversal of fortunes - slapping my face, holding my nose shut and pulling me into his coock balls deep to make me gag and retch. Behind me, Michael’s slow steady rhythm started increasing, not only in ferocity but in the depth of his fucking. I could feel his cock swelling even more as he grabbed my shoulders and with a mighty heave pulled me right back down his shaft. I spat the cock out of my mouth and screamed in pain and hunger, surprising myself by my own exhortations for him to open up my mancunt, breed my hungry hole, fill me up and the poz seed me. Milos pushed his cock back down my throat after smearing it across my sweaty face. I could hear Toby exhorting Michael to fuck his pussy boi - and I made a mental note that he would also suffer later. Behind me, Michael was in full fuck mode, and every so often pulled all the way so that his pierced mushroom head could gut punch its way back passed my hole. I closed my eyes and focused on the cock inside my body. When I’m high, I often imagine that deep in my gut is a black hole and at its centre a deep desire to be filled, fucked, bred and used. If I focus on that black hole I seem to become one with the cock that’s pounding me - fused in mutual hard, hot sex, brimming with precum and needing to be filled with piss, cum, cocks and eventually a fist. Depravity was at the centre of that black hole and it was fucking fantastic. Tonight I was deep in that black hole. I was focused on feeling every inch of Michael’s cock and so in sync that I could sense he was so close to cumming. Tonight, I wanted Milos’ to discover his own black hole and the depths of depravity he would become open to. Milos pulled me off his cock and dropped his face to my level. I was sweating profusely and gasping with each thrust of the gargantuan Latino tool in my guts. He cupped my head in his hands and kissed me, pushing his tongue into my mouth. Behind me, the force of Michael’s deep thrusts were lifting my hips off the bed and Michael’s growls were becoming louder and deeper. Suddenly I felt lips around my own cock and felt Toby’s expert tongue licking and sucking my shaft. Suddenly I was pulled up by Michael and I felt his hot load burn it’s way deep into my gut - a torrent of cum becoming one with my own blood. Michael kept on fucking my hole, slow but deep strokes - an expert planting his poison legacy. Finally he pulled out and I collapsed onto the bed, Toby getting out of the way just in time. I felt someone roll me over and lift my legs. I looked down to see a wide eyed Milos examining my hole. “Fuck man, still looks so tight,” and he started to lick my hole. I grabbed the back of his head, pushing his lips against my own cunt lips and pushed out. He moaned as he tasted Michael’s seed and my arse juices and blood flood his mouth. His hands spread my cheeks to release more flow, his tongue licking any juice that tried to escape. I felt another hand on my pushing Milos head into my arse. I looked up. Michael. Grinning. It was time. I got off the bed and told the guys I needed to shower off. Milos tried to grab my hand and keep me back but I told him to chill with Michael and gestured for Toby to follow me. We wandered into the shower room and I shut the door. Before Toby could react I swung round and smashed him in the gut. He went down surprised and I grabbed his face both both my hands and gobbed into his open mouth. Staring into his eyes, I told him he was a cunt and if he ever called me a “pussy boi” again I’d fuck him up so bad he’d need need a week for his own pussy to recover. Gobbing in his mouth I then pinched his nose shut and putting my other hand in the back of his head forced me hard cock into his mouth and unleashed a torrent of piss. He was powerless to resist and I enjoyed the initial moments of struggle until he accept my chem piss and it’s effect. Before I’d finished he was fingering his butt, stretching it open. Finally I pulled out and throwing him to the floor I stood under the stream of hot water. He lay there for a moment and then joined me, kissing me and stroking my cock, telling me he was my pussy boi and he wanted his cunt wrecked. I whispered that I’d wreck his cunt but first we needed to focus on Milos. He pulled away and smiled. “Fuck yeah, man. Milos. Then Milos and me.” He dropped to his knees and took my cock in his mouth again. I didn’t need any telling but released my bladder once again into his willing mouth
    5 points
  7. He literally needs to give it a rest....
    3 points
  8. Back at E15 sauna darkroom. Fairly busy: whether because of my advert in BBrt or being a Saturday afternoon. I was immediately in action shafting a nice-bottomed thin-dicked guy. Another guy was wanting to muscle in on the action and kept wanting me to stop to fuck him, I told him I’d do so once I’d finished with the first guy. But this bully then badgered the other guy to stop, eventually forcing him away, so I could start fucking him instead. I wasn’t as enthusiastic in fucking him as I was annoyed at his tactics. He was also not as clean as I would have liked, so I curtailed this second fuck to take a shower. When I returned I shunned him and paid my attention to another nice arse towards the back of the darkroom, this guy had amazing large balls that I stroked whilst fucking him mercilessly. Again I was getting into a good rhythm, when the cleaning crew forced us all out of the darkroom! When I returned big balls had gone, but the thin-dicked guy had returned, so I was able to continue enjoying the previous fucking that I’d given him before the bully curtailed it! This time I continued until the guy came as I was fucking him bare back. So within the first hour and a half I fucked three different guys four times, but without cumming. I was feeling in need of someone coming to fuck me. Not much later a fat-dicked man with pre-cum dripping from his cock saught attention. I started by sucking him to full erection and then turned round with the expectation of being serviced, he duly obliged even though accommodating his wide girth was difficult. Indeed, as I expected it wasn’t long before I received my first load of the afternoon. Another guy then took me shortly afterwards and I was really enjoying the experience of a second bare cock within me, when the cleaning crew once again came round to ruin the proceedings. It looked like they were coming round once an hour, most disruptive! I went over to the cubicles area where after entering a cubicle, I was presented with a lovely cock to suck, having enjoyed noshing on this fabuluous cock, I turned round and presented my arse for the taking, he duly obliged and soon I’d taken my second load of the afternoon. There was some further cock-sucking incidents, one of which I’d felt sure would end in the guy’s cock exploding in my mouth or over my face. I returned again to the cubicles, this time to be invited into one where a middle-eastern guy was happy to give me a blow job until I was ready to fuck him bare, which by then I was ready to do. It was somewhat cramped and sadly he complained of struggling to take my big dick inside him, so once again I didn’t get to climax inside him. Nevertheless, I came home with some good times of fucking and a couple of loads inside me!
    3 points
  9. My husband is a teacher. He’s never had any of his former students hit on him and he’d never bang a current or former student. The thought creeps him out. However, he is often the frequent high school crush for many of the faggot choir boys (which aren’t his students). A few have hit him up on Grindr or Scruff after they are done with high school, or will come up to him while out at a gay bar to *confess* their years of attraction throughout high school 😂. One guy has become a routine cumdump for my husband. About two weeks ago my man comes home and tells me to open my mouth for a taste. I do as told and immediately recognize the flavors of ass and cum. Who was the lucky guy: another former choir bitch.
    3 points
  10. Hey guys. I've spent quite some time here enjoying the stories and decided to add one of my own. It's based on my experiences and hope you like it. I walked up to the door knowing what I was in store for. I had been messaging him for a few weeks now and telling him my darkest desires. Over that time, I told him about how I wanted to give myself over. How I needed it. I wanted to be controlled…become a cuntboy. Yeah that’s right…a cuntboy. I remember the first time I heard someone call himself a pussyboy. It stuck with me; but yet, it wasn’t what I felt until I heard someone refer to their hole as a cunt. Yeah, a cunt…that was what it was. I wanted to be a cuntboy. I have to admit, there have been quite a few guys that were turned off once I mentioned it. I would bring it while messaging with Daddies who were interested in getting together as a sort of litmus test and most of the time that ended it. But this Daddy didn’t blink, so to speak, when I mentioned it during the first round of messages. In fact, he seemed more interested in meeting me after that. I told him what I was into…verbal, piss, tit torture, flogging, roleplay, spit, leather, rubber and control among others. He asked me if I had experienced Tina. I had quite a few times. It allowed me to give over to the pig in me. We continued messaging, including pics, for a week or so. Then came the day that he asked me if I was ready to meet. I didn’t hesitate. I immediately replied with a “Yes! When?” The next thing he did was send me his phone number. I grabbed my phone. I heard his deep voice. “Hello.” I hesitated then drew a breath. “Hello Daddy. It’s me, cuntboy.” He chuckled and I heard him smile. “Hi cuntboy. How are you? Can you be at my place in three hours? I just sent you the address. But first, you need to shave yourself down. I want your body smooth from the neck down. After that clean yourself out a couple of times and lube your cunt. I want you jock-strapped and ready to service me.” “Yes, Daddy.” I answered. I had always kept myself trimmed so it wouldn’t be too much to completely shave myself down. “Good boy,” I’ll see you then. I was hesitant as I walked up to the door three hours later and knocked. I had prepared just as he ordered. I had shaved my cunt smooth and had cleaned myself out several times in preparation for his cum. As he opened the door, I saw him...my Daddy. As he stepped back, he stood with his legs spread apart and arms crossed. He was in his 40’s, 6’1”, 210 lbs. with black hair, piercing blue eyes and a dark scruff on his face. I took in the sight of my Daddy...booted, wearing a leather harness and jockstrap. The four straps of his harness, two over his shoulders and two around his ribs were tightly wrapped around his muscular chest joined with a shiny metal ring in between his pecs. I noticed the straps around his ribs seem to push up his chest a bit showing off his pierced tits. His leather jockstrap was bursting at the seams from his cock and balls. His polished boots gleamed as the hallway light fell on them. The first words out of his mouth were, “Strip cuntboy. From now on, you’ll be ready for my cock at all times. Fold those clothes and put them next to the door on top of your shoes.” I kicked off my shoes and shivered as I pulled my t-shirt off. I didn’t know why; but I was nervous. As I undid my belt and pulled my jeans down, he came up to me and held me tight. “It’s ok cuntboy, Daddy’s here. Now put those away. You won’t be needing them anytime soon.” I neatly folded my jeans and t-shirt, grabbed my sneakers and placed them in the corner of the entryway. As I turned around, I saw Daddy smile. A black leather collar was in his right hand. “Remember what you told me cuntboy?” “Yes, Daddy. I told you I loved the feeling of a tight collar around my neck.” As he walked toward me, I fell to my knees ready to accept what that collar meant. “You will be collared and jock-strapped while you are here. Understand boy? Every time you enter this house, you will strip down the minute you enter. I want your cunt ready to take my cock at all times. You will then kneel and wait for me to place this collar around your neck.” As he neared me, I saw a shiny metal tag on the collar. Daddy noticed my look. “That’s for you cuntboy. A tag so everyone will know what you are.” He held the tag in his left hand to show me. “It says cuntboy. I had it made after the first chat we had.” Then I felt it. The leather collar going against my neck, tightened and locked. “Daddy…I’m your fucking cuntboy,” I moaned. Daddy chuckled, “Now let me see my cuntboy. Stand up.” There I stood…legs apart, hands behind my back and my eyes down…32 years old, standing at 5’11”, 165 lbs. with short brown hair and green eyes awaiting his approval. My tits were pierced with silver rings that shone against my pecs. I wanted this so much but my cock stayed limp in my yellow SafeTGard jockstrap due to my nervousness. “Yellow huh? Good boy. Turn around and show me your cunt. Are you smooth?” I turned, bent over and spread my ass cheeks. I heard him approach. Suddenly, I felt his hands begin to inspect my cunt. His fingers neared my cunt lips as I began to get hard. I could feel my cock come alive as my cunt lips became sensitized to my Daddy’s touch. His fingers went lower and I felt him grab the two guiche rings and pull on them. I moaned again. Then he let go. “Good boy, you did a good job. And I see you’re getting relaxed. Your cock is growing. Very nice. But you know that you are to concentrate on my cock, right cuntboy? Your cock doesn’t matter.” “Yes, Daddy.” I responded as he smacked my ass cheeks and told me to stand straight. Daddy then attached a leash to my collar and pulled. “Come on boy. It’s time you service your Daddy.” There I was...a cuntboy collard and jock-strapped being led into the house by a leash. We walked through the house passing the living room and down the hall. As we walked, down the hallway, I shivered again for some unknown reason. “It’s ok cuntboy. Breathe deep. You’ll be fine. Trust me.” Daddy reassured me. I felt my leash tighten as pulled me to him. Again, I felt his strong arms around me as his hands moved down to my cunt. As his fingers moved to my cunt lips and gently massaged them, I relaxed. “You’re doing fine boy. We’re almost there.” As we reached the door, Daddy stopped and looked at me. “Cuntboy, in this room you will always be safe. I will push your limits and there will be things that you may never have thought you’d do. In time, you will discover parts of yourself that you haven’t imagined.” Daddy opened the door and led me in. A red tinged light shown throughout a room painted a matte black on the walls and ceiling. The black vinyl flooring completed the color scheme of the room. The scent of leather, piss and cum from previous encounters filled the air as I took in the sights. Off to one corner I could see a black tile open shower unit with two shower heads. The glistening metal of the attached shower shots sparkled as they contrasted against the black tiles. Opposite that, lengths of chain shone from a leather sling hanging from the ceiling beams. Mirrors were placed on the walls and ceiling forming the sling’s corner of the to ensure both participants would see each other’s view as they fucked. Off to the side, play toys were lined up on shelves…whips, plugs, floggers, tit clamps, masks and such. Then there was the bed. A large black metal four poster bed covered in black rubber sheets. From the frame and posts hung chains and cuffs ready to restrain at Daddy’s desire. A large flat-screen tv was mounted on the wall visible from every angle of the dungeon. Scenes of leather clad men fucking, sucking, pissing and fisting were playing…all reflecting what had gone on in this room. My cock had never been as hard as it rose above my jockstrap’s waistband and began to leak. I was in heaven. Daddy laughed as he noticed my pre-cum leaking and soaking my jock. He wiped his finger against my cockhead and brought it to his lips as he looked me in the eyes. I watched him wipe it on his lips as he said, “Go ahead cuntboy, taste yourself.” He wrapped his strong arms around me and I felt his harness against my chest as our tit rings hit. My tongue went wild…licking and consuming the pre-cum mixed with my Daddy’s spit until it was gone. “OK boy. Let’s get started.” he laughed. Daddy led me by my leash over to the table next to the bed. On the table I could see a cut straw and some six white lines lined up. “I like it old school to begin,” he chuckled. “You first, cuntboy. I want you flying. I want your cunt to take over. We’ll have those to start with.” “Yes, Daddy,” I responded. I bent down, grabbed the straw, and snorted a line. As I straightened up, I felt the initial sting of the crystals hit my nasal membrane. “Another cuntboy,” Daddy ordered, “Now.” The second was a snap. I could feel my skin begin to tingle. All these feeling came rushing in. Suddenly, I could feel the warm hunger begin deep inside me as I watched my Daddy do a couple of lines. “How you feeling cuntboy?” he asked. The ache took over. “Fucking hot Daddy. I need cock!” I begged as my cunt began to ache. Daddy pulled down on my leash and forced me to my knees. “Ok, cuntboy. Enough for now. The night is young. Down on your knees. It’s time to service Daddy.” He pushed my face to his engorged jockstrap as I dropped to my knees. “Lick it cuntboy. Show me how much you need my cock.” I began licking the leather, feeling his cock pulse within the enclosed pouch as I took in the scent of piss and cum soaked leather. I moaned as the craving intensified in my cunt. I wanted to feel his cock inside me stretching out my cunt lips as he fucked me. I needed it…more than anything at the moment. I needed to feel his cum feeding my cunt. “That’s it cuntboy. Show me how much you want this. A cuntboy belongs between a man’s legs.” “Fuck yeah, Daddy! I’m your fucking cuntboy. Fucking cum hungry cuntboy.” I moaned as I continued worshipping his leather clad cock as the Tina took over my body. “You ready for my cock, cuntboy?” he laughed. “Tell me. You want my cock?” “Yes, Daddy. Please!” I moaned as I continued feeling the outline of his cock through the leather with my tongue. Suddenly, I felt Daddy’s hand on my shoulders and he pushed me back until my leash pulled tightly on my collar. I began to panic. I needed him. I needed his cock. Daddy saw the look in my eyes. “Don’t worry cuntboy.” He smiled as he pulled me up by my leash and led me back to the table, “You’’ll be servicing my cock but first let’s do another line. I want my cuntboy flying.” I quickly inhaled the line into me. As I was about to release the straw, an urge overcame me and I took the other one. Daddy laughed as he opened the drawer, pulled out a metal container. He removed a small bag and placed another line on the table. “Ah, my cuntboy is getting there. Good thing there’s more.” Daddy grabbed his leather clad bulge and squeezed...slowly removing the codpiece from his jock with both hands as I heard the snaps give way as he threw it aside. There it was…my Daddy’s thick cock jutting out. I stared at it as it pulsed…his PA rising and falling to the rhythm of his heartbeat as my mouth watered and my cunt ached…the thick veins on his shaft promising that my cunt lips would feel it as his cock entered my cunt. Then there were his balls…large and full of the cum I craved. “There it is cuntboy. Worship it. Show me you’re worthy of Daddy’s cock.” He demanded. I groaned loudly staring at my Daddy’s cock as I prepared for it to enter my mouth. I licked my lips and opened wide. I felt the metal ring, warm from my Daddy’s body, slide over my tongue as the shaft invaded my mouth and hit the back of my throat. I gagged slightly. As it continued down my throat, I willed my throat to expand and take it all. “Look at me cuntboy. I want to see your eyes as you take my cock.” Daddy ordered. “Blink twice to let me know you understand me and will obey.” I blinked twice knowing that I wanted to obey and serve my Daddy. His shaft continued entering as I began to breathe through my nose so I wouldn’t choke and be able to keep his cock in me. I felt his hands holding my collar as I felt the root of his cock on my lips. I had my Daddy’s complete cock in me. I was Daddy’s cuntboy servicing his cock and surrounding it with my spit and slime. I was in heaven as my Daddy’s cock was pulsing down my throat. We stayed like that for a while…Daddy stroking my face and chin encouraging me. “Good cuntboy. Hold it. That’s a good boy. Breathe. Breathe. You can do it. Don’t suck...just keep it there. I’m gonna train you to keep my cock warm in your mouth all night long. In the morning, you’ll take my piss before releasing my cock. You’d like that wouldn’t you cuntboy?” My eyes were fixed at his face. I wanted to let him know that I needed his fluids, his cum and piss in me. All the while, my cunt was radiating a desire and hunger. As I held his cock in my mouth, I could feel the hunger getting stronger and stronger…the need to be fed. “Now suck Daddy’s cock, boy. I know you want it.” I instinctively began to suck as I moaned. My tongue explored every inch of the cock I was allowed to worship...from the root...up past the pulsing veins...to the warm metal ring that topped his cock and back down. He moaned loudly as my lips closed around the thick root while my throat constricted around his cock. My spit worked to coat it for my hungry cunt. I pulled back and gently scraped my teeth along the shaft all the way to the head before grasping the ring with a tug and diving back down to repeat the worship of my Daddy’s cock. Suddenly, I felt his hands firmly grab both sides of my head and I felt him forcibly push himself in and out of my mouth again and again. He began to fuck my face. “Relax that throat, cuntboy. That’s it.” I relaxed my throat and eagerly accepted my place as his cuntboy...an instrument to satisfy my Daddy’s lust. He gripped my head harder as he began to slow the thrusts but the intensity of them remained. I knew what was coming. I was craving it...his cum....his fluids. “Getting close boy. Don’t worry. I’ll be feeding that cunt of yours too. This is only the first feeding you’ll get tonight.” As he pulled out, he held my head firmly with his cockhead on my tongue. I felt his cock spasm and I began to milk his cock for all it was worth. “Fuck cuntboy! Take my cum!” Daddy yelled as the cum gushed into my mouth as I tried not to spill a drop. “Don’t swallow it boy!” he ordered, “Just hold it there for now.” I hesitated. I could taste the delicious cum. I wanted his cum and have it become a part of me. “Show me boy. Show Daddy how much cum you milked from his cock.” I began to open my mouth but felt the cum begin to spill out. I paused but then lifted my chin and I opened my mouth presenting the load of cum that I had received as I looked dutifully into his eyes. “Beautiful cuntboy...Now swallow. Taste your Daddy’s cum. Look at me.” Our eyes remained fixed as I swallowed. I felt the cum as it slid down my throat and I opened my mouth to show Daddy that I had taken all of it into me. “Good boy,” he laughed. “That was a great start. How’s that cunt of yours doing? Is it getting hungry?” My backside began to move rhythmically as he gently held my head. I couldn’t control it. My instincts had kicked in. “I see your cunt needs feeding.” Daddy laughed. “It won’t take long to get me ready to fuck you. But before that happens, I need my cuntboy to take my piss. I want you even more fucked up when you take my cock. But first, you need to clean my cock.” My mouth eagerly reached for his cock to devour the remains of his cum. My tongue worked his cock as he made encouraging sounds. Once he was satisfied that I had completed my duties, he released my head. As he pulled out, an emptiness overtook me. I longed to feel his entire shaft in my warm mouth and down my throat again. “Yeah cuntpig, time to feed on Daddy’s piss, but don’t swallow all of it boy.” Daddy’s veined cock glistened with my spit and throat slime as I kept my mouth open for his piss. I looked up into his eyes with a hunger as my mouth filled with the taste of his chemmed up piss and I swallowed but making sure I left some in my mouth at all times. When Daddy finished pissing, he pulled me up by my leash. “Give me some of that chem piss, boy.” Placing his lips to mine, I fed him the remaining chem piss. “How was that?” he asked, “You like my piss, cuntboy?” “Fuck yeah! Daddy!” I smiled as I wiped the remaining drops of his piss and spit from my lips with my hand and greedily licked it up. “Good, cause I’ll be feeding it to you every day. You’ll be my urinal from now on cuntboy. Now it’s time to see how hungry that cunt is.”
    2 points
  11. Was back at the ABS yesterday. Same MO. To the gym. Clean out and head over. Got there and pulled up a hypno trainer on the phone. Started stroking and poppered up with a fresh bottle of JJ. Right off a nice looking 40 something guy comes in. I'm hitting the poppers hard and go right down on him. His cock grows to a respectable 7 cut inches that tapered to a narrow point. He's loving the attention and I'm wanting his baby batter in my hole. I stop and tell him he can fuck me if he wants. "I only fuck with rubbers," he says, "I want to cum in your mouth." I'm cool with that and go back to sucking him. He's moaning and calling me a slut. I'm loving it. I let him know he can just slide around between my checks if he wants. Doesn't have to penetrate. I go back to sucking. He says, "I guess it wouldn't hurt to just play around a little." So I bend over, spit lube and guide his bone to my ass. He starts sliding around and getting real excited. He stops suddenly and back off. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum to quick. That's hot. I want to cum in your mouth." I give him a minute. Hit the poppers and go down on him again. Not too long and he says, "I guess it wouldn't hurt to just put the tip in a couple of times." Fuck that was sweet to hear. I bent over and he started sliding around again. Then he popped the head of his cock into my hole a couple of times. I urged him on. "Mmmmmm...so hot." I said. He slipped in again and I told him how good it felt. He suddenly just gasped and said, "Fuck it." and slid up inside me and started cumming. Fuck I was in heaven. He loaded and plowed hard and deep. He shuddered, whispered "fuck." and his bone slid out. "You got any paper towels," he asked "You don't need them," I said and dutifully licked and sucked him squeaky clean. He left satisfied and I left craving more cock and cum.
    2 points
  12. My Black Lover It was Saturday morning. I had gotten up, taken a shit and pissed, and was shaving. I had just gotten to the final part, shaving around my beard, when he popped in. I saw his smiling black face in the mirror. He came up behind me and wrapped me in his black arms, eventually working his fingers around my nips, rolling them between fingers and thumbs. I felt his hard cock against my thigh. "Hon, you can't fuck me here, I haven't cleaned out yet, you'll get shit and cum all over the floor," I said. He just smiled at me and said "Ahm already greast up, lem'me in." He was working his cock into my ass cheeks, and I could feel the lube. So I centered it on my sphincter and relaxed and let him in. He thrust straight up my ass, all the way. I took a big inhale and then relaxed, and he began to fuck me. Just like usual, he went right into the heavy strokes, pushing me down on the sink. I had put down the razor and just relaxed and let him do his thing, which was to fuck another big load up my ass. He was a great fucker, as I had found out many times. After he had cum, I told him "Don't pull out, just turn us around and let's get in the shower." He turned us facing the shower, and I opened the door and turned it on and got it to the right temperature. Then we both got in and he pulled out and rinsed his cock clean and got out. I finished my usual shower and shampooed my hair and beard. When I was done I turned the shower to the hose and cleaned out thoroughly. When I was clean I turned it off and was about to get out when he came back and turned me around and put my arms on the wall and thrust his cock up my ass again. This time I was wide open from just having cleaned out. He pulled out, examined his cock, which was perfectly clean, and told me "Afta you dry off, go lean ovah th'bed." Of course by the time I had done this he was greased up again and ready to go, so we fucked doggie for a time, then he had me get up on the bed (actually he lifted me up and threw me down on the bed on my back) and he got over me and we finished the fuck in the missionary position. This was more of a lover's fuck, as he laid on me and we kissed as he fucked. I loved having his hairy chest against mine. That was until he rose up on his arms and got his knees and thighs under my hips and turned me up so he was fucking down into my ass. At that point I finally blew my load between us, and he grunted and planted his load in my ass. He laid there on top of me for a while, kissing me and each of us telling the other how we had enjoyed that fuck. After we had both rinsed off in the shower, he told me not to bother with clothes, so we just cleaned up around the house for a couple hours, till he felt like doing it again. This time was in the living room, over the arm of the couch. "Jus need t'knock off a piece," as he put it. It seemed like I got fucked about every two hours, but sometimes I was able to suck his cock and save my ass for later. Finally, about 10 PM, I told him we needed to get dressed and go to the bar. I needed to get out of the house and hopefully find someone for me to fuck, but I didn't tell him that. I told him he needed to find another guy to fuck. So he was happy to accompany me to the bar. Once there he found a friend of his, Alvin. Now Alvin was not like Dwayne. Dwayne was about 6'2", cornrowed hair, thin mustache, rather wiry but muscular. I originally invited him home to see if he was hung as I had heard all blacks were. He wasn't; he was about 7 1/2" hard, but he was insatiable as a fucker. I had never had a man fuck me as much as he did. Now Alvin was built more like a bear, a black bear. He was thicker all over, muscular but not a body builder, he just looked like he worked for a living. He was about 6' tall, had bushy hair (I eventually found it all over him) and a beard. After chatting with Dwayne and me for a while, Dwayne asked him if he'd like to come home with us. I think he'd told him I was a bottom, at least I imagine he did. Cause when we got home, we all had a beer, and then the clothes came off, and both men were all over me. And I discovered that Alvin had a big thick uncut cock about 8". So for the rest of the night I had a man in my ass and another in my mouth, and I usually didn't know which one was where. I was used in every position you can imagine. By the time that Alvin left in the morning, I was exhausted. I went to sleep on my tummy, with Dwayne fucking me. On Sunday I told Dwayne we needed a day to nap. So we ate a little and napped a lot all day, till it was bedtime. Then I got the usual fuck before we went to sleep. On Monday Dwayne was up early and off to work after a cup of coffee and a donut or bagel. When I got up I just put the sheets in the laundry and then cleaned up and napped on the couch. I was still wiped from Saturday night. When it got to be 4 PM I knew to be naked and cleaned out. I had a towel and lube by the front door. When Dwayne came in, all greasy and dirty from working on cars in the garage where he worked, I just unzipped his pants and sucked him up, and then gave him the lube and bent over the arm of the sofa. He proceeded to give me a fine fuck, and then he got in the shower and cleaned up. I made supper for us. After we ate he read the paper and we watched TV. Since he had to be up early, we were in bed before 10 PM. But we didn't go right to sleep. He had to fuck me; tonight it was two times, one doggie, and then facing each other, with a lot of kissing. He practically fell asleep on top of me. I did get him to roll over so I could go dump the cum out and finally get some sleep, too. Now I've been retired for six years. I went to the bar to get a man to bring home. I thought a black man would be interesting, and I was hoping he'd be hung. Instead I got a man that lives for sex. There's nothing wrong with that. We had a Friday night of sex, and he went home. This was followed by a Saturday night of sex when he came back, and then he left and I thought I wouldn't see him again. But Monday evening he came back, and Tuesday evening, and by Wednesday I gave him a key. He had been living in a cheap motel not far away. He brought in what he owned after that, just several different sets of clothes. When I was young, I was a Boy and had a Dad that loved to fuck me. Then as I got older I became the Dad and had several different Boys. But I never figured I was going to be an old bottom for a younger man. I want to see if I can get Dwayne to go to the bar and look for a younger man for me to fuck, as well as someone else for him to fuck. I don't think this is going to last. But as long as it does, I'll carry through. Perhaps this is the final stage for me. Jerry Prince RawTopDad@aol.com June 4, 2019
    2 points
  13. The night started out slow and only the usual old trolls were about, waiting for the better catches to grow tired and desperate; wise, really, after a few hours of the twinks and classically beautiful all waiting for "Mr Perfect" they'd all be seen discretely in a corner, or a room, eyes closed as they dream they're fucking some hunk when really they're dipping their junk in a cesspool of who knows what with some average, older bloke. I was looking for something else. He walked in. Short, medium dark hair and black eyes. Almost slinking. Into the darkroom, just where I wanted him. Sure enough, some of the regulars followed, and I knew what would happen...a velvet, young ass full of unknown, undetectable, maybe poz or even neg spunk. At least until I got there; when I walked in, sure enough. Slapping, moaning, this guy was there for one reason. No need to rush, I could bide my time; and soon enough it came. And it would have; I was leaking enough to pass anything on without cumming but it was getting late and I figured, well, now's the time. I moved over, and... A flashlight appeared. The attendant entered. Some idiot had lost their keys. Short, medium dark hair and black eyes got spooked - happy to take any stranger's cum but not if he could be "seen". It's a cliche but he was a deer, or just another piece of meat, and there were headlights. The ire welled up within me and I truly wanted to do the attendant and the fool looking for their now found keys, but even here there's a code I don't break - and besides they'd know who it was. Saved by the lost keys. But there'll be next time. I'm sure. [The above is fiction - but we know that, right?]
    2 points
  14. I was in Kirkwall (UK) travelling when someone messaged me in Grindr. We chatted a bit and later I went to his place. He fucked me hard and good but was wrapped... I actively suggested him blasting his load deep inside me raw as he jerk his thick cock. As he was almost cumming, he simply pushed his cock hard and fast into my now gaping hole unwrapped. I took the first load ever! Didn’t felt his cock pulsing, but he said cum was leaking out from my hole. A very hot (and first) experience
    2 points
  15. Here it is. the second part. As usual, everything is fictional and all resemblance to anyone alive or dead is coincidental. The Slut in the Basement I froze, mid-jerk as the footsteps draw closer and closer. Then i hear a door creaking open and footsteps fading as the door close. Phew. Quietly, I start pulling my clothes where Bubba threw them in the corner and put them back over my sweaty, piss coated body. I was starting to descend the stairs when i heard the door opening from the floor below. Trying my best to be nonchalant I walked down the steps acting like i am a visitor or tanent and just making my way downstairs when i found myself blocked by a huge man. He is a white bull in his 30s. His neck is as thick as his shaved head, leading down to the thickest muscle bull body i have ever seen, a wifebeater stretched over his body made blue-black by tattoos. Below his solid gut, the sleeves of a jumpsuit is tied around his waist. He is holding a mop and a bucket. "Who the fuck are you?" The dude asked, his face in a scrowl. "Uh.... Bubba asked..." "Dammit, Bubba again? That fucking perv" He grunted. He eyed me up and down as if he is inspecting an animal. "So you are the fag he was fucking up there aren't you" "Yea... " I begin to stammer, trying to apologize my way out of it, but he looks so fucking masculine and hot that my cock is rock hard inside my jock. I tried to shift to the right to squeeze past, only to be blocked by his thick arm. "Fuk you aint getting nowhere boy" He growled. With that he pulled me by my shirt down the stairs, his heavy work boots landing on each step with a thud. Eventually we reached the ground floor, but instead of pushing me into the lobby and out of the door, he turned right and pushed open another door and dragged me inside. I find myself in a tiny hallway, dimly light with a bare bulb dangling from the ceiling. In front of me in a wooden staircase. He latched the padlock on the door and roughly pushed me into the basement. The windowless space is dimly lit and dominated by equipment and machinery. There is a bare work bench in the middle. Racks of hardware and cans of cleaning supplies lined the walls. The place smells like a mix of sweat and piss. A worn out recliner sits in a corner, an old laptop perched on a table next to it. On screen, a muscle god is dominating a whimpering bottom. A work shirt that has the name "Todd" sewn on hangs by the cleaning supplies. The man pushed me roughly against the work bench, his thick chest pushing me backwards, his face inches from mine. His manly scent overwhelms me with lust. "Listen up you fucking faggot, i am sick of you and your fag friends coming to play with fucking Bubba and leave a mess for me to clean up. You are gonna pay for that shit. Now strip." "Yes sir...." I said. I stripped in a hurry, leaving only the jockstrap on, while Todd peels off his wifebeater, revealing the body of a muscle bull with a huge gut, massive pecs and massive legs, completely covered in tattoos. Pushing his jump suit to his ankles, he stared at me as i wait on my knees, my cock already leaking precum in my own piss-wet jockstrap. "Get over here and worship me" he said as he strike up a double bicep pose. In a flash i was kissing and licking his massive muscles, moaning as i breathe in his scent. "Fuck yeah, worship your muscle daddy..... fucking lick my pits" he growled as he push my face into his armpits. The musky scent drove me wild. Grabing my head with his beefy calloused hands, he moved my head all over his body, forcing me to give a sensous tongue bath all over his arms, pits and pecs. He groans in satisfaction as i lick his sweaty pits and suck on his fat brown nipples like i was looking for milk. After nursing on them for a good long while, he pushes my head back and i fell on my knees in front of him. "Take my boots off, boy" "Yes daddy" I started working to getting his heavy work boots removed, then pulled the jumpsuit off his legs. In no time he is wearing nothing but his jock, its obscene bulge staring at my face. I pulled my slime covered boner out of my jock and start jerking off at the sight of this muscle bull god, moaning. "You want it bad, dont you faggot" Todd asked in his gruff voice, his tone dripping with sex. "Yes daddy, please let me service you, i promise it would feel good" i practically cooed as Todd strips off his jock to reveal a beer can thick dick and a obscenely massive ball sac that dwarfs his erection. I dove for the dick, savoring the taste of sweat and precum that is already flowing freely. It is not long, about 7 inches, but it is enormously thick, and it fills my mouth as i slurp away. His firm sac is easily the size of a small melon, and i give its smooth surface a thorough tongue bath as Todd groaned and moaned while twisting his nipples. I reached for my pants to retrieve a bottle of poppers and pulled a deep hit before returning to his thick meat, pushing my face deep into his shaved crotch. "Fuuuuck yeah boy, make daddy feel good...." Todd groaned as he hold the sides of my head and start fucking my mouth "Fucking suck my dick faggot boy...." "mmmm mmmm MMM" came my muffled reply Suddenly Todd pulled his dick out of my mouth. With his strong arms, he hooked under my armpits and effortlessly lifted me off my knees and on my feet. He stared at me so intensely I thought i was about to get my ass kicked, so imagine my surprise when he leaned in and start kissing me. His stubble scraped my face as we shared spit and his precum. "Oh daddy..... fuck me" I moaned as we made out while I gently rub his nipples with one hand and stroke his monster cock with the other "Fuck yeah i am gonna breed you boy...." Todd said as he push me towards the work bench and bent me over. I felt his hands spreading my asscheeks, exposing my hole, wet from Bubba's load. "Oh fuck yeah look at that wet boy pussy...." Todd said as i feel his breath on my hole. Without warning, i can feel his wet tongue on it, genetly circling my swollen and senstive cunt. "FUCK eat my hole daddy oh fuck it feels so good" i cried out as Todd push his tongue past my asslips and into my hole. It feels so warm and wet as my hole start loosen up and Bubba's load start getting pushed out. "Yeah show me that sloppy hole... push those loads out for daddy" Todd moans as he punched his tongue into my hole over and over again. He pulls my rock hard boner out from the confines of my jockstrap and stroke it hard as he rims my hole, while i moan incoherently. "Oh fuck please fuck me daddy my hole is so wet for you i need your muscle cock pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee" "turn over boy" Todd commanded and in a flash i am on my back on the workbench. In one swift move he pulled my jock off me and I am naked on the table with my legs up high. "Fuck yeah you ready for my cock boy?" "Yes please fuck me daddy pleaseaAAHHHHHH" I screamed as Todd pushes his thick cock in my hole mid sentence. Even with Bubba's load and plenty of spit, Todd's dick is stretching my hole harder than i have ever felt. It is so thick that it feels like i am getting fucked by a baseball bat. "Oh fuck daddy thats so huge...." I moaned as i feel his cock stretching my hole. "shhh shhh shhh" Todd cooed as he slowly push his cock in. He grabs a rag on the bench, soaks it with my poppers, and push the rag on my nose "Breath in deep boy and take daddy's cock" I took a deep huff from the popper soaked rag and force myself to relax as Todd push his dick deep inside me and in no time it is all the way in. Resting my feet on his massive traps he start slowly fucking my hole, and my cock spring back to life, its hardness slapping on my stomach as his thick fuck stick rub hard against my prostate. "Oh fuck your pussy is so fucking tight... you like my cock inside you boy?" "Yes daddy fuck yeah push that fat muscle dick in me it feels so good fuckme fuckme please..." I moan Soon slow fucking turn to a rough pounding as Todd drives his fat cock deep inside me. It makes me feel so fucking good getting split open by this muscle bull I cant hold out much longer. "Oh fuck daddy I am so close you are making me shoot..." I moaned as i pinch my fat tits with my hands, precum leaking profusely from my bone. "Fuck yeah boy, you like getting pounded by your muscle daddy dont you yeah fucking cum you little muscle bitch...." Todd growled at me, staring at me intently. Then he flex both his arms and I cannot stop staring at his massive muscle and i lost it "Oh fuck i am cumming oh god daddy FUCK FUCK FUCK" I screamed as my hole clench tight against his thick pole and streams of hot cum squirts out of my dick all over my stomach. Todd grabbed my sides and push his cock deep into me, pushing into my prostate and make me shoot even more. "yeah good boy, nut for daddy...." Todd said as he keeps pounding my hole. He scooped my load off my stomach. I can feel him pulling his dick out of my cunt briefly and then pushing back in again. "Yeah Daddy's fucking you with your own nut boy..." He is fucking me with my own cum! I have only ever seen this in porn, and its fucking hot as fuck "Oh fuck yeah fuck my hole, I want your cum in my ass please...." "Yeah boy beg for it, beg for my load" Todd shouted as his pounding harder and harder, the work bench shaking and rattling from the sheer force of fucking. "Please daddy please fill me with your muscle daddy load I want you to breed my boyhole please" I moaned. Despite shooting my third load of the night, my cock stayed rock hard as Todd fuck me relentlessly. "Oh fuck here it come gRRRRRRRRRRRRR" Tod roared like a feral beast as he slam his cock inside me one more time. I can feel his hot juice flowing from his twitching tool, filling my hole with his cum. He pulled out and staggered backward, allowing me to put my legs down and get off the table. Todd is standing there catching his breath, his body glistening in sweat, his cock still hard and throbbing, a string of his cum dripping from the tip. He looks so hot that i am on my knees in a flash, nursing on his dick as he moaned and bucked. "Oh fuck that was hot....good boy... " Todd said as he pull me up on my feet and kissed me deeply, his warm muscle arms around my body. He guided us into his recliner, and cuddled a little while, making out and catching our breath. By then it was beyond late. I glanced at my watch and it is now almost dawn. I scrambled to get dressed and get home, praying i can get a couple hours of sleep before starting my day. "Thanks for the hot fuck daddy..." "Yeah that was fun. Next time when you are in the hood come get some of this dick." He grinned as he unlock the padlock to the door and let me out of the basement.
    2 points
  16. STEAMWORKS TORONTO -> Sat., Oct. 5/19, 9PM-4:30AM As many of you that I have chatted with know, I was away in Eastern Europe visiting and staying with family along with a brief stay with str8 friends in Munich for Oktoberfest. NO chance of bb sex or any hookups for that matter. I was pretty horned up to go back to Steamworks Toronto because I had a large load to give. Here's a digest of my cruising earlier today. 1. Loads #1-4 - oral, in me. My love there is a long, narrow darkroom at the back of Steamworks Toronto. Once I got settled in my room, clothes put away, jock on and lubed up (and don't forget the complete douching I did at home previously), I was in there fast. The darkroom seemed the same but different. Right from the get-go, the staff turned off the lights in there to make it pitch black. Even better! I couldn't really tell who I was sucking off. A hard cock was presented to me and away I went. Some tasted salty when they blasted in my mouth, others neutral. I did manage to get my regular South Asian's cum (remember the guy with the luminous watch from before?) in my mouth. Even, he remembered me and happy to do so! The 4 loads weren't all in a row, it took some time to get the cum out of them, but all were ready to blow their loads into my mouth fairly soon afterwards. Not too much work to coax loads out of them! 2. Load # 5 - anal, in me. I happened to be in the front gloryhole-fuck horse-slurp ramp area when I noticed a cute university student with glasses on fucking a guy on the fuck horse. He stopped fucking him and moy hole was lubed and widened (thank to the 2 black buttplugs I always have with me in my bb sex travel bag!) and ready. With the other guy still on the fuck horse, I found a corner with my ass up. The young student of Pacific Island descent wasted no time fucking me with his long pencil-like cock. He came in me less than 5 mins. later. We both felt him spurting in me! HOT! 3. Load #6 - oral, in some guy's mouth in the darkroom mentioned in #1. There were a few guys sucking cock in there besides me. A guy beside me was playing with my nipples (which are indeed attached to my cock) and I shot my big load in the cocksucker's mouth. The guy gave a little moan to thank me. He cleaned off my cock (manners pay off, big time!). 4. I did manage to fuck only 1 ass bent over in that darkroom. My dick was swimming around, his ass muscles didn't try to milk my cock of another load. Also, I did rim perhaps 1-2 guys in the darkroom earlier today. For those who chatted with me on BZ, I was very excited but a bit nervous to come back to Steamworks Toronto. I did calm down significantly after the first load was in me. All about nothing, I now think. Time to go again to Steamworks Toronto next Saturday for more bb adventures and loads! OINK!
    2 points
  17. Only had 1 pierced cock that i know of and boy did i know this one! I was taking loads in the sling at the sauna. I felt something cold and heavy at my hole and my top told me he had a small piercing as he rammed home. The sensation was amazing as he hammered at my hole. When he had finished with my ass and pulled out i could finally see my invader.... im no expert in piercings but this thing was NOT a small piercing! Its was huge!! The cock it was on wasnt bad either. It had obviously torn me up slightly as his ring was covered in pink creamy ass juice - that i of course cleaned up for him I would gladly take another pierced guy!
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  18. next chapter about half done
    2 points
  19. Part 40; I won't lie, as soon as my ankles and wrists became unlocked an image of my boyfriend did flash across my mind. Why? At that poinT in time, I really did not care, and grabbed hold of Friedrich's Leather executioner clad yellow cheek sunken gaunt face, and kissed even deeper than before his sewer stinking throat. My legs instinctively went up and wrapped around his bony back, with my heels pulling him and his bacterial oozing viral bleeding slab of violently t☢️xic Death-Meat deeper into my flopped out soft and wet NEG boy-cunt. I had dreamed of this moment for years, so, if losing my hair (thus, my old identity) is what it took to get this stud to leak his legacy into me, then it was completely worth it! It wasn't a hard fast fuck, it was slow, yet his strokes were firm and solid. He would stop every few minutes for a minute or two to regain his composure. During his times of rest I would feel the rotting toxic Fuck-Weapon to this beautiful AIDS stud pulsate deep inside of my warm and wet insides. They were waiting with excitement to be flooded with his final load of HIGHLY charged Death-seed. 💀I stopped kissing him, pushing his head away from mine several inches so I could look into his eyes. Despite his exhausted tired look in his eyes, he still projected his alpha essence perfectly. He continued his slow yet firm solid strokes with no safety barrier between his BARE dirTy AIDS Stud-Dick heavily dripping with Disease, and my, still, NEG boy-cunt. I continued my look into his eyes ... - Oh fuck YES. I am ready. Flood my guts with your infectious filTh. Give me what I deserve, and what you WANT to give to me. With a lot of effort he stood up right, and withdrew, returning to rubbing his slab of BARE pus oozing, and HIV-Hep C bleeding P☣️Z Death-Meat over and around my sweet, wet and warm velvety NEG prolapse, and once again with his mouth and lips contorting with a depraved lust for a sick and nasTy Death-Fuck. The bleeding on his shaft seemed to be intensifying. He now spoke as he continued rubbing over my flopped out cunt, although I obviously could not understand what he was saying ... - Fuck YES. Got myself a hungry NEG sluT here who craves to have what I have. And you are lucky enough PiG to be getting my multiple strains of Hep C, and several strains of HIV including my med resistant strain, plus my aggressive virulent strain, which given the ideal conditions will be fast acting, and you will be like I am now in no time, courtesy of our good Doctor here. I cannot hold on much longer. I am going back inside your sweet warm cunt now, and within a few short strokes, you will have M☢️RE of what you want. - STOP! Not so fast Friedrich. Sit back down in your wheelchair. Doctor Spike had halted proceedings with my sticky mustached AIDS STUD. He promptly wheeled Igor over to where I lay, took his hospital gown off from the front, then picked him up from his wheelchair, and ordered me to reach out and finish removing his gown, which was dangling from the front of his body as he was being held from behind. I removed it, only to see yet another emaciated body. And it turned me ON! Yet, just like Friedrich, his Death-Dick was raging STIFF to attention. I was more than happy to oblige. Doctor Spike picked him up, and lay him on his back on the floor on a row of cushions for comfort. - Right Charlie, you will sit on Igor's pus oozing Dick, facing him, and ride him very slowly. Before I got to him, Doctor Spike got the tainted scalpel, and made an incision, just like he did a short while earlier. Igor's shaft was now covered in blood. I straddled him, took hold of of his beautiful bloodied Death-Meat, and slowly slid down. His eyes were not focused, and looked in odd directions as he gave groans and grunts of delight of feeling my warm and wet boy-cunt embrace and envelope his bleeding, diseased and throbbing Death-Dick that was more than worthy of such attention. I looked at my hand that had just guided his Dick into me, and, it was covered in his highly toxic fluid. I smeared it over my lips and all over my face like any good little obedient FaG-PiG should. Igor took hold of my waist with his frail pale bony hands, and held onto me softly, as I rocked back and forth. My young firm flesh against his decaying ravaged body in the darkened Medical Chamber were both lit up by the 'Gates of Hell' raging burning flames with an array of demons from behind the flames watching on, including my Master and his 5 fellow Goat-Beat friends 🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🐐, and Sir, who was currently in his demon form. They could not enter unless Doctor Spike requested NATAS to 'open' the 'Gates of Hell'. Igor's grunts and groans increased in their frequency and intensity. I THEN felt a hand push me forward. It was Friedrich. I soon felt him re enter me, swiftly followed by him letting his body completely relax so he was now putting his whole body weight on top of me. He started fucking me again, and I was using all my strength to hold myself up in position. Igor from somewhere summoned some last energy, and began to rock his hips upwards to fuck me too. Heavenly HELL, being double fucked by two wasting and deathly AIDS studs, with both of their pus oozing pieces of SUPER CHARGED pieces of Fuck-Meat bleeding inside of me. Igor's soft grip suddenly tightened, and he gripped onto my waist tightly, with his long unkempt fingernails digging into my skin. He and Friedrich began a dialogue, with the latter breaking the silence; - Oh FUCK, ... YES, this is it. Take what you NEED you nasTy PiG-faGGot. I am almost there. - Friedrich my friend. You are very close by. I can no longer see at all, but, my sense of touch is super heightened, and this NEG sluT I have heard so much about feels firm, soft, ripe, and ready to begin it's journey we have both experienced. I am getting VERY close to busting what I know will be my last ever load. My most toxic and violently venomous one ever. He IS going to get it. - Hey, Igor. My dear friend. Yes, I am here. Our bleeding 🆎 slabs of dirTy diseased Death-Meat sliding over each other, leaking Gono pus, pre cum, blood, most of it virus replicating at an intense rate. I cannot hold it in any longer. Here it comes you nasTy NEG Fuck-PiG. I'm cuuuUUUUUUUhhhhmmmiiiiiiNG *GRUUUNT* 💦💦💀💦💦 - Fuck YES, here comes my filThy legacy too. Oh YEEEEES, you want it, here it is you worthless fag. Where did that come from? Igor's last words were full of powerful and primitive instinctive deaThly desire, and as he uttered his last word he let go of my waist, and grabbed me tightly around my neck as my DP AIDS fuckers grunted like rabid animals, unloading their super charged deadly seed into my accommodating guts. Igor's hands fell from my neck, and Friedrich's body became even heavier, as the both abruptly became silent, and motionless. Had they died? Or, were they still with us and be able to be saved, by someone, or, something?
    2 points
  20. -Part 5- We were now in his car- I was filled with anticipation for what was to come. I had asked where we were going and was told not to worry about it. The car came to a stop in a parking lot and he said "come on". I did. I was surprised to find us at an ice cream store. He got us both vanilla soft serve and we sat outside. "It's important to eat, never forget that little one. Maybe later I'll take you to dinner. Or maybe we'll be occupied with other activities" he said. And then something taboo happened: we got to know each other. He told me what had led him to here and I told him about me. He was a good guy. It took away a little of the mystery but now I was even more excited to connect with him. maybe it's the hopeless romantic in me. I wondered if this could ever be something real? That terrified me. ______ "Come on in" He said as he opened the door to his place. "My roomate won't be home for a few hours, This will do for an hour or two- until its time" He led me to his room "I'm just subletting till I find my own place, excuse the mess" I looked around and it was pretty barebones: bed, nightstand and a bunch of boxes against the wall. He came up behind me and started kissing my neck. with his hands at my sides he grabbed at the hem of my shirt and pulled it off. I turned to face him. he was naked except his jock. When had he stripped? It was hot. "What now?" I asked. "Well- that depends how adventurous you are?" "Try me" "famous last words, little one" And then he pulled me to him, making out fiercely. tongues on tongues. Minutes or years passed and he broke us apart and said "follow me". He led me to the en suite bathroom attached to his room and turned on the full shower. While it warmed he explained "We're out of stuff. Just for the moment- but if you trust me I have a plan to keep you feeling good, hop in the shower" I took off my clothes and he hummed in appreciation. I was never one to feel great about my body but he made me feel sexy. I felt seen. I got under the water and the sensation of the warm water cascading down my body was something else all together. He got in and we made out in the steaming shower. feeling each other and jerking each others cocks to full hardness. He had a bottle of lube in the shower and used it to lube his cock and my ass and bent me over. He started to fuck me nice and slow. I was enjoying this moment so much. As he fucked me he pulled himself into me and forced a whisper in my ear "You ready?" "For what?" "For our next adventure" and with that i felt warmth in my ass at first I was confused. Was he filling me with cum? And then I realized...piss. He was filling me with piss. I'd always harbored a secret fetish for piss so moaned in appreciation. "Good boy. Let me fill you up. This isn't just piss. this is chem piss. You'll be soaring again very soon. do you have any for me?" he asked. grabbing a cup from the ledge. Instinctively I knew to follow orders and fill the cup with my own piss. I did. and handed it back to him. he raised the glass in a cheers motion and then brought it to my lips and had me take a sip. Then he drained the rest. By the time he was done the chem piss was starting to take hold. He slipped out of the shower saying "meet me in the bedroom when your ready" . A few minutes late I met him in the bedroom. Things had changed. The blinds were down. a pleather sheet was on the bed. and the contents of one of the boxes had been upended. It was full of sex toys. A few dildos, butt plugs, poppers, cuffs and restraints. And there he was. Sexy as all fuck in a mask, black leather chaps, and a cock ring. he grabbed my hands and cuffed them in a leather cuff. Then forced a black mesh jockstrap on me with a comment that "My dick wasn't necessary right now" He kneeled me on the bed and entered me. Fucking me hard. both of us flying high on the chempiss. So many positions, toys, moment of sweat and sex flashed before my eyes. High on chempiss and poppers, two hours passed effortlessly. I had just relaxed into a post orgasm moment. Content with his cum in my hole when the phone rang. "Yeah?" he answered. A few quick exchanges. Then he hung up. "Okay, little one. It's time." Lets get cleaned up and out the door. Within minutes we were on the road once more. Where to now? I had stopped caring and just trusted I'd get to where I needed to be. End part 5
    2 points
  21. PART 4 He got a look in his eye that I craved. Carnal. He told me to lie back and I obeyed. He lay on top of me and we started to make out fiercely. His hands roamed my body past my cock which was not erect and to my hole. the second I felt him at my ass I knew I needed it. I craved it. He knew what I needed and well and pushed his fingers in. My ass was ready for it and more. he fingered me and I greedily took it all while enjoying every heightened sensation. He moved around and his beautiful hard cock was in my mouth. I got him nice and wet, then he turned me over onto my stomach with force, pulled my ass up and shoved his prick in my awaiting hole. It was heaven. I was luxuriating in the feel of his rough fuck. The next hour flashed by in hot moment of other worldly pleasure. Flesh. Cock. Hole. Cum. It felt like moments, it felt like a lifetime. I felt so connected to this man who had opened my world. Around halfway through the second hour he said the sexiest thing: He asked, holding up the syringe "are you ready for more?". "Yes" He set to work prepping round two and then tied off my arm again, I was transfixed on the process this time. I felt connected to the rig as it flashed, loved the slow urgency with which he emptied the contents into my vein. Again a mischievous grin crossed his face "A bit more this time." he untied the tourniquet and said simply "Enjoy, pig" My ears started ringing. I couldn't breath. A cough- the feeling of complete freedom, horniness and pleasure overtook me. I touched myself all over. I was right next to him. touching my cock and staring at his needle like it was porn. Watching him slam was better than any of the slam videos I'd seen. It made me hot all over to see his blood register and I undid his tourniquet. He coughed and as soon as that cleared grabbed me and we kissed as if it was the only thing in the world, because for us it was. Passion like I'd never experienced, we quickly moved through what had up til then been in my repetoir and started to play with new things. Hours passed in a frenzied, naked, carnal moment. Things started to calm down a little and I came back into my body enough to realize the time. Shit- My room mate would be home from work soon. I had to end this, had to get him out. She couldn't see me like this, she couldn't know. But... I wasn't ready to be done. The thought alone filled me with yearning. I had just been set free by this gorgeous man with his taut body and beautiful ways. I told him my room mate would be home soon and he'd have to go. As if sensing my hesitation he said "Do you want me to go?" "No, but..." "Do you want to go with me?" "Go with you to where?" He reached out his hand "Do you want to go with me?" he asked with more authority. Less question and more command. I was a smart guy I thought through the possibilities of where this could go. I knew I should have said no. I knew I was in over my head already and too much adventure for one day... who knew what would happen. But in spit of all this rational thought... "Yes." "Yes, what?" "I want to go with you... sir" End part 4 Two more parts to go for this particular story
    2 points
  22. For the EU guys. Years ago I bought a few things from Fort Troff in the US. But I was nervous about customs so never bought anything again. I stayed on their distribution list however and now got an email saying they have opened their EU warehouse in Amsterdam for shipping within days throughout the EU 26 + UK (that's how they stated it) without duties and import taxes. For UK until Brexit I suppose.....
    1 point
  23. We have had a huge influx of spam being sent by private message. Please continue to report them.
    1 point
  24. Was invited to a bachelor party for a gay couple I sorta knew.Don't know why they invited an older guy like me but bought the speedo swimwear specified and showed up at the pool party.Was obviously the oldest man there and was surprised at the kindness showed to me,was made to feel very welcome.Beautiful young men everywhere and all in speedos or less...clearly the party had started long before I got there and the weed and booze were everywhere.Several guys wanted to talk and find out how I knew the guys getting married and soon realised I was getting cruized by a few of these adorable young men!As the night wore on saw guys going into the laundry room for a few minutes and thought that was where the bathroom was so made my way over to take a leak,followed unknowingly by a cute young hipanic guy named Juan who had made it clear he was interested by running his hand over my crotch and squeezing me while looking into my eyes while we were in the hot tub.Now I adore young men,so when I exited the bathroom and found him waiting with his swimwear down and cock pointing at me I stopped and traced around his nipples with a finger...then dropped to my knees lips inches from his cock.He moved forward closing the gap between us and I slid my lips over his uncircumcised penis and rolled the foreskin back with my lips,enjoying the taste of precum that was found there.As we were doing this most natural thing a few gathered to watch and I gave Juan the very best oral sex I could do and soon had him driving his cock into my throat and cumming,probably before he expected to.I kept up the action long past the point where ejaculation has occoured to the place where stimulation becomes pain,and tortured him for a while because he was pinned against the washing machine and couldn't escape.Sometimes when you do this young men will start tp urinate uncontrollably and he did...and I swallowed every drop.When he was done I released his cock from between my lips and the look on his face was one of wonder and amazement.Left the laundry room and got back into the hot tub where everyone was now naked so shucked my swimwear and slid in.Someone sat next to me and was pleased to see Juan there...eyes wide open studying me....Before leaving I thanked the hosts and one of them gave me a note that simply had a phone number on it and a name...Juan.Several days later I got a call from him asking if we could meet again.And we did.So if you are an older guy and get an invite to a gay bachelor party GO!:)
    1 point
  25. Another great chapter @losolent great to see how the characters are beginning to bond and new friendships forming. I can’t wait to see how this all plays out! I’m hooked!!! You’ve done it again!
    1 point
  26. Look at his ball stretcher! Hungry4rawdick https://www.xtube.com/video-watch/flip-fucking-a-super-hero-41654481 I spent the morning with my super hero buddy. Able to drill my hole open in a single bound. And just as quickly flipped and offered up his pink hole for my horny cock... And watch til the end...its a super cum bath!
    1 point
  27. Got a text tonight from a FB. He and his partner were horny AF and wanted to play and hot tub... was I interested? Hell ya! R is uncut. P is cut. They both love to eat my hole and suck my dick. It's a great mix. P got comfy on the massage table, legs spread, balls hanging. I laid across the corner of the table and took the hint. I grasped his rock hard cock and started to slow throat it, deeper and deeper. He was moaning like crazy and I could feel the head of his cock swell in my mouth. R slapped some lube on his uncut dick and just slid into my hole, right up to his balls. One slow, constant push. He re-adjusted his stance and started pounding into my hole. He leaned across my back to suck his partner's cock while pistoning his dick into my guts. He reached under me and stroked my uncut cock. I was hard as fuck and my cock ring had my cock and balls swinging back and forth while being pounded by R. He lasted about 5 minutes and announced to the neighborhood ..... he was seeding my hole and stroked the first shot of cum directly onto my hole and slammed his cock inside while finishing shooting. I could feel the slickness of his cock plowing into my creamy asshole as he told his partner that it was his turn. I was loosened and slicked up for P's even bigger cock. P got off the table and walked around behind me. I felt his thumb penetrate my hole and he groaned. "Oh fuck - that hole is wet R.. you totally loaded him up". With that, he slapped his cockhead a few times on the cummy outside of my stretched hole and he jabbed his cock in... right up to his balls.. in one abrupt slam. It knocked the breath out of me a little and he held a bottle under my nose. Soon, I was enjoying the good solid pounding P was providing to my hole, while I licked R's snotty cock clean of his cum and my ass juices. P kept a running storyline out loud about how wet and warm and sloppy my hole felt around his cock as he continued to pound me. Now he was slapping my ass hard and really giving my hole a good solid fuck and he suddenly lurched and buried himself deep in my ass. I could feel the head of his cock swelling as he pumped his load of cum into my guts. His cum is unusually warm. I have had it in my hole many times before - alone with P or with both P and R. I know a big load when I get it from P. He pumped that cum into me as deep as possible. Swiveled his hips to spread the cum around inside. He pulled to the edge and slapped my hole - then pushed back in. Repeatedly. He suddenly yanked his cock from my ass and I heard him groan at the same time I felt a hot rainshower of cum all over my hole. The fucker had cum again in less then 3 minutes of grinding. I cleaned him up and off they went. We'll do it again in a month or so. Fucking loaded ass. I went upstairs and rode a big dildo. Blew my third load of the night.
    1 point
  28. The ultimate 70/80s porn horny car mechanic or plumber fantasy 😉
    1 point
  29. Went to a sex party 2 weeks ago. First guy to fuck me had a really huge PA. With plenty of lube and poppers, he worked it in me and his beautiful big cock followed nicely. The “irritation” and “discomfort” I felt in my hole—both rubbing over my butt nut and way, way deep—was awesome and caused my hole to make a slick, natural lube. So much so that, even though he didn’t cum in me, the next guy to fuck me commented on how wet my hole was and that I must have a big load in me. Love the feeling of a PA in me.
    1 point
  30. Visiting in mid December. Most likely too much to ask, but are there any sane, younger--under 25 the best, smaller, nonpartying guys who would like to help an older blind guy have a happier holiday season? Drop me a private message if interested. Thanks
    1 point
  31. Overalls are good, too, with no shirt. Guys can reach in, play with my nipples, or reach all the way down and find my lubed up, loose hold. And they can easily be pulled down so I can get fucked in a restroom or a parking lot.
    1 point
  32. Today I was so horny, I could not help myself. I realized that a BBC was available on Grindr and he wanted me to come to his hotel. I picked up some condoms and headed over, I just wanted NSA fuck fest. I got to the room and instantly began undressing, he was feeling about my cock and my ass, and started sucking my nipples. I was so hot, he went down on me and got me really hard, but then I went down on him and realized that his cock was at least 8 inches long and 8 inches thick. I wanted him so badly, his crotch smelled like sweaty man, I wanted it all. I took a deep breath of poppers and started swallowing the monster while he moaned and shoved his cock into my throat. He made my eyes look water while he pounded my throat. I came back up for air and he instantly spun me around and began to rim my ass, I heard him spit and I took some more poppers while he pressed his cock to my asshole, my hole opened up like it was in need of that cock. He slid deep into me and began pumping hard. I was in heaven while he fucked me, all this time the condoms lay on the bed in front of me. My ass was being abused and I spread my cheeks to get him deep inside me. He flipped me over and then pushed me onto the bed, limbed on top of me and then slid his cock inside again. He resumed raping my ass as I begged for it. He made me lay on my side. And slow fucked my ass while I held my cheeks apart. He then lay his full weight on top of me with one of my legs outward and fucked me like the cumslut I was. My hole needed to be bred and my bbc knew this, I felt his cock tensing up and then breeding me deep. When he pulled out of me, he told me he was still cumming and made me suck my juices off his cock and what ever cum was left. This was my first Bareback BBC, my hole was wrecked, on cleaning up, I could see the blood and cum as it leaked from my ass. I made a video of this. I’d like to share it but the site doesn’t allow the MB Size.
    1 point
  33. PREQUEL to part 41; Doctor Spike seem to go into crisis mode, yet he remained calm and methodical even within his sense of urgency. - NATAS, power down the Gates to Hell, and unlock the Chamber door. - Powering down Gates to Hell, and unlocking Chamber door. The flames disappeared, with the bright lights of the Medical Chamber returning. The door clicked and opened slightly. He in a heartbeat went to his lab area, and returned with three syringes. The first two were given to Igor & Friedrich. As soon as the solution went in, their motionless bodies began to move and I could see that they were breathing once again. Friedrich was hauled off of me, and lay down on the floor side by side with Igor. I was instructed in a firm manner to lie flat on the floor, where I received the third syringe. Doctor Spike opened my cannula. - What are you giving me Doctor?- This is no time for questions Charlie. You are to lay exactly where you are, and don't move. Understood. - Okay. In went my solution, and he rushed out of the slightly ajar door. I knew exactly what he had given me. I recognised this feeling ~ Meth! Well, there is no way I could now stay in the position I was ordered to; I was flying, and HORNY, with a cunt full of incubating death-seed! Where had the Doctor gone to, and, would I behave and stay still?
    1 point
  34. Part 39; As the Doctor got to tattooing me, my German AIDS stud kneeling before me had removed his oxygen mask, and was groaning as he licked, chewed, fingered, and rubbed my wet, soft, warm, and meaty prolapse. I could tell one of his hands was repetitively alternating between stroking his diseased Death-Meat and then rubbing on and around my NEG cunt and fingering inside it with his super loaded HIV & Hep C blood, and sticky Gonorrhoea pus fingers. I could only imagine that from all his licking and chewing of my sweet juicy prolapse that his chin, lips and mustache must surely be now covered in my neg cunt blood, his super viral loaded Dick blood, and his Gonorrhoea. Would he kiss me like that? My scalp was hurting from the tattooing, yet, I was in sheer ecstasy having my brand new and real sexual organ licked, fingered, rubbed, and chewed. This deathly thin skeleton was certainly a man of expert experience ... He knew how just to please me!! Finally the tattoo was done. Doctor Spike took a photo, and showed me, looking at me sternly with his sinister soulless expression; - There you go Charlie, just what you needed. It was no less than a reversed pentagram with the three upside down red nines nestled in-between the top two points! This was no mere drawing; I was now officially BRANDED! I was falling in deeper into my new life of depraved EVIL filTh, and if I were to change my mind about everything now, it was seeming like it would really now be too late. My fate had been already decided! Friedrich spoke out; - Doctor, help me up. I am ready to fuck this dirTy NEG fuck-pig now. Doctor Spike helped him up, then done something very strange, considering the circumstances. But, it was just one of his little twisted mind fuck games. He took a condom out of it's wrapper, and rolled it onto the thick, pus oozing and AIDS bleeding Death-Dick. He gave his trademark depraved evil smirk as he spoke; - Maybe you could try to have safe sex on your last ever fuck as a living human, Friedrich. He then clamped the catheters that were feeding me my Master's bitter tasting oily Beast-cum, and removed them from my mouth. Then also came the removal of the dental cheek retractor. And the IV drip as it had finished. Cannula staying in mind! He then went and fetched Igor, and wheeled him to the left side of my examination table, facing me. Friedrich looked down at his rubbered up Death-Dick for a few minutes, stroking it, and mumbling something in German to himself, and then, the animal within him removed the condom peeling it off so it was now inside out, so now the outer part of the condom was covered in fresh Gonorrhoea pus, and dirTy blood. He leaned over, and placed it on my forehead, dragging it back over a few times as to smear in his filTh. Doctor Spike addressed the Medical Chamber computer; - NATAS power down 'Hypno'. - Powering down 'Hypno'. In a quick moment the nasTy PiG-faGGot SEX images, and the deep hard sounds of dark underground tribal beats abruptly stopped. There was now a hesitation in the air. - NATAS, bring the gates of HELL.- Bringing the gates of HELL. Suddenly, the Medical Chamber fell into pitch darkness. No one spoke or done anything for the next few minutes, and with each passing second the atmosphere became increasingly tense and electric. THEN ... The wall to the entrance of the Chamber burst into a long wall of flames, from corner to corner of that wall, lighting up the entire room. Then came the sounds, of beasts growling, lost souls wailing, flames crackling, and demons snarling. Doctor Spike put on Friedrich's head a Leather executioner hood. I couldn't properly see what he looked like with it on as his head was bowed as he kept busy rubbing his BARE pus oozing, and HIV-Hep C bleeding POZ Death-Meat over and around my sweet, wet and warm velvety NEG prolapse. He also alternated with entering inside my flopped out cunt with just with the tip to his highly charged fuck tool in between rubbing over and around on the outside. I could see his mouth and lips though as they kept contorting with a depraved lust for a sick and nasTy Death-Fuck. I was to be his last fuck alive, and he was USING me just how he wanted. He now slid inside me an inch, holding steady his position. He looked up, and stared deep into my eyes; FUCK, what a sight before me. His leather executioner hood was a stark contrast to the yellow to the whites of his eyes and his sunken yellow-grey gaunt face. His body not only emaciated, but also a yellow-grey colour, with bones protruding all over. Yet his Death-Dick, his wonderful thick uncut pus oozing, blood trickling Death-Dick was super HARD with just 1" so far of his super toxic 8"s pulsating inside of my warm soft open wide NEG cunt. I was now very open wide, and READY for him to fuck the HELL into me, and give me the last of his life force, for eternity. The flames (the closed gates behind him leading to HELL) behind him were strong, framing his pale deathly frail body beautifully, and highlighting his chin, lips, and bushy mustache which were as I had imagined, all wet and sticky from his Gonorrhoea pus, my NEG cunt blood, and his super high viral loaded blood. THEN, he leaned in to kiss me, contaminating my lips and lower nose with his wet nasTy filTh ☢️☢️, and my ever diminishing innocence. As he leaned in he naturally slid all the way deep inside of me. Even though my welcoming and accommodating juicy boy-cunt was super wide now, bruised, battered, gaping, and had been taking ginormous Beast Dick, and Sir's forearms, I could feel him fill me up and feel his HIGHLY charged Death-Meat slowly fuck me. He stuck his tongue deep into my mouth, kissing me deeply. It felt amazing, and I reciprocated, even though his breath actually smelt like a sewer. It smelt and tasted absolutely disgusting, yet, it was turning me on so much knowing he was taking what he wanted based upon pure animalistic instinct, and taking what for the moment was HIS, contaminating my ever increasing defiled body and soul. I was physically retching at the foul taste and smell of his sewer breath, yet I instinctively kept pushing my tongue in deeper into his throat. Doctor Spike spoke; - NATAS unlock ankles from stirrups and unlock wrists from arm rests. *CLICK* ... *CLICK* !! The computer responded; - Ankles and wrists 'UNLOCKED'. I was now no longer restrained. Was I now about to request to be let go, so I could return to my boyfriend Richard? And where is Richard? 😈
    1 point
  35. PREQUEL to Part 39; He came around to my head, and began to permanently tattoo the crown of my now bald scalp. I was now being officially branded. BUT, with what? Maybe with a symbol to make sure I would now be forever surrounded by a Dark EVIL force!? 👺
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  36. As it has been almost 3 months since I published the most recent chapter, here are some EXCERPTS from the last 3 chapters (Parts 34 through to 36), where 3 new characters have just come into the story; Friedrich, Igor, and their Doctor; Doctor Stanis! 💀 EXCERPT from Part 34; ... I was awoken to a vehicle driving in. I looked out of my window, and watched this black van with blacked out windows park up. And out from the drivers side came a figure in an all white uniform. He went to the back of the van with Usher and Sir joining him. They all seemed to be quite a while back there and I couldn't see everything that was happening. Then this all in white uniform figure was directing his hand gestures towards the main front door to the mansion, and in to my view came Sir & Usher pushing these two very weak and frail looking men in wheelchairs. They were wearing hospital gowns, just like I saw in my dreams. And now I know why I was unable to make out their facial features in my dreams, well, firstly they were quite a long way off, plus, they were also wearing oxygen masks. - So you must be Charlie! I looked up and got a fright. This stranger who just walked into my room was very much sinister looking. He really did unnerve me. He was the man from downstairs in the all white uniform. He was wearing white trousers, and a white jacket, with white shirt, black tie, and white shoes. His hair was thin, jet black, and brushed back. His eyes were a very dark brown that they almost looked black, and there seemed to be no life behind them. His face was a pale white, with his cheeks sunken in. He really was frightening me. I froze, and was unable to respond. - I am Doctor Stanis, and am here to sort out what I have been told is a Gono infection, and, give you an examination. I'd like you to sit on the edge of your bed for me so I can take a look. EXCERPT from Part 35; Either side to the entrance to the 'Medical Chamber' were the two very sick and frail looking men that had just arrived, wearing their hospital gowns, ID around their wrists, oxygen masks, whilst sitting in their wheelchairs. One of them looked to have unusual eyes. He didn't seem to be focusing. - Bring him in will you please Larry, and place him on the central steel examination table. Then wheel in my two patients, and place them in a corner each. Not the back wall, the door wall. Then leave. - At your service, Doctor. I had for the first time heard Sir's name! EXCERPT from Part 36; He placed his hands on my distended abdomen, and just stared at me, looking deeply into my eyes, boring into my soul. - It is soon time for your Master's virulent DNA to be drained from your cunt. And time also, for you to receive some brand new DNA. Speaking of which, how rude of me. I haven't introduced you to our two new guests. Charlie, this is Friedrich. He has several strains of HIV, one that is completely med resistant, and two strains of Hep C, hence his yellow appearance. He has AIDS! Friedrich had a nice thick bushy mustache which had always been a huge turn on for me. And then he looked over to the other guy, whose eyes looked odd. - And this is Igor. You may have noticed Igor's eyes are not what they are supposed to be. He has late stage syphilis, and is now almost blind. He too has multiple strains of HIV, which have also progressed to AIDS! Between these two 'sick fucks', they have a combined viral load of 71 million. They are EXCEPTIONALLY infectious! He took the two syringes of blood, that had just come from the two dying German studs, and injected it into a saline bag, hanging on an IV pole, again, to the side of the central examination table. My cannula was opened, in went the tubing from the saline bag, IV tubing clamp opened, and now, slowly in came my bag of very special fluids. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* Part 37 and M☢️RE coming up ~ Charlie, the Demon obsessed boy's adventures continue .... 👺🐺💉☢️💦
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  37. First time I sucked a black cock, the guy warned me before he pulled it out that most white guys say they just wanted to try it once out of curiosity and then become addicted to black cocks and swallowing black cum and end up getting themselves into unsafe situations while searching for more black cocks to drain. I laughed saying that's just bullshit and could never happen that fast and told him that I love pussy way too much for that to happen to me at all. Sonafabitch! That guy was telling me the truth and gave me fair warning and started laughing when he was filling my mouth with his thick black cum and was trying to pull his cock out of my mouth but I held him really tightly to milk every last drop of his creamy delicious black cum and was telling him I wanted more!!!! Hate to admit it but I should have listened to his warning and never tried it because now I'm a total crazy slutty black cock and cum whore.
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  38. Damn this is so much longer than I intended. Maybe I should put this in the stories section? I work in a building with different organizations situated on different floors. It's a big building, with a big lobby and dining area, etc. For three months or so I had periodically noticed one specific guy, crossing paths with him once or more per week. Each time we eye-fucked each other. This afternoon I decided to go into the communal restrooms downstairs for the whole building and by some divine act who's walking out as I reach for the door? The 6'3'' tan built fucker I've been licking in my dreams. My heart jumped and we locked eyes, I excused myself, but still gave him a little scan and nod because I turned into a nerd and didn't know what else to do to signal that I wanted his cock buried in my hole. Anyway so I went in and pissed with my half hardon, and then went up to my office and immediately got on grindr. Nothing. I had never seen him on there, so I wasn't particularly surprised. Then at lunch I looked at grindr again and found a faceless profile messaged me three photos. It was the guy. We messaged back and forth briefly before deciding to meet up on his floor around 6:00 PM. I couldn't focus all day. At 6:00 we met, and as he didn't have a private office, he guided me up to the employee restroom on his floor. Once in the restroom we started making out. I immediately grabbed for his crotch and felt his thick, cement hard cock in his dress pants. I'd estimate it was around 7.5" and 5.5" around. That's just ballparking it, based on my own measurements. It was thick and hard, just like his build. In no time I was on my knees licking his moist balls and squeezing his precum onto my tongue. It was tart and strong, just the way I love it. After sucking his cock for a while he sucked mine and took my pants off my feet and started licking my hole. He was good and had me holding back some noise before he asked me to suck him some more. He sat on the toilet as I took him in my throat and massages his balls with my mouth for another good while. At this point he said he wanted to fuck me but didn't have any condoms, and I told him I didn't have any either but I wanted him to fuck me too. He was hesitant (why didn't he bring a condom?) and I told him to just rub his cock on my hole for a bit, he agreed. His cock stayed hard as cement and he rubbed the thick red head back and forth on my wet hole. It felt incredible and I was just imagining his precum that was soaking my hole even more. After a minute we started making out again and I slowly sat myself lower and felt his juicy cockhead push on my hole. His breathing changed immediately and with a little coaxing his pushed up into me as I slid down a little more. His cock forced my tight hole open and with a sudden sting the head of his cock was entering me. At this point I knew I had him in my grips and started kissing and sucking on his neck as I slid down further, wincing in pain as he stretched my hole with only spit to fit his swollen cock. After what felt like half of it was inside me I let up a bit as it was getting a little painful but he wasn't having it and as he felt me stop forcing my hole down he pushed up swiftly and stretched me open and pushed his raw meat into me deeper. It hurt like hell but I knew it would be over in a minute. I started pushing back down and he started pushing up into my hole harder, and soon I had his entire cock inside of my ass. It stung because it felt more on the dry side but I was hoping he was precumming as much as he did in my mouth to add some assistance. He held onto me and fucked me on the toilet, my cock slapping his stomach and getting his shirt covered in splashes of my precum. His raw cock felt amazing, painful, and pleasurable all at once. He waiting a while to touch my cock again (thank god) and when he did as he slid in and out of my hole I felt my balls swelling. I told him if he kept fucking me like this I was going to cum. He looked at me without slowing down a bit, and soon i felt my cock swell, he took his hand off my cock and grabbed onto my hips with both hands and fuck his cock in and out of me. I shot off a load as I bounced around, and blew some it off onto his stomach. I came HARD thinking about my ass squeezing and milking his cock as he fucked me and after I came back to reality I noticed he was close too. He didn't ask where I wanted him to come, didn't warn me that it was going to happen (i knew anyway), and fucked his raw sticky muscle deep into my guts as his body started tightening and quivering. He slammed into me so hard and let out a helpless whimper as he shot his load into me. I couldn't believe it was happening and the whole time I was squeezing my hole to match up with his thrusts to milk him dry. I barely had to try to convince him to fuck me raw and cum in me. He came for a while, and once he returned from that state of bliss, he kissed me with tongue and lightly smacked my cheek. He called me a "fucking prince" and smiled before I stood up off of him and clenched my open hole to keep his load as his dick slipped out of me. We put on our pants, and he wiped my load off of his shirt with toilet paper before taking it off and crumpling it up. He thanked me and smacked my ass before walking out of the bathroom. I stayed for a moment to wash up and compose myself and when I left he was gone. Never got his name but I fucking hope he hits me up on grindr again soon.
    1 point
  39. Near Home—August, 2019 The idea that the bookstore was my only source of fun for the summer was beginning to wear on me. But it really did seem the only answer. I couldn’t host with my house full of fellow employees. A drive to my friends and fuck buds who live in the area would use up too much time in driving so play would be short. This year, I had no one come to town to see me and help out with the gallons of semen churning, unused, in my balls. So I went to the bookstore. The first trip in August was so bad I don’t need to record anything much about it, other than to say I did nothing but watch a movie and stroke. Every man there felt it was hotter to watch an older, over tanned and truly ugly woman give head to her equally ugly husband in the straight theatre. After that, I resolved I needed to not go on the same day and the same time. By the next week, I changed some scheduling at work and got away for a Sunday afternoon instead. It made all the difference in the world. It didn’t hurt that the right men were there—and they were men who understood group play… When I arrive, not a soul is in the straight theatre. I sigh and walk over to the gay side. Two men, just a couple of years younger than me are taking turns sucking each other. They don’t stop when I enter. The one getting sucked waves me over to join them. I unbutton and stick my semihard into the mouth of the man currently getting blown. Soon I have both men on me. The guy sucking the sitting man gets a turn on my dick and the other goes from my cock to my balls. I let that go on for quite a long time. Soon enough, I am on my knees, taking turns on their two cocks. “You have to fuck me with that thing.” It’s the guy who blew me first, eager for it up his ass. He strips off his faded jeans and Andrew Christian underwear. He kneels on the chair and presents me with his ass. I’ve seen him get fucked before, but have never been in his ass. And I’m sure that he is a condom guy. The third man moves around to feed the potential fuckee his cock. I begin to eat out the hole presented to me. It’s a hot August day and there is plenty of sweat mixed with residual Irish Spring. My tongue has him moaning around the cock in his mouth. I dig deep and am so ready to fuck. I stand up and slap my cock against his hole. “I don’t have a Magnum,” I say. “Just fuck me,” he groans, taking the cock out of his mouth. “Fuck him raw,” says the other guy, who shoves himself back into the waiting mouth. I now think they may be partners from the practiced way they have shared my dick. I spit on my cock and go in slowly. I bottom out easily. He’s slick and warm. I hold for a second as a new man walks in. He’s gym built and 25 years younger than any of us fucking. He whips out a stubby dick and strokes it as I begin to fuck. “That is so hot,” says the man in his mouth. The guy I’m fucking is stroking himself and trying to keep sucking the dick in front of him, but he keeps stopping to tell me how good it feels. Soon the built guy moves behind the guy getting his cock sucked and begins working his nipples through the worn t-shirt he’s wearing. The man groans and explodes into the fuckee’s mouth. This causes the man I’ve fucking to shoot as well. He clamps down hard on my cock as his cum spatters onto the seat of the chair. We all disengage. They dress and I start to put my cock away. “Don’t do that,” says the built guy. He kneels and takes my dick, fresh from the guy’s ass and sucks it. “This is going up my ass.” The first couple thanks me and leaves. The built guy pulls off my dick and whips out his phone. “Can I? No face.” I nod. He takes a picture of my wet dick. “Let me send this to my bud. He’s in the arcade.” He does—adding a quick message. Then he’s back to giving me some really good head. I can’t wait to eat out his gym built ass. The door opens. A big, beefy man walks in wearing a Cubs tee. “I need to see this in person,” he says, with a wave at my cock in his friend’s mouth. He kneels next to his bud. My dick is soon passed back and forth. The beefy guy is not as good with his mouth, but I love how he thinks. He says “Don’t you want this cock up your ass? I sure do.” They agree and strip out of shorts and tees. We use a different chair. Gym Built goes ass up first. I eat his hole. His cheeks are like iron—solid mounds of flesh I have to work to pull apart.... FOR THE REST OF THE POST VISIT: https://felchingpisser.blogspot.com/2019/09/you-gonna-take-his-load.html
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  40. I love it when a faggot is such a dirty little whore that not only does it not care what the guys fucking it look like but they don't even know what the guys fucking them bareback and dumping loads in their sloppy fuckholes look like. Especially when that faggot is hot. Its hot to know it could have standards but its such a cockhungry slut it will let absolutely anyone fuck it. The trolls love taking advantage of that so its hot to see some sexy little cumdump taking loads from the nastiest looking old trolls.Plus you can be pretty sure the whore is pozzed up trash and probably a hooker on the side.
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  41. Idk. I think you were entitled to cum in him even if you were sneaky about it. He bred you first. You were already barebacking with his consent. Then after you loaded him he fucked you bare again lol. Idk why he thinks a condom would have made a difference to begin with.
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  42. are there any white dudes out there that are in my area that are tops, horny, nice size cock, with hairy pits, nuts and asshole with an asshole that is stinky? i love a stinky asshole. love to sniff/lick/suck. i just wanna meet white men only.
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  43. Part 43   As we were coming down from our orgasms, I glanced over towards Hank. He was just groaning out his release of his toxic cum into the boyfriend of the guy who had just fucked me and I was pretty certain that new guy was going to join the poz club soon. His gaping hole was visible from where I lay and was dripping poz cum and Randy, the stripper was just walking up and had a huge hard on and his mammoth cock was ready to inject another load into that previously neg hole. As Randy got ready to ram his cock into the guy, he all at once, held up, and drove his fingers in first. He just rammed them hard and almost destroyed the poor guys hole while dragging his nails on the way out. He did this several times and I could see blood starting to flow and the guy was almost in tears. Then Randy rammed his mammoth cock in deep in one hard thrust, telling the guy, you are definitely going home with HIV tonight now. He then started to just plainly assault the guys hole, which had to tear it even more. The poor guy was whimpering but seemed to be getting almost as much pleasure out of it as pain. He was gasping for breath, also. I was so intent on watching that hole destruction, I didn't notice that Hank had crawled up between my, still wide open legs, and then all at once he stuck his cock into my dripping hole deep. I almost jumped clear off of the couch I was on. He clamped his lips to mine and his tongue invaded my mouth as he started to stroke his cock in and out of my hole. I was totally into it almost immediately and was pushing my ass back onto him on every in thrust, trying to get him deeper and deeper into me. Since Hank had cum already a couple of times that evening, I knew I was in for a long session of my hole being used. We pushed and pulled and caressed each other, over and over again. We almost broke the couch down as it was creaing under us from the pounding. Almost an hour went by before I could feel Hank's cock start to grow and get even harder and I knew he was almost ready to cum. My own cock was twitching and tickling me and I knew I was close also. Another couple of minutes later and I was yelling, I am cumming and my cock spurted and Hank told me my ass was squeezing his cock and he was going to explode and then did, erupting deep inside me and spilling me with his highly toxic cum. OMG, another load of HIV in me, I had now lost count, but wow what magnificent sex. I glanced at the clock and it was almost midnight now.
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  44. Part 42   I felt myself sliding down onto my back, my legs almost automatically spreading open. His fingers probing deep inside my abuse hole, but feeling so good. All on my own I lifted my legs up higher and place them on his shoulders. As I did that his fingers drove even deeper into my hole, driving me almost insane with desire. Then I could tell he had all his fingers in me and rotating them as he drove them in and out. I was panting from the heat of the moment. Then I felt what seemed to be a pop and he leaned back smiling and looked me in the eyes and said, "oh, yeah, my whole hand just went in your ass, how does it feel?" My eyes almost bugged out of my head when he said that and I leaned forward to try and see it. I could see none of his hand down there, just his wrist and knew he had told the truth. Then he rotated his hand some and stroked my prostate and my head fell back as I almost yelled in ecstacy. OMG, the full feeling and no way to escape the movement on my prostrate and my own cock almost immediately jumped to full hardness. He continued to rotate his hand back and forth for awhile and precum was leaking out of my cock like a faucet. Then, all at once, he pulled his hand out of me, causing me to groan from the loss. With hardly any hesitation he drove his nice hard toxic cock back into me causing me to drive my ass up to meet his inward thrust. I needed that hard meat in me terribly now and drove my ass onto his cock as hard as he drove it into me. We were going faster and faster and harder and harder. At this pace, there was no way to last a long time. In something like, maybe, 5 minutes, he leaned back and told me to get ready. He drove into me a few more hard thrusts and then with a wild roar, drove his cock as deep into me as he could and I could actually feel his cock throbbing as he was cumming in me and then my own cock erupted also. And the night was still young.
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  45. Part 31   My whole being seemed to be on fire. I was lost in the moment trying to get his giant meat to cum down my throat. His fingers doing magical things with my ass made it hard for me to keep still and blow him. I wanted to taste that cum, but another part of me was now wanting that cock in my ass. I knew that was wrong to think of since I knew, now, that he was poz with a very high viral load, but damn my ass was gyrating and in more and more need. My mind was telling to stop and run away, now, but it was becoming only a whisper as every other bit of me was screaming for more sex. I was crazy and knew it. I wanted more and more. The stripper all at once pulled his fingers from my hole making me gasp at the loss and then he just grabbed me and picked me up and laid me down on top of the table. He pulled his cock out of my mouth and spread my legs wide and lifted my ass up and planted his mouth on my hole. His tongue replaced his fingers in my hole and I almost screamed from the pleasure. I reached down with my hands and grabbed the cheeks of my ass and pulled them wider trying to get more of his tongue in me while driving my ass back at him. I was almost berzerk in my thrashing. He kept on and on and then started to insert a finger and then another and another into my hole. My head was rocking side to side now. I was moaning and panting and trying to thrust my ass back to get his fingers and tongue in deeper and deeper. His tongue was dancing all over my hole and his fingers were driving in and out and twisting around faster and faster. I found myself almost yelling at him, "I want your cock in me, please, I need it. Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me now." I looked down at him and he was looking up at me and he pulled his tongue back, but not his fingers, and said, "what else do you want?" I was puzzled and then it hit me what he wanted to hear and I told him, "I want you to fuck me, hard, with that giant cock of yours and.....and fill me with your toxic poz cum." I had had to hesitate before saying that. I still wasn't sure I did, but at this point my ass needed that cock and I was afraid he would stop and I would be totally wild then. He slowly started kissing his way up across my body. His fingers still doing their magic in my hole only now I could really feel them dragging. He smiled as he got to my lips, gave me a huge kiss and then very roughly ran his fingers in and out of my ass dragging what felt like huge sharp nails in there. Then he pulled them out and as he started to push that giant cock in me, he held his fingers up in front of my face and I could see they were dripping my blood. I just stared as he said, "I tore your ass open good. It leaves a much better path for my toxic cum to get into you." He grinned at me and drove his cock in. His lips clamped on mine as I was going to scream from the pain and then I felt my ass seem to tear open more and the head of his cock was in me. My legs went straight out and opened wide to try and relieve me of that. He hesitated a few seconds and then pushed some more and I felt a few more inches go in. He stopped again for a few more seconds and then pushed again. He kept doing that, a very little bit in at a time and then only a few seconds hesitation and the in more. Then I felt the impossible, his balls hit my ass and that whole monster cock was completely in my ass. My eyes flew wide open when I realized that and he leaned back, looking me deep in the eyes and said, "see, I told you you could take it all. Now get ready as I am going to give you the fuck of your life." With that said, he started outward and then inward, just a little at a time to start with. I was gasping with the pain. Then he was going further out and in with each thrust, till on the out stroke he only had the head of his cock still in me, then he would thrust back deep inside me completely. The pain was finally starting to subside. As his movements got faster and harder the pain disappeared and in its place came pleasure, soon to be complete exstacy. I was now shoving my ass back on his cock as hard as he was fucking me. I could help and and was now saying uncontrollably, "oh, yeah, fuck me! Ram that fuck stick in me deep! Destroy my hole! OH, come on fill me up! I want your cum! OMG, POZ ME, POZ ME, POZ ME!" I was out of control. He then then exclaimed, "Your hole is so tight, I'm not going to last long in there. Get ready." I almost screamed, "yes, do it, do it! I want your hot toxic AIDS cum in my hole now!" Then with a few more thrusts, he rammed me as hard as he could and went as deep as possible and I could feel every vein in his cock throbbing as he unloaded his HOT cum deep inside my bowels. He was grunting and groaning his pleasure as much as I was and I felt my own cock erupt again and my cum was spraying everywhere. Then his lips found mine and we lay there in our bliss kissing and cuddling for a long time.
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  46. I have this thing for inked boys. It must be the old story of opposites attracting, since I'm such a clean-cut prep. I just love bad boys. At the baths, it was getting late on a Sunday afternoon. Most of the action happens before 6, and I didn't get there until around 4. Not much going on in the rooms, so I headed for the sauna, which is pretty much my favorite scene anyway. There he was. Slim, trim, blond, scruff, cocky, and with several tats. I scooted up onto the upper bench around the corner, just so I could check him out and not appear to be staring. An older dude came in and started playing with the bad boy's cock. And the kid just reached up, put his hand on the back of his head, and forced him down on his cock. I couldn't see much else, except when the sauna door opened, and the light from outside spilled in. The dude giving head must not have done a great job, cuz he was dismissed after only a few minutes. The left the inked dude solo on the bench. His legs were spread after getting serviced, and he was still showing a really nice hard cock. I made my move. I love sucking cock, and I wanted this guy's load. I gave him my best effort, and I loved hearing him grunt with approval. Grunts led to moans, and he leaned over, and put his head down by mine. I could feel the nice scruff on my ear as he whispered, "we're going to my room. I gotta head out soon. It's number 13." Turns out it was lucky 13. In his room, he kicked back and told me to get between his legs. Love raking the hair on a dude's shins while I'm nursing his cock. That also let me nuzzle the inked areas on his thigh. I asked him if I was doing a good job, and he just held my head down, saying "don't stop, bro." After a while, he was reaching forward and playing with my hole. He told me to turn around and suck him while he rimmed me. FUCK, that was amazing, and I never felt anything so good. His beard was in my crack, and his tongue was better than most fingers. Amazing. He must have liked it, too, since he asked if I ever got fucked. Silence. I knew I wanted it, and it's not every day that a younger kid wants to fuck an older guy. He slid out from under me, told me to stay kneeling, adding that my hole was so sweet, he had to just try playing with it with his cock. That's what he did, and since I was all slicked up from his deep rimming, my hole was wet and hungry. The kid's cock was beautiful, and I was totally turned on knowing an inked boy was about to breed me raw. He pressed the head of his cock against my ass, found the perfect angle and approach, and slid in. Slow but without stopping. FUCK, it was hot. Then he started rocking, pushed me down so I was lying flat, and started to pick up the pace. It was a fantastic fuck. His beard felt so sexy on the back of my neck as he started talking nasty about filling up a tight ass with cum. It was hot imagining a jock dude doing push-ups over my ass, feeling his sweaty legs against the back of mine, and tasting the salt on his arm. He pounded and then stopped, pounding once again--I guess to make sure his load went deep inside. I carried that load around for the next hour or so, hoping to find another top dude half as hot. I really hope he's there again sometime. I didn't catch his name, but he was totally cute, like a man/boy, and like all good 20somethings, full of cum and happy to share it. Lucky 13 indeed.
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  47. My dirtiest, sleaziest fantasy came SO close to actually happening, it drives me crazy to think about. First the true part: My bf and I were at the bathhouse, we slammed in our room (wow it was strong...we were instantly fucked up) and immediately set out to walk around and find some cock. The first area we walked through, we saw a small crowd gathered around the sling set up there. In the sling was this nasty little asian slut getting fucked by...holy shit, I knew this guy! I didn't know him personally but knew who he was, lots of mutual friends. He was tall, skinny (almost gaunt), and had what was left of the hot body he used to have back in the circuit party days--years of tina and whatever else had taken most of it away. Everyone pretty much knew he was basically a fucked up mess. What I didn't know was that this guy had an absolutely monstrous thick cock! My jaw dropped. 10 inches easily, curved slightly downward. So he was fucking this kid in the sling and everyone was gathered around watching. Soon as I saw that huge dick (remember we had just slammed, I was REALLY fucked up), I thought, I have GOT to see him fuck my boyfriend. What surprised me was, the fact that I knew the guy not only didn't dissuade me, it turned me on even more--it kicked the danger level way up. Fuck, this guy knows me and he's gonna know my boyfriend is a tina'd-up cock whore, and he's gonna know I get off on watching my bf get fucked! We were too fucked up and horny to stand there watching, so we kept walking. The next area was sort of a maze, and on the far side was this raised up platform with a metal railing. My bf walked up to it--I was staying a few steps behind him, hoping some guy would come up to him and they'd start fucking around while I watched--and when I got to the railing some guy on the other side was already sucking his cock, with a couple other guys watching. I took his towel from him and backed away. Now, my boyfriend has the most amazingly gorgeous ass, so instantly there were at least 6 or 8 guys surrounding him. Seriously his ass is THAT hot. A couple guys were touching him, but nobody was fucking him. I started stroking a couple guys cocks, I got them hard but they resisted when I tried to guide them in to my bf's ass. At first I was like, what the fuck? But in retrospect, I was so fucked up at the time it probably threw them off. Or, maybe they were intimidated by how hot he is, or maybe they thought he'd turn around and tell them to fuck off. Maybe I was too agressive about trying to get them to fuck him. Whatever the case, he wasn't getting fucked. Then, of all people, that little asian slut from the sling walked up. I stroked him and got him hard (decent cock considering he was asian) and he willingly allowed me to guide his dick straight to my boyfriend's hole. I backed off a couple steps and watched, along with several other guys. Fuck yeah, that's more like it--watching my chemmed-up boyfriend, totally naked in the bathhouse, getting sucked and fucked in front of a crowd. That didn't last long, my bf needed to find someone with a much larger cock than this kid had. So we walked around some more and some hot guy came up to us in a corner of the maze. We were stroking each other for a bit and we invited him back to our room. He said he'd meet us there, but didn't. When I wondered why, my bf was like, duh, we both have a serious case of tina dick. Ohhh...yeah that probably killed the deal. Haha. So we left our room and walked around some more, and who do we see but the guy I knew, with the big cock, just as he was walking into his room. I said hi, what's up, how are you, etc. Then I asked if we could come in. We all sat down and after maybe 30 seconds of small talk, I couldn't resist--I reached under his towel and started stroking that massive cock. He made no move to stop me, so I undid his towel so my boyfriend and I could get an eyeful of that big fucker. This one definitely falls into the "Holy Shit!" category on BBRT. Instantly my boyfriend was on all fours on the bed, begging to get fucked, that gorgeous ass up in the air. The guy got on his knees behind him and I guided that monster tool into my boyfriend's hole, then stepped back and watch it completely disappear all the way inside him. A shudder ran through my whole body as I watched that huge cock slide all the way in, balls deep. They both moaned, my boyfriend especially, and the guy started pumping that big nasty dick in and out of him. Holy fucking christ was it hot! I can't believe I'd known that guy for so long and never known he had such a huge cock! Another thing about this guy, he had a deep voice and loved dirty talk. Kept talking about how great my boyfriend's ass was, and saying things like "fuck yeah, TAKE that big dick, boy!" I didn't care that he could see how turned on I was, or that it actually made me hard (semi-hard was actually the best I could do) watching him fuck my boyfriend, or that my cock was nowhere near as big as his. In fact I *wanted* him to see all that, and I wanted him to know what a fucked-up whore my boyfriend is for huge cock. They kept fucking and fucking, until he realized that it was his checkout time. He was going to renew his room, but we lived right around the corner from the bathhouse, so we invited him back to our place. He came back with us and we fucked around for almost a whole day. We slammed some more, he kept doing G and smoking and whatever else he was doing--how the fuck he stayed hard with all the drugs he did, I'll never know. He didn't give a fuck when I grabbed the camera and started taking video, in fact he got into it even more. "You like watching this big cock raping your boy's hole? Yeah, you get off on this, don't you?" Fuuuuck!! so fucking hot. Talking all about how he was going to whore my boy's ass out at the bathhouse, that he knew dozens of hung tops and was going to bring them all there one night to take turns fucking him, and on and on like that. Unfortunately drugs and lack of sleep took their toll. His dirty talk changed...first to conversational talk about shit like the weather and what bars he went to...then it changed to outright nonsense. He was still hard, and kept fucking my boyfriend, but the weird babbling was too much to take. In retrospect I should have just shut it down, but I wanted him to get back to the dirty talk, so I made the mistake of trying to shush his blathering. Apparently I did that one too many times and it pissed him off, and he left. We never hooked up with him after that (and believe me we tried). I really must have pissed him off. Fuck. But DAMN, that messy fucker knew how to fuck with that big dick. My bf's hole was so stretched out. It was awesome. So that's the reality. What's the fantasy? The fantasy--and I totally could have made this happen--is that he's fucking my boyfriend in the sling instead of that asian slut. I realized later that all I had to do was walk up to him, show him my boyfriend's ass and asked if he wanted to fuck him in the sling. No question, this guy would have kicked that kid out and told my boyfriend to get in. My bf and I have talked about it a few times since, and it turned out he wanted the same thing. I've jerked off so many times thinking about it: My boyfriend lying in that sling, everyone crowded around watching that huge nasty raw cock raping his ass. The guy starts talking his dirty talk, out loud for everyone to hear..."fuck yeah this ass feels so good...you like that big cock inside you boy?" Then to me, "you like watching me fuck your boyfriend? Fuck yeah, look at your boy's ass take my big dick..." and on and on. I drop my towel and stand there naked, stroking my tina dick, watching this guy's huge cock stretch my boyfriend's hole, right there in front of everyone. I feel someone come up behind me and a hard cock against my ass, and without turning around I spread my legs, reach back and spread my ass cheeks open and feel some guy's cock slide all the way into me. As he begins fucking me, the nasty guy says to me "fuck yeah, you like getting fucked watching me fuck your boyfriend?" The guy fucking me quickens his pace and pumps his load into me. I feel his cum filling me up. He pulls out and another guy gets in behind me to fuck me, but instead the stud grabs my head, pushes me down and says "Get on your knees!" I drop to my knees and he pulls my head close, so my face is right next to his cock and my boyfriend's ass. "Yeah, get a good look at my big dick raping your boy's hole. Look at that! You like that? You like watching your boy get whored out?" "Fuck yeah," I moan, unable to take my eyes off that giant cock disappearing in my boyfriend. I stroke my tina dick like crazy. He grabs my hair, tilts my head back, leans over to me and spits in my face. "How you like THAT, bitch?" I can't speak. It feels like the wind has been knocked out of me. He turns back to my boyfriend and starts slamming his cock in harder and deeper. "DAMN this ass is hot!" My bf moans louder. "Ohhhhh...yeah....fuck me!" "Yeah, I'm gonna breed this sweet fuckin' pretty boy ass. TAKE that dick!" He looks at me. "Who's fuckin' your boyfriend?" "You are," I say in a loud whisper. "I said WHO'S fuckin' your boyfriend??" "You are!" I say out loud. "Fuck yeah, that's right, boy. You see how much he likes my big dick?" "Yeah...oh fuck, yeah." I can't take my eyes off his thick, raw cock drilling my boyfriend's sweet hole. "DAMN! This ass feels SO fuckin' good!" He starts pounding harder and deeper. I glance up at my boyfriend's face. His eyes are rolled back in his head and he has that little smile he gets when he's in sexual overdrive. He's now moaning uncontrollably loud, oblivious to how many people can hear him. I glance around and see that the crowd has grown to the point where guys are standing on tiptoes trying to see. The guys around him are touching his body, playing with his nipples. He is in heaven. He looks down at me--I'm still on my knees--and says "You ready for me to seed this hole?" "Fuck yeah!" My boyfriend and I say in unison. My boyfriend's eyes are closed, he doesn't know the stud was talking to me. "Yeah, boy?" he says to my boyfriend. "You want my big load?" "FUCK YEAH! Give it to me!" My bf loves being told when he's about to get bred. "Uhh...uhh....UUUHHHHHHH!!!!!!" He grunts loudly, as he blasts into my bf's stretched-out hole. "Yeah, take that big hot load!!! You feel it pumping into you?" "Fuck yeah! Oh fuck it feels so good!" I can see the cum on his big dick as he pumps it in and out. He pulls most of the way out and pauses so I can see his cock pulsing as he shoots. "Fuck yeah, look at that!" he says to me. Cum is already starting to drip out of my boyfriend's hole. "Fuuuuuuck...." I say in a loud, long whisper. "Oh, fuck." He starts drilling his cock into my boyfriend's ass again. "Yeah, sqeeze that loose ass. Sqeeze out every drop. There ya go, just like that. Squeeze it. Suck out all that cum." Finally he slows and then stops, pushing his big dick all the way inside. He grabs my boyfriend's legs and pulls them toward him as he thrusts his hips to get his cock all the way deep inside. He flexes all his muscles and grunts loudly as he forces the very last of his cum deep into my boyfriend's hole. Slowly he pulls all the way out. My boyfriend moans in disappointment, still wanting it inside him. I look at the massive cock--it's covered in cum, with a small glob hanging at the tip. My boyfriend's hole is so stretched it's still open, and cum is dripping out of it. I start to get up and the stud's hand grabs my shoulder and pushes me back down. "Stay there, bitch!" He steps out from behind my boyfriend, still holding me down, and hangs his big half-hard dick in front of my face. "Now SUCK IT!" Fuck yeah. I crouch down farther and look up at him, opening my mouth wide to accommodate his massive tool. He backs away just as I'm about to take it into my mouth, and holds my head so I'm just out of reach. He knows that teasing me will make me want it even more. Then with his other hand he grabs his big heavy dick and begins slapping me with it. Ouch! It's so massive it actually hurts my face. "Yeah," he says, seeing me cringe at the pain. "Now suck it," he says, letting go of my head. Immediately I take as much of it into my mouth as I can, less than half of it. I try opening my throat to take more, but it's just too fucking big. I slurp hungrily at it. "Yeah? Taste the cum on that dick?" "MM-HMMM!" "Yeah? You like that? Can you taste your boy's ass?" "MMM-HMMM!!!" I pull off long enough to say "Fuck yeah!" and immediately resume sucking, a little deeper this time. "Yeah, suck that dick clean. Suck out that cum!" I'm close to gagging, but I keep trying harder. I make swallowing motions with my throat around his cock head, and feel his cock twitch as I taste another gush of his cum. "OH fuck...yeah that's it boy...suck it out. Oh look at this...!" He moves slightly to the side and so I can see that another guy has stepped in behind my boyfriend and is fucking his sloppy, cum-filled hole. Holy fuck. "Your boy is taking another cock. You like that?" "MM-HMMM!" I grunt, my mouth full of his cock. I hear my boyfriend moaning again. "Fuck yeah, I know you do." He turns to the guy and says "Yeah, fuck my cum deeper into that hole. Fuck yeah. That ass feels good, right? Fuck that pretty boy." The guy doesn't say anything, he just keeps fucking. I'm still on my knees, close enough to see the cum coating the second guy's cock, dripping from my boyfriend's hole. He pulls his big soft dick out of my mouth, holds my head and slaps me some more with it. "Fuck yeah, you liked watching me breed your little cum-whore boyfriend, didn't you?" "Fuck yeah," I whisper, looking up at him. I am in awe. "Good. I'm gonna go rest a while then use his hole some more." He pauses, looking down at me with an evil little smile. "Open your mouth." I obey him, and he leans over a little and spits on my face. Most of it goes into my mouth. He grabs my chin and forces my mouth shut. He chuckles, then picks up his towel and walks out, giving my head a little push as he goes past. I stand up, feeling light-headed and a little shaky. My boyfriend is still in the sling getting fucked, but no one is looking at him. Everyone's looking at me, in stunned silence, their mouths slightly open. They all have the same holy-shit-I-can't-believe-I-just-saw-that-happen look on their faces. My entire body tingles from the attention. I feel the tina coursing through me. I stand there naked, my towel on the floor at my feet. More than any time in my life, I feel completely exposed, all the way to the deepest, darkest corners. I am humiliated but unashamed. Emasculated. Owned. Totally fucking wrecked. I keep standing there, letting the crowd see me. Every one of these guys is going to tell their friends about this, I think to myself. Especially if they see me walk by on the street. This is gonna get around. There's nothing I can do about it now. And I don't care. That thought sends another tingle through my whole body. Fuck yeah, it feels good. I make no move to hide my beautiful, perfect, wonderfully small tina dick. I have been put in my place, and everyone knows it. I fucking LOVE my little tina dick. Finally I look down just in time to see another load fucked deep into my boyfriend. Numbly, I wonder how many more loads he's going to take before we go home. So what do you think, fuckers? Do I win the prize for most twisted, fucked-up fantasy? ;-)
    1 point
  48. I always thank a top after he has unloaded in me. There are many bottoms out there, so i think its only right that I thank them for choosing to unload in me. Similarly... all the tops who fuck and seed me also thank me for letting them load me up. I never refuse a load, so i take a right mixed bag of tops... they all enjoy their time in my hole and thank me. I strongly beleive that just because we're sluts, we shouldn't forget manners. :-p
    1 point
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