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  1. Epilogue 9 months later I woke up with the now common feeling of cum leaking from me and a wet patch on my bed and smiled. As I rolled over in the bed I used to share with my wife I pondered how things had changed over the last 9 months. Firstly there was that first night at the sauna but that was just the beginning the first in a chain reaction that changed everything. Jane cared for me through my fever and looked after me assuming it was flu once better and after the weight loss she couldn't get enough of me we spent the best part of a month fucking 2-3 times a day then she got sick. I cared for her the same as she did for me but after her doctor recommended she get tested the truth quickly became apparent and she left. I loved Jane and was sorry for all I'd done but her leaving gave me a new found freedom and it wasn't long before I found myself back in the same bathhouse night after night. The other thing that changed in me was I became more versatile and found out just hoe empowering shooting my own now poz cum in a bottom could be. I never mentioned my status unless specifically asked which was rare. Soon the evening trips to the bathhouse weren't enough and I found myself sneaking out on my lunch breaks to fuck anyone close enough with a cock. Work had been good to me over the years and I soon realised without Jane I could afford to stop altogether and did just that. With no work and no wife the remaining months have given me the freedom to become the sleazy pig i never knew I needed to be. The noise of the shower being turned off broke me away from my thoughts and I smiled as I watched the young twink walk out of the bathroom at 19 he was the youngest I'd fucked since this all began but he had the confidence of someone twice his age. He walked over and kissed me deeply. "thanks for last night and for letting me use the shower I've never had so much cum in me from one guy it got everywhere overnight. Usually I don't go bareback I'm not sure what came over me" I smiled "no worries I'm glad we both had fun" as my cock began to grow I pulled him in close and kissed him again before throwing him on the bed. "I've really got to get to work" he said "don't worry bimoy this won't take long. Call it a parting gift." with that I buried my face in his smooth hole and began eating his ass like there was no tomorrow his protests soon stopped and he began moaning from my assault. I came up and kissed him deeply before sliding my poz cock back into his ass. He gasped and went to say something but couldn't as my tongue was still working its way down his throat. "that's it boy take my cock take everything I've got" I fucked him without mercy as he moaned louder and louder "tell me what you want boy tell me how much you want my seed" "Please" he shouted "please breed my hole breed my fucking hole" I felt my cock swell as it began to shoot my now toxic cum deep in this twinks cum. Once the orgasm subsided I kissed him again before getting off and letting him get dressed. "fuck looks like I'm going to work with a part of you in me aswell then" I smiled he had no idea how long that part of me would be with him for. He kissed me goodbye and left just as my phone started to ring. I answered. "Hey pig where are you me Matt and Dave have been waiting at the tattoo parlous for 20 minutes for you" "sorry guys I'm on my way just got a bit carried away with last night conquest" Jack laughed "your such a fucking pig hurry up its time to get your ink" With that I got dressed and took the short walk to the tattoo parlour before finally getting my own Biohazard tattoo just above my cock.
    8 points
  2. Sorry for the delay forgot about the posts per day limit With his cock down my throat I've no choice but to continue sniffing the bottle suddenly the pressure gives way and Im overwhelmed with the feeling of a cock working its way inside me for the first time. Instinctively I lift my head up suddenly and feel the spike on the other tops cock scrape the inside of my mouth. I look up at him my eyes full of lust as I am overwhelmed by all the new feelings I'm experiencing. "don't worry it won't be long until I can get this monster in your cunt and you can really find out how it feels to be fucked." with that he ploughed his cock straight back into the hole of the bottom underneath me. He fucked him hard and deep for a few moments before pulling back out and pointing it towards my mouth. For the first time I saw some of the damage the spike inflicted on the bottom. The tip of the spike and his shaft had streaks of blood on them. Figuring I didn't notice the first time and still heavily under the Influence of lust and that magic little bottle I took his cock back into my mouth. As he proceeded to alternate between fucking my throat and fucking the bottoms ass. Meanwhile behind me my new friend was slowly working his average sized cock in and out of me and building a steady rhythm. "dam that cunt feels tight. This isn't your first time is it?" I managed to pant out a yes in between sealling cock "fuck we got a virgin here and he's already becoming as much of a whore as the rest of us. He'll be ready for you in no time Jack" the man who's cock I'd been sucking for what felt like forever smiled "we'll let him take Matts first before he gets to me. He's been such a good bottom tongight it's only fair he gets a turn don't you think Dave?" "sure I'm not gonna last much longer in here anyway" Jack chuckled as I wondered how I'd got this far and have only just learned their names I quickly realised I didn't care though. I was in heaven. Dave was now attacking my hole with everything he had "you ready for this load pig you ready to feel my cock explode inside you." I couldn't speak as Jacks cock was wedged firmly down my thoart at this point. All I could do was grunt which Dave took for consent as I felt his cock start to swell up inside me "that's it boy take this load, milk that dirty load out of my cock and become a proper pig show me what you where made for" just then two things happened. For the first time in my life I felt another man cum inside me I felt his cock swell up and I felt it shoot load after load of cum inside me. Secondly I passed out.
    8 points
  3. “And up to the plate is freshman phenom Alex “Maverick” Barnes. The 6'3” graduate from St. Mary's out of Iowa has a lot of people talking about his chances to go pro in a couple of years and you can see the worry in the pitcher's face as he takes his stance.” I look across to the plate and smile, this idiot actually stares for a moment before he goes back to paying attention to his catcher. I know this guy's stats and he knows mine, which is why he looks like he's gonna piss himself in a few. My name is Maverick and you might not know who I am, but trust me when I say I'm the guy you want to be. Yeah scoff all you want but trust me, everyone wants to be me. My dad is four time Olympic gold medal winner Howard Barnes. In the 2000 Olympics he went to Sidney and ran the board for gymnastics in a way no one has done since. He ended up on cereal boxes, energy drinks and eventually Calvin Klein ads. He ended up being voted People's sexist athlete four years running and now owns a national chain of gyms that are insanely popular because they have huge posters of him shirtless on the ads. My mother is Kathy Sloane, super model, Maxim babe and most guys in the 2000's wet dream. She married my dad after two months of dating because honestly, she had never met a better looking guy in her life. They settled down in Iowa, bought a huge house and had lots of sex. This is where I come in, Hold up, let me knock this ball out of the park and send this pitcher home crying. “And here's the pitch...Maverick swings....AND IT'S OUT OF HERE! IT'S A HOME RUN, IT'S A HOME RUN! A&M TAKES THE GAME, THE CROWD IS WILD!!” Right, anyways. So they had a lot of sex and my mom got pregnant with me. Now I don't want to say I won the genetics lottery, but I will say that if I was a poker hand, I'd be a royal flush ace high baby. Both me and my little brother are fucking perfect little jocks. Blond hair, blue eyes, white teeth, good muscle tone, lean muscle, I mean everything you would ask for in an All American boy. I went into baseball in a young age. My dad had me out on the field when I was nine, running, catching, throwing, anything that had to do with a ball I was on it. By the time I hit junior high I was on the fast track to professional ball. High school I floated by, my buddy Ace, not his real name, said I could have shot a guy in the quad and gotten away with it if the cops were sports fan. I had five colleges fighting for me by the time I was 17, A&M had the hottest chicks when I visited the campus so an Aggie I am. Ok, am jogging into home base where the rest of the team are waiting to throw me up on their shoulders and carry me to the dugout. I have to act all awww shucks and thank god for the win, I'll get back to you soon. Right, so where was I? Oh yeah, I'm a stud. So anyways, me and my brother were raised as uber jocks. Sports were a joke to us, we were easy on the eyes and everyone likes a winner. Growing up me and Troy, that's my brother, were tight. We were both addicted to our sports. I had baseball and he had swimming. My dad made sure I had everything I needed to win while my mom was Troy's biggest fan, making sure he got to every practice and every tournament. We were both popular, had a ton of friends and generally were living the high life. Then he turned out to be a fag and things changed. Oh don't give me that look, what? Let me guess? You're one too? Figures, they're attracted to me like flies on sugar. Anyways, so turned out he became a fag so I dropped him like the plague. Now I am a college superstar and he...well I honestly don't care what he is. So now I am done for the year, summer I coming and I am headed home for months of sleep, drink and sex and I can't wait. I spent my whole freshman year bailing this loser team out so I'm ready for a little me time. Lock up your daughters Iowa, Maverick is on his way home. My brother is a complete fucking asshole. I mean if you spent five minutes talking to him you'd understand...or not. You see, even though he is a complete fucking douchebag, he can play off being a complete angel in a way that everyone believes. Ask anyone and they will tell you he is humble and innocent, but trust me, he is anything but. And now he is heading home for the summer and I just know it's going to be a complete shit show. He is going to sit around the house, eating all the food, sleeping all fucking day and giving me shit for being gay. Which coming from him, is a joke. See here is the thing the famous Maverick won't tell you, I learned how to suck dick from him. Growing up we had been pretty tight. We both were super busy with sports so even though we were popular, we didn't have a ton of time for friends much less dating. That, coupled with the fact we were both raised valuing athleticism and looks over everything else, it wasn't a shock that we found ourselves sexually attracted to each other. Yeah, yeah, I know, brothers, yuck. But it was a thing, the older we became the better our bodies got and the better our bodies got the better looking we became to each other. He made the first move of course, he was the older brother which meant he was always in charge. We were in Dallas for one of my matches and sharing a hotel room the first time we fooled around. He climbed into my bed and started to feel me up, things got hot and the next thing you know we were sucking each other off. Things escalated from there and all through junior high my big brother was my secret boyfriend. When high school started he made a group of friends, got a real girlfriend and suddenly I was the fag brother. He stopped talking to me, we stopped hanging out and we never touched each other again. He started acting like a homophobic douchebag and I was outed to everyone who was within earshot, which has meant my high school experience has been a hoot. Allow me to introduce myself, I am Troy Barnes, the gay son. I don't mind people knowing I'm gay, I just wish I had been given the choice. Not that anyone would have guessed, like my brother, I am pretty much the prototypical jock as well. At 6'1” my blond hair was darker and my eyes were greener, but we both had the same, lean, muscled body that came from perfect genetics and a lot of fucking work. It didn't hurt that both our parents were basically super models, so basically if he hadn't have told everyone, I doubt anyone would have guessed. But in the end it was a good thing because once everyone knew I was gay, I got met a great guy and we've been dating ever since. The problem was, Mason never met my brother, so he didn't know what was about to happen. “Maybe you're just overreacting,” he said to me over lunch. I gave him an eyebrow and he bust out laughing, “Come on, don't give me the eyebrow of doom. I'm just saying, maybe he's changed.” “He hasn't,” I said finishing my drink, “He is going to make this summer hell and once he finds about you it will get worse.” “He doesn't know about us?” “God no! I don't talk to him unless I have to.” “He cant be that bad,” he tried to reassure me.” “Just wait,” I tell him, “Just wait.” I rushed home after finals, driving all night so I could get home and start my life of leisure. I stopped off at a Circle K to fill up, grab some caffeine and to drain the lizard. It was past three am and the only person in the place was this cowboy looking dude behind the counter. He was 18 if he was a day old but he was cute in his own hick way. I asked him where the bathroom was and he took a second to look me up and down before he pointed to the back. I gave him a quick wink and walked back to do my business. I stood at a stall and whipped my cock out, I wasn't shocked to see him walk in about a minute later. Out of ten urinals he walked up next to mine and undid his tight ass Wranglers. I let my dick hang there, letting him get a good look at my Hawkeye pride. “Only time I can get away,” He explained, as he pulled his own dick out and began to piss. “A lot of traffic this time of night?” “Naw,” he said in that Oklahoma drawl, “Usually dead.” “Nice, so...you just browsing or you planning on buying?” He blinked twice, “Huh?” I stepped back, “Come on hayseed, I gotta get back on the road and you wanna try for a stand up triple. So let's move it along.” “I mean...I didn't...” I sighed and put a hand on his shoulder and pushed him down, “Come on dude, just suck me off already.” He seemed to resist for a moment before I slid my nine inches of jock dick past his lips. I could feel him struggle for a few seconds but once I had him down my rod he went with it and I could feel him start to work my cock over. Always the same with fags, they fight it at first but once they get a taste, they can't help themselves. I had both my hands in his short hair as he worshiped my dick, small moans coming from his throat as he tasted my precum on his tongue. I needed this, I fucked one of my chicks day before yesterday to blow off some tension before finals, but I hadn't had time to dump a load since. Nothing like a good, little fag to take my seed and recharge my batteries. I heard his gagging and felt my cock pulse with excitement, I loved hearing that sound. My cock slamming the back of their throat, the sound if them struggling for air...my little brother used to make the same sound when I made him deep throat me, I mean when he'd fag out and beg to suck my cock at night. I felt my balls start to tingle and knew I was close. “Oh yeah punk...gonna blow down your throat.” I heard him whimper something around my cock and he tried to pull back. I kept his head still as I thrust into him harder and harder. He was no longer able to keep up with my dick, now all he was is a place to dump my cum. “Fuck yeah fagot....take my babies...” I shot down his throat, and I heard him groan as his mouth flooded with my cum. I shot a few times and then let go of his head, he fell back, sperm spilling out of his mouth as he fell back onto the bathroom floor. I shot a few last times onto him as he held his hand up to block it. I jerk my dick a few last times, draining my balls all over his face. He looked up at me, cum dripping down his face, “Dude...” he choked... I stuffed my cock back in and zipped up, “You're welcome man,” I said with a wink, “See ya never.” I got into my car and drove off...feeling a thousand percent better and feeling good about giving that kid what he really wanted. A real man's cum. Gonna be a good summer. Hey guys, I run on caffeine and compliments. if you want to leave either my Venmo is @jack-parker-109 Buy a cup of coffe for an American who’s down on his luck? I’m just kidding, that’s from a cartoon. But tips are always welcome, but never needed.
    7 points
  4. I looked over and saw Jack smiling. "Looks like your ready for mine now boy" I muttered something about thinking he was to big but Jacks smile just widened. As I was about to object I suddenly found myself with a second cock to clean off and that little brown bottle back under my nose. My thoughts where soon forgotten as once again found myself lost in the moment. Now having two cocks to suck started to steal my attention that was u til I felt it. I tensed up as the spike on the end of that huge beer can sized cock starter getting rubbed across my hole "don't worry boy you might even enjoy this as well" With that he bagan pushing his cock into my now sloppy and we'll fucked hole. Even with the daze from the little brown bottle the pain was Intense I moaned out but the cocks in my mouth muffled any real noise coming out of my mouth. Jack continued to push and finally I felt myself accept the head of his cock and him enter me. I thought to myself providing he goes slow and gives me a chance here perhaps this won't hurt to much after all. How wrong I was as soon as he entered me he pulled out fully before slamming his cock back in once again this continued on and on for a while and with each thrust I could feel that metal spike stabbing inside. "that's it boy let me open that cunt let me see how ready you are for this seed." He pulled his cock out fully and laughed "fuck that's some blood on there boy looks like my boys are definitely gonna take hold of you" with that he slammed back in and begun a fresh assault. We fu ked like this for a while before he pulled out again and instructed me to bend over. As I got up I noticed the small puddle beneath my ass what looked like a mixture of cum and blood was steadily leaking from my hole. I bent over unsure how much more of this I could take but also knowing that Jack cock had begun to feel pretty amazing inside of me. I bent over and presented my ass to Jack and even held my cheeks apart to give him better access "we'll done boy I knew you was a pig when I saw you across the room" With that he thrust his cock back into me in one swift motion he was balls deep I cried out but his pace didn't slow. "that's it boy you feel that cock inside you you feel it working that cunt open you feel my metal opening you up getting you ready to take this dirty fucking load in your cunt. You want this load boy" "yes" I cried "yes what boy" "yes I want your load please" unsure how much more of this I could take I got louder and louder hoping to egg him on enough to cum "please please fuck this hole breed my cunt open me up just please fucking cum in me" "I knew you was a fucking pig first time in the bath house and you've already taken two loads in your cunt and now begging for a third" He slowed his pace down and whispered in my ear "this cunts mine now boy just like Matt and Daves and when the times right your get your ink just the same as them" I couldn't speak all I could do was continue to moan "this is it boy" Somehow he managed to speed up until he was fucking me ever harder then before. "take my load boy take my fucking load and become my cunt" Everything felt like it slowed down as I was totally overwhelmed with the feeling of his cock growing thicker and thicker then it exploded and jet after jet of cum filled my aching hole. "that's it boy take it all" It felt like it would never end but eventually I came back down all I could manage to say was fuck. "fuck fuck fuck" Eventually I regained some compusure "fucking hell that was something else" I spat out Dave barely even out of breath just smiled "you did good for a first timer generally the newbies never wanna play with us Poz guys so was nice to have some fresh meat. " sorry what do you mean" I asked confused He pointed to his scorpion tattoo and then at the two chemical symbols "the ink is a way of saying we are poz as in hiv well those two at least I've been off my meds for 2 years and am pretty much full blown Aids now surely you knew what the ink means" he smiled "Matt tested poz shortly after I first fucked him a year or so back and Dave 6 months ago neither have started meds yet so are almost as potent as me" I was speechless I couldn't move couldn't talk just totally frozen and to make it worse he was still fucking smiling and I'm sure that was pride on his face while talking about the other two. "don't worry think of it this way now you never have to worry about catching it" he looked down at his cock still as huge as before but now covered in a mixture of cum and my blood and smile again. "go home sleep have a shower and get some sleep you're gonna feel like shit in a week or two but after that come back and see us maybe we can even go and get you a nice tattoo in a month or so. I turned my back and slowly walked out of the room I looked back once and saw the three of them laughing before Matt bent over and offered his hole up once again for the other two. Slowly I made my way back down to the lockers and got dressed as I made my way out of the building the guy on the counter said something to me but he may as well of been talking to the wall for all I heard. The drive home was slow all I could think about was what they told me. How could I be so stupid not only did I play without a condom but I let 3 different men all with hiv cum in my ass and yet my cock had never been so hard and it dawned on me that I hadn't even cum myself I'd been a total bottom only used for their pleasure and didn't even get to cum. I walked through the door at gone 3am Jane who should of been asleep hours ago was wide awake in our bed. "how was Chris's leaving party" she asked she saw how pale I was "christ have you drunk so much you've been sick again" "no just tired and not feeling myself" She got up "perhaps this will make you feel better" with that she bent over the bed and invited me to join her "why not remind me how that dick feels before you go to sleep" and with that I proceeded to shoot my last Negative load inside my wife while the cum of three men and my blood dripped out of my ass. Three weeks later just as he said I felt like I'd been hit by a train it lasted a few weeks I lost over a stone in weight and was bed ridden the majority of the time. Then a test confirmed it I had HIV Hope you guys all enjoyed this. Its only my second attempt at writing and first at anything this long so apologies if its a little all over the place. Be sure to let me know what you think all feedback is appreciated
    7 points
  5. two things had just happened. Firstly for the first time in my life I felt another man cum inside me I felt his cock swell up and I felt it shoot load after load of cum inside me. Secondly I passed out. I don't know how long I was out for although it must of been 30 seconds or so at least as when I woke up I was now laying in the centre of the room on my back Dave was no longer behind me instead he'd come round to the front and was stood with his cock hanging two inches from my mouth. "nice of you to join us again now are you just gonna lay there or do you fancy cleaning my cock while Matt takes his turn opening you up" My head was foggy and my senses where out of wack however as my eyes started to focus I was sure I spotted what muct of been some of my own blood on the head of Daves cock. Before I could ask his dick was down my throat and the metallic taste confirmed it was blood. During this I hadn't even noticed that Matt had now take position in between my legs the first I knew was when I felt his cock stretching my hole. Matt was definitely bigger then Dave and I could feel my hole stretching to accommodate his size. "fuck Daves right this hole was meant for breeding I can't wait to help knock that cunt up" I didn't know what he meant by knocking me up I assumed it was just dirty talk same as how a man might knock a woman up seeing as I was currently taking his bare dick in my ass it kinda made sense in my head. "fuck I'm not gonna last long in here" Matt fucked me with urgency he was hard and fast and continued battering my hole while daves cock was still in my mouth. I moaned around his cock in pure lust a while again marveling at what had happened here. "that's it boy take that fucking loaf take my seed and let me knock that tight cunt of your up. Let me make you nice and sloppy before Jack really tears that cunt up" Just then I felt Matts cock grow just the same as Daves had previously and knew it was time to get my second load. "here it comes boy take it take all of that fucking cum". Shot after shot I felt every twitch every tiny movement of his cock before he slid out and walked over to me. I looked over and saw Jack smiling. "Looks like your ready for mine now boy"
    7 points
  6. I was talking to this guy on BBRT and he invited me to his hotel room. On my way there he asked how man loads I had in me. I told him 0 and he told me he wanted me to get loaded up before coming to see him. His hotel was near an adult bookstore so I stopped there. The first booth I checked out had a big white cut cock sticking through so I got on my knees and began to suck him using my saliva to lube my hole. I got his cock nice and wet then backed my ass onto his cock. After a few strokes I felt his cock spasm as he shot in me. I opened the door to the booth and a PR guy walked into the booth and pushed me down to my knees and pulled out his cock. I started sucking him off and his big uncut cock grew even larger. I noticed another cock slide through the glory hole and I started sucking that cock while rubbing my hole on the PR guys cock. He told me he didn’t do anal, so I backed my ass up on the cock through the glory hole and sucked the PR guy off. He shot his load down my throat and left. I went back to sucking the cock through the glory hole and after a few minutes the door opened and a young Indian guy came in. I sucked him off while riding the glory hole cock. The Indian guy said he wanted to fuck me so I started alternating between the 2 cocks. The Indian guy told me he was going to cum and he shot deep in my ass. I invited glory hole guy to my booth and he was a hung little white bear. He shoved his cock in me and pounded me hard till he shot in me. After he was done, I messaged my BBRt guy and went to his room. He ate the loads from my hole then spit them back in alternating between fucking me and eating my hole. Finally he shot his load in me and sent me on my way. I stopped by the ABS and took one last load from this hung Venezuelan guy. He insisted on a condom so I let him. We had no lube so the condom burst after a few strokes. He kept going and bred me deep. When he pulled out he seemed shocked it broke, started freaking out a bit, then ran from the booth.
    5 points
  7. I felt a hand on my back pushing me to bend over and before I knew it I felt a tongue running over my asshole and sending shivers through my entire being I moaned as I felt his tongue working its way deeper and deeper inside my ass. Here I was a naive curious guy who finally plucked up the courage to enter a sauna and maybe see if I wanted to take it further. Now in the middle of a room in a 69 position with a total stranger watching his hole get wrecked by a beer can cock while another guy eats my ass and all I can think about is how much I want to try sucking the cock of the guy underneath me. I lean further forward as somehow the guy behind me manages to snake his tongue even further into me. The top in front of me holds the little brown bottle underneath my nose and I'm consumed once again in lust. I take the bottoms cock in my mouth surprised by the lack of a gag reflex and take his length down my throat. I do this for a minute or two before the top lifts my head puts the bottle back under my nose and tells me to inhale deep. I do as instructed just as I exhale he pulls his beer can cock out of the bottom and tells me to swallow his cock. I Swallow all I can but he continues to push further down my throat yet still my gag reflex is non existent. As he continues to pound my throat I suddenly notice the lack of tongue on my ass and moan. Then the tongue is replaced by a new feeling as I suddenly realise that the guy who bought to the circle is lining his cock up and getting ready to fuck me. I reach back to see if he has a condom on which I'm pretty sure he won't. Before my arm touches him the top in front of me tells. to just relax and keep breathing deeply while still holding that little brown bottle under my nose. With his cock down my throat I've no choice but to continue sniffing the bottle suddenly the pressure gives way and Im overwhelmed with the feeling of a cock working its way inside me for the first time.
    5 points
  8. As he was fucking one bottom he pulled out for the second to suck his cock when I saw three things that shocked me. Firstly he wasn't wearing a condom secondly he had what looked like a metal spike coming out of the tip of his cock and and third his cock was fucking huge. How the bottoms managed to take that I had no idea. As I was wondering this I noticed the top look up at me smile and invite me to come closer. "fuck it" I thought it can't do any harm to have a look up close and plus Im Intrigued as to what that piercing is. I made my way over to the middle of the room and the bottom not getting fucked stood up and walked towards me. Seeing his chest for the first time I noticed a he also had a tattoo but his was just below his belly button and seemed to resemble a sign id seen on some of the chemicals we kept at work. I thought nothing of it having never really understood the point ot tattoos anyway. I also noticed that while I'd only seen him bottom he also had a impressive cock himself. "hey buddy first time" he asked smiling. "yes first time doing anything like this" he spotted the ring on my finger and his smile widened "don't worry your not the first and I'm sure you won't be the last guy looking for abit on the side while the wife's at home" he moved closer and pulled me in towards him having previously had no experience with other men other then the porn I'd watched for years suddenly I found myself with a extremely skinny guy with sunken eyes putting his tongue in my mouth. My cock grew harder in an instant as I felt my urges take over and responded to his kiss. He run his hand down my chest before sliding it underneath the towel and grabbing my cock. I thought for sure I was going to explode there and then at his touch but somehow I kept it together. "that's a nice cock you have there" he took my hand and guided it down to his and for the first time I wrapped my hand around another man's cock. "thank" I barely whispered. "relax buddy and come down here and join us" He moved back into the middle where the other two had now changed position and was on his back taking a brutal fucking from the other guys monster cock. I noticed he also had the same tattoo but his was just above his left pec. Just as curiosity got the better of me and I was about to ask my new friend had his tongue back in my mouth kissing me even more deeply than before. He broke the kiss and moved me closer to the bottoms head so that my cock was now hanging above his face. The second he saw it hanging there the bottom reached for it and took me into his mouth and proceeded to suck my cock in way I didn't know possible. I looked down mesmerised as I watched the monster cock pistoning in and out of the bottom who now had my cock in his mouth. The top smiled and pulled me into a kiss this one far more forceful then the previous one. My mind was consumed by all these feelings however I still had my wits about me and wasn't going to let things get to carried away. The first bottom now handed me a small brown bottle and told me to sniff. "sorry I don't do drugs" I responded. He laughed "don't worry these are poppers and are perfectly legal I bought them just this afternoon from the shop down the road. No more illegal then ciggarettes or alcohol" I hesitantly took the small bottle from his hand and had a small sniff. "cover one nose nostril and breathe deep l" the top encouraged. I done as suggested and suddenly felt a heat run through my whole body as my heart rate increased and all the blood seemed to flow straight down to my cock which was still receiving the best blowjob I'd ever had. I felt a hand on my back pushing me to bend over and before I knew it I felt a tongue running over my asshole and sending shivers through my entire being
    5 points
  9. As I sat in the car outside the sauna for the fifth time this month I tried to convince myself to finally take the plunge and enter. The thought of all the fun to be had inside always made my cock hard but Id read online that most people in these places didn't use condoms and the last thing I wanted was to pick up something and pass it onto my wife. I knew I was bi for years but up until the last few months I'd always managed to push the desire to the back of my mind. "what's the worst that can happen" I said to myself "if I'm uncomfortable or don't want to go any further I can just leave" With the decision made I got out of the car approached the door and rung the buzzer. The door clicked and I entered a small hallway and approached the counter A young guy of about 20 smiled as I approached clearly I was looking nervous. "first time here buddy?" "uh yh yh it is" "ah no worries I'm sure you'll have a positive experience it's a busy night but full of regulars and I'm sure a handsome Gent like you will be made to feel welcome. £15 for entry £25 if you would like a private room" I fumbled for my wallet before paying the £15 in cash so that there was no trace that I came here. He smiled and passed me a towel and a key "the keys for the locker and the towel is to cover up if you prefer although most guys here tend to go bare" I muttered my thanks and then proceeded to the locker room where I removed my clothes and wrapped the towel around myself. "ill just take a walk round and explore the place if I don't like it ill leave" I followed the stairs up turned left and found myself in what looked like the main playroom a big screen was playing porn in the middle of the room was a giant circular play area that already had a few guys fucking and sucking and across the back wall where a few seats. I decided to take a seat and just watch for a while. My cock was already rock solid and as I sat down I began to stroke it slowly while watching the guys in the middle of the room going at it. The scene looked like something straight out of a porno there was the big beefy top and two skinny bottoms neither of which looked particularly healthy. The top was covered in ink but one that stood out was a the scorpion just to the left of his belly button. As he was fucking one bottom he pulled out for the second to suck his cock when I saw three things that shocked me. Firstly he wasn't wearing a condom secondly he had what looked like a metal spike coming out of the tip of his cock and and third his cock was fucking huge. How the bottoms managed to take that I had no idea. As I was wondering this I noticed the top look up at me smile and invite me to come closer. "fuck it" I thought it can't do any harm to have a look up close and plus Im Intrigued as to what that piercing is.
    4 points
  10. Last night I popped into the bookstore. They have shorter hours from COVID and sometimes they close early if there aren't many people in the place. Like usual, I go back to the back room next to the dark room and strip naked except for my tennis shoes. I bundle my clothes up and carry them around with me in one hand and my poppers and lube in the other. It was a fairly thin crowd but I caught the eyes of a guy in a mask and a ballcap. He followed me back to the darkroom and as soon as I was kneeling on the sofa with my ass hanging out I felt him slide up behind me squeezing my tits while he slid a nice six inch cock into my hole. He stroked back and forth for a minute or so and then pulled out and slammed back in. Twice was all it took and he blew a load into my ass that dripped down onto my shaved balls as soon as he pulled out. I slapped my ass a couple of times and then recognized the touch of an older Hispanic guy who is usually there on Sunday evenings. He has a nice 5 inch dick that gets good and hard. He takes his time and sometimes flips me over on the sofa to bury his cock in my spread legs. I was moaning pretty good when he plowed me that way. The other guys in the bookstore were attracted by the noise and switched on flashlights from their phones. Some of them might have been filming. I'm never sure. The older guy's cock started to get extra stiff then I felt him spread me wide so he could plant it deep. I felt his hot cum squirting into my ass. He was shaking from the effort - then he pulled out and disappeared in the dark. I did a couple of laps in the place but it was clear things were winding down. A couple of people were still in the hallway so I slid back into the dark room and slapped my ass a few more times and hit my poppers while I waited. I heard some distant voices in the hallway and heard the door slam a couple of times. Voices got louder as they moved up the hallway toward me. Suddenly the dark room was brightly lit by fluorescent lights and there were two large black guys looking at me with my ass spread and cum dripping out. One of them grabbed his fly as he looked at me. "You know we're the only ones here, right?" I shook my head. Now the other one was stroking a big bulge in the front of his pants, as well. "Damn - how many loads you got in that pussy, baby?" "Two," I said. "I could use a couple more." The first one was shorter but his bulge was a lot bigger. He had a broom in his hand and leaned it against the sofa where I was spread out. His thick fingers slid up my leg and into my ass crack. He shoved his finger in with a quick plop. "Damn. I think this pussy can take fist." The other guy dropped his pants and started rubbing a thick 7 inch cock. "Then it will sure take my dick." His friend pulled his finger out while he jammed his cock into my hungry hole. I hit my poppers hard while he ground his cock all the way to his balls and lifted my ass into the air with each thrust. "Take this dick, bitch." His cock pulled almost all the way out then slid into me deeper. "Oh yes, fuck me." I moaned. His friend's hand found my nipple and started to pinch it wickedly between his long nails. It hurt like hell and I would have pulled away if I wasn't distracted by the plunging cock. I hit my poppers again between grinds and felt him starting to speed up. He leaned down low over me and whispered in my ear. "Here's a 2 day load, bitch." He started to tense up then groaned loudly. His cum was hot as it poured into me. His friend laughed and slapped me on the ass. "Fuck, yeah. That is a nice fat ass." He pulled out of me and made room for his friend. I didn't get a look at the other cock before is slammed into me. He shoved so deep I felt second sphincter give way. It really hurt and when I opened my mouth to yell the first fucker shoved his cummy cock in my mouth. There was no chance to hit the poppers and the cock in my ass was not going slow and easy. He was pounding me hard and fast. I whined as I felt the other cock slide to the back of my throat and the force of fucking shoved me down into the cushions of the couch. I was spit roasted until I cleaned the first cock in my mouth then he pulled away without a word and left the room. What felt like a baseball bat shoved through my body in the beginning had left my ass saggy and dripping cum and my mouth begging him not to stop. I tried to hit my poppers but the slamming of his thrusts spilled it onto my hand so I sniffed them from there and spread my legs even further to feel him pushing me to the pain point again. Both of us were covered with a slick sheen of sweat. He was not stopping. He meant to fuck me hard. I was crying out with every thrust. I heard his buddy in the hallway now - laughing as he pushed the broom along. For nearly 20 minutes he pounded me without stopping. His long fat cock jabbed into my prostate with every plunge. About halfway through I started cumming hands free and still he plowed on. By the end I never wanted it to stop. I was moaning and I could hear him start to wheeze more as he started to tilt his hips up. Deep in my guts his cock started spraying with such velocity I thought cum would start coming out my nose. It felt like a shower from the inside out. A voice from down the hallway said, "Stop fucking that pussy boy and get to work. We're gonna be here all night." He pulled nearly 10 inches of fat hard cock out of my ass. It flopped down as it cleared my saggy hole. He slapped me on the ass one more time then turned around and left. My legs were shaking as I pulled my sweats back on and staggered up the hallway to the door. Next time I drop by, I'm definitely staying till closing time.
    4 points
  11. Several days had passed since the events of that night. Richard had left the town for a conference and Paul was lost in his thoughts and his laboratory routine, still meddled with what had happened. It was not something as traumatic as one might think but rather like one of those things in life that can afffect the course of it. And to an extend that was true for Paul. For the first time, someone hunted him down instead of him being the hunter. He felt flattered that he aroused someone else and in particular, a man of power like his boss. The thought of being dominated was intriguing. And he would be dominated again later that day. Many of his colleagues used to attend to gym classes. He was always into sport and since the gym's subscription was one of those little bonuses of that job he was more than willing to take advantage of it. His colleagues invited him to join a boxing class and Paul thought of giving it a try. Interestingly, that was the first day that Richard returned to the town and he would too attend that class. He used to do boxing from an early age and despite his devotion to that sport he never chose it for a career. The owner of the gym was his coach when he was younger and he had even passed him a pair of keys so as to train regardless of the gym's schedule. Richard asked Paul to join him in a boxing course and so he did. That evening he went to the gym class, as promised to his colleagues but he also waited for Richard. His thoughts were complex and far deeper than just being horny. He was anticipating to feel Richard, to see what he has in store for him next. To succumb to his desire. The first time he was used by Richard had now turned into a blur wet dream that tickled all of his senses. The gym class was rather mild for Paul's standards, some bench, some jogging and mild stretching. Plus, he was saving power for Richard, luckily. The course was now over and Paul was a little stressed on how he would stay longer, on what excuse. But he did not have to use any, since Richard showed up just on time. After a brief greeting to everyone he started some chit chat with him so they ended up being the only ones left. The trainer left too, knowing that it is usual for Richard to stay in the building. Paul was rather shy, without having anything to say now that the two men were alone. Richard walked away only to return again with a jumping rope. He went just behing Paul and touches his chest with the rope. "I want you shirtless to jump rope" Paul did not answer, he just obeyed and started the exercise. Richard had sat on the mat and observed hi, About 10 minutes later he asked him to stop. He went closer again and touched his body. Sweat suits you he said. Then he passed him a pair of boxing gloves and gave him instructions on how to land sever punches. All that time he was behind him touching, kissing and biting him. Paul would stop to punch posessed by his kiss only to be asked to go on. Sometime later Richard would ask Paul to take off his shirt as well and so he did. He admired his well built body for the first time since in their previous engagement he was not shirtless. Richard wore his gloves as well. I want us to have a small match he said. I like to hunt my prey, so do try to fight back he said. Of course the odds were against Paul who was no match for Richard. Hedid not land a single punch on Paul no matter how he tried. His punches were either blocked or evaded. But the same did not happen to Richard's punches. He received several hits on his chest, ribs and some to his head. Although Richard looked rather tough, one could tell that he wanted his punches to hurt, but not too much. There was a slight balance between mild and severe pain, and his punches were in between. Paul was exhausted and in pain after all that. Even kinda dizzy. Richard took of his gloves and brought Paul to the ropes of the boxing arena, with Paul lying against them. He took off his pants and put some lube inside. He penetrated him hard and deep and Paul screamed. You know i've told you of being silent from the past time he said" and he grabbed Paul from the hair. He started to fuck him brutally and enjoyed his tiight asshole once again. Sometime later he threw Paul down to the mat to change position he penetrated him again and Paul moaned in pain You are beyond hopeless said Richard. He placed the rope around his neck and started fucking him. Paul turned red and the veins of his head became more visible. He could not speak and he was trying to release the rope Richard wondered ironically, is it too tight? and he continued fucking the hell out of him. He continued that until Paul was almost unconscious. I want full devotion to me, said Rihard. Don't fight me back. Accept what I'm doing okay? Paul trying to agree by moving his head in a positive manner. He turned him on the other side so he could see his dick now. Were you fucking your woman? asked Richard Paul smiled. You little bastard said Richard. He put on his glove and punched his abs. I love these abs, we can make them stronger though. And he punched them several times, making his stomach turn red. And i also like your dick. He punched his balls and Paul screamed. He continued to fuck him. You will lean to cumwhile i fuck you, but you need lots of training. This time i wanna cum to your throat he said. I have not trained your throat enough. And he put his dick straight from his ass to his mouth all the way deep. Paul was trying to fight back he was choking. It will be quick he said don't worry. And he started funcking his throathole just like he would fuck his ass. Considerable amounts of thick saliva would get ot ouf his mouth and nose and his eyes turned teary. But indeed it was quick. Richard came in his throat only for Paul to- be choked more. He released him and Paul feell to side coughing. Richard was relaxing. After Paul got his breath and Richard relaxing, the latter took him to the shower. For the first time he took care of Paul and washed his toned body thoroughly. Richard was in great lust for Paul's body, he was worshipping it and at the sametime he enjoyed tormenting. The more that body attracted him the more he wanted to be dominant. And Paul's attitude was provoking his lust. He was a regular straight guy, or maybe used to be a straight guy. He was someone who he could dominate. In his eyes, Paul was a decent man capable of being dominated. He was not a hook up, he was not one of these guys desperate to be dominanted and wasted by endless fetish driven fetishes that he despised. He was genuine and intense. He craved for him and he wanted more of him. He hugged Paul's body under theshowed and asked him to jerk while kissed him. He felt his orgasm in multiple ways. From his breath during their kiss, from his legs shivering next to his, from hiss asshole twiching, from the cum he could seea nd from his heartbeat because he had his hand tihgly over his neck. He just wanted more and more and even more.
    4 points
  12. Not my story, but I thought you all would like Not gonna waste time with the intro here. One day at work I was bored and horny and wanted something to get excited about, so I went looking for new dick on my phone. I met a guy on Grindr, he was hot and older, so I decided his dick belonged inside me, and tried to arrange something. Unfortunately he couldn’t host nor could I so he invited me to a Sunday gay pool party that weekend that was pretty much a weekly thing for a bunch of middle age-older guys to hang out and relax. He said he was a regular and he could fuck me there if I was okay with that. I was. So Sunday comes and I show up to this house in a upper middle class suburban neighborhood. I usually never do stuff like this during the daytime so I felt a little naughty seeing people washing their cars and walking their dogs as I walked to the front door. A sign on the door saying Welcome informed me to walk right on through to the backyard. I walked right in (as the sign instructed) and instantly all eyes were on me. I was the youngest one there by at least 20 years. The guy that invited me wasn’t even there yet so I was kind of lost, but the two guys hosting the party happened to be inside to welcome me and giddily introduced me to everyone. It was about 12-15 guys, all middle aged to a few much older. A few were in the pool, but most just lounging around in lawn chairs. Some were naked, some partially to fully clothed, it was overall just a chill atmosphere, hardly an orgy or anything of the sort. Still, I definitely felt heads turn when I stripped off all my clothes (back in the house, to guarantee I’d walk by everyone again naked) to get in the pool. I had been in the pool for just a few moments, enjoying the free feeling of being naked when a silver haired daddy joined me and started making small talk. He was maybe in his early to mid 50s, with gray balding hair and a white goatee, and was built like a tank, he looked kinda like Goldberg 10 years out of pro wrestling. He was also in the pool naked like me, and I could feel his dick getting harder in the pool as I pretended to accidentally brush against it. He asked me how I found out about the party, I told him “some guy I met on Grindr was supposed to fuck me here but he’s not here yet.” He then asked if I was open to being fucked by anyone else at the party since the Grindr guy hadn’t shown up yet. I told him firmly, that if every man there wanted me, they could all have me. It wasn’t much longer until Pool Daddy had moved in on me, and we started making out. He grabbed my ass under the water and pulled my hips to his, and I wrapped my legs around his waist under the water and felt his dick rubbing against my ass as he held me up. Pretty soon my legs and arms were wrapped around him and everyone pretty much stopped to watch me tongue wrestle Pool Daddy, running my hands all over his bald head and muscular shoulders while I felt his now hard dick tease at my hole. He asked if I’d like to go inside where there would be more privacy and I told him I actually like to put on a show. He responded “oh I’m pretty sure you are the show, they’ll follow you” and walked me out of the pool. I felt like his property as he walked me into the house. The guy I was supposed to fuck still hadn’t even shown up, I didn’t care, this hulk of a Daddy had claimed me as his and I would do whatever he wanted to please him. He took me in the house and just as he had predicted, a group of guys, also white appearing men in their 50s, followed us inside. The living room had two couches set up in a right angle shape with an ottoman in the middle. He sat on one of the couches and I, knowing my place, instantly dropped to my knees and started sucking his dick. I had been practically, and maybe literally, salivating for it from the moment I had looked down at it through the pool water. I instantly started taking the whole dick down my throat, trying to showcase my skill for anyone watching that would like the same treatment. Pool Daddy whispered in my ear asking if his friend could join. I eagerly nodded yes, and felt a hand grab the back of my head and pull me off Pool Daddy’s dick. With Pool Daddy’s precum still hanging off my tongue, I was quickly introduced to Military Daddy. I don’t know if Military Daddy was in the military or not, but he had that particular buzz cut and was maybe in his late 50s. He walked me by the hair and took a seat on the other couch, as I crawled right in between his legs, obediently taking his dick right into my mouth. These guys knew how to treat me. I went right back to work on the dick in front of me and pretty soon felt Pool Daddy’s hands grabbing me to position me on all fours on the ottoman. Military Daddy stood up and continued to facefuck me as Pool Daddy started to rim me. The guy I was supposed to meet still hadn’t shown up but he was just going to have to get in line now. I kept sucking Military Daddy’s dick as the Pool Daddy ate my ass. I noticed a small crowd forming to watch and I got even more into it, arching my back and twerking while I was being rimmed. I don’t even care for the physical feeling of being rimmed so much but was enthralled with being the center of attention for a group of older men. It was like my greatest fantasy already. Then I felt a very familiar cold sensation go down my asscrack. The daddy I had met in the pool had started lubing me up to stick his cock in. So here I was at this residential house, getting essentially used like a whore by 2 daddies, in front of a small crowd of others, with the daddy that initially invited me nowhere to be found. I was planning on fucking him (Grindr Daddy) raw, because he had sent me a picture of a Prep prescription bottle with his name on it. Yes I know that’s a weak form of protection for myself but it’s all the peace of mind I need and it’s worked out for me so far. But now, as I dug my knees into the ottoman and offered my entire mouth and throat to Military Daddy’s thick cock, exposing every inch of myself to the crowd behind me, I felt a dangerous wave of sluthood overtake me. As I sucked the cock in front of me, and eagerly accepted the fingers behind me, I realized I could not just ask both men to show me their bottles of prep right then without completely stalling the very hot tension that had been built. Just as I though about how to play the situation, I was grabbed by the legs and flipped on my back, and Pool Daddy now stood in front of me at full mast, stroking himself with one hand and using the other to spread my legs wide. He stared me straight in the eyes and it was like I was under his spell, I instinctually grabbed the backs of my knees and pulled them to my shoulders, kicking my feet up to let Daddy know he had full access. Although a crowd of mostly clothed men stood behind him and Military Daddy sat behind me, it felt like me and Pool Daddy were the only two men in the room. He began to lower himself to join me on the ottoman, going to his knees as I opened my legs and pulled him in with my arms going around his shoulders, my heels resting just above his ass. We began to make out and I whispered in his ear asking if he was on prep, he whispered back yes, I asked him if his friend was as well and he replied “we all are.” Although it was even less than the normal verification I required, I was ready to just go with it when he asked me a question that almost made me change my mind. In a genuine voice of concern, he asked: “Do you want us to wear condoms?” From here my mind split into two, uneven sides. One side said to use the condoms, that it would still be hot, he offered so he’s obviously okay with it, and I’d be being a lot safer. The other side...the dangerous side...said that I wanted this cock in me now, and I needed it to be raw. That I needed to feel every vein and every ridge of Pool Daddy’s hard, BARE cock penetrate my equally bare insides. That this is what living life was, taking multiple raw cocks from Daddies I just met and being the prime young slut for an entire house full of older men. These two sides fought a war that lasted an eternity in my head but maybe only 3 seconds in reality. The war ended when I was handed a bottle of poppers by Military Daddy. That was like an atom bomb for the dangerous side. Without taking time to think I took two sniffs of the poppers, and watched Pool Daddy do the same before I grabbed him by the head and brought him back down for a long and passionate kiss before putting his ear to my lips to answer his condom question: “...Give it to me raw Daddy. I need it bare, I don’t want anything stopping your balls from emptying inside me. I’m your slut, I need it, I’ll take whoever’s cock you tell me to, please just give me every inch of your raw dick...” If you’ve sniffed poppers before you know the slut heaven I was in when Pool Daddy then lifted up, and started aiming his dick as I pulled my legs back as far and wide as I could. From the perspective of the crowd I was just two bare feet and legs spread as Pool Daddy entered inside me. The first stroke was maybe 80% pleasure. I was so turned on by the poppers that it didn’t hurt nearly as bad as it would have without them, but Pool Daddy was just very thick and it took me a second to adjust, I held him inside me by his thighs on the second stroke, taking some time to breathe to get used to his thick cock stretching me out. He bent down, and I sucked on his tongue as he began giving me slow but firm, deep strokes, reaching around to cup both of my asscheeks as he drilled me. The rhythmic sound of ass clapping filled the room as it grew to be 100% pleasure. I was in ecstasy and my hands were feeling everywhere, from holding my own feet to spread my legs, to feeling every one of Pool Daddy’s back muscles from his shoulders down to his ass, to running my hands all over his chest as he threw my feet on his shoulders, and started fucking me like a jackhammer. While this isn’t normally my style of fucking, Military Daddy had again grabbed me and started violently fucking my throat. I had no control and was being thoroughly violated in both of my holes, raw, by two men I had just met. It was heaven. I almost went limp and just gave my body up as the sounds of choking and skin slapping filled the room. My head hung upside down off the ottoman as Military Daddy facefucked me, holding my legs up for Pool Daddy as he pounded away, leaning to the side so that everyone could get a good view of his bare cock sliding in and out of me. He eventually pulled out and went to take a break, and I was left feeling incomplete since he hadn’t yet cum in me. Nevertheless, Military Daddy kept my head down with his dick while holding my legs up, now spreading me eagle for the entire party to see. He casually asked if anyone wanted to take his place at my head while he took his turn on my ass. With that he flipped me around, putting me on all 4s on the ottoman, now directly facing the crowd that had formed as he took me from behind. The eyes on me did not make me nervous at all and instead made me more focused on trying to find the next cock I could take. I watched as a few of the men had pulled their dicks out, and were jacking off as they watched Military Daddy reach around and give me a hit of the poppers. I took a sniff in each nostril and lowered my chest to the ottoman, spreading my asscheeks with my hands as Military Daddy’s thick cock slid in me rather easily. He gripped me by the ponytail (I have a man bun) and pulled my face up so that I could watch everybody watching me get fucked like a whore. He asked how many cocks I was willing to take and I said without hesitation “every single one.” He made sure I was at eye level with the crowd while I answered his questions. He spanked my ass and called me a good little slut as he continued to pound me. Then another daddy, this one a maybe mid 40s Daddy with jet black hair emerged from the crowd with his dick out. He looked kinda like the Men’s Wearhouse guy. Military Daddy asked me if I was gonna be a good slut and suck his cock and I replied yes please, looking Men’s Wearhouse Daddy right in the eye and licking my lips. Military Daddy had not let up an inch as he continued to grip my ass and impale me with his cock. Men’s Wearhouse Daddy stood in front of me as I hungrily sucked up and down his cock. Military Daddy began to slow down the pace and I felt him pause to grab the poppers which he shared with Men’s Wearhouse Daddy before bringing them down to me. As I inhaled he asked me one more question: “Where do you want Daddy’s load boy?” I quivered and practically cried out. “Cum inside me Daddy!...give it to me please!” Men’s Wearhouse Daddy shoved his dick in my mouth as I felt Military Daddy grunt and get a few final deep strokes in, pressing my ass down balls deep on his cock as he began to breed me. “Take it boy!” “Yes Daddy every last drop I need your cum in me!” I pushed my ass back to make sure it was as deep as possible and Military Daddy worked in tandem, grabbing me by the hips and grinding every last drop inside me. Men’s Wearhouse Daddy shoved his now fully hard dick back in my mouth and watched as Military Daddy deposited every drop of sperm he had inside my ass. The crowd moved closer around Military Daddy and a strange tongue started rimming the cum out of me after he pulled out of me. I didn’t even care who I was focused on Men’s Wearhouse Daddy and hoping Pool Daddy would be back soon because Men’s Wearhouse Daddy seemed like he was only into getting blown. At this point about 5 other guys had sat down on the couches and the rest had moved to form somewhat of a circle around me and the ottoman. Men’s Wearhouse Daddy pulled me off the ottoman to my knees on the floor and I kept sucking him as he took my place and sat on the ottoman. I felt like I belonged on the floor with all these other Daddies relaxing near me. I felt a spank on my ass and turned around. It was the Grindr guy. I know I haven’t described him yet but he was a standard older white guy, graying brown hair and no beard, nothing too sexy but he had a cock to die for with a curve in it (at least in the pictures he sent). Sitting casually on the couch, he just smiled and said “I see you’ve made yourself comfortable. But you know what you came for.” He pulled his cock out. Men’s Wearhouse Daddy pushed me to him. “Suck it boy.” I obediently went right to work even as my mouth began to fatigue. With sweat falling down my face and cum dripping out of my ass I focused all my attention on his cock as the two men sitting next to him casually felt on my shoulders and lower back. I was a loyal slut and had to thank him for bringing me into this heavenly order. Thankfully for my jaw however I hadn’t sucked him long before he pulled me to climb on top of him on the couch to sit on his dick. The lube had probably worn off but the cum inside my ass made an easy slide as I sat back onto his dick. And oh my God did that curve feel amazing. I threw my head back and spanked my own ass as I bounced on his dick. He pulled my face to his and began making out with me while I continued to bounce on his dick. Other guys started to spank me and I never wanted it to end. He then had me spin around so that I was facing out to the crowd, pulled me to him with his dick still in me, and ran his hands all over my body while I gyrated on his dick. He bent me back over and bounced my ass on his dick. Finally he stood up and faced me towards the back of the couch, and started fucking me doggystyle. He passed me the poppers and told me I was a good slut and he was gonna add a second load inside me soon. “Yes Daddy give it to me! Fill me up please!” He thrust and with a yell, just like Military Daddy, pushed himself balls deep and orgasmed inside me. I felt his balls pressed against my asscheeks as his dick pulsations finally began to slow. Almost immediately after he pulled out I felt another cock enter me from behind and I looked back and saw Men’s Wearhouse Daddy now pounding me. Men’s Wearhouse Daddy wasn’t as vocal or as raunchy as the last two that had bred me but he very clearly had the same goal. I took on the lead of dirty talk and started begging him to cum in me. “Oh I was hoping you’d fuck me...please finish inside me, use my boy pussy...give me my cum...” In between my moans and pleas for this man to breathe me a familiar face came walked from behind the couch and Pool Daddy came and sat next to us. Men’s Wearhouse Daddy repositioned himself onto the couch so I could take Pool Daddy’s cock in my mouth as he fucked me. Men’s Wearhouse Daddy clearly was getting close, but I could not stop staring up at Pool Daddy while I sucked his cock. Before long Men’s Wearhouse Daddy let out a low grunt, and shot his cum inside me as well. Pool Daddy watched as my eyes stayed on him the entire time while another man shot his sperm inside of me. I never let Pool Daddy’s dick leave my mouth I felt as strong a pull towards it as I had ever felt towards anything. After Men’s Wearhouse Daddy finished he seemingly disappeared, and Pool Daddy kept me in between his legs as I fell to my stomach, kicking my feet back in the air as I continued to suck on his dick. Pool Daddy reached down and felt the cum dripping out of my ass and asked how many loads I had taken: “3 Daddy” “And are you finished?” “No Daddy I want your load the most” I was cumdrunk, poppered up, and wanted Pool Daddy to fill me up with his cum more than anything else in the world. I had 3 loads in me already but I wanted HIS cum. I wanted to be HIS boy. He pulled me up from his cock and started making out with me. God I loved how he kissed me. He rolled me onto my back and I wrapped my legs around him as we continued to make out. He pointed his dick and slid inside me mid makeout session and I shuddered as he pushed himself balls deep in me. He ran his hands through my hair and mine thru his head as we made out while he gave me the deep missionary strokes on the couch. I never wanted his dick to leave my ass or his tongue to leave my mouth. Few words were exchanged as we passionately made love (I know we just met but that’s the kind of sex it was) on the couch. Most of the crowd had dissipated or gone on to do their own thing, leaving just me and Pool Daddy, as he fucked me like he was trying to put a baby in me. Pool Daddy grabbed the poppers and took a sniff and gave it to me, I took the biggest whiff I had so far and begged him: “Make me yours Daddy...leave your seed inside me...I belong to you...” I grabbed my feet and spread them wide as he fucked me, and he laid his entire body weight on me giving me every inch of his dick. He grunted and grabbed me by the back of my shoulders and pulled me in as deep as he could with every stroke. He rested his forehead on mine and told me I was his slut and that I needed to feel a real mans cum fill me up before I felt complete. I fucking lost it and started cumming hands free, shooting my own cum up towards both of us landing mostly on my own chest. I told him not to stop fucking me as he watched me squirt rope after rope of cum on myself and he began to lick some of my own cum off of my chest. He started kissing me with it and I heard him give the loudest grunt of the day so far as he pushed deep inside me. I wrapped my legs tightly around his waist, and sucked my own cum off of his tongue and grinded my own ass into him, making sure every drop was pushed as deep as possible inside me. My ass was about at capacity with 4 loads in but I still didn’t want a drip of Pool Daddy’s cum to fall out. The others could drip but I wanted Pool Daddy’s sperm inside me forever. We laid there and savored the moment before reality set in and I realized I had just taken 4 raw loads, 3 from people I had just met. As bad as it sounds tho, it didn’t make me feel guilty, it turned me on more.
    3 points
  13. Back For More Going to make this a quick one, because it was, well... quick. The guy from the last entry messaged me again on Monday, but he was pretty adamant about only wanting a blowjob. Now I was torn... as a good bottom cumdump I shoulda just said yes and settled for a tasty load to swallow even though I was horny as usual and wanted it elsewhere. Can you guess where? Anyway, it was fairly late and I actually turned him down but assured him that I definitely wanted “it” again sometime. Fast forward to today, Thursday 6/10, and that sometime was today. I got home at about 4:45, opened the apps on my phone to see who was around, and changed into more comfortable clothes. I was able to sit down with a cold beverage by a couple minutes to 5 and saw I already had a message on Grindr. It was my newest Hispanic “friend”. (I don’t really know him... it’s just sex.) His message reads “may I stop by?” And it says that he’s like 920-ft away. “Yes” I respond. Within 2 minutes he’s at my door and within 7 minutes of getting his message his cock is growing hard in my mouth. My lips and throat device that hardon for only about 5 minutes when I hear him whisper asking if I want it in my ass... with no hesitation I’m naked with my chub ass up. He didn’t ask for conforms this time... excellent!! Just what my hole needs. With his precum and my saliva as lube he rubs up n down my crack pausing for effect each time he glides over my mancunt. I feel him pause at my hole and push back... his head is in and quickly filled by his entire length. He fucked with urgency and I was passed ready for his seed. He was trying to hold back a little to prolong the inevitable but he announced that he was filling me. Within 20 minutes he was here and gone and I’m pretty sure that I have a new top stud that will make me a somewhat regular cumhole for his use.
    3 points
  14. For those of us who started watching gay porn in the 1970's, the notion of 2000 being "old school" cracks me up. Thanks for making me feel ANCIENT. LOL
    3 points
  15. I woke up after a night of celebrations. We own the grand finale. It was a house party and the alcohol and pot was flowing. I think at one stage I had vague recollection of a gangbang happening in the main bedroom. I staggered out of bed, my mouth tasted stale and my skin smelt of UDL’s. Bad choice of booze to drink; I struggled my way to the bathroom to chuck up. I slummed down by the bow and wiped away the puke from my chin. Daddy Steve stood at the door way. He was wearing only his speedos. He must have just completed some laps in the indoor pool. His massive cock was near my face. ‘How was your night spew boy?’ He chuckled. I barely got a grunt or a moan out. ‘That good!’ He continued, ‘Hey listen. Daddy John told me about the conversation you two had. How are you after it?’ ‘He opened my eyes. He told me the truth and I’m ok with it. In fact, I have something to tell you.’ I got off the floor, brushing my arm against his cock as I did, ‘Daddy, I want to be a pig, like you.’ The right point to Daddy Steve’s thin lip perked up. I continued ‘Ever since I saw what I saw, I have been obsessed. It floods my mind. I want nothing more.’ ‘That’s not all that’s going to be flooded.’ Daddy Steve grinned deeper. ‘You know we have been waiting for you to talk to us about it. We have known about your obsession before you even knew.’ ‘How?’ ‘Camera’s Son. We see everything. We watch you play with your cock all the time. The other week you stuck a finger in your hole to see what it would feel like.’ I blinked in surprise. Daddy John did say there were hidden camera’s through the house. ‘How did it feel?’ Daddy Steve asked ‘It hurt a little.’ ‘well you will have to get used to it. If you think that hurt. Wait until you have cock pumped up there. Come with me son.’ I followed Daddy Steve down the hall. looked like we were heading to the secret basement at the bottom of the stair case by the entrance. He continued ‘You see son. You need to seriously think about this. being a pig means being full into it. It’s the only way.’ ‘Daddy John said that. He gave me,… The talk.’ ‘Yeah but son. Being a pig means being fully exposed. Everyone will know. You will be known as a slut. A whore. You will get a lot of negative back lash.’ I felt like I was supposed to be concerned, but I wasn’t. Daddy Steve continued ‘It also means being used by anyone and everyone. You’ll learn to never say no to cock. You will be fucked and abused at any point. Blokes will treat you as they please… Some will even rape you.’ ‘Rape me?’ ‘Yes… One time I was out jogging near the park at Edgecliff when I felt a wack on the back of my head and passed out. I woke up to an shirring, sharp pain in my asshole, coursing up my torso and through every muscle in my body. It felt as though someone was smashing a ridged knife into me. A strong massive hand pressed my face was flat in the dirty and leaves behind a bush. With every thrust my face was pushed deeper and deeper into the shrubs, I could feel some of the twigs scratch me. I screamed as the grappling pain shocked my body system and that when another hand wrapped around my mouth and a voice, not from behind me, but from in front of me telling me to shut up and take it. I knew my rectum was being torn apart. My muscles clamped up, but what I now realised was a massive cock, kept pushing furiously into it. It felt dry like sand paper scrapping against my inner walls, but whoever was pumping into my hole did not care. It was about him. It was about him getting off by raping my pig hole. I felt a furry belly press against my upper ass cheeks, the guy was fucking deep, fast and hard into me. His strength was overpowering and the shock to my system prevented me from fighting him. He leaned in and whispered in my ear, telling me he was about to blow his load. That’s when he picked up his pace. I felt the head of his ridged cock push against my inner ring, Then he started grunting as he pumped. It went for a while, his cock seemed to slide in and out a little easier. It must have been his load. He finally stopped. Leant into my ear again and said he just pumped his toxic juice into me. I was frozen from the shock violation. He pulled out and all I heard him say was, Oh fuck! I made him bleed. Then I heard the guy in front of me holding my mouth say, Good let your viral load soak into his system. I thought it was over, but I felt another cock force its way into my wrecked ass. It was thicker and I felt my ass muscles stretch out further, tarring the walls of my rectum. I tried to scream again, but that hand was still clamped around my mouth. I then realised that there was a third, and he fucked my hole harder and faster than the first guy. There was no messing about. His assault happened in a matter of a couple of minutes before he too was pumping his load in me. When he pulled his cock out of my ass, I felt my rectum spasm. Cum and blood must have gushed out because I felt wetness down my thighs. And that’s when the guy holding my mouth let go and quickly got behind me. He pushed his way in. He was just as thick and ridged as the second guy. Even though my hole was moist from the two loads and the blood from my torn walls of my rectum it still felt rough like sandpaper as this man forced his cock in. It kept going and I yelled again, His hand wrapped round my mouth and his cock kept going. Soon I felt it against my inner rectum. He felt it to. It blocked him from going further. But it did not stop him. He jammed his cock hard and the massive head ripped open my inner hole. I cried in pain as his cock kept going deeper. He must have been at least 10inchs. Finally I felt his pelvis against my outer, wrecked, hole. It stun from his pubes scraping against the tares around my ring. He finally let go of my mouth as he fucked deep inside me. I pleaded for him to stop. I even said I would call the police. That’s when he said he was the police. The other two guys chuckled. The fucking continued on as he said that there is nothing I could do about it. This is what happens when you have a reputation of being a pig slut, your rape claim wouldn’t be feasible and would be thrown out. He fucked for a while, by this stage I summoned the strength to fight him off, but the other two guys pinned me down. My arms were stretched out, face flat in the shrubs and dirt and the policeman’s full weight on me as he jack hammered his 10inch cock into my destroyed hole. My eyes were blood shot and blurring from the tears and dirt and I had to force my mind to separate from my body. I must have blacked out again, because I woke up to the policeman moaning and grunting and fucking hard into me. He moaned as he said he was blowing his toxic load into me. He went on for a while and I could feel my inside fill up, stretching my walls out a little further. And then he finally pulled out. He was not gentle and I felt a flood of cum follow out, after his cock left my puffy swollen hole. I didn’t move. I didn’t think I could move. I was wrecked and drained from the rape. All I could hear was the sound of pants being pulled up and buckles being latched all while the rapists chit chatted about what a slut hole I was. They eventually left and I slowly got to my wabbly feet. My shorts were ripped apart and barely hunging off the elastic band. I pulled them up around my waist, my hole twitched and spasmed with every move I made. I walked home. My wrecked ass fully exposed. I knew there was Cum and blood smeared over my ass cheeks and down my thighs. When I got home, Daddy John saw me. I was crying. I was in shock. I was in pain and told him what happened. Daddy John just stared at me for a while, then, he flipped me around and ripped off what little short was left hanging on me. He bent me over the couch and forced his cock into my red tender hole and force fucked me hard with his 12.5inch cock for 15mins before he too shot his massive load of cum into me. He slapped me across the back of the head as he pulled his cock out my of my now loose sloppy rectum and told me to clean the mess of cum left on the couch… With my tongue. And walked off.’ I sat for a moment registering his story. I knew Daddy Steve was trying to shock me. I knew I was supposed to be shocked. But I wasn’t. My cock was like a raging dragon, wanting to explode with a breath of fire. We reach the secret basement and went through. The lights were on. The dungeon looked a little different now that I could see a bit clearer. The floor was covered in rubber mats and near the wooden fuck bench I saw Daddy Steve get bred on, the rubber mats were stained with cum. We walked to the far end of the dungeon where there was a secret door behind one of the mirrors. Daddy Steve pressed it and it opened. Inside was small room where a security system network was set up. Monitors showed every part of the house. Including my bed room and bathroom. ‘Welcome to the spy room.’ Daddy Steve winked. To the right was a refrigerator with a glass front. I could see the content inside. There were glass jars of a marble coloured liquid. It looked thick and seemed to me like it had a silky texture. I realised what it was. ‘That’s my cum.’ Daddy Steve interrupted. I remembered the milking machine attached to Daddy Steve’s cock when he was used as a cumdump. ‘Daddy John collects my loads. He only uses cum as lube… My cum.’ I looked away in thought. As badly as I wanted to be a pig, there was something that concerned me. I needed to get it off my chest. ‘Daddy. There is something that worries me.’ ‘I’d be surprised if there wasn’t.’ ‘Daddy, after I cum I feel guilty and disgusted in myself. Suddenly everything I thought to be super sexy and hot, becomes revolt and regret.’ Daddy Steve sat in the office chair near the monitors and swung facing me. ‘you’re like me son. When you cum, it is like all the horniness is sucked out of you through your ejaculation. Daddy John gets off on knowing when I head frame is at that point. Makes him feel like he is really using and abusing me. Son, to be a pig you need to learn to just accept it. Even if you don’t want it. It’s the only way.’ Daddy Steve left me with something to think about. We stayed in the security room for a little bit longer. He even showed me the cupboard where they kept their USB’s all full of the fuck sessions they have had in the house. There was even some of me having a wank. As we left I felt Daddy Steve look down at me. ‘What are you thinking son?’ ‘I’m thinking… That I still want to be a pig. I want the world to know. I want to be free.’ ‘It’s the only way son.’ Daddy Steve responded. We made our way to the kitchen where Daddy John was waiting. ‘Hello son.’ Daddy John called. ‘I see Daddy Steve took you on a tour… your birthday is next week. The big 18. Anything in mind that you want to do to celebrate?’ Oh I had an idea. My eye’s twinkled at the thought.
    3 points
  16. I looked at the floor embarrassed but I didn't say no and these guys heard yes. A mid 30s Hispanic guy put his hands on my shoulders and in a minute I was sucking his cock. I idly wondered how rare it was to suck your first cock after getting fucked in the ass. I struggled to take him very deep in my mouth but licked his head as well as I could and played with his balls. He kept swelling in my mouth. He had me climb on this cushy club chair with my ass sticking out. My friend from before came over and held a bottle of poppers under my right nostril. I inhaled and my newest friend lubed my hole and his dick. He penetrated my quickly and deeply and this time I was in heaven. "Oh yeah fuck my ass. I can't believe how good that feels." And I couldn't. I was lost in the pleasure. I came back to reality as my friend pounded my ass vigorously, promising to cum. "Fill my ass with your cum," I heard myself saying. Easily the dirtiest thing I'd ever said, and I was shocked to hear it come out of my mouth. He quickly obliged, slipping out of me for a moment and launching a jet into my balls before burying himself again. After he finished my old friend checked in on me, sharing some much appreciated water. I cheerily said I was doing great and asked, "you guys are clean right?" "Of course baby"
    3 points
  17. I’m Rick, 5ft 7, with a small waist and an edible bubble butt. I had just turned 30 and was still single. I’d spent most of my 20’s hooking up and having meaningless relationships, that never went anywhere. I was on all the usual sites and ignored most of the cruises and oinks I had gotten, that is until I received a message from ‘Daddy’; “I’ve had my eye on you for a while boy” There was no picture or any details on the profile so I ignored the message, throwing my phone on to my bed, it lit up again. He had sent his location, it was a hotel in the centre of town. Too much effort, I thought. I spent my evening tidying up and was about to jump into a shower when I got another message. This guy can’t take a hint. “Daddy is waiting.” My cock stirred, I hadn’t been fucked by a Daddy in a while. I decided to seize the moment. After having a quick shower and cleaning out, I soon found myself trying to find a parking spot in the city centre. I approached the hotel and sent a message. “I’m here. Daddy” “Room 602” I made my way to the elevator and hit the 6, noticing it was the top floor. My pulse began to quicken. I didn’t know what this guy looked like or anything about him. Only that he was ‘Daddy’ and waiting. I made my way along the corridor, there weren’t many doors. I raised my hand to knock the door when it flung open. Before me stood one of the most beautiful men I have ever seen. He towered over me at at least 6ft. He had a full head of silver hair, neatly combed back and piercing blue eyes. He must have been in his 50’s. He was wearing a full 3 piece suit and had a noticeable bulge was growing at his crotch. Lucky me, or so I thought. I had barely a seconds warning, before he reached out grabbed me and I was pinned up against the closed door. It didn’t take much for him to overpower me, he had his arm against my neck and was forcing his had into my shorts. I wasn’t wearing any underwear. He smiled and his piercing blue eyes locked onto mine. “Such a good boy.” His hand found my hardening cock, and he was wanking me off quickly. I couldn’t move, and could feel myself getting closer to cumming. I looked into his eyes pleadingly and when I went to speak he kissed me. My cock erupted, cum shot all over the both of us, even reaching up and marking his tie. “My boy should be focused on me, now you don’t have any distractions. Follow me” What the fuck had just happened, I was seeing stars. I slipped my shorts off and kicked them to the side in the hallway, along with my shoes. I followed him with my own cum running down my legs. This wasn’t a hotel room, it was a suite. He took me through a sitting room and dining room before I seen the bed, which was huge. This guy was rich. “I’m Rick” I said nervously as he turned to look at me, unbuttoning his suit jacket. “I know who you are Rick. I’ve seen you online, you’re not always on but enough to know you’re not in a relationship.” I shook me head, unable to find me words, he was down to his shirt and tie now, my eyes glanced at his tie, he undid the knot and handed it to me. “You see, I’ve been looking for that special boy. Daddy has an appetite and that ass of yours has been calling out to me.” His shirt was now resting gently on the back of a chair and his mature hands were unbuckling his belt. My cock gave a small jerk. His body was solid tattoos ran across his chest down his arms and on his abdomen, grey hair ran from his sculpted pecs down his abs to his crotch. I was mesmerised. As he walked towards me his smile faded. “Come closer boy, you’re here for Daddy to enjoy.” I stepped towards him and that’s when he dropped his trousers. I audibly gasped. “Most boys don’t think it’s real, or are too scared. You never even asked me for a pic.” His cock was huge, not just long but thick, beer can thick. It was pierced too. My ass clenched in fear. I’d never seen a cock that big in person, and rarely in porn. I took a deep breath. Daddy was now completely naked and took my hand as he lay me on the bed. He kissed me deeply for a long time, holding me tightly to him as we did. After some time I noticed the wall was completely mirrored, I could see this large muscle man dwarfing my slender pale body on the bed. I was on my back with legs pushed back, my freshly shaved hole was completely exposed. Crack! Daddy had smacked my ass cheek with his hand and whistled. “Such a fucking beautiful hole boy, Daddy is going to claim this and no one will ever fill you the way I do.” I jerked my body from him slightly, “Are you neg, or on treatment?” I blurted out, I felt proud that I had found some sensibility in amongst all the lust. “Trust me boy” His blue eyes where burning down at me, I fumbled to find words and just as I went to speak he thrust my legs up and apart and buried his tongue into my hole. “Yes Daddy” I moaned in pleasure as he devoured me. He ate my ass for so long and in so many different positions I was desperate for his cock, I hadn’t even touched it yet. He made sure to keep it away from me, purely working on my ass. A drawer next to the bed was slid open. I was handed a bottle of poppers, and the tie I had once came on. It was wrapped around my eyes, blindfolding me. My legs were on his shoulders, I could feel the cold of the piercing tickling my hole. The poppers were under my nose and I took several deep hits. Daddy’s body was pressed into mine, I couldn’t move under his weight. Then he spoke in a husky whisper into my ear. “Daddy is going to put a rag of poppers over your nose and mouth. It will help you relax, once I start I won’t stop until I cum. No breaks son, this is how Daddy shares his love” I was high off the poppers already and so horny from all the ass eating that I nodded in agreement, unaware of what I was saying yes to. He gently worked the tip of his massive cock into my ass, making sure the cold piercing was inside me. I moaned and struggled to adjust to the girth. I felt so stretched, but wanting it. “Lube please” I groaned as he tried to push deeper into me. His cock was dry and my hole felt like it was burning. He leaned back and spat on his cock, or at least made the sound of spitting, I couldn’t see. Then as my moaning increased he placed the rag over my face, pressing it into me as he pushed harder and deeper into my raw hole. “Oooh fuck boy, Daddy has got a big load for you tonight. Now open that hole for me. That’s it, you’re taking it all, one way or another.” The pressure kept increasing and my body felt like it was being split in two, I was beginning to moan and struggle with the pain. He didn’t stop, or slow down. My cries seemed to make him harder, he took what he had of his cock out of my hole with a pop. He flipped me over and had my nose over a bottle of poppers and the tip of his cock at my hole again. I heard him take a deep huff and then, without warning, the rag was forced onto my face and his hand was pulling my body backwards arching my back. In the same motion he slammed his cock into me. I moaned and screamed into his hand, but it only made my hole feel more open every time I took a breath. I was spun and my ass was on fire; “Good boy, you’ve nearly taken half of it. Now tell Daddy you want more” I couldn’t talk, I could barely think. A hard slap fell on my ass and an inch more of his cock slid into me. “Oh so I have to get rough with my boy for him to take all of my Daddy meat. Have it your way” I tried to express that my answer was no, slow down, stop, anything other than the word more. I thought I was an experienced bottom but nothing had ever felt like this. My body was completely drenched in sweat and my ass cheeks were stinging after being brutally slapped, when Daddy said. “About 2 thirds in, you’re such a good boy. Now that was the easy part. I want you to feel my balls against your hole as they empty inside you” I was on my back and the poppers had been doing the trick, I felt comfortable, albeit very full, but did enjoy the fuck. Once I had adjusted to it. Daddy was building up pace but I knew he wasn’t fully inside me yet, I was hoping my hole would naturally stretch to accommodate him, but he was just too big. I felt him lean forward and reposition himself. He leaned forward and kissed me deeply, holding my body as he started to fuck his cock into my hole with just force. I broke the kiss to scream and blacked out. “Hey boy, come back to Daddy. Time to wake up. I have a load of cum for you” It took my eyes a moment to adjust, he had removed the tie. “Third time you’ve came to, don’t pass out on me again, that’s it. Look at you, you’re so open. Feel that, my balls are right next to that hole. I’m going to flood you boy. You want Daddy to claim you? Make you his piggy?” I was so disorientated, my ass was being plowed by this man and all I could think was “Yes Daddy, cum in me. I want to be your boy” We kissed, hard. The pain was brutal and as his cock swelled to cum I nearly blacked out again. “Oh no you don’t. Look at Daddy. Tell me what you want and I’ll give it to you.” His hand was holding my face and we locked eyes as he continued the assault on my ass, my eyes glanced down and that was the first I’d seen it. A biohazard tattoo, my insides ran cold, at that same moment he started to really slam into me. “SUCH. A. GOOD. FUCKING. BOY. TAKE. DADDYS. TOXIC. SEED. ARGHHH.” He roared. I could feel it, all of it. He worked his cock half way out my hole and began to churn his load inside me, while he took my cock and worked me to another quick and very intense orgasm. I was catching my breath, my ass still being worked on, when I blurted; “You’re poz. You never said. You should have told me” He rammed his cock full force back into me, I screamed as he lowered his face inches from mine, his eyes burning into me. “You never asked me boy, you were too greedy to ask. You knew that Daddy was waiting and that you were here for my pleasure. And I think, by the amount of blood on the sheets you’re probably poz now too, but Daddy will make sure it takes before you leave.” He withdrew from my ass and my legs fell to the bed with a thud, but he quickly worked a but plug into me before I dared to object. “Best get some rest, I’ve meetings from 9am tomorrow. I’m not as gentle, if I’m grumpy.” I looked over at him, taking him all in. Fuck he was hot and those eyes were hypnotising but I pleaded my case, “I should go, I drove earlier, my car is…” but he cut me off, his eyes glinting “Boy it is now 5am, you’ve been here for 7 hours, you can’t drive without rest. And anyway, you’re mine now.”
    2 points
  18. I watched as Uncle Cliff’s ample ass made the last few steps into the shade of the cave. I just sat there, as my imagination ran wild with speculation as to what would go on once her was inside… I could envision Uncle Cliff locking eyes with the swarthy stranger waiting for him inside. The two of them would begin inching closer to each. Despite the cave’s cool shade, the humidity from the sea air would cause beads of sweat begin to drip over their naked bodies. I can imagine the man gently running a finger from Uncle Cliff’s navel up to his nipple; the sensation causing Uncle Cliff head to fall back, his eyes closed, and a shudder to escape his lips, as if from a cold breeze were running all over his body. Once he returned to Earth Uncle Cliff would take the stranger’s gesture to the next level, and bend over slightly, extending his tongue to lick upward over the man’s solid, furry torso repeating the gesture up to the man’s nipple. The sensation causes him to heave, a deep exhale of breath. Uncle Cliff would take this reaction as an indication to press on. He would continue his onslaught on the man’s nipple, causing it to grow and protrude like the eraser of a pencil. A low, guttural moan would come from deep within the man, and he would no longer be able to fight the urge to feel Uncle Cliff close to him. He takes Uncle Cliff’s face in his hands and brings his face up to his. Their eyes lock, and their swollen cocks would touch heads, as the two connect in a kiss like… “Excuse me,” a deep voice said, shaking me from my reverie. I turned and found myself face to face with a rather ample dick. A bit of foreskin covered the head, and I could see a slight residue of precum (or post cum…I couldn’t tell which) on the bit of the head that was exposed. As my eyes trailed upward, I noticed that it was part of one of the most amazingly beautiful men I had ever seen…in reality or fantasy. It was one of the two gods we had witnessed going at it when we arrived at the beach. His body was even more spectacular up close…a closely trimmed carpet of fur covered his flat muscled stomach and fanned over his impressive pecs on to his shoulders, upper arm and forearms area. I used my hand as a shade from the unrelenting sun, as I tried to maintain my composure in the presence of such perfection. Once we locked eyes, I tried my best to maintain the gaze rather than divulge my lust-crazed desire to take advantage of my position and suck that beautiful cock as deeply into my throat as I could. “I’m sorry to bother you, but I noticed you’d been left all by your lonesome. Wondered if you’d care to join me mate and me. No fun sitting all alone on a day like this.” That face was a true gift from the gods. Chiseled, angular, with dark deep-set eyes, and a smattering of stubble highlighted his perfect cheekbones and cleft chin. Perfection seemed inadequate; he truly was a gift from God. I shook my head slightly to release the fog of my images of Uncle Cliff, and now the confrontation of this mythical creature in front of me. And that accent…my mouth went dry, and I began to feel some swelling in my crotch. My blank expression must have had him thinking I was mute. Words of reply swirled in my brain, yet I couldn’t seem to form them into a cohesive sentence. His dark eyes had such a light of kindness in them, it finally gave me my footing once again. “Kind of you, “I managed to say, “but I think I should hang out here until my uncle gets back. This is a favorite spot of his, so I’m holding down the fort until he…” He gave me a wink and a sly smile of someone who knew the story all too well. From what Uncle Cliff and I had witnessed upon arrival earlier he and his friend certainly knew of the magic this stretch of beach seemed to have. “If you’d like, you and your friend can join me here. I would welcome the company. Not sure how long my uncle will be.” He smiled, turned to where he and his friend had been encamped further up the beach, and flailed his arms wildly indicating his friend grab their gear and join us. In no time, a slightly taller, slightly more muscled, and as impossible to imagine as it seemed an even more handsome god/man sprinted towards us. As he approached his also hooded cock swung back and forth with a rhythm like a metronome. It was hypnotic, and I was falling quickly under its spell. In no time he bounded up to where I sat and his mate still stood, with the infectious enthusiasm of a great Dane puppy. “So, my name is Sebastian,” said my new friend as he draped an arm casually over the hulking folder of his large friend. “And this behemoth, is Cyril.” Both just looked at me with a child’s anticipation, as they clearly waited for me to introduce myself. And I just stared blankly… “Oh, my bad, “I finally muttered, “I’m Trey. My Uncle Cliff is who I’m with…he ran into a friend and chose to take some time with him…to talk about life…and other…endeavors. Otherwise, he would be here with me…and available to greet you both as well…but he seems to be a little…detained. But I guess I mentioned that already, didn’t I?” I felt the heat of embarrassment begin to creep up my body. Hotter than the sun above the Mediterranean, and a lot more damaging I thought. At least in that moment, I was expecting this surreal pair of buddies to take their leave as quickly as they had arrived. But to my surprise they had remained in place. I noted little change in the expressions of the two. Both still were as handsome as any man had the right to be, and there was no mistaking them for anything but hyper-masculine guys. Yet I noted as I looked up from the sand at my feet, both seemed to look at me with an almost child-like wonder in their eyes. I found that very endearing, not to mention sexy as hell. It was their expressions, as well as my verbal faux pas, that caused me to break into uproarious laughter. My two companions joined in with me heartily. After a few moments I was able to regain my composure “Thanks guys, “I said wiping tears of laughter from my eyes, “now let’s see if I can re-phrase that. My Uncle Cliff, at this moment, is rather…busy…now…” This brought on more raucous laughter that had my new friends clutching their sides as the fell to the sand. Suffice to say, I saw no way that that I could have made a worse first impression, other than lighting them both on fire. But their laughter was a mixture of sincerity, kindness and what felt like attraction. Choosing to not overthink it as I had done in so many situations before, any angst over what I’d said seem no longer important. After regaining as much composure as two sexually potent males in their prime could, and whose faces were stained from tears, and who both had remnants of cum from their earlier fucking clinging to their muscled torsos, I concluded we were even on the embarrassment track. Yet both Sebastian and Cyril took notice of my taking notice of the left-over evidence from their romp. Rather than blush and try to change the tone, they gave each other a knowing look, re-adjusted their dicks with a gentle yet effective tug. I say efficient because upon doing so, both of their cocks began to spill clear gooey pre/post cum from the tips. Almost on cue, the liquid dropped into the sand, and formed clumps of sand between their outstretched legs. I was once again struck dumb, and just dropped to my towel once more. Time seemed to be passing slower than the melting of the polar ice caps. We exchanged pleasantries for a bit; talked about where we were from (I, Orange County CA; they, Belfast, Ireland), our respective ages (I, 22; Sebastian, 25; Cyril, 26) and all we could manage to coddle together between us. I wasn’t sure if it was the sun’s unrelenting rays, or our proximity to one another, but the temperature on that beach felt like it was climbing by the second. One thing was certain, the closeness seemed to be influencing both their massive cocks, as they both had begun to swell and arch upward. I felt the swelling of my own cock begin to press against the nylon fabric of my board shorts. Both Cecil and Sebastian were taking mental snapshots of my crotch, and it seemed I was doing a good job fostering good will on an international level. I was trying to cast a casual glance at “the goods” of my two new friends as well. I heard Cyril’s deep resonant baritone voice which broke the tension. This obscenely good looking, well-meaning giant of a man was looking at me with nothing but lust in his eyes. “Oy mate, see something you’d like to test drive,” Cyril snarled. I was totally busted. I guess my skills as a covert operative were lacking. But I didn’t care. I was beginning to feel a surge of confidence that was new to me. “You bet I do, “I said. “It all looks pretty good from where I sit.” Sebastian gave Cyril a slight nod and a wink as he turned to looked back at me. He wore a smile that bordered on a leer that curled around his ample lips. Cyril just looked at me like a steak he wasn’t allowed to devour…yet. I again became painfully aware of my cock creating an ill-fitting tent pole in my boardies. The dynamic duo seemed to read my mind, as Cyril offered his opinion. “Trey, clearly you have absolutely nothing to feel shy about out here, “he began. “I mean, look around you…talk about all walks of life! The human body is beautiful in all its forms, so why not join the majority. Lose the shorts mate! I’m sure you will feel much better, and I know Seb and I will enjoy it to…a lot! I mean, when in Rome…” Cyril’s last words cause my eyes to dart immediately to their almost pleading eyes. It was hearing Uncle Cliff’s words parroted back to me that brought a great big grin to my face. Without saying a word, and before I lost my nerve, I stood up and turned my back on the boys. I fumbled with, but eventually managed to untie the drawstring on my board shorts. I took a deep breath… “C’mon Trey, you can do this, “I said to myself. “It’s easy…just a quick down and off, and you’re done.” I repeated these words to myself a few times to steel my nerves. And while I had anticipated a quick down and off, my still growing hardon was creating a speedbump. From the back there was a similar problem as the rounded muscle of my ass impeded my plans as well. At that moment, a plan formulated in my head that would help me release a few of my own inhibitions and reward my new pals for their kindness and patience. Before I lost my nerve, I let go of the waistband, and the shorts dropped…slightly. As I anticipated, they got held up on my dick, but more noticeable to Cyril and Sebastian from their vantage point, was how they were held up by my muscled ass. The under-the-breath whistle I heard from behind me told all, as the shorts stopped just enough to show a bit of my furry ass and crack. I felt emboldened so I decided to go a step further. I grabbed the waistband and began to gyrate my hips, pushing the nylon down a bit further with each rotation. As if by accident, I pushed just enough for the shorts to drop to the sand. I bent at my waist as if trying to retrieve them, exposing my hairy hole to the pair of hungry hunks behind me. Thanks to quite a bit of flexibility training, I was able to stretch enough to steal a peek at the look on their astonished faces. Sebastian and Cyril did indeed look hungry; and my exposed hole looked to be a rather good “last meal” to them both. I saw Sebastian’s tongue slip from between his lips to catch a small drop of saliva that was escaping from the right corner of his mouth. I also noticed the swollen, purple heads of their hard cocks, completely unsheathed of their foreskin and pointing at the blue sky above. I smiled to myself, and straightened up, giving one more stretch that would show the two that theirs weren’t the only hard bodied stud on the beach this day. I slowly turned to face the pair and saw that each had allowed a hand to stray to the crotch of the other and were gently pulling on the engorged meat in their grip. I pretended to give my own hardon an absent-minded tug. As I did my own large drop of precum slowly dribbled its way to the sand. Both Sebastian and Cyril looked dry mouthed, as if the only source of moisture for miles was my cock. I quickly dropped to the sand and stretched out my legs in front of me, leaning back on my elbow. “Wow, that does feel much better, “I cooed. Sebastian and Cyril just stared, their mouths agape, seeming to be lost for words, yet there was a definite plan brewing in their collective minds. I on the other Hand, felt my senses of confidence and sense of empowerment grow stronger by the moment. I was becoming more comfortable with each silent moment, knowing that these two hunks were as sexually charged as I was. Feeling liberated, I offered a suggestion to my two buddies. “So, now that that’s over, who’s up for some beach paddle ball? Or would a good old fashioned circle jerk be a better idea?"
    2 points
  19. [think before following links] https://manporn.xxx/videos/3056333/brutal-fuck-1/ love to be surprised by a top like this! Your just a hole for him to use!
    2 points
  20. This happened about two weeks ago and I'm still hard just thinking about it. I was coming back home from work and as I approached my building, I saw an older guy (maybe in his 50s) in front of the entrance door, putting some flyers in a box mounted on the wall next to the door buzzer. I don't know if he was homeless, but he looked quite shaggy, with messy graying hair and a short beard, jeans and a plaid shirt with sleeves cut off. I'm pretty much always horny, so the first thing I noticed were his big arms and the way his biceps bulged. When he lifted his arm I could see his bushy armpit, and I was pretty much instantly rock hard. He caught me staring and we made eye contact as I walked past and unlocked the door. There was definitely a smell coming off of him, which put me off, but I was also turned on. He had a handsome face, nice arms, and I have a thing for daddies anyway. While I waited for the elevator I turned around and he was still there. We made eye contact again and he gestured for me to come. I opened the door again, trying not to look too eager. He asked if I lived alone, and when I said yes, he asked if he could come in and use my bathroom. "I really gotta take a piss," he said and grabbed his junk through his pants. I quickly looked at it and nodded. He smiled and we walked into the elevator together. The smell was even worse in that small space, but I was getting kinda used to it. I really wanted that daddy dick and hoped he would make a move in the elevator, but he just stood there quietly. When we got to my place I showed him to the bathroom. I sat on the couch waiting, and after a minute he came out, his fly open and his hairy, semi hard cock out. I stared at it and he just said "you want?" I said "fuck yeah" and got up and walked over, got on my knees and started sucking. The smell was bad, but it turned me on knowing I was sucking this guy's cock, a few drops of piss still on the tip. I licked it all up and moaned as I went to town. He got hard in no time and we moved to the couch. I told him to get naked, I wanted to see his body. He had a nice, beefy chest with some gray hairs here and there, slight belly and hairy legs - a hot dad bod overall. I lifted one of his arms and spent some time licking and sniffing his hairy pit while stroking his cock with my other hand. He asked me to suck him more and so I did. I think he was expecting only a blowjob, but I stopped and asked him to fuck my ass. He seemed surprised, but his hand went right to my ass and started rubbing my hole, so he was obviously willing to do it. "I don't have a condom," he said, making me even harder. I just got on all fours and said I didn't care. I don't know how I managed not to cum when he started rubbing his raw cock all over my hole and then slowly pushed in. He pressed his chest against my back and I laid down, his naked smelly body on top of mine as he bottomed out in me. I never felt like such a filthy slut as I did then. He didn't talk, just grunted as he fucked me, first slowly, but then he picked up the pace a bit. I like being verbal, so I kept telling him to fuck me and breed my slutty ass. He lasted about 15 minutes before he slammed hard and started cumming inside me. I grabbed my own cock and came in just a few strokes, that's how horny I was. "Fuck yeah, take it!" he mumbled and stayed inside me for a little longer before he pulled out. He then got dressed and asked for a glass of water. "That's a hot ass," he told me before he left. "You can breed it anytime you want," I told him, and I hope he'll take me up on my offer. I haven't heard from him since, but I hope he'll show up again now that he knows where I live.
    2 points
  21. Hey guys, I tried Imodium for the first time the other week as I was going on a long all day road trip. Cleaned out, popped an Imodium and at the end of the day and 2 hook ups later enroute I was still clean as a whistle. Really impressed and a great confidence boost. Don’t get me wrong, I know it’s not something I should do often!
    2 points
  22. Love it. Just don't give up on TOP DAWG. I want to see how Coop gets what he deserves in spades.
    2 points
  23. Just treat me totally as a whore, piece of FUCK MEAT, gang bangs, rape, exposure. Please, pretty please
    2 points
  24. here are a few shots I thought you guys would enjoy...
    2 points
  25. I would add that @RawBottomAriel’s description of a feeling of numbness in the body can be accurate, though I’ve found that it’s the kind of numbness you feel after a jolt of electricity - like your nervous system has just conducted an overload of current and is recovering its capacity. The thing is, the numbness, at least for me, doesn’t apply to subsequent anal orgasm. Instead, it’s as though the first one pushed through and left the system wide open for the others to follow without any hindrance, so I feel them just as intensely, and in a way moreso because I’m number to other sensation. I honestly can’t say how weak my legs become, though... I’m usually flat on my belly or back when this is happening... 🙂
    2 points
  26. They absolutely exist. I have them very frequently when I’m being fucked, and certain Tops know how to weaponize them - there’s no better way of putting it. A guy on Grindr asked me just this last Friday, as it happens, to explain what an anal orgasm feels like. I told him to imagine cumming as you normally do, except your cock isn’t there and you’re not feeling any of the contractions that come with shooting - instead, imagine those contractions spreading outward and upward from the back of your taint through your whole body, as though that energy was looking for a way out and can’t find it. It rushes, sometimes very intensely, then peaks and subsides. Except - There’s no refractory period as with an ejaculation. You can have another anal O immediately. In fact, you can start another one while you’re still in the middle of one, and another one while on the middle of that one. That’s what I mean by weaponizing - there’s a Top in Indy who absolutely loves to start triggering my anal orgasms on top of each other in series until I’m basically a writhing jelly on the end of his cock. My former Master understood this phenomenon too, but he refined it into a form of torture. After 20 or so forced right on top of each other, they’re no longer a form of pleasure. A related term is Tantric orgasm. It’s an ability to have multiple orgasms without ejaculating, and you essentially ride them along like a wave. I first discovered I could do it a few years ago when experimenting with electrostimulation, and I still occasionally use that to keep my skills going. Last week I has a really good session in which my anal orgasm went on more or less unbroken for a good four or five minutes. Extremely draining. Definitely something you have to work up to over a period of time and practice. In general, I’d say anal orgasm requires you to pay attention to your own internal signals mote than regular orgasm. It doesn’t happen in the same way as beating off - you have to finesse it a little, and you have to make way for it to happen. But when it does, you know it. There’s seldom a fuck of any length in which a Top doesn’t anal-O me, but I’ve been sensitized to it.
    2 points
  27. This past fall I extended the rule against promoting harm to a real person to cover harm to the community and applied it to political discussions where people were expressing support and encouraging others to vote for political candidates that had a track record of harming our community. That policy of not allowing things that harm our community is being expanded in some rather significant ways. Specifically… ➤ Certain types of AIDS Fetish are being BANNED What is still allowed is expressing that you find "AIDSy" looking guys hot. Saying you think they're hot harms no one, and after everything those guys have gone through, it probably helps them to know people still find them sexually attractive. What is being banned is encouraging other people to progress to stay off meds so long that they progress to AIDS. I know many of you didn't live through the AIDS epidemic, but it was truly horrible. I cared for my lover as he died of AIDS. I wouldn't wish that experience on anyone - even the experience of being a caregiver was pretty horrible. There is a huge difference between being HIV positive and having AIDS. You can live a reasonably healthy life and have a completely normal life expectancy being poz. But the same is not true once you progress to AIDS. Once you progress to AIDS your life expectancy goes down and your quality of life can completely plummet. In case you don't know, an HIV positive person is considered to have AIDS if they get one of a number of opportunistic infections, or when their CD4 ("t-cell") count drops to 200 (or sometimes 250 - depending on the standard used). Doctors will want you to do on meds before you CD4 drops below 500. But then there's a gray area between ~350 and 500 which is also relatively safe, though you do up your risk of complications slightly. This ban also applies to encouraging people to become highly drug resistant. Since that's another clear path to AIDS. Simply put, wanting to progress to AIDS or become highly drug resistant is a form of self harm that's borderline suicidal. Encouraging someone to progress to AIDS or become highly drug resistant borders on encouraging them to kill themselves. It's not OK. ➤ HIV Fetish, Bug Chasing & Gift Giving are still very much ALLOWED As I mentioned there's a huge difference between being poz and having AIDS. So I have no problem with guys who want to become poz. Simply put, it's right for some guys. I also have no problem with gift giving. Thanks to PrEP, gift givers can't harm guys who don't want to be harmed. And most guys have at least two years before their CD4 drops below 500, so there is a period of time when they can be a gift giver without risking their own health. But be careful… do not use the word AIDS when you mean HIV or poz. "I wanna give you HIV" or "I wanna poz you" are both fine. "I wanna give you AIDS" is not OK. Fetishizing poz or toxic loads is fine. Fetishing AIDS loads is not OK. Learn to say what you mean. Words matter! ➤ STI Fetish is BANNED Fetishizing STIs other than HIV is also banned. STIs are a fact of life if you bareback, but we want to keep them to a bare minimum since they're a literal pain in the butt (or dick). Sex is supposed to be fun, but when guys stop going to bathhouses and the sex parties because they keep getting STIs when they go – that harms our "sexual ecosystem". Big crowds at bathhouses and sex parties helps everyone. It's more fun for us, and more profitable for the bathhouses and sex clubs. ➤ These bans apply to fiction as well as real life situations Fantasizing about things often turns into real-life behavior, so the bans apply to fictional stories as well. ➤ Generally, things that do significant harm to the community are BANNED Basically I'm banning anything that causes permanent, significant harm to individuals or significant harm to the community as a whole. That said, there's a lot of gray area. In the gray area if it's harm to a real person it will be more likely to trigger an infraction. So for example - a bottom is getting spit roasted and the top fucking him slips him a booty bump without him knowing. Since drugs wear off after a few hours, that's not permanent harm. In a fictional story that would be allowed provided the story doesn't progress to him becoming a drug addict (which would be significant harm). But encouraging someone to do that to a real person - that wouldn't be allowed. Or another example - castration. If a bottom is considering castration and you encourage them to go through with it - it all depends on how you encourage them. If you encourage them to take months to fully think it through, and then find a qualified doctor to do the procedure - that would be fine. If you encourage them to take a less careful course of action - that would be a problem and would get an infraction. ➤ The stories of victims are still very much allowed Victims are always allowed to tell their stories provided they state the abuse factually and don't overly fetishize the abuse. They can even say that since the abuse they've gotten turned on by it and seek it out. Though there is the risk of that going too far into fetishizing the behavior. So tread carefully there. Why I'm implementing the new policy Recently here and on Twitter I've been seeing a lot of AIDS and STI fetish and I've found it deeply disturbing. Simply put, it's a level of harmful that I haven't seen before. The bug chasing back in the late 90s (post ARVs) and early 00s would have violated these new policies, but it was different back then. There was this immense fear of becoming poz combined with the realization that sooner or later bottoms especially would probably become poz. So bug chasing "got it over with". From that point of view the improvement to the person's mental health probably balanced out the risk to their physical health. And with the advent of PrEP it's a huge step for some guys to come to the realization that they want to be poz, then choose to go off PrEP, and then actually get pozzed. To put it in simple terms it seems to be a tribal thing for many of them. Belonging to a tribe can have an upside, and that process doesn't harm anyone else. But AIDS fetish and STI fetish cause significant harm with zero upside. They're pure harm. I don't want this site to be the catalyst for that type of behavior. Implementation of the new policy For the next week if you violate the new policy you'll just get a warning. After that there will be an infraction. If you see old posts that violate the new rules, please report them and a moderator will do one of three things: 1) edit them so they comply, 2) add a note that posts like that are no longer allowed, or 3) hide the post or thread if the violation is serious enough and not easily remedied via editing. Confused? If you're confused as to whether something is allowed under the new policy, I constructed a series of questions that you go through to figure out if it's banned or allowed… https://breeding.zone/topic/64867-read-this-significant-change-in-rules-effective-31/?do=findComment&comment=683626
    2 points
  28. Holy grail??? Most middle Eastern I know are bottoms. Don't let the body hair fool you. Quite a bit are even very effeminate.
    2 points
  29. Got to say I agree. About 10 years ago, I holidayed in Egypt and was fucked BB alot, more so in day to day situations. I remembered a day trip out on a coach and the driver was friendly, no English, the rep who was english was irritating, anyway, whilst I got back to the coach earlier, he gestured to have a smoke with me, I did, stood at back of coach, he was fiddling with himself alot, i smiled and looked, he got it out, I wanked and sucked him whilst he smoked, he then openedvside door and fucked me on the back seat. On that trip, I had 2 waiters, a bloke in a cafe and a middle aged man who was hard and fucked me at the back of a shop.None wore condoms. Pakistanis are my favourite, I have had most of my cab drivers and they seem to know me, even the new ones.
    2 points
  30. The latin gangster with tattooed and thick cock was speaking to me. "Fucking cum rag whore. U fucking like cum in that whole don't u u like cum rag whore." All I could do was moan and he changed pace fast and pounding or slow methodically painful and powerful. I moaned nonsense. And felt so good at the same time. He was pounding my hole powerfully and slow biting into my neck when I felt his balls pull up n body go rigid. He growls into my neck and I could feel his cock unloading the second load my ass had taken that nite. "Oh yeah" he said and made a few more strokes before carefully pulling out. "Don't let any those precious babies out u lil cum slut" he said as walked away. I tried to get up. Another voice said "stay down I wanna have some of ur ass". I looked and saw another guy I didn't recognize. He pushed me back down on the bed. And I felt him pushing fingers into my ass but they felt sharp. Or something he put in my ass felt sharp. "Nah nah nah" he said as I tried to push it out. "U leave that in there" he said. And he pulled my legs up above my head To make it harder for me to push out. My ass burned and stung from whatever he had slipped in. I dont knowhow much time but my head was soaring. Someone was sucking my cock and god I just moaned. How's that ass feel said the hands holding my legs. They were dark and thick and big. They were the bouncer from out side. "How's that ass" he repeated again. I moaned and he slapped my face." U answer me when im talking to u cum dump." I moaned again and he slapped me again. Next thing I knew I was being dropped in a tub. Was he carrying me? "I asked you how that ass felt bitch cum rag." " Fuck me! "I finally said and it was what I wanted. I wanted to be fucked. I wanted to be split in two and fucked more. Warm water ran down my face and chest but it was too small to be a shower stream. Then another stream then another. I opened my eyes and saw the bouncer, and two other guys Peeing on me. " Yeah u lil cum dump u like that don't u. U like fucking worthless rag!. "I felt my self nodding. One of other other guys grabbed my face and pulled it to his stream. "Open ur mouth "said the stud. He was thick with muscle a real hunk smooth with a very thick 7 inch dick. I did as I was told and the stream began to pour in my mouth I didn't swallow. At least until he slapped me and told me too. Then on the bathroom floor I was on my knees cleaning off two cocks covered with piss and my ass.... Oh my ass I turned and was I was sitting on the bouncers dick it was balls deep I was rock hard as he made me bounce and bounce and bounce. I was in fuck heaven till He blew his nut in my hole and then sagged his cum covered dick in my face to clean off. I began to and the other two began two assault my ass mercilessly. My chest was pushed to the floor my ass forced up as the took turns fucking and slapping fucking and slapping till finally both men dumped loads in my ass. My legs trembled and shook my body spent and used. I tried to get up and was only faced with bouncer's cock. He sat down and told me to make it hard. I did. He told me to kiss it I began to suck He took video of me sucking his cock callimg in me names. And made me say on the camera im tom's cum whore. I did it all. Then he pulled off my cock and thats when I noticed the other two on a bed fucking again as roughly as I was being fucked be for only this time victor was on the btm and he was begging for more.
    2 points
  31. "Nothing nothing" Garrett answeted. "Everythings good" I looked from anthony to Garrett and knew it was not alright. "Whats wrong." I asked again. I looked at the bottle of g ateorade that I just drank from and it hit me. "What was in the Gatorade. " Anthony sighed " don't worry. We forgot which bottle had it. But u should be ok.' "What was in the bottle" i asked again "Just a lil ghb. It'll fine. " I heard anthony whisper I think at the end. "U should probably just not drive right now." Great im stuck here! I thought I could feel the effects. I tried to think of how much I had. My brain told me I just needed to sleep it off but I could not have picked a worse place my body was on alert for any new sensatin. "Where's howie" I asked "could he take me home?" "We haven't seen him." Anthony said "we were actually going to look for him when we found u. Look just stay here well go find him and im sure he'll take you home." they left. minutes later I could feel the ghb kicking in. I felt awake but asleep. Drunk and horny and everything I touched felt good.I heard them say that they hadn't made the mix. Or did I dream it. I couldn't stand the noises. Ills go downstairs I told myself but when I walked out thr door I couldn't remember which way the stairs were. I stumbled and tried my best to make my way but there was a haze I couldn't see though. Suddenly a pair of strong arms wrapped themselves around me and damn did they feel good. I tried my best to turn but lips met the back of my neck and a tounge moved from my nape to my lower ear then back down. I shuddered. "I want u so bad" said the voice attached to the hands. I t was dimas. God his strong arms. Mine wete bigger I knew I was stronger. Then I felt something thick andb hard rubbing up my thigh climbing between my legs and resting nude my balls I moaned and arched back. Fuck it I thought Fuck it all. Fuck me. "I am gonna fuck ur brains out.. "it was only then do I realize my internal dialogue was external and even that didn't bother me. Dimas moved me into a room. I could hear others fucking inside. The smell reeked of sex. Sex and something else. There was a thickness to the room as dimas positioned me out on what felt like a couch. My arms on the back rest and my knees were you should sit. Then suddenly thats when I felt it. A warm wet mouth between my ass cheeks. He was eating me out. When did I get out of my underwear. I couldn't care. "Yeah baby none of that matters" I heard him say behind me "Oh fuck " I just moaned again and pushed and arched my back further into his mouth. He ate harder and rougher. I didn't care there were other people in the room. I didn't care when someone was positioned next to me in my same position. And being fucked to the rythem of Dimas's eating. I just wants it so bad. I pushed my ass back and back and grabbed the couch and moaned while his tongue dug into my ass. His hands spread my ass and his tongue dived deeper into me. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Then my moaning prayer was answered. I felt his fat cock push against my hole and he popped in his head. I felt my hole suddenly stretch around the thick fat head of his uncut cock. I moaned and did only what my body told me to-do. I pushed back. His hands grabbed my ass cheeks and I heard him moan loud like a growl as I sunk my ass on to him and began to act as I had so many times before. Something I had reserved for one guy I was giving up to dimas. Oh fuck god yes I said as I pushed back but this time dimas pushed forward and I felt my ass hole stretch deep inside. My head knocked back and my mouth was wide my body tensed as he reached balls deep and when he pulled back only to slam me again again I convulsed again. And again yes he slammed into me. Yes I moaned and he dove. Yes and yes his hand slapped my ass hard and rough. He slapped me while he drove my hole. Fuck. Yes was all I could say and think. The body next to me pulled me toward him while I was moaning I thought to kiss me but instead I inhaled a sharp nasty smelling smoke deep into my lungs I coughed and gagged. But the lips kept kiss in me insuring I had deeply breathed in the fume. My head went buzzy and my body felt light and hot and wet so much pleasure I just kept moaning the body next to me pulled me over again and this time I inhaled and kissed and I pulled the other slight body ro me and pushed him under me. Oh bodies moanjng as now dimas was taking turns slamming my ass then fucking the boy under me. God he felt so good. I was in heaven. Then while he was in the mist of fucking men i heard dimas moaning and slapping my ass felt his balls slapping my ass. He pulled out and I felt ropes and ropes of cum being shot in my back my ass and my hole. He rubbed his dick into the streams of cum and dipped them into my ass he continued to fuck me with his cum do a bit and said fuck yeah I breezed ur ass fucking good. He yelled and others cheered a wooded and he finally pulled out. I expected to get off the couch. Someone helped me off. But instead of helping me out of the room, I was laid down on the bed. My legs were pulled up. And pushing into my hole was a new unfamiliar Cock. I looked at the tattooed chest above me the thick arms holding my legs in place and then felt a thicker not longer but much thicker cock pushing into me. i resisted but only a little. my body was writhing in pleausre my mind in confusion. In rejection but as the man picked up speed my mind was persuaded
    2 points
  32. When the door opened. I gasped. 15 maybe 20 maybe a few more or less guys all walked around the room some in bathing suits some in just jeans few in underwear. All the bodies varied. Hunks Studs and twinks. Smooth and hairy tall and short. All races I feel like I walked into a magazine photo shoot except a bunch of magazines were holding their shoot at the same time all the guys were fit athletic some looked very professional older some probably just got out of highschool Dimas removed his shirt and pants immediately and left them with a slim twinks who was wearing a jock strap. The boy told him a number and took his clothes to a long walk in closet. The boy came back and looked at me expectantly. "Oh um...do I have to take off my shirt" the boy felt my bicep for a sec and said. "Yeah you really should. " I slipped out of it and never felt so naked. Id been nude in front of other guys in the locker room but never like this. The boy and dimas were smiling and went for my pants but I said that was enough. "Yeah I guess" said the boy. "Ur a bottom anyway." He sighed "Youre number is 18. "And he walked to thr closet. "How did he know that." I asked Dimas laughed. "I think he just guessed but its good to know." I couldn't help but blush. "You want a drink" he asked me. " I'll get one later. " "Ok well im gonna say hi to some friends don't go to the second floor without me." He walked over to a group of studs. Who immediately began feeling him up. I couldn't blame them. He was hot. An almost stud. I had more muscle on him but he had height on me. And other inches as well from what I could tell by his bulge. "Fancy seeing you here." I turned around and saw victor. A familiar face and a ex marine. Victor was hot hispanic meat all over and a bottom. He had once approached richard and I at the gym and flat out asked us for a three some. We politely said no and then he said fuck you and proceeded to spot us and workout with us. We became friend and no... He had no filter. "U gonna get fucked up tonight u lil cumslut. "A few faced turned to look at me and I smiled "Good see you too Vic." "Yeah they just love their Asian btm boys here. Theres only two others here and they always get turned inside out but they're twinks. U got some real muscle on you their gonna wanna rip you apart." "Shut up man" I blushed harder so glad that me Philippino genes made me slightly darker so people could only see one shade of my blush and not the crimson heat I was feeling.I was a slim guy . No six pack but def had abdominal definition. My chest was chiseled and that and my shoulders were my favorite feature. My arms were proportional to the rest of me but richard and others had always commented on my musclar ass. Thats when it hit me. I didn't realize I was wearing my low cut jeans. Showed off my ass by gripping tightly and low so you could see the curves and arches of my back that would meet witb my ass crack. I may as well have put a target on my ass and that said I want it. Maybe it was a subconscious thought. Id been so horny lately but it was certainly not my intent Victor had walked away abruptly as he usually did and without a word and again I felt naked as eyes were following me. "Hey im Howe." The guy walked up to me and handed me what looked like a small shot. "It tequila" he said. "You looked like you needed a drink n a strong one but I went for the basics." I smiled thanks.. and he took his shot so I took mine. The burn was hard but he was right I had needed it. "Thanks Howie you said? " "Yeah" "Cool im andrew. " Howie shook my hand strongly he had my build but was several inches taller like most ppl there and was smooth and cream colored skin. He wore swimming trunks with a red and white stripes. He smiled broadly. "Follow me I know just what u need." He walked me past the Jacuzzi and wondering eyes to a room with a large television. 2 other guys that looked a lot like howie were there and were in the middle of an intense video game. "Meet Anthony and Garrett. " The two twinks were in their underwear playing against eachother. They paused tonlook up at me and smiled. "Can you really handle three bottoms howie?" One said I wasn't sure which was which. Howie laughed." These boys are a couple open relationship by only play together. They asked me to fuck them both tonight." "Oh cool." I said They smiled at me and said, 'he's cute" almost in unison. I just smiled and picked up a controller and jumpsed on the couch finally a place these guys couldn't make me feel awkward. "Loser bottoms!" I yelled. The three laughed and we played.but even I still didn't know what I was getting into. About an hour in I could hear it. The moving going on upstairs. It was only slight but as it got quieter down stairs the noise of furniture moving got stronger. Anthony and garret took off. Howie stuck around but I couldn't tell if it was to be nice to me or cuz he wanted me to go with him. I gave him permission to go and he said he would in two more games. We played and then I was alone downstairs. It looks so much bigger than before. " You not gonna join the party? "I heard the gruff bouncer say from the door he was walking in and checking in his own clothes he stripped and saw a good Matt of curly black hair on his dark black chest. He smiled a nasty smile and began to disrobe his pants he wasn't wearing underwear. A fat soft long cock fell and dangled between his legs it was 5 or 6 inches soft. I could only imagine how it grew. He pulled on it in front me and I saw it stiffen a bit and he sat on a chair and beckoned mr forward. I looked at the door then I looked at him. A big mass of black muscle pulling on a huge thick meat looking hungrily at me I couldn't help it. I stepped forward. "Thats right Babiboy" he said it in one word. "Get that dick hard."
    2 points
  33. Tina and I dated the last three months of high school. It was amazing. We were both nerds who hadn't even kissed anyone else. Within a couple of weeks I'd cum in all her holes. We watched porn and fucked like rabbits. It was fun. The day we graduated I proposed. I couldn't afford a ring, of course, but she was in. We got married but a justice of the peace and pooled our savings to get a 4 night honeymoon at the worst hotel in Vegas. On our first night I won big. I went on an endless craps run. I had like 5k--what the fuck?! We headed back to the room and got dirty. She fingered my ass at my request but then told me to stop being such a fag and fuck her. We were both drunk and I didn't appreciate that so I got dressed and headed out. I headed down to the bar and was buying drinks for everyone, spreading around what felt like an infinite amount of windfall cash. Of course, I made a lot of friends, including a couple of gay guys who were really nice. Amusedly, I told them about my fight with my new wife. One of them grabbed my thigh and said, well why don't you give it a try? "Ooh would you like to fuck me?" I giggled. "Yes" **** He was fucking me not 10 minutes later. He had a big dick and my ass was tight. But I got off on the experience. This man, whose name I didn't catch, was going to fuck me til he came. I held my legs apart like Tina as he buried his dick in me. He pulled out when he finished and his friend replaced him. Fuck this was hot. Cum and lube squirted out as he pounded me. He got close and pulled out. Can I cum inside you dude? I nodded yes and he jammed his penis back in my hole, his body jerking as he unloaded. *** To be continued
    1 point
  34. Its some about seeing a big jar of sperm that just does something to me nowadays. To be loaded up like that is on my bucket list both orally and anally receiving that many loads.
    1 point
  35. Unpopular Opinion Coming: When it comes to actual dating, and not just FWB, I think the most important thing I’ve learned, especially as a black man, is you have to be comfortable with yourself and you’re culture. Unfortunalty, many times, some date outside of our culture because we are looking to escape our own. To satisfy that person from the other culture, some folks may take on ridiculous stereotypes or even become a caricature (I.e. the gangbanger or spicy latin lover,etc). Or even worse, some may be so bitter against their own culture that and they may even turn against it. And offensive joke may be told about your culture and you may laugh right along with it or even add to it. A person may even ignore obvious warning signs, or not even care, the relationship won’t work because they are so fixated on maintaining that sexual and social access outside of their culture. And honestly, their are just some cultures I won’t mess with. I know “everyone is different” but I just play the numbers based of my experience. I’m not going to be a bridge or stopgap until you can find the next white guy(sorry my experience) . Always best to keep it real with them about who you are and what you believe off the top. That will scare away most fakers. This way you get guys who are truly into you and not looking to fulfill some fetish.
    1 point
  36. I love all the internal cumshots Dawson takes in Plantin' Seed 2
    1 point
  37. Those sluts among us who are married and with family really resonate with What I Can't See and What I Cant See 2!!
    1 point
  38. Flex is was tragic tonight. Newly moved to Atlanta, where is a good location for fast fun during the week in Atlanta. Especially for the thicker bottoms!
    1 point
  39. Love when a guy spits in my mouth or in my face or in my hole but especially in my mouth. One of my biggest turn-ons (I have several and they mostly involve spit, piss, sweat or cum)
    1 point
  40. I can only speak on my experience as a cumdump bottom. But here’s why I like it. Firstly, there’s no need to go through the draining “selection” process of picking who gets to fuck me. Anon is so simple, if you have a cock you can fuck me. There’s no need to worry about a Top flaking cause it’s all anon. Another one can just take over. 😅 Also, there’s no pressure since I may or may not see that Top again. I could pass by him on the street and not even know he was in me. I’m sure it’s less pressure on the Top too, especially those who are DL or have a partner. They don’t need to worry about exposure since I don’t know any thing about them. A happy, relaxed Top will always fuck better and give me more anal orgasms. 🥰 Lastly, this may only apply to cumdumps, but I just love a random guy leaving his DNA inside me. I don’t know anything about him but part of him is in me. I always keep it in and let it absorb into me. Eventually his DNA becomes part of me. It’s comforting knowing I’m made up of many Men around the world. ☺️
    1 point
  41. I would love to spit in your face you dirty little faggot. get you on your back with my hands wrapped around your throat strangling you unconscious and pile drive my big, hard cock up your sloppy, used fuckhole and spit in your mouth before unloading my balls into your cumhole. I bet a femme, trashy cumdump like you loves being treated like the worthless whore you are. I love fucking trash like you. lf you're lucky you might wake up soaked in piss with a noose around your neck and my arm up your ass to the elbow.
    1 point
  42. A really hot bottom was taking loads.....he had 3 in the tank and was looking for more. Loved anon (like me) He was waiting for me ass up and wanting dick. His hole was nice a snug and he was a 30ish hot muscled man. After he adjusted to me (8” uncut) I pushed as deep into him as I could offer, which he seemed to enjoy as much as I did. He was the kind of man I would love to fuck for hours. If only I could. After about 10mins I gave him load #4 I hope he’s looking again (and often)!
    1 point
  43. That reminds me of a time that my neighbor introduced me to a good friend of his at a club one time. He was telling me about how his friend and his friend's boyfriend at the time were such a great and happy couple. I pretended that I had never met him before and he did the same but needless to say my neighbor had no idea that his "good friend" had been pounding the fuck out of my ass with his 10"x6" dick every chance he got whenever his boyfriend was out of town on business and that he'd been fucking me weekly or more for more than a year by that point, leaving my hole wrecked after each encounter and pretty much wrecked the whole time we were hooking up.
    1 point
  44. All it takes is dedication 3 For the next 12 days, I was fucked each day. It became something I craved throughout every waking hour. I had never turned down a chance to be fucked, but this was different. It was something with a purpose - though whether I was more driven than my gifter I will never know! Begging him to cum inside me each time was an amazing and liberating experience. On the second Friday night, after another mind blowing fuck, he said, "You should stay, you're getting there." I nodded immediately. "There's a duvet behind the sofa, you can sleep there." He noticed the disappointment in my face. "You're not ready to sleep with me yet, maybe tomorrow - if you're lucky." I didn't sleep much that night. The sofa was comfortable enough, but I was too excited. I had not had any doubts about getting pozzed since we had started. Now I wanted it so badly! I must have dropped off, as I awoke with him kneeling beside me gently stroking my cock. "Ready?", he whispered - almost immediately taking me by the hand and leading up up from the sofa to his bedroom. Hanging from the ceiling was a sling. "Make yourself comfortable", he smiled, helping me onto a chair and into it. "I've got something to show you", he said - undoing his dressing gown. His erect cock sported a chunky Prince Albert piercing, something that he had never worn before. "Beautiful, and effective", he said, "especially as I have run out of lube." He spat on my ass, and thrust himself into me, starting to fuck me hard immediately. The suddenness of it all took my breath away. Feeling the metal inside me was intense, and an incredible turn on. He was so focussed this morning, pumping away relentlessly. After a few minutes, he said, "Beg, beg - I need to know you really, really want to be Poz." I did my best, almost crying that I needed it so much. He thrusted harder than I had ever been fucked, finally gifting me his poison seed. He slowly pulled out, gently wiping his cock with a tissue. Smiling, he brought it up to my face. There was a definite, unmistakable hint of pink to the cum. "Great start to the weekend!"
    1 point
  45. Until they leave their country they are all straight. Homosexuality is outlawed in most middle eastern countries.
    1 point
  46. l like how it lets men show bottoms that we really don't give a fuck about them as human beings. We don't wanna date you or get to know you or start up a relationship with you.We are literally just using you to get ourselves off.Usually I don't care if I ever see you again once I'm done using a cumdump. Bottoms don't worry about whether we respect them cause it's pretty obvious we don't. Like if I fuck some whore in a darkroom why would I respect it? Lt's just some dirty whore taking loads from strangers not relationship material. It's purpose is taking loads so that's what I use it for. No drama, no bullshit, no pretend romance. I use its body then move on.
    1 point
  47. i have had my neck in this mans noose while him and his buddies run a train on my ass. so much fun. can tell some of the guys fucking me would actually get off on snuffing me with their cock buried in my hole
    1 point
  48. 7. Seth "Fuck me," I moaned. Cal's tongue was pressing into me, and it wasn't enough. I needed something bigger inside of me, something more masculine, more potent, more alive. Even though I had barely been barebacking for twelve hours, and bottoming for less than a third of that time, there was a brutal compulsion that I could not control. I had seen porn movies before where the bottom seemed almost out of control, that their life and happiness were totally dependent on getting fucked and bred. Until now, I hadn't understood that need. But now, this need was more than just understandable. It seemed like the natural state of things. I wanted men to put their cocks inside of me. I wanted them to fuck me. Most of all, I wanted them to breed me. The only measure of my worth was how many loads I could accumulate over the course of a day. "Fuck me. Please," I grunted, as Cal relentless licked my hole, teasing me with what could be. "You want it, boy?" Jon asked. He was now standing beside me. I looked down; his thick daddy cock was hard again. There was a bead of pre-cum at the tip. It was a fluid that should have been released inside of me, not left to dissipate into thin air. "Yes," I said. I tried not to sound too desperate, but every second without a dick inside of me was agony. Cal's tongue was good, but it wasn't Jon's tongue. Nor was it Jon's cock. "Fuck me." "Of course, boy," Jon said. He ran his hand down my torso, tracing out the muscles before following the line down to my cock. "Seems like you're pretty turned on by all of this?" "Yeah," I said. "I am." "That's good," Jon continued. "A young man like you should always be horny." He leaned in and kissed me. "A young man like you should always be getting fucked. Or fucking." He was right. Of course, he had the experience that came with age, but even I, still young, still barely a barebacker, knew that he was right. "Always," he said, as he moved behind me, and insinuated his cock into my crack. He was already hard and his dickhead pressed up against my hole. "You want my hole?" I asked, arching my back. I tried my best to sound like this was my choice, but I failed. There were only two ways this could work out. The first was Jon fucking me and the second was me fucking Jon. Either way, a dick needed to be in a hole. "You want it?" I asked again, this time not even attempting to hide the need in my voice. "I do. But I think you need it worse. Don't you, boy? Don't you need my cock?" "Please," I murmured and I rubbed my ass up and down along his shaft. "I need your cock." "You need my load?" he asked. "Don't you need my load inside of you?" "Please," I repeated. "I need your load." For a brief moment, the sex fog lifted, and I realized exactly what I had asked for. I had asked Jon for his load. He had told me he was positive, and I had just asked him to cum inside me. But, then I remembered. I had taken a drug earlier that day, and it no longer mattered. Sex was safe again, even when it was bareback. "Of course boy. Any time you want it, it's yours for the asking." Jon wrapped one arm around my chest. His dark hair contrasted with my light, smooth skin. It only emphasized the differences between us: maturity and youth, man and boy, poz and neg, and most of all in that moment, top and bottom. With his other hand, he reached down and aligned his cock with my hole. I pressed back, Jon pushed forward, and with barely any resistance, his cock re-entered my body. "Oh hell yes," he said. "That's a hot fucking hole." "Feel all that cum up there?" Cal asked. "Feel it in that slutty hole?" "Oh yeah," Jon grunted. He was pushing deeper into me, finding the well-used route into my body. "My load. Your load. Jean-Paul's load." He pulled out, just enough to distribute some of the accumulated semen along my hole. "He was born to take cock." I could see the two of them just barely reflected in the glass of the window. Cal started to stroke his cock, and then he leaned in and kissed Jon. The two stayed lip-locked as Jon pushed his cock the rest of the way inside of me. "All the way," Jon said when he finally broke off the kiss. In the reflection, Cal whispered something in Jon's ear. I could just barely hear it. "...potential to spread it," he ended, as he raised Jon's arm and buried his nose in the man's armpit. "Of course," Jon said, agreeing with whatever Cal had whispered. "He's born for this." Jon turned his attention back to me. "You've been dreaming of getting it raw, haven't you?" "Yeah," I said. "Every time I jerk off." I took a deep breath. "I'm never going back to condoms." But it didn't matter. There were better ways to stay safe than a thick, impervious rubber sheath around what should be close, warm, and intimate. "Don't be fooled," Cal said. "Every man wants to go raw. Every. Man." "Well, of course the three of you do," I said. Jon was deep inside me now, slowly thrusting in and out of me. He was edging himself, pushing himself closer and closer to orgasm. I didn't mind his pace. I had already gotten his load once. This time, we could relax and enjoy the journey. Having him so close to me was important. I needed his body pressed against mine and his raw cock buried inside me was as close to a paradise as I would ever find. "i want you inside me raw." "I know," Jon said. "It's good, isn't it?" "Yeah," I said. Just as the weed was starting to taper off, the drink was hitting me. Both drugs were affecting my mind, each of them re-enforcing the other and pushing me towards a world where only pleasure mattered. "I love feeling you inside me," I said. "Inside you raw," Jon murmured in response, gently pushing himself deeper into me. "Sex the way it was meant to be." "And now it's safe," I said. "Just a pill," Jon said. It was just a pill. Every day. And I wouldn't have to worry about men like Jon. I could enjoy them for what they were: beautiful, arousing, sexual creatures. All I had to do was remember to take a pill once a day. It would be easy. There wasn't much that would keep me from a quick pill, once a day. Especially given the peace of mind that it brought. "Just remember to take it tomorrow," he said. I twisted my head back to meet his lips. We kissed and his tongue probed my mouth. I was happy to have met Jon, and thankful that he was the first one to fuck me raw. We had talked so much about barebacking over the past few months, it seemed almost impossible that it was happening, and not just happening, but happening for the second time. Jon had been there for me so many times: validating my terrors of barebacking, but also reassuring me about the pleasures. Luckily, the terrors were rapidly receding. Jon's raw cock felt amazing inside of me, and I was reveling in the freedom that raw sex was providing. Jon could pull out, but another man would quickly take his place. It could have been Cal, it could have been Jean-Paul. Or maybe it could be a stranger, someone totally unknown, yet eager to enjoy my hole. My cock throbbed, thinking about the possibilities. "I want you to cum in me again," I whispered to Jon. There was so much I wanted to tell him: about how good he felt, about how glad I was that he was inside of me raw, about how badly I wanted another man inside of me, and about how I'd never defile myself again with latex. But for now, that short phrase would cover all those thoughts. "I want you to cum in me again," I repeated. "Of course," Jon said. "I hate wasting cum. And you are such a worthy hole to shoot in." We had found a steady rhythm to our fucking, his cock sliding in and out of me, my hips forcing myself further on his shaft. "I can feel how hungry you are," he continued. "I need your cum," I said. I was turning into one of the bottoms I saw in porn flicks, always getting fucked and always hungry for another load. A fifty load weekend no longer seemed like an insane quest; rather it felt like just a good start on the coming week. "I want more." "More?" Jon asked me. "You know that tomorrow is the day for you." "Tomorrow?" I asked. It seemed like such a long way away. I wasn't sure I was going to be able to last that long. "Tomorrow is the party in your honor. How many do you want?" "Loads? Or men?" "Does it matter?" Cal chimed in. "I'm sure you can take it, no matter what it is." "No," I said. "As many as I can get. Six? Seven? Eight?" I didn't want to seem greedy, but at the same time, I wanted everything I could get. This was my life now, a life of freedom and exploration, where sex was common and safe, and the last of my fears were fading away. "I think that can happen," Jon said. "Easily." "Hell," Cal said. "He'll get at least six loads tonight, if not more." He turned to me, kissed me, then whispered in my ear. "Fucking cumslut," he said. "Taking every load you can." He kissed me again. "Fucking jealous of you." "Don't mind Cal," Jon said. "He's a greedy bottom." Earlier in the day, I wouldn't have understood that at all. But now it was far too easy to comprehend. The need for seed could be all-consuming. At least I had Jon's cock in my ass as I was contemplating this idea. If I had been alone, it would have driven me insane with desire. "But tonight, it's all for you." "It is," Cal said. "I'm jealous, but I've had years to collect seed. You're still young. And innocent." The two men laughed at the comment; it was clear that they had spent a long time together and had developed a personal language. I wondered what meanings they were imputing to "young and innocent" and what I needed to be wary of. But it wasn't time for philosophizing. It was time for fucking. Jon pulled nearly all the way out, then slammed back in. I pressed up against the window, momentarily terrified that it wouldn't be able to withstand the attack. But the window held up against my weight, my hole swallowed Jon's cock, and the world was right again. All that I needed was another load inside of me. "Cum in me," I grunted. "Please?" "Of course," Jon said. "But I'm having too much fun doing this and I don't want to cum too soon." He pushed his dick back into me. This time I could feel the drip of pre-cum into my hole, lubricating me for the continued fuck. "Oh fuck yeah," he said. "So fucking good." His cock was stiff and long, and he was using it to the best advantage to slide in and out of my hole. I knew just how he felt: like a man, a man enjoying himself. It was good that he was using me like this. He deserved to feel good. "You don't have to stop," I said. "Fuck me as long as you want." "Or as I need," Jon said. "Come on," Cal said. "Give the boy a break. Plenty of time this weekend. And I think dinner's almost ready." "You're right," Jon said. He turned his attention back to me. "You want to be a greedy boy and get a load now? Or wait for after dinner?" I leaned back on his cock. "Now," I said. "And then another one after." "We'll have to see about that," Jon said. "But definitely one for you right now." He started to thrust his cock harder, forcing himself as deep as he could get. "That's just such a nice hole. So warm." "So wet with cum," Cal said. He leaned in and kissed me. "Three loads up there," he said. "And you're going to get a fourth. Must feel great." "Yeah," I said. "It feels fucking amazing." Jon had been fucking raw for years. He'd almost been fucking longer than I had been alive. I was jealous of all the men who had gotten his load before me. I wanted all of the loads, and didn't want to share. Jon continued to thrust in me, and I had to push back against him with all my strength. I looked out the window at the sun setting on the city-scoped below. I wondered if people could see me, naked, a hot older man pounding my ass. If they could see me, I wondered what they thought. I wondered if they knew how badly I had wanted exactly this, and how many nights I had jerked off fantasizing about a man fucking me raw. Cal has been reading my mind. "If the light's on, yeah, people can see in." I tried to step back, but was quickly reminded that right behind me was Jon and his hard dick. It jammed another quarter inch inside of me. In any other context, it was barely anything at all. But in my tender hole, it felt like several times that. "Oh, fuck yes," Jon said. I was now truly impaled on his cock. If he came, his load would go straight into my gut. It wouldn't be long before my body absorbed the semen and a part of Jon would be permanently a part of me. I might be just another hole to fuck for Jon, but he'd always be the first guy that came in me. I wanted to treasure the memory of that load. "Oh hell yes," Jon grunted again, slamming his cock into my hole. He gasped. "Oh Fuck," he moaned, and his cock throbbed. There was an explosion of warmth in my body that I knew was his cum. Jon had cum a second time inside of me, and I was barely satisfied. I clenched my ass, milking out every drop of his precious semen. "Oh yeah. Milk out that cum." He pulled out, then pressed back into me. "Every drop." Another jet of jizz shot into my body and with it, another wave of pleasure washed over me. Having a man truly cum in me was still a new sensation. It had happened many times with a rubber, but bareback was still utterly new. I didn't yet have the words to explain the sensations. "It's good," Jon continued. "It's so good." His body was pressed up against mine, his sweaty, hairy chest pinned against my back. "Cumming inside you," he grunted, as more cum leaked out of his cock and into me. "Another load?" a new voice said. I turned my head as best I could, and barely saw JP framed in a doorway. "Yeah," Cal said. "Number four for our new boy." "Well, if we're going to get loads five through ten into him, you're going to need some food. Dinner's ready." Cal, not deeply fitted together like Jon and I, bounded over to Jean-Paul. He gave the older man a deep kiss, as the man's right hand disappeared into Cal's sweatpants, cupping and squeezing his ass. Cal said something, but he was too far away for me to hear it. "We should join them," Jon said. His cock was starting to soften inside of me. "Tonight, I can sleep with my dick inside you." My dick throbbed at the possibility of having Kevin all night. Things that were too hard to pull off with rubbers suddenly became possible bareback. There were so few negatives with barebacking and so many positives. I could fall asleep with a cock inside me. Getting double-fucked no longer seemed so scary. I could have three hung men in a row pound my hole multiple times. Finally, I could feel so close with the man I was having sex with. The only real negative was AIDS, and that wasn't a problem any more. Jon pulled himself out of me, and it jerked me back to reality. "It's easy to get lost," Jon said. "I've been there. Need something to keep you grounded." He pulled me close with an arm wrapped around my waist. "Pull up your sweats, and let's get some food." Dinner was perfect JP had made a salad, pork chops and some grilled cauliflower. It was just enough food to leave me satisfied without feeling full. "What's for dessert?" Cal asked, after JP had re-filled our wine glasses, and Jon had passed around a freshly packed bong. The alcohol and weed were making me feel warm and lazy; I wanted to get naked, curl up with one of the naked "Well, I didn't make anything," JP said. "But I know two boys who could use a cream filling." He was staring at me. "I know Jon got another round with you. My turn now." It could have been a question, but it wasn't. He was asserting what was his, and daring me to contradict him. He didn't need to bother. As soon as he mentioned it, my hole started to twitch in anticipation. "You want to take care of Seth?" Jon asked. "I've already had seconds. And I think Cal is feeling left out of the fun." I glanced at Cal, seated across from me. He started to smile. "Finally," Cal said. "Well," Jean-Paul continued. "It sounds like we know what we want. Shall we head back to the bedroom?" "Sure," Jon said. "We'll worry about the dishes later." He stood up, and took Cal's hand. They headed out of the dining room towards the bedroom, leaving me alone with Jean-Paul. "How are you doing," he asked me, standing up and offering me his hand. "Good," I said. "Really good." I was definitely feeling the wine and the weed, but in a good way. It took the edge off and removed some inhibitions. JP pulled me close to him; pressed up against his warm body, I could smell the accumulated sweat, lube, and hint of cum from our earlier fucking. I leaned in to kiss him; he accepted my tongue readily. "I want to get back in you," he said. "Feel all those loads up your hole." "I want you inside me. I want you to cum in me again." Through our sweatpants, I could feel his cock growing hard. Even soft, it was thick and heavy; hard, it was almost a monster. It was only the beginning of the weekend, and I wondered if I could take two more days of being fucking by dicks like this. But that was something to think about later. For now, I just wanted his cock back inside me. "Fuck me." "Hungry boy," JP said. He grabbed the bong off the table and handed it to me. "Do another hit for me. I want to see what you do when you're stoned." "Are you?" I asked. "After you," he said. I took the hint, and held the lighter by the bowl. I took a big hit, enjoying the sound of the smoke bubbling through the water. I held the hit as I handed the bong to JP. He followed my lead, and did another hit. We exhaled simultaneously, our bodies briefly hidden by the smoke. "Ready?" he asked. "Hell yeah," I said. He pulled me close, and pushed down my sweat pants, leaving me naked. My cock was sticking out, hard and erect, and my ass was exposed, ready for a man to penetrate it. "My turn," I said, and pulled his sweats down. He was wearing a jockstrap underneath them, the mesh fabric straining to contain his manhood. I ran my hand over the pouch. His cock was like a snake cornered, twitching and trembling, trying to escape from its constraints. "You want that, don't you?" "Yeah," I said. "I do." "You want to do it here? Or in the bedroom?" "Your choice," I said. All I cared about was when I got it; at this point, I would have bent over on a street corner if I thought it meant getting dick sooner. "Bedroom," he said. "Gotta keep tabs on Cal and Jon, before they get too crazy." I wondered what Jon and Cal might be doing that the four of us had not already done. "Come on," he said. He walked out of the dining room, taking off his jock strap and letting it fall to the floor. His ass was thick and muscular. I hadn't cum since this morning, and my cock needed relief just as badly as JP's did. I wanted to bury my dick deep inside JP and feel his warm hole wrap itself around my tool. Of course, I also wanted to shoot my load into him as well. I followed him into the bedroom. Cal and Jon were on the bed already, Cal's legs spread and up in the air and Jon already inside of him. The two of them had their arms wrapped around each other, and were whispering to each other. JP and I were far enough away that it was an indistinct murmur. "Guess we're on the couch," JP said, motioning me towards a black leather couch. It was at an angle to the bed, arranged so that we could watch the two men on the bed, or look out the window at the sunset. JP sat down on the couch, his erect shaft sticking straight up. "Come here boy," he said to me. I straddled him and pushed my ass back against his dick. "You want it?" he asked. I was facing him, staring into his brown eyes and studying his grey-flecked stubble. He was at that indeterminate age of "older:" perhaps early forties, maybe even a well-preserved sixties. But age didn't matter here; the only thing that did matter was his cock. It was nuzzled up against my hole, waiting to penetrate me. "Ready?" he asked. He didn't need to do any explanation of what he meant by that. We both had the same goal. "Yeah," I said. "Good." He put a hand on my waist, and reached around to guide his cock into my hole. His cockhead slid in, almost too easily. It was the fifth time I had gotten fucked that evening, and my hole was relaxed and ready. "Oh yeah," he said, as the head disappeared into my body. "Fucking nice hole. Fucking nice spermy hole." "Oh god," I moaned, feeling his manhood press into my body. "Oh fuck yes," "Give him what he needs," Jon called out, hearing my grunts and moans. "You know he can handle it." "Ignore him," JP said. He craned his neck, I leaned in, and we kissed. His stubble was rough against my face, but that was the way it should be. There was no mistaking he was a man as his thick cock pushed into me; the stubble only re-enforced that. "What do you need? What do you want?" "Your cock," I said. "Yes, boy?" he replied. He was laying claim to me, that much was clear from his tone, and it made me happy. I had always tried to control my fantasies. I had read so much on the internet: from groups to barebacking, from partying to leather, from bondage to role play, what turned me seemed limitless. I had been raised to be a good boy, and between the barebacking, the wine, and the pot, that short lifetime of indoctrination was quickly fading away. To be his boy, his personal toy seemed like the best thing I could do at the moment. "What else?" "Your load," I continued. He kissed me again, working his way down my face, throat, and finally reaching my smooth chest. "What else?" "Jon's cum." This time he didn't have to say a word. He just lifted his eyebrow, and I knew he expected more from me. "Cal's cum." "And?" "Anyone's cum." He smiled at me. Admitting I would take anyone's cum was a small price to pay. I would do anything to see that smile again. "That's my boy," he said, and kissed me gently. As soon as he broke off the kiss, he slammed his cock into me. "Cumhole," he said, as my body shook from the impact. He kissed me again. "Just how I like them. Innocent on the outside, perverted on the inside." "I try," I said. Jean-Paul's raw cock was remorselessly thrusting into me. That was the fundamental perversion of the night: I was letting another man bareback me. There seemed to be nothing more perverted or anything more transgressive than the simple act of two men having sex the way it had always been. The condom had so quickly become an inevitable part of sex that we, as men, had forgotten how unnatural it was. But, at the same time, until very recently, the condom was critical. Jon had told me that the entire family, Jon, Jean-Paul, and Cal, were all HIV-positive. "How long for you?" I asked, between bouncing up and down on JP's shaft. "I mean, being..." I hesitated. It was not my place to ask this deeply personal question. But, JP had his cock buried in my ass and was dripping pre-cum into me. There was not much that seemed to be off-limits between the two of us. "Poz?" JP asked. He pushed me down on to his cock, reminding me exactly who was fucking whom. "Yeah," I said. "When did you get it?" "Well. I found out twenty years ago. August 10th." "You remember?" "Some dates you never forget." "Do you know how you got it?" I asked. Once more, I wondered if I was getting too personal. But there was still the unmistakable presence of JP's manhood in my gut, leaking the virus he had acquired so many years ago into me. It didn't matter now; I was protected. But I was still curious. "I was younger. Lost. I had broken up with my college boyfriend, ten years after we had moved in together." He stared at me for a moment. "You want to hear the ramblings of an old man?" "Yeah," I said. It was the honest answer. I did want to hear his story. "Fucking hot older man. DILF." "Thanks. Anyway. I was lost after that. Started going to circuit parties. All-night, drug-fueled dance parties, a sea of almost naked, muscle men. Hooking up with the men I met there. It was all about living in the moment, giving ourselves over to pleasure. We knew the risks, but condoms were too much trouble." His gaze lost focus as the memories of those years hit him. At first, it was hard for me to tell if the memories were good ones or bad ones. But then, I felt his dick push deeper into me, lubricated by the steady drip of his pre-cum. "And?" I asked. "Two weeks after a party in Palm Springs, got really sick. Was in the hospital for a few days. They did the blood test, and found out why I was sick." "HIV?" "Exactly. I want to say finding out gave me the kick to make my life better. But it didn't. Not by a long shot. It made it worse. More parties. More drugs. More men. And now I no longer had to worry about catching anything. So more unsafe sex." "What about now?" Jean-Paul seemed so adult, so in control of his life that it was hard for me to imagine that he was once an out-of-control party boy. "I mean, it's not what you are now is it?" "Well. I'm a lot better now. There's still the occasional bit of fun." He pushed his cock into me; I was clearly the bit of fun for the night. "It wasn't until I met Jon that I really started to clean up and calm down. But that was nearly four years later." I kissed him. It was hard to think of anything else I could do in that moment to get closer to him. My body was pressed against his, my tongue was in his mouth, and his cock was in my gut. My cock was hard as a rock, thinking about everything he had done and the experiences I wanted to share with him. "Any regrets?" "About my life?" he asked. I nodded. "No. Can't have regrets. There's no opportunity to go back and fix things." This time he kissed me. We didn't have to say anything; even as young and innocent as I was, I intuitively understood what he was telling me. "But it's a lot easier now. You've got PrEP, and don't have to be afraid of the freedom." There was another pause. In the background, I could hear Cal and Jon fucking. "You?" he started. "Are you scared at all?" "Yeah," I said. "I was. I barely fucked until college. And even though I fantasized about barebacking, I didn't dare do it until today." "You trust it?" "Of course," I said. "It works. I read a lot about it, before I started." The first time I heard about it, it seemed too good to be true. A pill that would protect me. "And Jon told me a lot about it as well." JP grinned. "And I get to reap the benefits of it. You're a real barebacker now." "Yeah. I am. Not going back either." "That's what I like to hear from a man. Any other kinks you want to explore?" "Well, uh," I stumbled. I knew I shouldn't be ashamed of what turned me on, but I blushed when I thought about the porn I had downloaded and all of the freaky stuff I had jerked off and shot my load to. Besides barebacking, there was one thing that reliably got me off. "Yeah. There is." "Yes?" JP asked, arching his eyebrow. "But, um, well." I stopped again. I wondered what JP would say. I hadn't even talk about this with Jon, much less the husband I had only met a few hours earlier. "I always get off to bondage movies." As I said it, I hadn't realized how fast my heart was racing. "Bondage?" he asked. There was a hint of tension in his voice. He was playing his cards close to his chest; it was hard to tell if it was excitement or condemnation. "You mean, like rope and restraints?" "Yeah," I said. "It's just, just the way I am." "No," he said. "It's cool. Better, it's very cool." He leaned in, the smile on his face was conspiratorial. "Jon and Cal. Doesn't do anything for them. But me. Nothing gets me harder than tying up a boy." In my gut, it was hard to tell if the feelings were from excitement, or the white shaft of marble that was JP's cock slamming into me. "I've never done it before though," I said, scared that telling him the truth would turn him off. "Doesn't matter. We can go slow." He closed his eyes, slammed his cock into me, and let out a gusher of pre-cum. "The thought of you. Rope around your body. Tethered down. Straining against the shackles, but ultimately powerless. Fuck!" He pulled his cock out, then slammed it into me. "I want to do that. To you. With you." He opened his eyes and stared at me. My hand went to my dick, almost involuntarily. I was barebacking with a hot older man. A dirty old man who wanted to tie me up. A man who wanted to tie me up, and fuck me. It was too many jerk-off fantasies colliding into reality, and my cock was dripping precum. "You like that boy?" "Fuck yeah," I said. I was jacking my cock furiously now, at least two strokes for every stroke of JP's stiff cock. "You'd let me tie you up?" I nodded. "Make you totally helpless?" I nodded again. "You know, I could do anything I wanted to you." I nodded once more. "I know." I was not the only one edging ever closer to orgasm thinking about the possibilities. "Anything you wanted." His cock was deep in me. "I've already let you cum in me." Things slowed down for me. I could feel every tiny movement of his cock, even the faint throb of his heartbeat. "I know," he said. His cock penetrated a millimeter deeper into me. It hardly made a difference, but in the moment, it mattered. He was inside of me. Dripping in me. "I want to cum in you again." Pressed against my ass, I could feel his balls, full and heavy with cum. They pulled in to his body, getting ready for the impending orgasm. "Fill you with my load." "Do it," I said. "Fill me with your poz load." That needed to be said. As soon as I said it, time flipped. In less than the blink of an eye, JP had grabbed my hands, pulled them off my cock, slammed his own shaft far into my body, and for an agonizing moment, the world stopped. "Cum in me." "Fuck," he said, and a spurt of cum slammed down the length of his cock, directly into my body. It was quickly followed by a second one, and then a third. "Fuck," he said, before giving me a kiss, and shooting a fourth load of his dirty cum in me.
    1 point
  49. I had only ever held one dick in my hand other than my own. I squeezed and stroked. I even got to my knees and looked. No stared closely at the cock as I pumped it with one then two hands.look me now. Now here I was feeling up a huge thick strangers dick. So Huge so thick...strangers...the word shot through me like a light. I almost jumped back at the same time the dick reached full 8.5 mast and a thickness only slightly smaller than a can of red bull. It was a magnificent cock. But the word stranger stranger unfamiliar was ringing in my ears silently. The bouncer reached for my hands but I stepped back and shook my head. He laughed. "Come on man give it a little kiss." I shook my head again. "Nah man im good. Im good. I should go." He swung his big dick from his right then to his left hand. "Aight boy. But i no know ull be back for more." He walked up stairs I heard a door slam and from the first time since I left my car I was alone. I looked at my hands sticky and wet with the bouncers precum. I sat down and brought the strong smell of strangers cock to my face and almost dared myself to lick it.Th en I stopped rubbed it off on my jeans and the couch and felt my hard thick 6inch cock. It begged for release. It begged to be tugged like how I tugged the black mans dick. That beautiful thick cock. I looked to the door. Then stepped to tbe closet to grab my clothes. Then saw my body on the mirror. I was hot i was young i was hardn i suddenly thought just let go n have a lil fucking fun. Stop being such a fucking pussy. I took off my pants and hung them with my shirt. and grabbed my cock in my breifs debated for a second by left the underwear on. I looked and counted 23. So upstairs was 23 of the hottest guys in town. I shivered. My ass clenched my dick dripped a lil. I instinctively wiped my cock head of precum and licked it off my hand. Victor had been loud n obnoxious and right. I was a lil cumslut. I knew it he did. As I licked my own cum off my palm there was another taste. Remnants of the bouncer. I licked a lil more and thought damn thats hot. Then shivered again. Let's just do this. Find howie. Have a lil fun. I liked howie. Hes hot. He knows whats up. Just suck him off a lil if he wants maybe get fucked then go the fuck home! I made my way up stairs . As I climbed the stairs and turns right I could hear it now. The voices. The fucking. The hardcore sounds of guys getting pounded. Of tops losing their minds slamming themselves into b tms. A voice saying oh god oh god oh fucking god. Another yes yes yes yes. Another another another another the sounds increased I almost didn't finish my turn but my hips...my cock edged me forward. I walked down the hall it was dim. On the right I heard it. I knew there was an open door. I looked. 4 guys on a bed. Two lay on the bed on their backs. Another two were rapidly sometimes in rhythm sometimes not slamming their fat cocks and bodies into the two. One of the bottom s in thrashing his head noticed me and waved me in. His top turned and noticed me too. He looked me up and down and nodding me to come in too. I was frozen. The top pulled himself out of the btm and the other top replaced him. The 2btm began pushing a thick cock into the 1st btms mouth and their fucking continued. Top number one walked up to me. "Come on in. " He said. His fat 7inch dick pointing straight at me. "Im looking for someone" I responded but even at that moment I couldn't remember who "Lucky guy" The top said. He stroked his dick a bit it was wet. Thick and juicy. I wet my lips not intently just happened and. He saw of course. And smiled. "Ill be right back" he told the others and walked out. He moved into the hallway just outside the door and put his back to wall."Suck it" he said. I just smiled. "Suck it. You fucking want to suck my dick." I got to my knees and put my mouth to the head of his cock. It almost felt natural Then it was natural. It was amazing the head of his cock entered my lips and he put his hand on my head and I went down. Slowly deliberately leading down the curve of his dick feeling the thick veins and girth reach my first stopping point then I pulled back to the head and dropped my mouth down on it again. Then again. And again. I found rhythm and began to suck the his thick curved dick. Suddenly he pushed me down and I felt it pass my stopping point and enter my throat. I gagged and coughed pulled back but as he let go and I got my breath I only went back down and pushed it past my stopping point again. Harder n deeper I sucked then suddenly the guy flipped my body so my back was against the opposite wall and stuffed his cock in my face he back to skull fuck my mouth hard rough. And for the first time just sighed as he did it. I was loving it . He only pulled out his cock to rub the wet cock all over my face. I let out a soft moan we he did then he stuffed my mouth some more. Then just as suddenly as he started he stopped. " Damn man. "He said."U almost made me cum. I promised those boys inside my first load." He quickly walked back inside only to pop his head out side." Don't worry im coming back do more of that." I heard him yelling "im Cummingfuuuuckkk" as he was. I didn't get up to watch. I just breathed and sat on the floor. Two bodies walked to me. They were laughing n making out. One tripped on me and then I was face to face with Anthony. "Andrew u ok buddy why u on the floor. Bed is much more comfortable. There are plenty." "I don't think im in the right place". I whispered as Garrett helped us both up. "Your fine bro" said Garrett" here have some thing to drink. Just relax." they led me down the hall way to a bedroom that was empty but obviously had been used recently the smell the sheets. Garret passed me a bottle of Gatorade and I drank some in big gulps to try and wash out the taste of cock in my mouth. Then I noticed. Anthony suddenly hit garret in the shoulder. Almost to admonish him. Garrett looked at me and his eyes widened as if he realized something he'd forgot. The boys whispering to eachother. And anthony grabbed the bottle away from me. There was silence as the boys stared at eachother to me. "Whats going on" "Sorry" anthony said
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